#rojascorp fanfic
fyonahmacnally · 10 months
A Wicked Game
Here's a little RojasCorp drabble as part of the Mods' collection of example fics for the Supergirl May-hem Event. Read it HERE on AO3.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
There is something about their relationship that has always been a bit toxic. A small, tiny little fact that never seems to matter to either of them. It seems the two of them are drawn to each other like magnets. Regardless of how much betrayal is shared between them, no matter how many lies are told, they find their way into each other’s orbit. Every time, without fail. 
Lena is beginning to understand that it is inevitable. She’s tried to resist it for years, but it’s futile. It’s a cycle that has been repeating itself since she was a teenager. An exasperated sigh slips from her lips as she brings the crystal tumbler up, drinking the last of her Macallan Red. She briefly considers whether to pour another, but her hands are already tilting the bottle before she consciously decides. A quiet chuckle fills the air around her as she sits the bottle back down, eyeing the one sitting next to it on her liquor cabinet. Her taste in scotch has naturally shifted over the years, drifting closer to her Irish roots. Andrea was the one who introduced her to the whiskey back in their boarding school days. Van Horne. It’s the name on the bottle glaring back at her from the shelf in front of her. 
She throws her head back and blows out a huff of frustration. Her overactive mind always does this to her after an encounter with her childhood friend. Their lives have been intermingled in the most intricate ways for most of her life. By design or by fate, she’s never been sure. Either way, the woman infuriates her in ways no one else can. 
Fucking Andrea.
Making her way to her bedroom, she strips off the suit she’s been wearing for far longer than she wanted and changes into her softest leggings, warmest fuzzy socks, and her favorite sweater. When she agreed to the tech investment dinner, she knew there was a chance Andrea would be there. They work in the same industry and have always been part of the same social groups so running into the Latina is something she is accustomed to. What she didn’t expect was for Andrea to show up with her. The obnoxious little parasite that has been nipping at Andrea’s heels for years. She can’t even remember her name, but she’s made the rounds through all of the eligible, rich women in their circle. She and Andrea broke off their…arrangement (?) six months ago, but it was still a bit of a shock to see her ex-something with someone else. 
Their relationship was never exactly exclusive. Their lives and jobs have never allowed them to be in the same place at the same time for very long so they’ve always just agreed to being together when they can and taking other bed partners if and when they had an itch to scratch. For the most part, it’s always worked out. Andrea had moved to National City not too long after Lena’s arrival and they’d spent a lot more time together, definitely a lot more time in each other’s beds. Their most recent split was over a business disagreement that swiftly escalated into one of their nastiest fights since right after college. The Russell Incident, as Lena often refers to it in her head. That fight led to them not speaking for four years. Now she wonders if it will be the same this time. 
Lena doesn’t get a chance to explore that train of thought. Just as she leaves her bedroom padding towards her liquor cabinet and her Macallan Red, a harsh buzzing echoes through her penthouse. There’s only one person it can be and she’s not drunk enough to deal with what she knows is going to be a heated confrontation. She slams back what’s left of her third glass of scotch, debates on refilling it again, and stomps her way to the front door instead. 
Glancing at the video monitor beside the door, she rolls her eyes. Andrea is standing there with her typical feigned look of nonchalance. She knows the woman too well and can see the nervous vulnerability hiding beneath the facade. Tonight, she certainly doesn’t want to deal with it. She’s too pissed and hurt to want to subject herself to Andrea’s usual wicked little games, but it seems she is being forced to. So, she takes a deep breath, steels herself, and erects the Luthor armor before yanking the door open.
“What do you want, Drea?” Lena hisses, pure venom dripping from her words. She checks her watch. It’s just after midnight. “Hmmm, I figured you’d already be back at your apartment fucking what’s her name by now. Bored of her already? Such a shame.” She stands in her doorway, blocking entrance to the brunette with a hand on the doorframe and a raised brow. 
Andrea sighs, her hands twisting in front of her in a way Lena hasn’t seen since they were in their teens. “Come on, Querida (darling). Please let me in so we can talk.” She reaches up like she is going to put a hand on Lena’s, but pulls back at the last minute. “Lena, mi corazón (my heart), I’m begging you, let me explain. It’s not what you think. I promise.”
The CEO scoffs, her emerald eyes a fiery spear piercing the Latina’s soul. “Your promises are empty so save it. First of all, you have absolutely no right calling me any of your little pet names, Drea. Not anymore. You lost that privilege. Second of all, why in the hell should I let you into my home, my safe space after the shit you have put me through most of our lives?” Her voice drops low, pure anger radiates from her skin and body like electricity. “I’m done with your emotional games, Andrea. I’m not that scared little girl you toyed with when we were kids. Gods, I should have put an end to your wicked bullshit years ago.”
She groans and steps back, opening the door to let the seemingly forlorn woman into her home. Closing the door, she presses a hand to Andrea’s chest and steps in front of her, preventing her from moving further into the apartment. Once she has the woman trapped between herself and the door, she crosses her arms just below her breasts, narrows her eyes, and raises her signature brow again. She knows what it does to her ex. It’s always been something that sends shivers down Andrea’s spine and Lena plans to use it to her advantage.
“You have exactly five minutes to explain before I kick you out of here and out of my life, Drea.” She extends her arm to look at her watch for emphasis and resumes her crossed arm pose, extending to her full height with her shoulders back. “I suggest you use it wisely.”
“Right. Okay.” Andrea shifts from one foot to the other, feeling decidedly uncomfortable and unfortunately turned on. Lena has always had this effect on her when she gets mad. What? So sue her, Lena’s fucking hot when she’s mad. She does her best to shake that thought from her head and clears her throat. “Riley was there as a favor to her father. That’s all it was, I swear. Well, I mean, I also wanted to make you jealous.” Andrea grins, that little sparkle in her eyes that always appears when she’s trying to get what she wants. 
A molten hot wave of rage boils up from Lena’s gut, crawling up her chest, and sitting heavy on her tongue. She sees the moment Andrea realizes she fucked up and relishes watching those ocean blue eyes widen. “This. Is. Exactly. What. I. Mean.” Lena hisses each word, low and dangerous, she steps closer to the Latina as Andrea shuffles backward until her back lands harshly against the front door. The startling thud makes her swallow audibly. “I’m done with your fucking games, Drea. I’m too old for this shit. Go play your tricks on someone else.”
Lena takes a few more steps into Andrea’s personal space, their height difference barely noticeable. She leans forward, close enough that Andrea can feel her warm breath on her plump lips. “Mmm, it’s too bad, too. We both know there’s nobody else that fucks you like I do.” She smirks. Andrea’s chest heaves from their proximity and releases a quiet moan. She softly nuzzles her nose on the brunette's cheek before licking her lips close enough to graze the woman’s bottom lip.  “See, you have always assumed I will just be around whenever you want. Not anymore.”
She pushes herself back and away from her former lover, glancing over her shoulder once more before she walks away. “See yourself out, Drea. I’m done with you.”
The sun beams into the bedroom, stirring Lena from her slumber. Blinking away the grogginess of sleep, she feels soft lips and warm hands skimming across her bare skin. She sighs and rolls her eyes.
“Good morning, Querida.” Andrea says, a sleepy smile and adoring eyes trained on Lena. “I’ll make breakfast. Stay in bed.” She says, pressing a soft kiss to the porcelain skin of her forehead and bounces out of bed. She grabs Lena’s robe as she exits the room just like she’s done a thousand times before.
Lena groans. The cycle begins again.
Oh the wicked games they play. 
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lovesastateofmind1 · 10 months
Run Away With Me
It feels almost like a date. It really just feels like they’re dating, but Lena is always too afraid to ask. It’s in the way Andrea looks at her sometimes. The soft smiles she never bestows on anyone else. The way she holds her hand when no one is looking. The way she says ridiculous things to her over burgers and milkshakes in their favorite diner on a Sunday night.
Read it HERE on AO3.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
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fazedlight · 1 year
Scent (fluffy supercorp ficlet, post-6)
She… she had done nothing wrong. Catholic guilt is a bitch.
Those were the thoughts in Lena’s head as she wandered down the hallway to Kara’s apartment - cookies in hand, freshly showered, ready for a movie night that would no doubt result in the two women cuddling in bed together as they fell asleep, Lena agonizing over what could never happen with her straight best friend.
Things felt so settled now, so final. Oddly calm after Lex and Nyxly had been dragged to the phantom zone. Kara and Lena had worked so hard to repair their friendship - and with each step closer they took, the pain in Lena’s chest would flare, the desire to want something more and knowing she could never have it.
Her friendship had rebuilt with Andrea, too. It took practice, learning to forgive, learning to see the fears and circumstances that can drive one to do unforgivable things. But it only felt right, to learn to give others grace, for all the grace her friends had given her.
She didn’t expect to fall into bed with Andrea that morning. It felt like an apology, an absolution. It felt like a way to calm her desperate body down before she went to see Kara. And in the aftermath, it had been clear to both Lena and Andrea that this wasn’t a flame that could be rekindled. But there was kindness and there was friendship, and there was a tranquility as Lena approached Kara’s door.
The knob turned when Lena was three steps away, Kara opening the door with her characteristic smile, clearly having picked up on Lena’s heartbeat or footsteps with her superhearing. It made something warm and fuzzy bubble up in Lena’s chest, how eager Kara was to see her.
“Hey!” Kara said cheerfully, as Lena stepped inside, Kara’s arms going around Lena’s shoulders in a hug, Lena grabbing tightly in return as Kara continued, “So I was thinking we could watch Labyrinth? It’s classic, Davie Bowie and puppets-”
And then Kara froze.
Lena frowned in confusion, stepping back as their hug suddenly finished, Kara’s eyes darting between Lena’s with a shocked expression, a hint of red rising in her cheeks. 
“Darling? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” Kara said, shaking off her sudden nerves like a dog. “Uh. Movie?” Kara said, her demeanor almost back to normal.
Lena smiled - confused, but sufficiently soothed. “Labyrinth sounds fine.”
So they popped some popcorn, unpacked the cookies Lena brought, and took their seats on the couch for the movies to begin. But… something was off, Kara somehow tucked to the opposite side, only their feet lightly touching instead of the usual cuddling up against each other, arms wrapped around or someone’s head on someone’s thigh.
Lena looked up as the movie played, missing the warmth, wondering where the familiarity had suddenly gone. Kara’s eyes were on the screen, but it seemed her mind was wondering, and Lena was itching to know why.
Lena turned back to the TV, letting the movie play, her mind searching. Kara had seemed totally normal in the Tower the previous day, when they had decided on a movie night. And normal when she opened the door, even. Until they hugged…
Lena could feel the tempo of her heart increase, as she mulled the possibilities. Superstrength, yes. But also superhearing. Supervision…
“Lena?” Kara asked, her eyes - now concerned - on the brunette, no doubt due to Lena’s racing heartbeat. “Are you okay?”
Lena leaned forward, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie, before leaning back again. 
“You… you have superscent?” Lena asked, eyes firmly on the coffee table rather than Kara’s face. But she didn’t need to look to know that Kara’s eyes were widening.
“I, um…”
“Even…” Lena swallowed. “Even after I showered…”
“It’s barely there, Lena,” Kara said softly. “And it’s not my business.”
The gentleness in Kara’s voice finally gave Lena the bravery to look up. “I- I don’t have to spend the night, Kara,” Lena whispered.
Kara’s eyes widened. “No! No, Lena, it’s not- it doesn’t bother me-”
“It does,” Lena said simply. “That- that’s okay, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable-”
“I’m not uncomfortable!”
“You’re all the way across the couch,” Lena said dryly.
Kara’s shoulders fell, in seeming realization - that in her pensive state, she hadn’t been as physically affectionate as usual, she had pulled back instead - “Oh Rao, Lena, that’s not what I meant.”
Lena bit at her lip, looking down, swallowing hard in an effort to remain composed. I should go home.
“It’s just, I thought you were straight, and…”
“I get it, Kara.”
“And I’m jealous.”
Lena blinked, looking back up, to a Kara whose face was red with embarrassment but whose eyes were clear with resolve. Kara had long ago promised to stop hiding things, as uncomfortable as it may be, and Lena knew how hard Kara was fighting against her instincts. “There is nothing wrong with you,” Kara said vehemently. “I just need to get my feelings for you under control. That’s all.”
Feelings for me? Lena blinked again. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” Kara asked, confused.
“Don’t get your feelings under control.”
Kara’s brow crunched, confusion, before shifting into the slightest tinge of hope. “But you’re with-”
“I’m not. And we were both very clear on that. I’m not with her. It was a goodbye more than anything.”
“Oh,” Kara said, her eyes widening, the hope turning into the barest hint of a smile. “Really?”
“Really,” Lena said firmly.
Kara shifted a bit on the couch. “I-” She looked down on her knees, thoughtful. “I’m going to ask you out tomorrow. Properly. With flowers and everything.” Lena grinned. “I’m going to say yes.”
Kara glanced up, smiling back. “Movie?”
“Of course.”
Lena pressed play again, the two falling into their normal habits - Kara’s head ending up in Lena’s lap, as Lena combed her fingers through her hair, before they eventually ended up in bed, for their very last platonic sleepover.
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comic-book-jawns · 4 months
“I’m sorry.”
Andrea truly doesn’t want to hurt Lena. She never has.
But this conversation is already nine months overdue. Well, nine months, plus three years. And if she’s doesn’t take advantage of this adrenaline high, she’s not sure when she’ll get the nerve back.
“For how I left.”
The way Lena tenses and crosses her arms tighter around herself tells Andrea she doesn’t have to elaborate.
“It’s fine. It’s not your fault I threw myself at you. And I’m the one who ran first.”
Well, yes, and Andrea obviously does not regret not kissing a 14-year-old back a few days before she left for college.
“I couldn’t give you what you wanted. But I… I could’ve give you closure.”
Lena scoffs.
“I would never have let you.”
Andrea thought so too — it’s how she eventually convinced herself that ghosting her only real friend from boarding school had been for the best.
It’s only occurred to her over the past few months that that was never the point.
“You would’ve known that I’d tried.”
Lena had really thought (cringey as it was) that she might actually cry if they won ICCA’s. If she played a part in making Kara’s dream since her freshman year come true.
Only Lena hadn’t really caught on that doing so had become her dream somewhere along the way. And, well, with her track record of dreams coming true…
Unfortunately, turns out that disassociating over placing first in a fucking a cappella competition is far more mortifying than tearing up.
Especially in front of someone like Kara. Not that there is someone else like her.
So she’s supposes she should be rather grateful to her team captain for bringing her back to reality… by bringing up her most mortifying experience of all time.
Of course, crying over your childhood crush saying sorry for not like you back is also quite cringey. But Lena’s dignity has lost sight of the shoreline at this point.
“So, yeah, that - that’s what I wanted to say. In case, being a complete bitch to you since August hasn’t been a sufficient apology.”
On the one hand, Lena is surprised by the genuine laugh that bursts out of her amidst the tears. On the other hand, Andrea is the only person who’s ever rivaled Lena’s dry sense of humor.
“I know it’s not an excuse, but… it was easier than worrying about disappointing you again.”
Already nodding along, ready to wrap this up, Lena freezes when she actually process what Andrea said.
At the time, she’d been so blinded by hurt and shame for letting herself dream she ever stood a chance that she’d never even tried to put herself in her ex-best friend’s shoes.
It didn’t occur to her until she was actually getting ready for college herself that she had no idea what she’d do if a 14-year-old girl kissed her out of the blue and said she was in love with her.
Not that that was a remote possibility, Lena having sworn off friendship after convincing herself that Andrea had never given a shit about her.
Trying to convice herself, that is. Because she knew deep down that it was a lie. And that was the most excruciating part.
Still, knowing teenage Andrea had cared about her in some form… Well, Lena hadn’t just run into her at the Activies Fair three years later — very alarmed because it was not school Andrea had left for that summer — and assumed…
“I could never get your face out of my head.”
Humiliating, Lena feels herself blush, full well knowing Andrea didn’t mean it like that, and scratches at her wet cheeks as cover.
“No matter what Lex and your mother did, you - you wouldn’t cry. And I was always relieved.”
Oh? Lena’s not really sure what to say to that. But what really catches her off-guard is the sudden rasp in Andrea’s voice. And when she finally looks at the older girl for the first time since she joined her out here in the parking lot, she finds her swallowing harshly.
“Because I knew how to distract you. I was good at it.”
Andrea meets her gaze with an even more jarring attempt at a smile.
“But in the end, it was me.”
Andrea turns fully away then, her back to Lena, so all she can see is the hand running stiltedly through dark hair still pulled into a bun.
“I made you cry.”
Lena doesn’t need to see her face, though.
Precariously carrying five cups of steaming hot tea in her bare hands — every kind available; you’d think a singing competition would have a more robust selection?! — Kara considers it quite an accomplishment that she doesn’t immediately give herself third-degree burns when she finally finds the freshman in the parking lot.
Successfully placing them all down on the pavement doesn’t prove to be much easier, but Kara isn’t willing to tempt fate when she’s so preoccupied with the scene in front of her.
Kara does consider her fellow senior a friend, but more in the way she considers a lot of acquaintances her friends. And, frankly, her treatment of Lena has driven a wedge between them that Kara’s doesn’t know if she’s all that interested in dislodging.
Sure, Kara had eventually convinced her that Lena is the team’s future, literally.
The reason they’d used the same repertoire for years was because no one knew how to arrange new material. Nothing better than what they already had at least.
Andrea had never admitted their severely lacking musicianship, of course. So Kara had done it for her… after not defending Lena when she’d previously had the chance.
The point is Kara’s friendship with Lena “it’s just math” Luthor is her priority. She can live with never speaking to Andrea again after graduation. The thought of anything changing between her and Lena after graduation has been making her nauseous for weeks.
“So… Kara?”
Kara doesn’t mean to eavesdrop, she swears. Honestly, she’d kind of expected them to pick up on her presence whether she dropped the cups or not. But it seems the pair is still in their own little bubble, Andrea demurely wiping her face while pulling back from the embrace. Lena keeps her close, though, loosely holding her elbows.
“I know, Lena.”
“Know what?”
Kara definitely should’ve turned around by now. She’s hardly in a position to get self-righteous about secrets when she has yet to tell her best friend that she won’t be leaving campus, after all.
Staying on for a Master’s in Journalism hadn’t been her plan even back in the fall. But a lot has happened between now and then, so.
Andrea sighs with none of her characteristic exasperation.
“I knew you had feelings for me before you kissed me.”
Kara is positive the only reason she doesn’t audibly gasp is because she’s too shocked. Well, that and Lena scoffs loudly as she takes a step back.
She’d figured that Lena and Andrea had a history, per se. But her mind had never gone… there.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I did.”
“You didn’t act like it.”
“How was I supposed to act?”
In four years, Kara has never heard Andrea speak so gently, without even a hint of condescension to boot.
Lena’s more choked scoff seems to suggest she’s not used to it either… and that Kara is probably missing something.
“You don’t have to believe me. And if you want to tell me I’m wrong about Kara, go ahead.”
Yeah, she’s definitely missing something.
“But… if you want to tell me I’m right, I certainly wouldn’t discourage that either.”
Lena’s chuckles in that beautifully thick way she does when Kara gushes over one of her mash-ups profusely enough.
“Fuck you.”
“Still too young for this ride, sweetie. Sorry.”
Kara can’t help her eye roll at Andrea gesturing at her own body like it’s a letter on Wheel of Fortune. But then Andrea frowns, which makes slightly more sense when Kara hears Lena’s abruptly dejected tone.
“It’s the same.”
“What is?”
“You - you and me. Me and Kara. It’s the same age gap.”
“Yes, but I’ve known you since you were a baby.”
Even as her mind races — scrambling for the missing context — Kara can still hear Lena’s scowl clear as day. Andrea waves dismissively.
“Same difference.”
But then she takes a step forward, her arms hovering pretty awkwardly for someone who was just clinging to Lena a minute ago before she settles them on Lena’s shoulders.
“You jump. I jump. Okay?”
Kara recognizes the quote instantly, but it doesn’t clear anything up for her. Other than it means something to Lena, judging by the way she loops her arm through Andrea’s and leisurely leads them further out into the parking lot.
So they’re thankfully well out of earshot by the time Kara accidentally kicks over all the cups.
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supergirlmayhem · 1 year
Supergirl May-hem Poll
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femslashhistorian · 2 years
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective 4: Andrea/x
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In part 4 of the Supergirl (TV 2015) femslash ships & fics retrospective we focus on Andrea Rojas, her femslash ships and a selection of fics and fic recs.
Table of contents
a) A quick introduction to Andrea
b) Andrea's ships overview
c) Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
d) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
e) Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas fic recs
f) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas fic recs
g) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
Series Overview
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective
Part 1: Introduction, the TV show [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2a: List of F/F Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2b: List of Polyamorous Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 3: Astra/x [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 4: Andrea/x (this part)
(links to be added once the parts are done)
a) A quick introduction to Andrea
Andrea Rojas joined Supergirl in Season 5, when (a heartbroken) Lean, who felt betrayed by Kara, sold CatCo Media on to her friend Andrea, who is also the CEO of Obsidian Tech.
Andrea has a secret identity and powers as Acrata and appeared in several DC comics and shows before, but her backstory and character were heavily tweaked for the Supergirl TV show.
To be hones I did not watch enough of Season 5 to really understand the plot and background around Leviathan and the medallion that is linked to Andrea's powers (and from what I have seen of the show this might not have made all that much sense away...) What is important to know (and is often referenced in fic) is that to get the medallion, Andrea needed to betray Lena (and break her heart).
While at first it seemed that Andrea was just another shitty boss for Kara at CatCo, she turned out to be a fascinating character with a lot of shipping potential.
I read somewhere that Andre was so high maintenance that she might as well be a Maserati and obviously this is the car she drives in several of the stories.
b) Andrea's ships overview
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp)
In canon Lena and Andrea are former best friends but many fans interpret their history as ex-lovers. Andrea and Lena definitely have history (some of which is explored in the show) and a lot of chemistry. While shipping Andrea with Lena an obvious shipping choice, this is a relatively rare pair, especially considering that there are few long fics and in a large part of the fics in the AO3 ship tag RojasCorp is not the actual or main ship.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas)
This has mostly remained a crack ship and a rarepair. There are a few AUs and a large part of the fics are smutty / PWP fics, often featuring some form of kinky / forbidden / hate sex with your boss
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojasCorp)
SuperRojasCorp is a relatively popular ship (especially considering that it is a polyamorous ship).  Maybe because it allows Supercorp shippers (who usually only ship this one ship) to explore a bit outside their comfort zone without leaving Supercorp behind (this might also explain the relative popularity of SuperReignCorp). Regardless, there are many interesting ways how fics can explore this ship in AUs or close to canon settings.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (Reignjas/Rojarias)
There is one relatively popular ship of two characters that have never met in canon: Andrea/Sam. There is a surprising amount of longer AUs, in which some variation of enemies to lovers is a popular theme.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
The last ship is one that am really into and fascinated by, but which is by far the rarest: Andrea/Lena/Sam.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Download reminder: Remember to download your favorite fics, fics you want to read later and long fic that you are currently reading.
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c) Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp) fic recs
Long AUs
tell me you'll stay by sten06  @stennnn06​
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp) (f/f)
Incomplete, 4 Chapters, 17k words, 2021- (ongoing)
Mature; No Archive Warnings Apply
a rewrite of 'ace reporter' with rojascorp instead or what happens when Lena's ex-girlfriend comes to town, shaking up the L-Corp/Obsidian rivalry and causing a lot of heartache in the process
This is a fantastic and very well written story, that is currently incomplete.
Like the author's ReignCorp stories, this fic paints a lively and coherent picture of the character's past and how their relationship developed and fell apart. Telling their story as flashbacks works really well and they make such a beautiful pair of ex-lovers who hurt each other, but never really stopped loving each other. Loved this amazing story. Highly recommended.
Maybe We Could Start Again by ScribblingPunk  @scribbling-punk​
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp) (f/f)
Incomplete, 6 Chapters, 9k words, 2022 (ongoing)
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The Multiverse is put at risk when the paragon of humanity turns her back on love. Time travel, do-overs, and gay angst galore.
The author had originally published this story on a different account in 2020. This re-published version makes some changes, although as far as I remember the original versions, nothing too major until chapter 6. With the end of chapter 6 the story nearly reached where the original version of the story ended (with a happy ending). I am curious where the rewrite will take the story.
I really like this story. This is a canon divergent story in which Andrea and Lena used to be lovers and Lena has a lot of regrets. Also, Lena is the Paragon of humanity and Andrea was pregnant.
One-shots and shorter RojasCorp stories
staring in the blackness at some distant star by Valkyrees "You're very pretty, you know that?" Andrea says, without warning, chewing the inside of her cheek afterwards like she has any reason to be nervous around Lena, of all people. "I'm really happy to be in the same room as you again." Lena wants to say me too, she wants to tell Andrea she's been excited since she got her text, that her heart hasn't stopped thudding since she read hey, it's andrea from boarding school, hope you remember me. had to go through like twelve people to get your number, but do you wanna hang out? She wants to tell her that she looked up cute hairstyles and shaved her legs and armpits and even her bikini area, wants to tell her that she spent the entirety of high school waiting for that text and the fact it came a few years too late doesn't diminish the meaning. But instead she just smiles, awkwardly, feeling the blood flooding to her cheeks, blushing even harder once she notices it, and says, "I don't know, not really. Not like you." OR, Some college-aged rojascorp, doing it for the vine.
choices by andrearojas Summary: Andrea gets a second chance. My notes: Interesting alternate reality fic, incomplete
Can't Help Falling in Love(Again) by luthorsxrojas When Lena Luthor signs her daughter up to play soccer, the last thing she expects is for her ex girlfriend to be the coach.
two times andrea found lena sleeping in her office (and one time she let her) by jemmas_daisies soft CEO girlfriends that's all this is.
Smut (with more or less plot)
There are a several excellent smutty RojasCorp fics that explore different relationship dynamics (top/bottom, dom/sub, etc) and if this is something you are interested in, you will have a lot of fun with this ship – the following fics are a selection of my favorites. Mind the ratings, warnings and tags on AO3; and as always: don't like, don't read!
That's What Friends Are For by ScribblingPunk Summary: The Oh no it's stuck/Friends with benefits AU. Comment: Maybe the most loving smut/anal fic. Love their dynamics. Pre-canon, could actually be canon compliant.
Lunch Break by Evilsnowswan  @evilsnowswan By now, almost every woman is walking around town with a not-so-secret secret hidden in her underwear, only a few swipes and taps away from her next orgasm. It’s not the worst world to be living in, really. Or: Obsidian North expands the product range with something new and fun. Like Lord Industry’s new T-Pixel 9 – only better.
you want it all (but you can't have it) by Valkyrees Miraculously, the only thing keeping Lena from dying of sexual frustration is the heat. OR au; it's hot and the world is ending and lena just wants to kiss andrea
Maybe she needed two favors by blurryluthor "You jump, I jump, right?" The rain continued to fall in the city, the thunder hadn’t ceased. Andrea felt the faint scent of alcohol from Lena’s warm breath. She licked her lips and opened them slightly to answer, but the movement of the woman’s hand in front of her caused a short circuit in her brain. Lena raised her right hand and placed it on her left cheek, her thumb gently caressing her lower lip. She felt her knees tremble slightly, but she stood firm. “However... I’m not quite sure that the need to illegally break into the DEO is the only reason you came to my house, with all the weather going on outside...” with her thumb gently pulled Andrea’s lower lip, making her open her mouth more. “Am I wrong?”
Daddy Andrea by TheEvangelion Prompt fill: Andrea makes Lena beg to go down on her during a conference call after Lena has been naughty, and then afterwards Andrea makes Lena ride a big strap. Orgasm for both (But make Lena suffer). Pain play, Nipple biting (for both Andrea and Lena), anal, size kink, humiliation, Daddy Kink. Just as many hot kinks that can be crammed into filthy office sex. Genital slapping, spanking, praise kink. Oh deep throating while Andrea makes her grind on the tip of her stiletto…
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d) Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas) fic recs
There are no really long (exclusive) Andrea/Kara fics.
You should have never saved me by SuperTrouperLights
Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas) (f/f)
Incomplete, 1 Chapters, 5k words, 2020
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
When Andrea Rojas is in danger, Supergirl is always there to save her.
From the author's notes "I was wondering what it would be like if instead of pushing Kara towards another man during season 5, Kara was paired with Andrea. ps.: there are brief mentions to supercorp and supercat in this but it's really just Kara/Andrea"
This is probably the only longer and finished canon adjacent Andrea/Kara fic and it works well to build a connection and ultimately a love story between them. It is a great fic with a full story arc. Not smutty, really enjoyed this.
The author has written 3 more 1k SuperRojas fics: link
And then there is the long fic that is and isn't a Andrea/Kara fic
Wonderland by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (SuperCorp), Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas) (f/f)
Incomplete, 15/20 Chapters, 200k words, 2019- (ongoing)
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
After Lena finds out about Kara’s secret identity, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with her former best friend/ long time crush. But when a mysterious new woman waltzes into Kara’s life and takes a special interest in the reporter, Kara finds herself intrigued. The people in Kara’s life worry that this new woman might be too good to be true, while Kara just wishes everyone could be happy for her. Lena will have to decide whether she wants to hold on to her pride, or save the girl she worked so hard on hating.
The fic was originally called "But in the end in Wonderland, we both went mad" (until the author renamed it to Wonderland). While a part of the fic is Kara/Andrea, this is ultimately a SuperCorp story.
Smut (with more or less plot)
Mind the ratings, warnings and tags on AO3; and as always: don't like, don't read!
You met me at the perfect time by wonderwrath Kara and Andrea are in a secret Relationship for several months, to make their work life easier. Lena missed her chance, when she couldn't deal with the fact that her best friend was Supergirl all along. or They had three rules when the need for a quick personal meeting occured: 1. No kissing 2. No clothes ripping 3. No visible marks Andrea didn't want to look like she just has been railed by Supergirl, smeared lipstick; ripped panties with a massive hickey on her neck. Comment: Incomplete, features a very bitter Lena. Probably the least smutty fic in this section.
when i'm down on my knees, you're how i pray by Valkyrees au; Kara's a famous boxer, andrea's feeling insecure, and they have sex in a bathroom. OR, there isn't really a plot. They just have sex.
heaven is a place on earth (where you tell me all the things you want to do) by Valkyrees canon divergent; andrea wants to tell kara she loves her, but invites her on a road-trip instead OR, kara really sucks at driving, andrea doesn’t know how to tell her, they’re in love with each other, and they have sex in an arcade along the way
a take away a bit of blue girl (all she wanna do is fuck me) by whythinktoomuch “Kara,” Andrea cut in sharply. She gave her the tiniest shake of the head in wonder. “What are you doing?” “What are we doing?” Kara countered. “Some healthy after hours stress relief?” Andrea said simply, and perhaps to her, it really was that simple. a.k.a. a colleagues with benefits AU, wherein Kara and Andrea inadvertently find more than just solace in each other.
Pitch Meeting by Evilsnowswan She doesn’t have a problem with pleasure. She takes pleasure in a lot of things. Her favorite foods, flying, the feeling of sunlight on her skin first thing in the morning. What she takes issue with is the way that Andrea Rojas and her company have turned pleasure into something that can be put into a sleek black box and sold to the masses like something they didn’t already own. Pleasure— like love, like courage, like hope— shouldn’t be commodified. Or: Obsidian North expands the product range and not everyone is happy about it.
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e) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojasCorp) fic recs
Prior SuperRojasCorp fic recs
a falling star fell from your heart (and landed in my eyes) by Valkyrees
You, Me, Her by BiFelicia
Two Doors Down (they're laughing and drinking and having a party) by karalovesallthegirls
Just between us girls by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff
Something to Be Earned by Evilsnowswan
Find my full original rec here: SuperRojasCorp Fic Recs [tumb] [WordP]
New SuperRojasCorp fic recs
Mind the ratings, warnings and tags on AO3; and as always: don't like, don't read!
The Awakening by ScribblingPunk
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 5 Chapters, 17k words, 2021
Explicit; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No powers / No superheroes AU, college AU, Light BDSM, Light Dom/sub, etc.; Polyamory
Prompt fill - Lena interrupts a scene between Kara and Andrea. Or - Virgin Lena's sexual awakening.
The setup is kind of unusual as Lena and Andrea are friends and flat mates (Lena is not a CEO and the Luthor's aren't criminals) and Kara is Andrea's girlfriend. This story is smutty and hilarious (and lighthearted) at the same time. I enjoyed it a lot. Highly recommended.
Required Love by ScribblingPunk
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Incomplete, 32 Chapters, 96k words, 2020- (ongoing)
Explicit; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Domestic Discipline; BDSM; Sub Lena Luthor; Dom Andrea Rojas, etc.; Polyamory
Slowburn. Supercorp, Rojascorp, eventual Superrojascorp. Her relationship with Lena had always been difficult to describe. It started as more of an arrangement, Andrea being the one to step up when Lena needed to be held accountable for her actions. They weren’t completely exclusive when Kara Danvers came bounding into Lena’s life like an overeager puppy, and Andrea had braced herself for the loss that never came.
If you like Evilsnowswan's Something to Be Earned, then you will probably enjoy this story, too. Highly recommended if you are into the themes.
But wait, there are more SuperRojasCorp fics
The Not So Secret Desire Of Andrea Rojas by ScribblingPunk Prompt Fill: Andrea is too shy to tell her girlfriends she wants to sleep in the middle for once.
Are you ready for a perfect storm, once you're mine, there's no going back by wonderwrath (WIP) When Andrea came back to National to purchase CatCo, old feelings for Lena dwelled back to the surface, the Luthor feeling the exact same way. The only problem was the Kara Danvers already stole her heart. And yet it didn’t seem to be a problem after all, when she saw the sexual tension between her Superhero and first Love. Months later they are in an established Polyamorous relationship, living together like they are not the most powerful threesome that anyone could ever come across: billionaire CEO, billionaire businesswoman and philanthropist, mixed together with a mighty portion of superhero. Plus problems every other relationship come across as well: Kidnapping, Alien invasion, Poisoning and Mind Control.
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f) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (Reignjas/Rojarias) fic recs
Long Andrea/Sam fics
'tis the damn season by lunchables, poisonluthor
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 28k words, 2020-2021
Teen and Up; No Archive Warnings Apply
No powers / No superheroes AU
“It was nice of you to invite me to dinner,” Andrea said flatly, and she struggled to sound like she meant it. “But clearly it’s been a long time. So let’s drop the act. We don’t need to keep pretending like we’re excited to see each other, and that this reunion was long overdue, because clearly— clearly some things should just stay in the past. Right?” alternatively, the christmas exes au
Another Christmas themed fic, but in contrast to the other Andrea/Sam fics, in this fic rec they were friends (with benefits) or something (that Andrea does not want to think about) in College. They did not talk for years, until they met again at the Women in Tech conference in National City.
This is a great fic. Told exclusively from Andreas PV and very focused. A text from Lena, but otherwise it's only Andrea, Sam and Ruby. Loved angry/annoyed/snarky Andrea, the scenes at the airline counter are amazing.
Favorite Quote
Ruby’s eyes narrowed, only slightly. “I know you spent the weekend together.” Jesus christ, Andrea needed a drink, and stuffy hotel wine absolutely was not going to cut it tonight. “Yes,” Andrea said stiffly, clenching and unclenching her gloved hands. “We did, we had dinner. It was just a… gal pal thing.” “So like, a date?” “It’s complicated.”  “Which means?” Maybe this was too much. “I care about your mom. That’s all that matters, right?” Ruby snorted. “Did you also care about her when you broke her heart?”
i'll be home for christmas (you can count on me) by daskey  @daskey​
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 28k words, 2020-2021
Teen and Up; No Archive Warnings Apply
Canon adjacent, technically not a no powers AU (but it feels like one)
Andrea Rojas' jet is stuck in Metropolis Airport. Every single hotel in the city is full. Her only chance at avoiding staying in an airport terminal until the storm blows over? Staying at Sam Arias' brownstone in downtown Metropolis. Only thing is, Sam has a daughter. Who hates her. Oh and also, she hates Sam Arias. aka the reignjas hallmark movie au
I really enjoyed this fic. I really liked that some history with Lena is implied both for Sam and Andrea (but nothing specific about Lena's current or former relationships is explicitly stated). Another one with spot on angry/annoyed/snarky Andrea. And there is an amazing reveal scenes (this one is not about Kara) in Supergirl fanfic.
Favorite Quote
Angrily pressing the 'end call' button on her phone doesn't have the same catharsis of slamming down a handset or snapping a flip phone closed. Andrea grimaces, and prepares to fight to get her checked luggage. She angrily tweets @Metropolis_Airport and gets a placating, watered down PR-friendly message in response, and a reiteration that it's for safety. Andrea couldn't give a shit about safety at this point. She just wants to get home. Home to her apartment, her kitchen, her wine.
fire meet gasoline by sten06
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor (f/f)
Completed, 7 chapter, 81k words, 2020-2021
Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply
No powers / No superheroes AU
sam arias and andrea rojas despise each other. they also constantly find themselves in the same circles, at the same conferences, at the same lonely places at exactly the same time. what happens when they're thousands of miles from home with only alcohol to keep them company? hint: hate sex, naturally.
This is a very well written fic from one of my favorite authors. And this is the fic that got this ship launched.
However, to avoid potential disappointments (and without spoiling too much): While there are elements of an Andrea/Lena/Sam love triangle in this fic, you should be aware that the primary ship is Andrea/Sam and this is the ship that gets a happy ending. 
Quote from the author's end note: "not the ending anyone was expecting, but hopefully still a good one lots of reasons for why i went the direction i did... and i think its suitable for how the characters were written, and i really just felt like reignjas needed their endgame"
the ties that bind by sten06
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 2 chapters, 43k words, 2021
Mature; No Archive Warnings Apply
No powers / No superheroes AU, soulmates AU
the red string of fate AU- The red string of fate is a tale as old as time, and it isn't that Sam doesn't believe in it. She absolutely, wholeheartedly does. In fact, she probably believes in it more than a well-adjusted adult should. Andrea knows a soulmate is someone sacred. They're someone permanent and valuable and hers. It's not something she'll readily admit out loud, but the prospect of having someone out there made for her is addicting. It's the only thing she clings to when everything feels overwhelming and impossible. She thinks about it quite often, actually, but if anyone asks, she'll deny it. OR Sam and Andrea despise each other, but when they meet in person for the first time, they realize the red string of fate has them connected. Chaos ensues.
An amazing, very well written fic. The combination of soulmates AU and enemies to maybe something to enemies to lovers provides a thrilling emotional roller coaster ride.
Favorite Quote
she knows very little about taking care of children, so whatever Lena told Sam about her qualifications is a stretch of the truth at best. Reading to them occasionally is one thing, but being in charge of a small person is terrifying. Not to mention, she doesn't know the first thing about pre-teens. How often do they eat? Do they need sunlight? Do they need to be watered?
 Okay, they're not plants, but it's kind of the same thing, right?
Andrea/Sam one-shots and story collections
Reignjas by disappointingcroissant There’s fluff, there’s sex, theres smiles and softness and them pissing each other off. This fic series has everything I imagine reignjas being, in all diff kinds of situations. Each chapter can stand alone/aren’t necessarily in same universe
In Real Life. by IGotTooManyOTP When girls night begins talking about valentines plans, Lena realises her two friends Sam and Andrea don’t have a date… or do they?
late valentine by from_a_recklesswriter “I thought you already left?” Sam says as way of greeting, utterly perplexed as she watches Andrea saunter in. “Well, yes, actually, I was just leaving, but then I saw these in the backseat of my car-” Andrea sets down the two bottles on her desk, “and I thought, well, office hours are over, it’s Valentine’s and nobody can stop us from drinking.” “Can’t argue with that." OR What happens if Andrea and Sam spend Valentine's evening drinking cheap wine in a lonely dim office?
andrea x sam - short fics by sten06 needed an AO3 place to put reignjas ficlets/prompts/etc as i think of them, separate from multi chaps may adjust this if i write rojascorp or other things but we'll see how it goes :)
candy cane lane by sten06 sam takes andrea on a late-night holiday date
underneath the mistletoe by sten06 when lena throws a holiday party and invites sam, there's only one catch: andrea rojas will also be in attendance. much to sam's chagrin, she tries to go and make nice... and gets a little more than she bargained for.
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g) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
it's so rare that I'm here (don't plan on staying too long) by daskey
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Completed, 1 chapter, 1k words, 2020
Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply; Polyamory
Sam doesn't have to like Lena's other partner. Doesn't have to acknowledge her at all, but- title from special affair by the internet sam week day 3: make me
Opposite Day by daskey
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Completed, 1 chapter, 5k words, 2021
Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply; Polyamory
It's been a while since she'd had to spend time with Sam on her own, and things had settled into comfortable and Andrea wasn't used to comfortable. aka the reignjas smut where they mix things up and andrea wears the strap
Doom Legion by dragonmp93
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Incomplete, 7/? chapter, 23k words, 2020- (ongoing)
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
This is fundamentally the same plot as Legion of Doom, but in this story, Andrea is who joins Lena and Sam instead of Alex, and Alex is already dating Kelly. ------------- "After Kara snaps again at Lena for making experiments with the black kryptonite, along with the confirmation that Kara and Supergirl are the same person; Lena decides that if everyone is going to treat her like a Luthor regardless of her actions, then she is going to act like one and creates her own supervillain group. But to Alex's amusement and Kara's chagrín, the things are not what they seem, and Kara ends wishing that Lena would build a doomsday device already instead ".
Originally published 2022-10-08, updated 2022-10-09: Added download reminder.
This was cross-posted to tumblr and my WordPress blog
Follow me on twitter, read my WordPress blog for lots of femslash fanfic recs and follow me on tumblr for femslash fanart and fic rec re-blogs.
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sssammich · 3 months
hello quizno’s! :D
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
💋 so about this rojascorp you mentioned…….
lmao thank you sidetwang
thanks for copying and pasting for my benefit
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
hmm idk actually; they're mostly probably wips from fandoms that i have since left or just never knew what to do with. that's kinda boring, but there really aren't, like, secret wips. i try to finish my wips even if it takes weeks/months/years. for example, there's a grief fic i wanna write about for revue starlight that's been sitting in the lazy susan since 2022 and i think i'm only now ready to write it.
but there are also some wips that i think have just passed its time and that i probably won't touch again (but never say never!)
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
oh very well this is actually for my rosebird (summer rose/raven branwen from rwby) divorce AU that i was thinking about; was able to write out like 2k of it this past weekend. i'll post the snippets after the cut because i am sometimes considerate. and also i just decided to make it a little baby love triangle with vernal because i am so nice
and also because you probably do not give a shit about that, i added a snippet for a supercorp romcom i am thinking about!
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
god uh idk what do my readers hate? please tell me anonymous is turned on
thinking about this though i guess maybe i enjoy using 'says' or 'said' 98% of the time and maybe my readers hate that honestly im not sure just tell me it's fine yall can be honest
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
lol what does this even mean!!
uh i mean i would say dickfic has some potentially incriminating mail tampering crimes and maybe dolores is not so wholly innocent so who knows
(am i an idiot? please tell me if i did this bit wrong)
💋 so about this rojascorp you mentioned…….
which one? the sad one or the happy one?
sad one: it's based off of a sad song and i am very excited about that. it's a breakup fic, im just gonna be upfront about that
happy one: it's a reunion and a coming back together.
they're modern AUs i think because im incapable of writing any real AUs
oh maybe that's something my readers hate, that i can't write AUs lol but i enjoy them
ANYWAY thanks for sendimg me these questions
fanfic ask game
fic snippets below the cut
rosebird snippet:
She's not immune to cabin fever, so she leaves the wreckage of her house and drives her truck downtown, parking it right in front of one of the three competing bars they have on Main Street.
When she pushes the glass door forward, the bell above it rings. She glances up, looks at the patina of the metal before meeting the bartender's eye.
Without a single word, Raven walks up to the corner of the bar just as the bartender approaches with a rag thrown over her shoulder.
"What're you having?"
"Just a beer for now."
"What kind?"
"Whatever's available."
The bartender studies her, but Raven just scans the room before taking a seat on the empty stool. She watches as the bartender takes a glass and flips it right side up before placing it under the draft spigot, tilted to the side until only a sliver of foam sits at the very top.
"Tab?" the bartender asks just as she places the glass in front of Raven.
Raven nods just before taking a sip of her beer.
The bartender leaves her alone, especially when a gaggle of girls walk in for some type of girls' night out. Her red eyes trail after the giggling movements of the six women sitting around one of the big tables towards the center of the open room. The regulars pay them no mind, even as their volume increases.
She scowls when a group of young guys filter through the bar and multiply the volume when they meet with the young women already there. So much so that she downs her scotch and orders for another.
The bartender quietly places another glass in front of hers, smirking at her, like they're sharing a secret. She just nods, pushes the empty glass from her hands in exchange.
"You new around here?" the bartender asks, leaning forward on her left side, her sleeve tattoo in full display. She's a bit on the younger side for Raven's tastes, but her short pixie cut and pale blue eyes have caught her attention.
"Haven't seen you around here before. I'd notice."
She lets out a small amused chuckle, wonders how much this woman believes this line she's giving Raven. "New enough."
"Where do you live?"
"That's at least a four drink question, and we're only on two."
The bartender plucks two shot glasses from underneath the counter and pours rum into both of them. She then slides one by Raven's hand, nodding towards it when she grabs hold of the one in front of her.
She plays along and grabs the shot glass, holds it up where the bartender clinks it and keeps her eyes steady when they both shoot, their hands dropping at the same time onto the counter.
"Now that's four," the bartender states.
Raven shakes her head at this woman's audacity all while the heat of the rum courses down her stomach. "You don't need to worry about where I live."
The bartender laughs at having been bested. She's just about to say something to Raven when someone calls for her, the name Vernal coming out from one of the regulars at the opposite end of the bar.
"Duty calls," Vernal says before retrieving the shot glasses and placing them in some bin under the counter. Raven doesn't say anything, just watches the woman leave to take care of the other patrons.
For the next ten minutes, she watches Vernal walk the length of the bar to create and serve so many drinks at once. It's impressive, all told. Every now and again, she catches Vernal turning towards her, like making sure she hasn't left yet. She doesn't, not right away, happy to nurse her beer. At one point, Vernal throws her a wink when she sees Raven's eyes dip down to her ass only to come back when their eyes meet. She's only a little bit ashamed, but she doesn't react, just takes a sip of the last dregs of her drink.
When the last drop of her beer passes through her lips, she quietly places her glass on the counter. Slowly, she slips her hand to the pocket of her jeans and pulls out a few folded bills. It's not until she sees Vernal preoccupied with some new customers that she decides to slink away from the bar, tucking her payment and generous tip under her empty glass.
She slips out right behind a couple definitely on a date walks in.
supercorp romcom snippet:
When Lena finds a stack of mail on her desk first thing Monday morning, she doesn’t expect a wedding invitation. Glancing at the K. Danvers at the top corner of the envelope, she frowns when nothing comes to mind with that name. She thinks perhaps it’s one of her employees that she’s just not familiar with. With a smooth swipe of her gold albatross-designed letter opener, she opens the envelope and tugs at the card inside.
She’s surprised to find the invitation reaching her desk, since Jess normally screens these letters for her
Her eyes furrow in confusion when she reads the card.
You are cordially invited to the wedding between Kara Zor-El Danvers and Future Spouse
That gives Lena pause. Future spouse?
She skims through the rest of the wedding details. She then presses the intercom button for her secretary.
“Yes, Miss Luthor?”
She rolls her eyes at her secretary’s adamant insistence of referring to her by her last name despite her efforts to have Jess call her Lena.
“Can you run the name Kara Danvers through our employee roster?”
“Yes, Miss Luthor. I’ll send it right away.”
When she hangs up, she turns to the smaller card insert with the RSVP request. Her first inclination is to decline, if not altogether just hand the entire thing to Jess to take care of. Yet it’s the term Future Spouse that has her pausing, her curiosity quite piqued at the thought of a mystery spouse. Does this Kara Danvers not really know?
With a thoughtful tap of the card against her chin, she decides there’s no reason to expend energy thinking about it now. She’ll find out soon enough when Jess gets back to her.
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evilsnowswan · 3 years
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By now, almost every woman is walking around town with a not-so-secret secret hidden in her underwear, only a few swipes and taps away from her next orgasm. It’s not the worst world to be living in, really.
Or: Obsidian North expands the product range with something new and fun. Like Lord Industry’s new T-Pixel 9 – only better. 
(This is a sales pitch with smut. I had to get it out of my system.)
AO3: Read on AO3 (Part One of Obsidian Drop)
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hot-stuff97 · 2 years
Hi, guys. just wanted to share another fic snippet with you all. hope you like it! -- "Hey it's okay, you're okay, it was only a nightmare." 
One look was enough to tell her she was wrong, it had not been just a nightmare, the night of her death had haunted Lena in her sleep for months, still did occasionally. 
It didn't take a genius to figure out her friend was experiencing a similar issue. 
"Come." Lena said, gesturing to her bedroom. "Sometimes it helps to not be alone." 
She had a king-size bed so it's not that there wasn't enough space for the both of them. Yet the second Lena laid back down. The Lycan was cuddled up to her, curled up into a ball and with her head nuzzled in the crook of Lena's neck. 
"Don't you Werewolves know about personal space?" She chuckled lightly. But the evened out heartbeat combined with soft breaths told the Vampire her friend had already fallen back asleep and Lena wouldn't dare to wake her after the night she had. 
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fyonahmacnally · 10 months
Christmas Chaos
Here's a little Supercorp drabble as part of the Mods' collection of example fics for the Supergirl May-hem Event. Read it HERE on AO3.
Sign-ups for Supergirl May-Hem open December 1st. Seeking writers, artists and betas. For more information, you can find us HERE.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening.” Lena says as she stares at her now dark phone in her gloved hand. Her heart is galloping inside her chest and she’s sure everyone around her can hear it. “Godamnit! Of course this happens the first year I have the chance to organize the event. Shit, shit, shit.”
She paces back and forth in front of the National City Convention Center, her eyes bouncing from the currently cloak-covered tree to the workers hanging the wreaths, lights, and bows across the front of the building. The giant “Christmas Carols in the Park” sign ripples in the slight breeze. Her mind is racing, indexing names and favors she can call in, calculating her next move. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she decides her first course of action is to start making phone calls.
Two hours later, she’s still no closer to solving her problem. Artie Anderson can kiss her ass. Secretly, she hopes that he never gets a headlining singing gig again. So what if he’s one of the up and coming stars of tomorrow, she doesn’t care how good or popular he is. He can still kiss her ass. Honestly, she hopes his pants fall down at his next show or he shits himself on stage. So what if she’s being petty. Sue her. 
Who fucking does that?! She thinks. Cancels a headlining show the day of?! That’s just bad PR, Artie whatever-the-fuck. Choke on your microphone.
Lena sighs. Now she has to call her trusty assistant. It’s the last thing she wants to do, but well, she’s run out of options. She lifts her phone up and presses send.
“LKL Event Planning, where we bring your ideas to life. This is Jess speaking. How can I help you?” 
Rolling her eyes, Lena chuckles. “Jess, you knew it was me. You didn’t have to give the whole spiel.” She huffs as she starts descending the stairs of the convention center toward Noonan’s and a cup of her favorite peppermint hot chocolate.
“Oh come on, Miss Luthor, you know how much I love to share our company greeting with everyone that calls.” Jess laughs, the amusement evident in her tone. “What can I help you with this morning?”
“Unfortunately, I have bad news. ‘Christmas Carols in the Park’ is currently looking like it’s going to be ‘Christmas Chaos in the Park’. Our headliner canceled on us a couple of hours ago. I’ve called all my other connections and, as expected, everyone is booked. I have no idea what I’m going to do. This is going to be a disaster.” Her left hand comes up to massage her temples as she opens the door to enter the warm, wonderful smelling atmosphere of Noonan’s. “We can move Macy Lynn to the headlining spot and find a lesser known singer to fill her slot, but that still doesn’t solve the current problem.”
She sighs, trying her best not to panic, but it’s not looking good. “Jess, if the event goes South, it won’t be good for future bookings. We could lose clients over this!” She takes a deep breath, pressing her hand against her chest, desperately trying to calm her racing heart. “This tree lighting ceremony is second only to the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center! We have to figure this out! I didn’t spend years building this business for some little snot-nosed, spoiled brat to ruin it by canceling at the last minute!” 
Realizing that she had gotten a little louder than she thought, Lena sheepishly ducks her head and clears her throat. The line is moving slowly, but she knows she needs to wrap up her phone call soon. Years of Luthor etiquette training forcing her to be mindful of disturbing those around her. 
“Why don’t you let me call Macy’s manager and get that taken care of while you take a minute to collect yourself? Hmmm?” Jess says, a smile evident in her tone. “I’ll call you back when everything is confirmed. Maybe by then you’ll have a solution in mind.”
“What would I do without you?” Lena smiles, resigning herself to a long day of groveling. “Thanks, Jess. I’ll talk to you later.”
Stuffing her phone in her coat pocket, she blankly stares at the menu board above the counter. She’s deeply lost in her own thoughts and doesn’t notice the blonde woman standing in front of her, eyeing her curiously. As the line inches forward, Lena’s mind is still drifting through her list of possible singers or group acts to fill the empty slot in the schedule. She’s so preoccupied that she walks right into the back of the person in front of her.
“Oh no, I am so sorry.” Lena laments, her eyes practically glued to her feet in embarrassment. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and I…” Her words fade as her eyes land on the black-framed startling blue eyes of the stranger in front of her. They’re the bluest, warmest, most kind eyes she’s ever seen and for a moment, the world around her seems to stop. 
The blonde smiles at her, subtly adjusting her glasses and Lena has to bite her bottom lip to keep from gasping at the beauty before her. This woman is stunning. Infinite hues of sky blue eyes dancing above a bright shimmering smile. She’s several inches taller than Lena and from what she can tell, incredibly well-built. Before she can rein her wandering eyes back in, she realizes she’s been caught and feels the heat climb up the back of her neck, across her ears, and land firmly on her cheeks. 
An adorable giggle bubbles up the handsome stranger's throat and through her perfectly pink lips. Lena can’t help but smile and tilt her head in amusement even as her own embarrassment camps out on her face. 
“It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me and it sounds like you’re having a rough day.” Attractive stranger says as she extends her hand toward Lena. “I’m Kara. Kara Danvers. And I might be able to help you with your little dilemma.”
Intrigued, Lena raises an eyebrow in question at the gorgeous stranger. Kara, she reminds herself. “Lena Luthor. Nice to meet you.” She eyes the woman up and down briefly before settling hers back onto the pools of blue eyeing her with amusement. “Do tell how you can assist with my dilemma, Miss Danvers.”
Kara grins, an adorably lop-sided grin as she offers her elbow to Lena and drags her to stand next to her in line. “How about you let me buy you your drink of choice and we find a table to chat? It sounds like you could use a little break.” She leans over to whisper conspiratorially into Lena’s ear. “Word on the street is this place has the best sticky buns in the state. I should know, I eat one several times a week.”
Without her permission and certainly for the first time in a long time, Lena can feel herself smile. Genuinely smile. Kara winks at her as they turn back toward the cashier and step up to order their drinks along with whatever monstrosity Kara has ordered. The young person working the register smiles, blushing as Kara calls them by name, and they move to the end of the long counter to wait for their names to be called. 
Kara grabs the tray and guides them through the sea of customers to a little table tucked toward the back of the cafe. Several of the staff speak to her on their way to their seats. They settle into the chairs, the noise of the place seems more hushed in this little nook. 
“You must come here a lot. Everyone on staff seems to know you.” Lena smiles as she takes a long, savored sip of her hot chocolate. “I think every single waiter we passed called you by name.” A boisterous, belly laugh floats across the table and graces Lena’s ears. It is such a lovely sound and she absolutely wants to hear it again.
“Well, I really am in here a lot.” Kara says with a warm smile, her skin creasing next to her mesmerizing eyes. “I’m a writer. I work from home most of the time, but a change of scenery is needed on those days I get stuck. So, I spend a good bit of time right here with my laptop, a warm drink, and sticky buns.” She points to the tray on the table and pulls a sticky bun off to settle in front of her.
Lena eyes her curiously. She’s inarguably never met anyone like Kara Danvers. They’ve known each other for less than thirty minutes and Lena already feels comfortable around her. This alone should scare the absolute shit out of her, yet she feels much calmer than she did when she walked inside earlier.
“So, Miss Danvers…how is it that you think you can help me?” Lena grins, raising her signature brow in question. She glances down at her watch and winces. “As much as I am enjoying your company, I have roughly six hours to find a replacement for my event tonight.”
“Well, what if I told you that I know a singer that is available tonight. She has a pretty decent voice and doesn't need any musicians or music. She usually performs acapella and will gladly help you out.” Kara gives her a bright, wide smile before taking a sip of her large monstrous drink and biting into her second sticky bun. 
Lena tilts her head at the blonde, curious about this singer and what the catch is…there’s always a catch, right? “Well, this sounds promising. I’m willing to hear you out.” She leans forward, her forearms resting on the table and hands clasped. “However, in my experience, there’s always a catch. So, what’s the catch Miss Danvers?”
Kara smiles. She pushes her now empty plate to the side and leans forward, mirroring Lena’s position. “Please call me Kara, Miss Luthor. Every time you say Ms. Danvers, it makes me think of my adoptive mom.” She winks at the porcelain skinned woman across from her, taking another sip of her almost empty cup. “What makes you think there is a catch? Why can’t it just be a trade and not a catch?”
An unrestrained laugh springs from Lena’s chest. It’s so surprising, she nearly falls out of her chair. Once she regains her composure, she clears her throat and leans back in her seat. “Well, if I am calling you Kara, then please, call me Lena. Ms. Luthor also, unfortunately, reminds me of my adoptive mother as well. And, that’s just something I’d rather not think about.” She returns Kara’s wink. “If not a catch to your proposal, then a trade. What is your requested compensation in return for solving my dilemma?”
“Ok, hear me out.” Kara beams at Lena. “Not only am I a writer, but also a pretty decent singer. I can fill the spot you need tonight, free of charge.” She pauses, nervously adjusting her glasses and twisting her hands on the table. “If you’ll, um, goonadatewithme.” Her eyes drop to her fingers and she bites her bottom lip.
Lena’s not 100% sure she heard Kara correctly, but she does notice the adorable pink blush dusting the apples of her cheeks and it not only makes her smile, but releases a sea of butterflies into her stomach and chest. She bites her own lip, then looks up at the blonde. “I’m sorry, Kara, but I didn’t quite catch the last part of what you said. Can you repeat that for me? Maybe a little slower this time?”
Kara huffs, squirming in her seat as her face turns a darker rosy shade of pink. “I can fill the spot for your event tonight, if you’ll, um, go on a date with me.” She says with a little more confidence than she actually feels. 
On the other side of the table, Lena is slightly stunned. Sure, she thought about asking the woman out before they parted ways or at least getting her phone number, but never imagined this is how their impromptu meeting would end. She smiles at the adorable fidgeting blonde. There’s no doubt in her mind she’s going to say yes, but she can’t give in right away. Where’s the fun in that?
“And what if I am already seeing someone?” She says with a smirk on her face. Watching as blue eyes widen. “How will I be able to meet the terms of your proposal in those circumstances?”
Kara drops her head onto the table and groans. It takes a minute before she lifts her head back up, red-faced and apologetic. “Oh no, Lena. I am so sorry. I should have known someone as stunning as you would be taken. I’m such an idiot. I’ll help you out and you don’t have to worry about payment or dates or anything like that. I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask you that first. I just…”
“Kara!” Lena chuckles and reaches out to stop the ongoing ramble. “Hey. I was only kidding! I’m very single and would actually be amenable to going on a date with you.”
“Really?” Kara’s blinding, toothy smile shines back at Lena from across the table. “Are you sure?” She asks, timidly.
“Yes, Kara. I’m sure. I was sure the minute I laid eyes on you.” Lena smiles, unsure how she managed to land a date with the most attractive and adorable woman she’s ever seen. 
True to her word, Kara fills the slot at the ceremony that evening and ends up being the best performance of the night. They go on their promised date right after and end the night at Kara’s loft watching cheesy Christmas movies. The two of them share their first kiss surrounded by the twinkling glow of Christmas lights before they fall asleep on Kara’s comfortable couch. Their date is the most magical evening Lena’s had in all of her adult life. 
Until the next year when Kara proposes at the tree lighting ceremony. 
Christmas Chaos, indeed.
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amateurwriter89 · 3 years
Second part of STAY
Rated M RojasCorp Fic
She was in the midpoint between consciousness and deep sleep. The heaviness of her eyelids was the most evident signal but she refused to fall asleep even though her exhausted and sore muscles begged her to.
No, Andrea was not ready to close her eyes and put an end to that night; she wanted to stay awake so she could treasure every detail of the woman who decided to share her bed with, even for just one night; she wanted to memorize everything, the rhythm of her breath, the scent of her hair, the feel of her skin against hers.
Andrea laid on her right side, left arm wrapped around Lena’s waist, bringing her body closer to hers, burying her face into silky black hair. She inhaled deeply, the aroma was a mixture of coconut and something exotic, something sweet and alluring. It was an evocative smell because it was what she remembered, the same smell she breathed when they used to share the small bed back in boarding school, the same scent with which she felt intoxicated that New Years night when they shyly explored their bodies for the first time without clothes in between.
The latina lost track of time, she was immersed in her memories until Lena snuggled into Andrea and that unconscious movement caused her to shudder. There was no space between them, it was an intimate contact and Andrea was very aware of every inch of Lena’s bare body.
That night took a course that neither of them imagined. They were supposed to talk while drinking a couple of drinks, after all, what they wanted was to fix their friendship. Nevertheless, something in that dynamic ended up awakening a buried need, it was like a yearning to get back what they used to have that perhaps was enhanced by their loneliness. Andrea knew very well that Lena hadn’t been with anyone since she broke up with James and the same happened with the brunette and her ex. Or maybe, the mere idea of sharing that night with her friend, with her former lover, was simply inviting and impossible to denied.
Andrea felt curious. Ten years had passed since their last encounter and, of course, a lot of things had changed. Their bodies were different, they had matured; now they knew more clearly what they liked and weren’t shy about showing their passion. The brunette had to close her eyes when images of Lena in thrones of passion played in her mind. 
Gone was the shy girl who felt unsure of her physical attributes, the one who, at the beginning of her sexual awakening, asked to turn off the lights and hide under the sheets. Young Andrea never denied her anything, she respected her wishes, even though she assured her that she had nothing to be ashamed of, but this Lena was totally different. She wasn’t ashamed to kiss, touch or chase pleasure. She was an attentive lover to the needs of her partner.
That night would remain in Andrea Roja’s mind for a  very long time and, though she couldn’t speak for Lena, she tried to leave her caresses on Lena’s skin. She dug her fingers into alabaster skin with a little more force, she left hickeys on he neck and thighs that might’ve made her deserve a scolding when Lena saw them in the mirror but it would be worthy because Andrea was so lucky to witness the wonder of how Lena lost herself, on more that one occasion, in the ecstasy of sex; shel felt her clenched around her fingers, tasted her in her mouth, trembled over her.
Just thinking about what happened minutes before caused a silly smile to appear on Andrea's face and, of course, her arousal awakened once more. She become addicted to Lena’s taste, to the mix of their perfumes, to her subtly caresses.
Blue eyes looked at the dark mane of her lover. She felt restless, she felt a thirst that could only be soothed by Lena.
—Can’t sleep?
Lena’s voice sounded deeper and raspier due to her brief sleep and Andrea found it extremely seductive.
For a moment, Andrea thought that her friend fell asleep again.
—If you need to rest, I can call my driver.
Those words sounded so causal.
—It’s not that.
—Want to talk about it?
Andrea was not a shy woman at all but quite the opposite. She was direct, assertive, trained to get what she wanted and what she wanted at that moment was within her total reach.
—No, not really…
Andrea supported her weight on her right arm, so she could look down at Lena while with her left hand she invited her lover to turn her face towards her. The position was awkward but allowed them to look into each other’s eyes with intensity. Andrea took the opportunity to draw the outline of the other woman’s lips with her thumb; they were still swollen from their previous activities and that made them look even more inviting.
—Can I kiss you? —Andrea asked almost politely even though she knew she might as well steal a kiss from Lena.
Andrea expected a cunning answer, perhaps a flirty smile but Lena was known for being unpredictable and Andrea was pleasantly surprised when Lena brought her hand to her lips and kissed her palm before she wrapped her lips around her index and middle fingers, circled them with her tongue. Andrea closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of that wet tongue playing with her own fingers.
—Lena —Andrea whimpered pathetically while her hips started to move against Lena’s rear, following the exact rhythm of that gifted tongue and searching for the right angle that could help her to release the nice tension in her belly. She could feel her wetness coated her lover’s skin and, judging by the chocked groan that came from her throat, Andrea knew that Lena was enjoying the fast paced of her humping.
—Do you still want to kiss me? —Lena asked once she released the brunette’s fingers and Andrea could only respond with a furious kiss. Her mind went blank, her reactions were influenced by her primal instincts. 
The movement of her hips were limited due to the tight nearness between them and the perfect kiss that neither of them wanted to brake. Their tongues slipped and slid against each other, they danced, licked without qualms. It was erotic how their quite moans died in each others mouths.
Andrea’s skin began to sweat, she could feel her expensive Egyptian cotton sheets stuck on her body, making her feel too hot. Pushing the sheet as far as she could, she revealed the nakedness of both of them and the brunette took the opportunity to slide her hand up the soft skin of Lena’s thigh, the curve of her waist, feeling the space between her ribs with her fingertips and palming possessively her breast, just to slid down again, following back the same path.
Andrea panted against Lena’s lips as her hand worked its way between her legs, gripping her inner thigh and pushing it up.
—Touch yourself for me. —Andrea asked.
Lena let out a new groan and, with the desire to please her lover, she did what was requested of her and, although Andrea could not see Lena’s movements, she could feel them thanks to the swaying of her hips, so in sync with those playful fingers.
The muscles in Andrea’s right arm began to burn from the weight she was bearing. However, she didn’t allow herself to fall, she wanted to see the exact moment when Lena surrendered to the pleasure she gave herself, she wanted to witness the moment when every wall she built around herself collapsed, revealing the sweet vulnerability that only could come from the irrepressible lust.
The brunette’s lips pecked Lena’s shoulder and those little kisses soon became small bites while her hips kept attacking the backside of her lover without missing a beat.
—You’re so wet. —Lena mumbled, turning her face a little towards Andrea, who could see blown green eyes, overshadowed by her own arousal. 
—Only for you… always for you.
And it was true. Andrea had had several lovers, lovers who were considerate, passionate but none of them like Lena. 
For a while, Andrea supposed that the idea of her first love, the one with whom she lived new experiences in the four walls of a room, was unconsciously romanticized by herself, placing it on a pedestal, and maybe that was the reason she missed it, why she missed Lena so much and why she tried so hard to push back the fantasies she had where Lena was something more than a friend to her. Nevertheless, that night Andrea noticed that there was still an unquestionable chemistry between Lena and her; there was still a trust that let them break orthodoxies and express desire with their entire bodies.
Andrea could feel how Lena trembled, her movements  were more erratic and the brunette knew that Lena’s orgasm was closer and closer, torturing herself because it was evidente that Lena was seeking to reach the end with Andrea.
—Are you close? —Asked Andrea and the only answer she received was a furious nod.
Andrea growled with pleasure, for it was not common for Lena Luthor, always the eloquent, to have been left speechless and that was a moment that she always treasured because she was the reason for that inability, she was the woman who was stealing the most sensual moans, who was leading the black-haired woman to a new orgasm.
The beautiful latina bit her lip, she was also near to the edge, she could feel the tension in her navel, her breath was rough and the expectation of what would soon be unleashed gave Andrea goosebumps. It was at that moment her movements lacked grace and rhythm, a primal need had taken control of Andrea but something separated her from the vibrant ending.
—Andrea… I…
Lena’s voice was a trigger that tensed her entire body. Her fingers dug into her lover’s flesh and her hand was so close to her core that she could feel the heat that radiated from her and, without thinking too much, Andrea laid Lena on her back and suddenly she was over her. Her legs were entwined in an intimate embrace and, for a moment, they stayed still, absorbed in a sea of sensations that were both familiar and new.
Andrea’s eyes were captivated by the image of the woman beneath her. Lena’s cheeks were flushed and rebel locks of black hair clung to snowy skin due to sweat. Andrea was free to touch and she did it; her caress was soft, her fingertips brushed warm skin as if it was the most delicate thing in the entire world.
—You’re so beautiful. —Andrea whispered just before kissing Lena’s lips painfully slow, savoring every twist of their tongues, while the bed rocked swiftly as a result of firms thrusts.
The position was perfect for their centers to meet and melt; the oxygen was not enough and the kiss became a endless series of pants against each others’ mouths.
—Please… —Lena begged with her eyes tightly closed and raising her knees so Andrea could have better access to her most intimate parts. Her nails scratched the brunette’s back, causing a pleasant pain that would surely leave traces of that hot night on her skin—. Andrea…
Lena’s moans made Andrea’s ears tingled, they were like a symphony that reached her heart.
Andrea raised her upper body a little to have a glimpse of what was happening between her and her lover, to admire Lena’s face at the down of ecstasy, to get lost in the hypnotic sway of her breasts and palming one of them possessively, only to look down where their bodies joined.
All this felt like a dream, like everything was possible, like she could have Lena back to her life once again as something more than a friend. 
A hand climbed up Andrea’s arm, running over her shoulder and clinging at the nape of her head.
—Look at me —Lena asked and Andrea obeyed—. Make me cum, darling.
Andrea was not sure what triggered their shared orgasm, maybe it was the intense look in their eyes or the last frantic movements of their bodies, perhaps the perfect merge of both factors, either way, the sensation was blinding and she could feel how every nerve in her body vibrated with satisfaction.
The brunette hid her face in the crook of Lena’s neck, noticing that her perfume was more intense. Her heart was racing and she could feel Lena trying to catch her breath while her hands caressed her back up and down, soothing her, lulling her.
Lena murmured against Andrea’s temple just to plant a kiss who just nodded lazily.
Andrea still had too many doubts about what would happen the next morning but she was so sleepy that she didn’t think of the possible consequences, all she wanted was to fall asleep in Lena’s arms and keep dreaming about Lena.
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karanna1 · 4 years
Supergirl and Andrea are trapped by Leviathan and thrown into a cell together. They’re doing something to suppress Acrata’s powers and Supergirl blew out hers while fighting Leviathan. So they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. What could they possibly find to talk about as a way to pass the time?
The cell was clean, for that she could be grateful, but it was still a depressing grey color and dimly lit. There was nothing in it, not even a chair or a cot. From what Kara could tell, the walls were made of various alien metal alloys. The door must be 10 inches thick, not that it mattered. She’d solar flared after facing Rhama Khan and his minion knocked her unconscious. When she woke, she was still powerless and lying in this cell with none other than her boss and Lena’s friend, Andrea Rojas. The first hour passed in silence, probably mostly due to fear on Andrea’s part. But as the wait continued, boredom set in, and for Andrea, boredom seemed to be easier to focus on than fear.
“Since we’re stuck in here, we might as well find a way to pass the time before our untimely deaths,” she said, brushing some unseen dirt from her skirt.
They were sitting directly opposite each other on the floor, their backs to the uncomfortably cool metal wall.
“We’re not going to die,” Kara reassured in her most confident and level Supergirl voice. “I have friends that will help us. I promise, I will get you out of here safely.”
“Do you make a lot of promises you can’t keep?”
“Just trying to figure something out...” she trailed off, tilting her head at her with just a little too much scrutiny. Kara shifted uncomfortably and turned away, looking down. “Okay, I have to ask...what on Earth did you do to Lena Luthor?”
Kara snapped back up. “Excuse me?” Her voice had gone up a few octaves.
She shrugged, tilting her head back against the wall. “I have never seen her show such concentrated rage before and we’ve known each other since we were teenagers.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Lena logged a lot of hours using Obsidian lenses,” she explained. “As in hundreds. Naturally, I was curious what she’d be using them for at such length. Knowing her, I guessed something to do with her experiments, running trials using VR would certainly speed up the process and take out years of work from the beginning stages. Wow, was I wrong. Every single simulation she ran was for sole purpose of hurting you.”
Kara frowned, swallowing hard.
“I mean, Lena’s incredibly creative, I always knew that, but the number of ways in which she assaulted you with such spectacular violence just blew my mind. It’s the kind of thing I’ve only seen from exes on our platform. Ex-husbands get the most horrific ones and almost always deservedly so. I have to know, Supergirl...what could you have possibly done to this Luthor, infamous for her use of icy revenge, to turn her into such a fiery ball of rage?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kara replied dully and got to her feet, arms crossed tightly.
“I’m talking about Lena spending hours upon hours violently beating the crap out of you in a myriad of different ways.”
Kara started pacing. Her jaw clenched.
“There was one where you flew her to some beautiful cliffside to show her the sunset and she kicked you in the chest so hard that you bounced off the mountain the whole way down, leaving a Supergirl shaped crater at the bottom. Another where you saved a family from a house fire, but as soon as they walked away, Lena doused you in gasoline and used a wrecking ball to knock you back into the burning building. The flames were wildly cool. But that’s how good our technology is, of course. Looks and feels like the real thing.”
“Enough!” She stopped and turned on her with a glare, nostrils flaring, made more obvious by how hard she was breathing.
But Andrea was unfazed. “Oh come on! My favorite, and seemingly a favorite of Lena’s as well with how often she ran it, is when you stop a school bus from hitting an adorable group of children. Lena drops some absolutely scathing remarks from what I can tell by your kicked puppy expression, and then she punches you in the face so hard that the force of it sends you flying backwards into the school bus, blowing it up!” She laughed. “God, that was fantastic. I was so disappointed we didn’t manage to recover the audio for any of them. Naturally, Lena customized everything and, despite her efforts to try to keep the footage private, she didn’t know about a little backdoor that we specifically coded into the software for emergency reasons so...lucky me, it’s all on our servers.”
“She...she did that?” Kara asked weakly, deflating. “For hours?”
Andrea nodded with another laugh. “Oh, it’s crazy. I’d be happy to show you them if we do get out of here alive.”
“No, thank you.”
“Suit yourself. But it was interesting to see how someone could get under Lena’s skin like this. Even at her most vulnerable with me, she never turned into...that. Lena shuts down, walls herself off, no emotions, no hurt, that sort of thing. With you...dear God! How did you manage to devastate her like that and yet she can’t even bring herself to hurt you in a virtual reality simulation?”
Kara’s face contorted in bewilderment. “What are you talking about? You just described a bunch of horrible ways that she...fake-killed me.”
“Well, it would have killed any human, of course. But you’re Supergirl. You’d shrug off any of those things. Everyone knows there’s only one thing on Earth that can kill a Super. Lena built each and every one of those simulations herself. She could have easily given herself a gun with Kryptonite bullets, empty the chamber into you, and watch you writhe in agony before you eventually died a horrible death. Or she could have used a sword with a Kryptonite blade and carved you up into tiny bloody pieces. Or—“
“I get it!” Kara cried, holding her hand out. “I get the point! Just stop.” She looked sick to her stomach as she leaned against the wall, head hung low.
Andrea raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think you do. Look, any first year psych major could see through it. Lena had every imaginable way available to make you suffer a long, torturous death a thousand times over in the simulations, but she never did. I don’t know why she bothered with VR when she could have achieved the same thing by putting a picture of your face on a punching bag. In the simulations, you’re always Supergirl. You’re always invulnerable. No matter how terrifically violent it was, no matter how much she seemed to want to hurt you, she couldn’t even manage it in a fantasy world. So tell me...who are you to her, Supergirl? You’re not exactly what I’d call her type, but she’s never been altogether predictable...”
“You’ve got it all wrong. That’s-that’s not—“
“Oh I’m right about this and you know it. You did something absolutely devastating to her, likely betrayed her somehow, and shattered her heart. Was it an affair? Ooooh, was it Kara Danvers? That would be deliciously terrible. Lena is clearly infatuated with that woman. Frankly, I don’t even know why she’d bother with you when she’s pining for Kara.”
“You need to stop. Lena is supposed to be your friend, show her some respect.”
“Am I hurting your feelings, Girl of Steel? You don’t sound very surprised by the mention of the best friend. If you didn’t have an affair with Kara then what did you do to send poor little Lena off into the deep end?”
She glanced at her before turning away. The silence stretched on so long that Andrea was about to give up on it altogether.
“I did betray her,” Kara admitted, barely above a whisper. “I regret it so much.”
Andrea hummed and nodded. “Been there.”
“She’s never going to forgive me, is she?”
“I don’t know what you did, but in my experience, likely not.”
Kara slid to the floor again. A picture of defeat.
“She was in love with you,” Andrea said, gazing at her curiously. “Did you at least know that much?”
“It wasn’t like—“
She scoffed, cutting Kara off. “Either you’re lying to me or you’re lying to us both.”
She blew out a breath and rubbed her forehead. “What makes you so sure?”
“Because I fell in love with her when we were 15. I know all the signs. We had quite a few stops and starts, but it never really fell into place. She loved me, but it wasn’t anything close to what I felt for her. I was always gutted by that, but even then, I still ended up being the one who broke her heart. Poor Lena. She just can’t win, can she? Everyone who loves her is doomed to betray her somehow. She probably thinks she’s cursed. The one person in the world who should never have to feel pain...and it’s all she gets.”
“You sound like you still love her.”
“I do. Always will. But take it from me, Supergirl, there’s no way back. Not with Lena.”
“I just...I can’t let myself believe that. There has to be a way.”
“Then you’ll die trying and she won’t thank you for it.”
Kara eyed her for a long moment.
“What did you do to betray her?”
Andrea gave her a rueful smirk.
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
Kara was silent.
“Thought so.” She got to her feet and stretched. “Think your friends are going to break us out anytime soon or do I have time for a nap? Don’t want to die or be rescued with bags under my eyes.”
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supergirlmayhem · 6 months
Saskie fics!
Good news! A new section has been added in our Hidden Gems fic list for Saskie fics! This is the ship between Saskia De Merindol and Sadie McCarthy.
You can still send in any Supergirl fics to be added to the list at any time. Just reach out with a link!
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valkyrieskwad · 5 years
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a falling star fell from your heart (and landed in my eyes)
Hi everyone! This is my official holiday [not really a holiday fic] fic, because I wanted to post something solely for the season. It’s a little bit of rojascorp, a little bit of superrojascorp, and mostly a bunch of supercorp. It’s a fucking mess, to be honest. Hope you enjoy it.
Happy holidays, everyone!!
To be honest: Lena fucking hates hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. It's twenty-six hundred miles of blisters and heat and frostbite, an incorrigible cocktail of bro culture and toxic masculinity and being judged in a judgement free zone. It's dehydration and migraines and shit sleep and shit food, and some days it's hard to find a reason she shouldn't just book a flight out the first chance she gets reception and the elusive phone charge.
To be honest: She also fucking loves it. It's beautiful and breathtaking, the most rewarding thing she's ever done, and the hardest she's ever pushed her body. It's camping with Andrea, perfect sunsets, views, trail angels and it's... Kara Danvers. In fact, this whole thing might be worth it just because she meets Kara Danvers.
OR, post college hiking au, where Lena's hopeless, Andrea is a mess, and Kara's just along for any ride.
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dkgwrites · 4 years
My fic for the SCBB is out. It’s an art thief au, and sadly, I had to cut a chapter for time constraints. I may go back and revise it later so the relationship development feels fuller. Also, I apologize for the lack of Dansen, but this is a prequel for a short fic I wrote before Kelly was on the show.
Also, see the wonderful manips by @Dragoon23 on AO3.
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Hey hey been reading your fic and they're really fucking good. I was wondering how you feel about superrojascorp ?
Hi there! Wow, thank you! I’m so happy to read that!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my stories! 
Personally, I think Superrojascorp is very sexy, though I think Supercorp remains my all-time endgame. While Andrea is very cool and complicated (and obvs very hot), I think she doesn’t share the same emotional connection with Kara like Lena does. Lena and Andrea do seem to share a connection (I’m convinced they dated in school. You can’t convince me otherwise), but again, I think her love for Kara is deeper and more profound. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have a great time together, I just think that ultimately, Lena and Kara would always be closer.
That isn’t to say they wouldn’t work - I think that Kara has a knack for breaking through hardass, cold CEO’s defenses. I think both Andrea and Lena could only benefit from a relationship with someone as loving and warm as Kara. Especially since we’ve seen that Andrea is very insecure and needs some good friends (or girlfriends) in her life. 
Plus, and I don’t know if you’ve read it, I did write a Superrojascorp smutty one-shot! Because whether they would actually date or not, I’m convinced they’d be great together! 
Thank you for your question! Have a great day!
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