#tyler razbry
enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Millie, Tyler, and Natalie through development
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Higher quality panels from the latest comic.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Little bit of Rough Sketch lore: Rudy, Rosie, Lou, Gordon, and Clarence have lived in Dullsville for basically their whole lives. Tyler moved years ago before returning mid-season three, Violet arrived roughly five years prior to her debut, and Jade’s been living there about a month at S1’s start. Everyone else arrived as the series progressed.
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enteringdullsville · 11 months
Random Lines of Dialogue I May Never Get to Use in It’s Color Theory
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Violet: It’s amazing what you can accomplish through emotional suppression!
Rudy: You middle urinal of a living being. 
J.: You can’t kill me in any way that matters.
Gordon: We can’t kill you at all!
Angie: (About to punch someone) I think this needs a woman’s touch.
Gordon: I wanna do something so out of character the message boards will whine about for years to come!
Chloe: (Collapsed on the ground, deadpan) Want some blood? I’m clearly not using it.
Bryan: Unyielding rage, my old friend, how I’ve missed you!
Peony: I…I never want to hear any of those words again.
Geneva: Not even “the”?
Lyman: I can see your intrusive thoughts.
Coco: Everyone shut up, I’m dissociating.
Aziz: Why are you this kind of person?
Noah: Hey, if I hit on every available adult in the vicinity, statistically somebody has to love me back.
Whitney: It’s like they always say, “if your life is without order, make the lives of others shorter”!
Tyler: What, you think you’re better than me?
Martin: As someone who has no self-esteem, yes.
Ingrid: Tonight, girls become women, and boys…(brandishes hedge clippers)
Geneva: Whelp. I guess I’m the voice of reason now.
Tyler: Oh, you SON OF A…Tanner, what’s our age rating?
Tanner: My mom watches this show.
Tyler: Jerk.
Olive: (About her drawing) Be honest, but please remember I’m holding a pointy object.
Tanner: Sorry, brah! I can’t hear you over my outdated nineties’ slang!
Paige: (To Martin) You sure do talk a lot for someone nobody listens to.
Scarlett: Can somebody just say the title of the episode so this whole thing can end?
Aziz: You don’t even deserve to hear my lame excuse. I’m out of here.
Sylvester: I’m right behind you, aren’t I?
Crimson: Turns out putting up emotional walls is terrible for your social life. Who knew?
Martin: Guys, you can’t just pressure him into this! He’s a person with his own feelings and desires!
Alexandre: (Genuinely confused) No I’m not!
Clarence: I want my life back, Dullsville.
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
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It’s Color Theory EP 16.
You Live Like This?
After being mentioned in the previous comic, this marks the debut of Oz Square, the Bad Part of Town and the first time we see one of the subdivisions of Dullsville outside of the one the core cast lives in.
This marks the first appearance of Tyler in the It’s Color Theory universe, having gone by “Ringo” in Rough Sketch. This also marks the debuts of Bobbie, Charlie, and Dwight.
Tyler being the guy Ingrid and Geneva had previously beat up off screen was decided after the previous comic was written but before this one was. Adding him in made his introduction easier. The girls’ mentioned landlord would’ve filled his approximate role.
Siren was originally going to be the one to drop them off. This was scrapped both for pacing and because it would leave Rudy, Angie, Chloe, and Bryan stranded in Oz Square, the Bad Part of Town.
No Yellow or Gray Type Drewmans appear.
This is the second episode in which someone dies. In this case, Tyler is hit in the head by a door.
Ingrid’s parents (Alyson and Phyllis) and Geneva’s grandfather (Ezra) all cameo as pictures in the background.
A month passed between when the story was boarded and when the dialogue was written, meaning several details changed: The cutaway when Rudy is talking to Tyler originally had dialogue; Geneva was initially meant to cap off her story with something to the effect of “And that’s how I met your mother”-this was changed to prevent her from dropping two non sequiturs in a row; similarly, she was meant to misidentify Tyler as a tax collector, Ingrid’s nonchalant response serving to correct her; Rudy’s appeal to Tyler was initially to unconvincingly promise Ingrid and Jen wouldn’t attack him again, to which Tyler agreed to (the fact Rudy was already sporting a smug expression made it easy to change to a threat); finally, Bryan and Geneva’s final exchange was initially a one liner by Angie.
Tyler was completely right. He’d destroy Ingrid and Geneva in a fair fight since Geneva lacks technique and Ingrid isn’t all that strong on her own. Angie would’ve smoked him, though.
Siren let the girls go early on good behavior. Given that all the other law enforcers are superheroes that can level cities, she can afford to be lenient.
This comic takes place about half a day after the previous one. The ending is around ten in the morning; Violet is not a morning person.
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enteringdullsville · 3 months
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“You will regret everything.”
It’s Color Theory EP. 36
The Evils of Lies and Hate
This marks the first appearance of Landon. As of this episode, every Violet Drewman in the first season’s main cast has debuted.
This is the first episode since “Hiring Squad”, “Sore Losers”, “‘Ello, ‘Elo, Y’ello”, and “Violet and Scarlett” in which Rudy/J., Tyler, Amber, and Olive speak respectively.
This is the first episode since “Exposition News” to feature Rudy, “‘Ello, ‘Elo, Y’ello” to feature J., and “Violet and Scarlett” again to feature Olive. J.’s powers return after a similarly long absence.
No Orange or Gray Drewmans appear. Martin is the only Violet type absent.
This is the first episode where Amber talks onscreen.
The prop Olive was building, as well as Amber’s appearance here, leads directly into the following episode.
Yes, the title is a Team Rocket reference.
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
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Story board panels for the next five comics, introducing two new leads…and a pair of new side characters.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Character profiles for the six main characters are finally linked in the pinned post.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
The Red Drewman, Rudy
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Aesthetic: Cute
Age: 21 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Scalene Triangles
Color Type: Red
Debut: Welcome to Dullsville
Effects: Hair Cut (Rudy’s hair bristles and sharpens, allowing it be thrown like needles or swung like a blade); Rollaway (Rudy curls into a ball and rockets forward); Scratch Damage (Rudy scratches and bites like an angry cat); Rage Beast (Rudy becomes enraged and his physical stats rise, switching to blunt hits like punches)
Family: J. Razbry (Stepbrother); Coco Haggleslak (Dog); Joy and Collin Razbry (Mother and Stepfather)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Tall and spiky hairdo, freckles, tooth gap, hoodie.
Character Bases
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His hair and tooth gap were partially inspired by Mike from (and by extension Chester, Svetlana, and Manitoba) Total Drama, as well as the former half of the eponymous Calvin and Hobbes, but I don’t have that kind of space.
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Rudy’s earliest designs emphasized his sharp shapes, but his anime hair, freckles, and tooth gap were permanent design elements. He was a more typically rebellious kid, and his literal edginess symbolized that.
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From there, the only permanent change was the decision to make his eye extend from his profile and to make the man himself less pink.
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Any differences from then on are just the inevitable consequences of drawing him by hand.
Season One
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Rudy debuts along with the rest of the core cast in The Violet Act, in which he tries to introduce himself to the viewer before J. cuts him off, incensing him. This goes on apparently quite a while after the scene changes, and Rudy eventually accidentally attacks the camera.
“Who Needs Enemies”, the season’s B-Plot, initially chronicles Rudy and J.’s efforts to gather a full set of main characters. It starts in You Live Like This?, where Rudy attempts to dissuade an angry Tyler from attacking the present party, only for the latter to be knocked over the head by a door. Rudy drags Tyler back to the Oobay household as a new employee which, come Hiring Squad has resulted in him becoming the company talent scout (where he manages to win over Olive).
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Be Excited
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Sneak peak of Drewmans to come in Season Three of Rough Sketch: Color Theory!
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