nabateann · 7 years
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@quidditchleaguenet event: august: house quidditch members
Marcus Flint
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quaffles · 7 years
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Character Edits - Harry J. Potter
“Wow, I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life.”
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teddylupen-archive · 7 years
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youtuber cho chang
inspired by and elaborating on this post by @moonspads 
just a few details to add: though softcho as a username was taken on youtube, it was available on instagram, but Cho chose to stay on brand and kept softiecho as a username. Cedric and Luna decided to make softcho an instagram purely for posting pictures of Cho not paying attention. there are many of her sleeping. Cho recently got a kitten (the video on her instagram) and whilst she named her kitten Salem (referencing Sabrina the Teenage Witch, which she thought was funny) Luna decided his name was Rupert, and will only ever call him Rupert
featuring chinese actress zhu zhu as cho chang, with an appearance from nico mirallegro as cedric diggory
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lilyevane · 7 years
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alright, so i know that i recently wrapped up the winners for my 3k tumblr awards with meghan, though some of you may know that i reached 5k a few days ago, and honestly, i’m still in shock! thank you so much for all the ongoing support and kindness you’ve been sending my way; without all of you, this blog wouldn’t have existed! i can’t believe i’m here celebrating this huge milestone, and i’m thankful for every single one of you who has stayed with me all this time. to celebrate, i’m hosting a 5k tumblr awards, hope you enjoy ♥ ~
you must be following this procrastinating asshole, as this is only for my followers 
you must rebagel this post (likes do not count, sorry!)
please read this entire post before you reblog this, it is extremely important that you do, so that it can make the process of deciding winners easier!
each category has two winners/two runners-up, excluding the ginny weasley award—i’m going to handpick my faves at the very end!
i’m going to be keeping this going for a long time, and will therefore end on the 27th august 2017. winners will be announced shortly the following week!
track the tag #liyah.5k for further information and to remain updated!
information about the categories and prizes are all under the cut, so as not to clog up your dashes! i hope you’re having a lovely day ♥ ~
amy santiago award for best url 
lily evans award for best desktop theme 
james potter award for best mobile theme
jake peralta award for best content/posts
sirius black award for best harry potter
nymphadora tonks award for best multifandom
remus lupin award for best upcoming blogger* (must be under 600)
hermione granger award for best creations**
harry potter award for followers’ favourite*** → this ends exclusively on 20th august 
ron weasley award for nicest blogger
ginny weasley award for liyah’s personal favourite
 (*) = submit to me your follower count (must be under 600 to enter)  (**) =  mention your creations tag/link in the tags when you reblog the post!  (***) = this is a category which you all have to decide! send me an ask with your vote on who should win this category. must be off-anon, or else your vote will not be counted! this category ends on 20th august—a poll will open shortly thereafter which will close along with the rest of the categories on 27th august.
PRIZES *:・゚✧*
for the winners.
a follow back from me, if not already
a spot on the hall of fame
a spot on my updates tab for two months (31st august—31st october)
5 edit/banner requests and/or 10 icons upon request
unlimited promos for two months (31st august—31st october)
for the runners-up.
a follow back from me, if not already
a spot on the hall of fame
a spot on my updates tab for two months (31st august—31st october)
3 edit/banner requests and/or 5 icons upon request
four promos for two months (31st august—31st october)
and last but definitely not least, a special thank you to all of you who have made this possible, to all the amazing blogs who’ve been on my dash, to everyone who’s followed me and to anyone who maybe follows this blog in the future—i love you all so much beyond words, and you’ve seriously made this experience unforgettable! i would very much like to spend more years on this hellsite if it means getting to know more of you! i hope you’re all having a lovely day, you’re absolutely terrific ♥
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wildegreenlight · 7 years
Of Bros and Babes
Here is a little Ron/Harry brOTP fic for your enjoyment. I love these two so much, and I just need more of their friendship (especially in their adult/after the war life) Special shout-out to @callieskye for her editing prowess!
Ron Weasley was enjoying one of his favorite things in the world- a Saturday morning lie in. This particular one did not qualify as his best because his lovely wife was not curled up next to him. She had left him early in order to help her mum shop for furniture. Apparently, muggle furniture was crafty and could only be got at oddly early hours of the day. He let out a sigh, missing Hermione but determined to rest-it had been a hell of a week. He and Harry had just wrapped up a rather nasty case; he didn’t know what had been worse: all the nights away from home or the entire day of paperwork they had to do when they got back.
He flexed his hand, still sore from the miles of parchment. Speaking of sore…Rolling over to stretch his back, Ron could not contain the grin that bunched his cheeks as he recalled exactly how said back had become sore. It never ceased to amaze him that she craved him every bit as much as he craved her. I hate being gone, but Merlin, how I love coming home!
Ron snuggled down into the warmth of the blankets-if he were really lucky this is exactly where Hermione would find him when she returned. Sleep was rapidly approaching when it was arrested by the shape of a great horned stag which spoke with Harry’s voice.
“Ron! Come quick! Need you! My place! Don’t tell Hermione!”
His response was automatic. With the swiftest and precision that made him one the corps most impressive young Aurors, Ron was dressed, wand in hand before he really had time to process the distress call.  Don’t tell Hermione?! Concern for his best mate trumped his confusion, so he Disapperated with a crack, landing directly on Harry’s doorstep.
Before he could even raise his fist to knock, the door was ripped open, revealing a completely disheveled Harry. His hair was unruly, even by Harry standards, his glasses were slightly askew, and his eyes were panicky in way that Ron had not seen in…well, ever to be perfectly honest.
“Thank God you’re here!” Harry peered around him suspiciously. “You didn’t bring Hermione did you?”
“No…she’s shopping with her mum…Harry, what in the bleeding hell is going on? You know I don’t keep secrets from Hermione!”
“I know…sorry…come in…I’ll…you’ll see.”
Ron followed him inside, mind racing to figure out what could be so wrong that he would want to keep Hermione in the dark. To his surprise they didn’t stop in the parlor but continued down the  hall, coming to a stop outside his nephew’s nursery.
“Is it James? Is something wrong with James?”
“No…yes…I don’t know…that’s why I needed you,”  Harry pushed open the door, apparently breaking the silencing charm he had cast minutes earlier. The baby’s cries were near deafening as the two crossed to his crib. “He won’t stop-I’ve tried everything-rocked him, fed him, changed him, took him outside, brought him inside, nothing works Ron!”
“Ok, ok…let’s sort this out..come on little guy-tell Uncle Ron what’s going on.”
Ron scooped the red-faced infant up in his arms and began to bounce him gently-the crying quieted a bit but did not cease.
“Reckon he’s sick?”
“Took his temperature-nothing. Scanned him-nothing.”
“Has he ever done this before?”
“Cry? Yes, Ron, babies DO cry.”
“I know that you git-I mean non-stop like this.”
“Not that I know of…I mean Ginny is usually with him…or your mum.”
“Where is Ginny by the way?”
“Had a meeting with the Harpies about coming back to training.”
Apparently the little one did not like to discuss his mother’s career, for at that  moment he let out the wail of a de-potted Mandrake. Harry’s nerves were obviously beyond shot, and Ron was doing his best to maintain his head for strategy.
“Today’s the first time it’s just been me…ya know?”
Everything began to click into place; Ginny had left James with Harry for the first time, and obviously, it was not going well.
“That’s why you didn’t want me to tell Hermione.”
“Yeah…she might tell Ginny and I…”
“Say no more mate…we got this…two of us have faced much nastier demons than this little guy…even if he does look like you.”
“I was thinking the really scary parts of him are ALL Weasley.”
“All part of my evil plan.”
“How’s that?”
“Throwing you and Ginny together at such a young age-just wanted you to end up with a kid that was half Weasley-best payback really.”
“Payback? For what?”
“It’s a right long list,” he nodded down at the wriggling infant, “and I don’t have the time for details: giant chess game, giant spiders, giant giants…I could go on.”
“Giant Arse! Here I thought you did all that ‘cause you love me.”
“Oh, I do, I love all my brothers but that doesn’t mean,” James’ cry drowned out the verbal spar- eliciting concerned looks from both men. Ron sifted quickly though all the “uncle” knowledge he had accumulated in the last five years.
“Fed him?”
“Course I did-not an idiot!”
“Dja burp him?”
“Well, that gives us something to try at least.”
Ron popped the unhappy baby up on his shoulder, patting his back the way he’d seen his mum do when she worked her grandmother magic on a fussy Weasley baby. When James screamed bloody murder, Harry all but decided to floo him to St. Mungos, embarrassing press be damned. At precisely that moment, the little lad went stiff as a board, letting fly a belch that would have made Hagrid proud.
“Little sprog may look like you, but he’s definitely got his mum’s burp.”
“Another part of your plan?”
Harry reached for the newly calmed babe, but Ron shook his head, “Look mate, no offense, but you look like something Crookshanks hacked up-go get a shower-I’ll keep an eye on him until you get done. That way when Ginn gets home she’ll think you’re a pro.”
“Good idea-you sure?”
“‘Course! Besides, James needs a little quality time with his favorite, and most handsome, uncle.”
“Oh! I didn’t know Charlie came in from Romania!”
“Twat! Get outta here before I change my mind and call Ginny!”
“Ok,” Harry held up his hands in mock surrender, backing out of the nursery, “And Ron?”
“Thanks for saving my sorry arse…as usual.”
“Hard habit to break, but I reckon you’ve saved mine just as much-now go on-you smell a bit ripe!”
Alone with his newest nephew, Ron made his way over to the rocker, settling down and adjusting James in the crook of his arm so that he could see his tiny face.
“Feeling better? Good. Just so you know, don’t plan on this being a regular thing. You’re a great kid and all, and your parents are two of my favorite people in the world-don’t tell them I said that-but Saturday mornings are for sleeping, alright? I mean, I know one day your Aunt Hermione and I will have little ones of our own to wake us up, but that’s a while off, you know? Not that I would mind it not being a while off, it’s just…I’ve got some things to do first, to be ready.  I would feel more comfortable if we had a bigger place and a few more galleons in the bank, ya know? Not that I think it’s all about money, but I just don’t want her to have to worry the way my mum did. And I want my kids to not have to worry about wearing trainers that are too tight or robes that are too short. Mione says I’ll spoil them rotten, our kids, but I won’t. I want them to work and be appreciative, but…it’s hard to explain.”
The infant cooed contentedly in his arms, giving his uncle a brilliant yawn. Ron looked through the open door of the nursery and listened intently; he could hear the water running in the ensuite down the hall.
“Sleepy? I understand. Now, what I’m about to do is to remain our little secret, ya hear?” Ron began to hum, ever so softly, picking up the melody of a song that his mother had sung to him as a child. “This is one of your mum’s favorites.” His voice was soft and warm as he sang gently:
                               Babbity Rabbity there on your stump
                               Babbity Rabbity why don’t you jump
                                               down through the valley
                                               under the trees
                                               over the river
                                               fast as the breeze
Even before the song had ended, little James Sirius Potter was fast asleep; his uncle Ron followed close behind. In the bedroom Harry Potter smiled as he listened at the magical baby monitor; as satisfying as it would be to tease his best friend later, he figured keeping that little secret was the least that he could do.
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leekycauldron-blog1 · 7 years
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hey guys!! my exams are finally over and because i disappeared off the face of the earth for that time i figured the best way to get back into the swing of things is to do some blog rates!!! im excited to start talking with everyone again aaah so happy to be back.
mbf me
reblog this post
send me an ask with this emoji 🌼
feel free to blacklist #aliciareturns 
format under the cut 
url - i dont understand it sorry | not from my fandoms | pretty cool | really like it  domain - don’t have one | idgi sorry | not from my fandoms | pretty cool | really like it  icon - don’t know it | could be better | pretty cute! | omg i love it
desktop theme - not my style | could be better | kinda pretty | gorgeous color scheme - not my taste | kinda pretty | gorgeous | i love!!!   updates tab - don’t have one | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect  nav page - don’t have one | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect  mobile header - don’t have one | not my fandom | lovely | gorgeous  mobile colours - don’t match | looks nice | aldksfjl love! 
reblogs - not my fandom | pretty good | wonderful | incredible!  original edits - n/a | not my fandom | not bad | lovely | gorgeous | omg i’m jelly 
overall - meh | pretty nice | lovely | incredible | love of my life following - no sorry | not my fandoms | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | you’re one of my fav blogs
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albuspotthr · 7 years
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ok so i’m pretty sure i was tagged in a selfie challenge a while back but i can’t remember who tagged me??? wow i’m so organized anyway here’s a few pics where i look cute bc i also realized i have none on my blog currently
anyway i tag anyone who wants to do this<3
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emberscas · 7 years
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@ronbweasleynet creation event: ron & harry
There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
This is a bit of an odd question, but which blogs do you consider to be members of the Ron Weasley defense squad?
Not an odd question at all, anon! 
Personally, I’d consider the members of the RWDS to be anyone who likes the character and wants to show him the appreciation and love he deserves. 
But, specifically? @ronweasleydefensesquad @ronweasleydefense @azaleablueme @barmy-owl @burgundydahlia @benedettabeby @callieskye @disneyprinceronweasley @diva-gonzo @hp-again @hillyminne @hillnerd @kingronw @lytefoot @overmelted @pynki @ronandhappiness @ronbweasleynet @ron-is-awesome-sauce @ronweasleyisunderrated @ronweasleyappreciationlife @remedial-potions @slowburnotptrash @vivithefolle @weasleyismyking540 @weasleymama @windschildfanfictionwriter @writergirl101 @austenpoppy @fleamontpotter and I’m sure I’ve missed out many more amazing people. 
Everyone, tag more people if you think I’ve missed anyone out. 
If you’re still not sure, anon; check the tags for the squad on tumblr, and see if any other names come up. 
Thanks for the ask, anon! Hope that helps!
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nabateann · 7 years
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p a n s y   p a r k i n s o n ;
“reality eats
you alive”
harry potter characters as inspirocorp©™® posters
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quaffles · 7 years
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@quidditchteamnet creation event - favorite quidditch player
“At some point during his education he became Chaser for his house's Quidditch team, in which he was completely aware of his talent.”
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teddylupen-archive · 7 years
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in honour of reaching 400 followers, (which is crazy cause it doesn’t seem that long ago since i was celebrating 200 followers), and in honour of my url change, i’ve decided to do url edits! this will be my first time doing them, but i wanna practice making edits, so I thought this would be a good way of doing so!
i will only pick urls that inspire me, as i can’t make an edit if i have no inspiration, however, and you must have a hp url, because this is a purely hp blog. 
mbf me as this is a thank you to all the lovely people who follow me
reblog this post (likes DO NOT COUNT and will be ignored)
maybe check out my other edits?
check out @lupinsprotectionsquad (our net is close to 6K!)
i will be choosing the urls from the reblogs, and making edits inspired by them. they will take a while so don’t expect them straight away :)
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ronbweasleynet · 7 years
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Hello lovely people, we have a new event up!! This weeks event is Papa Ron to celebrate Ron as a dad. As we all know Ron is a fantastic dad 10/10 best dad ever and we think it’s time to celebrate that, so this week’s event (2nd to the 9th of July) is all about that!! We want your edits, headcanons, gifs, and fics all centred around the idea of Ron fathering Rose and Hugo!
You do not have to be a net member to get involved in our events!
How to get involved: - Follow the network! - Reblog this post to spread the word - Create anything you like based around the theme (e.g. moodboards, headcanons, playlists) - caption it: @ronbweasleynet creation event: (event name) (quote/description) - tag the network (#ronbweasleynet) - members: when reblogging your own posts to the net be sure to tag it #mc and then the post type (e.g. #mc: moodboard or #mc: gifset)
We look forward to seeing all of your amazing creations about our boy Ron!!
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So, @ronbweasleynet is one away from 100 followers! We are super excited to see this net take off so if you love ron come check us out! We are currently in our second week of events with our theme being focused on the ultimate brotp: harry and ron. :) :)
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albuspotthr · 7 years
percweasly -->> albuspotthr
mutuals pls signal boost!!
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headcanonsandmore · 6 years
ugh why do people hate ron so much and who are your favorite ron weasley stans? i need all the ron love on my dash
Probably either because they watched the films first (and got a distorted view of the characters) or because they ship Hermione with someone-else. Or maybe it’s just because Ron reminds people of their own faults? 
My favourite Ron-loving blogs are @ronandhappiness @vivithefolle @burgundydahlia @hillnerd @weasleyismyking540 @pynki @ron-is-awesome-sauce @ronweasleydefensesquad @ronbweasleynet @ronweasleydefense @kingronw @diva-gonzo @azaleablueme @acciocuteboysplease and @benedettabeby (apologies if I’ve missed anyone else out!)
Thanks for the asks, @whatifdestiel! 
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