#rose black spot the bee
lilacthebooklover · 5 months
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tmw you infiltrate the bestie's awesome whiteboard and get carried away in his absence
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elryuse · 2 months
I'm sorry, Can I Be Yours
Winter X Male Reader
Tags : Childhood Friends, Friends To Lovers, Kiss, Teasing, Fluff, Virgin Sex, Creampie, Good Ending?
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The School bell blared, jolting me out of my reverie. I scanned the emptying hallway, searching for Winter's familiar pearly blonde hair. My stomach clenched when I spotted her surrounded by her posse, their laughter echoing down the corridor. Winter, the girl who used to chase butterflies with me at recess, now seemed like a distant star, dazzling yet untouchable.
It wasn't always like this. Back in elementary school, Winter, or Minjeong as I called her then, was the new kid, a shy sparrow adrift in a sea of unfamiliar faces. I, the self-proclaimed schoolyard ambassador, had swooped in, determined to be her friend. We were an unlikely pair – me, the rambunctious chatterbox, and her, the quiet observer with eyes that held galaxies within them. But somehow, it clicked. We built sandcastles that defied the tide, shared scraped knees and ice cream cones, our laughter echoing through the playground.
High school, however, had cast a long shadow over our friendship. Winter blossomed into an ethereal beauty, her smile lighting up every room she entered. Admirers swarmed around her like bees to a rose, and her schedule became a whirlwind of student council meetings, dance practices, and social gatherings. I, on the other hand, remained comfortably obscure, content with the company of my camera and a well-worn book.
The distance wasn't physical, not yet. We still sat together at lunch, a forced routine amidst the chaos. But the easy conversations, the comfortable silences, those had become a distant memory. Now, an awkward tension hung between us, a chasm filled with unspoken words and longing glances that pierced my heart.
One afternoon, at the usual lunch table, Winter was surrounded by her usual crowd, their voices a flurry of excitement about the upcoming school festival. I stole a glance at her, my heart sinking at the coldness in her eyes, a stark contrast to the warmth that used to reside there.
"Hey, Winter," I began hesitantly, my voice barely a whisper above the din. "They were talking about volunteers for the photography booth at the festival. You know I take a decent picture or two."
A flicker of something, maybe annoyance, crossed her features before she schooled her expression into a polite smile.
"Oh, right," she said, her voice devoid of its usual enthusiasm. "Yeah, maybe you can help out. Hana mentioned you were good with that camera of yours."
The casual dismissal stung. Hana? We hadn't discussed the festival, and the way Winter phrased it made it seem like it was Hana's idea, not mine. I forced a smile, the bitterness clinging to my tongue.
"Sure," I mumbled, pushing my untouched lunch tray away. "Just let me know what needs to be done."
The rest of the lunch break passed in a blur of forced conversation and stolen glances. As the final bell rang, I gathered my things, the weight of our strained friendship heavy on my chest. Winter barely acknowledged me as she swept out of the classroom, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Was this the end of our story? The question echoed in the empty classroom, a stark reminder of the distance that had grown between us.
The following week, a new face appeared in our homeroom class. A girl with long, flowing black hair and a face that could launch a thousand ships, but her posture screamed timidity. She shuffled in, her eyes downcast, avoiding eye contact with the sea of curious faces. The usual welcoming chatter died down, replaced by a tense silence.
As the teacher droned on about expectations and school policies, I couldn't help but steal glances at the new girl. Her name was Lee Seo-Ah, according to the attendance sheet. Unlike Winter, who captivated the room with her mere presence, Seo-Ah seemed to shrink into herself, disappearing into the background.
A pang of sympathy stabbed at my heart. I remembered all too well the awkwardness of being the new kid, the crushing loneliness of trying to navigate unfamiliar territory. Winter, once the shy newcomer, had effortlessly blossomed into the center of attention. Seo-Ah, on the other hand, seemed trapped in a shell of her own making.
When the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, the usual flurry of introductions and small talk began. But Seo-Ah remained isolated, a solitary island amidst a bustling sea. I couldn't just stand by and watch.
Taking a deep breath, I approached her desk, my heart pounding a nervous rhythm against my ribs. "Hi, I'm Y/n," I said, offering a friendly smile. "Welcome to our school."
Seo-Ah looked up, startled, her eyes wide and filled with a flicker of surprise. For a moment, she didn't speak, then a shy smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"H-hi," she finally mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. "I'm Seo-Ah. It's... nice to meet you."
Her shyness was endearing, a stark contrast to the usual boisterousness of the classroom. "Seems like you're new here," I continued, hoping to ease the tension. "Anything I can help you with?"
Seo-Ah hesitated, then bit her lip. "Well, I'm a bit lost. I don't know where my next class is."
Relief washed over me. "No problem at all. I have the same class next. Let me show you the way."
As we walked down the hallway, Seo-Ah spoke in hushed tones, her words punctuated by long pauses. She told me she was from Busan, a coastal city known for its seafood and beaches. She loved art, particularly painting, but was too shy to join any clubs.
I listened intently, offering words of encouragement and pointing out landmarks along the way. To my surprise, Seo-Ah slowly began to open up, her voice gaining a hint of confidence. By the time we reached her next class, a hesitant smile played on her lips.
"Thanks, Y/n," she said, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done without you."
"No worries at all," I replied, a genuine warmth spreading through my chest. "Welcome to the group, Seo-Ah."
Perhaps, in helping Seo-Ah find her way, I had also found a way to bridge the growing distance between myself and Winter. After all, kindness, like a pebble tossed into a still pond, could create ripples that reached far and wide.
A couple of weeks flew by in a whirlwind of activity. During lunch breaks, I found myself gravitating towards Seo-Ah, her infectious laugh and bubbly personality a welcome change from the strained atmosphere I shared with Winter. We'd discuss everything under the sun – from her passion for painting to the latest K-pop group she was obsessed with. Slowly, her shyness melted away, replaced by a comfortable openness.
One afternoon, at the usual lunch table, Winter caught me engrossed in a conversation with Seo-Ah. Her expression was unreadable, but a flicker of something, maybe jealousy, crossed her features for a fleeting moment before she masked it with a polite smile.
"Looks like you've made a new friend, Y/n," she said, her voice cool and detached.
"Y-yeah," I replied, trying to keep the awkwardness at bay. "Seo-Ah just transferred from Busan. We get along pretty well."
Winter simply nodded, her gaze lingering on Seo-Ah for a beat too long before she turned away to continue her conversation with Hana. The air crackled with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the easy banter I shared with Seo-Ah.
During that week, I discovered another one of Seo-Ah's talents. While helping her unpack her art supplies after school, she pulled out a sketchbook filled with breathtaking landscapes and portraits. My jaw dropped in awe.
"Wow, Seo-Ah, these are amazing!" I exclaimed, flipping through the pages. "You're incredibly talented."
Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Thanks, Y/n. I actually joined the art club this week. They seemed really nice."
A surge of excitement coursed through me. "That's fantastic! Maybe we can even work on some projects together sometime. I'm in the photography club, and we're always looking for new angles and perspectives."
Her eyes lit up. "R-really? That sounds awesome!"
Over the next few days, Seo-Ah and I spent our free time bouncing ideas off each other. We'd discuss light and shadow, composition, and the emotions a photograph or painting could evoke. With her, there was none of the awkward silences or unspoken expectations that had infiltrated my relationship with Winter. It felt… easy, comfortable.
Meanwhile, the distance between Winter and me continued to widen. Our conversations were short and superficial, filled with long pauses and forced smiles. I missed our late-afternoon talks, the way we could just sit in comfortable silence, knowing each other's thoughts without needing to speak them. But Winter was a whirlwind of student council meetings and social gatherings now, leaving me feeling like an outsider peering into a world I no longer belonged to.
One Friday afternoon, while Seo-Ah and I were discussing camera settings in the library, Winter approached our table, her face etched with a forced smile.
"Hey, Y/n," she said, her voice clipped. "Just wanted to let you know there's a student council meeting this evening. You're… welcome to join."
Her words felt like an afterthought, an obligation rather than an invitation. Seo-Ah, sensing the tension, chimed in.
"Oh, a student council meeting? That sounds important. You should definitely go, Y/n."
Winter's smile faltered for a second, then she straightened her shoulders. "Yeah, sure," she said, her gaze flickering to Seo-Ah before darting away. "See you guys later."
As she walked away, a knot of frustration tightened in my stomach. Was I missing something here? Did Winter feel threatened by Seo-Ah's presence? Or was it simply a case of her being too busy with her own things to acknowledge our dwindling friendship?
Stepping into the student council meeting room felt like entering a different world. The air crackled with nervous energy, students flitting around finalizing decorations and posters. Minjeong, usually radiating icy efficiency, seemed to have a vibrant life of her own here. Her voice, sharp and clear as she addressed the room, held an undeniable power.
I found myself an empty chair at the back, feeling strangely out of place amidst all the organized chaos. The topic of the meeting – the upcoming school fireworks festival – was a whirlwind of budgets, logistics, and safety regulations. Hana, Minjeong's ever-reliable vice president, rattled off numbers with laser focus, while Minjeong herself managed the discussion with a firm but encouraging demeanor.
As the meeting progressed, I stole glances at Minjeong. The fierce, focused leader I witnessed was so different from the quiet girl who had been my best friend. A pang of longing crossed my chest for those simpler times. Then, our eyes met.
Caught off guard, Minjeong's gaze flickered for a moment before she looked away, a hint of pink dusting her cheeks. A shy smile tugged at the corner of her lips, a fleeting glimpse of the girl I knew beneath the student council president facade. The warmth of that smile sent a jolt through me. Was there still hope for us?
Suddenly, Hana's voice cut through my contemplation. "So, who's up for grabbing some pizza after this? We've still got hours of work to do before the week's out."
A chorus of groans and cheers filled the room. Minjeong chuckled, a soft sound that seemed foreign on her focused face. "Sounds good, Hana. But make it quick, alright? We don't want to be here all night."
As the meeting wrapped up, the room buzzed with newfound energy. Students piled into a corner, chatting excitedly about pizza toppings and movie plans. I hesitated, unsure of my place in this world.
"Y/n?" Minjeong's voice caught my attention. She stood at the front of the room, her gaze hesitant but inviting. "You coming to pizza night?"
The question hung in the air, a test of the fragile thread that still connected us. My heart pounded in my chest. This could be a step forward, a chance to bridge the gap that had grown between us. Or it could be a painful reminder of how far things had changed.
I looked at Minjeong, her eyes filled with a nervous anticipation that mirrored my own. Taking a deep breath, I offered a smile, the same shy smile we used to share in elementary school.
"Yeah," I replied, my voice a little rough around the edges. "I'd like that."
A genuine smile, bright and unreserved, broke across Minjeong's face. It was a small step, a single word in a long conversation, but for the first time in weeks, a flicker of hope ignited within me. Perhaps, amidst the chaos of student council meetings and new friendships, there was still a place for us, for the bond we once shared.
Stepping into the bustling pizza parlor, I was greeted by the aroma of melted cheese and bubbling tomato sauce. Minjeong's friends, a vibrant bunch I only recognized from school hallways, were already digging into their slices, their laughter a welcome counterpoint to the tense atmosphere of the meeting earlier.
Minjeong, perched at the end of a long table, her cheeks flushed with a hint of nervous excitement, spotted me. A radiant smile broke across her face, chasing away the serious leader persona from before. She patted the seat next to her, a silent invitation.
As I settled in, a chorus of curious glances and playful nudges fell upon me. A girl with sparkling eyes and a mischievous grin leaned forward.
"So, Y/n," she began, her voice dripping with friendly interrogation, "how long have you known our Minjeong? Spill the secrets of your epic friendship!"
A wave of heat flooded Minjeong's cheeks, her cheeks turning the color of the pepperoni slices on the table. She mumbled something inaudible under her breath, burying her face in her pizza slice. I chuckled, the sound warming the air.
"Well Actually," I said, taking a bite of my own pizza, "we go way back. All the way back to elementary school."
A collective gasp escaped the group. Stories of elementary school crushes and childhood sweethearts circulated with wide-eyed wonder. Seeing Minjeong squirm under the spotlight only endeared her to me even more.
"She was this shy little thing," I continued, my voice filled with a smile, "always hiding behind her art folders. I just decided she needed a friend and dragged her into all sorts of adventures."
Minjeong peeked at me over her pizza slice, her eyes wide and filled with a mixture of shyness and amusement. My heart stuttered in my chest. Even after all this time, her gaze still held the power to send butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
"And did those adventures include falling head over heels for each other?" one of the guys piped up, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
The question hung heavy in the air. A long silence stretched, broken only by the clinking of silverware and the murmur of conversation. I met Minjeong's gaze, a silent conversation unfolding between us.
"I…," I hesitated, taking a deep breath. "The truth is, Minjeong has always been special to me. Ever since that first day in elementary school, there was something about her. Her quiet strength, her kindness, her way of seeing the world through those incredible eyes."
Minjeong's entire face turned crimson, her lips forming a silent "wow." The rest of the table, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, remained silent, their eyes shifting between us with anticipation.
"And you, Y/n?" Minjeong finally managed to whisper, her voice barely audible. "Do you still feel the same way?"
"More than you know," I said, my voice sincere. "Seeing you all grown up, this amazing leader everyone admires… it just makes me realize how much I care about you."
The moment stretched, charged with unspoken emotions. Then, with a roar of approval, Minjeong's friends erupted in cheers.
"Oh my god, you guys are perfect for each other!"
"Finally! It was about time someone confessed!"
Minjeong, overwhelmed by the sudden outburst, hid her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with a mixture of shyness and laughter. My own heart pounded with a mixture of hope and disbelief. Could this really be happening?
As the cheers subsided, a shy smile peeked out from behind Minjeong's hands. Looking at me, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. Was it fear? Joy? Relief?
"Well, Y/n," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "It seems like you spilled the biggest secret of all."
I grinned, leaning closer. "Only the one I felt was most important."
The rest of the night was a blur of happy chatter, shared stories, and stolen glances. The seeds of doubt I'd harbored for weeks began to fade, replaced by a warm flicker of hope. Perhaps, amidst the changing tides of high school, our childhood connection could blossom into something more. As we walked home under the soft glow of the streetlights, a comfortable silence settled between us, a silence that spoke volumes more than words ever could. Maybe, just maybe, our story wasn't over yet.
As we strolled away from the pizza parlor, the streetlights cast soft yellow pools on the sidewalk. The air was thick with the unspoken words that hung between us. Finally, Minjeong broke the silence, her voice barely a whisper.
"Y/n," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "Do you… hate me?"
The question struck me like a physical blow. Hate her? The girl who had been my closest companion, my confidante? It was a ridiculous notion.
"Why would I hate you?" I asked gently, my voice laced with concern.
"For everything," she mumbled, tears welling up in her eyes. "For how I treated you these past three years. For being so cold and distant."
I stopped walking, turning to face her. Minjeong's face was illuminated by the soft glow of a nearby streetlamp, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Minjeong-Ah, listen to me," I said, cupping her face in my hands. "You were focused on school, student council, all those responsibilities. It's natural. You've become this amazing leader, kind and strong. I could never hate you for that."
She shook her head, a single tear tracing a path down her cheek. "But you must have felt so alone. Like I replaced you."
"It wasn't like that," I assured her, wiping away the stray tear with my thumb. "It just… it's a shame we drifted apart. I miss the talks we used to have, the silly jokes, the shared dreams."
A sob escaped her lips, and she buried her face in my chest. Tears soaked through my shirt as she held onto me for dear life.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n," she cried, her voice muffled against my chest. "I'm such an idiot. Seo-Ah is great, and I'm happy she has a friend, but… but you're different. You've always been different."
My heart ached for her, for the pain she had unknowingly inflicted. "Seo-Ah's a friend," I said, stroking her hair soothingly. "But you, Minjeong… you're so much more."
She pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine. "More?"
"We grew up together," I continued, my voice soft. "We shared secrets, dreams, a lifetime of memories. Seo-Ah may be a new chapter, but you… you're the whole book."
Tears streamed down her face, each one a silent apology. "I-i messed up," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "The thought of losing you to someone else… it scared me to death. But I was too scared to admit it, too scared to even talk to you."
Understanding dawned on me. Her coldness, her distance, it was all a misguided attempt to protect herself from the possibility of losing our bond. The irony wasn't lost on me – her actions had almost achieved the very outcome she feared.
Enfolding her in a hug once more, I whispered into her hair, "It's okay, Minjeong. We can start over. Together."
Her body trembled against mine, a mixture of relief and hope washing over her. The night was filled with apologies, whispered confessions, and the bittersweet promise of a new beginning. We walked hand in hand, not as childhood friends, but as something more, something that transcended labels. We walked, not just towards her house, but towards a future we would write together, a future where communication replaced silence, and where the warmth of our friendship could finally blossom into something beautiful.
The walk to Minjeong's house felt different under the soft glow of the streetlights. The air, once thick with unspoken words, now crackled with a nervous energy, a budding promise. As we reached her doorstep, the weight of the emotional rollercoaster we'd just been on settled in.
Minjeong, sniffling and wiping away the last of her tears, looked at me with a mixture of vulnerability and hope. "Would you… would you like to stay?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Staying the night at her place felt like venturing into uncharted territory. Was it too soon? Yet, the thought of leaving her on such a vulnerable note felt unbearable.
"I… I don't know," I stammered, unsure of the protocol for such a situation.
Tears welled up in her eyes again, threatening to spill over. "Please, Y/n," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "I don't want to be alone tonight."
My resolve crumbled. How could I say no to those tear-filled eyes, to the raw vulnerability she was displaying? "Okay," I sighed, offering her a weak smile. "I'll stay."
Relief washed over her face, a radiant smile replacing the tear tracks. She fumbled with her keys, finally unlocking the door and ushering me inside.
The familiar scent of her home, a mixture of lavender and something vaguely sweet, instantly transported me back to our childhood sleepovers. As I entered her bedroom, the floodgates of nostalgia opened.
The walls were adorned with a tapestry of our shared history – a photo of us grinning goofily at a carnival, a drawing we'd made together during a rainy afternoon, a faded ticket stub from that time we snuck into a movie. Every picture, every memento, whispered of a friendship that had weathered storms, unspoken yet understood.
A choked sob escaped Minjeong's lips as she noticed my gaze tracing the memories on the wall. "It's… it's like a museum in here," she sniffled, a shy smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
I walked over to her, my heart overflowing with a cocktail of emotions. "It's beautiful," I whispered, reaching out to touch a photo of us on our first day of elementary school. "A reminder of everything we've been through."
Minjeong's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. As if making a sudden decision, she began to slowly undress, her movements filled with a nervous anticipation.
Shock momentarily paralyzed me. "Minjeong-Ah?" I stammered, unsure of how to interpret her actions.
She looked at me, her eyes shimmering with a newfound courage. "Y/n," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "I know this might seem crazy, but… all this time, all I ever wanted was you."
The room seemed to shrink, the air thick with unspoken desires. Before I could respond, she leaned in, hesitantly at first, then with a growing sense of urgency. Her lips met mine in a kiss that was both tentative and filled with a desperate longing.
It was a kiss that tasted of tearful apologies, unspoken confessions, and the bittersweet joy of a rekindled connection. In that kiss, we bridged the gap of lost years, the unspoken words replaced by a silent promise of a future we would write together.
Pulling away, breathless and a little dazed, we stared into each other's eyes. They held a newfound depth, a reflection of the emotions we had shared.
"Minjeong-Ah," I finally managed to breathe, my voice thick with emotion. "I… I thought I'd lost you."
"Me too," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy. "But we're here now, Y/n. And this time," she continued, a determined glint in her eyes, "I'm not letting go."
Hearing those words, I immediately kissed her again. This time with so much passion and hunger to love her even more. minjeong share to play with my tounge,Something that I didn't know she would ever learned.
"M-minjeong-Ah.. You're so pretty". I blurted out, My words of praise basically flies out on its own. Minjeong blushes, Before planting another kiss to my lips. Her soft and plump lips, a cushion to my own.
"I-i want to try it... I-i want to do it with you Y/n". Minjeong blushes, Her hands touching the entrance of her now wet pussy. I blushed deeply, Not expecting that we'll come this far.
But I now know, that we are meant for each other. We both loved each other. I promised, I would never let her down anymore. I would love her with all of my heart.
"I-i'm putting it in Minjeong-Ah. Tell me if it hurts okay"? I gently caresses her face. As I started to slowly thrust my dick into her pussy, Minjeong immediately moaned, Her body trembling, as her hole started to widen, and not long after that. I have successfully inserted my whole dick deep into her pussy. As her hymen broke, Blood soon come out. I panicked, Asking Minjeong if she's alright.
She seemed to be trembling, and crying. I tried to pull back. But minjeong yelled "Noo.. Don't pull it out... I-i can handle it".
I hesitated, I didn't want this experience to hurt her. I explained it to her, that she doesn't need to force herself, and we can take it slowly. But to my suprise, Minjeong push me back, before straddling me.
"No.. No.. I want this.. I need this... Please don't leave me Y/n... I can handle this.. So please... caressing my face let me pleasure you". I immediately blushed hearing those words coming from her mouth. In the end I nodded, Letting her know I'll do it.
Minjeong started to move her hips slowly, Adjusting to the pain and pleasure that her body is currently having. And after a while, She finally found her pace and started to move faster and faster. We both moaned at how good this feels, And I just can't help but to admire her fit body, and her beautiful pair of tits.
"I-i know it's not the biggest... B-but.. Please love them". Minjeong blushes, as she turns her head around. I giggled before planting a kiss to her tits. Admiring them for how perfect they were. Mineong immediately smiled, Before planting another kiss to my lips.
After a while, I felt like I was near to reach my orgasm. As I saw Minjeong Continue swaying her hips, Something took over me and I gently put Minjeong into a missionary position. Minjeong legs immediately craddled surrounding my body, as her legs tightened. Her hand gripped the back of my body, As I kept on kissing her heck.
"Y/n!!! Y/n.. I'm close.. Fuck.. I'm so close..". Minjeong cried, as The pleasure was too much for the both of us. I told her that I'm also close.
"Shoot it inside me... I-it's okay... I want it..".
"W-whatt! No we can't... It's too dangerous minjeong... I'll shoot it outside".
"Noooo.. Please... I want your cum... Please... ".
As minjeong kept begging, and as I closely reached my limit. I can't help but to shoot my seed deep within her womb. As I did this, Minjeong moaned and tightly held me. Our body trembled in pleasure, and we finally reached our euphoria together.
After panting a while, We both Chukled before kissing each other for the last time, as we finally fell asleep. We held each other close, our bodies radiating a warmth that chased away the chill of the night. The room filled with the sound of our gentle breaths and the soft thudding of our hearts, a symphony of rediscovered love and a promise of a future where childhood friendship could finally blossom into something beautiful and everlasting.
Sunlight streamed through the window, painting golden stripes across Minjeong's face. She stirred, a sleepy smile curving her lips. Glancing beside her, she found me still nestled in the sheets, the events of last night replaying vividly in her mind. A blush crept up her cheeks as she remembered the passionate confessions and rekindled love that had blossomed under her very roof.
"Y/n," she whispered, nudging me gently. "Time to wake up. We don't want to be late for school."
I groaned playfully, pulling the covers over my head for a moment longer. "Five more minutes?" I mumbled, the warmth of the sheets and the memory of Minjeong close beside me making it hard to leave.
She chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in a summer breeze. "Not a chance, sleepyhead. We have a whole day of classes and stolen glances ahead of us."
Her words were a sweet melody to my ears. Sitting up, I stretched, my gaze lingering on her. "Thank you, Minjeong-Ah," I said, my voice husky with sleep and unspoken emotions.
"For what?" she asked, tilting her head.
"For everything," I replied, cupping her face in my hands and leaning in for a soft kiss. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes of the renewed connection we shared.
The morning unfolded in a whirlwind of hurried breakfasts, stolen kisses in between brushing teeth, and nervous excitement as we walked to school together, hand in hand. As we reached our classroom, I was met with a concerned Seo-Ah, her eyes wide with worry.
"Y/n!" she exclaimed, rushing over. "Where have you been? I texted and called you a million times; I was scared something happened!"
My heart twinged with a pang of guilt. Seo-Ah's genuine concern warmed me, and I realized how much I valued our friendship. With a sheepish grin, I turned to Minjeong, taking her hand in mine.
"Seo-Ah," I began, my voice laced with a newfound confidence, "there's something I need to tell you. Minjeong and I… we're a couple now."
Seo-Ah's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of sadness flitting across her face for a fleeting moment. But then, a genuine smile bloomed on her lips.
"Oh wow," she said, her voice filled with unexpected joy. "Congratulations, you two! I always thought you had a special connection."
Relief flooded me. I was worried how Seo-Ah would react, but her understanding and well-wishes warmed the air.
The rest of the day was a blur of excited whispers from classmates, stolen glances across the classroom, and the thrill of a newfound love. After school, Minjeong and I decided to celebrate. We walked hand-in-hand down a street lined with cherry blossom trees, their delicate pink petals showering us like confetti.
"This feels like a dream," Minjeong whispered, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
"A dream I never want to wake up from," I replied, squeezing her hand.
We stopped at a quaint ice cream shop, the aroma of sweet waffle cones wafting through the air. We ordered our favorite flavors, sharing bites and laughing like children. As we savored the cool treat, I realized that sometimes, the most unexpected detours lead us to the sweetest destinations.
Looking into Minjeong's eyes, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirling within them, I knew that our story was far from over. It was a story of friendship, of rediscovery, and of a love that had weathered the storms of time and finally blossomed into something beautiful. And as we walked into the sunset, hand in hand, with the promise of forever etched in our hearts, I knew this was just the beginning of our happily ever after.
The End
A/n : Hey Guys, Elryuse here. just want to say, This is probably one of my favorite stories/fics that I've ever written so far. The characterization of Winter/Minjeong really fit in this story. But I have to say, Justice for the Seo-Ah man. Initially, In my first draft of the story, Seo-Ah would be a contender for Winter, However while I was writing, I think this is for the best. So I settled for her losing quicker in the story.
And I wanted to apologize to some of you guys, who have requested for a fics, But I'm currently focusing my priority for my ko-fi fans and for people who ordered fics personally. But don't be sad, I would still definitely do some of your requests y'all. Hope you enjoyed this story guys. 🤗
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iwriteisuckatittho · 3 months
Clueless- JJ M.
JJ didn't get it.And you were starting to think he'd never get it. You'd let him sleep at your house for months without asking for anything in return. You'd cleaned and bandaged every cut and scrape of his since you were 10. He would climb your parents' polished fence almost every night. He'd pick up a few pebbles from your father's prayer garden, and chuck them at your window. You'd already be up, pretending to study but really waiting for him. A portable ladder sat by your window seat, ready. You'd crack the window fast and eager. Putting down the ladder for him. In your fantasies he was Flynn and you were Rapunzel letting down your hair, inviting him into a sacred space, breaking every rule your parents had set out for you. But everytime, you saw his crooked smile and his promising eyes, your dad's warnings were crammed to the back of your head and stomped out by those boots JJ never seemed to take off.He'd climb into your window and twist his lips to the side of his face. You'd frown at him and trace your fingers over whatever spot was bruised or bleeding this time. “I swear I didn't start it this time.” he'd lie.“Eat something.” You knew all too well how often he'd go the whole day eating only slim Jim's and beer. He'd dig into the little fridge beside your desk and roll his eyes at the bowls of fruit salad and mini water bottles. He'd eat two bowls of the fruit and have 3 waters while you poured hydrogen peroxide over his cuts.You'd cringe at his pained expression. “Sorry.” You whispered and then he'd place one of his free hands on your shoulder and say, “I am too. Why aren't there any grapes in here?”And you'd laugh together. And you'd listen to music as loud as you could without waking your baby brother. And he'd smile. And that weight of loneliness would dissipate. And you'd have a friend. Finally.Then it'd be your mom knocking on your door, telling you how you'd miss school if you weren't ready in 30 minutes. You'd be lying on your side feeling JJ's heavy absence. You'd be getting dressed. Tugging on a pair of jeans, and seeing one of your flashcards, covered in JJ's horrible handwriting. “Hanging with Kiara. See ya later.”
And you'd secretly wish for another fight with topper or even a beating from his father, just so you could see him again.He'd choose her over you everytime, Without fail. And here he was, not getting it. Again. He didn't get why you offered to drive him to kitty hawk. He didn't get that you couldn't care any less about your blind older cousin being stuck at wilderness camp. You'd always know how clueless she was. “I'm a pogue. I'm a pogue!” she'd scream at her parents. But she really, really wasn't. Kiara didn't know hunger. She didn't know what it was like to not have the safety of four walls at night, she didn't know sleeping on a friend's couch was her only option. She was dumb and she was selfish and someone. Just one person needed to give her a reality check.But you wouldn't. You would drive JJ where he wanted to be. You would follow him around the camp in your black leggings and black luluLemon jacket and your black converse. And you would roll your eyes as Kiara rose up from her spot on the top bunk and said “you're looking for me.”Unfortunately. You thought. Tears would prick your eyes as he said he loved her and tears would spill past your nose and into your mouth as they kissed, completely oblivious to you. And your stomach would churn as the girls began clapping for them.You'd run ahead of the two and away from the camp with them following behind. You'd be sobbing against a tree. And kie would ask if you were ok and you'd ignore her. And JJ would ask what was wrong. And you'd turn around and shove him. “It's you! You two are what's wrong with me! You have never not once included me in something you enjoy JJ. I've never been invited to surf with you guys or have a freaking beer! And we're cousins Kiara! Every injury you've ever had since we were 10 I've treated, I've been doing your homework for the past 5 years just so we could still have classes together and you make it your business not to show up!” You'd back away and wipe your tears with a sweatshirt Rafe let you borrow years ago. “You two don't even speak when we pass each other on the street.” “I-I” JJ stutters. You'd pull out your phone and text Rafe. Come get me?“I'll um, I'll leave the car. Y'know for the distraction? Have fun in South America.”A weight lifts itself off your shoulders as Rafe pulls up on his motorcycle, toting an extra helmet for you. He was here, again. Like every time before. Too late had the truth dawned on you. You didn't get it.What JJ was to you, you were to Rafe.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Kwami Swap Master Post
Cat: Maotif (Lady Noire Variant), Original Design Fox: Huli Rouge Turtle: Bi Xi Bee: Marigold (original post), Marigold redesign, Marigold Chinese, first sighting Butterfly: Mariposa Peacock: Plumette, Belle Blue, Belle Blue with Chloe Snake: Serpentine Dragon: Snapdragon Horse: Yili Monkey: Surili Rabbit: Lucky Rabbit Mouse: Multimouse redesign, chibi Pig: Piglette Tiger: Báihŭ
Ladybug: Original Design Fox: Malin Rouge Turtle: Michelangelo Bee: Buzzy Bee Butterfly: Ombre Snake: Aspik Redesign Dragon: Dracon Pig: Hogwash
Ladybug: Ladybird, Heroes Day, first sighting Turtle: Koki Marina, hair options, first sighting Bee: Myèl Jaune, first version
Cat: Cat Scratch Fox: Fox Trot, first sighting
Ladybug: Scarlet Lady, Heroes Day, first sighting Cat: Chartreux Butterfly: Monarch Peacock: Blue Blood Rabbit: Satine Random Sketches
Ladybug: Harlequin Coccibella and Bella Stella, Bella Stella, Harlequin Fox: Good Fox Volpina Bee: Miele and Regina Butterfly: Farfalla Rabbit: Leprotta Good and Evil Mouse: Multi Topi Rooster: Fenice Pig: Good and Evil (unnamed) Dog: Cucciola Ox: Dominataur Goat: Caprascuro
Cat: Bob Cat Fox: Kit Bee: Andrena, first sighting Peacock: Mystique Mouse: Comousiner Rooster: Favorelle Dog: Miss Hound redesign, Original Design Phalène Ox: Blue Belle Goat: Chevron
Cat: Cat Sith Fox: Zorro Turtle: Heavy Metal Bee: Aristaeus Snake: Viperion Redesign Rabbit: Hoppollo
Ladybug: Lady Tentou Cat: Kuro Neko, first sighting Fox: Kitsune, many chibis Turtle: Kame Verte, many chibis Bee: Mistubachi, first version, many chibis Dragon: Ryuko redesign, first version, many chibis
Ladybug: Lady Beetle Mouse: Polymouse Redesign, Original Design Sourette Rooster: Gold Wing Dog: Ultimutt Ox: Buckaroo Goat: Brebisou
Cat: Wild Cat Bee: Killer Bee Mouse: Rat Trap Rooster: Spring Chicken Dog: Bull Terror Ox: Minotaurox Redesign Goat: Battering Ram
Cat: Picatso Fox: (currently nameless) Mouse: Microdent Rooster: Caladrius Dog: Painted Dog Ox: Battle Bison Goat: Caprikid Redesign
Ladybug: Dotted Lady Fox: Foxy Bee: Bumble Bee, first sighting Rabbit: Bun Bun Pig: Original Design Miss Piggy Tiger: Unnamed
Cat: Panthera Noir Bee: Yellow Swarm Peacock: Sweet Pea Pig: Unnamed Tiger: Purple Tigress Resign, Chibi, Original Design Tigresse
Ladybug: Spotted Guard Bee: Yellow Guard Horse: Pegasus redesign
Cat: Hell Cat Bee: Roi Abeille
Ladybug: Beetle Bug
Cat: Black Plague
Fox: Jackal
Jagged Stone:
Bee: Sting
Fox: many chibis Turtle: Shellegant, many chibis Bee: Miss Sting, many chibis Dragon: Pleut Blue, many chibis Rabbit: Lapin Royal
Turtle: Tortue Marina
Mouse: Tiny Mouse Rooster: Rooster Bold Redesign Dog: Furmidable Ox: Oxenfree Goat: Goat Gruff
Ladybug: Coccecilia Cat: Dandy Lion Fox: Fox Glove Turtle: Shellonia Butterfly: Gladiolus Peacock: Poinciana Snake: Hydra Gea Dragon: Drakanthus Horse: Peony Trail Monkey: Simia Rabbit: Cotton Tail Mouse: Rodendron Rooster: Chick Pea Pig: Pigsqueek Tiger: (unnamed) Dog: (unnamed) Ox: Moobloom Goat: Fauna
Butterfly: Unnamed
Very Old Season 1 Kwami Swaps Compiled for Marinette, Adrien, Nino, Alya, Chloe, and Lila
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kabutoden · 5 months
Sorry if youve answered this before, but how do you chose the bugs to assign to each character ? Also they are all really cool and fun :3
Hi, I’ve explained this before but I’ll do it again! Last time I explained it was less specific to the character and more to the caste, so this’ll be a little different. I use the metaphors and associations of the insect to pick their species as well as their diet. I’m calling the species a troll mimics their ‘morph’.
Aradia: Fly. Associated with death. Detritivore. Tavros: Craneflies. Frailty, timidness, clumsiness. Thinking longhorn beetle might be a funnier pun though, so I might change it. Herbivore. Sollux: Bees. Construction, intelligence, connections to groupthink/hiveminds/psi. Herbivore. Nepeta: Caterpillar. It’s a pun. Herbivore. Karkat: Isopod. Highly social insect. Durable shell representing defensiveness/personal barriers, but also serving literal aspect of ‘thick skin.’ Detritivore. Kanaya: Hornet. Dangerous but caring parents, association with femininity. Omnivore. Terezi: Dragonfly. Good eyesight’s associated with clarity, though large eyes would also be easier to blind. Good at flying. Dragon pun. Carnivore. Vriska: Spider. Manipulative, association with femininity. Carnivore. Equius: Beetle. Strong. Omnivore. Gamzee: Praying mantis. Associations with religion due to unique praying pose. Carnivore. Eridan: Anolomacaris. Extinct skilled distance hunter. Carnivore. Feferi: Trilobite. Large curved spines, trident tongue, ‘ruler of precambrian seas.’ Detritvore.
All insects before Jade are herbivores or detritivores, and all insects jade and after are middle to highblood can hunt. This was to set up an intentionally antagonistic relationship between lowbloods and highbloods. It’s also a new way to play with themes in my personal work which are all about animal dynamics.
I mostly did the human kids as bugs as a joke, because they’re not aliens at all so its funny!! But I had a ton of fun with them so here we go again. I chose them off colors and gimmicks.
John: Spitbug. They’re bright green and gooey boys. Like ectoplasm. Rose: Rosy maple moth. Name association—also bright pink and yellow against their will. Rose wishes she was a cool goth all-black moth. Moths are associated with ‘seeking light.’ Dave: Assassin beetle/wheel bug. Have a gear shaped bump on back, large black eyes, efficient predators, some red coloration. Fits in with his expectations and pressures. Jade: Wooly aphid. They’re white, fuzzy, with rainbow wings. That’s so her.
Jane: Candy-striped leafhopper. Bright cyan with red highlights, food-themed name.Roxy: Pink-spotted cattleheart. Gorgeous pink and black coloring. Butterflies are nectar-drinkers, associated with celebration and inebriation. Kinda clumsy too. Dirk: Tiger beetle. They can move in bursts of motion faster than they can see. That’s flash stepping. Orange and black. Jake: Diving beetle. Dark green with orange highlights, explorers who go where other beetles cannot.
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putaposyinyourhair · 1 year
Slowly but Also Like All at Once
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
noah diaz x mirage (boys who are friends aka boyfriends 🧍🏽➕🤖🟰❤️)
warnings: mirage being himself and optimus being unamused
ratchet’s in the building y’all
The towering, decaying walls and partially caved-in ceiling give the chapel an eerie aura— the only source of light coming from the rays of sunlight streaming in through the broken glass of the early twentieth-century structure’s rose window— and Noah’s positive that if his ma were here, she’d be handing out bendiciones every five minutes. But the atmosphere isn’t what’s currently making Noah shift from one leg to the other anxiously.
“You disobeyed a direct order.”
Just as Arcee had predicted, Optimus is not a happy camper.
“Does it count as direct if Rat-trap’s the one who told me I couldn’t leave though?” Mirage drawls, one digit held in the air as if he’s actually making a point.
Noah has to curb the urge to drop his face into the palms of his hands. It’s an easy feat to accomplish seeing as he’s trying really hard to not bring any attention to himself.
The newcomer— who Optimus had introduced as his chief medical officer, Ratchet— reaches out, past his leader’s shoulderpad, to deliver one hard thump to the back of Mirage’s helm with a heavy servo.
Noah flinches minutely— the sound startling him more than anything really— and he finds himself glad for both Arcee and Bumblebee standing at either of his sides. He doesn’t think Ratchet would ever try and hurt him or anything— he’d pretty much been ignoring Noah’s presence since their brief introduction down at the dock— but nevertheless, the comforting presences of the scout and sharpshooter instill within Noah a small sense of security.
Mirage stumbles forward a step from the force of the hit, shaking his helm like the whack’s made him a bit dizzy, before he straightens back up with a pout pulling at the mouth plates that act as his lips.
“Yo!” he cries. “Party foul, man!”
The mech looks up at Optimus and thrusts his servos out.
“Prime, bro, you gonna let him treat me like that?”
Optimus does nothing but stare down at the spy kind of blankly, like he can’t believe he has to deal with this kind of shit day in and day out. It would almost be funny, if it weren’t coming from the infamously solemn bot.
After a moment of silence, Mirage lowers his servos with an offended scoff.
“Oh, it’s gon’ be like that, huh? Alright, I’ll remember that.”
There’s no real animosity behind his words though and Noah gets the feeling that this stuff happens a lot around here; Mirage breaking the rules and Optimus having to deal with it like an exasperated father.
“We will discuss this further at another point in time,” Optimus decides, turning away from the smaller mech. “For now, there are other more important matters that require our attention.” He makes a vague gesture in Bumblebee’s direction.
“Show them, Bee.”
The black and yellow bot steps forward, whirring in a way that makes Noah think he’s excited to show them whatever it is. The mech reaches up to the side of his helm and a moment later a stream of light beams out of the very same spot, projecting an image into the middle of the room.
It’s… wow.
Noah contains the urge to rush forward and gawk like an idiot as the image shows something that, to him, looks like a meteor falling from blue skies and crashing into the face of a strangely vermillion yet still snow-capped mountain. He blinks.
“Where is this?” he questions, before he can stop himself. He inhales sharply and bites down into the corner of his bottom lip.
Way to go, dumbass.
He’s not even supposed to be here. Probably— more like definitely— isn’t supposed to be seeing any of this. He’s only here because of a fluke, because Mirage had snuck out to see him.
He’s not one of them. None of this is any of his business.
Still, the way the shimmery image loops is fascinating and Noah can’t help but be awed by it. Sue him, he’s an electronics nerd and the tech the autobots possess is all kinds of amazing to him. He’d love to find out how the projection works.
Ratchet— who is standing on the other side of the room from him, with Optimus and Mirage— snaps his gaze over at the sound of Noah’s voice and Noah watches as the medic’s optical ridges furrow, like the bot had legitimately forgotten all about his presence.
“The humans call it Pike’s Peak,” Optimus divulges. “It is located in the state of Colorado. At around ‘oh eight hundred hours mountain standard time yesterday, this, as of yet, unidentified object impacted at around thirteen and a half thousand feet.”
Colorado. The Rockies then.
“The United States Army and the Department of Homeland Security were on site quickly but all they found was an empty crater.”
Noah’s eyes widen.
“Meaning whatever it was, it’s long gone,” Arcee realizes, stepping forward and studying the image for a second, before her gaze snaps up to her leader. “Optimus… could it be one of ours?”
“It’s possible,” Optimus acknowledges with a small tilt of his helm.
“But there’s also a chance it could be…” Ratchet trails off, his optics lowering to fix squarely on Noah.
Noah starts, taking a small step back— closer to Bumblebee, who buzzes inquisitively at Noah’s proximity.
“It is alright, Ratchet,” Optimus advises, his gaze sliding over to Noah’s form as well— the large mech’s optics pulsing a bright blue. “Noah is…” The bot trails off for a second, his astute gaze settled firmly on Noah as he seems to think on it.
And Noah honestly feels like he holds his breath in that moment, awaiting his judgement.
“He is one of us.”
Noah’s breath rushes out of him so fast, it catches somewhere between his diaphragm and his throat, and he releases a small squeaking sound.
He’s what now?
Across the room, Mirage beams and stealthily thrusts a servo up into the air before Ratchet shoots him a brusque look, causing the silver and blue bot to snap to attention— servos fisted at both of his sides and chest plates held high— but with an impertinent, yet subtle, roll of his optics.
Noah’s stupid heart skips over a beat again.
He’s sure one day he’ll figure out why Mirage seems to like his companionship so much.
… and figure out where exactly Mirage had heard the word, ‘cariño,’ and decided it was the perfect term to use on Noah— along with the growing list of pet names he’d been dishing out all last night.
Ratchet huffs in response, both to the spy’s antics and their leader’s proclamation.
“It could be a decepticon,” the medic reports cautiously. “Before I crash landed on this planet, I was being hunted by one. I believe he calls himself Barricade. One of Starscream’s underlings.”
Noah frowns and, emboldened by Optimus’ unexpected vote of confidence, steps out from underneath Bumblebee’s shadow.
“What the hell’s a decepticon?” he queries boldly.
“Brutal, merciless warriors,” Arcee informs him, glancing down at him with such a disheartened look that it makes Noah think she’s probably got some painful history with these so called decepticons. “Obsessed with conquering our home planet, Cybertron, and expanding out into the universe. Last I remember, they were under Soundwave’s leadership. Are you saying Starscream’s taken control, Ratchet?”
Optimus lifts a servo again, towards Bumblebee, and the scout reaches up to shut off his projection.
The stream of light flickers out of existence, thrusting the furthest reaches of the chapel’s main area into shadow.
“Unfortunately, I can’t say,” Ratchet professes. “Ironhide and I were in hiding together for quite some time. But he wished to return home and make a stand. Whilst I knew that was a suicide mission. When he failed to return or even check back in, I decided I needed to make another attempt at locating Optimus. But as soon as I stepped out of hiding, Barricade found me. I’ve been running ever since.”
That sounds miserable, in Noah’s opinion. Always running, always hiding. Looking over your shoulder. He can’t imagine a life like that.
“Okay, so we go find out what exactly fell on that mountain,” Mirage pipes up. When all eyes and optics in the room turn to him, he cringes a little and adds on a tiny, “Right?”
Optimus takes a moment to glance around the room, scanning his team.
“I hacked into the communication network the humans are using,” he informs them. “They have received multiple reports of an unusual patrol vehicle in the nearby municipality of Cañon City, approximately 30 miles southwest of Pike’s Peak.”
“A patrol car?” Arcee queries, the tone of her voice hitching. She turns away after a moment, optics fixed on a splintered pew that’s been shoved into a corner, muttering to herself.
Noah thinks he hears her say, ‘It couldn’t be…’ but he could be wrong.
“As much as I hate to agree with the disrespectful little sparkling,” Ratchet gripes. “Mirage is right.”
“Whoa, pump the brakes, you half-clocked burnout—“
Mirage’s sharp objection is cut short by a sudden shrill squeal that comes from Bumblebee— a sound that causes Noah to flinch away from the mech, both hands flying up to cover his ears. The noise is quickly followed up by Ratchet attempting to once more reach past Optimus, servos clawing the air in Mirage’s direction.
“Enough!” Optimus booms, lifting his own servos to put distance between himself and both bots at either of his sides. “We do not have time for these infantile games. You are soldiers and I expect you to behave accordingly. Am I understood?”
Mirage, for his part, exhales softly and hangs his head shamefully, digits fidgeting at his sides.
Ratchet huffs and turns away, arms crossing over his blue and white chest plates as he grumbles beneath his breath.
Noah can’t help but feel a little bad for Optimus in that moment. It’s clear the mech could seriously do with a nice long vacation on a beach somewhere.
“Wheeljack is already inbound,” Optimus discloses with a suffering sigh. “We depart tomorrow morning at ‘oh five hundred hours sharp. Destination, Cañon City, Colorado.”
At this revelation, Noah finds his feet suddenly stumbling forward— like a magnet is attracting him— carrying him across the room, towards Mirage.
Mirage seems to be just as affected by the metaphorical magnet though, because he shoots forward as well, meeting Noah halfway whilst looking to Optimus with a look on his face that’s kind of indiscernible to Noah.
Optimus meets the shorter mech’s stare head-on.
Noah impulsively reaches out once he and the blue and silver bot are within touching distance and places a hand against Mirage’s thigh guard, watching as Optimus’ stare drops from his spy to Noah.
“Noah, having you along on this mission would be considerably beneficial,” Optimus establishes with an assured nod. “As I have said, you are now one of us. And it is our— my hope that you will agree to join us and continue to aid us in our plight.”
Noah’s brows shoot skyward, his eyes widening up at the bot.
“Are you for real?” he inquires abruptly, not even pausing to figure out how he feels about what’s being asked of him.
“Yes, I am… for real.”
“Aw, yeah!” Mirage crows at his side. “Road trip!”
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phxntomsdusk · 7 months
Valentine’s day with my bursonas
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note; these are just a bunch of bursonas i technically made!! hope you all enjoy <3
warnings: mentions of death (klepto!wilbur), goth!wilma with a fem!reader, other than that fluff fluff fluff !!
tags: @ax-y10 , @joviepog , @pheliiaa , @idontreallyexistyet , @rqvii , @vibestillaxxx , @ivvees-blog , @average-vibe , @lillylvjy , @haunted-headset , @toastyliltoasts41 (ask to be added!)
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this man doesn’t even know what the holiday is. he’s been dealing with death for so long, the poor guy never realized you celebrated love!
the first time he realized it was a thing was when he found you upset about it, crying saying you were never gonna receive flowers or candy again, because well, you had died—!
he got to work immediately. he bought you roses, holding back the urge to make them black of course. got you your favorite candy after questioning you, and set up a small picnic spot in the woods.
sure, it was a bit scary, but that’s all he really knows
he even got a raven to befriend you and follow you around everywhere, claiming it was protection
“wilbur.. there’s a crow on my head.” you awkwardly pointed up towards the black bird, furrowing your brows at him. “my love, that’s a raven. and it’s for protection! you can never be too careful in the afterlife.” he smile lightly, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
now, if you had gotten him things? he would lose it
you’d never seen him cry, but this definitely would make him bawl..
just knowing that someone truly loves him for who he is, even with what he does for a living, he can’t help it!
at the end of the day he’ll be happy whether it’s him getting you things, or you getting him things. as long as he gets to spend the day sharing his love for you, he’ll be more than happy
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this damn girl is going ALL out for you
she’ll buy cliche and cringy softball themed valentine’s day gifts, mostly giving you those during the week leading up to valentine’s day
but on THE day?? be prepared ..
you’re getting flowers, candy, teddy bears, baskets, gift cards, everything you can imagine!!
if she’s taking you on a date, she’ll wait to give you everything, taking you back to her house afterwards and telling you to close your eyes before entering her room..
“are we there yet?” you groaned as you nearly stumbled over the stairs again, a hand stretched out as you frantically tried to find a door or wall. “yes, yes.. open your eyes, love.”
you did as you were told, seeing her bed decked out in heart shaped things, red and pink, balloons, stuffed animals, candy and such. your jaw dropped, slowly turning to look at her.
“you’re joking..” you spoke quietly, watching her chuckle and shake her head, before wrapping her arms around you and kissed you softly. “i’m not. i love you, and you deserve it.”
now, if you got her stuff? she’s not expecting it!
she’s only ever gotten those yearly stuffed animals from her mom, that always end up tucked away in a bin under her bed or in her closet..
but if you got her like a basket with gift cards, some stuff she can use during games like eyeblack or maybe heart pattern bat grip, she’s losing it!
you’re being tackled with a hug, attacked with kisses and thank yous, she won’t shut up about how much she loved and appreciates you
and for a date? you guys are going to apple bee’s, there’s no denying it. she’s a softball girl, apple bee’s is their holy grail
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so if we go based on the series accurate lore- he’s the one buying things in hopes you finally go out with him
it’ll start at a practice, he’ll bring you a small bag with a note, candy, bracelet or necklace, and a small teddy bear <3
the note will be all romantic, with a heart drawn at the end
dear y/n,
you know i’ve been head over heels for you for.. months now. you’ve been on my mind 24/7 ever since i first set eyes on you. i know you don’t like me and don’t show signs of it, but i still wanted to treat you today :)
love, wilbur <3
of course he watched you as you read the letter, and seeing you smile has his heart racing
he approached you after the practice, blurting out how pretty you are, asking if you wanted to go out with him, to which you had to shut him up with a kiss <3
safe to say he had a valentine !!
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okay, she’s goth, she doesn’t love the color pink and all the bright hearts everywhere
but for her girlfriend? she’ll spend her money on some colors for once <3
it’ll start with something small like a brown stuffed bear holding a bright pink heart, and when she saw your face light up she knew she had to do it again
she started bringing you more heart shaped and pink gifts, little notes about how much she loved you, and even gave in to wearing some colors when she took you on a date !!
“do i have to wear the pink shirt?” she sighed as she stared at it in your bedroom mirror, pulling the ends down a bit. “for me? we’re matching, it’s cute!” you smiled widely, walking close and wrapped your arms around her, placing a few kisses on her cheek. “fine.. just this once. only ‘cause i love you, doll.”
she did feel a little embarrassed out in public wearing the shirt, but with your bubbly smile she decided to forget about all the stares
she’d take you to either an ice cream place or a cafe, spoiling you with whatever you wanted, as long as you paid her back in kisses <3
and that night would be spent cuddling the stuffed animals she got you, with her wrapped around you like a koala
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lichenettic-pos · 1 year
More little Hobie stuff <3
Deffo more coming soon
Hobie x reader
Rarely y/n use.
Angst <3
Canal boat Hobie baby!!!
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When Hobie said he'd rather be at your place. You were always confused. You were sure he'd have a rocking house and wonderful looking home, but after Hobie basically moved in you gave up with the whining to check it out. Leaning into accepting you'd never see his humble abode.
That was until you were out protesting and got a chunk of rubble tossed clean over a car right at you. A decent piece. One almost the size of your head. And fell to the ground with a crack, you barely remember anything except a frantic spider punk rushing over after clearing the area. You felt completely immobilized. And couldn't respond to him asking if you were okay in a somewhat frantic tone. Only able to lul limp in his arms as he worriedly gathered you up and swung you somewhere, somewhere with lots of water.
The rest was a blur. You were being moved around too much, someone kept touching your neck and getting too close to your face. And every few moments you'd let out a weak grunt noise. And the figure would jump to look you in the eyes. They weren't so colorful now. And their silhouette was comfortingly familiar. Lulling you into a small nap.
"Come on bug, oh god please-"
The voice sounded familiar.jolting you partially awake as you stirred your voice out of your throat. Which only came out as some sort of weak yowl of sorts. The figure rose from your side. Gasping as he came into view. Your lovely boyfriend, red eyed and exasperated looking. Nearly scrambling from his spot on the floor next to your oddly comfy laying area. Smelling of deep tobacco and marijuana. With a slight musk of an all too familiar cologne. Made you stir more.
The prolonged 'h' of his name made him sputter. And he furiously wiped his eyes before leaning into your face. His lanky hands gently crawled around your head to cradle you as he smiled. Kissing your cheek, which stung a little. Making you whine.
"I know bug- got a bit of road rash on your face from ya' fall, but is not as banged up as your other cheek love"
His voice was kind. And he gently tilted your head in his hands. Feeling his fingers deep in your scalp felt soothing. And you leaned back into it and closed your eyes. Trying to move your arms. But they hurt like a bitch.
"Can you move good yah? Nothin not movin'?"
He leaned away to look at your body. Which he had laid on top of a black and gray comforter. Fairly straight on your back. And you gathered your strength to wiggle your hands a bit. Looking down to move your feet. That's when you see the bandages, you're basically naked, stripped down to what you believe is the shorts you were wearing and obviously one of Hobie's tank tops with nothing underneath. Which is way loose on you. And you can see bandages and gauze pads thrown all around your chest and shoulders. It hits you how much pain you're in. But you're able to wiggle all your limbs. Whimpering and throwing your head back on the bed.
"Oh god- what's wrong bug?"
Hobie get closer. Looking at your body in concern.
" it's just my chest- my ribs feel like they've been crushed- it hurts so bad Hobie…"
Your whimpers make Hobie nervous. And once again tears spring to his eyes as he lets out a sob. Which surprises you. And you turn to look at your boyfriend. Who you now see is kneeling by the bed you're in. And slowly sliding down to where he's sitting on his knees and sobbing into the side of the mattress.
"Hobie? What's wrong? Bee?"
"I couldn't save you in time bug!"
He wails. And as you move your less hurt hand to his face. He takes it in his own gangly palms. Crying out and holding it up to his face as he cries. You've never seen Hobie so distressed. And it's scary.
"I was too late and you got hurt! I thought you were gone!"
He's uncontrollably hiccuping and sobbing by now. One hand holding yours and the other tugging harshly at his wicks. Which you gasp and roll to stop him. Making you wince a bit. But being able to grab his wrist to keep him from hurting himself made you happy. But he only cried harder into the comforter below you as you held his hands. It was a pathetic sight. You know Hobie always worried about not being able to save you from the world y'all lived in. But seeing him so utterly distraught made you feel like crying too.
"Hobie.. bee. Shhh.. shh it's."
"It's not okay bug! I almost lost you- I didn't keep my promise! I said I'd keep you safe forever!"
He looks up and sniffs ugly like.hes gripping the blanket beside you like he's ready to rip it to shreds. His knuckles are losing color as he shakes and sobs. Almost hyperventilating by now.
"I saw you stop b-Breathing!- you were- you-"
Hobie is almost gone by now. Losing air to speak. You try to shush him. The pain in your body is horrible. But manageable if it meant it helped Hobie not hurt himself. So you pull his head closer. Leaning in to kiss his forehead. And squeeze one wrist.
"I'm right here Hobie.."
The brit let you take his hand up to your mouth, and you blow gently across his palm. Finishing it with a kiss.hes still having a hard time catching his breath. No doubt putting himself under all the blame for you getting hurt.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know I was gonna go right there. Or what happened next.. you were busy keeping other people safe.."
He tries to talk back, but ends up just sobbing again, slowly crawling into a stand to lean over you and hold you as gently as he can. You pet his head softly. Allowing Hobie to relax back as you coo and shush him softly. After a while you wiggle over so he can crawl into the bed with you. Breathing deeply into your neck as he lays next to you. You can't help but smile. He's still obviously upset about the incident. But now you got him gently laying one arm across your body, and he's very clearly falling asleep.it didn't stop you from realizing his soft chest seizes. Where his breathing would suddenly quicken and then flatten, quick inhales similar to a hiccuping movement. And while he relaxed. You looked at his wicks. Checking with your eyes the area he'd tugged at harshly to make sure he hadn't ruined the years worth of work on his beautiful head. Which luckily took the harsh abuse like a champ, and other than some slight dent and misshapen roots. It looked healthy enough to not fall out. Or rip easily next time.
In the time it takes for you to finally pass out. You realize you're in a small but long apartment of some kind. Till you feel the soft rocking. And it hits you, Hobie lives in a canal boat. Which softens your heart. Hobie never wanted to show you his home because he was ashamed wasn't he? The boat was a little messy, but it looked so homey, and probably was less expensive than your own apartment. But by the time you came to that conclusion. You'd fallen asleep,
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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ggomos-maribat · 11 months
7 | the heroes of Paris
Part 7 of Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead | Masterlist
Something was different about Adrien now, something that was telling Tim that he wouldn't be as generous as the last time. If he really wanted to find the truth about Marinette's death, he thought, he wouldn't have kept things from us. He had a hunch on why Adrien called off the investigation, but he needed to confirm it first.
"You wanted to see the box?" Adrien slipped his hands into his pockets. "Be my guest."
"You're letting us look just like that?" Tim stood up and headed for the dusty memento on the shelf.
"If Marinette were alive today, she wouldn't deny you the chance."
Does he know what we know? Tim wondered. No . . . he knows. He definitely knows. Adrien was observing them carefully, as if they were his prey. He didn't even try to mask it under some kind of warmth—he knew he had all the answers they needed.
Okay, now I kind of don't want to open it, thought Tim. But Jason went ahead of him, opening up the lid to reveal spools of yarn arranged into a spectrum. The pink box looked pretty mundane until Tim caught sight of a string peeking out from the side. With a pull, everything unfolded to reveal a secret compartment.
Tim slowly picked up one small figurine from inside: a small wand with a golden star on top. The knick knacks inside seemed to have two categories, ones that looked like everyday objects and ones that were painted red with black spots.
Jason picked up a piece that looked like a power strip, but with the Ladybug pattern on it. "What are these?"
"Some kind of mementos of akuma attacks." It just dawned on Tim. "Half of these are the akumatized objects, and half are the lucky charms Ladybug used."
His sleep-deprived self had seen files on these a couple years ago, when the situation in Paris had been revealed to the world. There was a figure of Alix Kubdel's rollerblades, which led to her akumatization to 'Timebreaker', and a patterned traffic cone, which Ladybug had summoned as her charm for the fight. Even a replica of the Bee Miraculous was there, which contained Chloe Bourgeois' akuma when she was Queen Wasp. Almost every object was in that box, each one extremely detailed in its crafting.
Almost like the one who made this had seen the objects up close . . .
Tim noticed something else buried under the mementos—he picked up a hardbound book of sorts, pink with no words on the cover. They opened it up to find nothing but photos inside, ones taken from a certain perspective, depicting views that Tim was quite familiar with from his vigilante life. There were photos taken from rooftops, ones looking down from the top of the Eiffel, many of Chat Noir up close, even a couple that seemed like they were taken from outer space. Obviously, the photos wouldn't be easy to take without the possession of some kind of power. After flipping through, there was a wax-sealed envelope attached to the last page, along with a pressed red rose.
Tim glanced at Adrien. That just about confirms it, he decided.
They returned the box back to its original state. A heavy feeling settled on Tim.
"Will you hear me out a second time?" Adrien asked.
Tim nodded. "Of course."
The second talk with Adrien was a far cry from the first. The air was thick, and the dark clouds outside cloaked the room in gray.
"As you've found out . . . Marinette was Ladybug," Adrien began. "She was the beacon of hope in Paris. She was the one person who could never be akumatized under all circumstances. But she was too young when she was entrusted with a power she couldn't even understand back then. In fact, in her first battle as Ladybug, she almost passed on the Miraculous to someone else because she just didn't have enough confidence in herself."
A young hero, Tim swallowed down the lump in his throat. But unlike us, it wasn't entirely her choice.
Adrien's shoulders sagged. "So on top of her responsibilities, she had that burden to carry. She could never tell her parents or friends, because associating with a Miraculous was like putting a target on your back. She was victimized by Lila, but she could never let her emotions out because Hawkmoth might put her under his control at any time."
He laughed a little. "To this day, I still can't understand how she did it. Akumas would come to her, but she'll just close her eyes and they'll fly away. The things Lila did put her close to tears, but she just wiped them away and continued with her day like nothing happened. Sometimes Hawkmoth came close to winning, but she'd take just a couple minutes to pick herself back up and think of another way to defeat him."
The diary. Tim's thoughts flashed to the entries he read. Putting into the missing context, the words became heavier, deeper. A pit slowly formed in his stomach, coaxing out a feeling of nausea. She was so young, and yet she carried all that with her. No wonder she wrote like a traumatized fighter—she had seen too much.
He recalled helping Bruce analyze the akuma attacks recorded in Paris' history with Hawkmoth. There were a handful that even destroyed the world, others opening up destructive alternate timelines. She lived through it all. She saved everything but had to suffer through those memories . . . oh god. If Bruce were to find out, he'd be devastated—the world's betrayal of Paris left everything at the hands of one girl.
Looking at Jason, Tim could see that he was pale-faced as well. If only we found out earlier. If only we could've done something . . .
"Why did you call off the investigation then?" Jason finally spoke. "What about justice for Marinette's death?"
But Tim replied instead: "No, it's exactly for Marinette's sake when he did that." He looked at Adrien. "You're Chat Noir, aren't you? You knew all about Marinette's identity, and you had to stop the investigation to keep the police from finding out."
Adrien cracked a smile. "As much as I want to find answers to her death, I can't let her secret be revealed to those who shouldn't know it. It's the one thing I can do for her, to protect her and the Miraculous."
"So when Ladybug also disappeared . . ."
"It was because Marinette chose to, and then she died."
"Then isn't it Hawkmoth who killed her?" Tim pressed on. "It's a direct motive."
Adrien shook his head. "It can't be Hawkmoth . . . Hawkmoth is dead."
Jason's jaw dropped. ". . . What?"
"It was in our final battle with him," Adrien recounted, fiddling with his thumbs. "He successfully took my Miraculous, the ring, and a couple other ones from the box but his body gave in under the strain from using multiple Miraculi at once."
There was a harsh contempt in his voice, deep bitterness seeping out. "Hawkmoth was a despicable man. He became addicted to the power of the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculi, and then to the promised power of the Ladybug and Black Cat combined. What he wanted was to rewrite reality to bring his wife back and he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of anyone's negative emotions just to make them disposable pawns."
Adrien's jaw clenched. "He didn't even care about what his son felt the whole time."
It all clicked in Tim's head. "Hawkmoth was . . ."
"My father," Adrien confirmed. "Gabriel Agreste."
It fits . . . Gabriel Agreste's death was announced around the time of the supposed 'final battle'.  It was never publicly announced what the cause of death was.
The model heaved out a sigh. "Marinette and I actually argued over what to do afterwards. She didn't want to expose him as Hawkmoth and said that his death was his repayment. I thought that was too light of a punishment for him, nevermind that he was my father. We faced backlash when we announced our decision. The people of Paris wanted to condemn him but . . . there was no one to condemn anymore. Because of that, Marinette was convinced that I would be the one receiving hate if we revealed his identity, and anyone affiliated with Father's brand even if they were innocent."
"But to be honest, I wouldn't mind being hated." His gaze lowered. "All those people who suffered because of him deserve the truth. But Marinette was more stubborn."
It was a conflicting situation, Tim agreed that Gabriel Agreste went away too easily.
"If Hawkmoth's dead, then what happened to Marinette?" asked Tim. "Is there anyone else who has a vendetta against her?"
Jason answered, "That just leaves Lilia Ross."
"Alibi, remember?"
"Outside help."
Tim huffed out. "So we're back to square one." He turned back to Adrien. "Is there anyone else who knows about Marinette's identity?"
"There was one, but she passed away from old age before Marinette's death and Hawkmoth's defeat."
Tim leaned back. They had two ways to look at it—either Marinette's death was linked to her identity as Ladybug or her civilian persona was targeted instead.
"What about the box? What's in the envelope?" Jason pointed out, gesturing to the shelf behind them.
"It's related to our responsibilities as holders, so I can't tell you about it. I've actually told you more than you should know," Adrien replied, "But I assure you, it has nothing to do with her death."
"You won't tell us about it, but you trust us with your identities?" Jason cocked an eyebrow.
A cryptic smile stretched on the Parisian's face, one that looked unsettling on him. "It's because I trust that you vigilantes would know the importance of a secret identity."
Tim stiffened. He figured us out in more ways than one. "You know?"
"I wouldn't be giving you so much information if you were just strangers." He shrugged.  "I may be retired, but I still have magic after all. I understand that you have the capabilities to look into this so I'm helping you as much as I can."
It was a delicate balancing game. They had a hold of Adrien and Marinette's identities, while Adrien potentially held the truth to the whole family's. Bruce is going to kill us when we get home, Tim shivered slightly.
"I'm not blackmailing you or anything—please think of it as a safety precaution," Adrien clarified, "You can still ask more questions and I'll try to answer them."
"Fine," Tim conceded. They had just learned more of the truth in exchange for their identities . . . maybe it was worth it. "As Miraculous holders, you have those creatures—your 'kwamis', right?"
"Was Marinette's kwami not with her that day?"
"Marinette stopped wearing her earrings after Hawkmoth's defeat."
Jason took his turn. "Is it true that Marinette, Ladybug, was the Guardian of the Miraculous?"
Adrien paused for a moment before saying, "Yes, she was Guardian at that time."
"Who's the Guardian now?"
"Ah, that's confidential."
Tim frowned. No, this won't work. We need every detail we can work with to solve the mystery. Is there anything we can do to make him talk?
"Is there a chance someone found Marinette out after the last battle?"
"I think it's unlikely—she was always careful about her identity. If someone did, then she didn't tell me."
Tim thought back to the small knitted pouch. "There was a drawing of that box inside a pouch that Marinette gave to Luka Couffaine. Did he know anything about her identity?"
Adrien shrugged. "It's not much of a clue without proper context, and as far as I know both Luka and Kagami don't know."
With so many secrets and so many factors, plus the involvement of magic, Tim could only sense the case getting more complicated. They needed the full dynamics of how Miraculi worked, and not just bits and pieces that concealed the whole picture.
"There's one more thing we want to ask," said Tim, "Felix Fathom. Was he tied in any way to this case?" 
Taglist: @hammalammadamdam @toodaloo-kangaroo@missmadwoman@afanofmanyships@atomicherringpersonjudge-blog@wheredostarsgowhenyoudie
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trashyangelic · 1 year
Does anyone wanna take this prompt for Miraculous Ladybug? [If so please tag me or msg me if your going to take this.]
Ideas for Prompts:
Salt/Bashing: Lila Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt, Alya Bashing, Adrien Bashing Sugar/Redemption: Nino Sugar, Chloe Redemption, Akuma Class Redemption Pairings: Chloe/Nino, Lukagami, Felinette Others: Bad Teacher Caline Bustier, Lila Rossi Exposed, Jealous Adrien, Endgame Felinette
Let's say Lila got exposed by Marinette's Circle Squad (as in Nino, Chloe, Kagami, Alix, Sabrina, Max, Kim, Rose, Nora Cesaire, Juleka, Luka, Felix, and Aurore) while Marinette had stayed home cause her parents is not letting her go to school cause of victim blaming that they got angry on Bustier telling her about their daughter 'to be an example' which really pissed Sabine off.
Sabine is willing to do this to keep her daughter happy but also suing Bustier, Damocles, Lila, Alya, and lastly Adrien even though she didn't want to but she heard enough from her daughter that he is bystanding this whole situation and telling her little girl to 'take a high road' advice which is a horrible advice.
Instead of expelling Lila like she wanted to do she must remain in the school and learn to be an outcast after being outted last Friday when her mother found out about her crimes and trauncy from her classmates but also participating classes by doing her own homework and attend two months of detentions. The police and the School Board Member found something interesting on the school footage then show it to Mrs. Rossi that her daughter is willing to assist terrorist.
As Lila is remain house arrest along with the restraining order from The Dupain-Chengs but also being banned from their bakery except her mother who is a regular customer that comes to the bakery once a while.
As for Bustier and Damocles both got sued by two parents from Marinette after all the stress they gave her she has to go theraphy. Chloe volunteered to be Temporary Ladybug as Dame Taches (Lady Spots) while Marinette goes to theraphy for a good reason for her health being Ladybug for too long was a bit stressful and need a break so she can be the Dragon Miraculous while Kagami became the Temporary Black Cat.
As for the Black Cat Miraculous it was taken away from Chat Noir/Adrien by Ladybug last Sunday about his incompetnent behavior it is now Kagami's job as a temporary Black Cat as Kuroneko. Now for the Bee Miraculous it was lent to Nora Cesaire since she was the only one that Marinette can think of doing instead of Alya since Nora knows the truth what her sister did to Marinette.
Chloe called Amelie Graham de Vanily and Felix to come over to Paris but stay in her hotel than in the Agreste Mansion but told them the whole fiasco with Adrien being passive and other stuff. Chloe also suggested to Marinette to give Felix the Fox Miraculous he will be the Temporary Fox Hero. Since Sabrina has the dog miraculous with her just in case.
Now for Adrien he finally found out thanks to Lila that Marinette likes him. But its far too late for him since Marinette is over with him and her parents doesn't want him near their little girl anymore.
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lale-txt · 2 years
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Raffle Prize: Riot w/ Whitebeard & gn!reader
a/n: 3rd raffle prize for my beloved @secretsnailor (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ Bee asked for a scenario where reader gets injured during a battle and Whitebeard just goes off with some comfort afterwards. my dear, it's always so much fun writing Whitebeard for you, thank you for the fun prompt and congrats again for being one of the lucky winners! ♡
contains: mention of blood (nothing super descriptive but reader suffers a hit on the head)
word count: 1k
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It all happened within the blink of an eye.
You had let your guard down, irritated by someone calling out your name in the midst of the battle. Was it your imagination? Was it one of your comrades in need of help? It was impossible to figure out what was happening in the storm of voices and gunshots surrounding you, the sound of swords clashing ringing in your ears. In the corner of your eye you made out a kaleidoscope of blue and orange flames, and somewhere to your right you noticed Izou and Thatch standing back to back as they made the enemies drop like flies.
Panic rose in your chest when you couldn’t make out the broad silhouette of Whitebeard in the fray; you would have assumed that a man of his height would be easy to spot, but he had disappeared from your sight completely. Did something happen to him? Was it him who called out your name? You slashed at some foe who had the audacity to underestimate you and just when you were about to move forward, a sharp pain flashed through you with an intensity that drove you to your knees. The back of your head was throbbing, you felt dizzy, trying to understand what just happened.
You tried to breathe through the pain with gritted teeth, your vision blurry from the impact and blood dripping down your face. Leaving your back unguarded, what a foolish mistake. All because your heart had yearned for Edward, sorrow bubbling up in it and making you drop your guard before you could have convinced yourself that he was fine; he was the strongest after all. You whined as you reached for the open wound. Nothing Marco couldn’t fix, but until then you somehow had to make it out of here alive.
“What happened? Who did this to you?”
A voice so low and threatening, a big hand scooping you up carefully. You feel warm skin against yours and don’t need to open your eyes to know that he was here now, that you were safe. Your fingers claw into his coat while you still try not to black out from the pain pulsating through every fiber of your body. You mumble out Edward’s name weakly, making him tense up, blind rage flaring up in his stomach – caused by seeing the love of his life hurt like that, by his own irresponsibility to leave you unguarded for a heartbeat, by the horde of bastards who were foolish enough to pick a fight with his family in the first place.
He’s gonna bring them down, one by one.
You feel Whitebeard’s grip around your waist tighten and hear him calling out for Marco, his voice roaring over the battlefield. His whole body vibrates under your fingertips and you can’t tell if it’s the adrenaline rushing through his veins or if it’s his devil fruit ability, barely contained. He puts you down near some big rock, hidden away from the eyes of others by the tall grass surrounding it.
Your vision is still blurred and you can feel your consciousness slipping away slowly, but you don’t fight it – with Whitebeard’s big calloused hand brushing over your cheeks he reassures you that you’re safe now. A few heartbeats later and you make out Marco’s voice, the two men talking in hush voices, until you feel the soothing cold of the phoenix’ flames encasing you. You sigh from the instant pain relief.
“See? All patched up, yoi.” Marco rests a hand on top of your hand and turns toward Whitebeard. “What now, pops?” “I’m gonna put an end to this.”
You rest your still throbbing head against the rock, grateful for Marco’s healing powers, and rub your eyes, blinking away the blood and the dirt, enough to see Whitebeard’s broad back as he walks into the midst of the battlefield, one fist clenched around his naginata. The jolly roger tattoo is hit directly by the sun and once again you’re reminded of how deep his love and devotion runs – for his found family and for you.
The whole air seems electrified once he goes off, unleashing the incredible power he holds and teaching the foe a lesson on humility. You hear the cheerful cries of your crewmates as you lean back smiling, letting the rumbles of his devil fruit powers comfort you. Marco standing next to you whistles through his teeth and flies off once again after exchanging a smile and making sure that you’re okay, knowing well that a certain someone will come pick you up in a heartbeat anyway.
And so when a little later your favorite voice calls out your name, you open your eyes again and beam, reaching out for him to pick you up. Whitebeard is gentle with you, a sheer contrast to the way he just routed the other crew a few minutes prior. He has both hands wrapped around you and lifts you up close to his face where you nuzzle in the crook of his neck, your fingers twirling around the golden curls of his. You feel his pulse under you, heart still beating fast from the rush earlier, and whisper his name against his skin. 
“I’m sorry for letting you out of sight. Does it still hurt?” You shake your head and smile when he places a kiss on your cheek, handling you as if you were made of glass. “I was just being reckless for a moment. And because I couldn’t make you out in the crowd…”
You mumble the last part, a little bit flustered, but Whitebeard just laughs out loud, his whole body shaking from it. He squeezes you tighter and seeks your gaze, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. The way he looks at you can only be described as full of love and longing. After all, you are the owner of his heart; cracked it wide open and filled it with flowers, written your name all over its walls. 
“Now let's get you home. After this day all I’m craving is some booze and lay down with you…”
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magnetothemagnificent · 11 months
I guess it's time I share my list of birds from this past Jewish year (I've been keeping two Big Year lists, Jewish year and secular year). All are from the US, except the last few which are indicated.
1. Ruby-crowned kinglet
2. American Robin
* Leucistic American Robin
3. Song sparrow
4. Rock pigeon
* Melanistic rock pigeon
5. Chipping sparrow
6. Hairy woodpecker
7. Mourning dove
8. Northern flicker
9. Eastern towhee
10. White crowned sparrow
11. White-throated sparrow
12 Savannah sparrow
13. House sparrow
14. European starling
15. American Crow
16. Common Raven
17. Gray catbird
18. Northern mockingbird
19. Canada Goose
20. Spotted Sandpiper
21. American herring gull
22. Marsh wren
23. Limpkin
24. Great white heron
25. Cattle egret
26. Anhinga
27. Snowy egret
28. Great blue heron
29. Black-crowned night heron
30. Wood stork
31. Common gallinule
32. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
33. Turkey vulture
34. Black vulture
35. Yellow rumped warbler
36. Tufted titmouse
37. Little blue heron
38. White ibis
39. Cooper's hawk
40. Cardinal
41. Green heron
42. Carolina wren
43. Palm warbler
44. Pine warbler
45. Sandhill crane
46. Carolina chickadee
47. Bluejay
48. Osprey
49. Chimney swift
50. Red-tailed hawk
51. Prairie warbler
52. American kestrel
53. Glossy ibis
54. Pied-billed grebe
55. Double-crested cormorant
56. Grey kingbird
57. Brown pelican
58. Fish crow
59. Royal tern
60. Bald eagle
61. Painted bunting
62. American white pelican
63. Common grackle
64. Boat-tailed grackle
65. Great-tailed grackle
66. American purple gallinule
67. American coot
68. Brown-headed cowbird
69. Tricolored heron
70. Mallard
71. Black-bellied whistling duck
72. Eastern kingbird
73. Yellow-billed cuckoo
74. Muscovy duck
75. American bittern
76. Ring-billed gull
77. American Pekin
78. Mallard-Pekin hybrid
79. Eastern bluebird
80. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
81. Red-winged blackbird
82. White-eyed vireo
83. Mottled duck
84. Broad-winged hawk
85. Dark-eyed junco
86. Brown thrasher
87. Sharp-shinned hawk
88. House finch
89. Eastern Phoebe
90. Downy woodpecker
91. Fox sparrow
92. Loggerhead Shrike!!!!
93. White breasted nuthatch
94. Red-bellied woodpecker
95. Brown creeper
96. Pileated woodpecker
97. American goldfinch
98. House wren
99. Barn swallow
100. Tree swallow
101. Black and white warbler
102. Red eyed vireo
103. Yellow warbler
104. Mute swan
105. Rusty blackbird
106. Common yellowthroat
107. Warbling vireo
108. Northern waterthrush
109. Veery
110. Swamp sparrow
111. Wood duck
112. American redstart
113. Orchard oriole
114. Greater Yellowlegs
115. Lesser Yellowlegs
116. Baltimore oriole
117. Hermit thrush
118. Wood thrush
119. Ovenbird
120. Indigo bunting
121. Black-throated blue warbler
122. Scarlet tanager
123. Worm-eating warbler
124. Northern rough-winged swallow
125. Blue-headed vireo
126. Northern parula
127. Prothonotary warbler
128. Philadelphia vireo
129. Blackburnian warbler
130. Magnolia warbler
131. Cedar waxwing
132. Blackpoll warbler
133. Yellow-throated vireo
134. Eastern wood pewee
135. Acadian flycatcher
136. Tennessee warbler
137. Caspian tern
138. Laughing gull
139. Forster's tern
140. American oystercatcher
141. Green-winged teal
142. Purple Martin
143. Least tern
144. Field sparrow
145. Killdeer
146. Grey-cheeked thrush
147. Rose-breasted grosbeak
148. Great-crested flycatcher
149. Swainson's thrush
150. Bay-breasted warbler
151. Chestnut-sided warbler
152. Willow flycatcher
153. Ruby-throated hummingbird
154. Peregrine falcon
155. Hooded crow IL
156. Laughing dove IL
157. Eurasian collared dove IL
158. Eurasian jackdaw IL
159. Common myna IL
160. Rose-ringed parakeet IL
161. White spectacled bulbul IL
162. European bee eater IL
163. Chukar IL
164. Short toed snake eagle IL
165. White stork IL
166. Little egret IL
167. Pygmy cormorant IL
168. Eurasian hoopoe IL
169. Alpine swift IL
170. Graceful pinia IL
171. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler IL
172. Tristan's Starling IL
173. Fan tailed raven IL
174. Eurasian black cap IL
Here's to at least 200 next year!
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loudlooks · 5 months
Day 4 - Getting stung by a very persistent bee
30 day challenge notes: quantity over quality, limited editing, stand-alone stories unless specifically stated otherwise, not always tiva, chronologically randomly set in whatever pre-s11 season seems to fit
Tag for blocking/following: 30 days of spring
Prompt: Getting stung by a very persistent bee
Word count: 694
A buzzing right next to her ear, triggered Ziva’s fight or flight response. She had never liked bees, not since one had stung her as a toddler. It was nothing more than a vague memory, really, but after several adults had repeatedly reminded her of it throughout her childhood, the harmless, albeit painful, event had left a mark on her.
Trying to evade the offending bug, she roughly bumped into Tony, his frown going completely unnoticed by her as she tried to get a visual on the bee. With uncharacteristic imprecision, she swatted at a black spot moving erratically to her left.
“Big bad ninja afraid of a little bee?” Tony said, sounding a bit too gleeful.
Ziva ignored him as she moved around in an attempt to get away from the bee.
“Are you allergic?” Tony asked, confused about his partner's panicky behavior.
“No,” Ziva grunted, as she took another swing at the unpredictable bug, and missed.
“Okay, then,” he spotted a rose bush a few feet away, and pointed at it, “calm down, and let’s walk over there, maybe it’ll get distracted by the flowers.”
The bee dutifully followed, unfortunately it did not let up on bugging Ziva. It hovered ever closer to her face, the buzzing getting louder. Another swipe only resulted in her slapping Tony on the arm.
“Stop swatting, you’re making it angry.”
“It is making me angry!”
“Just, stand still,” Tony said firmly, briefly pinning her arms to her side as he tracked the bees movement. When the bee made another attempt to get close to Ziva’s face, he let go of her arms and calmly held a hand between the bee and Ziva. Gently, he guided it towards the rose bush, without ever touching it.
“See, easy does it,” he said confidently.
Logically, she knew this, but when it came to bees, there was a Grand Canyon sized gap between logic and emotions. She clenched her hands into fists, willing them to stay at her side as she kept a close eye on the hovering bug.
Tony took his eyes of the bee to glance at Ziva, who still very much looked like she was about to throw hands with anything that came within a six foot radius. He watched her eyes go wide, the exact moment he felt a faint tickle on his cheek.
“It’s fine,” he said reassuringly as the bee moved closer to his chin, then made a beeline to his nose. Watching Ziva narrow her eyes as she lifted her arm, while the bee took a closer look at his left nostril, made mild panic rise inside of him. Surely a bee sting would be less painful than getting punched in the face by Ziva.
He held out his left arm in an attempt to stop Ziva, and swatted at the bee who was now investigating his upper lip. The burning sensation was more painful than the initial sting, but it definitely paled in comparison to Ziva’s right hook.
Ziva reached out to him with a pained expression, and moved his hand away from his lip, tilting his head towards her with her other hand to get a closer look.
“How bad is it,” he asked, “botched lip injection bad?”
She frowned, then her features relaxed and she patted his cheek with her right hand. “You can barely see it.”
“You should feel it, though,” he said with mock gravity.
Ziva tilted her head and softened her eyes. The corners of her mouth quirked upwards right before she gently, but all too briefly, placed her lips on his.
Tony grinned, the bee sting all but forgotten, and asked, “What was that for?”
“Kiss and make it better, yes?”
He licked his lips, never breaking eye contact. “I don’t think it’s working, try again.”
Ziva raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips.
“I saved you from certain death by bee.”
“I told you, I’m not allergic.”
“You would have died a thousand deaths if not for my brave sacrifice.”
She chuckled, and kissed him again, a little longer this time.” You are going to milk this, aren’t you?”
“Oh yeah,” Tony said smiling widely.
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leebrontide · 1 year
What is my tea even going to taste like?
Ok, so I can't plant like...actual tea, or ginger, or cinnamon, or anise, or cloves. And I don't like chamomile, echinecia or lavender.
So what kind of tea can I garden?
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My main ingredient is gonna be New Jersey Tea. Fresh, this tastes like wintergreen which...no thanks. BUT dried, which is the main way I would use it, it's supposed to taste like black tea, but kind of smokey with hints of cinnamon and orange. So far so good.
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Anise Hysop is meant to taste like mint with anise (licorice) notes.
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Geum tastes like cloves and a little bit like cinnamon.
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Rugosa roses have the most flavor of all the rose hips, supposedly, and taste lightly floral and also like citrus.
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Lemongrass tastes like mild citrus with a hint of ginger.
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Safflower: mellow, slightly nutty taste, but makes your tea pretty and adds a bit of base-note flavor.
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Bee Balm: like a particularly refreshing mix of mint, basil and oregano.
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Honeysuckle: Ok, so they say Japanese honeysuckle is the kind you ought to make tea out of for the best flavor. But it's wildly invasive, and we have highly scented native varieties that work with my color scheme, so we'll be going with those. I've read that it actually tastes like a floral-leaning green tea with sweet aftertaste, and some people say there's hints of vanilla in there, to.
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I'm also hoping to put some Canadian wild ginger into the garden once it establishes- but it's a very sunny spot, so I have to wait for the other plants to establish well enough to bring this plant the shade it needs. This is supposed to taste a lot like tropical ginger, but without the spicy notes. (Note that this plant shouldn't be straight up eaten. It does contain toxins if you're gonna nosh it instead of briefly soaking it in water. Don't forage something and then get mad at me.)
All in all, I feel like it's going to be a fun experiment to play with the recipe combining these elements into a delicious tea. But the flavors are all there to make this super tasty.
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Hello, it's me again! I plan on adopting a Beeper from @bugsybitties, but first I need some bee bitties for them to look after! I'll take as many that want to come home with me.
As a reminder the bitties I currently own are a lemon berry, two puddle slimes, and a honey slime from you guys, a Snowy from my own shop, and a dandelioness, an umeka, and a Yukiki from @alphamamalioness. And, you know, hopefully a Beeper soon.
- @himesbittycenter
BEE TIME BABEEEEE theres a lot lmao sorry
All of these bitties formed a colony(or a hive) together, and they need a place that’s willing to take them all as none of them want to split up lol
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): This bitty goes by Hicker currently, and he has the Fall morph, making him mostly brown with some spots of orange and red, he's a rescue but has had enough therapy(and a really good support system in his massive hive) that he can handle himself just fine, he does guard his honey but does trust his hivemates around it by now, and knows they wont take to much, as his old owners used to take all his honey, either forgetting or not caring  that he too eats the honey, hes dating Isaac, and has been for a long time, he was one of the main reasons he made it through everything when he was first rescued, his honey is a deep red orange and has a bit of 'bite', it's a lil spicy, not even Isaac knows how tf he makes it spicy, he's 5 inches tall,
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): She calls herself Peony, and loves peony and rose flowers, though she likes any flowers pretty much, she has the Spring morph, making her a soft greed with pastel pink, purple, and red flower patterns, along with vines that are a darker green, shes very social but likes to have her own space, and she loves mixing flowers into her honey! Giving it a much sweeter taste! It also has a bit of a purpleish blue tent to it, shes been with Rose for a few months, coming up on a year soon, and they love each other even more than when they started dating, she's 4 inches tall, making her shorter than average,
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): He goes by Isaac, and is about your average Bumble, often spending time lounging or making honey, he has eldritch eyes and polycoria, making him look pretty overworldly, though his hive doesn’t care anymore, he's been with Hicker for a long, long time, and loves him more than words can say, they live together and don’t even mind their honey mixing together, though his honey is a light golden color and is a nice sweet flavor, he's 7 inches tall, making him taller than average,
Bomb(UnderFell Sans Bee): Her name is Rose, lovingly named after her girlfriend Peony, though shes one of the sassiest bitties in the hive and has 'bad bitch' energy, but in a sundress bc she things she looks good in them, she loves decorating her and Peony's hive and loves making things to decorate with even more! Her honey is a deep red, and shes proud of that fact! She's 6 inches tall,
Hemi(UnderSwap Sans Bee): His name is Parker, and he has the heart eyed and the mask morph, he's kinda like the mail man, making sure everyone is up to date on any info and can fly the fastest out of everyone here, being able to zip around to everyone with ease, and the black mask marking makes it easier for him to see during the day! his honey is surprisingly low in carbs, sugar, and fats, and super energizing! Like, how did he make an energy drink honey?? Even he recommends it for breakfast for a good start to the day! He's 3 inches tall,
Hemi(UnderSwap Sans Bee): She goes by Tera, she has the Beast morph making her much bigger, she's dating Brutis and they are the ones that help make the hives they live in, and she's the queen bee, if anything happens she'll know about it first, she does her best keeping peace, though there are other peace keepers in the hive as well, her honey is a royal purple color it has healing properties and she shares it often, especially if someone is hurt, she's 7 inches tall, making her MUCH taller than average,
Aurico(SwapFell Sans Bee): She's goes by Arura, and has the Off color and Darkbones morphs, making her bones a dark black and her fur/fluff looks like galazies, and she has the Dull eyed morph as well, and she has no eyelights, she's been adopted by Tera and Brutis and thinks very highly of herself, though prides herself most in her almost glowing royal blue honey, it has healing properties in it(she learned out to do that from Tera ofc) and often shares it like her mother, she cares deeply for her and wants to be just like her one day! Even if she has to leave the hive and make her own! She's 4 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): His name is Harlow, and has taken to greeting outsiders of the hive and even foraging outside of their territory, making him one of the main recourse gatherers when it comes to thinks outside of the hives area, he's kind and carring and has brought back many a lost or lonely bitty, though they're always vetted and watched closely, he's kind! But not the best when it comes to figuring out if someone isnt as kind as well, his honey is a nice orangey yellow color, though he doesn’t make as much honey as your average bee bitty, he's 7 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): They go by Alex, and does a lot of watching from high up, they have the best eyesight out of the group, almost comparable to that of a hawk! So they've been appointed to be on watchout! They rarely make honey but when they do it’s a pretty red color and almost tastes like wine, and is actually just as alcaholic as wine, though they make sure no one has to much at once, just to make sure, they're 8 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): It goes by Bark, it is a loner and prefers to be by itself, though it will be affectionate when it wants to, it usually chills in it's hive and makes honey or does some craft or DIY, honestly if anyone wants some furniture they uaually go to Bark for it, he's one of the best carpenters in the hive! If not the best point blank, it's honey is more waxy as it likes to use it to finish furniture, but it's like a nice butter too, depending on how cold it is, it's 7 inches tall,
Fera(UnderFell Papyrus Bee): He goes by Brutis, and he has the Beast morph, making him much bigger, he's the king of the hive by association as he's dating Tera, he's protective of his and Tera's hive, he was a rescue and had an old hive that was wiped out by a bear(they're small bitties! And the bear wanted their honey-) making him over protective of his hive, he has scars though they've healed and he used to work out to the point of hurting himself, though he doesn’t anymore, Tera makes sure about that, his honey is a red hot color, and almost looks molten, it tastes spicy and gives a massive energy boots and gives an effect almost like steroids(though not as bad) so he doesn’t share much, nor make much, he loves the taste! But eating it a lot can be harmful, he's 12 inches tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): She goes by Jennie and has the Beast morph as well as the Crystal morph, her crystals are actually bees wax!! she loves making candles, bitty sized? Sure! Human sized? Give her a bit on that one lol, she loves to mix things into her beeswax to make her candles smell good too! Her honey is usually just beeswax, though she loves making it taste sweet and look pretty! She somehow finds new ways to make it pretty colors every time she makes honey again! She stands at 13 inshes tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): Her name is Ethel, and she's Albino! She's a ghostly blue with soft pink spots on the her palms, the bottom of her feet, and on the base of her abdomen(the bee one) and up her spine a bit, and her eyelights are a dull soft pink as she also has the Dull eyed morph, she's super sensitive to the sun so usually just stays inside, her favorite hobby is basket weaving, though she'll also sew and makes a lot of the clothes for the hive! Her honey is a peachy color and she can turn it into a solid, it feels kind of like amber! And she loves basically glassblowing with it making  pretty bowls and vases and things! She stands at 7 inshes tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): He goes by Zee, and he has the Clown morph, his markings are black and white making him look like a Juggalo! And he is a Juggalo too, usually listening to music while he woodworks and whittles, he's a total sweetheart but he does have a special interest in things like murder, serial killers, cannibalism, and other morbid things, but he's still just as sweet as ever, his honey is a blood red color and he loves using the red wax it makes for finishing/polishing his wood projects, it tastes a little metallic(he's not a carrion bee- so no one really knows where it gets that taste and he wont tell anyone lol), he stands at 8 inches tall,
Rodo(SwapFell Papyrus Bee): Her name is Anna and she has the Vampiric morph, and makes her honey out of blood because of it, as the center we just give her blood bags(well, they're small- she doesn’t need a massive amount- but still) but she's also willing to take plasma, she can always add something else to her honey to make it taste better anyway, she likes joining Zee on his Juggalo activities, aka listening to music and getting a lil drunk or a lil high, she also has the Off color morph making her a black and red color, and she has the Eyeliner morph as well, making it look like she did some gothic type makeup, which is good since she prefers to dress gothic anyway! though victorian gothic(those vibes at least), Her honey is a blood red of course and tastes metallic, though she can tell that Zee doesn’t use any blood to make his blood lol, her and Rav are lovers, she stands at 8 inches tall,
Corum(Undertale Gaster Bee): His name is Callen, and he's the resident librarian along with his husband Icker, he also loves to bake, so usually has something like honey glazed rolls or something like that, he loves using his honey in his cooking and baking! Though his honey is just normal honey, but that’s not a bad thing at all! He stands at 7 inches tall,
Corum(Undertale Gaster Bee): She goes by Rav and she has the Halloween morph, making her black with purple web markings over most of her body and orange web like patterns making it look like she has web eyeliner around her eyes, she's dating Anna and she loves her goth girlfriend <3 she also loves to dress goth, though she also loves showing off her markings, so tends to wear more fishnets or just more modern goth in general, her honey is a blood red color as she likes helping make honey for Anna, so it does have some blood in it, though she loves the taste anyway, she stands at 6 inshes tall, making her shorter than average,
Calatus(UnderFell Gaster Bee): He goes by Harlem, and is a HUGE true crime fan and loves anything to do with the supernatural, he'd never admit it though, preferring to keep it on the 'down low', till someone mentions his favorite show and he starts rambling again lol, he's a total sweetheart but just hates admitting it, but he's not an asshole to 'make up' for it either, he's 8 inches tall and his honey is pretty normal in color, though he does like adding fruit juices to make it more red in color,
Calatus(UnderFell Gaster Bee): His name is Vance, he's a rescue and is one anxious boio, he tries his best to be confadient but ends up just sticking near Harlem(who he has a massive crush on, but he wont admit it to Harlem), and he usually just goes along with whatever Harlem wants to do, he's picked up Harlem's habit of putting fruit juice in his honey too, though he likes making it purple, but that’s mostly because he likes blackberries a lot lol, he's 5 inches tall as he was stunted due to malnutrition,
Humbee(UnderSwap Gaster Bee): He goes by Jera and is dating Goliath, they've been together for years and he loves cooking for him! Though he likes cooking for anyone, and besides, Goliath loves cooking with him too! He loves to bake too and is usually watching any kiddos that might be around, with the help of Goliath of course, though he's much less scary than his lover lol, he loves mixing things into his honey to make it all sorts of pretty colors and good tastes! He's 5 inches tall,
Frater(SwapFell Gaster Bee): She goes by Vio, and is kinda like Brutis and Tera's maid, though she has as much free time as she wants, all she does is make sure their hive is clean and will sometimes cook for them as well, she's actually the youngest and Tera often treats her more like a second daughter than a maid, and Brutis isnt to far behind her with that lol, so don’t be surprised if they adopt her at some point, she's 5 inches tall,
Frater(SwapFell Gaster Bee): He goes by Esker and is a bit of a loner, though you wouldn’t know that if you saw him near his husband Gregory, he and his husband run a bar and grill, though he prefers baking and cooking for it, liking to use his honey to make the foods and treats sweeter, though he's a little picky on who he likes, but he wouldn’t refuse them service if they arent being rude or something, he's 6 inches tall,
Charcoal(Fell Grillby): He goes by Gregory, and loves his husband Esker enough to 'play nice' with the muffets around lol, he runs a lil bar and grill with his husband and he loves it more than anything(say for Esker of course lol), and is more than happy to just do that, ignoring the muffets, he loves making his honey alcoholic and it's really popular in their hive, he's 9 inches tall,
Bahulu(FellSwap Grillby): His name is Icker, and he is the resident librarian with his husband Callen, He's a bee varient and he's fluffy! Though the fluff is under his fire, he doesn’t care much for honey but happily makes some for Callen, often making it a few different ways so his husband can experiment with it with his baking, he's 8 inches tall,
Coal(Horror Grillby): She goes by Scarlet and shes a rescue taken in by the hive with her boyfriend Tyler, she has trouble making enough honey to even last a week on her own, she used to have to overwork herself just to make enough for one day, and of course that wasn’t exactly something she could keep up with- and her previous owner, who just wanted to use their bee bitties for their honey, didn’t like the lack of honey she could make- so threw her out, she was running around for a few weeks before she met Tyler who took her in, though he ran way from his previous owners, but after they returned to the center they joined the hive they're in today and are doing much better! She stands at 7 inches tall and seems to be stunted,
Gelato(Tale Nice cream guy): He seems to be some bee ice elemental variant hybrid, we arent really sure whats up with that- but he goes by Icey and loves to make frozen honey treats! Usually making more in the summer or when it's hot out, and he usually hangs out with Usirus, who he's got a big crush on, and he tries flirting with him but Usirus is a little oblivious lol, his honey is usually a blue color but will sometimes be flavored and have different colors too, he stands at 7 inches tall,
Burger(Tale Burger pants): he goes by Osirus and has a massive fucking crush on Icey, though he's basically convinced himself that he wouldn’t like him back lol, it has been the reason for a lot of facepalms, he likes helping Icey hand out his treats since it makes him happy, though he doesn’t realize him wanting to help him makes him just as happy if not even more happy lol, he'll sometimes flavor his honey and gift it to Icey as a way to flirt, though Icey is a little oblivious to the fact it's ment to be a flirt lol, he stands at 5 inches tall,
Killer(Killer Sans): He's a rescue and is anxious as fuck, he goes by Frankie and usually stays near his best friend(and crush) Edwin, he's been diagnosed with anxiety and ptsd and therapy has helped him but it's not going anywhere, though he's still in therapy(and can continue for free after adopted with the same therapist), his honey is black and he doesn’t know why, it freaks him out a bit and Edwin has to remind him that it's normal(he doesn’t quite believe him but he trust Edwin), he's 4 inches tall,
Ash(Horror Sans): He's a rescue and goes by Edwin, he usually stays by his best friend Frankie, wanting to protect him and make sure he's ok, one day he hopes he can help his best friend finally relax, he cares deeply for him(and might have a bit of a crush on him) and wants him to just feel happy, he doesn’t think he's seen him smile in years- they both came from a very abusive household so he's taken it apon himself to make sure that wont ever happen again, he stands at 15 inches tall,
???((unknown au) Muffet bitty): We arent sure where she game from- but shes a bee spider Muffet bitty, we have no idea what au shes from, and she goes by Hivy(hive-E) and is a total sweetheart! She loves gardening and does her best to help with it, usually growing bitty sized plants or plants like blue berries so they can actually lift them lol, shes a fluffy pastel pink with pastel blue bands and she stands at 8 inches tall,
Guilt(Fell Chara): They go by Chicho, and seems to be latino?(though that has nothing to with their name, say for them naming themselves after a fuckin churro that they mispronounced once lol), they have tanner skin than the average Chara bitty, they see Ingo, Ty, and Kira as their siblings, often doing their best to help Kira and Ty with their peacekeeping adventures, they stand at 3 inches tall,
Coco(Tale Chara): They go by Ingo, and see Chicho, Kira, and Ty as siblings, they don’t care as much about the peacekeeping as their siblings, but that’s mostly because pretty much everyone gets along well enough that they don’t feel the need to worry about it, they love mixing chocolate into their honey and tends to chill off a bit watching their siblings, but will help if they need to, they stand at 5 inches tall,
Pliant(Fell Frisk): They go by Ty, and see Chicho, Kira, and Ingo as their siblings, them and Kira have taken it apon themselves to be peacekeepers of the hive, though they also help around when needed like with news, gardening, or if someone just needs some help with something in general, they stand at 5 inches tall,
Passive(Tale Frisk): They go by Kira, and see Chicho, Ty, and Ingo as their siblings, they're effectively mute, they can speak if they want to but just don’t, often making small noises instead(one of the only reasons we know they can speak, that and them calling a speech therapist a bitch- that was interesting lmfao), they stand at 6 inches tall,
King(Fell Asgore): He's a bee varient(ofc) and he goes by Goliath, and his dating Jera, he has a massive soft spot for kids and does his best to not spook them, though he has skull and bone patterning in his fur, so it's not the easiest not to spook them- and he's not exactly small at 18 inches tall, being the tallest in the hive(hence his name) and is also very protective of his hive too, though he's even more protective of his lover Jera,
Fluffybun(Tale Asgore): He goes by Tyler and is a rescue, though he found his girlfriend Scarlet on they way before finding the hive, he's extra fluffy and makes sure Scarlet has all the honey she could want, since she has trouble making enough on her own, and before he met her he ran way from his previous owners, who werent very kind, often hurting him and other bitties(he made sure every other bitty got out before he left too, getting the brunt of it as he got caught before getting out), but he's doing much better now-a-days and is still a happy go lucky goof ball, he's extra fluffy and often has to trim his fluff so he can see, though Scarlet usually does it for him now, he's 10 inches tall,
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