#rookie mistake he decided to let this one slide
Causing Chaos in My Belly
This one is based on a true story from a years back. Go easy on me please, this is my first one so I'm still getting used to the tags 🥺.
I had traveled all day to see my long-distance boyfriend and the first thing we did was have a little fun. I hadn’t eaten anything but a Starbucks coffee all day, and after swallowing a couple of his loads, we realized that eating cum on an empty stomach was a very bad idea. 
And now for my first sickfic! As a reminder, this is a (partial) work of fiction. All characters mentioned are fully consenting adults. 
CW: Mentions of sex
It had been four months since I had last seen my boyfriend. At the time, we went to schools on completely opposite sides of the country, but we were determined to make it work, even if that meant I had to spend 14 hours bouncing from airport to airport on cheap flights to see him. 
Anxious about accidently missing a flight, I decided to skip breakfast and lunch to make sure I was seated at my gate when it was time to board my next plane. I made the rookie mistake of not packing my own snacks, so the smell of greasy fried food from the fast-food kiosks in the. terminal teased and tortured me. All day, I caught whiffs of cheesy burgers, chicken nuggets and golden brown French fries that made my stomach growl underneath my university hoodie. 
It started out as polite, courtesy growls at first, gently vibrating against my skin, but as time progressed, grew into aggressive crampy growls that other passengers could hear. It was so loud that on my last plane, my middle seat mate overheard my stomach complaining and offered a Tums to “soothe my motion sickness”. I politely declined, embarrassed that I had let my hunger grow so out of control that others thought I was sick. For the rest of the two-hour flight, I kept my arms wrapped around my midsection to, hopefully, dull the growls.
I couldn’t have been more happy to land but my journey still had a one hour bus ride that stood between me and dinner…I mean, my boyfriend. I had gotten a bit lightheaded from the lack of food and fell asleep on the bus so I woke up to pulling in front of his University’s hotel, where he and several other students were waiting for us passengers. After giving me an embarrassingly passionate kiss, he lifted my bag onto his shoulder and took my hand into his free one, leading me into the little hotel.
We could barely wait to get checked in and up the elevator before we were desperately wrapped around each other, clumsily fumbling into our rented paradise for the weekend. But my stomach would not be ignored. 
All the way up the elevator. My belly protested its forced fast. “You wanna eat first?” my boyfriend asked while playfully nibbling on my ear. But before I could respond, another deep growl emanated from the depths of my stomach. “No,” I moaned as I gave into the sensation, “I can wait.” Another GGGGRRRR-uuuuuurl erupted with a cramp that wrapped around my middle, bouncing off the metal walls of the elevator. “Are you sure?” he said wrapping his arms around me and sliding his hands underneath my hoodie to meet the soft skin on my belly. He traced small circles around my navel. I shuttered under his touch, “I’m sure, I just need you right now.” He gave a satisfying hum, then pulled me out of the elevator to find our room.
There we spent another around making up for lost time. We found ourselves tangled in the hotel sheets, with my stomach still making its displeasure known but now, something felt a little different. Our first session had ended rather quickly with him finishing in my mouth, so I egerly swallowed and let him get ready for the second my going down on me. After I had finished and thoroughly soaked the towel we had handy, he was ready for the second round but somewhere toward the end of me riding his face, the sounds my stomach was making changed.
What was desperate growls before had transitioned to rolling grumbles. Maybe my stomach would finally give me some peace, I thought, but I did not know that was just the beginning. Everytime my my body moved, my stomach let out these odd cries, first airy, as if I was filled with gas, then they started to sound wet and squelchy. When I asked to get on top from being on my back, it felt like my stomach flipped with the position change. I loud, Gwoooooorlp sound came from my belly making both us stop cold. “Uh oh,” my boyfriend said panting, “That didn’t sound too good. Are you certain you don’t want to stop and get a snack or something? It doesn’t have to be a meal yet.” I shook my head and lowered myself down onto his cock. I wanted to make him again, I wanted to cum again and then we could eat.
Though my belly was virtually empty, things felt like they were starting to move inside. As I bounced on top of him, whatever stomach acid and cum were mixing together and my stomach was not happy about it, in fact, it was starting to feel really upset. After a few minutes of up and down, my stomach twisted and all of a sudden, my eyes got wide and I put a fist to my mouth. But I was too late, I burped a deep, guttural burp almost directly into his face. “Oh my god, I am so sorry,” I apologized profusely while my stomach still churned. He laughed and said my it smelt like his cum, to which we both laughed. “My tummy feels a little funny now. I think I will need that snack,” I admitted shyly. He tried to hide the I-told-you-so look on his face, sat up and kissed me, “Wanna go get one now? We can finish later?” “Mmm, are you close? I was just before I burped in your face,” I said to him. He nodded vigorously, “I was trying not to cum so you could finish. If you want me to, I can, then we can go feed that hungry tummy of yours.”
About five minutes later, I came on top then instructed him to stand by the edge of the bed so he could finish on my tongue again, just like he likes. This meant that I had to lay at the edge of the bed on my stomach facing him. With my stomach pressed into the mattress I could really feel all the activity going on in there. Convinced it was hunger, I chose to ignore it and focus on pleasing him but just like before, I felt an unsettling grumble flip my belly and I could feel the air traveling up my esophagus. I tried to pull off his dick, but I wasn’t fast enough. “I’m gonna cum,” he said just as my throat opened and a massive, gurgling wet burp came up onto his cock. He moaned and shot his load into my throat. I swallowed instinctively as I tried to recover from the shock. “Fuck,” he said after the initial orgasm subsided, “That felt amazing.” 
I felt the second load go down warm and thick, getting caught at the top of my stomach before splashing in the gas, acid and other load already down there. Then, all hell broke loose. My belly began making these terrible, sickly thick gurgles as it tried to process something that was not food. I started to feel a little shaky so I sat up on the edge of the bed and put my hand to my stomach. “Uh, hey babe. Are you okay? You don’t look so good…” my boyfriend asked still sounding dazed from his orgasm. My stomach gurgled loudly and cramped, making me wince and lurch forward. “Oh that didn’t sound good either baby. Does you tummy hurt?” he asked, now fully concerned. He sat on the bed and put his hand over my hand that was rubbing my churning belly. I stifled another little burp between closed lips. “I think so. I don’t know what happened, I was fine and then…ow ow ow,” I cried as another cramp ripped though my belly. 
My boyfriend’s face turned completely white and he looked like he was starting to panic. “Was it something you ate? What did you have today?” He got up and grabbed a water bottle, unscrewing the top and handing it to me. “I had a caramel macchiato,” I burped into my fist helplessly. My stomach felt so sick. My head started to spin and the burps were coming more frequently. “And what else?” I shrugged. “You only had coffee? How long ago?” he asked. 
My stomach gurgled again and I moaned as I sucked down gulps of water. “Like 6:30 this morning,” I replied. I felt some of the water travel back up as I burped again. “That was 14 hours ago! You needed to eat! Why didn’t you eat?” he asked rubbing my tummy for me as I leaned back onto the bed. “I didn’t want to miss my flights to come see you,” I moaned as he worked my belly in clockwise circles. “Come on,” he said with a little chuckle, “You need to take care of yourself. I love seeing you, but I don’t want to make yourself sick over trying to come see me. Besides, I think I read somewhere that cum on an empty stomach can cause belly aches.” 
When he said that, my belly rebelled and burst into liquidly churns right under his hand. I burped another dangerously wet belch into my hand. “And you took two big loads like a champ. I’m sure that’s what’s causing all this chaos in your belly.” I laughed in between moans. Even through something like this, he could make me smile. “Still,” I said, “I like feeling your cum gurgling and churning deep inside me. Even if I feel like I am about to puke because of it.” At that, he leaned forward and kissed my forehead, “Even if you do, I will be right there with you. Now come on, let’s get some dinner before you really turn green.” I gave one last wet gurgling burp before agreeing to finally eat something other than his cum for dinner.
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imnotjaesblog · 1 year
Starring- Kim Jungwoo
Surprise! Thought I’d write something short for you guys while you wait for Summer Love!
Model AU
Warnings: Smut, Semi Dom Y/n, Semi Sub Jungwoo, Older Y/n, Both are over 18, Brief mention of camera, oral (f.receiving). Fluff at the end mostly, Jungwoo is down bad for Y/n.
2k Words
“Bring in the next one,” you said to the scrawny boy in the corner. He bowed walking away to get the next boy. Fixing your glasses that began to slide down your nose you fixed your stack of papers clicking your pen waiting for the next model.
The whole day you and your partner had been scouting models for a up coming campaign. You needed forty models and so far you had only found twenty two. eleven girls down and eleven boys leaving eighteen more to pick from the hundreds that had auditioned. You were not only in charge of choosing a model but also the designer of the clothes that would be modeled at an event your brother was holding later this fall.
So many came and go eager to work for you. Being able to model one of your designs would be life changing even for a super model. You were always so picky about who you wanted to model the clothes. If you looked at a model and could instantly in-vision them in your mind wearing the outfit then they were yours, if not they were not selected red simple as that.
A boy walked into the room behind your assistant. He bowed to you and the other casting director beside you. Both of you eyeing the boy who’s knees shook under the bright light hanging above him. Your finger tapped your chin. You couldn’t picture him in anything so far. He walked back and fourth, his walk was okay. He was still a rookie you thought. When he finished his final turn you had came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t fit your image. Your partner agreed sending him away kindly.
You sighed rubbing your temples. You were never going to find someone. Debating to yourself whether or not to leave and hold this off until tomorrow was tempting but you stayed waiting for the next model to come in.
When he walked in he was already more confident then the last model which is something you liked. Some people mistakes cockiness for confidence. You hated when people acted as if their shit didn’t stink. You liked the boy who walked back and fourth modeling for you. Your eyes followed him picturing him in many different types of clothes. You also may have pictured him naked.
“Why don’t you turn for me?” You asked politely twirling your finger around. He did as you were food turning around allowing you to see the frame of his body. You nodded to yourself liking what you saw.
“Tell me darling what was your name again?” You asked leaning back in your chair interested in the man.
“Kim Jungwoo,” he responded confidently. You took in his name letting it remain in your brain. You tapped your partner to write his name down. He did as well as some other important notes. You looked away from his paper back at Jungwoo.
“You should find out later today,” you said smiling. You were already going to pick him but he had to wait like everyone else. You can’t have people thinking you were interested in your model. He smiled proud of himself for making it past the audition. He bowed leaving the room thanking you for your time. You thanked him for coming watching him leave.
“Just one more,” your partner Johnny said sipping his coffee. You looked towards the door nodding, “Yes one more,” the door opening and closing caught your attention. You watched the young man walk to the runway. He walked back and fourth perfectly. You smiled enjoying his walk.
“What was your name again?” You asked.
“Lee Jeno,” you decided you’d pick him too.
“Okay thank you all for making it. It was a tough decision but we were able to narrow it down to forty of you,” the director said holding a clip board speaking to the ten models lined up to try on the different clothes. You stood in front of them as well watching as some tried to hold their excitement. Their idol was standing in the same room as them, they couldn’t believe it.
“We don’t have much time so we need to get to work, okay?” The director Irene said to them. They all nodded saying in unison, “Yes Ma’am” you smiled watching them all get to their positions. Today was a practice of what the show would look like. You for the first time would be present for every single rehearsal and fitting since you had very important business to attend to here. Your eyes followed Jungwoo who stood getting measured and fitted. You walked over shoeing the ladies who fitted him away. They reacted quickly fleeing to another model.
“Hello Jungwoo right?” You asked already knowing his name. You just wanted his reaction. He nodded taking in a breath. You being here created tension for everyone. They all wanted to perform well in front of you, Jungwoo one of those people. “Yes that’s me,” he said shyly looking away at his hands, playing with his thumbs. You nodded pursing your lips checking out the boy.
“My name is Y/n-“
“Yeah I know, we all do. Your a legend,” he complimented starstruck. He couldn’t believe he was talking to you. Rather you talking to him. You knew of his existence now. You knew his name which meant you knew him. He was honored to be in your presence.
You chuckled smiling at him. “A legend? Legends never die” you say looking deeply into his eyes. You could see him start to get nervous as you drew closer. “Eventually I will get old and die,” you said nonchalant. He nodded, “Of course I’m sorry if I-“
“You didn’t offend me. Can I be honest?” You asked lowly. He nodded his eyes watching your every moment yet missing when your hands reached out to him.
“I like you. I think you will perform well here. Why don’t you become my muse?” You asked causing the poor boy to almost fall to his knees. At this point he’d do anything you asked him too. He had waited so long for this moment. Barely registering the question he nodded his head blindly following you out the room you were both in.
“Words darling,” you said watching him swallow hard. “Yes I’ll be your muse,” he agreed cursing at himself for being so weak. You had a trance over him that he couldn’t figure out. His eyes followed your eyes to your lips, to the natural curve of your body. He always knew you were beautiful but the cameras did you no justice. In real life you were stunning. No makeup on your face to cover your blemishes or ache scars. It was just you standing naturally beautiful in front of him and he thought he would melt.
“Good choice,” you said smirking. You took your phone out of your purse handing it to him. Using your eyes to point to the contact information when he didn’t move. He took the phone hesitantly from your hands putting his number in your phone. You smiled gratefully taking your phone back saving his information.
“I’ll text you,” you said blowing him a kiss. That almost killed him. When you left you finally let out a breath he had no clue he was holding. He turned away looking into the mirror seeing how red his face was. His lips inches away from his skin. He’d only dream of kissing you. A fan meeting their idol/celebrity crush wasn’t something that happened everyday. Everyone at home knew Jungwoo not only respected your work as an artist but if given the opportunity would love to take out on a date.
He thought after your interaction today that maybe he would be able to pull that off.
Y/n- Hey darling
Jungwoo- Hello Ms.Y/L
Y/n- Please call me Y/n
Jungwoo wasn’t sure on how he felt calling you by your name. He had said your name a thousand times before but you being his boss it felt different this time. However he did want you to like him, he wanted to prove he was a good model so he did whatever you asked him and whatever he thought you would like.
Jungwoo- Okay I’ll try my best!
Y/n- May I ask a personal question?
Jungwoo- Yes of course
Y/n- What is your age?
Jungwoo- twenty five.
You needed to make sure he wasn’t to young if you planned on fooling around with him.
Y/n- May I another personal question?
Jungwoo- Yes
Y/n- How do you feel about older girls?
Jungwoo- I don’t mind
He assumed you were talking about yourself. Truthfully he didn’t mind an age gap, you weren’t even that much older than him.
Y/n- Meet at my place at ten tomorrow morning. I’m working on a design and I could use you.
Jungwoo- I’ll be there
A knock at your door halted your sketching. You looked to the side at one of your house employees. They walked over to the door opening it revealing another house staff. They both discussed them disbursed.
“Ma’am the boy is here to see you,” he approached you with the news. You smiled excitedly, “Send him in” the boy nodded bowing before he went to fetch Jungwoo.
When he returned Jungwoo walked ahead of him the house staff walking behind him. When he stepped inside he went to close the door but you shook your head. Waving your hand at the boy, “Leave us,” you said. The boy bowed opening the door and leaving. “Would you mind locking the door? I do not want to be disturbed,” you said to Jungwoo who complied. He walked over to the wooden door locking it. When he returned back to your studio you motioned your hand to come closer.
He was so nervous. He felt like his legs could barely move. He couldn’t believe he was in your studio the place you came up with the legendary designs for both men and women. He could see some of those designs on your wall photographed by photographers over the years. He saw your men suit collection from 2014. He saw your wedding dresses from 2012 photographed on the wall. He starred at them in awe like an art student seeing their favorite painting in real life for the first time.
“Do you like what you see?” You asked admiring the boy who’s eyes glowed seeing your past work. He nodded not removing his eyes from the walls. He smiled seeing photos of you from your modeling days before you became a world renowned designer. You’ve worked with Prada, Dior, Vivienne westwood and so many more. You were truly one of the greats.
“Like it? I love it,” he responded. You smiled standing up for your seat leaning Agassi on your desk fixing your glasses. “Your a fan?” You asked and he nodded still in awe. Once he realized he was starring for to long he cleared his throat. Fixing his posture he dusted himself off finally looking at you. “Forgive me I couldn’t help myself-“
“No need to apologize. I would probably act the same if I were in a room with someone I loved,” you said honestly. You wanted him to feel comfortable around you. His plumped pink lips formed a smile. A part of him still excited to be here with you.
“Now come here,” you said motion to the front of your desk. He walked Obed rather quickly almost banging into the table. “Sorry,” he said embarrassed. You chuckled sitting down opening your book. At least he made you laugh he thought. “I have an idea but I’d like to draw it on you, is that okay?” You asked lips pursing at you stared into his eyes. He swallowed his throat becoming dry. “Yes that’s fine,” was all he managed to say to you. Your stare was so imitating. He felt like one wrong move or word and he’d ruin everything. He wanted to be good for you.
After some time you decided it was time for a break. You never over worked yourself your manger had given you a good piece of advice. “No matter how hard you work, if you get hurt the job will always move on without you” that stuck with your for a very long time.
“We can take a break,” you told the boy who nodded fiddling with his fingers. You smiled motioning him to come over. He stood tall in front of you as you remained in your seat. You pulled up a chair not to far away from your hand. You tapped it signaling him to sit down which he did. You crossed one leg over the other while eyeing the young man. You bit you lip watching his fingers dance around his shakey legs. “Jungwoo,” you called. He looked up into your glossy eyes.
“Are you nervous?” You teased hands clasping together waiting for his response.
He nodded his throat dryer than before.
“Words darling,” you commanded softly.
“I am,” he responded already feeling himself lose to you.
“When I said I liked you I didn’t only mean you had talent,” you began. You watched as his chest moved up and down just a little faster. He wiped his hands on his jeans startled. “What did you mean?” He asked quietly. You smirked your pink lips pursing.
“I think your handsome,” you complimented. It was true you did find him handsome. Which only helped your attraction to him. “Jungwoo,” you called again. Man did his name sound so good coming from your tongue. He stared at you watching your every move. He was ready for whatever you were going to give or tell him. Your legs uncrossed spreading apart. You were wearing a medium size loose skirt. You began to lift it up your legs stopping at the hem of your thighs. Jungwoo watched intensely not wanted to miss a single move.
“Yes,” he said feeling his mouth remain slightly opened probably drooling at the sight of you. You smiled feeling your body get warmer. You started to unbutton your top stopping at the button in the middle letting the outline of your breast show. Jungwoo felt like exploding, you weren’t wearing a bra.
“You said you didn’t mind older women right?” You teased speaking softly to Jungwoo. He nodded licking his lips. “Yes,” you sighed frustrated, “I think I need your help,” you said touching one of the buttons on your blouse. Jungwoo watched you pull on the button trying to remove it. You chuckled taking it off exposing your chest to the boy. He sucked in a breath his mouth dry. “Why don’t you help me?” You asked spreading your legs for him. He stood from his seat his legs guiding himself to you sitting in your glory. You gripped his shoulder sending him down to his knees. He knelt in front of you anticipating your every move.
“Will you be good for me?” You asked massaging his shoulders rubbing into the skin. His eyes shut enjoying the feeling of your fingers on him. Letting out a groan when you you rubbed on a tight spot. You rubbed harder watching his face change his brows furrowing as you massaged the knot in his right shoulder. He nodded licking his lips.
“Words darling, I want to hear you,” you said continuing your motions on his shoulders. He huffed releasing a warm breath into the air. He opened his eyes staring into yours that were already looking at his. “Yes I want to help you. I want to be good for you,” he pleaded. You removed your hands from his shoulders taking your right hand a placing it at the bottom of his chin. You pulled him closer lifting his face to yours and placing your lips on his. He immediately kissed back savoring the taste of your lips on his. He felt like he was dreaming. You were apart of his many fantasies as a young boy and now he was here living the reality as a man.
Your tongue swiped his bottom lip. He didn’t even fight opening his mouth to you letting the kiss become hot and messy. You pulled him closer your legs on the side of his body. His hand laid on your thighs squeezing and pulling you closer to his body. Your hands placed in his soft brown hair and around his neck taking in his lips and the citrus scent of his cologne. He released himself from your lips looking deeply into your eyes. “Can I taste you?” He asked. You nodded pushing yourself back and bringing your skirt up more to expose your bare pussy to him. Glistening in the light he licked his lips feeling himself get harder in his pants. He placed your legs on either side of the chair spreading you for him. Bringing his wet lips closer he kissed and sucked on your inner thighs.
“Don’t be a tease darling, take what you want,” you said watching him from below you. He groaned seeing the sight of your wet pussy. One of his hands creeping down his body to squeeze himself trying to control his mind and body from going completely feral. He licked a long swipe on your slit causing you to shudder. Proud of himself for making you weaker even though he was beneath you he licked your clit again sucking on the bundle of nerves. You tried to hold back your moans not wanting him to know how good he was making you feel. It would get to his pretty little head. But you couldn’t help it. His warm, wet mouth felt so good devouring your core. "Jungwoo you're doing so well for me," You praised through half a moan, your hand pulling on his hair. The praise only made his tongue move faster sliding it in and out of your wet hole. His fingers found their way to the pussy spreading your folds. His slender finger moved inside you while his tongue moved back to your clit.
You came all over his mouth soaking the bottom half of his face. When he continued his moments on your overly sensitive clit you pulled his head back by his hair. His forehead is exposed to your strong grip. The sunlight from your large window shining on his lips and his chin glistened with your slick. You pulled him forward by his hair and he complied. Letting his arms dangle before him and his knees remain on the ground. You brought your lips close to his inches away from each other.
"Jungwoo my darling can you do me another favor?" You slurred high off his mouth. He nodded eyes looking deeply into yours. His hands placed themselves on your exposed thighs. "Anything," He said sincerely.
"Get undressed and fuck me," You said through a seductive smile. He stood up undoing his belt tossing it to another part of the studio. He removed his shirt bringing it over his head and tossing it away with your blouse. He undid his jeans sliding them down along with his boxers. He pumped his length in his hand waiting for your command.
“Fuck me on my desk,” you said licking your tongue. He smiled taking your hand wiping all your sketches and pencils away. Spreading your legs open for him as he came in between you. Jungwoo felt like the luckiest man alive. You pulled him forward into a passionate kiss both of you lost in each others embrace. You pulled away leaning over to dig in your draw pulling out a condom. Ripping the package open rather quickly you placed the condom on his dick.
His rubbed dick through your folds circling your clit with his his tip. Biting his lip he watched your wetness soak the condom. He hopes to fuck you one day without it. Until then he’ll fuck you with it on if it means he gets to be here with you. “Jungwoo darling stop teasing and put it in,” you slurred knocking over some pencils trying to balance. He pushed the head of cock into your wet hole. His cock inching inside your pussy slowly your velvet walls sucking him. You bit your lip feeling the burn it had been so long since you last slept with someone, ever since your divorce you haven’t really gone out much. Taking the time to work on your designs.
You didn’t realize how much you missed the feeling of someone inside you.
“That’s it baby,” you praised working him through it. His dick say fully inside you waiting for you to let him know he could move. After the initial burn started to fade you tapped his thigh signaling him to go. His hips moved at a normal speed at first turning the pain into pleasure. You tapped him letting him know to move faster. He fucked into you harder and faster, “Darling don’t hold back,” you pleaded smirking as his jaw fell opened groans escaping his plumped lips as he finally fucked you.
“You feel so good,” he praised watching as his dick disappeared into your clenching hole. He felt you squeeze against him. If you kept doing that he’d cum to fast. His eyebrows furrowed trying to hold in his release for as long as he could. It was hard to not let go while being inside you. You wrapped around him delicious like your pussy was made for him. Wet sounds could be heard all around the studio. The sound of skin slapping against the desk as the morning became the afternoon. You held onto the desk tightly your knuckles turn white. Your mouth agape watching Jungwoo intensely lost in your own haze of pleasure. Jungwoo’s hands on placed on your hips fucking you into the wooden desk. He brought one of his fingers down to rub circles on your clit matching the speed of his thrust. You threw your head back in bliss. Letting out moans and whines as he fucked you.
He lifted you up turning you around bending you over the desk. He grabbed a piece of your hair pulling it back forming a ponytail. His other hand placed directly on your hip. You held onto the end of your desk your back arching magnificently. Beads of sweat fell down mouth of your bodies the air in the room becoming thinner and warm. Your mouth became dry from all the moaning your were doing. You were sure the house staff heard you, Jungwoo as well. He leaned down close to your ear. You could hear his groans directly like little whispers. They were only meant for your ears.
“Am I doing good?” He asked through groans and hard breaths. “Am I fucking you right?” He asked repeating his motions. You nodded licking your lips turning your head slightly to face him his duck still moving inside you. “So good darling. Your fucking me so well,” you praised. The praise went straight from his head to his dick fucking into even harder. You could feel your body squish against the desk your ribs hitting the desk but you didn’t care. He felt to good inside you to stop. Jungwoo pulled your hair back harder lifting the front of your body up your back pressing against his sweaty front.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned Jungwoo groaning into your ear. He reached around your waist circling the bundle of nerves helping you to reach your orgasm. You came moaning out loud and soaking the condom. You clenched and unclenched around him bringing Jungwoo to his climax soaking up the condom. He slowly pulled out of you taking the condom off. He tied it and threw it in the trash bin nearby. He walked over to the tissue box cleaning you up and himself. He helped you get dressed, then got dressed himself. He picked up the things he threw on the floor placing them back on your desk neatly.
You smiled watching him your index finger playing with your lips. He glowed in the afternoon sun. His skin sun kissed from the light that shined through your large windows. The way his lips curved upwards when he noticed you were watching him. He looked so beautiful. You couldn’t help but walk over to your camera. You lifted the device pointing it at him.
“Pose,” is all you said before he turned his head and you snapped a picture.
This picture would be one of many that you would take. Some would see public eye at campaigns and events. Some would see it on social media. Some only family would see.
And some only you’d see in the private of your own home with your muse, Kim Jungwoo.
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Hope you enjoyed thank you so much for reading. Small Update on Summer Love starring Jaehyun i am having a hard time coming up with a idea. I don’t want to do the same old thing so I’m really trying to come up with something different. I’m working on the story currently dedicating some time to it , so stay tuned for that!
Until then I hope you enjoy and look out for more surprise fics! :)
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hannabanana-6 · 10 months
Not a rookie anymore
Ethan gets back from the Amazon. To be honest, I don’t really like Ethan, but I love the angst.
“Rookie.” Ethan nodded at Casey, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Casey felt a deep rage start to simmer, but there were too many people around to let it show. She smiled, a tight-lipped smile that didn’t reach her eyes, without a hint of the warmth and radiance that used to emanate from her when she looked at the older doctor.
“Too late. As of one minute ago, I’m not a Rookie anymore.” She replied, calm and collected. There was no sign of the anger or the extreme anxiety she was feeling, except that one hand was clutching Sienna’s so tightly under the table that Sienna was beginning to wince.
“I’ll be expecting no more Rookie mistakes, then.” With one last nod, Ethan walked over to a table of attendings without a backwards glance.
Casey downed her drink and headed to the bar to grab another, ignoring Sienna and Elijah’s concerned glances. Aurora, Jackie, Bryce and Raf didn’t notice that anything was wrong, not having known that Casey slept with Ethan two nights before he departed for the Amazon without so much as a goodbye text. Casey had allowed herself to wallow for one day, spending it sobbing under copious amounts of blankets in the darkness of her bedroom, before getting up and piecing herself together. No man, not even Ethan Ramsey, was allowed to have that much power over her, Casey decided. So she’d decided to act completely normal, throwing herself into her work, and when she wasn’t working, hanging out with her roommates as much as possible; distracting herself was key, she’d realised. Day by day, the Ethan shaped hole in her heart seemed to shrink. Casey had always been just fine by herself, and an arrogant doctor who was hot and cold, all over her one day and freezing her out the next was not going to change that. Though the ache in her chest never fully subsided, Casey learned to live with it, and most of the time she was even happy, she really was. She knew, over time, she would be completely over Ethan Ramsey.
So, why was he back here, looking at her like no time had passed, like he didn’t just abandon her without a word, and why was Casey feeling those familiar butterflies that surfaced whenever she looked at him? Yes, Casey knew things between them were complicated, especially with her new position on the diagnostics team, but she thought that they were going to figure that out together. At the very least, Ethan had owed her a conversation before just disappearing.
She felt someone slide into the space next to her by the bar, and stiffened as she realised it was Ethan. He looked her up and down, his eyes widening slightly with desire as he took in her low waisted jeans and her snug, low-cut ballet wrap sweater. She wished he didn’t look so good. She wished she didn’t still want him, but it was hard not to, especially when he looked at her like that. She wished her body and her emotions could catch up with her brain.
“Hey.” He said, softly. “Can we talk?”
Casey laughed, a cold bitter sound ringing out into the bar.
“You want to talk now?”
“Yes.” Ethan said simply, ignoring her sarcasm.
He always said he was never one for playing games, which was interesting, because to Casey, their whole relationship seemed like a game of push and pull. He kissed her in Miami - he had made the move on her - and then pushed her away, saying it could never happen again. Then he kept inviting her out on little outings, giving her soft lingering touches, casual brushes of the hand that seemed accidental, but Casey knew better. They made out at the opera, and for Casey, that meant something. They had finally slept together when Ethan quit, and they’d realised there was nothing holding them back anymore, and then they slept together after the trial, though they both knew he would soon be her boss again. For Casey at least though, there wasn’t any going back after that. She couldn’t go back to being without Ethan Ramsey, even if it was difficult, even if they had to figure out exactly how things could work. Ethan clearly had felt differently, disappearing instantly to the Amazon.
“Look, Case-”
“Dr. Valentine.” Casey corrected harshly.
“Dr. Valentine.” Ethan corrected, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone, “You’re being childish now. You know I had to go, as a doctor-”
“Don’t fucking patronise me, Ethan.” Casey jabbed his chest with her pointer finger, practically shaking with rage, “I don’t care that you went. I’d have been happy for you, if you would’ve had the courtesy of letting me know. I thought we were figuring things out together. I had to find out from Harper, Ethan. Of all people.”
“Please.” Ethan pleaded, his voice breaking slightly. “I know I should’ve talked to you. I was- I was scared, to be honest.”
“Of what?”
“My feelings. I’ve always been unable to think rationally around you.”
“You’re a grown man. I’m sure you could’ve communicated that.” Casey snapped. “I thought I meant something. You said I meant something. You’ve never once acted like it. I guess I was just a star-struck intern you thought would be easy to get into bed with.”
Ethan looked at the floor, devastated and hurt. Casey did know that the last part wasn’t true, that that wasn’t who Ethan was. She wondered if she had gone too far. Selfishly though, she wanted to hurt Ethan, just like he had hurt her, and she knew saying that would do it. Before Ethan could reply, the bartender was asking Casey for her order. Angling her body away from Ethan, Casey ordered a round for her friends. As soon as the bartender pushed her drinks over, Casey picked them up and turned to walk away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ethan raise a hand, as if to stop her, but he changed his mind and let it hang limply at his side. As Casey left, she made sure to put an extra swing in her step. She was done with him, she decided, but it didn’t mean he shouldn’t regret his actions.
The next morning, Casey woke up in an unfamiliar bed, a headache already creeping in. She looked over, frowning as she realised she’d gone home with a surgical resident. She felt mildly hungover, and still dissatisfied. The sex had been nothing compared with Ethan. Casey sighed. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand next to her and saw a single text from Ethan.
‘I’m sorry Casey. I missed you every single day. More than you can imagine.’
Casey brushed away a single tear that spilled down her cheek. She was fine on her own, she knew that. She just wished that for once, she didn’t have to be.
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tooxmanyxships · 1 year
can you do 'When you and I are alone, I've never felt so at home.' for galex please?
Of course Nonnie! I hope you'll like it!
Singapore. It could have gone so great, but it just turned into a disaster. At least for George it did.
He was so close....so fucking close to getting a place on the podium. And then --- then he hit the wall.
He didn't want to be there in the paddock anymore. Just wanted to disappear. Bur he was forced to do at least one interview, which he tried to get through as best as he could.
Once he was done with the whole media circus, he tried to make himself smaller than he was and slipped away.
He wasn't going to the Mercedes garage, nor the hospitality, instead he went to the Williams one. They still let him in. One look at him said enough and they just let him go through. He was a former Williams driver too. Also, they knew what happened. They knew snooping around was the last thing on George's mind right now.
None of them even batted an eye when they saw him disappear into Alex's driver's room.
Alex was worried about George. He knew he got out okay, physically, but mentally --- It would be so hard on him. The disappointment. The anger at himself.
He tried looking for him, but it seemed like George was trying to hide from everyone.
He tried asking Charles and Lando. Lando told him he saw him during an interview, but only very shortly. Lando looked a little worried too.
It seemed like George had disappeared after that. Which was even more worrisome to Alex.
He even went and Asked Lewis if he knew where his teammate was, but Lewis seemed none the wiser either. Lewis looked into George's driver's room but he wasn't there.
He'd called George about a million times now, but all futile attempts.
Maybe..... Maybe he'd just gone back to his hotel room.
Finally admitting defeat, reluctantly, Alex went back to the Williams garage and over to his driver's room.
Opening his door, he nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Jesus!" He blinked, trying to make out the figure curled up on the makeshift bed. "George?!"
"What am I, Alex?" George's voice was barely above a whisper. "Am I still just a stupid little rookie?"
Alex's heart sank a little as he quietly closed the door behind himself.
"No, George. You just made a mistake. Lando hit the wall too you know."
"But he didn't crash. I did." George buried his face even more between his knees. "I'm such an idiot."
Alex stepped forward, one hand resting on George's knee, the other hand's fingers gently running through his hair.
"No one thinks you're an idiot. You were stressed out. Trying to get past Lando, Lewis right behind you as well. It was an easy mistake to make."
George doesn't say anything, but he doesn't have to.
"I'm just glad you're okay."
George does lift up his head at that, Alex's hand sliding down from his head and going to cup his cheek instead.
"You are?"
Alex wants to smack him in the face, because how dare he question that?!
But he sees those watery eyes and the dried tracks of his tears on his face and all he wants to do is hug him with all his might.
"Of course I am. Don't be silly, George."
There's a small, hopeful smile on George's face.
"Thank you." He sighs when he feels his phone buzz for what seems like the umpteenth time. "Since you're here, I'm assuming it's either Lando or Charles who keep calling me, can you tell them I'm okay?"
Alex nods and pulls out his phone, sending a quick text into their group chat that George is with him, then slides the phone back into his pocket.
Alex sits down next to George and lets him rest his head on his shoulder.
It's quiet then, but it's not uncomfortable. It's never uncomfortable with them.
It's Alex who finally breaks the silence. "You know you'll have to face the world again at some point."
"That some point is not now yet."
Alex swallows, "George. Why did you decide to come here. Into my drivers room."
George lifts his head and turns to look at him. The expression on his face is like 'are you stupid?' and maybe Alex is a little stupid for asking this, but - - -
George huffs then, resting his head once again on Alex's shoulder.
"Because when you and I are alone, I've never felt so at home."
And that's what he needed. A sense of home.
No matter where they went or what happened, Alex was home, and he could always find comfort in that.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Snippet Thursday: Faulty Info au
(Going back to the beginning of the story for some context on how Jak was rescued: Sig has just instigated a prison break, having gotten a tip that a kid resembling Mar was taken to the Baron’s labs. Surprise, that was Jak, and Sig isn't about to leave him there. Jak doesn’t realize that the dialect of sign language he's always used is strictly Spargan, and this causes Sig to mistake him for a recently kidnapped citizen)
The screams stopped shortly after Sig hauled himself back into the vents. He could only hope this would foment enough chaos to leave the kid relatively unguarded. As he returned to the upper lab, he initially thought that his plan had backfired. The four guards were entering the lab, not leaving it.
"I told you not to interrupt me while I'm working, clods!" Errol snapped shrilly.
"Sir!" The first Guard saluted. "Subject 003 breached containment in the prison block!"
Rupertikjakmos raised an eyebrow. "The one with the teeth? Alright, what idiot got too close to the bars?"
Annoyed, the Guard added, "He opened all the other cells. Protocol demands that we evacuate you both immediately."
Rupertikjakmos interrupted him with an exaggerated sigh. "Why bother? With all the metalbug vermin I keep seeing around here, the prisoners will probably be dead before they escape the block."
That didn't sit well with Errol, evidently.
His tattooed face twisted with anger.
"Then we'll lose all our progress! I want 003 salvaged, alive! I'll handle the rest of the freaks myself."
One of the other Guards gestured to the boy in the chair. "But what about-?"
Errol scoffed. "What, Jak? It isn't like he's going anywhere."
As if to demonstrate, he harshly jabbed the boy in the ribs.
"Isn't that right, Jak? You be a good little boy and wait right here. We'll be right back after we put your fellow freaks down." He snorted at his own attempt at cleverness and all but sashayed out the door after the guards.
What a piece of work.
Sig dropped down seconds after the door locked. Every muscle was tensed, waiting for them to come back. He knew he only had a small window of time before the diversion either failed, or moved too far away to be of any use.
"Okay rookie. Let's get you out of here." Sig slammed down the button to release the shackles. "Can you stand?"
The kid made an attempt, but he could barely even sit up. Dark eco still contracted and expanded his muscles in small, painful-looking spasms. Sig winced. That would make their escape a little more difficult, but it was nothing he couldn't manage. He took a breath and crouched next to the chair.
"Okay -- Jak, right? Your name's Jak?”
Weakly, the kid nodded. Sig nodded back. “Alright then, Jak. My name’s Sig. Here's what we're going to do. You're gonna slide over here and hang on to my back. You can't let go, understand? You need to cling like a baby Babak. We're gonna drop through that lift, and things might get a little hairy when we cut through the barracks."
The boy grunted in acknowledgment and began trying to shift himself towards Sig. Now that he was right next to him, Sig could see that he was pale beneath his tan, and his cheeks were beginning to hollow out. He'd assumed the kid was fifteen or sixteen and just small from the rafters, but looking at him now, he doubted the boy was any older than fourteen. He had some good, wiry muscle on him, as Sig would've expected from a Spargan child. But unlike most of the children in his city, this one didn’t seem to recognize Sig.
Deciding to worry about that later, Sig hoisted Jak up onto his back. He was far too light. For good measure, he ripped a cable out of the machinery and tied it around his waist, effectively strapping the kid to him.
"Alright rookie," he murmured, "Here we go. Just hang on tight, and I'll get you home."
He felt the boy's head drop to rest on his shoulder. No doubt his body was having a battle all its own, fighting off that dark eco. He would probably have to check on him periodically on their way out. Sig kept up a low, steady stream of murmuring as the lift deposited them in an empty locker room.
"It's okay. We're gonna be okay. Gonna get you home, back in the sunshine and fresh air. The king will probably prescribe you some light eco when he sees the report, and then you'll be running around with the other kids in no time."
He had no idea if Jak was even listening, but that was alright.
Considering the trouble he'd had getting into the fortress prison, Sig was almost suspicious of how easy it was to get out. The guards on the lower levels didn't even have rifles! They'd only been outfitted with tasers, which were no defense against scatter rounds. Sure, getting across some of the gaps in the loading dock was tricky with a teenager strapped to his back, but their combined weight did make it easier to bust through a few grates in the floor.
"Almost out, cherry, we're almost out," Sig whispered.
The kid groaned softly in response, but didn't move.
The streets were bustling, even here beside the prison. Unfortunately, that meant guards were wandering around, too. And a scrawny kid in a prison uniform was going to stick out like a sore thumb. Sig sucked on his teeth in thought before deciding on his course of action. He crouched in the vent and waited until the nearest guard had passed out of sight. Then he dropped down and ducked into the first alley he saw. Once he unfastened the cord, the boy collapsed to the ground.
Sig moved to help him up, but the boy shook his head. With a stubborn scowl, he gripped the wall and hauled himself upright on shaking legs. When he let go, he wobbled like a newborn Leaper, arms out for balance, but he didn't fall.
Definitely a Spargan.
"Attaboy!" Sig encouraged him, "Look at you, back on your feet already! Once we get you back to your family, I bet you'll be able to make a case for getting your first amulet early."
Jak tilted his head and stared at him as if he had no idea what he was talking about. Why did he look so confused?
"What part of the city were you from?" Sig asked, all the while guiding them down the maze of alleys.
Jak's hands were still shaking, but his signs were still readable.
"The beach?"
Ah. Must’ve been the west quarter of the city. That gave him something to go on.
"And your folks? What's their job? Traders? Artifact runners?"
The boy halted and looked more confused than before. He furrowed his brow in thought, then shrugged. "Don't know."
"You don't know what their job is?"
"Don't know parents. Don't have any."
Oh. Oh.
He was an orphan.
Still, someone in the west quarter would have to know who he was. Kids in Spargus were everyone's responsibility, after all.
Unless he'd been taken before the Black Raid. If he'd been as young as Mar when he was taken, he probably wouldn't remember much about his home. And there might not be anyone left alive to remember him in Spargus, either, considering this kid had to have been born during Atys’s reign. That was an unpleasant thought.
"That's okay," Sig said awkwardly, "That's...we'll look after you, cherry. We'll figure it out as we go, right? C'mon, let's find you something less conspicuous to wear."
"Less conspicuous", unfortunately, turned out to be a blue bedsheet and an ugly orange blouse stolen from two different laundry lines. Jak had begun to mechanically change his shirt, but froze when he caught sight of four ugly purple scars like jagged clawmarks across his torso. It was difficult to know if they were reactions to the eco inside him, or if they had been incisions.
Jak’s breathing quickened as he stared at them, tracing a trembling finger down one particularly brutal line. He made a strangled sound deep in his throat and raised his hand as if meaning to claw out the eco under his skin.
Sig snatched his hand, forcing himself to keep still when the boy flinched violently. "Hey, no no no- Don’t do that, kid.”
Jak made another distressed croak and yanked his hand away, but Sig caught it again.
“Sshh, sshh, it’s okay. Don't look at it right now, okay? Don’t look at it. Look at me. Okay? Look at me.”
After a tense few seconds, Jak finally met his eyes. There were a lot of emotions behind them, and Sig suspected he had some of the same mirrored in his own eye. “Once we're somewhere safe,” he promised, “we'll put some medicine on that. Just leave it alone for now."
He waited until Jak finally made himself button the stolen blouse, then wound the sheet around him in a kind of makeshift tunic, using the torn-out cable as a belt. The kid was small enough that even folding the sheet in half left parts of it dragging on the ground. Sig observed the disguise with dissatisfaction and shook his head.
“Well that ain’t gonna work.”
He scratched his jaw.
“New plan. Gimme the sheet.”
Jak frowned, but handed it back. He leaned against the wall and watched with a kind of detached wariness as Sig tore several long strips from one edge. Sig beckoned him over again and wrapped the sheet back around his waist.
“Alright. What you wanna do is tie the corners around your ankles, like you’re going to keep sand out,” he instructed.
It took the boy a few minutes to comply, but Sig didn’t think he’d want the help this time.
“Here.” He handed two of the strips of cloth to Jak, who tied them around the ankles of his makeshift pantaloons, thankfully without needing instruction.
Jak pointed at the other cloth strips and furrowed his brow into a question.
“I have a belt.” He pointed to the cable.
Sig crouched. “Yeah, I know. These are for your feet. I know it ain’t shoes, but it’s better than nothing.”
Understanding washed over the boy, and he nodded. With a quick gesture of thanks, he took the cloth and began wrapping them around his feet with an ease that suggested practice.
"There you go. Just watch out for broken glass.” Sig leaned back and craned his neck, observing distant traffic overhead. “Now, it's about six blocks to the Main Town square. But that's a long walk for you. So you stay here, and I'm gonna get us a zoomer."
Abruptly, the boy latched onto his arm with an expression of terror. He shook his head rapidly, clinging tighter. Despite the fact that he could barely walk, the kid had a grip like iron. Sig tried in vain to dislodge him; he was deceptively strong.
"I'm coming right back! Kid- kid! I'm coming back, I promise!" Tentatively, he patted Jak's back. "Hey. I'm not gonna leave you. I swear on the Precursors."
Reluctantly, the boy released him. He fidgeted in the alley, still looking fearful, but he nodded.
"Come back quick," was all he signed.
Getting the zoomer wasn't hard. Even in the slums, you'd find people from Main Town who didn't understand that leaving your keys in your parked vehicle was a very unwise choice. Sig took the two-seater on a quick circuit of the block; if there were any eyes on him, he would draw less attention to Jak by taking the long way around. And it was a good way to see how many guards were in the area.
By the look of things, the alarm was starting to spread beyond the Fortress. What guards Sig had spotted were all hurrying back towards the prison, no doubt to aid the search for any escaped prisoners. None of them appeared to be searching around the prison yet, which was good, but Sig wasn’t taking chances. He pulled the zoomer up two buildings down from the alley where he’d left Jak, just in case, and took the keys with him when he hopped out.
At first glance, the alley was empty. A cold feeling pooled in Sig’s gut as he looked around urgently. They couldn’t have already found him!
“Kid?” he whispered, “Jak! Where’d you go?!”
Something rattled behind a run-down air conditioning unit. There wasn’t much around the contraption besides a few crates and a garbage can, but Sig cautiously approached to check. Jak stared blankly up at him from a niche between the unit and the building wall that he honestly should not have been able to squeeze into.
“How did you-?” Sig shook his head. “Never mind.”
He squatted in front of the air conditioning unit and held out a hand, hoping his nerves didn’t show. “That’s a tight fit, cherry. Need a hand?”
Surprisingly, he didn’t.
Jak shimmied out of the gap in a way that just didn’t sit right with Sig. He could have sworn he heard bones or joints popping in and out of place when the boy emerged, and once he was out, the dark eco spasms returned for several seconds. Was that something he could do because of whatever the KG had done to him? Or had he picked it up in an attempt to hide from the Guards when they came to his cell?
Just leave it alone for now. Don’t go poking around in something before you have intel.
“The tricky part is gonna be getting past any checkpoints,” Sig mused, more to himself than to Jak. “I’ve got a pass, but if they look too close at it we could have trouble. Try to keep your head down once we’re in the zoomer, okay?”
Jak just nodded and shuffled along behind him. He did perk up noticeably when he saw the vehicle; it was the first spark of life Sig had really seen in him that wasn’t fear. Jak circled the zoomer cautiously, trailing two fingers along the paint and chassis, and a tiny, fragile smile appeared on his face. He leaned down and peered at the engine with interest, humming thoughtfully to himself.
So he likes engines! Should’ve guessed. I bet he was one of the kids Kleiver was always chasing out of the garages. Sig climbed into the driver’s seat and sighed.
He was reluctant to do anything to break Jak out of the first moment of actually behaving like a kid that he’d seen so far, but they couldn’t afford to hang around.
“Ready to go?” Sig patted the seat next to him. “You’re going to want to strap in. If I see a Hellcat, we’re going to have to book it.”
Jak had a little trouble figuring out the buckle, but once he’d clicked it into place, he gave Sig the most solemn thumbs-up he’d ever seen. Sig returned it with one of his own, then cranked the engine into gear.
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harley-sunday · 3 years
No Regrets [03]
Summary: The rules they set were simple: friends with benefits. But are they really friends? And what exactly are the benefits? Starts after Daniel’s third place in 2017 Monaco Grand Prix and ends at the 2021 Zandvoort Grand Prix.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader [unnamed OFC]
Warnings: Language. Smut. Rough sex. Daniel's a bit of an asshole. 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 4.1k
AN: Sorry for the long wait on this one! It was A. Struggle. but then somehow I found my flow today and here we are. This takes place after the 2017 Hungary GP. Hope you like it :)
Zandvoort, September 2021
When she throws him a wink and tells him she's almost, but not quite, ready for round three he feels a sense of relief wash over him, happy that he gets to hold her in his arms a little longer.
It's nice. 
It's also completely against the rules but he sure as hell isn't going to bring that up now. And he hopes she doesn't either.
Tumblr media
Monaco, July 2017
“You ok?”
“Yep,” his voice is clipped and he would be surprised if Michael believed him, but his friend doesn’t comment on it any further, instead informing him that there’s already a car waiting for them. He takes the backpack Michael held onto during the meeting he just got out of and slings it over one shoulder, head down as he makes his way outside, walking past the gathered press without paying any attention to the questions that are being asked. Red Bull’s PR team can deal with those, he decides as he opens the car door and slides into the back seat. Michael joins him not much later but still doesn’t say anything and so the ride to Budapest airport is spent in silence after a few futile attempts at smalltalk from the guy driving the car. 
Even though Max apologised for yesterday’s incident during the team’s debrief and then again during the team meeting this morning, Daniel’s still angry, still upset that a rookie mistake from his teammate cost him a chance at the race, and so there’s a lot of built up tension that he knows he should get out of his system before he gets home. Problem is, he doesn’t know how.
He isn’t usually one to hold on to grudges, but something about the way the team handled this, calling it a racing incident instead of putting the blame on Max, doesn’t sit right with him and he can feel himself getting angry again just by thinking about it. At least he’ll have some time away from it all, he thinks wryly, what with summer break having started and at least two weeks of relative peace and quiet. Maybe that will help him clear his head before the second half of the season starts. 
“You have to let it go, mate,” Michael says after a while, not looking up from his phone and not for the first time does Daniel wonder how his friend always seems to know exactly what is going on in his mind even though right now it’s annoying as fuck. “I doubt Max is still-”
“Don’t,” Daniel growls, not wanting to hear it. Not now. 
It's then the car pulls up to the airport and before Michael has a chance to say anything else Daniel's out of the car and collecting his things.
The long wait at the airport, which he spent by himself because Michael took a direct flight to London - something else to add to the list of things to fuel his pity party even though deep down he knows it's unfair to his best friend - a two-hour delay, and an airplane full of screaming and crying kids all do nothing to better his mood and so by the time he lands in Nice he's even more agitated than before and desperately looking for ways to get out of his own head.
If Michael were here he’d probably tell Daniel to let off some steam, go to the gym, maybe have him do some guided meditation or a boxing session to clear his mind. But with his best friend in London and the summer break just having started, there’s no one or nothing to stop him from making any of the bad decisions he’s no doubt going to make once he gets home and so on the drive back from Nice to his apartment he’s already busy making plans that he’ll most likely regret in the morning. Anything to take his mind off the shitshow that happened this past weekend. 
He only stays in his apartment long enough to drop his bags somewhere in the living room and to take a quick shower before he heads back out into town and finds himself at La Rascasse not much later. The maître D, a new girl with a smile as fake as her boobs, pretends she doesn’t know him when she asks him if he’s reserved a table in advance even though he can tell by the way she tries just a little too hard to keep her cool she knows exactly who he is. He’s not one to play the ‘Do you know who I am’ card but he’s about to after she tells him to wait in line with another one of her fake smiles, the bad mood he’s in definitely not helping his usual patient demeanor.
It’s then he hears his name being called from inside the club and sees the owner, Guillaume, waving him over with a smile. He throws the girl a look that he knows is pure venom as he passes her before he meets up with his friend inside the club. 
“Salut, mon ami,” Guillaume says before he gives him a hug. “I saw the race yesterday, can’t say I was expecting you here-”
“I know,” Daniel says with a curt smile, effectively cutting him off.
Guillaume seems to understand and tells him to follow him with a nod of his head. He leads Daniel towards the back of the room where it’s a little more quiet, albeit not by much and so he starts to wonder if he even should have come here. Maybe it would have been better to stay at home and sulk. Still, he takes the glass of red wine and the selection of finger food Guillaume offers him not much later, figuring he’s going to need to eat at some point.
He has just taken his first bite when a group of women approach his table, giggling like schoolgirls, the boldest of them asking him if they can get a picture with him. He wants to tell them to fuck off, to leave him the fuck alone, but he knows he can’t and so he gets up and puts on his public smile and cracks a few jokes while the pictures get taken. 
Two of the women linger behind, while the rest of the group heads to the bar for another round of drinks, and start to ask him about yesterday’s race even though he can tell from their questions they aren’t really interested. He can see another group of people approaching him out of the corner of his eye, pointing and gawking at him as if he’s a fucking caged animal in a zoo and he decides right then and then that he’s had enough and so he excuses himself, muttering something about somewhere he needs to be and sets off to find Guillaume so he can pay and head home.
“Don’t worry about it, Daniel,” Guillaume tells him not much later, in that thick French accent that normally he loves but now just annoys the shit out of him despite the friendly pat on his back Guillaume gives him. “This one’s on me.” 
“You can go out through the kitchen,” Guillaume offers, because of course he’s seen what happened. 
“Thanks, mate,” Daniel says again but this time he means it, and shakes Guillaume’s hand before he sets off. 
He allows himself a few deep breaths once he gets outside but it doesn’t help and so he lets out a quiet, “Fuck,” more angry at himself now than at anyone else for letting this get to his head so much. Well, anyone except Max, he thinks, because the Dutchman is still very much to blame for his overall mood, his anger flaring up again when his mind starts to replay what happened yesterday.
He needs a quick release, he decides during his walk home and before he knows what he’s doing his phone is in his hands and he’s scrolling through his contact list until he gets to her name. His thumb hovers over the call button for just a second before he presses down, choosing not to listen to the voice in his head that asks him if this really is a good idea.
“Daniel,” she sounds a little surprised but not in a bad way. Or so he likes to believe anyway. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, his voice a little clipped because he could do without the pleasantries. “Listen,” he says as he sidesteps a couple that has decided to take a selfie in the middle of the street, “Do you have any plans tonight?”
She lets out a laugh, “I guess I do now.”
“Good girl,” he tells her, his voice low. “My place in ten?” 
“Make that fifteen?”
He rolls his eyes even though she can’t see him, “Fine.” 
“Hey. I could also be there in ten, champ, no problem,” she replies and he can just hear the grin in her voice, “but then you’re gonna have to deal with hairy legs and hairy armpits and-”
“Yeah, nah,” he all but growls, “see you in fifteen.”
The sound of the doorbell pulls him out of his thoughts exactly fifteen minutes later and without saying anything he buzzes her into the building, leaving his front door slightly ajar so he doesn’t have to get up a second time. He walks over to the kitchen and grabs two wine glasses from the cabinet that he puts on the counter next to the bottle of red he opened not much earlier, if only because he doesn’t want her to think he’s a bad host. Not that it matters if she does, but still.  
“Yep,” he answers, turning around at the sound of her voice as he leans against the kitchen counter. When she steps into his apartment he can actually feel the breath hitch in his throat because she looks absolutely gorgeous, the dress she’s wearing simple yet hugging her figure in all the right places.
“Hi,” she says when she reaches him, dropping her purse on the counter. She nods towards the bottle of wine, one eyebrow raised and a mischievous smile playing on her lips, “Thought we agreed to skip drinks?”
He doesn’t say anything, if anything glad that they both seem to agree on the matter, and instead just shrugs before he takes a step towards her, one hand sneaking into her hair so he can pull her closer to him, his lips crashing against hers without warning. 
She moans against him and stills, just for a second, as if she’s unsure how to react but then she kisses him back, throwing her arms over his shoulders and pushing herself against him. When she opens her mouth he slips his tongue in without hesitation, taking control of both her mouth and the situation in an instant. 
He turns her around, backing her up against the counter, his hands grabbing at the fabric of her dress and pulling it up, bunching it around her waist just as he deepens the kiss, eliciting another moan from her. He can feel himself grow harder at the sound even though he has been half hard ever since he called her, the promise of her enough to have his dick strain against the fabric of his boxers, and he’s not sure he can last much longer. Not sure he wants to either. 
His fingers search around her hips for the elastic of her panties and when he doesn’t find it he pulls back, a low, “Jesus Christ,” escaping him as he looks at her. She watches him with a wicked smile and so he dips his head in reply, finding the pulse point of her neck with his mouth easily. He nibbles and sucks, determined to leave a mark, his tongue tracing circles on her skin as she tilts her head to give him better access. 
He feels her shiver against him when he runs a finger through her folds, not surprised to find it coated in her juices when he brings his hand back up between them. He pulls back a little and pushes his finger against her mouth, her lips parting almost instantly and her tongue swirling around it to lick it clean all while her eyes never leave his. She grabs a hold of his wrist then, keeping his hand in place as she takes his finger into her mouth, her tongue darting around it and sucking it in a way that makes him groan. He feels like he’s about to come right then and there and so he pulls his hand back and replaces it with his mouth, wanting to taste her too. 
Now that he knows she’s wet enough he doesn’t want to waste any more time and so he takes out the condom he put in his back pocket earlier, placing it on the counter beside her before he starts to unbutton his jeans. His mouth never leaves hers as he pushes his jeans and boxers down in one go, stepping out of them and kicking them to the side before he grabs the condom again.
Her hand is on his and she pulls back a little, her lips still ghosting against his when she whispers, “Let me help you with that.” She brings her other hand up to her mouth, keeps her eyes on his and spits on her fingers before wrapping them around his dick and pumping it a few times. 
“Fuck,” he throws his head back, part of him feeling like he’s losing control of the situation but the other, bigger, part, enjoying this too much to care, especially when she runs her thumb over his tip, spreading his precum. 
“Yeah,” she says with a wink, “you like that, huh?”
She’s teasing him now, slowing down her movements, but it’s enough to pull him out of his daze and back into the moment. He puts his hand on hers and takes the condom from her, putting it on before he all but growls at her, "Turn around."
She does as she is told, elbows resting on the counter as she eyes him curiously from over her shoulder, the way she's biting her bottom lip in anticipation quickly driving him wild. Leaning over her captures her mouth with his before he runs his dick through her folds once, twice, and then slams into her, capturing the moan that escapes her in his throat before he lets go of her mouth and stands up.
The rhythm he sets is quick even for his standards but he's chasing a high he so desperately needs, yesterday's events still lingering somewhere in the back of his mind, and so he’s not really paying any attention to her except how good she feels around him. He grabs onto her hips, making her meet his trusts so he can get there faster, the release already starting to build. 
"Daniel," she pants, fingers splayed out on the kitchen counter as she tries to find something to hold onto while he continues to pound into her.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart" he tells her when he feels he's getting closer and closer. "Watch me as I fuck you." 
She does and then he's almost there, his thrusts becoming more erratic and his fingers digging into her skin, and just the idea of leaving more than one mark on her, the idea that she's going to look at herself in the mirror tomorrow and see the bruises he's left her with, sends him over the edge and he comes with a loud groan. 
He stills inside her not much later, planting a kiss between her shoulder blades before he pulls out completely and takes the condom off, discarding it in the waste bin on his right. "I'm gonna take a shower," he tells her quite matter-of-factly, not missing the way her brows furrow but not really caring about it either. "See ya next time?"
He doesn't wait for a response and makes his way to the bathroom, taking his shirt off and grabbing a fresh towel before he turns the water on and as he waits for it to come up to temperature he grins at himself in the mirror, already feeling so much better. This was just what he needed, he realises, just what-
"How fuckin' dare you!"
The bathroom door swings open, a gust of cold air rushing in, making him shiver unintentionally. He meets her eyes in the mirror, flinching a little when he sees the pure venom she exudes.
"How. Fuckin'. Dare. You," she says again, pointing her finger at him this time. "What the fuck was that?" She takes a step inside, his spacious bathroom suddenly feeling very crowded, "Are you really that much of an asshole?"
He turns around, "I- What?" 
"An asshole, Daniel," she repeats as she gives him a shove that has him back up against the sink. "You are an absolute asshole if you think that this is ok. You don't get to call me just for your pleasure and then dismiss me like I'm some sort of-" She points her finger at him again, her eyes darkening, "You didn't even care if I got off or not. Jesus!" She all but spits out the next words at him, "I am not your whore, Daniel Ricciardo. And don't you dare treat me like one." She drops her hand and shakes her head, "We're done."
Before he even has the chance to begin to process what just happened the door slams shut and then she's gone and he feels ten times worse than he did after Max pushed him off the track yesterday. 
Shit, shit, shit.
Without thinking he wraps the towel he's holding around his waist and rushes after her, hoping he can catch up with her before she takes the elevator down even though he already knows he'll follow her out onto the street if he has to. 
By the grace of he's not sure who he finds her at the elevator bay, watching the screen above the doors as the elevator makes its way up, the sideways glance she throws at him telling him he needs to tread carefully. He holds out his hands towards her, temporarily forgetting about the towel he was holding onto but catching it just in time. It would have drawn a laugh from her in any other setting, he's sure, but now she simply keeps on staring straight ahead, arms folded in front of her chest and her fingers tapping the crease of her elbow impatiently. 
"I know you don't owe me anything," he starts, one hand on the towel, the other still outstretched at her, "but will you please listen to me?" 
She doesn't say anything, which he takes as his cue to continue, "I'm sorry." He runs his free hand through his hair in an attempt to calm his nerves, "You were right. I was an asshole- I am an asshole for doing what I did-" a quick glance at the screen tells him the elevator is only eight floors away and so he pushes on, "-and there's nothing I can say to make it better, but please-" his voice catches on the last word and finally she looks at him, "Please hear me out?"
"I'm listening." 
There's no warmth in her voice, no emotion, and he's afraid there's no coming back from this but still he tries, "Honestly, if you would tell me to apologize a thousand times, I would. And then a thousand times more because I know what I did and I know it was a dick move and you deserve so much better. I never meant-"
The elevator dings then and when the doors open his neighbour steps out, eyes widening in shock at the scene in front of her. He gives her what he hopes is a reassuring smile while trying to act as if he isn't standing here in just a towel, probably smelling of pure sex, "Bonjour, Madame Devigne, ça va?"
The eighty-year old narrows her eyes at him, "I'm fine, Danny." There's a mischievous smile on her lips as she nods from him to the other woman, "Not sure I can say the same about you, dear."
He watches as Mrs Devigne puts her hand on her arm and gives it a squeeze, "Make him work for it, sweetheart." A wink then, "Not too hard though - he wouldn't have followed you out here if he didn't believe you were right."
She waves her hand around between them, "Carry on," and makes her way down the hall, but not before she looks back at him from over her shoulder just as she disappears around the corner and says, "Might want to tuck that towel in a little tighter, Danny. Don't want junior to catch a cold."
He hears the elevator doors close then and his heart sinks, certain that she's gotten in and that he's lost her forever, but then he hears her laugh and it's like music to his ears. When he turns back towards her he sees her shaking her head, still laughing, her eyes ten shades lighter already and he makes a mental note to send his neighbour the biggest bouquet of flowers he can find.
"I'm still mad," she clarifies.
"I know," he agrees quickly, "but please come inside? Let me make it up to you?"
She sighs but gestures for him to get a move on and so he does, relieved that she at least seems willing to listen.
"I don't really care why you did what you did," she tells him when they're back in his apartment. She's watching him as he puts on his boxer shorts and jeans but keeping her distance, leaning against the kitchen table as he lingers at the counter, not sure she'd let him get any closer. "I just want you to know it can never, never-" she waits until he nods before she continues, "-happen again. Ever. This isn't the Daniel Ricciardo show." 
"I know."
"We're going to need some rules," she says then, looking at him expectantly.
He nods, "That's- That might be a good idea."
"Good." She nods toward the counter, "I'm gonna need a drink for this."
"Yes, ma'am," he quickly agrees, because honestly, right now he would do whatever she asks him to. 
"Ok. So-" she takes another sip of her wine and taps her pen on the piece of paper that's on the table in front of them, a list of sorts written on it, "-four rules. We can add to them if we want, but these four stay, no matter what.” She clears her throat, “Rule number one. No feelings. If either of us ever feels like this is becoming more serious than us just randomly hooking up we call it quits."
"Number two. We aren't exclusive and can sleep with other people if we want, but we use protection. Always." She eyes him over her wine glass, a mischievous look in her eyes, "Because so help me God, Ricciardo, if you give me an STD-"
"Hey!" He playfully nudges her foot with his, "That works both ways, you know."
"Yep," she says with a smile. "Noted."
"Ok," he slides the paper towards him, "Number three. No sleepovers. No awkward morning afters."
"Nope," she agrees with a shake of her head. "No getting mad about it either. We aren't cuddle buddies."
He chuckles, "We damn sure aren't."
"That brings us to the most important one," she says, looking down at the paper and avoiding his eyes almost as if she's a little embarrassed. Once again he's misjudged her because she does look up then, her eyes not leaving his when she tells him, "Number four. This whole-" she waves her hand around,  -arrangement is as much about your pleasure as it is about mine. Neither of us leaves until we both have at least come once. Preferably twice. Maybe even more."
"Definitely more," he adds with a grin and renewed confidence. 
"One more thing," she says then, looking at him with a smile. "I feel like maybe we should try to be friends. I mean, if you want it to be just sex that's fine too, but-"
"No," he quickly interrupts her, "I'd like that. A lot."
"Good," he agrees with a wide smile. "So friends then?"
"Friends with benefits," she adds with a wink.
"And no regrets either."
He nods, "No regrets."
"Thank you," he says when he finishes the last of his wine. 
"For what?"
"Giving me another chance." He shrugs, "I'm not sure I deserved it."
She puts a hand to her heart, feigning shock, "Don't tell me you forgot about rule number four already? I’m not still here just for your pleasure, champ.”
"I- What?" He takes the paper from her and smiles when he reads what they have written down, "Guess I owe you an orgasm, don't I?
"Or two," she says, raising up her glass at him before she takes a sip, "or three. Or four."
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 27 - When The War Comes [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, guns, knives, sharp objects, stabbing, hallucinations. 
Word Count: 7500
Summary: Who will you become?
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You had to control your anger. You had to control the fire in your veins until you were sure that your niece was safe, that your family was safe, then—
Then you would handle this situation. Until then, it had to wait.
All the training your father had given you was basically screaming at you to attack the threat, but you managed to keep yourself from doing so while you followed him through the woods, paying close attention to your surroundings.
The cabin. This was the way to your father’s cabin in the woods.
You had counted ten armed men on the way here but you had to assume there were more scattered along the woods. You stepped over a tree root before you looked up at the night sky and quickly found the stars that would help you. Thankfully it was a clear night, and your father had taught you long before how to read the sky for direction, in case you needed to-
A shudder went down your spine but you quickly shook your head, you had no time for that fear lurking in your head.
Fear could wait until you made sure you and everyone back home survived.
Considering how your family had no boundaries when it came to you, you were one hundred percent sure that by the time tonight was over, they would arrive at your apartment to see where you were.
“So what is your game here?” you moved your wrists that he had bound the moment you two had reached the end of the road and got off the car to walk into the woods, “You take me there and what? You’ll kill me?”
He looked over his shoulder, “How can you ask me that?” he said and you raised your brows.
“How can I not ask you that?”
At least you could leave a note. Lincoln was just that stupid.
“They’ll come looking for me,” you told him as he rolled his eyes, still pointing the gun at you.
“Who, your boyfriend?”
“He works in the FBI, you fu—“ you had to remember to stop yourself. He had access to Lily, so you knew you had to play it along, even if you barely felt anything other than anger. “Yeah. My boyfriend.”
“You broke up with him once, you can do it again,” he said and pointed at the pen and paper on the kitchen island, “Just write you need some time or whatever, he can see it when he gets here. Less suspicions.”
You grabbed the pen and paper, then clenched your teeth, your mind working nonstop.
“I’m waiting, Y/N.”
You stole a look at him, then leaned in to write on the paper;
I need some time alone.
Ophelia died in a lake, and you hoped that Spencer could make the connection between that and the time you had told him about Lincoln pushing you into the lake by the cabin.
He took a look at the note, then made a face.
“You call him Hamlet?” he said, shaking his head, “I never really liked that play. Let’s go.”
“Do you seriously think I would harm you, in any way?” he asked when you got to the stone stairs leading to the cabin, “I will explain everything once we sit down.”
“Will you untie me?”
“I’m not an idiot,” he answered as you climbed the stairs after him, his grip on your arm almost too tight and you gritted your teeth to stop yourself from coming up with a comeback. You looked up at the cabin, the memory of the last time you were there hitting you out of nowhere and churning your stomach, but you managed not to throw up as he slightly pushed you through the open door.
Don’t be scared, you commanded yourself in your head Fear is useless.
That was one of the things your father had taught you during those predator and prey games. Prey always got scared, which led them to panic, which led them to making mistakes that would cost them their lives.
You were a predator. You had always been a predator, since you were a child, and there was no fucking way Lincoln of all people could turn you into a prey.
He pulled a chair, then motioned at you to sit down.
“Remember, if you try anything…” he said, “If I don’t send the code to my friend—“
“Yeah, you’ll hurt my niece,” you spat, “Some man, aren’t you? Threatening a kid.”
He untied your hands, then pulled them behind the chair and started tying them again, and you raised your brows slightly.
Rather than wrapping the rope around your wrists separately then pulling them together, he was just tying them together, which was a terrible rookie mistake your father would never have done. Escaping from those, especially with a rope was almost easy with enough knowledge, and you slightly widened the gap between your wrists by pressing your thumbs together, not wide enough to make him suspicious but wide enough to give you enough space to move your wrists when you wanted to get rid of the ropes.
Almost everything was automatic at this point, you were following everything your father had made sure to engrave into your mind.
“There, that’s better,” he said and let out a breath, a small smile pulling at his lips, “Hi.”
You tilted your head, looking at him silently.
“That was a bluff by the way. I would never hurt anyone you love, I thought you knew that by now.”
That seemed to distract you from the fury, “What?”
“Everyone that I killed,” he pulled a seat for himself so that he could sit across from you and leaned in slightly, elbows on his knees, “Everyone, that was for you. I did it for you. Don’t you see that? From that childhood friend to your douchebag ex?”
Oh God you were going to be sick.
Spencer was right. You were sitting with the copycat killer back there, at the charity auction.
“I can’t believe you don’t remember,” he ran a hand through his hair, “You told me what was happening, when we were kids. You told me a week before that night in the graveyard, that’s how your father let me come with you both. My parents had drunk too much at your parents’ party— you don’t remember any of that? I was the one who you shared that sacred secret with, no one else, not even your family. It was me.”
“Sacred?” you repeated, “My father was a monster, Lincoln.”
“Don’t say that,” he shook his head, the glare in his eyes sharpening, “Never say that. He…he is way ahead of all of us, if he didn’t get caught he’d be an even bigger legend than he already is. He brought us together.”
“You brought me here by threatening me and you tied me to a chair. My father is a terrible person, but this right here is your choice you fucking asshole.”
“Because I need you to understand,” he nodded to himself, “You will understand.”
“I will understand what?”
“That I did this for us!” he snapped and he swallowed thickly, taking a deep breath, “That I love you.”
A hysterical laugh escaped from your lips and you gawked at him.
“You love me,” you repeated, “You— you have been terrorizing me for months, you killed people, you fucking destroyed my life because you love me?”
“I’ll set you free,” he said, “Free of all these bounds everyone else put you into. I’ve seen your potential back when we were still kids, then after your father was arrested they turned you into something else, some shadow of what you’re capable of. Then I came back and you…” he ran a hand over his face, “You decided to get into an agent’s bed.”
“Don’t even—“
“He would try to change you,” he cut you off, sniffling, “He would, Petal. He would smother you with these stupid ethical rules and all that bullshit, but I’ll— we’ll be free together.”
If your last encounter with your father had taught you anything, it was that delusional killers didn’t exactly react well to a reality check. You moved your hands under the ropes, pulling at them just a little.
You would just have to play along until you were free, then you could be out of there.
The more you know about your prey, your father’s voice echoed in your ears, The easier it will be to take them down.
“How about your girlfriend?”
His head shot up and he shrugged,
“I mean,” he trailed off, “She thinks she’s my girlfriend.”
You gritted your teeth. “Erica,” you said, “Right. My girlfriend doesn’t have the same financial status as we do, huh? My fucking assistant, Lincoln? What did you offer her?”
“Offer her?” he asked, “I didn’t have to offer her anything. Who did you think your father’s outside source was?”
You pulled back slightly and he scoffed a laugh.
“I know,” he said, “She wants to kill you, not that I would ever let her, but she can believe that for the time being. I know you feel betrayed honey—“
“Don’t call me that.”
“But we only need her until a point, after she makes a phone call to get your family off our backs, she will be my gift to you.”
You dug your fingernails into your palms to remind yourself to focus, “Your gift?”
“There’s nothing like killing someone you know,” he dragged the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip, “It’s not like strangers, not at all. That shit’s special, Petal. You’ll see when the time comes.”
Before you could even think of an answer, you heard the footsteps coming closer and the door opened, making you turn your head to see Erica who almost looked intimidated for a moment upon seeing you, but she managed to pull herself together.
“You might want to check out the west team,” she told Lincoln and he paused.
“Can I trust you with this?”
Erica frowned, “You can trust me with anything, you know that,” she said softly and you closed your eyes for a moment, pulling at the ropes tight enough to hurt before you felt it get loose just a little. The rough material of the ropes almost burnt your skin the more you kept moving your hands, but you gritted your teeth, trying to ignore it.
You heard the door close and the lock sliding into its place as you opened your eyes, and saw Erica putting the key into her pocket.
“I like your dress,” she said as she sat down, “Too bad it’ll get bloody.”
“You were my father’s outside source?” you asked, trying to ignore her comment, “You?”
She gave you a bright smile, and rested her arm on the back of the chair, making herself comfortable.
“That’s right.”
“Whatever he’s paying you—“
“He’s not paying me,” she spat as if she was insulted at the implication, “You ungrateful little bitch. I’m doing this because I want to, because I respect him. I believe in what he stands for, not like you would understand.”
“Jesus, you’re one of those freaks,” you muttered to yourself, tugging at the ropes around your wrists, “Serial killer groupie huh?”
“I’m not a groupie,” she spat,  “I respect your father, not just any serial killer. It’s him. No one in your family deserves him, much less you, and—“ she shook her head, “The way you disrespect him and his name…”
“Disrespect him?” you let out a laugh, “Oh that’s rich.”
“He was right, you know?” she said, “Only the smart and strong is supposed to survive in this world, not weak. And he tried to raise you to follow in his footsteps, but you were too weak to do so. He just doesn’t see that.”
You clicked your tongue, “But you see that?”
“If he were my father,” she leaned in, gritting her teeth, “It doesn’t matter. By the time this is over, after I get rid of you and prove myself, he will see me as a daughter. Not you. You’re not strong enough to survive in our world. Lincoln agrees—“
“Lincoln is using you,” you cut her off, “He’s going to get rid of you as soon as he’s done. Let me guess, he told you you could kill me?”
“We’ll make you regret disrespecting father’s name first, then I will kill you, yes.”
“Yeah that’s not gonna happen,” you said, “Face it, you fucking idiot. He’s using you, just like my father is using—“ you didn’t get to finish your sentence when she lunged from her seat and slapped you across the face, her ring splitting your lip. You made a face, and spat out the blood filling your mouth, trying to ignore the sting on your tongue upon biting it.
“You know what?” she asked, “Lincoln always said no for some reason, but if you keep going like that, I can make you hurt really bad.”
“Aw sweetheart, you don’t have enough training for that,” you cooed, “What, you did some google search, looked up my father’s methods and now you think you can torture people? You think that’s how it goes?”
“I didn’t say it’d be physical,” she curled her lips, “You wouldn’t want your family to get hurt, do you?”
Your eyes snapped up to hers, that fire awakening at the pit of your stomach. She tilted her head, obviously pleased with your reaction.
“I suggested Lily instead of your ex….Anthony, was it? I said we should kill her and put her in the middle of your living room back then, but Linc said no. He said it’d hurt your father too.”
A numbness spread over your forehead, then went to the back of your head, reaching your spine as you blinked a couple of times.
“You were going to kill my niece?” you heard yourself ask and Erica crossed her legs.
“I bet that would’ve made you think twice before you disrespected John.”
You could almost feel it. Feel the fury taking over, that anger your father had always insisted you possessed roaring through you until it reached your heart, wrapping itself around it tighter and tighter.
Let the predator come out Petal, your father used to say Let it come out.
You rolled your shoulder back and cracked your neck with your eyes closed, an exact copy of your father as you twisted your hands under the ropes before you opened your eyes again to look at Erica.
“You don’t deserve him,” she insisted, “You all—you all just locked him away and forgot about him until Linc came back, until we started this. He will see soon that blood means nothing, me and Linc are going to be his legacy, not you.”
You tugged a little harder around the knot, then turned your wrist and managed to pull it out of the tight rope even if it scratched the skin over your wrists, making the burn spread over your arm.
“He taught you some stuff, big fucking deal,” she said, “I learned by myself. Without anyone to help me. Without someone else holding my hand.”
You clenched your fists, trying to ignore the throbbing as you slowly pulled your other hand out of the knotted rope.
“Yeah you missed a rule though,” you asked, dragging the tip of your tongue over the dried blood on your lip, “You’re not supposed to make them bleed unless you can kill them.”
Erica pulled her brows together, then a shriek escaped from her lips as soon as you let the rope fall, raising your hands in a mocking manner so that she could see.
“You chose the wrong victim, baby,” you said and she kicked the chair at you, then darted for upstairs, screaming while you just raised your brows, rolling your eyes.
Panic always led to mistakes like these, like rushing to somewhere one couldn’t escape from.
Upstairs was always a bad idea.
You made your way to the kitchen and pulled open the second drawer where your mother used to keep the knives, then grabbed a huge knife before you flipped it in your hand.
“Erica,” you called out, “Get back here, you’re fucking fired!”
She slammed a door upstairs and you scoffed a laugh, adrenaline pulsing through you as you dragged the tip of the knife over the walls, climbing the stairs.
“You know, if you give me the key I might make it quick,” you flipped the knife again, playing with it before you ran it over the steel staircase finial, letting her hear the sharp noise, “No promises though.”
“I know you’re in here,” you sang, looking into the dark. Your father had taught you this long ago, if you couldn’t see, you had to make sure how to listen in the dark to find the location of whoever you wanted to hunt.
You took a deep breath and held it, not even moving a muscle and sure enough, a very faint creak reached your ears and you turned your head.
Second door to the left.
It used to be Mina’s room.
You let out a whistle echoing in the otherwise silent hall, disappearing into the dark before you stood in front of the door and ran the tip of the knife over the wood, almost relishing the slight whimper coming from the other side of the room.
“You were going to go after my family?” your voice rose as you kicked at the door, and Erica let out another scream.
“Oh come on, where’s that strong survivor you’ve been telling me so much about?” you taunted, kicking at the door again but it didn’t open. “Hm? I thought you were going to prove yourself?”
“I-I swallowed the key, I can’t give it to you!”
“Ah well, I guess I’ll have to cut you open!” you shouted and kicked at the door once again and at last, the lock broke with a click and the door swung open, hitting the wall. Erica grabbed the chair closest to her, holding it up.
You flipped the knife in your hand, the grinned and took a step to her, so focused on adrenaline pulsing through your system that you didn’t even notice her eyes focusing on something over your shoulder until it was too late. Before you could even turn around, someone pulled you back, expertly avoiding the knife by bending your arm back and pressed a cloth over your mouth and nose, that sharp scent making you gag.
A tingling reached your head and that fuzzy warmth reached the back of your head, then closed your eyes shut.
You had no idea how long it took you out, but when you opened your eyes, it was still night. You grabbed at the side of your head and sat up in the bed, the whole room spinning around you.
Your childhood bedroom. You were in your childhood bedroom in the cabin.
“Hey,” Lincoln’s voice reached you and you turned your head to see him leaning on the doorframe.
That was a mistake. Of course that was a mistake, and you couldn’t even believe yourself just how stupid you had been to act so careless.
“Easy, chloroform messes you up,” Lincoln said, “I’d stay in the bed for a while if I were you. You can’t attack anyone like this, you know?”
You weren’t supposed to follow your dad’s example in a situation like this. There was a reason why he was locked away, a reason why people had caught up with what he was doing, he was way too impulsive, way too destructive in terms of physical means. You had been so focused on protecting your family and going after the nearest threat that you had forgotten who you were.
You weren’t just your father’s daughter, you were also your mother’s.
And this right here? It wasn’t your father’s expertise yet, his time would come when you would have to fight your way out.
It was your mother’s.
It was time to channel her, not your father.
“What happened?” you asked and Lincoln heaved a sigh, then pushed himself off the doorframe.
“You went after Erica,” he said, “She’s pretty shaken, but I told you Petal. You need to be patient, we just need her up to a point. After that, she’s all yours.”
You narrowed your eyes and slowly swung your legs over the edge of the bed, running a hand through your hair.
“And how much longer will I be subjected to this humiliation of yours? Can you give me an exact time or should I just wait here?”
He stared at you for a moment, trying to understand what you meant and you just arched a brow, a look of completely nonchalant sneer flashing over your face, the exact same expression you had seen on your mother countless times.
“I’ll take this silence as a no.”
“Humiliation?” he repeated, “When- how did I humiliate you?”
“How did you humiliate me?” you scoffed a laugh, “Are you serious right now?”
Jesus, your head was absolutely killing you but you had to focus.
“I’d never humiliate you, I love you.”
“Yeah yeah,” you waved a dismissive hand in the air, “You love me, we’re supposed to be together. I guess I’ll have to take your word for it while ignoring your actions, is that it?”
“My actions? Y/N—“
“So you bring me in here,” you cut him off, glaring at him, “You give me this whole speech about how you’d do anything for me, how we’re—we’re meant to be, and then you leave me in the same room with your ex so that she can boast about you? How you two are in love, how you two are together?”
“I told you, we just need her until—“
“That’s your love?” you interrupted him again and pushed yourself to stand up, crossing your arms while looking him dead in the eye, “Is that the proof of your love? Rubbing your girlfriend on my face? All the while she talks about how you two are going to be my father’s legacy together, like I don’t exist?”
“She just thinks that, I made her think that so that we can use her—“
“And then,” you said through your teeth, “You stop me and knock me out while I’m going after her to get rid of her?” you clapped your hands slowly, “Yeah. Proclamation of love right there Linc, congratulations.”
He licked his lips, obviously taking aback. “Y/N, we need her for now.”
“Mm hm, exactly,” you shot him a sweet smile “Looks like you need her a lot.”
“Not like that,” he shook his head, “Not what you think, I swear. She’s nothing.”
“No, I think she’s not nothing,” you clicked your tongue, “I think you formed some sort of attachment to your prey—“
“I didn’t!”
“Because you grew soft for her, and now you’re confused whether you want me more or her.”
He strode to you in three steps and pulled you closer, tilting your head up, and you had to command yourself not to make a face.
“I want you,” he said, “I always have, you know that.”
He groaned, “Y/N-“
“No, it’s fucking bullshit.” You pushed his hands away, and searched your mind for the final nail on the coffin.
“Did you sleep with her?”
The expression on Lincoln’s face shifted and he averted his eyes.
“Did you? While you were in love with me, while you knew that we were meant to be, did you or did you not sleep with her?”
“You slept with that agent,” he shot back and you shook your head.
“I didn’t know you would do anything for me,” you insisted, “I had no idea—you said you had a girlfriend, I barely remember anything from my childhood let alone sharing so much with you and you didn’t tell me. But you knew,” you dug your finger into his chest, “You knew everything and you kept it hidden from me, so answer me this, did you sleep with her? While you knew you were in love with me?”
He swallowed thickly and opened his mouth, then closed it again, and you took a step back, trying to look heartbroken.
“Wow. You actually did.”
“Listen to me, she doesn’t mean anything, I swear to you. It was just to manipulate—“
“Get out of my room.”
He frowned, “What?”
“Get the fuck out of my room and leave me alone until you’re ready to show me you actually love me.”
“You don’t mean that,” he started and took a step towards you, but you grabbed the nearest object which turned out to be one of your old dusty plushies and threw it to him.
“Get out!” you yelled and he took a step back, raising his hands.
“I’ll… I’ll come back when you’re calmer,” he said and closed the door behind him, and you lost your balance, falling on your knees.
People were just so easy to manipulate, thanks to your mother.
“Okay,” you whispered to yourself, “Thanks mom, time for dad’s turn.”
You reached under your bed to take a look at the secret compartment that your dad used to make you put your knives, but it was of course empty. Lincoln was stupid when it came to you, but he wasn’t a complete idiot, apparently. You pushed yourself off your knees and stood up, then closed your eyes and focused on your breathing, trying to clear your mind.
Your father had taught you this long before, in every room, there was something you could use as a weapon or turn into one.
You took a deep breath, exhaled it and opened your eyes.
It would have to be something precise, Lincoln had a point, you were in no shape to get into an actual fight with him. So you would need something sharp, and something that you could hide in either your sleeve or somewhere easily reachable. Something that Lincoln wouldn’t see until the next time.
You could tear down the bed to get to the bed springs, but it would take a long time and there was the danger of him walking in on you.
There was a chair and your post-its, some tape, small notebooks by the corner, hair ties and a music box on the desk in front of the window—
The music box.
The music box had a mirror.
“There you are,” you muttered to yourself as you took the music box, then grabbed the tape and your hair ties. You checked the door, then sat down, covered the mirror with the long skirt of your dress, then pushed on it with your elbow until you heard the small noise of the mirror breaking. You pulled back and uncovered it, then grabbed the longest shard, ripped out a couple of pages from your notebook and started taping it around the shard before you wrapped your hair ties around it so as not to let it slip or hurt your hand.
By the time you heard Lincoln’s footsteps coming upstairs, you had spent almost an hour preparing your weapon. You looked up, then closed the music box and put it back before tucking your newly made weapon under the lacy sleeve of your dress, and got on the bed, leaned your back to the bedframe and crossed your arms.
“Petal?” Lincoln called out and you gritted your teeth and turned your head when he peeked his head in.
“Hey, do you want to join me for some food downstairs?”
You narrowed your eyes, “Depends. Will your girlfriend be joining us?”
“I knocked her out and put her in your dad’s basement,” Lincoln said, “She will stay there until you feel like getting rid of her, and I won’t stand in your way this time. Okay?”
He offered you his hand and you eyed it, then pushed it away and managed to stand up on your own.
“Still dizzy?”
“A little,” you confessed, “Still angry too.”
Lincoln chuckled and heaved a sigh, “We need to talk about this jealousy of yours babe.”
You managed to control your expression and ignored him as you went downstairs. The rug was pulled to the side so that you could see the hidden door to the basement, but it was closed. You looked at the table in the middle of the living room that was covered in food, and there was a vase of jasmine flowers between the lit candles. You were still sure that you couldn’t engage in an actual fight until the chloroform was completely out of your system, but you didn’t have to worry about it since Lincoln seemed not to put any knives on the table. Your dad’s old vinyl was playing by the corner, the soothing melody creating a complete contrast with what was happening.
“A dance before dinner?” he asked you, “Come on. That dress needs to be used in a dance, don’t you think?”
You thought for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders and took his hand, then wrapped your arms around his neck as he pressed his hands to the small of your back, pulling you closer before you started swaying with the melody.
You just needed an exact time for him to lower his defenses completely, because you only had one shot at this.
Stab the prey, twist the knife, pull it back and watch them bleed.
“You have no idea how much I waited for this,” he said, “When I was in Italy, I would….dream of this at night.”
You didn’t answer, you just made sure to keep your wrist at an angle so that the mirror shard wouldn’t slip.
“And when I came back and saw you for the first time in that red gown…” he murmured, “I thought I would drop dead. You were even more beautiful than I pictured.”
“Why didn’t you tell me back then?” you asked absentmindedly and he shrugged.
“I didn’t know how you would react.”
“And all those people who died?”
“Some of them were diversion,” he said, “Some of them were chosen. I promised myself no one could make you sad, ever. I would’ve killed that agent too if he was the one to break up with you, but then you said it was your choice, and… I don’t know. I thought it’d raise suspicions.”
He had considered killing Spencer.
Goosebumps rose on your skin but you reminded yourself to stay calm and focus, you had already slipped once because of your anger, you wouldn’t get a second chance.
“What about Anthony?” you asked, “You killed him… was it to frame me?”
“God no,” he said, shaking his head, “Of course not. Erica thought it was revenge for how you were treating John, but I wanted to make you remember how it felt to be in the scene of your father’s doing, how….how powerful it made you feel. I thought that would make you see how everyone around you was trying to make you into something you’re not. Deep down, Y/N, you’re just like me. That’s why we will be legends.”
A bitter taste appeared at the back of your throat and you swallowed thickly.
“And my father?”
“He knew we were supposed to be together,” he said, “He knew you would need a…companion in this. Us, free together. That’s why your father failed, because he couldn’t share who he was with your mother. It won’t happen with us, ever.”
Stab the prey, twist the knife, pull it back and watch them bleed.
You moved your wrist so that the shard could slip low enough for you to hold it and Lincoln leaned in slightly, his eyes closing.
“I love you,” he whispered against your lips and you smiled.
“Oh Lincoln,” you murmured, your heart beating in your ears, “You should’ve known better.”
With that, you drove the shard right into his stomach, making him gasp and open his eyes. Betrayal was written all over his face, it was very clear he hadn’t expected it as you twisted the shard, making him lose his breath before you pulled it back, blood splashing over your face and your dress. You shoved him, making him lose his balance and fall down, taking the coffee table with him, causing some noise and as if on cue, Erica started screaming his name from the basement.
“Erica, shut up before I come down there and break your fucking neck!” you called out and the screaming stopped.
“Thank you,” you said and turned to grin at Lincoln who was breathing hard, his face pale.
“Oh don’t worry, you won’t die right away,” you said, “Dad taught me that one, ages ago. I stabbed you in the stomach, and it’s a pretty thin shard, so it’s not the blood loss that will kill you. It’ll be the toxic shock, because right now everything in your stomach including acid is contaminating your system. Should be fun, huh?”
“Why did you—“ he coughed, and you snapped your fingers.
“Hold that thought, I gotta get something from the kitchen,” you said and walked to the kitchen to open the drawers, then grabbed some knives and scissors before you want back to the living room, “Yeah, you were saying?”
“We’re meant to be,” he managed to say, trying to breathe and you hopped on the table before you cut the floor length skirt, ripping it out.
If you were going to run through the woods, you needed to be in something you could easily move and fight in.
“Nah we’re not,” you said, “You’re delusional, that’s it.”
“See, I could’ve gone easy on you,” you said, wrapping the cloth around your injured wrist, “Really. I could’ve just escaped and handed you to the FBI and be done with it, but no. You two had to bring my family and Spencer into this so now,” you tut-tutted, “Now you get to suffer.”
“He doesn’t understand you,” he said, pressing on the wound and leaning his head back to the wall, “He never will, not like I do. We’re meant to get rid of every weak person in the world, everyone who deserves to die.”
You let out a laugh, now wrapping the cloth around your knuckles, “Uh huh.”
“You’re meant to be the legacy.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just meant to be a wedding planner,” you pointed at him with the knife and walked to him to grab the key from his pocket, then you pulled his boots off his feet, took off your heels and started getting into his boots.
“Petal, we’re supposed to be together.”
“Because my insane sadistic father said so?”
“Because I know you.”
You looked up from the boots you were tying as tight as possible, “Hm? You know me?”
“I do.”
You put two of the knives in each boot and jumped down to rock on the balls of your feet, trying to see if you could move well.
“That’s your first mistake buddy,” you said, now wrapping the rope over your boots, “See if you knew me, you wouldn’t be so careless, would you? You took me here and what? You didn’t think I’d kill my way out? You didn’t think I’d turn you and your serial killer groupie partner into my prey?” You pulled at the rope, “Honestly, you two fucked with the wrong legacy.”
“I don’t—“
“My father raised me to be unstoppable,” you said, “And apparently you know that. So you should’ve considered that it’d take more than two copycats to take me down, and—“ a manic laughter escaped from your lips, “Did you seriously think you could beat me at my own fucking game?”
He coughed, making a face and closed his eyes.
“You have hours until you die, but if I make it out on time, maybe I’ll send some medics here. Maybe. Depends on if I feel merciful, who knows?” you grinned, “Your survival depends on my mood, isn’t that ironic?”
“There are ten men between here and your weekend house, you’d never make it out.”
“I’m not going north,” you said and Lincoln frowned.
“South? That’s just woods.”
“No, it’s a longer way than north, but there’s a road at the end. Dad once made me find my way through the woods.”
“You can’t leave me behind,” he coughed again, “We’re meant to be together. We’re meant to work together and kill together, that’s our love story.”
You pursed your lips, then grabbed a jasmine from the vase and walked towards him.
“Even if I wanted to follow in that monster’s footsteps,” you said, looking down at him, “Even if I wanted a companion, it wouldn’t be you. You’re fucking dead weight, Linc. You don’t have what it takes.”
With that, you let the flower drop on him, unlocked the door and stepped outside, the chill air filling your lungs. After looking around to see whether it was safe, you went to the back of the house, and looked up at the stars, calculating which way to go.
Then, you tied your hair up and started running.
As it turned out, Lincoln had fewer men on the south of the woods, but there were still people. You had gotten rid of two of them and tied them up with the rope you had taken with you, but it would take one mistake for them to drag you back to the cabin, so you couldn’t take any risks.
You heard the faint noise of a radio and looked over your shoulder, then climbed up to the nearest tree, keeping as silent as possible. The light of a flashlight soon lit up under you and a man came into your view.
“South number five is clear,” he said into the radio and as soon as he put it into his pocket, you jumped down silently, standing behind him for a moment before you smacked his head into the tree, making him pass out. You unwrapped a part of the rope and tied his hands and feet before you stuck the cloth around your arm into his mouth so that when he woke up he wouldn’t be able to ask for help. You let out a breath and walked deeper into the woods, but as soon as you jumped over a tree root, someone grabbed you by the hair and slammed you head first into the tree. A ringing echoed in your ears, getting louder and louder but you managed to pull the knife from your boot and drive it into his leg, making him grunt and you used your whole body weight to turn around with his arm around you, popping it out of its socket and he dropped you with a yelp, kicking you in the ribs and a fire spread from your ribs into your whole body, making you stop the scream at the last minute.
“You fucking bitch-“ he said but as soon as he grabbed you again, you managed to push yourself up and grab the rest of the rope you had left. You kicked him back and jumped on his back, wrapping the rope around his neck as he tried to get you off.
“I’m not killing you you fucking idiot!” you grit out as he slammed back into the tree to get you off, “I’m making you pass out, that’s all!”
Soon enough, he dropped to his knees and fell to the ground while you tried to catch your breath, but everything hurt. You wiped at the blood that was seeping from the cut on your forehead, drenching your face and your dress but managed to tie him up and get away from him.
It didn’t take you long though. It felt like the whole forest was spinning around you and you felt someone pulling the ground from under your feet before you fell back, your eyes closing.
You had no idea how long you stayed there unconscious but the unmistakable sound of a shot being fired made you open your eyes with a gasp as you winced at the pain pulsing through your whole body.
“It doesn’t sound so good.”
You slowly turned your head to see your father sitting by the tree, his arms crossed and you let out a groan.
“Is this hell?” you asked, “I just died and it’s hell, right? There’s no way I’m hallucinating about you.”
“You didn’t die yet,” your father said as he looked at the way the shot was fired. “I assume you didn’t search for Lincoln’s gun before you walked out of the cabin?”
“Lincoln can’t move,” you said and your father tut-tutted.
“Erica could move just fine the last you saw her though.”
“Shit.” You closed your eyes for a moment and your father heaved a sigh.
“So what do we have here?” he said, “Head injury, concussion, loss of blood, and that guy over there just broke a rib or two, right?”
“Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, you wouldn’t stand a chance against someone coming at you with a gun when you’re like this.”
You swallowed thickly, your eyes burning.
“I can’t move,” you managed to say through your teeth, “It hurts.”
“Does it hurt enough to kill you? Because that’s what will happen if she and her men find you here.”
You tried to blink back the tears, “What if it’s supposed to end this way?”
“Supposed to end this way?” your father stood up and glared down at you, “Petal, I didn’t spend years to train you just so that you could die in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Get up.”
“Dad, I tried to survive, okay?” you said, “I tried—”
“Well, that’s not enough right now, is it though?” he asked and snapped his fingers, “You’re a survivor, your mother and I made sure of that. Stop acting like a prey, get up.”
“Get up!” his voice shot through your head and you opened your eyes again, coughing, that ringing in your ears due to the pain blocking out everything but the gunshot that sounded much closer than before. You dug your fingernails into your palms and pulled yourself up by grabbing at the nearest tree, then wiped the blood off your face again.
“Okay,” you muttered to yourself, “Okay, Stop acting like a prey. Which way to go?”
You looked up at the night sky and found the star you were looking for before you started making your way through the forest, even if it felt like you could pass out any second. You had no idea how long you had been walking when all of a sudden the brightness of flashlight entered your vision, making you hold your breath and grab the handle of your knife tighter, thinking that it was Lincoln and Erica’s men.
It was only when you saw a very familiar face wearing an FBI vest that you let out the breath you were holding, the knife slipping from your grip.
“Spencer?” you rasped out and he just stared at you before he started running to you.
“You’re alive,” he managed to say before he pulled you into a tight hug, making you wince in pain. He pulled back immediately, his hands cradling your head.
“Are you—“
He didn’t get to finish that sentence. It happened in less than a second, but the sound of a gunshot that rang through the forest echoed in your ears before blood splattered over his face, making you stumble as if someone pushed you from behind.
“Why is there blood?” you managed to ask before a fire spread through your chest, taking your breath away and Spencer’s eyes widened as he lowered them to the gunshot wound bleeding on your chest. Everyone ran past you, yelling something into the radio and shooting their guns at someone behind you while the fire made its way through your whole system, the ringing in your ears getting worse.
The last thing you remembered was Spencer catching you before you hit the ground but whatever he was saying to you got drowned out in the loud noise of the helicopter flying above you. The lights of it got brighter and brighter before a warmth pulled you out of the pain and surrounded you.
Then everything went black.
Chapter 28
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
longing stares ; august walker x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count — 5,515 words
summary — in which august walker made the mistake of hurting the love of his life — thinking he had the upper hand, but in reality it hurts him even more than he cares to admit.
warnings — SMUT, unprotected penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), handjob, degradation? angst?? fluff? swear words, august talking down/shit about another boy, window sex
pairing — august walker x fem!reader
summary — in which august walker made the mistake of hurting the love of his life — thinking he had the upper hand, but in reality it hurts him even more than he cares to admit.
a/n — DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, so this was inspired by this post, but i wanted to twist it up a bit to fit the song that inspired me to write,,, so i hope it turned out alright :> feedback is very much appreciated! 
tagging — @cruelfvkingsummer​
masterlist | series masterlist
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The pencil that he balanced between his fingers snapped into two as he saw a sleazy employee's frail hands touch her shoulders affectionately. At first the Hammer found it foolish when Sloane told him his personal office would have two-way mirrors for walls; but now he was more than thankful for it as he was sitting down behind his desk because it allowed him to watch the scene unfold without them knowing about his intense stare at them. His piercing gaze would have buried this son of a bitch who dared touch what’s his as she was burying herself with work.
Well, what was his to be more accurate. But his brain couldn’t fully absorb that fact as his fingers were hastily sending a text to Benji that he was sending someone over to his department and to keep the idiot busy for as long as it took. Leaving his phone on the table, he didn’t bother to wait for a reply as he sauntered over to the outside of his office and opened the door as he called out, “Jonathan, Benji needs you in his department. Something about a malfunctioning gadget.” The brunette pointed to himself as he wondered, “Me? My name’s Joshua.”
“In case I haven’t made it clear, I don’t care about your name, John, I just need you to get over down and check out the malfunctioning device — and I’m not talking about your brain.” Y/N gasped out loud at what August said, for it was unusual for him to talk shit about others; she could only watch Joshua as he excused himself to go to the 30th floor where he was being called for.
Once he vanished within her line of sight, she brought her eyes to look at August who had a stern expression on his face, “You, in my office. Now.” As his voice left no room for questions, she stood up from her chair and entered his all too familiar work space. “What the hell was that about, Walker?” Her hands rested on her hips as she raised her voice at him once he came in too after closing the door to give them privacy. “What was what, princess?”
He mimicked her by placing his hands on his hips too; but he didn’t have the combination of a frown and pout that she had, instead there was a smirk on his lips. “You don’t get to call me that,” Even though she loved the way the nickname rolled off his tongue and how it was reserved solely for her, she now hated how it just served as a reminder of their past, “Not anymore, Walker. So cut the shit and answer my question”
Bobbing his Adam's apple up and down, August was cursing with how cold and serious she was being. “I didn’t like the way he was getting too close with you,” There was no reason for him to fabricate a lie so he decided to just tell the truth. “Well that’s rich,” She scoffed as she crossed her arms against her chest and looked at him with disgust, “You decide you don’t want me and yet no one else gets to have at least a chance with me?”
His brain interpreted what she said differently as he slowly moved towards her, speaking dangerously low, “Yes, princess, that’s exactly what it means. No one in this fucking world gets you, because you’re all mine. I don't care if they're a rookie in the CIA or some royalty. They will have to kill me before they get to you.” If it were someone else, they would have shivered in fear once they were backed against a wall by a trained, skilled CIA agent who has planted his hands on the wall by her torso, caging her in. But not Y/N because she knew two things — one, he would never harm her, not in a way she wouldn’t enjoy. And two, she was his weakness. 
“I’m not yours, Walker,” From a venomous tone she shifted to a calmer one which surprised the man as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “You made it extremely clear that night about how what we had doesn’t mean anything to you.”
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It was a miracle that August managed to open his apartment door as his focus was on leaving his marks on her neck. “Hated seeing him so close to you,” He growled without his lips leaving her skin as his foot closed the door. Lifting her up over his shoulders made her squeal, more so when he smacked her ass while he effortlessly brought the two of them to his bedroom. Y/N bounced slightly as she was dropped on his comfortable mattress.
Large hands ripped her dress in two and revealed the black lingerie set she had hiding underneath her office clothes. “You trying to kill me, princess?” August husked out as he tore his own dress shirt off before spreading her legs, thumb rubbing against her clothed core, “Princess, you’re staining through the thin cloth.” Sliding the cotton material off of her, he brought it to his nose and smelt her arousal before throwing it off the bed. Every time they ended up in his place, he sneakily hid her underwear so he could jack off to them when they aren't together.
Y/N gasped out as she felt his moustache tickle her skin as his lips left kisses on his ascent to her. A toothy grin was plastered on both their faces. His fingertips graze the under band of her bra, “As much as I love this bra,” August unhooked it and threw on the floor as his lips enveloped her breast as his hand grabbed and played with the other, “I’d rather see your body in all its glory.”
Her hands tangled in his hair as she arched her back, feeding more of her flesh to him. “Fuck bear, more please,” She moaned out loud when his tongue drew circles around her nipple before biting on the pebble. Pulling away from her tit, August smirked at her blissed out state as he undid his pants, sliding it off him as his cock sprung out. “And why were you going commando today, bear?”
Kissing her lips passionately so her smirk would be wiped off, he rubbed the tip of his cock on her slit, “Because I wanted to tease you at work,” Her mewls of need fueled his ego, her hands were clawing at his ass as she was trying to guide his cock in her hole. “What’s the magic word, princess?”
“Please! Please bear, need you so bad,” As soon as she whined out the final word August slid his cock right in her; velvet and warm walls welcomed his cock by gripping onto him tightly that it made him struggle to thrust in or out of her. Her grasp on his ass didn’t take and if anything it made her just dig her nails againdt the skin even harder, which only added to both of their pleasure.
Ruthlessly, August ripped both her hands from his plump ass to lay them above her head, his hands forbidding her to move them around His other hand lifted her leg, resting it on his shoulder, which allowed him to reach even deeper. “You like how deep I can reach in you?” Each word was accompanied by a harsh thrust to every word; her moans brought pride to his chest for they both knew he was the only one who could pleasure her this well. 
“Tell me, princess, tell me how much you like it when I fuck you,” The vein on his neck became even more prominent as he growled at her. Feeling the vibrations of his growl against her lips just made her glaze even more of her juices in his cock; a firm swat on her thigh had her focusing on his command, “You fuck me so good, bear,” She gasped out when his cock poked her sensitive flesh which made her an even more out of focus, “Only you can make me feel this good, bear. Want no one but you.”
Her words paired with the way her walls clamped down on his cock pushed him right over the edge; both of them gasped out when August pulled out of her cunt and let go of her hands. Before getting to question what he was up to, he leaned down until he was face to face with her cunt, quickly inserting his tongue on her pussy.
“Oh fuck, please bear, please rub my clit,” Graciously, his thumb rubbed on her clit as his other hand jerked his cock off while he shook his head side to side, driving his tongue even deeper in her. “Cum for me, princess,” Convulsing upon feeling the tremors of his words on her mound, she could only grab onto his head to grind her closer to her as she relaxed her body as she came.
“There’s my good girl,” He praised her while lapping her juices and drinking it all up. Opening her eyes once she felt herself significantly calmed down, she whimpered upon seeing his cum-covered moustache and red cock that was red and aching to cum. Sitting up, she moved closer to him and wrapped one hand on his balls while the other stroked the length of his cock, “Coat me in your cum, bear. Please, bear?” The innocence her eyes held contradicted the way she spoke and jerked him off sultrily — which made him throw his head back as he spilled his cum on her hands. 
Giving kitten licks on the tip of his cock prolonged his orgasm as he stroked her hair lovingly; once he let out all of his cum, Y/N licked some of the cum that spilled between her fingertips. Smiling widely, she looked up at him and opened her mouth to show how she had drank up all he had to give. Patting her head gently he praised her again, “Such a good girl for me, princess.” He kneeled beside her before taking her in his arms before collapsing beside her, August cuddled her close to him as she moved around to face him. Her finger was tracing over his jawline as they both silently cherished the post orgasmic haze they both were in. He loved being with her this way — loved the way their bodies worked in tandem. But they weren’t just a great pair in bed, Y/N was one of the few capable and intelligent employees Hammer has met. Though he often displayed a tough exterior, he could easily show her as well a vulnerable side of him.
There was an instance wherein she accidentally barged in on his night of wallowing in self-pity with the intention of fucking so she could release tension, she was instead faced with a sorrowful August. That night, she made it clear to him that he didn’t have to open up to him if he was uncomfortable. She just wanted to be there for him, even if they just both drank in silence, just so he wouldn’t be alone with his thoughts.
He did end up letting her in and voicing out what was going on in his mind. Upon taking it all in she made it clear that he wasn’t the villain he made himself out to be. “You are not defined by what you have done,” Concern was laced on her voice that night as she held her face with gentle hands, “You were asked to do so in order to guarantee the safety of the whole damn world. If anything, it’s us who doesn’t deserve you.”
Just as he was about to rebut what she said, Y/N sweetly pecked his lips to shut him up right away, “Never talk shit about yourself, bear. You’re a great person and I would be more than glad to help you realize so.” From then on every time he entered his office there would be a sticky note taped on his desktop screen where she wrote something great about him.
“What are you smiling about?” He wondered as her lingering hand settled on his cheek, rubbing the prickled skin. “Just thinking about you,” Her vague answer just had him even more curious than he already was. It wasn’t unusual for the two of them to be quiet after sex, but there was something about the way she was looking at him and the way her touch seemed gentler, softer.
“What about me?” It was a rhetorical question, he didn’t expect any answer from her. So imagine his surprise when she mindlessly confessed, “I love you, August.” 
Sitting up against the headboard he stared at her with bewilderment evident on his face, “What the fuck did you say?” Clutching the blanket to hide her nudity, Y/N could not help but feel vulnerable and exposed as she sat up to level with him, “You heard me, August, loud and clear. I told you I love you.”
It was like a dagger pierced through her heart as he rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed as he rummaged through his drawers and grabbed a tank top and sweatpants, “I call bullshit on that.” Offense and hurt overcame her entire being as she hastily dressed herself up as well, “And why do you call bullshit on that?”
“Because it’s not real!” He shouted as he turned to face her shocked face; he has never raised his voice to or in front of her. Part of her was terrified — she didn’t know what he would do in a confrontational situation like this. Sensing her startled state, he then spoke in a lower tone, “The love that you feel for me, isn’t real. It’s just in your head, you’re just coming down from your high.”
Enraged she chewed him out, “Why are you invalidating what I feel? I know in myself that I love you!” Shaking his head no, August crossed his arms as he challenged, “We’re just friends! Fuck, we’re just colleagues!”
As soon as the words left his lips he could see the effect it had on her for her tears were threatening to leave her eyes and it caused him to feel as though someone had squeezed his heart roughly. “Do friends do what we do?”
Her weak voice made him feel even more bad than he already was but he still couldn’t stop himself from being an ass, “Friends with benefits do.” She smacked his chest as she yelled out in frustration, “I’m not just talking about the sex, idiot! I’m talking about whether a friend comforts you everytime you feel pity for yourself? Would a friend clean up your bruises and cuts after a hard mission? Or when I make sure you have enough homemade meals, what am I to you then?”
“Nothing,” The way he said it so casually and without a second thought should have scared her; and it did, “It doesn’t mean anything to me. You’re not mine nor are you my girlfriend.” That was the final nail in her coffin — the rude awakening that while she was out here going out of her way to make him feel loved and appreciated but he would never do the same for her, or so she thought.
“Okay then,” She shakily sighed out, “I’ll see myself out.” Bending down to grab her discarded purse but not before saying, “I’m sorry for wasting your time, Walker.” Not bear or August, he called her what everyone else did. It was a painful reminder of something he had lost and not appreciated enough. It was for her own good, he thought, she doesn’t deserve to be with a monster like myself. 
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His hands abandoned his position against the wall as he recalled his harsh dismissal of her, “We aren’t together, in any shape or form. You made it very clear that night.” Taking advantage of the gap he created between them as he stepped back from her, she walked away from his office before he had a chance to say anything. Sitting down on his office chair he banged both his fists on the desk, which made all the objects in it jump slightly before coming back down. Deciding that he had enough for the day, he hastily collected his belongings before exiting the office to head home. 
As he got on his motorcycle, he remembered how firm her arms clung around his waist every time she rode with him. She feared falling on the vehicle and despite August’s repeated promises that he wouldn't ever let that happen to her; secretly, he loved it when she pressed her frame firmly against his back. It made him feel loved and appreciated — and that wasn’t the only time or her only way to let him feel so.
Turning off the engine as he parked, he trotted up to his apartment and once the door opened he took in the messy state of it. Ever since her exit, he neglected to take care of it because he wasn’t impressing her anymore. Besides, he fears that once he does organize his flat he just might find more relics of their shared time. 
Quickly showering the day’s dirt, he then laid down on his bed with a hand behind his head as subconsciously — or purposely if his brain decided to torture him as well — his would often replay what happened during these quiet, lonely moments of the night. And without fail, it always gives him the urge to smack himself for breaking her that way. Truth is she was everything he wanted and needed. Upon meeting her, he knew he wanted to change for the better just so he would be deemed worthy enough to be with her. There was something about her being magnificent in her own account that made him feel inferior to her.
It also didn’t help that he had never been in a serious relationship before; he often went for hookups and one night stands since his fear of commitment did not allow him to easily open up to anyone. But with her it was as if it was his instinct to tear down the facade he displayed to the world. “I love her,” He came to that conclusion and it shook him to his core.
Before closing his eyes to enter a state of unconsciousness, he then decided that he would confess what he felt to her, beg for her forgiveness, and ask for a chance to start a relationship with her. “Gonna do whatever it takes,” He promised to himself with a smile before pictures of him with Y/N clouded his dreams. 
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The moment he stepped foot on his floor, he noticed how Y/N wasn’t in her cubicle. Maybe I’ll talk to her after work, he thought to himself as he entered his office and busied himself with work.
Y/N knew it was an atrocious idea — one that could backfire in her face — but something about yesterday’s encounter with August fueled her to do so. It was nearing four in the afternoon when Joshua stopped by her cubicle to ask her once again if she wanted to hang out with him; in all fairness, he was a nice guy. But once you’ve had a taste of gold in your life, you would never settle for a nickel.
“So Y/N, I was wondering maybe we could grab dinner after this? I know this great restaurant that just opened a couple blocks from here,” The brunette nervously suggested as he leaned against her post. Not sure if August was seeing the whole exchange, she decided to stand beside him as she trailed her hand to his forearm as she sweetly smiled at him, “Yeah? What do they serve?”
Cue Joshua nervously rambling about the menu and ambiance of the restaurant as a Hammer prepared to nail down his mark on his woman. The moment he saw the sleazy boy once again drop by her cubicle, he was closely monitoring the situation and was more than displeased to observe how his woman flirted back at him. The fucking audacity you have, princess, He thought as he sauntered over there.
Gasps were emitted from both Y/N and Joshua when August stormed in to interrupt their discussion— pushing the brunette away as he pulled Y/N in for a searing kiss, ending their conversation. With his hands pressed against her cheeks, he poked his tongue on her lips as he demanded she let him in; and he could not help but smirk when she rested her hands on his arms, not pushing him away and instead feeling more of him, while she parted her lips to welcome his tongue without hesitance. 
Pulling away from their kiss, August placed a few more pecks on her lips before placing an arm on her lower back before arrogantly turning to Joshua, “Sorry pal, I don’t think the memo has reached you, so I’ll just make it crystal clear for you — Y/N is my woman so you better steer clear from here unless you want an excuse to use your health insurance.”
Nervous gulping down and walking away from her cubicle was how Joshua rescinded to the situation; while August led Y/N into his personal office despite the gasps and stares of the other employees. Right now, he didn’t give a damn about their gossiped hunches for his princess tested his patience.
““What the hell was that about, princess?” He angrily asked as he turned to her with a stern expression as he rested a hand on his hip. Opposite him was a smirking woman who threw him the same answer she was given when they talked, “What was what, Walker?”
Realizing how the tables have turned, he exhaled through his nose in order to remain calm before huskily explaining how he saw things, “What were you thinking when you grazed his arm,” To emphasize, he ran a hand in her forearm to reenact how she sensually touched the other boy, “But you know what I find the most interesting? Was the way you eagerly kissed me back; do you know what that was all about?”
His breath touched her cheek having walked up right in front of her; this distracted her for a bit as her brain scrambled to formulate an explanation for her actions. “Well?” August lifted a brow as he slightly moved his head, prompting her to answer the question.
“I don’t know what that was, bear.” Despite her timid answer, he heard it loud and clear. But what really pleased him was the fact that she didn’t use his name rather she used the nickname she graced him that one time Y/N poked fun about how hairy he was since he refuses to shave his chest hair and moustache.
“So you had no idea as to why you touched him like that when you know for a fact that you belong to me,” He clarified to her as he tilted her chin up with the other hand that wasn’t resting on his hip to get her to look at him. 
“How many times do I have to make it clear to you that I do not fucking belong to you; that is what you said to me, right?” Her bold facade quickly disappeared as he grabbed her arms, walking towards the window. Making her turn to face the window, he pressed her cheek against the glass window, “Well I’m gonna fucking remind you that you belong to me and only me.”
Rough fingertips lifted her skirt, leaving the velvet bunched up around her waist, and ripped her panties to shove it in her mouth, “Don’t need you speaking if all that’s gonna leave your dumb mouth is you don’t belong to me. You’re not gonna speak unless you state my claim on you.”
A muffled whine was all she could let out as she nodded when her pussy welcomed two of his thick fingers that were ruthlessly slamming in and out of her. His other hand creeped towards her clit as he alternated between rubbing and pinching on the hardened nub. “Can you feel your cunt dripping? This is how your body reacts to me because you want me so bad.”
With the hand that was previously on her nub, he tore her blouse open and fondled a breast, “Such a naughty princess, not wearing any bra,” Pulling on her nipple elicited a prolonged moaned as she rested her forehead against the window, “Were you planning this the whole time?”
The answer she let out was obscure with her mind fuzzy from the way his fingers were hammering in and out of her mercilessly while he helped her remain on her feet by having a firm hold on her boob. “You’re still the needy princess I know you are.”
August smirked at how she let out a pathetic moan when he pulled his fingers out of her for it proved he was right. Palms resting against the cold glass, she turned her head around and watched as he lowered his zipper to pull his cock out. “Do you even deserve to have my cock?”
Nodding her head and up down was all the response she could give him as he continued to degrade her, “I don’t think you do,” To amp up his teasing, he rubbed the tip of his cock from her clit down to her opening multiple times; causing her legs to shake in need as she moved her hips towards his tip. “You’ve lost your princess privileges the moment you talked to him,” He whispered, lips pressing against the shell of her ear.
One of her hands left the crisp window and instead sought out for the warm hand that was in her boob, clawing onto him desperately to let him know how badly she still wanted him in any way she could have him. The sting of her nails made him smile wickedly as he took pity on her and slid his whole length in one go, “That make you happy, princess?”
The side of her head leaned against the window but she still managed to nod as she was extremely thrilled for having him inside her. Blindly, her other hand left the window as she searched for his vacant hand and collapsed them together. Even though her eyes were closed as she was blissed out with the way he was pounding in and out her hole without a care; August however felt touched that there was this part of her instinctively reached out to hold his hand affectionately.
He guided their entangled hands down to her stomach so he could press her back firmly against his front, “Never forget that you belong to me, princess.” It was in that moment that his wide tip grazed her g spot so she could only mewl and nod weakly as her overwhelming gratification blocked out her senses. 
Coughing up a bit once he pulled her panties out of her mouth, her shoulders then bore the weight of his arm, “Tell me you’re all mine, princess!” He demanded as barked it out on her before biting the shell.
“I’m all yours, bear!” She gasped out when he repeatedly hit her g spot every time his cock entered her. Her velvet walls were now making it harder for the Hammer to nail her for it clung to him like glue to the point that it was almost choking his cock, almost triggering an early orgasm from him. Wanting to focus on something else, his mouth peppered kisses on the skin of her shoulders and neck with the full intention of leaving dark, purple bruises so people knew she was off limits.
Y/N never felt this simulated in all the times she slept with August; the way his cock rummaged her hole with vigour and determination made her buckle her knees, the feel of his rough facial hair prompted her to push her neck more to his lips while her feeling his hand firmly against hers made her feel loved. In the haste of a moment, she let out a confession of, “Missed you so much, bear.”
Feeling his heartbeat increase at her confession, he snapped his hips faster to drive his cock even harder to her, in tune with the way his heart beat against his chest, “Really though you didn’t want me anymore.” He couldn’t take the way she sounded so broken — what made it worse was that he made her feel this way, and he vowed to himself that he wouldn’t cause her to feel that way again.
“I’m so sorry, princess,” Hearing him apologize, she turned her to face him again and was surprised when he kissed her lips softly — in contrast with how he was driving her cock in and out of her roughly — before letting his lips rest against hers as he continued to speak, “Never gonna let you go, never gonna hurt you.”
“You promise, bear?” Her small voice made her seem even more vulnerable than she already was; meanwhile August nodded fiercely as he kissed her once again. “I promise, princess,” That promise left his lips repeatedly against her lips.
Unvolutaringly clenching her walls on his cock, she moaned out loud against his prickly lips, “I’m so close, bear. Please let me cum.” And that reminded him how he was in charge and still has to decide if she gets to cum. 
“I think I can grant you one princes privilege, what do you think?” His smirk widened upon seeing her pleading eyes looked at him and moaned in agreement. Still holding onto her hand with one of his own, the other went to graze her cheek as he coaxed her, “Cum for me, princess; let me feel how much you missed me.”
He then drove his cock deep in her to the point he repeatedly bumped her g spot which set her orgasm off — she screamed out loud as her hand squeezed his hand so tight yet it didn’t have any effect on him. Loving the way her walls immediately relaxed their grip on his cock, he took advantage of it by chasing his own orgasm.
“Take my cum, princess,” He breathed out and felt his thrusts decrease their pace while they still had the same vigour. Stilling as he shot loads of his sperm, he pressed her against him needing her to ground him back. With a kiss on the side of her temple he let out, “I love you so much, princess.”
Despite her brain being a fumbling mess, she caught on what he said and pushed herself off his cock and turned to look at him, “What?”  Her fingers were busy lowering her skirt and trying to make her blouse look presentable as it could be while August tucked his meat back in his pants so he could hold both her hands.
“I love you,” He reiterated before taking a deep breath, “I love you and it scared me to find out how strongly I felt for you — because this was something I have never felt for anyone.” A breathless gasp was all she could let out upon being presented with this information.
Sensing her confusion, August placed a kiss on the back of both her palms before speaking once more, “I know this is a lot to take in, but maybe we can take it one step at a time? We go out on actual dates so you can also let me prove to you how much you mean to me.”
Her eyes were searching for any indication in his that he was just pulling her leg, “I know I haven’t shown you exactly what you mean to me — and that is due to my stupidity and immaturity — but if you let me, I will treat you like the sublime and divine being that you are. Spending those days without you made me realize the vital role you fulfilled in my existence.”
Her lips broke into a smile as her heart fluttered at what he said; Y/N lunged to him, wrapping his arms around her neck as she kissed his lips passionately. The Hammer was more than happy to reciprocate the passion she had for the kiss as he wrapped his thick arms around the middle of her back. 
“Does this mean you’ll take me back?” It was shocking how soft the tone of his voice was when he asked this to her as they pulled away from the kiss. Bopping his nose with a finger, she smiled at him before nodding, “It means exactly that, bear. I love you and you have me now. Officially, that is.”
Loving the sound of that, he pecked her lips once again and pulled away with the widest grin his lips had ever made, “I love you more, princess. You always were officially mine, you just didn’t know it yet.”
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angelguk · 3 years
what happens in this section is entirely a result of what guys voted please do not! come for my head in my inbox im begging. very sad in general like Angst with a capital A with a sprinkle of despair and pain. listen to mess it up by gracie abrams. roughly 2k.
(titled — out of line)
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You thought Lucas would help, the warmth of his body a distraction from your aching heart, but he didn’t. Not the way you needed him to. He was sweet enough, made you giggle endlessly before finding his place between your thighs. But even with his tongue on your clit, your (now usually sober) mind still lingered on Jeongguk, his memory a stain on your soul. It didn’t help when you spotted him with a girl hanging off his arm, her bright eyes stuck on his face, soaking him in like the earth does the sun. You didn’t know her name – Chayoung took the liberty of whispering it to you after your biology lab. She was Hyeri, a sophomore with a delicate laugh and graceful disposition. That vile vindictive black thing that now inhabited your chest swelled, brain already comparing the differences between you and her. Your clumsiness suddenly felt like a curse, even though Jeongguk had countlessly said he loved you for it (or did he say that just to ease your worries?). Insecurities spring forth like weeds and you don’t have the capacity to keep the careful garden of your heart tended. 
They take over slowly, your eyes stinging whenever you see them huddled together in the quad. Bitter tears blinked back, your blinkered senses overlooking how Jeongguk’s quiet gaze followed your figure whenever you turned your back to him, even with Yoona yapping at his ears. 
Perhaps the despondency that clung to your bones is what led you here, face planted in the musky scent of Namjoon’s sheets, your heart throbbing funny. 
“Can you even breathe?” He questions. The timbre of his voice washes over you, familiar and somewhat reassuring. You twist upright to face him, eyes squeezing tight when the bright fluorescent lights in his room assaults your vision. 
“I was hoping my heart would give up if I held it in long enough.”
Namjoon stills, brown eyes flitting over you. He coughs like he’s working through various sets of words before he decides what’s most suitable. “And then what? I get framed for murder when they find your body here?”
You laugh, and it hurts. “Maybe. My body is very portable though, did you consider first burying me in the backyard?”
“Rookie mistake,” Namjoon returns. He rises to fetch the mugs of tea sitting idle on a stool he’d dragged from the corner of his room. “The sniffer dogs would fly straight to that location. Also, I’d have to dig a hole big enough to fit your head in.”
“And why would the dogs find me immediately?” You say, shuffling upright, palms ready to receive the tepid heat that will seep through the ceramic the moment the cup settles in your hand.
“Your perfume,” Namjoon says. He hands you the mug, heat fulfilling its chosen purpose, the scent of gentle jasmine wafting to your nose.
You pout then, glancing at him. “My perfume?”
“It’s distinct. Violet, right? Maybe vanilla too?” Namjoon says it easily, sinking beside you, utterly unaware of the ticking in your brain. Your gaze falters then, shifting to his broad shoulder and thick biceps. The ivy shirt he’s got on barely contains all that muscle in, fabric stretched thin. 
You take a sip of your tea, and despite the period Namjoon gave it to cool it still scalds your tongue. 
“Why do you know what fragrance I wear?” It comes out accusatory, but Namjoon handles it well, laughing low.
“You’ve had the same one since high-school, I think. And I remember you telling me.”
The fingers around your cup squeeze tight, your brain unlocking a moment you’d forgotten in the wake of brighter ones. A quiet afternoon at the back of your high-school, Namjoon towering over you, his nose trailing the hollow of your neck, a stray comment about how you smelled good washing over you. It was followed by a flustered younger version of you deflecting, heart pounding wild when Namjoon drew back to look at you as you rattled off the different sillages that made up your favourite perfume. He’d laughed, low like did just now, before calling you cute and pulling you in for a kiss. 
“Oh,” you finally murmur. “I remember now.”
You were actually going to change it after your break-up with him, but then Jeongguk had mentioned how much he’d liked it and the bottle had stayed.
Namjoon hums, his gaze slow as it shifts around the room. It’s a space that screams of him, light wood tones and plants breaking from the pristine white walls. Space carved for nature, a grounding sensation living within these four walls – something that seems to live inside of Namjoon too.
“How are you?” He suddenly asks, turning slowly to measure your features. 
You blink hard, only realising then that you’d been staring at his face for a second too long. “F-fine. I’m okay. Just busy, y’know. Finals coming up, planning events; the usual.”
“I know,” Namjoon says with a ginger smile. “But that’s not what I’m asking. How are you? With Jeongguk and everything.”
“Oh.” You can’t answer that, his unexpected brazenness shocking your system. The smile on his lips fades, a solemnness in the brown of his eyes. His next words are earnest, and they settle in the pit of your stomach.
“Y/N, I know you didn’t just come here to chat for no reason. We can talk about Jeongguk, that’s okay.”
“N-no, we don’t need it. We’re over. It’s been two months already. We’re seeing other people and I don’t really want to discuss one of my exes with another one. And maybe I did just come to see you,” you tack on an empty laugh at the end, hoping Namjoon doesn’t read right through you.
But he does. Like a part of you hoped he would.
“I’m your friend, you know. We had something but nothing like what you and Jeongguk have. Two months isn’t going to make a lifetime disappear. It’s okay if you still feel bad.”
That’s what cracks you, a well-aimed hammer knocking your walls right down. You bite your lip hard, fingertips pinching the ceramic in your grasp, and swallow the tears looming in your throat with a choked laugh. 
“I’m fine, Namjoon. I feel a little like shit but I’m working on it. And Lucas is a great guy–”
“But he’s not Jeongguk.” The sentence feels heavy as if it carries the weight of many hearts on it. But it’s also a line you were thinking about earlier, even with Lucas pressed against you.
“That’s not what I would say–”
“But it’s what you were thinking,” Namjoon cuts. Maybe there’s a peephole in your head that only Namjoon has access to. “And that’s fine. It sucks for Lucas, though. But you shouldn’t feel bad for thinking that way. Especially when you know how special Jeongguk is to you.”
Special. The word is bright, glimmering like Jeongguk’s eyes do. 
“I-I just–it just–I don’t know.” The tears you’d attempted to seal inside burst, slipping down your cheeks quiet. Namjoon pry's the mug from your hand, replaces its warmth with his own, and for a split second things feel bearable. 
“Hey, hey,” he murmurs, a calloused palm on your damp cheek, his steadiness clearing away the gloomy skies in your head. But he doesn’t tell you to stop crying, doesn’t whisper that it’ll be okay. He just tugs you closer, rests your splinting head on his wide chest, and soaks up the tears on your face with his shirt. Like the earth does for the pouring heavens. 
You eventually hiccup the despair down, finding the words to explain to Namjoon what you were feeling in between the moments where breathing didn’t feel like a race. He takes the news of Jeongguk kissing somebody days after your break-up with wide eyes, his eyebrows drawing together. And then comes the second girl, you don’t even know her name but it still cleaves something out of you. And finally, Hyeri. Her name is a lament.
“And it sucks because he looks happy with her and I still want him to be happy because I still love him. I love him so much it hurts.”
Namjoon cocks his head then, his wide palm sliding down your back. “You think Jeongguk looks happy?”
“Yes?” But it’s a question, your upward gaze on his face imploring.
Namjoon shakes his head instead. You don’t hear it, the following words a deep muffled murmur, “Both of you are idiots.” But you see the twinkle in his eyes and it makes your back straighten.  
You want to pester but Namjoon pulls you closer, and you lose yourself in the feeling of him, before a question can register on your tongue. His arms are huge, like sturdy branches defying the blistering gales of your heart. He lets you cry for a little longer, listening intently to the continuing spew of words from your lips, until the storm quiets into a breeze. 
“Okay?” Namjoon asks.
You stick your head further into his chest, breathe him in deep. “Okay.”
When he shifts away your skin freezes, but then you realise he’s reaching for a blanket. He swathes it around you fondly, pulling you in for a swift hug before falling out of your reach once more. 
“Now, I think we both need a moment to process that.” He’s talking about but you’re not listening, your eyes on his face, gaze gently trailing the curve of his lips. “I also think we need food before we start unpacking the mess you’re in–”
You swallow the sentence with your lips, salt singeing the corners of your mouth. But your movements are not reciprocated, Namjoon’s mouth is still under yours. The soft hand on your neck guiding you away is what pulls you back, right out of that strange dark desperate ocean that held you. 
“Sorry, shit–shit, I shouldn’t have done that.” But there’s no use now, you can’t take it back. Namjoon is looking at you with those eyes, the ones that feel like pity. His sympathy suddenly makes you feel sick, and you wish the ceiling would give away and shatter your head. “I should go.” 
He tries to stop you, firm but gentle with his words and hands. But you’re a wild storm again and nothing can stop you from snatching your butterfly tote bag from the floor of his room and fleeing. The black thing that had been subdued for a moment reemergence with vengeance the second you hit the sidewalks, vision reeling. How could you do that? To Namjoon? To the stable friendship you'd created? But he felt too warm, too caring, too much of everything that you longing for and that Lucas could never give you.
Just a reminder of the swimmer's name as you skidding to a halt, the thump in your chest vicious. Maybe Jeongguk was right. Constantly painting yourself the victim while actively hurting the ones around you. Maybe you should have never let him kiss you again on that rooftop. Maybe you should have never tried to love him.
It’s silent in your head when you get back to your apartment. Sieun is home, finally back from her trip to her boyfriend’s parents place, so you’re not surprised to hear the soft hum of laughter filtering through the house. You don’t expect to find Chayoung there though. 
They’re huddling in the kitchen, drifting out cheery greetings when you trudge it, only to fall silent when you mumble back a hollow response. A gentle song floating from the radio fills the empty space, three bodies navigating something tense.  
“Were you with Lucas?” Sieun eventually pokes. She’s not a big fan of him. She’s not a big fan of the current break-up between you and Jeongguk either. She’s going to hate you for what you’re about to tell her.
“No,” you mumble. There are twenty notifications flashing across your phone screen, all from Namjoon. You feel sick, and you might cry again.
“Well? What’s with the long face?” Chayoung adds. 
You take a deep breath, gripping the marble counter tight before twisting around. Better to rip it off all at once right? And there’s no way you could hold this inside of you, not when there is barely any room for your broken heart.
“I kissed Namjoon.”
“WHAT?” Sieun’s jaw slams into the ground and Chayoung freezes beside her, like her joints have suddenly been welded together. They stare at you for long you might have grown a second head during it. And then the questions come, a torrent erupting. You blank for a second, and then the guilt crawls up your spine. It may only be thirteen past five in the afternoon but you definitely need a drink.
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koulakoukoula2003 · 3 years
His (Levi x Reader)
Pairing: Levi x Reader, Levi x OC, Levi x Y/N, Levi x You
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Summary: Who knew that being the Captain's girlfriend would come with him wasting you to excessive training? You mean a lot to him, and you would never complain. He loves you. You love him.
POV: Third Person's
A/N: This was an idea of an awesome friend and equally a Levi simp. I just did the writing! Enjoy!
Her body ached. She let out a large sigh, and collapsed on the couch that Levi had in his office. Being close to the Captain meant two things: she was a woman with lots of patience, and second, Levi kept overworking her to death when it came to training. She genuinely understood why he was being like this. He was right. She knew he had lost everything and everyone and now he had someone -her- and she happened to be the only person he had left. He had to make sure she was capable of fending for herself. He had to make sure that there were no possibilities for him to lose her in the jaws of a titan. She was in his squad and he always had his eyes on her, but he thought the same about Furlan and Isabel and yet he still lost them. He wasn’t about to repeat the same mistake.
Levi eyed her as he set down a pile of papers that he had retrieved from Erwin’s office on their way back to HQ. She lazily rested back against the couch and her head rolled back against the cushions. Her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing started settling. Her hair were messy and sweaty, clinging on her face. She needed a shower, but she was going to be such a brat if he even suggested that. It was alright though. He was going to drag her into that shower a while later. For now, he silently decided to rest.
Y/N let out a groan and her hand reached for the burnt muscles of her belly, her thighs, her knees. She rubbed gently, and then her hands reached for her shoulders, doing the same. “Oh boy, you really are a menace,” She groaned and he chuckled. “If I had known that kissing you back that day would get me months of non-stop inhuman training, I probably wouldn’t have done it,”
Levi arched an eyebrow and mentally made it his purpose to make her regret her words. Before she knew it, he was sitting beside her and his arms were around her. He picked her up as if she weighed no more than a boneless ragdoll, and he settled her on his lap, her back against his chest, his arms around her. Her eyes widened.
“W- What are you-”
“Ssshh, brat,”
A large warm palm pressed against her chest and urged her to rest back against the frame of his body. His chin pressed gently down on her shoulder, and his lips gently brushed across her ear as he spoke. His warm breath ran down her neck and she slightly shivered and let out a barely muffled purr. He let out another silent, low chuckle against her ear and his hands found her own, pulling them gently away from her belly and starting to rub her muscles with his own gentle moves.
Y/N let out a sigh and she threw her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Her body instantly relaxed as he rubbed the pain off her muscles and then did the same to her thighs, her shoulders, her nape. He smoothed her hair aside and pressed a gentle kiss on the small part of exposed skin on her shoulder.
“Change your mind yet?” Levi asked, trying his best to hold back a grin.
She gave him a small giggle and opened her eyes and looked at him. Her head still back against his shoulder as he nuzzled his nose in her cheek fondly. “Quite,” She smiled at him. She should never doubt how much he cared for her, and how much willing she was to let everything slide because of how much she loved him. He was a caring man. Protective and possessive at times, but she didn’t mind these one bit.
Her hand reached for his cheek from behind. She cupped his cheek and led him closer to her. His silver eyes focused on her pink, plump lips, before he took them in his own and kissed her gentle and sweet. He had to let her rest though. And when he was done kissing her, and massaging her aching muscles, he settled her on his couch and took his black suit jacket off. She smiled at him as he laid it on top of her like a blanket that covered most of her upper body. She sighed blissfully, burying her face in the warm jacket, drawing in his familiar scent and closing her eyes.
She was so precious right there. Levi found the corners of his lips slightly perking up as he ran his knuckles across her cheek and watched her close her eyes. He watched her burying her nose in his jacket and her breathing falling into a rhythmical pace. He couldn’t bring himself to drag her into the shower, now that she was about to get her much needed rest.
Levi returned back to his desk, deciding to let her rest. He grabbed a pack of folders. They were filled with all the paperwork that he had kept himself awake with last night. He had to deliver these back to Erwin. He took them in his hands and he set off right away. He occupied himself with training the rookies and gathering the next packs of paperwork that he had to take care of, and he returned back to his office a few hours later. He was expecting to find her still sleeping, afternoon now, but he had exhausted her enough today.
So, when he walked in, his eyes fell immediately on the couch, in search for her, but she wasn’t there. He slipped his gaze all around the room until he spotted her, standing by the small tea table. The familiar sound of spoon clacking on white porcelain reached his ears. She was mixing a spoonful of honey into two cups of steaming hot tea that she had just made. She had taken a shower. He could tell. She was only wearing a pair of shorts and one of his shirts that she had picked the last minute. She knew how much he loved seeing her in his shirts. She had nowhere else to report to and do today, so slipped right into comfortable clothes. Her hair were damp, and her thighs exposed. Even his shirt looked big around her skinny body.
She turned around, the spoon, hanging from her lips as she gathered whatever was left of the sweet essence on it and she held both cups in the hands. She let out a moan of acknowledgement as he walked in and placed the paperwork on his desk. She rested the teacups on his desk and tucked the spook out of her mouth, placing it down between the teacups.
“I made some tea,” She smiled at him.
Levi’s arms slipped around her and brought her closer to him. She ran her fingers across his white shirt on his chest, till she reached his cravat. She started untying it for him. He’d always take it off in the nights, giving himself some comfort as he worked tirelessly. But her tea was the only tea that could compete his. But he still grinned and his arms tightened around her.
“Tch, I didn’t massage you so that you could repay me with tea,” He pecked her lips. “Now go to bed and rest,”
Y/N pouted slightly and leaned close pressing kisses down his neck. “Please cuddle with me,” She whispered pleadingly, like a kid pleading an adult for a favour. He rolled his eyes, knowing full well he had tons of paperwork to take care of, but he could never deny her. Holding her to bed in the nights was his favourite time of the day.
With a swift move, he scooped her up in his arms, and she let out a small yelp of surprise but relaxed right away, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She briefly pressed her cheek against his chest as he carried her to his bedroom that was connected to his office. His large bed stood in the middle of the room and he placed her down gently, before lying beside her and slipping within the bedsheets. She was clinging onto him before he knew it. She buried her face in his neck and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
Levi hid his smile in her hair as he buried his nose into them and gathered her scent in his nostrils and tried to commit it to memory. He knew this was a dangerous world. He knew one day he could lose her. No matter how hard he tried to train her. He could lose her. But it was worth it. Moments like these were worth it. So, he held her tight, pressing her body against him. His hand reached down and found her belly whilst she gently rubbed his scalp and massaged his hair.
Rough pads of fingers snuck beneath her shirt and traced her belly in gentle strokes, and he wondered. He wondered if he could ever marry her. Make her his wife, his woman, the mother of his children, his everything. He wondered whether there was ever going to be a time when this world was safe enough to bring a child into it. If that chance ever came to them, it was going to be she. He loved her that much.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Please comment to lemme know what you think! 🥰🥰🥰
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djellaganza · 3 years
Cw: non-con, dub-con, kidnapping, voyerism, exhibitionism, Oral sex, fingering, very NSFW
"Let me go you piece of shit! I am on a mission!" you spit out as Madera ties your hands to the bed post. You look around the tidy room and the huge Uchiha fan above the bed, you were trying to find any kind of weapon laying around. "You know, for an unbu black ops you are pretty sloppy" he chuckles "I spotted you the second you started following last week, and I haven't taken my eyes off you since". Fuck! You think to yourself, how could you have been bested by this Uchiha? The first hokage had trusted you with this important mission and you had fucked it up. You were supposed to be the best unbu and you were now being tried to a bed like a common whore with no backup coming. "I am under strict orders from the first hok-" he grabs your jaw, his face just inches from yours. "If Hashirama wanted to know what I was up to he should have come himself and not sent a sexy thing like yourself". Before you know it his lips are crashing into yours. You squirm and bite his lip, "don't you fucking kiss me, you are one step away from being a criminal, do you really think I would kiss someone like you?!". Madera chuckles again, making the restraints on your wrists tighter. "You did hear me say I haven't taken my eyes off you since last week didn't you? I know for a fact you want me, I saw you dip your fingers into your dripping cunt while you were watching me stroke my cock. Nothing escapes these sharingans baby". Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! How could you make such a rooky mistake?? To be fair the man looked like a literal God, and watching him stroke his cock and pinch his nipple while biting his bottom lip had your squirming for relief in no time. "My sharingans even picked up your lip movements. I believe you were saying fuck me harder Madera, fuck please I need you". By this time your pride and whatever fight you had left had just shattered. You were up in the trees miles away and he saw everything. At this point you might as well enjoy yourself because if the first hokage doesn't throw you in jail, then you will definitely be excommunicated from the village. "OK, fine, I can admit you are quite handsome..." Madera takes off your pants and underwear all in one swoop. "No lying my little kunoichi, I believe the words you muttered in the trees was, he looks like a literal god". You thrust your hips up a little when you feel the hot air hit your cunt from when he chuckles inches from your already soaked pussy. "Be a good girl and let me show you what this god can do". Before you know it Madera (the actual fucking Madera) has his tongue on your clit, licking, kissing, slurping, just making an absolute fucking mess out of you. You keep your voice down because you don't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing you scream his name.... That's until he plunges 2 fingers deep inside you. "Fuck! Please Madera don't stop. I am so close please!!" Madera chuckles again and ceases all touching. At this a sob wrecks thru you. "Don't cry baby girl, you'll cum, but you will do so my cock."
In a flash you are tasting yourself as Madera kisses you again. "Look at me beautiful." The second you open your eyes the last thing you see are two red orbs staring back you........
You wake up feeling groggy, your head hurts and you pussy feels sore. Everything is still fuzzy when you hear footsteps. Your eyes snap open and you sit up with the jolt. "Who's there??" you scream into the void. You don't understand where you are. Something about this room doesn't look right, the walls seem to be moving ever so slowly in a squiggly pattern and the silence is almost deafening. You look down and you are completely naked and yet something feels like it's going in and out of your pussy. The room isn't pitch dark and you can see a little; you can definitely see that there is nothing or no one between your legs, but what could that sensation mean? You can't think about that right now, your ninja skills kick in and you jump up to look for a weapon. Why does all this seem familiar, why does this feel like the most realistic déjà vu you have ever experienced. "Stand down kunoichi" you know that voice.... Seemingly appearing out of no where, Lord hokage approaches you. You instantly fall on one knee and bow your head. "Lord hokage! I am so sorry, am not sure what happened or where I am. Madera spotted me and the mission was compromised. I don't remember much, he must have used some kind of genjutsu on me and....".
"What did I tell you Hashi, she's a beauty when she's on her knees ain't she". Your head snaps up and forgetting you are in your birthday suit you launch yourself between the hokage and Madera. "Get away from lord hokage" words spew like venom from your lips. With your arms spread out and your back to the hokage you whisper behind you "don't worry lord hokage, I'll protect you". As soon as you finish your sentence Madera bursts out laughing. "Sweet girl, you're the one that needs protection" and he thrusts his chin behind you. Before you know it, your spread out arms are being held and pinned behind you. "Lord hokage! What are you doing??". Hashirama says nothing, and in an effort to turn your head and look at him properly, you just now realize that he is also naked underneath his very open kimono. "He isn't really here sweetheart, you are in a limited tsukuyomi. Oh and by the way, out there in the real world, I am fucking you so good. You already squirted twice and are moaning for my cock like a good little slut". Your world comes crashing down, how many different ways is this man trying to degrade you? Even if the lord hokage holding you isn't real, the amount of admiration and respect you have for the man is making this whole situation so much worst. With your arms still pinned against the small of your back, Hashirama bends you to a 90 degrees angle and uses his leg to spread yours apart. You feel his hard cock brush against you ass and a little whimper escapes your throat. "Let me tell you what's going to happen kunoichi, Hashi over there is going to pound that pussy until you start squirting in this world as well while I fuck your pretty little mouth" . Madera comes closer, and it's only then you realize he is also fully naked, hard cock in hand slowly pumping it. Fuck why is this so hot? This is wrong, and yet your pussy is saying this is right. You can already feel yourself getting wetter by the moment, and you decide to second your decision you made earlier and enjoy yourself. "Fine, do what you must. Far be it from me to turn down not one but 2 gods that want to fuck me".
"Good fucking girl. Now open up real wide". As Madera's fat cock is sliding into your mouth, Hashiramas even bigger cock is sliding into your pussy. Picturing what you must look like, split roasted between these two deities is enough to have you coming. "Fuck, her cunt is throbbing like crazy" you hear the hokage growl behind you. "Such a fucking slut aren't you, I know what made you cum, and trust me baby, you look fucking amazing being right now".
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you say you hate me
summary: four times you were forced to spend time with Matthew plus one time you chose to.
warnings: mentions of drinking, swearing
word count: 7.2k
note from the writer: is it bad that I’ve already started another Matt fic? also this gif is *chef’s kiss* amazing
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You knew you ran the risk of running into him when you moved from St. Louis to Calgary. But you couldn’t pass up the job opportunity you were given, even if it meant you were looking over your shoulder as if to avoid running into him.
But after three months of living in Calgary you hadn’t seen him, so you were certain you were in the clear. You reasoned that he would’ve popped up sooner, you followed each other on Instagram and have each other added on Snapchat, so you knew that he knew you were in Calgary. You pushed him to the back of your mind, though, not wanting him to take up any more residence in your mind than he already did. And after a while you figured you were safe from his presence and any headaches that seemed to follow him around.
So imagine your surprise when he shows up while you’re in the middle of a date.
Chris is a nice guy. It’s your third date, and the bar he’s taken you to is a little more on the casual side, but the Edmonton vs. Canucks game was on the television above the bar and you knew he was a big hockey guy.
Clearly, you had a type.
“So, I think my boss is going to give me a big project, which would be a huge step in the right direction for the promotion I—” You were gushing about the news you had received earlier in the day, but you were unable to finish your thought as Chris yelled.
“Oh, fuck off, Mcdavid! You should have scored that.”
After realizing that he wasn’t talking about your ability to buy a goal or calling you McDavid, you learned two things about the man sitting across from you. One, he hadn’t been listening to a single word you were saying and you could count on the hockey game being more interesting to him than anything you could have said. You should have known, anyways, on your first date he spent five whole minutes talking about how the Oilers were his favorite team after you mentioned you grew up in St. Louis. And two, he was that kind of hockey fan. The kind that tore down their team’s top players over any little screw-up. The kind that made your skin crawl after having grown up with the sport.
“It was a rookie mistake.” Chris’ attention turned to you since it was a T.V. timeout and you blinked at him for a moment, wondering just how your night took a downturn so quickly. The bar was so low, and he managed to limbo under it.
“McDavid. Rookie mistake?” You blanched, propping your chin on your hand as you waited to see what kind of bullshit excuse he funneled at you. He stuttered over his words, and you were about to interject with a very well laid out explanation about how players were people and able to make mistakes without having their skill questioned. Plus, it was McDavid.
But then a hand landed casually on your shoulder, and your first instinct was to turn and face whoever decided it was a good idea to randomly touch with a scowl. Your frown only deepened when you spotted who it was, completely ignoring the choked noise Chris made.
Of course he had to show up on the one night you were on a date.
“Couldn’t hide from me forever.” Matt drawled easily, removing his hand from you and leaning against the edge of the tall table you were sitting at. You rolled your eyes, not at all surprised at the fact that he decided to start the first actual conversation you’ve had with him in weeks with a tease.
“I’ll try harder next time.” You stated dryly, taking a sip of your nearly empty drink and avoiding the gaze of both men around you. Well, Chris was too busy eyeing Matthew and puffing out his chest as if he was trying to assert his dominance. Please.
You didn’t get the appeal of Matthew. Sure, he was attractive and pretty good at hockey, not that you’d ever admit that to anyone, but he was a pest. He grew up next door to you, which meant the better part of your childhood was spent at the mercy of Matt’s teasing. You adored the rest of his family, you had a four-hundred and thirty-six day Snapchat streak with Taryn, a number seven Senators jersey hanging up in your closest, Chantal’s number was saved as ‘mama tkachuk’ in your phone, and you had once called Keith in a panic when you were sixteen and got a flat tire and your parents weren’t answering.
Matt had laughed at you when you stumbled walking across the stage at graduation.
You were not his biggest fan.
“Hot date?” Matt questioned, not even looking over to Chris who nodded the moment the words entered the air. You winced at the question, because you were technically on a date, but you weren’t exactly feeling it, especially after what had just transpired. But you would marry Chris on the spot if it meant annoying Matt.
“I’ll see you later.” You spoke through gritted teeth, plastering on a forced and obviously fake smile. Matt grinned at you, his mischievous look that you had seen a thousand times growing up that warned you that he was going to do something to get under your skin made warning alarms flash in your mind.
Your suspicions were proven correct when he reached a hand up to ruffle your hair before slipping back into the crowd. You pouted, glaring at his back until you couldn’t see his mop of curls anymore and turned to face Chris again. Your date was looking at you with an annoyed expression, one that was surely mirrored on your face but the only difference was his look was directed at you and yours was at Matthew for showing up out of nowhere.
“Are you okay—?” You barely got the question out before Chris was interrupting you. Again.
“You can’t talk to him if we’re going to see each other.” He stated, as if it was that easy.
It wasn’t as if you wanted to hang out with Matt, not since you hit middle school, but it would be a cold day in hell before some guy told you who you could and could not talk to.
“We’re neighbors, nothing will ever be going on there but our families are good friends. I literally have to talk to him whenever I go home.” You weren’t sure why you were explaining this to him, maybe a part of you wanted to see if he’d bactrack and apologize, even if the relationship was damaged beyond repair. Those hopes were squashed the moment he spoke next.
“Then I’m out.” And he was standing up, barely giving you a second look before he was headed towards the door.
It was pettiness that had you crossing the bar in search of the one person that you couldn’t stand to be around for an extended period of time. You had seen a whole new side of Chris in a matter of five minutes and a small part of you was glad that Matt interrupted and brought it out. Emphasis on small, though.
“You owe me a drink.” You nudged Matt’s shoulder, sliding in next to him at the bar. You didn’t care that you were interrupting his conversation with one of his teammates, you had just been dumped by the guy you’d been somewhat seeing for a few weeks because he couldn’t handle the idea of you knowing a NHL player. “Scared my date away because he didn’t like the fact that I talk to you.”
“I feel like I did you a favor, if he really is that insecure. We don’t even like each other.” He had waved down the bartender with a chuckle, ordering you a beer like the one he had clutched in his hand. It was seconds before the cool glass was set in front of you. Perks of being a hotshot hero in Calgary, you assumed.
“I’ll drink to that.” You clinked your bottle against his, taking a generous sip as Matt watched with an amused grin. He was leaning against the counter, his back now fully turned on his teammates. Clearly, he wasn’t planning on letting you finish your drink in peace.
“Mom told me you got your dream job, so tell me about it.”
“Like you care.” You rolled your eyes with a scoff. You were feeling especially bitter, and you were taking it out on Matt. To be fair, he was taking it all in stride, but you knew he was biding his time until he could make a joke.
“Try me.” Matt wasn’t a bad guy. Annoying, sure. A pain in your ass? Since the day you met. But you knew him better than most—begrudgingly, of course—and you could tell he was genuinely curious. He probably had plans to tease you about it later, you would put money on the fact, but with the way your night had turned out, you couldn’t find it in you to care.
“Fine, but just until I finish this drink and my Uber gets here.”
mama tkachuk: Hi sweetie! Keith and I are in town for the weekend and were wondering if you wanted to get dinner with us and Matt! Text me when you get a chance!
It was so unfair. How could Chantal be as sweet as she was and have produced a child like Matthew? You were so caught up in how kind her invitation was that you had agreed to meet up with them before it really set in that you would have to sit through a dinner with Matt.
You had arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later than the agreed upon time due to traffic, so everyone else was already at the table by the time you made it. Chantal was the first to jump up and greet you with a hug, Keith following after with a ‘how are you, kid’ and a tight squeeze. You shot Matt a tight-lipped smile, trying to remain civil infront of his parents, and he returned with his typical smug grin, though it was more subdued than usual as a result of sitting next to his mother.
“You always liked to be late.” Matt teased as you sat down. You rolled your eyes at him, annoyed but willing to let the comment slide for the sake of his parents.
“I don’t know why you guys bicker all the time, you used to tell us all the time that you were going to be a family someday. You guys even practiced with Taryn and Brady.” Chantal reminisced, and you smiled uneasily at the memory. It wasn’t necessarily an unpleasant one, some of your best memories took place in the Tkachuk living room. Back when you were kids, you and Matt were attached at the hip. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum—if Matt was caught sticking his hand in the cookie jar you were right at his side reminding him to grab one for you too. This particular instance stuck out in your mind, though, because your mom teased you about it whenever she got the chance.
It was a rainy Saturday, Keith was out of town for hockey and your dad was at the office, which left the moms sitting in the kitchen chatting about whatever adults talked about. Taryn had just learned how to walk, which meant that she was trying to follow you around to the best of her ability, even if that meant watching from the sidelines as you played mini sticks with her brothers.
But after Matt had scored against you and Brady enough times, you declared that it was time for them to play your game—house. Taryn was your baby, and she happily filled the roll as she toddled behind you. Brady was your other son, and Matt was the dad. You played like that for an hour or so, Matt pretending to come home from road trips while playing in the NHL just like his father, only to help you pretend to cook dinner and put ‘the kids’ to bed.
At six years old, he was a dream pretend-father.
“I can’t help it if Matthew runs his mouth too much.” You chirped, and though you meant it in good fun there was some seriousness. Matt never knew when to quit, his comments more obnoxious than endearing most of the time. Though, he did have his moments, you were willing to admit. You knew he had your back when it came down to it, but he also would be the first one to crash your date and tell the guy you were with some embarrassing story about you from when you were seven.
He did that no less than three separate times when you were teenagers.
“Remember when they pretended to get married at like six? And Matt cried when I told him that he wasn’t actually her husband.” Keith nudged his wife with a grin, his statement earning a groan from Matt. You flushed, keeping quiet as the memory flashed in your head—the theme of the night, apparently.
It was a summer wedding, so to speak. Sometime during the offseason your family and the Tkachuks rented a lake house for a week and you spent the entire time racing from one activity to the next while clutching Matt’s hand. Your aunt had just gotten married, so weddings were on your mind and you decided you wanted a party like she had. Your choices for potential husbands were limited, Brady and Matt the only other boys close to your age. When Brady claimed that you had cooties and ran away, Matt was the only option left and it simply took the bribe of sharing your dessert with him after dinner for him to agree.
You had made paper rings and even forced Matt to fake propose to you, all while both your mothers looked on with camera’s clutched in their hands. You had claimed your unending love for Matt that day, and he had done the same. In an effort to tease you, your mom had said that he had to kiss the bride and you both looked at her like she was crazy—though he did end up pressing a quick and sloppy kiss to the back of your hand to appease her.
And then twenty minutes later he shoved you off the dock because you were too scared to jump in.
Matt was watching you as his mother told the story, chuckling as she added in anecdotes about how she and your mother had almost started planning your real wedding that day and similar comments. It was no secret that she was rooting for you to get together with her son, and even though Keith would try to get his wife to tone down her comments, you saw his smug grin every once on a while.
The rest of dinner and dessert passed by with minimal reminiscing, and soon enough the check was paid. Matt picked up the bill, and though you tried to argue that you could pay for yourself, Matt simply stuck his tongue out at you and Keith said that he would’ve paid for everyone if he had only been able to grab the check faster. You rolled your eyes at Matt’s childishness, but thanked Keith for his kindness despite the fact that he hadn’t even really done anything.
“So where did you park?” Chantal asked as the four of you stepped outside. The cold air made you shiver, and you used one hand to tighten your coat around you while the other gestured over your shoulder in the general direction of where your car was.
“Like three blocks away. It was pretty busy when I got here.” You replied. Chantal nodded, opening her arms for a hug you readily reciprocated.
“I’ll walk you. It’s way too late for you to go by yourself.” Matt spoke up, interrupting your goodbyes with his parents. He handed his keys off to his dad so they could wait in the car while he went with you, and because he simply couldn’t just be nice, he added his next comment. “You’d probably get lost if I don’t go with you.”
“Thanks, Matt.” You said sarcastically, the roll of your eyes coming almost naturally. There wasn’t room for you to argue, because Chantal was nudging you in the opposite direction she was headed to get to Matt’s car. Part of you wondered if she somehow planned this in an another attempt to get you to spend time alone with her son. You didn’t have time to think about it too much, between saying goodbyes and making plans to meet up when you went home for the holidays, you were rushing a bit to get out of the cold.
While you walked, Matt stayed quiet, something you didn’t realize he was capable of. Your hands were shoved deep into your coat pockets to try and stay warm, but you felt his arm brush against yours every once in a while.
“Thanks for coming tonight, mom loved it.” He was softer now, his voice devoid of any of its usual smugness.
“Are you kidding? I love your parents.” You teased, trying to figure out where this quiet side of Matt was coming from. It was the side of him that rarely came out, especially in front of the media and never on the ice, but it was the side that you got along with the best. You stopped at your car, turning to face Matt. “Thanks for walking me.”
“No problem. Uh, text me when you get home, or whatever. So I know you got there safe.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, a slight redness to his cheeks that caught you off guard. You nodded, unlocking your car and offering him one last smile and goodbye before climbing in.
You couldn’t help but grin to yourself as you drove home. He was trying.
You had the worst luck.
Firstly, the only flight you could get home for the holidays was a red-eye to try and save some money. Secondly, your parents were making you get a cab from the airport instead of coming to pick you up. It was fine, you were an adult and could handle both those things. You had long come to terms with it by the time you were settling into your seat as everyone boarded.
But third—
“No way am I this lucky.”
The sound of the familiar voice had you tilting your head back with a groan, not even bothering to look at the person who was dropping unceremoniously into the seat beside you. Though his curls were tucked under his hoodie and he was trying his best to remain undetected, his presence was one that you would recognize anywhere.
“I’m just really, really, unlucky.” You told Matt, and though your comment was a jab at him, he wore the same grin he always did.
“That’s mean.” He teased, reaching over to poke your side because of course he hasn't outgrown giving you jumper cables. You glared at him, momentarily pausing your efforts to dig through your bag in search of your headphones just so he knew how annoyed you were. Not that he cared, or that it ever really stopped him.
“Look, Matt, I’ve had a long day, and I was looking forward to just sleeping this whole flight.” You sighed, dragging a hand down your face in frustration.
“I’ll leave you alone, promise.” Matt grinned that stupidly smug grin of his.
Yeah, right. You thought, but kept the comment to yourself. It was better to let Matt think he won than invite him to keep going by replying. He grinned at you, simply miming zipping his lips shut as you rolled your eyes.
He lasted longer than you thought he would—ten minutes.
“I don’t know what you don’t like about me so much, it’s not the hockey thing, because you love Brady.” Matt spoke up, going so far as to pull your headphone out of your ear so you could hear him.
“Brady’s adorable and like a baby brother to me.” You said matter-of-factly, earning a snicker from Matt. “You chipped my tooth when we were twelve and then blamed it on me.”
“I’m sure he’ll be glad to hear that.” He snorted, and for a second you thought he’d leave it at that. He had succeeded in getting under your skin, just like he usually did. “And it was your fault. You weren’t paying attention.”
“You didn’t have to shoot the pucks at me that hard!” You frowned at the memory. You had offered to stand in goal for him while he practiced shooting, and though you were definitely not destined to play in the NHL like him, that didn’t stop him from acting as if he was taking part in the hardest shot competition.
Matt didn’t respond, instead he just shook his head with a grin. Clearly, he was more amused by the memory than you were.
He went back to leaving you alone, though he stole one of your headphones and placed it into his ear to listen. He scrunched his nose up at the song, and you rolled your eyes at the silent jab at your taste in music.
Eventually, you did end up falling asleep. When you woke up to Matthew shaking you gently, you realized that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder and that he was waking you since you had landed and people were starting to exit. You waited for the chirps to come about your subconscious action, knowing he probably had a few comments up his sleeve. Except, he didn’t say anything, only stood up to retrieve both of your carryon bags from the overhead storage.
Matt stuck by your side the entire time you got off the plane and headed to luggage claim, unable to help himself from chirping you at the fact you couldn’t find your suitcase. You poked your tongue out at him, admittedly a little juvenile on your behalf, when you spotted your bag come around the carousel. Before you could grab it, though, he snagged it and stuck his tongue out at you before departing into the airport in search of his parents. Now, you were forced to trail after him.
Your annoyance faded, though, when you heard Chantal call your and Matthew’s names. You smiled at the woman, who hugged her son quickly before turning and pulling you into her arms.
“Guess who I got to sit next to?” Matt chimed, sounding a bit too pleased with himself for your liking. You rolled your eyes, unable to help the tiny bit of amusement you felt at how excited Chantal looked at the idea that you had each other on the flight. You and Matt may both be adults, but to her, you were still toddlers that needed constant supervision and she loved the idea that you were there to watch after each other.
“Oh, that’s lucky!” Chantal cheered and you grit your teeth, forcing a smile on your face at the way Matt was grinning smugly at you. Okay, you figured it could have been worse, you could have been seated next to a creep, but you weren’t about to admit that to Matt.
“So lucky.” You muttered sarcastically. Thankfully, Matthew wasn’t given a chance to comment further on your response, as his dad spoke up before he could.
“Is your dad here? I got a new set of clubs I want to brag about.” Keith questioned and you shook your head with a genuine smile. Living next to a retired NHLer gave your dad plenty of opportunities to bring out his competitive side, and golf was definitely one of their favorite pastimes.
“No, he and mom couldn’t come to get me because they both had work.” You explained and Keith rolled his eyes in good fun. You always wondered how both families got along so well when you couldn’t stand Matt.
“Do you want a ride home then?” Chantal offered sweetly.
“That’d be great, thank you.” You were glad you wouldn’t have to worry about getting an Uber, and you didn’t feel as if you were crashing the Tkachuks’ time with their oldest son since as soon as you started to head to the car, Chantal fell in step with you.
“Oh, Matt, you’re being such a gentleman, carrying her suitcase for her.” Chantal gushed after having noticed that Matt had an extra bag and you didn’t have one. She shot you a look and you just knew this was only fueling her belief that you were destined to end up with Matt. She would probably mention it to your mother, and then you really never would hear the end of it.
“Didn’t know you had it in you.” Keith chirped, earning an eye roll from Matt and laughter from you and Chantal. It was all in good nature, the teasing comments a sign of love amongst the hockey family.
And really, you had no choice but to agree with Keith.
“I need you to run next door and give this to Chantal.” Your mom told you, holding out a tray of holiday cookies. You sighed, reluctantly getting up from your spot on the living room couch. You weren’t doing anything, but the aspect of having to walk all the way next door was not totally appealing.
But you did as she said and stuffed on some shoes before heading next door and letting yourself in. Taryn was the first to greet you, taking the tray of cookies and leading you towards the kitchen. As soon as the platter was set down, you both helped yourself to a cookie.
“How’s Calgary? Is Matt showing up randomly to bug you?” She was teasing, but she was right. You laughed, nodding as you broke off a piece of your cookie to eat.
“He showed up while I was on a date, completely by chance, and ruined it.” You chuckled at the memory and at the way Taryn laughed loudly at that. It wasn’t entirely true, Chris was doing a pretty good job of ruining the date on his own, but Matt’s appearance was the final nail in the coffin.
“That’s because he's practically in love with you.” She spoke between giggles. You rolled your eyes, having heard the comment countless times before. It had followed you and Matt around since you were kids, and by the time you were thirteen it morphed from platonic love to your moms explaining what soulmates were to you guys. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t considered the idea of Matt having a thing for you, but you had long since given up on that idea.
You didn’t have time to comment on it, though, because speak of the devil, and he shall appear.
“What’re you guys talking about?” Matt marched into the room, a smug grin on his face. While he spoke, he reached across to where you were standing and broke off a piece of the cookie you were still eating. With a pout, you watched him pop your cookie into his mouth all the while eye contact with you and wearing a self-satisfied grin.
“Oh, just how you’re in love with each other.” Taryn said casually, her sentence punctuated by Matt choking on the cookie. Clearly, he was caught off guard.
“You deserved that, and no, we were not.” You told Matt as he tried to catch his breath. You couldn’t help the grin you were wearing, and for a brief second you acknowledged that he looked adorable all flustered. Matt shot a glare at his sister, who was laughing hysterically at him, and launched forward to dig his fingers into her sides.
You watched carefully as he tickled his sister mercilessly, preparing to make a break for the living room if he turned his attention to you. You were smiling, widely and genuinely, as you watched Matt mess around with his sister.
This was the Matt that you grew up best friends with.
As you were distracted, Matt let his sister go and she caught her breath while cursing him out and you let out a loud laugh at some of the creative things she said. She certainly was from a hockey family.
But then Matt turned his attention to you, a wicked grin on his face and a playful look in his eyes. Your own eyes went wide, and as soon as he took half a step towards you, you spun on your heel and dashed out of the kitchen.
You heard him chasing after you, but you didn’t risk looking back knowing that if you even wanted a chance to outrun him you would need to stay focused. And as you took a particularly sharp turn into the other room, you heard him crash into the wall, clearly not as agile as he thought he was.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Tkachuk! I brought cookies from Mom!” You greeted with a laugh as you sprinted past Keith and Chantal in the hallway. You barely had time to register their looks of amusement before you felt Matt’s fingers brush your back, signaling that he was close to grabbing you.
“Don’t hurt her, we like her more than you!” Keith called after you, teasing Matt and catching him off guard enough that he stumbled, and you were able to put some distance between you and him. You were laughing maniacally, the sound mixing with Matt’s chuckles and Taryn encouraging you to run faster.
Eventually, you made it to the living room, and you spotted Brady’s head poking up behind the back of the couch as he watched some rerun hockey game. You know it’s a longshot that Matt will give up and that you need to bite the bullet and let him catch you, but your stubbornness is what makes you throw yourself over the back of the couch, your head landing in the lap of a very confused and surprised Brady.
“Protect me.” You order, grabbing the younger Tkachuk brother’s bicep as Matt leaned over the back of the couch, his curls wild and grin wicked. For a second, there was a softness in his eyes that made your heart skip a beat, but then he was back to being smug.
“Brady can’t stop me.” Matt teased, leaning against the back of the couch. Brady didn’t comment, though he rolled his eyes at his brother. It was an argument that had been going on for a decade or so—which brother was stronger? And though they wrestled from time to time, Brady being victorious more often than he used to be, you knew they would never actually fight. You had been there when Keith made them shake heads and promise not to drop the gloves the first time they played each other.
“He’s taller.” You argued, and Matt chuckled as he made his way around the couch. You watched as he lifted your legs, dropping into the spot on the couch they once occupied before resting your limbs across his lap.
“Doesn’t matter.” He replied, giving your shin a squeeze as he spoke. You rolled your eyes, getting comfortable in your spot laying across the Tkachuk brothers and turning to watch the Blues vs. Stars game Brady had put on.
It felt nice to laugh with Matt again. It was as if things were back to normal, and you tried to ignore the funny fluttering feeling in your stomach as his thumbs brushed back and forth along your legs. You hated it, because it was Matt, and you had long since declared that you couldn’t stand him. And yet, there you were, melting under his touch.
“Oh, come on, you’re not going to attack her?” Taryn complained as she dropped into the free chair on the other side of the room. You stuck your tongue out at her, smiling at the sound of Matt’s chuckles. You were going to make a comment about how she was supposed to be on your side in response, but Brady was faster, and his words—for whatever reason—made any reply die on your tongue.
“It’s because he’s in love with her.”
You hated the fact that you weren’t able to sleep. But even more so, you hated the fact that you knew exactly why you couldn’t get your mind to turn off. You couldn’t stop thinking about how sweet Matt had been earlier in the day, and though you knew he always had a soft spot for his sister, for some reason this time it was hitting you differently. Plus Taryn and Brady’s ‘he’s in love with you’s were bouncing around your head.
Finally, after what felt like the hundredth time you had tossed around under the covers, you sat up and snagged your phone off of the nightstand. You sat up, unlocking your phone and opening messages and before you could really think about stopping yourself you typed out a text and sent it.
Only after the message was sent and you couldn’t do anything about it, did you reread what you said and check the time. You couldn’t help but cringe at the one in the morning ‘hey, are you up?’ text that seemingly glared back at you. But then the three dots appeared that signaled that he was typing, and you quickly slid out of the conversation so he wouldn’t think you were waiting for his text. You were, and though he responded within a minute, you didn’t want to give his ego that extra boost.
matthew: usually I’m the one that sends that text
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, having expected him to say something along those lines. You had practically handed that joke to him. Before you could type out a reply telling him to forget about it, your phone buzzed again with another text.
matthew: front door is unlocked, meet in the basement for a movie?
He was giving you a choice. You could go to bed and pretend this never happened and continue to tell everyone around you that the only thing you felt for Matt was annoyance. But you didn’t. You knew that you might regret it, but you slipped out of bed and tugged on a pair of leggings and a hoodie over your sleepshirt. Shoving on a pair of shoes, you tip-toed outside and to the house next door. It felt a little ridiculous, you were an adult, sneaking around to visit a boy like a teenager. But, you were quiet, and made sure you didn’t make any noise as you slipped down the stairs.
“Why am I sneaking around here like we’re fourteen again?” You teased as soon as you saw Matt already on the couch as he flipped through movie options. For a reason unbeknownst to you, your heart skipped a beat in your chest and your breathing stuttered as you cataloged just how attractive he looked in something as casual as a hoodie and sweats, how suddenly you wanted to run your fingers through his curls that definitely needed a hair treatment.
“I don’t want my family to know you’re here because then I’d have to share.” He teased, snapping you out of your thoughts and opening his arms to silently ask you to cuddle him. You hesitated for a moment, because that was not something you usually did except for maybe when you were three, but decided to throw caution to the wind and curled yourself into his side, your head resting on his shoulder. Besides, you didn’t usually text him at one in the morning either, so precedent was already out the window.
As soon as you settled into him, he draped the blanket that had been folded over the back of the couch over both of your legs. You blushed at the thoughtful action, but tried to hide the flush of your cheeks by staring straight ahead at the television.
“What are we watching?” You found your voice after a moment. When Matt didn’t respond right away, you turned to face him to find him already watching, a small smile on his face and a gentle look in his eyes. For the second time that night, you felt your breath catch in your throat, and it was only the surprised look on your face that had him snapping out of it.
“Oh, uh, you can pick.” He handed the remote to you, and you raised a brow at his odd behavior. You reached a hand up, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead as if to check his temperature with a confused look on your face.
“Are you feeling okay? You must be sick, if you’re letting someone else choose the movie.” You teased, grinning when Matt laughed, swatting your hand away and tugging you closer all in the same movement.  
“I’ve been thinking—” He started, but after having grown up with hockey players, you were quick to think up a chirp.
“Are you sure you’re okay then?” You teased, enjoying the warm feeling you got when you heard his laugh. He had your back pressed to his front, so you were facing the television and couldn’t see whatever the look on his face was.
“Would you just let me talk for a minute?” He chuckled and you felt the vibrations in his chest from where you were cuddled against him. And though he was teasing you, there was a softness to his tone that had you nodding, still facing forward. “I kinda sucked when we were teenagers.” He confessed, and you couldn’t help but laugh at him. Though, holding true to your word, you stayed quiet and let him talk. “I was a preteen boy that didn’t know how to act around you and ended up making an idiot of myself.” You knew there probably was a deeper meaning to his words, but you weren’t ready to dive into that and he kept going. “And then we were fifteen and you were in love or whatever with Tommy Banner and I was jealous. And then you broke up but I had to go away for hockey and I don’t regret that, but I do regret not making things better with you before I left.”
His confession hung in the air for a moment as you processed his words. He threw a lot of information at you at once, and you cringed momentarily at the memory of your first ‘serious’ relationship.
See, the thing was, as much as you talked up your annoyance at Matthew, he had always been your person. You fake married the guy for a reason, even if you didn’t really know the implications of your actions way back then. You knew what marriage looked like from your parents and Matt’s, and you wanted that for yourself. You wanted that with Matt. He was your first real crush, and those never really go away. Or at least, yours didn’t.
But once you were teenagers, you stopped pining after your neighbor, a seemingly unattainable goal, and started hanging out with other people. You and Matt started to drift, and then eventually his teasing comments always seemed to be directed towards whatever guy you were seeing, thus making you grow contempt for him.
But now, he was showing his softer side, and those feelings from when you were younger resurfaced as he confessed that he felt the same. You couldn’t deny that you felt something when his hand brushed against you or when he grinned at you—no matter how self-satisfied he looked.
Suddenly you became aware that you had been silent for a moment too long, and you sat up straighter and turned to face Matt. He was studying you, and for the first time in as long as you could remember—except maybe that one time in eighth grade when he asked you to go to the school dance with him because he wanted to make his mom happy—he looked unsure of himself. It was an emotion that didn’t sit right on his face, and as often as you complained about his teasing, you much preferred his shit-eating grin.
“It’s your turn to talk now.” He joked, trying to lighten the mood but only succeeding partly since the breathy chuckle he gave at the end told you he was nervous.
Before you could help yourself, you had cupped his face with both your hands and pulled him forward to connect your lips to his. It took him a second to relax under your touch, but as soon as he realized what was happening, he grabbed your elbow to hold you in place.
When you felt his tongue swipe at your lips you knew you had to pull away before you got too caught up in him, which you knew you would, and you separated. His grin was wide, a little smug like usual, but mostly he was looking adoringly at you.
“I thought you hated me?” He teased, because it’s Matt and of course he would. You rolled your eyes, willing to admit that you had set him up with that one.
“Don’t push your luck, Tkachuk.” You pecked his lips once more, wondering why you had waited so long to do so. If he had been telling the truth, and you knew he was, then he had been crushing on you as long as you had been on him.
“Yes ma’am.” He joked, mock saluting while leaning towards you to chase after your lips for another kiss. You complied, but then pressed a hand on his chest to lean back enough to give him a serious look.
“And if this is going to work, you have to stop being such a pest all the time. Tone it down a bit.” He nodded, grin widening at the mention of your relationship moving past the night. You smiled at him, leaning up to give him one more kiss before settling back into his side. “And I still get to pick the movie.”
Matt chuckled, but didn’t argue. Instead, he settled for pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He let this arm fall from around your shoulders to your waist, and you knew without looking at him that he was wearing a satisfied grin.
“Who’s going to tell our moms that they were right about us?” He spoke up after a moment, and you chuckled. You were as stubborn as Matt was, and neither of you were too excited to admit to anyone that you had been wrong about the fact that you’d end up with each other. You were even certain that Brady, Keith, and Taryn had a running bet about when you and Matt would get together.
As it turns out, neither of you would have to, because you fell asleep together on the couch and Chantal was the first to find you cuddled into her son's chest.
Just like she knew you always would.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Love Is A Battlefield || Chapter Nine
Clay Spenser x OC
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Love Is A Battlefield Masterlist
This Months Writing
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The moment Rylee woke up and realised she was cuddling up to Jason, she couldn’t help but sigh, she couldn’t even remember needing comforting last night.
“Morning,” Jase hummed, giving her a squeeze.
“Morning,” she yawned, slowly sitting up. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed. “I can’t even remember last night.”
“You were out for the count Roo but you were whimpering in your sleep from the thunder,” Jase nodded, knowing that she would be feeling embarrassed. “There’s nothing to feel bad about kiddo, and anyway you know I don’t mind, we both know that if one of us didn’t slide in bed next to you, you would have had a worse reaction to the storm.”
Rylee didn’t say anything, she just nodded at him as she climbed out of bed, going on a much needed hunt for coffee.
“Morning Rylee,” Clay hummed, looking over his shoulder as he grabbed another mug out of the small kitchen cupboard. “How do you take it?”
“White, three sugars and strong,” Rylee nodded, as much as she wanted to ice him out completely she knew she couldn’t.
She felt a bit awkward as she leant against the worktop, just waiting for the coffee. There was a slight awkwardness around the two of them and one thing she hated was awkward situations. One thing she did notice was how much he had changed since school, he wasn’t the scrawny little kid anymore and it was obvious he spent a lot of hours in the gym to get the physic he had. It was hard not to let her thoughts wander, she was only human.
She couldn’t help it as she thought about what he looked like under the clothes, how his arms would feel wrapped around her.
Mentally she cursed herself for letting these thoughts creep in, especially for someone that she hated. She nodded at Clay as she thanked him for the coffee before wandering off, she needed to get as far away from him as possible.
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“I’m kinda in a jam here,” Clay shouted down the radio, making Rylee roll her eyes, he was still making rookie mistakes. “I’ve been back into a corner with no way out.”
“I got you,” Rylee said through the radio, as she scrambled to her feet, trying to get onto higher ground. Soon enough she had enough elevation, as she set up the sniper on the dirt, glancing through the scope she spotted Clay surrounded by about five people. “Okay Clay unless you want one of these bullets in you, do not move a fucking muscle.”
Rylee steadied her breath, as she aimed, squeezing the trigger she single handedly took down the five enemies that surrounded Clay. He couldn’t even see where she was but he knew she wasn’t close.
“Now get your ass out of there!” She snapped down the radio. “Jase, have we got an update of exfil? We need to get our asses out of her before we turn into meat for the wildlife. And I don’t know about you but I don’t want to become wolf meat.”
“God I’ve missed your radio calls,” Jase laughed down the coms, “everyone head up to the exfil point,”
The terrain was shockingly bad, it wasn’t a flat path, meaning that everyone’s lungs would be burning by the time they got to the helo. As much as Rylee despised Clay she wasn’t leaving a man behind so she hung around until she spotted him in the distance.
“Come on blondie hurry up, we ain’t got all day,” Sonny shouted, as he kept his gun raised just in case.
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For the next five days every day was the same, every spin up got cut short and upper brass had decided that it was too risky now, the enemy knew the team were there and they would make everyone’s life hell, this was just meant to be a research mission but as always things took a turn.
Everyone was now back in the safety for the plane, most people were sleeping but Rylee and Sonny were still awake, drinking beer as they decompressed like they used to.
“So this school reunion?” Sonny asked, nudging her shoulder, “you gonna go?”
“Part of me wants to go but part of me doesn’t want to step a foot back in that place,” She sighed, running her hand through her hair, “Jase got me thinking with what he said about maybe it will be good to shock them and show them that I’m not worthless.”
“It’s completely up to you Roo, all I’m saying is I want to be there when Clay realises who you are,” Sonny laughed, “because it’s going to be priceless.”
“You were coming anyway,” Rylee laughed, looking up from her beer, “the invite states a plus one so what do you say Quinn, wanna be my boyfriend for the night?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” he chuckled, punching you in the arm. “Now come on, let's get some sleep because I know a certain little Princess that’s going to be super excited to see you.”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace @theysayitscrazy @thelovelyleo23 @innerpaperexpertcloud @pascal-reyes
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Kissing the cards of the Crystal 6 goodnight 🌌🌙 (headcanons/scenarios)
Since the crystal 6 can feel a "tingle" when Seeker draws their card from the deck during a reading, that got me thinking: What if they also feel a "tingle" through their card when Seeker is touching it outside of a reading? Or in this case, what if Seeker kisses it? 🤔
- Blushes right away
- What she felt... it was lips, right?
- "B-but why would Seeker kiss my card? That’s kind of silly, maybe I’m mistaken..."
- Spoilers: she wasn’t mistaken 😂
- This feeling comes only when Seeker is alone in their room
- Chaya quickly comes to the conclusion that this isn’t just a random feeling she gets out of nowhere, it really is Seeker kissing her card before falling asleep...
- She tries to confront them about it, although really shyly
- "Seeker, I don’t mean to pry b-but... You’ve been doing something to my card lately, right?"
- Seeker just goes silent for a moment
- "So... You could feel that?!? Oh God..."
- Chaya is really confused, she’s unsure of what to do next and just sorta stands there silently until Seeker calms down
- Does that mean Seeker will stop doing that?! Chaya regrets confronting them now, it’s not like she disliked it
- On the contrary, if she had to be completely honest, she liked it. A lot.
- "Will... Will you stop doing it? I’m totally fine with it so you can keep going! Uh- only if you want to, of course!"
- Seeker is not dumb, they got the message: Chaya likes the feeling she gets when they kiss her card
- And so, they get a little bit cocky. Seeker takes Chaya’s card out of the deck and kisses it right in front of her
- As always, Chaya blushes but she covers her face this time, knowing that Seeker is watching her reaction
- "Wh-what was that for?! You can just kiss me directly when we’re together..."
- Understands what it is right away although she doesn’t 100% get why Seeker is doing that
- Sometimes, she doubts her judgement a bit because of the confusion, though she quickly gets back on track
- "Come on, Kera. What they’re doing is obvious, stop doubting yourself..."
- Tries to ignore it, thinks to herself "What they’re doing alone is none of my business."
- But after mulling it over some more: No actually, it is her business.
- It’s her card and she’s bound to it so she obviously feels everything that’s happening to it
- Why is she trying so hard to ignore this???
- "Feeling shy is not like me." Kera thinks to herself. She finally decides to confront Seeker, and she’s really honest about it
- "I know you’ve been kissing my card from time to time. Could you tell me why you’re doing that? It... It confuses me."
- Seeker tenses up immediately and avoids Kera’s gaze while trying to explain it
- "I see... So you’re attracted to me and kissing my card goodnight pleases you in some weird way? ...Alright."
- Seeker is losing it, well yes, long story short it’s what they said but still...
- "...Don’t look down like that. You can keep doing it. I didn’t want to admit it at first but... Frankly, I enjoy that feeling."
- Seeker is a bit surprised, they’re used to Kera’s bluntness but they didn’t expect her to actually like something of this sort
- Unconvinced, Seeker takes the card out from the deck and places a gentle kiss on it
- Kera tries to stay stoic at the contact, and yet her pale skin betrays her. Even the slightest blush is clearly visible on her cheeks.
- Gets it immediately and is eager to tease Seeker about it
- Goes to search for them and finds them quite easily
- "Oh, of course they would be in their room..."
- Doesn’t want to be too aggressive about it so she knocks a few times
- "Heyyy~ Owner? May I get an explanation as to what you’re doing to my card right now? Even better if it’s a cohesive one and not some fresh served BS pretty please~"
- Seeker opens the door in a hurry, cheeks flushed
- "What...! Ugh. Don’t tell me you felt that?"
- "I sure did. ❤"
- Seeker tries hopelessly to dodge the question and change the subject... really clumsily
- "...Wow. You won’t fool anyone with that cute face of yours, you know?~"
- She pinches their cheek and Seeker backs away
- "P-please don’t. You don’t get how mortified I am right now..."
- "Aww come on, there’s no need for that. It felt kind of nice, actually. Why don’t you try to do it again?"
- Swiftly, Maeve steals the deck out of Seeker’s pocket and draws her card, then she holds it in front of their lips
- "No need to be shy~ If you did it once already then surely you can do it again?"
- Reluctantly, Seeker closes their eyes and softly places a kiss on the card
- She would never admit it, but Maeve liked that kiss more than she should have...
- "See? It wasn’t that hard now, was it? ❤ Goodnight~"
- Is really perplexed. Why would Seeker do that?
- There’s no way they’re wrong, Mikael is really in tune with their card by now to make this kind of rookie mistake
- Well, it’s not like there’s a need to confront Seeker about it. It was probably just a one time thing although Mikael isn’t sure as to why they did it in the first place
- Spoilers: it wasn’t a "one time" thing 😉
- Almost every evening/night, Mikael feels this pleasant sensation... but why?
- It’s not like them to get so curious but... Well, it wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?
- "Seeker, I’ve noticed that at about the same time every night, I feel some pleasant sensation go through my body. I have the suspicion that you’re the one behind this. Am I wrong?"
- Seeker goes into panic mode
- "O-Oh- Uh. Yes, I’m so sorry, I won’t do it again-"
- Mikael reassures them immediately, they just want to know why Seeker is doing it, that’s all
- "Well I- Ugh, that’s so embarrassing... For a little while now, I got the habit of kissing your card goodnight before I fall asleep... Please don’t think I’m a creep."
- Mikael is taken aback by this, they’re not sure what they expected but it surely wasn’t this
- "No worries. I was merely curious, that’s all. And I like the feeling I get when you do that so please, don’t stop that lovely "habit" of yours. Plus, if you wouldn’t mind..."
- Mikael gently slides their hand into Seeker’s pocket and takes their card out of it
- "...Kiss it in front of me, you’ll see that this doesn’t make me feel unpleasant at all."
- Seeker does as they’re told and seeing Mikael’s reaction to it, well... they don’t want to stop with only one kiss.
- Doesn’t fully get it and tries to pass it as "just a random jolt" the first time it happens
- The 2nd time, he wants to believe that it’s just some weird coincidence or something
- But the 3rd time... There’s no way around it, Seeker is doing something to his card and he’s not sure if that "something" pleases him, knowing what it is
- It may be the first time that he’s hoping for his intuition to be wrong
- Tries to ignore it even after having figured out that Seeker is the one doing this (obviously) he doesn’t want to talk to them about this matter... or like, talk to them at all
- It would be kind of annoying... but mostly really awkward to be honest
- However, It starts to happen too regularly so he finally decides to confront Seeker about it
- "Listen here. I know what you’ve been doing to my card these last few weeks and I’d appreciate it if you stopped doing that."
- Seeker is really embarrassed at first but they quickly get a hold of themselves
- "...Aren’t you curious as to why I’m doing it?"
- Reyes actually questioned himself a lot about it, not like he would admit that so easily though
- "...What, you’re really bored or something? You want to annoy me, is that it?"
- "No. I’m just wishing you a good night."
- "I- Y-you know that we can’t actually sleep for real, right? Are you completely stupid?!"
- Oh boy... getting that sweet answer flustered him a lot more than intended, Seeker loves this side of him
- "Details. On that note, it’s getting quite late so..."
- Seeker draws Reyes’s card from the deck and places a soft kiss on it, Reyes flinches at the contact
- "Goodnight, Reyes."
- "You- *sigh* Whatever, do what you want... Goodnight."
- Wonders what it is the first time he feels it, this type of thing has never happened to him before
- A little "tingle" from time to time when a Master draws his card from the deck, sure. But this "tingle" has never felt this good...
- It happens more and more frequently and- is that the feeling of lips on his cheek??
- He starts looking forward to that "feeling" every night
- Somehow, it always happens when Seeker is about to fall asleep
- He’s really hoping he’s not wrong and that this "feeling" is caused by Seeker kissing his card
- It’s really romantic in a way, but he’s scared of getting the wrong idea
- And so, he tries asking Seeker about it
- "So... How to say this. Don’t freak out but- you um, you kiss my card every night before going to bed, don’t you?"
- Seeker almost spits out their tea
- "Well uh- H-how...? Don’t tell me you feel a "tingle" of some sort?"
- Vinn places his right hand on the back of his neck, he didn’t expect to feel so shy about this to be perfectly honest
- "More than just a "tingle" actually. It feels really good..."
- "So you don’t want me to stop doing it?"
- "W-What?! Of course not! Why would I not like to be kissed goodnight? I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t the one making this up because of my wishful thinking.... Actually-
- Vinn points at Seeker’s pocket, understanding more or less what he means by that, they take the deck out of their pocket and draw Vinn’s card
- "...Can you kiss it while looking at me?"
- Seeker is really embarrassed because of this whole situation but seeing how Vinn is also blushing... well, let’s say they’re not the only one to feel this way
- Seeker places a gentle kiss on the card, resulting in Vinn’s blush switching to a darker shade of red. Nonetheless, Vinn smiles cheerfully at them, Seeker’s heart melts at the sight.
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Rangers, Lead The Way - Chapter 3 - Kenny with Maggie
written by @anotheronechicagobog
warnings: swearing, nudity, profanity, mention of school shooting, guns, weapons, I’m pro gun control (even though I’m Canadian) and this kinda reflects that, mention of PTSD, child neglect, also I fucking hate nazis
When someone called before seven in the morning it was work, a death notification, or one of his fellow trio of lovestruck fools. So when the annoying ringtone Hana installed as a prank and he couldn’t figure out how to remove started blasting on his nightstand at 2:17 in the morning, he was more annoyed than apprehensive. “Crosby.”
“Hey man, sorry to call you so late, but it’s about Maggie.”
“What’s going on?”
“One of her first arrests as an FBI agent just broke out of prison, and she’s been temporarily assigned to the unit being tasked with finding him. Yours. I expect you’ll be getting a call in the next five minutes or so. Maggie can take care of herself, I know that, but...”
“It’s hard when you’re not there to watch her back. Don’t worry, I’ve got her.” 
“Thank you. So much. I appreciate this, so, so much.”
“Hey, a couple of months ago I was you. I feel you man, don’t worry. She’ll be fine. Listen, I’d love to keep talking but I’ve got another call coming in and it looks like that work call you were warning about. Talk to you later.”
“See you on the flip side, man.”
Jess stood in front of everyone with that look on his face that vaguely reminded Kenny of his stern ex-navy fourth-grade teacher. “Everyone, this is special agent Maggie Bell, you may remember her from when we worked with her unit on a couple of cases, but this time it’s just her joining us. Is there anything you’d like to add, Bell?”
“I’m excited to work with you all, but please, call me Maggie.”
“Alright, let’s get to work, then. Maggie, Jason Anderson was one of your first arrests with the bureau, can you brief us on that case and highlight any details you think may be pertinent?”
“Definitely. Well for starters, Anderson is a cheating scumbag and it only gets worse from there.” Maggie’s bluntness broke through the formality that was stifling the bus, smirks and chuckles abound, and it seemed that only he didn’t have the sense to at least try and hid his amusement. An understanding but disapproving look had Kenny composing himself to speak up. “Well then, let’s jump down this rabbit hole.”
Maggie was sitting next to Hana, giving details about the fugitive they were currently after. He was one of Maggie’s first arrests as an FBI agent, so the bureau thought it would be beneficial to have her work with the team. So here she was, dressed in jeans and a sweater as opposed to her usual suits, combining her razor-sharp intelligence with Hana’s. They’d commandeered the top floor of a police station in Boston and were relying on Maggie and Hana’s wit to find out where he was. Jason Anderson, 42, was an illegal weapons dealer. He’d previously been put in prison for distribution and possession of prohibited firearms, and for giving an AK-47 to a school shooter. He was being transferred to a higher security prison because it came to light that he was continuing his business from behind bars, but the security team had been too small and unprepared for the escape plan pulled off by a team of eight. Those eight men were their biggest clue oddly enough, as they’d been dropping like flies since the escape. Michael Howard, 40, was Anderson’s ex-brother-in-law. And the connection between all the, now dead, prison breakers. Unfortunately, Howard’s sister, and Anderson’s ex-wife, had cut contact with both of them along with the rest of their families after Howard introduced Anderson to his mistress and encouraged an affair that created two children. The mistress, Bethany Karnstein, had gone AWOL hours ago when she left her job in the middle of her shift and didn’t pick her kids up from school. 
The kids were safe with Anderson’s parents, but they couldn’t answer their questions when they asked where their mother was. The kids did identify Michael Howard as one of their mom’s friends though, he’d come to watch them while their mother was in the hospital about six months prior. They didn’t look shocked that FBI agents were asking about their parents, but they still didn’t know anything. 
At the moment, they were splitting up. Jess and Barnes were headed to follow up with Bethany’s clueless boss, he and Clinton were about to go follow up on a possible sighting, and Hana and Maggie were staying on the bus. Thankfully, since Kenny was stressed out enough at the prospect of having to watch out for Maggie on top of worrying about Hana, them being assigned together eased his mind. 
It was around midnight when he and Clinton were finally able to rendezvous with the rest of the team. There was no sighting, Bethany had one of her affair partners call in a false tip, and when he and Clinton had quickly sussed that out it lead to a shootout and car chase. Jason, the dumbass stupid enough to commit six different felonies for a woman who has two kids with a violent arms dealer, was lying in a heavily guarded ICU bed. They’d managed to get his cell phone but he was beyond unconscious when they’d finally managed to get him to stop shooting at them. “Hey Hana, I brought you something.”
“Jason’s cell?”
“That too, but I was actually talking about this.” He held out a large coffee that she desperately needed if the way her eyes lit up was any indication. “Thank you.” Hana let out an over-dramatic groan as she downed the first sip. “Hey Crosby, thanks for my coffee too.” He looked at Maggie sheepishly, realizing that he’d only gotten two, one for himself and the other for Hana. “I was the one who drove to and then parked in front of the coffee shop while he went and got those, how do you think I feel?” Clinton’s playful jab caused a round of giggles but the knowing look from the older man made Crosby a little nervous. He was sure his feelings towards Hana weren’t super well-hidden, but he really didn’t need anyone on the team tipping Hana off. “Anyway, here’s Jason’s cell. Do you think you can crack it?”
“Normally with this many characters I’d say no... But, his password is seven characters long and his lock screen is Bethany, so... There we go, unlocked.”
“... That was a really poor choice of password.”
“And girlfriend.”
After working for fourteen hours straight they were all spent and headed to the hotel that the FBI had secured rooms at for them. Jess, Barnes and Clinton were all in one car that was headed straight to the hotel to get everyone checked in. Kenny, Hana, and Maggie were in the other car that was making a detour on the way to pick up Thai food. Hana and Maggie were chatting amongst themselves, but Kenny was still kicking himself for the slip-up he’d made while placing the order over the phone. 
“Hi, can I place an order for pickup? Great. The name’s Kenny and the phone number is 123-456-7890. Okay, I’ll get two orders of shrimp rolls, one vegetable pad Thai, one pork Mee Khob, one chicken pad Keeng, and two orders of chicken Kao pad puk, hold on one second- Maggie you want green curry, right?”
“... Yeah, how did you know?” I’ve heard your partner talk about you almost non-stop since he met you because he’s head over heels in love with you, but I can’t say that, can? Especially because you, Hana, and Hailey don’t know that OA, Jya, and I know each other... For some reason, so sorry Maggie, Hana but I’m going to have to lie my ass off here. “Uh, sorry, I thought I heard you mention it earlier, plus you look like a green curry kind of person.”
“Ha, alright, yes I’d like some, thanks.”
“- Sorry about keeping you on hold, I’ll add one green curry to that order. Do you want me to pay over the phone or is it okay if I pay when I get there?”
“Sorry, what’s up?”
“Our exit is coming up in... 150 metres, you need to turn right.”
“Shit, thanks, Hana.”
“Are you okay? You seemed like you were in your own world there.”
“I’m fine, I was just thinking. Where do I go next?”
“Go straight for another 700 metres, it’ll be on the right.”
“Got it.”
“Alright everyone, the food’s here!” They’d all decided to gather in one of the meeting rooms the hotel had to the left of the lobby, Kenny had admittedly bellowed a little loud, but it brought all of his straggling coworkers into the room from their various spots in and around the lobby.
“Finally, what took you guys so long?” He knew that Jess was just hangry, and frustrated that they hadn’t caught the fugitive yet, so he let the snappy comment slide.
“Crosby almost missed the turn.”
“You let Crosby drive? Rookie mistake” He gave Hana a teasing look of betrayal before turning to Clinton. “I’ll have you know I am an excellent driver.”
“You’ve driven into a lake.”
“That was one time three years ago! And we were in a high-speed chase with a guy on a BMX bike who made a sharp turn near a kid’s birthday party, I didn’t exactly have many options.” He sounded more upset than he actually was. Moments like these were nice, where they got to hang around each other and just be friends, and Maggie was fitting in wonderfully with everyone but especially Hana, who sat in between him and Maggie as she started telling a story about OA with her face absolutely glowing.
Jason’s cell proved to be far more useful than he was. Bethany had been texting him from a rural address that turned out to be a cottage rental that was supposed to be vacant. The owners had a basic security system that had alerted them that someone was in their cottage, when the local LEOs investigated they immediately recognized the suspect but were able to play it off as having gotten a noise complaint, before going back to their vehicle and calling the FBI, while hiding their vehicle so that they could keep watch over the cottage. There was always a tense atmosphere when people were getting greedy for a raid, Kenny supposed the fresh air and appealing scent of pine trees eases tensions slightly, but not by much. Everyone knew that the worst could happen. That their loved ones could get an overly formal call at an unholy hour, telling them that the worst would happen. Everyone always did their best to try and prevent that, but there was only so much that they could keep out of fate’s unforgiving hands. His heartstrings pulled slightly as he flicked his eyes over to Hana. She was his special someone, even if she didn’t know it, and for a brief moment, he wondered what it would be like for her if he- No. Nope. You can’t think like that, especially not before a raid, and especially not about a woman who was only supposed to be your friend. The final preparations were complete and they were getting in position to breach. Hana still hadn’t been cleared for the field yet, so in the back of his mind, he was appreciative that there was one less person to worry about, with her wirelessly monitoring their body cams and coms. Although that was kind of moot point honestly, because Maggie was with them, in fact, Maggie had taken Hana’s position behind him. “You ready Maggie?” She put her hand on the back of his vest as the SWAT leader started counting down. “Always.”
The door was busted down and all the FBI and SWAT agents funnelled into the house through the three entrances. The sliding glass back door was where Jess was entering, the side door was for Clinton and Barnes, and He and Maggie were going through the front door. The front door went straight into the family room to the right, the eat-in kitchen was on the left, and directly across from the sliding glass door. Flashbangs went off as everyone started shouting, announcing themselves. There were screams and cries of panic, something not unusual in their line of work, what was also not unusual was finding Bethany naked on her knees with Michael Howard standing in front of her dressed in the same manner. Michael’s eyes went wide, and his thought process played out like an open book.
Shit. Feds.
Get gun.
... Gun is not in my holster because I’m not wearing clothes.
... Can’t run cause Bethany is clinging to my legs.
Kenny had to give the guy props for trying to tackle him linebacker style naked as the day he was born as he stood firm and checked him, sending him flying onto the ground. “Turn onto your stomach, now!”
He writhed around, trying to resist arrest, shouting “SUCK MY DICK YOU PIGS!” And trying to thrust his bare nether regions at everyone, Kenny in particular. “Howard Michael, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you acknowledge that your rights have been read to you?”
“I’m gonna take that as a yes.” One of the SWAT officers approached them with an itchy-looking wool blanket and took their suspect into custody. Maggie and Kenny shared a look before making their way to the two bedrooms that were to the left of the kitchen, they hadn’t been cleared yet and now they were trying to move fast to make sure that no other accomplices got away. Kenny took the right door, Maggie, to the left. “FBI! Freeze!” Kenny was met with the disturbing sight of a dead body on the bed. His throat and wrists had been slit and he was surrounded by lumped together blood-soaked sheets. He immediately recognized the dead body as the last remaining accomplice in the breakout. “Hey, Crosby? I need your help in here.”
“What’s up Maggie?” When he entered her room he stopped in his tracks. There wasn’t a bed, instead, there were two cribs for two babies, both of whom were in an equally freaked-out Maggie’s arms. “Here, let me help you.” Kenny helped lighten her load by taking a baby in his arms. “Hi sweetheart, what’s your name?”
“Kenny, these babies can’t be older than six months, you know she can’t respond to you, right?”
“I know, but they’re so little and scared, I want to at least try to comfort them.” The little girl hard curled up into his chest and nestled her face into his neck. “It looks like you’re doing a great job to me.”
“Who’s kids even are these?”
“I’m really trying not to think about it.”
“I’m praying to every deity there is that they’re not Bethany and Howard’s kids.”
There had to be thousands of deities, gods, godlings, divine beings, and not one of them could come through for those poor kids? The six-month-old twins Baxter and Hazel were the children of Bethany Karnstein and Michael Howard, who had murdered a man in the room next to their children’s room. The social services department where they were was basically non-existent, so while they waited for a social worker to drive from four and a half hours away they were watching the babies at the local police station while Jess and Clinton were questioning Michael. Baxter was much more social, jumping between the FBI agents, SWAT, and local LEOs, but he was now babbling quite happily on Maggie’s lap, whereas Hazel had immediately taken to Hana and refused to be held by anyone but her and Kenny. He looked at her fondly, Hana was holding the baby close to her chest and humming the tune to a melodic song he couldn’t remember the name of. Hazel looked up at Hana with wide, enchanted, trusting eyes, and all Kenny could do was feel his heart melt. A stray thought placed itself at the forefront of his mind and before he could stop it, he was picturing Hana as a mom, and as captivating as that thought was Kenny had to shake his head to stop it from going too far, they were just friends, it wasn’t Hana’s fault that he’s in love with her. I need to look somewhere else, anywhere else. 
His eye-line shifted to Maggie and watching as she bounced an absolutely delighted Baxter on her lap. He knew that OA wanted a family, wanted a wife and a couple of kids, and looking at the tender way Maggie was holding and entertaining Baxter, he could see her being a mom too. Man, if OA saw this he’d have a heart attack, it’s his dream come true.
Kenny saw Hana shift positions out of his peripheral vision and turned to look at her and was immediately concerned. She had a look of discomfort on her face. “Hana? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Her tone was tense and Hazel immediately picked up on it and made a scared noise. “Are your arms tired? Do you want me to take her?”
“No. We’re fine. Maybe you should hold Baxter instead.” She snapped and finally looked him in the eyes, she was clearly angry and upset, but she seemed betrayed as well. Kenny leaned back into his chair his shoulders sinking in tandem. He was silently thankful that since everyone was milling about and talking it didn’t seem that anyone heard the exchange, though Maggie did look at him with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged his shoulders in response, completely bewildered. Maggie shook her head sharply, rolled her eyes, and scoffed. ‘Men.’ She mouthed. Kenny was completely clueless, had either of them noticed him watching them at they were offended at that? He watches Hana work away on her computer all the time and it’s never been an issue, but then again that was always subject to change. His inner ramblings were cut off when Jess and Clinton came back from the interrogation room. “Michael didn’t talk much, but Hana decrypted his cell and he has incoming and outgoing calls to a recluse retiree Evan DeLuca who lives forty minutes from here. Crosby, Bell go check it out, Clinton and I are going to take a break from interrogating Michael for an hour or so, Gibson and Barnes, you two can interrogate Karnstein, see how much she knows and just how involved is she in all of this. We can watch the babies while you’re in there...”
“Admit it, boss, you want a break just cause you two want to hold the babies.”
“Get moving Crosby, Barnes is already out the door.”
“You got it.”
They were twenty minutes into the tense car ride when Maggie finally spoke up. “Just so you know, you’re an idiot.” Flabbergasted Kenny let his mouth fall open and close a couple of times before tightening his grip on the steering wheel only to release it after taking a breath. “You’re probably right, but can you please tell me why I’m an idiot? What did I do wrong?”
“Can’t tell you that.”
“Why not? You were the one who brought it up.”
“Just... Focus more on Hana, okay?”
“Are you sure? I mean, I thought about it, and maybe that’s the issue?”
“Trust me, it’s not. Just focus on her, got it?”
“Okay... I’m confused as hell, but okay.”
“Isn’t that your usual state of mind?” He didn’t have to look over to see the teasing grin, he could feel it. “Woah, low blow, Maggie, low blow.”
“If you want to hear about a low blow, you should hear about how OA and I had to chase a clown fairy princess twelve blocks at two in the morning.”
“Please, go on.”
Well. That went terribly wrong. As much as Kenny could appreciate the peace and aesthetic of small towns and cottage areas, he hated working in them because there was never any backup! Forty minutes may not seem like a lot of time, but when you’re in a firefight against a man who has access to a seemly endless supply of weapons of war, that was an eternity. He’d literally fired a bazooka at them, how in the fuck did he get a bazooka?! So, the good news about this situation? They’d found Jason Anderson. Bad news? They’d found Jason Anderson with an arsenal large enough and powerful enough to take down a small army. They’d managed to take cover, but Anderson clearly had night-vision goggles because, despite the fact that it was past eleven and pitch black, he always knew where they were. Oh, and Evan DeLuca was probably a dead retiree, not a recluse. That’s just great, another body to add to Anderson’s growing total. Now, all that he and Maggie had to do was not become part of that number. If only it were that easy. They’d managed to get around the side of the house where there were only two medium-sized windows on side of the house facing them instead of a large doorway like at the front and, presumably, the back.
When Kenny got Jess on the phone it was nothing but panicked observations, and the notification that they’d found Anderson, as he and Maggie ran for cover. His phone wasn’t even near his face when he made the call, so he’s not quite sure what all made it through, only that they were still thirty minutes away from the address.
“We need a plan.”
“He can see our movements so we’re going to have to be sneaky about it.”
“I’ll fire on him, cause a diversion, do you think you can try to sneak around back?” 
“Are you crazy?! We didn’t have time to grab our vests, that’s suicide. Besides, how many rounds do you even have left?”
“I’ve got a mag and a half.”
“Really? I thought you fired a bunch of shots at him earlier.”
“I did, but I’ve been carrying extra ammo for this case, I figured I’d need it at some point considering we’re going up against a weapons dealer.”
“Smart-” She was cut off by another several hundred rounds being fired at the, thankfully incredibly thick, tree they were hiding behind. “We don’t have much of a choice Maggie. Head around back, I’ll try to distract him and not get shot.” He knew she’d argue with him, so he didn’t give her the chance to. He ran out from behind the tree and fired through the only window of the two that was open. There wasn’t any light on in the house, so Kenny really wasn’t sure what he was aiming for. After the sixth shot he heard “fuck! Fucking fuck!” And felt a wave of relief; he’d hit Anderson. Hopefully enough to keep him subdued. He ran around to the front of the house only to be met with the sight of Anderson pulling the pin out of a grenade. He ran back out faster than he entered and hugged the outside of the entrance just outside of the doorframe. “GRENADE!” The explosion went off where he’d been standing when he burst through the front door, shrapnel from the grenade exploded through the doorway seconds after he’d gotten out and he could hear some of it embed itself in the interior of the wall behind him.
When Kenny entered through the doorway, they were face to face. Kenny's gun was raised aimed at his forehead, and Anderson stood there weaponless. Pulling the trigger, Kenny made the mistake of thinking that it was over, that Anderson was done for. Click. Horror and vindication simultaneously coursed through Crosby and Anderson. The gun was empty. He'd spent all the rounds. Before he could lower his useless gun Anderson was on him like a feral animal. Despite the gunshot wound to Anderson’s right shoulder, he was just as lethal without a weapon as was when he had one. Anderson had him by the throat up against the wall and was pressing his thumbs into Kenny’s throat. Kenny threw two quick punches to Anderson’s jaw, releasing him and making them stumble away from each other. It quickly turned into a fight on the floor. They were biting, kicking, hitting each other, trying to get the upper hand. Kenny managed to land a solid elbow to Anderson’s head but that seemed to be the tipping point that only enraged him. The next thing Kenny knew Anderon had pushed him up and smacked him on the ground, knocking the air out of his lungs, and started to choke him again. Kenny tried to lay in a punch like the first time, but Anderson saw that coming, just dodged away from the fist and started pushing his thumbs into the centre of Kenny’s neck harder. 
“FBI! Put up your hands!” Anderson growled but did as he was told. Kenny lay there gasping for breath knowing that it was too easy, Anderson had another trick up his sleeve, and Maggie was too smart not to know it too. She stepped closer, her gun pointed to the back of Anderson’s head, one hand reaching to her waist to grab her cuffs... That’s when Anderson made his move, spinning around and grabbing her by the waist, Anderson pulled her to the ground, the force caused her to let go of her gun. She tried to reach for it but Anderson pulled her towards him by her hair and put her in a chokeholdJaytill hazy from the lack of air Kenny grappled at him from behind. Trying to do something, anything, to save Maggie. Whatever he did worked because Anderson turned back to face him only now he had a bruise on the side of his face that was already swollen. Anderson tried grabbing Kenny by the neck again, but it was clear he was low on energy and just trying to fight until his last breath. Too bad for Anderson that Maggie wasn’t going to let that happen. 
And then Anderson was unconscious, lying on top of him, and Kenny barely had the strength to move the gun dealing scumbag off of him. “You good?”
“Yeah, thanks.” He looked at the gun in Maggie’s hand and Anderson on the ground. She was holding her gun by the barrel and there was some blood on the handle. “You cold-cocked him?”
“Yeah, I tried shooting him, but I mistook my gun for yours. I told you that you wouldn’t have enough ammo.”
“That you did. Thanks again, for saving my ass.”
“Any time.”
“I’m gonna call the team and let them know they don’t have to come in guns blazing... Especially because we are surrounded by improperly stored weapons and ammo. I’ll probably call for an ambulance too, to come to check you out.”
“What? Me?”
“Yeah, he had you in that chokehold pretty hard.”
“He strangled you, twice!”
“Three times actually, you weren’t here for the first one.”
“Even if you have to be dragged over by the ear, you will be getting checked out by the ambulance too.”
“I’m going to preface this by saying Maggie’s fine, she doesn’t even have a concussion.”
“... That was the absolute worst way to start this call. Are you aware of that? Oh the heart attack you’re giving me? What the fuck happened?”
“Long story short, we found Jason Anderson and he tried to kill us.”
“And the long version? Actually, wait do I even want to know?”
“Probably not, but you want to know anyway because you think it will make you worry less, even though we both know it won’t, don’t you?”
“... Yes.”
“We got shot at a lot, got pinned down behind one of the massive trees they have out here, split up with me providing the distraction, I almost got blown up, my magazine was empty from providing cover so we went hand-to-hand, the door at the back was blocked by crates of uzis so it took her a while to get back, I got strangled three separate times, managed to land good hits, so did he, he threw Maggie on the ground when she showed up and she hit her head, he put her in a chokehold, I got her out of it by pinching his armpits really hard after punching wasn’t working, he tried to strangle me for the third time and Maggie cold-cocked him with my empty gun cause she couldn’t find hers. The paramedics cleared her, she’ll be fine. I think that Hana’s gonna try to drag us to the local clinic when we get back to town.”
“She’s okay?”
“Completely, she doesn’t even have a headache or sore throat, and she really saved my ass back there. She’s good. She’s with Hana right now actually. Hana was really off when everyone showed up, she’s been pretty worried and she won’t believe me when I say I’m okay but she’ll believe Maggie. You know you could probably call her, check up on her yourself? We were talking with the paramedics and she kept talking about this halal burger place you brought her to and she’d do anything for one of those right now... But from the look on her face when she brought you up, I’d wager she was actually talking about you. She misses you, even spent an hour talking about you when we all got Thai food in Boston.”
“Alright, thanks, man. I don’t know what I’d do if she wasn’t okay.”
“Gee, thanks for showing your concern for me. You know, your brother in arms-”
“Fellow ex-ranger-”
“Favourite blonde-”
“I’m glad you’re alright Kenny. I just can’t believe you two went up against Jason Anderson and walked away unscathed.”
“Actually my throat is pretty sore and the paramedics found some shrapnel in my right leg, all of it was shallow but some of it got pushed in deeper during the fight.”
“... Just go to a hospital, man. Seriously. Also, Hailey is my favourite blonde now. Sorry.”
“We have a problem.”
“What kind of problem, Hana?” Jess may have sounded cool, calm, and collected, but anyone who knew him was able to tell it was the opposite. Jess LaCroix likes for things to get done and stay done, according to Tali that’s why he hates doing the dishes, and this threw a serious wrench in everyone’s plans to escort the culprits, and children because children’s aid still hasn’t shown up, back to Boston and then go home to New York.  
“Anderson’s set up a buy, a big one. Everything in that house except for two AK-47’s, ten grenades, and eight rounds of ammo for the AK-47, is for a single buyer, they’re meeting at the base of a hiking trail in two days.”
“Fuck. There were uzis and bazookas, who the hell are these guys.” Anderson was just a weapons dealer, and he was dangerous enough, Kenny really wasn’t looking forward to meeting whoever the buyer was. “I don’t know, I couldn’t find out, but there is some, I guess, good news. They think that he blew up an FBI agent and that that’s who’s in the hospital under armed guard. They think he got away, want to do the exchange earlier than planned, they want to meet in two hours, the same location.”
“Hana, we have the opportunity to also take down some pretty dangerous buyers too, that’s great news, why don’t you think so?”
“Kenny, they don’t know his exact face but they have a description. Six feet tall, blonde, blue eyes, muscular-”
“You think I have muscles?” Kenny realized his attempt at lightening the mood wasn’t welcome when no one chuckled along with him, muttering a quick apology before looking back at Hana, whose face displaced what he could only describe as contained distress. “Kenny, you’re pretty banged up, you shouldn’t be going out there.”
“Hana, I’ll be fine. Everything’s mostly superficial, SWAT hasn’t gone back to Boston yet, and we may not get another chance to get these guys. It has to be done, and quickly. I’ll be okay.” She took a deep breath and looked down at the papers on the table in front of her. She did not like it, that much was very obvious, but she looked frustrated that his logic was right, and that they’d have to go through with his, admittedly not very well thought out, plan. “Alright, I guess I’ll go and get the tech set up.” Jess coughed to draw attention to himself, along with everyone else in the room they’d been ignoring, and Kenny felt his cheeks heat up. “Sorry, is this the plan we’re going through with and should I get the tech together?”
“While I get the local LEO’s to give us some info on the terrain?” Jess looked them both over before nodding. “Sounds like that’s what we’re doing, thanks for doing all the planning guys, everyone, go get prepared.”
“Kenny, can you come and find me after you’re done talking to the LEO’s? I’d like to talk for a sec.”
“Sure thing Maggie.”
His talk with Maggie ended up just being a quick, and confusing, talk.
“I know that it’s been a rough couple of days, but I’m still you really need to be careful.”
“I know, it won’t be like back at the house, there’ll be back up this time, and I’ll have ammo in my gun this time.”
“This isn’t the time to joke but... Okay. And one more thing, be nice to Hana.”
“Aren’t I always nice to Hana? I feel like she’s upset with me but I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.” Maggie sighed before giving him a long look and was clearly debating whether or not to say something. “It’s not that you’ve done anything wrong, it’s just that... current circumstances have been stressing her out. Like me being your partner right now, it’s thrown her off a bit. And she said you’ve been acting strange so she’s worried about you for that on top of your physical safety, and Zadie has been calling and texting her quite a bit asking for updates about you, and it’s just been a lot for her.”
“Why didn’t she tell me any of this?”
“Sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone who isn’t directly involved in the issue. Look, all I’m saying is that you need to be careful, and maybe tell Zadie to not ask about you while you and Hana are working.”
“I didn’t even know she’s been doing that, it doesn’t matter that Hana isn’t in the field, her work is still crucial and she can’t afford to be distracted. Are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.”
Maggie was still pretty vague, but when Hana was wiring him up, he promised her he would be careful and cautious, that he was sorry if he worried her, the relief on her face made his heart twinge. He hadn’t meant to make her so concerned.
Two sets of headlights drove up the gravel road that leads to town, bring Kenny back to the present. Two men stepped out of each car and he immediately had to stifle a groan. He was now standing alone in a hiking trail parking lot alone, but with back up hiding in the trees, with four nazis. They were all in their fifties wearing blatant white supremacist clothes. He counted a trump shirt, a confederate flag, an all lives matter shirt, and a swastika shirt. “You Jason Anderson?” Confederate spoke first, and his voice was so loud and boisterous it shook his beer belly. “I am.”
“Is that FBI agent you blew up dead yet?”
“I really didn’t come here, when the feds are really pissed and packing heat, to make small talk. Are you buying or not? I’ve got them all loaded up in the back.”
“Can we see them first?”
“After I see the cash.” Trump shirt looked at confederate for confirmation before walking to the second pick-up truck, because of course, and returned with two stuffed duffle bags. Kenny unzipped them the second they were in front of him, and sure enough, stacks of $100 bills shoved inside in a disorderly fashion. Kenny pretended to count but he was really biding his time, trying to find ways to get them to spill their guts. “What do you guys want with this much firepower, anyway? It’s a bit much for hunting.”
“There’s an abortion clinic a couple of hours away in Boston, we’re going to teach those whores to respect life.” And here I was thinking that these scumbags couldn’t get any worse. Kenny sighed and popped the trunk, revealing the crates of guns, that all had the firing pins removed making them useless, but assholes one through four didn’t need to know that. “Alright, take a look. What do you think?”
“I think... That we just got an arsenal for FREE!” All four aimed their newly attained weapons and... Didn’t fire. “Really? Did you honestly think I’d put ammo in there? Whatever, FBI YOU’RE UNDER ARREST!” They didn’t even have time to start running before the most wanted unit, Maggie, SWAT, and LEO’s had burst out of the trees, guns raised.
Fucking morons.
“Hey man, how’d the bust go?”
“Great, we arrested the head of the local faction of the KKK and his minions, apparently. You know, the second the guns were in their hands they tried to blow me to pieces. They thought we, or Anderson rather, would have them all loaded up for them so they could make away with the guns and the cash. You should’ve seen them when they were arrested, they were genuinely surprised that their plan didn’t work, and that no one wanted to hear their bigoted crap. And Anderson’s ex-wife decided to take in all four of Karnstein’s kids, those he had with her husband and brother, which is great because we were worried about what was going to happen to them, but she said she just wants to keep all the siblings together and that’s an example of sainthood if I ever saw one. And before you ask, yes, Maggie’s fine.”
“I’m getting a little predictable when it comes to her, aren’t I?”
“A bit, yeah- hold on one second... I’m back.”  
“What was that?”
“I got another call.”
“From who?”
“The girl you’re dating who happens to be the roommate of your best friend and the girl you’re in love with?”
“... Shut up.”
“Hahaha no. Look, we’re both idiots, all three of us were until Halstead figured out how to get off. I can’t talk to Maggie about how I feel, not yet and maybe not ever. Losing her husband left horrendous scars and she needs me to be her partner and her friend, she doesn’t need to deal with how I feel. But you and Hana? You could happen, you could talk to her, I know that you spoke with her about your PTSD and she’s told you about serious things in her life and herself. Both of you have a trust and bond that doesn’t need to be tested. It’s tried and true. You don’t deserve to be miserable, drowning yourself in distractions and being a distraction. Just promise me you’ll think about it.”
“Okay, I will. And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you and Maggie are as far away from each other as you think. She talks about you all the time, she told me so many stories about you two in the field. She trusts you implicitly, and the face she makes when she talks about you... There’s nothing platonic about that. So you need to think about talking to your girl and moving forward too, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Am I really not your favourite blonde anymore?”
“Haha, no you’re not, sorry.”
“You knew her for like three days!”
“Eh, still.”
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“... No, I don’t. But... Maggie told me about the clown fairy princess and I’m gonna tell Halstead about it the next time I call him, which we’ll be in an hour cause I want to catch him before he goes to work. So, HA!”
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bitchiha · 4 years
hey!!! can you maybe do any of the boys that your heart would like and the request is; “them seeing/meeting your ex boyfriend for the first time” | so like the shisuirequest??
A/N: Yes I can write this for you!! I chose to write it for Kiba, Naruto and Sai! Bc Sai doesn’t get enough love =(^.^)=
✎ Meeting their s/o’s ex boyfriend!
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So allow me to paint the scene: it all starts when Kiba is walking you home from one of your routine walks together. He’s got his arm around your waist and he’s telling you about how Hianata almost passed out this morning when Naruto said hi to her. You both laugh as he finishes the memory and Akamaru trails behind you two panting happily.
You live on a pretty busy village street. So you normally see people you know all the time around your house. They’re always passing by to get groceries or go to one of the food stands nearby. So when someone calls out your name you turn around casually — expecting to see Shino or something.
But who you did not expect to see was your ex boyfriend running up to you, pushing passed people on the crowded street without batting an eye. He was kind of a douchebag.
Kiba immediately stops laughing as he feels your back tensing up around his arm. Akamaru starts growling lowly as a response to sensing both yours and Kibas alert.
Tbh tho.. The reason you’re probably the most panicked is because this is Kiba Inuzuka, you’re hotheaded boyfriend who’s just a smidge bit possessive... and he’s meeting your ex boyfriend who’s overconfident and well, for lack of better words - a douchebag.
Your ex walks up to you two and sizes up Kiba and omfg that pisses your boyfriend off. “Y/n, who’s this guy.” Definitely shows his canines (is it an accident? or did he do it to intimidate this dude? You’ll never know.)
Anyways, your ex is cocky as shit — let’s call him Makki. So he interrupts you before you even get the chance to explain to Kiba who he is, “-Oh y/n, you’ve never mentioned me? I’m Makki, her ex boyfriend.”
Dude probably eats up the pissed off look on Kibas face. Like he’s yikes lmfao he’s really pissed off.
Like who does this cocky shit think he is?? Kiba is ready to fight lol “Oh yeah buddy, that’s real good for yo-“
Your ex just cuts him off... like blatantly ignores Kiba and turns to you, “It’s been a while y/n, you still look as gorgeous as ever...” he winks at you and Kiba growls LMFAOO, but Makki just ignores him. “We’d been together for so long y/n, so how come I never knew you liked... dogs so much.” He stares at Kiba right when he says dogs and he gives him this appalled expression on his face
Kibas confused for a second bc dogs are cute....“But there’s nothing wrong with dogs- oh wait! Hey were you trying to insult me you knucklehead!”
So you’ve got your boyfriend held back, but you forgot about Akamaru.. rookie mistake. Now that giant dog is running towards Makki and the boy starts sprinting for dear life.
Kiba has a good laughing fit at the sight, “that’ll show him.” But you’re concerned because yes your ex is a douchebag and you did enjoy watching him run away scared, but you don’t want Akamaru to get in trouble for this. So you tell Kiba to go find Akamaru this instant.
“All right all right I’ll get em now... See you tomorrow, same time as today?” You nod hurriedly, wanting him to go Asap. You watch him run off before opening the door to your house and going inside.
Which was another rookie mistake.
Once you were inside he stopped running. He placed his hands behind his neck in a relaxed way as he strolled down the street, whistling like he didn’t have a dog to chase down.
“Have at em’ Akamaru”
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Yup.. you guessed it, this takes place at Ichirakus. It’s a Friday night and you two had no missions or other commitments to take care of, so he swung by your place and insisted you two go out for ramen.
So there you two sat, chatting away between mouthfuls of ramen when your ex boyfriend slides into the seat next to you.
Narutos oblivious tbh.
Like your ex just sits an elbow on the table and looks at you with a smirk, “hey, y/n, long time no see.” And you’re like.. ew wtf are you doing here.
Unlike Kiba, Naruto can’t pick up on your distaste, he just thinks it’s an old friend of yours. “Hey babe, who’s this guy?”
Your ex just introduces himself by his name and you decide to leave it at that, if you tell Naruto he’s your ex he will just get difficult to handle. So, you introduce Naruto as Naruto to avoid your ex getting all competitive too.
So you kinda avoid all relationship talk altogether and just completely skip over that fact. Honestly you’re half glad you did because Naruto actually gets along with him. Like for starters they both like ramen, are knuckleheaded and very loud. You definitely have a type. And they’re super funny too, so the whole time they’re just kinda laughing with eachother.
Had a good 15 minute long conversation about their favourite instant noodle brand and roasted you for the brand you liked. “Really y/n, that’s shameful.” They both say it in unison.
Also, your ex didnt have the intention to come into Ichirakus and crash your date, it was just a coincidence. So there was no ulterior motives to his presence and he’s not the type of guy to do it tbh. To top it all off he ends up paying for the ramen. Your ex literally pays for both you and Narutos ramen.
Such a weird experience for you tbh, but it’s also kinda funny to watch them both oblivious to your relationship with them.
At the end of the night when your ex heads home, you tell Naruto. Like you’re strolling through the busy Friday night rush and you finally spring it on him because he won’t shut up about your ex.
“Wow that guy was so cool y/n, never knew you had friends like that!” “Well actually Naruto, hes sorta my ex boyfriend.”
His eyes pop out of his head. “WHAT and you’re just telling me this now??” He’s in his head like: damn I should have showed off more or I should have made more jokes to prove that I’m the better one. He’s also like: shit he’s so cool how can he compete???!!1!1!1
Tries to hate your ex from then on, but they’re just so alike he literally cannot.
Luckily you don’t ever run into him like that again.
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So.. let’s just be real here.. if you’re dating Sai you clearly have a type. You go for those emo little artsy boys. The only problem is that your ex boyfriend was an emo preppy rich art boy. You couldn’t stand his attitude anymore so you two broke up.
The only problem is that you live in the Leaf village and there’s very limited art events, so you would always bump into him. Luckily you hadn’t run into him with Sai around.. until now lol
You’re with Sai at an art exhibit that you managed to get him to submit work for. He was hesitant at first, but he gave in because you kept asking, and if he was being honest he wouldn’t mind showing some of his pieces.
So there you two are, standing together like that emo art couple that you are when your ex boyfriend walks in. He literally looks like the definition of avant garde. When he sees you he’s prepared to make some condescending comment, but then he sees Sai and he’s like: oh shit
Let’s be real here if anyone saw you and Sai together it would be an “oh shit” moment. You’re just an art power couple. That doesn’t mean your exes snobbiness would let him back down though.
So, this dude wants to prove he’s superior. When he walks up to the two of you he flat out interrupts the conversation and is like, “y/n, nice to see you,” then he turns to Sai and jusy gets down to business “so? You like art, then?”
Sai doesn’t comprehend the hostility in your ex’s tone so he answers it with a smile, prepared to tell him that this is actually his exhibit before he’s Interrupted again. “-Oh so you like art then? Okay, describe what mediums are used here.” your ex points at one of Sai’s paintings, not aware that he literally fucking painted it because he didn’t let Sai finish speaking.
So of course Sai answers and goes into a whole ramble about what mediums and why and how they bring out the details. Your ex kinda stands there like: “oh shit” again bc damn, he knows his shit.
He just points at another painting and is like, “what about this one.” And as your ex turns to study it better himself he realizes it’s literally you. It’s a painting that Sai did of you when you two first met eachother, you’re laying on the grass laughing and there’s orange hues dancing across your face indicating that the sun is setting. It’s one of Sais absolute favourites.
It’s such a bomb ass fucking painting and your ex just kinda stares at it confused and shook and you have to explain, “my boyfriends work is in this exhibit, he painted that one of me.”
But as I said, your ex is a douchebag and he’s not going to let your boyfriend get a compliment from him so he just goes, “hmph, it’s nothing special.”
And that kinda bothers Sai because that’s his girlfriend in that painting therefore it is very special.
You know where this is going. Naruto said the same line to him before LOL
So Sai hits him with this signature line, “just like your dick.” AND HE SAYS IT W THE FAKE SMILE LMFAO
Now your ex is literally dead. Like he’s flamed. On the floor straight up incinerated. And your trying to hide your laughter.
Security has to escort the guy out.
Very memorable moment for the two of you.
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