#romantic? heck yeah. platonic? heck yeah. family??? heck yeah!!! none they just hate hate hate each other???? HECK YEAHHH!!!
muchmorethanmoney · 5 months
Hey guys have I told you that I like radiostatic? Have. Have I mentioned it? Do you need me to tell you again? (<- violently shaking and leaving scratch marks on the table)
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amalia2003sstuff · 4 years
A very uncommon name
This is the first prompt of Soulmate September . @tsshipmonth2020
Prompt: “Your soulmate’s name is written on your wrist/palm”
Human, High School AU
Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety, Familial Creativitwins, Platonic Dukexiety, Background Romantic Demus
Warning: Kissing, Self deprecating, Bit of swearing (F word)
‘Virgil ’ 
That was the name written in purple on Roman’s wrist for all his life. A very uncommon name if you were to ask him. ‘Why?’ you may ask, well it’s because Roman never met a person with that name yet, and trust him, he tried.
All his life, since he could remember, he tried finding someone with that name, to no use. He always tried to learn the name of every person he met, which was not that hard, considering he lived in a small town, but none of them were named Virgil.
By the time he and his brother got to high school, he kind of gave up on finding his soulmate, but Remus didn’t. 
That’s how he ended up in this situation, with Remus gushing about his soulmate, whose name was Janus, that he met while at a football match at the high school of the neighbouring city. By this point Roman zoned out.
“- and we went to a small diner to get some food, and then Janus’ cousin from England called, his name is Virgil, and he said-”
That got Roman’s attention “Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Virgil? As in ‘the name of my soulmate’ Virgil?”
“Uh yeah, it’s the same name, but I didn’t ask about his soulmate. I didn’t want to be too invasive. Anyway, Janus’ cousin said that he is moving to America. And guess what? He and his family are moving in our town”
“No way! I can ask him then. When is he coming?”
“I think in a few weeks, I’m not sure. I didn’t ask for details, I was busy with - ”
“Do not finish that sentence" Roman said in a threatening way.
A few weeks passed, and Roman finally heard the kids in school talking about the new kid, which was a big thing.
Roman’s new mission, find the new kid, which turned out to not be as hard as he thought. Virgil was in Roman’s math class, and just as luck had it, the only spot left in class was to be Roman’s desk mate. 
During the class, Roman kept glancing at Virgil’s wrists. He thought he wasn’t noticed, until Virgil had enough and finaly snapped at Roman in a hushed tone.
“What do you want?”
“I was just - I - I just wanted to see something” Roman stuttered 
“And what might that be?” Virgil was now glaring at Roman
“Boys! You two can finish that discussion when class is over. Pay attention!” The teacher snapped
They turned back to their work.
When the bell rang, Roman grabbed Virgil’s arm, before he could leave the class “Please come with me. I have to tell you something”
“Will you leave me alone after that?”
“If that’s what you want, then yes” Roman dragged him out of the classroom, to one that was completely empty.
“I think you’re my soulmate” Roman rushed out without waiting a single moment.
“Uh... look mate, you seem like a nice guy, but you’re not my soulmate”
“Just let me see your wrist” Roman huffed.
“Fine” Virgil pulled up his sleeve.
“Ha! I knew it!” Roman cheered.
“You’re my soulmate... What the heck, universe?!”
“Not the reaction I was hoping for...”
“Look, Roman,” Virgil sighed “you seem like a nice person, but you are not my type. This is a mistake”
“The universe doesn’t make mistakes, Virgil, at least give me a chance. We could get to know eachother, and if you still don’t want me to be your soulmate, I will leave you alone."
"Promise?" Virgil asked skeptically.
"I promise. Just give me one chance. Just a few weeks" Roman pleaded.
"Fine. You have two weeks. Don't make me regret it" And with that Virgil grabbed his things and left the classroom.
For the next two weeks, Roman would keep leaving gifts for Virgil, and if Virgil smiled and blushed the tiniest bits every time, it was his problem, and his problem alone. It's not like he kept all of them on the dresser in his room, without letting anyone touch them. No. Of course not.
In addition to the gifts, Roman would also throw in random rounds of twenty questions at lunch "To get to know eachother better" he would always say, and Virgil couldn't help but play along. It was ado- annoying in a fun way, if you were to ask him.
Right now, Virgil managed to get a break from Roman, and hang out with his cousin and his soulmate, who also happened to be Roman's brother.
"So" Janus started "How are things going with Roman?"
"As good as they can go. He keeps trying to make me like him, but..." Virgil trailed off.
"But?" Remus asked.
"But what if I'm not good enough for him. He's a nice person. He doesn't deserve to be stuck with someone like me for the rest of his life" He brought his knees up to his chest "He's kind and funny, and talented, and - and cute, and I'm... me"
"You're a fucking idiot" Remus said "Roman has been gushing about you since he even knew you were coming here - it's making me sick to be honest - and you think he wouldn't want to be with you?"
"Remus is right - surprisingly - you should really give this relationship a chance. I'm sure you won't regret this."
"I hope... Because I kind of have a date with him tonight" Virgil mumbled.
"Then tell him. Now come on" Janus pulled him off the bed "It's already 5pm. Go take a shower and me and Remus will pick an outfit for you that doesn't look like you just came from a funeral" He pushed Virgil into the bathroom without leaving room for argument.
Half an hour later Virgil peaked his head out of the bathroom, only for Janus to push an outfit into his arms and push him back inside.
"J, Remus, I don't think this outfit is a good idea" He shouted through the door after taking one look at the outfit.
"Just try it on. Trust us, you will look hot as hell" Remus shouted back.
Virgil resigned himself to his faith and put the outfit on, then walked out of the bathroom. He was dressed in black ripped jeans, with a purple crop top and a leather jacket on top of it. A pair of black combat boots was waiting for him by his bed.
"Good. Now sit" Janus instructed, pointing to a chair.
Virgil sat down and Janus started working on his makeup, while Remus worked on his hair.
They both pulled away from Virgil and high fived, right as the door bell rang.
"Well looks like your future boyfriend is here." Remus said "Have fun making out."
"We won't do that Remus" Virgil pulled his boots on, then Janus pushed him out of the room.
Virgil walked to the front door, took a few deep breaths, then opened it. "Hi..."
"Hey, Virgil. Are you ready to go?" Roman asked. He was wearing jeans, with a red button up shirt and red shoes.
"Yeah, but where are we going?" V asked.
"That's a surprise. Now come on." Roman gently took Virgil's hand and brought him to his car, opening the passanger door for him, before going and getting into the driver's seat.
Five minutes of driving later, they were pulling into the parking lot of the park.
Roman got out of the car and hurried to open the door for Virgil, then went and got something out of the trunk.
"A picnic?" V asked.
"Uh... Yeah. I know you don't like crowded spaces, so I thought this would be a good first date...Do you not like it?" Roman asked, sounding a bit unsure.
"It's perfect." Virgil smiled "Thank you."
"Oh ok. Come on. I know the perfect spot." Roman took Virgil's hand again and took him to the top of a hill, where they could see the sunset. He let go of Virgil's hand then layed out everything he brought.
After they ate a bit and making a bit of small talk, they were just sitting and watching the sunset.
Virgil was biting his lip anxiously, which Roman noticed.
"Is everything ok?" He asked "Is it the picnic? Was it too much?"
"I was just thinking." Virgil answer without looking at Roman.
"About?" Roman asked.
Virgil thought for a few seconds, then, before he could chicken out, turned and kissed Roman, which Roman returned after a few seconds.
When they pulled away, Roman was smiling "Well not the answer I was expecting, but I'm not mad that this happened. Does this mean you don't hate me anymore?"
"Hate you? Princey I never hated you. I just thought... I thought that I wasn't good enough for you. You're the perfect popular guy and I'm just the emo."
"Virgil, you're not just the emo. Not to me. These two weeks I got to know you, and you're more that your looks. You're snarky and sassy and funny and just so adorable. I really can't even put into words how cute you are. I- I love you, and I want to be your boyfriend, only if you want this too."
Virgil giggled "Are you kidding me? Of course I want to be your boyfriend!"
Roman smiled and kissed him again.
He may have gotten home and started ranting about the date to Remus, but that's entirely his problem. He was just happy he finally found his soulmate.
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
I’m a die hard Clerith shipper since 1997, you can’t change my mind but the one thing I won’t tolerate in FFVII aside from shipping wars, is anyone shitting on Tifa.
Don’t. You can like Clerith without hating Tifa. You can find other reasons to not to like Tifa as character, that isn’t “I don’t like her because she gets in the way of my ship”
Personally, Tifa isn’t one of my top tier FF characters, but I am not going to ignore how much of a badass and important person Tifa is to Cloud’s story.
People cite Aerith’s death and burial as the most important moment of FFVII, and yes it’s heartbreaking and an iconic scene. But you know what’s also an important scene?
Tifa in the lifestream with Cloud setting his memories straight. Tifa who up until this moment unbeknownst to the player, is aware that Cloud as he’s presented himself thus far *isnt* the Cloud he thinks he is. She’s been patiently going along with Cloud’s story trying to figure out *what happened* to him/ how he appeared in Midgar boasting of being a SOLDIER while clearly suffering from Mako poisoning/how will she ultimately break this story to him.
Think how hard it was for her to watch Cloud have ptsd episodes and not know how to ground him other than to say “it’s okay. Pull yourself together, let’s keep moving”, because she doesn’t know how or why Cloud is suffering.
But then they fall into the Lifestream together and Tifa helps Cloud sift through the memories warped and altered by the poisoning and Cloud’s severe PTSD.
Only Tifa could help Cloud here- she’s the only one on the Team who has known Cloud since they were young/understands Cloud’s motivations for wanting to become stronger in joining SOLDIER.
This part of the game is beautiful and emotional, and very ahead of it’s time in its portrayal and meta-discussion of PTSD; Cloud isn’t magically healed and back to normal, he never will be, be he’s reclaimed his identity enough that he can begin to heal. I’m replaying the original atm and the moment still holds and I’m hoping that the remake nails this moment. It’s as important and impactful to Cloud as a character as Aerith’s death.
Speaking of Aerith.  Aerith and Tifa become friends from the jump.  Aerith is so respectful of Tifa that twice she makes sure that she isn’t encroaching on Cloud and Tifa’s relationship. She asks Cloud if Tifa is his girlfriend, she reassures Tifa in Don Cornero’s Mansion that she’s not there to steal Cloud from her.  
And yeah, Aerith isn’t trying to steal Cloud or anything - she helped a cute buff guy recover from a fall, asked him for an escort because this time the Turks brought backup to capture her, and got swept up in the ensuing events.  
Hell, Aerith is ride or die for Tifa BEFORE THEY EVEN FORMALLY MEET EACH OTHER. Aerith sees Tifa being carted off to Wall Market and her “some bad shit’s about to happen to this woman if we don’t move NOW” senses go off.  
Cloud’s like “oh let me take you home first and I’ll get my teammates...” and Aerith’s like “YOU NAIVE FOOL? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO CUTE GIRLS IN WALL MARKET? (tbh, considering how naive Cloud can be, I am going with ‘nope’.) WE GOTTA GO! QUICK GET INTO THIS SEXY DRESS BECAUSE MR. SOLDIER YOU’RE NOT COMING UP WITH A BETTER PLAN WE CAN WORK WITH!!” Aerith drives the entire plan to get into the Don’s mansion. She negotiates the dress, the wig, the makeup, EVERYTHING, to make sure that Cloud can pass as a women to come into the Mansion with her.  
Heck, Aerith was going to go into the mansion HERSELF to get Tifa when the guard was like “No dudes allowed.” The only reason they went looking for dresses in Cloud’s size, was because Cloud got all “No, I can’t let you go in there a lone if it’s as bad as you think it is”, (as if he hadn’t just spent the last day with this woman watching her completely kick ass in battle). So Aerith was like, “Fine, you wanna come with me? Get in the Silk Dress, Cloud” with the same energy as Shinji’s Dad.
And when Aerith gets captured, Tifa was like “WE GOTTA GO AND SAVE HER FROM SHINRA!” as well as protecting Aerith through the whole ShinRa office building mission when the groups had to split up.  So yeah, these two queens love and respect each other from the get-go, they put Cloud in his place, tease the shit out of him and Barret, probably had hair-braiding trains at camp, and support the hell out of each other . 
Also, as we see from the rest of FFVII and in AC, Tifa is devastated by her friend’s death and continues to grieve with Cloud.  Tifa is emotionally intelligent enough to see that Cloud’s grief and guilt over Aerith’s death is killing him, but also respects his need for space.  However, when she finds that he has Geostigma and has staying away from everyone so he can just waste away and die as some sort of penance for not being able to save Aerith and zack, she get’s PISSED at him. Tifa is instrumental in bringing Cloud back (again) to his senses.  Making him see, that he doesn’t only belong to himself, he belongs to their family, just as much as they belong to him. The love and fierce protection Cloud has for his family?  They have that for him and believe he’s more than worthy of that love. Tifa takes none of Cloud’s mopey and self-loathing bs, and sets him straight.
So if you think Tifa is only there for fan-service, an annoying bitch who is there to be jealous of Aerith, is there just to make a love triangle so SE can pander to fans on both sides, you clearly
a) didn’t play the games b) missed one of the best female relationships and examples of women supporting women in gaming c) missed how equally important both Aerith and Tifa are to Cloud in their own ways
IMO I see her and Cloud as platonic soulmates- kinda like Black Widow and Hawkeye- they have history, they have shared trauma from their childhoods and in the destruction of Nibelheim, they know what it’s like to grow up in a poor country town that’s been exploited by Shinra on so many levels from the natural resources to it’s culture of military indoctrination and idealization.
Yes, there was an innocent first love, but after certain events, to me- it’s moved beyond romantic attraction between them. They’re always going to be important to each other and in each other's lives.  
Their innocent first love to me, mirrors Zack and Aerith’s, but Aerith moved on and fell in love with Cloud. Yes, Cloud reminded her of Zack, she probably wanted to remain close to Cloud to get closure on what exactly happened to him. 
People often forget, Aerith *knows* Zack’s died and returned to the Lifestream in the way that she knew her adoptive mother’s husband had died before word reached them. When she has her awkward moment in Gongaga it’s not because she’s now realizing that he’s dead, she’s now realizing that these are Zack’s parents and they still don’t know what became of their son. Zack was scrambled into Cloud’s memories due to trauma and because Zack was someone Cloud looked up and was his ideal, combined with the fact that Zack was the only person talking to Cloud for 9 months as Zack carried his catatonic self back to Midgar. But Cloud didn’t *become* Zack, only Zack’s plans of becoming a mercenary and being a former SOLDIER were impressed upon him. If Cloud actually became Zack he would have been chipper, this energetic “I’m a hero!” all around good-guy hero Zack made himself out to be. The Cloud we first meet...isn’t- yes he thinks he’s a former SOLDIER turned merc, but he’s sardonic, arrogant, and too much of “tough guy/lone wolf”...he’s more like his child-like self who was made to feel like an outsider and wants to showoff how much cooler and stronger he’s become.  He didn’t find Aerith because Zack was some how possessing him.  Aerith and Cloud meeting was destiny, and their subsequent relationship is independent of their past histories with Zack. And if Aerith is interested in Cloud because she reminds him of Zack - well...the woman is allowed to have a type.
I digress.
Cloud was in love with Tifa in that - “hey! notice me! If I go off an become this awesome guy, I’ll be worthy of your attention” sort of way, that teens get.  He was a lonely kid, often bullied by the other children in the village (Tifa included), and probably didn’t know *why* he wanted Tifa’s attention- it was most likely Tifa had the most social capital among the kids. And despite her hot/cold treatment of him,Cloud who was desperate to prove himself, figured that if he somehow “won” Tifa’s attention, it would “show them”.  I am not saying that Cloud was using Tifa or didn’t care about her- he does love her. He blamed himself for not being strong enough to save her when she tried climb Mt. Nibel.  But you can’t ignore that his thirst to prove himself wasn’t wrapped up in his crush.  It’s your typical “become a hero, get the girl” idealization.  Cloud was 14 when he left Nibelheim for Shinra’s military. He was a child, just like Tifa, with a naive idea about how the world worked- and the world slapped them both in the face, HARD.  Relationships mature and change over time. Outside forces can and will shift your dynamics in how your relate to the people you love.  Sometimes your first crush, becomes one of your very best friends (happened to me personally so maybe this informs my take on Cloud and Tifa) because when you’re young you don’t understand that loving someone, outside of your nuclear family, isn’t only constrained to romance. This is what I believe happened to them. Cloud and Tifa had the quintessential school yard crush, and when they were reunited years later in Midgar, they still care deeply for each other in a different way than they did when they were 14 and 13.
But those are MY feelings, it’s how I play the game’s attraction mechanics; I am afforded to shape Cloud’s relationships as I, the gamer, see fit. I understand why Cloti shippers ship Cloud and Tifa, and they’re just as valid as Clerith, Zarith, Clack, etc.. but I’m a sucker for M/F platonic soulmates because there needs to be MORE of that in media. I rather Cloud and Tifa be platonic soul mates, co-parenting Marlene and Denzel with Barret, than Cloud “settling for Tifa because Aerith died”. which that explanation for Cloud x Tifa, often used by Clerith shippers, just undermines who Tifa is as a character and her’s and Cloud’s relationship.
But anyway, even though I don’t ship them and Tifa is not my #1 girl for VII, she is a vital character. She’s not there for fan-service.  She’s not there exclusively for a love triangle and to cause tension between Aerith and Cloud.  Tifa is VITAL to Cloud’s story, to the story of VII, to the planet of Gaia. You wouldn’t have VII’s core story without Tifa. And I will go to the mat for her just as hard as Aerith did when she saw Tifa in the cart bound for Wall Market.
So again: you may not ship her with Cloud, or she may not be your fave in VII, but in this house we forever respect the badass queen whose name is Tifa Lockhart
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autumngracy · 5 years
I think I'm ace but my family thinks I should be "more open to dating" lmao
Yeah I feel like families especially tend to find asexuality harder to grasp for some reason than if you were just homosexual for example. It’s hard for allosexual people to conceive of not feeling attraction the way they do.
There’s a lot of bullshit social pressure to have sex and feel sexual attraction because it’s seen as something that’s supposed to be an inherent, immutable trait (but it’s not). It doesn’t help that advertisements so often use sex as a way to sell products even if they’re completely unrelated. Plus, with family you often have people expecting grandchildren, neices and nephews, etc. and they feel “robbed” when the person announces that they’re ace or gay or bi or whatever, which is ridiculous because none of that even excludes the possibility of having kids, even biological children of your own, but to them it’s often some huge shock. But who gives a shit about that; it’s gross to expect anyone have children for your benefit, what the heck.
People can also tend to assume that you being ace means you’ll never be in any kind of relationship, because of the (again, bullshit) idea of relationships being so centered around sexual attraction. Many people don’t even understand that there’s different kinds of attraction, or that there’s a difference between love and lust, or even different kinds of love. You could be in a relationship based purely on romantic attraction. Hell, you can be in a relationship where there’s neither sexual OR romantic attraction, just because you work well together!
And if at the end of the day you don’t want to have any kind of intimate relationship with anyone, guess what! None of that stuff is necessary to lead a meaningful, happy, fulfilling life!! You don’t have to give a shit that other people want you to be dating or get married or settle down or have kids or whatever! They don’t have any say in what you choose to do and if you’re happier without pursuing any of those things then there you go!
For me, personally, I’m a biromantic ace and I’ve only dated a few times in my life (mostly all uncomfortable) and been in one (1) true relationship that ended with me realizing it was only platonic after all and I was more in love with the idea of being “in love” than I was with that person. I’m still a virgin at 26 years old, and you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that. I never wanted sex and I’ve never felt sexual attraction. I only feel romantic attraction and even then it’s pretty rare.
People call me inexperienced, tell me I can’t know what I feel or want yet, and try to pressure me into “putting myself out there” and getting laid ALL the time, (especially with guys because most people in my family can’t or refuse to grasp that I’m like barely EVER attracted to them) and you know what, I just can’t bring myself to care. I know what I’m comfortable with and what will make me happy and if I have to wait a long time to find the right romantic relationship that’s fine!! I’m not gonna put myself in situations I don’t feel comfortable with just because people told me I should!
My brother keeps telling me I’m broken and that *clears throat uncomfortably* having sex with (specifically) a guy will “fix” me (and trust me he did not use such nice words) and he can go fuck himself lol!!! I don’t care what he wants! I care what *I* want! I ain’t here for your peer pressure bullshit! And I’m certainly not fucking “broken”!
Sex is not what makes us human. Attraction is not what makes us human. We do not exist just to have sex and make babies. It’s dismally short sighted and crude to suggest life can be so very shallow.
Society is so obsessed with sex and attraction and it gets baffled and unsettled when people say they don’t feel or want any of that stuff, because if those aren’t necessary and inherent, it forces it to question its own decisions and priorities and people just HATE having to do that, especially if it means they might have made different decisions and now might have to regret doing things they maybe didn’t really want to do after all ... so they get even MORE up in arms about that stuff. They can take it as a personal affront, which is ridiculous. They don’t want to have to rethink how they live their lives or see the world because that’s scary and people hate change.
Just know that you don’t have to listen to people when they try to lecture you about what you should or should not be doing. They can’t possibly know you better than you know yourself, and by extension they can’t possibly know what’s “best” for you. Just do what makes you happy and don’t take anybody’s shit for it because they don’t know what they’re talking about anyway.
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parkminhyuk · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
tagged by @jinjinskitten​, @astrofireworks, and @jinwoostro (ilyyyyy 💕💕💕💕💕)
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you.  at the end choose 25 people to be tagged (lol no)
1. drink: water 2. phone call:my Grandma’s home phone to test if the ringer was working
3. text message:“The high achiever in you”
4. song you listened to: I’m listening to Polaris as I type this sooo but before that it was A.C.E’s Callin’ 5. time you cried: last night
6. dated someone twice: not even once 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah 8. been cheated on: lol no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. been drunk and thrown up: heck no
fave colours
12. silver 13. turquiouse and shades like it 14. black
in the last year have you…
15. made a new friend: yup~~ 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: soooo many times 18. found out someone was talking about you: far as i can recall no? besides family discussing me i mean =/ 19. met someone who changed you: yup 20. found out who your true friends are: if you mean that in the negative way, i don’t think so, no 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list:  i don’t even have a faecebook account soooo
22. how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: one 23. do you have any pets?: not anymore T^T 24. do you want to change your name?: i’m not fond of my name but i still don’t want to change it 25. what did you do for your last birthday: ate birthday cake and watched Ouran High School Host Club for the first time
26. what time did you wake up today: 11:30 (11:20, but I hit the snooze button twice so) 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: iiii think watching White Collar and writing a fic and talking to a friend 28. what is something you cant wait for: my dang aLBUM when is it gonna get here (plus my late Christmas present) 30. what are you listening to right now: Dead Leaves by BTS
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: nothing truly at the moment but humans have been bugging me lately (which sounds s o b a d but honestly humans can be.... so dumb)
33. most visited website: Tumblr
34. hair colour: dark brown 35. long or short hair: loooooong
36. do you have a crush on someone: yes 37. what do you like about yourself: i’m caring and someone attentive? and pretty chill and protective
38. want any piercings? - nah
39. blood type: no idea 40. nickname: J 41. relationship status: single and ready for a pringle 42. zodiac sign: sagittarius 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favorite shows: young justice (BUT I LOVE STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS MIRACULOUS AND OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB) 45. tattoos: none and i honestly don’t want any 46. right or left handed: right 47. ever had surgery: no
48. piercings: none 49. sport: nope 50. vacation: haven’t had any in literally forever (unless you count my trip to my aunt and uncle’s out of state), but my last was in a beach house by a lake :3
51. trainers: ??? sneakers? yeah i got a pair or two
more general
52. eating:  nothing but i just ate some rice and i’m kinda craving chocolate (again) 53. drinking: ...the water that’s in my room that i forgot to bring with me whoops
54. i’m about to watch: youtube videos? or maybe manage to finally watch a vlive 55. waiting for: my dang aLBUM when's it gonna get here?? (plus a laaate Christmas present >.>)
56. want: the dvd player to be fixed ;-; 57. get married: someday 58. career:  🤷
59. hugs or kisses: platonic hugs, romantic kisses
60. lips or eyes: e y e s 61. shorter or taller: taller
62. older or younger: older
63. nice arms or stomach: i dont’ truly care but arms if i gotta
64. hookup or relationship: RELATIONSHIP
65. troublemaker or hesitant: ....i’ve... lowkey... got a thing for troublemakers... but hesitant
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: lol no 67. drank hard liquor: nah 68. lost glasses: don’t wear any to lose 69. turned someone down: kind of? i didn’t flat out say it 70. sex on first date: h e c k no 71. broken someone’s heart: i really really hope not 72. had your heart broken: depends on what you mean by that 73. been arrested: no 74. cried when someone died: yes 75. fallen for a friend: when i was a kid
do you believe in
76. yourself: depends 77. miracles: yes 78. love at first sight: i don’t really know 79. santa claus: never did 80. kiss on a first date: if the couple involved want to sure 81. angels: yes
82. best friend’s name: 83. eye colour: brown 84. fave movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier 85. fave actor: Lee Hyun Woo? I haven’t really thought much about it lately
Random86. I have this thing where I often feel like I don’t fully express appreciation or love or sympathy or whatnot without physical contact? Maybe because touch is my love language
87. My hair is hecka long and curly and honestly I’m in a love/hate relationship with it
88. I’m super touchy and affectionate and even more so with someone I feel close with, so if I hug/touch/whatever you a lot, it means I really like you
89. One of my absolute favorite things in the world are cinnamon rolls and if I could I’d eat them every day, The sweet cinnamon sugar, the gooey icing... give me a box of warm, soft cinnamon rolls dripping with icing and I’m all yours
90. I tend to initiate physical contact a lot? I’ll sit on someone or back hug them or whatever because I start craving physical contact and affection and it’s basically like ‘I need to touch so I’m gonna back hug ya okay? okay it’s even better if you know you hug me too but I’m fine with just back hugging because it leave you at least somewhat free to go about your business especially if you just walk with me still hugging you and drag me like my cousin does while still allowing me to get some of the physical contact that I so deeply need’
91. Because of my religion, I am not allowed to wear make-up beyond covering blemish and the like (and even that many not might agree on), wear pants outside the house (basically just not in front of most guys), or cut my hair
92. I’m pretty blunt and chill... I rarely get uncomfortable about things and can easily discuss most topics and even feel fine with people knowing if I’m on my period
@astrohgolly​ @scoupsadaisy​ @eunrocky​ @myngbin​ @fourseasonsofastro​
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basicallybing · 7 years
Get to Know Me (Tag)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag some friends.
Thanks for tagging me, @steve-rogers-best-girl​ :)
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my dad
3. text message: my dad
4. song you listened to: i think Holding On To You by twenty one pilots
5. time you cried: a couple hours ago
6. dated someone twice: lol joke’s on you i haven’t even dated someone once ha. ha. ha. ugh.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: i haven’t ever kissed someone at all lol what are these questions
8. been cheated on: in a competitive game of pokemon maybe but yall i havent dated what is happening
9. lost someone special: i mean i once had a toxic friend and i super duper got rid of her i guess but like thats it
10. been depressed: never been diagnosed but im pretty sure i’ve had depression since around third grade (but that’s a story for another time)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: ew???? i’ve never even drank alcohol why am i answering these questions ew
12. white
13. various blues and teals
14. golden yellow
15. made new friends: yep!
16. fallen out of love: platonically with a toxic-as-heck friend yeah
17. laughed until you cried: absolutely!
18. found out someone was talking about you: yep
19. uhh ya skipped 19 so idk what to put here lol
20. found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: sErIoUsLy? *face palm*
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? i dont have a facebook
23. do you have any pets? yep, a doggo!
24. do you want to change your name?  y e s  p l e a s e  ! ! ! ! !
25. what did you do for your last birthday? had some of muh frens over
26. what time do you wake up? for school at like 5:30, but over the summer i’ve been waking up around 9ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? crying
28. name something you can’t wait for: a month ago i would have said Pokemon Go Fest but nope i got my hopes up for that like usual and of course i cant go  uh i cant wait to get a desk finally i dont have a desk *shrug*
29. when was the last time you saw your mom? *shouts down the hall* “hi mom!”
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life? i’d like a whole new wardrobe that magically made me look thinner and happier all the time and that allowed strangers to see me for me and not me for some slouch who wears sweatpants all the time bc i dont have any other clothes that dont cripple me with dysphoria lmao woot woot
31. what are you listening to right now? primarily Regional at Best by twenty one pilots bc its calming for me
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom? actually??? im not sure...?? i’ve definitely talked to a few thomas-es but none of them go by tom *shrug*
33. something that is getting on your nerves: when my mom says we can’t afford to buy me a desk but then she goes out and buys other decor for the house
34. most visited website: probably youtube, netflix, instagram, and tumblr if you include the use of apps
35. any moles? nope
36. any birthmarks? none of which i’m aware
37. childhood dream: not sure. i always wanted to be a superhero like spider-man and whatnot i guess.
38. hair color? brown
39. hair length? short
40. do you have a crush? do fictional characters count? if so, yes -- peter parker, ben wyatt, and chandler bing
41. what do you like about yourself? i’m nice.
42. any piercings? just the basic earlobe piercings, but i never wear anything in them. i’m surprised theyre still open.
43. blood type? crap i need to ask my mom about this. it’s good to know for safety reasons.
44. any nicknames? anything you know me as on here is technically a nickname because i go by my birthname everywhere else... sooo, yeah. chandler is a nickname. i also get addressed as ‘???’ and as ‘Q,’ which is just short for “question marks” bc idk what my name should be but yep i go by chandler for now i guess *shrug*
45. relationship status: jealous
46. zodiac: aries
47. pronouns: they/them are preferable but i never correct people if they use anything else bc i’m just so accustomed to my own confusion
48. favorite tv show: agh i guess Parks and Rec is my number-one, but i also love Friends, The Good Place, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, and Legion (which cRaP i need to finish watching)
49. uh yeah i think you skipped this one too
50.  righty or lefty? righty
51. any surgeries? nope
52. ever dye your hair? I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
53. favorite sport? to play? basketball. to watch? football. although if my family was more into hockey i bet i’d love that.
54. hgfdskgfskjfhskjf you skipped this one too
55. dream vacation? honestly, i don’t care where we go as long as it’s somewhere out of the country and i get to travel with my friends in an evan edinger sorta way, you know?
56. favorite pair of sneakers? i mean?? i only have the one... it’s a nike hyperdunk i think? like, an older one? idk theyre comfy 
57. eating: nothing right now...
58. drinking: i mean i have water next to me so like i guess water is my answer
59. about to: hurry the heck up and finish answering these questions lmao
60. you skipped it
61.  ........ 
62. want: to travel and to be happy
63. ever going to get married? if i do, it won’t be a huge ceremony. it won’t be religious. and it will have to be to somebody very, very special to me. 
64. career: i’m a student right now
65. hugs or kisses? if i have to choose, hugs, but please don’t hug me without asking and dont be offended if i say no. i’m really uncomfortable about physical contact.
66.  lips or eyes? eyes 1000000%
67. tall or short? i’m short.
68. older or younger? what’s this question...? im confused and don’t know how to answer it tbh
69. there’s no question here
70. nice arms or nice stomach?  me? neither lol im Ugly
71. sensitive or loud? if you’re close with me, you’re the lucky people who know i’m both
73. troublemaker or hesitant? this makes it sound like it’s bad to not be a troublemaker. i’m not a troublemaker but its not because im hesitant. it’s because im a good person. and i dont mean to imply that troublemakers arent good people, but im not either of those things...???
74. kissed a stranger?  i  h a v e  n e v e r  k i s s e d  a n y o n e .
75. drank hard liquor?  i  a m  u n d e r a g e .
76. lost glasses or contact lenses? no, but i’ve broken my glasses before
77. turned someone down? unless you include that time that i was asked out as a dare, no.
78. had sex on the first date?  i  h a v e  n e v e r  b e e n  o n  a  d a t e  a n d  i  a m  a s e x u a l .
79. broken someone’s heart? not that i’m aware of
80. had your heart broken? yeah, by that Toxic Person who i mention all the time. it wasnt a romantic thing but i hate that person with a burning passion i cannot even bEGIN to tell you
81. been arrested? no definitely not
82. cried when someone died? in real life? . . . no. no one close to me has died. but i have cried at fictional deaths
83. fallen for a friend? kind of but not really idk its complicated and not worth it
84. yourself? on good days
85. miracles? not unless by “mircales” you mean “coincidences”
86. love at first sight? not for myself, but maybe for someone who is more into looks. and i dont mean that negatively but like thats just not really my kinds thing necessarily.
87. santa claus? well considering i was raised jewish but am currently atheist imma have to say no
88. kissing on the first date? i’ve never been able to experience what kissing or dating is like but if it feels right for someone then i have nothing against it
90. current best friend names: katie, claire, lizzie (i tag posts with their names when stuff reminds me of them hehe)
91. eye color? brown
92. favorite movie? i loved that new Spider-Man: Homecoming film, but Guardians of the Galaxy has always been one of my go-to movies, so probably GOTG
i tag anyone who wants to do this bc frankly im lazy and dont feel like tagging anyone heh lol
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fountainpenguin · 8 years
Hey, you said a bit ago that you actually prefer "ChalkZone" to "Danny Phantom". Reasons?
It’s completely a matter of personal preference. I really like both shows, but the former squeaks past the latter. “Danny Phantom” is plot-oriented, “ChalkZone” is more world-building oriented (You can see right from the titles where the focus of the show is placed). 
So yeah, I was a bit disappointed that DP didn’t explain the Ghost Zone as much as I felt it could have. We just don’t know a lot about the flora and fauna there, or the nature of ghosts (especially the ones with less shape and character) or energy or how different ghost powers work… 
“ChalkZone” is HUGE on world-building, which is exactly what I would expect and want from a show about an alternate universe. In fact, I wrote a strangely popular post about some highlights of “ChalkZone” world-building that you can find here. I’d struggle to do the same thing with “Danny Phantom”. 
And no fantasy plant will ever beat ChalkZone’s eyeball plants that record what they see on film strip roots and that crawl into the host’s eye sockets and manipulate the way said host views the world until they reach the place where they want to deposit their seeds. Remember Sam’s comment in “Memory Blank” of “Who wishes for evil plants?!?” Yep, that’s “ChalkZone”. All the time.
You may notice on KissCartoon that the “ChalkZone” episodes air in sets of four. Each link contains two main episodes that cover Rudy and the main plot, and then the third one is always a slice-of-life episode about Snap’s life in ChalkZone when Rudy isn’t around. It’s pure world-building. He even has his own television show, “Snap Shots”, which doesn’t come up a lot but always covers world-building when it does, like taking the viewer on a tour to describe ChalkZone plants, animals, and even the life of Skrawl and the Beanie Boys at their training camp. It’s exactly the kind of thing I adore. The fourth “episode” is always a one-minute song, which is a little weird, but okay.
Character-wise, “ChalkZone” is very great too. They were never shy about portraying the main characters as jerks. Regularly. Heck, one of the reoccurring plot points is that Rudy views himself as the One True Defender of ChalkZone, despite the fact that the Zoners never asked him to be their guardian and many wish he would just go away and leave them alone.
I like how in “Danny Phantom”, Sam and Tucker are good friends who love and hang out with one another even when Danny isn’t around. But “ChalkZone” is as opposite as you can get without splintering the trio up. Snap and Penny got on one another’s nerves from the beginning, and although they can put their differences aside and work together, they never learned to love (or even like) each other as much as Sam and Tucker do. It’s a very interesting portrayal.
Not to say that DP isn’t heavy on characters too, because it is and I appreciate it. Some of the characters (super-judgmental Sam) just weren’t my favorites. And DP is too heavy on romance for my personal tastes.
Compare with “ChalkZone”, where platonic friendships are the major focus. Despite meeting for the first time in an episode named “Rudy’s First Date”, Rudy and Penny show little romantic attraction to one another until Season 3, when they were watching their doofus duplicates (the “doofi”) flirt with one another, and Penny reminded Rudy that “They’re nothing like us”, and Rudy’s reply was, “Yeah, [unlike Doofus Penny], you really are a genius”, and she came back with, “And you have genuine artistic talent”, and they just scuffed the ground and smiled while Snap sat there being grossed out.
It was very sweet, and the show moved on without bringing it up again for that episode, or in the high majority of the remaining episodes (even when they go dancing together, it’s mostly platonic and they never become canon- that’s even a Snap-centric episode, so we don’t even see the two dance!). And I mean, when Penny tries to kiss Rudy in “The Smooch”, he bolts, and only returns out of necessity to lift the “smooch curse” off her. It’s great. 
Though to be fair, “Danny Phantom” involves high schoolers and “ChalkZone” is about ten-year-olds. It would be more surprising if DP brushed completely past all romance. But I just really appreciated the way it was handled in the latter show- I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a less romantic kiss between two cartoon leads than Penny tackling Rudy into a giant peanut butter and jelly sandwich and having it snap shut on them. 
The show just didn’t make a big deal out of romance - no dangling ship-bait, no love triangles, basically none of what “Star vs. The Forces of Evil” is doing right now that makes me cringe - so that’s something that means a lot to me.
These two shows are similar in that they both involve heroes, portals, alternate universes, and a main trio. In both shows, the real world starts off not knowing about the existence of this alternate universe, but slowly becomes aware of it- the people in the real world don’t lampshade their encounters with entities from the other one at all!
But put side by side, I’ll pick “ChalkZone” every time. Not only is it easier for me to buy into the idea of magic chalk that can easily fall into the wrong hands than a boy whose molecules got rearranged after contact with radioactive electricity, but I just can’t resist the absolute world-building focus. My love.
I just haven’t come up with any good ‘fic or drawing ideas, that’s all. With TD, FOP, and DP, I get bothered that after all these years, there are so few ‘fics related to some really cool characters despite the size and activity of their fandoms. I like to fix that. “ChalkZone” is just a super small fandom as it is, so it’s never surprising if characters I like get glossed over. Doesn’t bother me.
I guess what I’m saying is, it’s sad watching my favorite characters get dragged through the dirt so many times (with “Total Drama” especially). But with “ChalkZone”? Does anyone even hate any character in “ChalkZone”? They’re all so adorable! Did you see “Poison Pen Letter”? That’s such an amazing episode that portrays Rudy’s Wrath and recklessness, and renders Michelle Norwegiano perhaps the best “popular girl” cartoon character ever.
I need to draw Rudy’s parents. His dad is a butcher and his mom is an opera singer, and they are amazing. Ooh, and I need to draw Penny and Chloe. They both come from veterinary families, so they’d probably get along great! And I just remembered that “Mother Tongue” was the episode where Penny has a breakdown because of all the pressure her mom puts her under, and they talk it out. I think I might be uncovering the reasons I liked Chloe from the start.
“ChalkZone” is weird in that it was so perfect, no one writes fanfics about it because most AUs can easily be treated as something that could actually happen, and there weren’t plot holes for people to point out and/or correct. One of the only plot holes I can think of is why Rudy never drew another magic chalk mine, but that in itself is countered by the ideas that you don’t want the chalk falling into the wrong hands, and the hints that magic chalk is different from other chalk and only grows there. 
That, and due to the whole “no love triangle” thing, which unfortunately “sells”, I guess, combined with the fact that it was competing with literally every show that sent a character to Nicktoons Unite, rather sealed its fate. The Internet and fandoms were different back then. Bet people would love it if it aired now.
(By the way, some of the episodes on KissCartoon are missing and/or cut off early. You can usually find them if you Google ‘em. The early episodes are out of order because of “Oh Yeah! Cartoons”, but I can help you out. The only episode I’ve never found is “Knight Plight”. If anyone has that, I’d love to see.)
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notrandomatall · 7 years
For any character: multiples of 10! And BEI for the creator part!
Okay, this may take awhile so I'll repeat the questions and then go through the answers for each character.10.) What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?20.) If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familia love, how would they do so?30.) Who do they most regret meeting?40.) How sensitive are they about their flaws?B.) What inspired you to create them?E.) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?I.) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?Zip -10.) "You're safe with me." Yes, it haunts them everyday.20.) Romantic is when you want to get something, platonic is when you already have it.30.) Zap40.) Not sensitive at all, she'd probably take it as a compliment.B.) It was originally her and about two other female characters that were supposed to be teachers/motherly/leaders but then I narrowed it down and they might come in later. But for Zip, I thought it was important to have someone in command, someone behind the scenes, someone to watch over everyone when they hardly watch over themselves. And, I made it worse, she killed her family so now having a new family is something else entirely. Also, Nick Fury.E.) Probably not, just because I begrudgingly respect them. I think she'd find me weird and tolerate me.I.) Are you kidding? She (and everyone in my story, because this is all one story) jump dimensions. They're constantly in AUs while remaining in canon. Weird, I know. But the answer is the same for all of them.Zap -10.) "It'll be okay, I'm here and I'll always be here." Yes, like Zip it haunts them everyday.20.) "Romance is all lovey-dovey and I'm over here with a bag of chips screaming 'Some people be like "Fries before guys!" but I'm like "All foods before dudes!" and "Pals before gals!"' In other news, I have found the memes."30.) Lani (only because they feel sorry for her)40.) Relatively sensitive, can take criticism but hates when people purposely pick at them and others.B.) Ever wish you had a big brother or sister? Zap is both.E.) Yes, we'd get into so much trouble. But somehow Zap would always get us out of it.I.) See 'Zip'Zach -10.) "I'm fine." No, he regrets nothing anymore.20.) "Romance is... complicated. Platonic love is just love. The only love that I care to experience."30.) Lani, of course he has to be her guard cat.40.) Do whatever you want to him he doesn't care anymore. You could physically hurt him because of his flaws and he'd just kind of be blank.B.) I literally made my cat a character. And a main character at that.E.) He's probably upset about all the times I picked him up and forcibly cuddled him. But once we get past that he'd protect me and I'd protect him.I.) See 'Zip'Jay -10.) "I don't remember." It wasn't always a lie, and then it had to be.20.) Romance is possessive, platonic love is loyal.30.) His old self when he got his memories back.40.) He will take constructive criticism but blatantly pointing out his flaws? Your going to have an arrow to the head. B.) Blue Jays and my baby cousin Jacob. He has the bluest eyes I've ever seen and I used to call him 'Blue' while holding him which plays a part in the story.E.) Heck to the yeah, okay, maybe not. It'd take a little while for me to get past the whole 'I'm friends with your younger brother' thing. But after that, it'd be awesome. He'd be weary at first but open up pretty quickly once he got to know me. He's loyal and once you've gained that loyalty you have it for life.I.) See 'Zip'Jana -10.) "I don't know what you're talking about." Or "Of course I didn't know!" It hurts her to lie, but she has to.20.) Romance is a dime a dozen, but platonic love is rare.30.) Saya40.) Tell her about her flaws, she'll use it to be better.B.) So many different elements influenced Jana, I'll talk more about it on @whumpinitsnaturalhabitat @notrandomatall and @theinfiverse (theinfiverse is their story).E.) We might be different, but we're thick as thieves once she finds out my/Lani's secret.I.) See 'Zip'Brad -10.) "I'll protect you." "Nothing bad will happen to you, not on my watch." "It'll be okay." "I'll find you." "I'll save you!" Yeah... he's had it pretty rough.20.) Romance is complex while platonic love is simple.30.) Jana or Zach, probably Zach.40.) He could care less about your opinion, something Lani scolds him over.B.) My friend and I worked together to pick out successful protagonist and we meshed them together to make a flawed mess of a person who will likely fail more times than he succeeds. E.) Yes and yes.I.) See 'Zip'Lani -10.) "I'll be okay."20.) Romance is simple while platonic love is complex.30.) Brad but she can't hate him she loves him but none of this would've happened without him but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him. She hates him but she loves him.40.) Takes everything to heart.B.) Loosely based on myself and some other qualities mashed together. I chose her because of something I'll explain in the overview.E.) Yes because I am me and she is she unless I'm pretending that I'm her.I.) See 'Zip'Ethan -10.) "I'm never letting you go." Yes, he hurt Saya so much. (Okay out of context this sounds a lot more creepy than it's supposed to, it is going to be sad.)20.) "Romance...? How should I know? I'm ten! I guess it's when people love each other in a different way than how I love Saya. Saya is my play-tonic - that's how you say it, right? - love."30.) Saya or his mom40.) Don't. Just no. He has flaws but he doesn't need them to be pointed out any more than they already have been. *Turns to Ethan* My small precious child.B.) I wanted to have a redhead character that had a reason to act how they act. So far I've noticed a lot of either, "Super shy for no reason" and "Quirky, outgoing" redheads and I feel like they're under-explored. So here's Ethan.E.) Yeah, he's like another lil bro. I think he'd like having a big sister, once he got to know me.I.) See 'Zip'Saya -10.) "I'm not letting go!" She didn't really have a choice in the matter and it still haunts her.20.) Romance is... unstable while platonic love is stable.30.) Brad40.) Tell her anything, she's here to listen.B.) My little sister who I'd do anything to protect.E.) Yes, I shall protect and nurture. *Holds tight* I think she'd be annoyed but begrudgingly accept that she has no choice in the matter, I'm going to platonically love her.I.) See 'Zip'Overall : 10.) "I'm/it'll be fine." Reccurring lie for my characters.20.) Romance is foreign but love is love and love is family30.) Hello no they all really don't mind the people they hate they just hate what that person has done to them40.) Half care wayyyyyyyy too much, the other half don't care at all.B.) It all started because a guy in my ninth grade math class told me to write a story with a fight scene on a roof but have the characters be kids at our school.E.) Yes, I love all my characters and I think they'd like me (even though I put them through a lot).I.) See 'Zip' I honestly don't care AU the crap out of my OCs and I'll find a way to make it canon!Hopefully I did this right...Well yeah, thanks for asking and for reading! I love every prompt/question/anything I get so keep 'em coming whenever you're bored or just feel like it! (Only do it if you want to, of course!)Thanks again! Uh... bye?!
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