#rock mogeko
ice-dreams · 6 months
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conjuredcrow · 6 months
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Aaand fan art doodles. Thought these should have their own post
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sugargrim3 · 1 year
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Lovers at the beach 🚬🐚🌴 - Rockdate
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bibolito · 6 months
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Day 23: Meme
- Mogeko March 2024 -
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2a8n · 1 year
Wait, wha…?!
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Why is Shirogane among those characters, who in this Orca's "like" category are?
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On the one hand, we were shown a little but the relationship between Rocma and Idate, so we can still come to the conclusion that he likes her (and, perhaps, even more).
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On the other hand, we have Rock, which is also a "friend" to this violent Orca, and may well fall into the "like" category. Plus, and Rock, and Rocma have a very ardent and hostile personality, which leads us to the conclusion that Idate likes people with certain qualities: they are short-tempered, cruel, not afraid to fight back and/or go against someone else's opinion.
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And based on all of the above, the question arises: why? Why is Shirogane in Orca's "like" category?
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He usually tries not to confront Idate openly in any way, either verbally or physically.
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The only exceptions are 2: and in both cases Shiro used his harpoon gun. Orca himself considers the use of any weapons to be "unfair", so I'm not sure that cases involving the use of a harpoon gun by a wolf would count…
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However, a certain amount of "irascibility" in Shirogane's personality is still present, given all these incidents with harpoons. And Suno-san also can attest to that.
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Does this mean that Shirogane is actually just as short-tempered as Rocma and Rock, but more patient than them? Quite possible. Based on this, it can be assumed that our depressive wolf quite easily shows "weakness" in the form of fear and sorrows, but it is more difficult to show him anger and hostility. The polar bear and the penguin have the opposite: it is easier for them to show their anger and hostility than their fears and sorrows. From here and their problem with interaction, probably.
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One way or another, but I come to the conclusion that Shirogane was able to get into the Orca's "like" category only for 2 reasons: 1) It's fun (according to Idate, most likely) to "play" with him; 2) It is more difficult to provoke him to get angry than to bring him to tears, which means that this is already a challenge (he most likely wants to bring Rocma to tears, because it is much easier to make her angry than to make her cry, which can also be considered as a challenge, probably).
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That's all that came to my mind. Given the incompleteness of Ice Scream, I'm still unsure of my guess. I hope someday we will be able to get as much information about this universe as possible and finally play a full Ice Scream. In the meantime… Poor Shirogane. =(
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azuazunni · 8 months
Mogeko March 2023 (1)
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samegaychi · 2 years
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Day 5;
Such a warm embrace, don't ever let go, don't ever let me go.
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kottaniq · 1 year
Let's try to post something here—
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Ayo! Recently i've been participating Mogeko March and today's last prompt is favorite character so i did all of my favorite characters from Funa's released medias! :] y'all are free to judge my taste now
May or may not post my other Mogeko March art here.
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dudd-ie · 1 year
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Idate:*empieza a hablar por una hora de lo encantadora que es su crush*
Amable recordatorio que según el canon idate habla mucho de rocma con rock 🛐.
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thewiredgarden · 2 years
Continue on the Shirogane x rocma story with Idate finding out there dating. The rest is up to you
So…I ended up really liking this, and might make it a little side series? I dunno I just love these dumbasses.
Idate stared out at the boat, his arms crossed as he practically chewed his cigarette, spitting out some bits and pieces of unburnt tobacco as some were pushed out to the wrapping. He’d been gone for a few months, but now that he’d come back the one girl he liked and the boy he liked to pick on were now a couple, practically joined at the hip all the time now.It was…frustrating, no…infuriating. Rock, his best, and in most cases only, friend looked over at the steaming whale and raised a brow. 
“Stop being an asshole and glaring at them. You’re being obvious as hell.” Rock looked back to his own fishing line. Idate eventually sat down next to him silently, which was never a good sign. “Look, are you really that surprised they got together? Those two bonded over you kicking the guy’s ass. If you don’t like them being together you’re the only one to blame.” Rock looked at Idate and frowned. He actually looked upset, not just pissed. “Idate…what’s going on?”
“I’m pissed.” Idate grunted, kicking out his feet to take up more room. “I’m pissed because I saw it coming and I ran away again.”
“…Again?”  Rock looked to the orca and raised a brow again at his rather constipated looking demeanor.
“If shit seems too…tough I just…bolt.” Idate looked away, lighting a new cigarette as he had practically chewed the other one in half. Rock looked at his friend and actually felt…pity for him, he sighed slightly, looking down and shaking his head.
“You’re not going to try and sabotage them at all are you?” Rock asked, bracing himself for this idiot’s answer but having a slight morbid curiosity all the same. Idate finally cracked a slight grin as he turned his head slightly and looked to Rock out of the side of his eye. 
“I’d be lying to you if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind at all…” Idate didn’t really want to lie to his best friend, his only friend. “But no, I’m not gonna. They look…pretty happy together in that stupid fucking boat.”
“Maybe you should go and apologize?” Rock looked away again as Idate stared at him in shock. “Look man, I’m serious. You’re clearly seething on the inside right now, and it’s really starting to show. So go apologize and quit being a shit head, you shit head.” Idate was silent as he looked at the boat again, seeing the bright and happy face of Shirogane and the smile of Rocma. He sighed, slowly climbing up from where he was sitting and heading into the water. He could already tell in his gut that this wasn’t going to end well, but what harm was there in humoring his friend just this once?
Over at the boat Shirogane laughed a bit as it rocked again, Rocma having made another stupid crude joke. As he was giggling, he watched as her cheeky smile faded, her eyes laser focused on something in the water. He turned his head, seeing the fin slowly making its way over to them. He yelped, standing and causing the boat to rock even more. 
“Shiro don’t!” Rocma shouted as she stood, the boat completely unstable now. Shirogane went to grab Rocma as the boat suddenly flipped. Shirogane started to swim down to try and get Rocma when his very heavy tackle box cracked the back of his skull. Blood was in the water, his vision slowly starting to bleed into black. Rocma was still sinking, her eyes wide in terror. Shirogane couldn’t see much as he reached out to grab her, when another strong hand grabbed his arm and yanked him forward. He tried to turn his head, seeing Idate grabbing his arm. He wanted to panic but the fog from the tackle box was still there and he was more limp than anything.
Idate swam forward a bit faster, finally grabbing Rocma’s dress and yanking her towards the surface. She instinctively swiped at him with her claws, her own panic starting to set in as her lungs started to burn. Her claws suddenly hit paydirt however, as more blood blossomed in the water, long marks across Idate’s face now. The orca scowled a bit, but didn’t let her go, the two lovebirds being not so gracefully hurled onto shore. 
Rocma coughed up a fair bit of water before she turned to Shirogane whose head was still bleeding a bit. She didn’t know what to do, before turning as she heard water splash. She stood tall, her claws ready to slash open Idate’s gut as he climbed onto the berg. He looked at her, his face  showing more of a confused expression if anything. 
“Are you fucking blind?! Get him to Yukisada numbnuts!” He snapped at her, tossing his cigarette away as blood ran down his own face. Rocma stared longer, more confused and stunned than anything. Idate groaned, grabbing the both of them and dragging them, easily, to Yukisada’s igloo.
Idate winced a bit as more alcohol was pressed against the light gashes in his face. He would have preferred to drink it, but the owl wasn’t going to let him, the prick, due to it being a blood thinner or something. He glanced over at Rocma, who was wrapped in multiple blankets and towels, lording over Shirogane who was laying on her lap. A long and uncomfortable silence fell over the room as Yukisada did his work fixing everyone up. 
“Is he… the wolf, I mean. Is he gonna be okay?” Idate finally spoke, hissing and swearing a bit as he felt the swab press against the cuts again.
“Yes, he is.” Yukisada sighed slightly, grabbing some wrappings to wrap around Idate’s face. “Hold still, please.”
“Why the hell did you jump us?” Rocma snarled, Idate snorting in response.
“Jump you? I was just coming over to say hi.” Idate flashed a casual grin, his hand instinctively feeling around for his smokes and lighter. 
“Cut the bullshit!” shouted Rocma, whose eyes were full of blistering fury, which ended up causing Idate to actually fall quiet. That bit came as a genuine surprise to Rocma while she reached down and reflexively rested a hand across Shirogane’s chest in a protective gesture. “Your swimming up scared the hell out of him and the boat tipped. The only reason you were going to come over would be to harass us. Why?”
“If I was going to harass you two, why the hell would I save you, especially after you slashed up my face?” said Idate as he turned his head to snap, only to get pulled back by Yukisada.
“I……I don’t know.” responded Rocma. She went a bit quiet, Idate doing much of the same. She took a moment to gather her thoughts to choose her words carefully. “Why did you save us?” She finally asked after the tension increased tenfold.
“Because I treated you both like shit. It took me a bit of time to realize that but now that I do, I feel shitty about how I treated the both of you.” said Idate frowning. The red of his blood began to return unpleasant memories of that awful red sea. “I was just coming over to apologize, that’s all.” The silence from Rocma was deafening, Yukisada trying to remain silent between the two of them while the orca spilled his proverbial guts to the polar bear across the room.  
“Apologize?” Shirogane spoke up, slowly sitting up. Rocma’s head shot down to look at him while she tried to hold him down, but he smiled a bit. “I’m okay, I promise.” He leaned against  her, his head still swimming with vertigo and a mild smell of almonds in the room. “Why? Why on earth would I accept an apology from someone like you? You, who’s done nothing but bully and pick on me for as long as I can remember.” Idate winced a bit as he took the words to the face, not being able to respond with much of anything in return. Shirogane was correct, and he had no words that could be given as a valid response. 
“My, uh…my last little bender ended…badly. And I realized that I…didn’t have anyone that wanted me back. So,” Idate cleared his dry throat audibly, while Yukisada double checked the wrappings to make sure they were secure. Shirogane was a bit stunned into silence while  he slowly was able to support his own weight. Both Rocma and Yukisada tried to stop him but he stumbled slightly across the room before he sat down next to Idate. Up close he could see that he wasn’t lying, and that something really bad had happened to the orca while he was gone.
“The things you’ve done, not just to me but to a lot of people here on the berg…I don’t think it’s any surprise when I say that it’s going to be a long road to get anyone to trust you.” Shirogane stared at the side of Idate’s head, the orca not being able to really look him in the eye. 
“I know.” mumbled Idate. He was right, and that was probably the part that hurt the most. The two seemed to let the silence hang in the air while Rocma stood frozen for a moment, not liking the idea of Shirogane being within strangling distance of the orca.
“Thank you for…saving us. Rocma and I, I mean…” Shirogane smiled slightly. “Honestly, I thought you were coming over because you liked her and were going to beat me up…” A small smile could be seen as Idate looked at Shirogane out of the side of his eye. 
“…Nah.” said Idate, his hands finally finding his cigarettes and lighter as he pulled out a smoke from the pack. He did his best to keep it out of Yukisada’s reach so it wasn’t put out. “She’s happier with you. And that makes me happy enough.”
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
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day 8 of Mogeko March 2023, this time the prompt was picking/making a genderbent version of a character, i chose Rock's official genderbent version, because she's absolutely underrated. ------ día 8 del Mogeko March 2023, esta vez el tema del día era escoger/hacer una versión del genero opuesto de un personaje, escoge la version genderbent oficial de Rock, porque ella esta absolutamente infravalorada. --- Ice Scream (and Rock) by Funamusea
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ice-dreams · 2 years
those r some massive eyebrows on ya, rock
"You want to get off anon and say that to my face you f****ing cunt?"
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thundersyst3m · 6 months
(Long tracking post)
Fandoms we already in:
- Pokémon
- Oshi No Ko
- Happy Sugar Life
- Sonic
- Moomin
- Bluey
- School-Live!
- Bocchi The Rock
- Madoka Magica
- Your Lie In April
- The Owl House
- Boku No Hero Academia
- Bungou Stray Dogs
- Sherlock
- Sakura Cardcaptor
- Jelly Jamm
- Sanrio
- Panty and Stocking
- Muse Dash
- Needy Streamer Overload
- Barbie
- Mob Psycho 100
- Mario
- Identity V
- Friday Night Funkin
- Irmão Do Jorel
- Mogeko Castle
- Misao
- The Witch's House
- Yume Nikki
- Corpse Party
- Cats and Soups
- Vocaloid
- Slime Rancher
- Midnight Gospel
- Acchi Kocchi
[Updates soon... (I forgor)]
Fandoms I used to be part of:
- DSMP (sorta)
- Hetalia
Fandoms I refuse to get in:
- Alfred's Playhouse (reason should be obvious)
- Countryhumans (Hetalia was enough)
- Rick and Morty (I found It boring but I could try looking at It again in the future)
- The Bible /j
Fandoms I plan to get in:
- Avatar / Legend of Korra
- Doctor Who
- Supernatural
- Good Omens
- HP Lovecraft
- Monk
- Wolfwalkers
- Warrior Cats
- Omori
- Wadanohara and the Great Sea
- Dress Up Darling
-Adventure Time
-Dungeon Meshi
-Dead End Paranormal Park
[To be updated...]
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sommiebearic · 1 year
Whitelist + Blacklist:
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Pokémon (♡ all + human characters) Vocaloid + UTAU (♡ older) Final Fantasy (♡ 1-8) Fairy Tail, Kemono Friends, Inazuma Eleven (all, ♡ og series) Beyblade (all, ♡ shogun steel + og burst) Unikitty, Show by Rock, Future Card Buddyfight (up to DDD, ♡ 100) Fire Emblem (♡ GBA era) Street Fighter, Yu-Gi-Oh! (♡ season 0) Bleach, King of Fighters, Digimon (♡ monsters) Puella Magi Madoka Magica (♡ og series)
* Feel free to request from more sources! These are just my interests/things I’m familiar with
Promare, Homestuck, Hetalia, Hazbin Hotel/any other vivziepops' works, Attack on Titan, South Park, Yandere Simulator, Steven Universe, Any Mogeko Game
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crucifiedfish · 2 years
Looking for new followers n people to chat.
If u like: kpop, animes, Touhou Project, music, art, Beastars, RPG maker games, Mogeko Castle, Yume Nikki, Sonny Boy, books, reading, gore art, horror movies, horror games, PS2 games, DC, animals, Nijiura Maids, metal, rock, trip hop, 2000s anime, pokemon, Indie games, manga lets be mutuals!
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2a8n · 1 year
Someone attacked Rock?!
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Rock has been periodically attacked in the official works of the DSP, but this art caught my attention.
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In one of the official works, we see that Rock in his humanoid form looks like this: "He wears a gray bust jacket over a black shirt, a pair of black gloves, light gray pants held by a black belt, black shoes, a red bandana scarf, and a dog tag". And one of his sprites in the Ice Scream Remake also matches this image, making it canon. The difference between the very first Rock I showed from these two is that the penguin doesn't have his jacket and bandana scarf. We remember it and move on.
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Looking at these two works by DSP, we see the same lack of a jacket on Rock, as in previous works. In first art, we can even assume that our hot-tempered penguin is sitting in a cage. However, in second work by DSP was made by order of a certain janet_san, because of which it is not clear whether everything shown can be considered a convention for an order or whether it can be attributed to the canon. On it, Rock, unlike other art, has a bandana scarf. Based on what we saw, it can be assumed that Rock on the street (in humanoid form) puts on a jacket and bandana scarf, but not indoors. I came to this assumption because of the art of Rock in a cage, where the cage itself is indoors, and not on the street (this makes sense, if only because Rock can put on a jacket and bandana scarf corny because of the cold, while inside the buildings he is noticeably warmer, which is why he can take off all these things). In the second art, Rock couldn't take off his bandana scarf due to the fact that the penguin was attacked by the Orca before he could do it. But he managed to take off his jacket. And the cake is more likely to be given to someone indoors than outdoors, which also indicates that Idate and Rock are inside some building in the second art.
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By the way, about Orca, although this guy is the attacker in most of those works of DSP, where, in principle, an attack was made on Rock, but in the very first art I showed, it doesn’t look like he was the attacker. First, Idate doesn't use weapons in his "games", considering it a "cheating". An exception is "Educational Program on Abuse by Syachi-Sensei", and then as a demonstration, and not for direct pleasure in violence. Another exception is the art where Orca threw darts at a eyebrowed penguin, but without the context it's not entirely clear for what purpose he did this (for the purpose of violence or for the purpose of ostentatious violence). Secondly, Idate often tries to hit Rock with his fists. But on the very first art I showed, you can see, rather, not a wound from beatings or scratches, but cuts - as if the wounds were inflicted by a sharp blade of some cold weapon. And thirdly, the reaction of the penguin. If you look closely, when his "childhood friend" mocks him, he doesn't show as much surprise as in the very first work I showed. This clearly tells us that Rock didn't expect the attack, which would be strange in the case of Idate.
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Based on all the points I have mentioned, I assume the following: 1) Rock was attacked in his house, because he was not wearing a jacket and bandana scarf, as he takes off these things while indoors. The attack could have been completely in a different building, but then the one who could invite him to them house and/or to whom Rock could come to visit must have Rock's trust in his person and/or have a good enough reason to penguin came. I doubt that all this could be completely Orca for the reasons stated earlier. 2) Attacked him with a cold weapon, judging by the wounds received on the face (at least it doesn't look like a wound received when hit on the head, but, rather, like a shallow cut - even the eye wasn't damaged), on the neck (judging by the blood at Rock's mouth, the neck was definitely hit) and the stomach (it's more interesting here: judging by the blood spatter that can "follow" the weapon, then the blow to the stomach was probably a stabbing, not a cutting type - it was as if they had stuck and pulled out the instrument of crime horizontally on blade into him, because of which blood gushed in a similar way). The last one was a blow to the stomach, judging by the same bloody splashes. 3) The weapon for attack could serve as a knife, as a sword, and as a katana. Remarkably, as many as 3 katanas are hanging in Rock's house, because of which the criminal, even without a weapon, could attack with the help of weapons that are in Rock's house (provided that the attack could happend exactly there and/or that the attacker knew about the presence of weapons in this house). The knife is always available in someone's kitchen, unlike the katanas in Rock's house. 4) The criminal could be the one from whom the penguin didn't expect an attack in his direction at all (his reaction of surprise confirms this). 5) Rock could be attacked purposefully or unintentionally. In all these cases, our quick-tempered penguin could become for someone an "undesirable witness" to another crime, an "obstacle" in achieving something, a "threat" (real or imagined) life, exposure or personal well-being. The wound on the face isn't deep, which may indicate that initially the criminal allegedly made a "backhand swing" or not with the intent to kill, but then it developed into a full-fledged attack (maybe even in the heat of passion). 6) They could get into Rock's house both in the absence of the owner himself, and at the invitation of a hot-tempered penguin. In the first case, it could be an attempt to rob a criminal or an attempt to pick up/return something from Rock's house, which the owner of the house himself then caught at the wrong time, which is why all this situattion began. The second case is unlikely, but if this is still possible, then it is likely that Rock will invite someone to settle something, but either due to a misunderstanding, or deliberately, the criminal will attack him.
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That's all. If I continue to guess about who this very attacker could have been, then it will turn out to be a whole book with illustrations, and not a regular Tumblr post. Feel free to share your thoughts on all of this. It would be interesting to read other people's conjectures, and maybe be inspired by them to create a new post. ;)
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