#rol gang
bifangirl09er · 2 years
The Romance of this:
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The message and rebellion of this:
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The high school setting of these two shows:
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Makes up this show:
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Bad Buddy + Not Me + Make it Right or Love Sick = The Eclipse
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i-got-the-feels · 2 months
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@userdramas event 18: Music
the songs I would play in particular scenes as a desi
songs in order of images
Kinn Theerapanyakul - Main Ho Don
Kinn Porsche - Agar Tum Saath Ho
Porsche Kittiswad - Uff Teri Adaa
Vegas Pete - Mere Sang
Pran Parakul - Tu Jaane Na
Pat Pran - Yeh Fitoor Mera
Pat Pran - Raat Ka Nasha
Sand Ray - Tum Se Hi
Ryan Jane - Kuch Toh Alag Hi
The ROL Gang - Sadda Haq
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selitoxicmoon · 1 year
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Meet Rissole the Chicken! Inspired by this super bizarre and awesome game Pizza Tower!
She's really kind, mother behavior and her rol is healer and support. She heals any wound or damage to Peppino or Gustavo, plus in "It's Pizza Time" Mode she's a boost, if you rip one feather off, she will insanely run; not only that! Against bosses or enemies she will be a total tank.
Really friendly chicken but never piss her off, you know how chickens are- More info, doodles and interactions of her and the gang soon!
PS.: College is killing me but gladly this friday ends everything TwT - and yes, this is pixelart :>
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
☕️ speak to me on what you want/think about for black post canon
on a lighthearted note, Sean and Black and the behated in-law shenanigans. i want Black breaking into White and Sean's apartment to steal all their cereal and irritate the shit out of Sean (Ugh) and Sean to flirt with White in front of Black (the audacity!), because what is the POINT of Black and Sean being in-laws if not for them to irritate the shit out of each other. White absolutely knows what's happening and absolutely turns up the innocent "who, me?" mask as he winds them up, because the kid who resorted to biting Sean during a fight will absolutely be a gleeful gremlin about this.
on a cracky note, more of Todd and Black and their like...homoerotic tom and jerry act. what? i'm a simple person. Sing makes a beautiful villain and Gun makes a wonderful angry rebel. there's so much wrong with their relationship and i'm so invested, i could've watched an entire show of just these two getting bloody and physical about their ideological differences hello 👀👌
on a serious note though, Not Me as a show really let Black down :( Not Me's intended audience is an age group where people are really first getting involved with politics as well as often challenging their childhood (read: their parents'/guardians') beliefs, and Not Me as a show is both a love letter and wish fulfillment to the sense of injustice and anger at systematic discrimination that often follows that growth. it has a lot of overarching themes of marginalized people uniting as one community, validating the different ways righteous anger can express itself, and an overall message of needing to come together as one voice even when ideals don't align 100% (see Nuch and Gram).
all of which makes it really fucking frustrating that the gang leaves Black behind.
like. i agree with the show's message that Black's anger had tipped into self-destructiveness and that's bad. Black at the beginning of the show was burning himself to pieces trying to spark a revolution, and also pushing everyone who might've helped or cared about him away. White literally had to half-drown them both to knock Black out of his tunnel vision of rage -- i like the message of don't use injustice as self-harm and that trying to be a martyr isn't the answer.
but the gang isn't separated from Black because of any of that. sure, Black put distance between himself and them, but in action the gang actually dropped Black because the depth of his rage was like...inconvenient. they dropped him just because they didn't like him. Sean, Yok, and Gram don't follow up when Black has an abrupt personality change, they just like that he's suddenly a lot more personable (tbf to Gram, he did the first few episodes, then got a personality transplant so he'd drop it for plot convenience). thinking the standoff guy you barely know has been replaced by his twin you never knew is a bananas theory and there's no reason for them to ever suspect that, but then they still don't really care about Black or his well-being when he does come back. Gumpa as a character plummeted for me when he said he realized White wasn't Black right away and not only didn't follow up on Black, he went "oh yes, i like this one better, who needs Black." they didn't even look for him after Black rescued them in the hospital! the only people who ever give a shit about Black in the entire show is White and mfucking Todd, the guy who literally nearly kills him at the start, which is completely counter to the show's like. entire point. canon!
anyways, this is my long winded way of saying justice for Black. i don't want him to become a self-destructive rage monster again, but i like his righteous anger and post-canon i want Black to find a group of people who care about him and love him for being himself. i'm not against him eventually making his way back to the ROL group, but honestly i'd rather Black get a new group entirely because of *waves at previous paragraph* all of that. i did enjoy Not Me overall, but it completely dropped the ball on Black and i'd just like him to find a place that fully accepts him and all his rage and jagged edges beyond Only White.
[[ send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it ]]
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vendettavalor · 5 months
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Lucas’ Tattoos and Their Meanings
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// Since I updated his tattoo designs, it's time to update the explanation behind all the symbols!
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x Psycho
A tattoo Lucas received in prison, this is a pretty accurate summation of how he is perceived by others for his actions: psychotic.
Three Dots
The three dots tattoo is a common prison tattoo that represents “mi vida loca,” or “my crazy life.” It’s not associated with any particular gang, but with the gang lifestyle itself. This tattoo is typically found on the hands or around the eyes. It can also carry some religious significance, such as representing Christianity’s holy trinity. The three dot tattoo is often created using a stick-and-poke method, requiring very rudimentary tools. For Lucas, the dots are a combination of both living a very crazy life, as well as being a representation of the Holy Trinity.
A religious symbol adopted by many prisoners. Its simple appearance makes it easy for many to receive. Much like the three dots, Lucas received it for religious purposes.
Black Tear Drops
Tear drops are a common staple in prison tattoos representing murder or attempted murder while incarcerated. A teardrop outline represents attempted murder, while a fully black teardrop represents successful murder. While incarcerated, Lucas killed two people and he wears that fact as a badge of honor.
Exodus 9:14
An altered verse from the King James Version of the Bible which reads “For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.” This particular verse is the word of God warning the Pharaoh of Egypt that if he does not let Moses and his people go, he will rain plagues down upon them Lucas resonates heavily with this particular text, as he views himself as a very stern, no-nonsense type of assassin. He offers little warning, and those who fail to heed it shall invoke him upon them. He, as a skilled and experienced hitman, is the ultimate plague one can have cast upon them.
Black Chin Stripe
The meaning of this tattoo varies wildly, but the general consensus is that it done in memory of someone loved and lost.
Spider Webs with Black Widow
Cobwebs typically represent a lengthy term in prison. The symbolism is associated with spiders trapping prey; or criminals trapped behind bars. This tattoo is commonly found on the elbow, signifying sitting around so long with your elbows on the table that a spider made a web on your elbow, though it can also be located on the neck. Black widows in tattoos typically mean that individual is a killer of some sort. Lucas resonates with cobweb tattoos as his sentence was very lengthy for the crimes he committed. Just as well, Lucas is an assassin and hired killer, so the Black Widow is most fitting. It is nestled solidly in its web, representing that he is active and engaged in the criminal lifestyle with no plans to leave any time soon.
This acronym is commonly found on the bodies of British prisoners and stands for “All Cops Are Bastards.” This sentiment is very common, especially among inmates, and represents the anti-authoritarian mindset held against law enforcement officers and government offiicials, citing that their true intention is to oppress rather than protect. Given his history with cops, Lucas is less than fond of them.
Black Roses On Thorns
Black roses have multiple meanings. They often represent that someone spent their 18th birthday in prison, though the number of blooms can also correlate to a number of lives taken. For Lucas, it's both.
These letters stand for ‘Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty.’ Having no particular affiliation with any gang, they simply represent the general disposition of some prison inmates.
Snake Eyes Dice
A snake eyes dice tattoo typically symbolizes bad luck or misfortune. In gambling, "snake eyes" refers to rolling a pair of ones with dice, which is the lowest possible roll in many dice games and often results in a loss. For Lucas, it's a reminder that his life has largely turned out the way it has due to perceived bad luck.
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Valeriya (Chest Tattoo)
Particularly found in Russian prisons, chest tattoos symbolize a ‘Prince of Thieves.’ This is the highest rank a Russian convict can achieve, and are generally worn by higher-ups in the mob. Crosses on the chest are often associated with religion as well. While Lucas was involved in organized crime during his incarceration, the purpose of the tattoo is much more personal. In addition to the religious aspect, the heart, roses, and the name tattooed over his own heart were done in memory of his first partner. He was devoted to her, as they effectively grew up on the streets together but were separated when he was arrested. He still holds a candle for her to this very day and seeks her out in hopes of reuniting.
Black Roses on Vines (Left Torso)
A continuation of his neck tattoo, Lucas continues to get roses to mark the number of people he's assassinated.
Left Sleeve Tattoo
Lucas' left sleeved tattoo has many motifs. The continuation of black roses represents the number of people he has killed. The pig head on a spear is another show of his disdain for law enforcement (pigs). Zamość is a historical city in Poland with a strong connection to farming and agriculture, especially wheat and milk - as shown by the wheat and the bull accompanying the name. This was where Lucas grew up. The cross and rosary are a symbol of his religious beliefs as a Roman Catholic. A crest of a white-tailed eagle draped in the Polish flag with the Roman numerals VI represent the 6 years he spent in service with the Polish Land Forces. Inverse of it is another white-tail eagle holding a cross - the symbol of the AW, or Polish Foreign Intelligence Agency, which he briefly served in before vanishing. The patch of the JW GROM with the Roman numerals VII represent the 7 years he served in the Polish Special Forces between his time in the Land Forces and AW. The sword on his arm represents honor, freedom, power, and strength. The cross on his arm is a memorial to his father, Emmanuel Kumiega. It features his name, his date of birth, his date of death, and the term Ojciec - the Polish word for father.
Death Before Dishonor (Right Side Chest)
A common phrase in tattoo culture. It is used to indicate that one would rather die than do something shameful or disgraceful, such as surrender. And Lucas would rather die than surrender.
Heaven Sent, Hell Bound (Right Side)
The term Heaven Sent, Hell Bound refers to the bearer being viewed as a gift from God or otherwise desired and perfect, but still unable to achieve success or otherwise doomed to fall from grace due to circumstances beyond their control. For Lucas, he was loved beyond compare by his father. But once he was gone, Lucas was pretty much doomed to fall down the wrong path and become who he is now.
Crossed Pistols (Pelvis)
A very common motif in tattoos with a variety of meanings. For Lucas, it was a simple nod to the fact that his preferred weapon of choice is a silenced M1911 pistol.
Snake Sleeve (Right arm)
Like his other sleeve, Lucas' snake-sleeve is rife with motifs. In Christianity, snakes are sly, coy, tricksters synonymous with deceit, betrayal, the fall of Adam and Eve, temptation, and the Devil. Lucas embraces the fact that he is viewed as evil and thrives off of the fact he leads other to their downfall or doom. Playing cards, or suits of the deck in general, usually indicate an inmate who likes to gamble. This applies to gambling games both within prison and without; it can also represent a person who generally views life as a gamble. Specific cards have specific meaning in organized crime, but Lucas chooses the Aces to represent himself a jack of all trades when it comes to business. The pen that transforms into a sword as its hilt is a symbolic way of translating the phrase "the pen is mightier than the sword" into art form, and betrays his secretly love for literature and calligraphy. At the tip of the pen is a semi-colon. Semi-colons are often representative of the fact that the individual has attempted suicide in the past and/or struggled with self-harm or self-destructive tendencies. Lucas will be the first to admit that he is an alcoholic using drinks and sometimes drugs to cope with his own dark thoughts. He has a history of attempting suicide and while he's somewhat better now, the thoughts still linger. Five Dots (Left hand) linger by the snake's open mouth. These dots differ greatly from the previous tattoo – five dots represents time done in prison. Also known as the quincunx, the four dots on the outside represent four walls, with the fifth on the inside representing the prisoner. This tattoo can be found internationally, among both American and European inmates. The dots are typically found on an inmate’s hand, between the thumb and forefinger.
Thorn-Bound Wings (Back)
Wings that begin in the shape of the devil but have angel feathers represent Lucas' desire to be a good person, but that his nature is inherently evil and flawed. Thorns in tattoos are typically a reference to penance and hardship as a way of redemption, as referenced in Jesus wearing a crown of thorns. In Lucas' case, these thorns binding his wings tethers him and shows that the same redemption he seeks keeps him from ever truly being free.
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Lucas' tattoos are localized to his upper body. His legs remain unmarked to try and help him stay somewhat able to blend in. Eventually, he plans to continue trailing the black roses across his body in order to keep track of his kill count. And as life goes on, he hopes to find other motifs to add to his story.
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Violent Ray *speaking into mic*: Hello Battery SHITTY, Violent Rays here, we just killed "Morales" if that was even his last name and threw his body in an unmarked grave, now we're going to free all the trapped killjoys and host the party of a lifetime, bring beer, bring pizza, bring marijuanas, anyway let's kick off this whole thing with a little punk rock classic, LIMP BIZKIT!!!!! Violent Ray: Keep rollin rollin rollin Toxic SUnshine: OMG yaassss baby! (☆▽☆) Keep rollin rollin rollin Tickled Pink: Uhmmm.....Keep rollin rollin rollinn Bomb Baby: Keep rollin rollin rollin o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ Nurse Marysa: Keep rollin rollin rollin Violent Rays *scratching a record on a turntable and singing into the mic*: You wanna mess with Limp Bizkit (yeah) You can't mess with Limp Bizkit (why?) Because we get it on (when?) Everyday and everynight (oh) And this platnuim thing right here (uh-huh) Yo we're doin' it all the time (what?) So you better get some better beats and a... Get some better rhymes (dough) We got the gang set So don't complain yet 24-7 never beggin' for a rain check Old school soldiers blastin' out the hot shit That rock shit, puttin' bounce in the mosh pit
(Throw your hands up) (Throw your, your hands up) (Throw your, throw, throw your) (Throw your hands, throw your hands up) (Throw your hands up)
(Now move in, now move out) Hands up or hands down (Back up, back up) Tell me what ya gonna do now (Breathe in, now breathe out) Hands up or hands down (Back up, back up) Tell me what ya gonna do now Keep rollin', rollin', rol
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antirepurp · 6 months
If you don't mind me jumping on this current band wagon, I feel like a character like Vanilla could be used as a character to help teach Sonic things like slowing down and thinking while Eggman could be used as the character to show how not slowly down or thinking has consequences. I'm not entirely sure how it would actually play out in game but it could also play into Vanillas role as The Mum™️ by having her as an advisor, I think you might be able to use Vector in a similar fashion but more in a 'been there, done that, had to deal with the consequences himself' role. Just giving the adult character more life experience would really highlight how Sonic and Co. are just kids.
Like I said, I'm not 100% sure how it would play out in the games as it could ruining the stories pacing if done wrong.
those are good points. i don't think something like it is impossible to tie into a game in the form of cutscenes and the like, if anything the worry i have with especially vanilla in a role like this would be the heavy-handedness of the theme. not saying it couldn't work, but some care would have to be put into the execution to give it the effect it needs
what i like about rise of lyric and how it shows that team sonic are just a bunch of kids is the subtlety of it. they don't take a lot of things as seriously as you'd think, they banter and chitchat and tease one another, they gang up on sonic in the most childish way when they learn about who lyric is. the only adult figures in RoL are eggman, who's still boom eggman and hardly the adult figure you'd juxtapose with the gang in the manner we're looking for; cliff, who's role in the game lasts for an entire 5 minutes and not much more than that (because dev hell, wii u porting, the rushed rewrite of the story towards the end of the development...); and lyric, whose maturity can be read as a foil that emphasizes how immature our heroes are. i couldn't tell you if that's intentional at all, i imagine it's more a side product if anything, but it works at least imo. even so that wasn't necessary to portray and point out how sonic and gang are just kids, they kind of already do it themselves
then again, that approach probably wouldn't work in mainline especially if the more serious tone from frontiers keeps up in the future, and perhaps for that a kind of mentor approach from an older character could work just fine for showcasing that sonic is still a kid and prone to acting as such. admittedly i may just be a slut for putting characters into uncomfortable situations to see what happens, so the eggman approach might be my favorite of the bunch lol
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defietssite · 1 month
Waar moet je op letten bij het kopen van een kinderfiets?
Waar moet je op letten bij het kopen van een kinderfiets? Het kiezen van de juiste kinderfiets kan een uitdagende taak zijn voor ouders. Of het nu gaat om de eerste fiets voor je peuter of een grotere fiets voor een ouder kind, er zijn verschillende factoren waarmee je rekening moet houden om ervoor te zorgen dat je kind niet alleen veilig, maar ook comfortabel en met plezier kan fietsen. In dit artikel bespreken we alle belangrijke aspecten die je moet overwegen bij het kopen van een kinderfiets. De juiste maat De maat van de fiets is een van de belangrijkste factoren om op te letten. Fietsen worden gemeten in inches, waarbij de inch-maat de diameter van de wielen aangeeft. Het kiezen van de juiste maat hangt grotendeels af van de lengte en leeftijd van het kind. Hier is een eenvoudige richtlijn: 2-4 jaar ( Kledingmaat 92 - 104): Fietsen met 12 inch wielen. 4-6 jaar (Kledingmaat 104 - 110): Fietsen met 14-16 inch wielen. 5-7 jaar (Kledingmaat 110 - 116 ): Fietsen met 18 inch wielen. 6-8 jaar (Kledingmaat 116 - 122 ): Fietsen met 20 inch wielen. 7-9 jaar (Kledingmaat 122 - 128): Fietsen met 22 inch wielen. 8-11 jaar (Kledingmaat 128 - 140 ): Fietsen met 24 inch wielen. >11 jaar (Kledingmaat 140 - 158 cm): Fietsen met 24 inch wielen. Het is belangrijk dat het kind met de voeten bij de grond kan wanneer het op het zadel zit. Dit biedt extra veiligheid en vertrouwen tijdens het fietsen. Gewicht van de fiets Het gewicht van de kinderfiets speelt een grote rol bij het fietsplezier en de veiligheid. Een fiets die te zwaar is, kan moeilijk te hanteren zijn voor een kind, vooral bij het leren fietsen of het op gang komen. Een vuistregel is dat de fiets niet meer dan 30% van het lichaamsgewicht van het kind zou moeten wegen. Lichtere fietsen zijn makkelijker te controleren en helpen kinderen sneller leren fietsen. Veiligheid en remmen Veiligheid is uiteraard een topprioriteit bij kinderfietsen. Let daarom goed op het type remmen dat de fiets heeft: Terugtrapremmen: Deze remmen worden geactiveerd door achteruit te trappen. Ze zijn eenvoudig te gebruiken en ideaal voor jonge kinderen die nog leren fietsen. Handremmen: Deze zijn meestal te vinden op grotere fietsen. Controleer of de handremmen eenvoudig te bedienen zijn en of ze geschikt zijn voor de kleine handen van kinderen. Daarnaast is het ook belangrijk om te kijken naar beschermende onderdelen zoals kettingkasten. Een volledig gesloten kettingkast beschermt de kleding van het kind tegen vuil en voorkomt dat vingers in de ketting vast komen te zitten. Zadel en stuur instelbaarheid Het zadel en stuur moeten verstelbaar zijn zodat de fiets kan "meegroeien" met je kind. Hierdoor kan je kind de fiets langer gebruiken zonder snel een nieuwe te hoeven kopen. Let erop dat het zadel comfortabel is en voldoende ondersteuning biedt tijdens langere ritten. Het stuur moet eenvoudig verstelbaar zijn en stevig aanvoelen, zodat het kind altijd volledige controle over de fiets heeft. Wielbanden en vering Er zijn twee soorten banden waaruit je kunt kiezen: Luchtbanden: Deze bieden meer comfort en grip, vooral op ruwe of oneffen oppervlakken. Ze zorgen voor een soepele rit en zijn geschikt voor kinderen die op verschillende terreinen fietsen, zoals gras, zand of asfalt. Massieve banden: Deze hebben geen lucht en kunnen niet lek raken. Ze zijn onderhoudsarm, maar bieden minder comfort en demping. Vering kan handig zijn als je kind graag over hobbelige paden rijdt, maar voor de meeste kinderfietsen is vering niet echt nodig, aangezien het extra gewicht toevoegt en de fiets vaak zwaarder maakt. Accessoires en extra's Accessoires zoals zijwieltjes, belletjes en mandjes kunnen het fietsen voor kinderen leuker en veiliger maken. Bij jonge kinderen zijn zijwieltjes vaak een goede toevoeging om hen te helpen hun evenwicht te bewaren tijdens het leren fietsen. Zorg ervoor dat ze eenvoudig kunnen worden verwijderd als het kind daar klaar voor is. Verlichting en reflectoren zijn essentieel als je kind vaak op de openbare weg fietst of in het donker fietst. Ook spatborden zijn handig om te voorkomen dat je kind natte kleren krijgt tijdens regenachtige ritjes. Design en kleur Hoewel het uiterlijk van de fiets wellicht niet de belangrijkste factor is, is het voor kinderen vaak wel van groot belang. Een fiets met een aantrekkelijk ontwerp en in de favoriete kleur van je kind kan ervoor zorgen dat je kind met nog meer plezier op de fiets stapt. Laat je kind daarom meehelpen bij het kiezen van het ontwerp, zodat ze trots kunnen zijn op hun nieuwe fiets. Prijs en kwaliteit kinderfiets kopen Tot slot moet je altijd de balans vinden tussen prijs en kwaliteit. Het is verleidelijk om voor een goedkope fiets te gaan, maar besef dat een goedkopere fiets vaak van mindere kwaliteit is en sneller gebreken vertoont. Een degelijke fiets van een gerenommeerd merk kan langer meegaan en biedt vaak een betere rijervaring. Denk eraan dat de fiets een investering is in het comfort en de veiligheid van je kind. Bij het kopen van een kinderfiets zijn er veel factoren om rekening mee te houden, van de juiste maat tot het type remmen en het gewicht van de fiets. Door zorgvuldig te kijken naar de specifieke behoeften van je kind en te investeren in een kwalitatieve fiets, zorg je ervoor dat ze veilig en met veel plezier de wereld kunnen ontdekken op twee wielen.     Read the full article
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fionainfrankrijk · 2 months
De conciërge
Soms voelt het alsof ik de conciërge van ons Franse huis ben. In de weken dat ik hier ben heb ik al veel kunnen bewerkstelligen in mijn rol als conciërge.
Het achterstallig onderhoud wat je toch hebt bij zo’n oud huis als je maanden weg bent is min of meer weggewerkt. Door de extreme hitte heb ik niet alles van m’n lijst kunnen doen, maar zo blijft er nog wat over voor als we weer komen in oktober.
De schoorsteen heb ik ook laten vegen. Mochten we hier met Kerst zijn dan is het een fijn idee als de haard schoon is. Helaas constateerde de schoorsteenveger dat onze schoorsteen ‘non conforme’ is. Dat was een onaangename mededeling. Mochten we brand krijgen dan zou de verzekering de schade niet dekking, zei de meneer stellig. Op de factuur staat nu ook naast ‘non conforme’ precies waar het aan schort.
Vorig jaar hebben we door Monsieur Aubertin een spik splinter nieuwe pijp in de schoorsteen laten zetten. Want die was er helemaal niet! De rook ging door de gemetselde schoorsteen naar buiten. Dus nu probeer ik Monsieur Aubertin te pakken te krijgen. Misschien geeft hij garantie en kan hij zijn eigen werkzaamheden herstellen.
Het blijkt dat Monsieur Aubertin ‘en retraite’ (met pensioen) is. Ik heb dit gevalletje dus maar even geparkeerd want er zijn andere kwesties die m’n aandacht behoeven zoals de aankomende Bruiloft! Het bestellen van de croissantjes in het weekend van de bruiloft, de route rijden naar de feestlocatie en het uitproberen van de versiering, hebben de prio. Het wassen van de tuinkussens is in volle gang gaande en dat gaat op tijd lukken.
Helaas zijn m’n bloeiende rozen en de lavatera plant die voor veel kleur zorgden, bijna op hun eind. Maar dat valt op de dag van de bruiloft waarschijnlijk niemand op …
Al met al, de conciërge hoeft zich niet te vervelen!
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bifangirl09er · 2 years
Why did they have to screw with your storyline so much?
Black and Gram or even Nuch and Gram would just make more sense. It wouldn't seem so out of character.
He is the best to Black, and everyone knows they are the closest, so why would he go after Eugene?
You are still one of my fave characters in this show!! I just wish you didn't like Eugene.
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aardvark-123 · 2 months
~Planet Explorers Gothic~
You are in a lush green forest. Some of the trees look like bunches of green balloons. Others look like slender fingers reaching up to the sun. You notice some of the trees are the exact same shape, just stretched out a bit wider or taller. The skinny ones take twelve seconds to chop down.
David Sly has gone missing. You've never heard of David Sly, but you know you need to find him. You find a backpack. David Sly's backpack. How do you know that the backpack is David Sly's? That's a very good question.
You dig up some sand on the beach and watch the water flow slowly into the hole. It moves like glistening blue treacle, expanding one voxel at a time. You jump in. The water feels like water, nothing more.
Adisa Mostafa would a car. You spend five minutes chopping down a tree, which you turn into a rectangle of wood voxels with four wooden wheels, a hi-tech pilot's chair and steering wheel, and a cheap stone passenger seat. Adisa sits motionlessly in the back seat, not even blinking as you go bumping over the grasslands and tumble off a cliff.
Dr Carter has a camp up near the hill. He sounds so urgent when he asks you to cut some Euphorbia for medicine, and again when he asks you to build turrets. When you come back three days later, Dr Carter is standing in the exact same place. The campfire doesn't look as though it's been used.
You find another camp out in the woods. They've been attacked by aliens calling themselves the Puja (or was it Paja). The survivors do nothing but stand on the smooth forest floor, and occasionally walk a short distance in a random direction. They're all terrified. You ask about David Sly, but no-one seems to recognise the name.
When you set out to hunt the Testudo Mariturtle, you had 12,870 bullets. You have been shooting the giant six-legged creature, which is wedged in a hoop-shaped tree, for half an hour. You have six bullets left. The Mariturtle is just staring at you, completely unperturbed.
Rol Olympus has an Australian accent. She asks you to take her looking for signals, and you agree. You drive her for three hours over the plains and the bumpy desert hills. Rol thanks you in a cheerful American accent.
Hitomi is kidnapped by terrifying, chitinous Andhera, and dragged off to their underground lair! You and your friends barely manage to slay the Andhera queen, and somehow lead Hitomi to safety. Those glowing yellow eyes haunt your dreams. You stock up on grenades and sleep in your armour with the light on, but you never see a single Andhera ever again.
The Martian colonists have founded their own, Martian-only colony, where Earth colonists aren't welcome. You ask about David Sly, but the survivors shrug and tell you to try the phone book. You don't remember whether you're from Mars or Earth, but Hyun-Su is a bit of a wanker, so you decide to stick with the Earth gang.
You return to Dr Carter's camp and see your old friends, Tobey Winters and Andrewandy Zheng. You know nothing about them. Tobey asks you to make bandages for her knee. Andrewandy asks you to make a campfire, so he can get over his pyrophobia. You realise that their mouths don't make any sound when they talk, and you decide to leave.
There's a herd of Coelodonta Maristags grazing next to the forest. You drive past them and head south. Another herd of Coelodonta Maristags is grazing in the shadow of a mushroom-shaped mountain. The cuddly red stegosaurus-like creatures look exactly like the last batch. You wonder whether it really is a different herd, or whether the same Coelodonta Maristags are repeating themselves.
You get tired, so you place a wooden bed among some flowers. None of the animals move while you lie there until the morning. You wonder briefly whether this is what David Sly sees at night, wherever he is. Didn't he go north?
A giant robot left by the ancient Paja (or was it Puja) is guarding a stone monolith, which is important due to reasons. You spend a couple of minutes building a stone platform and setting up five missile turrets. You wolf-whistle at the giant robot, retreat to a safe distance, and then just... watch.
You spend some time making a castle at the Earth colony, with twenty beds, a training centre, a vegetable garden and even more turrets. No-one ever uses it. The colonists just stand around on the grass outside, until it's time for bed, whereupon they all mysteriously vanish into their bunks.
You need to build an airship. Ataro Baatar gives you a pile of airship parts - five rotors, a cockpit, some wings and stuff - which you put in your pocket for the time being.
You need to mine aluminium for the airship. You whack the ground with your solid gold shovel, making a hole big enough for a swimming pool. You keep going until your handbag is lined with 500 cubic metres of solid aluminium. It's thirsty work, so you eat a mixed salad and some smoked sausage.
The airship takes five minutes to take off. It accelerates like a turtle sliding in honey, turns like a rusty excavator, crashes into a mountain, is attacked by some sort of dragon you've never seen before, and explodes.
You return to Dr Carter's camp, long-abandoned in favour of the Earth colony. The tent, the lights, the pristine fireplace, the crashed ship and Gerdy Hooke are all still there. Apparently she won't leave until you've placed two gatling turrets.
You spend the evening talking to Gerdy, about the people you've met, the monsters you've run away from, how strange and badly optimised everything seems to be on the planet Maria, and how sometimes you don't believe David Sly was ever real. Gerdy listens to you politely and asks if you have any sausages left. With a fond sigh, you hand her one wrapped in a Pujan (or was it Pajan) flatbread.
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havenpoort · 2 months
Van strandvlakte tot veenweidegebied
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Delen van de strandwallen in Holland zijn al in de eerste helft van de Middeleeuwen ontbost voor de akkerbouw. In de tweede helft van de Middeleeuwen, toen Nederland een sterke bevolkingsgroei doormaakte, werden ook de vochtige bossen en veenmoerassen op de strandvlakten ontgonnen.
De namen van buurtschappen en buitens als Tette rode , Brede rode en Rol land (=rooiland) herinneren nog aan de tijd dat die bossen drastisch gerooid werden. Deze Rode’s liggen op de strandwallen. Het onherbergzame duingebied, met zijn stuivende zandvlakten en moerassige valleien, is in de loop der tijd grotendeels onaangeroerd gebleven.
De binnenduinrand wordt begin vijftiende eeuw weer meer bebost. De zandverstuivingen nemen af. Het verbouw van gewassen neemt echter ook af.
Het overvloedige kwelwater uit de duinen werd aanvankelijk via allerlei beken (rellen) afgevoerd. Later gebeurde dat via gegraven sloten naar de Delft en de (Aerden)Houtvaart die via zijsloten vervolgens op het Spaarne loosden.
Eind 14e eeuw, bezaten de Heren van Brederode een gebied als pachtveen in de Lisserbroek nabij Lisse. Op 25 juli 1397 werd Maria Dever, dochter van Heer Gerrit Dever, met o.a. dit veenland beleend.
Gerrit Dever woonde op Thuys te Lis, het huys Deveren. Het werd in de 14e eeuw gesticht door Reinier Dever (d'Ever). Lisserbroek wordt genoemd in de akte van erfleen door Amalia (van Brederode) voor Maria van Spaarnwoude voor 5 morgen in Lisserbrouck.
Het land vernielende slagturven
Al in de middeleeuwen werd in het Hollands-Utrechtse veengebied turf gewonnen om te dienen als brandstof. Vooral de steden die voor hun groeiende nijverheid energie nodig hadden, waren grote afnemers. In eerste instantie werd turf gestoken van de hoger gelegen veenkussens.
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Langzaam veranderde het landschap. Het was niet zo dat al het land direct in water veranderde; de turfwinning bleef kleinschalig. Eigenaars vergroeven jaarlijks een gedeelte van een perceel en gebruikten de rest nog zo veel mogelijk voor agrarische activiteiten.
De afwatering veroorzaakte inklinking. Toen dat proces in de 13e. en 14e. eeuw goed op gang kwam werd het moeilijk het land nog voldoende af te wateren.
Ook als een perceel geheel vergraven was, bleef land nodig om de gebaggerde turf op te stapelen en te laten drogen. Lange smalle percelen land, zogenaamde legakkers, lagen tussen percelen water. Naarmate de turfwinning voortging, werden de waterplassen groter. Door golfslag werden de overgebleven legakkers aangetast en verdwenen soms geheel.
Rond 1530 was het delven van turf zover gevorderd dat op veel plaatsen het grondwaterniveau werd bereikt. Vanaf dat moment werd er steeds vaker turf gebaggerd: het slagturven. Met baggerbeugels, een soort schepnet met lange stok, werd het natte veen van onder het wateroppervlak weggehaald en op de legakkers uitgespreid.
Het Hof van Holland probeerde het slagturven aan banden te leggen. Zo mocht vruchtbaar land niet worden verveend, waren de verveners verplicht te investeren in hun overige landerijen om die vruchtbaarder te maken en moest iedereen die ging slagturven een waarborgsom betalen om te garanderen dat aan overige verplichtingen werd voldaan.
In de praktijk bleek het allemaal niet zo eenvoudig te zijn. Toezicht was er eerst nauwelijks, omdat de dijkgraaf als baljuw van Rijnland ook inkomsten had uit de turfmaat, een soort belasting op gewonnen turf. Breidde de turfwinning zich uit, dan vermeerderden zijn inkomsten. In 1557 werd de turfmaat gescheiden van het baljuw- en dijkgraafschap. Ondanks de keuren ontstonden er toch grote aaneengesloten veenplassen, zoals de Noordplas onder Hazerswoude.
Hoewel turfwinning op zich een lucratieve bezigheid was, verarmden sommige ambachten toch zienderogen. In veel gevallen kon de omslag niet meer worden opgebracht omdat de oppervlakte vruchtbaar land snel afnam.
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»Bijschrift bij de afbeelding: De Binnenwegse polder in Zegwaart in 1635. De door Jan Pietersz Dou gemaakte kaart geeft een mooi beeld van een polder na een eeuw slagturven. De smalle percelen zijn gedeeltelijk uitgeveend. Langs de weg aan de onderkant van de kaart zijn de meeste percelen nog in tact. Dieper in de polder is veel land v ergraven en ontstaan al plassen.
Toezicht op de turfwinning
In de 15de eeuw werd de regelgeving met betrekking tot de turfwinning schriftelijk vastgelegd. Het was verboden om dicht bij grote meren, landscheidingen en hoofdwegen turf te delven.
In de 16de eeuw, toen het turf delven plaats maakte voor het slagturven, kostte het Rijnland veel moeite om zijn bevoegdheden ten aanzien van de turfwinning uit te oefenen. Uiteindelijk werd Rijnlands gezag geaccepteerd. Toch leidde het slagturven tot veel landverlies.
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Keur op het vervenen en ontgronden, 1587
Als antwoord op de abandonnering kwam in 1680 een nieuw waarborgsysteem tot stand. In plaats van borgstelling van onroerend goed moest voortaan 1 stuiver per gewonnen roede turf betaald worden.
Terugwinning van land
In de tweede helft van de 17de eeuw werden enkele gebieden die door turfwinning grotendeels vergraven waren weer drooggemaakt.
Pas na 1750 nam de waarde van landbouwgrond weer toe en werd het lucratiever om geld te steken in projecten tot droogmaking van vergraven land. Toch kwam in de tussentijd een aantal droogmakerijen tot stand. Het initiatief ging meestal uit van de ambachten en aangelokt door grote fiscale voordelen – droogmakers konden vele jaren vrijstelling krijgen van betaling van belasting en waterschapslasten – werden de nodige middelen gevonden om de droogmaking van vergraven landen te financieren.
In de 18de eeuw maakte de kleinschalige vervening, waarbij een landeigenaar ieder jaar slechts een deel van een perceel afgroef en de rest zoveel mogelijk in stand hield, plaats voor een nieuwe, grootschalige organisatie van turfwinning: de gereglementeerde veenderij.
Organisatie, financiering en technische uitvoering van vervening en drooglegging werden in een reglement geregeld. De aanvragers van de vergunning kregen 30 of 40 jaar de tijd om het gebied uit te venen en droog te maken. Hoewel deze termijn vaak werd overschreden, ging de turfwinning veel sneller dan in de tijd van het kleinschalige slagturven, toen het vaak meer dan 100 jaar duurde voordat een polder geheel was uitgeveend.
Door de verplichting tot droogmaking ging er in de gereglementeerde veenderijen uiteindelijk geen land verloren.
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aedmastersblog · 2 months
Kan de Defibtech Lifeline AED Echt Levens Redden?
Stel je voor, je bent in het park en iemand valt plotseling neer. Wat doe je? Zou je weten hoe je moet reageren? Met de Defibtech Lifeline AED binnen handbereik kun je misschien het verschil maken tussen leven en dood.
Maar kan dit apparaat echt levens redden? Laten we het ontdekken.
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Hoe werkt een AED?
Een Automatische Externe Defibrillator (AED) is een draagbaar apparaat dat wordt gebruikt bij hartstilstanden. Het analyseert het hartritme en kan, indien nodig, een elektrische schok toedienen om het hart weer op gang te helpen. Simpel gezegd, het kan het hart 'resetten'.
De werking van de Lifeline AED
De Lifeline AED is ontworpen om gebruiksvriendelijk te zijn. Met duidelijke steminstructies begeleidt het apparaat je door elke stap van de reanimatie. Dit maakt het mogelijk voor zelfs ongetrainde personen om levensreddende hulp te bieden.
Waarom de Lifeline AED?
Een van de grootste voordelen van de lifeline AED is het gebruiksgemak. De eenvoudige bediening en duidelijke instructies maken het ideaal voor noodgevallen. Je hoeft geen medische professional te zijn om het apparaat effectief te gebruiken.
Deze AED staat bekend om zijn betrouwbaarheid. Het apparaat voert regelmatig zelftests uit om te zorgen dat het altijd klaar is voor gebruik. Je kunt er dus op vertrouwen dat het werkt wanneer je het het meest nodig hebt.
AED Betekenis in het dagelijks leven
Wat betekent het echt?
De betekenis van een AED gaat verder dan de technische aspecten. Het betekent de mogelijkheid om een leven te redden. In situaties waar elke seconde telt, kan een AED de tijd overbruggen tot professionele hulp arriveert. Dit vergroot de overlevingskans aanzienlijk.
Er zijn talloze verhalen van mensen die dankzij een AED zijn gered. Deze apparaten hebben bewezen effectief te zijn in zowel publieke als private settings. Het feit dat ze eenvoudig te gebruiken zijn, maakt ze des te waardevoller.
De rol van een AED Trainer
Belang van training
Hoewel de AED eenvoudig te gebruiken is, kan training je vertrouwen en effectiviteit vergroten. Een AED trainer helpt je om vertrouwd te raken met het apparaat en de procedures. Dit kan van onschatbare waarde zijn in een echte noodsituatie.
Er zijn diverse opties beschikbaar voor AED-training. Van online cursussen tot hands-on trainingen, je kunt kiezen wat het beste bij je past. Veel organisaties bieden trainingen aan die je helpen om goed voorbereid te zijn.
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Waar te vinden?
Je vindt de lifeline AED in veel openbare ruimtes zoals sportcentra, scholen en winkelcentra. Het is ook een goede investering voor bedrijven en organisaties die willen zorgen voor de veiligheid van hun medewerkers en bezoekers.
Kun je je voorstellen hoe het zou voelen om een leven te redden? Met de AED binnen handbereik kun je die held zijn. Overweeg om jezelf te trainen en een AED aan te schaffen voor je huis of werkplek. Je weet nooit wanneer jouw hulp het verschil kan maken. Bezoek AED Master om meer te leren en voorbereid te zijn op noodgevallen.
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nightfal1n · 4 months
Fafner the Beyond Episode 1 incoherent note
??? - I know we got timeskipped a lot but Operation Azure sounds like regular routine at this point 7:40 - Okay this is so messed up...Don't tell me that's Tatsumiya Island? 8:30 - Silicon gang are our main force now apparently 9:16 - That's dope looking Aegis shield 11:20 - THEY TOOK OUR KIDS!?!! 12:20 - Kenji doesn't care about family picture being a death flag...he have his wife and child photo displayed on screen. home cinema sized TV display while riding pain-collecting Siegfried control room (We know from Exodus that his sense starts to fade so maybe he doesn't feel pain anymore? but feedback from crossing might be different though) 15:23 - Okay tell me who is this Maris guy 16:20 - Pain shared from crossing still affect Kenji it seems 17:24 - THEY TOOK MAYA'S EYE!?!?!! 18:40 - Don't tell me Festum took Tatsumiya island and build a whole civilization by making a copy from those who died...............that's so messed up. This level of messiness is very similar to Dead Aggressor/RoL/HaE....I mean, Exodus wasn't clean by any mean but it's way too clean for the whole series 21:40 - Miwa ended up pilotting Fafner is something real Yumiko will never approve....and now enemy copied her to mess with us.....oh my T - T 23:30: Silicon gang talks very different despite fighting on our side. Exodus had me think they'd at least looks more...affected (´・ω・`) (yeah I know they act tand feel a different way than us) 25:30: Emery's clone.....(´;ω;`)ウッ…(they seems to mainly make clone out of esperanto? Yumiko turned into one at some point in Exodus iirc)
OP sequence: Okay, forgot everything I has said WE'RE SO BACK FAFNER IS BACK IN FRONT OF ME RN I love Fafner again TT ДTT asdfadfasgddhdahfdaf Also from the opening sequence I feel like ep1 is like a cold opening? something happens in future and we're now tracing back. Guess that's given due to amount of blanks we need to fill in after Exodus (I'm too used to custom timeline that I don't get offended anymore)
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korelist · 4 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 6,7 Benim Puanım: 7
Drama: Radio Romance
Hangul: 라디오 로맨스
Director: Kim Shin-Il
Writer: Jeon Yoo-Ri
Date: 2018
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Yoon Doo-Joon, Kim So-Hyun, Yoon Park, Yura, Ha-Joon, Kwak Dong-Yeon, Kim Hye-Eun
2018 KBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2018
Best Youth Actor (Nam Da-Reum)
Tam olarak ortalama bir dizinin sözlük anlamı olabilir. Ne iyi ne kötü, izlemek ne zor ne kolay. Çileden çıkartmıyor ama minik minik gıcık ediyor gibi bir durumu var. Tam bir çift dizisiydi. Oyuncuları da seviyorsanız izlenebilirliği bir tık daha artıyor. Ben kendi adıma oyunculara karşı pek boştum. Bu nedenle de benim için bir tık öteye gidemedi. İşin tuhafı ise çok seven bu seneryoda erkek tarafıydı. Aslında çok sevende dememek lazım. Sadece seven diyebiliriz. Kıskançlık yapacak kadar bir sevgi olmamasına rağmen bol bol kıskançlık da izledik, klişe de izledik. Kızımızın dünya umurunda değil gibi bir karakteri vardı.
Ji Soo Ho(Yoon Doo-Joon), Kore'nin popüler aktörlerinden birisidir. Basına karşı mükemmel bir imaj çizen bir ailesi vardır. Örnek, çalışkan baba, başarılı ve zarif bir anne, mutlu aile tablosu. Diğer yandan ise yalnızca kağıt üzerinde ailedirler. Ji Soo-Ho da ona verilen senaryolara göre hayatını yaşamaktadır. Kimseye güvenmez, kimseyle samimi olmaz, oturması kalkması, yemesi, uyuması, gülmesi, konuşması… her şeyi önceden belirlenmiştir. Küçüklüğünden beri bütün rollerini önce annesi onaylar. Büyük bir hayran kitlesine sahiptir.
Hem arkadaşı olan hem de psikoloğu olan Jason (Kwak Dong-Yeon) karakteri ara ara görünüp gizemli ve eğlenceli bir şekilde diziye dahil oluyor. Kwak Dong-Yeon; kalp kalp kalp. Yine beni keyiflendiren bir nam-ı diğer küçük kardeşimiz oldu.
Song Geu-Rim (Kim So-Hyun) ise çocukluğundan beri hayalini kurduğu radyoda çalışmaktadır. Düşündüğü kadar hızlı yükselememiş, hala yanında çalıştığı insanların emirleri ile ordan oraya koşturan bir çalışandır. Aslında yardımcı yazardır. Hayali ise ana yazar ve program sunucusu olmaktadır. Kendi yazdığı şeyleri dinleyiciler ile buluşturmak ister. Ama fırsat vermeyen çoktan modası geçmiş bir radyocunun altında çalışmaktadır. Bu kişi Ra Ra-Hee (Kim Hye-Eun) ‘dır. Oyuncu olarak kendisini çok beğenirim. Çok ciddi olmasa da kötü bir rolde izlemek her seferinde ilginç geliyor. The Sound of Magic, Twenty Five Twenty One, Itaewon Class, Doctor John, Mr. Sunshine, Dr. Romantic ve daha biiiir çok dizide kendisine rastlamanız mümkün. Severiz 😊
Radyo da program yöneticiliği yapan Lee Gang(Yoon Park) çıktığı 1 yıllık tatilinden geri dönünce duruma el atar. Ana yazar olarak Geu-Rim’i yanına alır. Ve yapacağı programda yazıları okuması için ünlü ve herkesin dinlemek isteyeceği biri olan Soo-Ho’nun sunuculuk yapmasını ister. Geu-Rim’in ana yazar olmasındaki şart Soo-Hoo’yu ikna etmesidir. Lee Gang, çok başarılı ödülleri olan herkesin tanıdığı bir yönetmendir ama “deli” olarak bilinir.
Öncelikle 1999 doğumlu başrol kızımız ile 1989 doğumlu başrol erkeğimiz kesinlikle uyumlu değillerdi. Oyuncu olarak bence başrole ikisi de çok oturmamışlar birbirlerine de yakışmamışlardı. Keza Kim So-Hyun dizide kimseye yakışmıyordu. Ya farklı bir kadro olmalıydı ya da oyuncuya daha yakışan çıtır rol arkadaşı seçmeliydiler diye düşünüyorum. Dizide en sevdiğim karakter “deli” yönetmen rolüyle Yoon Park oldu. Forecasting Love and Weather ve You Are My Spring dizilerindeki karakterlerini sevemesem de bu dizi onun dizisiydi diyebilirim. Öte yandan dizideki anlatılmak istenilen duyguların bir çoğu anlaşılmıyordu zaten. Çok donuk bir duygu geçişi vardı. İyi ya da kötü demek doğru olmaz ama donuk bir diziydi. Radyo dinlemeyi seven biri olarak, eski zamanlarımda bol bol dinlediğim zamanlarım aklıma geldi. Açıp radyo dinleme istediğimi tetikledi diyebilirim.
Konu olarak oldukça geniş ve dolu dolu geçirilebilecekken ikiliye takılıp kalmış gibiydi. Sürekli bir duygu patlaması gel-gitleri vardı ama konu ilerlemiyordu. Yormayan bir dizi olması güzeldi ama unutulmaz bir dizi değildi. İzlememin üzerinden bir süre geçti ve şimdiden yazacaklarımın bir çocuğu hafızamdan silindi.
Öncesinde çok daha doğal oyunculuklar izledikten sonra amatör gibi görünen oyunculuklarda aşk meşk konuları bile sarmıyor. Taş yutmuş gibi öpüşme sahneleri beni gerçekten diken diken ediyor. Şurada belirteyim ki, dizideki bütün çiftler uyumsuzdu. Yan karakterler zayıftı. Bir çoğunu gösterip çektiler, anlamadık. Bu dizinin derin bir etki bırakmasının imkanı yok. Hele geçmiş ile ilgili bir şey gösterirken, sanki bütün gizemi açıklıyormuş gibi bir müzik, sahne geçişi kullanıp aslında ne olduğunu anlamadığınız bir dizi olay izlettiler. Sonunda da asla açıklanmadı. Örneğin Ji Soo Ho ‘nun menajeri geçmişte neden telefonunu açmamış. Bilmiyoruz ki? Anne figürü de çok havada açıklanmayan başka bir konuydu. Psikolog arkadaşı ise bambaşka bir mevzuydu.
Ve sonu… Bütün sezon boyunca radyo programı için götünü yırtan yönetmen çekti gitti. Sezonun yarısında “sözümden dönmem” diyerek radyo sunan Soo-Ho çekti gitti. Kız tek başına bok gibi kalmış gibi bir şekilde bitti. Kendi yazdı kendi konuştu kendi yönetti gibi bir şey mi oldu hiç anlamadım. Herkes hayaline kavuştu mu oldu? Ne oldu?
Raven Melus
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medyapollscom · 5 months
Leonardo Di Caprio
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Leonardo Di Caprio'nun Çocukluk Ve Gençlik Yılları
Leonardo Di Caprio, 11 Kasım 1974 tarihinde Los Angeles, Kaliforniya'da doğmuştur. Annesi Irmelin, Almanya'dan göçmüş bir ev hanımıdır ve babası George, çizgi roman dağıtıcısıdır. Di Caprio'nun ailesi, onun oyunculuk kariyerine destek vermiş ve onun yeteneklerini keşfetmesini sağlamıştır. Henüz küçük yaşlardayken Di Caprio, oyunculuk tutkusunu keşfetmiş ve bu alanda kariyer yapmaya karar vermiştir.Leonardo Di Caprio, 1990'ların başında gençlik dizilerinde ve bazı reklam filmlerinde rol almıştır. Fakat gerçek çıkışını 1993 yılında yayınlanan This Boy's Life filmi ile yapmıştır. Bu filmdeki performansıyla dikkat çeken Di Caprio, kısa sürede Hollywood'un en yetenekli genç oyuncularından biri olarak ün kazanmıştır.1990'ların ortalarında Titanic filmindeki rolüyle dünya çapında tanınan bir yıldıza dönüşen Leonardo Di Caprio, o tarihten itibaren kariyerinin zirvesinde yer almıştır. Oyunculuk yeteneği, disiplinli çalışma prensipleri ve seçtiği projelerle adından sıkça söz ettiren Di Caprio, Hollywood'un en saygın isimlerinden biri haline gelmiştir.Leonardo Di Caprio'nun Kariyerindeki En İkonik FilmlerLeonardo Di Caprio'nun kariyerindeki en ikonik filmlerden biri, kuşkusuz 1997 yapımı Titanic'tir. Bu film, dünya genelinde büyük bir başarı elde etmiş ve Di Caprio'ya dünya çapında büyük bir hayran kitlesi kazandırmıştır. Titanic, Di Caprio'nun kariyerinin dönüm noktası olarak kabul edilir ve ona dünya çapında bir ün kazandırmıştır.Bir diğer ikonik film ise 2002 yapımı Catch Me If You Can'dir. Bu filmde, genç bir dolandırıcıyı canlandıran Di Caprio, oyunculuk yeteneğini bir kez daha kanıtlamış ve eleştirmenlerden büyük övgü almıştır. Aynı yıl, Gangs of New York filmi ile de büyük beğeni toplayan Di Caprio, kariyerindeki çeşitliliği ve yeteneklerini sergilemesiyle dikkat çekmiştir.Son yıllarda ise Inception, The Revenant, The Wolf of Wall Street gibi filmlerdeki performanslarıyla dikkat çeken Leonardo Di Caprio, oyunculuk kariyerindeki zirvesini korumakta ve her projesiyle büyük bir beğeni toplamaktadır. Bu filmler, Di Caprio'nun kariyerindeki dönüm noktalarını ve oyunculuk yeteneğini en iyi şekilde sergilediği yapımlar olarak kabul edilir.Leonardo Di Caprio'nun Çevre AktivizmiLeonardo Di Caprio, sadece bir oyuncu olarak değil, aynı zamanda çevre aktivisti olarak da bilinir. Di Caprio, uzun yıllardır çevre sorunlarına dikkat çekmek ve çözüm yolları bulmak için çalışmaktadır. 1998 yılında, kendi kurduğu Leonardo Di Caprio Vakfı ile çevre projelerine destek vermektedir. Bu vakıf, iklim değişikliği, sürdürülebilirlik ve doğa koruma konularında çalışmalar yaparak dünya genelinde çevre bilincini artırmayı hedeflemektedir.Di Caprio, çevre konularıyla ilgili olarak yaptığı konuşmalar ve projelere verdiği desteklerle de tanınmaktadır. 2016 yılında The Revenant filmi ile En İyi Erkek Oyuncu Oscar'ını kazandığında, aldığı ödül konuşmasında iklim değişikliğine dikkat çekmiş ve bu konuda acil eylem çağrısında bulunmuştur. Bu konuşma, Di Caprio'nun çevre aktivizmi konusundaki öncü rolünü bir kez daha ortaya koymuştur.Leonardo Di Caprio'nun Özel HayatıLeonardo Di Caprio'nun özel hayatı, genellikle magazin basınında büyük ilgi görür. Oyuncunun romantik ilişkileri ve sosyal yaşantısı, dünya genelinde büyük bir merak konusudur. Di Caprio, genellikle özel hayatını gizli tutmayı tercih eder ve basınla pek fazla bilgi paylaşmaz. Fakat medyada sık sık sevgilisi veya aşk ilişkileri hakkında haberler çıkar ve bu konular her zaman büyük ilgi görür.Leonardo Di Caprio'nun aynı zamanda bir hayvan hakları aktivisti olduğu da bilinir. Oyuncu, hayvanların korunması ve haklarının savunulması konusunda aktif bir rol oynamış ve bu konuda birçok projeye destek vermiştir. Hayvanları koruma ve hayvan hakları konularında duyarlılık gösteren Di Caprio, bu alandaki çabalarıyla da tanınmaktadır.Leonardo Di Caprio'nun Gelecekteki ProjeleriLeonardo Di Caprio'nun gelecekteki projeleri, genellikle merak konusu olur. Oyuncunun kariyerindeki her yeni proje büyük bir heyecan yaratır ve hayranları tarafından büyük bir ilgiyle beklenir. Di Caprio'nun yakın gelecekteki film projeleri ve çevre aktivizmi konusundaki çalışmaları, sürekli olarak medyada gündem oluşturur.Son dönemde adını sıkça duyduğumuz yeni projeler arasında, çevre konularına odaklanan belgesel filmler ve iklim değişikliği ile ilgili projeler bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca, yeni bir sinema filmi projesi üzerinde çalıştığı da söylentiler arasındadır. Di Caprio'nun gelecekteki projeleri hakkında net bir bilgi olmasa da, her yeni projesi büyük bir merakla beklenmektedir.Leonardo Di Caprio, oyunculuk kariyeri, çevre aktivizmi ve özel hayatı ile dünya genelinde büyük bir hayran kitlesine sahiptir. Kariyerindeki başarıları, çevre konularındaki duyarlılığı ve disiplinli çalışma prensipleri, onu Hollywood'un en saygın isimlerinden biri haline getirmiştir. Gelecekteki projeleri ve aktivizmi ile de dünya genelinde büyük bir ilgiyle takip edilmektedir. Leonardo Di Caprio, hem bir oyuncu olarak hem de bir çevre aktivisti olarak, dünya genelinde büyük bir etkiye sahiptir ve kariyerinin zirvesinde yer almaktadır. Read the full article
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