#ross babbles
aquakat-draws · 2 months
fun fact about zubin:
The word "zubin" translates into harpoon in persian
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sereinreality · 2 years
i can’t believe bucky lost his title of “wakanda’s no.1 white boy” to martin freeman
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aviatrix-ash · 1 year
With my plane fixing study notes lately I've been writing little factoids or small supporting details on little scrap pieces of paper or sticky notes that I'd staple or tape in the corner or margins of the paper. Helps break the walls of text
Kinda thinking once I've caught up and got the last part of my license, gonna do the same with the little notebook I've been keeping of little ideas I want to draw (cause good ideas that spawn up randomly quickly get lost just as fast for me, I write em down so I can play with it later c: ). Little scap paper pieces kinda scrapbooked in there alongside main written ideas with little headcanons, thumbnails, a particular composition for a drawing or comic, maybe a blurb to help develop a new character or idea. :'3
It's kinda fun to me c:
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ker0senebunny · 10 months
I need more 1975 moots <33 if u wanna b moots lmk I have so many ideas!!
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asifscalligraphyart · 2 months
Painting of Natural beauty inspired by Bob Ross | Landscape painting | Bob Ross Oils
Subscribe to my channel for paintings and arabic calligraphy | A unique art Niche
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internetskiff · 2 months
I've sometimes seen this sentiment, especially among reviewers, that SOMA's WAU ""monster plot"" contributes nothing to the main game's story, and that the storyline would infact benefit from the WAU's removal. If you ask me, that couldn't be further from the truth. The WAU is at the root of everything. Frankly, it's the main reason the game's moral dilemmas are.. well, dilemmas at all. If the WAU wasn't making monsters, wasn't there to warp the life around Pathos-II as it saw fit, the game wouldn't have even started. Pathos-II would've just remained dormant forever. Simon wouldn't be there, and neither would any of the obstacles he faces on his journey to preserve humanity. The main reason the WAU isn't directly beneficial to Earth is exactly because its understanding of "life" is so skewed. Its not just bringing things back - its bringing them back incorrectly. Every single "monster" we meet builds a case both against and for the WAU's continued existence.
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The Construct shows the WAU's failure to understand humanity in the physical sense, shoving a Human brain scan into a misshapen robot body and calling it a day, leaving it to babble to itself as it aimlessly wanders the halls of Upsilon.
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The same could be said for Carl Semken and the other Mockingbirds, though to a lesser degree - though capable of speech, they're still very delusional and oftentimes end up going insane. Still, in some ways you see the WAU's understanding of human psychology progress with each new mockingbird - they become increasingly coherent and increasingly sane, Catherine and Robin Bass being great examples. While the Construct has lost so much of itself you can no longer tell who it used to be, the other Mockingbirds have their sense of self intact. With the WAU's unreliable nature cemented, we move on to its attempts at preserving humans physically, with Amy Azarro being the first proper example Simon gets to witness.
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She's kept alive in what seems to be a perpetual state of discomfort, and judging by the structure gel slowly overtaking her I believe the WAU may be slowly converting her into one of the Fleshers. Its keeping her alive, yes, but its doing so at any cost necessary - it doesn't matter if she's in constant pain as long as she doesn't flatline. Its treatment of actual organisms is practically an inversion of its treatment of the Mockingbirds - instead of prioritizing the mental wellbeing of the subject, the WAU prioritizes their physical wellbeing with little to no care for the mental state its "patient" is in the entire time.
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Fleshers live and breathe, but they seemingly aren't "all there" at all. The lights are on, but no one's home anymore. All they do is wander the ruins of the CURIE and lash out at anyone who enters their territory - the WAU has basically reduced them to animals.
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Terry's been driven insane from all the structure gel infesting his insides, and though his goal was "technically" benevolent (putting everyone into a permanent dream state where the WAU could make them live the best possible versions of their lives), he achieved it through incredibly violent means, conducting what was basically an attack on Theta and causing its downfall. So far, its attempts at preserving humans physically have simply resulted in increasingly grotesque and violent monstrosities - but I would argue you see that begin to change when Simon reaches Omicron.
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When you reach it, you see the aftermath of a particularly gruesome procedure WAU had carried out - everyone's blackboxes have exploded, turning their heads to mush. We find out that one of the employees, with the help of someone particularly close to the WAU, had figured out how to poison it. They have been receiving "visions" and "messages" from a comatose Johan Ross - the WAU's "AI psychologist", someone it desperately tried to restore from a comatose state by manipulating structure gel with electromagnetic fields. Either the WAU deliberately retaliated when it figured out the poisoning plot, or it had simply overdone it when restoring Johan Ross - sacrificing an entire station's worth of lives to bring someone back. Either way this shows a tremendous amount of intelligence on the WAU's part - and also paints it as either exceptionally cruel or exceptionally empathetic depending on the perspective you view it from. Either it considered Johan so important to it that it was willing to sacrifice most Omicron staff, or it was willing to violently retaliate in order to preserve itself. Either way, Omicron houses what I believe to be a sign of the WAU's steadily improving understanding of humanity - Dr. Johan Ross.
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He has been restored with both his physical health and mental faculties (relatively) intact. He isn't violent, and he perfectly understands what condition he is currently in - but despite that he doesn't seem to be physically suffering. He is still driven to eliminate the WAU, but it seems to be less out of personal suffering and more out of fear in regards to the suffering its other creations may go through. I believe he's an example of a semi-perfectly restored human - both him and Simon himself. They're both cases of, as Catherine puts it, "a sound mind in a sound body". But although the signs are there, there is no outright definitive proof that the WAU's creations will only continue to get better.
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And that's what makes the game's final moral dilemma so compelling to me. The whole game has been providing us with both evidence and counterevidence towards the WAU's idea of restoring humanity. Now, it's up to you to act as its jury and executioner. By killing it you either stop it from torturing the memory of humanity, or you doom humanity to extinction in all senses of the word. By keeping it alive, you either doom the remnants of humanity to an eternal torturous existence, or you give the WAU a chance at creating something new. There is no way of knowing what choice is correct - because you don't know what the WAU is thinking. You never get to. You don't know its plans, you don't know if it even has the capacity to actually learn from its mistakes, hell, you don't even know if its capable of thought - but here it is. Making things. Terrible things, but there's a chance that it'll only get better with time. Simon himself is evidence of that chance. It has already managed to make what could be classified as a "complete" person. And if you kill it, Simon's going to be the last "complete" person it managed to bring back.
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abiiors · 7 months
cherry // ross macdonald x reader
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valentine's week - day 1: secret admirer
a/n: before you say anything, yes there will be a part 2 that's literally just a nasty fuck fest. i just wanted to get the plot bits out of the way and it got way too long as you can see. cw: age gap (10-12 years), highkey ooc, incredibly self-indulgent btw, ummm kinda dom/sub? hand kink, kinda corruption kink also wc: 7.8k
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it’s been twenty minutes that they’re all sat in this room—concrete walls, a little like matty’s house honestly, simple furniture and minimalist decor. it feels anything but sparse though—there’s the mic guy and the cameraman and a few assistants. there’s the host, a cheery, fresh faced woman dressed to the nines. but ross can’t stop staring. which is a problem because he really should stop staring and focus on his actual job. except the girl in front of him is distraction personified. 
next to him matty babbles on about the cultural and political significance of their latest album—all interesting, thoughtful stuff. ross, however, stares at the girl transcribing it all. and that’s what she is really, a girl. all softness and innocence, gently rolling the end of a pencil between her perfectly pink lips in a room full of lecherous men. unaware. aloof. or maybe he’s projecting. maybe he’s the lecherous one for staring at a girl who’s most definitely in her early twenties; at the pencil between her lips, at her cherry red dress.
every now and then she pulls the pencil away from her mouth and scribbles a few notes—something in neat, curving handwriting that is a little too far for him to read properly. every once in a while she also types something on her laptop, long, painted nails clacking so softly on the keyboard that the mic probably won’t pick up any of the sounds. 
on her notepad, ross can see little doodled flowers—a bit janky and uneven petals, underneath it she’s doodled a box. thin, pencil lines tracing the same shape over and over again until the paper almost rips. 
he tries not to be so obvious—tries not to stare at her face so much, at the curve of her cheek and the long lashes almost touching it, at the sharp line of her jaw, and the claw clip holding her hair up and out of her face. a few strands escape though, blowing gently against the air blasting from the aircon. 
he tries to keep his attention back on the interview. and he tries to give himself little goals—he can only look at her if matty says a certain word. he can only look at her every time the host laughs—all trivial stuff that goes out the window every time she shifts in her seat and he catches the movement from the corner of his eye. 
more than a few times, he catches her staring back—big eyes lingering right on his face with a distinctly interested expression. every time it happenes, he straightens a bit more and runs his hands through his neatly trimmed beard. 
the girl follows the movement with her eyes and ross wonders what she makes of him. 
“ross?” someone calls out for him. the host stares, expectant, and he stifles the urge to curse. searching his memory for the question that was just asked is useless; it’s not like he was listening to a word that was said in the last two minutes. but now everyone’s eyes are on him and the collar of his shirt feels tighter than it is. his cheeks grow warmer but ross laughs it off. 
“yeah, agree with what matty said,” he replies quickly and clears his throat. he has no idea what matty said last but the host seems satisfied and moves on to the next question. the girl looks up at him again and quickly presses her lips together. still, he sees the slight quirk of them, almost like she’s trying to stifle a smile or a laugh. 
this time he stares back just a bit longer, meets her eyes with intention and raises an eyebrow almost in challenge; just to see if she’d keep staring so blatantly. her eyes widen a fraction and the pencil stills on her lips. her teeth graze its end and almost dent her soft lip. 
ross sees the movement of her iris, unsure where to look. she fidgets in her seat, shifting again and crossing her legs. then she averts her eyes entirely and goes back to scribbling on her notepad.
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“your head’s in the fucking clouds,” george deadpans the moment they step outside on the balcony. there’s already a cigarette dangling between his fingers and smoke curls around his head. 
ross groans. “haven’t slept properly.”
it’s not exactly a lie. he was up pretty late last night but ross lights a cigarette of his own if only to avoid looking at george. they stand there in comfortable silence for a bit, letting the smoke settle into their lungs and blowing it out. matty’s boisterous laugh floats outside and ross thinks back to the shitshow of an interview. 
there’s a reason he hates doing these, there’s a reason matty always speaks on all of their behalf. but ross knows big publications want all four of them and it’s good to create hype and get the fans excited. and he knows it’s just necessary—
the balcony door open with a creek. 
at first, ross doesn’t turn. it’s probably adam who’s bored of the conversation or matty who’s managed to escape it but out of the corner of his eye, he sees george turn around and straighten imperceptibly. 
and so he follows suit. 
the girl clears her throat. “uh… sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you.” there’s a slight tremor in her voice and she looks up quickly from george to ross. she’s shorter than he’d realised before, only coming up to the base of his throat, fucking tiny compared to him and george and he pointedly ignores what it does to his brain to see her staring up at him, craning her neck just to meet his eyes. 
“ross…mr macdonald. sir.” she comes to a stop in front of him, all wide-eyed and flustered and calling him sir for fucks sake. he can almost feel the laugh george is trying to hold in. this isn’t the first time a nervous fan’s approached them and he’s had far weirder interaction. still he plans to smack george later for making him lose his composure
“just ross,” he corrects on autopilot then gestures for her to continue. he expects the usual—a selfie or autograph on a vinyl. to his surprise she holds up a phone in front of him and ross almost gapes before reigning it in. 
“your phone,” she says. “you left it on the set.”
quickly, he taps his back pocket and feels nothing. 
up close, he can see the tiny smudge of mascara under her eyelashes and the precise shade of red on her lips. up close he can smell her perfume too—sweet and warm, something that definitely suits her. 
the girls stares up at him expectantly, still holding out his phone. 
“thanks,” he mumbles, voice almost gruff and takes his phone back. his hand brushes her for just a moment—the pad of his finger against the back of her hand. but ross swears he feels a little jolt. quickly, she drops her hand and looks at his chest. 
“you’re welcome,” she says and this time her voice is a bit steadier than before. he’s about to ask her more. anything to make her talk more when george steps forward. 
“thank you, darling,” he says and gives her a winning smile, “he would have made us all search for it later.” 
the girl blushes furiously under all the attention, trying to maintain her bravado from before. ross stifles the urge to roll his eyes but takes the time to quickly look at her again. her hair’s down now, falling over her shoulders and hiding half her neck that was exposed to him before. he has the sudden and visceral urge to touch it, to run his fingers through it and tug on the strands until her chin tilts up to him. until she’s looking right at him. 
what the actual fuck is wrong with him!
he steps back and takes a deep drag of his cigarette untilt he smoke burns, until his eyes water. the girl nods and stammers a goodbye. then she quickly scurries back inside. 
george snorts and ross shoots him a death glare. 
“head in the fucking clouds,” george singsongs under his breath and puts out the rest of his cigarette. then before ross has the chance to respond, he opens the balcony door and disappears inside. 
ross stays back on the balcony and groans in his hands. then he lights another cigarette.
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there’s a rot in his brain, gnawing at his neurons and eating through the organ until everything is replaced by a single image of her sucking on the end of her pencil absentmindedly. ross has been through this scenario a dozen times now. it was fine when he was busy, staving the thought away by replacing it with work related things. 
a million things he’s got on his schedule…
but in the comfort of his home, his bedroom, he can’t stop picturing the hollow of her throat—delicate and unmarred skin in direct contrast to her dress, her voice calling him sir. god, she’d even looked at him like a fucking fawn—all wide-eyed and unsure. he would have fucking loved to trace his finger over her bottom lip right then, if only to steal a sweet sound of surprise right out of her. 
he’s going straight to hell for this, straight to the fiery pits for doing what he’s about to do. 
ross props himself up on the pillows, delaying the inevitable, or trying to at least. but the ache in him won’t subside, the throbbing between his legs, the dizziness as all his blood rushes south. the tent in his joggers taunting him as if he were a teenager in heat. he groans. the sound echoes around the room. 
shame courses through him, already overshadowed by the heat that flows through his veins at the speed of lightning. 
he needs to stop thinking about her, this girl who he has barely said two words to. maybe this is how he gets her out of his system. instinctively, his hand creeps towards his thighs. 
he wastes no time dipping a hand in his pants, the other arm supports his head; nothing he hasn’t done a million times since he hit puberty. somehow this feels more electric than ever before. 
ross palms himself, eyes fluttering close and muscles pulled taut. he’s aware of everything—from the stretch of his soft cotton t-shirt against his skin, to his head touching the bedframe. he needs to keep what little sanity he has left, trying to sort through all the depraved and deviant thoughts racing through his mind. what would she have done if she could read his thoughts, if she could see him like this—a mess at the mere thought of her? would she kneel down and crawl towards him, hunger clearly written all over her face, her big eyes hooded with lust. 
ross groans loudly, letting out a string of curses, imagining that it’s her hand wrapped around him—small and inexperienced. stroking him up and down with unsurely; long, tentative, languid strokes making his head swim with deluded thoughts. 
his cock is painfully hard. ross knows for a fact that he’s never wanted to fuck someone with this intensity before, never before has his brain reverted to its most basic instinct like this.
thoughts of taking her all over his house makes him fuck his fist faster and faster. gone are the gentle, sensual strokes from before, now his hips buck as he thrusts into his hand. his mind plays a slideshow of made up images—her bent over on his kitchen island, the marble biting into her hips as he pounds into her. he would speak the dirtiest and filthiest words to her as he watches her squirming with want; her pussy swollen and wet. his brain conjoures up the phantom feel of her silky tresses between his fingers, gripped tightly in his hands. 
ross chokes out a gasp that turns into a broken moan. 
this is wrong, this is so wrong and sinful and every other synonym there is for it yet his mind refuses to move on from her. rather, it conjures up more images—her jaw slack with pleasure, eyes rolled back in her head as she rides him at her own pace, figuring it out along the way. he would flip her at the last second, of course, looming over her like a dominating presence, wrenching another orgasm from her after she’s already cum on his tounge, his hand, his stomach. but she would let go for him again. she would do anything to be his good girl. 
his pumps grow rougher and more erratic, gasps leaving his mouth, echoing around the room. 
fuck. fuck. fuck. 
ross wonders if she’s doing the exact same thing he is, hand buried between her thighs, his name spilling out from her perfect lips. he wonders if that would absolve him of his guilt, his shameless act. it’s the thought of her soft sounds that tips him over the edge until he cums so hard, his vision goes black.
his strokes slow down, back to slow and sensual as he watches his cum flow out of him; milky white ropes splashed on his stomach, on his thigh. his hand is a mess, the tissues he had tried to grab at the last second are nowhere near enough to contain all of it. 
with her, ross wouldn’t need any of that. he would fill her up with his cum, fucking it into her, watching it drip out of her mixed with her own release, making a mess of her thighs that he could clean with his tongue. 
fuck it. he was damned already. he might as well enjoy the ride. 
somewhere in this city, she has no clue about all the dark and wretched things ross wants to do to her. and maybe he could get her out of his mind now, have her out of his system. 
he could just as easily fuck someone tomorrow. and someone else the day after. 
yes. yes, that’s what he should do. he should forget about the girl he’s known for less than twenty-four hours. that’s what he should do. 
he settles on it too, making a mental note to text one of his old flings who might still be in the city. he feels very strongly about his resolve too. the interview is done, he’s likely never seeing her again. 
until she shows up at the studio the morning after.
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the day starts like any other. he drives up to the studio, one of the assistants tells him that the band will be shadowed for a magazine profile—some prolific publication that’s going to document their entire process ahead of the release. he doesn’t worry about it too much, talking is matty’s job. sometimes george chimes in. ross and adam speak only as a last resort. 
besides he has his to-do list cut out for him. 
last night—the entire day really—was a momentary distraction. now he’s back on track and focused. the track playing on his headphones is all he is thinking about. all he should be thinking about. until jordan taps him on the shoulder. 
“need you for a few photos, mate. and the magazine people are here,” he turns around to leave, almost walks up to the door too then turns back to ross to mouth something. someone new! followed by a waggle of his eyebrows. 
ross shakes his head, sets his things aside and walks out with jordan. 
everyone’s out in the lobby, and ross hears matty laugh before he sees him. then he hears another familiar laugh and turns the corner to a familiar face. he knows tobias, who shakes his hand and gives him a friendly pat on the back. he’s met tobias before—the man is soft spoken and has a keen ear for good music, a quality ross admires and the thought of him documenting their recording process makes him happy. 
tobias goes around making the rounds, hugging george and joking with the sound engineers. then he stops and turns to look at them. 
“oh i almost forgot!” he claps his hands together, “need to introduce to a fresh face.”
behind tobias, ross catches a movement. and it’s then that everything around him fades away instantly. 
there is no mistaking it. it’s her. it’s the girl, stepping out a bit unsurely from behind her boss and smiling tentatively at the room. he observes how she doesn’t look at him—no, rather she doesn’t look at anyone, cleverly staring at a spot just near them. but never direct eye contact and never more than a few seconds.
unlike yesterday, she’s in a simple jeans and a t-shirt—grey with a faded queen logo on it—but it fits her like a glove regardless. and when she introduces herself in a lilting voice, ross feels his thoughts from yesterday threaten to make a comeback. 
this cannot be happening… behaving like a horny teenager once was enough. he doesn’t need her working here and being close to him constantly, doesn’t need her to constantly be a presence in his thoughts. thoughts that are already way too focussed on the way her eyes light up after seeing him. it’s a trick of the light and nothing else. he’s sure of it.  
she introduces herself—her name, the fact that she’s here to transcribe and take notes and assist tobias. she tells them she really liked their last album and that it was her introduction to them. matty teases her about not being a fan and she blushes deeply, barely making eye contact with him. 
ross, in a world of his own, burns with irrational jealousy. of course, it would be matty who makes her blush and gets her to open up. matty’s a flirt—charming and confident and knows how to get people to come out their shells, even the shy ones it seems. in contrast ross feels about as subtle as a boulder. 
but she seems slightly relaxed after that conversation, even throwing him a look once (and only once) when he plucks on his bass string a bit too loud. ross doesn’t look at her for the rest of the day though, not a single time. no matter how tempting it is. even when she’s buried deep in her transcripts, murmuring to herself and listening to a recording of something adam said over and over again. 
even when she crosses and uncrosses her legs, sucks on the end of her pencil again—clearly a habit, he’s come to realise. not when she stretches and the hem of her t-shirt rides up, exposing a sliver of smooth skin and the hints of cherry coloured lace. not even when she asks him where the espresso machine is. 
the rest of the day ross spends hunched over his bass, glowering at the floor. and he doesn’t manage to focus even once.
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day two he’s in the studio bright and early, gasping for some very strong coffee after tossing and turning the whole night (quite honestly, he’s gasping for something stronger but it’s 8 am and becoming an alcoholic now is not an option) 
every time he closed his eyes, his brain would haunt him with images of soft skin and lips caught between teeth and sucking on the end of a pencil. every time his brain sent his body’s supply of blood to one organ and one organ alone and ross has had enough of it. 
starting today he’s focused. he’s serious! 
that is until he walks into the tiny kitchen and sees her on her toes, stretching and struggling to get a coffee mug down. a red one. the same one she’d used yesterday. with some amusement, he also notices that there are at least two mugs near the coffee machine—one plain black and one with a swirly pattern. but she hasn’t cast either of them a single glance. 
she’s stubborn, someone who knows what she wants.
shamelessly, he staggers to a stop at the threshold, watching her lean against the counter and wiggle her fingertips in the air as if that would magically summon the mug. her calf muscles are pulled taut and visible in the dress she’s wearing. each time she stretches, he sees a flash of her thighs. 
his fingers twitch by his sides, desperate to what what it would feel like to drag his knuckles against the inside of her thigh, trailing them up and up and up until he reaches her hip. how she would react if he pinched the skin between his fingers, if he marked it with his teeth. 
“need some help?” in the early morning stillness of the kitchen, his voice comes out a bit too loud and a moment later she startles, whipping her head to look at him and hand coming up to her thudding chest. 
“christ!” she gasps loudly, closing her eyes and opening them again to look at him properly. “ross–shit! sorry, you scared me a bit is all.”
he can’t help the way his eyes linger on her face—big, wide eyes and scarlet mouth parted open as she blows out a breath. when he starts walking towards her, she stays in her spot, practically transfixed on him as he comes closer. ross stops right in front of her, their bodies so close that another inch and he would be pressing into her, or rather pushing her body back against the kitchen counter. with some satisfaction, he also realises how he towers over her—almost a head taller and practically twice her size. 
her breath catches in her throat when he reaches for the mug, pulling it out and setting it next to her. but he makes no move to step back, not until she finally looks up at him instead of just staring at his chest. 
her throat moves, her pupils dilate. almost as if she’s doing it involuntarily, she quickly looks at his lips and back into his eyes. 
for perhaps the hundredth time, he’s blown away by how beautiful she is, how fucking perfect. and everything he’s thought about her comes rushing back to him, all the times he’s pictured her mouth and her hand, her soft sounds and the feel of her hair between his fingers. his train of thought runs him over so thoroughly that ross actually staggers back a bit, averting his gaze and pointing at the mug. 
he has to wait a beat and clear his throat before he can speak. 
“thank you…” she trails off unsurely, voice barely above a whisper. “did you want some too? i was just about to brew some fresh coffee.”
all he can do is nod. and when she moves around the room, getting other things out and making coffee, all he can do is watch.
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by day ten, they talk a few more times, each time being interrupted by someone or the other—first it’s tobias, assigning her frankly trivial tasks (in ross’ opinion anyway) that she agrees to happily. then it’s matty coming over to shamelessly flirt with her which honestly makes ross want to deck him with his bass even though he knows it’s harmless. 
but at least with matty she opens up slightly—telling him she’s been working for tobias for almost two years now and that it’s her first adult job. ross finds out that she’s not from london, instead she shares a flat with a friend. 
day ten is also when she stays at the studio much later than anyone else, even when the skies outside darken and turn grey and flashes of lighting burst through every few minute. ross watches her anxiously stare out the window once it starts drizzling a little before she buries herself into work again, sorting through the video and audio footage of that day and making her notes that tobias seems to praise so much. 
and so ross does the same, putting on his headphones and focusing of the actual music instead of the tip of her nails digging into her jaw, creating slight crescent moons. this time, he even manages to stay focused for ten whole minutes until he hears unsure footsteps walking towards him. 
ross looks up at her, nervously playing with the ring on her index finger and takes off his headphones. 
“you need anything?”
she shrugs, looking at him and then around him briefly. “yeah i just needed a little break from work and, uh… barely anyone else seems to be here?”
barely anyone. he’d rather there was no one here at all. and even then, the urge to seduce her into the little soundproof recording booth weighs strongly on him. it would be just him and her and the tiny cramped space and all her sounds would belong to him and only him—
“ross?” he jerks back to her looking expectantly at him before her eyes widen. “uness you’re busy, i don’t want to be a bother. sorry.”
he quickly dismisses her apology, motioning for the chair opposite him before ross smirks at her. “so you’d like to sit there and stare at me huh?” 
he feels a little evil for enjoying the way she sputters, trying to come up with a retort or just plain denial or whatever else but he gets a little distracted by the faint red tinge to her face…
what else would make her blush like that? he can think of a few thing for sure.
“what? no! no, i just…” she scrunches her eyes shut, trying to gather her bearings. “i like watching you work.”
oh that’s certainly interesting. 
“just me? not the others?”
“uh, well.” she leans back in her chair slightly, getting a bit more comfortable than before and catching her bottom lip betweem her teeth for a second. just long enough for ross to go entirely rigid. 
“you’re really still when you work,” she continues, “it’s quite calming.” 
oh he’s still alright. if only so he won’t give into the urge of constantly looking at her and following her every move with his eyes like some creep. he has to stay still if he needs to stop himself from going to up to her to try and flirt and like matty does, when he will inevitably end up making a fool out of himself. 
but she’s entirely unaware of his inner conundrum. she’s all too absorbed in her analysis of the band.
“matty bounces and paces around and it makes me slightly nervous. i like watching george when he’s on the drums or the piano but lately he’s been doing more production work so he’s always on his laptop and well, that’s slightly… boring”
“boring?!” he laughs sharply. “i should tell george that.” 
and then he finds it even more amusing when her eyes widen and she scrambles to backpeddle. there’s nothing to salvage it though. so she just sighs in defeat. 
“you wouldn’t! would you?” she looks at him with those big, round eyes and juts out her bottom lip and fuck! she could ask him to sign over half his possessions right now and he would say yes. 
“no,” ross laughs again, softer this time. “your secret’s safe with me.”  
this time he sets the bass aside, all pretenses of work gone as he leans back on the sofa, one arm behind his head. “what about adam? why not him” 
she contemplates her answer for a bit before speaking. “i don’t think he likes other people watching him, he looks a bit uncomfortable.” 
“love, half our job hinges on other people watching us…”
“no, not like that!” she straightens, gesticulating wildly, “not when you’re playing songs you’ve already played hundreds of times. i’m talking about when he’s experimenting and writing new stuff. i don’t think he likes to be watched then.” 
and once again ross is impressed by her astute observation skills. he knows how young she is—younger than him by a decade, yet here she is, reading his best friend of twenty years perfectly in just ten days. 
so he leans forward, properly interested now and scans her face for a bit, trying to get a proper read of her, of what she might say next. “and is that what you like to do? watch people?” 
“sometimes,” she shrugs, “when i find them really interesting.” 
“so you find me really interesting.”
he expects her to blush and stutter again. it is a bold statement after all and yet again she surprises him. “yeah… yes, i do.” 
this time she’s the one with her eyes roaming over his face, maybe a bit over his arms too (something he observes with an immense level of satisfaction) and the way they strain against his t-shirt. 
“good,” he smiles. “now i know i’m not the only one dying to know more about you…”
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he tries not to flirt with her too directly but they talk. he tries not to ask anything and everything all at once and freak her out before she’s entirely comfortable with him but with every question she relaxes even more, leans forward and places her chin in the palm of her hand while he’s explaining something inconsequential about his bass. 
it’s only the muscle memory that keeps him going when the strap of her top slides away and a sliver of lace peaks out. 
his fingers still on the strings and she frowns. “no, play! i like the way your fingers move.”
the words slip out before she even realises it. in fact, it doesn’t dawn on her until he freezes completely and she goes bright red!
“i– no, that’s– i didn’t–”
but ross laughs it away, if only so he won’t fucking dwell on it until his head feels like it’s going to explode. 
“let’s go outside for a bit,” he offers and she accepts gratefully. 
the air on the balcony is cool—the sort of breeze before a thunderstorm—and he’s itching for a cigarette. ross looks at her again as she stares out at the trees outside, swaying with the wind. one strong gust and she shivers. her skin erupts in goosebumps. 
“you’re cold.”
she quickly shakes her head. “it’s fine, it’s so nice outside. i don’t mind that much.”
he wishes he was wearing some kind of a jacket that he could give her. the though of her in his clothes does something absolutely primal to him to the point where he has to physically stop himself from grabbing her by the waist and kissing her till she’s dizzy and moaning in his mouth. and she doesn’t help matters by moving a little closer to him, until they’re almost touching, until her arm is almost pressed up against his chest. 
“you’re cold,” he says again, voice tinged with roughness but she clicks her tongue. 
“‘s alright. you’re warm.”
“am i?” he chuckles deeply and takes a hold of her by her arm. “come here then. have a cigarette with me.”
it’s about as bold as he’s been with her. she whips her head up to look at him, and ross doesn’t miss the way her gaze dips to his mouth. just for a moment, maybe even half a second until she quickly looks away and at his chest. 
“i don’t… i don’t smoke.”
that makes her giggle. “no ross. i don’t smoke. ever.”
he wants to say something but the words don’t come out easily. the palm of his hand feels electric just from touching her arm, just from being so close to her. and the breeze all around them makes it impossible to escape her sweet perfume.  
“i’m not opposed to trying though,” she continues shyly and ross quirks an eyebrow. 
“you could try with me…”
“i’d like that.” he studies her face for a moment, looks at her big eyes staring up at him with a mix of sincerity and interest. 
“do you know what to do?”
she mulls it over for a moment, pinching her lips together until they’re in a kissy pout. “sure, i’ve seen people do it. i’ve seen you do it.”
“have you now?”
“mmhmm, seems easy enough.”
so ross pulls out a fresh one from the pack and places it between her lips. his finger grazes her bottom lip, the touch electrifying, making him linger there until her gaze dips to his mouth again and a light flush covers her face. she shivers again and steps even closer to him than before. 
“should i light it then?”
she nods tentatively, and ross flicks the lighter on. the flame wavers, almost goes out until he shields it with his palm and brings it up to her mouth. the fire casts a warm glow on her face, in her eyes. and she’s somehow even more breathtaking than he’s ever imagined. 
once the cigarette lights, she takes an unsure inhale and breaks out into a cough until there are tears brimming on her lashline and she’s pushing ross away lightly for laughing at her. 
“you’re helpless,” he teases. “here. let me.”
his hands graze her lips once again as he takes the cigarette from between her lips. it’s smudged with her lipstick, something sheer and pink. then he places it in his mouth, lazily taking a drag. 
“watch.” she obeys instantly, pupils dialating when her eyes linger on his mouth until her lips part and she swallows visibly. he takes the moment to blow the smoke out, bending down so he can blow it in her parted mouth without startling her too much. her eyes widen and she sucks in sharply but this time she doesn’t cough. instead, she bunches her lips together and tries to blow out some of the smoke she inhaled. it comes out in broken wisps and disappears on the wind. 
“there we go, darling,” he speaks roughly and watches her blush all the way to the tip of her ears. “should we try that again?”
she nods. he takes another drag. this time, he grips her chin between his fingers, tilting it up until her mouth is so close to his and he can practically feel her breath on his skin. her pupils are so blown out, her eyes almost look black. then he lightly brushes her lips to his and blows the smoke out again. 
ross stays where he is. he even pulls her closer until she’s pressed against him and her eyes flutter shut. her breath hitches, her hands move up to his biceps, gripping onto him until she exhales again and smoke caresses his mouth before dissipating once more.
“a-again,” she whimpers but he’s already taking the cigarette out of his mouth and putting it out on the railing. 
“yeah?” he challenges just to see if she’d move away but her hands move up from his biceps, fingers traliing up his arms until they’re at the nape of his neck, nails softly trailing down his skin. and when she shivers again, it’s definitely not because of the cold. 
“yeah,” she nods and presses her lips onto his.
his heart skips at how unsure it feel, how she has to stand on the very tips of her toes and hold onto his just so she won’t lose her balance. he doesn’t give her a lot of time to overthink it though. as soon as he’s over the initial shock, he wraps and arms around her until she’s fully pressed against him, effectively trapped between him and the railing. the light drizzle of rain starts again. ross grabs her face in his hands, keeping her still so her can kiss her properly—the kind that leaves her gasping when he grazes her bottom lip with his teeth, the kind that has her leaning against him entirely for balance when her knees almost buck under her. the kind that makes her moan involuntarily but ross doesn’t let her pull away in embarrassment. instead, he pulls her up until her legs are wrapped around his middle, her thighs pressed against his waist and his hands under her ass. and then he carries her back inside. 
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just like he predicted, he fills up the tiny little space of the recording booth. the mic stand clatters and she moves it aside with a ferocity that’s unlike anything he’s seen from her before, it’s a nice surprise, to see just a glimpse into her feral side. 
ross groans into the kiss and slides his hand under her ass. his fingers snake up her neck, gripping her jaw in a grip that’s almost too tight. it’s tempting to mark her up, to leave behind bitemarks and fingerprints everywhere for people to see. she responds in kind and bites his bottom lip just hard enough to make him hiss. 
“someone’s going to hear us”
“it’s a soundproof booth darling, no one’s going to know a thing.”
his hand that’s been cupping her jaw slowly moves to her throat and she lets out a whine so desperate and needy that all the blood rushes straight to his cock. she’s practically begging for more at this point and he hasn’t even properly touched her yet. 
he thinks back to all the times he’s thought of her like this, so malleable in his hands—thought of the feel of her hair between his fingers that damned bottom lip that’s driven him so crazy over the last few days. he can’t resist nipping at it and the sting makes her breath catch. 
“i’ve nev-i’ve never done this.”
his heart thuds in his chest and for a second he worries she’s entirely inexperienced. not that he’d have a problem being her first… but he’d be damned if he let her first time be in a fucking recording booth. 
“done what?”
“hooked up.” she clarifies almost through a gritted tone, almost like she’s trying not to be ashamed of it. “outside of relationships i mean.”
“no? do you want to stop?”
she takes a beat to think then shakes her head. “no, i-i just really want you.”
ross hums in approval. it does stroke his ego immensely if he’s being honest and he can’t help but see how far he can push her buttons. “do you now? what do you want about me?”
just like she had outside, she blushes furiously, to the point where she has to stare right at his chest and take a moment to compose herself. her hands never let go of his chest though. and it’s safe to assume she can feel his racing heartbeat just like he can hear hers. 
“your hands are… i like your hands.”
“do you think about my hands a lot?”
“i don’t–i d—” her eyes go round again, wide as saucers, almost like it’s impossible for her to lie.
“no lying, sweetheart.” he tsks, and then bends down just until his mouth caresses her earlobe. “bad girls don’t get what they want.”
she makes a stragled noise, somewhere between a moan and a sound of protest but ross cocks his eyebrow and that shuts her up effective. a beat later, she tries again. 
“fine. yes. i think about your hands a lot. all the time…”
“and what are my hands doing when you think about them?”
he enjoys it very much when she stutters, trying and failing to meet his eyes, to say the dirty words in her head out loud. that alone is enough for his painfully hard cock to throb again. 
“go on,” he breathes over her skin and lets his hands trail up and down her body, “show me what my hands do.”
she places her palm on the back of his hand, so much smaller in comparison, and moves it down her body. he lets his fingers trail, lets the callouses pads of his fingers brush over every inch of skin he can until she stops just at the waistline of her jeans and looks up at him again. 
“i want you t-to…to touch me. use your fingers on me.”
“that what you think about hmm?” slowly, the slowest he possibly can without jumping out of his own skin, he undoes the button of her jeans. then he pulls down the zipper, all the while letting his knuckles drag across her skin. she shivers at the smallest of touches, so responsive and perfect.
“words, darling,” he taunts again. “i’ll stop touching you if you stop telling me what you want.”
“ross,” she whines, and tries to grind against his hand, tries to push it deeper in her pants but he quickly gathers her wrists together and tuts at how little strength he needs, how easily he can hold both her wrists together with just one hand while using the other to feel her up through her underwear. 
it’s soaked and he can clearly feel her clenching and unclenching, desperately trying to move her hips and grind shamelessly against his hand but he won’t give her what she wants until she forces the filthy words out.
“you’re soaked, sweetheart. i can give you what you want but only if you ask for it.”
her eyebrows knit together and she almost looks… angry, about as feral and threatening as a little bunny. “fine…” she huffs, “i want–i want you to fuck me. with your fingers.”
the crass words sound filthier from her mouth, like she shouldn’t be saying things like these to lecherous old men in dark corners on even darker nights. “see?” he grins at her, all sharp teeth ready to almost rip into her, “was that so hard?”
when they kiss again, ross pushes his tongue inside her mouth until all he can taste is her, until all her can smell is her. his fingers move faster against her clothed pussy, making the fabric soak more than it was before and her legs spread wider, her hips move faster until she’s soaking his hand and practically rutting against it. 
she’s shaking, clenching around nothing and looking at him with tears in her eyes—so frustrated now, constantly whining for him to push his fingers inside her. slowly, ross pushes the underwear aside and circles her entrance with his middle finger. before she has the chance to whine again, he plunges the fingers inside and swallows her cry with another kiss. 
she clenches around his finger desperately, slickening his hand every time he pushes into her, more so when he adds another finger and thrusts into her faster. as a reward he lets go of her wrists and she immediately latches onto him, pushes her hands inside his shirt and lets them greedily roam all over his body. she traces his chest and down his stomach, she lets her nails trail up his back, scratching and digging into his flesh every time he thrusts his fingers deep inside her.
her breathing quickens and she starts pressing kisses to his jaw, tracing the golden chain around his neck with her tongue. every so often she tries to nip at his skin, to leave some of her own marks behind. once or twice he lets her… but it’s more fun to hear her gasp and mewl and cry out his name. 
“good girl,” he coos at her, “taking it so well, sweetheart.”
“feel so good,” she whispers and lets her head fall back. under his hand, her thigh spasms lightly and his pulse pounds all over his body—his chest and throat and stomach and fuck even his cock that so hard and leaking with precum now. 
he needs her so bad, bad enough that he entertains the idea of pulling his fingers out and bending her over right there. 
but this might be his one and only time with her and he needs to make it memorable. 
he needs her to feel him between her legs for days and taste him on her tongue for weeks. 
he needs to bottle up her gasps and whimpers and the feel of her cunt around his fingers and keep it hidden away forever. 
so he needs to make her cum over and over again until she can’t remember any other name but his. 
and he’s not about to do all that here of all places. 
“‘m so close,” she moans out, rutting her hips faster now, almost trying to match his thrusts and ross increases his pace, presses his thumb against her clit harder than before. “kiss me.”
instantly, he obeys, getting lost into the kiss and the way it sends little currents through his blood. she’s no better either, exploring the inside of his mouth with her tongue and riding her fingers until he can practically feel her dripping down his hands and wrist. until she lets out a string of curses and her eyes roll back. she lets out a broken moan, louder than all the ones before and he feels her squeeze around his fingers harder then before. 
then he feels her release, gushing onto his hand until he has to hold her up so her legs won’t give out on her. 
ross doesn’t stop though, he pumps his fingers in and out of her, each time earning himself another cry or hiss or groan until the tremor in her body subsides to a slight shiver and she presses her face into his chest, sweaty and barely coherent.
“that was–” she tries and breaks off. “you were–”
“have i left you speechless, sweetheart?” he teases pointedly. “look at me.”
when she manages to open her eyes, ross pulls his fingers out of her and brings them to her mouth. 
“suck,” he orders. to his surprise she obeys without hesitation. her mouth closes over his fingers, taking them all the way in until her lips are around the base of his fingers. then she swirls her tongue around them and licks them clean. every inch, every crevice. 
she lets them go with a slight pop and ross almost gets on his knees right there. 
“you are not what i imagined,” he whispers, not trusting his voice at all. 
“am i better?”
he only nods in response and kisses her deeply, tasting her on his tongue, tasting the tang of her release mixed with her saliva. 
“let me take you home,” he offers. “i want to fuck you. but not here. i want to fuck you properly.”
“like a gentleman,” she giggles.
he worries she might say no. but she only pulls away to button her jeans properly. 
“let’s go then,” she smiles mischievously and hooks a finger through his chain, eyeing it with intent. “i have thought of loads of other things apart from your hands.”
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies @sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved @fck-off @indiaamars @sofaritsalrightt @k4tie75 @wondersecret @humptyhoran @indierockgirrl @hanbiior @moreyoulove-moreyouknow @rossgirly @if-my-heart-bleeds @little-lovely-darling @abriefnirvana @renitypoem @sinarainbows @lady-may-targaryen @love4agesss @angrylittlebaldman @oneluckygirl
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madeforstarker · 30 days
"Have you ever been broke, sir?" A college boy asks a man in a three piece suit with glasses and a funny beard who had a younger pretty partner on his arm.
"What is this?" The man asks, "and what's that? Is that your camera? Should I look into that? Or should I look at you? No, don't answer that. Huh, Benedict Ross, that's you right? Of course, I'm right. I'm always right," the man babbles out, "to answer your question, No, I've never been broke."
Benedict balks and clears his throat, "what do you do, sir?"
"I science, tech and business, kid, it's the best thing there is in today's progressive economy," the man answers with a smirk.
"How much is your biggest income in a year?" Benedict asks.
"Well— I would say over fifty billion? Like I said, technology and science goes a long way when you got the right brain for it," the man says nonchalantly, taking off his glasses. His partner stands beside him with a smile.
"Fifty— wow, okay— uhm, what is your advice to teenagers who want to make it someday?"
"Hm, I'd tell them what I told my husband years ago, how old were you then, baby?"
The younger man chuckles, "fifteen, love."
"Don't ask," the man says, pointing a finger at the camera, "kids, there is no black or white when it comes to dreams. It's always a gray area. You find that area and you operate in it. Trust me, it won't be easy but you'll get there. It'll also help if you have a great partner to keep you sane," he adds, wrapping an arm around his partner.
"Me and Pete, we have a fairly large age gap, I'm sixty five and he's thirty five, and he keeps me grounded, we've been married since he was twenty one, do the math. And we have two kids at home. Did my empire fall when I fell for a kid? No. Instead it flourished because Peter is the right person for me. He helped me build my company into something stronger and brighter. You know how he did it, Benedict?"
"N-no, sir—"
"It's all about the sex—"
"Tony!" Peter hissed with wide eyes and red cheeks. While Benedict squeaked as well as the camera man.
"No, I'm kidding. Oh, who am I kidding? It's partially that. But the biggest "how he did it" is because he took his time to love me. He loved every bit and every piece of me that I learned to love myself again. Which inspired me to expand and do more things. With his love and his help, we revolutionized science and technology all over again. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me, Benedict. And that's one key to success, have the right person beside you."
Benedict smiled because he thinks he just had the best interview ever. "Thank you uhm— sir— Mr.?"
"Stark," he says simply, putting his glasses back on, "Tony Stark."
Holy shit.
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graciegoeskrazy · 5 months
they’re just girls
Matty Healy + Teen!Sister!reader
warnings: sad, fluffy, some language ig??
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The both of you made a point to call each other a few times a week, not wanting the distance between you two get in the way of the brother-sister bond. It was usually after school. It didn’t matter if he was in the same city or on the other side of the world in a completely different time zone. He always made a point to call. You got grounded for two weeks starting yesterday. Something about coming home drunk on prom night. (You couldn’t remember all the details because you were too drunk) You didn’t want to mess with your mother so you let it be. You make sure to fill Matty in on your endeavors that night.
He took a puff from a cig as you spoke. “How come Mum is forbidding me from going to parties meanwhile you and all your friends went out everywhere all the time.”
He let out a smile. “She never let me go anywhere. Me and the lads always snuck out.”
You rolled your eyes. That made much more sense. “When will you come to visit?” You asked, voice pleading.
His smirk of a smile quickly faded. “Hard to say, my love. I’m on tour right now so things are a bit complicated.”
“You can’t even come for my birthday?” Your voice pleaded.
“I don’t think so, love. I’m afraid i’m stuck here.” He felt really bad. He really did. It didn’t matter how old you were, you were the baby of the family. His baby. He felt bad enough missing out on you growing up, practically leaving by the time you could babble. He was determined not to miss out on your life. And he didn’t. Despite the enormous age gap and expectations from others to not be the normal sibling type, he made efforts, and the payed off. “Hey.” He said. You slowly looked back at him. You could tell he was sorry. “I’ll find my way home soon. Just takes time, right?”
You looked outside the window next to your bed again. “Yeah.” His heart ached seeing you like this. It became quiet between you two. You sat still looking out, biting your nails. Until, “I gotta go. I have a test I need to study for.”
He sighed, taking another smoke. “Alright.”
“Bye.” You said, turning back to him showing a smile. One he could clearly see through.
“Goodnight, sissy.” He said.
Cut to a few days later. Your friend texts you and says that her sister has 2 extra tickets for a 1975 show in London and asks if you want to go. You were technically still grounded so you knew your mom wouldn’t love the idea of a 4-hour road trip with your friends, even if it was to his son’s concert. You recalled the conversation with your brother from a few nights ago. You have barely spoken since then, other than when he commented on a post you made and when you told him to ‘stfu’ when he posted something stupid on his story. You remembered him telling you that he snuck out, and snuck out often.
You were a good girl. As bold and ruthless as you were, you never spoke back, never got in trouble (until now), and you were a straight A student with a stellar GPA. Besides there were other thing your mother and father should be worrying about other than you sneaking out frot a night.
You thought about it for a few minutes, pondering your decision, before eventually texting back your friend and telling her you were in.
You packed your bag in a rush the next day. packing just an outfit for the concert and another comfy one for the late night ride back. As you walked out the front door, not worrying about your mother because she was still working, the realization hit you. You still hadn't told your brother.
Hours later, at the actually barricade, situated in the perfect spot between where you brother and Ross would be, you still didn’t. You pondered how you would do it, teasing your friend that you wouldn't tell him at all and wait for him to come out. But, there were too many people in the crowded area and you didn’t want to take that chance. You opened up his contact and texted him a picture of the blue curtain right in front of you. To no one's surprise, he called you immediately.
“Y/n Healy.” He said, as soon as the Facetime connected.
You payed dumb, your friend letting out a laugh as you spoke. “Yessss?”
“Where to fuck are you?” he said.
You played dumb, in hopes of pissing him off more, “Um…at a concert!”
“Who’s concert?” You could hear the band laughing in the background. Matty must have filled hem in.
You shrugged before looking at the camera. “This shit rock band.”
He rolled his eyes and you could hear George let out a laugh beside him. “Does Mum know you’re here?” Your demeanor changed as you tired your best to hold in giggles. “Y/n!” He said.
“What? I missed you!”
“That does not give you an excuse to lie to our parents and take a spontaneous road trip to my gig!” People around started paying attention to the man on your phone screen, realizing it was the man they had come to see.
You smiled. “Well, nice to see you too!”
“Oh my God.” He said, yet again rolling his eyes.
George took the phone from him, knowing his best friend was getting nowhere. “Hi, munchkin.”
“Hi, George!” You smiled. It had been an even longer while since you’ve seen the band.
“Snuck out, did you?” He asked.
“Maybe?” You said, smiling. Even more people started setting whispers. You didn’t care.
“Hm. You at the barricade?”
“Yep! I’m watching the show tonight whether my brother likes it or not!” You replied, smiling once more.
“Nice! I’ll give you a stick.” He smiled before your brother cut it short.
“Stop incoraging her. Give me the phone-“
He reluctantly handed the phone back. “I’m texting Mum. I’m telling her you’re here.”
“Oh, so when you snuck out and did things it was fine? Dude, It’s a 1975 concert. There are more dangerous places to be.”
“You’re 16. You can’t even drive yet, love!”
“Hey! I have my permit.” You said defending yourself.
“Your permit not a license!”
You thought for a moment then rolled your eyes. “It’s fine.”
He sighed. “I’m texting Mum.” He hung up after that.
Mum | Go have fun. Give him a big hug for me, alright?
y/n | I’m sorry for sneaking out and driving several hours and lying to you.
Mum | I knew you left, my love. It’s okay.
Mum| I told him to take care of you tonight and send you off in the morning. Be nice and be careful please🩷
y/n | yes maam.
Mum | Take care of my girl or you’re grounded.
Matty | I’m 35 mum
Mum | I mean it.
Matty | Love u too
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writingchalamet · 1 year
History and Drama
A/n: I have been so obsessed with the idea of teacher Ross, I truly can't get it out of my head so I have to write something before I explode... This ended up being smut, which I did not intend on but my brain just got carried away so enjoy...
WC: 7.6K
Warnings: Smut, curse words, anxiety and lots of pining
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You let out a soft sigh as you stand at the edge of the hall filled with students. One of the head of years was droning on about the upcoming exams for the year 11's and whilst you were supposed to maintain an enthusiastic approach to the subject you couldn't help but join the kids in their boredom as the old an babbled on. You feel a warm presence move closer towards you, then his scent is in your nostrils. You instantly know it's him and lean back almost out of instinct, feeling his chest against your back. His bearded chin leans down towards your ear and he lets out a quiet whisper not to disrupt the assembly "do you think he will ever shut up, or are we bound to this torture forever?" You let out a soft chuckle moving your hand to cover your mouth as some students sat at the very edge of the aisle turn to look your way. "I'm not sure, but if it goes on much longer I think my head might explode" he returns a subtle laugh and stands straighter again, gesturing to some boys from his form who were messing around to face the front.
The assembly was finally over and despite his classroom being on the opposite side of the school, Ross always insisted on walking with you to your drama studio claiming the walk helped 'clear his mind' before a day of teaching. You minded none the less, you were both department heads so didn't really care what people think. You reach your studio and see some of your more eager year 7's already inside with their shoes off warming up, it brings a smile to your face that they all know your routine. "So Miss S/N, I'll see you at lunchtime?" you nod your head and smile, noticing the way his eyes crinkle as he smiles back at you, staring at you for a second too long before you hear some lairy students giving a round of 'ooos' Ross sculks his way back down the corridor.
The day was flying by, but you had seemed to have misplaced some of your sixth formers essays you had yet to mark, within the piles of paperwork and stacked up books in your office, thankfully you had lunch and a free period to try and find, and mark them, but the stress was eating you inside out. The thought that you had lost your students hard work made you want to cry, you hadn't noticed the knock on the door through your erratic breath and constant shuffling. Ross stood at the door of your office watching you with a worried expression splayed across his face. You were under your desk riffling through pages muttering curse words to yourself when you bump your head on the top of the desk. In two long strides Ross is by your side, crouching down to your level, long arms extending around you, one softly stroking your head, the other lying on your back. He notices the tears in your eyes and his heart jumps.
"Hey what's wrong?" he moves his hand from your head to wipe a stray tear falling across your cheek, you unintentionally lean into his touch. "I've lost my year 12's exam essays, I can't find them anywhere, and they are 50% of their grade, I literally have no idea where I have put them and I'm freaking out" You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding and more tears falls from your eyes. Ross’s face only softens more, his hand rubbing comforting circles on your back. "It's okay, I'll help you look for them, now do you remember where you last had them?" you shake your head and scrunch your eyebrows together, your breathing begins to pick up and you feel the anxiety building in your chest. "I feel like I've looked everywhere" more tears spill from your eyes as you sit pathetically hunched over practically under your desk. Ross stands and looks around the room and spots your keys on the side of your desk. "Have you checked your car?" you look up to his towering figure from your spot on the floor and shake your head. He grabs your keys from the side and practically runs out the room.
He makes his way to the staff parking lot and finds your little Volkswagen Beetle in an instant, he had spent so many evenings staying in your office doing his marking in your company and walking you to your car, he always loved the little vehicle , it was very you, very artsy, the crocheted jelly fish hanging from the rear-view mirror, the bunting hanging around the inside of the car, there were bells and all sorts of trinkets filling the car. He opened the car and was engulfed with the smell of coconuts, he searched the front and back seats, not finding anything, before lastly looking in the boot, when he popped her open he saw the red folder entitled 'sixth form' upon a quick glance inside, it was indeed your missing essays.
Locking up your car he walked as quickly as humanly possible back to your classroom, only stopping when he was collard by the music department, "Oi Ross, where you off to in such a rush?!" Department head Mr Healy all but shouted, perched on the edge of one of the desks. Ross sighs and backs his way into the office, not wanting to stop for fear you had pulled your hair out by now. "Why even ask that question, if he's down this corridor, we all know he's on his way to his favourite department..." Mr Daniels wiggles his eyebrows at the man. Ross lets out a huff. "I was just getting something for Y/n, she left her essays in her c-" before he could even finish his sentence Matty had cut him off laughing. "Ross mate, you are so whipped" George joins in with the laughter, Ross just rolls his eyes, backing out of the office once more, following the corridor to the drama department, he found you in your office, only now you were sat in your chair with your head in your hands. You hear his foot steps and instantaneously raise your head. You see the little red folder and virtually throw yourself at Ross across the room. He catches you with open arms and lifts you into his embrace. You breathe in his scent, face smashed against his chest, only praying that your makeup doesn't stain his pristine white button down. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, I could have sworn I brought everything in from my car, they must have slipped off the pile this morning!" you only hug him tighter as you talk. He rests his head atop your own, loving the feeling of holding you close.
You take one last deep breath, drinking him in before stepping away. You look up to his height and give him a genuine smile, "I owe you one, seriously, thank you Ross" He smiles back at you. There is a knock on the door and you peer behind Ross to see one of your year 11 students. "Hi Mr Macdonald, Uh Miss I just wanted to return the play you let me borrow, I really enjoyed it, thank you" You smile at her taking the book from her hand. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, it's one of my favourites" Ross enjoys watching the exchange, he loves nothing more than seeing you in your element. "Yeah I was thinking of choosing Agamemnon's monologue for our final exam, or do you think it will be too demanding?" The student looks to you with a quizzical look. "I think it's a great idea, you'll be amazing, now go and get your lunch, I have some marking to get on with" You beam at the kid watching as they waltz away with a spring in their step.
"Well I was coming to find you as you weren't in the staff room, but now that you've got your essays back I assume you'll be working through lunch?" Ross who now leans against your desk asks gesturing towards the papers. "Well I'm already so far behind so I better had, but you are more than welcome to keep me company"
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A couple of weeks had flown by since the essay incident and there were varying whispers travelling around the school, both students and teachers alike, about Ross and your relationship status, the teachers had always ignored gossip and after denying anything was going on for the two years you had worked together most of your co workers chose to ignore it, but some couldn't help but indulge themselves once they heard rumours that a student had walked into the office and found Mr Macdonald and Miss S/n snuggled up together. You were constantly denying that's what happened to your entire department and the music department who just love to wind up Ross. You were pouring yourself your morning coffee when Matty, stalks over towards you, you let out a sigh knowing whats to come, "I heard another rumour about you on the gate this morning" the smug smirk on his face was telling enough, you turn to his eyebrows raised, "Matty, it's not even 8.30 yet, what could you possibly have heard?" You turn back filling up a second mug of coffee for Ross who was walking over to the pair. "Speak of the devil himself, so some sixth form girls were talking and apparently they have seen you two snogging in Mr Macdonalds classroom" you choke on your coffee as Matty proudly pats Ross on the back "For christ sake, when will they stop chatting shit" Ross hands you a napkin from the side and shakes his head.
You let out a huff as you try and pat down the coffee stain on your white blouse, and whinge when it doesn't come out, Ross nods his head to your top "I have a spare shirt in my office if you wanna borrow it?" - "ooo sharing clothes now-" "Matty shut your mouth, yes please that would be amazing" the sentiment warms your heart, or the coffee is boiling your skin, you can't really tell but either way you feel all tingly as you follow him up the stairs to the history department. It's not very often you get out of your own block and you always loved the history department, it was decorated to look like world war one trenches with cargo nets and model planes above head, and students art work hanging along the walls, you appreciated the creativity.
You step inside the office and take in how neat and tidy everything is, unlike how messy everything in your office is. You watch carefully as he reaches into a cabinet behind his well organised desk and pulls out a freshly ironed pinstriped shirt, he removes it from its hanger and hands it over to you, leaning back onto his desk, what he hadn't anticipated was for you to start unbuttoning your own blouse in front of his very own eyes, they widened and he instinctively looked down to the ground, not so subtly glancing when you slipped the shirt off completely leaving you in your white lace bra, the delicate piece of fabric leaving his mouth bone dry. You tugged his shirt over your shoulders and begin to do up the buttons when you notice his blown out stare. "Oh my god, sorry I should have just taken it to my office and changed, I'm so sorry" your eyes also went wide and your cheeks flushed, you held the shirt closed against your chest. You had grown so comfortable with the man and so accustomed to being with him, it had slipped your mind that he had never actually seen you in any capacity other than being at work and being so called 'friends'. "Uh, no it's fine, I'm sorry I shouldn't have been looking, it was my fault, I'll look away now" he turns away, begrudgingly, and you finish doing up your buttons, saying an all but silent 'thank you' before hurryingly leaving the department.
The shirt swamps you and his scent is intoxicatingly suffocating you all day. You were in your office on your free period towards the end of the day with another drama teacher and your closest friend Adam, telling him about your embarrassing escapades this morning. "I don't know if I'm ever gonna live this down Adam, how do you apologise for flashing your tits to one of your co workers" you groan and throw your head back against your chair, Adam laughs at your expense and pats you on your shoulder, "trust me, with the way he's been eyeing you up all these years, it might finally give him the push to ask you out!"
You furrow your brows in frustration and continue to smack your head back against the chair. "I'm serious Adam, what am I gonna do, it's gonna be awkward now, and I know that he's already told the rest of the history dep, who's told the rest of the faculty because Matty and George keep bloody shaking their chests at me every time I walk past their office" you sigh as Adam stifles another laugh, covering his mouth with his hand. "Right I'm sorry, I'll talk to Matty and George and see what they've heard, but I'm sure it's not that bad, you know them two they're just wind ups." he gently pats you on your shoulder once more. "I have to go and get ready for my last lesson, so I'll see you in a bit yeah" you nod and flop forwards onto your desk.
You had wholly lost yourself in your marking almost forgetting this mornings events when the man of the hour knocks on your door. You look up to see his bearded face giving you a half smile as he leans against the door frame. "Hey, I heard that the music heads have been being a pain in your arse all day...I wanted to come and apologise" He shuffles closer to you, you lean back in your chair looking up at him, your heart flutters. "You have nothing to apologise for Ross, they aren't even your department, so..." as you trail off he sighs, he strides over and takes a seat at Adams desk. "Exactly they're not my department but they are my friends, and I don't want them upsetting you. I don't want anyone to upset you..." he lets out a deep breath when you don't say anything and moves to stand up, you grab a hold of his hand quickly. "Thank you" he turns his hand in yours so his thumb can graze your knuckles and he nods down to you.
"I know they're a pain but we're actually going for drinks tonight after work, did you wanna come? We're gonna go a couple of towns over so we don't get spotted by any students" you take your lip in between your teeth mulling over your options, missing the way it draws Ross's gaze towards your lips. "Uh yeah, sure, I need a break from all this marking anyway, text me the details." The hand you didn't realise you were still holding dropped yours as he slinked out the door, looking back to give you one last smile.
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The pub was loud and music blared all around as you entered the room with your friend Beck from the English department, you can already hear Matty before you see any of them and follow the sound towards the bar, Ross is of course first to spot you, and instantly has his breath taken away with your appearance, he is used to seeing you in your pretty long flowing dresses, or long blouses and leggings that you liked to roll around on the floor in with your students, he rarely ever got to see your skin, so seeing you in a short patterned skirt, paired with a silk camisole revealing a lot of skin was more than his poor mind could bare. You reach the bar and Matty throws his arms around you pulling you in for a hug, the smell of beer and cigarette smoke heavy on his person. "Here's the flasher herself!" he shouts pulling you into his side, you give his shoulder a slap, pulling away to playfully scold the man. You turn to Ross who has an apologetic smile on his face, his arm already outstretched for you to embrace him, you snuggle into his side and stay wrapped there in the warmth of his body. You look up to take in his appearance, his hair was down, a sight you rarely ever saw, and he was wearing a tshirt and jeans, something you had never seen him in. You enjoyed seeing him so relaxed and happy. Despite greetings being finished his arm stayed wrapped snugly around your side, keeping you close to him. "Can I get you a drink?" he asks down to you, your neck craning to look up to his face from the angle, "yeah, please can I just get a pint of cider"
He nods to the bartender and orders your drinks, passing yours over to you, "do you wanna go and sit down?" You just nod and walk until you find an empty booth sliding in beside the giant of a man, sitting as close as possible. His arm finds its way back around shoulders as he sips on his pint, leaning back against the booth. You sigh contently lean your head back against his shoulder, watching as he continues to drink. "I have put your shirt in the wash, I'll bring it in on Monday for you" he chuckles and shakes his head, "You should keep it, it looked good on you" he flirts, his hand gently squeezed you, pulling you impossibly closer. "I'm not stealing your clothes Ross" you state matter of factly, "No you're not, I'm giving it to you, I liked the way it looked on you, so I want you to keep it." you stare at his face for a moment, watching as his eyes drop to your lips, he takes another sip of his drink, you take your lip in between your teeth, biting gently at the skin, he puts down his pint on the table and raises his hand to cup your chin, his thumb gliding across your lip, tugging it from the soft torture of your teeth. His face moves in closer to yours, "You have no idea what you do to me" he sighs , hand moving to brush your hair back behind your ear. "What's going on here then!" the pair of you pull apart and readjust yourselves as you hear Georges voice, followed by the childish hollering of Matty, and few other faculty members who joined you in the booth.
The night went on and you were wedged in between George and Ross, the two giants making you feel like a shrew with having to look up so much. Many drinks had been sunk down and you were all more than tipsy, playing games like ring of fire and never have I ever like a group of teenagers. "okay, okay, never have I ever slept with a colleague" Matty slurs out watching no one take a drink he eyes the pair of you across the table and points at you accusingly. "I call bullshit" you raise your hands in defence "Hey! fuck you Healy, I'm not the one who shagged half the staff my PGCE year" you joke back to him, he laughs and knocks back a drink remembering the training year you worked together. "Okay, I'll do another one, never have I ever, WANTED to sleep with a colleague" he winks at you, you can't help but watch the smirk on Ross's face as he takes a sip of his drink and everyone at the table cheers. "What! I was just thirsty!" He looks down to you and winks, you feel your entire body flush, a heat rises through you. His hand slid it's way onto the top of your thigh just below where your skirt had ridden up to, sending another round of shockwaves through you. The bell rings out through the bar, calling in last orders and you take that as your time to leave, most of the guys had run up to the bar to get more drinks before you could even say goodbye. You say farewell to George and go to say goodbye to Ross but he is standing along with you, "I'm gonna make sure you get home safely" grabbing his jacket from the booth escorting you out of the pub. "Ross you don't have to, I'm just gonna jump in a cab I'll be fine" as soon as you step outside your body shivers, not even a second later he's wrapping his jacket around your shoulders engulfing you in his warmth once again. "And that's exactly why I wanna take you home, I know you don't have a jacket, and I don't want you to get in a taxi all by yourself at 1am on a friday night...please, for my own peace of mind" you just nod and walk along the road to find the taxi rank.
The ride to your house is peaceful, you shared small talk, the pair of you playing with each others hands in the back of the car. The taxi driver asking for occasional directions as he neared your house. When he pulled up outside, Ross was first out the car, holding the door open for you, and paying the taxi driver. He walked you up to your door as you rooted through your bag for your keys, noticing the taxi had driven off, you let out a laugh, "do you wanna come in?" Ross's eyes lit up at the mention of stepping inside your house, he didn't want to appear to eager but he couldn't help himself. "Yeah, I'll call another taxi, and get out of your hair" you shook your head and let yourself through the front door, slipping off your shoes, Ross follows suit, he takes in everything before his eyes. Lots of house plants, many books upon dark wooden book shelves, just as he imagined. He follows you into the kitchen and smiles to himself when he sees his shirt neatly folded on top of a pile of your washing next to the washing machine. He could get used to seeing his clothes mixed with yours, the domesticity warming his soul. "Can I get you a drink? soft or alcoholic?" you turn to him eyebrows raised. "What are you having?" he queries lips curling upwards. "Well I was gonna have rum and coke but that all depends on you, Mr Macdonald?" you flirt tilting your head towards your drinks cabinet. He lets out a groan and throws his head backwards, your words unintentionally running straight to his cock. He takes a step towards you and places his hands firmly on your hips, digging his fingers into the fabric of your skirt. "You can't call me Mr Macdonald and think there won't be any consequences" he grumbles lowly backing you into your kitchen counters. "Oh I'm sorry what would you prefer, just Sir?" you quip sarcastically, adoring the attention you were getting. He emits subdued grunt before reaching round under your thighs, lifting you and placing you a top the counter, your eyes were now level, your arms rested on his shoulders, hands stroking through his long hair gently, as his hands gripped your waist. "Why do you have to tease me constantly?" he questions almost pained as he searches your eyes for hesitation, he finds none. "I don't know what you mean?" you ask softly, "you waltz around school in your pretty dresses, everyone adores you, you light up every room you walk into, every small, minute thing you do has this crazy effect on me and it makes me feel like I'm going insane. Then today you just started taking off your god damn shirt and I don't know how I didn't pounce on you because, because my God you're beautiful." his tone was hushed and his face inched closer and closer towards yours as he spoke. Your breath hitched in your throat as his lips grazed yours, soft and smooth, in contrast to his beard tickling your chin. You had enough of him testing the waters and pulled him by the back of his neck into you fully. His lips tasted like the Guinness he had been drinking, you don't usually like the taste but on him you would drink it a thousand times over. His tongue pushed its way into your mouth making you moan, a sound Ross felt he had waited years to hear.
His hands moved around from your waist, hips thighs, not able to settle on a spot, the realisation that this was really happening sinking in, finally one hand coasts to your bum and pulls you flush against his front, the heat between your legs pooling as you feel him hardening beneath your touch, he moves his hips against you, working to get some friction, the pair of you like some horny teenagers dry humping each other in your kitchen. As he thrusts forwards once more your head falls back, eyes closing at the feeling, he lifts his face to watch yours contort with pleasure, a sight he has only imagined since he first laid eyes on you. You lift your head up once more and open your eyes to find his already boring into yours. Your hands caress his face, as you look at him from your new height, appreciating him more, you tuck his hair behind his ears and lean forwards to give him a peck, slow and sensual. "Do you wanna go upstairs?" your voice is timid despite your actions, you really liked him and you didn't want to mess this up. "Are you sure babe?" your heart wretches at the new nickname, you just nod and lean in to kiss him once more before jumping down from the counter.
Ross aimlessly follows you through your house until you reach your bedroom. "it's a bit of a mess, I couldn't find anything to wear..." you draw out as you open the door, the lamp is still on, strewing warm light across the room. there is a small pile of clothes on the floor, makeup on top of your vanity but the room is clean, Ross smiles to himself imagining you stressing trying to find something to wear. He takes a seat on the edge of your bed and pulls you so you are straddling his lap. His eyes crinkle as he beams up at you, you smile back just as wide and smash your lips to his tired of the anticipation. You move feverish against each other, hot open mouth kisses, tongues fighting for dominance, his hands weave their way into your hair and one to your bum again pulling you to grind against him, the jeans he's donning giving you the most delicious friction. You both move fast against one another, he attaches his lips to your neck sucking and biting his way down to your collar bone where you let out a rather ravenous moan as he bit down on the skin. His hands work their way under the camisole you were wearing lifting the flimsy garment over your head, discarding onto the floor, he lets out a breath as he once again sees you in the delicate lace bra you were wearing this morning, only now paying much closer attention. His hands raise to cup your breasts through the fabric, palming them, leaning down and placing a kiss on each breast. "I've been thinking about this fucking bra all day..." he continues to shower your breasts with attention pulling the fabric down to reveal the skin underneath. he kisses the left nipple and you let out a sigh. "Not been able to concentrate on anything" he sucks the bud into his mouth biting it lightly watching as your mouth falls agape, he moves to the other, "I was supposed to do an observation of Jamie's year 11 lesson, and all I could think about was your fucking tits" he takes the other bud into his mouth and you roll your hips into his. He grunts and moves backwards placing another kiss on your lips, hand cupping your cheek. "I don't think that's very fair of you teasing me like that now was it?" his condescending tone was enough to drive you over the edge. All you can do is shake your head and lean in for another kiss. Your hands fight to take off his shirt, as his rid you of your bra, finally. you stand as he begins to unbuckle his belt and pull off his jeans, leaving him in his boxers and you very aware of his very large erection.
You unzip your skirt allowing it to fall to the floor, his eyes cascading down the length of your body, he admires the lacy underwear you have on as he drops to his knees in front of you and pulls them down your legs. He looks up at your eyes from his position on the ground as a pleading notion before devouring you. He takes your swollen bud into his mouth and sucks, then laps up the wetness, your fingers entrap his locks pulling at the roots, he moans into your mound, hooking an arm under your thigh and looping it over his shoulder so he can get closer to you, his tongue lays flat against your opening choaked out moans falling from your mouth. He laps up the juices sucking and kissing in his wake, you feel a fire building up inside you, bubbling throughout your entire body. You tug on his hair pulling his face back to look up at you, his well groomed beard coated in your essence. He smiles and places a kiss on your inner thigh, you stroke the side of his face, admiring every line and freckle that sports the skin. He gently places your leg back to the ground and stands back to his towering height.
Your lips meet once again tongues clashing and it's dizzying, you give him a soft nudge until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, he sits and brings you to straddle him once more, the feeling of him fully erect in his boxers pressing against you makes your head spin, your hands glide along his chest down to his abdomen, stopping just above the waistband of his pants. Eyes meeting briefly to ask for permission, he simply nods his head and leans forward to place a tender kiss on your neck, his hips raise of the bed, you with him, as you tug the attire down his hips, he kicks them the rest of the way down, a breathy gasp leaves your lips as he springs free, slapping against his stomach. You weren't sure he would fit, taking him in your hands your pump the member a few times, feeling him throb in your palm, you swipe your thumb over the tip collecting his precum, smearing it around, he lets out a glutaral groan at the mere feeling of your hands, he wasn't sure he could handle much more. His teeth bit down on the base of your neck, hard and warning. "What did I tell you about teasing? huh?" You sigh and draw back, looking innocently into his eyes, you shrug and continue to tug on his member, causing him to laugh. "Do you have a condom?"
"I'm on the pill, I want to feel you, if it's okay with you, I'm clean..." your voice was soft trembling towards the end of the sentence. He had never been more certain of anything in his life, "me too" leaning forwards to connect your lips once more. You raised your hips, his penis still in your hand, the other grasping onto his broad shoulder for leverage as you lined him up at your entrance. You both sigh as the tip slips in, stretching you out as you sink further and further down, when you are fully seated his head drops to lay on your chest, basking in the feeling of your warmth clenching around him. You rest your head on top of his, his arms encasing themselves around you, clinging onto your back, they gently settle on your hips giving you a loving squeeze, a sentiment that makes your heart flutter. You pull back and attach your lips, raising your hips and allowing them to fall, setting a rhythmic pattern. Your hands land on Ross strong shoulders for balance, his own hands clawing at the skin of your hips, bruising the squashy flesh as he helps lift you up and down. You started off slow, feeling every inch of him penetrating you deep within, rocking your hips back and forth creating a beautiful friction that lit the fire in your belly. "Ross" you moaned out his name like it was a prayer, a mantra, over and over again, every time you rolled your hips, he could swear he would snap right then and there, he leaned back against the bed watching you, as you bounced yourself up and down on his shaft. His lips curled upwards into a sly smile as he watches your face contort with pleasure. "You're doing so good my sweet girl, making me feel so good" his words of encouragement only spur you on, you push back on his shoulders so he is lying back on the bed and sit up, rapidly bouncing feeling the knot tighten in your stomach, Ross's hands reach up, one clasping your left breast in his hand, the other pushing into your stomach, you moan at the feeling lulling your head back. He sits back up and attaches his mouth to yours swallowing your moans. His hips raise, thrusting with you, helping to guide your movements as they begin to slack. "Such a good girl" the praise rings through your ears like bells, sending tingles to every nerve ending in your body. "Ross I- I" you can't get your words out with how breathless you have become.
A sheen of sweat covering your bodies as you ricochet on top of him. "I know baby, you're doing so well, I want you to cum for me, can you do that?" one of his large hands caress the side of your face, brushing the hair sticking to the side of your face out the way, as he stares into your soul with his cocoa eyes. You nod and speed up, if that was even possible, the action earning a loud grunt of your name from Ross, the hand once holding your face slid its way down to your clit, assaulting it with harsh circles, you cry out as the knot only tightens, begging to be snapped. His thumb continues to press and knead the bud as you mewl away like a kitten above him. You grab his face and smash your lips together as the knot finally snaps, exploding a million electrolytes across your body, you scream Ross's name into his mouth, the contracting of your walls around him enough to spill him over the edge. You feel the warmth collecting inside your walls and dripping out down, the sounds of the liquids sloshing together were pornographic. Your movements finally slow down, riding out your highs but staying there connected together. Your head resting on his shoulder. He places gentle kisses along your shoulder and neck, holding you close as your body falls limp against him. Your breath was ragged only calming down now Ross's hands caress across your body. "You did so well baby, such a good girl for me, better than I ever imagined" He stands with you still connected, holding under your bum, and turns so you're on your back on the bed, he gently pulls out, you gasp at the feeling of emptiness.
He walks to your ensuite bathroom fetching a warm washcloth, coming back to clean the obscene mess between your legs, he smirks as your legs shake at the sensitivity. After discarding the washcloth he crawls into bed next you, pulling the quilt up over your bodies. "Is this okay?" he asks while putting an arm around you, you giggle leaning into him, breathing in his intoxicating scent once more, placing a hand on his chest, stroking over the soft skin. "You were inside me two minutes ago and now you're asking if it's okay to cuddle, I think we're past that Ross" you smile up at him sarcastically. "I meant is it okay for me to stay? do you want me to go home?" for the first time tonight its his voice that faulters, afraid of your answer. "I would never ask you to leave" He pulls you in for another kiss, sweet and short, but sentimental all the same.
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Monday rolls around too fast for your liking, Ross had to leave relatively early Saturday morning to get on with lesson plans, as did you, and you couldn't help but crave his presence. You stand in the staff room listening to the morning briefing not paying too much attention, Adam stands next to you along with the music department, and across the room is Ross, his eyes trained on you as you giggle at something Adam whispers to you, a pang of jealousy courses through his veins. Briefing was over and you expected Ross to come and say his usual chipper 'hello' but he doesn't, he grabs his things and heads straight out the door before giving you a second look.
You can't help the disappointment brewing in your heart. Maybe he regretted his actions Friday night and wants to forget about them. You silently sulk to yourself and wander to your form room for the start of the day. Your lessons fly by this morning, the anxiety slowly bubbling up through the day, it got to lunchtime and you had to distract yourself from your own brain, taking a wander down the corridor you find George and Matty in their office, they were messing around on the piano together not noticing you walk in. "knock knock" you announce yourself into the room, sitting cross legged on top of one of the unoccupied desks. Their heads pop up both smiling widely at you, "Hey flasher" Matty calls back to you, you let out a small laugh letting your head fall. He notices your eyebrows furrow and lack of a retort and comes and sits next to you on his desk. "What's up y/n? no snarky comment, that's not like you?" he jokes placing an arm around your shoulder, sensing your mood. "I'm fine, just a bit down today I guess" you fiddle with your hands in your lap, George turns around in his chair, now facing the pair of you. "Does this have something to do with the fact that a certain History teacher hasn't been drifting up and down this corridor at all today?" George tilts his head to the side as he quizzes you. The sigh you emit is telling enough, Matty's arm around you only tightens, pulling you more into his side, George moves from the piano and comes to take a seat in front of the pair of you.
"Wanna tell us what happened?" Matty tries to find your eyes but you sink further into yourself. "What and wait for it to go round the entire faculty and student body by home time... no thanks" Matty just laughs and removes his arm from around you, shuffling on the desk so he can sit opposite you and look into your eyes. "Mate, we may like to wind you up, but we're not the gossips, you know that's the old bag Mrs Collins in Ross's department that likes to spread the rumours not us... so come on, anything you say will stay right here in this very office" You give him a half smile and then a warning look to both he and George.
"Okay fine, but you have to promise not to tell!" They both as if on que put their pinkie fingers outstretched to yours, interlocking them all for a moment, before carrying on. "So Ross took me home on Friday night" both men shared a shit eating grin on their faces, nodding their heads for you to continue. "And we slept together" Matty lets out a squeak like a teenage girl, which earns a slap on the arm from you. "And it was amazing, he stayed the night and left Saturday morning, and everything was seemingly okay, but then this morning in briefing he wouldn't even look at me... it's just made me feel like shit, I don't know if I did something wrong, or if he was just trying to get into my pants but now I feel like crap" you didn't notice the tears that start falling from your eyes, and now they have started they won't stop. You huff out a breath, feeling stupid for thinking you could have it all. Matty's arm is back around you, rubbing up and down your back, and George holds one of your hands. "Oh mate, trust me, Ross really likes you, he's probably thinking the exact same thing as you" You look to Matty and George for reassurance George nodding at Matty's words. Even though they were in different departments, the three of them were close, often hanging out.
You didn't realise that Ross, feeling stupid for his actions this morning was on his was to your office to beg forgiveness, when he heard the soft cries coming from the music office, he looked through the crack in the door to see you sitting hunched over, tears streaming down your cheeks, lips puffy and pouting, and Matty and George sitting comforting you. The sight broke his heart in two. He taps three times on the door, opening it with a creak, you immediately sit up straight and wipe your tears away. "Hey Y/n, do you mind if we talk in your office?" his voice almost failing him, you nod, and slide off Matty's desk, leaning in to give the boys quick group hug whispering a 'thank you' in their ears. You walk over to Ross who holds the door open for you, you slide under his arm walking through the door. He follows you in silence until you get to your office. You close the door behind you, and both stand there in silence, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Why were you crying?" Ross is the first to speak. you sigh and look to the ground once more, not finding your words, your shoes suddenly becoming very interesting. His fingers find your chin and raise your head so you meet his eyeline. "Hey, was it because of me?" you bit your lip and furrowed your brows nodding twice, "Only because we haven't spoken today, it's silly, but it made me feel like you might regret what happened at the weekend?" You look up to him with pleading eyes, one of his hands clambers around your neck, the other around your waist, pulling you into his chest, he kisses the top of your head, breathing in the scent of your shampooed hair.
"I'm sorry, I saw you in briefing with Adam joking around and it made me angry, it was stupid and I shouldn't have ignored you" he sighs out, finally telling you the truth, you smile up to him laughing. "You know Adams married with a kid right?" you giggle. "Yeah I know, but it still pissed me off, blame my brain not me, so can I make it up to you?" he looks down to you, pretty bearded face smiling, his eyes have a certain glimmer in them. "What do you have in mind?" You reply cheekily beaming up at the man. "How about dinner and round two at my place on Friday?" He laughs leaning down pulling you in for a kiss, your tongues are entangled. Hands combing into his man bun, when suddenly the door opens wide, "Miss can I borrow- oh -" You both jump apart from each other smoothing out your dress, Ross fixing his hair as you look wide eyed at the student stood in shock in front of you. "Hi Mr Macdonald... Uh Miss S/n, can I please borrow your book on Brecht?" Alison was a year 12 girl, lovely, but she had a big mouth. You reach behind you on your desk and find a copy of the book handing it over to the sixth former, she smiles at you awkwardly, giving Ross the same smile. muttering a 'thank you' as she left. Ross snorted as the door closed and you slapped your hand over your mouth laughing uncontrollably. Ross pulled you into him again, still laughing, "Well I better make you Mrs Macdonald if we're gonna get caught by students doing that" he laughs, "Alright Ross don't get ahead of yourself, let's just start with dinner yeah?" You bite your lip before pulling him in for another kiss, sealing the deal.
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aquakat-draws · 2 months
Attention, dear pink verse enthusiasts or people who just randomly stumble upon this post
This is andrew
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He's a Luna moth
But what if he wasn't? I'm bored so I wanna doodle him as other moth species that include:
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Oh and probably this one
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Sorry for the bad quality
See ya!
Edit: this is it
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toomuchracket · 3 months
mads is just saw a baby girl with curly brown hair and the first she was so smiley and she kept waving at me and i thought of bday party matty and now i need to be sedated
amy stood absolutely no chance with you and matty as parents, did she? of COURSE she's a yapper, babbling away as soon as she figures out how to do it and continuing the trend of not stopping when she learns how to speak, and her absolute favourite thing to do (when she's a kid, at least) is to meet new people and make new friends; to that end, she smiles and waves and says "hiya!" to anyone and everyone wherever she goes and it's SO CUTE. like, in big tesco, when she's in the trolley seat (or just the trolley itself) being wheeled around by her dad, also yapping away, she'll greet everyone who walks past, beaming and waving to the people who say hi back. she actually gets a shoutout for it on live radio once, when the host interviewing you and matty (about the inevitable collab) keeps getting distracted by amy (in uncle ross's arms) waving and smiling through the glass and says "and, guys, i must interrupt the conversation about the work to discuss another joint venture of yours, because your adorable little girl keeps waving at us from the other room and it's joyously distracting"; you giggle, while matty sighs and says "and it's not me or her mum she's waving at, trust me", and you're like "yeah she's two and she already thinks we're boring, she just wants to make friends with everyone else. her father's daughter, really". but yeah!! she's just a happy, sweet little baby, who inherited the healy gene of liking attention lmfao <3
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mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
Piss off, Ross - Ross Gaines x Reader
summary; [ross x female reader] unemployed and forced to do a restart course. a certain someone catches your eye.
warnings; 18+ content, detailed smut, unprotected sex, strong language, mild mentions of anxiety
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being unemployed in my late 20s was not something i ever would've imagined happening. the company i was working for had went under and i was made redundant, and eventually left with no choice but to join a course at the local job centre. i hated it. i felt judged and patronised by everyone who saw me walk into that building on that first day - little did i know just what i was about to encounter.
"okey cokey, pig in a pokey!" a female voice called as she entered the room, carrying her handbags and clipboard.
here we go, i mentally thought to myself, slightly rolling my eyes. i still couldn't believe i'd ended up here. "good morning job seekers. my name is pauline campbell-jones."
i lost concentration and looked around the room as she babbled on about what was going to happen in this course. my eyes scanned the different people who were joining me here, a mixture of elderly scruff men, trouble-making youngsters, until finally i spotted someone who doesn't look like he belonged here. well, i secretly hoped that i also didn't look like i "belonged" in a job centre, but i was immediately intrigued by him. he was dressed fairly smartly, a blazer over his shirt, small glasses that sat perfectly on his face just under his flopped fringe, complimenting his strong jawline. he seemed to be watching pauline intensely, tapping his pen slightly against his paper. he's quite attractive, i thought.
someone cleared their throat abruptly, and my head snapped back round to see pauline stood right before me, staring in my eyes. "and what's your name, love?" she asked.
"oh- uh" i stuttered due to the sudden and unexpected pressure, "i'm y/n".
"well, y/n" pauline began to say, "maybe you wouldn't be unemployed if you spent as much time looking for jobs as you do looking at mr. ross over there." my mouth dropped open slightly at her rude comment, before reality set in over what she had actually said. out loud.
a deep red immediately flushed my cheeks, and i took a quick glance at the man she called ross, only to find he was already looking back in my direction with a small smirk on his face. was he checking me out? no, he's obviously just mocking me considering i just got humiliated on my first day in front of the whole class.  my eyes snapped back down to my papers. i wanted the floor to swallow me whole... what a mess this had already turned out to be.
i kept quiet for the rest of the session, head down the whole time. however I couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes burning into me. deep down, i knew it was him, but i was going to save myself from further humiliation and just ignore it. as soon as pauline announced the end of the session, i wasted no time packing up and practically running out of the building. the dreaded thought eating me alive that i would only have to return again tomorrow morning.
--- --- ---
it was the next day, and i got there extra early to ensure i was the first to arrive. i couldn't bare the thought of walking into a full room, being stared at by everyone who witnessed that monstrosity yesterday. maybe it wasn't as bad as i was making it out to be, but i was still ashamed. people eventually began to arrive and the seats were slowly getting filled. i had chosen the table right at the back in the corner of the room, in order to avoid as much contact with anyone as possible. my throat suddenly became dry as i saw that all-too-familiar man enter the room. i watched as his eyes did a quick scan before settling on me, and i swore i saw a small smile tug at his lips. my eyes shot down as i pretended to pick at my fingernails, but i could still see him out of my peripheral vision. he began walking towards me, and i prayed that he would fill one of the empty seats along the way. but no, of course he didn't. i felt his presence, and i watched from the corner of my eye as he pulled out the chair right next to me, and started sitting down. my heart beat elevated as i continued to steal small glances at him, wondering and worried about what he had planned.
"hi, i'm ross" he spoke in a fairly quiet tone, flashing a smile and extending his hand out towards me. yeah, i know, i thought. there was something far too professional about him. i stared at his hand and quickly cleared my throat as it was somehow drier than it was before.
"i'm y/n" i said, reaching out to shake his hand. his skin was smooth and his grip was firm but gentle.
"yeah, i know" he said, repeating my thoughts.
"ha... right.." i said quietly, forcing out an awkward chuckle. i decided to bite the bullet and just clear the awkward air as soon as possible. "listen, i'm sorry about yesterday" i coughed slightly again as i looked down at the desk. god, i'm so lame.
"nothing to be sorry about," ross said and i nodded slightly, kind of relieved that he seemed to be understanding. "i tried to speak to you after class yesterday, but you left so quickly. i couldn't catch up in time" he chuckled a bit.
"yes, well..." i trailed off, not really sure what to say. wasn't it obvious i was rushing off to avoid him?
i raised my eyes from the desk as the room echoed with the same "okey cokie, pig in a pokie" as yesterday. i huffed under my breath, anxious that she might do something else to call me out again. ross must have heard me, as he leaned in closer to whisper in my ear "don't worry, the only one who she's embarrassing is herself." the simple act caused chills to pass over my skin, almost making me shudder.
i let out a small laugh through my nose, grateful at his attempt to comfort me. pauline continued rambling on about today's workshop on job options, as ross leaned back towards me again. in a hushed tone, he whispered "so, how come you're here then?"
i was a bit taken back by his question, "is that really something you should ask?"
"i didn't mean it in a rude way. but come on, a pretty girl like you, i can't imagine you've just been scrounging off of benefits all your life. you look like you've got it all together, which is more than what I can say for some of the messes in here" he grimaced as he glanced around the room.
i was quiet for a moment, mainly only thinking about the fact that he just called me pretty. "i was forced to come here. i was recently made redundant. i had no choice" i sighed at the reminder, i had liked my job.
he nodded. "well that's a shame... still, this will be over before you know it." i turned my head to shoot him a slight smile. i was about to ask him the same question, considering my first impression of him was that he didn't look like someone who'd been struggling to get work, but i was quickly interrupted. pauline cleared her throat sharply, just as she had done yesterday, and we both looked up to see her scowling at us from the front of the room.
"well, well. If it isn't little miss y/n and mr ross," she began sarcastically, "sitting together are we? as if it wasn't bad enough being ignored by the both of you yesterday, now you're both just speaking over me!"
I went to reply to her, but ross beat me to it. "sorry, pauline. I was just asking y/n if she had a pen I could borrow."
"you want a pen, ross?" pauline said, "well there are plenty of pauline's pens up here at the front near mickey love. now I want you to move here so I can keep a close eye on you." I could tell that ross wanted to protest against her, but she looked at him like such filth that he quickly closed his mouth and stood up. he glanced at me as he walked away with a subtle roll of his eyes, making me giggle.
the rest of the session dragged by, i found myself staring at the back of ross' head for the majority of it, and he'd occasionally turn around in his seat to pull faces at me whenever pauline said something completely inappropriate.
"come on ross, on your feet" she suddenly said, making us look at eachother in confusion. she wanted ross to partake in the last exercise of the day for sales jobs, where he had to try and sell a copy of the big issue. i watched as he stood at the front of the class next to pauline, holding his hands awkwardly. i leaned back in my seat and craned my neck upwards, barely controlling the smirk on my face. i had a feeling this was going to be quite entertaining.
"right then, job-seekers. i want you all to imagine that we're standing on a very busy highstreet," pauline began, "and i'm an attractive young housewife." the laugh that erupted out of me was completely accidental. my hands slapping over my own mouth to stifle the noise was not enough, as pauline slowly turned to stare at me with eyes of daggers. ross however, was smiling at me widely with his bright teeth as he laughed along. i felt giddy knowing i had made him laugh. god, what is wrong with me? i barely know him.
i watched the scene unfold, with pauline mocking ross for his "poor attempt" at selling, before she strangely started asking him to beg her, making everyone in the room uncomfortable.
"no! no, I won't!" he finally snapped, raising his voice. "i won't beg you pauline."
there was a long pause. "very well..." she mumbled, "sit down please, ross." he angrily gave her the magazine back before returning to his seat. she followed closely behind, before raising the magazine and aggressively slapping it across his head. my jaw dropped involuntarily as ross cried out in pain, holding the side of his head where she had hit him. i stood up from my seat, my mouth still wide open in disbelief, and i went to approach him to see if he was okay.
pauline held out her palm towards and stopped me in my tracks, "ah, ah" she said, as if she was telling off a small child or a dog. i stood feeling helpless, watching ross continue to gawk in pain as pauline went around the room and started shouting at everyone. but i wasn't listening to her, not until she shortly announced that it was time to leave. i grabbed my bag and walked over to ross, who was also stood up gathering his belongings. "hey, are you okay?" i said, genuinely concerned.
he looked up at me, his angry face immediately softening. "uh, yeah, i'm alright."
"are you sure-"
he cut me off, "yeah honestly, i'm fine. can we just go?" he said, nodding towards the door. "i'm desperate to get out of here." he seemed flustered and agitated, but i didn't blame him. i would be too.
i nodded and followed him out of the building. we stood on the street outside of the job centre, and i turned to look at him. "we should do something, she can't get away with that." i said, but he didn't seem that bothered.
"what would we do? there's no one to even tell."
"we can report it to the authorities or something. it's just unacceptable."
ross shook his head, which confused me. this was a bigger deal than he seemed to realise. "no one will care, y/n."
"well i care" i said, looking at him as he stared me in the eyes. he glanced down at the floor quickly and nodded his head, before looking back at me. "thanks" he said quietly, poking his tongue out across his lips to wetten them.
there was a small silence. "does it still hurt?" i said, reaching out to touch the side of his head.
"not really" he swallowed, continuing to stare at me. i lowered my hand, mumbling a "good."
there was another small silence, but he broke it this time. "would you maybe want to... go grab a coffee or something? unless you have plans" he seemed nervous, but i smiled in response which made him seemingly relax.
"i'd love to" i said, and we began walking down the road towards the nearest coffee shop.
we sat for a few hours, talking about anything and everything. how unbelievable we think pauline is, where we grew up, where abouts we live now, what our interests are. we discovered that we had quite a lot in common. the more we spoke, the more attracted i became to him. he was so well-mannered and polite.
we both lost track of time and would have stayed even longer had we not been ushered out by the closing staff. he insisted on being the one to pay, and i couldn't resist the joke as we walked out the door. "what? just because i'm on the dole you think i can't afford a couple cups of coffee?" he snickered and used his elbow to gently nudge me in the side. i smiled widely to myself as we walked along, taking in the evening sun as it began to set in the sky.
"can i walk you home?" he turned to me, looking hopeful.
"what a gentleman" i joked, causing him to roll his eyes with a smile. "i'd love to say yes, but you live on the other side of town from me, and that's quite a long walk back by yourself."
"oh it's not a bother. i could just ring barbara to come pick me up" he said, alluding to the local taxi driver.
i refused, wanting to make it easier for the both of us, but he went to protest again. with a sudden boost of confidence, i walked forward and reached up to place a kiss on his lips, silencing him. i felt him kiss back almost immediately, after the initial shock, of course. i pulled back after a few seconds and exhaled through my nose. "goodnight, ross. i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled cheekily, turning away from him and beginning my walk back home. i felt tipsy, eventhough i hadn't had a single sip of alcohol. my mother would have called it drunk in loveee, but i shook the thought from my head, unable to control the grin on my face the whole way home.
the next day quickly arrived, and i awoke in the morning feeling excited for the first time in months. i got up and picked an outfit, cuter and more formal than what i'd normally wear, especially to a job centre. however i stuck to my usual, light makeup. i didn't want it to seem like i was dressing up too much.
i made it to pauline's class, but i was somehow a few minutes late. brilliant, i mentally scowled myself, and stood outside for a moment to work up the courage to knock on the door and walk in.
"ah, y/n. how nice of you to actually join us" pauline said in her usual sarcastic tone.
"i'm really sorry pauline. something came up."
"don't let it happen again" she looked at me sternly and i nodded before she gestured at the tables for me to go and sit down.
i immediately spotted ross at the back of the classroom, in the same space as where i was sat yesterday. the empty seat next to him almost grabbing me by an invisible magnetic force. i gave him a smile as i made my way over, and sat down as quietly as possible in order to prevent disturbing pauline even further.
"glad you showed up" he whispered. "i was worried you had called in sick or something to avoid me."
"no, not at all!" trying to voice my urgency in a hushed tone was difficult, but i hope he believed me. he was the only reason i forced myself to come here this morning, i certainly didn't want to avoid him.
"that's good, then" he nodded, and i watched as his eyes flicked up and down my body, observing my outfit. "you look nice, by the way"
i couldn't hide the blush on my cheeks as i grabbed my pen and started making notes to catch up with what i'd missed. "thank you" i smiled, moving my foot under the desk to lightly nudge his shoe.
the session was almost coming to an end, with pauline wanting to do one more exercise on practicing conducting interviews. she had already had poor mickey up the front, making a fool of himself, but now she wanted someone to volunteer roleplaying as the interviewer, so she could play the "perfect" candidate.
she had singled me out in the room, completely unprovoked. "now, i won't be asking you, y/n love. most interviewers don't show up late, it's usually a very bad impression" i swallowed and focused my gaze on the desk, avoiding eye contact with her. i could feel ross looking at me. i had told him yesterday about how i'd always struggled with anxiety, especially social anxiety, and how my memories of school had been tainted due to my teachers constantly picking on me.
"any takers?" she said, looking around the room. "come on, don't be shy."
there was a moment's silence before a stern "i'll do it." arose from right beside me. i raised my eyes from the desk to look at him, and he was staring intensely at pauline. she beckoned him to stand up, and he gladly obliged, making his way over to the front. as he tucked in his chair, he sent me a subtle wink, and i sat up in my seat wondering what he had planned.
i watched as he immediately began to tease pauline, asking for the clipboard and the pen, before making a snide comment about how he was glad that she wasn't naked. i suppressed my smile, pressing my knuckle against my lips. i continued to watch the scene, pauline pretending to enter the interview and immediately sitting down.
"would you like to take a seat?" ross said sarcastically, mimicking the tone she always used when belittling us.
"ross is quite right," she said as she jumped up. "you're in the driver's seat now."
"... i know." the look on his face as he clicked the pen and slowly smirked up at pauline made the core between my legs ache, and i pressed my thighs tightly together in an attempt to stop the inappropriate feeling.
this new side to ross made me feel things i hadn't felt before. the 'interview' was proceeding, with ross continuously taunting and spiting pauline. making her admit how old she was, asking her if she was an egregious person, to which she agreed, and mocking her for her lack of academic qualifications.
he was being stern and stubborn, and a small piece of me couldn't help but think he was perhaps partly doing this to stick up for me, making me want him even more.
the roleplay drew to a close with pauline cockily standing up extending her hand for a hand shake. "thank you very much, when do i start?"
the smug look on her face quickly vanished when ross scoffed. "i'm sorry, but i can't offer you this position." he went on to say that she strikes him as a bully, is foul-mouthed, under qualified, and above all else, "too old."
i mentally praised him as i listened, grateful that pauline was finally getting a taste of her own medicine. she got quiet and took the clipboard back from ross, before suddenly ripping off the papers that he was making notes on, and began shouting. "you'll eat these words!" she exclaimed, turning to him and physically shoving the screwed up papers into his mouth. "egregious, am i? foul-fucking-mouthed?!"
it all happened too fast, and i watched in horror as he began physically choking, pauline's grip on him was so tight that he could barely fight back. i stood up and ran to them, shouting at pauline to stop and trying to push her off of him. but she didn't budge and continued trying to choke ross, before mickey raised from his seat and shouted at her to "stop being a nutter."
pauline seemed to come to her senses (if that was even possible), and let go of him, before slowly turning around and realising what she'd done. i rushed to crouch down at ross' side and placed my hand on his shoulder as he leant forward in his seat, coughing and spluttering uncontrollably. i watched as he struggled to regain his breathing, and i moved my hand to rub circles on his back in an attempt to comfort him.
eventually, the entire class was slowly filing out, including pauline who didn't say a word as i glared at her. it was just me and ross left, the only noise being his small coughs that he made as he began to calm down. i moved my hand from his back and placed it on his knee, "are you okay?" i said gently, enticing him to look at me.
he took a deep breath and nodded slowly, still staring at the floor. he finally raised his head and stared at me. looking into his eyes, they seemed sad and helpless, before they suddenly changed. they became clouded with darkness and he gave me a look that i couldn't quite read. it was a look i'd never seen before. only then did i realise just how close we were to eachother, faces inches apart. i gulped, not knowing what to do.
all of a sudden, ross stood up, pulling me up with him. his hands met the side of my face as he aggressively pushed his lips against mine, taking me completely by surprise. i squealed against him before i registered what was happening, and began kissing him back. the kiss was sloppy and rough, his lips seeming desperate.
he backed me up against the wall, his hands moving from my face to my waist as he began kissing down my neck. i gripped at his hair, my breathing becoming heavy. he began to bite and suck at my neck and shoulders, careless that there would be definitely be marks there tomorrow. as weird as it sounds, i kind of wanted them to be there, a reminder of whatever this would turn out to be.
i could feel myself growing increasingly wet as he trailed his kisses down my clothed body, slowly getting on his knees. he moved his hands down from my waist to hold onto the sides my thighs, before he suddenly stopped, looking up at me. i nodded, not even sure of what he was doing. but i knew i wanted it anyway. he wasted no time tracing his fingers up my thighs and i watched as they disappeared under my skirt. i felt him playing with the hems of my thong and i groaned, desperate for some friction. he slowly began to pull my panties down, enjoying how much i was growing increasingly frustrated. he pulled them all the way to my ankles and over my shoes, encouraging me to step out of them. he held them in front of his face, observing them.
"so wet for me" he whispered, looking up at my face. i whined and pressed my legs together, much like i had done earlier that afternoon. "no, no" he smirked, forcing my legs apart.
"please" i spoke in a broken whisper, causing him to look back up at me.
"please, what?" he said tauntingly. "i want you to tell me what you want."
"please touch me" i whimpered, feeling tears prick at my eyes.
"well, because you asked so nicely..." i watched as he threw my thong somewhere behind him, and began trailing kissing up the inside of my thigh, lifting my skirt and holding it against my stomach. my breathing became extremely heavy as i waited to feel him where i most desperately needed to.
i gasped as his tongue suddenly flicked against my clit, throwing my head back against the wall at the much-needed sensation. i moaned loudly as his mouth wrapped around my pussy, his saliva and my juices mixing perfectly together.
he ate me so hungrily, liked a starved dog at a buffet. his tongue worked me perfectly, focusing near my entrance, as the rest of his mouth caressed my trembling nub of nerves. my body reflexed and bucked against him, grinding my pussy down onto his face. i moaned loudly as my clit rubbed against his nose, causing him to grip me tighter and force my hips against the wall to stop me. i could tell that he wanted to be in control. i grew excessively louder, my hands forcefully holding onto his head for something to grip on to, as i felt myself already getting close.
i allowed myself to bounce up and down on his mouth, trying to get a bit more friction on my clit. he groaned against me, the vibrations almost sending me over the edge. i felt my climax approaching and i tilted my head upwards, my mouth hung open as i readied to reach the summit. until suddenly, it stopped.
ross pulled away from me and stood up, leaving me panting heavily, and oh so unsatisfied. "what the fuck?!" i complained, only to be ignored. "i was so close."
i watched as he undid his belt, flinging it off along with his blazer, and began unzipping his jeans, through which i could see the huge outline of his bulging boner. he pulled them down to his ankles to expose his boxer briefs that were leaking with precum, and i almost instantly dropped to my own knees to return the favour. i looked up at him, trying to look as sexy as possible as i raised my hand to palm him through the thin material. he screwed his eyes shut and hissed as my fingers played with the head of his penis, and i felt it twitch, begging for more.
i smirked and pulled down his boxers to his jeans, letting his aching member spring free and slap against his stomach. he groaned at the feeling, before i collected the precum from his tip and rubbed it and down his shaft, pumping him a few times. i placed the head in my mouth and began sucking him slowly, using my tongue to expertly swirl around the bottom of his tip. i certainly wasn't an expert, far from it, but from the way i had ross moaning, i don't think he paid any mind.
i began going lower, slowly taking more of him in as i bobbed my head gently. but i must've teased him too long, as he leaned down and pushed the hair out of my face, grabbed the sides of my head and pushed his cock all the way to the back of my throat. my hands flailed to grip on to the sides of his thighs as i tried so hard not to gag. but i didn't have much time to think about it as he began rocking into my mouth, thrusting his hips. he moaned quietly, concentration furrowing in his brow. he began fucking my throat, causing me to choke below him, but i didn't mind. i enjoyed it, actually, knowing he was using me to get his pleasure.
i didn't know my eyes were watering until i felt the tears stream down my cheeks, my mascara probably getting ruined. he carried on for a few more minutes, staring down at me as he continuously told me that i was "taking him so well." he suddenly pulled away again, leaving me slightly annoyed as he had ruined my revenge plan to edge him, just as he'd done to me.
but before i knew it, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me to my feet, bending me over the nearest desk. he held my wrists behind my back as he forcefully pulled my skirt up, rubbing his hardened cock against my dripping folds. we both let out a low moan as he finally entered me, his large appendage filling me up so deeply. i groaned as he slowly began thrusting into me, lowering my head to rest it against the desk below me.
"god, you're so tight" he grunted from behind me, beginning to pound me harder. it burned and it hurt, but in the best way possible. his grip on my wrists was so tight that it was sure to leave bruises by the next morning. the desk wobbled and creaked beneath us as he sped up, the sound of our heavy breathing and skin slapping filled the room. he suddenly pulled me upwards so i was stood, my back against his clothed chest. one of his hands stayed gripping my wrist, and the other ran against my hair, collecting some of it into a loose pony tail, before he pulled it roughly, forcing my head backwards. i felt his head rest on my shoulder, grunting in my ear as he continued to fuck me. it was messy. rough and angry. and i think he just needed to use me to release his frustrations. but it was very good nonetheless. he reached down to give my arse a light, unexpected spank, making me choke on a moan.
"i think. i think I'm gonna... cum" i barely managed to get my words out, ross continuing to ram in to me. he let go of my hair and reached round the front of me, rubbing the pad of his fingers over my clit. i screwed my eyes shut dousing in the extreme pleasure, my mouth hung open silently, unable to vocalise my moans.
"come on," he whispered in my ear, "cum for me." his encouraging words and his fingers still working magic was enough to finish me. "fuck, fuck, fuck!" i moaned loudly and flung my head back against his chest, orgasm finally flushing over me. ross removed his hand and raised it to clamp it over my mouth, trying to stifle my loud profanities. his cock still grinding inside of me, helping me ride out my orgasm.
"fucking hell" he groaned through a laugh. "you're such a good girl." he pulled out breathlessly and gently turned me around, pushing me backwards so that my arse hit the desk and my knees buckled to perch on it. he stood between my legs and held my waist to push me further onto it, allowing me to be more comfortable.
he slowly entered me again, before immediately picking up the pace and ploughing me hard. i cried out, wrapping my legs around his lower torso, my arms holding onto his shoulders tightly. i think i may have trouble walking in the morning. he moaned into my hair, his hands under my skirt cupping my arse cheeks.
i moved my hips forward to meet his, copying his rhythm and grinding against him. "fuck!" he groaned against me, trying to keep as quiet as possible. he played around with the hem of my shirt for a while, looking like he was deep in thought, before he suddenly pulled it up and off my shoulders, discarding it somewhere across the room. he stared at my lace bra, my nipples large and pointed. his mouth gaped open as his hips thrusted erratically and became more sloppy. i knew he was close, and considering i was still extremely sensitive from my first orgasm, i knew i wasn't far behind him.
he began moaning uncontrollably, and the noise was like an angel choir to me. i shoved my face into his shoulder, using his collarbone to try to quiet my own noise. i don't know why, but i had only just realised where we actually were. in a public place, where anyone could walk in or hear us at any time. my hands crawled up under the back of his shirt, allowing my finger nails to dig into his skin, and i let myself go, cumming around him for the second time.
he gasped at the sensation of my pussy clenching around him, and i felt his cock twitch and pulse inside of me. he suddenly pulled out and grabbed my hips, pulling me forward to the edge of the desk and encouraging me to lay down. he held his penis and pumped his fist a few times before cumming all over my naked stomach, "oh, fuck" and "yes" being the only words he could manage. he almost collapsed onto me, my chest heaved as i watched him. I'd never seen something quite so hot before.
after a few minutes of us desperately trying to catch our breath, he stood up and walked over to pauline's desk where there were a box of tissues. he grabbed a few and wiped himself, before pulling up his pants and jeans and bringing the box over to me. i cleaned his mess from my skin and stood up, throwing the dirty tissues in the bin. i wandered around the room to pick up my shirt and my panties before dressing myself. i sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, watching ross as he fastened his belt.
"so... what now?" i questioned with an awkward chuckle, not knowing how to proceed with our relationship after the hottest and most random sex of my life.
"uhh, i don't know. late lunch?" he replied, genuinely suggesting us things to do.
"i could do with a shower, to be honest." i laughed, not really wanting to spend any time in public looking and feeling like a hot mess.
"okay, come back to mine then?" i looked at him, not sure if he was actually being serious, but the look he was giving me told me he was. i didn't really want to, but at the same time, i really did. "we can shower and I'll order us food or something. i need to talk to you, anyway."
he didn't give me much time to respond, as he began dialling his phone and ordering us a taxi. we were stood outside waiting for barbara, ross wasn't saying much and i was worried that i'd made a mistake and had set myself up for a very awkward evening. i mean, what do you actually say to the man who just fucked your brains out, completely unplanned in the middle of the day?
we were soon sat in the cab, ross and barbara speaking about what-not. she tried to include me in light conversation but i couldn't really concentrate. i ended up staring out the window as i began thinking about things. about ross...
yesterday, he kept avoiding my questions about work and why he was at a job centre, eventhough he knew my reasonings as to why i was there. he had invited me out for coffee and paid, just a moment ago he had invited me out for lunch, and when i denied he said he'd order us takeaway, and he has just paid for a cab to his flat. he didn't live very far away from the job centre, only about a 20 minute walk, which confused me beyond belief. don't get me wrong, it's not like i couldn't afford those things. I'm not completely broke. but you'd assume that someone out of work would be trying their hardest to save money if there were other alternatives, such as walking a small distance or cooking a home meal.
i didn't want to think too much about it, or judge his situation, but i was anxious about what he wanted to talk to me about. i thanked barbara and climbed out onto the street. deep down i was secretly grateful that we didn't have to walk, anyway. i'd have been hobbling side-to-side due to the pain down there. thanks ross.
i followed him into his apartment and took in my surroundings. it was pretty nice. i immediately see a kitchen island with bar stools, joining into the living space with a large couch and tv, a bookshelf tucked into the corner. "can i get you anything to drink?" he asked, putting his bag and blazer down onto the kitchen counter.
"uh, just water is fine, thank you." i felt awkward and vulnerable. i just didn't know what to say to him. i tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear as he passed a glass of water to me, and i sipped it gratefully, thankful for the refreshing hydration after the exerting events of our afternoon.
"so... what did you want to talk to me about?" i wasted no time, eventhough i was nervous about his answer. he gestured for me to sit next to him on one of the kitchen stools, and i sat cautiously, my mind racing with what he could possibly say. was it good or bad news? was he going to say that he wanted to see me more often? say he never wanted to see me again? or was he going to announce that he's riddled with STD's and has just passed them all onto me?
i watched as he grabbed multiple papers and what looked like video tapes from his bag. "so i guess i just have to jump straight in..." he began by clearing his throat and knocking the papers against the counter to straighten them.
i grew impatient as i looked at him, searching his face for answers. "now, don't be mad" oh brilliant. whenever a man says that, 9 times out of 10, he's about to say something that would make anyone go ballistic. "but i haven't been completely honest about what i've been up to for the past week."
"what do you mean?" i stuttered.
he let out a sigh, and i assumed he was nervous. which only made me want to shit bricks. "i'm actually employed, and i've been working under cover at the job centre."
of all of the things i thought he might have said, that was certainly not one of them. i sat in shock, my brows furrowed, once again not even knowing what to say. my mind raced again and it began to piece things together. the professionalism. the money.
he noticed that i hadn't said anything and carried on. "i'm an internal investigator. i've been investigating pauline and examining her classes-"
"what?" i cut him off, finally regaining my words. "you... what?" that was all i could seem to manage to say. i stood up from my seat and walked to the other side of the counter, feeling my heart beginning to beat under my chest.
"this is a good thing, y/n." he said, also standing up and beginning to approach me. i scoffed and screwed my face up.
"how? i didn't know that lying and being a faker was a good thing." i felt a range of emotions. confusion. shock. betrayal? maybe that was a bit excessive, but i felt like i suddenly didn't even know him. this man whom i'd been hanging out with and seeing every day, he was a complete stranger. was any of the stuff about his childhood and hobbies that he told me in the coffee shop even true? i had been completely honest with him from the start, finding a friend in him, opening myself up (emotionally and physically...), and this is how he repays me?
"i didn't lie to you, y/n." i resisted the urge to scoff again, but i just looked at him confused. "...withholding of information is not technically a lie." i rolled my eyes and turned away from him, wanting to run out the door and not look back.
a hand rested on my shoulder and i shook it off, walking to the door to try and slip my shoes back on. "y/n, just stop. i meant that it's a good thing because i'm going to have all this evidence against pauline. when i hand this over, she'll be locked up for good." i glanced at him as he was holding everything that he laid out on the counter earlier. "these are recordings. all of the times she was ever rude or picked on you. every time she belittled mickey. every time she... you know. physically hurt me. it's all on here."
ross' pov
i shook the papers and the tapes desperately in my arms, trying to get her to understand. i wasn't even supposed to be telling her this information, it was completely against the rules of the social services. but i trusted her. i wanted her help in being a witness against pauline. and above all else, i just wanted her to know the real me.
she was silent for a long moment, but i could tell her thoughts were racing.
"why didn't you tell me this sooner?" her voice was quiet.
i sighed, wishing i had been truthful with her from the start. "it's company policy. i'm not even supposed to be telling you now. but i trust you, y/n. i really do." i watched as she slowly turned to face me and put her shoes back down on the floor. "i didn't want to hide from you anymore."
"okay, so... what was earlier about, then?" she cradled her arms against her chest, looking nervous. or embarrassed. or both?
"what do you mean?" i wasn't quite sure what she was getting at, but she soon made me feel like an idiot for not understanding.
"oh, you know, when you randomly fucked me?!" her voice was raised. i couldn't tell if she was mad about it, or just mad at me. but surely she wouldn't have come back here with me if she was disgusted and never wanted to see me again.
"i- i just. i don't know, i was angry. i needed something. someone. and you were there being all nice-"
"so you would've just done that to anyone?" she spat, cutting me off.
"no! god, no!" my grip loosened on the evidence against pauline, letting it crash to the floor in a discarded mess. but i didn't care, the only important thing at the moment was getting y/n to understand. "i... i really like you" she looked at me but didn't say anything, so i continued. "i think you're so beautiful. i didn't mean to upset you or anything, and i'm really sorry if i did. i just thought that, i don't know, maybe you liked me too..." i sighed again and looked at the floor, feeling vulnerable and worried that i had ruined the relationship between us.
"i do like you, ross" she spoke so gently, her voice barely above a whisper. "i liked you from the moment i saw you."
i couldn't find any words, i didn't need them, anyway. i walked towards her cautiously, extending my hands towards her face. she didn't move as i used my palms to cup her cheeks, smoothing a piece of hair from in front of her eyes. i leaned forward a little, her eyes glancing from my eyes to my lips.
reader's pov
i fluttered my eyes closed in anticipation, as i leaned towards him, waiting for the gap to be sealed. his lips pressed against mine, they felt small and incredibly gentle, a huge difference to how he was kissing me earlier. i raised my hands to allow my fingers to run through his hair, enjoying the feeling. i smiled against him, wanting to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away.
he rested his head against mine, our noses almost brushing together. "will you help me get pauline fired?" he whispered. all i did was nod.
his lips curled into a small smile. "just five more weeks of torture left, before she gets what she deserves."
"torture?" i questioned, sarcasm lacing my voice. "i think five weeks of seeing me every day will be pure bliss for you" i smirked, allowing my hands to rest on his lower back.
"i think you're right" he whispered, moving to kiss me again. it immediately heated up, my tongue slipping into his mouth. he walked me through the apartment, tongues still intertwined, before softly laying me against the couch. somehow, we both ended up undressed, panting heavily as we explored eachother. my hands raked through his hair as i moaned, his lips kissing down my neck in the same spots he had done not long before. "hold on" he whispered, pulling away from me and quickly running into the next room. he immediately returned, pulling a condom onto himself, making me chuckle. "probably a bit late for that." he laughed lightly and hovered over me, parting my legs with his knee.
"are you ready?" he said, leaning down to peck my lips. i nodded and rested my head back on the cushions, hissing as he stretched me out. "i'm sorry" he cooed, "are you okay?"
i nodded again, tears pricking at my eyes. "you really did a number on me earlier" we laughed against eachother, sharing small kisses as he stayed still inside of me, allowing me to adjust to the feeling. "we don't have to-"
"no, i want to. it should be okay now." he cautiously started rocking into me, moving as slowly as he could. after a while, the stinging stopped, and the pleasure soon returned. he was gentle and loving, only making the experience even more gratifying. our whines filled the apartment, lips moving perfectly together, my fingers rubbing his back and through his hair. no one had ever made love to me the way ross was right now.
we soon reached our highs and we laid exhausted, cuddled against eachother.
"should we go have that shower now?"
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dean-a-mean-tae · 5 months
First Impressions | Stray Kids Additional Member AU
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Tamaya brings Nicholas home to introduce him to Lillian and Johnny, the Golden Retriever.
WARNINGS: Slight angst? Mention of a car accident. Hinted that Tamaya was isolated from her family. Lillian is 2 in this. Nolan is a piece of shit. Cussing. I think that's it
Nicholas Ross Master list
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Finding a babysitter and dog sitter for Lillian and Johnny was a struggle Tamaya prays she never has to endure again. From being in labor to the date they finally released her, Tamaya had to find another babysitter after the first had a car accident. Thankfully without Lillian in the car.
Today was the day Tamaya could finally go home to her baby girl. The day she could finally introduce Lillian to her new little brother. And the day she could bring Nicholas home.
It was moments like this when she wished she could invite her parents. Tamaya wanted her kids to meet their grandparents. She wanted Lillian to be spoiled by Jermaine, and for Nicholas to always be held by Makayla. She wanted Zion to know he had a nephew and niece to chase around the yard. And for LaTasha to gush over them and constantly style them to match.
Tamaya missed her family.
"Come on, Tamaya." Nolan's voice broke Tamaya from her thoughts. Her car door was open, her seatbelt was off, and Johnny was sitting near the door with the hospital bag in his mouth waiting for one of them to let him in to put it down.
"Hurry up, lady. You need to eat and get in bed," Nolan instructed as he walked past with Nicholas in one of his arms. 
After fighting with her body to work without hurting, Tamaya waddled up the porch steps and into the house where Johnny trailed after her. The dog hadn't left her side since she'd exited the car. He'd brought Tamaya one of her books and guided her to the spare room set up for her return.
"Here." Nolan caged Nicholas in with pillows next to her and plopped a 2-year-old Lillian on the bed in front of them before leaving for the kitchen. Shortly after Nolan left, Johnny hopped onto the bed behind Lillian to keep her from toppling off. 
"A baby?" Lillian babbled, crawling toward the blankets and pillows surrounding her little brother.
"The baby that was in my belly," Tamaya answered as she placed her hands on her stomach before carefully rubbing Nicholas's cheek. "This is him. Your brother."
"Brother?" The toddler repeated. "My Liam?"
"No, honey. His name is Nicholas," Tamaya corrected. She frowned when Lillian shook her head. The toddler pushed her curls out her face before moving a pillow away from Nicholas and curling up in its place.
"Night, little honey pots," Tamaya whispered, covering her children with a blanket. Faintly, she could hear her own brother's voice asking about them. She knew it wasn't actually happening though. Her family didn't even know she had Lillian, let alone that she was ever pregnant.
"My brother," Lillian whispered, slowly grabbing Nick's hand.
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Nicholas Ross Master list | ©️DEANAMEANTAE2024
Tags List: @bada-lee-ily @jinnie-ret @hwxnghyynjin @foxilsdenn @mynameisnotlaura @lucianidealz @ziipzeepzop-eez @michelle4eve @leezanetheofficial @spookzyclown @ilovejeongin007
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asifscalligraphyart · 2 months
Painting Babbling Brook inspired by Bob Ross | Oil Painting | Asifs Arabic Calligraphy and Art
Painting available to buy
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
i will take any george daniel content u will give me
She Looks So Perfect (George Daniel)
warning: nothing
note: i am a woman on a dark path!! xx
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
you’re nearing 7 drinks in now. however, you’re not a big drinker, so 7 drinks for you isn’t the same as 7 drinks to someone else, namely, george.
you’re lucky that the party is at his house, otherwise you would be in a much more compromising position, but at the moment, you’re sat comfortably on his living room couch, listening to matty babble on about bukowski and poetry, typical matty stuff, and a group of helplessly impressionable young girls surround him like a crowd, hooked on his every word.
it’s almost sad, somewhat funny, watching the show he puts on, he’s such a performer, even in his free time.
he’s also such a people person, watching him be so at ease surrounded by a hoard of people observing his every move, which brings your thoughts back to george.
a while ago now, he got pulled away by some distant friends who showed up at his party and they’ve been talking on the back porch ever since then. you can’t hear the conversation but you’ve been reading into the body language from the inside of the closed sliding glass door.
there’s friend number 1, a short yet muscular guy with tan skin and black hair, who seems to be the resident talker, every time another man in the equation is at the end of his words, friend number 1 butts in again with some brand new, invigorating topic to speak about.
friend number two, is taller, not as tall as george but tall, and his hair is light brown and much longer than anyone else’s, come to think of it, longer than yours as well. he’s enjoying friend number one’s continuous talking, friend number one must be funny because friend number two keeps obnoxiously laughing and clutching one’s arm every time a joke is cracked.
then friend number three, who you know so dearly as ross, is here for one’s jokes, but he’s nowhere near as touchy on one as two is. maybe there’s something deeper going on with friends one and two.
but you don’t plan on investigating the meaning of their relationship, not tonight at least.
lastly, your eyes fall on george, who you’re sure you haven’t witnessed speak a single word this whole time, instead responding in understanding nods and occasional laughs. if you weren’t so close with him, you’d have thought perhaps he was enjoying himself, but you know better than that.
you roll off the couch, locating your balance before sliding open the glass door. all heads turn to look at you, now.
“hey bitches!” you greet the four men standing there, and you’re immediately out of place with them, you’re not a hip male musician living in los angeles, which is all they have in common, but you insert yourself anyways for the sake of your man.
you walk close and rest a hand on george’s toned back, briefly rubbing up and down, “can i talk to you inside about something?” you speak casually to him, and again, he doesn’t say anything, not to you or to the group, but he gives a quick smile to the men as if to excuse himself without any words.
you push him inside first and close the door behind the both of you, leading him back to the couch where no one on the back porch can see either of you anymore. he breathes a sigh of relief.
“thank you, my darling, i thought i’d never get away.” both his hands on your shoulders, he placed a kiss on your forehead.
“don’t mention it.” he pulls you to sit on his lap on the couch.
he buries his head into your hair, taking a deep inhale. “you smelling me, you freak?” you ask him.
he sighs out the gust of wind he breathed in, making your hairs tickle the back of your neck and you shrink away from it, temporarily cursing his too-tight hold on you until you remember how much you like it all other times.
“do i not having smelling privileges yet?”
you turn back a little bit to look him right in the face. “at least take me to dinner first.”
your face feels comedically close to his, you’re practically breathing the same air and if you speak more words, your nose would brush against his own. it feels so intimate you feel like you need to take a breath not provided by him, find some air of your own somewhere in your own space.
“i paid for your breakfast,” he pokes you playfully in the rib, ��and your lunch.”
“breakfast hardly counts. it was made it from the ingredients in your fridge, but matty pays for half that shit.”
he just smiles, patiently, like he always does when he surrenders opinion to let you be right in an argument. he’s so sappy it’s annoying. “but who cooked that breakfast?”
you roll your eyes.
“that’s what i thought.” he tightens his hold around you, clasping his hands together at your waist.
you lean in more to rest your head on his shoulder. “have i told you that you look perfect tonight?”
you giggle, “hmm, no i don’t think i’ve heard that one yet. maybe you should say it again.”
he speaks lower, quieter, like a secret spoken between two lovesick people, which you are, in any and every sense, “you look perfect.”
“thank you.”
“don’t thank me, i’m bare minimuming.”
“that’s not a real word.”
“it is now.”
“ok, weirdo.”
he grabs you gently by the back of your head, not pulling but softly lifting up your head to come face to face with him again. “can i kiss you?”
you smile, lips already brushing against his, “you don’t have to ask.” with his grip on your head, he holds you steady and does all the heavy lifting, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your lips, causing your eyes to flutter shut, only keeping direct contact for a small moment but lingering there.
suddenly, he scoops you up and ascends from the couch. you yelp, gripping onto him for dear life as if you’ve ever known him to drop you. you wrap your legs around his waist to ensure the closeness, and he starts carrying you back to his room, and you know you hear matty hollering about it from the living room, but you can’t bring yourself to care even a little bit.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
taglist: @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @indierockgirrl @milkluvr8 @americanangel
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