#ronen you’re so wrong for posting this
treestomeetyou · 2 years
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i’m actually in tears right now
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paperstorm · 9 months
Worried over social media anon here. You’re kinda making me feel better but I guess I don’t get why he’d delete iconic posts like the Reunited video from S3 when they were taking the photos that appear in the Tarloft. Or Tarlos at the GLAAD awards in 2022 (when Ronen had the big pink bow). Or Happy Birthday Papi from this year. But his questionable Israel posts and random black and white photos of old movie stars remain. And yes he’s talked about going back to filming but not mentioned or posted himself about Tarlos so excuse me but I’m going to carry on worrying and wondering if there is more significance to it. Happy for y’all who aren’t worriers but I’m a worrier and this long ass wait for new season or even new bts content is not doing me any good.
I wish I had a better answer :( I don't know the logic behind deleting some old posts, I'm sure he has a reason but I don't know what it is. But I do remember that this happened last year during the hiatus too, people were convinced something was wrong and then we got an amazing season and two insane photoshoots and a bunch of amazing wedding promo and the Paris con etc. The hiatus is a breeding ground for worry and it's so much longer this year so it's all ramped up. But I think things are fine, just like they were last time. *Hugs*
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
As much as I want to believe Carlos was wearing an earring I think it was just Rafa and they didn't notice because the earring was gone in the very next take. It's like Ronen's SOS tattoo that magically appears and reappears
[reference to this post about earrings]
Oh, I definitely agree that the earring in 4x12 was just Rafa because you’re right, there were too many frames of him without it vs. one singular take with it in. But mistake or not, we now have a visual of Carlos with an earring twice so that’s enough for me to say Carlos officially has them and if the show tries to tell me otherwise then they’re wrong 😝🤣
I haven’t ever noticed the SOS tattoo disappearing tbh. But since I’ve always accepted that tattoo as part of TK since the pilot, I think that one just phases into the background for me and I never really notice it unless it’s obvious.
I can definitely see the cover up of the butterflies sometimes though which is unfortunate. I think they should just let TK have those, honestly. The Kobe & the flower on the chest (and the ass tat lol) all make sense to me for them to cover up because they’re distinctly Ronen and don’t make sense for the character of TK. But the butterflies are beautiful and they could absolutely be tied into TK’s character in my opinion.
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sylvielauffeydottir · 3 years
Hello, it is I, your friendly neighborhood historian. I am ready to lose followers for this post, but I have two masters degrees in history and one of my focuses has been middle eastern area studies. Furthermore, I’ve been tired of watching the world be reduced to pithy little infographics, and I believe there is no point to my education if I don’t put it to good use. Finally, I am ethnically Asheknazi Jewish. This does not color my opinion in this post — I am in support of either a one or two state solution for Israel and Palestine, depending on the factors determined by the Palestinian Authority, and the Israeli Government does not speak for me. I hate Netanyahu. A lot. With that said, my family was slaughtered at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I have stood in front of that memorial wall at the Holocaust memorial in DC for my great uncle Simon and my great uncle Louis and cried as I lit a candle. Louis was a rabbi, and he preached mitzvot and tolerance. He died anyway. 
There’s a great many things I want to say about what is happening in the Middle East right now, but let’s start with some facts. 
In early May, there were talks of a coalition government that might have put together (among other parties, the Knesset is absolutely gigantic and usually has about 11-13 political parties at once) the Yesh Atid, a center-left party, and the United Arab List, a Palestinian party. For the first time, Palestinians would have been members of the Israeli government in their own right. And what happened, all of the sudden? A war broke out. A war that, amazingly, seemed to shield Benjamin Netanyahu from criminal prosecution, despite the fact that he has been under investigation for corruption for some time now and the only thing that is stopping a real investigation is the fact that he is Prime Minister.
Funny how that happened. 
There’s a second thing people ought to know, and it is about Hamas. I’ve found it really disturbing to see people defending Hamas on a world stage because, whether or not people want to believe it, Hamas is a terrorist organization. I’m sorry, but it is. Those are the facts. I’m not being a right wing extremist or even a Republican or whatever else or want to lob at me here. I’m a liberal historian with some facts. They are a terrorist organization, and they don’t care if their people die. 
Here’s what you need to know: 
There are two governments for the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza. In April 2021, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas postponed planned elections. He said it was because of a dispute amid Israeli-annexed East Jerusalum. He is 85 years old, and his Fatah Party is losing power to Hamas. Everyone knows that. Palestinians know that. 
Here’s the thing about Hamas: they might be terrorists, but aren’t idiots. They understand that they have a frustrated population filled with people who have been brutalized by their neighbors. And they also understand that Israel has something called the iron dome defense system, which means that if you throw a rocket at it, it probably won’t kill anyone (though there have been people in Israel who died, including Holocaust survivors). Israel will, however, retaliate, and when they do, they will kill Palestinian civilians. On a world stage, this looks horrible. The death toll, because Palestinians don’t have the same defense system, is always skewed. Should the Israeli government do that? No. It’s morally repugnant. It’s wrong. It’s unfair. It’s hurting people without the capability to defend themselves. But is Hamas counting on them to for the propaganda? Yeah. Absolutely. They’re literally willing to kill their other people for it.
You know why this works for Hamas? They know that Israel will respond anyway, despite the moral concerns. And if you’re curious why, you can read some books on the matter (Six Days of War by Michael Oren; The Yom Kippur War by Abraham Rabinovich; Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergmen; Antisemitism by Deborah Lipstadt; and Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn by Daniel Gordis). The TL;DR, if you aren’t interested in homework, is that Israel believes they have no choice but to defend themselves against what they consider ‘hostile powers.’ And it’s almost entirely to do with the Holocaust. It’s a little David v Goliath. It is, dare I say, complicated.
I’m barely scratching the surface here. 
(We won’t get into this in this post, though if you want to DM me for details, it might be worth knowing that Iran funds Hamas and basically supplies them with all of their weapons, and part of the reason the United States has been so reluctant to engage with this conflict is that Iran is currently in Vienna trying to restore its nuclear deal with western powers. The USA cannot afford to piss off Iran right now, and therefore cannot afford to aggravative Hamas and also needs to rely on Israel to destroy Irani nuclear facilities if the deal goes south. So, you know, there is that).
There are some people who will tell you that criticism of the Israel government is antisemitic. They are almost entirely members of the right wing, evangelical community, and they don’t speak for the Jewish community. The majority of Jewish people and Jewish Americans in particular are criticizing the Israeli government right now. The majority of Jewish people in the diaspora and in Israel support Palestinian rights and are speaking out about it. And actually, when they talk about it, they are putting themselves in great danger to do so. Because it really isn’t safe to be visibly Jewish right now. People may not want to listen to Jews when they speak about antisemitism or may want to believe that antisemitism ‘isn’t real’ because ‘the Holocaust is over’ but that is absolutely untrue. In 2019, antisemitic hate crimes in the United States reached a high we have never seen before. I remember that, because I was living in London, and I was super scared for my family at the time. Since then, that number has increased by nearly 400% in the last ten days. If you don’t believe me, have some articles about it (one, two, three, four, and five, to name a few). 
I live in New York City, where a man was beaten in Time Square while attending a Free Palestine rally and wearing a kippah. I’m sorry, but being visibly Jewish near a pro-Palestine rally? That was enough to have a bunch of people just start beating on him? I made a previous post detailing how there are Jews being attacked all over the world, and there is a very good timeline of recent hate crimes against Jews that you can find right here. These are Jews, by the way, who have nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. They are Americans or Europeans or Canadians who are living their lives. In some cases, they are at pro-Palestine rallies and they are trying to help, but they just look visibly Jewish.  God Forbid we are the wrong ethnicity for your rally, even if we agree.
This is really serious. There are people calling for the death of all Jews. There are people calling for another Holocaust. 
There are 14 million Jews in the world. 14 million. Of 7.6 billion. And you think it isn’t a problem the way people treat us?
Anyway (aside from, you know, compassion), why does this matter? This matters because stuff like this deters Jews who want to be part of the pro-Palestine movement because they are literally scared for their safety. I said this before, and I will say it again: Zionism was, historically speaking, a very unpopular opinion. It was only widespread antisemitic violence (you know, the Holocaust) that made Jews believe there was a necessity for a Jewish state. Honestly, it wasn’t until the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that I supported it the abstract idea too.
I grew up in New York City, I am a liberal Jew, and I believe in the rights of marginalized and oppressed people to self-determine worldwide. Growing up, I also fit the profile of what many scholars describe as the self hating Jew, because I believed that, in order to justify myself in American liberal society, I had to hate Israel, and I had to be anti-Zionist by default, even if I didn’t always understand what ‘Zionism’ meant in abstract. Well, I am 27 years old now with two masters degrees in history, and here is what Zionism means to me: I hate the Israeli government. They do not speak for me. But I am not anti-Zionist. I believe in the necessity for a Jewish state — a state where all Jews are welcome, regardless of their background, regardless of their nationality. 
There needs to be a place where Jews, an ethnic minority who are unwelcome in nearly every state in the world, have a place where they are free from persecution — a place where they feel protected. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that place being the place where Jews are ethnically indigenous to. Because believe it or not, whether it is inconvenient, Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. I’ve addressed this in this post.
With that said, that doesn’t mean you can kick the Palestinian people out. They are also indigenous to that land, which is addressed in the same post, if you don’t trust me. 
What is incredible to me is that Zionism is defined, by the Oxford English Dixtionary, as “A movement [that called originally for] the reestablishment of a Jewish nationhood in Palestine, and [since 1948] the development of the State of Israel.” Whether we agree with this or not, there were early disagreements about the location of a ‘Jewish state,’ and some, like Maurice de Hirsch, believed it ought to be located in South America, for example. Others believed it should be located in Africa. The point is that the original plans for the Jewish state were about safety. The plan changed because Jews wanted to return to their homeland, the largest project of decolonization and indigenous reclamation ever to be undertaken by an indigenous group. Whether you want to hear that or not, it is true. Read a book or two. Then you might know what I mean.
When people say this is a complicated issue, they aren’t being facetious. They aren’t trying to obfuscate the point. They often aren’t even trying to defend the Israeli government, because I certainly am not — I think they are abhorrent. But there is no future in the Middle East if the Israelis and Palestinians don’t form a state that has an equal right of return and recognizes both of their indigenousness, and that will never happen if people can’t stop throwing vitriolic rhetoric around.  Is the Israeli Government bad? Yes. Are Israeli citizens bad? Largely, no. They want to defend their families, and they want to defend their people. This is basically the same as the fact that Palestinian people aren’t bad, though Hamas often is. And for the love of god, stop defending terrorist organizations. Just stop. They kill their own people for their own power and for their own benefit. 
And yes, one more time, the Israeli government is so, so, so wrong. But god, think about your words, and think about how you are enabling Nazis. The rhetoric the left is using is hurting Jews. I am afraid to leave my house. I’m afraid to identify as Jewish on tumblr. I’m afraid for my family, afraid for my friends. People I know are afraid for me. 
It’s 2021. I am not my great uncle. I cried for him, but I shouldn’t have to die like him. 
Words have consequences. Language has consequences. And genuinely, I do not think everyone is a bad person, so think about what you are putting into the world, because you’d be surprised how often you are doing a Nazi a favor or two. 
Is that really what you want? To do a Nazi a favor or two? I don’t think that you do. I hope you don’t, at least.
That’s all. You know, five thousand words later. But uh, think a little. Please. 
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detectivereyes · 4 years
hi and welcome to jamie overanalyzes 911 lone star s2 trailer. this post is long and everything is under the cut bc of that and also bc i know there’s a lot of people out there who are trying not to see anything (which i wish i was you, that’s incredible) anyway if you’re like me and are losing your mind trying to make sense of it all... read below the cut
first just looking at the some screen grabs from trailer that i think are important to pull out
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→ this has already been discussed but i’m pretty sure between this clip and the one where you can see the front side of the figures, that it’s owen and tim standing there (owen has the helmet on that says “captain”, tim has “paramedic” on his jacket)... this is important later
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→ oh hey gwen
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→ “one of our own died today” and it’s not owen, nancy, paul, or marjan... and my prediction that the figure that is comforting nancy is tommy... 
okay there’s not much to really dissect there.. i mean i could probably go shot by shot and give my takes but tumblr is already annoyed at how many pics i’ve uploaded and what people really want to talk about is that last note...
so which one of their own died today???
well we know for sure it’s not owen (they’re not killing off rob lowe lmao), nancy, paul, or marjan (unless the second two screenshots are just supposed to throw us off but this is confusing enough already so let’s just assume they are crying over whoever died)
we can also assume that it’s not tk bc of how much ronen posts, or carlos or grace since they aren’t firefighters. 
my initial thought is that it’s tim rosewater: mostly bc of the teaser trailer (see screenshot above) but at the time i really thought they weren’t actually going to kill anyone off. i also noticed mark elias was still posting. but now i’m not so sure. the main reason behind this reasoning is that nancy is shown crying, and she’s tim’s paramedic partner. of course everyone is going to be upset if someone from their house dies so nancy would be upset over anyone. however, she is shown in this trailer and considering she’s not a main cast member, i think that’s pretty significant. additionally, tim is also not a main cast member so he’s more likely to be killed off than any of the cast members who are. it sucks and i liked tim a lot so i hate this option but i’m going like 90% sure it’s him. but in order to explore other options, let’s dive a little deeper into other possibilities, shall we?
someone else mentioned that it could be michelle. i don’t really think it would be since they made it pretty clear that liv tyler couldn’t film due to travel restrictions. i also think fox would want to promote that liv is returning for one or so episode(s) if that was the case... then again other shows have successfully kept guest appearances secret so who knows really? it would make sense so i wouldn’t entirely discount it. it would make sense that nancy would be upset, and it’s a way for michelle to exit the show. but i hate that bc then the door is closed for liv to ever return to the show. overall i don’t really see this happening (mostly bc of covid and the logistics of getting liv to film...) but then again, i feel like it’s important to keep this in mind
besides tim, the character that makes the most sense would be mateo. i hate this option but this is where we’re at unfortunately. showing marjan upset? he’s also not shown as much in the trailer.. however i think you can see him for a split second at one point during a wildfire scene. if i remember correct, the wildfire episode is occurring around 2x04 (???) and the lava thing whatever you want to call it, is happening at the end of 2x01, into 2x02. so if that’s the case, and assuming that whoever dies is killed during the lava thing (yeah i just keep calling it lava thing..) then i think mateo is safe. please let me be right.
two other options that it could be but i find unlikely are judd and buttercup. judd isn’t shown in the trailer except for briefly during the lava thing (??? i could be wrong tho) but i also don’t think killing him off would make sense bc he’s connected to grace and also like he lost his entire team?? they spent so much time building his story during the first season that i honestly can’t see them killing him off so early in the second. and with buttercup... they can’t kill the dog. it makes sense but also it’s mean and i think it’s more implied that whoever died was killed on a call. i could be wrong here and maybe the lone star writers really do hate us but also i just won’t accept that.
finally, and one that i think is probable, the person who dies isn’t someone we know. all owen says is “we lost one of our own today.” of course one of our own could imply literally someone from the 126. but also it could just imply a fellow firefighter, since it is considered a brotherhood. maybe it was someone they teamed up with from another house and got close with? maybe it was a friend of judd’s? i mean hell maybe it was a floater they brought in for tk while he was on medical leave? we really don’t know but i think it’s important to keep this option in mind as well and not get to ahead of ourselves.
i love that we’re going to look back on this next month and be like wow it was so obvious?? we really thought that it could have been ___?? but for now i’m going to be losing my mind over here if anyone wants to join me. my official guess is going to be tim but i would love to hear what anyone else thinks!! my ask box and dms are open. 
edit, re the eddie/ryan theory: there’s some valid points but overall i don’t think this one makes sense mostly bc this death is happening on 911 lone star... if 911 was going to kill off one of their main cast members, they would do it on their own show. not in a spin off crossover episode... if only bc there are plenty of casual viewers out there that only watch 911 and would have no idea that eddie died. no matter how upset the network is with everything that happened with ryan, they can’t kill him off on a show that isn’t his, it just doesn’t make sense.
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atvrvxia · 4 years
so because it’s been like.. a few weeks since i last added muses, it’s that time again where i added a few more !! so below the cut are the list of my new test muses ( plus two that i’ve added before but still need some lovin’ ). if you’re interested in plotting with them or want a one-liner starter, just give this post a LIKE and i will hop into your inbox / im and i’ll ask which muse you’re interested in !!
reese velasco. 24-26.  author. heteroflexible. known as the escapist. kelsey merrit fc.
the writer who has been writing stories and posting them online since she was a teenager and is now a well-known author; uses her stories and books as a way of escaping reality.
elliot arenberg. 27-29.  wedding / event planner. pansexual. known the cupid. ronen rubenstein fc. 
the wedding and event planner who focuses more on other people’s love lives than his own; also has the tendency to fall for the wrong person all the time.
carter reeves. 20-22. thief and con artist. bicurious. known as the charlatan. felix mallard fc. 
the artistic liar who likes to collect stolen art; also ever uses his stolen money to fund his tuition for university. holden’s younger brother. harry and hero’s cousin. damon, dylan and tatum’s nephew.
trinity martinez. 24-26.  librarian / freelance photographer. bisexual. known as the demure. alexxis lemire fc. 
the quiet and introverted girl with an eye for photography; very reserved but would still offer you a kind smile.
adrian van der berg. 33-35. owner of vdb architects and heir to the van der berg empire. heterosexual. known as the doctrinaire. oliver jackson-cohen fc. 
the eldest van der beg with a lot of pressure put on him by his parents to be the perfect heir; a perfectionist who needs to learn that it’s okay to not be perfect at times. henrik and aline’s older brother.
aline van der berg. 30-32. food and film critic. pansexual. known as the arbitrator. dakota johnson fc. 
the second eldest van der berg who had to grow up too quickly for her own good; incredibly independent and rarely asks people for help. adrian’s younger sister. henrik’s older sister.
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rafandro · 4 years
All I Ever Wanted
Welp, it happened. I wrote my first Rafael and Ronen fic. This is purely for fun, and not real in any way, shape, or form. Please do not post this anywhere else without my permission. If you want to post on your blog, please be cautious when tagging.
Rating: M (mentions of Masturbation)
Warnings: Drinking, getting drunk, fawning, fluff, slight angst, happy ending, love confessions
It starts out innocently enough. Ronen likes to flirt. He does it on set all day. Rafael doesn’t think anything of it. Ronen is just a loveable person and he wants to share his love with everyone. Rafael doesn’t mind that Ronen likes to fawn all over him. Take his photo here, make a video there. It’s all for fun anyway. The fans love to comment on it and it makes work that much more fun.
After their first instagram live, where Ronen not so innocently flirts with Rafael, things change. Ronen likes to drape himself over the other man. He does it in between scenes or when they’re walking back to their trailers after a long day. Rafael will put his arm around his waist to hold on and when they hug goodbye it’s always a little too long but neither of them say anything.
Their last scene was filmed and in the can, when Ronen wraps his arm around Rafael as they walk back to their trailers.
“Can you believe we’re done?” Ronen asks as they walk slowly back.
“Not really, you?” Rafael asks back.
“I’m going to miss it,” Ronen replies, “Miss going to set and seeing everyone. Seeing you.”
Rafael smiles at that and he pulls Ronen closer, “I’ll miss you, too. But we’ll still see each other.”
“Yeah, but not like this! It won’t be the same,” Ronen says. If he pouts, well...no one sees it.
“We can hang out, you know,” Rafael says.
Ronen stops outside his trailer and pulls away from Rafael, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being sad. It’s not hitting me now, but I know I’ll wake up tomorrow and remember I don’t have a job to do. After all these months of being together, it’ll be an adjustment, but I’m only a phone call away,” Rafael replies.
Ronen gives him a small smile, “Thanks...I should change. Wait for me and we can go out for a drink?”
Rafael smiles back, “Sounds good.”
The country locks down two weeks later. Ro is holed up at his home with his two dogs, while Rafael is across town holed up in his own place. They do instagram lives with Fox and the fans love it. They do one together and people go nuts. They FaceTime once it’s over to talk about the reaction.
“Best fans in the world,” Ronen says when Rafael picks up.
“They really are. So passionate,” Rafael replies. He can’t help but smile himself. They really do have the greatest fans.
They talk more about the live before they both grow quiet. Ronen sighs and looks into the camera. His green eyes are a little sad and he pouts, “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” Rafael replies.
“I can’t wait for this to be over so we can hang out again.”
“Same, man. Being stuck at home sucks.”
“Don’t you go hiking, like, everyday?” Ronen jokes.
Rafael chuckles, “Not everyday. But I do try to exercise outside.”
“We should go hiking together...once this is over,” Ronen says.
“I’d like that,” Rafael replies.
In June when the lock down eases Rafael has a picnic for his birthday. He invites the whole cast, but he mostly stays close to Ronen wanting to see him laugh and smile. Ronen doesn’t mind the attention. He revels in it. He playfully throws himself across Rafael’s lap at one point and stays. The rest of the cast don’t blink an eye at it and go about their conversations.
When the picnic starts to wind down and people start to say their goodbyes and wish Rafael a happy birthday one more time, Ronen is the last to leave.
Actually Rafael and Ronen end up staying an extra hour. Ronen had moved when everyone was saying goodbye, but with everyone gone he took to laying on Rafael’s legs, arms crossed so he could rest his head on them and look up at Rafael as they talked.
“This was nice,” Ronen says, “Did you have a good birthday?”
“The best. It was great to see everyone again,” Rafael replies.
“Yeah, I didn’t know how much I missed them until I saw everyone,” Ronen answers, “I can’t wait to go back to set. Can’t wait to see what season two will be like.”
“More Tarlos, that’s for sure,” Rafael says.
“There’s always a need for more Tarlos,” Ronen agrees, “Everyday I swear I get twenty thousand messages about the dinner scene we shot.”
“You too?” Rafael says back.
“Every other message I get on twitter is about it. The fans are quite passionate about it. Demanding, almost,” Ronen answers.
“I mean it was a fun scene to film,” Rafael replies, “Getting to hug you and pretend I made you tamales.”
Ronen chuckles, “They did look good.”
“Did you try them?” Rafael asks.
“Nah, I asked if they were vegan, but they said it wasn’t so I couldn’t even have a bite,” Ronen answers, “And before you get mad, it wasn’t the fact they didn’t want to make them vegan, it was the fact they didn’t have the time.”
Rafael’s hand comes up to rub down Ronen’s back, “Well when I make them for you in real life, I’ll make sure they’re all vegan.”
Ronen sighs and pushes into the hand, “You’re the best, you know that?”
They hang out more after that. Ronen got his little hot tub up and running. So he invites Rafael over to chill. He plays bartender, giving Rafael drink after drink. The more they drink the more everything becomes funny. Rafael smiles and laughs way too hard at a joke Ronen makes, and Ronen laughs when Rafael tries to get out of the small hot tub and almost trips over Spot.
Rafael ends up sitting down and petting Spot and telling her sorry over and over again.
When the sun goes down, Ronen insists he starts a fire in the fire pit. He starts the fire and it brightens up the backyard. The flames dance in their eyes and for a moment they’re quiet. Ronen moves over to Rafael, “Another drink?”
Rafael shakes his head, “No, I shouldn’t. I still have to drive home.”
“Or you could stay the night?” Ronen says without thinking.
“Your couch isn’t that comfortable.” “Who said anything about sleeping on the couch?”
Rafael swallows, “I...I...yeah okay.” He’s slept in his friend’s bed before. It’s nothing new. Crashing after a long night and waking up the next morning hungover and laughing about the antics from the night before.
Ronen smiles at him, “Great, let's grab another drink.”
They end up passing out sometime in the wee hours of the early morning. Rafeal barely makes it to the bed before falling asleep, his head on a pillow and Ronen snoring next to him.
They wake in the early afternoon. Rafael’s head is pounding and there’s a weight against his chest. He moves to look for his phone but when he finds it, it’s dead. He groans at the sunlight coming through the window.
A moan next to him makes him turn his head to the other side. He blinks until he can focus his eyes on the person next to him. He smiles when he sees Ronen scrunching his nose up and rubbing his face along the pillow his head is laying on.
“Good morning,” Rafael whispers.
Ronen groans, “Not so loud.”
Rafael turns over on his side so he lay facing the man next to him, “Sorry.”
Ronen groans again, but instead of moving away from Rafeal, he moves closer. The arm around the man pulling them together front to front. Rafael feels Ronen’s morning wood along his thigh and he knows Ronen can probably feel his, but he doesn’t move.
“What time is it?” Ronen asks.
“I don’t know. My phone’s dead,” Rafeal replies.
Ronen moves and leans over Rafael to see if his phone is close by. He finds it but like the other man’s it’s dead.
“My phone’s dead,” Ronen says then falls back into bed.
“I think it’s the afternoon,” Rafael replies, “We didn’t go to bed until late.”
“Mmm, yeah. Best sleep I’ve had in a long time,” Ronen says, “Could use some more, but I think the girls are hungry.”
At that both dogs crawl onto the bed and start licking at the men’s faces. Ronen laughs but gives kisses back and Rafeal can’t help but pet the dog on him.
A few minutes later all four are up and moving into the kitchen. Rafael uses the bathroom while Ronen gets bowls of food for his pups and starts the coffee.
“What would you like to eat?” Ronen asks.
“I can’t think about food right now without wanting to vomit,” Rafael says.
“Can’t let you leave on an empty stomach,” Ronen replies, “What kind of host would I be?”
Rafael groans, “Please just let me die.”
“Sorry, no can do. No dying on my watch,” Ronen says. He places a mug of coffee in front of Rafel and two aspirin appear from somewhere.
“How are you so cheery right now?”
“I’m not. I’m just faking it.”
Rafael groans, “I’m never drinking like that again. Haven’t been this hungover since Freshman year spring finals.”
“Have your coffee. I’ll make some toast,” Ronen replies.
Rafael rests his head against the table as he waits for his food. Ronen gently places a plate in front of him and Rafeal doesn’t even lift his head before grabbing a piece and taking a bite. The toast isn’t half bad and he finishes it before he knows it.
They end up on the couch, feet on the coffee table and the TV turned down low. Ronen has them watch an episode of Buffy, but the movements are too much for either of them and they end up laying across the couch sleeping off their hangovers before the episode is done.
The next time Rafael wakes it’s dark out. Rafael stretches and sighs when he back cracks. Ronen isn’t on the couch anymore and Rafael looks around for the man. He finds him in the kitchen puttering around.
“I’m making dinner if you want to stay,” Ronen says when he sees Rafael awake.
“I should get home. Take a shower and all that,” Rafael replies. He moves to stand but the room spins, “Woah.”
Ronen rushes over, “You okay?”
“I’m fine, just a little head rush,” Rafael replies. He stands and smiles, “See better.”
“You can stay the night again if you need to,” Ronen says.
“I can’t. I don’t have clothes or a toothbrush,” Rafael replies.
“I have an extra toothbrush and my clothes might not fit very well but you can wear mine.”
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“You’re not. I promise. It’ll be fun. I like having you around,” Ronen says.
Rafael smiles at him, “Likewise.”
Ronen smiles back, “Do you want to take a shower? I can find you some sweats and a t-shirt.”
“If you don’t mind,” Rafael replies.
“Go wash up. There’s clean towels in the cabinet,” Ronen says.
In the shower Rafael stands under the warm spray and lets the water rain down on him. It feels good. His mind wanders to what it would be like to have Ronen in there with him, but he quickly shakes the thoughts from his head. Ronen is just a friend, nothing more. He washes his hair with Ronen’s shampoo. It smells nice and he can’t help but think of when they were on set rolling around in their first scene together. Ronen had had a shower before getting on set and his hair spelt like coconut.
His hand moves it way down his body and grabs onto his very interested dick. He can’t help thinking about their first sex scene together. How it felt to kiss and nip at the small man. They had put their all into the scene. When they had rolled onto the floor Ronen had put his hand under his head before they rolled so he wouldn’t hit it. 
A moan escapes his lips and it startles him. He shouldn’t be thinking about this. Ronen is just on the other side of the door, probably waiting for him to come out so they could have dinner.
He wills his hard on away as he washes the rest of his body. Once he’s clean he makes sure all the soap is washed off before turning the water off. He grabs the clean towel he had put on the sink before the shower and dries himself off.
Opening the door to the bathroom he finds a neat pile of clothes on the floor. He smiles to himself and takes them back into the bathroom to change into. The sweats are just a tad short, and tight but he can still squat without feeling like they’ll rip. The shirt is oversized, even on Rafael’s chest and he wonders where Ronen got a hold of it.
When he walks out of the room again, Ronen’s got dinner set up on the table.
“Did you enjoy your shower?” Ronen asks.
“I’m starting to feel human again,” Rafael answers.
“Sit, come eat. Two pieces of toast hours ago isn’t enough. This’ll help.”
Rafael makes his way to the table and sits. He eats the food set in front of him with gusto. He didn’t know he had been so hungry.
They talk and laugh some before Ronen takes the dishes to the sink to clean.
“You cooked, I’ll clean,” Rafael says, getting up from his seat.
“No, you’re my guest. Relax,” Ronen replies, “I’m only rinsing them off before I put them in the dishwasher.”
“No, my mom taught me to always be a gentleman. So you go relax. You’ve been taking care of my hungover ass all day,” Rafael retorts, “I can put them in the dishwasher. It’ll be fine.”
Ronen hesitates for a moment longer before shuffling out of the kitchen and over to the living room. He plops down onto the couch and his dogs follow suit, surrounding him with their heads in his lap.
Rafael quickly and efficiently washes the dishes off and places them in the small dishwasher. He finds the soap for the machine under the sink and places it in the slot before starting the wash and then walking over to sit on the unoccupied section of the couch.
The dogs look over at him and Spot comes over to sniff at him. He pets her and she settles her body on him.
“Spot really likes you,” Ronen comments.
“Hmm, I like her,” Rafeal replies.
“She’s great isn’t she?”
“Better than her owner,” Rafael teases.
Ronen pouts at that, “You’re mean. You can go home now.”
Rafael laughs, “I love it when you pout.”
Oops, Rafael really just said that didn’t he? He can’t believe that came out of his mouth. It’s not everyday you tell your co-worker and friend that they’re cute.
Ronen goes from pouting to blushing and shyly smiling. He looks down at the dog in his lap but looks at Rafael out of the corner of his eye.
“You want to watch a movie or something?” Rafael asks.
“Yeah, you pick,” Ronen replies.
They’re quiet as the movie starts. It’s some comedy Rafael found on Netflix and it relaxes both of them. The dogs don’t care for it and leave them to it. Ronen moves around until he’s resting half on Rafael. Rafael places an arm around the man keeping him in place.
When the movie ends Ronen turns over to look up at Rafael from his spot in the man’s lap and smiles, “I liked that. Funny, but not too over the top.”
“It was really nice,” Rafael says looking down at him.
Rafael doesn’t know what makes him do it but he’s leaning over and his lips press lightly onto Ronen’s. Ronen doesn’t move for a minute but finally his head and mouth get with it and he’s kissing back. A moan escapes his lips and somehow the kiss deepens.
Rafael pulls away first. His lips red and wet and his eyes wide in shock, “I...I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t of---I should---I should go. Um, yeah, go home.”
The jostling of Rafael’s body knocks Ronen off of him and Ronen sits up as Rafael moves around the space to find his belongings.
“Don’t go...please?” Ronen requests.
“No, I really should. I’m sorry,” Rafael replies. He’s looking around wildly and not focusing on Ronen.
Ronen moves from his seat and moves over to the other man. He places his hand on Rafael’s shoulder and turns him around so they can look at each other, “Don’t be sorry,” Ronen softly says, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time.”
Rafael looks at him with wide, surprised eyes, “Y-you have?”
Ronen huffs out a laugh, “Yeah, for a really long time...probably since our chemistry read.”
Rafael slowly smiles back at him, “You have? This whole time?”
Ronen blushes from his confession, “Yeah, I knew there was something special about you.”
Rafael’s arms slowly wrap around the shorter man and he leans his forehead down to touch Ronen’s, “I always knew there was something special about you, too. Just didn’t want to admit it was because I liked you.”
Ronen’s reply is to kiss him. They make out in the middle of the living room until one of Ronen’s dogs barks startling them back into reality.
“I should let them out so they can go potty,” Ronen says but not letting go of Rafael.
“Let them out, then come to bed. I want to finish what we started,” Rafael replies and gives Ronen a quick kiss before pulling away.
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Alright I wasn’t gonna post this but it’s just too darn soft and I need people to see it
They went through the final steps that they'd needed Winter for. Ronen's hair had completely lost its last remnants of red once he cut the ends off. Winter had dyed his own black, and Ronen had to admit--the change was pretty jarring. He'd also gotten coloured contacts to replace his glasses, so instead of the obvious piercing icy blue that Winter had before, his eyes now looked a soft green.    Getting the passports had been a relief. Ronen was almost worried that they weren't going to be made in the first place, that the person they'd asked was scamming them. They looked convincing, too.    One last time, Winter screwed off their license plate, putting it on the rear of an SUV that they'd stolen a new one from. His heart was pounding as he got back into the van, fingers gripping the wheel so hard that his knuckled turned white. Ronen reached over, laying a hand on the tense muscles.    "We're going to be okay," he reassured Winter, leaning over to plant a kiss on his lips, and then they were driving.    Ronen had agreed to do the talking. Winter seemed on the brink of a panic attack as soon as they'd reached the border, and was worried he might go nonverbal anyway.    When they rolled up and the person in the window asked for their papers, Winter handed them over silently and watched as they looked over the passports.    "Are there any children present in the vehicle?"    "Yes," Ronen said. "Our son."    "Both parents are present?"    "That would be the two of us."    Winter focused on not looking nervous. Axel leaned over from behind the seat and grabbed Winter's hand, giving him a bright smile. Winter tried his best to return it, giving Axel's hand a quick squeeze before their papers were being handed back.    "Have fun," the border guard said, a smile on their face. As Winter drove away, he wondered; were they that chipper for everyone? Surely they would have been stopped if something was wrong, right? They wouldn't just be allowed to keep moving?    Ronen noticed Winter shaking, and put a hand on his arm. "Hey, we're okay. We made it, look. Everything is fine."    "We're okay?" Winter whispers, his voice so soft that Ronen almost doesn't hear it, but he nods, and Winter pulls to the side of the road to stop, lifting his shaking hands from the steering wheel. Ronen can see his eyes are filled with tears that haven't fallen onto his cheeks yet. Slowly, Winter sucks in a shaky breath, and Ronen sees the corners of his mouth trembling before he bursts into tears.    "Daddy?" Axel says quietly, reaching up for one of his hands, jumping back when Winter turns and cups Ronen's face pulling him forward to press their lips together. Shaky laughs pour out of Winter's mouth, into the kiss.    "We're okay," Winter cries. "Oh, God, we're gonna be okay! I love you, Ronen, I love you so much." He leans back, eyes drifting to where Axel stood behind their seats. "And you," Winter laughs, moving from the front seat to kneel next to Axel, pulling him into his arms. "I love you, Axel. You're the one who started this whole idea, weren't you? I love you, Guppy," he says, pressing Axel against him in a firm hug as Axel giggled and wrapped his arms around Winter's neck.
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laurelsofhighever · 5 years
The Falcon and the Rose extra - Ch. 40
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The click-close of Alistair’s door echoed in the hallway of King Bhelen’s private wing. He had yet to figure out how, but despite everything in the royal palace being hewn from bare rock, something in the cut of the stone deadened sound, so instead of a cacophony of echoing footsteps, as he set off down the corridor he made about the same amount of noise as if he were walking on the deep plush carpets of Redcliffe Castle. He nodded to the guard on duty, hoping he wasn’t too late to his meeting with Valesh. In truth, though his lessons in the Shaperate were going well, he had lost stomach for them – for most things, it seemed – as the days dragged on and nothing happened and the Assembly dragged its heels towards any kind of treaty. It almost felt as if they were waiting for something, but Orzammar’s customs were still so unfamiliar, his suspicion was probably just a lack of sunlight making him paranoid.
He started when he almost bumped into Bhelen’s steward.
“Ronen!” he coughed. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Your Highness.” The dwarf bowed low, the gemstone beads woven into his pale beard clinking with the movement. “It was my fault, I’m sure.”
“Well I wouldn’t say – is that the post?”
Ronen held up the scratched leather satchel in his hand. It was dyed in the unmistakable scarlet of Ferelden’s royal house, with the crest of the War Dogs embossed on the front in faded gold.
“Just arrived,” the dwarf grunted.
A bolt of hope surged in Alistair’s chest before he could squash it down. “Is there… is there anything for me in there?”
With a shrug, the dwarf lifted the flap on the message compartment and picked through the contents. Strictly speaking, the clasps should have still been in place, sealed until the satchel reached Eamon’s hands, but the Ferelden presence in Orzammar had stirred up the Carta, and he had heard about incidents where weapons or explosives had slipped past the guard. Security checks had been introduced to prevent further attacks.
Alistair eyed the small stack of letters with an impatient eye. This would be the third round of correspondence since Eamon received word of the darkspawn attack, the second since he had asked specifically to know if she was alright. Cailan had mentioned injuries, and light duty, but surely that wouldn’t mean she would stop writing altogether?
“Two with your name,” Ronen announced, offering a pair of envelopes. “Plus the official report for Lord Eamon.”
“Thank you.” He all but snatched the letters from the dwarf’s fingers. The first, of course, came from Cailan, sealed in gold wax on thick, expensive pressed paper, but the second – well, who else would write to him? Would it be apology? Explanation? The handwriting wasn’t hers, though it looked familiar, and if she had needed a scribe for the past few weeks then perhaps –
The back was sealed in red, not Laurel blue, with Teagan’s Tower and Stars. Disappointment punched a breathless hole in his chest, caving him like a fall from a horse. But still a flicker of hope lingered, stubbornly holding him in that weightless moment that comes just before gravity truly takes hold.
“Are you sure that’s it?” he asked. “There isn’t one slipped between two others?”
“Would Your Highness like to look for himself?”
The offer came as a gruff riposte, but he chose to ignore the dwarf’s sarcasm and reached for the satchel. There were few letters in there, slips of sealed paper and official documents bearing the names of his guard officers, but he checked twice through, just in case something was missed. He found nothing.
“Nothing fell out?” he checked, holding back the hot lump forming at the back of his throat.
Ronen huffed. “Your Highness, I must get on with my duties.”
“Right… of course.” Alistair tried not to let his shoulders slump too far. “Thank you for these, anyway. I should… go and put them in my room.”
“A prudent idea, Your Highness.” The dwarf bowed again and started past, but Alistair caught his arm and called him to wait.
“Since you’re here, could you make sure this gets sent in the return?” he asked, pulling a white square out of his breast pocket. “It’s only short, but…”
The name on the front flashed as Ronen took it, frowning, and read the directive. “I will see it reaches the correct hands, Your Highness.”
“Thank you – and make sure the messenger knows that it’s in there, with the rest.”
“Will those ones receive an answer?” the dwarf asked, jutting his chin to the ones already given over.
“They’ll be ready by the morning. But that one’s the most important.”
“Very good, Your Highness.”
Alistair watched the dwarf retreat, biting his lip as he tried to quell the despair already seeping through his blood. What had he done to deserve her silence? His thumb brushed over the two letters in his hand on the short steps back to his room, the two versions of his name written in scripts that weren’t the one he ached to see. Next time, he promised himself, next time would bring an answer, it had to. He wouldn’t have to settle any longer from second-hand reports of her exploits from Cailan, or the gushing, impersonal admiration that every time tugged like fishhooks at his heart; he could find out what was wrong and fix it, and make sure she knew exactly how he felt so she would never doubt him again.
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ronenkurzfeld · 5 years
Canadian Permanent Residents (PR) Card Renewal Process: Eligibility & Required Documents
The Canadian permanent resident card is vital identification and travel documents offered to all Canadian permanent residents. This card aids in the recognition of Canadian permanent residents and allows them to return to the country when they are touring or working overseas.
Popularly called the Maple Leaf card”, this was introduced as a result of the Canadian government renovation of immigration and security laws to prevent potential security breaches. All PR cards are properties of the crown and are issued by the (IRCC) Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada after a member qualifies for permanent residentship.
Moving on, let’s review the importance of the permanent residentship card Canada.
Work and Residence in Canada
Owning a permanent residentship card allows a person to reside and live anywhere in Canada. It also allows permanent residents to pick their choice of province and employer. Let’s assume that you got a good work opportunity in Montreal then you can shift to Montreal from Toronto without any obligations to anyone.
You Can Sponsor Your Spouse and Children
Having a permanent residentship card also allows you to sponsor the permanent residentship of your child and spouse. You can consult a good immigration lawyer Canada and frame an effective application form that is likely to be accepted.
Moreover, you can immigrate through Express Entry and include your whole family in the process.
Access to Social Service and Universal Healthcare
Once your immigration lawyer Toronto helps you attain the PR card then you get access to free Canadian social service and healthcare.
Pathway to Canadian Citizenship
The first step to becoming a Canadian citizen is acquiring a PR card. Now, if you’ve lived in Canada for 3 out of 5 years then you stand eligible for Canadian citizenship.
Now, one important face to consider is that PR cards are eligible to expire every 5 years. So, if your card is about to expire, it is important that you consider renewing it. Without the renewal of the card, you will likely face a lot of issues if you’re traveling outside the country.
Moving on, when it comes to the renewal or acquiring the first PR card, the IRCC needs concrete documentation. This is why it is wise to consider the assistance of an immigration lawyer. These lawyers are well-versed with the migration procedure and help in congregating the correct documentation for the renewal of your PR card.
Moving on,
What is the Eligibility Criteria for Permanent Residence Card?
To become eligible for a permanent residentship card, you need to fulfill the following criterions:
You should stand as a permanent resident in Canada.
You need to physically live in Canada.
Ensure that you are not convicted of any offense leading to the misuse of the PR card.
You must not be under any removal order or not be a non-Canadian citizen.
You must meet the residential obligations as required by the IRCC.
What Happens to the Application if You Are Outside Canada?
When you’re outside Canada and your PR card expires you can still apply for it from outside. However, as per the requirements of the Canadian immigration authorities to collect the card you need to return to Canada. However, as you know without the PR card entering into Canada is difficult. In such cases, you have to acquire the Permanent Resident Travel Document to enter into the country.
Also, make sure that the residency requirement is met before you apply as if not the PRTD can be rejected even if the PR application is accepted.
What Other Documentation Is Needed for Acquiring PR Card?
It is very important to hire the assistance of your respective Toronto immigration lawyer in this aspect. When it comes to documentation the IRCC is very stringent. They’ll immediately nullify and reject applications if all the documents are not attached categorically. Now, the following documents are extremely crucial for the PR card application:
A valid copy of travel documents and passport.
Any identity document issued overseas before the subject’s return to Canada.
A copy of the travel document or identity certificate issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada.
A copy of a statutory declaration that confirms the subject’s identity. This is usually signed by a person who knew the subject before h/she migrated to Canada, or by an official organization that represents the applicant’s nationality.
However, this is why you need a Canada immigration lawyer can be of assistance. These primary documents are not all that is requisite. Certain secondary documents also need to be kept prepared:
Photocopies of the landing of permanent residence and record confirmations.
Photocopy of photo and student id-cards, and a legal provincial driver’s license.
Birth certificate for applicants under 18.
Photocopy of latest income tax assessment as issued by the Canada Revenue Agency.
Moving forward, now that you know of the basic renewal process of your PR card, it’s time to go over certain FAQ’s.
Let’s Begin:
What is the Basic Waiting Time for Receiving a PR Card?
Only after you frame a categorical application form with the aid of your immigration Toronto lawyer, the IRCC will start processing your request. Generally, for first timers it takes 45 days to process a PR card. For renewed PR cards the procedure takes around 104 days.
However, in general the time taken to process a PR card is for a few months. Therefore, before application of these forms immigration lawyers in Canada advise to apply with some time on claimant’s hand.
What is the Process of Receiving the PR Card?
For beginners the IRCC will mail you’re the PR card on your stated mail address. However, ensure that once you become a permanent resident within 180 days use the IRCC’s online tool to mail them your address.
Now, for candidates who are waiting for the renewal of their PR card the IRCC will send the renewed PR card to the older address by mail.
At times however, the IRCC will also require you to pick up your renewed PR card from their respective office.
What if a Person Requires Settling Affairs in Home Country after Landing at Canada?
What Canadian immigration lawyers suggest is before acquiring the renewed PR card it is best to wait. This card also doubles up as a travel document so it is best to return once you’re in possession of the PR card. However, if your return to your home country is of utmost importance owning to circumstantial situations then it is best that you consider the assistance of IRCC and contact them at 1-888-242-2100.
What Becomes of a Valid PR Card after Issuing a New One?
If you’ve recently issued a new PR card, but your old card is yet to expire you can use it till the new one is offered to you. In such cases, suppose you need to travel to your country urgently, you can return back to Canada on showing your PR card.
Do Permanent ResidentsRights Die Down with Expired PR Card?
Permanent residentship in Canada is constant. Unless you are obligated to be removed from the State under criminal notice, you don’t stop being a permanent resident. However, a permanent resident is not the same as a Canadian citizen. Yet, permanent residents enjoy almost the same rights as citizens.
Now, even if the PR card expires a person does not stop being a permanent resident. Even then h/she has the right to travel, work or reside anywhere in Canada.
What Can Make You Lose Your Permanent Residents Status?
At certain times a person may end up losing their permanent residentship status owing to conditions like not meeting the residency requirement. This is because when the IRCC finds that the former criteria are not met while applying for a renewed PR card they are liable to recline your PR status.
In such cases, you have to appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division within 60 days if you believe that you can provide a sound agreement for your case. Just note that you have assistance of a reputed immigration lawyer to walk you out of the damage.
Moving on, now that you know all about PR card renewal time to consider another important factor.
Will an Immigration Lawyer be of Assistance?
An immigration Canada lawyer is your best bet to ensuring that you submit a form that meets the IRCC’s criteria. After all, you might not understand a few application glitches and instructions and this can end up getting your form rejected. In worst cases, you fail to provide the correct documentation on the residential requirement and this leads to the IRCC completely banning your permanent citizenship.
Now, to pick an ideal lawyer make sure you opt for word-of-mouth or pick out your previous attorney who helped you achieve permanent residentship. This lawyer will already be privy to your case and understand exactly what can go wrong in your application procedure. As a result, he/she will take care to avoid common mistakes and make sure you meet all the requirements and qualify for permanent residentship.
Well, this covers up the basics of renewing the Canadian Permanent Residents Card. So, hurry and do the needful and get your PR card once more.
The post Canadian Permanent Residents (PR) Card Renewal Process: Eligibility & Required Documents appeared first on Immigration Law Office of Ronen Kurzfeld.
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detectivereyes · 4 years
I know Ronen hypes up every episode, but Rafa rarely does. And correct me if I’m wrong, but so far I’ve just seen them two talking about it. And then the writer posted a pic of them. Could this possibly be a big tarlos episode and we don’t even know it?
yeah ronen hypes up every episode but you’re right that rafa doesn’t usually hype up the episodes this much. other cast members sometimes do... i guess we’ll see who else posts day! idk how many tarlos scenes we’ll get, but if you count that carlos is one of the people looking for tk, then yeah i guess it could be considered a tarlos episode 👀
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rafandro · 4 years
Three of a Kind (3/3)
This is purely for fun, and not real in any way, shape, or form. Please do not post this anywhere else without my permission. If you want to post on your blog, please be cautious when tagging.
Rating: E
Warnings: shower sex, blow jobs, rimming, fingering, anal sex
Note: I might make a 4th part but for now this is the end. This part is all from Alberto’s POV, since part 1 was Ronen and part 2 was Rafael. It seemed only fitting to let Alberto shine.
Rafael, Ronen, and Alberto fall into their relationship with ease. They spend more time together as a threesome, but still have their own individual relationships. Ronen will make some excuse to be out of the house for a few hours to let Alberto and Rafael have time to themselves which results in heavy make outs and wandering hands, but nothing more.
Alberto quickly finds out he and Rafael speak Spanish and he likes to tease Ronen when the three of them are together. He’ll say something which is total nonsense to Rafael in Spanish and Rafael plays along looking at Ronen who pouts at the two for ganging up on him before he stomps to the couch to pout by myself. It usually results in one or both of them going over to wrap an arm around the man and kiss him until he’s happy again.
When they end up watching a movie Rafael will move over to cuddle into Alberto’s side and Alberto will wrap an arm around him then Ronen will lay across their laps. It’s easy and comfortable.
They’ve ventured into making out and hand jobs with each other, but haven’t ventured further. Ronen and Alberto both have had threesomes with each other and other partners, but Rafael hasn’t. They don’t push. They get dating more than one person can be overwhelming and pushing would only make Rafael run.
Alberto knows Rafael is more than willing to take fingers in his ass. He loves watching the other man press down on his fingers as he comes undone. He’ll blow his load all over his chest and then Alberto will lick it up before kissing him and sharing the salty taste in his mouth.
They’ve talked about it. He and Rafael about what it would be like, but a few stolen hours while Ronen is gone just feels wrong. Alberto suggests he come to Rafael’s place, but Rafael shakes his head. He doesn’t give an answer as to why they can’t have some time, alone, at his place but Alberto guesses it has to do with Ronen.
Ronen. Loveable, likeable, Ronen. He’s the reason they’re together in the first place. If he hadn’t taken a liking to Rafael, Rafael wouldn’t have been in either of their lives. Which is still weird to think about. They very rarely go for the same people, but something about Rafael just...makes sense.
Alberto can’t stand not having slept with Rafael, so he takes matters into his own hands. If Rafael can surprise them with dinner at their house, which is how this whole thing started, he can go surprise Rafael at his place. He asks Ronen where Rafael lives and Ronen happily gives him the address.
Alberto waits a few days before making an excuse to go out for a few hours. He tells Ronen he’ll be home later but doesn’t say where he’s going or what he’s doing. Ronen gives him a quick kiss and tells him to have fun.
The drive is easy and when Alberto finds Rafael’s place he starts to sweat a little. What if Rafael is mad? What if Rafael doesn’t really like Alberto as much as he’s letting on? Alberto shakes his head. No, he knows Rafael likes him. They fit well together.
He parks and walks to the right apartment. He takes a breath before knocking. He hears movement on the other side of the door and it slowly opens to reveal Rafael, shirtless, a little sweaty and his short black workout shorts.
“Bert? What are you doing here?” Rafael asks.
“Surprise?” Alberto replies with a nervous smile.
Rafael gives him a smile back, “It is. Uh, come on in. I just got home from a run.”
Alberto steps into the apartment and looks around. It’s simple, modern. Nothing too exciting. There’s a few photos hung up on the wall and Alberto moves to look at them. The photos show a smiling Rafael and his mom and other family members. Some photos show a younger Rafael when he was just a kid.
“Do you want anything to drink?” Rafael asks. It startles Alberto out of his thoughts.
“Huh, oh no, I’m good,” Alberto replies.
“I’m just going to go get some water,” Rafael says, “Have a seat.”
Alberto moves to sit on the couch, but he’s having second thoughts. Why did he even show up? He should’ve asked to come over, but no Rafael always says no. Maybe he should’ve given some warning and...oh there’s Rafael still shirtless drinking water from a bottle and...
Rafael glups and wipes his mouth with his arm, “How’s your day?”
“G-good. Thought I would surprise you,” Alberto answers.
“It is a surprise,” Rafael replies. He moves to sit across from Alberto on the couch, “What did I do to earn such a surprise?”
“I, uh, I wanted to see you. Hang out or whatever,” Alberto replies. Why is he so nervous?
“Hang out...well I need to shower so if you can hang by yourself for like five minutes I can get cleaned up really fast,” Rafael says.
“I can do that,” Alberto lamely replies.
Rafael hops up from his seat and before he moves to the bathroom he leans over and gives Alberto a kiss, “I am happy you’re here.”
Alberto gives him a small smile. He watches as Rafael walks away and he swallows hard. Rafael’s thighs and ass in those shorts are making him hard. He hears the door to the bathroom close and the shower starts. He has to shake his head because visions of Rafael nakes and wet in the shower aren’t helping his growing erection.
He sits there another minute before he feels his body move and he’s standing. His feet are taking him to the bathroom and his hand rests on the doorknob. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s usually so confident in himself. Always the one to take the lead and now he’s reduced to being nervous about joining his boyfriend in the shower.
He takes a breath to calm his nerves and he slowly opens the door. He sees Rafael washing the shampoo out of his hair from behind the shower curtain. He washes as Rafael turns to grab the soap and start to wash his body. He needs to act fast or it’ll be over before he can even get his pants undone.
Alberto quickly works to get his clothes off and then he’s standing at the curtain, hand up and ready to open it and join Rafael.
He opens the curtain and Rafael whips around, “Hey, I’m almost done.”
Alberto steps in and doesn’t say anything but presses his body to the other man’s. His lips attack Rafael’s and Rafael opens to him. Their tongues dance together and Alberto gains the upper hand. Rafael lets him take what he wants. Alberto feels Rafael grow hard against his thigh. Alberto knows Rafael can feel him. He’s been hard since he saw Rafael at the front door.
They pull apart and smile at each other. Alberto’s hand wonders down to his cock and he pulls out to give himself some relief. Rafael’s lips attach to his neck and he nips and licks down it to the hollow between throat and neck then licks his way to the other side. Alberto moans.
Rafael works his way down nipping and licking at Alberto’s nipples making Alberto hiss from the contact. He loves his nipples being played at. Ronen will tease him for hours in bed before letting him take Ronen hard.
Rafael plays with his nipples only for a few moments making Alberto whine and moan before he makes his way further down, his tongue comes out to lick at the abs on display then down to the cut between thigh and hip. His tongue explores until it makes contact with Alberto’s painfully hard and leaking cock.
Rafael licks at the base, nuzzling at Alberto’s balls, then moving to the head and taking him in. He licks at the crown, making more pre cum leak and he moans from the taste, the vibrations go down Alberto’s cock and he can help but breath heavy. He’s going to come quickly if Rafael keeps teasing like he is.
Rafael takes him slowly into his mouth, this throat opening until Alberto’s all the way in and Rafael’s nose is touching his pubes. Alberto has to take a deep breath. Ronen can suck cock like it’s a dying art, but Rafael taking him in and just staying there has him ready to blow.
Alberto pulls out some and looks down at Rafael. He sees something in those brown eyes looking up at him and he can’t help but pull all the way out then push back in quickly. Rafael takes it as Alberto assaults his throat. His hand comes up to hold onto Alberto’s thighs as the man fucks this throat.
Alberto gives little warning before he’s spilling into Rafael’s throat. He feels Rafael’s throat contract around his cock as he takes in his load. Alberto’s body relaxes as the last traces of his orgasm finish.
Rafael stays on his knees gently licking at Alberto’s cock until Alberto pushes him away.
“No more,” Alberto says, “I...need a, a minute.”
Rafael moves away and up. He moves to wrap his arms around Alberto and he gently kisses at his shoulder, then moves to kiss his neck and finally his mouth. Alberto lazily makes out with him. He feels Rafael’s hard cock poking at his thigh and his hand comes up to wrap around it.
Rafael breathes into his mouth as Alberto jerks him off. Rafael pulls his mouth away so he can rest his head on Alberto’s shoulder. Alberto’s free hand moves from his spot around Rafael to his ass. His fingers tease at Rafael’s crack. They move down slowly until they meet their target. Rafael’s hole is tight and the water from the shower won’t make for good lube.
Alberto stops his assault on Rafael and the man whines.
“Shh, baby, just want to move this to the bedroom,” Alberto whispers into his ear.
Rafael blindly reaches for the shower handle to turn the water off. Alberto kisses him again then moves out of the shower. He grabs at the towel on the towel rack and half heartedly dries himself. Rafael is close behind, drying his body as well.
Rafael’s lips attack his as they make their way into the hallway. He pushes the man against the wall and attacks his mouth with renewed energy. Alberto’s cock shows interest and starts to plump up again.
They make it to the bedroom and Rafael falls onto the bed with Alberto following him. Alberto lays on top of him kissing and nipping at his lips.
Rafael moves so Alberto is between his legs. Alberto bites his way down to Rafael’s nipples. His chest is something out of a wet dream and Alberto can’t help but lick and nip at the hard chest before licking and sucking on the hard nipples. Rafael responses with whines and groans. Alberto smiles to himself, filing away the information about Rafael’s responses for later.
He moves down and has Rafael put his legs around his shoulders so he has access to his hole. His tongue teases at his balls, then licks down to his hole. His tongue licks and teases the spot making Rafael moan. Alberto loves rimming. He could do it for hours, teasing his partners until they’re begging for release.
His tongue goes into the tight hole and Rafael bucks up. Alberto follows and does it again. He teases his way inside making Rafael go wild.
“I need...I need,” Rafael sputters out.
“I’ve got you,” Alberto replies, “Do you have lube and a condom?”
Rafael’s hand goes out to his nightstand and opens the drawer. He finds what he was looking for and throws it on the bed. Alberto picks up the lube and pops it open. He pours it on his fingers then moves them down to Rafael’s hole. Rafael whines when the first finger breeches him.
Alberto moves back up to kiss him. He feels Rafael relax into the finger and once Rafael is moving along with his finger, he adds a second. Two fingers quickly become three. Rafael is panting hard from Alberto teasing him and Alberto is hard again from watching him come undone.
Alberto reaches for the condom and makes quick work of opening it and getting it on. He pours more lube on himself then lines up with Rafael’s hole.
“Ready?” Alberto asks.
Rafael looks at him through glassy eyes, “Please.”
Alberto slowly feeds his cock into the man. It’s tight. Tighter than when he takes Ronen. Which isn’t a slight at the man, just different. Rafael breathes heavily as Alberto moves in. When Alberto is fully seated in him, he doesn’t move. He watches Rafael’s face. Rafael’s eyes open looking up at him and a small smile pulls at his lips.
Alberto leans down to take his mouth with his, which makes him change angles and Rafael gasps. Alberto moves his hips in slow thrusts, until Rafael is comfortable.
“I’m so close,” Rafael says, “Need to feel you.”
Alberto gets the hint and he pulls out. He pushes back in quickly and it sets a hard, deep pace. Rafael’s hand goes to his cock and jerks himself in time with the thrusts. He moans loudly when Alberto rubs his prostate. Alberto smiles and does it again. Rafael’s cock lets out a stream of precome. Alberto wipes at it with his finger and takes it into his mouth.
“God you taste good,” Alberto comments.
“C-close,” Rafael whines.
Alberto fucks him harder, and Rafael comes all over his chest and hand. Alberto doesn’t stop until he’s about to come and pulls out. He pulls the condom off and jerks his cock until he shoots over Rafael, joining the mess.
Alberto falls next to Rafael and his arm moves to pull Rafael close. His leg wraps around Rafael to keep him in place.
Rafael turns his head to lazily kiss Alberto. They make out until their breathing returns to normal and the cum on Rafael cools.
“I need another shower,” Rafael says, moving to look down at his chest at the drying cum.
“Only if I can join you,” Alberto replies.
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