#rome romano germany and japan are also mentioned
urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
can we get a north italy character analysis too?? congrats on the 100 followers!! 💖💖💖
absolutely! i feel like im a bit unnecessarily hard on him sometimes...I really do love Veneziano as a character though. he’s so complex and well written! also thank you! 
So it probably comes as no surprise that I think Vene is very insecure. I think some of the sources of his insecurity are survivor’s guilt, how a lot of people see him as being useless and only good at art/fashion/food, and that he feels like nobody would care about him if he wasnt the grandson of Rome. 
Where his survivor’s guilt is concerned, I think that there used to be a lot more personifications for Italy (and the entire world tbh), for all the city-states. Because of the strength of the “national” identity, i don’t think it’s out of the question for there to have been other personifications (see the war of the bucket), although only Veneto and Sicily are left by now. This is one explanation for why he seems so extroverted- Because he grew up surrounded by other people, and now he feels very much alone in comparison. 
As for the only being good at art/fashion/food, he doesn’t like that people reduce him down to these traits. I think it makes him feel very weak, or like he’s bad at being a nation. Yeah, nobody knows what the purpose of the nations is, but the expectation coming from both the other nations and all their people is that they must be strong. So Feli really doesn’t like that nobody sees him as being strong- partially because in his mind, not being strong means he’s a failure. Part of this is just because that’s how it was for much of European history, but I think some of it is also because of how Rome treated him when he was a kid. More on that later. But yeah, it feels like nobody acknowledges him for anything other than the fun parts of his country. And that’s cool and all, one does like being known for fun times, but it makes him feel a bit insecure and he gets self-deprecating a lot because history ain’t pretty, ya know? More importantly, no one person is pretty all the time, and the way people see him as being so fun and cute and quirky and all makes him feel like he’s not allowed to express his negative emotions. That’s no good no matter who you are but for an immortal it’s just so much worse, because while you may have. idk 10 years of baggage. he has literal centuries. 
I also think him being the grandson of Rome makes him really insecure and shaky in his identity. Such big shoes to fill, ya know? He’s not terrible at filling them- Venice being so incredibly welthy during the Renaissance and all- but the way that Rome treated him as a child didn’t help. I think that the way Rome’s parenting is viewed is often through the lens of neglecting Romano, but (and this is a bit of a while hc time) i dont think it was actually like that? or at least not super clear cut. I think that Rome tried to create some competition between his grandsons, maybe to prevent them from rising up as nations and lessening some of his power, or to keep them from developing a strong enough bond to topple him. Veneziano and Romano were definitely his two favorite kids, if favorite is the right word. He paid the most attention to them, and manufactured some of the basis for their present day relationship- Such as Romano’s jealousy, which isn’t as intense in the present day, but definitely stems from being made to feel like he wasn’t as worthy of parental love. The way this affected Vene, on the other hand, is that he suddenly felt like he had to be perfect at all times or his grandpa would cast him aside, just as he did with Romano and their other siblings. It also created Veneziano’s need for constant validation, as there was a constant fear that his paternal figure hated him for just existing (because Rome definitely made the other Italian personifications feel like that..and other Roman provinces, like Spain and France, but i think that’s a little off topic). All this is to say that his relationship with Rome set up a lot of his present day insecurities about how nobody loves him or needs him- Because as a little baby country, he definitely needed someone to care for him, but Rome didn’t need him back. This mindset that was established during his youth is very much still prevalent, down to him not being able to hold grudges. Because when Vene was young, his grandpa was the main person who had wronged him, but he couldn’t make himself hold a grudge against Rome- That’s his grandfather and his protector, so he didn’t feel like it was okay for him to hate him. 
manipulative tendencies
A lot of people think that Veneziano is manipulative, and I would have to agree. I think that some of this is inherited from Rome, and some of it is due to his career as a businessman. Where Rome is concerned, the way that he raised his grandkids was super toxic, especially with how he turned Veneziano into someone constantly worrying about what other think of him. But...if Vene could control how others thought of him...he wouldn’t have to worry...and yeah that’s basically where I think him being manipulative came from. It’s also a little bit based on Machiavelli’s The Prince, as Veneziano wants very much to be loved, but the only way he knows how to make people like him is through fear, as that’s how his grandfather did that. 
need to be useful
So, going back to what I said earlier about how his angsty childhood with Rome made him feel like he always had to be perfect- I think that might’ve contributed somewhat to this idea he has that he must be helpful and useful Or Else. This is seen throughout the comic, although I think it’s most obvious where Romano is concerned. He wants to make things easier for his brother, which is mostly done in the form of making sure Romano can relax and doesn’t stress himself out too much with work and all that. However, he doesn’t do this with other characters he’s close with, like Germany and Japan- Because he doesn’t think he can be of any use to them. I mean, he would like to be, but he’s not out here trying to do all their work for them and save them from stress. In fact, he more often relies on them for those things. But Romano is at his same level, sort of, so he could be useful for Romano. Of course Romano has an entirely different perception of this. 
I think there’s also some lingering stuff from Youth that makes him need to be useful, other than just you are the heir of the roman empire and you are an utter FAILURE if you can’t be great on your own. I think his fear of abandonment stems from his upbringing too, which is why he’s so clingy and always trying to please others. He knows what might happen to him if he doesn’t, and if he’s in the situation of fighting for someone’s approval, he will play dirty. 
Anyway, I think that’s about it! A bit longer than I anticipated, but ah well. analysis bb. I hope you liked it, and thank you for the request! 
writing requests
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
I got a little carried away with names today. Started with Sweden then went all over the place lmao. I'd like your guys' opinions on the names I've chosen before I ever use them in published works.
Sorry for the long read in advance ^^
Sweden: Berthold— I just like it. Not 100% sold on it though. He still has his canon surname as, as far as I know, there are no issues with it.
Denmark: Mikkel Hanssen— I just like it lol.
Ladonia: Oscar(or Oskar)— Its pretty sweet which is why I'm pretty sure Sweden would have chosen it for him. Not sure which spelling I like better. Shares a surname with Sweden.
Liechenstien: Lotta Vogal— I like em both. Not super sure how correct in origin or popular Lotta is as I keep getting mixed results, often talking about Scandinavian origin and bringing up the name Lottie and how popular that is in America. But it does mention how its used in German speaking countries.
South Italy: Lorenzo— Its from both Italy and Spain so I think it fits Romano well. The meaning not so much but Romano probably picked it because that's how he'd like to see himself one day??
Rome: Gaius Vergilius Crispus— The praenomen Gaius comes from the same root as gaudere, which means to rejoyce, happy which fits Rome to a T. His nomen is Virgilius as a reference to poet Publius Vergilius Maro(Virgil). Crispus as his cognomen because of his curly hair. I wanted Romulus to be his praenomen, however Romulus is not a praenomen whatsoever. It seems to be a nomen. I'm quite fond of Virgilius though to be honest. I actually had to deep dive this one to make sure everything was correct(meaning and order). The praenomen are the given names and those weren't normally used outside of the family(meaning only Romano and Italy would call Rome Gaius). Rather it was either their nomen or cognomen used freely. So I had to keep the importance of each name in mind; I couldn't really find the meaning behind Virgilius except that it is the latinized version of the english Virgil.
Seborga: Alonzo— Finally found a name for Seborga that I think fits better than Romeo! Well I'm still not sure of it for the long run but it does fit better than Romeo at least(in my opinion).
Italies' surname: Russo— Not super sure of this one. Its Sicilan/Southern Italian in origin but quick google searches repeatedly tell me that it has spread to other regions due to internal migration. It's also the second most popular surname in Italy(or that's at least what several sites have told me). I'm not sure if Russo is a good name for all three of the Italy brothers, but I do think its at least a plausible one for Romano. And as Romano is the older brother, perhaps Veneziano just took it some time after unification? Maybe to try and feel closer to the brother he barely grew up with?
Greece's surname: Katsaros— I dunno about this one still. But curly-haired is at least better than being a watermelon. Might change later, might not.
Cyprus: Demetris Georgiou— Not super sure about his name as a whole. Nicos is an alternative given name. Not sure about an alternative surname.
America's middle name: Fitzgerald— Its speculated that the F in his name is a reference to John F. Kennedy(or its Freedom). John F. Kennedy's middle name is Fitzgerald. There you have it. Actually, I honestly didn't know JFK's middle name was Fitzgerald beforehand, I kinda just really liked Fitzgerald as America's middle name already. Then I went into looking up the name's origin and meaning and google just handed this fact to me kinda randomly. Either way, I really do like the ring Alfred Fitzgerald Jones has.
Australia: Kyle King— I just like the name Kyle for him. It sounds nice. No deep reason for choosing Kyle. King, however, I feel like he might have chosen to like say fuck you to England after abandoning him? Like I'm the King now?? I'm in control?? From what I've seen on a few sites, King is a fairly common surname. Also considering Martin or Walker as alternative options.
New Zealand: James Brown— He looks like a James so he is a James. According forebears.io, Brown is the 4th most common surname in New Zealand. I'm not super sold on this surname yet but I do quite like the combination of it with James.
Wy: Charlotte "Charlie"— She gives off a lot of tomboyish vibes to me so I wanted to give her a kinda "boyish" nickname that Australia most likely started. Well it just so happens that Charlotte is a pretty popular name in Australia! She shares Australia's surname.
Hutt River: David— He just looks like a David. Plain and simple. Shares a surname with Australia. Despite being dissolved, I still like his character(and design) so I refuse to acknowledge him being dead lmao.
Molossia: Maximilian "Max" Theodore Jones— I picked a kinda flashy name for him because I tried to think like him while choosing it. He looks up to America. America is often flashy and exaggerated. What better way than to get your mentor's attention than by a name like Maximilian?? And I simply thought Theodore would be a good correlation to the middle name I gave America; they're both references to US presidents(Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy).
Kugelmugel: Tobias— No super deep reason. Its common in Austria in the year(or close to) when was he founded. I think Austria isn't super creative when naming things or people so he picked something common. Kugel probably does not care.
Osaka: Honda Tetsuya— I think he'd share Japan's surname rather than having his own. As for his given name, I chose something pretty common in Japan as a whole. I'm not sure about this choice, however.
Niko Niko Republic: Takahashi Shigeru— Again, picked common names. I didn't think he'd share Japan's surname, especially after dissolving. I thought maybe he'd like his very own name as he chooses his very own life to live out into old age y'know? Not totally confident in these name choices, however.
Monaco: Jules— I'm debating whether I personally like her having the same surname as France or not. I haven't found any alternative surnames yet as I'm not really dwelling on it. Jules, however, I think fits her pretty well.
Holy Roman Empire: Otto— Reference to Otto I, the Holy Roman Emperor, as well as Otto von Bismarck to kinda correlate the Germany-HRE theory(whether I 100% believe it not).
I'm honestly considering giving Germany a different surname than Beilschmidt since he was never given one by Hima in the first place(even stated there was a reason for that). I'm not sure if I will or not because I'm still looking into surnames for HRE, which I'm having a hard time doing so if I'm honest. Its harder than picking Rome's tria nomina lol.
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starsgivemehp · 4 years
The Argument Against and Defense of Hetalia
Let me preface this by saying that I have not watched the show or read the manga in a few years now, and thus I am working mostly off of memory and what fan content I see these days, which is not a lot. Also, I am a gentile, and I don’t claim to know a lot about the Jewish community or traditions. I am, however, a writer and I have plenty of practice analyzing and criticizing works of fiction from multiple angles. With that in mind, this essay is an attempt to explain everything that is wrong and not wrong with the show, the comic strips, and the fandom.
I’m putting this under a read more for sheer length, this was 11 pages on Google docs.
Let us start with the list of grievances assembled largely from one post, the majority of which I had to go digging for as the original person in this post who mentioned Hetalia said, and I quote, “i dont feel the need to link a source for [hetalia] because…” and then listed two things, one of which is incorrect entirely. But I digress, I will address each one at a time. The list of grievances is as follows:
It is called ‘Axis Powers’ Hetalia
One of the main characters is a personification of Nazi Germany
The entire point of the series is:
Advocating for eugenics
Racial fetishization
Advocating for fascism
Nazi sympathizing/propaganda
The entire franchise is terrible due to rape jokes, racism, and Holocaust jokes
Hetalia fans are all terrible due to rape jokes and other issues
Death of the author cannot apply to this fandom
There may be more that are in other reblogs of the post in question, and I may add addendums further in this essay, but for the time being, I will address each of these grievances and explain the validity or non-validity of each, from a position understanding of both fans and of non-fans. Thus, in order:
‘Axis Powers’ Hetalia
When people talk about Hetalia, they usually are referring to the anime due to its widespread popularity. However, Hetalia began as a series of strip comics posted on a forum by Hidekaz Himaruya (and I spent a while trying to actually find the original comics, but I can’t, there are links to his blogs there in what I’ve provided). It later was formatted into a manga, and then later became an anime. While it was originally titled Axis Powers: Hetalia and the first two seasons of the show are named as such, it usually is only referred to as Hetalia. The anime seasons after said first two seasons have all been ‘world’ focused: Seasons three and four were titled World Series, season five was titled Beautiful World, season six was titled World Twinkle, and the upcoming season seven is titled World Stars.
For the purposes of tagging everything, I tend to see the tags ‘hetalia’ and ‘hws,’ which is short for Hetalia: World Series. This name of the third and fourth anime seasons is the most widely accepted and used name for the series as a whole. While it is true that, years ago, people referred to it as ‘aph’ for Axis Powers Hetalia, the fans and the series have put that behind them, for good reason. It is understandable, even righteous, to not accept the title ‘Axis Powers.’ It does draw focus to the WW2 era, and place the fascists and nazis as the ‘main characters,’ or even, ‘the good guys,’ which is not the case. Obviously, the Nazis were terrible and the entirety of the Axis Powers did horrible, unspeakable things during the war.
It must be noted, to anybody who has not seen the show or read the manga, that the first one to two seasons do have a ‘focus’ on the WW2 era, per se, but it largely talks about interactions between countries, as they are the personified party, and makes extremely few allusions to the war itself, and none to the Holocaust. I will address that in a later section. For now, the point to make is that after these original two seasons, Hetalia branches out into a much wider worldview, adds several more characters, and focuses more on said characters in individual arcs and offerings of historical facts - as generalized as they may be. Nobody claimed that Hetalia was correct in everything it said, but it aims to play out some historical information in a simplified and humorous way. This is due to the fact that the characters are all singular people meant to personify entire countries, which leads us to point two.
The Personification of Nazi Germany
This is the second complaint of the strand of the post in question that I was presented with, quoted as “one of the main characters is a personification of nazi germany.” This is an entirely incorrect statement. ‘Nazi Germany,’ as people call it, is the state of Germany during the era leading up to and of World War 2. The country is still Germany, the people were still German, the Nazi part comes from the political regime in power, a real world nightmare. In the Hetalia series, the characters are called by their country names, because that is who they personify. This may change at times. For example, the character now known as Turkey was previously called Ottoman Empire. They come to be when civilization starts or a colony is introduced to a place. This can be seen in the strip or episode where China ‘finds’ Japan as a small boy and begins to teach him reading and writing - and Japan thereafter invents hiragana. It can also be seen in the comic where a young child, Iceland, questions who he is and why he knows his people are “different beings” than him. The country that speaks to him (I only have the comic here in my likes in that list, the name isn’t mentioned and it’s been a while, but it might be another of the Scandinavian countries) explains that he is Mr. Iceland, they don’t know why he is Mr. Iceland, but they know he is.
What I am attempting to explain with all of these other examples is that there is no ‘Nazi Germany’ character. There is a character called Germany (or Mr. Germany), and all of his adult life, he has been called Germany. He is never addressed by anything else. He does, however, look remarkably similar to a childhood friend of Italy’s, Holy Roman Empire (or just Holy Rome), but as far as it has been explained in canon, Holy Rome went off somewhere and, later on Germany and Italy met as strangers. The general consensus is, due to the area where the Holy Roman Empire used to be is around-ish Germany, the characters are the same. But never, in any of the comics, anime, or movie, is Germany referred to as Nazi Germany. I don’t believe the word ‘Nazi’ appears at any point in time, even, though I cannot claim I have seen every shred of content, so I may be wrong. But I doubt that very much, as it is not in the nature of the series to do such a thing. Moving on.
Advocating for Eugenics
I will start and end this section by saying that Hetalia was, in the original post, roped in with Attack on Titan, of which (as far as I know) the author advocates for eugenics - or the idea that certain people should not be allowed to produce offspring due to their race or other factors. There is no example of Hetalia content wherein this disgusting opinion is ever mentioned or supported in any way. This is at worst a flat-out lie, and at best lumping Hetalia in with a much worse show that does do this (but I won’t get into that, I have never seen more than a few episodes of Attack on Titan and I don’t care to see any more of it. Throw your opinions or defenses elsewhere, I care 0% about it entirely). I have no more need to prepare a more detailed response to this accusation. It simply is not true.
Racial Fetishization
This particular accusation is a difficult one. Fetishization may be a strong word, as the series is largely a comedy. Everyone gets their turn in the spotlight, so to speak, so I find it hard to plainly state that any one character is fetishized or displayed as the most powerful. There is, of course, Rome, who only appears in small segments as Italy’s grandfather and is, in the series, touted as an amazing empire who had it all. I do not believe this is what the accusation is referring to. This accusation seems to be some sort of insistence that the show and creator believe that white people (or possibly just Germans/Nazis/the Aryan race?) are touted as the most powerful and nobody else can compare. I can confidently say that while that is never said anywhere, there are a few issues. Hetalia, particularly the animated series, had (and may still have) a longstanding issue of whitewashing countries that should not be white. This includes Egypt and Seychelles (who both later got a darker skin tone, probably still not dark enough though) as the worst offenders, and even Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Romano (southern Italy), and so on. Yes, this is a big problem. There is no defense against that. It should not be the case. These characters obviously should have darker skin. I will note, however, that many fans are already completely aware of this, have been complaining about it since the beginning, and tend to draw these characters with more correct skin tones in their fanart. This is a case where yes, the original content is not good, but the fans make their own fixes. If you are angry at Hetalia for whitewashing, good. You should be. But I do not believe this should reflect on the entirety of the content and the fandom (And note that I am not linking any particular fanart here, because I want nobody to go attack any fans).
It is also important to note that yes, a large majority of the series builds upon stereotypes. No, stereotypes are not good. No, you should not assume that the personifications of the countries encompass all citizens of said countries. The entire premise of the show is one person = the embodiment of a country, and that person changes and adapts with the times in terms of uniform and personality. It is extremely hard to do this without stereotyping. Most serious fans are aware of this, and do not in any way believe that these characters represent everyone from these countries. It may be true that much younger fans used to, and it may be true that people do not want to watch the show because stereotypes are, arguably, bad. But do remember that this is a comedy, and every character is picked on. Every one. And it is understandable if this branch of humor is not for you. I, personally, don’t like Family Guy or South Park or any shows like that for their humor. I also don’t attack the people who do. I ignore it.
Advocating for Fascism
This is another area wherein I believe the accuser is simply lumping Hetalia in with the original poster’s subject, Attack on Titan. Again, I will not defend or attack that show, as I do not care about it at all. However, regarding Hetalia, I can confidently say that it does not advocate for fascism. While the first two seasons are (sort of) set in WW2 era, as previously mentioned, the fighting is not really a big part, and nobody is touted as correct - only struggling in the conflict. For example, there is a scene where Germany, post WW1, is shown making cuckoo clocks by hand and lamenting the fact that he has to make so many thousands in order to pay back France. This is by no means painting fascism as a good thing, or explaining anything about how poverty and other struggles lead to the formation and rise of the Nazi party. It is simply a scene where we see a man frustratedly making cuckoo clocks and complaining while France’s big head jeers at him in his imagination. The surrounding scenes and the end of this one are making note of how Italy keeps coming over to his house to try and be friends and Germany keeps kicking him out because Italy is annoying and whiny. The episode further goes on to mention that Germany is attacking France again, and Italy has suddenly become his ally, and he is not happy about it for the aforementioned reasons. Again, this does not in any way paint Germany as being ‘right.’ The purpose of the segment(s) is/are to show him disliking the annoying Italy (whom the show is named for) and trying to get him out of his house before eventually giving up and accepting that they can be friends. Is it all 100% historically accurate? No, not by a long shot. Does it paint him as sympathetic? Sort of, you feel bad for the guy making a thousand cuckoo clocks, but only in the sense that he is one person doing a lot of work, a completely fictional situation. But Italy - and the audience - obviously know that attacking France again is not a good thing, so does it advocate the Nazis or fascism? Also no.
Nazi Sympathizing/Propaganda
I pretty well covered this in the previous section, but I will expand. I have alluded to the first two seasons as “focusing” on WW2, in a way, and also mentioned that this is a generalization of sorts, so here I will attempt to clarify. The first few episodes do, indeed, touch on ‘the way they all met’ in a sense; Germany is starting a war and he reluctantly becomes allies with Italy, and less reluctantly becomes allies with Japan, who examines both of them and decides he is content with this situation. However, none of it is very serious, and these ‘formalities’ give way easily to more humorous personable interactions, such as Italy hugging Japan without warning and the touch-anxious Japan pushing him off and getting flustered, Italy petting a cat and then freaking out when he is licked because a cat’s tongue is rough, the two of them ‘training’ by doing your regular old exercising and jogging and Italy being late, etc etc. Stupid, personable jokes.
On the flip side, the show covers the Allied Powers quite a bit too. A lot of this is the five big ones - America, Britain (/England/UK), France, Russia, and China - all meeting around one table and squabbling about various things. I fondly recall one scene where China arrives late and has a bunch of workers suddenly building a Chinatown in the meeting room because he was hungry and wanted his own food, and the others protesting. They are then offered food and become okay with it, because food. Other such nonsense plays out in other, similar meetings. There is also a segment where the Axis powers are all stranded on an island for… some unknown reason… and they set about attempting to survive via campfire and fishing and such. Twice (three times?) the Allied powers ‘attack’ them on this island via China whacking them each with a wok and, as the three of them are in a sad heap, something interrupts the scene to make the Allies retreat. One time, it is Rome’s sudden and also unexplained entrance across the sky singing a song, and another time, it is England’s preoccupation with a cursed chair. Also, at one point, Austria is playing a piano. Does any of this magic logical, real life sense? No. It’s stupid and funny and has nothing to do with war. These are just personable characters thrown into weird situations so they can be funny, with some extremely mild historical context along the way.
I will note again that WW2 is pretty much completely dropped after these two seasons, with the war hardly addressed at all, and future seasons focus more on other characters. The Scandinavians get to all have fun together, the Baltic trio is mentioned, there is a lot about Switzerland taking care of Liechtenstein (wow I spelled it right after all these years, go me) and being stiff and formal with Austria. There is also plenty about people mistaking Canada for America, and England and France squabbling throughout the years, and Spain finding Romano cute but also very grumpy, etc etc… This series is largely Eurasia-focused, yes, and it can be criticized for not being as diverse as it should be. But boiling it down to ‘Nazi propaganda’ is outright, obliviously false.
I don’t know if this is the best place to put this particular note, but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to place it, so here it will go. I would like to mention that in the series, some characters, like Germany and Russia, express outright fear of their ‘bosses’ in certain points in history. It is important to realize that Germany, Japan, America, etc… these characters are not the actual, real-life humans in charge of these countries, but people of a fictional, separate species than humans who grow up as the nation grows and have lives that are affected by these world leaders (we even watch in the show America shooting up from child to young adult as the colonies expand, and England comments on how quickly he grew up - but not as quickly as his people, of course. We’ll get to Davie later). The president of the United States is America’s ‘boss,’ and naturally, that boss changes every time the president changes. The emperor of China is China’s ‘boss.’ It follows, thusly, that at one point, Hitler was Germany’s ‘boss.’ The terrible person himself was alluded to, as far as I know, exactly one time, not by name, and no face was shown. In a very brief scene, Germany laments that his new boss is scary and he was just ordered to go force Austria to come live with him. Said boss is shown as, I believe, an evilly laughing shadowy figure. That’s it. That’s the scene. There is no other mention of Hitler, nor is there any mention of the Holocaust anywhere. One could argue that the show is then trying to say that the Holocaust didn’t happen, but I think such an accusation is frankly absurd. It’s a comedy, it was always a comedy, and what in the fuck would be comedic about a mass genocide in any way? Nothing. None of it is funny. Of course it is not brought up in a comedy.
Rape Jokes, Racism, and Holocaust Jokes
While I did somewhat address racism already in the section about whitewashing and racial fetishization, I have another clarification to make, especially regarding the jokes. A lot of people complain that there are rape jokes throughout the series, and that there are two Holocaust jokes. I will begin by saying yes, this is all true, those things did happen during the course of the show. However, it is important to note that all of those things happened in the English dub of the animated show, and none of these terrible jokes exist in the Japanese/subbed version, or the original comic strips.
The English dub is, on all accounts, pretty terrible. Everyone has an over exaggerated accent, there are the aforementioned jokes, there are name changes (England referred to as Britain, among them, very confusing), and the voice actors themselves make mention in commentaries that their goal in this job was, to paraphrase because I haven’t listened in a while, ‘to be as offensive as possible to absolutely everyone’ (and one of the English dub voice actors is even a convicted sex offender, but that’s it’s own mess).  Not the most glamorous or noble of goals. One could say ‘at least if it’s everyone, it’s not really racism, is it? Just humor?’ There is a case for that. Many comedians will say that they poke fun at everyone to avoid singling anybody out as inherently superior. It cannot be said to be the best way to make humor, but it cannot be said to be the worst way, also. Overall, I don’t like the English dub, I don’t watch it, I prefer the subs. And yes, the subbed version has a few issues of its own, but I can say that at least, no, it does not make any Holocaust or rape jokes. Are those kinds of jokes excusable? Fuck no. They’re completely inappropriate. Should you judge the whole series and fandom based on the grossness of the English dubs? Also no, the people who did the English dubs have zero to do with the original creator, the animators, and the fans. Screw them.
The Fandom Being Terrible
I must again preface by saying I was never super active in the fandom at large. I had my own little niche of friends and I stuck to them and I didn’t often branch out. I did, however, go to cons back in those days, and saw plenty of cosplayers. The main complaint I see regarding the fandom is that most of the fans are completely rabid, make a bunch of rape jokes, and even dress up as ‘Nazi Germany’ (iron cross and red armband and all) and pretend to shoot up synagogues. Now, I have not seen cosplayers do the nazi solute or do such photoshoots, but I can believe that people have done it. I have seen plenty of rabid fans, and some of the OCs created for Hetalia, especially many interpretations of individual states (or Antarctica), were extremely cringey, racist, and overall just not good. And yes, these things are undeniably bad. They are very bad things! Those people should be ashamed. They should know better, regardless of their ages or anything, for fuck’s sake. The nazi salute is not a thing you do jokingly, pretending to shoot people is not a joke. Everyone is aware of this. The people who did, or maybe even still do, those things need a serious sit-down and to be woken the fuck up, because they are acting terrible.
However, it is extremely unfair to paint all Hetalia fans in the same light. That is a very stereotypical thing to do, no? As I mentioned earlier, I stuck to my little niche friend group of fans, and while we all had our own flaws and were younger and kinda dumber, we never did things like that. I never did things like that. Rape jokes were never funny, I never liked them, I never accepted them. I have people I still know who still like Hetalia and they never made those kinds of jokes either. I think, as the years have gone by, a lot of the more rabid fans have died out of the fandom. They’ve either grown the fuck up or they’ve went off to pollute some other fandom. Recognize that, especially in the beginning, the anime was low-budget and had a lot of that old and gross queerbaiting and stuff like that, so it was undeniably a magnet for crazy yaoi fans. But the majority of fanart, fanfics, and just overall fan stuff that I see these days are nothing like that. Overall, the fandom has seriously calmed down. A lot of the focus is much more on taking these characters and applying them to other historical events with more accuracy than the show might give. The history in these fanfics and fanarts may also be of questionable accuracy at times. I personally once wrote a fic where I made allusions to the death of Joan d’Arc and, later, the death of Elizabeth I, but did I add much historic fact? No, do I look like a history major spilling all this? The point of the fic was England - the character - maturing through starting to love one of his rulers and recognizing a terrible thing that he did before. It’s not the best piece of work out there, and maybe someone could point out a few things I did wrong with it, but for what it’s meant to be, it’s harmless. Takes on characters not actually in the series, like Ireland, Scotland, etc etc are generally pretty mature from what I see, fanart tends to just be the characters in various poses and styles. The overall love the fandom has, I think, is in the better character designs and in the very concept of the countries as people who laugh and cry and live through war and peace for thousands of years. And here is where I address the final grievance that I personally saw in the notes of the post which started this whole thought process and essay.
The Death of the Author
A lot of people might not fully understand what ‘The Death of the Author’ means. The death of the author is a belief rooted in the 20th century that the personal intentions, beliefs, and prejudices of the authors of certain works can have no bearing on their produced content, because once it is out in the public, every reader may then have their own interpretation and belief system. By publicizing the content, the author ‘dies’ and the reader is born.
There are some scenarios where this cannot apply. One example is JK Rowling, a very special case of a very problematic woman who happens to be so powerful, and so rich, that consuming any type of official (or even unofficial) Harry Potter anything can and will give her that much more power to spread her TERF bullshit. Let me be frank: Any time that consuming a product is allowing a bigoted or problematic person to gain extra money or extra power that they then use for evil, the death of the author cannot apply. You cannot use it as a moral justification. You might perhaps use it as the reason why you struggle to let go of a fandom near and dear to you, as Harry Potter is to so many people, but you absolutely must recognize that purchasing the books, the movies, or any other official content is outright supporting a TERF.
That in mind, there are dozens of other cases where the death of the author absolutely can apply. The easiest, of course, is with authors who are actually dead, such as Lovecraft. Lovecraft was a complete bigot and racist, an overall terrible person, and his works are saturated in that racism. But he is dead, and his work is very popular, and there are ways to take and use his work that do not contribute further to racism and bigotry. All you have to do is slap a non-racist cthulhu on a page. Make that cthulhu eat everyone equally. That’s a good cthulhu right there, a nice, safe cthulhu.
So where does Hetalia fall in this spectrum of can or cannot have death of the author? I believe it leans more to the side of yes, you can apply it. For one thing, you can definitely find the show for free in some places, and watch it without giving Himaruya a single cent. The comics are also available online for free, and while you might be giving your ‘support’ by being a viewer, I think overall, that’s not only negligible, but does not contribute anything bad? The author of Attack on Titan has many charges levied against him in the post which prompted this, and arguably, giving him any money is bad. But as far as I have seen, while Himaruya might have started out with a flawed premise and may have some whitewashing issues, I have seen nowhere that he funds any kind of racist, nationalistic, fascist, etc anything of any kind. This is not like Chick-Fil-A, where offering any kind of patronage is (or maybe used to be) sinking funds into terrible organizations. This is not supporting literal Nazis, as the complaints claim. This is a largely mediocre series with good parts and bad parts and zero ties to horrific organizations or ideals. Consuming good fan content does not make someone a racist or a bigot or a nazi sympathizer. Even rewatching some old favorite scenes or checking out the new season doesn’t make someone that. By all accounts, the show is flawed but not a means to fund nazis.
The Bad Anything Else
I will now take some time to talk about some other problems Hetalia has, because no, it is by no means flawless. I already discussed the whitewashing and stereotypes and the mess of the English dub, but there is more. I made mention of the fact that battles and seriously bad events such as the Holocaust are not mentioned, and this holds true throughout pretty much all of the series. There are certain points where ‘battles’ of a sort are seen, but only flash moments. One scene in particular that I really enjoyed as a tween and can now see the problems with is the whole revolutionary war scene. This was a scene split into two episodes (for some weird reason, even an unrelated episode in between, like, what? Why??) about a particular (unnamed) battle in the American Revolution where England faced down America, they each had a gun with a bayonet, and England charged America and his bayonet deeply scratched America’s gun, and America declared he was no longer England’s little brother, and the whole thing was played out as an extremely emotional scene. England is lost in the past of seeing America as a cute little kid he took care of, who has now grown up and is being reckless and stupid, and America is all righteous and independent and proving he’s a grown up, it’s all very emotional, I cried, other fans cried, there was much fanart.
This scene is problematic in a way. Boiling down an extremely nasty conflict following lots of really bad laws and protests to this one scene doesn’t do history any justice. It says nothing about the struggles of the American colonists, the struggles of the British empire, the awful things the colonists did to the natives, etc etc. It is one small scene and it focuses on these characters as humanoid, with feelings, and completely ignores the complexities of history. And yes, in a way, that is bad. But it is bad in the sense that nobody can - or at least should - take this show to be the end-all be-all of history. It is not. It is not often entirely correct, and it picks and chooses what points in the past several thousand years to play with, and trying to use it as a map for history is a bad idea. However, this focus on the countries as human-like and struggling can also be a good thing.
It is also important to note that there have been other problems. The portrayal of South Korea, for example, is extremely controversial, and while I do not know all of the specifics, I believe that it was banned in Korea due to this, and the character was entirely removed from the anime, among other things. Obviously, a bad take, a bad character. There are also just straight up not great characterizations in certain cases. I don’t, for example, like anything about how Belarus is portrayed as a crazy psycho constantly begging Russia (her big brother) to marry her? I think that that is ridiculous, and I know nothing about Belarus as a country but I am pretty darn sure that that is not how one ought to go about portraying the country. There are a few other examples, but my purpose here was not to pull up a list of every country and explain what is correct or incorrect about each characterization. It is enough to say that some characters were not portrayed perfectly. But with that in mind...
The Good Anything Else
It is the most important to remember that this, all of this, is fiction. This is a silly, silly fantasy series. The countries are not humans, they are some weird semi-immortal species that share a universal language and know they are not human and are referenced by humans as ‘those people.’ They are fictional constructs. But the good out of all of this is that they explore human emotions. The American Revolution scene should not be taken as how the revolution was, and who might have been right or wrong. But it is a very emotional story of a big brother unable to accept that his little brother has grown up and wants to make his own choices. That, right there, is a heartfelt scene that I’m sure plenty of real people can feel something about. And there are plenty of other scenes that really grab you by the heartstrings, especially given how crazy, stupid, and humor-oriented the rest of the show is. And I will take a moment and enthuse about some of the more popular scenes that I think are, in fact, pretty good.
There is one episode in season 5, Beautiful World, where an American woman visits France (the place). This woman, Lisa, is blond and bears a striking resemblance to Joan d’Arc. While visiting some historical place somewhere or another in Paris, France (the person) spots her and rushes up with an odd look. When she questions him, he apologizes and offers to give her a tour of the area, which she accepts. He then proceeds to lead her around and explain some history and show off some beautiful sights, and he mentions some stuff about Joan d’Arc. She butts in and lists off some stuff she knows, he beams and looks proud and says yes, she’s right. The end of the scene has the two of them standing alone somewhere and him commenting how young Joan was when she was killed, and that he always wished she could have had a better, nicer life. He then states that he is very happy that she got it, while giving this American tourist a gentle smile. She looks away for a moment, distracted by something perhaps, and when she looks back to ask just who the heck he really is, talking about a historical figure like he knew her, he is gone. It’s a very emotional scene in a quiet sort of way, because the watcher/reader understands that he took one look at this woman and instantly believed that she was, in fact, Joan d’Arc reincarnated into a totally different and totally average life, and he is so genuinely happy that a woman he saw as a hero gets this chance to live normally. Whether or not you may personally believe in reincarnation, and regardless of how often other times in the show France is shown as an obnoxious sexaholic, this is an extremely tender scene that lots of fans seriously love. It is very ‘human.’ And I feel like this is what the series as a whole strives to offer. These human moments. They may be peppered in a sort of lackadaisical style in the anime, but they are far more prominent in the comic strips, so it is important to realize that that kind of scene is more of what the creator likes to focus on.
Another very popular and touted scene is the Davie scene. I don’t remember if it was put in the anime or not, I read it as a comic. It was a scene set in colonial America, where the man himself was just a very small child. Little baby America was hanging out in a field with a rabbit and sees this boy, who introduces himself as Davie. Davie brings America to his house and opens up a botany book and points out a blue flower (possibly a forget-me-not) that he wants to see but that isn’t in the New World. America assures Davie that he will find him one of those flowers, and goes off to do so. He fails his search and goes back to Davie, who is older now, but Davie looks embarrassed and turns and walks away. Distressed, America runs to England and explains about the flower, and England says the flower is not there, but they do grow at home, and he will bring some the next time he leaves and comes back. America happily waits, and when England returns with a bouquet of the blue flowers, America takes them and runs off to Davie’s house. He is let in by a boy who looks just like Davie and presents the flowers, and the boy then puts them on (or maybe in) a coffin of an elderly man. America, smiling, does not seem to understand what is going on, and hopefully calls the boy Davie.
This entire scene, in the comic, has very few words. Davie’s name is repeated a few times, but most of the rest of the ‘dialogue’ is in images. The flower, England saying it is not there, etc. This makes the scene extremely poignant, and when we reach the end, we, the audience, realize suddenly that while baby America was fixated on finding a special flower for his new friend, years and years went by, and that friend grew up and got married and had children and eventually died, all while America remained looking the exact same age and understanding the exact same things. Look, folks, I don’t know about you, but that is some angsty stuff right there. I cried. We all cried. We all miss Davie. Mention the name to fans and you will get sobs. We love you, Davie.
Which brings me to my penultimate point, that this series is heartfelt and, while it avoids a lot of the bad of history, can be very poignant about what human nature is like. Human lives are long, very long, but also so very short, they fly by. Some lives end in tragedy, others are mostly peaceful, and maybe we get second chances if you believe in reincarnation, maybe not. Maybe it’s good that our lives are so short, maybe the fate of living forever and watching people you connect with die is tragic. Or maybe it would actually be really fun, having friends for thousands of years that you may squabble with at times but ultimately care for. Maybe nothing is simple and life is about finding joy where you can, and everyone needs to sometimes take a step back and realize that everyone is flawed, and there might be good and evil but the vast majority of people are in a grey area, trying to live their own lives and do what good they can for whatever reason they might give. I want to end with one last topic, one I have not yet addressed this whole time. The big white alien in the room, if you will.
Paint it: White!
There is a Hetalia movie, folks, if you didn’t know it, and it’s called Paint It White. This movie has just as many silly parts as any other Hetalia thing, but it also has a plot! In this movie, strange, all-white aliens are starting to invade the Earth. They arrive and anything they touch, they turn into completely identical white humanoid blobs, even the country personifications. With this scary and seemingly-unstoppable threat, the main eight - America, England, Russia, China, France, Japan, Germany, and Italy - all try to infiltrate the alien spaceship in frankly hideous uniforms to find out more and figure out a way to defeat them. Hijinks and disaster ensues, and at the end, each of them is fighting a mob and gradually being defeated. Italy is the last one standing, and as Germany is slowly being transformed into a blob along with the others, he tells Italy to smile. Italy then finds (or has? the plot isn’t great, it’s just there) a black marker and he suddenly starts going around drawing ridiculous faces on everyone. He draws fitting faces on each of his friend blobs, like a stern face on Germany-blob, a deadpan face on Japan-blob, etc etc. The invaders suddenly stop. They look at each other, marker-faced, and start to laugh. Then their leader of sorts comes out and is basically like “wow, we thought you were all stupid and you have wars and stuff, but this? This is beautiful. Wow. We all look exactly identical on our world, and these faces are cool and new and unique. We’ll turn everyone on your planet back if we can have this magical thingie you’re holding.” And of course Italy hands the marker right over, and everyone is put back to normal, and crybaby, scaredy-cat, useless Italy saves the world.
The plot is, obviously, not super great. It’s not going to win anybody any awards. But it has a very poetic premise. The strength of humans is that they are all unique. Every human has a different face, a different body, a different life. Our differences may cause conflict, but they are also something to celebrate. At the end of the day, Hetalia is an okay show that can get you hooked on history and tries its best to teach you that we’re all only human and there might be war and conflict and bad things, but you have to reach for the good things and find yourself good friends and have stupid laughs and enjoy life, however long or short it may be. I think that that’s a pretty decent message to send out to people.
The Bottom Line
In the end, this is a fandom like many others. Hetalia has its flaws and its cringe moments, and it certainly had its fair share of awful fans. But I truly believe that painting it overall as nazi propoganda and one of the most problematic and harmful shows out there is a blatant lie and disregards… just about everything of the actual content. I think it is difficult for someone to concretely say anything is super good or super bad without seeing at least some of it, or doing some research, and this business of blithely going along with what everyone else says just because they use big danger words does not do anybody any favors. Spreading misinformation is, I’m sure, the exact opposite of what most people want to do. And make no mistake, I am definitely not saying that everyone needs to like, or even watch, the show. If you never ever want to watch this show in your life, that is absolutely fine. Go forth and never watch it. But mindlessly following the herd and yelling overgeneralized, unsupported opinions about it is not a good thing. I beg of you, do research on the things you want to form or share an opinion on, think critically, and for the love of God, do not swipe a giant paintbrush to forsake every single individual fan of a show as a terrible, awful person. By all means, hate nazis, they are pieces of shit. Boycott things that support genocide and fascism, yes, fight for equality, yes. But do not go accusing without thinking, and do not overgeneralize. I leave you with the words of my old laptop bag that I bought years ago at a convention:
Make pasta, not war.
Thank you for reading.
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terradisirene · 4 years
Recently I saw an essay about how Hima’s portrayal of the Italy brothers was racist and xenophobic, in addition to being poor and one dimensional, and I couldn’t agree less.
Link to google docs version
Also although I prefer Romano I honestly think North Italy  is a interesting and well developed character  although that is easy to miss for some. Both of them are developed and shown wonderfully in canon and I continue to be eager to see more. In this essay I will show why I believe their portrayals are well done and how they are accurate to the situation in Italy as well as to it’s history and culture (That being said if you prefer a different interpretation that’s fine, there can be many different narratives)
North Italy does seem at first glance to be more talented, kind, and politically inclined. However this is not the entire story. Likewise Romano seems more rude and undesirable, but this is not everything in canon regarding him. In one strip Romano is noted to have a good deal of potential by Prussia and Germany, showing that he can be hard working and talented if he makes the effort. In the strip where Romano goes to America he also is quite confident in his cooking talents which America is actually impressed by. In another strip America even calls his cooking the best, and Romano himself is in later decades proud of his cooking, showing that yes he is good at things, and yes he is talented.
The problem is is that Romano does not have to motivation often to use his talents and work ethic. There are many reasons for this that Himaruya both states and alludes to. Firstly Himaruya states that being owned by various powers had a negative effect on Romano and that mismanagement by his rulers lead him to seem lazy since their mismanaged ruling rubbed off on him. Basically political control, corruption , and mismanagement stymied south Italy’s growth, which is true depending on the era and time period and  true regarding modern day. Also in one strip after Romano makes an effort to work hard, but all his efforts come to nothing and he eventually grows resigned. I believe this is a reflection of the fact that there is an attitude among some south Italians of resignation towards politicians and things improving for themselves,  such as shown in the song La Citta di Pulcinella (translation). Himaruya also touches on this when he notes the harmful affect the Mafia has on south Italy in his notes and even laments that fact.
Basically Romano has the potential  to be just as good as north Italy but is unable to be because of historical circumstances and due to the harmful effect of corruption. Romano’s rudeness and lack of evident kindness and cynical worldview is also a result of this as he has been at the mercy of the mafia both in real life and in canon. Hima notes his cynicism is due to the harmful effects of the mafia and how they have hurt him . Romano in my opinion has reason to be rude, he has reason to be unkind, he has reason to be cynical, the mafia continues to be a serious  issue and was even worse in the past, and thus his world view has been affected by how he has suffered at their hands. He also has to deal with the fact that he feels he is compared to north Italy, and openly  feels and says he is not good enough or talented enough compared to him. This is based in reality. The north is often seen as better than the south and indeed it is more wealthy, does have better infrastructure, x does have more industry and renown and Romano is clearly sour because of this. Himaruya showing someone reacting negatively towards adverse circumstances i think is not a negative stereotype but just showing the harmful effects of the situation of the south. Romano is not totally unkind either. Despite their conflicts he does care about his brother, he  often  shows  a lot  concern  for  Spain  and worries about him, he is kind to women generally , and has some nations he is friendly with like Japan  Netherlands and Belgium . So in sum hima does not show Romano as unkind, but as a complex being who can be both kind and unkind like many people.
The south is seen as a land of little opportunity, dirty, unclean and full of crime by the north that is true, however sadly that perception has some  perception in reality. For example many southerners leave the south to find work up north and stay there. This even happens to one of the protagonists of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels and it is seen as escaping Naples to make a better life for herself while the other protagonist  stays stuck in Naples, stunted by the lack of opportunity and male oppression that she struggles against all her life. Naples also  sadly has a serious trash  problem as does Rome, there is even a facebook page titled “Rome is disgusting” in Italian showing the trash  problems of Rome. The mafia also   dumps  toxic  waste  around Naples, leading to high rates of sickness and cancer in the population compared to other parts of Italy due to the fact that the toxic waste seeps into the ground water and the plants grown around the area.
Romano feels interior to North Italy and seems so at first glance because that is a reflection of the sad situation of the divide between north and south. However again note I said ‘at first glance’, because while many write off the south at first glance there is a richness and beautify behind that with its rich culture and the beauty of it’s people, as there is with Romano, which I note with his hidden and subtle  kindness in canon .
Romano’s Arabic blood and darker appearance is due the fact that Arabs from north Africa invaded Sicily, ruled there for about two hundred years, and left a lasting cultural legacy behind there. It makes sense he has Arabic blood, as well as the fact that some, though not all, southern Italians do have a darker complexation (some also have red hair, blonde hair, hazel eyes, or blue eyes, due to Norman influence too). However that doesn’t mean they are poc (in Italy persone di colore is used instead) and even though Romano does have some Arabic blood frankly he would not be seen as non white in Italy. I don’t really think it’s right to bring up a poc argument in regards to him given that. In addition to that Italy also has a problem regarding xenophobia and  racism in regards to African immigrants and Romani and many suffer and are marginalized there, something Romano would not experience in that regard. Romano is also noted to have a “Darker” nature, but this is again because of the mafia. He is affected and blighted by them, it’s not a reference to his coloring but to his cynicism and how they have drained him and his people of the prosperity they could have had otherwise. He is also noted to be “dirtier” not in the sense of being messy or unclean but in how his image looks, and the expressions he makes, this is a reference to the south’s rougher and more intense nature. It’s often said that the more  south you go, the more intense and more of the nature of Italy you get and indeed the south of Italy is often said to be a love it or hate it place.
There is also additional canon reasons for Romano’s bitterness and darker personality like how he feels Rome favored north Italy  (There may be historical reasons for this but I am limiting this essay to what is stated openly or alluded to more obviously in canon) and how he seems to feel haunted by his legacy. And as for other nations favoring North Italy over him, some do not like Spain and Belgium, and the the fact that some seem to is also sadly reflective of reality as many people only pay attention to or visit the north of Italy, neglecting or avoiding the south and only looking at the cities of Venice, Florence and Milan and not Palermo, Naples, or Caligari.
While the two brothers did not meet in Rome’s lifetime there is no indication this lasted until the Italian wars during the 1500′s portrayed in the canon strips . In fact during Spain’s rule of south Italy shortly after Romano is shown mentioning he is going to travel to visit his brother so they clearly had met by this point. Due to the nature of canon himaruya jumps across time periods often and so we do not always see everything that occurs within or before a certain time period. Sometimes he returns  later, and sometimes he does not, though he could in the future. As for North Italy’s reactions to his struggles people have different reactions to hard situations, and that is not wrong, not everyone will struggle in the same way. It’s not something that indicates a lack of character but just a personality facet. Not everything has to contribute to development and that doesn’t mean a uninteresting or uncomplex character. Some people are simply affected differently by traumatic events. That being said I find it interesting he seems to hold a deep fear of angering others as well as some fear of abandonment .
We will turn to North Italy again. Yes he is cute, but that is not all his character is. He is far more than that. He is kind , he is intelligent , he is noted to be good at business, he is also fashionable  and knows how to get what he   wants out of people, he also can  be a bit  vulgar sometimes. He also was good at warfare when he was a child, and if one looks into the time period of the strips it seems he lessens in his ability the longer he is under Austria’s domain. He is also good at art, he is good at cooking, and he is  even also not exactly the nicest person .
I have noticed that many people miss this but sometimes he is actually a little sneaky and mean . This is most evident with Romano actually. In one of their first appearances together when Romano asks Italy to complement him Italy outright refuses, backs away, and as a result makes Romano cry more than he had before and he flies off. In another comic Italy goes up to Romano, seems surprised he is working, and Romano is visibly hurt by this, he also seems to even doubt Romano’s ability to even do so, offering to do work for him which Romano is bothered by . Finally Italy has been shown to get outright angry at Romano at times, in one drawing he is yelling at Romano over the Venice independence referendum, saying Romano doesn’t want him around anyways . While North Italy does love his brother he clearly is not the nicest person to him at times which does little to motivate Romano to do much of anything, and sadly North Italy does not treat him as a equal really given how condescending he can sometimes be. He also is a little rude to Japan at times, like when they are in the bath, sort of hinting he thinks Japan has a small dick.  In addition to this he is pretty sneaky and sometimes even flirty in regards to Germany and is able to really get Germany to do whatever he wants, though this is more evident in World Stars  .
As for everyone liking him in the past he and Turkey were antagonistic, with Turkey stating he hated kids as a result of him (And Greece), and Austria was often angry and frustrated with   him. In modern times Belarus has shown aggression to him when he  tried to feel her chest and was visibly angry with good reason to be. The other girls didn’t allow him to do so either, but all had various reactions. From Monaco and Belgium not taking him seriously and gloating over their superior gambling and waffles respectively  to Wy giving him rather done look and telling him to buzz off, to Taiwan being upset and telling him off, Vietnam having none of it and glaring at him, to the most surprising of them all, Ukraine openly flirting with him and giving him a seductive gaze he is a little intimidated by . His relationships are clearly not predictable but are interesting and fun to see and clearly not everyone thinks he is cute or is willing to put up with him especially the girls ironically. Switzerland too shows little tolerance for Italy’s antics, but is willing to spend time him civilly as long as he behaves himself , Russia too has gotten impatient with him at times, and so has Japan. And as for France he’s a interesting case, since at times he can be brotherly towards Italy  but at the same time is also willing to tell him off, like when he actually hit him for asking for the Mona Lisa back. People like Italy, but not everyone does and even those who like him don’t like him all the time.
Frankly I think their characters make perfect sense. Romano’s anger and resentment is rooted in many things. In how people compare him and his brother, on his brother’s lackluster treatment of him, in the oppressions of the mafia, the years of being ruled over by other nations, and by poverty, neglect, and corrupt politics. North Italy for his part is frustrated by Romano and often doesn’t understand him and thinks his brother his weighing him down, though he fails to see how he is also contributing to his brother’s resignation and lack of self worth. He instead tries to work hard and do his best, while sucking up to others and making himself seem charming and pleasing to get what he wants and not make others angry at him. In fact he seems to have a deep and pressing fear of others being angry at him.
In sum I think canon does a good job with both of their characters. It shows them in a humorous nature in accordance with the genre of the strips while still leaving room for character complexity along with historical and cultural references and allusions, as well as reflecting both aspects of the historical and modern situation of north and south Italy depending on what time period the strip is set. Romano is shown to be rude, difficult, sometimes violent, and darker, however these are only traits that come as a result of the abandonment of Rome, the poverty and corruption of his land,  and the malign influence and harm of the mafia affecting him. In addition to this he is also sometimes kind, fun loving, emotional, sensitive,  a hard worker when he tries to be, is shown to be a talented cook, someone with a good deal of potential, and someone who has people who like him like Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and Japan. On the other hand Italy is shown to yes, be kind and cute, but canon also shows him to be  flirty, sneaky, angry, resentful, intelligent, and even a little rude at times. Many people like him, but not all do, for example Belarus, or many do not like him all the time and show impatience with him like Wy, France, Romano, and Switzerland. The difficulties he has experienced have not affected him in the same way they have Romano but that’s to be expected, for the two did not go though the same things and it’s only normal for people to have different reactions to trauma, some handling it better than others. This does not denote a lack of character complexity or development but just a different kind of person and temperament. I think that this shows that both Italy and Romano are interesting and complex characters and that himaruya in my opinion has done his work and research in trying to develop them and do strips for them. He does not indulge in colorism or xenophobia but merely seeks to show the good and bad of both sides of Italy and the complex reality of the south today and in history which has it’s bad and good points.
As a side note in Valentino strip is unfinished and Germany and Italy never discuss their respective feelings or misunderstandings and Italy is less uncomfortable and more confused and worried that Germany is angry at him.
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George deValier (2015 profile)
since: 05-02-10, id: 2348750, Profile Updated: 06-02-13
country: 🇦🇺 Australia
Author has written 17 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers.
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If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you. – Henry Rollins
Hi! I’m George. One day, I will be a professor of history, who wears tweed suits and lives in a library. Right now, I am a graduate student, who wears jeans and t-shirts and… um… lives in a library.
Reviews and PMs.
I don’t demand or even expect reviews. They do, however, make me happy. So if you are kind enough to leave one after reading, please know that even though I may not reply, I read every single one, and I am incredibly grateful - your few words of praise have brightened a moment of my day. :-)
If you send me a Private Message and don’t receive a response immediately, please know that I am not deliberately ignoring you. I find it a little difficult to keep up with replying to PMs; if I haven’t responded to your message in at least three months, it’s usually because I’ve, er, lost it. Feel free to send me another one calling me a giant prat and demanding a response.
Fanart and Translations.
I am perfectly okay (quite ecstatically happy, actually) with people doing whatever they like with my fics – whether that be translations, fanart, cosplay, AMVs, whatever. You do not need to ask permission - I will always say yes. All I ask is three things. One: please credit me as the author (and a link to the original story would be fantastic). Two: please let me know so that I can check it out and thank you profusely! And three: something I hate to have to mention, but please never do anything to make money out of these works. Obviously, Hetalia does not belong to me – it belongs to the amazing Hidekaz Himaruya, who is incredibly awesome for giving us such fantastic characters to play with. :-D
The Veraverse is a Hetalia World War Two AU, of fics involving different characters and pairings, all living within the same time period and all interconnected in some way. As each story in the series is named after and loosely based on the lyrics of a wartime song sung by Vera Lynn, I flippantly dubbed it the ‘Veraverse.’ The name has sort of stuck, however. I have posted a list of character's birth dates here: http://george-de-valier.deviantart.com/art/Hetalia-Veraverse-Birth-Dates-340315828
This series is, at its core, about the power of love over war. It's about the real reasons people fight, and the real reasons they survive. It's about finding something beautiful in the midst of something ugly and evil. But overall, although I hope there is more to these stories than just romance, they are essentially about love.
Don’t expect every fic to be updated quickly. These stories intertwine, and will be published simultaneously, and it may be a while between chapters for each specific story. Most can be read separately, however a few will require that you read at least one other story in the series to make sense of it (e.g. ‘My Echo’ does not make much sense unless you also read ‘Lily of the Lamplight.’) Rest assured, they will all be completed.
We'll Meet Again Alfred Jones/Arthur Kirkland (America/England)
Complete - Thirteen Chapters
‘We’ll Meet Again’ is about love arriving when you least expect it, and how it can transform loneliness.
Keep Smiling Through Alfred Jones/Arthur Kirkland (America/England)
Complete – One Shot
Just a little mini-sequel to ‘We’ll Meet Again’ about a brief moment in Alfred and Arthur’s lives.
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart Ludwig Beilschmidt/Feliciano Vargas (Germany/Italy)
Complete - Eighteen chapters
‘Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart’ is about love being blind, proving stronger than hate, and lasting longer than war.
Bésame Mucho Antonio Fernandez Carriedo/Lovino Vargas (Spain/Romano)
In Progress – Fourteen chapters
‘Bésame Mucho’ is essentially about love overcoming fear.
Lily of the Lamplight Gilbert Beilschmidt/Roderich Edelstein (Prussia/Austria)
In Progress – Eighteen Chapters
‘Lily of the Lamplight’ is about selflessness, survival, and how love can change you for the better.
My Echo Unrequited Vash Zwingli/Roderich Edelstein (Switzerland/Austria)
In Progress – Six Chapters
‘My Echo’ is about how true love is selfless – even if it is unreturned.
Jealousy Ivan Braginski/Yao Wang (Russia/China)
In Progress – Six Chapters
‘Jealousy’ is a little different to the other stories in this series. It is about control, madness, and how love has the power to destroy as well as to save.
Something to Remember You By Sadik Adnan/Gupta Muhammad Hassan (Turkey/Egypt)
In Progress – Three Chapters
‘Something to Remember You By’ is about losing love, and yourself with it.
Somewhere in France With You Francis Bonnefoy/Matthew Williams (France/Canada)
Darling, where better to meet again than the most beautiful city in the world?
It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow
Toris Laurinaitis/Feliks Łukasiewicz (Lithuania/Poland)
Art. Music. Passion. Destruction. Young, wild love, in the streets of Berlin, on the eve of war.
When I Grow Too Old to Dream Berwald Oxenstierna/Tino Väinämöinen (Sweden/Finland)
“What would you do if I just… took this tree? Claimed it for Finland?”
“I’d let ye take it.”
“This lake?”
“Ye can have it.”
“This entire forest?”
“’t’s yours.”
“Would you let me take your whole country, Berwald?”
“Yes. And you? What’f I just… took this rock?”
“You can’t have that rock. That’s a Finnish rock.”
You’ll Never Know
Elizaveta Héderváry/ Lili Zwingli (Hungary/Liechtenstein)
“But who knows? Maybe you'll meet a charming little Swiss girl with plaits and a basket who likes to yodel on mountaintops."
Elizaveta always hated it when Gilbert was right.
When the Lights go on Again
Eduard Von Bock/Raivis Galante (Estonia/Latvia)
"I will stay with him through this darkness. I will give my soul to keep it from him. And I swear, whatever I must do, that Raivis Galante will live to see the lights go on again.”
Room Five-Hundred-and-Four
Herakles Karpusi/Kiku Honda (Greece/Japan)
“Life's most important conversations take place in bars. Perhaps in places not too dissimilar from this - perhaps between people not so different from ourselves. Bars, after all, are where people meet, and where they rejoice; where they forget, and where they say goodbye. They are the crossroads of life."
"You sound like a philosopher. Though your name suggests a hero."
Faraway Places
Bad Friends Trio (France, Prussia, and Spain)
“Ah, those were the days, huh, Gil? Remember the time you tried to take on the entire Parisian police force?”
“Or the time you knocked yourself out running from that bull in Pamplona?”
“Or that time Francis tried to seduce your grandfather?!”
“Francis what?”
“Oh, look at that, I’ve finished my drink.”
Autumn Leaves
Augustus Roma Vargas (Ancient Rome)
But I miss you most of all, my darling, when autumn leaves start to fall.
This is a currently small modern AU, set in modern day Canada.
La Patisserie de la Rose Francis Bonnefoy/Matthew Williams (France/Canada)
Complete – Six Chapters
A birthday present for Claudia, aka ThisCouldTheoreticallyBeSparta
An essentially fluffy Franada with lots of cameos and cake and general silliness. I like to think this story is about friendship as much as it is about love. It's also about seeing something in someone that no one else can - not even themselves.
Libelle Hall Gilbert Beilschmidt/Roderich Edelstein (Prussia/Austria)
In Progress – Three Chapters
A Gift for Kay, aka Kay the Beta
‘Libelle Hall’ is about change, and about love growing from self-realisation. It’s also an examination of Gilbert and Roderich’s characters, and how they aren’t that different from each other, after all. And it’s a gift for my beta Kay, because she loves PruAus, and she’s awesome.
Of Ponies and Edelweiss Gilbert Beilschmidt/Roderich Edelstein (Prussia/Austria)
Complete – One Shot
A Valentines’ Day present for Claudia
Just a fluffy, romantic little fic for Valentines’ Day. Well, as romantic as Gilbert gets, anyway.
Catch Perfect Berwald Oxenstierna/Tino Väinämöinen (Sweden/Finland)
In Progress – Twelve Chapters
‘Catch Perfect’ is basically proof that I can’t even write crack without some semblance of plot and angst. I am still writing this, just ever so slowly.
The Tiger and the Dragon Ivan Braginski/Yao Wang (Russia/China)
In Progress – Seventeen Chapters
I first posted this story almost three years ago. Last year I started re-publishing it, mainly to fix up the writing quality and some plot points. Yes, it’s melodramatic; yes, it’s a bit cliché. Basically, if this were a published novel, it would be the type to have GAY EROTIC ROMANCE in tacky writing across the cover. But really, what the hell, it’s fun. :-D
Stay With You Germany/Italy
A rare story with the characters as nations, and my very first posted fanfiction. I had just discovered Hetalia when I wrote this, and loved the random humour of it, but also wondered what it could be like if it was a more serious take on the Second World War. Also, it has always been blatantly obvious to me that Germany and Italy are in love with each other. Like, duh.
Gallipoli Australia and New Zealand
Another nation story from me, about a conflict embedded in the consciousness of every Australian. We haven’t been given much to go on with Australia’s characterisation, so I went with my gut instinct – he’s anti-authority, he’s an easily broken optimist, and he cares deeply about his men. Gallipoli shattered the romantic idea of war for this country. I think it would have shattered Australia, too.
Sleep, Little Bird Berwald Oxenstierna/Tino Väinämöinen (Sweden/Finland) and Peter (Sealand)
There is not much I can really say about this one, except sorry. Oh, and that it’s not in the same universe as ‘Catch Perfect.’ I wouldn’t do that. ;-)
http://george-de-valier.deviantart.com (deactivated account) - Where I fave and comment on the wonderful artwork that people have drawn for my stories. I adore fan art, so please tell me if you have drawn any! If I happen to come across art for my stories that I haven’t been told about, be warned, I WILL proceed to fave and comment on it anyway. :-)
www.youtube.com/user/ykwyh26 - My lovely and talented beta Kay’s YouTube site, where you can hear all the songs from my Veraverse stories.
I am incredibly flattered that the amazingly talented Alyss Lane has written a gorgeous song based on ‘Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart.’ It is called ‘Auf Wiedersehen,’ performed by Willow, and you can hear this beautiful song here – www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8T4oIppS0
The following are awesome AMVs for my fics, made by some very talented artists.
The Veraverse
Sanctuary, by Insomniac3Ltd
www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfvTV5b9Zwk (unavailable)
We'll Meet Again
We’ll Meet Again, by Shokora15
Wild Horses, by SirenShadow95
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart
Stereo Love, by snobo52
If I Die Young, by NightmareCCL
Stay, by PastaWithWurst
www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i61AAOfNm4 (unavailable)
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart, by Sydney Amber
Home, by Sanity4Fire
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjPTML1vjXA (unavailable)
Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart, by ShiroBaraLuv123
www.youtube.com/watch?v=qltINwf-ZkU (unavailable)
Bésame Mucho
Fear, by ykwyh26
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room, by Kayleigh Turgeon
www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDaLTw5wIs (unavailable)
The Only Exception, by InuLoverNr1Hitomi
Don’t Tell Me You Love Me If You Don’t Mean It, by AnnoyingGirl1234
www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkcTKOAN8Y8 (unavailable)
Lily of the Lamplight
Lili Marlene, by xxEmoxxChibixx
Sleep, Little Bird
Sleep, by Hetaliagirl96
www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tOCsWjpNsk (unavailable)
La Patisserie de la Rose
Take Me Home, by Ahogemako
Something to Remember You By
Lullabies, by Lanie P
These are all fantastic. Please check them out, you won’t be disappointed!
Mi Piachi perché Mi Piaci, by ThisCouldTheoreticallyBeSparta
(GerIta, Spamano, PruAus, BelgHun and teeny mentions of Franada, Netherlands/Australia, UsUk)
A wonderful birthday present of fluffy GerIta goodness from my wonderful friend Claudia.
Maple Street, by fubibliophile
(Canada and America)
A really cool, atmospheric one shot from the very sweet fubibliophile.
Chapter Four of Hetalia Fairy Tales, by Kitty-Kat Allie
An incredibly sweet GiriPan fairy tale from a wonderful author and a lovely person.
1. Something To Remember You By » reviews
VV AU. 1914. Constantinople, Turkey. On the eve of war, street dweller Sadik Adnan's way of life and existence is called into question by the strange, beautiful Egyptian imam, Gupta Muhammad Hassan.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,732 - Reviews: 73 - Published: 5-30-13 - Turkey & Egypt
2. Lily of the Lamplight » reviews
WW2 AU. Austrian musician Roderich and German soldier Gilbert are forced into an army prison unit and a fight for survival on the Russian Front. But in the midst of blood and death and hell on earth, how long can they fight their desire for each other?
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 4 - Words: 27,329 - Reviews: 557 - Updated: 5-21-13 - Published: 11-20-11 - Prussia & Austria
3. Libelle Hall » reviews
Modern AU. When Roderich Edelstein – student, musician, and reluctant activist – attempts to save a local music hall from destruction, he is not prepared for the conflicting emotions evoked in him by arrogant demolition worker Gilbert Beilschmidt. Gift fic for Kay the Beta.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,900 - Reviews: 174 - Updated: 5-6-13 - Published: 2-20-13 - Prussia & Austria
4. Jealousy »  reviews
WW2 AU. Insane Russian Commander Ivan Braginski is the terror of his battalion and his enemies alike. He controls the lives of thousands - but it is the memory of one that controls his own. Tie-in to 'Lily of the Lamplight.'
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,077 - Reviews: 80 - Published: 11-29-12 - Russia & China
5. The Tiger and the Dragon » reviews
Human AU. Awkward, average chef Yao Wang is sick of being thought of as boring and predictable. When he meets the enigmatic and slightly unnerving Ivan Braginski, Yao is immediately captivated. As he falls deeper it becomes apparent just how dangerous Ivan really is… but Ivan is just as smitten, and Yao may be too in love to care about the consequences…
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,967 - Reviews: 155 - Updated: 11-15-12 - Published: 8-25-12 - Russia & China
6. My Echo » reviews
WW2 AU. Captain Vash Zwingli is a soldier in someone else's war; a man mad enough to lead where others will not. He treads a fine line between life and death, between sanity and madness, in a constant battle to forget. But when Vash's past confronts him in the worst place on earth, will it finally tip him over the edge – or give him a chance for redemption? Unrequited SwissAus.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,378 - Reviews: 73 - Published: 11-15-12 - Switzerland
7. La Patisserie de la Rose » reviews
AU. Accountant Matthew Williams is used to being unnoticed, ignored, and forgotten. That is until pastry chef Francis Bonnefoy appears like a burst of colour in his dull, grey life. Gift fic for TCTBS.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 35,111 - Reviews: 573 - Updated: 10-10-12 - Published: 12-9-11 - France & Canada - Complete
8. Catch Perfect » reviews
AU. When Berwald loses everything he is forced to move into a share house with an insane Dane, a sociopathic Norwegian, an unfathomable Icelander and a perfect Finn who makes it all worth putting up with.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 36,538 - Reviews: 582 - Updated: 9-22-12 - Published: 10-10-10 - Sweden & Finland
9. Blue, White, Red » reviews
Human AU. 1777; The American Revolutionary War. Three times, American rebel Alfred Jones meets British soldier Arthur Kirkland. One blue; one white; one red.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,981 - Reviews: 369 - Updated: 9-20-12 - Published: 8-26-12 - America & England/Britain - Complete
10. Auf Wiedersehen, Sweetheart » reviews
WW2 AU. Feliciano Vargas is a passionate, if slightly scared, Italian resistance member. Falling in love with a German fighter pilot was the last thing he expected... and it will test his national loyalty, and his heart, to their limits.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 104,322 - Reviews: 3246 - Updated: 8-11-12 - Published: 12-18-10 - Germany & N. Italy - Complete
11. Keep Smiling Through » reviews
'We'll Meet Again' mini-sequel. Keep smiling through, just like you always do; 'til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away! USUK
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,376 - Reviews: 172 - Published: 6-28-12 - America & England/Britain - Complete
12. Bésame Mucho » reviews
WW2 AU. Lovino Vargas only ever wanted something exciting to happen in his boring, everyday Italian village existence. He never expected war, Resistance, love, passion, treason, or a cheerful, confusing, irritatingly attractive Spanish freedom fighter.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 5 - Words: 39,037 - Reviews: 817 - Updated: 5-30-12 - Published: 8-1-11 - Spain & S. Italy/Romano
13. Of Ponies and Edelweiss » reviews
Gilbert Beilschmidt is not, generally speaking, a romantic man. Which makes his behaviour this particular Valentine's Day a little odd for Roderich to understand… Gift fic for TCTBS; spin-off of 'La Patisserie de la Rose.'
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,143 - Reviews: 130 - Published: 2-14-12 - Prussia & Austria - Complete
14. Sleep, Little Bird » reviews
Human AU. Tino, Berwald and Peter are the perfect family. Things like this don't happen to people like them. But when they do, how are they supposed to accept it?
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Family/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,169 - Reviews: 294 - Published: 9-26-11 - Finland & Sweden - Complete
15. Gallipoli » reviews
Gallipoli, April 25, 1915. Australia is a young nation with plenty to prove. And war is where nations prove themselves.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,966 - Reviews: 48 - Published: 4-28-11 - Australia - Complete
16. We'll Meet Again » reviews
WW2 AU. London pub owner Arthur Kirkland is driven to distraction by loud, brash American fighter pilot Alfred Jones. Unable to stop it, Arthur finds himself falling for Alfred's charms... just as the pilot is preparing to leave for war.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 13 - Words: 43,415 - Reviews: 1376 - Updated: 1-20-11 - Published: 7-18-10 - America & England/Britain - Complete
17. Stay With You » reviews
Germany lies defeated and alone in the aftermath of the Battle of Berlin... but not everyone has abandoned him.
Hetalia - Axis Powers - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,325 - Reviews: 66 - Published: 5-4-10 - Germany & N. Italy - Complete
105 notes · View notes
ohnohetaliasues · 5 years
Tokyo OC (Setsuna Miyuu)
So, an anon sent me a note about this OC, and I found her almost immediately on Hetalia Fan Characters Wiki. Let’s get into it.
I made a Tokyo OC a while ago, so this should be interesting.
Tokyo (東京 Tokyo) is the capital city of Japan in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. She is sometimes referred to as Tokyo Metropolis (東京都 Tokyo-to). Her human name is Miyuu Setsuna (刹那 美夢ー Setsuna Miyuu).
Okay, so both Miyuu (more commonly spelled as Miyu) and Setsuna are first names.
Also I read the Kanji for ‘Miyuu’ as ‘Mimu’ so there’s that.
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This looks like a Love Live character.
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Okay, so as cute as this chibi is, I think this character is a bit whitewashed. She looks Caucasian as opposed to Japan, who does look Asian for the most part.
Name: Tokyo Metropolis (東京都) Human Name: Miyuu Setsuna (刹那 美夢ー Setsuna Miyuu) Alternative Spelling(s): N/A Age: 16
Too young.
Tokyo was originally called Edo, and Edo castle was built in 1457, then became the center of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s military government in 1603. She would be a little older than 16.
Gender: Female Birthday: February 10th
This date has nothing to do with Tokyo’s history.  You could try May 1st, which is the day Tokyo was established as a city.
Hair Color: Caramel Brown (manga), Caramel Brown (anime) Eye Color: Maroon (manga), Cherry Red (anime)
Seeing as none of the countries have abnormally colored hair and that they physically cannot dye their hair, this is not normal because Japanese people typically don’t have red hair. They have dark hair.
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Case in point.
Height: 145 cm
Why in fresh hell is she 4′7″? The average height of a Japanese woman is around 5′2″ or so.
Tokyo, Japan
She has brown hair that reaches a few inches below her shoulders and a P-shaped curl on the middle of her head.
Does this represent anything?
Her hair is wavy and some of it on the side also curls inward. This was from the effect of having to tie her hair up too often when she was a child.
No. This isn’t how hair works. I tie my hair up plenty and it doesn’t leave a permanent dent, even if my hair is naturally curly.
Despite this, Tokyo's original hair color is actually black.
Like I said, countries cannot dye their hair, so this is not plausible. Leave her hair as black if you wanna stay accurate.
In her first appearance as a character, she wore an above-the-knee black yukata with a reddish-pink sash and a bell at the side. However, when she grew up with Japan, she is seen wearing a seemingly military-type set of clotes with gold linings and black accents.
She would still wear pants and not a skirt because wearing a skirt as a military uniform in combat would be really silly.
Her left boot is noticeably shorter than the right.
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Is there a practical reason for this?
As a child, she wore a white kimono that looked big and loose on her. Her hair was styled like two triangular-shaped buns that looked like riceballs.
A white kimono?
From what I know about kimonos, you don’t wear white kimonos unless you’re getting married. Other than that, white kimonos are only ever worn under the actual kimonos and are called nagajuban.
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Personality and Interests
Though described as determined and strong-willed, Tokyo doesn't know much of other nations. She tends to be rather shy and gentle to strangers, sometimes acting nervous like she would make a mistake.
Tokyo has the best metropolitan economy in the world, so I’d imagine she’d be generally pretty outgoing. She’d talk to others in a business-like manner because of this, possibly. My own Tokyo OC is afraid of explosives because of the bombings that took place in Tokyo and she is also careful with what she spends because of the economy thing.
Despite this, Tokyo shows a more outgoing and cheerful side to the nations or capitals she's already a bit close to.
Tokyo secretly likes making robots but she doesn't usually reveal her inventions to the other nations or capitals, only to Japan.
I mean, Japanese electronics are pretty common, so I find this silly.
She has a verbal mannerism to say 'ryuun' just like the way China says 'aru'.
Is there an actual reason for this?
Tokyo was relatively quiet and timid as a child. There showed one time when she kicked Susanoo square on the face for eating her sushi, showing that she was quite aggresive.
Who in the hell is Susanoo?
When she was a child, Tokyo lived in Japan's house at a separate room and only went outside to eat a snack or use the bathroom. Eventually, she started to open up more when the other nations China, America and England started visiting Japan. This lead to her meeting Washington and London and seeing her childhood friend Beijing again.
Holland was the first to visit Japan after he closed his boarders for nearly 263 years, and I’m concerned that he’s not mentioned. I mean, sure America arrived around 1853.
Also, why Washington? It isn’t inaccurate since Japan sent cherry trees to plant along the Potomac River in 1910, but that was 57 years after the boarders opened again.
Okay, did this person even do their research?
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Main Article: China
China took control of Japan when he was a kid. Before being Japan's capital, she secretly followed him. When China found out about her, she was forced to work as a servant.
N O.
Okay no.
China never formally occupied Japan, at least not as far as I know. They were connected politically, but China never actually totally controlled Japan.
However, during WWII Japan did actually occupy some of China’s land.
Do your goddamn research.
When Tokyo became China's servant, she met Beijing. Beijing introduced himself as her boss, being China's capital, and often made fun of her and made her work twice as usual.
One time when Beijing asked for Tokyo to cook siopao for him, Tokyo screwed the dish and made Beijing throw up. Since then, he never asked her to cook for him.
This is irrelevant since this was never a thing.
When Japan became part of the Axis, Tokyo had an opportunity to meet Germany. There is not much known about there relationship, save for the fact that Tokyo dubbed him as a "respectable person".
Uh, okay.
Berlin met Tokyo through Germany. They became friends and often shared thoughts, only about war and fighting. Tokyo stated that Berlin was "a person to go to when you're in trouble", contrasting the fact that other nations avoid Germany when they have trouble.
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This is irrelevant.
When Paris went to a vacation in Japan, she met Tokyo and made friends with her. She thinks that Tokyo is her little sister and loves going shopping with her. Paris likes her a lot and is the reason why Tokyo has a lot of "weird" clothes. Despite this, Tokyo hates shopping and going to places with crowds.
Okay, no. Tokyo is a giant city. She would have to be pretty used to crowds and shopping since Tokyo has many markets and shopping districts.
I might even say she would like things like this.
Italy met Tokyo when he was running away from Germany. Tokyo introduced herself while Italy forgot about being chased.
Italy said that Tokyo was like a kid by the way she looks and sometimes calls her "sorellina".
Um. Okay.
Rome and Tokyo hang out as much as Italy and Japan. They are shown to have good relations with each other as Rome feels that he can trust Tokyo to tell about his problems. Rome often asks Tokyo for tips on how to woo women but it eventually turns out to a disaster since Tokyo doesn't know much about "wooing".
South Italy (Romano)
Tokyo and Romano don't have a good relationship. When the two met, Tokyo was dressed up as a boy so Romano didn't recognized her as a woman. The two bumped into each other and Romano cursed at her, still not knowing her actual gender.
Tokyo's gender was only revealed to Romano when Tokyo went with Japan to look for Italy. But since then, Romano's harsh attitude still hasn't changed towards her.
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Yes. This is accurate. London and Tokyo have a partnership agreement. They even have universities which are connected.
Tokyo and London are close friends just as Japan and England are.
But that’s not why they could be friends.
They met from London being introduced by Japan and since then they have been good friends.
London and Tokyo both enjoy having conversations about anime or about who they ship. Due to London being honest with her opininon Tokyo is always able to confide in her.
Don’t trick me into thinking you did your research when you didn’t.
The exact inspiration behind her human name was from the Japanese word "setsuna"
Japanese name, you mean. But yes, also a word.
which means "in a split second" and "miyu" meaning "beauty" or "dream". This in total gives her name a meaning of "beauty in a split second" or "dream in a split second".
And, my dear readers, this has nothing at all to do with the city of Tokyo.
Discussing further, it is known that Tokyo has a hobby of drawing scenes or events that happen in her dreams. She does this first thing in the morning or whenever she wakes up from sleep. It is revealed that she keeps a pencil and a sketchpad underneath her pillow which she calls her "dream board".
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Okay, but this is again, irrelevant. Characters are allowed to have their quirks and hobbies, but with Hetalia OCs, you have to be careful of giving them totally unrelated hobbies.
Character Songs
Marukaite Chikyuu
Hatafutte Parade
Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo
There are no links even on the wiki page, so I guess those are useless.
When the Axis celebrated Tokyo's birthday on February 10th by buying her cake, she ate it all without sharing which lead to the fact that Tokyo loves confections. She said sorry after not giving the others the food.
Alright, I guess.
In a comic strip, Beijing mumbled to himself in his room that, "I'm gonna be her boss so we'll finally meet so she can notice me," revealing that Beijing was quite lonely and only wanted Tokyo as a playmate and not actually a servant.
What comic strip? Is this person just pretending Himariya wrote their characters in? I’m confused.
China once called for Tokyo and Japan and looked at them in their eyes. He stated that their eyes looked dull and same but had a different hue.
China just called Japan and Tokyo to look at their eyes? Doesn’t he have better things to do with his time?
Okay, so all that is left is a bunch of art in the gallery, but I don’t know how much of it is stolen and how much of it isn’t, so I’ll just leave it where it is.
Anyway, this OC needs research. Look up information about Tokyo’s history, about Japan’s history. Surprisingly, that video on YouTube, ‘History Of Japan,’ that’s actually a usable source, as silly as it is.
Anyway, I’ll see you guys later. Thanks for recommending this character to me, Anon!
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ao3feed-spamano · 5 years
Trans! Romano X Spain (Highschool AU)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TgK1zk
by LovinoVargas
The story will most likely be in POVs but I won't keep switching it. I may make it someone else's Point Of View only once every chapter. For example, Lovino's POV in the first chapter and Antonio's in the next.
Oh and there will be swearing due to Romano, cliché I know... I won't do smut, just fluff, so nothing yucky...
Romano Lovino is a trans guy, he gets exceptionally irritated and angry by his deadname and incorrect pronouns. Hence why he's pretty much angry all the time at school. He hates the name in the registers. "Loriana"? Who's that? We don't know her. For this reason Lovino hates school, he gets bullied for being trans, luckily they don't know he's gay as well, otherwise noone would even want to talk to him. Or so he thinks.
Spain Antonio is known as one of the popular boys in school, y'know the kind, never wants to do the work, messes around with his gang, surrounded by girls, blah blah blah... Though he was one of the only few characters that would ever see Lovino for who he was. Oh and did I mention that Antonio was also gay, he was also not out, mostly to stay popular, so he never actually goes out with any of the flirty girls, though noone knows about the boys...
Words: 6503, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Rome (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), France (Hetalia)
Relationships: South Italy/Spain (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Trans Male Character, Trans South Italy (Hetalia)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TgK1zk
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Where They Live in Their Countries
*each of the characters more than likely have multiple homes through their countries, and even the world, but what I will be focusing on is where they most likely stay given the season/time of year.
The America’s
America: When it’s time for a new Congress to be sworn in or a new president has been elected Alfred will stay in DC from anywhere to a few weeks to the whole first year of a new presidents term depending on how he’s feeling about the way things are going. His house there is always clean and ready for him to move back in, so it has most of his stuff, because politics are crazy, and you never know when you’ll be needed. He has an apartment in New York and in Seattle which is where he spends the majority of the colder months because he knows that while it’ll be cold as hell he will at least have something to go out and do where if he spent his time in Texas he might be bored. He does, however, go to Texas and LA during the warmer months to spend some time on his ranch, part cows part dog rescue/sanctuary, and to party a bit on the West Coast and grab the latest tech and everything. Canada: Technically he has three homes throughout his country, but he spends the majority of his time between the one Ottawa and the one in Calgary when dealing with politics and social movements and everything. But he does have this cabin way up by the Northwestern Passages that he sometimes escapes to when everything with either his country or his brother or just the world, in general, becomes too much. This little cabin has the bare essentials, one bed, a small kitchen with a food fireplace, and a toilet with shower in the corner. No walls, one door, a few windows. When he goes here the boy is alone and he likes it, often he brings a few books and maybe even a caring kit or something else to do though he mostly sleeps when he’s up here and Kuma loves it he can go out a wander around without worrying about scaring humans and he’s never gotten hurt or lost. Mexico: She technically has a home just outside of San Luis Potosí near the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve but more often than not she’s traveling around her country spending time with her people, getting involved in a social movement, the culture, and trying to influence change and have a good time. She likes to keep busy but stay out of mainstream politics, she’ll go to protest and rallies but avoid political speeches and stuff because it just gives her a headache. She loves her people, not the government/politics which irritates her boss at times but she’ll just kinda disappear whenever they try to get her to stay and participate in a speech or something and she willn’t show back up for a while. She has never missed a world meeting though, she feels like her voice is more likely to be heard there versus trying to talk to her boss. Cuba: Kinda like Mexico, he technically has a home in Havana, but he very much likes to travel around his country and just hang with the people and help them out if he can. When the embargo was lifted he stayed in Havana for a while to make sure everything went smoothly and no one was getting hurt. He even did a few guided tours and all for people, but he mostly just moved about like a local and tried to be friendly and greet everyone. He’ll often stay at places that are close to the beach and have an open design because he really loves being out and about and heard prefer to fall asleep to the sound of the ocean over the roar of A/C. 
Britain: Technically he still has a number of homes scattered across his former colonies, except for America, but many of them he hasn’t visited in decades – either out of worry or shame. His main house is located a short ways away from the train, which is only about a half an hour ride into London. He didn’t want to live in the heart of London because he still wanted some peace and quiet, but he wanted to be close enough that if the Queen or Parliament needed him he could be there in under an hour. He also shares a cabin with his brothers out near Inverness, Scotland – Angus actually lives there full time but once a year or so all the brother meet up and spend a week there because despite all their bickering and fighting they are family. France: He spends most of his time in his apartment in Paris, mainly because he loves waking up in the morning and going to his balcony and being able to smell the roses on the streets and the fresh baked goods and yeah. He loves the feeling of life that is there. But if it is the holiday season or he just wants to get away and have some alone time he goes out to this little Victorian-esk cottage he has out in Cluny where he can still enjoy wine and good company but with fresh air and open fields. Russia: He still lives in that same house he has lived in for centuries, it’s not run down and if it were anywhere else in Europe where there was a noticeable change in the seasons his house would look a lot less scary than it does on the outside. The inside, however, has changed many times over the years but in general, it is open and kinda fancy but like once you get used to how old the place is it’s really nice. He likes to keep the windows uncovered and there’s a fireplace in nearly every room so a lot of light. He shares this place with sisters most of the year except when tensions get high with the government and he’ll have them go back to their countries because while he knows they can’t die and so does everyone else that knows about them he, like China, has been “killed’ a few times and so he just wants to make sure they’re safe. Germany: He does have a small apartment in Berlin for business and everything but hates being there just cause of the past, he loves how it’s progressed and all but with Prussia exploring being near the place where they were once viciously separated doesn’t do him any good. His main home is in Frankfurt and he has a nice yard where all the dogs can run around and play and sometimes he’ll sit out there and work. He also has a greenhouse from Japan and Italy where he grows some cornflowers and his own potatoes, mostly he puts the snow shovels and stuff in there. He doesn’t have a basement! He has 5 rooms total in his place; his room, an office (with some of Prussia’s journals), Prussia’s room, and two spare guest rooms. It’s two stories with an attic where he keeps some of the “out of sight out of mind” kinda things from the past. He has some workout equipment in the living room but there’s a big closet downstairs that he hides it in when people come over. Italy: He has a place in Venice that he likes to go to when he just wants to drop the facade and be him, not who people think he is. But he loves his apartment in Rome, so he only goes to the home in Venice if his brothers are going there or he needs to escape. He also visits Germany a lot but has tried his best to plan those visits out and not just show up startling Germany in the middle of a fútbol match or as he’s coming home from work. Southern Italy: He tries to stay as far away from Rome as possible unless his brother drags him there or there’s an important event – there’s a little bit resentment there because of his Grandpa but also he hates how loud it gets there. He likes dividing his time between Naples and Lecce, he likes the vineyards and just chilling by the beach. He enjoys sculpture more so than his brother and so goes to a lot of those types of museums. He does share a little place in Venice with his brothers that they celebrate holidays at or escape to where the Vatican is bothering them again. Spain: He balances his time between his place and Romanos. He lives out in the countryside and really doesn’t travel into the city all that much, unless France and Prussia visit, because he likes keeping busy with gardening and music over boring meetings and paperwork. His house is also decorated with some of his artifacts from his life as a country, and he has a lot of books. He loves learning, old habits, and if the weathers bad or he’s just not feeling well he’ll sit down and read, and he gets so lost sometimes that hours will pass and suddenly Romano is there wondering why he didn’t answer his message. He also has an open plan house, but one story, where the living room and dining are pretty much the same and the kitchen is just separated by a counter/island space. His office has his guitar in it along with some recording equipment. Scotland: As mentioned he spends a good bit of the year at the brother's cabin near Inverness, he likes the quiet and the history that is around there. But he also stays in an apartment above a pub in Glasgow that he works at during the busier, tourist months of the year. He likes having something to do but he also enjoys the solitude which what Arthur uses as his excuse as to why he doesn’t let him go to any of the world meetings, saying he’ll try and start a fight. Poland: Like Germany, he chose to live away from the bigger cities of his country due to the history but also the noise. While he’s very much a people person he likes how chill Wroclaw is, plus he can have more land for horses. The outside of his place isn’t too extravagant, but the inside is completely renovated and modern. He had two, TWO, closets that separate his everyday clothes from his special event party clothes. He likes going into the city to have fun, which he often does towards to end of a work week he’s having to spend in the city. Lithuanian: He does not like the city and tries to not have to stay the night there just cause he has the weight in the air of how busy it is and everything. His house surrounded by woods and there’s a really nice river that runs near it. He often sits outside and reads and eats meals out there when it's nice. He has a two-room place, one being his bedroom and the other being his office. Poland, however, loves to drag him off to his country and spend time with him. He sometimes stays at his house and he’ll wander around the town with him loving to go to the markets and get fabric that isn’t in regular shops and such. Latvia: See Estonia. He goes back to his country when he needs to, but he hates being alone and Estonia is an internet rat so he likes to think them living together is good for both of them because he gets Estonia to eat and go outside and Estonia helps him not feel lonely. He loves his country though, he’s just still a bit unsure of what to do really. Estonia: See Latvia. He appreciates the company in his apartment. His city isn’t really loud ever, and so Latvia is calm there and he also helps him to remember that there’s more to life than working a playing online. He has helped Latvia go back and forth between their countries and he really enjoys the culture there, but Latvia is welcome to stay as long as he wants. They’re brothers and they’re still learning how to be countries and it's nice to learn together. Austria: He and Hungary share a home in Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart, and he doesn’t have a place anywhere else. His bosses have no problem coming to him if they need him or just calling if he has to travel it usually isn’t for more than a few hours and if he needs to he gets a hotel room. He enjoys being by the river and surrounded by mountains, plus he just loves the old vibe the place has – there’s less noise pollution from people and more natural sounds. He has his piano is a room, that’s part library, that has windows looking out to the river and mountains with a set of huge doors that he likes to open up during the warmer months. Switzerland: He lives on a gated property because he’s super protective and maybe a bit paranoid about his safety and the safety of his sister but it’s a super nice house. It two stories with a big open floor plan for the kitchen, dining, and living room. Upstairs there is his room, his sisters, a guest room (that’s rarely used), and a nice open office area where he likes to work on his computer while his sister paints, crochets, reads, or whatever she wants to do. The dining room opens out into the backyard where there is also a nice garden that he can see from the office space. There’s also a large shed to the right side of the house where he keeps all his guns, and everything locked up but often at night, he’s in there cleaning them and such. Netherlands: So, he technically lives by himself a nice little house off a country road with a nice garden full of tulips and such, but Belgium and Luxemburg are always there, and they even have rooms at his place. He lives maybe 20 minutes or so from Amsterdam, but it looks like you’re in the middle of nowhere because there's huge fields and old houses. He likes to short drive into the city if he has a meeting and he likes being able to go back to his home that is very much his safe space and when he’s not working he likes to tend to his tulips and loves going to market to sell them but also buy a bunch of other stuff, mostly for his bunnies. Yes, he has bunnies. Belgium: See Netherlands. While she has her own room at Netherlands house and is there a good bit of the time she has an apartment in Brussels that she really likes and its super convenient for her when she has meetings, but she also loves the festivals and concerts and just being super immersed into the life of the country and the people apart of it. Luxemburg actually really likes staying with her and she even let him add his own corner to her office when he can paint and sew and stuff. Belarus: See Russia. She enjoys spending her time reading in their library, or the large living room, but also enjoys going out with her sister shopping. Her home in her country is very modest being nearly identical to the others on the street. Most of her things are at her brother's house, she loves her family and likes to stay close. Ukraine: Similar to Belarus, she mostly lives with her brother but her home in her country is much more personalized and she often returns to randomly outside of when Russia sends her away. Being older she likes her privacy and enjoys being at her brother’s house cooking and being around family, but she also enjoys curling up on her sofa at home crocheting and what not.
Iceland: No one really knows honestly, like he could be a longtime resident in a hostel/hotel, or he could have an actual house but what is known is that he lives on the northwestern portion of the land away from all the volcanos. He does have an apartment in Reykjavík for business necessities but outside of that none of the Nordics know where he actually lives, just that its obviously a place with wifi. Norway: Kinda like Canada he has one main home and it’s in Oslo where he can ride the train anywhere else he wants/needs to go and he chose to live there for the convenience of the airport and the shopping centers and everything but he also has a place in Trondheim where he goes when he doesn’t need to worry about politics or anything and a cabin up in Alta that he and the other Nordics travel to for a little escape and to spend time together. He also sometimes travels down to Denmark’s place in Skagen to visit but that’s a secret, shhh! Finland: So, he had Sweden live together, with Sealand obviously, and they don’t live in Sweden. They live in a little town called Kemi that’s right by the Swedish border in case Sweden does have to go back over. They compromised on living there because it’s a small town perfect for Sealand but again it’s close to the border. He does rent an apartment in Helsinki when he has to go do business and more often than not Sweden in back in Stockholm so Sealand is with him. Their house in Kemi is adorable a rather spacious because that’s where the Nordics celebrate their holidays together. Denmark: He lives in Copenhagen, which seems stereotypical, but he lives there to get as close to Sweden as he can get without crosses borders just to annoy the shit out of him when they’re both there for business. He also has a place in Skagen because it has a gorgeous beach but also because that’s the closest he can get to Norway without crossing borders. He likes to travel to the cabin and spend time with Norway there. And it has an awesome port and he loves fishing on a boat in his free time, sometimes he also works at the cafes/restaurants in the town. Sweden: See Finland for where he mainly lives, but he has a place in Stockholm that he rents for when he needs to return home for business meetings and everything and he also stays with Sealand when there’s any kind of trouble with the Finnish government going but mostly he books an apartment in Stockholm for a few weeks and the returns to Kemi.
China: He lives just a little way outside of Beijing, away from the noise and a good bit of the air pollution but close enough that if he needs to he can travel to a meeting. Similar to Turkey he has relatively stayed in the same spot for close to a century but remodeled him home a number of times. Recently he has added more privacy to it with a large garden surrounding and blending into the area. He likes to sit just outside his living room with his tea and listen to the world. His house is orderly but not lacking in character. He has a number of artifacts from his long life scattered about, along with a number of books. He has a large and cozy dining area where he likes to invite over his family for the holidays. Japan: He only goes to Tokyo for conventions and works with the government/other countries. He likes his apartment there and has had to stay there for an extended period of time but whenever he can he likes to escape out to Kochi where he can enjoy the peace and quiet but also take part in the markets and festivals there. Depending on whether or not he’s spending the holidays with his family he goes back to Tokyo to join the crowd essentially, though he tries to not be alone on the holidays. South Korea: He has an apartment in Seoul and he absolutely loves it there. Fast internet, fashion, food, and lots of people. He also has immediate access to the train and the airport if he has to go anywhere. If he wants to stay somewhere else he’ll just rent the place for however long he’s gonna stay there, but he loves the noise and energy of the city while having easy access to anything and everything he could ever want or need. India: Similar to Scotland he has a small apartment above a shop he works at, selling ceramics and rugs. He loves the hustle and bustle of the market but towards the rainy seasons he goes out to the countryside and sometimes stays with the monks, meditating and helping out with the farmers. He really likes to keep busy and his boss doesn’t really bother him too often, only when he wants his to make an appearance somewhere with him as a “representative” or something, or just to remind him of when the world meetings are. When he’s in the countryside he also likes to visit the animals and make sure they’re doing alright – he hates poaching but understands the farmers need to keep their own animals safe so he does the best he can with installing fencing and such to keep the two separated.
Ottoman Family
Turkey: He lives on the same property that his house during his empire was on, just the house itself is much smaller and the yard has been turned into a garden. He hated the empty space in the huge home and so he one day demolished the whole and rebuild it – which was a shock to Hungary, Egypt, Greece, and the others who visited a few months later. But he’s happy and he likes sitting out on the back-porch area he made looking out into his garden. He likes growing his own spices for many of his dishes and there are a few fruit trees back there too. His dogs like to play in the small creek he re-directed to run through which he listens to fall asleep. He jokes that it was his mid-life crisis, but really he just wanted to change it from the empire to him now. He stays there a lot of the times, avoiding the politics of his country. Greece: I swear this man lives in the ruins of the temples of the old god’s, but he has to have an actual place because he’s always fresh and clean whenever another country shows up, but no one has an idea where he actually lives. He’s similar to Cuba, he bounces around his country enjoying to warm weather and cool breeze from the ocean, staying in hostels or sometimes with an ancient family. He lives to have sunbath i.e. nap, on the beach. Egypt: He likes to be by the Nile and lives in a very simple one-story home with a large back porch that leads to a walkway that takes him down to the waters. It helps clear his mind but also keep him connected to his past and his mothers past. He does like being close to the city so that he can enjoy the markets and go to museums and such, again keeping him rooted to his past but he likes to contemplate a lot and spends time reading and writing about his thoughts. His Pharaoh hound trails behind him and will often nudge him to remind him to eat or when it's getting late. Hungary: See Austria. While she enjoys spending time with him and their home is absolutely beautiful full of artifacts of their past but with every modern amenity, they could possibly need/want she enjoys going back to her home during the summer. Her apartment in Budapest is her little escape, her own little world, and more often than not she needs to be there during the summer anyway. She loves seeing her people and spending time with them at markets and festivals. Sometimes Austria has tagged along with her but when she really needs to be alone there he never questions her and gives her that time. She likes to bring him back a pressed flower, a trinket, or something that see-saw a few days prior that reminded her of the home she has with him.
Prussia: Because of his situation (him not being a country) he tends to bounce all over the place. He’s actually gone to England and asked about his old places in his form colonies and stayed at a few of them. He likes to explore, it was one of his favorite things to do when he was an empire, and it keeps his mind busy. He also likes to add his new adventures to his journal collection. He goes to Germany’s for the holidays and stay’s there for the Spring and Summer festivals, also whenever Germany needs him to watch the dogs. But during the winter he’s gone, somewhere on the other side of the world being “The Awesome Prussia”. Australia: Again, do wild animals count? He is a most permanent resident at a animal sanctuary where he helps rehabilitate the wild animals of his home and those that can’t be released back into the wild he helps settle into residency at zoo’s or other long term care facilities where they’ll live like they were in the wild but where they’ll constantly be checked on. He rents a place when he needs to in Sydney but really if he can help it he’ll do a one-day trip there and back cause he prefers kangaroos to people. New Zealand: They’re kinda like Iceland except no one has any clue where they may even live. Some speculate they live in a hobbit hole others think they have a nice tiny apartment in the city. All that is really known is that when another country comes to visit they pop-up out of nowhere somehow always knowing exactly when and where that other country is, even if they don’t want to be noticed.
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His Past, His Present, His Future: Chapter 6 - Wine
Sorry for the pause between uploads. I’ve been moving, and between that and college I have had zero spare time. 
After a difficult conversation, Germany and Italy make dinner. This chapter is basically just domestic fluff.
The two worked in the kitchen, Italy insisting on making home-made… soup? Broth? As Germany boiled the noodles. He was content to just watch Italy chop and stir and simmer from his seat on a bar stool opposite of him. Other than boiling pasta, there was nothing for him to do. They talked about things that didn’t matter, reminiscing on Halloween parties and Christmas celebrations. Italy introduced the idea that he should host a holiday sometime. Perhaps Easter.
Germany nodded. “It’s nice here in the spring.”
Italy looked up from his work, brushing hair out of his face and behind his ear. “Yes. The flowers in my garden just start to bloom, and it smells so nice! It’s the kind of weather that makes you want to go on a walk and enjoy life, you know?” Though his words were deceptively bright, Germany had noted the fact that Italy had been averting his gaze the entire evening. 
Germany smiled slightly, hoping to reassure him. “It would be good to have everyone here.”
Italy peered through his lashes at Germany. “Even America?”
“Hmm, maybe not him.” Germany joked, standing to stir the pasta.
“Oh, I know you have a soft spot for him.” Italy protested, dumping the cutting board into the sink. “Care to wash this for me?”
Germany stepped over and started the water, waiting for it to heat up. The kitchen was starting to smell of spices. “I don’t have a soft spot for him.”
Italy smiled, lightly pushing into Germany’s ribs with his elbow as he walked past him. “Sure.” Germany returned the smile. It seemed that now that the touch barrier has been broken, things were finally less tense.
The conversation faded as Germany enjoyed the warm kitchen, the tile underneath his socked feet, and Italy’s quiet humming. It was serene and peaceful. He gazed out the window facing Italy’s back garden, noting that Italy had strung up strands of round lights through the branches of the trees, barely visible against the searing light of the sunset against the clouds.
“I think Japan is in love with him.”
Germany blinked, shocked by Italy’s idea. “Really?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. He began scrubbing at the cutting board.
Germany towel-dried it and strode over to Italy. “I don’t believe you. Where does this go?” He lifted the cutting board up slightly.
Italy pointed to a narrow cupboard as he stirred the pasta sauce. “There. Have you seen how they interact?”
“Yes.” Germany raised a single eyebrow as he put up the cupboard. “They talk as friends.” He opened the fridge and peered into the cheese drawer. “You have no parmesan.”
Italy set his spoon on a spoon rest and walked over. “How did I run out of parmesan?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you ate it all.”
Germany looked over as Italy plucked a note from the door.
Italy read the note in Italian. “I got the last of the Parmesan. The Potato Bastard will take you to a farmer's market and you'll have to get more. Romano.”
“Romano took it?” Germany asked, surprised. “He must have stole it while I was back in your office.”
Italy shook his head with a fond smile, too distracted to question why Germany was back there in the first place. “He’s sneaky when he wants to be. He wants you to take me to a farmer’s market to get more.”
Germany hummed. “I’m sure we can find one over the next couple days.”
“That would be fun!” Italy agreed, stuffing the note in his pocket.
“So you were saying?” Germany asked, shutting the fridge door. “About Japan and America?”
“Oh, so you’re interested?” Italy asked with a grin, untying his apron and hanging it on a magnetized hook on the fridge.
Germany felt his cheeks heat up. “I just want to know how Japan is doing. It’s what friends do.”
Italy quirked an eyebrow. “Mm-hmm... have you ever noticed that when America walks in, Japan is one of the first to notice? He always seems to have time to watch a scary movie with him, no matter what he has going on.”
“That’s a friend thing.” Germany protested. “I do the same for you.” Despite the neutral tone of his voice, he felt shaky. Sure, he did the same thing, but what he felt for Italy was beyond friendship.
“Well yes,” Italy allowed. “But is Japan really the type? You’re really affectionate. He’s not.”
“I’m not affectionate!” Germany protested loudly.
Italy turned off the burner to the pasta and carried it over to the strainer. Germany hadn’t even realized he’d forgotten about it. “Sure you are! Everyone’s affectionate in their own way. Like when you remind me to grab an umbrella when it rains, or when you taught me how to throw a hand grenade, or how sometimes when I fall asleep on the couch you carry me to bed!”
Germany grunted. “All that is just human decency.” He determinedly ignored the other man as he pulled two bowls from the cupboard.
“You are affectionate in your actions. Not in words.” Italy continued, carrying the strainer back to the stove and dumping the pasta into the liquid in the pot. He stirred the contents and sniffed, sighing. “So is Japan. But he is less open about it. He is antisocial and often doesn’t enjoy going to other people’s houses, but he goes to America’s more frequently than anyone’s. More frequent than yours and ours, even!”
Germany considered this, grabbing two spoons. “Suppose you were somehow right. What about America?”
“What does he always say? His catchphrase, maybe?”
“... ‘I’m hungry’?”
Italy laughed. “Other than that.”
“Well, he always refers to himself as a hero.” Germany answered, carrying the dishes to the table. “What do you want to drink?”
Italy tipped the pot over, pouring the soup into a serving bowl. “Wine, please.”
“What kind?” Germany grabbed two wine glasses.
“Hmm... how about the Masseto Toscana? It should go well with the soup.”
Germany crouched by the wine rack, his eyebrows furrowed. He started pulling the bottles out one by one, examining the labels. “Why is him calling himself a hero relevant?”
Italy carried the bowl over to the table. “Because he cares a lot about his self image, right?”
Germany growled to himself as he pulled the third bottle of wine off the rack. “So?”
“Why would he call Japan over to watch scary movies constantly if it made him look like a coward?”
Germany prayed for the sweet release of death as he pulled the sixth bottle of wine halfway off the rack before noticing that the label was wrong.
Italy crouched next to him and considered the wine rack for a moment before removing a bottle from the bottom row. “Perhaps because America wants an excuse for Japan to come over.��
Straightening along with Italy, he grunted an affirmation.
“You think I’m right?” Italy asked, delightedly beaming as he noticed Germany had nothing to say.
“Nein.” Germany answered, making his way to the table. “I just can’t believe this conversation is actually starting to make logical sense.” He took a seat.
Italy shook his head, also sitting. “You just wait, Germany. Watch them spend time together and you’ll have to believe me!”
Germany grunted, ladleing soup into his bowl. “Not likely. What is this you’ve made?”
Italy let the conversation slide. “Pasta e Fagioli!” He proclaimed, popping the cork of the wine and pouring himself half a glass. He offered his hand for Germany’s glass.
Germany passed it. He always preferred a cold beer to anything else, but it wasn’t like he hated wine. “Sounds good.” He accepted his glass and took a bite of the soup, the warmth seeping through his entire being and soothing all the emotional ache of the day.
“It’s good?” Italy asked.
Germany realized his eyes had closed as he opened them. “It’s wunderbare.”
“Great!” Italy’s entire being seemed to brighten at his words.
“I was thinking about what we could do tomorrow. It has been so long since I’ve taken time to tour your country. I was thinking we could walk around Rome.”
Italy laughed, taking a sip of wine. “If you want to see what has changed here, Rome isn’t the best place to do it, Germany, everything is so old!”
Germany hummed. “Perhaps. I just remember we had a good time there.”
“Aww, Germany, that’s so sweet!”
“Germany attempted to hide his embarassment by tilting his wine glass upward and taking a sip.
“How is it?” Italy asked.
Germany tried to think of something intelligent to say. He knew that Italy was something of a wine efficianado. “It... tastes like wine. Good wine. It tastes good.”
Italy smiled like he was trying to hold in laughter. “I hope so, I have been saving it for a special occasion!”
“What special occasion?” Germany hoped Italy didn’t intend to mention the discoveries of today. That was the last thing he wanted to think about.
Italy raised his wine glass in a toast. “Your first vacation since 1990!”
Germany raised his glass, smiling. The two clinked their glasses.
“This wine was bottled that same year, you know.” Italy quipped. “Very convenient! Almost like it was meant to be!”
“We took that vacation in Turkey, yes?” Germany asked, taking another sip of wine. It was starting to grow on him.
Italy nodded. “Yes! Your latest vacation and it is with me almost three decades later... if that isn’t a reason to open up a 2,000 euro bottle of wine, I don’t know what is!”
Germany choked on his drink. He coughed and hacked, bending forward on the table as the worst of the coughs passed.
“Are you okay?” Italy asked.
“What the hell?!” He cursed in German.
“Gesundheit.” Italy offered.
Germany stared at the glass sitting on the table, wondering how much money he had drank in the two sips he had. “This wine was 2,000 euros?!”
Italy shrugged. “Well it was actually around 2,300, but... I’m not really particular about that sort of thing.”
“Jesus Christ.” Germany gasped.
“Well if you’re religious, yes!”
Germany squinted confusedly at the man sitting opposite of him.
“Get it? Wine? Blood of Christ?” Italy tried, stirring his soup. “It’s a Catholic joke.”
Germany lay his forehead in his palm. “My God, Italy.”
“Actually, he’s my God unless you’re Cath-”
Germany lay in bed a few hours later, his hair still slightly damp from his shower. He allowed it to hang over his forehead and brush his eyebrows as he stared at the wall. Italy’s guest room had always been beautiful, what with the four poster bed and the glass double doors that lead to a balcony. The moon was half full tonight, allowing a soft blue light to spill into the room. What exactly had happened today? Well, he knew what happened. But it was just so much to process. How do you process learning that the past you thought you had wasn’t even half of your life? That you had an entire past that you didn’t even remember? That you died and somehow miraculously came back to life? It was all so much. There was really nothing he could do for that except give himself time to acclimate himself to this feeling. To this desire to learn about himself.
He realized that he was so busy worrying about all that that he had barely taken the time to consider what this meant for Italy. For him. For the both of them, maybe. They used to be... together? Maybe? Did that even count? Here Germany thought he had never even had his first kiss when he had it with Italy of all people. And Italy... he’d loved him too, once. That was the worst part. That in the past he had what was perhaps his greatest desire and he couldn’t even remember it. And beside that was the question of if Italy was even his friend because he was Germany. Did Italy stick around for who he was now, or for a ghost of someone Germany didn’t even know? Of someone he didn’t even remember? The question had been gnawing at his thoughts all day. A dull ache in the back of his mind as he joked around with Italy and spent the rest of the day in what could have been considered a domestic atmosphere. He sighed aloud and turned onto his back. It was then that he saw a shadow in the doorway.
“Germany?” It said.
Germany sat up in his bed, allowing the covers to fall off his shoulders and into his lap. “Italy.” He rubbed his eyes. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Italy stepped forward into the moonlight, his tan skin unusually pale in the blue light. He wore a T-shirt that was slightly too large for him over a pair of boxers. His hair was tousled, but Germany figured that was from tossing and turning more than anything else. “No.”
Germany nodded. “Me neither.”
Italy’s right hand crossed over his body and gripped his left wrist sheepishly. “... Would you mind if I shared your bed with you tonight?”
Uh-oh. “At least you actually asked this time.” Germany sighed, scooching over and pulling the covers back for him. “It beats you sneaking in while I’m sleeping.”
Italy smiled, his shy air disappearing entirely. “Yes! Thank you, Germany!”
Germany lay back down, glad for the darkness as it shielded Italy from the glowing blush on his cheeks. “Ja ja, just try not to take all the covers this time.”
“I will. Thank you, Germany.”
Silence reigned as Germany turned on his side, his back facing Italy. He shut his eyes, willing himself to go to sleep. Minutes passed and he didn’t get any more tired.
“Something is wrong.” It wasn’t a question.
Germany didn’t even turn his head. “No.”
The weight on the bed shifted as Italy turned to face Germany, propping himself up on his elbow. “You’re lying. I said earlier I would answer all your questions, remember?”
“I said there was nothing wrong, and there is nothing wrong.” Germany snapped. “Why can’t you just listen?”
“Do you remember when we became friends?”
Germany furrowed his brows. He wondered if Italy had figured out what was bothering him. “Unfortunately.”
“I say a lot of things, Germany. I love to talk! But I remember something I said that day. I said that we could protect each other, and I would disappoint you! It was a promise I made when we formed our alliance!”
“You realize that was not in the formal agree-”
“-Point being,” Italy interrupted. “It was a promise I made when we formed our alliance. Our friendship! So when I don’t listen to what you say, I am only making good on my promise.”
Germany turned over at this, fixating his beady glare on Italy.
He was smiling uncaringly, like Germany had just offered to tell him a joke. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response.
Germany contemplated what he said, wondering if he should even bother. How would it look if he asked Italy that question? Would that make things weird? Worst of all, what if Italy had befriended Germany because he was Holy Rome before? What then? “It really isn’t a big deal.”
“It is to me.” Italy said. He delivered it like his words had no weight. Like it wasn’t the very thing Germany needed to hear most.
Germany sighed and faced the ceiling again. He tried to speak as though he weren’t contemplating this all day. “When you found me, did you just want to become my friend to see if I was Holy Rome?”
There was only the briefest pause.
“Germany, do you really think that?” Italy asked, his voice heavy.
Germany frowned, not tearing his gaze away from the ceiling. “I don’t know. I was just wondering.”
“No!” Italy protested, shaking his head furiously. “Not at all! I only started suspecting it after World War Two!”
Germany finally looked at Italy. “Really?”
“Of course! I thought you just looked like him! The same way that Canada looks like America, or like Sealand looks like a gremlin! Before I was an investigator, Germany, I was your friend. First and foremost, always and forever!”
Germany felt a massive weight lift off his shoulders. “Oh. That’s good.” He said.
Italy lay down and faced him, his brown eyes gazing cautiously into his blue. His mouth split into a smile. “What do you want to do in Rome tomorrow?”
“Mm... we have to see the colloseum for sure.” Germany answered, fully aware that Italy was trying to distract him.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been seen it.” Italy reminisced.
“How long?”
Italy frowned, thinking.
Germany noticed Italy’s eyes were half closed, weighed down by exhaustion.
“Probably... actually, I don’t think I’ve been there since it was still an actual arena...”
“How long ago was that?” Germany asked, slightly shocked.
“Mm...” Italy yawned. “I don’t know. It’s too late to think.”
The corners of Germany’s mouth lifted as Italy’s eyes fluttered closed.
“Good night, Germany.”
“Good night, Italy.” Germany let his eyes close as well, immediately sinking into a heavy and merciful sleep.
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blogmaria333ph · 6 years
Almost Two Years Later
Still a fan of APH Veneziano.
Still not overly fond of Romano/Veneziano, Germany/Veneziano or HRE/Veneziano, but not a hater.
Thinking back, I've comprised a list of Veneziano pairings I liked/would still like to see/read.
And here they are.
*Breathe deeply*
Gosh... Here's a rather long list of ships for one character...😅 Feel free to reblog this if you agree with a ship😉
(PS: I made up ship names for a few of them. Ultimately, a lot don't have one...)
Angel Pair (England/Veneziano) - The Ship Name was bestowed upon these two by other fans. The ship originally came from the game, HetaOni, but I personally think they grew close during the days when Rome had England as a colony.
PasTea (China/Veneziano) - Ship Name equates to Pasta + Tea. I imagine China spent a lot of time with him during the Silk Road Days, what with Rome taking him along almost everywhere!
EngVeneChu (England/Veneziano/China) - Stern, parental China and (quite possibly) magical, protective England. Between the two of them, I think Vene would be well cared for, yes? Then, whenever they feel down due to any reason, Vene would cheer them up!
Scotland/Veneziano - Imagine that. "Ve... _____ is scary!" - Vene. "So, _____. Want to fight and lose?" - Scotland. Or "My people want to leave but England's politicians won't let them..." - Scotland. "I can try talking to England about it?" - Vene.
Wales/Veneziano - Wales, according to many a wiki, is apparently calm. I can see him just being a support for dear Vene during hard times. Vene would keep him from feeling down whenever he remembers the days he fought England.
VenezIre (Veneziano/North Ireland) - North Ireland is a bit less mature than the other UK countries, I think... I mean, if I were to decide his character, he would probably be more playful than work-oriented. They'd be great together, no?
UkVene - This ship is Veneziano with more than one of the four UK countries. Any combination.
Hongkong/Veneziano - Hongkong probably was just looking for something to do at a meeting until he noticed Vene being all forced smiles and shaky laugher. He'd likely set off fireworks just to fix that and then promptly get lost in the honest sparkle of happiness radiating from Vene. 😊
KimSta (South Korea/Veneziano) - Ship Name is a combination of the words: Kimchi and Pasta. South Korea would jump and claim certain parts, which Vene would laugh at and allow. South might likely take a while before admitting to any commitments, but once he sees how caring and positively fun Vene is, he might just settle down.😉
North Korea/Veneziano - Yeah. Imagine him just terrorizing all those who so much as pose a threat to Vene!😉😁 ([*muttering* I'd attempt to pull him out of isolation just for this]) He'd probably start their friendship just to annoy certain countries but Vene has a way of 'melting the ice', right? So, eventually, he starts to actually fall for the bubbly, cheery man.
PaShu (Japan/Veneziano) - Ship Name = Pasta + Shushi. Veneziano was Japan's first friend, even before America! They liked each other's culture and history even before officially meeting! (According to one episode, at least.) Not hard to imagine Japan protecting Vene, seeing as it does happen in the show.😉😉
Mentioned Asian Countries/Veneziano - More than one, that is. Any combination.
HamSta (America/Veneziano) - Ship Name = Hamburger + Pasta. America has a hero- complex, or at least something like it. It's actually not hard to picture him standing up against those belittling Vene. And when he feels like the pressure of being a World Power is crushing him, Vene would be there with smiles and pasta!
MapAsta (Canada/Veneziano) - Ship Name: Maple and Pasta. I imagine Canada as a sweet friend to Vene at first, gradually becoming more. They bond over not being listened to enough. Canada has a violent side, though, which comes up when friends and loved ones are threatened. Vene would always be there for Canada, seeing and hearing him regardless of the others' reactions, or lack thereof.
CanZiAme (Canada/Veneziano/America) - A sweet lover with a tendency to get be violently protective. A protective lover who loves to try out new things. An optimistic lover who is happy just being there for them emotionally and physically. Really. They're cute. 😚
Sonet (Austria/Veneziano) - Ship Name derived from my head Canon that Veneziano also loves music, like Austria. To be honest. I rarely think of them this way anymore, but I still find them cute and sweet together.
SwitZiano (Switzerland/Veneziano) - I like how I got this to have 'sweet' in it.😉😉 Switzerland had protected Vene as much as he could during the Italian Wars. I imagine he still has a soft spot for Vene, though rather pushed to the far corners of his mind. (A lot like his affections for Austria.) Vene might secretly miss the days when he and Switzerland would travel together.
PrussiAno (Prussia/Veneziano) - Ah, Prussia. A passionate man with a rather large protective streak focused on his brother and Vene. Truly, my head Canons are rearing their, well... Their heads... Anywho, Vene doesn't like the fact that Prussia gets sad, he also hates the possibility that either of them might leave the world at any time. Prussia does, as well. So they spend as much time together as possible.
Austria/Veneziano/Switzerland - Both of them are strict. Both have a strong sense of duty, due to the military style upbringing. Both, also, have a soft spot, though for different things. Vene is well aware of the soft spots and uses them to stop any conflict between the two. ((Also, he is more than happy to sleep between them to be sure they don't fight in their sleep.😂))
Austria/Veneziano/Prussia - One is strict. The other is adventurous. Both like music and art. Vene acts as a buffer in their squabbles and is happy that they at least tone down the shouting and cold shoulders.
RussiAno (Russia/Veneziano) - A cute pairing, I think. Russia wants friends but everyone just tries to avoid him. Vene finds out and tries to overcome his fear-filled thoughts about the large nation. They become friends, and more, and Vene swears the rest of the world don't know what they're missing due to fears. Russia is content with the development and is more than happy to show exactly how he feels when anyone doubts his feelings. (Pipe and chilling atmosphere, anyone?😉😉)
Poland/Veneziano - They started out as close friends, bonded over love for artistic pursuits, and before they knew it, they were in love. Of course, they don't talk about it for years, until others point it out and push them into tackling their feelings before they start experiencing any regrets.
Lithuania/Veneziano - Poland introduced them to each other and Poland pushed them together because they are both his best friends, first and foremost. So, if they light up like bulbs when they so much as hear of each other, well. Poland certainly won't be getting in the way.
Lithuania/Veneziano/Poland - Poland introduces them to each other and sees the happiness radiating from them when they're together. Poland knows that Lithuania still loves him. He knows that he at least cares for Vene. So, without any more hesitations, he does all he can so the three of them can be together. Vene is happy being with them and Lithuania is grateful for his two lovers.
Estonia/Veneziano - *shrugs* Seems like an interesting pair... (To me, at least...) Estonia might actually try to fight Russia for Vene's sake and Vene might try it, too. For Estonia's sake... Maybe?
NordIano - This is more than one Nordic country with Veneziano. Any combination.
DeNe (Denmark/Veneziano) - I imagine he would try convincing Vene to stay a bit at his place for winter. Then, he would use the cold as an excuse to cuddles and warm kisses.😘 Vene would probably try to show him the soft, pretty snowfalls in the Mediterranean, prompting even more cuddles and warm kisses.😊
SwedEziano (Sweden/Veneziano) - Sweden appreciates how Vene does not mind his silence. Vene likes how Sweden actually, truly, listens to him.
FinVene (Finland/Veneziano) - A cute pair, really. I can honestly see how Finland would show his more violent side in response to anyone who poses a threat to Vene. And I can see Vene being all subtle about keeping those like Russia away from Finland.
ZiaNor (Norway/Veneziano) - Norway would, maybe, appreciate Vene's sweet, happy gestures in public (brief touches and chaste kisses). He might also enjoy the cuddling they have in bed. Vene is right there whenever Norway gets bad days (like having Iceland ignore him). He does a lot to keep Norway happy and optimistic about his relationship with Iceland.
VenIce (Veneziano/Iceland) - Iceland has a bit of insecurity problems regarding Norway and the other Nordics. Vene helps him see he has nothing to worry about in regards to the Scandinavians. Vene Has self-esteem issues. Iceland does everything to help build up Vene's confidence. (I especially like how this ship spells the name of Italy's Floating City. 😉😍)
VeneRia (Bulgaria/Veneziano) - Bulgaria had been Vene's Ally since before the World Wars, although it was a decision he did not initially like. Vene is all smiles and positive opinions about Buglaria. Bulgaria, eventually, gets caught in the roller coaster of emotions and happiness that is Veneziano.
RomanIano (Romania/Veneziano) - He heard of Vene from Bulgaria and decided to meet the bubbly Italian. He is quickly taken by the warm smiles and positive outlook in life the other bestows upon everyone.
Romania/Veneziano/Bulgaria - Really. They would want to keep Vene safe and Vene would want to keep up the positive vibes around them.
England/Veneziano/Norway - I imagine England would focus on cursing those who speak badly about them. Norway would probably just get trolls to take care of any annoyance. Vene would just sigh and leave them be for a short while before ultimately coaxing them into a cuddle.
England/Veneziano/Romania - basically similar to the above Trio, actually. But Romania deals with problems using potions.
Romania/Veneziano/Norway - similar to the two above.
Magic Trio/Veneziano - Honestly, the three of them with Vene.
Greece/Veneziano - Lots of nap time with cats. Greece also finds it easy to replicate his mother's warrior side for Vene's sake. Vene, on the other hand, finds he can easily cheer up Greece.
OttoZia (Turkey/Veneziano) - started as a rivalry and turned into something else, entirely.
Greece/Veneziano/Turkey - Vene (again) acts as a buffer between his two lovers. They know he doesn't like fights so they do their best to get along.
Egypt/Veneziano - I got this in my head cause of that one scene where Vene went to Egypt and he was caught.😉😊
Any of the aforementioned countries forming Vene's harem.
Last, certainly not the least: Top!Vene or Seme!Vene with any of these countries.
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I think it goes unsaid that how the nations relate to one another is not only based on their present political relations.
In other words, while they may not be on good terms with each other, these relations don’t define their relationship in whole. There are times where nations get along, and there are times where they will fight frequently and ‘hate’ each other. Point is, the hate doesn’t typically last.
While current relations do cause tensions, their pasts have the most impact on how they view one another. It would therefore be shallow to say that if nation A and nation B grew up together, only to go to war centuries later, that they would unequivocally hate each other and be unable to reconcile. Relationships don’t work like that, and this is especially the case for immortals who have lived several lifetimes.
I’ve stressed this in other posts before, but the nations don’t represent their government. They represent their people – they’re cultural, not political representations. The irony is that they’re forced to serve their government, which may or may not represent their peoples’ best interest. [x] [x]
It is for this reason that even in times of war, nations on opposing sides are shown to be getting along with each other when they’re not on the battlefield.
Ex: America’s occupation of Rome. He doesn’t treat the Italy brothers as enemies, but rather friends.
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Ex: England, Russia, and Germany share their military rations with each other.
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While humans from other nations may bear present grudges towards each other, this doesn’t always reflect itself in the personification. It’s important to remember that they’re people themselves, and have had more experiences that influence their outlook on life.
That said, what this post will set out to demonstrate is that nations rumoured to canonically hate each other don’t actually. The hatred isn’t deep-set or genuine. It’s more like a rivalry between someone who constantly gets on your nerves…someone who you routinely get into arguments with and can never see eye-to-eye. On the other hand, old war grudges have been shown to heal with time. Although, some take far longer than others.
With all that in mind, let’s go over some of the most common characters that are mistakenly depicted to be in hate-hate relationships. And yes, while this is intended to be ship neutral, all of these examples can be used to counter bashes against your ship.
Russia and America:  
While they may have been on thin ice with each other in the Cold War, their history runs far deeper than that. Unfortunately, we get very minimal insight into American-Imperial Russia relations. The strips only depict Russia’s participation in the American Revolution.
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Either way, the two countries don’t hate each other, regardless of how tense their political relations were and still are. They even acknowledge this tension as they spend time with each other in the present. Russia in particular admits to how much America gets on his nerves.
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China and Japan: 
Japan’s betrayal in WW2 caused China to develop a strong grudge towards him.
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Nonetheless, in recent strips, we do see China attempting to reconcile with Japan through diplomacy.
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Hungary and Romania:  
The two are noted to fight like cats and dogs. Each nation depicts each other in a negative historical light. They may have resented each other, and still do from time to time. However, it’s not true, long-lasting hatred.
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Ex: Hungary’s somewhat smug reaction to Romania and Bulgaria fighting with each other.
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Regardless, they’re still capable of getting along. 
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Greece and Turkey: 
The two bicker every time they see each other. 
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Comic gags aside, the two still care for each other and are mentioned to be making some grounds in their relationship.
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Ex: Turkey’s form of bullying Greece is taking him to a bathhouse and massaging him.
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Switzerland and Japan:
Switzerland yells at Japan to be more assertive and voice his opinion. It has nothing to do with hatred. If anything, it’s an aggressive form of encouragement.
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Veneziano and Romano: 
Romano suffers from an inferiority complex in comparison to Veneziano, who received most of their grandfather’s attention. As such, he is often very hostile to Veneziano, referring to him as “stupid little brother”, or something similar to that depending on his mood.
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However, this is only done to Veneziano’s face. When he’s not around, Romano’s been shown on several occasions to look out for Veneziano.
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America and England:
Short story short, the two have been able to reconcile their rocky relations in the years following the Revolution. England’s bitter and scathing nature towards America has softened considerably over the years.
It’s said that England once suffered from one hundred years of heartbreak, presumably a hint to the American Revolution.[x]
Ex: England still goes to America’s centennial celebrations, despite how sick it makes him.
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He also offers to fix a crack in the first liberty bell he gave to America, and gives him another one for his bicentennial. 
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Ex: The two are close enough to make fun of each other’s politics.  
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America and Canada: 
Canada doesn’t hate America. Instead, he hates America’s egocentrism and often calls him out for this.
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France and England:  
While these two are notorious for fighting, having their own designated preserve to quarrel in…
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…they can get along with each other just as well too.
Ex: France used to be England’s cook.
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Ex: England proudly calls on France’s cooking skills again when he opens a butler café.
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Ex: A summary of how their relationship’s progressed. 
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Prussia and Austria:
The two don’t get along with each other.
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However, that doesn’t stop them from spending Christmas together as ‘family.’ Prussia, of course, initially [teasingly] refuses to accept Austria and Hungary as guests.
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Real Hatred – Prussia and Russia:
Albeit the fact that it’s one sided, Prussia’s hatred of Russia is deep. It’s probably one of the only case examples where it’s not a matter of two nations simply not getting along.
Ex: Prussia will cough up blood if Russia touches him. Either that, or he will lose four eyelashes.
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With all that in mind, long-lasting hatred between nations is rare in canon. Similarly, while current political relations may have an influence on how nations interact with each other, the influence of the past – on a personal level – is much greater.
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hetaliaweekinreview · 6 years
Week of 9/9/2018 - 9/15/2018 FrUK!
Little Bird by random_shit
Gilbert Beilschmidt is a psychiatrist, stressed and tired and struggling to help his anorexic best friend. Matthew Williams is a traumatized, schizophrenic man who's checked into the psychiatric facility his older brother Alfred works at. Matthew also happens to be Gilbert's newest client.Updates Mondays.
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationships: Canada/Prussia (Hetalia), Austria/Prussia (Hetalia) [in the past], South Italy/Spain (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), America/Russia (Hetalia), very briefly - Relationship, Austria/Switzerland (Hetalia)
Characters: Canada (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Rome (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Finland (Hetalia), America (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: this is a rewrite so bear with me, Mental Health Issues, Mental Institutions, Schizophrenia, Past Abuse, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Torture, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Mental Institution, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Self-Harm, Panic Attacks, mentions of anorexia, mentions of DID, Mental Disorders, Trigger Warnings, pls be careful my dudes
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the What It Takes To Try Again series
Pranks at the World Meeting - or, how everyone pissed off Ludwig by RunningDeer and zhejiang_loves_cacti
It all started with Alfred and Matthew playing a simple joke at the world meeting... but where will it end?
Rated for Lovino's mouth, just to be safe.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Relationships: England/France (Hetalia), Prussia/Canada
Characters: Prussia (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia), Gilbird (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Pranks and Practical Jokes, america is immature, everyone is immature, romano swears a lot possible ameripan
Language: English
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Can you make a list of all the characters you've mentioned so far and their roles? I want to write a fanfiction based off this (Also is that okay????). Thanks!
oh boy theres an awful lot to go through, ask me any specific characters and i’ll if i missed them/assign them smth!! I’m including parents, teachers, historical figures etc. anybody i’ve mentioned in the WHOLE YEAR ive been running this blog. IN ALPHA ORDER. 
Ask me on details such as relationships, family history, religion, jobs, living style or any of that stuff. I have floorplans, timelines and historical..tidbits. I can give you a full profile of each character if you wish. Pick one and I’ll give a full essay on literally EVERYTHING. and theyre all thought out. 
America/Alfred - Economics/Politics Student, Brother of Matthew, cousin of Zachary/Jett
Ancient Egypt/Nefetiri - Class of ‘87 alumni
Ancient Greece/Athena - Class of ‘87 alumni
Ancient Rome/Romulus - Lovi/Sebastian/Feli’s dad 
Australia/Jett - Zoology Student, Brother of Zachary, Jake and Wendy, Cousin of Matthew/Alfred
Austria/Roderich - Music Student, Cousin of Leo
Belarus/Natalya - Dance/Ballet student, Sister of Ivan and Katyusha
Belgium/Emma - Pastry Chef/Culinary Student, Sister of Luca and Tim
Britannia/Alicia - Arthur/Peter’s mom (mum), librarian
Bulgaria/Boris - Roomates with Vlad
Canada/Matthew - Med Student/Student nurse, Brother of Alfred
Chibitalia - Literally Feli as a kid
China/Yao - Culinary Student
Cuba/Carlos - Matthew’s friend
Czech Republic/Hedvika - Works at the library
Denmark/Matthias - Film Student
England/Arthur - Art Student, brother of Peter
Estonia/Eduard - IT/Computer science major
Finland/Tino - Literacy Student
France/Francis - Culinary Student
Gaul/Genevieve - Class of ‘87 alumni 
Germania/Alderich - Gil/Lud’s dad
Germany/Ludwig - Mechanical Engineer Student, brother of Gilbert
HRE(Holy Roman Empire)/Gabriel - he’s dead lol deceased twin brother of Ludwig
Hong Kong/Leon - High Schooler
Hungary/Elizabeta - Culinary student
Hutt River/Jake - Brother of Wendy, Jett and Zach. Works in a museum
Iceland/Emil - High Schooler
India/Nanush - Physics Student/Dance instructor
Ireland/Cole - Brother of Arthur, Aaron, Alistor and Peter
Italy/Feliciano - Fine Arts Student, brother of Lovino and Sebastian
Japan/Kiku - Economics Student
Knights Templar(K.T.)/Katie - Masters in History, Vet. for the German army, trans (mtf)
Kugelmugel/Leo - Middle Schooler, working towards arts, cousin of Roderich
Liechtenstein/Lilli - High Schooler, sister of Vash
Lithuania/Toris - Journalist/Literacy Student
Luxembourg/Luca - High Schooler
Monaco/Lucille - Step-sister of Francis, sister of Michelle
Mongolia - Transfer student in Gil’s youth
Moldova/Aurel - Vlad’s younger brother
Netherlands/Tim - Horticulture, Brother of Emma and Luca
New Zealand/Zachary - High Schooler/Recent Graduate, brother of Jett, Jake and Wendy, cousin of Alfred/Matthew, works in as a bellhop/barista
Norway/Lukas - Art Student
Poland/Feliks - Fashion Design Student (can also do acting/drama)
Portugal/João - Veterinary Student
Prussia/Gilbert - Technical Illustration Student
Romania/Vlad - Study of folklore 
Romano/Lovino - Fashion Student, brother of Feli and Sebastian
Russia/Ivan - Art History Student
Scotland/Alistor - Brother of Peter, Arthur, Cole and Aaron
Sealand/Peter - Middle Schooler, brother of Arthur, Cole, Alistor and Aaron
Seborga/Sebastian - High schooler, learning culinary arts, brother of Feli and Lovi, Wendy and Peter’s old babysitter
Seychelles/Michelle - High Schooler, adoptive sister of Francis and Lucille.
Slovakia/Jakub - Works at the library
South Korea/Kim - High schooler
Spain/Antonio - Early Education Student/Student Teacher
Sweden/Berwald - Interior designer
Switzerland/Vash - Scout/Army kid, idk what he studies..THE BLADE
Taiwan/Mei - Fashion Student/High Schooler
Turkey/Sadik - Bodyguard/Model/Highschool Football Captain
Ukraine/Katyusha - Sister of Ivan and Natalya
Wy/Wendy - Sister of Zach, Jake and Jett, cousin of Matt and Al
Wales/Aaron - Brother of Alistor, Cole, Arthur and Peter
2p!America/Allen - High School Dropout, wants to be a cop
2p!Austria/Roland - Rock Music (70s-80s) and loves Elton John
2p!Canada/James - Graduated, Hockey Athelete
2p!China/Xiao - Culinary
2p!England/Oliver - Culinary, works as a pastry chef
2p!France/Francois - Graduated, works designing clothes
2p!Germany/Lutz - Engineer/Mechanics, kind of a mess
2p!Hungary/Erzsebet - Culinary Chef
2p!Italy/Luciano - Probably works in casino or smth
2p!Prussia/Gillen - Art (hoe) Student, moody and avant garde
2p!Russia/Viktor - Literature, mostly macabre
2p!Romano/Flavio - Fashion Student, probably a pimp
Old Fritz (Frederich) - Gilbert’s professor
Hanz Katte - Gilbert’s Art history professor
Joan of Arc - Francis’ first girlfriend
Maria Theresa - Roderich’s first piano teacher
Aunt Marie - Gil’s Aunt, mother of Katie
Great Grandmother Arlene - Great Grandmother of Lud/Gil/Katie/Max/Monica, Grandmother of Marie and Alderich
Laura/George Jones - Mother/Father of Alfred/Matthew, George is also a veteran.
Lena - It’s Gil and Roddy’s kid ahghfhg her tag is aph child lmao
Louis - Francis’ biological dad, kind of a cheating dick, ex husband for Marie.
Marie and Leon - Francis’ parents. Marie (like Curie, the French scientist) is divorced and remarried to Leon, which is short for Napoleon. Leon is Lucille’s father biologically.
APH Holstein and Schleswig/Max and Monica - Cousins of Gil/Lud, Brother and Sister of Katie
APH Saxony and Hesse and Barvaria - Gil’s cousins
Louise - Divorced wife of Alderich, Mother of Gil, Lud and Gabe
Mr. Newspaper - Not a historical figure, but its a canon Hetalia character. Roderich’s student which he tutored for piano
Rocker Dad - Eliza’s single father, travelling in Europe somewhere
Sophia and Hugh Johannes Edelstein - Exactly what it sounds like, its Roderich’s parents.
Spicy Mom - that’s the Vargas’ quick witted and super hot wine mom, who is basically Morticia to Romulus’ Gomez.
Vash/Lilli’s Father/Mother - Exactly what it sounds like, family friends with the Edelsteins
Astor/Berlitz/Blackie - Gil/Lud’s dogs
Eiger/Jungfrau/Mönch - Vash’s goats (on a farm, in Switzerland)
Ester/Felix/Strudel - Roderich’s Cats, 2 at home, one with him
Fish - Michelle’s goldfish. dont have a name yet. 
Gilbird - Gil’s bird
Pierre - Francis’ bird
Monet - Lucille’s bunny (made to sound like Claude Monet, as well as the word Monte, in Monte Carlo)
Sam - Alfred’s Golden Retriever (at home with parents)
Snake - It’s just Jett’s snake.
Alderich’s cats - Gil’s dad’s foster cats
I’m probably missing a few but..my mind has blanked so ask and you shall receive. I have full logs on each character, ESPECIALLY THE FAMILY ONES
Not tagging this one
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keywestlou · 5 years
The term “proportionate response” has been mentioned many times in recent days. Motivated by the Soleimani assassination. So much so I decided it was time to take a closer look at the term.
Proportionate response is generally defined: When someone initiates an attack against you, a proportionate response is one that suffices to prevent further attacks.
May not sound like it, but the definition is interpreted to mean “tit for tat.” Equal destruction.
When the term first came into use was difficult to ascertain. Some believe it was first mentioned in the popular TV show The West Wing in its 10/6/99 episode. Recall the series. Martin Sheen starred.
Could have been earlier. I have no idea.
Chapter VII-Article 51 of the UN Charter is relied on for proportional retaliation. I reread it several times. Did not understand it at all. Could not even figure out what it had to do with proportionate response. Gobbly gook as far as I was concerned.
The term or policy was not in vogue at the time of World War II. Imagine if the U.S. response to Pearl Harbor was the bombing of Tokyo Harbor.
The U.S. response was Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan has neither attacked nor threatened anyone since. Nor has any war broken out comparable to World War II.
Recall Carthage attacked Rome. Rome wiped Carthage off the face of the earth. For centuries thereafter, it was Pax Romano. The Rome peace.
Germany sunk a lot of U.S. ships and then declared war on the U.S. In return, the U.S. flattened Germany’s cities, killed or captured hundreds of thousands of its soldiers, and occupied its land.
I don’t buy proportionate response. You hit me, I am going to hit you back harder. Making sure you become reluctant to ever screw with me again. Cannot say it any simpler.
That is the way the U.S. should function. No sense in being the strongest nation in the world if the strength is not used.
Iran lives to fight another day. Afghanistan has been doing so for 20 years. Iraq for a long time also. Not the way. Demolish the enemy in the first instance. Make them fearful of ever attacking the U.S. in any fashion again.
From Iran, etc. to Duval Street. The issues not the same, however.
There are 16 empty rentals on Duval. The message?
Cuban cigar making took off in Cuba. Why didn’t it stay in Cuba? What was the motivation for it to move to Key West?
The 1860’s, 1870’s and 1880’s found Cubans moving to the U.S. to work in the cigar making business. The Key West cigar industry was growing. Tobacco factory owners imported tobacco from Cuba, rolled the cigars in Key West.
The move re making the cigars involved money. It was expensive to sell Cuban cigars in the U.S. Custom duties the problem. If the cigars were made in the U.S., the Key West cigar was cheaper and competitive in the market place. Ergo, Key West cigar making flourished.
By 1871, more than 2,000 Cubans had immigrated to Key West to work in the cigar factories. They were producing 62 million cigars a year.
Key West became a rich community. It was recognized as the Cigar Manufacturing Capital of the World.
By the 1880’s, one third of the residents of Key West had been born in Cuba. Welcomed by those already living on the island. The Cuban immigrants came to work in the cigar factories. They offered no competition to those who lived in Key West. They offered no danger. The Cubans were not interested in working in the wrecker or sponge businesses.
Cigar making brought a side benefit. The odor of the tobacco leafs and the cigar making itself produced a smell. An enjoyable flavored one. It covered the island. No one complained. It was the smell of history.
This weekend the annual Florida Keys Seafood Festival. Bayview Park. Saturday and sunday.
The freshest seafood  will have been caught, prepared and served by local fishermen and their families.
Entertainment also.
Admission $5. Children under 12 free.
Go! A great time!
The Philippine volcano is spewing. Expected to be a sizable eruption.
The Philippine eruption is merely the most recent natural disaster.  This past week, earthquakes in Puerto Rico. Wildfires ongoing in Australia. California wildfires. Seasonal hurricanes. Tornadoes becoming a weekly event.
Climate Change? Or is nothing different from days past. I wonder if we are concerned about what is occurring today because we know about it. Between TV and the internet, we are aware quickly as to what is occurring and we see it generally same day on television.
Or a combination of ordinary nature and climate change?
Just wondering.
Remember the earthquake that ravaged Haiti on 1/12/2010. A 7.0. Several aftershocks. All 4.5 or more.
The island was wiped out. Its residents in extreme distress. Deaths exceeded 100,00. Mass graves had to be utilized.
The U.S. contribution in aid Haiti at the time totaled $884 million.
Haiti’s recovery was slow. Very slow. When Obama was President, he provided additional U.S. assistance. He sent thousands of troops and tons of aid.
Would Obama’s type of assistance happen today? Absolutely not. Trump already exhibited where is heart is with Puerto Rico. He made clear what his position was in his first State of the Union address. He spoke of his “America First” theme. He proclaimed his dislike of programs such as humanitarian aid aimed largely at countries in Latin America.
Big football game last night. I missed it. LSU is the new College Champion. Beat Clemson 42-25.
Sport reports this morning are touting LSU as the greatest college football team of all time.
Tonight my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 my time. A lot to talk about. A lot for me to rant and rave about. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!
  PROPORTIONATE RESPONSE was originally published on Key West Lou
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Haven OC
I reviewed this OC a very long time ago when this blog was newer. I decided, since it's been a while, and my gif folder has filled in a bit, it would be fun to review again.
Link to original review: http://ohnohetaliasues.tumblr.com/post/125717671213/this-oc-is-an-ecanon-interfering-mary-sue-you
Let's go.
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Does she remind anyone else of Belarus (and England), or is it just me?
Haven (Human name: Sophie Nyan [ソフィーニャン]), Who declared herself a country even though she possesses no land
Like Ladonia who only exists online? Or Niko Niko? I guess she can be a micronation, but it just says she's a country.
Haven (避難所)
Character Info Name : Haven
Japanese Name: 避難所 (Hinansho)
Human Name: Sophie Nya
'Nya' means 'meow' in Japanese. That's not a good choice for her last name.
I'll bet anyone that Sophie is probably the creator's name.
Age: 21
How does this correspond with her history? 
America is only 19 because he's a fairly young nation.
She is usually seen in her trademark maid outfit, this consists of a Royal blue Dress, Light blue Blouse (Sometimes she wears an Apron oTie. She also likes to wear Black Gothic dresses when not being formal.
This just reminds me of Belarus. 
Also why black gothic dresses?
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Her natural appearance consists of Lightly tanned skin, Long Blonde hair that reaches down around her waist, Green eyes and slightly thick eyebrows.
She has an ahoge much like America’s also.
Please tell me what that represents. Curls or ahoges usually represent something. America's represents Nantucket. Austria's represents Mariazell. The Italian brother's curls probably represent Rome and Venice. These things represent things that are important. This also applies to OCs.
Brief Story
Haven grew up as a normal English child in the middle ages, treated poorly by her father, she decided to move out into the crowded streets of London when she reached 16. 
She would die on her own. The middle ages in England were full of famine and disease. 
She soon decided that she wanted freedom, so that she could do whatever she wanted to do. Plucking up her courage she approached the head of country pleading for her to builld her own nation, Laughed at by many highly rated people, she was very nearly turned down.
Um. I would probably ask if she was on something.
You cannot just build a nation. It costs money. A freaking lot of money, I'd imagine.
If it hadn’t of been England sitting in the sthame room as her at the time, she would never of been allowed to build her own country.
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I literally just explained why this is bad. Also, if England's boss didn't agree, why would England? He can't contradict his boss. His boss tells him what to do.
Following this, England decided to take her in under her wing, He taught her the basics of how to become a strong country just like he was and introduced her to many of his colonies at the time. 
Oh, how convenient.
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Around the time of the revolutionairy
war, Haven insisted to fight by her dear Friends side, Who insisted he would not let a lady help him as it was too dangerous. After losing to America, America found out that he had a blood relation to Haven and claimed that he should be the legal guardian from now on
You said she was 21. America is 19. To be someone’s legal guardian, you have to be older than them
deeming any efforts against him useless. England had to agree to this deal and handed Haven over to America, This broke young Haven’s heart.
Labelling America as her ‘Big Brother’,
The two got along well, Apart from when Haven refused to eat America’s hamburgers or when Haven cooked as she had apparently inherited England’s bad cooking. America raised her well but never let her stay in contact with England as he thought he was a bad influence, she has nothing against her big brother as she loves him dearly.
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Haven then went to World Academy W at the same time as other nations were starting to join, this is where she met England for the first time in a long time, She had completely forgotten what he looked like but remebered what they did together whilst England on the other Hand remebered who Haven was clearly. 
Countries don't just forget each other.
England eventually reminded Haven of who he was and the two eventually became inseperable.
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This is a picture of Haven and England.
It's spelled inseparable** 
This is going in a downward spiral.
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Haven is still seen to this day with England and is often seen either attempting to help clean his house, which England put’s a stop too as she was invited to his house as a friend and not hired to clean, or drinking tea with him and his friends whom Haven can see.
Oh good, she can se magical creatures, too. 
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When she’s on her own, she can often be seen planning what her counntry will look like, designing her flag or just lazing around
It takes more than that to be a nation.
Also, her flag apparently looks like this:
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I could only find that tiny version, unfortunately.
Raising her from when she declared herself a country, Haven cherishes England as one of her closest Friends and is often teased by other countries upon how much she loves England. She would do anything for him.
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Why am I not surprised?
Also, did I mention that the creator ships her OC with England?
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Blood brother to Haven and is good friends with her also. Raised her after the Revolutionairy war. Often seen bickering with eachother over oneanother’s cooking
She can’t be his blood sister because she started out as a normal British teenager. There’s no way they could be related.
Also a blood brother, A close friend to Haven and is quite suprised that she can actually see him.
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Although he denies it, he’s one of Haven’s Close friends. He is sometimes seen with Haven and Canada when she decides she wants to go out somewhere (Cinema or shopping)
Of course she's all buddy-buddy with everyone.
Haven get’s along well with Germany but lost contact with him during the World Wars, After them they met up again and became friends.
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France approaches Haven like any toher nation, although he tends to flirt with her a lot. Haven doesn’t mind France but can be creeped out by him sometimes
I'm just going to leave this here casually.
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If someone told him to stop flirting with them, he would listen. The picture above proves it. I personally think that if someone dated France, that he would treat whoever he was with like a friggin queen, and love her like one too. So leave France alone, and let him run free
Haven sometimes sits outside with Italy and paints with him as she enjoys painting a lot.
Why is she literally friends with everyone?
Haven visits Japan regularly, When visiting they often draw or read manga or watch anime whilst eating something cultural.
I'm so tired of all the OCs liking anime and manga that aren't related to Japan. It's getting old.
Haven babysits Sealand often when no other countries will take him, Sealand gets along ok with Haven, mainly because they are both micronations. Haven usually gives tips to Sealand to help him be recognised.
Haven is good friends with Wy and the two can often be seen together joking about something (Usually about how they’re recognised and Sealand isn’t)
If this isn't hypocrisy, I don't know what is.
As they are both micronations, they get along well. Haven is not at all phased by Seborga, even when he’s lying upside down on a tree with ketchup on his head.
That only happened once. I don't think that's something Seborga does on a day to day basis.
Even though Ireland makes no appearence in the Anime or Manga, Haven has a good relationship with Ireland, mainly because some of her roots go back to Ireland.
Um, okay, but what roots? Please tell me.
Even though Scotland makes no appearence in the Anime or Manga, Haven gets along with Scotland mainly for his weird sense of humour
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Links (These links lead to videos/pictures that include Haven)
Youtube- [Link Removed]
DeviantART- [Link Removed]
The YouTube videos are basically just MMDs about their fan pairing of Haven and England. Deviant art is more art of this oc.
2P! Haven
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That looks like female 2p! America.
Most Hetalia charcters have another side to them, or another colour. Haven is no exception as she also has another side to her. Her human name is Myriam Nyan (ミリアムニャン)
2P!Haven Chibi Appearence (Up ^)
Much like 1P Haven, 2p Haven keeps her long hair but makes it a lot more curly and is toned in a dark red. Her eyes are also a red colour but they’re much brighter in colour. She also wears a pair of pink sunglasses ubove her head for appearence. Her skin is much darker than 1p Haven’s. Clothes wise, she wears a short pale yellow dress with a pink tie. She also wears a black backpack, It’s contents is unknown. She also wears a black belt with a gold circular buckle.
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This OC just comes off to me as unoriginal 
Her personality is very different to Haven’s as it usually is with most 2p Characters. 2p Haven isn’t sunshine and rainbows like 1p Haven, She fight’s to get most of the things she wants. She is much more brutal than 1p Haven. Her only flaw is that she is easily frightened.
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One flaw?
Her biggest fears are mostly of Insects and being attacked by another person unprepared. In her spare time she can often be seen with 2p England in the kitchen making cakes oor biscuits., 
This person seems to have an unhealthy obsession with England. There are other Hetalia characters, Creator-san.
Her relationships are much the same as 1p Haven
They'd be different. I'm sure of it.
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Nyo!Haven Like most countries, there is alsoo a genderbend version of Haven. His name is Ethan Nyan (イーサンニャン)
Like.. Like the meme? Nyan cat?
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Nyo!Haven looks very differnt to Haven.in many different ways, but keeps some features. —
You know, other than the gender swap.
His hair is a light brown colour whilst his eyes stay the same green colour, just a little bit brighter. He has abnormally large eyebrows which are smaller than England’s. He dresses very smartly as he was brought up mostly by Nyo!England up until he was taken charge over by Nyo!America. He mostly walks around in suits all the time. When he’s not wearing suits he likes to laze around in a white polo shirt and shorts, He picks this trait up from Nyo!America.
You just described England to me.
Please be more original.
Nyo!Haven is a very shy character, He mainly likes to stay inside as he doesn’t like to go near strangers but he is very loyal to those he knows. There is one contradiction to his personality though, He likes to sing, and when he’s singing he’ll sing in front of anyone. If he’s not inside though, He’ll go outside for a walk.
Yeah, and that contradiction is not a thing that should happen.
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Oh goodie.
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Most used pairing. Haven is known as affectionate towards England and England to Haven. But the two seem very well together. The pairing was well known throughout certain websites.
No, not really. I googled Haven x England and all I found was things from the OC creator's youtube channel and Deviantart. 
Germany does like Haven, Haven doesn’t know that though and just continues to be friends with him
...Germany was mentioned once, why is she pared with him?
Japan has some feelings towards Haven as they spend a lot of time together watching anime, Haven doesn’t mind Japan
That is not a deep relationship.
That's it, apparently. This OC is just as bad as I remember. You guys know how I feel about made up country OCs. They interfere with canon, and usually end up as sues. I'm out for now. 
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