#rocma x shirogane
thewiredgarden · 2 years
Continue on the Shirogane x rocma story with Idate finding out there dating. The rest is up to you
So…I ended up really liking this, and might make it a little side series? I dunno I just love these dumbasses.
Idate stared out at the boat, his arms crossed as he practically chewed his cigarette, spitting out some bits and pieces of unburnt tobacco as some were pushed out to the wrapping. He’d been gone for a few months, but now that he’d come back the one girl he liked and the boy he liked to pick on were now a couple, practically joined at the hip all the time now.It was…frustrating, no…infuriating. Rock, his best, and in most cases only, friend looked over at the steaming whale and raised a brow. 
“Stop being an asshole and glaring at them. You’re being obvious as hell.” Rock looked back to his own fishing line. Idate eventually sat down next to him silently, which was never a good sign. “Look, are you really that surprised they got together? Those two bonded over you kicking the guy’s ass. If you don’t like them being together you’re the only one to blame.” Rock looked at Idate and frowned. He actually looked upset, not just pissed. “Idate…what’s going on?”
“I’m pissed.” Idate grunted, kicking out his feet to take up more room. “I’m pissed because I saw it coming and I ran away again.”
“…Again?”  Rock looked to the orca and raised a brow again at his rather constipated looking demeanor.
“If shit seems too…tough I just…bolt.” Idate looked away, lighting a new cigarette as he had practically chewed the other one in half. Rock looked at his friend and actually felt…pity for him, he sighed slightly, looking down and shaking his head.
“You’re not going to try and sabotage them at all are you?” Rock asked, bracing himself for this idiot’s answer but having a slight morbid curiosity all the same. Idate finally cracked a slight grin as he turned his head slightly and looked to Rock out of the side of his eye. 
“I’d be lying to you if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind at all…” Idate didn’t really want to lie to his best friend, his only friend. “But no, I’m not gonna. They look…pretty happy together in that stupid fucking boat.”
“Maybe you should go and apologize?” Rock looked away again as Idate stared at him in shock. “Look man, I’m serious. You’re clearly seething on the inside right now, and it’s really starting to show. So go apologize and quit being a shit head, you shit head.” Idate was silent as he looked at the boat again, seeing the bright and happy face of Shirogane and the smile of Rocma. He sighed, slowly climbing up from where he was sitting and heading into the water. He could already tell in his gut that this wasn’t going to end well, but what harm was there in humoring his friend just this once?
Over at the boat Shirogane laughed a bit as it rocked again, Rocma having made another stupid crude joke. As he was giggling, he watched as her cheeky smile faded, her eyes laser focused on something in the water. He turned his head, seeing the fin slowly making its way over to them. He yelped, standing and causing the boat to rock even more. 
“Shiro don’t!” Rocma shouted as she stood, the boat completely unstable now. Shirogane went to grab Rocma as the boat suddenly flipped. Shirogane started to swim down to try and get Rocma when his very heavy tackle box cracked the back of his skull. Blood was in the water, his vision slowly starting to bleed into black. Rocma was still sinking, her eyes wide in terror. Shirogane couldn’t see much as he reached out to grab her, when another strong hand grabbed his arm and yanked him forward. He tried to turn his head, seeing Idate grabbing his arm. He wanted to panic but the fog from the tackle box was still there and he was more limp than anything.
Idate swam forward a bit faster, finally grabbing Rocma’s dress and yanking her towards the surface. She instinctively swiped at him with her claws, her own panic starting to set in as her lungs started to burn. Her claws suddenly hit paydirt however, as more blood blossomed in the water, long marks across Idate’s face now. The orca scowled a bit, but didn’t let her go, the two lovebirds being not so gracefully hurled onto shore. 
Rocma coughed up a fair bit of water before she turned to Shirogane whose head was still bleeding a bit. She didn’t know what to do, before turning as she heard water splash. She stood tall, her claws ready to slash open Idate’s gut as he climbed onto the berg. He looked at her, his face  showing more of a confused expression if anything. 
“Are you fucking blind?! Get him to Yukisada numbnuts!” He snapped at her, tossing his cigarette away as blood ran down his own face. Rocma stared longer, more confused and stunned than anything. Idate groaned, grabbing the both of them and dragging them, easily, to Yukisada’s igloo.
Idate winced a bit as more alcohol was pressed against the light gashes in his face. He would have preferred to drink it, but the owl wasn’t going to let him, the prick, due to it being a blood thinner or something. He glanced over at Rocma, who was wrapped in multiple blankets and towels, lording over Shirogane who was laying on her lap. A long and uncomfortable silence fell over the room as Yukisada did his work fixing everyone up. 
“Is he… the wolf, I mean. Is he gonna be okay?” Idate finally spoke, hissing and swearing a bit as he felt the swab press against the cuts again.
“Yes, he is.” Yukisada sighed slightly, grabbing some wrappings to wrap around Idate’s face. “Hold still, please.”
“Why the hell did you jump us?” Rocma snarled, Idate snorting in response.
“Jump you? I was just coming over to say hi.” Idate flashed a casual grin, his hand instinctively feeling around for his smokes and lighter. 
“Cut the bullshit!” shouted Rocma, whose eyes were full of blistering fury, which ended up causing Idate to actually fall quiet. That bit came as a genuine surprise to Rocma while she reached down and reflexively rested a hand across Shirogane’s chest in a protective gesture. “Your swimming up scared the hell out of him and the boat tipped. The only reason you were going to come over would be to harass us. Why?”
“If I was going to harass you two, why the hell would I save you, especially after you slashed up my face?” said Idate as he turned his head to snap, only to get pulled back by Yukisada.
“I……I don’t know.” responded Rocma. She went a bit quiet, Idate doing much of the same. She took a moment to gather her thoughts to choose her words carefully. “Why did you save us?” She finally asked after the tension increased tenfold.
“Because I treated you both like shit. It took me a bit of time to realize that but now that I do, I feel shitty about how I treated the both of you.” said Idate frowning. The red of his blood began to return unpleasant memories of that awful red sea. “I was just coming over to apologize, that’s all.” The silence from Rocma was deafening, Yukisada trying to remain silent between the two of them while the orca spilled his proverbial guts to the polar bear across the room.  
“Apologize?” Shirogane spoke up, slowly sitting up. Rocma’s head shot down to look at him while she tried to hold him down, but he smiled a bit. “I’m okay, I promise.” He leaned against  her, his head still swimming with vertigo and a mild smell of almonds in the room. “Why? Why on earth would I accept an apology from someone like you? You, who’s done nothing but bully and pick on me for as long as I can remember.” Idate winced a bit as he took the words to the face, not being able to respond with much of anything in return. Shirogane was correct, and he had no words that could be given as a valid response. 
“My, uh…my last little bender ended…badly. And I realized that I…didn’t have anyone that wanted me back. So,” Idate cleared his dry throat audibly, while Yukisada double checked the wrappings to make sure they were secure. Shirogane was a bit stunned into silence while  he slowly was able to support his own weight. Both Rocma and Yukisada tried to stop him but he stumbled slightly across the room before he sat down next to Idate. Up close he could see that he wasn’t lying, and that something really bad had happened to the orca while he was gone.
“The things you’ve done, not just to me but to a lot of people here on the berg…I don’t think it’s any surprise when I say that it’s going to be a long road to get anyone to trust you.” Shirogane stared at the side of Idate’s head, the orca not being able to really look him in the eye. 
“I know.” mumbled Idate. He was right, and that was probably the part that hurt the most. The two seemed to let the silence hang in the air while Rocma stood frozen for a moment, not liking the idea of Shirogane being within strangling distance of the orca.
“Thank you for…saving us. Rocma and I, I mean…” Shirogane smiled slightly. “Honestly, I thought you were coming over because you liked her and were going to beat me up…” A small smile could be seen as Idate looked at Shirogane out of the side of his eye. 
“…Nah.” said Idate, his hands finally finding his cigarettes and lighter as he pulled out a smoke from the pack. He did his best to keep it out of Yukisada’s reach so it wasn’t put out. “She’s happier with you. And that makes me happy enough.”
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dudd-ie · 1 month
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Idate es popular pero por alguna razón siguen shippeandolo con CUALQUIERA excepto con su CRUSH canónico💀
quede🤡 quedamos 🤡 ,idate quedo 🤡
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cayte-vende · 10 months
Can you make an Idate x Orca!Reader plsplspls
Also I'd like it more if reader has a rough and rebellious attitude towards him ^_^!!!
Thank you!
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Cayte-vende Note : oh damn sorry dude for taking so long been on something that forgot a request, hope this can keep up your liking just hoping okay that's all
Reader always will be [Redacted] and i will use this on every request, in this one reader Gn since it can be male or female readers.
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Oh? Another orca, that just a thing to see
Idate idate,a most likely an orca on a stroll i mean he said it and yet who knows what he doing by now
He sadistic, violent, yet cruel, but olso we'll relaxed mentality, and a laid back he of course an orca on a stroll, you never know what mood he is on, weather is kicking their victim to absolutely mess or a gentleman/helpful orca to other animal just like what he do to Tatsumiya [ he do this because of boredom not of pity ]
Oh what even you're an orca? Nothing changed he will reach out some violence to everyone, i see it we see it , though this will be seen rarely not often, if you one of his pods that's good, not really deep-sea prisoner/funamusea probably write him as the torturing orca i mean having to violently beating his prey is a things for him [ thought I'm not sure about orca can kill each other or not it's so rarely though so consider it can be and can't be ]
An orca will be an orca, cruelty is their nature, thought is just the techniques to hunt food from the land, sea, and sky, as much idate is a orca of course he do this
As much the wiki say, idate is a bi but more a strong preference for women, but let's say change the things little bit for my gay shit thingy, he go other way male, female sure he doesn't mind
With a orca [Redacted] , he will be teases and pokes fun at others in a way that confuses and frustrates them, so yeah pretty much you going have to live with it there's no way to get out, good luck with what you got
Is he a sweet orca? Oh.. No, maybe but no, i don't know what will funamusea/deep-sea prisoner will write him as be, but i think he not a sweet person, he can but for some reason i think he not, to think he's a sweet it's just delusional things, consider him torture his prey for plaything and his Obsesseion with smoking, not to mention he even drinking
Okay end the things hire now for [Redacted] , a personality who rough and Rebellious attitude toward him will be something, he like it yet things going to the worse, it's probably going to be like Rocma, yes different personality but it's will probably going that way
If you know what things go, unhealthy obsession, this unhealthy obsession is something you should get out or get away, as he knows for torture he do this to rocma so he can do it to you too, ask him why did he do this, easy it's because he like the look of people face, how get sad and hopeless face just like Shirogane, or disgust and hated like rocma
Not to mention that he probably can and probably will do things to you if you didn't want it, he doesn't care, like what things he do to rocma [ poor her though.. B( ]
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beeflibeef · 3 months
I was wondering, who would you think be an ideal partner for Idate? That boy needs a whole lot of love for all the crap he deals with, also I wanted to say I LOVE your art! You definitely inspire me to draw and I really am happy to still see active members in the okegom community!
Thank you for your question, it's very interesting to think about
I never thought about whom Idate would date, in the au especially
I don't know about canon version of him, concerning the version with 'angsty lore' I think the worst match would be someone who resembles his family. Which means that anyone who is not like his family would be a good match. Which ironically means that he shouldn't date anyone who is a lot like himself, or someone who'd remind him about his family ("you're a violent guy, you're bloodthirsty, you're stuck up, you're xenophobic" etc)
please dont take this seriously, my thoughts change a lot and it was my current opinion (as of today)
also I wanted to say I LOVE your art! You definitely inspire me to draw and I really am happy to still see active members in the okegom community!
Thank you very much
Satadate (Satanick x Idate)
In my mind, Idate and Satanick are really good together but I don't personally see them as a romantic pair, i dont know why, maybe it didnt click with me. They can hang out together and have fun, they are also very tolerant and lax with each other. Idate is very patient with Satanick's emotions and sensitiveness, and orca doesn't get upset at his outbursts. And Satanick doesnt mind Idate keeping things to himself. I imagine if they were together, they'd be so lax with each other like a couple where both let their s/o date other people. Satanick's brain is on fire 24/7 and Idate is calmer and more organized (Idate is disorganized and unfocused but it's nowhere near as bad as Satanick's lack of focus). Plus Satanick is really active and very very artistic, he likes various things, so Idate could be introduced to new stuff that Satanick gets into.
9/10, I dont know why i dont ship it, maybe because this looks like BFF dynamic to me
Idarock (Idate and Rock)
Childhood friends is a nice dynamic, I suppose. In my head I liked to headcanon that Idate used to be shyer and less confident and Rock used to be mischievous and active, and Rock's attitude rubbed off on him (I know in canon it was different though). The ship asks are cute and maybe that rubbed off on me and how i see them. Rock being frustrated and annoyed with Idate would feel bad for me personally but I believe Idate is fine with that. As long as Rock just has an attitude and not being actually disgusted with Idate it's a solid match. 9/10
Bonus: them knowing about each other more than others would be an interesting addition to the dynamic between them
Shirodate (Shirogane x Idate)
I wont talk about canon version of this pair-. In non-canon verse, I feel like... it would be a bit awkward, and maybe a slow burn? Shirogane is anxious and tends to assume things about people, plus he is sulky in a way that Idate wouldn't tolerate as much as he'd tolerate Rock's attitude. Idate enjoys being feared but there are times when he's sensitive about it and him being treated with fear would upset him. In a universe where Shirogane tries to protect him i think the ship is cute, but in a verse where Shiro is just fearful of him it'd be bitter between them. 6/10 for the "scared and distrustful shiro x i-hate-being-seen-as-a-monster Idate", and 8/10 for "must-protect-idate Shirogane and can-snap-everyone-in-half Idate"
...i thought about it, and i think, for the soft angst potential, I like them together. Two predator animals, one is terrified of the world, and the other is seen as a terror by the world. There is some melancholic potential here. it's cheesy and overdone but i like thinking about it
Rocmate (Rocma and Idate)
*clears throat* In the universe where Idate has baggage, them together would look awkward to me. Rocma is pretty cold and doesn't show what she feels, and Idate is not the type to spray his energy on others, so they'd just peacefully coexist. They would be a powerful duo who'd rip and tear to save the other, but other than that there would be not much, they'd look like an arranged couple that does their marriage duty but doesn't get lovey and i personally am okay with it, ; 7/10 because I haven't thought enough ideas about this ship tbh, maybe I'll see more in it
I thought more about it , and I think a power duo is good. And Rocma softening toward someone who she'd never think she'd like is endearing. Two scary people growing softer and nicer toward one another is a fine dynamic
Tatsudate (Tatsumiya and Idate)
The pair would be so good and peaceful that I can't say much about it, 9/10. I'm only not sure if it'd work bc i feel Idate wouldn't want to live in the blue sea town, unless Tatsumiya is okay with him travelling around and visiting sometimes. Nagi would be better off with Tatsumiya, but I don't know how to feel about breaking the uncle-niece duo apart.. Darn, I imagined a whole scenario where Idate and Tatsumiya had a whole wedding in a blue sea town near the castle and how pretty it'd look, and I admit the idea of Idate and Tatsumiya being an actual married couple and it being a huge surprise for anyone who learns about it, is fun.
..now I feel bad for Tatsumiya because she'd be a married oarfish who stays at her home and her husband is almost never home. But then again, she values her people above anything else so it's endearing to imagine that Idate respects that
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nana2009 · 1 year
(I don't know how to do this since I'm new lol)
I have request!
Shirogane x Rocma where they are kissing. Rocma holding Shirogane hands with her paws as Shirogane blushing a bit.
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no worries! sorry for taking long and for making it so messy, i didnt want to delay this any further...
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kandyrezi · 2 years
Honestly, I really love your stuff and it takes me quite a bit to kust not flood your inbox with ideas. Especially after I end up reading an especially good post of yours.
Like the shirogane x rocma x fem!idate one.
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flooding the inbox is 100% allowed and encouraged, i love reading y'alls ideas. especially so if we share favorite ships or thirst over the same characters, hehe.
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ungojirasapiente · 2 years
Ice Scream Digimon Partner Headcanons
remember my post about The Gray Garden Digimon headcanons?, well here's the Ice Scream edition!
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Shirogane Wanyamon > Gabumon > Wolfmon (Lobomon) > Garummon (KendoGarurumon) > MetalGarurumon X
explanation: my motif for this line was wolves, weapons and armour, i chose Gabumon for his quiet and timid personality that matches Shirogane's, the line then goes to a more heroic, warrior route to compliment the rare times Shirogane acts bravely, when he wants to defend his friends (like in the deleted Ice Scream comic in which he saves Rocma and in that one image where he shot Idate with his harpoon gun), speaking of harpoon gun, because of that the final form is MetalGarurumon X, a Digimon with quite a lot of firepower, and why the X-antibody variant and not the normal one... because i think MetalGarurumon X looks cooler.
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Poromon > Hawkmon > Owlmon > HippoGriffomon > Valdurmon
explanation: most of these lines are kinda hard to explain, specially this one, i just felt they went well with Yukisada's personality and design. Hawkmon is described as acting calm, cool and collected, i think Yukisada would enjoy having a calm friend to be with, Hawkmon could help him with taking care of people (specially Shiro) and the two could relax reading books and cooking. Owlmon because DUH and then Hippogriffomon to transition to the more mythical and angelic ending of the line, which caps off with Valdurmon, a mythical, holy bird Digimon.
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Hiyamon > Bearmon > Yukidarumon (Frigimon) > Blizzarmon > Marsmon
explanation: this one is a little bit easier to explain, Rocma is the most fighting capable inhabitant of Iceberg Isle (besides Idate) and is the only one who can actually keep up a fight with the orca, because of this, i made the line be themed with two concepts in mind, Bears (or artic mammals in general) and fighting, this is why the line starts with Bearmon, which then digivolves into Yukidarumon, a bear-looking snowman Digimon that can use it's freezing fists as an attack, then Yukidarumon digivolves into Blizzarmon, loosing the bear motif but keeping the artic mammal and warrior motif, and then finishing the line off with Marsmon, one of the members of the Olympos XII, know for his well-versed skills in combat technique, specially wrestling.
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i forgot the in-training/baby II form lol > Penmon > Chackmon > DaiPenmon > FrosVelgrmon
explanation: pretty easy to explain, penguins or other icy birds, starts with Penmon which then digivolves to Chackmon (because i couldn't find any good champion/adult level Digimon that matched the theme and i wanted to keep the whole "artic" motif going on...) then to DaiPenmon, and finally FrosVelgrmon, which is not a penguin but it is an ice-themed bird Digimon, so it fits.
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Pukamon > Gomamon > Ikkakumon > Zudomon > Vikemon
explanation: seals, just seals... and pinnipeds in general, it's the default Gomamon line, it just fits, they're both adorable, and also the visual of seeing this adorable seal girl with a gigantic walrus, a giant hammer-wielding monster and a viking furry is simply hilarious.
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Pinomon > Falcomon > Diatrymon > Vulturemon > Gundramon
explanation: Pinomon and Falcomon have similar eyebr... i mean, "decorative feathers" and also because Falcomon's and Rock's personalities are similar, Diatrymon because it's Falcomon's default digivolution and i couldn't find another Digimon that could work (there's probably one, but i myself couldn't find it), then Vulturemon, adding firearms to the line's motif, because Rock is sometimes drawn with a gun (like on his official website artwork right there) and then we take that firearm motif to the most logical conclusion and end the line with Gundramon, the giant fucking Mechagodzilla-like Digimon that has more guns than the average USA redneck.
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Bubbmon > Otamamon > Orcamon > MarinDevimon > ChaosSeadramon
explanation: this one was tough to make, i knew Idate had to have Orcamon, it was too obvious not to be in the line, MarinDevimon was also pretty easy come up with, Idate is quite the sadistic bastard and in-lore also has demon blood in his veins, so a ocean-themed demon Digimon was pretty obvious, the mega/ultimate level was tough, i decided to go with the pretty obscure ChaosSeadramon, to keep the whole evil/demonic motif going on. the in-training/Baby II and Rookie/Child one where tough, in the end i couldn't find any that would work nicely, so i had to choose something that would "kinda" fit, emphasis on those quotation marks, that's why i ended up setting with Bubbmon to Otamamon.
and that's it for now, i enjoyed making these lines, but it was pretty tough to put into written words why i chose each Digimon for each Character, some of these just came up because i thought "hey, that kinda fits"... so yeah, hope you guys enjoyed it, maybe i'll make another one later down the line, who knows.
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cherriipeachcreme · 5 years
I’ll be talking about Canon x Canon ships for Funamusea/Deep Sea Prisoner in this post, and I’ll temporarily tag “canon/canon ship” as a general tag along with the names of the ships I’m specifically mentioning. If you don’t want to hear about them feel free to blacklist! Everything will be under the cut:
Tbh the more I think about Tatsumiya x Rocma, the more I really like it and can see it working. For example Rocma’s strong, tough nature could be attractive to Tatsumiya, and Rocma could appreciate Tatsumiya’s kind, gentle, but strong personality. They’re both kinda like mother-figures and can connect that way as well.
They’d most likely be together before Shirogane and Yukisada get together. I kinda see Shirogane and Yukisada as the main characters of Ice Scream and since they get along so well they can develop feelings for one another, but are too shy to admit it (Especially Shirogane). The climax of my Ice Scream/WATGBS story would include their love confessions to each other!
I’ve mentioned this before but I also think that Ivlis x Rieta and Sal x Mikotsu are better than the canon relationships. They’re still evil and antagonists, but with those ships they can actually bond, have emotional support, and overall have great potential for development.
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noree-ewe · 6 years
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I started thinking about the AU that I had created from Ice Scream and I realized that the (Rocma x Idate) "Rocmate" of the AU is the (Shirogane x Mafuyu) "Shirofuyu".
IDK •w•
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gcrdenofpixels-a · 5 years
☕ ☕ ☕ for Rocma
{ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ❄️; σн ℓιттℓε cнιℓ∂, тεℓℓ υs ∂σ тнε ғℓσωεяs тεℓℓ үσυ sεcяεтs ωнεη тнεү ғιη∂ үσυ αℓℓ αℓσηε? || *Snowdrop//Rocma || @stardustcloaked​ ||  send me   ‘ ☕ ‘   and my muse will talk about someone they don’t like and why || Accepting! (x)}
❀❀❀ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ❄️❀❀❀
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{ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ❄️}: ❝I can’t stress enough how I find Shirogane pathetic. He’s a wolf for god’s sake, man up and get a backbone. Being a predator means that you have to stick up for the isle and its citizens. But he’s too cowardly to do so. I’d personally train him myself but I’m pretty sure before I could even begin he would turn tail and run. He owes me one too, since rescuing him from that damn orca brought that nick on my ear.❞
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{ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ❄️}: ❝I’ve already mentioned Idate yesterday, but I hate that kind of guy. He’s a sadist, he beats people up for no damn reason and his obsession with messing around with me makes me sick.❞
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{ʕ – ㉨ – ʔ❄️}: ❝That last coffee, I’m going to add a twist to it. I love Mafuyu, she’s very important to me, I want to see her grow up and be happy, so I’m willing to beat down Idate or any other predator many times just to assure that she lives safely.❞
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evilprincessmikotsu · 6 years
Do you have any otps on ice scream?
Yeah actually. Shirogane x Yukisada, and that’s it since I can’t find a ship for Rocma I like.
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thewiredgarden · 2 years
How about some headcanons for shirocma and maybe some male! Shirogane x fem! Idate too?
Shirogane x Rocma
Despite all appearances, Rocma got the crush first.
It really started when Shirogane saved her with the harpoon gun.
When Idate realized that he wasn’t going to get Rocma, his bullying towards Shirogane picked up.
Rocma made sure to stick around Shirogane to protect him.
Shirogane was completely unaware of Rocma liking him, so he was often apologizing for taking up a lot of her time
One day, he really didn’t want to bother her and went off on his own, where got hurt…badly and Rocma found him
After screaming at him for being an idiot, she brought him to Yukisada and wouldn’t leave until she was given the okay that he was going to be alright
That’s when she told him that she liked him
It was a bit weird at first, neither of them knew how to act in a relationship
Yukisada actually got questions from both of them, he thought it was pretty funny
Once they got comfortable around the idea of a relationship, it was pretty smooth sailing from there
Shirogane x Fem!Idate
You know that stupid thing of ‘if a boy picks on you they like you’?
Idate totally thought that was serious, and never understood why the boys she picked on always hated her
She was complaining about this to Rock who was just dumbfounded at how stupid she was.
Once he got a clear answer out of her, he told her to just tell the wolf that she likes him
It didn’t go well at first, Shirogane was more waiting for the other shoe to drop and for her to beat the hell outta him again
Yeah she had fucked up and when it hit her she kinda just…left
After awhile, Shirogane was actually worried that she really wasn’t showing up anymore
So while everyone else was celebrating, he went searching
He found her and she was completely lost
She was pissed because she had been trying to make it up to Shirogane, even going back to her hometown to get him a better harpoon gun.
Shirogane realized that she was just…more brawn than brain and gave her a chance
It wasn’t the relationship anyone was expecting and Yukisada was the most nervous
The two were an odd pair but it ended up working out pretty well.
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dudd-ie · 1 month
Aquí les dejo un video que hice basado en mi hc sobre que rocma/ryoma tiene problemas de ira y por eso trata de distanciarse de quienes protege,básicamente teme lastimarlos con sus instintos primitivos y su fuerza de depredador.
Por suerte(o desgracia) para rocma/ryoma,idate/idako no le molesta salir lastimado con tal de estar a su lado
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Tengo el hc de que shikabane(shirogane)estaba enamorada de ryoma(rocma),pero él la rechazo,no porque no le gustará,era porque ella era demasiado debil tanto física como emocional y ryoma sabía que una relación entre los dos sólo terminaría causándole daño(cierta orca acosadora tampoco estaria NADA FELIZ con su relacion)
Además fuyuta(mafuyu) necesita madrasta que pueda protegerla,no una loba cobarde,lo siento pero no lo siento. Bye
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sweetgirl90-mily · 6 years
Number 1 (Vengo a joder :D)
Everything that is toxic, like Satanivlis, Fumus x Everyone (Except for Envi in AUs), Idate x Shirogane/Rocma, Yonaka x Shinya/King Mogeko/Moge-ko, Sal x Wadanohara, Roc x Lobco, Licorice x Envi (I don't shipp Envi with others except Fumus and Nick). And... There's another no so toxic or not toxic like Siralos x Igls/Ivlis, Reficul x Ivlis/Lzet. My problem is only with that type of ship. For my bad luck most of the fandom loves that type of couples, although ... I am not the one to judge, I know very well that it is only fiction.—Todas las que son tóxicas, como Satanivlis, Fumus x Cualquiera (Excepto por Envi en AUs), Idate x Shirogane/Rocma, Yonaka x Shinya/King Mogeko/Moge-ko, Sal x Wadanohara, Roc x Lobco, Licorice x Envi (No shippeo a Envi con otros que no sean Fumus o Nick). Y... Hay algunas que no son tan tóxicas o directamente no lo son, como Siralos x Igls/Ivlis, Reficul x Ivlis/Lzet. Mi problema solo es con ese tipo de shipps. Para mi mala suerte al fandom le encanta ese tipo de parejas, pero... No soy quien para juzgar, sé que todo es ficción :v
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joshnekuu · 5 years
rocma x shirogane is good...
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kandyrezi · 5 years
How about nsfw male! Shirogane with the yuri rocmate headcanons?
(i assume you mean like a poly relationship with shirogane x fem!idate x rocma. anyway, these aren’t very smutty, since i wanted to establish the relationship first. hope you like them regardless!)
if there was ever any change for shirogane to try and establish a relationship with rocma by slowly getting her to warm up to him, then all his plans would be thrown out into the sea the moment idate enters the picture and forces herself between the two of them.
rocma is more protective and less chastising (only very slightly) now that shirogane is in a relationship with the two of them, but that doesn’t mean he’s out of a harsh scolding if he does something particularly reckless to put himself into danger.
and she doesn’t trust idate to not be the one who’ll drag shirogane into these dangerous situations in the first place.
often times rocma will feel like she’s looking after three unruly mischiefs, not just mafuyu.
it definitely takes rocma longer to fully trust idate and give in to her romantic advantages before she’s wholly comfortable with the orca being around them without any violent/ill will or with the intent to break them up, but seeing idate affectionately tease shirogane and bring the two of them romantic gifts instead of trying to break them up, she might gradually not react to her presence as negatively.
initially she doesn’t even accept being touched by her, until the more times she does it, the less she actually protests to it.
while rocma doesn’t really need nor want physical affection in the same way shirogane and idate might desire it, small kisses on the cheek or holding her paws can calm her down at times when she’s in emotional distress of some kind that can’t simply be physically fought off.
rocma isn’t really worried about idate’s safety, as the orca is used to getting into bloody fights with just about anyone she deems easy prey.
she does, however, see shirogane’s soft nature as weakness, that she thinks of as flaw to get rid of or simply train the wolf into being strong enough to no longer need her aid (not that much, at least). despite her frequent irritation of those around around her, it’s still somewhat in the polar bear’s nature to want to provide for and protect those weaker than her.
idate likes to fluster both shirogane and rocma, to get a visible reaction out of them. rocma is prone to getting less angry if idate is a little more teasing in the privacy of their home, though she’s normally so stone-faced, it barely does anything to her. idate will, however, tease shirogane within the prying eyes of every other iceberg resident as well, knowing full-well the wolf isn’t brave enough to tell her to stop whenever his face goes red from other than just the chilling cold winter air. it just feels really good to idate overall, knowing she can get under both of their skin.
idate will be really persistent if she thinks she’s not getting enough attention from either shirogane or rocma.
the orca likes setting up candlelit dinners for the three of them if she’s in a particularly romantic mood.
idate isn’t very possessive and doesn’t think a little flirting with others is a big deal anyway. she does not, however, take kindly to anyone picking a fight with either of them and it’ll likely end very gruesomely for whoever the aggressor may be.
idate doesn’t hesitate to hurt or give a good scare to shirogane every now and then if she thinks it will keep him in line, training him to be a good, obedient partner for both her and rocma.
shirogane may end up with a cut or a bruise every now and then, but since he’s learned that both the orca and the polar bear’s love is rough and hardly at all gentle with him being in the middle of all this, he’s become accustomed to it. 
whether or not he’s completely okay with all this is up in the air.
whenever rocma and idate get into a particularly violent argument, odds are shirogane will be too afraid to step in and make them calm down. so, he just silently hopes they don’t end up killing eachother and it’ll blow over soon.
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