#rosie razbry
enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Beta Designs
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Betas and Gene
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Semi-finalized S1 designs and Gene, Eloise, and Scarlett
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Season One designs, prototype Scarlett, Eloise, Gene, Bowie, Barry, Amber, Skye, Colton, Olive, Gilbert, Landon(Landers), and Bobbie(Fuchsia) designs, scrapped timeskip Scarlett
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Season One designs
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Prototype Season Two designs
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Chibified Season Two designs
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Season Three Designs of Rudy (red), Lou (blue), Jade (green), Gordon (yellow), Violet, Rosie (Pink), Clarence (clear), Angie (orange), Coco (brown), Ryan (cyan), Lyman (lime), Ingrid (indigo), Sylvester (grey), Bianca (white), and Nigel (black).
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Three seasons of Rudy and Rosie being disaster twins.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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What crimes against Drewmanity are they committing this year?
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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This is I think the single most developed character interaction on the show.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Color Theory Characters who physically grew older during S1-3.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Little bit of Rough Sketch lore: Rudy, Rosie, Lou, Gordon, and Clarence have lived in Dullsville for basically their whole lives. Tyler moved years ago before returning mid-season three, Violet arrived roughly five years prior to her debut, and Jade’s been living there about a month at S1’s start. Everyone else arrived as the series progressed.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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More out of context RS Panels!
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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The S1 cast, first appearance to current design, pt. 2.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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I guess chibification only really affects one of them…
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enteringdullsville · 5 months
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“Comment allez-vous (How are you), what’s up with you?”
It’s Color Theory EP. 25
‘Ello, Elo, Y’ello
This marks the first appearance of Eloise and Amber, having gone by “Skye” and “Charlie” in the old continuity. Incidentally, Olive and Paige used to have their names.
This is the first episode since “Back Again, I See” in which all six core characters appear.
Lyman is seen without his jacket, Bryan his vest, and Peony her ascot for the first time. We also see Peony’s hair down.
No Grey Drewmans appear. Geneva is also the only Red Drewman in the main cast to have debuted by this point and not be present.
Peony’s parasol debuts here.
This episode ends a mini-arc starting with “Violet and Scarlett” where the door is busted down.
Nobody in the Oobay-Monade household is seen in their regular clothes. This is subsequently the first time J.’s eyes are seen in full.
Chloe wears a sleep mask, much like her original continuity counterpart does.
This episode aired, although doesn’t necessarily take place, on Lyman’s birthday.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Rudy Razbry, the Red Drewman
Be Awesome
Rank: A+ (Main Protagonist)
Aesthetic: Pretty
Visual Inspirations
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Other Character Bases
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The Rouge Rogue Riot
Rudy’s short, baby faced, and looks (and acts) like he wandered off the set of a shonen manga. He’s hyperactive, exuberant, and friendly. He’s the only person who takes Violet’s ideas completely seriously, is his brother J.’s main protector, and is just an all around sweetheart.
Unless he’s not.
As easy as Rudy is to get along with, he’s just as easy to piss off. The little guy’s sporting a literal hair-trigger temper, and just because he’s short doesn’t mean he can’t or won’t tear you to ribbons if you cross him. He’s deceptively smart, too, and a crack shot. Ever been stabbed by a stray anime hair? Luckily, his keyboard of berserk buttons are easily avoided. Honestly, you’d have to be actively trying to set him off at this point, but you wouldn’t do that, right?
But turning trees to wood chips isn’t the only thing that mane of his is good for. Rudy takes exceptionally great pride in his appearance. Something of a dandy, he spends hours at a time maintaining his looks. After all, a cartoon’s always being watched. Why not look your best?
Fun Facts
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Rudy’s name is a portmanteau of “red”, “ruby”, and “ruddy”.
Rudy’s surname “Razbry” is derived from “raspberry”, fitting his and J.’s color schemes.
Rudy, as seen above, differs the least in his first prototype design of the Primary Characters, and his personality is largely unchanged, aside from being more childish. His earliest designs after the one pictured gave him pinkish skin and eyes that didn’t protrude from his face. His second design was straight-up bubblegum pink, even though his clothes were still red.
Rudy is the unofficial mascot of It’s Color Theory, befitting of the red guy.
Rudy’s tooth gap and freckles appear in every prototype of his design.
Rudy, despite not being the shortest person in Dullsville, ICT, or even the Primary Characters (Olaf the mouse, Sylvester the alien, and Chloe respectively), is often singled out for his short height.
Rudy and Peony (formerly Rosie) were initially envisioned as twins. J. effectively took her place.
Rudy is the older Razbry brother.
Rudy has no relation to Ruby, the guitarist of the Gem Tones, aside from them both being red, spiky, cute, and angry. Many a dyslexic mailperson has made this mistake.
Rudy is the only Primary Character to use the default sphere eyes. Angie has orange sclerae and only partial outlines. Gordon has black bead eyes. Chloe has square pupils. J’s eyes, on the rare occasions they are visible, are solid white. Violet’s pupils are vertical. 
Rudy is the only male red type Drewman of Season One, the other three being Peony, Geneva, and Crimson.
Rudy is very affectionate and touchy-feely, and despite his usual indignation towards being patronized for his stature, he appreciates being patted on the head. Unfortunately, he really doesn’t appreciate his hair being messed up. You see his dilemma?
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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J. Razbry, the Blue Drewman
Be Strange
Rank: A+ (Main Protagonist)
Aesthetic: Creepy
Visual Inspirations
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Other Character Bases
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Eternal Enigma
J. and Rudy are brothers; J. being the younger of the two. He’s pretty meek and Rudy tends to do most of the talking for him, so don’t be too surprised or offended if he seems to go out of their way to avoid you at first. J.’s just incredibly shy and self conscious around new people. To be fair, many people find his blank expression, monotone voice, and vaguely corpse-like body language kinda creepy in return.
However, around familiar faces like the rest of ICT, J. quickly becomes eccentric, wisecracking, and exceptionally trollish. If he’s sporting his signature broad grin and twinkling eye, he’s probably already played a prank on you.
On second thought, maybe you’d be smart to find them creepy.
Fun Facts
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J.’s first name is an obvious play on “blue jay”.
J. and Rudy weren’t initially designed as stepbrothers. Peony (formerly Rosie) was Rudy’s sister instead, J. (Lou) being an only child.
J.’s ethnic background is a mystery to everyone.
J., along with Angie, changed the most from his first prototype design. Aside from looking almost completely different, he was far more demure, sensitive, and polite. By Rough Sketch, he shifted into a familiar characterization, but was instead more wild than usual.
J., Noah, and Chloe underwent the most name changes of any character, the former initially being named Art, then Lou and Lars before settling on their current name.
J. consistently and bizarrely glowed in dark in Rough Sketch, even when others were realistically shaded. This was scrapped for It’s Color Theory.
J.’s distinct “glowing eye” effect is usually only applied to his left eye. If both his eyes start glowing, turn around and run.
J.’s one floating hair at the top of his head is actually attached to their body, and he can be pulled around by it if needed.
J.’s surname is derived from blue raspberry flavor. This contrasts with Rudy’s red color scheme.
Due to the Primary Characters’ initial spotlight episodes being in rainbow order and the first episode doubling as a spotlight episode for Violet, J. is the last one to get his own.
J.’s name is spelled in varying ways by the others’ dialogue. Rudy, introductory subtitles, and most out-of-universe writing spell it as “J.” Most other members of ICT refer to him as “J”, dropping the period at the end. Several background characters and, for some reason, Angie and Clarence refer to him as “Jay”.
J.’s fluent in several languages, as well as English.
J.’s given several people completely different answers as to what his name stands for. This has caused Violet no end of legal trouble.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Rosie Razbry must be doing something productive at all times. She’s respectful, responsible, and royally uptight.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Artist’s Note: A lot of the Drewmans are pretty androgynous in terms of design. In-universe, it’s because they’re technically just drawings with literally nothing where reproductive organs would be. It’s just jet black, like a censor bar.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
All the characters in Rough Sketch correlate to some real word ethnicity/race. To name a few…
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Rudy and Rosie are Cuban
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Violet’s Filipino
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Gene’s Nigerian
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Eloise is Korean
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Coco’s a lab
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Sylvester’s from the dark side of the moon
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Rusty’s titanium
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Lou’s outside your second story window
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