#rop ask
helenvader · 2 years
Hello :-) I haven´t been on tumblr for few years, but Halbrand/Galadriel and new TLOTR bring me here again. I´m big fan of the show and them and I´m glad I found another one who is crazy about them. Sorry for my bad english :-) I´m familiar with the theory Halbrand/Sauron thing, almost everybody thinks so, that he is him! But I have still hope that he is not. I would even prefer the theory about Witch king, but.... I don't plan to watch the last two episodes sober :-D Can I ask you something?
Welcome back to the realm of Tumblr. :-)
I had a long Tumblr break, too; came back for Shadow and Bone in 2021, and now I am (obviously) absolutely captivated with The Rings of Power. And I am glad there are more of us.
Your English is perfecly fine, never worry about that! This is a fan community, not a language competition.
I used to think Halbrand was Sauron - until yesterday evening. Now I am 99.999999% sure Annatar is already in Eregion and is behind the whole mithril plot. And the reason why Celebrimbor wants that special furnace made. My guess is we will see him in the very last shot of episode 8.
And, of course, you can ask me anything! ♡
P. S. Haha about "not sober" watching. :-D
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dpurut · 3 months
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primum non nocere
art ig- @acepostale
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markantonys · 12 days
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Nerdist interview
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saurongorthaur9 · 4 days
The funny thing is, even if a kiss happens between Hal and Gal, the antis will say that “it's not romantic”, “they're not in love”, “it doesn't mean anything”, “it's manipulation” and blah blah blah
I have noticed some recent conflict in the fandom over what exactly Sauron feels for Galadriel, and I don't want to insert myself into any of that. That being said, I do agree that what Sauron feels for Gal is complicated. I think there is love and there is obsession and probably other things that can't be boiled down nice and neatly into any one emotion.
With that preface, Tolkien actually talks about how Sauron's underlying driving motive is love. Love of order. Love of beauty. Love of perfection. He even says that in the beginning, these things were Sauron's virtue. Morgoth was a being driven by a nihilistic hatred for all things that he could not control and corrupt, but Sauron was driven by passionate love for Middle-earth and the things therein, and this was actually the core difference between them.
Of course, though we know that Sauron's love (as Mairon) started out as something good, it was quickly twisted into obsession to control what he loved. And eventually, when he was not allowed to control it, it twisted into hatred just as passionate as his love had been.
I love that we're actually getting a microcosm of that with Sauron and Galadriel, and I think how Sauron feels about Galadriel is very Tolkienian, given the above passages from "Morgoth's Ring" that I referenced. I think at the beginning, Sauron-as-Halbrand's love for Galadriel was actually pretty genuine and as pure as it could be for a being like him. He connected with her (genuinely, I believe), he admired her, he found her beautiful, and he saw a kindred spirit within her. And I think those were all pretty wholesome feelings.
However, we've already seen those feelings begin to warp into obsession to possess and control. We saw it even by the end of Season 1, when we saw how manipulative and angry he got when Gal rejected his marriage/partnership proposal. We're definitely seeing it in Season 2 with his creepy, possessive behavior towards Mirdania in the last episode.
I think over the course of the series, we'll see Sauron's love become a darker and darker thing, more and more obsessive, more possessive than a genuine connection: mirroring how his love for Middle-earth fell into something dark and twisted. By the very end of the series, I could even see Sauron coming to hate Galadriel - much as he comes to hate Middle-earth - because he can't possess or control her, but I think it will still be an obsessive hatred that is, in part, a love gone terribly wrong.
All this is to say, I think the best characters are complex characters. Is Sauron in love? Yes, I think he is. Is he also manipulating Gal? Yes, I think he is. Is his love something dark and controlling and possessive? Yes, I think it is. These are all things that can co-exist. The one thing that I do vehemently disagree with is that "it doesn't mean anything" or that Sauron and Galadriel's connection doesn't mean anything to Sauron. I think it means everything to Sauron. And if there is a kiss, I think it will be an extension of that. At least, I would hope so.
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aquitainequeen · 22 days
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(would be that Richard III's best speech isn't actually in his own play)
Henry VI, Part 3: Act 3, Scene 2
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feyhunter78 · 2 days
Hi 💕
If requests are still open can you do something Elrond x reader where reader watches him duelling for sword training (or something similar)?
Can be as sweet or spicy as you want❤️
I know you sent this in ages ago, I'm so sorry!!! Also, I'm so bad at describing fighting, please ignore that
Sparring Sessions
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You sit with your friend Taethrien on one of the various stone benches that line the outer circle of the training yard. The open space of packed dirt and training dummies, the sounds of sparring and instruction mingling with grunts of exertion from the younger elves.
“Again.” Elrond calls, his voice sharp, like a whip, his face set in stone, as he jerks his head towards the fallen sword of his sparring partner.
The younger elf, Narion, you believe his name is, picks up his sword, and settles back into a sturdy fighting stance, sweat dripping from his brow.
You know you should intervene, insist that your husband take more care with the younger elves, but you find yourself unable to. Your eyes drawn to his form, the graceful but powerful movements, the controlled strength behind his swings and strikes.
“Elrond is quite intense this morn, is he not?” Taethrien says, watching the pair as they begin, Narion lunging first, seemingly not learning his lesson.
You hum in response, captivated by the easy way Elrond deflects the blow. He has not even broken a sweat, but his hair is disheveled from him raking his hand through it.
There is a smirk, almost cocky, on Elrond’s face as Narion growls and tries to fake right and catch Elrond off guard. He sees right through it, striking Narion’s exposed side.
“Oh, poor boy, he must cease leaving his left side so open.” She continues, frowning as the flat of Elrond’s blade taps against Narion’s ribs.
You hum again, feeling your stomach flip when Elrond spots you and sends you a quick smile, a simple uptick of his lips, but it is enough to make a sudden warmth flood your face.
“Y/N?” Taethrien asks, turning to face you, her brows furrowed. “Are you listening.”
“Yes, yes, I agree, left side, much too exposed.” You say far too quickly, remembering where you are and tearing your eyes from Elrond.
She tilts her head, a catlike smile on her lips, but says nothing of your reaction. “My husband should be along soon, perhaps he will present a finer challenge for Elrond than the young ones do.”
“I am sure it will be a worthy display of both their skills.” You smile, bumping your shoulder into hers. “And it will allow me to see this strength of his you are so very fond of.”
 “I told you of that in confidence.” She whispers, blushing all the way to the tips of her ears.
“It is nothing to be ashamed of.” You reassure her, patting her hand.
A sudden shout draws your attention back to the ring, where Elrond has Narion at sword point, the young elf on his back in the dirt. You grip your skirts, a flash of heat surging through you as Elrond sheathes his sword with a one-handed, fluid motion, before pulling Narion up from the dirt.
“It seems we both may have something, not to be ashamed of.” Taethrien teases, making a show of pretending to try and unfurl your fingers.
You do not tease her in return when it is her husband against yours, they are newly married, still in a phase of infatuation, still discovering much about themselves and each other. Besides, you are far too focused on Elrond as he and Iandor spar, their swords singing, sparking through the air, throwing bits of sunlight as it glints off their blades.
“Do keep up Elrond, I know you have not tasted battle in ages, but surely you cannot be this out of practice.” Iandor taunts jovially, a bright smile on his face.
Elrond throws him a devastatingly charming smile in response, the gleam of a worthy challenge in his eyes. “No, my friend, I am simply allowing you the advantage, I would not wish to embarrass you in front of your new bride.”
They spar for what feels akin to eternity as well as mere moments until they call it a draw, both men breathing heavily, clapping each other on the shoulder as they return their weapons to the rack.
You meet Elrond halfway, and he wipes the sweat from his brow, smiling at you, his chest still rising and falling harshly. “My starlight, I can only hope we did not bore you.”
“I never tire of watching you train.” You tell him, dusting the dirt from his training leathers, attempting to banish the memory of your wedding night from your mind. The way he looked hovering above you, his curls wild, his pupils blown wide, his bare chest heaving, the sound of your name on his lips. “I always find such interest in seeing more of this side of you. I know my husband the poet, the herald, the romantic, but I see seldom see my husband the warrior.”
“Truly, I prefer the quill to the sword, but I cannot deny a good bout brings a certain sense of joy to me.” He says, as you both wave goodbye to Taethrien and Iandor.
“You fight well, as you always have.” You compliment, leaning your head against his arm as you walk back to your shared chambers. You must cease these thoughts, stifle the heat, lest you become a lecher for your own husband.
“I am better with a bow.” He deflects, ever so humble.
“You are skilled with both, though I would not say you are a better archer than swordsman.” You tease. “That title belongs to Galadriel.”
Though you say it, your mind’s eye still conjures an image. His deft hands wrapped around the bow, his broad shoulder spread, his spine straight, his arms taut as he pulls back the arrow. Heat rushes through you once more, and you bite the inside of your cheek to clear your mind.
“Yes, I know it is your preference, but it is not…” Elrond stretches his arms behind his head, a small groan slipping past his lips, and you all but trip over your own feet.
“It is not what?” He asks, his hands flying out to steady you. His touch is lightning, striking through you, setting fire to the desire that had been bubbling within you since his blade had met its first foe in the early hours of the morn.
“Stars, Elrond, simply—” You grab him by the collar of his leathers and yank him down, your lips melding with his, frantic and fevered.
He melts into your touch, lips parting as his grip tightens on you, dragging you closer.
You press yourself against him, walking him backwards until his back meets the wall, a surprised gasp escaping him.
“We are still along the path; anyone could come upon us.” He breathes, loathe to separate his lips from yours.
“We will hear them before they do.” You assure him, though you doubt your vigilance and his, when your lips leave his own, trailing across his chiseled jaw, up to his ear, taking his earlobe between your teeth.
Elrond lets out a strangled moan, the sound shooting through you, warming you like Dwarven ale. “Fenedhis, y/n, please.”
You press a chaste kiss to the place beneath his ear, and return your lips to his jaw, your fingertips replacing your teeth, tracing the shell of his ear. “Of course, my love, anything you desire.”
He groans lowly, his fingers bunching in your skirts as he tries to calm himself. “My sweet starlight, do not torture me.”
You untangle one of his hands, and slide it beneath your skirts, a shiver running through you when he grips your thigh and drags you closer. “I would never. I want only to give you what you desire, remember?”
His chest brushes against yours with each breath, leather against silk, desire swirling between you, as he leans down to capture your lips, stopping a hairbreadth away. “Let us return to our chambers then, it seems you much to give me.”
TROP tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority, @jesticace, @emmyspov, @elrondswifey, @victoria-styles, @90angiex, @lucypaulette
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neyafromfrance95 · 12 days
I don’t know if this has been talked about already, but on my rewatch of S1, I noticed that, in the episode Sauron and Galadriel first meet on the raft (1x02) Celebrimbor tells Elrond about the beauty of the silmarils and how it affected Morgoth:
“They say that Morgoth found the Silmarils so beautiful that after he'd stolen them, for weeks, he could do nothing but stare into their depths. It was only after one of his tears fell upon the jewels and he was faced with the evil of his own reflection that the reverie was finally broken. From that moment, he... he looked upon their light no more. Feanor's work nearly turned the heart of the Great Foe himself.”
In 1x01, Arondir also tells Bronwyn that “Beauty Has Great Power To Heal The Soul.”
Can these quotes somehow explain why Sauron looked so flabbergasted at Galadriel (2x01)? We know Fëanor was inspired by how the light reflected on Gal’s hair to create the Silmarils, so there is a connection there. Sauron didn’t exactly “stole” Galadriel, but we do see him staring at her for weeks, even in the background. I think they went with the “repented Sauron” in the first episodes, but then he return to evil because of his bounds to Morgoth (“Sauron in truth repented, if only out of fear, being dismayed by the fall of Morgoth and the great wrath of the Lords of the West (…) he hid himself in Middle-Earth; fell back into evil, for the bonds that Morgoth had laid upon him were very strong” - The Silmarillion). And many people have noticed that Galadriel could have helped Sauron stay “in the right path” (and he himself might have believed this for a while).
i love you big brain pattern detecting anon! that's such a good catch! can't believe how much detail and thought is put into this dynamic and i think you have figured out what was up with sauron's flabbergasted stare, it fits into the puzzle with the other lines you mentioned perfectly!
the observation you made also explains why he saved her, risking his own form that he regained at least, after just having abandoned the old man to die!
from the battlefield to Ost-in-Edhil, he keeps looking for her and calling her. it's not a stretch to say that he is obsessed/fixated on her.
and yes, i think it's clear that sauron was genuinely regretful for having a hand in something that caused galadriel pain, just look at his expression when he hears her confession and apologizes for everything! he didn't apologize as halbrand, he apologized as sauron!
maybe he believed that if she stayed with him, he'd be good for the middle-earth bc he wanted to be good to her (would that really happen? probs not bc galadriel is more susceptible to the darkness than sauron is open to the light). but then she rejected him and he just cared to achieve his goal, not caring about how he'd get there. and yet! yet he ever so groped for her and her thought, his fixation never went away, the devil got bewitched for eternity!
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valar-did-me-wrong · 20 days
Sauron is a flirt... he flirts with adar, galadriel, and brimby next season he might flirt with pharazon... but boy is he so charming and manipulative. Even if silvergifting is gonna end in tragedy, we're gonna get lots of drama out of it✌️
Facts!! The drama from just the trailers is 👩🏽‍🍳💋 I bet we'll be able to analyse & go absolutely feral over just C&C's micro-expressions for the next 2 years till season 3!
Also now that you've mentioned it, I WANT a Sauron seducing Adar scene ASAP!!
I want Season 3 to start with a flashback to this 🤞🏽 because Sam Hazeldine as a PROPER elf has the potential to convert almost all Sauron girlies ❤️‍🔥
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rey-jake-therapist · 6 days
I know my mind is broken when I laughed at that poetic and romantic One Ring description, and could only imagine Sauron channelling all of his obsession and unrequited love and lust for Galadriel into the One Ring. No wonder Gollum lost his mind, and Frodo his will to live; they had Sauron talking about Galadriel’s hair and whining about his blue b*lls 24/7! 🤣
HAHAHAHAHAHA behzjejjdjdj
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pretend ROP doesn't exist. No one is hurting you. Supernatural stuff shows up in tags that have nothing to do with my fandoms and it didn't kill me.
If the yardstick we're using to measure things is "it didn't kill me," then sure! Seeing ROP stuff doesn't kill me. But on tumblr there's this type of etiquette that most people know about (or they used to, anyway), which is where we don't post stuff in the tag where that stuff doesn't belong. I don't post ROP hate in the ROP tag, for instance, because that tag is for people who enjoy ROP. And, likewise, I expect not to see ROP in the LOTR tag because ROP isn't LOTR. I assume that the people making ROP gifs want exposure, so they're probably using the LOTR tags to try to get it, but in the process they're pissing off a lot of people and they shouldn't be surprised by the pushback.
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gi-nathlam-hi · 4 months
ROP production team literally can't win. People were complaining last season that they de-yassified Sauron and made him look like a boring-ass straight white boy (okay, fair). Now I keep seeing people getting mad that he looks like Legolas bc of the long blond hair and the ears 🙄 grow up.
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helenvader · 2 years
For what it's worth, i think she didn't deny that it was romance: she said "she felt happy and at peace in [his] company .
And there's also the part where they couldn't look at each other.
If Celeborn reappears, it might become a triangle.
"Happy and at peace" may be, indeed, a precursor to love. The scene allows for a variety of interpretations that do not exclude one another. I somehow like the idea that this was an emotional connection that was not primarily romantic in nature, and that the potential "something else" is still under the surface.
As for Celeborn... I am not a fan of triangles... And have been so happy there are none in the show so far. It usually ends up in ship wars, and that is quite exhausting. :-)
That said, I have no idea how to handle a "married Galadriel develops feelings for Halbrand"! I will have to trust the writers to come up with a satisfying plot.
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mvashnic · 2 years
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Just gonna be... forging some stuff! Maybe a ring, idk, nothing sus. When people just keep trying to break your jewelry in Middle Earth and the Lands Between.
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ecle-c-tic · 1 year
Middle Earth Asks
🥔 po-tay-toes: one of the hobbits invited you for a meal; who are dining with? Which of the seven meals are you enjoying?
🍞 lembas bread: what's the best road trip snack?
🌾farmer maggot's field: what is your favourite plant? Do you enjoying gardening?
🌼 simbelmynë: You've got the opportunity to bring one character back to life, who is it?
🍃 leaves of lórien: what gift would you most like to receive?
📽 action!: rank all six of the films (or three if you're a hater)
🚲 bicycle basket: what is your favourite middle earth meme?
🌟starlight: you're allowed to live in one of the Elf Kingdoms of Middle Earth, which one are you picking?
💀 Hey, did you know-: What is your favourite piece of behind the scenes trivia?
🌙 moon runes: which of Tolkien's languages would you most like to speak?
🧂 best salt in all the shire: which small joys do you most look forward to? (particular tea, using a perfume, rereading a book, etc.)
✂ cutting room floor: of all of the things that didn't quite make it into the movies, what would you have most liked to see?
☕ may I tempt you with a cup of chamomile?: What is your favourite hot beverage?
🐎 bill the pony: who is the best mount in all of middle earth?
🌳 fangorn forest: Which of Tolkien's creechurs is your favourite?
🔮 palantír: you've found a palantir! Who are you hitting up in middle earth? What are you telling them?
⏳ time and age: which poorly aged scene from LOTR is your favourite?
✨ evenstar: Who is your favourite middle earth couple?
🎆 fireworks: you're invited to Bilbo's 111th, what present do you think you'd receive?
🕷 creepy crawlies: which of tolkien's creatures do you think is the most frightening?
💍 my precious: what role do you think you'd play in the fate of the ring?
📜the company of Throin II Oakenshield: who is your favourite dwarf from the company?
🕶 i care not: what common complaint about the movies or novels doesn't bother you?
📢 motivational speech: which film speech do you find most invigorating?
🔥 barbecue: who is the worst antagonist?
🍿 popcorn: list your top 5 supporting characters
🎇 firefly: which (known) deleted scene would you most like to see?
⛏ expedition to Moria: which side character's adventures would you watch a spin-off movie about?
🎞 extra film: is there an extended scene that should have absolutely made it into the theatrical cut? which one and why?
🎵 can you sing, master hobbit?: Which song (from books or movies) is your favourite?
🖋 quill and ink: which of tolkien's themes resonates most strongly with you?
🗝 lost heirloom: which heirloom/object in the films or novels would you like to learn more about?
💿 leitmotifs and orchestras: which of the films songs (Howard Shore or singer) is your favourite?
🍲eowyn's home cooking: which other way could the ring be destroyed? (funny answers only)
🧙‍♂️precisely when he means to: what is your favourite gandalf moment?
⚔ you have my sword: what is your favourite aragorn moment?
🏹 and my bow: what is your favourite legolas moment?
🪓and my axe: what is your favourite gimli moment?
🍄 MUSHROOMS!: what is your favourite moment from the hobbits?
💎 the arkenstone: favourite Thorin and/or company moment?
🧵 spool: list your top five favourite costumes from any of the films.
📕 the red book of westmarch : what is your favourite quote(s)?
💛 family: what is your favourite family moment throughout the novels/films?
👀 the eye of sauron: who are you looking at disrespectfully?
🗺 arda: if you could travel anywhere in middle earth, where would you go?
👑the silver crown: the war is won, the world is saved, the king has been crowned. Who are you partying with at the coronation?
✏ rewrites: here's a pencil, which ONE thing in the novels/films are you changing?
🐺 GROND GROND GROND: which of the battles is your favourite to watch? is there a combat scene in particular that you enjoy?
⚠ fucking buckleberry ferry: from the clip of Dom and Billy discussing the one swear word they could theoretically get by censors, which line would you change?
📚 boxset: how were you first introduced to Middle Earth?
🏔 the misty mountains: the pass is treacherous, which two characters are you taking with you to make it over the mountains?
🌄 the rolling hills of the shire: what is your favourite outdoor activity?
🌋 mount doom: what middle earth take are you throwing into the fire?
⚙ technology: everything is exactly the same but you can give one character a modern invention. Who is it and what are you giving them?
⛵valinor: we're approaching the end of this game, is there a take/opinion you absolutely want to share?
🦅 the eagles: What thing or thought saves the day when it's not going so well?
🦗 weta: you're allowed to take one prop (or the canon useful version) home with you from the set, what are you taking?
☀ when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer: either share a piece of good news or something you're looking forward to.
📖 final chapter: what unanswered questions do you have middle earth?
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aadmelioraa · 5 days
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When your oldest brother dies on a religious crusade just as you feared he would and your father refuses to deal with his grief just as he refused to deal with it when your mother died (you were a baby btw) and then again when your other brother left home (because your dad was impossible to live with) and in spite of feeling entirely abandoned by your dad you use your newfound higher status to put yourself out on a limb in order to downgrade his punishment and that of your close friend despite grieving their involvement with the queen who led your brother to his death but instead of your father acknowledging your pain and your attempts to do what you believe will bring justice he lashes out at you by comparing your current position to the horrific way your mother died…just Eärien things
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eri-pl · 23 days
My dear mutuals, I just realized something.
So, there's been talk recently about breaking Papita out of Mandos and I suppose more of us may need help at some point... but we need one fundamental thing if we are to be able to save one another from some terrible prison (or, idk, recognize each other in a supermarket...):
we need to have a song in common
Like, seriously, the default scheme for breaking someone out from somewhere is: character A start singing, character joins them, character A finds character B and gets them out. Except...
I'm not sure there's any song I could sing together with any of you.
We need to make a list of songs that we all know well enough. Seriously.
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