rifleseye · 5 months
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ERASE YOU FROM MY MIND. i'm sorry, but i'm cutting all my ties.
— so i'm saying my goodbyes. goodbye to my good side — it only ever got me hurt. and i finally learned it's a cruel, cruel world!
indie. priv. sel. rules & about.
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rubyhoshinoamastolfo · 10 months
I feel TOO good??
Why do I feel so good and cuddly today? It's not a bad thing but I'm so not used to. I'm used to feel good, yes, but not like that.
It's like I'm having a feeling of...consistency about myself. I feel so good. I just hope it will last ;_;
Maybe it's linked with the fact that I'm ropleplaying female characters a lot since yesterday-
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redzania · 8 months
hi!! im redzania! this blog will be full of RANDOM silly stuff.. you never kno! i might have autism,, i am sensitive! pls treat me nicely :3
right now i'm in the fandoms -- Dandy's world ( I DO NOT SUPPORT THE CREATORS' DOINGS, AND I DO NOT SUPPORT THE GAME IN ANY WAY. I ENJOY THE CHARACTERS & GAMEPLAY. ) Regretevator Riddle school ( I DO NOT SUPPORT THE CREATOR'S DOINGS, AND I DO NOT SUPPORT THE GAME IN ANY WAY. I ENJOY THE CHARACTERS & GAMEPLAY. ) OSC ( Basically any of the shows.. eheh... ) Cookie run kingdom ..and more to be named... how do you do introductions. um. DNI!! Basic DNI, no pedos, no zoophiles, no transphobes/homophobes, etc.. Don't be weird! Spamming my inbox with the same thing... sorry... Forcing me to do things NO SLURS. i draw art... i will take requests, just dont force me,,, one thing you should Know. I LOVE COSPROUT .. IGSDJOKBJCLKBJCBKL :33 go see a few of my best friends or something,, @/geeay @/masternaut @/shardxxcards @/ambdgyt @/swangelika @/darkallyultimate @\dandysworldobsessionwho contacts if you want! just make sure to tell me that its you & that you have a reason... i like making friends! discord-- redzania roblok-- katey_Yay roleplay accounts -- doodle rp account-- @doodlesonthepaper todd rp account (cleaning simulator) -- @toddtheturnip COSMO RP ACCOUNT???!!! -- @bakingcakeroll ask tag -- #redzanii replied she/they/it!! https://en.pronouns.page/@redzania STRAWPAGE SOON
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abnegatedadherant · 9 months
so i+ +urns ou+ my ^ddic+ion +o weird off-pl^ne+ dr^m^ is s+ronger +h^n my lifelong +r^um^ ^f+er ^ll.
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i don’t know what was on the drive. lily told me it was worth it. she promised. i don’t know what the hell im doing. i didn’t know what the hell i was doing and i still can’t figure out how we’re going to get out of here.
i don’t know what i was thinking. i jsut don’t know. i need my brother again—why’d you think i showed up here? it’s not like my ears or tail is coming back, but i hope there was more we had in common than that.
YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE DRIVE?? icarus! icky! you didn’t even bother to ask! a promise from lily doesn’t mean anything, not based off of everything dad told me.
and okay! fine! i’m here, okay? i don’t know what you expect me to do. if you wanted your brother, why didn’t you show up any earlier? before all of this went to shit? i could’ve helped, you know?
i don’t know what’s on the drive, YOU don’t know what’s on the drive, and neither of us know a single fucking thing. but that’s on par for this family, i guess.
i just don’t understand, icky. you took a blade to your body, and for what? i don’t even want to know what your wolf form looks like. i. god, i need a drink. maybe it’s time to take out that whiskey.
[&<-] [->]
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nuumenor · 1 year
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saw some mutuals using this picrew to create their ocs so of course i had to jump on the bandwagon and present my current main girlies:
🔮 Muse - The Arcana || 🐉 Llywelya - Skyrim
🤚🏻 Esper - Touchstarved || 🔥 Ruby - Pokémon
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
do you have any metafictional ttrpgs? or any ttrpgs about nothing (being about the concept of nothing or literally not having something they're "about")?
Theme: Metafictional TTRPGS / Games About Nothing.
Y’all are really pulling out the stops for these requests, huh? I’m not entirely sure if what I pulled up actually counts as metafiction, or as games about nothing, but I hope you find something close to what you’re looking for here.
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Feedback, by Adira Slattery.
This is a drawing and survey taking game.
You will be expected to draw some chairs.
You will be expected to take some surveys
.Requires the use of a printer for the surveys.
And at the end you gotta email me.
So good luck...
This is a game about drawing a chair. And then taking a survey. And then drawing a chair. And taking a survey. And so on. It’s an exercise that’s meant to be both repetitive and reflective. It’s hard for me to determine what this game is about, because a) I haven’t played it and b) I suspect it’s going to mean something a little different for each person who plays it. It’s possible that for some people who look at this game, it might be about nothing.
Undeath of the Author, by quinntastic.
A meta mini-game designed for Troika.
This is a game in which the author is both dead and not dead - they are undead, and it is up to the group to kill them. The author is the author of the game, and the group is responsible for figuring out how to go about and kill them. (Of course, the author is willing to tell you, the GM how they can be killed, but they don’t want you to tell the players. You can keep a secret, right?)
Beach Episode, by Legendary Vermin.
BEACH EPISODE is a microgame mix-in for your regular table-top RPG group. Players take  their current characters, quickly adapt them for a rules-light session, and commence to run an anime-inspired, beach-themed adventure. All you need to play is at least 3d6 and an established set of characters.
This is a game that is about nothing in the sense that it isn’t really about anything. It follows the style of the anime beach episode, asking you to take recognized characters, probably from an ongoing campaign, and giving them a moment of rest, relaxation, and (probably) nothing plot-relevant. It’s great for encouraging players to delve into who their characters are without feeling worried about the consequences.
Meta Society, by Small Stories.
Meta Society is a game about playing a game of Good Society created for the April Fool's Day Good Society game jam.
This is a game about playing a game - specifically a game of Good Society. When you play, you’ll describe fictional players interacting with a fictional setting, using safety tools and talking about what they did and didn’t like about each session. This requires a copy (as well as experienced knowledge) of how to play Good Society, but I think if you have had the experience of playing Good Society, this might also be something you could adapt to make it a metafictional game about playing a different ttrpg.
DIE: The Roleplaying Game, by Rowan, Rook & Decard.
You’re dragged into a treacherous fantasy world made from your own fears, doubts and desires. There’s only one way to escape - but with limitless adventure within your grasp, would you even want to?
In DIE: The Roleplaying Game, you play a group of authentically flawed people from the real world who gather together to play a game and are trapped in a magical realm. What are they prepared to sacrifice to escape? What are they prepared to sacrifice to stay? This is a TTRPG inspired by a comic book, about people who play games, finding themselves being drawn into a game. Your characters will be interacting with a fantasy world of their own creation, knowing that it is a game and yet being drawn into it deeper than they could have ever imagined. If you want to hear this game in action, My First Dungeon has an excellent season from Mar. 31 - May 26 of 2023.
The Waiting, by J.N. Butler.
A one page GM-less roleplaying game of suspense for 1 or more players.
The Waiting is inspired by the anxiety caused by waiting for the unknown.
In The Waiting you play as a character in a setting where it hasn’t happened yet. It is definitely going to happen, but no one knows when it will happen. Until it happens, there is only The Waiting.
What are you waiting for?
This feels like a game that could be about nothing because the thing that is going to happen will not happen while you play the game. The game is specifically about the time in which the thing has not yet happened - you just know that it will. The game occurs as a series of rounds, over which players describe what their characters are doing. When the event that the table creates happens, you have one final round of play and then the game is over.
This might also be a great tool for dropping into another game, if you’re like me and you like pairing your TTRPGs like cheeses and fine wines.
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rpedia · 6 months
I’ve seen your post about good starters, is there anything with good conversations starters that’ll actually get characters somewhere?
So, starters are something that gives other people an idea of how you play your character, what your goals are, and what you're looking for. They also need to be pretty open ended, or happen in a public place unless you want to hook a specific other character. That means a starter is infinitely customizable and super personal to write. Just copy pasting any given starter is not going to do the job you need it for, it'll stymie your growth and leave you scrambling to keep up with whatever someone else chose for you. On top of that, starters are not what keep RP going: The plot and player is.
So, let's jump in and break it down a little more so it's easier to put together your own starter from absolutely nothing, and how you as a player can keep plot going after the initial starter is dead in the dust behind you on your little journey, shall we?
When you write a starter, basically you're writing a hook to get someone involved in a situation. You're putting out into the world a question, or something that looks like it needs to be interrupted or acted on, so that other people will interrupt or act on it. So write it from that perspective: what would make you want to engage with a post?
So, pick apart what's important to you to get from a partner. When you roleplay, you look for specific goals, an A to B, essentially. Are you writing this scene in an attempt to explore the character and maybe find out something about their past or reveal a secret? Do you simply want to see how they respond to others? Or do you have a plot in mind? If there's an arc of a story you wanna get through, you're gonna have to nestle your starter securely in a situation that will allow you to forward that plot. See what I mean about it being deeply personal?
For example: If I were playing Tony Stark, and I wanted him to show off a new invention while handling his PTSD, I might drop a starter invoking curiosity. I'd set it up with a scene, probably near his workshop but public enough someone would have a chance to see me. I'd be carrying something remarkable but, questionable. "Did you just see him with a bomb?" This item would effect another character, so it would be rewarding to double check Tony isn't about to wreck your household by blowing it up. Then I'd have an experiment or invention in mind. He's made a robot that goes and grabs bombs, and folds over them to protect the household ala Steve Rogers jumping on a grenade. Mostly to stop Steve doing that shit. Cool, cool. I'll have that in mind when I describe what they find if they call out to him, and he ignores them and keeps bolting, or they follow him to see what's up. Then I can discuss it, and show emotions in my post that lead the other character to ask questions why I made this. Reveal a personal story or anecdote, and eventually get cornered by their curiosity or my loud mouth into joking and revealing some deeply personal trauma. Tada, a starter!
A starter that only works for my goals of exploring Tony's trauma, that only works for Tony Stark, that only works with characters who would see him when he's vulnerable at home with the other Avengers. So it's absolutely personalized and broken for anyone else.
Except, throughout, you can see how I logically broke it down! Here is the hook, here is my character's interests, here is why another person wants to care, here is my goal for the reveal, here's enough plot to feed into the machine to keep them interested, here's how I expect the scene to get to a certain point. It's very loosely put together, because by the end of it I might be looking at their trauma instead if, for instance, the explosion sets off a panic attack. Keeping flexibility helps keep a conversation going.
It also helps to provoke. Prod, ask questions, be curious, or offer something that makes other people want to know more. When you just roleplay hi, how are you, hello, how's the weather that's not a conversation so much as small talk. Which will die out quickly because there's no bonding or true interaction beyond the surface level. Like a geode, a character must be broken to see what shiny things are inside. So find something to crack them open a little, a chip here or there.
Now, if the other person absolutely fucking sucks at prompting you or offering a chance to open up? You may wanna, as a player, screw with the narrative and make for external pressure. Put your character under a deadline, by making them be waiting for something stressful. It makes them try to get things in fast, and they mess up. Maybe have a phone call or something happen, so they have to talk in front of the other character and divulge more than they meant to. You can force things on your character from outside, and it can help keep things going.
Relying entirely on your characters to keep things going is a fool's errand if the characters are not expressive, extroverted, and mouthy. A quiet stern guy who keeps to himself will want to kill a conversation quickly, and it'll drive other players off because they think that's you doing it, not your character. So make sure your narration explains why they're acting like that, and give tips to approach for the other character. Like I said, external forces may be the only way to force someone out of their shell while making sure your RP partner wants to keep digging!
You may have to fudge your character's personality or characterization slightly to get the ball rolling. Don't be afraid to make them slightly OOC if it means opening a door to tons more IC things. What, you've never blurted out something by mistake, or gotten mad and said something you regret because it's not really you? You never lied? Tch! They can fuck up too! Let them! Explore that!
Starters are never gonna be as easy as reading off cards, or having something set-up for you. You're gonna have to look at the setting for your character and see what's important. Are there places people frequent? Are there hobbies your character does that may be interesting? Can you arrive covered in blood because you're an assassin to prompt other people to fret until they realize it's not your blood and you can brag about the kill? Can you do something that seems out of character, but is perfectly normal? Be interesting! be interested in what your partner has to offer too, maybe it's not what you intended but following THEIR plot concepts can be super rewarding too!
So, good luck, and happy roleplaying!
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abyssalreid · 6 months
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Here we have one of the Mage's guild Cabinet members, known as The Inventor, taunting one of her favorite punching bags.
A character that is owned by @novasiri as well as the Webcomic series that my chaotic tall goblin is from; Aether Eternius.
This was a late-night art inspiration that I needed to draw. Also.
I'm just saying, The inventor would use a voice changer and pull shit like THIS. Because she's that cocky.
Soon to be a roleplable/askable character on @theguildedinventions
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mutant-advice · 9 months
Heyyy. Nice little rolepl-^-y blog you’ve got here! It’s kind-^- fun seeing -^-ll the different fiction-^-l mut-^-tions you guys come up with.
wow thank you ! i quite appreciate the compliment especially from the heiress herself. i put in a lot of research to find these mutations especially as they are all culled from grubhood. & again thank you very much for enjoying the blog. to many more !
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cellphishthekaiju · 6 months
Check out the absurd amount of bardic, sapphic nonsense (and still writing) about Hestra (OC Tav) and Lae'zel.
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verm1c1de · 6 months
Can you link that roleplay or is it private for a reason?
uh no i cant link it beclaws its on discord and the discord is purrivate. i DO have the google docs copy ((that i need to update badly,,,, but i doubt anybody is gonna get that fur)) that mew can read though
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smolcuriouskitten · 2 years
Rules & Navigation Tags below the cut!
1. My blog is semi selective as of 2022. I will not follow back each time I receive a new follower. On the flip side, if I follow and I see selective or mutual, I strongly hesitate to interact even if the follow is or isn't returned. I haven't had the best experience when trying to meet new mutuals, so if I don't reach out first regarding interactions, its nothing personal, just me being more scared of disrespecting boundaries than anything else. So if you have any questions or hesitation regarding interactions, shoot me a message!
2. Rockelle has a triggering past including abuse, domestic violence, rape, cheating, etc. I have an umbrella tag, 'dont pull it; {triggers tag}' which is for any and all triggers. I will tag the individual triggers as best as I can but if you wish to avoid any and all topics including any sorts of triggers, please block the designated triggers tag.
3. I am a mobile only user, I do not use desktop Tumblr at all. I attempt to make the experience as similar to desktop tumblr as possible but of course since we do not see the same thing, I apologize for any inconveniences this causes you. This means I cannot cut posts or replicate most of the features from desktop, I dont do much to my blog mainly due to the limitations.
4. Icons credits goes to @tutorgirlcommissions @tutorgirlrph , @estrangedaframian , @eternalyouth , @mountaindcw , @thedumpofrps and @coinflippcd and my blog layout credit goes to @ofwaterandfire ! Thank you to all of them for making my blog a wonderful place and desktop friendly!
5. I dont have any triggers but if you have any ideas or scenarios that might be considered weird, talk to me about it, I dont bite, promise!
6. Want to be an asshole towards Rockelle? That's completely fine and is not seen as an attack towards the mun at all. How she reacts is something your character has to deal with.
7. Check the tags during roleplays! Within the first few replies, I try to make little tags that describe your character! It could be a movie, song, tv show reference or even a joke! I work hard on them so look at them or I steal kneecaps. >:(
8. Anytime I get a new mutual, I send a thank you message! It helps with me keeping track of them and it opens the door to talk about scenarios, plotting, etc. And if you don't respond, thats okay! I will still interact with you and love your muses just the same! Side note, if I forget to give a thank you, it doesnt mean I dont like your muse or you any less!
9. Rockelle is 100% fandomless so she doesnt fit into one verse or universe. If the desired verse is not under the verses post, feel free to ask me about anything you like! Dont think Rockelle only fits into a bubble due to her character design, just ask!
10. I do not have a banned faceclaim list but I strongly hesitate to interact with those who use dead people as faces. This does not apply to canon characters such as batman, joker, etc due to them having 'new' faces depending on the era.
11. For my mobile users, all of my character info and other related content is under the #lovely kitten; {character info} or #lovely kitten {character info} tag for easy access.
12. Me being a mobile user, I cannot see your rules, info, etc if you do not have a caard or link available on your blog. So if I reach out to ask for them, please dont take it personally.
13. Want to stop a roleplay? Cool! Want to change the trajectory of how the plot is moving? Cool! Want to ship? Thats very cool! You just have to make sure to communicate these things with me. I am not a mind reader and while I will try to be as upfront as possible regarding things, I do not want to make anyone feel discomfort or not enjoy roleplaying with me. I wont bite if you no longer want to continue interacting or cut out something in a roleplay! I wont know until you tell me, communication is key!
14. Rockelle is a multiship muse and is dating several people in different universes. If in the roleplay she has a significant other, she will not cheat on them as that is a trigger for her. However by default (unless discussed) Rockelle will be single due to her 'in universe' story. Due to trauma, poly relationships are a fat no for her as well.
15. Muse is 128 and mun is 21, both of age!
16. I respond either at lighting speed or I take awhile due to lost muse. I do not expect a response to be given within a timeframe or within a designated period. Take as much time as you need seriously. No need to apologize, shit happens.
17. Please do not steal anything from my blog. I will literally hunt you for sport. Dont play with me.
18. The most important rule of all, have fun and enjoy the chaos! ❤️
About Mun!
~ Sup! Names Gigi and I am 21 yrs old! Gremlin and a person with endless zoomies 24/7. If you are my mutual, I will most likely send tiktoks and random things that remind me of our roleplays.
I do have a discord that is available for mutuals if asked!
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Yeah I’m That Guy.
Sad D&D character fic for the enjoyment of any whoever is curious why I’m obsessed with these dorks
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flashmaster008 · 1 year
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never-rpg · 2 years
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Welcome to NEVER RPG! Please send in your url within 48 hours. Be sure to look over our checklist. We hope you enjoy, or at least survive, your time on the island!
Since this is our first wave of acceptance and we are not officially open for roleplaying yet, just a few reminders before we get to the acceptances. Our discord server won’t be sent out until a little closer to our second wave of acceptances. Once you’ve sent in your blog and we’ve posted here on main, you are good to start doing anything your heart desires on your character’s blog except for actual roleplay threads. Plot it up, share character development memes, post your edits and headcanons! Go wild and have fun! :D
Welcome to the island, CHARLOTTE! You been accepted as TINKER BELL with the faceclaim of Tamzin Merchant.
Tinker Bell is one of those characters who can so easily be portrayed as a caricature, but you have given her such dimension and depth! ‘- but as misfortune loves orphans and fire loves innocence, Tinker Bell loves Peter - and it was her that he needed to pull him out of the depths of his mind and bring the island out of its eternal winter. She is the ocean and he is the sand. She loves him continuously but with increasing apprehension and decreasing hope.’ Tragic and lovely, I can’t wait to see more! And have I listened to Tink’s playlist an unhealthy number of times? Yes, yes I have. No regrets!
Welcome to the island, DRYNNE! You been accepted as ISADORA BOOTH with the faceclaim of Ruby Cruz.
My heart aches for Isadora and all that she’s been through but also, damn, what a badass! As soon as I started reading your app, I knew we’d found our Isadora. ‘Fighting was far easier than being inside a cage of meekness’ that really is her in a nutshell and I’m so here for it! While Isadora’s violence is blunt and brutal, your writing painted her in intricate lines that interlaced with one another to create a full and dynamic character who I can’t wait to stalk the threads of on the dash!
Welcome to the island, ELLE! You been accepted as IANTHE with the faceclaim of Ayça Ayşin Turan.
First of all, your writing style is hauntingly beautiful! I might have audibly squealed in delight when reading about Ianthe’s tail because it’s just so good and suits her so well! You have spun such an intimidating and compelling character. I mean, ‘We all know intrinsically that the terrible and the terrific bleed into each other, that all life’s greatest pleasures lie on the other side of pain, that paltry is the passion that never makes us shudder. Ianthe is this thesis made flesh: Bone-chillingly horrifying and all the lovelier for it’. I’m equal parts enchanted and terrified and I absolutely love it!
Welcome to the island, LIOT! You been accepted as HOLLY with the faceclaim of Amandla Stenberg.
I am so invested in this puppeteering Small Folk already! There’s just something so wonderfully horrifying about the idea of Holly setting traps for unsuspecting Lost Boys so she can crawl into their minds. Should this line, ‘Holly had chomped at the bit to see Peter toss Charlie to the Many-Eyed, ghastly beasts that Holly had called their friends’, have made me go ‘aww!’ because I love seeing these exterminated beasties be appreciated? Probably not, but here we are. You’ve created an OC who feels like they were always meant to be a part of the group. We needed Holly and I cannot wait to see what antics they get it up to!
Welcome to the island, MADS! You been accepted as WENDY DARLING with the faceclaim of Kristine Froseth.
Gothic romance is my catnip and you gave it to me in spades with your application! As soon as I read ‘Peter would never give Wendy what she craved. She was so lovingly devoted to him, but he couldn’t love her back when he was too busy loving how she made him feel: adored, righteous, powerful.’ I got so excited to read more. And the more I read, more and more your depiction of Wendy just right clicked into place with every aspect of this roleplay! Wendy makes for such a lovely gothic heroine. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her!
Welcome to the island, MAREK! You been accepted as NOD with the faceclaim of Leo Suter.
I loved that throughout your app, I could clearly see the rambunctious Lost Boy underneath and how the tragedies Nod underwent shaped him into the man he is now. ‘Nod never imagined a possibility of losing his brother, his twin, his other half - he swears to this day that when the shot tore through his brother’s body he felt it too’. This is truly gothic horror gold and I felt it in my soul! 
Welcome to the island, NYX! You been accepted as CECCO with the faceclaim of Aidan Turner.
My heartstrings feel abused after reading your app and I am not at all mad about it. There’s so much pirate romanticism here to revel in! For example: ‘Whenever a new ship finds its way to the shores and raise their white flag, they will ask for them to take their letters, tossing them into the sea as they sail away from the isle’. And I don’t want to spoil all of your headcanons, but I really hope the sketch they keep in the sheath of their sword finds its way into our discord server someday...Just sayin’.
Welcome to the island, SID! You been accepted as SAWYER with the faceclaim of Omar Rudberg.
You nailed every aspect of Sawyer’s skeleton bio and fleshed them out with such intention! I can’t imagine any other take on Sawyer because yours is so well-crafted. There are so many lines from your app I could have chosen to highlight but, 'So you run and scream and fight and play, all the while plastering a smile to your face and trying to lose yourself to the wildness that thrums through Neverland like a second heartbeat, that you want so desperately to course through you too’, feels like the perfect summarization of this Lost Boy!
Many people applied for Pan’s wanted connection concerning the ‘kiss’, it was a difficult choice, but we’ve decided to give this connection to Ianthe. Also, as a side note since a couple of apps referenced it, while J.M. Barrie could exist in our rpg’s universe, the plays and stories he wrote about Neverland and Peter Pan do not. 
All important pages on the main will be updated in the next several minutes to reflect these acceptances. Thank you so much to everyone who applied!! Our second wave of acceptances will be held on December 31st. Opening day, January 1st, can’t come soon enough! I can’t wait to write with every one of you!
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