nopeimgoodthxs · 2 years
AHHHHHHHH this took me 3 days but it was worth it!
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abandoned-crumbs · 4 years
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another sanders sides fanart!!❤💖
I'm currently working on a request which turned out to be more challenging so I thought I'd take a breather with a lil prinxietyyy
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Prinxiety couch buddys
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darklingduke · 4 years
My Hero (repost)
A/N: Hey guys, this is reposted from my old account. Even though it’s a repost, it’s still my work ^^ 
Fic Taglist: @007ardra
~Post DWIT~
After Virgil sank out, tears pricking his eyes, he curled up in his room. He knew he should start packing - there was no way the Light Sides would let him stay here now that they knew the truth. The look of shock on Thomas’s face had been enough to tell him that. But he didn’t have the energy to get up to do that.
He curled in on himself in the center of his bed, the black bubbling tar of Thomas’s anxiety spilling over in his stomach, the burning of it enough to blur his vision and make him feel lightheaded. He gasped for air, and he was so absorbed in the trembling pain inside him that he didn’t hear the knock at his door or the sound of the door opening.
In no time at all, there was a hand on his back, making him tense, and he unfurled himself, looking up at the man attacked to the hand. Roman looked down at him with concern in his eyes. Seeing the tears streaking down Virgil’s cheeks, he pulled him to his chest in a hug.
Virgil sank into Roman’s chest, shutting his eyes tight, and he simply relished in the strong warmth of him. He felt horrible, knowing that he was betraying Roman even with this simple hug.
He allowed himself a moment of peace before pulling out of his boyfriend’s arms.
“You know I used to be a Dark Side, right?” he asked, not quite meeting Roman’s eyes.
“I know.” His voice was somehow both soft and strong, the steady sureness of it nearly bringing Virgil to tears all over again. “Is that what’s got you so upset?”
“The others know, too. Or they will once Thomas tells them. They’re not going to want me around anymore.”
“Virgil, they know I’m only half a Side, and that’s something that I still am. They’re not going to send you away over something you used to be.”
“What if they do, though?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be here to protect you.”
Virgil snorted despite the pleasant warmth spreading through his chest at his words. When he spoke, his words were laced with a sarcasm that he didn’t entirely mean.
“My hero.”
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wispandwhispers · 4 years
That‘s it
That‘s the post
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deadanddeactivated · 4 years
Practice Makes Soulmates
Fandom: Sanders Sides Pairing: Roman/Virgil, Remus/Logan Characters: Roman, Virgil, Remus, Logan Notes: For @tsshipmonth2020 fluffuary.  Day 1: Prinxiety! Am I entering this really late?  Yep.  Hears hoping I can catch up. Summary: Sometimes Roman can’t help but worry about his soulmate’s first words.
‘What if I don’t though?’
Before the purple words appeared, Roman had been excited to meet his soulmate.  He’d dreamed of a fairytale meeting, of saying the perfect words and having the perfect words said back to him.
Now he just worries.
‘What if I don’t though?’  What kind of first words are those?  Why would his soulmate say that?  No matter how Roman twists the words, he can’t imagine a positive way they’ll come about.  Either his soulmate doesn’t want to be his soulmate, or Roman says something horrid like ‘go away’ to his one true love.  
It keeps him up at night, trying to think of a way those words are spoken positively.  Are they flirting?  Is Roman making a joke?  Oh but that makes no sense, it’s the first thing his soulmate says!
A lot of the time Roman wishes he had his brothers words.  Those were easy, they were kind, they showed Remus’ soulmate cared for him even moments after meeting.
‘You have a concussion.’
Of course, with how often Remus pulls… well, dangerous and ridiculous stunts, the words come up pretty often.  Roman would think Remus was seeking his soulmate out but no, he’s just like that.  
“Having another sulk day?”  Speak of the devil, Remus comes skidding to a stop beside Roman, shoes in his hand so he can get maximum slide on his socks.
“It is not a sulk day.”  Roman argues, shutting his locker with a little more force than strictly necessary.   “I’m simply… staring into the window, wondering when my soulmate will return from war.”  
“Oh, dated memes.  You really are sulking.”  Remus teases, laughing when Roman just glares.  “Come on, I know just what will cheer you up.”  He announces, swinging his free arm over Roman’s shoulder.
“And what’s that?”  Roman asks, sighing and accepting his fate.  
“Theatre practice!”  Remus grins.
“We don’t have practice tonight?”  Roman frowns.
“Backstage is working on backstage-y things so the theatre’s unlocked.”  Remus says.  “I bet my juicy bottom Patton will let us in.”
“Not if you say things like that.”  Roman says, nose crinkling while Remus laughed.
“Halt, foul villain!”  Roman proclaims in his best ‘I’m the hero’ voice, hand held out liking he’s holding a sword towards Remus.
“I will not halt!”  Remus argues, bouncing around the stage.  He’s holding his jumper bundled in his arm like a baby.  “The child is mine, the straw is yours.  A deals a deal.”  He crackles, he takes a jump to the left and his foot slips.  “Edge of stage!”  He cries as he goes down, falling in a lump at the bottom of the stage.
“Oh my god Remus.”  Roman sighs, head falling into his hands.  He supposes he should be rushing over, like that new techie, but Roman’s become rather desensitised to Remus’ sheddigans over the years.  Walking over, he finds the techie looking Remus over for injuries.
“Purrty.”  His brother says, eyes focused on the techie.  “What an angel face.”  The man pauses, a light flush to his face as he catches Remus’ eye.
“You have a concussion.”  He says.
“No, he’s always like this.”  Roman claims.  “He’s fallen off the stage plenty of times.”
“Still, it is best he get checked over by the nurse.”  The techie says, helping Remus stand.  Roman knows his brother is playing it up as he leans against the slightly shorter man.  Even if he is injured, he’s surely not that injured.
“Then who will I go over lines with?”  Roman complains.  The techie gives him a look which Roman thinks is rather unfair.  Remus does this stuff all the time, it’s really not a big deal.  He didn’t even break a bone for once!
“I’m sure Virgil can do it for you.”  The man says, nodding to another student sitting at the back of the stage, painting backgrounds.
“What?”  The student, Virgil apparently, frowns. 
“You’ll go over lines with Roman whilst I take Remus to the nurses office.”  The techie says.  
“Oh my god we’re soulmates.”  Remus breaths, staring at the techie’s face from his spot on the man’s shoulder.  “Roman my soulmates super pretty!”  
Oh.  Roman grins as the techie’s face goes red.
“Fine.”  Roman agrees.  “Go get him checked out.”  He says, winking for good measure.
“That is not what I meant.”  The techie mutters as he leds Remus from the theatre.  
“What the hell Logan?”  Virgil is muttering to himself when Roman turns around but, when Roman raises an eyebrow, he takes the spot across from him.  Clearing his throat, Roman starts with the line before Remus fell.
“Half, foul villain!”  He exclaims with just as much gusto.  Unlike Remus, Virgil hesitates.  When he finally speaks there’s no fanfare.
“What if I… don’t though?”  He eventually manages.
“That’s not the li-” Roman starts to complain before stopping, looking between Virgil’s face and his own covered wrist.  “Uh…”  What is he meant to say now?
“Uh…”  Virgil is clearly as lost as Roman.  There’s a solid minute of silence as Roman stares at his apparent soulmate while Virgil looks anywhere else.
Then Roman bursts out laughing, practically doubling over.
“What, hey!”  Virgil complains, startling.  When Roman looks up he finds Virgil is finally looking at him, face a little flushed and eyes glaring.
“Sorry!”  He manages.  “Sorry, I just, I’ve always wondered how that could be your first words.”
“You?  How do you think I feel?”  Virgil huffs.  “I have ‘halt, foul villian’ on my wrist!”
“At least that’s a conversation starter.”  Roman argues.  “What if I don’t though?  I mean really, you could have at least stayed on script!”
“I panicked!”  Virgil snaps.  Roman manages to get his laughter under control before stepping up to Virgil.
“Roman Prince.”  He says, grinning.  “Pleasure to meet you.”
“You too, or whatever.”  Virgil mutters, back to looking anywhere by Roman.  “Virgil Storm.”
“Well Virgil, how about we get out of here and do some checking out of our own?”  Roman suggests, grinning wider when Virgil’s face turns bright red.
“I will push you off the stage.”  Virgil threatens and Roman can’t help but laugh.
“It’s like being threatened by a kitten.”  He says, which makes Virgil literally hiss and wow this is perfect, isn’t it?  Despite the banter, they do spend the rest of the day getting to know each other.
Years later, when Roman shares the story of how they meet, he'll say he got his fairytale moment after all.
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Roman: am I the only one that finds it weird that I can transfer data from my brain to someone else's by opening my mouth and pushing air with vibrations in their direction?
Virgil: how high are you?
Roman: 5' 10''
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paracopter · 4 years
18So with the new video Thomas posted it gave me much needed ideas and with that said, I would like to rp some sweet, sweet prinxiety. I rp virgil only so keep that in mind.  I only except those who are 18+ and at least semi-lit
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beanyboobee · 4 years
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vampire sides? ....vampire sides. plus human Logan, I may of accidentally created a whole sandersides vampire au and I regret nothing.
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How about some Prinxiety? With the prompt, ice cream?
love you anon, got it!
“Ro, you have ice cream on your nose,” Virgil laughed. They were out for a night while Patton and Logan cleaned the house. Roman had declared that an ice cream date would be necessary, and then proceeded to pull Virgil out the door to the local diner.
Roman smirked and tapped his nose lightly on his boyfriend’s sweatshirt. Virgil gasped. “Roman! I cannot believe you!” Roman giggled, hiding his face behind his hands. Virgil quickly got a napkin and quickly attempted to wipe it off. “You know how hard this is to clean!”
Roman snuggled up to Virgil in their small booth, subsequently getting more ice cream on his hoodie. “Oh, but you know you love me,” Roman said, voice muffled by fabric.
Virgil smiled and hugged him back. “Yes I do, Princey.” He grinned and slid his hand through Roman’s hair, successfully messing it up. “Hey!” Roman shouted into V’s jacket. “You truly are a nightmare, Stormcloud.”
Virgil laughed and ate a spoonful of his ice cream. “I might be, but I’m your nightmare.”
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I've seen so many people shipping RemusxDeceit (Demus? Receit?). I love that dynamic because there so much to explore in their relationship. Like what if they're not only together because of their feelings, but also for revenge?
Dee obviously is hurt that Virgil left the Dark Sides. I think that once Virge left, Dee wanted to get back at him. So dating Remus is proving to Virgil, see? I've gotten over us, what we had means nothing ect, ect,
Remus is constantly bickering with Roman, each brother trying to be more dramatic than the other. Dating Deceit would definitely have a bombshell effect on Roman, especially when he has feelings he seems unable to admit for Virgil.
So anyways, that's my take on RemusxDeceit. If anyone has curiosities or comments, don't hesitate to let me know!
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sanxerss · 5 years
Virgil: I don't really like people, but you're okay I guess.
Roman: we're married????
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depressedmcrlover · 5 years
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My first animation.
What do you think?
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Little bit of an after anxiety attack with Roman and virgil
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royalitylesbians · 5 years
Sidewalk Chalk - Prinxiety
    In which Virgil is having a bad day and Roman helps calm him down by taking him outside to draw on the sidewalk together.
    Today was a drawing kind of day for Roman. His mind flooding with ideas, he noticed that the sun was shining bright through the window, giving him another idea. He was happily humming to himself, box of chalk in hand, when he heard noises from the other room as he was on his way outside.
    "Virge? Is that you?" Roman walked into the dining room where the other boy sat at the table, head in his hands.
    "What do you want, Princey?" Virgil asked, voice almost shaking. Roman's expression softened.
    "Hey, what's wrong?" Virgil looked up to meet Roman's eyes. His eyeshadow was smeared and his hair was a mess. He chewed on his thumbnail and shrugged.
    "I don't know.....just one of those days." Virgil muttered. Roman nodded slowly.
    "Yes, well....why don't you do something to take your mind off of it?" Virgil rolled his eyes.
    "Like what?" Roman glanced at the chalk he was still holding.
    "Come draw on the ground with me." Roman suggested. Virgil scoffed.
    "You don't even like me, why would you want me hanging around? Besides.....creativity isn't my thing, it's yours."
    "Don't say that! You may surprise yourself, c'mon." Virgil sighed and pulled himself up from his seat, fixing his hoodie and running a hand through his hair.
    "Fine. I guess if it may help it's worth a shot. But if I don't like it, I'm coming back inside." Roman beamed.
    "Great! Hopefully this helps you calm down."
    The two headed outside and found a spot on the pavement to sit, a big open space in front of them to draw on. Roman got all of the chalk out and grabbed a couple colors, quickly getting to work while Virgil watched.
    Virgil wasn't even drawing anything himself, but even just watching Roman was....oddly calming somehow. He noticed things he never noticed before, like how Roman's eyes reflected in the sun, or how he makes this cute face when he's concentrated on something.....
    Virgil shook his head. Thoughts like that would only make him even more of a mess. He focused on Roman's drawing, rather than Roman himself; he was drawing a big collage of flowers. There were all different kinds of all different colors, and how Roman knew enough different flowers to draw that many was beyond Virgil.
    Virgil couldn't stop himself from coming back to Roman, which kept making him nervous. So finally he grabbed some chalk himself and got to work on the space next to Roman. Roman looked up but didn't say anything, going back to his own work.
    Virgil didn't really have an idea of what he was drawing, he just sort of absentmindedly moved the chalk across the pavement and hoped he was creating something. Roman was right; this was calming him down. After drawing for a few minutes, he spoke up.
    "Hey Roman?"
    "Yes, Virgil?" Roman responded without looking up.
    "Thank you." Both of them looked up from the ground and met the other's eyes.
    "Thank you for checking on me and bringing me out here. It....it really helped." Virgil said. Roman smiled.
    "I'm glad it did, Virge." The two drew in silence for a few more minutes before Roman spoke up this time.
    "What are you drawing?" He asked. Virgil internally panicked, because he had started to draw an actual idea. It was a comforting image of him, engulfed in the prince's arms. He felt his face get hot as Roman looked over.
    "That's....really sweet." The prince said. Virgil almost looked up but couldn't bring himself to meet his eyes.
    "Thanks.....it's kind of dumb and mushy, especially for me, but spending this time with you was just....really comforting and calming." He mumbled.
    "Aww, don't mention it. This drawing is really good! And you said you weren't creative. I told you you might surprise yourself; sometimes all you need is a little inspiration."
    "Yeah....I guess you're my inspiration." Virgil said, quickly looking down once he realized what he had said. Both of them looked down at the ground, faces warm from the statement.
    Roman scooted closer to Virgil, setting his chalk down.
    "I'm really glad I could help, Virgil. Both with calming you down and with inspiring your drawing." Virgil smiled to himself.
    "Yeah, well, just don't let it go to your head, Princey." He joked. Roman chuckled.
    "It's getting dark, so I'm gonna head inside. You wanna come with me?"
    "Nah, I'm good. Thank you though, Roman. For everything." Virgil responded. Roman smiled and, with a burst of confidence, planted a quick kiss on Virgil's cheek before heading outside. Virgil stayed in his spot, shocked and flustered. He quickly gathered his emotions and looked over at Roman's now finished drawing. In the middle of all the flowers, Virgil's name was written in fancy cursive letters.
He's so extra, Virgil thought. Then he remembered everything he did today, and everything he noticed. But I love him. Oh god, did I really just say that?
And so Virgil was left with two drawings on the ground and a bunch of feelings to sort out.
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mun-sapphire-chan · 5 years
Roman: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
Virgil: No, but I scraped my knee crawling out of hell. 
Roman: *sigh* I know I should have expected this but Virgil really
Virgil: Really. You didn't honestly believe that I wasn’t going to what? Flirt back?
Virgil: Yeah. Your point?
Roman: *sarcastically* You know what, I hadn’t thought of that
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