#rory’s whorehouse
saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 5 (Richard Gilmore Has A Slutty Past)
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Heh, they did the thing where they say the title of the episode inside the episode again.
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Goody. Our fearsome foursome is off to Yale. *drinks heavily* Emily won't allow Lorelai to bring a sealed thermos of coffee into the car. Frankly I hope Lorelai spills it on her lap and gets a mild scald. It would humble her. Ya know, It's never stated whether Lorelai has alcohol or coffee in the mug, just that Emily is adamant she can't drink liquids in a vehicle. Frankly, I would understand Lorelai's need to self medicate with booze at 9am before a road trip with her parents, but on the other hand, as I stated earlier. She also didn't have to come. She could be home playing Hide the Cocktail Sausage with Dean. We could skip to the part where Rory and Jess smooch at the gas station. Never fear. The next scene that follows, the calm before yet another storm, if you will, turned out to be a highly entertaining and enjoyable romp for me. Enter: Richard Gilmore The Man Whore.
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After having already toured Harvard a year ago, Lorelai is still in awe over how many freaking geeks attend large universities. Richard: I spent a lot of time in the Yale art gallery. Emily: I'll say you did. Richard: What is that supposed to mean? Uh oh. Huh. Was this art gallery some kind of idk, hub of intellectual and artistic curiosity slash whorehouse where a young man could go to find sexually liberated artistic chicks for easy pickings? But like, in the 50's? What a concept.
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Jess would kick his own ass if they called it that.
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Richard GIlmore, you dog.
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(you have to imagine Jess is feigning interest/ knowledge in the penis octopus portrait to a young lady or perhaps another bicurious young man and not his uncle) Emily: He was the master of the "Frown, step back, wrinkle, and sigh" Okay, my curiosity is piqued. You got me. Please explain?
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Knowing Richard Gilmore was such a skankbag in college just like Jess is the gift I didn't know I needed today. Jess can do the frown, wrinkle and sigh during a poetry open mic night at the Truncheon, where he takes his latest conquest. Tuesday nights at 8pm. Light refreshments of coffee, potato chips, and chocolate chip cookies will be served.
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Be proud of your skanky past, Richard. Your grandaughter's stepcousin sure was of his. RIchard: I'll have you know was happily involved in a very serious relationship when your mother decided she simply had to have me. We were engaged. She had met my parents, invitations were mailed out. Emily: You'll give these girls the wrong impression. Lorelai: That you were the Helena Bonham Carter of the society set? Emily: I did not steal your father, I simply gave him a choice. Richard: When you showed up at my frat party in that blue dress, I had no choice. I know who HBC is but that's another topical early 2000's reference that has escaped me. I guess she was a man stealer of some sort. I"m thinking it must have something to do with Jonny Depp. Anyway, I don't think you have to worry about modeling healthy relationships for Rory or Lorelai. Its too late, the horse has already escaped the barn there. Lorelai: I can't believe you were The Other Woman Emily:This is ridiculous. Lorelai: The other woman should be saying "this is ridiculous" Rory's inner monologue: I want to be just like Grandma when I grow up.
We learn Richard proposed to Emily at Yale next to a trash can, and it seems to be a tradition in the Gilmore family to get proposed to next to a trash can. And in Lorelai's case to reproduce with the trash can, continue to have sex with the trash can over the next two decades and eventually, to marry the trash can.
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dabilovesme · 2 years
Boyfriend!Hwajin Headcanons
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Pairings: Hwajin x black!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, suggestive, a lil violence but y’all be ight
- Mans was stunned when he first saw you
- You were a math teacher for a class of rowdy first years and Hwajin was assigned to dial everything down, so when he first walked into the loud classroom, his eyes were stuck in you
-Who can blame him? You were the finest mf in the school, and the finest person Hwajin has ever saw
-From your beautiful prominent and soft facial features, all the way down to your deep curves and thick body, the way your short black pencil skirt hugged your full hips and the way your white blouse held your breast was so eye catching , he knew it wasn’t appropriate to look at you in this way, but god you were breathtaking
- “Hey I’m Hwajin from the TRPA, you must be a teacher hm?” Boyyyy he was nervous asl even looking you in the eye “yes I am, my name is y/n, nice to meet you sir.” you took his hand to shake it and dragged your thumb in soothing circles on the back of his hand, you maintained eye contact while doin so, after that he knew he needed to have you immediately
- you weren’t the easiest to get thru, but mans was dedicated so he tried for 2 solid weeks, then you finally let him take you out on a date
-He took you on a nice ass picnic, in the beautiful part of the forest
-The trees were big and full of leaves, the grass was well nourished, the lake was a beautiful blue shade, it was absolutely beautiful
-“Hwajin…you didn’t have to do all of this for me, this is absolutely breathtaking.” You were shocked about the effort he put into this, “I wanna show you how much I really want you and appreciate you, now if you stop doubting your worth, may we eat ma’am?”
- And from that 1st date y’all started dating, and it has been such a fever dream
- He cooks for you for early mornings and nights, but one time he was in a rush so you decided to cook for him, that’s when he found his love for soul food, from the baked Mac n cheese to the lamb chops, he loves it all, sometimes he “accidentally” forget to cook just so that you can cook
- You already look sexy in your work attire but OUT of your work attire? Oh lord get this man before he tackles you n do sumn unholy things cuz you be lookin fine AS FUCK
-a tight nude color sundress, hugging your every curve and dip, makes him feral, when y’all are walking and out somewhere, he holds you close as if someone is going to take you
-Also he has no shame. Like at all. If he sees someone staring, he will literally put a vice grip on your ass and stare at the person while smiling cuz he knows how lucky he is
-One time , Hanrim was flirting hard with you and was gettin a lil touchy and when Hwajin said sumn to her about gettin real friendly with you, she called it z”girl to girl talk”, so he grabbed you by the ass, lofted you up, and started kissing you everywhere, Hanrim stared for a bit and started to walk away “what’s wrong? I thought you’d appreciate the show I’m givin to you.” He’s such an asshole, but you love him so much for it
My princesses🧚🏾‍♀️: @whatdidshesayyy @emonaculate @rinhoes @tenyaiidasslut @thicksimpx @yutaswifey @izu-kuz @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @angelanika @angwritez @aizawasbrazybaby @sexy-lil-nugget @sintiva @dejwrites @luna-indigoduh @xogabbiexo @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @pinkluvrr @nasty-quillz @namjoonswifeyy @misss-chrisss @maydayaisha
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
About that medieval fantasy AU for underdog quartet... I have ideas:
- Rory is the bastard daughter of an excommunicated princess (Lorelai). Lorelai ran away to a neighbouring kingdom to not get punished/lose Rory, and she raised Rory as a commoner (a commoner who is more literate than some great scholars in her country, yeah, but still). Christopher’s parents put a curse on her so that if she ever sets foot back in the kingdom the whole land will descend into magical chaos. The AU might start with her and Lorelai already having entered the kingdom again (Kingdom of Hartford?) and trying to find a way to break the curse and reunite with their family.
- Paris is a high ranking lady within the kingdom. She wants to take her lands to new hights and make the history books as the greatest lady they ever had, and has therefore set out on a solo journey to learn as much as she can about the kingdom and how to best run it. She’s loaded with gold, quills and self defense taught by her local knights.
- Lane is a commoner who ran away from home to join a troupe as a musician. Some outside conflict separated her from the troupe and now she’s wandering as a lone bard in search of her band of brothers or her mother’s house (whichever she finds first as she misses both dearly). She has no magic or fighting skills, but she’s good at stealth and catching gossip.
- Jess is a rogue wizard who’s never really belonged anywhere. His mother dragged him from village to village with little ability to plant roots, and eventually left him with her long lost brother before joining a travelling merchant on his route. Jess quickly left his uncle’s care and has travelled on his own, stealing to survive and sticking to himself. He’s seen the instability of sell-sword groups and criminal collectives, and frankly doesn’t trust anyone enough to share a bonfire with them.
- Approximately thirty seconds after Lorelai and Rory set foot back in the Kingdom of Hartford the curse sets in. This signals their return to both Emily and Richard and Christopher’s parents, who both send troops and notices to find and collect them. Lorelai and Rory are thus on the run across the kingdom trying to find a way to break the curse before the soldiers find (and possibly kill) them. At one point they end up in a village called Stars Hollow and seek refuge in Luke’s tavern. But they are spotted by a group of soldiers hired by Emily and Richard, and Lorelai gets caught but manages to help Rory escape. They assumed that the soldiers were from Chris’ side of the family, as their soldiers are more prevalent and up front.
- Like I said both sets of grandparents seek out the Lorelais, but in slightly different ways for very different reasons. The Haydens want to imprison the Lorelais and possibly execute Rory for the crime of cursing the land (a curse that they made but that’s not relevant!). They’re the ones who make wanted posters and dispatch troops all over the land. Rumours and legends spread about the bastard princess who has cursed the kingdom with her return. Emily and Richard, on the other hand, want their daughter back (partly because they do love her and partly because she’s their only heir) and want to find a less violent way to break the curse. They don’t announce their hunt for the Lorelais out of fear of starting conflict with the Haydens, but dispatch undercover groups and sellswords to find and bring back the long lost princesses.
- Alone and afraid, Rory returns to Luke’s tavern and hides there for a while. One day both Paris and Lane make their way to the tavern — Paris in schedule for her educational roadtrip, Lane finally finding her home village and preparing to reunite with her mother. They end up talking and bickering downstairs while a shadowy figure sneaks by them and up to Luke’s quarters. Jess was just supposed to steal some food and pay in gold he found in a dead dragon’s den, but instead he finds a blue eyed stranger. Rory thinks she’s caught and runs downstairs. Jess is curious and follows, breaking his stealth from Luke. Rory crashes into Paris who starts interrogating Luke about the tavern being a secret whorehouse, and the five are descending into verbal chaos before Rory spots Hayden guards and hides behind the cupboards. Lane picks up on the danger and makes an impromptu distraction with Paris while Jess sneaks her out the back. Once outside he asks Rory what’s going on, and he’s soon followed by Paris and Lane. Rory brings up a cover about being cursed by someone and the soldiers hunting her in relation to said curse. The other three buy the story and decide to join her on a quest to cure her.
- It honestly takes so little time before Rory breaks and explains that she isn’t cursed but rather is the curse. Paris is angry at the lie, but little else changes but the motivation to help Rory. Jess goes from «I’m bored and directionless» to «I really like this girl and could finally do something that matters». Lane goes from «I’m procrastinating on facing my mother» to «I’m helping my new friend and have a new chance at adventure (and still procrastinating on my mother)». Paris goes from «This could be relevant for my future occupation» to «This could be even more relevant to my future occupation, also I have a friend now».
- Paris gives Rory the cover of one of her stewardesses, but most of the time the four travel by foot or bought horses as unknowns. Jess does scouting and trap laying for threats while the girls alternate on getting food. 
- When it comes to gathering information, Lane and Paris are the best at gathering intel from other people - Lane through gossip and Paris through interrogation. Jess is great at breaking and entering and stealing important texts for research, and him and Rory are the best at deciphering the texts (much to Paris’ frustration). 
- The key to breaking the curse could be something like “when substance stronger than blood is spilled for the unworthy”. Rory actually gets found by Emily and Richard before they can break the curse and there is a short period where the four are separated and Rory thinks maybe the lands will have to live with the curse unless she sacrifices herself. Then Lane overhears a plot to assassinate her and warns Jess and Paris. The three storm in just in time to warn king Richard and queen Emily, but the accusation of two commoners and a lady against the royal Haydens is obviously considered a crime. They declare to strip Paris of her title and are about to execute Jess and Lane when Rory steps in and stops the axe. She gets deep cuts in her hands and bleeds. It is revealed that her choosing to spill her own blood - which becomes the symbolic substance of her love for them - for commoners (who royals deem “unworthy”) is what breaks the curse. 
- So the happy ending: Paris gets her title back and she, Jess and Lane are pronounced heroes of the kingdom. The Haydens apologize for the curse and get no consequences because that would mean a war declaration and oh boy do we not have time for that. Rory is legitimized and becomes next in line after her mother. 
- Lane gets the title of “royal bard” and returns to Stars Hollow to finally face her mother. Mrs Kim must admit that she is proud of her daughter but has most of all missed her, and after the mandatory bickering the two reconcile. She has also reunited with the troupe at some point before the climax, and they are now a full troupe with tight connections to the crown. 
- In addition to her title and hero-status, Paris gets a place in court. She makes mentors of the king’s advisers and now works to become a royal adviser to both Lorelais.
- Jess is offered knighthood but declines. He tells Rory that he needs to go on a journey of his own and leaves. He returns to Stars Hollow and Luke, and gives Luke a whole chest of gold and the title to Lord of Stars Hollow (courtesy of princess Lorelai). He goes dark for some months, then appears at night in the castle on Rory’s window-ledge. They talk for hours until the sun rises and then agree to make Jess an official scout for the kingdom, travelling around and figuring out the magic and creatures of the land. 
- Rory’s first move after the reunification of her family is to get to know her estranged relatives and upgrade her education through the royal masters. After Jess returns she convinces her mother and grandparents to let her join Jess as an ambassador for the kingdom. She uses Paris’ argument of wanting to truly know the country she is supposed to rule one day, and the whole band gets back together for new quests.
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the-revisionist · 7 years
Which is: Anything you were planning to write that never got written?
Oh boy, how much time do you have? There is: 
1. a WW II novel that I’ve started 
2. a novel based on a Xena uber that is currently in a rewrite stage 
3. a novel based on a story I wrote about Harper Lee a while ago. 
I still have some hope I will finish/write these some day because I have drafts and research that I don’t want to waste on the first two.
Fic-wise there was a Deadwood/Gilmore Girls crossover where Lorelai tries to sell Rory to the highest-bidding whorehouse in Deadwood (you can tell I was in a dark place with Rory’s character at the time) and all sorts of bloody mayhem and highfalutin high-speed dialogue ensues. 
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Heavy Hitters- Chapter Two
Heavy Hitters: Outlaw Country pt 2
Sara convinces an old friend to join the Waverider team- as research and tech guru only, or so she said. As the newbie struggles to adjust to the team and the team struggles to adjust to her, Sara is playing a different game all together. One the new girl might not like too much.
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow (or Flash or Arrowverse since it’s Mick Rory, but specifically LoT)
Pairing: Mick Rory x Plus Size OFC (cause Mick totally likes thick ladies)
Word Count: 3909
Tags/Warnings: Language, Cannon violence
Part one     |     Masterlist
A/N: Bit more action in this one. And a lot more Emily. Starts out with  2x6: Outlaw Country and follows it almost word for word with the new OC of course. Still not much interaction between Emily and Mick in this one. The next one will be much more action packed. And prolly up within the week. Maybe this weekend. I’ve actually got most of the rest of this chapter typed. At nearly 9k words it just seemed to long so I decided to cut it in half.  Lemme know what you think.
It didn't take too long for everyone to suit up again. Emily made sure to check on the professor before the others left. She found him in one of the engineering work rooms tinkering with something on a desk she couldn’t quite see. He had books spread out open to various pages and was hunched slightly with his back to her. She could just barely make out his voice as he mumbled, talking himself through whatever problem. She smiled softly. “Professor?” Emily called, her voice low. He still jumped.
“Huh? Wha-?” He turned finally catching her eye, “Ah, yes. Ms. Kyteler. What can I do for you?”
“Emily is fine, Professor.” He smiled at her and she knew he’d ignore her like he did the last dozen or so times she had corrected him. She took a step closer, careful not to invade his personal space. “I wanted to check on you. Jax said you weren’t feeling alright.”
Stein huffed lightly making a mental note to thank Jax for covering for him. “Yes, yes, dear. No need to worry. Liberty 1874 is just a young man’s town, that’s all. And I’m feeling a bit strange today. Thought it best to let the others handle this.”
Emily nodded. “Well, Pluto ‘ere is good company if you need it,” she gestured to the medium sized white dog with too-intelligent eyes sitting patiently at her feet as always. His ears perked up when she looked down to him. The click click click of his nails echoed slightly in the empty room before Pluto settled next to the desk the Professor was working on. “And, he’s really good at problem solvin’. Always helps me work mine out.” She looked back up and met the older man’s stare. Emily always like that no matter how much his irritation showed on his face, his eyes and words always seemed to be kind to her. She was sure it had something to do with her being a younger woman- and not an assassin. He treated Amaya the same way. She smiled fully at him, “Alright, then. An’ just for the record,” she started, her grin skewing itself and eyes growing mischievous, “You an’ I both know you could prolly handle half the men in that town by yourself.”
He laughed at her as she turned on her boot heels and strode quickly towards the bay doors to meet up with the others.
Finally as the group arrived in Liberty, the Waverider crew was struck by just how empty it had become. There were still a handful of people, maybe a dozen, milling around but it looked mostly like older shop owners and their porch dogs.
Emily looked around hummed lowly. “Or all of them.” She caught the questioning look Mick gave her. She let a nervous smile twitch onto her face and shook her head quickly before ducking slightly and looking around again.
“Where is everybody?” Clearly Jax, at the front by Hex, noticed the same emptiness.
Hex grumbled a bit. “Well, ever since Turnbull set up shop six months ago, everyone’s been run outta town or made ta work in the mine.”
“Mine?” Mick stepped forward, “What kinda mine? Gold?” Emily rolled her eyes as a corner of her mouth turned up.
“Hell if I know.”
“Nobody’s been mining for gold near these parts for half a century,” Nate recited as he watched a man on a horse walk closely by. “Listen to me, ‘these parts’. I sound like I’m a cowboy.” He couldn’t keep the boyish excitement out of his voice.
“He must of pulled something from under the ground that’s makin’ him rich- Turnbull owns the saloon.” Ray pointed out.
Hex spoke up as he continued to lead the group through the all but barren brown on slightly lighter brown landscape, “An’ hotel, laundry and the whorehouse.”
Sara didn’t skip a beat, “The answers ‘no’, Mick.”
The group slowed to a stop with Hex in front of a building, “Turnbull’s gotta office above the saloon.” He shot Sara a look, “He’s also got about a dozen men makin’ sure no one gets close to ‘im.”
“Well, I think we can.” Sara dug a hand into her pocket as she faced her crew. “Mick,” she tossed something at him, “Why don’t you mosey on in there- have yourself a good time?” Mick looked slightly confused for a second, instantly realizing that Sara had just tossed him a small bag full of coins used in the town. And was asking him to go blow it all on liquor. Emily smiled to herself as she caught onto Sara’s plan.
He wasn’t about to ask questions though. “If you insist.” Emily watched him walk into the saloon before Sara could change her mind.
Amaya, ever the voice of reason, questioned Sara, “I'm not sure I understand you plan. You just sent a match to a powder keg.”
“That is the plan,” Emily answered quietly.
Sara nodded. “And if Turnbull doesn't want his saloon to burn down, he's gonna have to come out of his office and deal with it.” Jax started nodding along, grinning in agreeance with the plan.
“Yeah, get your boy to get into a fight with Turnbull and pull ’im out here to the streets.” Hex suggested.
Seems everyone’s catching up now. Emily lips pulled up again, not quite into a smile.
“Amaya,” Sara continued, “Your job is to make sure Rory keeps his pistol in his pants until he’s outside.”
“Well. Clearly, I drew the short straw,” she sassed at Sara as she walked towards the saloon.
Emily glared a bit after her, lips pursed slightly. That’s no way to think of your teammate.
Jax stepped forward. “So, what do you want us to do?”
“Reckon I could set up close with a long gun,” Ray spit on the ground.
“Are you chewing tobacco?” Nate asked.
Rays eyebrows lifted, “Mm. Tootsie roll.”
“Get rid of your hats, and your guns,” Sara ordered.
“What?” Jax followed his orders anyways, but not before spinning his gun on his finger. “I thought we were supposed to be badass cowboys.” He aimed his gun dramatically.
“You boys wanna know why Turnbull went from a cattle wrestler to owning his own country? Imma need you to infiltrate his base of operations.”
“As what?” Nate was less than impressed with this prospect.
Sara raised her eyebrows and grinned. “No one says no to the tax man.”
All three echoed a small groan. Emily held back a laugh.
Once the three boys were sent towards Turnbull’s accountant, Emily stepped closer to her companions. They were in a comfortable silence for a few beats, simply waiting on the powder keg of Mick in a saloon to explode. Hex looked between the two women. “What? You useless or something?”
Emily eyed him for a second. The turned and shot a look to Sara. “Or something,” Emily shrugged at Hex. He stared at her before shaking off his confusion and falling into companionable silence with the women.
At the accountant’s office, the boys, looking slightly less rough around the edges now, introduced themselves to a nervous, well-dressed man with round glasses. “Ya’ll tax collectors?”
Nate smiled reassuringly, “We’re here to go over your books and make sure everything’s in order.”
“And we’re in a bit of a hurry so, uh...” Jax rushed.
Ray confirmed, “Yes, we're on the next train back to Washington,D.C.”
The accountant looked even more confused. “Well, there ain't no train to Washington. Pass won’t be open til spring.” he nodded at Nate. Nate in turn smiled and forced out a laugh preparing to cover Ray’s blunder.
“He means mule train.” Ray grit hit teeth but didn’t disagree. “This guy.”
Nate walked through the threshold of the office. “How'd we go from desperado to accountant?”
“Well at least Micks having fun,” Jax grumbled following in after him.
“Stuck here doing research while everyone else is out drinking,” Nate complained, pulling open a random drawer. “It's like high school all over again.”
Mick made a beeline for the bar. He slapped a coin on the wood and ordered a beer. A well- if not over- dressed woman at the end of the bar made eyes on the large gruff man. Amaya walked up and stood between them. It was clear she wasn’t happy with her assignment. Mick looked at Amaya. “Make it two,” he sighed.
The bartender gave them both a look. “You’re with him?”
“Unfortunately,” she nodded.
The boys continued to, as quickly and inconspicuously as possible, tear apart the office. Ray was closing a cabinet when he looked over and noticed a tan book, “Ledger” written diagonally across the cover. He opened the cover and took a quick look at some of the pages before calling for the others. “Guys, I think I found something. According to this ledger, Turnbull's stockpiling some kind of ore in a nearby mining camp.” He snapped the book closed as heavy footsteps turned the corner. Two large, armed men walked into the room.
Jax’s face pulled as the men looked at them, trying to scare the time travelers. “And you are?”
“I work for Mr. Turnbull.” Ray noticed a third man enter from the other door, effectively surrounding them as the first man spoke. “Who’re you?”
Ray cleared his throat. “My friends and I are with the Internal Revenue Service-”
“Uh-uh-uh. Mr Turnbull don’t like no taxmen.”
“Well nobody likes paying taxes,” Nate's voice dropped just a bit, “But they are an essential part of the Federal Government. And-”
“Mister Turnbull don’t like the Federal Government, neither.”
Jax tried a different approach. “Is that why he’s trying to start his own country?” It may not have been the best approach.
The man in front squinted at the “IRS agents” while the other two pulled deep frowns. “Oh see, now. Why’d ya have to go and say something’ like that?” He pulled his pistol from its position and made a show of cocking it as the other two men raised their guns as well. “Now I gotta pump some lead into ya so ya don’t go blabbin’ to the wrong person.” His eyes grew a little, making him look crazy.
“Hey, hey,” Nate tried to reason, “Would you shoot an unarmed man?”
The three hired men laughed amongst themselves. “I think that’s a ‘yes’.” Ray said just before all three leaped into action.
Jax lead the charge. He threw a mean right hook and caught the bearded man straight on knocking him down and unconscious. Nate didn’t wait for Jax to even stand and he leapt over both bodies to knock out another one before he could get away. Ray lunged to his right and too out one holding a rifle with strong left punch.
All three stood and smiled at each other, impressed with what they had done.
Hex wasn’t very good at waiting patiently for Rory to pick a fight. He walked across to the laundry. The saloon was still within eyesight but at least there was some shade and a place to sit. He crossed his arms and Emily sat stiffly beside him, while Sara stood a few steps aways. Each kept their eyes on the saloon.
“So what’s your relationship with Turnbull?” Sara asked.
“Come again?” Hex finally looked from the door. Sara turned and joined him at the table.
“Well, you’ve had dealings over the years.” She sat on the other side of Hex. “I can tell a vendetta when I see one. Kinda an expert when it comes to revenge.”
Hex looked towards Emily, just to look away from Sara and her truth. Emily just nodded along, agreeing with Sara’s statement. Hex huffed. Damn fillies “Is this what it's like- working with a woman?” Sara turned to face him more now. Emily turned her head and raised a challenging eyebrow. “Ya’ just, sit around and talk about your feelings?” Hex wouldn’t look either of them in the eye.
“Well, if your feelings are what almost got you hung- then yeah. I’d say they’re worth talking about.”
Hex finally looked Sara in the eye. “Not in this century,” he whispered.
While these three waited for Mick to finish his party, the other trio had swapped clothes with the unconscious outlaws. Though, Jax did find it a little creepy that they apparently had to undress unconscious men.
“Well,” started Nate, walking through the threshold to join the other two, “Now that we got some outlaw outfits, it’s time to find out what Turnbull’s stockpiling at his mining camp.”
“Or we can do the responsible thing and go back to the ship with the rest of the team,” Ray offered, hat in hand.
Nate scoffed lowly. “You’re joking, right?”
The three stared at each other for a tense moment. Ray cracked first, a smile lighting his face as he put his hat on his head. “Time to cowboy up!”
Jax hit his shoulder and they laughed before Jax turned out the door. Ray and Nate slapped each other on the arm a few too many times to be just friendly before following suit.
The dealer laid down cards in front of Mick, a pretty blonde on his lap and Amaya beside him with a bottle in her hand. The pianist continued to play some jonty old tune to fill the bar along with the sounds of other patrons drinking and talking. He flipped over one card- an ace of diamonds- and sighed dramatically. “Ahh…” His smug smile gave him away to anyone who knew him. Mick never smiled like that. Not unless he was planning something.
“Another blackjack,” the dealer commented as he continued placing cards on the table.
“Must be my lucky day!”
Amaya leaned in, “You’re cheating.”
“I’m winning.” He tossed back the shot in front of him. Mick handed the whore that had just gotten off his lap a bill. “Sweetheart, that's for you.” She giggled and took it smiling at him. “I’ll see you around.” He wasn’t done sharing his wealth yet. “Piano man!” Mick slapped another bill on the wooden top of the instrument, “Play something else.” He continued past the musician. “I’ve had more fun at a funeral.” He hit his hand on the bar top a few times. “Bartender!” Loud and obnoxious, this was the Mick Rory the Waverider crew knew and, well, kind of loved.
He turned to the older man beside him at the bar who had started giving him a strange curious look. The man's white eyebrows drawn up as he took a small step back to appraise the unfamiliar man. “And who might you be?” Mick roughed, turning up his glass again.
“Names Turnbull.”
Mick looked unimpressed. “Never heard of him.”
“That’s my name on the sign in front’a the saloon.” Turnbull’s unbelieving face never wavering. “Can’t you read?”
“Ha Ha Ha. So it’s your money I’m winning? Well, that's interesting.” Mick plucked his ever-present lighter from his pocket and took a bill from the bar top. He made a show of flicking open the lighter and bringing it slowly to the corner of the money.
Amaya, who had been watching from her seat, groaned silently. Mick always knew what buttons to push. Then again, that
why Sara sent him into the saloon to begin with.
“I’d say your luck ‘as run out, partner.” Turnbull quipped.
Mick paid no mind, by now transfixed on the golden flame. He broke his gaze and dropped the now useless money.
“Ya’ just gonna stand there and make threats?” Mick challenged. Amaya silently got up. She positioned herself closer, ready to back up her crewmate if necessary. ”Or ya’ gonna do something ta back it up?”
Both men took a step back, reaching for the pistols on their hips.
“Amaya,” Sara’s voice crackled over the coms, “What’s going on in there?”
She pressed her finger to her ear and turned slightly from the piano player. “You wanted Mick to start a fight. Looks like your plans working.”
As the now properly- or rather improperly- dressed trio made their way into the mining camp, dirty bandanas covering their faces to help them blend in more, Jax groaned loudly. “Man, people didn’t wash in the wild wild west?” He could hardly handle the stench of the stolen clothes they were now baking in.
“Well, we’re criminals, remember? It's important to smell the part,” Ray reasoned.
An older outlaw dressed in all black, save his off white bandana tied around his neck, looked up as the boys walked into the camp. He stood from his spot by a fire pit. “Hey boys, we got company,” he alerted the other outlaws as he grabbed his gun. He aimed it directly at Nate.
Jax crossed his arms in a challenging stance. Ray and Nate held their ground, not even blinking. All three played their parts to perfection hoping this would work and they wouldn’t get shot all to hell in a time when “modern medicine” was “puttin’ a lil’ dirt on it”.
“I dun’ reck-on-ize you,” the man drew.
Nate thought fast, “Ah well that’s probl’y because’a our new bandana.” He pointed to his face.
The outlaw looked towards Ray. “This one off ‘is rocker?” He gestured towards Nate.
Ray just shrugged. He lowered his voice deeply, “You could blow ‘is brains out,” Nate sent him a questioning glare. “Only, he hasn’t got any.” 
Apparently, the play worked. The outlaws laughed loudly and patted Nate roughly on the shoulder and back before walking off.
Nate returned the favor to Ray. “Nice work.”
Back on the ship, Professor Stein walked into the medbay with a slight limp. “Gideon, let's run the neuro-imaging scan again. Th-There must be something you missed,” He asked taking a seat in the second chair. Pluto, who wouldn’t listen to the professor’s command to “stay put and leave him alone” stopped just after the first chair, careful to be out of the way but still obviously present despite the dog’s silence.
“The odds that I misdiagnosed your condition are infinitesimally thin,” the AI litted. “The algorithm programmed into my medical diagnostic systems-”
“Oh just do it,” the professor grumbled.
“As you wish, professor.” She fired up the scanner and its blue lights came to life with a soft whir. He breathed heavily while the machine completed its short scan. “Biometric scan reveals all brain functions are within normal parameters. Physiologically, there's nothing wrong with you.”
“A-are you implying that my symptoms are psychosomatic?” He got up from the chair, “Because- ah-” A splitting pain ripped through the professor’s brain. He tried to breathe through the pain and pressed his hand to his head, closing his eyes as images of a young woman flashed through his mind. She had short brown hair and bright blue jacket and smiled at brightly at him like he was her world. He could hear her laughter. Stein’s breathing became labored and he sunk back down into the chair. “Please,” he gasped, “I need you to run another test, again.” He wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers. The lights began to glow again as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly.
Nate, Ray and Jax grabbed lanterns and began exploring the open, and surprisingly not guarded at all, mine shaft. Jax shuffled through a few papers on a crate as they passed but nothing stood out. Ray went to one side to investigate an open crate. A large glittering rock poked up from the edge of the wood. Multiple, small dark points caught the light from Ray’s lantern as he stepped closer. A look of realization crossed his face when he recognized the rock. “Oh my God.”
Nate continued looking while Jax stepped over to see what Ray found, “What is it?”
“It’s dwarf star.” His eyebrows up, eyes wide and a small smile on his face as he spoke, “One of the rarest minerals in the universe.”
“How does this help Turnbull take over the west?” Nate asked.
“I used dwarf star to power the A.T.O.M. suit. The piece I had was the size of your little finger!” he exclaimed. “There's enough potential energy here to power the entire wild west!”
“Or blow it up,” Jax reasoned, eyes cutting to Ray.
“Question is, how does Turnbull even know what it is?”
Nate took a few steps forward towards another crate with another large ore sitting inside. And a glass disk with two white rectangles on either side, no bigger than the size of his palm, sitting on top. “Bet ya’ it has something to do with this.” Nate picked up the device and beeped as it came to life showing a red grid with a large “X” in the center of the crosshairs. The device glowed as he showed it to his teammates. Somehow Turnbull had gotten his hands on future technology. And was using it to his advantage, apparently.
“Its some kind of tracker,” Nate explained, “Definitely not from the 1800’s.”
“Probably stole it from a time pirate,” Jax reasoned.
“We’ve gotta get this out of here.” Ray didn't waste time waiting for confirmation from his teammates as he turned to leave.
Jax sat down his lantern and squatted to pick up the box with the dwarf star. He tried lifting it, groaning a bit under the strain.
Ray turned back, “Oh, I should have mentioned- it’s also the densest material in the universe.” Ray shrugged a bit as Jax glared at him. “Let's get the rest of the team.”
“Amaya,” Sara called, still sitting on the table with Emily and Hex, “Its been forever. What the hell is going on in there?”
Amay pours herself a drink before she answers. “Plans hit something of a snag.”
That didn’t sound right to Sara. “Explain.”
“It’s hard to but,” she paused, “Mr Rory and Mr Turnbull,” Amaya glanced back watching Mick and Turnbull laughing at a table over a bottle of something, “like each other.” The men clicked their glasses together before downing the shot.
“What?” Sara hissed. “What happened to Rory starting a fight?” Mick Rory never turned down a fight.
Amaya tilted her head, “I think it's more likely that him and Turnbull get matching tattoos.” She took a sip of her own liquor, needing something to handle this situation.
Mick’s gruff voice was loud in the busy bar. “So they told me to put my hands up,” he raised his hands mimicking the action, “And my pants fell down,” he lowered his hands smoothly as Turnbull let out a booming, cracking laugh, “Because a’ all the loof I was carryin’!” Mick joins Turnbull in his loud laugh; Turnbull laughed hard enough to make himself cough a bit.
Turnbull gestures a pointing finger towards the door then towards Mick, “Ya’ see! That’s what them damn fools back in Washin’ton don’ understand! That men like you an’ me,” his hand flew wildly between the two of them, “We weren’t meant ta live in cages!” Micks eyes had gone a bit wide making him look a little crazier than usual with the small frown on his face. “Hell!” Turnbull continued, “Tha’s why our forebarers busted away ta begin with! So we could be free!” Mick nodded in agreeance, “An’ that's wha’ Turnbull Country’s all about!” He leaned in about on the table, Turnbull finally lowering his voice back to a normal talking level, “It’s about keeping the wild west, wild!”
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged! I’d be up to start doing that especially since my upload schedule is not consistent at all. 
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dabilovesme · 2 years
omg can i send a request fav moot <3 deku x black!reader who’s taller than him please i need tall black reader with big hands and everything 😩😩 only if u want to ofc
Anyways wish granted 🧚🏾‍♀️
-He’s head over heals for you
-He loves that you’re taller than him because it’s like you’re a literal goddess walking on earth
-As you walk he loves the sway of your full wide hips sway,the deep curves your body has on display for everyone to enjoy but only for him to have, you’re jus a bad ass stallion
- your style? Top tier. It’s like a New York fashion girl, ripped tights hugging your thick thighs,mini skirt hugging your wide hips, mini leg warmers that rematches with your hand warmers, a fitted croptop hugging your curves, with sweater containing unique designs on it, even your boots are cute and izuku loves when you wear em cuz it gives you extra height (nigga real live be ready to dick you down anywhere istg)
-You fuckin love your height n body but Izuku knows that you get a lil insecure bout your height sometimes, make you feel “less feminine” since the standard is short n skinny, but If izuku even hear you say sumn negative about yourself, oh honey it’s goin down. He’s gonna fuck you up. Your long thick legs wrapped around his waist, he’s holding you up with his scarred hands, he leads y’all to the bedroom floor and put you on all fours, and fuck you in front of the mirror and he’s gonna make sure you watch yourself the entire time, his scarred hands will be wrapped in your long beautiful braids n he’s gonna keep your head up for you
-yo ass will be struggling to walk the next mornin, he did dat one for all hit on yo ass
-he likes to go on nature walks with you to watch waterfalls and take notes of the beautiful and mystical things y’all may come across , one time y’all came across this stunning deer and izuku took several photos of you petting it truly magical. Y’all also like to go to art museums, walking around and lookin at old n creative art, ‘zuku didn’t really care for art museums till he met you, when y’all first went to one together, he not only was viewing the art displayed on the walls but he stopped for a second and actually examined your alluring figure, he started off by looking at your light blonde bohemian braids that travels all the way down to your phat ass,he examined all of your jewelry that you were wearing, he started to focus on your beautiful side profile, your features were softened while you were looking at the art, he honestly never thought he’d fall in love so quick, but he did and doesn’t regret it one bit.
-he LOVES cooking with you…..well more like loves watching you cook. Since you guys are from two completely different cultures, he doesn’t know how to make soul food, his ass barely knows how to make his own cultural food. He takes notes as you season the chicken or making baked mac n cheese, he’s taking notes so that he can cook for you, but for now he cleans up everything for you which you tell him he doesn’t have to but he wants to feel useful and help the love of his life.
- he likes to show you off to everyone cuz he know everyone wants you, you’re stunning,got killer curves, tall, n thick, who wouldn’t want you. Even Ochako tried slidin in yo dms, she wanted a piece of dat ass. Izuku is just happy to have you in his life and is ready to love you forever<3
My fairies 🧚🏾‍♀️🧚🏾‍♀️: @whatdidshesayyy @emonaculate @rinhoes @tenyaiidasslut @thicksimpx @yutaswifey @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @angwritez @aizawasbrazybaby @sexy-lil-nugget @sintiva @dejwrites @gabzlovesu @luna-indigoduh @loyenne @zu-ku @xogabbiexo @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @nasty-quillz @misss-chrisss @maydayaisha
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dabilovesme · 2 years
oh to be in a polyamorous relationship with jirou and denki
A Poly relationship with Denki and Jirou
Pairings: Denki x Jirou x black!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, smut
A/n: your wish is my command🧚🏾‍♀️
-chaotic, well for the most part
-Denki is always wanting you guys to do some crazy shit with him, one time y’all were cuddling and listening to music at 2am and he said “ let’s break into target, steal toy swords, and roll out with shopping carts”, y’all obviously said no the first few times but his stubborn ass wasn’t gonna stop till y’all got up and how could y’all say no to the pretty pout on his face? So y’all went and did it, loved every second of it and y’all even went to IHOP afterwards
-You and Jirou are like the lavender to his brain, you guys calm him down most time when he short circuits or when he wants to do crazy shit, Jirou made him a calm music playlist and you cradled his face into your plush thighs since that’s his favorite place to lay and he gets to grab wit em whenever he wants , and don’t even try to get up cuz he’s gonna make up excuses as if his life depends on it “WAIT- NO, don’t get up” “baby I have to pee, I’ll be right back” you state softly, but as you try to get up he has a firm grip on your thighs, “Denki let y/n go to the bathroom, poor baby has been holding it in for like 20 minutes” even Jirou would try to help being the sweet baby she is, so you gotta scare him a little “If you don’t get up now so I can you the bathroom then you’ll never be able to lay down between my thighs again” you promise, “fineee” but once you get out of the bathroom he is all up under you again, Jirou laughs at his clinginess but she’s no better, probably worse
- Jirou will literally follow you like a lost puppy, and since you both are women, she’s literally allowed anywhere with you and when I mean anywhere…..I mean anywhere. “Sweetheart, what’re you doin?” “Oh nothin” she says that as if she isn’t sitting in front of you while you’re literally trying to pee in peace, “ you n Denki are never gonna let me you the bathroom in peace huh?” You say whole heartedly, “nope.” “Fair enough.” You love them to death tho and they do too
-They love carnival dates, getting on different rides, eating sweets n treats, going into the photo booth and taking pictures. Y’all love the photo booth because you guys get to keep the memories and also the sexy photos y’all took while making our n groping eachother but we ain’t gon get into that yet. Y’all also love fancy dates because they get to see your beautiful body in a dress which is rare and Denki gets excited to eat “rich people food”, he’s so stupid but y’all love him so much.
-Denki surprisingly knows how to do braids, clean parts n all, Jirou didn’t know how to at first but once you showed her, all 3 of you were braiding and it took MUCH less time since you had some helping hands
-Jirou loves wash day with you, Denki takes a shower before y’all on these days because he knew y’all were gonna be there for a while, so he sets clothes for you and jirou as she helps wash your hair. She’d shampoo your hair n gently scrub your scalp until all of the build up n dirty was gone from the last protective style you had, she helps you condition and deep condition, she even helps detangling your hair which she’s amazing at since she’s light handed so you’re all for detangling only if she does it. Once she finishes wash your hair, y’all wash eachother’s bodies and admire eachother’s presence
-I hope you ain’t scared of electricity cuz the shock that takes over you when you found out they were lil freaky things was astonishing
- Denki is a ass eater for sure,he eats it as if he’s a starving man even tho he just devoured Jirou’s pussy just before eating your ass, he’d lap his tongue repetitively and he eats it while your face is down and ass up, holding your soft ass cheeks apart to get full access, but when he does that he starts taking long strides from your clit, then thru your slippery folds, n all the way to your asshole, it makes your brain go hazy, you can’t even think at all, Jirou loves watching the show, watching you contort in pleasure while y’all beautiful boyfriend eats you out makes her needy and feigning for more.
- Jirou loves it when you eat her pussy and you love doing it. Her soft warm pink folds clenching around your tongue as you expertly lick her sweet spots while your nose rubs and nudges against her clit, a sweet creamy substance rests on your tongue and as you keep going more comes out and you swallow every bit of it without thinking twice, before you can reach down and release the tension that’s building in your core, Denki slips his long aching dick all the way into your eager hole, the action makes you moan into Jirou’s pussy and the vibrations were unbearable and left pretty Jirou shaking, as she tries to come down from her high, Denki is still fucking you stupid
-you and Jirou love to suck Denki off but as a team, you’d be teasing the slit of his sensitive tip and sucking on it, while Jirou is playing n suckin on his heavy swollen balls, but when his hips starts to buck you deepthroaylt him and he grabs a handful of your braids and starts to gently face fuck you
- Double penetration is one of the favorites, Denki’s throbbing dick slipping into your ass, while Jirou’s long purple strap is in your abused pussy, she even takes it a step further and puts a viabrator to your clit and sucks on one of your hardened nipples just so you can feel everything . And you sure did feel everything because you’re literally weak limbed and fucked dumb. Incoherent babbles coming from your mouth, eyes rolled to the back of your head, you were out of it and love every second of it.
- tribbing is always amazing, Jirou’s hot wet pussy rubbing against yours sends shocks of pleasure all throughout y’all bodies, you’re biting and sucking at her tits, leaving marks on em while she’s rolling her hips to yours like her life depends on it, Denki would place his hands over yours which are on Jirou’s hips and make her go ungodly quicker. After an amazing shower and food, cuddles and sleeping music is very much needed. Y’all secretly freaky idiots love eachother so much<3
I need this😫
My beautiful fairies 🧚🏾‍♀️: @emonaculate @riozakii @tenyaiidasslut @thicksimpx @yo-nn @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @xogabbiexo @angwritez @sexy-lil-nugget @sintiva @dejwrites @gabzlovesu @luna-indigoduh @zu-ku @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @nasty-quillz @misss-chrisss
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dabilovesme · 2 years
Who is that?
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Pairings: kirishima x black!fem!reader
summary: kirishima has been secretly dating you for 3 months and you guys wanted to keep y’all’s relationship out of the media, until you were ready to put it out publicly but tonight, the universe had different plans.
You were getting ready to go on a another beautiful date with kirishima, it has been 3 months since y’all first date and everything about him is amazing, his personality, his face, his body, that dick, he’s just a dream come true. So tonight you decided to wear a dark red turtle neck dress that was long sleeved and the dress only stopped mid thigh so it was very short but unbelievable cute, on top of that you put 5 elegant sliver necklaces on and put silver rings on each of your fingers, and to top it off you put on your favorite diamond earrings that kiri gave you for y’all’s 1 month anniversary.
As soon as you put on your shoes you hear your front door open and heard a familiar voice yell “Y/n, you here?”, as soon as you heard kiri’s delightful voice, you walk out of the bathroom and walked slowly to kiri, hips swaying and ass jiggling. He was mesmerized to say the least, your deep curves were being tightly hugged by the dark vermilion dress, most of your soft thick thighs were exposed, it made him blush hard because “lovebites” from the other night were still there, your jewelry complimenting your dress perfectly and that dark captivating gaze of yours had him swooning over you in a way he’d never imagine. “You like what you see, Red?” You taunted, hearing your voice finally made him snap out of his mesmerized state “ I love what I see baby.” He begins to walk closer to you,he had on a tuxedo that matched the color of your dress and had a silver watch on his wrist,his hair was in a ponytail with hair falling in front of his face, allowing his strong jawline to be on display, he wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you close so he can bury his nose into your neck and moves his hands to your ass and slowly gropes it, “you’re lucky we have a planned dinner cuz if not I’d absolutely destroy you right now.” he says with desire filled in his voice. “Oh really? How about we arrange the “destroying” after dinner?” you teased. “You just have no idea, now let’s go before I destroy you right here” “Alright big boy, let’s go devour some food” you guys walk out of your cozy apartment and on your way out of the door kiri smacks your ass hard, “ow!” you yelped “oh? Weren’t you moaning for me to smack it harder the other day? I gotta prepare you for tonight baby”, you roll your eyes even tho your face was heating up, “you know you like that” “shut up” “yes ma’am” he says while opening the door and letting you get in. He gets in the driver’s seat and looks at you “you ready love?” He says while placing his hand on your thigh, sending swarms of butterflies in your stomach “yes red, I’m ready” he place a soft kiss on your lips and drives off
After 15 minutes of some small talk and comfortable silence, you guys finally pull up to this huge restaurant, with gold streams of light beaming through the windows, “wow” you say dumbfounded “wow indeed, now let’s go in and settle down, and don’t worry about waiting our seats are preserved.” he smiles brightly and wraps his hand around your waist as you guys walk into the glowing building ahead of you. As soon as you guys walk in, you see fancy designs and mouth dropping art displayed everywhere. While you’re so caught up looking at the art, you didn’t even notice a well dressed man approaching you both, “Hello Mr.Kirishima, your private booth is ready and set for you both” the man was practically about to get a nose bleed from your beautiful presence which didn’t go unnoticed by kiri so he takes your chin and kisses you in a way that’d make anyone’s knees weak, “oh uh- follow me to the booth sir” the man walks ahead of you both, clearly embarrassed and hard. You guys make it to this spacious room and the well dressed man leaves and closes the fancy curtains behind him, it had everything setup so beautifully and it made your heart warm that kiri put so much work into this and cared about you so much, “ you didn’t have to do all this for me baby, I don’t deserve you” you say hugging him tightly “don’t say that, you deserve the world y/n, I wanted to do this for you, now stop being a big baby and sit down so we can eat” he says softly.
After you guys practically devour half of the menu you guys get up and start heading out. As soon as y’all walk out of the restaurant flashing lights hit your face,”what the fuck?!” “Shit!” Kiri picks you up bridal style and runs to the car “ how did they know you were here?!” you exclaimed while the paparazzi is still taking many photos of you both “I think they might’ve noticed the car” he settles you in the passenger seat and he gets in the drivers seat and pulls off. Not even 10 minutes later, headlines and news articles have your face all over the internet, while scrolling thru your phone you come across a video of you as the thumbnail “ Tonight Eijiro Kirishima aka Red Riot was spotted with a beautiful young lady at a restaurant and it seems as tho they’re very close and a high chance they’re dating but one question everyone wants to know, who is that gorgeous lady Mr.Riot was with?” the video continued with showing pocket paparazzi had took, you scroll thru the comments and see people say “wow she’s stunning”, “How did Red Riot bag someone as THAT BEAUTIFUL?🧍‍♂️” and there are other comments saying “ he really wastes his time with that thing?💀”, “he could’ve done better tbh”, but when you check the replies people were eatin up and going at the haters. You turned off your phone and turned to kiri who was trying to remain calm, “hey baby ‘s ok, you don’t have to worry, I’m not mad or anything just shocked” you say in a soft tone, easing all of the worry off of kiri’s shoulders “I’m glad you’re not upset, I’m kinda happy that happened because now everyone knows you’re mines” he leans in and kisses you till you feel a pool of wetness between your legs, he pulls down the part of the dress that’s covering your neck and starts leaving slow open mouth kisses everywhere “kiri-” you were cut off by a loud honk coming from the other car behind you guys “sorry!” kiri notices the light is green and starts driving again, “So needy baby, be a good girl for me when we get to my place, yea?” He says while placing his free hand dangerously close to your panties “ ok baby, I’ll be a good girl for you” you say while grab his hand and drag it right over your covered pussy “only if you be my best boy now”
This is going to be 2 parts and I hope y’all like this 💕
My Beautiful Fairies🧚🏾‍♀️- @sintiva @sexy-lil-nugget @emonaculate @riozakii @tenyaiidasslut @thicksimpx @yo-nn @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @presidentmonica @angwritez @aizawasbrazybaby @dejwrites @gabzlovesu @httpexe @luna-indigoduh @luffysthickwaifu @zu-ku @xogabbiexo @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @nasty-quillz @misss-chrisss
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dabilovesme · 2 years
Jealous Gojo Headcanons
Pairings: gojo x black!fem!reader
Warnings: unprotected sex, fluff, obviously jealousy
A/n: this hc is obviously for black readers but if you aren’t black you can read it for fun ig
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Jealous!gojo who hates the way geto is getting a lil too touchy with you, so gojo being the wonderful boyfriend he is, he snatches you by the waist, holds you so close to him, even air can’t get thru y’all and shoves his tongue down your throat, right in front of geto. You’re so lost in the moment, the burning gaze that geto had on you had gone unnoticed.
Jealous!gojo who notices geto’s gaze on your beautiful body and decides to put on a show and grip your ass and grinds against you hard, pulling out small moans and whines from your mouth. Geto is staring at you like a hawk and his erection his noticeable to the point it looks painful. Gojo starts to get a little mischievous and picks you up by your thighs and wraps your legs around his waist, your ass is in the air and on display for geto to get a better view.
Jealous!gojo notices that geto is starting to lose a lil bit (a lot) of his sanity and so finally he breaks the heated kiss you guys were in to tell geto to leave, “Ok I gave you enough of a show, now leave so I can take care of what’s mine”, geto flustered expression still plastered on his face as he gathered his things and left quickly so he can…..handle himself. Gojo on the other hand had to handle you.
Jealous!gojo drags you to the bedroom and edge you for hours because you didn’t notice that his little friend geto was getting too touchy with you. “You probably liked that didn’t you?” He says thrusting harshly into you, “You like it when he’s rubbing all up on ya’, huh?” he stops his thrusts as he feel you’re about to cum “Gojo pleas-” you’re cut off by the sudden movement of your legs being thrown over his shoulders and locked in place, “You didn’t answer my question sweetheart .” he says before kissing the gold anklet that he bought you that has his name on it, “no I d-don’t like it” you say trying to catch your breath, “I only like it when you touch me” you say staring deep into his mesmerizing gaze “only you” and with that gojo starts to thrust again but this time they’re slow and deep, his pubes graze against your clit with every thrust and your legs shakes while on his shoulders but his vice grip is making sure you don’t go anywhere. “Only me and it will always just be me.” he starts to pound harder into your hot sticky pussy, not faster, but harder. It sends you over the edge immediately, “pl-please don’t s-stop” you say with tears running from your eyes,”I-I’m gonna-”, “go ahead baby, cum for me”, you let out the most beautiful and alluring moans he has ever heard as you came all over his throbbing dick, “my god baby-fuck” even after you cum, gojo continues his thrust as he chase his high and the feeling of you clenching and creaming around him he cums almost immediately after you, he moans loudly as he releases his hot heavy seed inside you. He puts your legs down gently and lays down on top of you and buried his face in the crook of your neck as you run your fingers thru his hair, as he’s still buried deep inside you. You guys lay there just like that for at least 15 minutes before he pulls out his softened cock and watches all of his cum ooze out of you. “I’ll start the shower, just stay here, kay?” you nod and lay there, body tired and worn out.
Jealous!gojo who loves aftercare, he pulls out clothes for the both of you and starts the shower and made sure it was nice and hot just how you like it. He picks you up bridal style from the bed and helps you into the shower. You guys wash eachother up, this moment is so intimate and precious, you guys wash eachother up throughly and slowly, you put shampoo in your hands and start shampooing his hair. He loves the way your fingers glide across his scalp, the gentle touch from you makes him go on cloud 9. Once you’re finished scrubbing his scalp you tell him to bend his head back just a little bit so you can rinse all of the shampoo from his soft white hair, as you do that, gojo rest his warm wet hands on your lower back, pressing you closer to him, enjoying every minute of this moment. Once you guys are finished showering and brushing y’all teeth , gojo insists on moisturizing and dressing you for his on enjoyment, “Please baby, I promise I don’t bite” he says teasingly , “ok gojo you can do it but be gentle because I’m very sore.” You say softly, “oh I know baby, just let me take care of you” he starts lathering your scented whipped cocoa butter in his hands and start massaging it on your pretty brown legs, as he does so you watch him intently, taking in every detail of his beautiful presence, “you’re so beautiful gojo” he starts blushing hard, if anyone else called him beautiful he would’ve had a cocky response like “I know” or “it’s not hard to tell”, but with you it’s different, you make him feel this that he didn’t even know he can feel, and someone as mesmerizing as you calling him beautiful is a deal breaker and everyone including him knows that, “thank you baby, but nothing is as beautiful as you.” you give him a soft kiss on his lips and you guys sit in a comforting silence as you let him finish moisturizing and dressing you in your favorite pajamas. When he’s finished dressing you, he swiftly moisturizes and dresses himself in his own pajamas and
Jealous!gojo who joins you in the bed and pulls you to his chest and sets your head in the crook of his neck. “I love you satoru.” his first name sliding off of your tongue makes butterflies fill his stomach and his mind hazy, “I love you too y/n” and that was the last thing he said before the both of y’all drift into a peaceful sleep and gojo thinks of how lucky he is that he gets to hold you like this, see you like this, love you like this.
Hello my beautiful babies, I hope y’all like this.💕
my fairies🧚🏾‍♀️: @emonaculate @riozakii @tenyaiidasslut @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @angwritez @sexy-lil-nugget @sintiva @dejwrites @gabzlovesu @httpexe @luna-indigoduh @luffysthickwaifu @zu-ku @xogabbiexo @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @nasty-quillz @misss-chrisss @38riku
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dabilovesme · 2 years
Heyyy it’s everyone’s lovely procrastinator 💨
Warnings: fluff, suggestive themes
Pairings: Mina x fem!black!reader
A/n: I’m gonna start doing more jjk hcs/fics/Drabble but I really wanted to do this first👏
Mina with a black s/o hc
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-Absolutely obsessed with you, it’s not even funny
-She absolutely loves the way you talk,dress,look,walk, name it and she loves it
-She’s a huge fan of pda, especially when it comes to you so be prepared for a wholeee lot of kissing,hugging, and even ass grabbing at anytime and any place, she just always needs to be on you
-When she’s in the dorm with you, she lays between your thighs because they’re just so soft and plush, they’re her favorite pillow, besides your titties
-When you’re studying, she randomly opens the blinds to see your skin glow and your eyes turn into pools of gold and honey. When she first did it you were confused asf, “Baby, what’re you doin?” “Magic.” You got used to it now, you love seeing her lovestruck and mesmerized as she looks at you like you’re a goddess. She shamelessly take pictures of you in those moments too.
-Speaking of pictures she has a huge box of polaroid photos of the both of you together, pics of just you. She has tons of photos of you eating, she thinks you look absolutely adorable.
-She adores that you’re a foodie, y’all would go on late night drives for snacks, even stop by a late night diner to order half of the menu and devour the food. The servers don’t mind tho, they love y’all, especially because y’all give amazing tips
-She absolutely loves going shopping with you. Your style inspires her to dress better. Your mix of y2k and baggy streetwear made her fall even harder for you. Most days when you wear huge graphic tees, big jeans and hella chain necklaces n bulky rings and those special days when you wear stylish track suits and mini jean skirts with a cute belt and croptops that hugs your beautiful curves and shows of that fat ass n tiddies , also loves the elegant necklaces and gold rings you wear with them, she loves it all. Most definitely steals your clothes but you don’t mind cuz you have hella clothes anyways.
-When hanging out with friends, she loves to show you off cuz she knows everyone wants you, even the girls that are jealous wants to be you and wants to be with you. You can’t help it, you’re just that girl and you know it.
-Brace yourself
- She’s going to feel every inch of you and when I mean every inch, I mean every inch
- loves to overstimulate you, sucking n licking on your clit and switching it back n forth with the vibrater with it on full power, watching you squirm and trying to get away but you’re too weak to move
-fucking craves for you to ride her face, the weight of your thighs around her head and the sweet taste of your pussy on her makes her go fucking feral. She could be eating you out for hours, pullin multiple orgasms from you and still can’t get enough of your erotic moans and whines. “Baby, please-oh fuck” “Please what sweetheart?” “I-i can’t take i-it anymore-shit!” You say as she rips another orgasm from you, “oh yes you can baby, just a lil longer,kay? You’re gonna be a good girl for mommy, yea?” she say stopping just for a moment so you can look at her, “yes mommy, I’ll be good for you” “good girl.” as soon as she says that she goes back to licking your sweetness that’s drooling from your folds
-a long 8 inch purple strap? Y’all go crazy wit it, that’s all I’m gonna say
-loves tribbing, oh my fucking god, the feeling of y’all wet clits rubbing against eachother send both of y’all legs weak and shaking, sometimes Mina would put the vibrator between y’all pussies and grind hard against it making both of you cum countless times. On some occasions she likes it when you’re in the reverse cowgirl position and your hot wet pussy lips are grinding against her swollen sensitive clit and some moments as you’re grinding on her you push yourself a little harder on her to suck in her clit with your eager clenching hole, she moans so loud, you’re pretty sure everyone on your dorm level can hear but y’all don’t give 2 fucks. And yes everyone notices the pimp walks y’all do most of the time.
-remember about the Polaroids? Y’all have several and I mean several explict photos hidden in a safe box for only y’all to see. When you’re in your classes and she’s in your dorm waiting for you to get back, she grabs the vibrater and take a photo and stare at it as she presses the vibrater against her clit, “can’t fucking wait till you get back”
- all in all y’all fucking love eachother and will spend the rest of your lives exploring new things and enjoying eachother to the fullest.
Hi my beautiful fairies, missed me?
Fairies🧚🏾‍♀️: @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @angwritez @dejwrites @httpexe @emonaculate @riozakii @sintiva @gabzlovesu @luna-indigoduh @zu-ku
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dabilovesme · 2 years
How Bakugou react to seeing their s/o who usually wears baggy clothes put on a dress hc
Pairings: Bakugo x black!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, suggestive themes (if you squint)
Note: this is my first ever time writing so please don’t beat me up😭
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- Bakugo already knew about your insecurity with your body and why you always covered it up but he thought it was stupid because he loves everything about and no shitty extra should make you feel insecure about anything but he never pressured you to show your body to him, he always said he’ll wait till you’re ready
-One day you and him were chilling in your dorm, you were cleaning out your closet while listening to music with your headphones and Katsuki was sitting on your bed, scrolling thru social media.
-while cleaning out your closet you find this beautiful orange dress that Mina had got you months ago but you were too self-conscious and just threw it in your closet
-So you decide to go into the bathroom and slip on the dress. Bakugo saw you run to the bathroom but he thought you had to take a shit so he ain’t think too much of it. 30 minutes had pass and you were still in there so he got worried. “Y/n……you good in there?” He said hesitantly. He remembered that you always had your headphones on full blast so he knew you wouldn’t hear him , “that damn y/n always have her headphones on.”He mumbled to himself. So he got up and just opened the door
-And what he saw behind the door was absolutely god sent. You were standing in front of the mirror checking yourself out, looking absolutely stunning, the dress you had on was clinging onto your deep curves so beautifully, your thick plush thighs were out, your titties looked so fucking soft and your cleavage was out, Katsuki just wanted to sit and suck on them , your soft pretty tummy made it so tempting for Katsu to just go up behind you and squeeze on it, and dat ass….boi he wanted to eat it like it was his last meal. All in all you looked fucking breath taking
-you turned around noticed his stunned expression and didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing. “Suki….do you like i-” that was all you can say before you feel him grabbing you by your soft thighs and holding you against the wall while he smashes his lips to yours and sticks his tongue down your throat. He breaks the kiss and grabs your face so you can look him dead in the eye. “I fucking love it, you should know that, dumbass” He says while staring at your beautiful brown eyes. “I’m glad you love it” you say, still stunned by the way he’s reacting to you right now. “I know we haven’t done anything before, but…” he stops mid sentence and looked away from you. “But what baby?” you say already knowing what he wants but you want to hear him say it. “Can we…you know….do it?” He asked shyly, you were very surprised by his shy demeanor cuz he’s NEVER been like this before. “If you’re asking to fuck me then yes katsuki, I would love for you to fuck me” you say teasingly. “I’m not gonna fuck you” he says looking back at you, “I’m gonna make love to you.”
AHH I’m very happy on how this turned out and I might make a pt.2 for the smut part….MIGHT
@plussizeficchick @pervysenpaix @dejwrites
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dabilovesme · 2 years
Izuku who loves your deep voice so much to the point after he’s off work he lays down on your chest and let’s you rant for hours because your velvety and soothing voice reminds him of Mother Nature herself. You’re so damn beautiful it hurts and he wonders what you see in him because he thinks no one deserves you, including himself, but those reassuring lullabies you tell him keeps him so full of life and love. He loves watching you sketch, the focused yet calm look on your face makes him intrigued on what you’re doing. Not only does he absolutely loves your personality he also loves your body to. He wants to worship it all of the time because of your deep curves that he wants to trace his scarred hands over, your soft titties that he wants to hold and squeeze, your ass and thighs so soft and big, it makes him wanna lay there forever. But his favorite feature about you is your eyes, they’re so dark and mesmerizing, izuku can stare at them all day, he sometimes even hold your hands and stare into your deep gaze for a long time. You guys love eachother so much<3
Ik you guys missed me, this was a quick Drabble that I put my characteristics in there, like I have a deep voice, dark eyes, I sketch, im curvy, all that good stuff l, love y’all💕
My beautiful fairies 🧚🏾‍♀️- @riozakii @thicksimpx @tenyaiidasslut @yo-nn @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @presidentmonica @angwritez @sexy-lil-nugget @sintiva @dejwrites @gabzlovesu @luna-indigoduh @luffysthickwaifu @zu-ku @xogabbiexo @blkchxrryblyss @bookwormsenpai @bumbleblackbee @boredandelusive @nasty-quillz @misss-chrisss
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dabilovesme · 2 years
This was a gift to @thicksimpx
Pairing: Megumi x black!fem!reader
Warnings:fluff, oral(f receiving), pussy job,raw dawgin🐕‍🦺, like a pinch of angst but only pussies get sad over the lil bit I wrote (dw I love my pussies)
A/n: I was bored so I made this lil scenario, nothin serious🌚
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Megumi has been worn out and tired. Not just because of work but his sleep schedule also. His job had rearranged the times of clocking in and it fucked up his sleep schedule bad so as soon as he gets home from a long shift he automatically starts to get ready for bed, and he honestly feels bad that he has to work long shifts because he can’t spend as much time with you anymore, food will be in the fridge wrapped up waiting for him after you tried to wait n stay up to eat dinner with him, but you seem to always fail due to how late he works now. Also since he’s always been at work, he has been sexually frustrated because he missed the way you looked while being fucked like a pornstar, he missed the heavenly feeling of your ass hitting his hips as he thrusts hard into your pretty cunt, he also missed the caressing and cuddles afterwards, so today during his lunch break he told his boss he wouldn’t be able to make it back to work because something “important” came up and he had to deal with it, his boss agreed to let him go and wished him a good day. Oh when Megumi heard those words, he was beyond happy that he got to spend the rest of the day with you and possibly do other…….things.
You were in the kitchen making chicken alfredo because you knew that alfredo was his favorite meal and he was working real hard this week so why not treat him a little. As you were closing the pot, hear the door unlock and open, and to your surprise it’s Megumi. “ Hey baby, I thought you weren’t going to be back until later tonight!” you exclaimed while practically running and jumping into his arms. “I made some rearrangements today and I was able to get off work early to see my beautiful wife.” He says while holding your plush brown thighs around his waist. “Oh and I made your favorite meal, it’s basically done now, wanna eat?” you ask while caressing his cheeks. “Oh but my favorite meal is right here in my hands.” he says while holding you right above his growing erection. He felt you throbbing through your thin stain shorts, so he started to lightly grind against you while you were still in his arms. “Give me more. Please?” You say with full desperation in your voice. “Since you asked so nicely, ofc baby, I’ll give you more.”
And that’s how you ended up here, on the bed,legs above Megumi’s shoulders, his arms caging in your legs so you won’t even get a chance to squirm away, your hands are in the locs of his hair and your face is beautifully contorted in pleasure. “Please baby, -fuck, I need you inside of me.” You say as he rips your 4th orgasm out of your by his hot soft tongue and his soft lips. “You’re that eager for me huh?” He says while lifting up from you leaking cunt, he unbuckles his belt and takes off his pants, including his underwear, and practically rips off his shirt. “Don’t worry baby, I’ve been fucking craving to fuck you senselessly for months now” he says while slowly stroking his dick, from the base all the way to the sensitive red tip which was oozing with pre cum. “You’re such a beautiful angel” he says while lining his tip directly on your clit, “let me take care of you.” he says while looking down at you.“Please baby, take care of me” you say while staring deeply into his eyes. And that was the only thing he needed to hear before rubbing his dick between your hot, sticky folds, momentarily teasing your entrance with his tip. “Fuck baby, you feel so good and I’m not even in you yet.” He says while still thrusting his hips to slide between your slick folds and rub against your clit. “Fuck! Megumi please, I-I need you inside of me. Now.” You say as you feel his heavy balls hit your entrance as he continues to take full thrusts through your folds. “Anything for you baby.” And with that he takes a long deep thrust into you, bottoming out all at once. He grunts and moans as he feels you clenching around his dick, sending heavenly feelings to his body. “You feel s-ngh- so good” he says in a shaky breath. “Faster baby, please” the desperation in your voice didn’t go unnoticed so he goes faster, clapping noises are filling the room, strings of your wetness was connecting with his hips as he thrusts perfectly into you, hitting spots that you knew only he could. “Fuck y/n” he says while going harder, “I’m so so close” he grunts in the crook of your neck which was smothered in hickies. “I’m cumming!” You say, moaning loudly as a wave of heat intrudes your stomach. “Cum for me, baby” he says quickening his pace, “cum now.” and as he says that you guys cum together, heads filled with pure bliss, both of y’all’s bodies spasming as he fills you up and while you release all over his thick cock.
Once y’all finish cumming, Megumi lays on top of you while still inside you. Y’all lay there for a lil bit before your voice filled the silence, “hey baby, I gotta pee” you say while caressing his cheek. He doesn’t answer so you assume he didn’t hear you, “Megumi?”, He sighs and looks up at you with puppy dog eyes “Yes?”, “I have to pee baby”, “I knowww, I just didn’t want to move” he says while his now softened dick slowly pulls out of you. “I’ll be right back honey” you say as you start rushing to the bathroom so none of y’all cum drips out of you. Once you weee finished using the bathroom, you walk out to see you and Megumi’s night clothes laid out on the bed. “Go back in the bathroom, I wanna shower with you.” He says walking towards you with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Oh ok, you sure you don’t need me to do anything?” You say as he hands you your bonnet so that you can put it on.“I’m sure baby, I’ve got you” he say while peppering kisses on your cheeks, “you’re all I need.”.
After y’all finished showering and getting dressed, Megumi had changed the sheets n comforter and motioned you to lay down while he grabs something from the kitchen. He walks back in the room with 2 full bowls of Alfredo the you had made and two water bottles . “Bon Appitet” he says playfully while placing the bowl on your lap. “Thank you, gumi!” You pecked his lips and y’all started to eat. “So what do you wanna watch while we’re eating?” Megumi asks with a mouthful of food, he’s so adorable, you thought to yourself “umm, how about Cory, a new spooky scary sunday that he posted today.” You say while stuffing your face with food. Megumi stares at you.” What baby?” You ask while now focused on your lover. “I’m so happy I made you my wife” he says while turning the channel to the new sss (spook scary Sunday) episode. “And I’m glad you are my husband.”
Once y’all are finished eating, Megumi took the bowls and washed them, n once he came back you were comfortably laying down, waiting for him to return to bed. “Hurry uppp” you say impatiently, “im coming, im coming, jeez” he says before settling on the bed, and pulling your body towards him and laying your head on his chest. “I bet you were coming” you say with a sly smirk. “You’re so childish” he says in a playful tone. “ You know how you love my jokes” you say while caressing the sides of his ribs. “I do and I love you” he says holding you closely. “I love you too.” And soon you drifted to sleep by the beat of his heart and his soft snores.
Do not steal or plagiarize my fucking work
Never mind i fucking hate this writing
HEY MY BABIES, this should’ve been posted but I was procrastinating 👩🏾‍🦯, ANYWAYS I hope y’all like this and have a beautiful night 💕
My Fairies🧚🏾‍♀️: @xogabbiexo @pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @thicksimpx @angwritez @dejwrites @boredandelusive @riozakii @sexy-lil-nugget
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dabilovesme · 2 years
Heyyy this is sumn I just wanted to throw at y’all cuz why not🤷🏾‍♀️
Warnings: fluff, suggestive themes
Pairings: Mina x black!fem!reader, Shoto x black!fem!reader, Kirishima x black!fem!reader
A/n: you can read the stuff i post if you aren’t black but just know it ain’t abt you🤞
How they react to your hair matching them hc
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- Mina knew today was the day of your hair appointment and she absolutely despised your hair appointments because she knew it would take AT LEAST 6 hours till you finish and she wants (needs) to be with you all of the time but she knew how important your hair was to you and she absolutely loved the hairstyles you get so she sits n wait in your dorm till you get back
- You we’re basically done now, you just needed to let your hair dresser to use a lighter to make the hair look neater but once you were done, you was so excited to surprise Mina that you were practically speeding to get back to your dorm. Once you got back you went up to your dorm and opened the door
-What Mina saw made her smile from ear to ear. You had long light pink butterfly locs with gold hair jewelry sitting beautifully on them. Mina jumped off your bed and ran to cover your face with kisses
-“Stop that Mina!” You say playfully, trying to cover your face from being attacked by kisses. “I’m sorry baby but you look amazing! I mean you always look amazing duh, but we’re matching!” She says cheerfully while looking at you like the angel you are. “Thank you sweetheart, I’m glad you love it so much!” You say while having a big dopey smile on your face which Mina found so adorable. “You’re welcome baby and I know how much you love movies,food,and me, so I ordered some pepperoni n bacon pizza and have all 7 conjuring movies IN chronological order!” She says pointing at the 2 pizza boxes and laptop sitting on your bed. “ you don’t know how much I love you” you say with all the love in your heart. “ I love you too y/n”
-during the movies she was rubbing your scalp cuz she knows how tender it is after getting your hair done and she was still fan-girling that you got the same hair color as her. She loves you so much
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-Shoto had dropped you off to your hair appointment, he even gave you the money to get your hair done. He did that like 5 hours ago, you are a lil more than halfway done with your hair and then he facetimes you out of no where and you answer with the camera facing the ceiling.
Shoto: um hello?
Y/n: hey baby, uh why’d you call?
Shoto: I can’t call my beautiful girlfriend now?
Y/n: oh no, you can but my hair isn’t finished!
Shoto: and?
Y/n: …..it’s a surprise….
Shoto: ok beautiful, call me back when you’re finished, I love you.
Y/n: I love you too!
-you hang up the phone and sit patiently for the hair stylist to finish your hair. “All done!” The hair stylist say while touching up your edges. “Thank you!, here’s a tip.” You tip the wonderful lady $50 cuz she even washed and blow dried your hair so a extra tip was deserved…..it was the money Shoto gave you anyways. You call Shoto to pick you up and when he arrives and see you walk out, mans was stunned
- you walk out of the salon with knotless braids and half of your braids were red and the other half was white, you had silver jewelry dangling off of the braids so beautifully. Shoto didn’t even remember to unlock the passenger door to let you in cuz he was so stuck staring at your pretty face and colorful braids. Once you knocked on the window, he snapped out of it and unlocked the doors, “ sorry love, I got distracted” he says while the tips of his ears and his cheeks starts to turn red. “Distracted by what baby?” You say teasingly, knowing damn well what’s distracting him. “ oh um it was your hair….it’s matching mine.” He says while starting the car and his face still burning up. “ do you like it?” You ask while putting on your seat belt. “ i love it, sweetheart.” He says while leaning in towards you. “Im glad you do” you say before leaning into him and lightly pecking his lips, you try to pull back but he rests his index and thumb fingers on your chin just to kiss you a little longer. He kisses your cheek before pulling away and driving off. “I want you to sit on my face when we get back” Shoti says randomly with a calm, monotone expression. “I-uh- ok” you were in for a lonnng night when y’all got back.
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-poor baby never knew how long it took for you to get your hair done cuz he only ever saw you installing a wing or fluffing out your afro which didn’t take long since you were used to doing it but once you told him your braids would take at least 7 hours…..manz wanted to cry. “ 7 full hours with you with me?!” He says in a cracking whiny voice. “It’s gonna be ok baby, it’ll be worth it, I promise” you say while kissing his cheek. “But that’s soo long” he says dramatically, you roll your eyes while you grab your phone. “The quicker I get started, the quicker I finish” you say while putting on your jacket. “Ugh fine. I love you!” He says while giving you a quick peck on your lips, “I love you too baby, see you later” and you finally head out
- it has been hours now and kiri has texted you hella messages asking if you were almost done and when you finally respond saying you’re finished, you just knew your baby was smiling from ear to ear. You paid the stylist and headed back to your dorm, once you’re there your door is locked. “Shit I must’ve forgot my keys” you knock on the door and once the door opens, you’re greeted with a speechless boyfriend.
-“ hey baby……you like my hair” your hair was in dark red faux locs with gold jewelry on them which complimented your mesmerizing dark skin so perfectly. “I love it baby! U look so manly” he says jumping like a toddler in a candy shop, “ wait not manly bu-” he says like he’s panicking. “I know what you mean baby haha, and thank you!” you say wrapping your arms around his neck, he snakes his hands around your waist kisses you all so sweetly and then pulls away. “You want me to oil n massage your scalp?, you seem like you’re in pain” he says looking at you with adoration. “Please baby?” You say while your hands are still around his neck. “Of course baby” he says picking you up bridal style and kicking the door closed. He locks the door and lays you down in bed. “Baby where’s your oils n your bonnet?” He asked while looking on your dresser. “ it’s in my top drawer to the right” you say while pointing at the drawer. “Oh okay, I found it, you ready?” He says walking towards you. “Yeppp” you say enthusiastically. “All done!” He says before putting your bonnet on your head for you. “Thank you baby, I love you” you say while cuddling against him, “you’re welcome and I love you too” he says holding you tightly while still lightly rubbing your scalp to sooth the discomfort. A few moments later, y’all were out like a light.
HII I don’t really like how this came out but imma post it anyways
@pervysenpaix @plussizeficchick @misss-chrisss @dejwrites @38riku
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dabilovesme · 2 years
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dabilovesme · 2 years
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