#rodrick heffley x autistic!reader
turvi · 1 year
Rodrick Heffley x Autistic!Reader
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Y/n fiddled with her fingers as she contemplated opening the basement door. She knew Rodrick was practising right now, and it would be uncomfortable for her to sit through it.
She paced the hallway until she decided to sit on the couch, but she saw the time. It was almost 6 pm, and his parents would be back from the supermarket. So she left his home.
A few minutes later, his parents got home, and Rodrick looked for her everywhere.
"What are you looking for, Rodrick?" Susan's voice startled him. He put his hand on his chest as he took a breath of relief.
"Jeez! Susan, don't sneak up on your kids like this." Rodrick made a note to talk to Y/n tomorrow as he made his way to his room.
The following morning Rodrick pelted stones on her window. He smirked when he saw her window open. "There's my pretty girl? Come down. I need to see you properly."
Y/n blushed and ran down the stairs. Straight into his arms. She smiled as she felt his hand drawing circles on her back.
"You alright, sugar? You went without saying goodnight," he asked, lightly pinching her cheek.
Y/n shifted her weight between her legs, her palms sweating. "Uhh... I actually had something in my mind."
Rodrick squinted his eyes at her. "what is it, sugar?" he gently caressed her arm, trying to calm her nerves.
"I wanna listen to you practice." she pouted as she looked up at him
Rodrick sighed. "Sweets, you know my loud music will make you uncomfortable, and I can't have that." his tone was soft.
His heart broke when he saw disappointment on her face. He took her hand and walked with her in the neighbourhood, hoping it would clear her mood.
"Here you go, Rodrick". He immediately pockets the "mom bucks". Greg looked at his older sibling in suspicion. Rodrick barely would leave his room...somehow making Greg do all the chores. Now he was happily doing chores, being nice to him.
Greg saw as he ran upstairs, and he quietly followed him. He peeped through his door to Rodrick, taking out a stash of money from under his bed. He sat on the bed and started counting the money.
Rodrick looked at his drumsticks which looked like they could break any moment. He shook his head and ordered the noise-cancelling headphones. Greg hid when Rodrick got out of his room.
The following morning Rodrick was confused when he found a few extra dollars in his stash. He turned around and saw Greg hiding and smiled. Rodrick thought he won't be pranking Greg...at least for a month. He quickly gift-wrapped the headphones and went to Y/n's home.
He could feel himself falling in love with the girl more as she brightened up as she saw the headphones and said. "Rodrick...you didn't have to buy this...these things are costly..."
Roderick interrupted her. "Take it as your early birthday gift. And now you can sit through my band practice." he shrugged. He could buy all the headphones in the world just to see her smile like that.
"What about your drumsticks?"
He blushed. Mentally he was picturing their marriage. "I can put tapes, and it will be good as new."
"I don't deserve this."
He pulled her closer to him, kissing her cheeks. "You deserve all the nice things. And I did this because I want my girl there when I practice. You are my lucky charm, my love, my heart."
Y/n blushed and asked, "Can I kiss you?"
He smirked and opened his arms. "Kiss me all you want, sugar."
Rodrick instantly felt her lips on him. He couldn't help but smile as she kissed him.
"I love you, Rodrick." She declared breathlessly.
"I love you too, Sugar."
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parisiterileymoon · 2 months
Why would all of my fictional crushes absolutely hate me if they met me. Like I would be so psyched and they would just be like “get this weird autistic child away from me please”
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Percy Jackson is like if the asshole alt older brother who's secretly a huge softie of a 2000s protagonist was the protagonist instead
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rodricksfilipinagf · 2 years
Rodrick Heffley x Reader Oneshot: Homecoming
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“What do you mean by that?” Rodrick asked, his brow furrowing.
“What do you THINK I meant by that?” I bite back angrily. I put my stuff inmy bag as quickly as possible so I could get out of there fast.
“You thought you were my last resort?”
“Last, second, whatever, I don’t care! It doesn’t matter! I just don’t want to go with you, okay?” I storm out of the classroom angrily. I am so sick of  Rodrick’s bullshit. He only asked me to homecoming because I told him Iwouldn’t set him up with Heather. He only liked her for shallow reasons anyway and I knew for a fact she couldn’t stand him. I’m beginning to see where she’s coming from. As I switch out my stuff at my locker I think about how for the past few months all he’s done is take me for granted. He only comes up to me when he needs something which I’m so sick of. It’s what happened the last time I was emotionally involved with a guy and I HATED IT. Men always think they can take advantage of me, and I thought Rodrick was different, but now he’s acting like all the other guys, and I’m just not having it anymore.
Speaking of toxic men…Paolo Vasquez was making his way down the hallway to get signatures for student body president and was now shoving a clipboard up my grill. “Come on, Y/N. You voting for ya boi Paolo?”
As if he didn’t treat me like utter shit and expect me to get away with it.
“I’d rather vote for Harambe at this point.”
“Look, I heard what happened in history class and I think you should say yes,” Paolo says, putting his hand up for high fives from various passersby.
They were charmed by him but I knew what he was really like so I wasn’t fooled.
“It’s really not any of your business,” I say.
“Just cause I wasn’t interested in you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give other guys a chance. I mean, I know it’s hard to get over this, but let’s face it. Who knows if someone like you will even get asked out again?”
“Excuse me?” I spat. I can’t believe he had the audacity to say that.
“What the fuck did you just say?” I heard a much darker, more dangerous voice say. Rodrick had managed to sneak up on me. And his voice and stance and eyes were full of fury.
“Rodrick, I can handle this. I don’t need you.” I didn’t need the guy who asked me to Homecoming as a second choice to defend me.
But being as stubborn as he was, he didn’t listen. “Any guy or girl at this school would be lucky to go to out with her. Why don’t you go take pictures of your pretentious douchebag friends who you let treat her like crap?”
Why’d he have to bring that up??? I tried my best to ignore him. “Paolo, I don’t care how many people at school fall for your bullshit. You’re not getting my vote and I’m not going to homecoming with anyone who views me as a last resort. I was sick of you acting like my feelings don’t matter then, and I’m tired of it now. Fuck off, and you can shove that clipboard up your ass.”
Paolo held up both his hands as if I was the crazy one. “Sorry you viewed what I said that way,” and made his way to talk to other students.
“Do you want me to kick his ass?” Rodrick asked, not moving from where he stood near my locker.
“No,” I say. “I don’t want you to do anything but leave me alone.”
“Why are you so mad at me?”
“Why do you think?” I demanded.
“Is it because I asked you to Homecoming?”
I let out a sigh. “It’s because of the way you asked me. You asked me right after hearing that your first choice wouldn’t go with you. How do you think that makes me feel?”
“I didn’t realize it would mean that much to you…I just thought since we both weren’t going with anyone…”
“It’s not even just that. You never ask me anything about myself. Every time we talk it’s always because you want something or you need help. There always has to be something in it for you. You always complain about your brother but you’re just like him. All you care about is what I can do for you. You don’t even think about how I feel. I’m sick of men, and I’m sick of you.” With that, I slam my locker door closed dramatically and hightail it out of there while he was still too shocked to follow me.
I walked home taking an unfamiliar route because he knew which way I usually walked home and I knew that he would try to follow me if I walked home my usual way. I seriously don’t know how he was going to justify things but I was sick of being screwed over by guys that acted like they cared about me at first but slowly showed their true intentions.
The night of Homecoming, I was in my bed in sweatpants and a soft blue knit sweater that I bought because I liked how it felt. It didn’t even particularly flatter my body but I figured I could wear it when I was home alone.
My friends offered for me to go to Homecoming with them as a group but I didn’t feel like dancing that night because I was too sad. I had been sad for the past three days.
Rodrick didn’t try to talk to me at school, and didn’t say anything to me in class, so I guess I should feel grateful that he’s giving me space, but…I don’t know. I wasn’t entirely happy.
I genuinely thought that when he started being nice to me that something would grow out of that, but I would never be the one he wanted to impress.
And I want better for myself. Seeing him tonight would hurt too much. I don’t think I could pretend to act happy the whole night. So I chose to stay home.
I heard a knock on my door. “I told you, I’m not eating dinner!” I call out. Whenever I cry I skip dinner because I don’t have the emotional energy to explain to my mom why I’m sad. She would just yell at me for allowing myself to trust Rodrick in the first place, and say shit like, if you just used your common sense this wouldn’t have happened to you, and I was already feeling like crap and I didn’t want more piled on.
I don’t think I would be getting my wish. “It’s me,” Rodrick said, edginginside my room.
Fuck, whyyyy?? “I don’t want to see you,” I said, stubbornly staring at the wall.
“I get that,” he said. “Would you be willing to hear me out at least?”
“I’m not going with you, so whatever speech you have prepared, you can forget it. I’m not leaving this house.”
“That’s fine.” I could feel him settling on the edge of my bed. “Did you mean it when you said I never asked you anything about yourself?”
That’s what he wants to talk about? “I mean, yeah. I always have to be theone to bring shit up. That’s not fair to me.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I was hurting you by not asking you moreabout yourself. But I know I fucked up by how I asked you to Homecoming. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I’m so sorry that I made you feel that you weren’t good enough because I didn’t ask you first. The reason I asked yousecond is because we’re friends…”
“Are we?” I demand. “Every time you want to talk to me is when you need help.”
“Those things just gave me an excuse to talk to you,” Rodrick explained. “I knew you wouldn’t want to talk to me any other way.”
“That’s bullshit,” I say. If he had a crush on me all this time, why would he ask me to set him up with another girl and talk about how hot she is in front of me? “So why didn’t you ask me first?”
“I didn’t think you’d say yes if I did,” he confesses. “I thought if you thought I didn’t really want to take you, and it was just a convenience thing, then it would take the pressure off and you would say yes. Obviously I was wrong.”
“That’s really dumb,” I say. “Who WANTS to be treated like a second option? Who LIKES thinking that the guy who asked them out would rather be with another girl?”
“Look, I know it sounds really dumb now, but I don’t always make the smartest decisions. And you know this! I thought if I asked you out for real, you’d get freaked out and never talk to me again. I didn’t want to ruin things between us.” At the sincerity of his tone, I had to turn around. The look in his eyes was genuine when he continued, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
So it feels real, but is it??? He could just be saying it. And I want more than anything for it to be true, but there’s still a good chance that it isn’t. He’s really good at weaving out of messes that he creates. And I’m not going to let him off that easy. “What do you even know about me other than that I help you? You don’t ask me any questions about myself.”
He takes a deep breath. “The other day in science class, we had to do a lab with soybeans, and you talked about how you used to drink soy milk all the time as a kid, but the grocery stores near your house stopped carrying it, so now instead of rotating between three drinks that you like, you only have two now.” He clutched the brown paper bag I didn’t see until now.
“And you bought me some?” I asked skeptically. How far did he have to go for that?
“No,” he admitted. “The brand you like isn’t even available online. All the ones available don’t taste like it and I didn’t want to disappoint you.” I deflate a little but something in me rises. “But I looked! I searched online because I really wanted to try to get it for you.”
“So what’s in the bag?” I ask. As he hands it to me and I inhale the waft of chocolate my eyes widen. “They’re cookies. Did you make them?”
He seems relieved that I’m being slightly more open. “I got them at the mall. I got you the semi-sweet ones even though there’s not really that much of a difference between those and regular…”
“Yes, there is,” I insist. “Semi-sweet, regular, and milk chocolate all taste completely different…”
Rodrick tries to fight off a smile and fails. “That’s why I couldn’t bake them for you. I can’t tell the difference, but you can. It’s one of the many things I like about you. It’s why the last three days have been hell for me. I miss having you explain the difference.”
I feel the extra weight on my pinkies and suddenly my torso is filled with a lot more heat. My hand curls into a fist against the bedspread and he grabs hold of it. “I know all these things about you because I like listening to you talk.
You talk about yourself without me having to ask so most of the time I don’t
think I have to. But if that’s what you want, and if that’s what’ll make you happy, I will.” Tears well up in my eyes at this. “Because I don’t want you thinking I don’t care about you. I feel the exact opposite. I don’t want you going to sleep tonight thinking that I don’t appreciate you, or I just talk to you to use you, because that’s not true. I’m in love with you, and I always have been, and I don’t think I could ever stop.”
The back of my throat kind of hurts, but it’s so worth it. “I’m in love with you too.” I swear he visibly lights up on the inside hearing this. “But I still don’t want to go to Homecoming.”
“I don’t care,” Rodrick says. “I didn’t come here for that at all. I got everything I wanted tonight. Fuck that stupid dance. I just want to hold you until your parents kick me out.”
I spend the rest of the night snuggled up to my amazing new boyfriend, letting him have some of the cookies, and talking about nothing and everything.
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turvi · 1 year
i love ur writing so much!! more rodrick x autistic reader!!! <33 he’d be so sweet and accommodating he’s so bf coded
Thank you so much. I was practically sweating as I wrote for an autistic reader. My writing skills have really been challenged 😂.
Anyways thank you for the lovely words and I'll complete your request soon ❤️❤️
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rodricksfilipinagf · 2 years
Rodrick Heffley x Reader: Worth Giving A Chance Part 2
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        “Where are we going?” I plead. I know the Loded Diper van is heading somewhere, because I can feel it driving and taking multiple turns, but its owner refuses to tell me the destination.
        “You’ll know when we get there,” Rodrick says, making another turn. “But I promise you’re going to like it.”
        “It’s not a party, is it? I don’t want to go to a party.”
        Rodrick snorts. “Who takes girls to a party on the first date?”
        “Um…I thought you??”
        Rodrick lets out a laugh. “Wow. You really think that little of me?”
        “I mean, you said you liked them.”
        “Not for a first date. Is that why you wore that dress?”
        I look down. My dress is white with a blue jacquard pattern on it and puff sleeves, and made out of the softest cotton. It’s Marie Antoinette’s Versailles pattern with her Petit Trianon silhouette and material. I watched the movie with Kirsten Dunst this afternoon to prepare for this date. Not that the movie would teach me what a date with Rodrick Heffley would be like at all. But I wanted something comforting, familiar, and eye candy to look at before the wild, unpredictable, exciting night that I would have. “Yeah. I had to pick something I wouldn’t mind being seen in by other people.”
        “It’s cute,” Rodrick says, making me blush. “you’re cute. How’d the Staples trip go by the way? Did you get it done?”
        “Yeah, I’m so glad I did.” My mom unexpectedly had to fill in information for a form and send it to her job. Since we don’t have a printer and our library’s computer didn’t have any working formats we could open the document on, we had to go to Staples, print the form, she had to fill it in manually, and scan it. We had to do each part multiple times because the printer only printed a portion of the page each time. I really hope she doesn’t have to do this again soon because it was very taxing and stressful and we couldn’t have done it without the person working there. But as a result from stress from two separate places, I’m not really in the party mood. “But I’m just way too tired for a party. If we’re going to dinner, is it okay if I don’t look at you? Are you going to get mad? I know you put a lot of effort into tonight.”
        “Are you kidding? Why would I get mad? I get to spend time with you. That’s all that matters.” I feel him parking the van and I’m debating whether it would be worse if he picked a dark or bright restaurant for us to eat at. Dark makes me even more sleepy but bright might possibly be too much for my eyes.
       Why didn’t I reschedule??? I guess it’s because despite my trepidation the day we kissed, I really do want to spend time with him too. He has a way of making me, if not forget about my problems, make my life feel better, happier, and more fun, because going through stressful things means I get to hang out with him afterwards. Rodrick is amazing at sending me texts. He’s always the first one to text me, and he sends me personalized gifs and memes he thinks I’d like. I never had a guy go through that much effort before, even with a simple thing like that.
     “You can open your eyes now, too,” he says. We’re in a parking lot of this really large park in the town next to ours. It’s super dark outside.
     “Should I be worried?” I ask.
      We’re sitting on a blanket spread out on a wide open field in the park. I couldn’t see this from the van, but illuminating the sky are so many stars. This date was super thoughtful. “This is so beautiful,” I say, but Rodrick’s not looking at the stars.
     “You’re more beautiful,” he says, not tearing his eyes away from me. His hand reaches out and grasps mine. “You don’t have to look at me that much if you don’t want to. I’m so okay with just looking at you.”
      “You’re….” sweeter than I ever could have imagined. “How’d you know this was exactly what I needed?”
       “This is what I wanted to do with you anyway. Then I got your text about your eyes feeling tired before leaving the house, and I figured it was perfect, because I get to talk to you…”
       “And the whole point of stargazing is to not look at each other.” Rodrick’s family and teachers at school don’t give him enough credit, because he’s a lot smarter than he looks. And so kind, and sweet, and thoughtful…basically the best boyfriend I could have asked for. I’m extremely happy I agreed to go on a date with him.
      “Guess I got extremely lucky.”
      “No, you didn’t,” I say, and he looks confused. “I did,” I continue and he smiles before pressing his lips to mine. We kiss for a while and I’m glad the blanket is there because not all of it was vertical.
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