#rocket science game
lotusprotocol · 5 months
dreamcatcher devlog: april 2024
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(new menu, posting here bc i still think it's good)
full devlog under the cut!
welcome back! sorry for being a couple days late; i specifically tried to start early so this wouldn't happen but some other stuff got in the way (mostly myself). without further ado, here's everything that happened this month:
month started off with some pretty slow progress :/ i usually end up doing a lot in the few days after pushing a new playtesting build but lose momentum until it's almost time for another one
i got interested in multiplayer in godot and took a detour to make something with it! over a span of around 48 hours, i made a prototype called rocket science, which you can play here. it's a fast paced smash style game where everyone has rocket launchers and tries to blast everyone else off the map. idk if i plan on doing anything else with this but feel free to try it out with your friends!
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(quick preview screenshot of the game)
later on in the month i finally pushed a new build! it includes a hub level to access the two finished levels in the game so far, and although there's not much there yet, it's a step in the right direction.
i worked on some bugfixes and small suggestions in the couple days after that. i have a reports channel set up in the playtesting section of the discord (which you should join wink wink nudge nudge link is in my pinned post), and it's very helpful for figuring out what i need to address.
i've started working on the next level, but have barely made any progress. it's mostly because there's a lot of sprites i need to finish before i can really start planning the layout, so it's just a matter of getting those done.
i also updated the main menu and made it look pretty cool (which is shown in the gif at the top of the post)
aaand that's about it! as always, here's what i have planned for this month:
make reference sheets for the main cast
finish character sprites (spoiler alert this will never happen)
catch up on school work
do good on final exams
finish the next level and push a build
have fun :]
if you made it this far, thanks for reading! and if you want to see more updates about the stuff i'm making, i'd really appreciate if you left a follow <3
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Just some things I think deserve a super accurate movie/show adaption in a beautiful 2D animation style:
The How to Train Your Dragon series
Gregor the Overlander
Artemis Fowl
The Adventure Zone
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (fr so much was left out of the 1939 film!)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
The actual Little Mermaid story (there are a ton of adaptations I haven't seen yet so maybe it exists somewhere but we all know Disney’s didn’t even come close)
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tifa-simp · 15 days
I don't take anyone who says Tifa only likes Cloud when he does hero badass thing seriously, as if she isn't the first one to rush to him everytime he acts unhinged or has an episode. Like y'all, c'mon now, I don't care who you ship Cloud with, but open your eyes and play the damn game! Ever since Remake, she's always noticed when he has headache and in Rebirth she basically spends the whole game looking after him, especially in the Temple when he's on a killing spree. This girl cares about him so much, she always encourages him to do things he enjoys and steps in when he goes overboard. Saying Tifa only cares about Cloud doing badass shit is just laughable in everyway. Why do they make it sound like Tifa is some cheerleader on the side while in fact most of the time, she's right next to him doing bad ass hero thing too.
If Tifa really just sees Cloud that way, she wouldn't have to the first to stop him from killing the Turks mercilessly, or the only one carries him out in Shinra mansion, or later stays with him when he's in comatose while the world is ending. Why risking her life and attention and time for a Soldier who can't stand straight? Think!
You don't even have to read Trace of two pasts in which blatantly states that Tifa likes Cloud for being a normal boy, you just have to play the game with open eyes. Maybe don't act like you have no idea about the lore and ppl won't call you so.
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Does this look like a girl who only cares when her crush does "bad ass SOLDIER things"???
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retrocgads · 9 months
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USA 1997
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self-shipper-snowdrop · 3 months
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I'm playing Minecraft again and look at my dope ass kitchen babey
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
how do you download games :(
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like this
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kleptonancydrew · 1 year
A new coworker was telling me that her printer code didn't seem to work. I asked her what it was and was like hmmm that doesn't sound right, and suggested a different code. She put it in and then looked at me surprised, "that works". And in that moment I was Jacques Brunais.
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bi-badass-geek · 4 months
Hecate Hex
I will assume it was said 500 times by now and i just missed it but i really find it very amusing. So as you may or may not know one of Hecate's moves is putting hex on you that morph you into sheep which is like okay not like ya can deflect it or anything (cries in the corner for Athena to come back from vacation) but! While i was scrolling on yt it decided to throw me spoilers for Hades 2 even tho not like i searched anything but you know good ol' youtube be like that and came across video showing that you can actually avoid getting turned! I was like okay maybe it's footage from TT or just a lucky one timer thing right. Imagine my surprise when without any speed boon or anything of the sort i managed to dodge in a way that i actually outpasted it long enough until it disappeared. If you didn't know now ya know a fun thing to do for shit and giggles.
For those that can't play here is your visual of said hex :
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dabihawksluvr · 5 months
If you're gonna target CA and his game Stardew Valley for being 'not inclusive enough'...
do y'all just NOT have an imagination?
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Most people's reactions to the new RF: Oh thank god all the likely love interests thus far actually look like adults!!!
Me: Please god let them be hyping up the "town building" addition more than necessary. I DO NOT want to actually make and shape the town. Please.
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toastthewolfie · 1 year
help someone I know said that they think Kuro is copying hoyoverse when I showed her some screenshots from the live and I was just internally screaminf:
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timeisacephalopod · 10 months
Lol out of curiosity I looked up my old job on Indeed and yes they ARE urgently hiring for the position and if I didn't get treated like dog shit for expecting a stress free work environment with reasonable expectations and not wildly cunty management who seemed to be under the impression they were doing THE most important job at THE most important store ever maybe I wouldn't have just not shown up one day 🤷🏻‍♀️ asshole thing to do to my poor coworkers but I didn't even have the energy to quit right after spending a month and a half feeling deeply surveilled at every aspect of my job lest I get another frivolous writeup no one else got for doing their jobs worse than me so fine. You want me gone enough to threaten my livelihood and SHRUG when I point out I have rent to pay, fine, but I wouldn't put up with that behavior from anyone in my life generally and I LIKE those people so my JOB pulling bullshit? Oh hell no, if I wouldn't take it from people I CHOOSE to be around on purpose I ain't taking shit from a fucking JOB. I refuse to be in a work environment that's unaware it's a GROCERY STORE, not a 5 star establishment frequented exclusively by world leaders or some shit. Like Sam, my job is cooking food at a fucking sobeys and you're acting as if I'm disarming bombs it's so important get reasonable priorities and standards for employees and then apply them equally to managers and not EXCLUSIVELY minimum wage staff 🙄
Which is funny because my new job everyone seems surprised with how fast I've caught on to stuff down to a coworker yesterday telling me he thought I worked in a shoppers prior to the pharmacy I'm in because Im catching on so quick. This isn't unusual for me either, some time in the last five or so years I've found every workplace I'm at I end up being heavily relied on because I'm good at my job, so fucking sucks to suck for sobeys because it took me some week or so to be consistently praised for being better at the job than the guy I replaced only for them to throw that out because they think management should be able to do whatever the fuck they want while they shove minimum wage staff under a fucking microscope to ensure they're doing their shit right and even that isn't consistent. They punished me exclusively because I did not lay down to be treated as a door mat and dished the treatment I got handed. If you treat me like shit I WILL treat you the way you treat me, no worse, and sometimes a little better because I don't lose my moral standards in that treatment either. Just because I'm being an ass doesn't mean I'm willing to do whatever the fuck, just enough to ensure that the person who's decided I'm their new plaything knows that'll be going both ways so fuck off. I've never had a job so willing to keep on shit management they had at LEAST a dozen meetings with regarding performance and I was the one who got punished for being frustrated about that. But I will take a new significantly less stressful job 🙌🏻
#winters ramblings#anyway theyre “urgently hiring” and if they listened when the fuck i told them i was so stressed i was clenching my fists#so hard in my sleep my hands would be DEAD STIFF and locked in place in the morning and required me to carefully massage them#and exercise the muscles and even then my hands still hurt. i told them ive been throwing up from stress AND i told them i was job hunting#because this was all bullshit. they KNEW where i was at and they should have listened but they didnt so fine#fuck me around 17 ways to sunday teo can play at that game and i didnt come here to be involved in a game at all#but force me onto that fucking biard then dont get mad when i flip it and walk away#im a grown assed adult i have no patience for workplaces that don't understand youre not a fucking slave#and the workplace isnt something Extremely Important And Special its a cucking GROCERY STORE and i wasnt even workinh#one if the jobs that DOES absolutely make a grocery store necessary i made fucking hot food everyone treated as Top Notch Shit#when ut was frozen boxed chicken strips and ut us INSULTING to me to teach me HOW to cook fucking BOXED FOOD#and NO i did bot take that “”“too personally”“' while they were trying to ”improve“ store standards#its fucking BOXED CHICKEN STRIPS guys why the fuck are we treating it like ROCKET SCIENCE??!?#i dont actually think its unreasonable to be angry your manager cannot even trust you to make food from a fucking BOX#without a chef coming in and treating you like some kind of idiot whohas never made a food in my LIFE despite#me cooking a lot more complicated shit at home on a regular basis. give me a fucking BREAK acting as if#it was StOrE sTaNdArD changes or whatever do YOU nit understand boxed food isnt HARD to make or do you need that explained#to you?? like i take shit too personally no YOU have unreasonable standards for EXCLUSIVELY your lowest wage staff#and im NOT bring held to a higher working standard than MANAGEMENT
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retrocgads · 9 months
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USA 1997
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Game companies, I want to riff about something with you.
Diversity and representation is important in video games and recently, there has been a great deal of steps in terms of actually spreading the representation out more. Even to the extent of putting trans characters in games and adding better customization options to include androgynous and other non gender conforming characters and all of this cool shit and frankly, I think we need much more, but let me talk to you about this.
Representation gets you LOYAL fans. People who will keep playing your games. I know lots of queers who still play Mass Effect and Dragon Age Inquisition despite it not having the most perfect of representation, but it’s scraps and that’s more than most games give us.
So I ask you this. Would you rather have a large group of adoring fans that would KEEP playing your game because of the representation? Or would you want a flaky fan base who would quit playing purely because you added one (1) singular character to the game.
Add a Catalyst. Add a Bridget. Add an Alex Chen and a Steph. Add a Liara. A Lady Dimetrescu. A Celeste. Infuse your games with HEALTHY LGBTQIA+ rep and you will see herds of gays, genderqueers, and various other creatures flock to your games and latch on to them like a facehugger.
Or don’t. And only get the straight cishet crowd that I’ve seen Piranha a game because there is a pixel out of place. Trust me. They will and they do. Games have bombed for lesser things. Anthem. Borderlands 3. They both died pretty quickly because the community ate it alive for lesser things than just “oh it had a gay character in it”.
Look, I hate capitalism and I will burn it into ash at some point. However, the Queer community has an affinity for video games and we love tv shows and movies that have faithful and honest Queer representation and I know from personal experience that I gave half a fuck about Apex Legends until I actually got Catalyst and, now, I’m actually hooked.
Representation and actually interacting with the Queer community does hidden wonders. Bioware and Respawn aren’t scared. So what about you?
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
ofc that one time i could do something with ppl my headphones decide to be pieces of shit and not connect to my computer at all :')
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ce-heich-ce · 2 years
oh right, arknights anime came out... but its on crunchyroll and I aint paying for animated content that I could watch just by waiting a week so... waiting
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