#rose red's all hallows eve
danicadenniss · 11 months
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Sugar Skull
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ornii · 1 year
Hi love your works! Was wondering since it’s that time of year would you consider doing a Bitterly Beautiful Halloween Special or One Shot?
I already had something planned!
Bitterly Beautiful: Hallows Bearing
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“Absolutely not..”
“Aww Cmon..”
The Spookiest Time has come to Nevermore and the the decrepit school has been given a thin white blanket of frost to freshen it up. (Y/n) sat on Wednesdays bed, tilting his head to her direction. It’s been a few months since the duo defeated Crackstone, Tyler and Thornhill. After his near death, well technically his death experience, (Y/n) and Wednesday have a newfound love for each other, even if Wednesday barely shows it.
“You seriously don’t want to go to the Hallows Eve celebration?” He said, Wednesday keeps her head forward into her novel, typing so calculating on the Typewriter.
“And bore myself to death outside? I’d rather watch the others freeze in the discomfort of my own room.” She said, (Y/n) chuckled and stood up to approach her, he gets behind her and peers over her shoulder. Wednesday doesn’t stop him, him being blind severely limits his ability to peer into her work.
“You really don’t want to spend time with me? Your favorite Blind helpless boyfriend? I know you have a hero complex.” He says smugly, Wedensday stops typing and tilts her head to him, “I couldn’t predict how annoying you’d be, if I knew I would have preferred you stay dead.” She say with her mundane flat tone, but he knows she didn’t mean it. He, with all the brazen pride, gives her the softest peck on the cheek. Wednesday, still not fully understanding of her emotions, slowly began to burn a shade of rose red. Wednesday scowled and he laughed.
“I can hear your brow furrowing. You’re not mad at me, are you?” He backs up and Wedensday approached, she doesn’t say a word, her death stare was more than enough to say that he’s made a crucial mistake. (Y/n), taking the biggest risk, gently pokes her cheekbones.
“Aww, don’t pout, you know I love you.”
“And you know I hate human contact.”
“Even If it’s my contact?~” (Y/n) utters with slower tone, letting his words dance in the ears of Wednesday. He felt the sudden force of being pushed down on her bed, before he can sit up, Wednesday gripped his wrists, and fully mounted him pinning his wrists to the bed, they were face to face. The sudden shift in the power dynamic was always something that occurred in their relationship, (Y/n) would tease and prod Wednesday, only in good loving spirit, and when she finally cracked and gave in, he got what he wanted.
“Even your contact… your Tried and tiresome acts of physical contact are overused and are fit to stay in the 30’s.” She said, she slowly leans into his ear and spoke sternly into it.
“Luckily for you, I consider myself.. Old Fashioned.” She replies, before their lips could get to know each other more intimately, they hear the doorknob shake, as if someone is trying to enter. Ajax opens the door to (Y/n) and Wednesday, who hurried got off of each other, Wednesday on her Typewriter while (Y/n) playing sorrowfully on the Violin.
“(Y/n).” He said, the inconspicuous boy stops his playing.
“Ajax, is there something you need? I was in the middle of something very important.” (Y/n) says, and Ajax nods and leans in the doorframe.
“Me and Enid are gonna go for the Permafrost Ball. You two wanna double date?”
“That sounds—“ (Y/n) began.
“Positively Suicidal.” Wedensday replies, cutting him off. Ajax shrugs and walks back. (Y/n) tilts his head to her direction.
“Is being liked that hard for you?” He asks, but he doesn’t wait for a response. “I’ll leave you to your book.” He said, and left the room, Wednesday sighed with relief, and felt the pain in her back swell. She could only come up with one solution, ask the one person who seemingly knew everything but absolutely nothing at the same time, Enid.
The two stood in their dorm as Wednesday reluctantly asks.
“Enid, I… require your assistance.”
“Of course! Anything for my best friend and roomie.”
“Riveting… anyway, it seems I have come down with.. something… and I cannot conclude what Illness befalls me, so I’m asking the girl who knows everything.. but absolutely nothing.”
“What was that last part?”
“nothing, can you help?” She asks and Enid casually flips out her phone.
“Obviously! Now what’s hurting you?”
Wednesday walks around, pacing as Enid types.
“I awoke feeling dreadful during the mornings, even nearly vomiting… I, frequent the woman’s restroom more often, my taste buds have soured… my, my breasts have been feeling, tender… I don’t understand what this is.”
“Okay all done!” Enid searches and gets the result, “Drum roll please!” She Said, Wedensday just stares at her.
“Fine, and the winner is.. Pregn—“ Enid stares at the message for what seems to be forever, until she slowly looks up at Wednesday.
(Y/n) wasn’t in his form, he was assisting Eugene with his Bees, as Winter was coming and the lack of pollen will severely affect them. He exits the Bee house, as he does he senses that something is terribly wrong, little does he know, Wednesday Is storming over to him with Enid trying to defuse the death bomb heading straight towards (Y/n). He heard the footsteps approach and could tell by the shoe size and pace it was his girlfriend, and a less than enthusiastic pair following. He smiles as he senses his girlfriend.
“Wednesday my Love, you reconsidered?” He asks, her silence was usual but something was very off.
“I am going to castrate you...” she said with the scariest huff. (Y/n) was backed into a wall of the bee hive, completely confused by what’s going on.
“What? Why? What did I do?” He asks.
“You, put This parasite in me!” She scowls, Enid finally catches up, tired.
“Wednesday… don’t be so angry I hear it’s bad for the baby.” She said, basically spilling the beans, Wedensday turns around to say something but (Y/n) already picked up on it. His hand softly gripped hers and she turned back to face him.
“Wednesday?…” he asks, tilting his head down to her abdomen and Wednesdays cold and callous anger slowly subsided. She kept her eyes locked on his face, scanning it for any mood. But he suddenly but lovingly hugged her, feeling her icy but still body suddenly pressed up against him.
“I, didn’t know you were—“
“I was, afraid to tell you.” She mutters in his ear. “Wednesday Addams, afraid? Color me surprised.” He says, and she squints, not finding his little jabs amusing.
“I’m still considering the castration.” She hisses. (Y/n) relents with an awkward laugh.
“Okay, sorry… uh, who else knows?” He said, “You and I and unfortunately, Enid.” Wednesday said, and Enid waves from the back.
“Isn’t it great? I’m gonna be an aunt!” She says with auch giddy joy, Wednesday didn’t want to show it, but the tiniest smile was on her face. (Y/n) and Wednesday decide it’s best to spend time together, for them to discuss the next steps. But it was mostly (Y/n) kneeling at Wednesday, rubbing her belly so lovingly.
“Hey there little one, I can’t wait to hold you one day.”
“Why are you talking to the parasite.”
“Wednesday, Baby, please don’t call them a parasite…” He says, and gently nuzzles her abdomen.
“Have you told your parents?” (Y/n) asks, and Wednesday was silent for a moment. “No, I had not informed them of my current situation, I suppose we must eventually and I will tell them… I suppose telling yours will bear no fruit.” She says.
“I could care less about what they think, my Uncle will be overjoyed. But now that I think about it..” he begins, “If Enid knows… and being the social butterfly she is… she’s most likely told everyone already.” He says, (Y/n) gently took her hands once more.
“I understand if things will be, different, people tend to talk a lot and, I hope you won’t let what they say waver you. It, scares me… what if our child opens their eyes for the first time and vaporizes everyone? They hurt you or me or… be drones on, afraid of what this means. He said, Wednesday looked at his face, she calmly removed his deep black glasses, seeing his closed eyes, tears slightly welling up, Wednesday’s palms gently gripped his face and spoke as lovingly as she could.
“You are not your father, you will be a loving and fantastic father, regardless of what transpires with our.. Child.” She spoke so, reassuringly, this wasn’t some facade she was putting up, it was honest, genuine and loving. His lip quivers, but he shook down his fear and smiles.
“Now.. open your eyes.” She says, (Y/n) took a few deep breaths and nodded. He slowly began to open them, worried about what will happen, but then he finally gets to look Wednesday in her perfect deep auburn brown eyes. It was all still somewhat of a Blur, but he could make out her face. Wednesday could finally see his, the magic in his eyes faded. And his eyes were tinge of yellow, deep rooted gold. His head leans in and embraced her with a kiss. Their lips depart and there was only one question he had left to ask.
“Wednesday Friday Addams… will you marry me?”
“Yes (Y/n)… a thousand times over… yes.”
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uselesssomebody · 2 years
𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕣 - cedric diggory x reader
complete masterlist | harry potter masterlist
words || 𝟚𝕜
series masterlist || week to all hallows' eve
summary || in which the reader and cedric's friends like to play matchmaker
a/n || oh my god? more? but this time, it's part of a multifandom series! ➵ part of my 'week to hallows' eve' halloween countdown. check out the masterlist ^ ➵ i've never watched titanic; can you tell? ➵ i wrote this super late a night so please don't be mad if it is a little ass ➵ this was inspired by a convo with a friend but i realize that it is also veryyy similar to @creativepromptsforwriting halloween prompt (#418) & a audio on the g.w.a. subreddit so great minds think alike i.g. ➵ not yet proofread ➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff
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her friends had been quite adamant about the outfit that she was currently wearing. it was a period-type: long dress, hair pinned up into a half up-do. it was supposed to be the character of rose from the titanic. the red, seemingly expensive, fabric of her dress wrapped around her figure snugly, and she couldn’t help but find herself gazing just a bit too long at her own reflection in the mirror.
“move your hair out ‘f your face, hon.” she turned to look at her good friend, mavis williams, who was currently giddy at the thought of painting her friend’s face. she complied, pushing the straggling locks of hair on her face behind her ears. she tries to sit as still as possible as mavie attempted to place the light dust of blush on her cheeks and accentuated her eyes just slightly by adding a swipe of eyeliner to each. she marveled at her friend’s ability, knowing that she would have used much more time to complete the same task to the level at which her friend could.
after she was done, she stood up to smooth the wrinkles in her dress, grasping on the necklace at the vanity while mavie went on to do her own makeup - having dressed as cher from their collective favorite movie: clueless.
dottie had left about a half-hour ago to meet up with her ravenclaw friends, and martha had just left to go find her boyfriend. on the other hand, mavie and herself would meet with mavie’s hufflepuff boyfriend, and all three of them would head down to the gryffindor common room, where fred and george, with the help of angelina johnson, had organized a halloween party - advertised as transcending house boundaries, cause no one should be able to recognize anyone anyways.
she was excited to go, not seeing her own friends outside of classes that much and now finally getting a chance. she also did love the weasleys’ parties, a common sentiment shared through the school.
she watched as mavie finished up her own outfit, popping the signature stick of gum in her mouth, before - as if on cue - they both heard a knock at the door. mavie rises up, a smile she tries to suppress still beaming over her cheeks, as she opened the door and greeted her boyfriend. well, she says greeted - the girl pulled him into a jovial kiss almost immediately, having not been able to spend much time with him over the past few weeks. after the show, she joined the cute couple, and nodded at her friend’s boyfriend. he’s quick to greet her, friendly smile ever-present on his face.
“hey, connor! josh, right?” she refers to cher’s love interest in the movie, pointing at his boring-for-anyone-else outfit. truly, it didn’t work without the appearance of his girlfriend, but it didn’t really seem like the two of them would separate for much time tonight anyways.
as soon as they near the stairs, they can already hear the heavy bustling and chatter standard of a weasley party, seeing the common room flooded with people in all sorts of costumes as they ventured down. many were the standard: zombies, vampires, werewolves. there were a few fairies, elves and the like. then, there was an assortment of movie and tv characters. she glanced around for her friends, immediately finding dottie - who was in a white shirt and tight corset - with her ravenclaw friends, emulating a team of bloodthirsty pirates. martha went to greet her, with her boyfriend in tow, and she marveled at the cute outfit: baby and johnny from dirty dancing.
her friends were all talking amongst themselves, being shockingly distant to her and, for the life of her, she couldn’t tell why. deciding to ignore it, she broke away to go find the refreshments counter - a butterbeer had never sounded better. she filled a glass with the stuff - the sweet drink having been infused with something slightly more potent to really make this a party, and she absentmindedly glanced at who else was attending.
well, she says absentmindedly, but, truly, she’s looking for one person: cedric diggory. see, the girl had had an almost embarrassing crush on the boy for some time now, and the only people who knew that were her dorm-mates and close friends. half the reason she’d come to this party was because mavie had heard that he’d be here and, as pitiful as it was, she was really excited to see him.
“’lright there?” she’s broken out of her thoughts by a loud voice - voices. in the blink of an eye, she’s surrounded by hogwart’s double trouble, and fred and george both have somewhat expectant looks on their faces.
“hmm? yeah, yeah, i’m great! ‘t’s a nice party.” she nods back at them, plastering a smile to make it look like she was more tuned in to their conversation that she actually was.
“how come you sound surprised? all our parties are nice -” started fred, but george was quick to cut to the chase, knowing they had other guests to talk to (see: bother).
“we just wanted to say that you’ve got a cute outfit. pretty original of a couple this year, y’know? most of these other ones are pretty similar.” she’s nodding along, but, suddenly processing what they said, she’s a bit confused.
“couple? wait, what?” fred and george look at her for a moment, before looking at each other.
“uh, jack? like jack & rose?”
“yeah, we tend to zone out when dad puts muggle movies on but even we know that one.” then, suddenly fred smacks his brother’s shoulder.
“oh, george, she’s just messing with us,” if there was one thing the weasleys hated, it was getting beat at their own game of sarcasm, “good one, but you won’t pull fast one over good ol’ freddie that easily.” he laughs at his own comment, before him and his brother waved her off. except, the issue was that she truly had no idea what they were talking about. of course, she was well aware of the implication of jack when she was rose, but it was fairly obvious that she had come alone, right? and that jack, in fact, was not here with her?
she figured that the boys had just been messing with her, deciding to gulp down the rest of her butterbeer and make her way back to dottie. she was struggling with clipping on her corset as she spoke with a friend, so she went up behind her and helped her out.
“hey, dot.” she mumbles, and she tightens the clasp. her friend gives her a sweet smile of gratitude. suddenly, dot’s friend gasps and looks at her.
“oh my god, your guys’ costumes are so cute!” she smiles back at the friend, a little confused by her way of speaking but grateful nonetheless.
“yeah, haha, thanks. mavie really helped me out and, honestly, dot looks like she’s really gone all out for this -”
“oh, no, not dot!” the friend’s quick to clarify, “i mean the handsome jack to your beautiful rose.” she sent a playful wink to her confused face and, when she turns to look at dottie, she sees her suppressing a smile.
“dot? dot, what did you do?” she hisses to her friend, and all she does in response is shake her head.
“ask mavie and connor, it was their idea!”
“what was?” dot just shrugged. a little exasperated now, she left and set off on the quest to find mavis, infinitely more confused now than she was before.
as she weaved her way through the groups of people, she found herself looking back to apologize to someone whose toes she'd stepped on, prompting her to walk right into someone. they grasp at her biceps to steady her, a polite litany of apologies already leaving their mouth. as soon as she hears them speak, she recognizes them, hoping her ears haven’t gone too red.
“it’s - um, cedric, you’re fine. it was my fault, i wasn’t looking-” as she glances down to look at his own outfit, she stops. he does the same. for a moment, they’re both examining the other, the gears in their heads clicking into place with each second.
“i’m gonna kill mavie.” they both mutter the names of their traitors, before cedric looks up at her, and laughs lightly.
“god, i’m so sorry, this must be so awkward.” she immediately goes to shake her head, laughing as well.
“no! it’s not awkward. just…oh, mavie’s always been a bit extra about things like this.” she mumbles, trying to find a way to diffuse the situation. luckily, cedric’s much better at that then she is as, after taking a half-step back, he daintily grabs her hand in his and presses it lightly to his lips.
“rose.” he says it with affection, and she blinks, having to remind herself that it’s for the sake of the bit.
“jack.” she curtsies lightly in response, hoping the low light covers her blush.
“i was just about to get myself a drink, would you like one?” god, he’s such a damn gentleman, she thinks, before shaking her head.
“i’ve already had one, but i’ll go with you, if you don’t mind?” there’s the faintest hint of desperation in her voice, and she’s just hoping to god he doesn’t pick it up.
“that’d be lovely.” he holds his arm out for her, and she takes it delicately, knowing anything more would come off as too intimate. he’s really playing into the bit.
after getting himself a drink, they find seats near the edge of the room, the place slightly more reclusive and giving themselves an environment to talk.
“how’s your night been so far?” he asks conversationally. she sighs in faux exasperation.
“it’s felt pretty orchestrated, to be completely honest,” he laughs, and she does too, “y’know, mavie’s always trying to play matchmaker, but i usually figure out her ploys ahead of time.” he nods in agreeance.
“it’s the same with connor - he seems to be a bad influence on his girlfriend.” he says it in humor, with a fake accusatory tone.
“oh, i’m sure it’s the other way around.” there’s a beat of silence.
“we do make a cute couple.” he lingered on the word, before rephrasing, “a cute couple’s costume.” then, having noticed her face perk up at the first sentence and then again depress at the next, he attempts to hide a smile behind his glass, “i think we’d make a cute couple too.” she stares at him with narrow eyes for a moment.
“y’think so?” it’s a mumble, because she really, really hopes he isn’t playing games with her right now. he’s silent for a moment, before clearing his throat. his usual air of confidence had dwindled slightly, and she looked at him with big, questioning eyes.
“i’d - uh, i’d hope we make a cute couple.”
“you hope?” he laughs, before shaking his head and moving closer to her.
“i am trying to ask you out here. can ya, uh, help me out?” the last bit’s a joke, but she’s too busy processing his first sentence to notice.
“you - you want to ask me out?” she’s baffled, having assumed that all her previous affections towards him had been one-sided.
“i mean, if you’d let me. ever since connor introduced us, i thought you were just so sweet and i - uh - i guess i just didn’t have the courage before.” still in shock, she doesn’t answer for another moment, and he looks down at the ground, “i’m sorry, you can just say no, i didn’t -”
“no!” he deflated at the exclamation, ready to accept the rejection, before she shook her head, taking his hand, “no, i mean yes! i’d love to go out with you.” he looks confused, and it makes her laugh, “cedric, please. i would really enjoy going on a date with you.” he smiles, pressing another soft kiss to her hand.
“y’think we should tell them that this worked?” he said after a moment, in reference to mavie and connor. her eyes widened.
“oh, absolutely not!”
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caffiend-queen · 2 years
Masterlist: Caffiend’s Spooky As Fuck Halloween Recommendation Masterlist
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Thirty-one days of Halloween horrors (and whores, I’m looking at you, Ransom!) completed! Please show our Tumblr besties the love they deserve for their hard work!
I’m gathering all my favorite spooky, sexy Halloween reads from my favorite authors here on Tumblr and AO3. All the really genius ones! In one super tasty bundle. Who loves you? Who’s your spooky Mama? Read on for Dark Loki, Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Vampire!Loki, Cult Leader Steve Rogers, Incubus!Loki, the Winter Soldier and more.
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1. Rapacity - Vampire Loki
@nildespirandum‘s genius Vampire Loki tale, sexy, scary, angsty as fuck.
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2.  Danse Macabre - Scary Prophet Bucky Barnes
@imanuglywombat’s terrifying and sexy Bucky and he’s not wearing anything under that robe...
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3.  Run Like Hell - relentless Winter Soldier
@navybrat817′s terrifying and sexy Winter Soldier tell you to run. DO IT.
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4.  Come One, Come All. - Dark, terrifying Loki
@lokislastlove sexy, terrifying Funhouse Loki, but it’s not fun for anyone IN his Funhouse. Except for you.
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5. Proserpina - Dark, Old God Steve Rogers
@boxofbonesfic and a terrifying descent into an underground prison.
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6. Glory, Amen - Old One Steve Rogers
@punemy-spotted and another terrifying descent into Old Ones best forgotten.
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7. Destiny - Dark, Sexy, Sadistic Loki
@mdemontespan1667′s sexy, scary Loki. And spiders.
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8. 30 Days of Debauchery - kinky sexy as fuck Lokl
@myoxisbroken’s excellent “kink a day” masterpiece
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9. Rose Red All Hallow’s Eve - gritty Curtis Everett
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork’s scary-ass ride with Curtis Everett.
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10.  A Hex of Infinite Binding - Incubus Loki
@nildespirandum’s sexy as fuck Incubus Loki. In black. Leather. Pants.
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11. One, or the Other -  Sir Thomas Sharpe and Vampire Adam, OLLA
@caffiend-queen’s filthy musing of one or both of these men impregnating you.
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12. Silver Exposure - Dystopian Avengers featuring Pitch Black Steve and Charcoal Grey Bucky.
@xsapphirescrollsx and her terrifying and extremely vivid tale of what happens when you fuck with time travel.
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13. One Fateful Christmas - Andy Barber wants you and He Is Deeply Displeased. Also, a blizzard.
@americasass81 and her jolly little Christmas nightmare (dream come true depending on your point of view.)
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14. Made For Me - Spine-tingling terror when you realize the life you planned was not the one you were going to get. Mitigating factor: lots of sex with Bucky.
@saiyanprincessswanie’s tasty, terrifying tale.
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15. Honey Trap - Sweet, sexy beekeeper Steve Rogers isn’t the sweet guy everything in your little town thinks he is...
@threeminutesoflife’s dark and deliciously twisted Steve. And a toaster.
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16. A Summoning From The Depths - An Incubus!Loki Story
@nildespirandum’s Kinktober offering for Incubus!Loki and Witch Nora. With bonus cloven hooves goodness.
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17. Dark Commander - Scary-ass Hydra Captain America
@jtargaryen18′s brilliant tale of who Hydra’s vision of Captain America would be
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18.  I Dream at Night I Can Only See Your Face Roomate!Bucky Barnes
@thedarkplume’s dark, tasty tale of cupcakes and unrequited love. Be careful what you ask for...
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19. Next Station - dark, ruthless Loki
@the-soulofdevil  a different retelling of what should have happened with Loki on Lamentis.
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20. Monstrous - deranged Vampire Loki
@maiden-of-asgard’s terrifying, half-mad Vampire Loki and the Light Elf imprisoned with him.
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21.  Can’t Run, Can’t Hide - terrifying Mafia!Bucky
@angrythingstarlight’s dark and sexy tale of what happens when you think you can leave Mafia Bucky.
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22.  Concrete Jungle Rapunzel - insidious, dark Bucky
@imanuglywombat’s stark, heartbreaking tale of what it’s like to be loved too much.
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23. Landlocked - Dark Andy Barber and a Selkie
@tonarinotogepi’s tale of what happens when Dark Andy Barber captures a Selkie
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24,  To Love and To Hold - Sheriff Lee Bodecker and his sweet wife
@sagechanoafterdark How long can you be married to a monster like Lee Bodecker before his evil sinks into you?
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25.  Scare Tactics - Delicious Chris Evans distracting you.
Chris Evans, you, a spooky movie and his spectacular sexytime skills, courtesy of @jennmurawski13
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26. Wilfords Demands and other Darkish!Curtis fics
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork’s sexy, scary tales of Gladiator, Impregnator Curtis Everett.
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27. The Cult - Cult Leader Steve and too-trusting Bucky
@queenoftheworldisdead’s spooky tale of Cult Leader Steve wanting something Bucky has... his new wife.
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28.  Murder, He Wrote - sinister as fuck Ransom Drysdale
@what-is-your-plan-today’s terrifying tale of a celebrity haunted mansion and the reporter sent to cover it.
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29. Perfection - emotionally torn and hot as balls Sir William Sharpe
@nildespirandum’s epic tale of pain, longing, loss, genuine terror and the power of love.
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30. Wet - shamelessly delicious Jonathan Pine
@devikafernando​’s decisive and shameless Jonathan Pine knows exactly how to get you wet. 
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31. Pain - pitch black Loki
Minnie Rose shows just how angry Loki can be after escaping the clutches of Thanos. And you’re right there to lavish the wildly complicated upon your helpless body.
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heresylog · 2 years
Do you have any simple resources on learning how to pray the rosary? My family are all Catholic but never passed on any knowledge to me and I have not put much effort into learning before. I'd like to learn now. Thank you.
I was going to link you to a how-to but I’d rather just explain it.
I wrote this from mostly memory. For a more in depth explanation I’d recommend researching on your own. There are so many things I left out.
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You begin with the crucifix on the bottom and do the sign of the cross “in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit” and it starts on your forehead for father, your chest for son, and your left shoulder for holy and right shoulder for spirit.
Then you say the Apostle’s Creed: I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Then you do three Hail Marys for an increase in faith, hope, and charity. I will include the prayers in the end.
You then begin with the first mystery (each set of mysteries corresponds for a day of the week) You will read the passage from the Bible and meditate on the fruit of the mystery. For example, the first sorrowful mystery is about Jesus praying the night before and becoming so stressed that beads of blood formed instead of sweat. The fruit of that mystery is obedience and you are meant to meditate on how that passage and obedience plays a role in your life.
You will pray the Our Father and then you will say 10 Hail Marys (a decade) while meditating on the mystery. Once you reach the tenth you will then pray Glory Be. After that you will pray Fatima’s Prayer (also known as the O My Jesus prayer) and then you will do the same thing with another mystery.
Once you reach the end of the rosary, there’s usually a connecting bead that corresponds. You will pray the Hail Holy Queen. Sometimes people end with a response, sometimes it just ends there. It just depends on you, your situation, or the group you pray in.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Glory Be
Glory be to the father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sims. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven especially those in most need of thy mercy.
Hail Holy Queen
Hail holy queen mother of mercy. Our life our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate thine eyes of mercy toward us. Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us O holy mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
*all text in red indicates that it is meant to be said by everyone in a group setting. When by yourself, obviously you will pray both parts. When in a group, only the leader will say the words in white.
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antondevlaux · 4 months
Anton Devlaux's Ascension.
The Cursed: Self Para. Flashback: His 21st birthday.
For a moment, it quietened, eerily so. Something in the air was different.
Some liked to say this day was akin to hallows eve, the way it was worshipped by their people, the way the ascension rippled through the earth, a living, breathing thing. Made before the others had ever terrorised the earth. Embedded into the soil, into the rock, infecting the earth with its power. It waited, and brewed. The witches rose, from dirt and ash and elements. Fire, water, wind, earth and spirit: they were to wield and ascend — to become their most powerful self.
But what happens when that power becomes too much? 
Rushing, racing and consuming. When it entered their veins, that power, into their very being it was as if their first self was lost. The magic was so strong, it took a hold and squeezed, it tested and tried; if the witch wasn’t the right fit…
They ceased to exist. 
As if they’d never been, the magic returned to earth as the soul ascended. 
“Are you nervous?” A laughable question, coming from a man that‘d never cared. Why would he now? It was questionable, at best. His power could be used in small amounts, if that. And he hoped his father, Marshall, wasn’t power hungry enough to drain him or make him…
He couldn’t bare that thought, not yet. 
“About being powerful? No. Being like her? Yes.”
Anton Devlaux didn’t know what to expect. All he knew was what his dad's hunter friends had told him over the years. Never his father. That was a step too far. Nothing Anton did was ever good enough. Had never been. Even now, on the cusp of achieving what few ever could, he could still hear the derisive comments, feel the sting of disapproval.
"Why can't you just be happy for me? Support me? Isn't that what a father is supposed to do?" Anton asked himself, though he already knew the answer. His father wasn't like other fathers. He was a tyrant, a true manipulator — not in the way that the others were, but a hunter who was brutally unforgiving, a man who saw emotions as weaknesses and emotion as chains to be yanked at his whim.
He couldn’t help the urge to dissect every word that left his mouth now, as Anton grew older he’d become aware, able to analyse the way his father slurred when he spoke, or the smell of alcohol that constantly lingers on his breath. 
Water rushing, heavy in his ears, suddenly had brows bunching together. What the fuck. Startled, his face flushing a furious red, gulping thickly as he tried to get a grip of himself, of this reality. He knew of these flashes, he’d heard one may experience this phenomenon just before an untethered ascension: and he could feel his father's eyes on his. 
That loathing. The detestment. And while he understood it, had seen it in his kind, and had felt the abandonment at one of their hands — Anton wished he could change it, but he couldn’t, so he’d done everything he could to be just like his dad. Until he saw through him. Human he may have been, but his soul was as rancid as the Satan witches worshipped. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, boy.” Marshall sounded like he’d smoked fifty a day for forty years. The cough that followed told aching bones, a grunt ripping from his lips. He ached from a recent hunt, as much as Anton wished that would have deterred him from looking too much at his son. For once, he craved for the avoidance of his gaze, pretending he no longer existed. However, when he heard a clink of his alcohol bottle, one that Anton hadn’t previously seen, it clicked. Marshall Devlaux didn’t care, he was just drunk. 
The potentially biggest day of Anton’s life, and he was to do it alone. He could feel it creeping in, it was something his father had promised. That when the day came, regardless of their indifference, he’d find a way to see him through it. Those promises had been made so long ago, he now realised that it was a promise he’d no longer keep. Anton was to do this alone, and there was nothing, and no one, who would be there with him when his life changed forever. An abomination in the hunter's eyes, and a traitor amongst witches – he fit nowhere, he never had. Not even in his own home. 
The rasp of knuckles on the wooden framework of their home drew both heads in the general direction, a grunt beckoning from between his father’s lips. They didn’t need to look to know who that would be at this time of night, Wesley often found himself at Anton’s home, and while he never questioned it, a part of him knew it was to escape whatever was going on in his own home. There was an unspoken rule between the two lads, that they didn’t discuss home life. Their time together was about freedom, and forgetting the hell holes they both came from. Outcasts, wallflowers, the fucking invisible kids. There were so many nicknames that could describe them, and yet, no one noticed. 
While some prayed to spare a few moments in quiet and peace. Those two boys craved to be seen, to be heard. Anton didn’t stay around to hear the grumbles of his father, nor did he bother to check if he’d protested when he walked away. Swinging open the flimsy oak door, his ginger, slightly rounded friend stood there with that cheesy grin he’d had since he was a young lad. Not that they were much older these days, somewhat wise, more all the more immature at the ripe age of twenty-one, or Anton would be at midnight. He knew little of what he’d go through tonight, just that something bigger than himself would consume him and deliver him as whole: a full witch. He thought it a dirty thing, to be riddled with a power he didn’t want. But some small part of him, the young boy who still wished for his mother, hoped that he might be able to do some good with the so-called gift he was about to receive. 
Wesley knew about his magic and had three years into their friendship. And not once had he treated him any differently. He was exactly the kind of friend that Anton had needed while being stuck with his father. His own family becoming like his own, he’d never felt a place so filled with love and warmth. Kindness. It was seen as a rarity in the life he’d led, and still, they’d bestowed it upon a boy who had known little manners or social etiquette. They’d treated him like he was one of them.
“You know, every time I see you, you get skinnier.” Wesley said, brow lifting. Most would’ve seen it as rude, such an off-handed comment, but he meant every word he said with love. It was true. Eating had never been his strong suit as a boy, often forgetting. Whenever he was over Wesley's, his parents piled his plate as high as they could mount it: like they were trying to put meat on his bones. Anton had never said it, but it was those times around the dinner table that had meant the most to him. Quiet moments when no one would speak, or loud boisterous laughter that filled every corner of the room. It’d filled him with love, and it was a memory he’d hold on to the rest of his life. He often revisited them, playing them over and over when he felt lonely. When he remembered what he’d come to lose.
Being a witch was something he’d never wanted, forced upon him simply for being alive…but it’d taken the most. 
“The old man asleep? Or are we gonna’ go and do this thing.” Wesley prompted, causing a boyish grin to spread across Anton’s youthful features, tugging at the corners of his eyes as they crinkled. Such happiness, and childish wander that hadn’t yet been beaten out of him. 
“He’s awake, but…swaying.” mimicking with a choke of laughter, which he quickly bit down when the sound of his father grumbled in the car not too far, Wesley matching it, as he knocked his head in the direction of the dirt path of his home. They lived in a farmhouse, some two miles down the road from Wesley. Between were fields, and woodlands. As boys they’d spent many days exploring, tree climbing and playing make believe with each other. 
“Then what are we waiting for,” using his arm to gesture. “Let’s go, Ant.”
It didn’t take them long to close the door behind them, the two in tow with each other as they talked nonsense. 
“I heard Elaine has a crush on Timmy Martin.” Wesley said, a loud snort following. Anton cast a weary side eye to his friend at the mention of Elaine, a woman who was notorious for having a new boyfriend every fortnight. 
“Wasn’t it Luke Brunt…like a week ago?” Anton questioned, hands buried deep in his pockets. He felt nothing yet, no sign of change within his body or a surging of magic coursing through his veins. He felt the same, normal. And just for a moment, he thought maybe it was blown out of proportion. Maybe he was the exception.
“What can I say, the girls got a hungry appetite.” dropping his voice to a whisper, as if there was anyone else out there. “Did you hear that someone posted a note through her locker that said ‘Elaine the stain’” It didn't take more than a second before Anton’s eyes were bulging out of his sockets. 
Laughter quickly followed, the clock ticking closer to midnight every second.
One hour has passed.
Then a second. 
And then the final hour. 
Stood in a clearing, he began to feel the change. At first, it’d felt like something akin to a whisper. There, but never truly heard or seen. Like he was being called to some invisible force. Only minutes later did he truly feel the weight of what was about to happen to him. Searing hot, like cast iron being shoved deep into his chest, he was brought to his knees. He felt completely untethered. 
And just like that it was gone. 
Panting, braced, Wesley stood just a couple of feet away, his hand came to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“...Are you done? Was that it?” Wesley asked, unable to keep the excitement from lacing every word. In his eyes, something that Anton might have even called proud remained. And as he looked at his friend, he thought of how he would’ve never wanted anybody else with him at that moment.
“I think I might –” his words cutting off, choking on smoke. 
But he wasn’t done, and the moments that followed would destroy who Anton Devlaux was forever. 
That fire from moments ago spread through his fingertips until it embedded itself into his nail beds, coursing through every vein and artery until it seared its mark. The fire element.
 Next came the beginning of a cool breeze, air. Cooling where the fire had once been, licking his skin as if there were physical wounds, wrapping and compressing. Until the breeze thickened into gusts, leaves and debris whipped through the air with no sense of direction or coercion. 
The ground beneath him, the grass in which his feet stood planted to the ground grew, died and re-grew: as if he was generating the cycle of life itself, twisting and turning, roots forming beneath his feet, wrapping and ripping soil. Destroying, to create something new. Earth, mother nature, she went by many names, began to infect him too.
In this wind, whispers, intelligible voices spoke, multiple, incohesive and growing louder as the wind only intensified. The ghosts of previous witches, his father had one told him when he’d asked as a young boy. The spirits had come to see him, untethered, spiralling, unable to control the power that was free flowing through his blood. Unbond, he was falling, faster and faster – if he hit rock bottom…he’d succumb and explode. Power scattering, and him with it. 
Anton took a minute to find Weasley, crouched to the ground with his hands over his head. Fear replaced where pride had been not long ago: and he wondered if this would change it. Would he be terrified of him now? Would he hate him? 
And finally came water. At first the ground beneath his feet became sodden, squidgy, quickly forming into something close to quick-sand. No longer able to concentrate on Wesley, he tried to focus on one spot, to root himself in for whatever was coming next. It was the most powerful of them all. Water consumed him whole, turning his very blood to the liquid in his veins, flushing out every other element, as if pathing a way for its future. Rushing towards the finishing line. 
It cleansed Anton, until he felt the calmest he had through the whole process. Time had been forgotten, unsure of how long he’d been in this state of being: an ascension to becoming a full-blooded witch. A man, as his mother had once said to him as a young boy. And an abomination as his father had called him in the following years. It ripped through him, once more, like a tidal wave finally crashing back to land, caving in on itself. Anton’s head fell backwards, mouth ajar, as a wholly unnatural sound broke free from between his lips, choking, gurgling, fighting from the bottom of the ocean floor to keep his head above water. 
Control it, he heard, like your ancestors did before you. 
The ghosts, the spirits, his ancestors. 
Anton had spent so long hating his mother for leaving, the idea of his ancestors watching over him had never crossed his mind. And just for a moment, he believed he might survive this. With a final push, like he was kicking up to the surface, Anton pushed through the drowning and pushed it outwards. Away from himself. Anything to get away from the drowning that was attacking his body. The water would not consume him, not today, he chanted.
He pushed, and pushed…until he sucked in a gasp of fresh air, eyes opening to find the storm finally calming. Settling as if the worst of the weather was open, a horizon finally appearing.
He took another breath.
And then another. 
His hammering heart began to slow as he looked up to find Wesley staring at him, wide eyed, and stunned. It was like he didn’t dare move, until he noticed the small flowers that had grown and wilted around him stood vibrant and beautiful. Like a welcome gift had been presented.
Anton had survived the ascension, a laugh breaking from between his lips. 
And Wesley opened his mouth to respond, until he choked. Once, then twice, hands coming up to claw at his neck.
“Wes…” Anton’s wary voice called out, taking one step, then two. 
Water flew out of Wesley’s mouth, like someone who’d drown in a lake and was brought back to life after CPR. But this water came out in bucket waves, over and over. Wes was trying to gasp for a breath. And Anton, aware if he used his powers would age, stood completely still. Unmoving, eyes wide. 
Watching as his best friend fought against the very thing that had almost killed him moments ago. Anton knew that when he’d pushed that power off himself, he’d flung it onto Wesley and now…there was no stopping. 
Finally a scream broke through as his legs began to work again. Feet pounding into the sodden grass. The water, finally stopping, gave him momentary hope before he began choking again. “Wesley – Wesley,” what was he going to do? Tell him to fucking breath. Oh god, he was drowning, literally before his eyes. “No, no, no, no, no,” Anton began begging. But who would he ask? God? Satan? The mysterious ancestors who’d guided him….
Or had they known?
“Is this part of some sick plan?” Anton screamed, Wesley dropping to his knees with a thud. Still clawing, still fighting. And just like that…the lights went out as he slumped forward, head smacking against the earth as he lay bloated and motionless.
Wesley was dead, and it was all Anton’s doing.
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This meme reminds me of my horror series, Rose Red's All Hallows Eve, that I wrote a couple (few? I can't remember how long ago) years ago.
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rauko-creates · 2 years
Master List
List/links for all my Supernatural, Venom, and original works (under the cut cause wow there's actually kind of a lot lol)
Original Art:
Even If We Can't See You
GISH Stuff
Lily and the Stars
Mockingbird for @aloha-cowgirl
My Hallows Eve: Summoning
Punk Mermaid (b/w sketch) (with color)
Trogdor Fire Safety Poster
You Made Music Over Me
Spn Art:
Art for Carnivore (Destiel Hell Rescue Fic)
Art for Enemies at Sea (Destiel) by @rathskitten
Art for Rapunzel, Rapunzel by @diminuel (Destiel)
Art for The Curse of Years by@blueraven06 (Destiel)
Attack Dog Cas
Both Hands on the Wheel/"Touch It"
Cas With Wings
Cas With Wings and Halo
Dancing Gentleman for Hold Me While You Wait (Destiel wip)
Dean and Cas Kissing in the Shadows for Talk Green to Me by@winchester-reload
Feminist!Cas (On Thursdays, We Stab the Patriarchy)
I Deserved to be Loved
"I Should Have Protected You"
Jack, Winged Protector
Misha (because I can't stop drawing him)
Rachel Miner Skittles Portrait
The God of Laundry and Hipbones (sleepy crop-top Cas)
Trenchcoat Angel
Wayward Ladies
When there's Nothing to Burn
When Your Eyes Match Your Mood (Blue)
Original Poetry:
A Lily is a Good Flower
Closeted Gross
Find Me
This Fucking Box
Spn Poetry:
"Don't Do This, Cas" (Destiel)
"Hello, Dean." (Destiel)
His Name on Your Tongue (Destiel)
I Deserved to be Loved (Crowley)
Ocean's Brawl (for Destiel pirate!au)
Roses Are Red, Don't Lock Yourself in a Coffin You Fucking Martyr Destiel)
Son of a Bitch (Destiel)
The Very Touch of You Does Not Corrupt (Destiel)
Venom Fic:
He Helps (Part 1) (Part 2) (1,623 words) (Rating: M) (Symbrock, Anne/Dan) Tags: established relationship, Eddie and Venom are THAT couple okay lol, kisses, shower not sex lol, Venom's clingy but doesn't like being called out on it Summary: Dan get's a little too curious for his own good about just how much Venom is there for with Eddie's daily activities (Spoilers: the answer is he's always there)
I Saw You (792 words) (Rating: T) (Symbrock) Tags: angst, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, coda Summary: What if Eddie actually HAD seen Venom at that rave? (In which Eddie goes to get Venom himself when he realizes he misses him instead of sending someone else to do it when he realizes he needs him)
Kiss Him Yourself (618 words) (Rating: T) (Symbrock) Tags: kissing, Anne knows, coda Summary: I'm just saying that there was space between when Anne got Venom from Mrs. Chen and when Venom rejoined Eddie and I think Anne and Venom probably talked, and Anne probably gave Venom some good advice.
Let Me Do It (100 words) (Rating: G) (Symbrock) Tags: skipping stones, fluff Summary: Venom is a show-off
The Loser Who Will Save Him (Symbrock)
What We Feel (476 words) (rating: G) (Symbrock) Tags: beech scene coda, fluff, blatant use of quotes from the comics, Eddie calling Venom My Love Summary: “It had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know...and the whisper had proved irresistibly fascinating. It echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core. “It was written that I should be loyal to the nightmare of my choice.” -Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Destiel One Shots:
'Cause I'm Yours (2,210 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel, Saileen) Tags: dancing, love confessions, angst, fluff, Dean Winchester's low self-esteem, everyone knows, post-canon Summary: Cas gets tired of watching Dean dance with bridesmaids and steps outside for a breather. Dean notices and follows him to see what's wrong. ***or*** That one where Cas is so very tired of pretending that he isn't madly in love with Dean...and also of pretending he can't see the way Dean loves him back. Feathers (2,324 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: canon-verse, wing fic, wing grooming, mild angst, fluff Summary: Cas finally has his wings back, but...they're stuck on this plane, and they're getting feathers everywhere. He thinks Dean hates them. He's...very mistaken. I Need You (1426 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel) Tags: time skips, Dean needs Cas, love confessions, fluff, mild angst, first kiss, canon-verse Summary: Dean needs Cas for...well, maybe he just needs Cas. (Written for the prompt "A kiss...out of necessity) Nothing Fucks With My Baby (620 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: protective!Cas, BAMF!Cas, BAMF!Dean, murder husbands, established relationship, canon verse, canon typical violence Summary: I was feeling an intense need to listen to Hozier's NFWMB on repeat while writing about Cas smiting the shit out of everything in the way to get to Dean and slaughtering everything that dared to lay a hand on him. Not that Dean's a damsel in distress in this situation; he's actually holding his own just fine. Cas is just intense. Sing Love (2,688 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: idiots in love, singing, mild angst, fluff, love confessions, first kiss, Sam ships it, canon-verse Summary: Castiel returns from a grocery run with Sam and overhears Dean singing love songs in the shower and decides to confront Dean with a song of his own ***or*** The one where Castiel finds out Dean's might just be in love with him too The God of Laundry and Hipbones (1,819 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: college au, Cas is too pretty for Dean to be smart, Dean's pink panties, fluff Summary: Written for the prompt "I’m sorry you caught me moving your clothes out of the dryer but in my defense I’ve been waiting for one to open up for about an hour now." Basically, Dean catches Cas moving his laundry, gawks at him like an idiot until he leaves, and then spends the next several months not being able to find him...until he does and falls all over himself again. The Nature of a Thing (1,569 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel) Tags: first kiss, fluff, profound bond Summary: Wherein Dean is pretty sure that he and Cas are a thing but is trying to figure out exactly what that thing is.
The Ocean (224 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel) Tags: fluff, canon-verse Summary: Dean finally gets to go to the ocean, and it helps him figure out some familiar feelings
Thief (229 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel) Tags: fluff, pie, canon-verse Summary: Dean makes pie. Castiel is the best thief.
This Is What You Give to Me (479 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel) Tags: fluff, cuddling, established Destiel, post-canon Summary: Just a fluffy little thing about cuddling and Cas musing on how glad he is to be with Dean.
This Is What You Give to Me [PODFIC] (see above for details)
Until You Understand (1529 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel)
Tags: mild angst, fluff, character development, non-explicit sexual content, Dean's low sense of self-worth, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: Castiel loves Dean. He loves him. He loves him. He loves him.And he is 100% done with Dean’s self-sacrificing and self-deprecating. It’s no longer allowed.
We Are Hope (533 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel)
Tags: spn 15x02 coda Summary: Castiel finally understands the essence of hope, and he's going to be that for Dean, even as the world crumbles around them.
You Love Me? (100 words) (Rating: G) (Destiel)
Tags: POV!Dean, Angst, Requited Love Summary: 100 word drabble for the Ficwip prompt "something you don't mean."
Destel Chaptered:
From Perdition: Carnivore (44,868 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel)
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con (not explicit and not Dean/Cas...Dean goes through a lot in Hell) Tags: emotional hurt/comfort, canon compliant, desitel hell rescue, BAMF!Cas, BAMF!Dean, whump, angst with a hopeful ending Summary: Sometimes, something beautiful pierces the blackness. Sometimes, an angel comes along with power in his eyes and lightning in his wings and grace in his hands, and he makes you remember that the universe has wonder in it. Sometimes, he sings over you until you remember how to take comfort in it. Sometimes, he flies you through the stars until you think that it might be okay to exist again as part of it. Sometimes, good things do happen. This story is about Dean’s time in Hell and Castiel’s battle to save him. Long story short: Dean is amazing, Castiel is one bamf, Alastair is horrifying, and in the end, half the battle is convincing Dean that he deserves to be saved.
From Perdition: Gripped Tight (38,297 words, wip) (rating: M) (Destiel)
Tags: major character death (temporary, this is an Empty rescue fic), canon divergent, angst with a happy ending Summary: Castiel once gripped Dean tight to raise him from perdition...now, Dean's gonna return the favor.
From Perdition: With My Bones (1,896 words, wip) (Rating: M) (Destiel, Anna/Ruby, Midam)
Tags: Canon Complaint thru 14x08, Canon-Typical Violence, Memory Loss, Angst, Pining Summary: Angels aren't created to want. So, how does one survive learning to, figuring out exactly what they want, holding it in their arms, then being forced to give it away? The answer: barely. He barely survives it.
Ocean's Brawl (54,568 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel, Donna/Jody, Claire/Kaia, Bobby/Ellen, brief Charlie/Gilda, mentioned Andrea/Benny)
Tags: pirate au, enemies to friends to lovers, pirate!Dean, naval officer!Cas, slowish burn, openly bisexual Dean, swashbuckling, pub songs/shanties, naval battles, historical themes, lgbtq+ themes, idiots to lovers, angst, fluff, character injury, hurt/comfort, canon typical violence, slavery, racism, drinking Summary: In a time of oppression, the Winchester brothers and their family of misfit pirates sail the seas attacking slave traders and offering the liberated passage to safe-havens, or–if they choose it–a home on the Impala as part of Team Free Will. Dean meets Castiel, a Naval Captain with orders to enlist him and his band of honorable sea rovers as privateers. Dean refuses, but they end up working together when Castiel offers his vessel as transport for some rescued slaves. Castiel, in turn, travels with Dean as collateral to ensure there is no foul play. Along the way, Castiel witnesses the horrors of slavery and begins to doubt his cause. He comes to admire this wild crew and their kind hearts…perhaps falling for one man in particular.
To End Up With You (20,751 words) (Destiel, Saileen, Garth/Bess, Kaia/Claire, Donna/Jody, Dean x Sam)
Tags: Fix-It, Fluff, Castiel Out of the Empty, Love Confessions, Domestic Fluff, The Bunker Is Full Like It Should Be, Canon-Typical Violence, The Rebar/Rusty Nail (you're gonna have to trust me on this one our boy is fine I promise), Happy Ending, Nothing Hurts, Weddings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode Fix-It: s15e19 Inherit the Earth, Episode Fix-It: s15e20, Carry On, Post-Canon Summary: Okay, but what if Dean actually rescued Cas and DIDN'T die on some rusty rebar…
Too Damn Long (4,313 words) (Rating: M) (Destiel)
Tags: 13x05 coda, angst, fluff, love confessions, implied sexual content, canon-verse Summary: Coda to Cas's return from the Empty
What the Water Gave Me (20,574 words) (Rating: T) (Destiel, Claire/Kaia)
Tags: fantasy au, god/fae!Cas, protective Dean Winchester, hurt/comfort, pining, mutual pining, ALL the pining, angst with a happy ending, fluff, angst with a happy ending Summary: Dean meets Castiel in the woods and spends a long time wondering if he's some sort of vision or dream...until Castiel gets hurt. Dean saves him, falls in love with him, and is convinced there's no way this otherworldly child of the ocean and sky could feel the same for him. Of course...he's wrong.
Spn WLW Fic:
From Perdition: She Keeps Me Warm (8,984 words, wip) (Rating: T) (Anna/Ruby)
Tags: pre-canon, canon compliant, 1600s period fic (at first anyway…), human!Ruby, angst, fluff, Summary: Angels don't disobey, don't rebel. It's their murder one. But, sometimes, you just…fall. And Anna falls in more ways than one.
She's Nice (682 words) (Rating: T) (Anna/Ruby)
Tags: canon divergent, 4x09 coda Summary: Anna and her words get stuck in Ruby's head in a way that she can't shake…so she doesn't.
Spn (non-destiel) MLM Fic:
A Howl at That Moon: Bring You Back (604 words) (Rating: T) (Drowley)
Tags: 9x23 coda, canon compliant Summary: The truth was, Crowley had simply developed a bloody soft spot for one flannel-wearing, denim-clad nightmare...and he couldn't help but be excited to show Dean the world through his eyes.
A Howl at That Moon: "Hello, Boys." (402 words) (Rating: M) (Drowley)
Tags: demon!Dean, implied sexual content (no actual sexual content this is just flirting in the bar and Crowley trying to pretend he doesn't have a Dean-shaped problem) Summary: "We've howled, we've bayed, we've done extraordinary things to triplets..."
A Howl at That Moon: You And I Go Hard (1,294 words) (Rating: M) (Drowley)
Tags: demon!Dean, angst, non-explicit sexual content Summary: Crowley confronts Dean. Dean pushes back. Crowley tries to put him in his place. Things escalate. Turns out, Crowley can't help but give Dean everything he has.
A Howl at That Moon: You And I Go Hard (1,294 words) (Rating: M) (Drowley)
Tags: 12x23, Angst With a Happy Ending, Pining, Temporary Character Death Summary: Crowley deserved to be loved.
From This Dark Room (1,287 words, wip) (Rating: T) (Dean/Gabriel)
Tags: pre-canon, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: When Sam leaves for Stanford, Dean is lost. Luckily, a certain trickster is there to pull him out of his downward spiral...or...that one where Gabriel can't help but temporarily come out of hiding to help Dean.
Gabriel (306) (Rating: M) (Sabriel)
Tags: non-explicit sexual content, fluff Summary: Sam is in awe of what he holds in his arms
Honey, There Is No "Right" Way (10,181 words) (Rating: T) (Calthazar, past Cas/Dean, past Balthazar/Hannah)
Tags: Roommates!au, Ace!Cas, Aro!Balthazar, Demiromanantic!Cas, Demisexual!Balthazar, queer themes, internalized ace/arophobia, fluff, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, Domestic Fluff, Sick Character, best friends, friends to lovers, Happy Ending Summary: “That’s not how you feel about her.” “Castiel, that’s not how I’ve ever felt about anyone. This whole…” He waved a hand in the air and propped up against the arm of the couch, “in love business...it’s complete bollocks. If you ask me, people’ve just seen too many blasted movies, got so hopped up on the rush of getting to know someone that they think that's it, that’s love, but it isn’t. Love is…” He glanced down at Castiel. “Love is choosing the person you get on with best, someone you’re able to be mates with and that you find attractive. All this ‘romance’ rubbish is just propaganda.” Castiel looked at his friend. He thought about the warm feeling that grew inside him when they were together, the way his heart beat just a little faster every time Balthazar was close. “Yes...maybe you’re right.”
Spn M/F Fic:
Absolutely Not (1916 words) (Rating: T) (Meg/Gabriel)
Tags: college au, idiots in love, crack that became plot Summary: Meg and Gabriel go to the same university. He is openly obsessed. She pretends to find it annoying but actually adores him. (Inspired by and talked out with@moderatelypanickedbiromantic)
Not As Intended (3454 words) (Rating: T) (Sam X Gabriel, Debriel, alluded to Sastiel)
Tags: fake dating, college au, fake dating but instead of falling in love...they find out the kinda can't stand each other Summary: Sam brings Gabriel home from Stanford in hopes of pissing off his super conservative/homophobic family, but they all actually LOVE him instead. Dean...maybe likes Gabe a little too much...
The Luckiest (630 words) (Rating: T) (Gabriel/Rowena)
Tags: Schmoop, Canon Divergence, Cuddling, Gabriel’s a little obsessed with Rowena’s hair, and just smitten in general, she adores him too Summary: Just a bunch of cuddling and softness for two characters who deserved/needed more of it
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makairodonx · 9 months
Halloween-Themed Story: Keiko and her Fellow Witches go Trick-Or-Tresting
Somewhere deep in the oak forests of the Netherwoods at the start of the long night of All Hallow's Eve, the chestnut-haired Katherine Longwood, the Black-haired Keiko Yamamoto, and the blonde-haired Bridget Miller brewed a special kind of light-green potion together, one which they plan to happily give out to potential costomers on the day before Hallow's Eve.
"Our magic potion for turning people into cats and other kinds of creatures can only work on girls, not boys..." Bridget said.
"So we'll just give bottles of our potion to girl customers, shall we?" Katherine said.
"Yes we can, Katherine..." Keiko replied.
The three witches mounted their broomsticks, rose high over the patches of bare-branched fir and oak trees, and headed off towards another, more festive part of the world. Soon enough, as they were flying high among the clouds of the partially starry night sky, one of the witches spotted a cluster of more than a dozen or so yellow lights twinkling from a hundred miles far off into the distance.
"Look, my friends!" Keiko pointed to the source of the lights. "I think this must be the town of Bentonville! And I remember it from reading all those maps a long while ago!"
"You must be right, Keiko..." Bridget remarked.
And soon enough the three witches reached the quaint town of Eppington, and there they gave out bottled samples of the potion they've concocted to any of the resident teenage girls who were willing to try them out.
Keiko gave two bottles of the potion to Betty and Susan. "Do you want to drink this potion that I've succesfully brewed with my friends, please?" she said, "For if you do so, you might be wearing costumes for Hallow's eve the likes of which no one has ever seen before!"
"Really?" Asked Betty.
"Yes indeed..." Keiko smiled.
"We hope your potion doesn't make us sick..." Susan added.
"Try out the potion if you can, please..." Keiko said.
"Sure we will..." Betty replied.
Thus the two girls imbibed the potion together, and in a few minutes they both felt the strange sensation of a swarm of butterflies stirring in their stomachs. But soon enough Betty and Susan saw that their hands had morphed into furry paws as their ears grew long and pointy and long, furry tails sprouted from behind their backs. With increasingly horrified looks on their faces, the girls rushed upstairs into their bathroom to see their reflections in the mirror, only to see that three pairs of whiskers had sprouted from their cheeks as their green and blue eyes swelled and their pupils grew very narrow as smooth coats of brownish fur quickly grew on their bodies.
"What's happening to us, Betty?" Susan asked.
"It looks like this black-haired witch has just turned us into cats, Susan..." Betty replied.
"Cats? Susan cried. "We're going to be cats for Hallow's Eve, aren't we?"
"Yes we are...unless that witch returns and gives us some magic snack that can turn us back into humans."
Keiko and her fellow witches subsequently continued to give out bottles of their shapeshifting potion to more and more of the town's potential customers. Katherine transformed one fifteen-year-old into a big, tentacled monster with turquoise skin and another one into a winged monster with sharp fangs, Keiko transformed a sixteen-year-old into a butterfly with orange and purple wings and turned another fifteen-year-old into a yellow-colored hornet with big, red eyes, and Bridget, using her expertise in herbology, turned a fourteen-year-old girl into a plant-like creature with leaves sprouting everywhere on her body and another into a walking tree with bark-like skin. But over all the witches transformed much of Bentonville's teenage girls into cats whose eye colors ranged from green and blue to yellow and whose coats of fur came in various light and dark shades of brown and gray.
The three witches also certainly knew that all the girls were becoming increasingly fond of showing off their newfound supernatural costumes for this year's Hallow's Eve celebrations.…which included a concert that a whole crowd of 500 excited fan-girls attended to see the ghastly, skeletal members of a black metal band called the “Army of the Dead” perform live on stage.
Once the concert was over, Bridget, Katherine and Keiko conjured their own bags out of thin air and together they went to the houses of some of Bentonville's neighborhoods.
"Trick-or-Treat!" the witches said together at the doorstep of Mrs.Hogson as soon as she opened the door.
"I'll give you these Chew-Dragons and Gobble-Stoppers for y'all to take home!" She said as she handed some candies to each of the three witches.
"Thanks a lot, genereous old lady!" Bridget said.
"Happy Hallow's Eve!" Said Mrs. Hogsdon.
"And Happy Hallow's eve to you too!" Keiko replied.
And thus with each and every "Trick-or-Treat!", Keiko, Bridget and Katherine had stuffed their bags with handfulls of candy that came in a wide spectrum of colors, shapes, sizes and tastes. Some of them
"Let's share the candies we've all got amongst ourselves, shall we?" Said Keiko.
"Of course we can, Keiko!" Katherine cried. "And we might as well give a few of them to our familiars..."
"But what about the Gobbble-Stoppers, Chew-Dragons and the other potentially dangerous sorts of sweets?" Said Bridget. "They might potentially upset my vegetarian stomach of if I ever ate them..."
"Don't worry, Bridget," Katherine said, "They aren't going to have any sort of bittersweet flavor."
Afterwards the three witches mounted their broomsticks, rose up into the night sky, flew over the roofs of the dimly-lit houses of Bentonville and sped past the yellow face of the full moon. Somewhere in the distance a few minutes into their flight, Keiko, Bridget and Katherine could see four witches grouped into two opposing teams doing something they've never seen before.
"Hey, Keiko," Katherine said, "I wonder what these four witches are up to..."
"It looks like they're acutally playing some sort of ball-game!" Keiko said.
"A ball-game?" Bridget asked. "Really? I think it's actually some sort of pumpkin-game!"
The three witches started flying closer to investigate what the four witches were up to, and saw that they were split into teams consisting of two players each. The players were using tall, wooden pucks to launch a single floating jack-o-lantern into a glowing, purple ring.
"What kind of game is this?" Asked Bridget. "It looks so unique!"
"We're playing the game of what we call 'Pumpkin-Toss'," said a blonde witch who wore a dark gray dress.
"And we love it quite dearly!" Said another with in a purple dress.
"All you have to do is just use your wooden puck to send this jack-o-lantern into the purple ring," said a witch in braided red hair who wore a reddish-gray dress, "And then you score goals like this!" she hit the jack-o-lantern with her puck and sent it flying straight through the purple ring.
"In fact the one who scores the most goals wins the game itself." Said a player from the opposing team who repeatedly stopped the other side from scoring another goal.
"And are you not supposed to harm each other in any bodily way possible?" Bridget asked with players.
"Of course we are," Said the blonde witch in the grey dress.
"And you'll automatically be kicked out of the game if you hit another player with your puck or broomstick." The red-haired
"Does Pumpkin-Toss have any championships, leagues, or anything else of a professional sort of nature?" Bridget said.
"Of course it does," The red-haired witch said, "there have been professional Pumpkin Toss matches held in the places that value witchcraft the most, but the sport itself is usually played among informal gatherrings of witches like this..."
"and for now we're only playing it just for fun on this special night of Hallow's Eve," Said the purple-clad witch,
"and it's also a very informal activity among gatherings of witches like us that's not really organized on a truly professional scale, either..." Added the witch in the purple dress.
"Fine, then..." Katherine smiled as the pumpkin toss players concluded their match with the team consisting of the blonde and red-haired witches scoring 25 goals and the team consisting of the witches in the purple and black dresses scoring 22 goals.
"I think we are all really starting to like the rules and norms of this simple-yet-exciting sport and the overal fun that comes with playing it..." Said Bridget.
"And Some day we might as well bring our own pucks and start playing pumpkin toss with you all someday." Keiko added.
"Very good, witch in the red dress!" The blonde witch in the gray dress smiled. "You and your fellow witches are free to come and play with us if you want!"
"See you, and Happy Hallow's Eve!" Bridget, Katherine and Keiko waved at the Pumpkin players.
"Happy Hallow's Eve to you all, too!" The red-haired witch waved to Keiko and her friends as they flew off into the distance.
And soon enough the three witches landed back into their stone cottage in the middle of the Netherwoods, and there they sorted out the candies they've received from their outing of trick-or-treating in Bentonville. Then they ate some of the candies and gave a full half of them to their cat and raccoon familiars. After all, Bridget, Katherine and Keiko have had a fun and lovable experience of celebrating Hallow's Eve together.
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bellajackson200 · 2 years
Pocket Boy, Halloween edition.
I was up early. No time to waste. Decorating the house was essential for Hallows Eve. This was one of my favourite evenings of the entire year.
I love making it all spooky but in a super cosy way. Lots of bright orange colors, earthy colors. Like a harvest feel, autumn atmosphere. Carved Jacks with flickering LED's inside.
My little cutie got up with me. We did our usual morning bathroom routine. I put him in the sink where he pulled his little pants down and squatted with a tiny yawn and a faint sigh. I finished my business and got up to brush my hair. The little boy still sat squatting in the sink, looking flushed and urgent. He was trying to go #2 but was struggling. Tiny grunts and pushes but nothing happened.
A tiny stream of pee trickled into the drain. The tiny boy gave up on his "pressing" matter. He sighed with disappointment and pulled his tiny pants up. Maybe i ought to add more fiber to his diet "note to self"
We got on with our morning routine and had some breakfast. I had coffee and he had a tiny amount of multi juice which he seemed to really love.
After breakfast i put on some appropriate music for the decoration task ahead. I put my tablet down on the counter where the tiny boy sat. i found a flyer from the local pumpkin patch fair and i showed an image of a pumpkin to the boy and told him to try and draw that in a sketching app.
I flipped the tablet to a standing possision so he could just stand in front of it. with his little tongue out, squinting eyes and flailing arms he started drawing. Damn adorable! I silently giggled and went on with my task.
A few moments later i came back to the kitchen counter to find the boy squatting over a napkin, grunting. A faint but unpleasant smell rose up from where the tiny boy was squatting and underneath his little bottom lay a tiny dark pellet. His tiny face was scrunched up and red. He noticed me standing there and looked up at me with an exhausted and hopeless expression.
He stood up and with a motion of self pitty he rubbed his tiny tummy. I carried the boy to the sink so he could wash his tiny hole. As he sat there washing it he tried pushing but to no avail. He stood up and reached for me. I picked him up and as he sat in my hand i gently put my finger on his tiny belly. It felt a little tight to the touch. It seemed as if he really had to go but couldn't and he would most likely make more attempts through out the evening.
The tiny boy put his pants back on and i cleaned up the messy napkin and went on with my decoration madness.
All Done! Time to put on my beloved costume. a cat outfit. As i came around the corner in my outfit, the tiny boy got so scared he started crying and ran behind the tablet. I called out for him to tell him that it was just me. He peeked around the corner of the tablet and recognised my face. He ran toward me crying and i picked him up and cuddled him against my cheek. Poor little thing. I'm so sorry :(
I heated some soup for lunch. The tiny boy didn't have much of an appetite. Every bite just seemed to add to the tightnes in his little belly. He sat there rubbing the lower part of his belly. Trying to get something to move. I urged him to drink some of the warm soup as it might help with the process. He did.
After a while he layed down to rub his tiny but slightly swollen belly. I felt so sorry for him. This was his first time experiencing Halloween. Maybe he needed to rest his tiny body so i carried him to the bedroom. He took off his pants and curled up in his little shoebox bed. I observed him for a bit. he began pushing with tiny grunts while curled up on his side. I lifted his tiny legs slightly to place some tissue under his bottom. I stroke his messy hair and left him to it.
I had a giant bowl of candy ready for the trick or treaters later on. I had it placed on the floor in the hallway and i was going to find a stand to put it on but completely forgot as i had to go and check on the tiny boy.
I found him sitting up in bed yawning, rubbing his eyes as i walked in. He smacked his little mouth a couple times and squinted up at me with a drowsy smile and messy hair.
He seemed to be doing better even tho there was no visual evidence of any relief. Maybe he'd passed some gas. I picked up my cutie and gave him a kiss. He snuggled into my cheek with content.
Some hours passed and the door bell got busy buzzing. I handed out candy left and right while trying to sound like a cat in my costume to great amusement for the trick or treaters. The tiny boy was hiding in a plant. Half scared, half excited, he was watching as i handed out the goods to various creatures and characters.
With few sugary treats left in the bowl, the buzzing died down and i was getting ready to go out amongst the creatures of the night to enjoy the atmosphere. Something i always did as a "period" to this glorious event.
I gestured to the boy to come along but he shook his tiny head. Too scary as he was not quite sure what all this was about. I Picked him up, gave him a kiss and carried him to the couch where he could sit comfortably with my tablet and chill. I then ventured into the hazy streets.
I got home after about an hour of walking through the neighborhood. what a perfect day. I closed the front door with a sigh of content.
I took a step and almost tripped over the candy bowl. Right! never found a stand for it and now it didn't matter. I picked up the candy that had fallen out as i kicked it and saw tiny bitemarks on some of the pieces. Mice ? Or worse. A tiny boy! Oh dear. If i knew him well he wouldn't be able to control himself around sweets. I ventured further into the house, fearing what state i might find my little boy in.
The first place i looked was on the couch where i'd left him. He wasn't there. I walked back into the hallway where i noticed an empty candy wrapper on the floor. I walked over to it and noticed his pants and shirt thrown on the floor right outside the door to the bathroom. i slowly pushed the door open and turned on the light.
I found my boy curled up in a tiny ball on the bathmat. He was clutching his round swollen belly. Sweating, whimpering. I layed down next to him with my head right across from his tiny shaking body. He looked at me with a homesick expression and quickly scooted his little naked body into the crook of my neck.
I put a sheltering hand around him. The poor boy was in so much pain. He was sobbing and moaning. His tiny bloated belly hurt him so much. A sugar ache of the worst kind. Nausiated stomach and a swollen belly from not being able to pass poop properly. He was whimpering into my neck. My heart broke a little.
We stayed like that for a while while i rubbed his little back with my finger. as i had my hand around him i could feel every time his tiny stomach would cramp up as his shaking body would curl up even tighter for a breef moment.
A sudden loud moan was followed by a long raspy belch. Then another, and another. A cough and a raspy gag. The nausia had cought up on the poor boy. He swollowed a couple times, cought his breath and vomited again. Cough, gag. All the while i was rubbing his little body in an effort to comfort him.
A mix of sweet/sour/burning vomit was spewing out of the poor sick boy.
His little aching stomach seemed to give him a moment to gather himself. I used the opportunity to pick him up and gently wash the sick off his tiny body.
This also gave me the chance to wash some of his sick out of my hair.
The poor thing was so pale and so weak from all the vomiting and his little stomach still hurt and his swollen belly still needed to be emptied out. He had cuddled up on my arm still clutching his tiny aching belly. He was sniffling and sobbing. I was looking at his sore swollen sugar belly, blaming myself for not placing the candy bowl out of reach.
He grunted out a tiny fart but with no relief. Pushing like that just made him nausias and without a warning he vomited again. More sugarfluid spewed out of his tiny mouth and nose. His throat was so raw and sore from the bile and acid. He cried with a hoarse voice. I kissed his tiny head as I cleaned him up once more.
He felt a sudden urge to push but was afraid to, so he held it in. That choice caused his swollen belly to let out a loud growl. The poor boy cried and writhed in pain on my arm. He felt the urge to push again and this time he had no controll. Hes body sent the tiny boy into a contracting push. The rest of the sugar he had ingested now made it's way through his intestines along with days of constipated poop. The sugar had turned it into a mushy mass that was now violently and painfully being expelled through his tiny pink hole.
His little hole was blowing raspberries and making kissing motions with each stream of brown/yellow liquid. His poor belly hurt so bad. He was still laying on my arm on his back so i could rub his contracting belly.
His little pale face was scrunched up in pain and his breathing was labored. He inhaled and pushed out a wet sounding fart. His tiny hole sputtered a couple times. I was still running circles on his sore belly.
He lay there on my arm. Weak and defeated. Nothing more came up or out of the poor boy. I got undressed. Ran a hot bath and got in the tub with my little cutie on my arm. He was laying there on his back. Looking up at me with appreciation and love. Warm water surrounded him while i gently washed his little limb body.
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gophergal · 2 years
On this Jolliest of All Hallows Eve's, I have decided to rewrite and expand on this short thing I wrote last year-ish. Well, actually I wrote it a while back, but I feel like it's the right time to post it now :) Happy Spoopy Day, Y'all!
We Are Beautiful
Word Count: 666 | Rating: M | Original Fiction | Warnings: Body horror, eroticism, gore, cannibalism (?)
She is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Milky skin glows pale in the moonlight, tight and soft over her form, a stark contrast to her piercing black eyes. They shine like endless voids. The look in them is hungry and determined, ready to swallow me whole within their dark abyss should I allow it. There is nowhere I would rather be. Her bare body is warm against my own, a barrier between the rapidly cooling air and I. A gasp is drawn from my lips as she captures them with her own. Those red rose petals work tirelessly to make my head swim with endorphins. It makes the event easier, less painful, she tells me. Just relax, she breathes against my jaw as she grazes my lip with the elegant points of her teeth. Sharp and shining silver like a row of knives. I cry out as they dig into the sensitive tissue, flooding my senses with the heady copper of my own blood. She laps at it gratefully, black tongue probing at the broken skin in a silent apology. Her clawed fingertips run over the exposed skin of my spine, light enough to avoid drawing blood. It is still enough to cause pain, a sensation that swirls heavily in my stomach. The touch is meant to soothe her mate, but it only serves to drive me mad with sickening desire. I whimper and press my body flush to her, pathetic human desire desperate for her careful ministrations. She laughs at me, the sound a deep chattering that reverberates through her chest. All hesitation leaves her now that she knows how much a I want this. Claws dig firmly into my sides to lock me in place as flesh is torn from my face. The feeling is unbearable, euphoric. I take note of the sticky, hot blood pouring off her chin in shimmering droplets. Through the haze of pain and pleasure I chuckle at the sight. My lover is such a messy eater. That delightful tongue swipes over the stain and dips back into the wound she’d caused. Her saliva, mildly acidic as it is, burns exquisitely. Time stretches into something unrecognizable as she devours me. The searing pain never fully leaves, but it becomes a more pleasant experience with each careful bite she takes of me. She avoids the vitals intentionally. Though she hates to make me suffer, it is a necessary evil to ensure we have enough time. I feel my consciousness wavering in and out. The thrill of it forces me to groan, my voice broken. It is at first like falling asleep, but soon I exist both in and out of my body. I feel like I’m swimming in midair. At the same time, I am rooted firmly to the earth. Everything she does to me is simultaneously dampened and intensified. I sob. So close to the end goal. The last thing I see before the end are her many eyes glittering like black pearls. Finally, it is over, and it feels better than anything I have ever experienced. The tight, milky skin is like a protective hug. Our closeness is unreal. To have her inside of me and I inside of her. We are melting together. Our edges bleed into a mid-ground. Amazingly, I can see my rapidly cooling corpse through her hundreds of eyes. The husk dangles limply from the claws impaled firmly into it sides. What is left of the pitiful human’s face is contorted in agonized bliss. Its flesh tastes divine. There is no need for words as our consciousnesses intertwine. In all the places we meet, energy bursts in a way that would have me seeing stars before our merger. She brings me over the edge to such an orgasmic satisfaction I feel lost. She feels the same. Our pleasure, our love, our minds are all as one. We are a single being, feasting on the remains of a lesser being. We are beautiful.
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thedragonflysaloon · 4 years
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cliffordog · 5 years
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Day 13: Insidious (2010) dir. James Wan
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caffiend-queen · 2 years
Caffiend’s Supremely Spooky As Fuck Halloween Reading Recommendations
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Now, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ is another one of those genius girls who really, gave me too many choices for spooky reads. But one that’s haunted me forever is Rose Red All Hallow’s Eve- with a gritty, intense, and hot as balls Curtis Everett is trying to keep both of you alive. Not that that fucking Wilford’s helping any... With bonus wicked Charles Blackwood!
Caffiend’s Supremely Spooky As Fuck Halloween Reading Recommendations masterlist
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Alerting mutuals who I think might be interested, please let me know if you’d like on or off this list. Thank you!
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Halloween costumes, bonfires and D&D. There's no better way to spend an October night
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localhoodhippie · 5 years
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Normal People scare 😱 me she doesn’t 🖤🥀🖤🌻
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