#rosa x jocelyn
haystarlight · 7 months
One of my favorites wlw couple tropes is happy butch angry femme
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joysmercer · 20 days
the rosa essay seems super interesting if you'd ever like to post it!
ok i dug it up again just for you, anon !! turns out it's less of an essay and more of a post-7x04 thoughts/rant post but tbh i still stand by it 🤷‍♀️ under the cut ->
Rosa and Jocelyn Breakup / Post-7x04 Thoughts
I hated it.
The show has a pattern of frequently showing their LGBT couples (Kevin/Holt and Rosa/Jocelyn) in the middle of a conflict, including (multiple) occasions where there is an imminent threat of divorce/breakup, while the straight couples rarely fight, if at all. Like Rosa/Jocelyn, Terry/Sharon and Charles/Genevive aren’t central to the show at all; yet, unlike them, Rosa and Jocelyn only got about 1 minute of “happy” moments on-screen over the course of 2 episodes (which is minuscule compared to what we got when Rosa was with Pimento, and even when she was with Marcus). The show is coming closer to its end, and I had hoped that we would get to see Rosa fall in love and get married—or, at the very least, be in a stable relationship—by the time it did. However, this new development makes that harder to expect, especially considering that Stephanie Beatriz said in an interview that we shouldn’t be “expecting many more tidbits about Rosa’s personal life” this season (x). 
This also ties into a bigger pet peeve of mine about the direction of Rosa’s character progression over time. She showed so much potential for professional growth early-on, but they just dropped it to the point where we don’t even know what her aspirations are anymore. She started off Season 1 getting an offer of captaincy, which is an unrealistic jump but does show that she has the capability to hold these positions—and if the posting wasn't in the middle-of-nowhere, she may have even taken it. In season 2, she’s selected to lead a drug task-force over everyone else in the squad specifically due to her leadership skills.
And then, suddenly, nothing more. Amy’s preparing for the sergeant’s exam, and the only thing Rosa’s shown chasing after is a position with Hawkins. It’s for a good reason, by the way, but she could have easily added something like “working with her will help me when I apply to become ____” or something to that effect, but she didn’t. After prison, nearly all of her plots involved Game Night or the repercussions of that. I understand and appreciate her coming-out storyline (there are no complaints there), but I wish they developed her story more in other aspects as well.
And they certainly could have. She wasn’t in the A-plot of ANY of the non-format-breaking episodes last season, while every other character had at least 2 episodes (even Hitchcock and Scully, who are never in the A-plot, had 1). I can’t help but get the feeling that they’re neglecting her character growth after the whole coming-out thing mostly resolved in 6x06.
So when Rosa said she and Jocelyn broke up, I was pretty upset. It was the ONE bit of development we got last season (aside from the whole “dating-two-people-at-once” debacle, which was pretty problematic), and they’re getting rid of that, too. I’m genuinely afraid that her role this season is just going to be reduced to her being Amy’s confidante through this whole Trying business, and it just makes me sad.
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yaboring-yabasic · 5 years
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this is a real thing that happened on twitter.
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toshsato · 5 years
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kizzys · 5 years
I am so not okay that rosa and jocelyn broke up
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Aesthetgender Rosa x Jocelyn (Brooklyn 99) Moodboard for anon
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noine-noine · 5 years
Rosa: I'll carve our initials into a tree because it's the romantic way to let you know I have a knife.
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agustinavids · 6 years
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supernerdgirl24 · 4 years
My Top 100 Ships Pt II
As stated in my bio, I have a shipping problem. So welcome to
Shipping Sundays! ❤️
Where I list 100 of my favorite ships in a series of 10 parts.
Some things to remember before we begin:
NONE of these gifs belong to me!
Ships listed in alphabetical order of the fandom
Some are canon, some aren't
Some are popular, some aren't
These are my personal shipping opinions
One person can be in multiple ships
Some have an explanation, some don't need one
😍 marks an OTP
Most importantly, this is just for fun 😁
This post may contain MAJOR or minor spoilers for the following:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Carmen Sandiego
Disney movies: Frozen II, Toy Story 4, and Tangled
Enjoy this week's ships
11. Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Rosa and Jocelyn
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Not totally caught up on this show. I'm sure Rosa had other love interests that I might like even more after this relationship ended. But they were cute.
12. Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Jake and Amy
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13. Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Raymond and Kevin
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14. Carmen Sandiego: Chase and Julia
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Gif credit: @disfordevineaux
15. DCEU: Bruce and Diana 😍
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Anyone who was following me a couple years ago would know I was definitely obsessed with WonderBat for a hot minute there.
16. DCEU: Diana and Steve
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17. Disney: Elsa and Honeymaren
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I actually didn't ship them when I first saw this movie. But then I saw a bunch of fan art and such, then I watched it a couple more times, and yeah. Definitely ship it now.
18. Disney: Woody and Bo 😍
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Gif credit: ??? I downloaded this from Tumblr forever ago and am unsure of a specific source
The heart eyes, you guys. I can't handle the heart eyes. When they first announced the plot of this movie is that Woody would be reunited with Bo, I was just like, "SIGN. ME. UP!"
19. Disney: Rapunzel and Eugene
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20. Doctor Who: Nine and Rose 😍
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Next Installment
Part 3
Previous Installment
Part 1
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onscreenkisses · 5 years
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BROOKLYN NINE-NINE, 6x11 - “The Therapist”
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biforrosa · 6 years
oh my god that kiss between Rosa and Jocelyn was worth how much they have been starving us this season
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thelighthousemp3 · 5 years
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toshsato · 6 years
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theclaravoyant · 5 years
AN ~ This fic is called “Catharsis” not just on the characters’ behalves, but on mine. I am planning another more nuanced, narrative-integrated exploration of some of these themes but in the moment when I started writing this I kinda Went Off at biphobia. Kevin was the vessel for my protectiveness... and Julia Diaz unfortunately copped the unflattering role of Every I’m-Not-Homophobic-But person I’ve ever met. This is for you grandma :)))))
NOW ON AO3 (~2400wd)
Warnings: This fic has a happy/uplifting ending (*jake peralta voice* I CATHARTED) but it does deal with themes of homophobia and biphobia, including a reference to AIDS. If you would like to know more detail about the fic’s contents before diving in, message me and I’m happy to chat.
Prompt: 4. “I know you didn’t ask for this.”
Fandom: Brooklyn 99 - featuring Rosa Diaz, Kevin Cozner, Julia Diaz, Jake Peralta, with background Holt x Kevin and Rosa x Jocelyn. 
Rated: T
Tags: Platonic Relationships, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Homophobia, Biphobia, AIDS reference.
She knew that voice. She ignored it.
“Rosa, mi niña…”
She glared at her report. Corrected a typo with an aggressive stab at the keyboard.
“Uh, excuse me, Detective Diaz?”
She gritted her teeth, and forced her lips into a wide twist on a hospitable smile. In an overly sweet tone that bristled for all to hear, she invited –
“Detective Peralta, can you assist Mrs Diaz please?”
“Uhh. Sure.”
Jake looked uncertainly between Rosa and her mother, but stepped forward. Rosa knew when she needed protecting and if this was one of those times then he would offer what he could. He couldn’t imagine what she was going through, after she and her mother had tried to talk about it again and had come to another explosive loggerhead. Still, he was not too sure of his place in all this. He wanted to give Julia a good scolding, but given that she was Rosa’s mother it probably wouldn’t be intimidating in the slightest by comparison. Plus, he had to remind himself, it was probably not his place. Rosa could scold her own mother. And now he was getting side-tracked.
“How can I help you, Mrs Diaz?”
Fortunately, the fact that Julia was still very keen on watching her daughter and apparently cared very little about Jake’s question, or presence at all, became side-tracked all on its own when the elevator doors opened and the newly-demoted Officer Holt arrived back from lunch with Kevin. It was not exactly a daily occurrence, but not irregular around these parts; still, the squad usually would have clamoured all over them for the day’s instalment of juicy wedding-planning gossip were it not for the never-before-seen Diaz family throwdown emanating a distracting amount of tension in the middle of the room.
At first the newcomers were unfazed, and Kevin opened the gate to the bull pen and gestured – with an arm full of flowers and a tiny but glowing smile - for Raymond to proceed him through. They would have happily continued in this distracted bliss, letting the team resolve whatever drama was going down, were it not for the fact that the lilies in Kevin’s arms and the slightest brush of his hand against Raymond’s arm as he passed made the two of them suddenly relevant to said drama.
It started small, just a little – Jake would have had to call it a wince, from Julia. She kind of, curled up her nose a bit, and Jake was reminded of the time he’d punched his former literary hero in the face.
Do not. Punch. Rosa’s. Mother, he commanded of himself, and of course he wasn’t going to, but after dinner and games night and the fight about Jocelyn and knowing the reason for no cop talk at parties and seeing how things like that sneer infected the lives of his friends, he couldn’t just stand there, and so it slipped out – his place or not -
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Julia baulked. “I just don’t think it’s appropriate for a workplace, that’s all.”
“What?” Jake frowned. Why did this keep surprising him?
Rosa’s version was not so much confused, as cold. It was sharp – near ruthless. All the fear and pain and seething she had felt etched into her these past few months she spat into her words as she got up from her desk and stalked around it, closer to her mother.
“They’re coming back from a date,” she growled. “Kevin is Holt’s husband. They’ve been together for thirty years.”
Julia at least had the sense to look impressed by this, which quelled the biting fury and the stinging sense of rejection inside Rosa, if only a little. She shouldn’t need to shove wholesome couple after wholesome couple down her mother’s throat for her to get it, but at least it was something. At least it was something. She swallowed, and prayed that this would be over quickly. Of course, it wouldn’t. Not least because the next thing her mother said made her want to start digging a pit to the centre of the earth and never return.
“Well, that makes sense, dear. They were probably the only two left.”
“Ex-cuse me?” Holt interjected.
“Mom, oh my god,” Rosa protested, her stomach churning.
“IIIII don’t understand enough about what’s going on here to be standing where I’m standing,” Jake babbled, because he’d somehow ended up in an uncomfortably prominent position in a very tense, angry circle of Strong Feelings. He scurried out of the way, back behind some desks, and half expected Holt and Rosa to leap into the space he’d left and go after Julia like it was some kind of cage match.
But no.
It was Kevin.
Cool, calm, collected Kevin who was just starting to bristle around the edges and who had a sharpness to his glare, and to his tongue, that anyone in the room besides perhaps Holt would be hard pressed to say they’d ever seen in him before. Jake had. When they were being hunted by Sean Murphy, and Kevin had been trying and failing to protect his husband.
“Excuse me,” he said. “Mrs – Diaz, is it?”
She knew she was in for something, but nodded.
“I’m sure you understand that I don’t appreciate your making light of my relationship,” he continued. “Nor of a very serious disease that took several of Raymond’s and my friends away from us a very young age. Many younger, if I may point out, than Detective Diaz there.”
“I’m so sorry,” Julia apologised, and it could not be said that any part of that was faked. She just hadn’t thought of it quite like that. But the thought of her little girl succumbing to such a horrible disease only made her throat close up and her fears feel more prickly and urgent and intense. “I didn’t mean any offence. You can’t choose who you are.”
“Perhaps not,” Kevin rebutted, “but if I could, I like to believe that I would choose Raymond every time, and he me.”
Julia blinked. “You wouldn’t want to have a family?”
“Raymond is my family.”
“But… wouldn’t it be easier… I mean, if you liked both, wouldn’t being with a woman be easier?”
“Not always. For example, not all women would feel comfortable with the fact that I also enjoyed the company of men.”
There was a beat of eye contact between them, and Julia cleared her throat.
“…Well,” she said, somewhat quieter this time. “You wouldn’t have to tell anyone.”
Rosa wrapped her arms around herself, under the guise of crossed arms. The mask of irritation she had put up began to crack as she replayed the argument with her mother in her mind. It was Jocelyn that her mother couldn’t take seriously; it was always she’s a nice girl, but, like Rosa failed to grasped the concept of settling down. It was always nice, always compliments, so it was hard to explain how much it hurt. Few people in the room knew how that felt. Jake, at least, took note of the tears that were starting to burn her eyes, and shuffled a little closer to her. He was still a whole desk away but somehow she breathed a little easier at that.
Then Kevin met her eyes.
He had been about to turn back; to retreat from a conversation that was deeply uncomfortable and that might not be his place. He wanted nothing more in this moment than to shut himself in Raymond’s office – or even better, their home – and forget he’d ever poked this particular bear.
Then, across the circle, he’d seen her.
He’d seen Rosa, and her arms across her chest, the sheen of tears in her eyes as she tried to look neither away from, nor directly at the scene in front of her.
In her, he saw himself, in church, as a boy. He saw himself, in class, as a student, learning about Achilles and Patroclus and knowing he couldn’t say what he was thinking. He saw himself at his brother’s wedding, looking out at the crowd of people that had gathered to celebrate and wondering – knowing, at the time, or so it had felt – that such a crowd would never turn out for him.
And perhaps it was the fact that he and Raymond had just come back from booking the florist for a ceremony he’d once thought impossible, that sent a pain careering through Kevin’s chest like an arrow. It certainly did not help matters that they’d just started putting together the guest list and seating chart for the wedding, and his father was not on it. And worst of all, was the acute sense of bitterness that he remembered all too well, that had tainted his father’s last breath, when he had told Kevin that he loved him for the first, the last, and the only time since the day he’d come out.
He had tears in his eyes by the time he turned his attention back to Julia. She glanced between him, and over her shoulder at Rosa. There was something between these two, that much she understood. Could the gay thing really run that deep?
“Mrs Diaz,” Kevin said, and it was clearly taking a lot to keep his voice steady. Julia turned back to him, solemn and intrigued as he took a deep breath and spoke – not only on his own behalf, but on her daughter’s as well.
“I know you didn’t ask for this,” he said. “But your daughter is trying to share something with you that is very important to her. She is trying the best she can to share her life with you. It might be difficult to understand but please, please believe that the love you feel for your husband – that is the same love she is capable of feeling. Maybe for a woman. Maybe even for Jocelyn. That’s all she’s trying to tell you. And you should listen. And you should treasure her with all your heart. Because I know for a fact how it feels when that revelation comes too late.”
He let it land, and all of a sudden his knees felt weak beneath him. He marched past Raymond and out of the bull pen into the lift before the shock of what he’d just done could wear off enough to collapse him.
The others watched him go: most were baffled by his unusually vivid emotiveness, but Rosa for one was grateful. Jake hugged himself a little tighter; protectiveness over his friends warring with crappy-dad sympathy to make one super uncomfortable feelings-cocktail. Julia was a little hurt, a little stunned, a little intrigued. Holt, as per usual, took the unusual turn of events in his stride. He held up a wrist and explained:
“Kevin’s father gave me this watch the day he died. After twenty-two years of not tolerating my presence in his home, he apologised, and he wished us luck.” Luck. He snorted. “My father died when I was younger, before I met Kevin, but my mother has always loved and supported me - every part of me, and of the two of us – and believe me when I say I would not be where I am without that love and support. Do not underestimate your power.”
Julia nodded. Maybe, just maybe, it was starting to sink in.
“I know you love your daughter very much, Mrs Diaz,” Holt continued, a little more gently now – but only a little - “and she loves you. It would be a shame to let that go to waste. But I’m sure you know that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m needed elsewhere.”
He gave Julia a pointed stare before exiting the bull pen to track down and comfort Kevin.
Julia took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. If nothing else, it was comforting to know that her daughter had a very protective group of friends and colleagues. And the passion with which they all spoke about each other. And the watch…
When Rosa had walked out on her, Julia had feared for just a second, that her daughter might never speak to her again. It had been one of the most frightening moments of her life, and though it had passed blissfully quickly at the time, she couldn’t help but reflect on it now. And on Holt’s words. And on the gaping wounds their arguments seemed to leave in her. She was only trying to love her daughter, to want what was best for her. But if she stayed on this path, this dark future of bitterness and grief, how could that possibly be better? Wouldn’t she prefer to see her daughter carry herself with pride, smile at the one she loved, open the door for them and carry the bouquet they’d presented her and brush arms with subtle love on their return from a lunch date?
Julia turned to face her daughter, to find her midway through wiping tears from her face.
“I love you, mi niña,” she whispered. “And if Jocelyn makes you happy – then I am happy for you. And I’m going to try harder to understand.”
“Okay,” Rosa said, her voice wobbling dangerously. She cleared her throat. “And yeah. Jocelyn does make me happy. I dunno about marrying her yet but. You know. We’ll see I guess.”
Short sentences. Still not quite crying. Nailing it.
Fortunately, that was part of her daughter that her mother did understand, or at least was used to. She did not push Rosa for more, simply picked up her handbag.
“I got a new extension to Trivial Pursuit,” she said. “Your father and I would love to play it this Friday if you’re available. Bring your friends, of course - or perhaps… Jocelyn?”
Sick and dizzy as she felt at the barrage of emotion, Rosa’s stomach flipped. She was lucky she was not a naturally smiley person, or she might just have given herself away because all of a sudden her heart was screaming IT’S ALL I EVER WANTED, which was of course, an exaggeration, but after months and months of the most awful tension of her life it was like falling away like a mudslide. Is this what relief felt like?
“I’ll think about it,” she said.
Julia nodded, and took her leave.
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noine-noine · 5 years
Rosa: I hate being touched. I hate human contact.
Rosa: The last time I touched someone was four years ago when I slapped them.
Jake: You're literally cuddling with Jocelyn right now.
Rosa: That means nothing.
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misomeru · 6 years
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