#ross gaines x reader
mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
Piss off, Ross - Ross Gaines x Reader
summary; [ross x female reader] unemployed and forced to do a restart course. a certain someone catches your eye.
warnings; 18+ content, detailed smut, unprotected sex, strong language, mild mentions of anxiety
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being unemployed in my late 20s was not something i ever would've imagined happening. the company i was working for had went under and i was made redundant, and eventually left with no choice but to join a course at the local job centre. i hated it. i felt judged and patronised by everyone who saw me walk into that building on that first day - little did i know just what i was about to encounter.
"okey cokey, pig in a pokey!" a female voice called as she entered the room, carrying her handbags and clipboard.
here we go, i mentally thought to myself, slightly rolling my eyes. i still couldn't believe i'd ended up here. "good morning job seekers. my name is pauline campbell-jones."
i lost concentration and looked around the room as she babbled on about what was going to happen in this course. my eyes scanned the different people who were joining me here, a mixture of elderly scruff men, trouble-making youngsters, until finally i spotted someone who doesn't look like he belonged here. well, i secretly hoped that i also didn't look like i "belonged" in a job centre, but i was immediately intrigued by him. he was dressed fairly smartly, a blazer over his shirt, small glasses that sat perfectly on his face just under his flopped fringe, complimenting his strong jawline. he seemed to be watching pauline intensely, tapping his pen slightly against his paper. he's quite attractive, i thought.
someone cleared their throat abruptly, and my head snapped back round to see pauline stood right before me, staring in my eyes. "and what's your name, love?" she asked.
"oh- uh" i stuttered due to the sudden and unexpected pressure, "i'm y/n".
"well, y/n" pauline began to say, "maybe you wouldn't be unemployed if you spent as much time looking for jobs as you do looking at mr. ross over there." my mouth dropped open slightly at her rude comment, before reality set in over what she had actually said. out loud.
a deep red immediately flushed my cheeks, and i took a quick glance at the man she called ross, only to find he was already looking back in my direction with a small smirk on his face. was he checking me out? no, he's obviously just mocking me considering i just got humiliated on my first day in front of the whole class.  my eyes snapped back down to my papers. i wanted the floor to swallow me whole... what a mess this had already turned out to be.
i kept quiet for the rest of the session, head down the whole time. however I couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes burning into me. deep down, i knew it was him, but i was going to save myself from further humiliation and just ignore it. as soon as pauline announced the end of the session, i wasted no time packing up and practically running out of the building. the dreaded thought eating me alive that i would only have to return again tomorrow morning.
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it was the next day, and i got there extra early to ensure i was the first to arrive. i couldn't bare the thought of walking into a full room, being stared at by everyone who witnessed that monstrosity yesterday. maybe it wasn't as bad as i was making it out to be, but i was still ashamed. people eventually began to arrive and the seats were slowly getting filled. i had chosen the table right at the back in the corner of the room, in order to avoid as much contact with anyone as possible. my throat suddenly became dry as i saw that all-too-familiar man enter the room. i watched as his eyes did a quick scan before settling on me, and i swore i saw a small smile tug at his lips. my eyes shot down as i pretended to pick at my fingernails, but i could still see him out of my peripheral vision. he began walking towards me, and i prayed that he would fill one of the empty seats along the way. but no, of course he didn't. i felt his presence, and i watched from the corner of my eye as he pulled out the chair right next to me, and started sitting down. my heart beat elevated as i continued to steal small glances at him, wondering and worried about what he had planned.
"hi, i'm ross" he spoke in a fairly quiet tone, flashing a smile and extending his hand out towards me. yeah, i know, i thought. there was something far too professional about him. i stared at his hand and quickly cleared my throat as it was somehow drier than it was before.
"i'm y/n" i said, reaching out to shake his hand. his skin was smooth and his grip was firm but gentle.
"yeah, i know" he said, repeating my thoughts.
"ha... right.." i said quietly, forcing out an awkward chuckle. i decided to bite the bullet and just clear the awkward air as soon as possible. "listen, i'm sorry about yesterday" i coughed slightly again as i looked down at the desk. god, i'm so lame.
"nothing to be sorry about," ross said and i nodded slightly, kind of relieved that he seemed to be understanding. "i tried to speak to you after class yesterday, but you left so quickly. i couldn't catch up in time" he chuckled a bit.
"yes, well..." i trailed off, not really sure what to say. wasn't it obvious i was rushing off to avoid him?
i raised my eyes from the desk as the room echoed with the same "okey cokie, pig in a pokie" as yesterday. i huffed under my breath, anxious that she might do something else to call me out again. ross must have heard me, as he leaned in closer to whisper in my ear "don't worry, the only one who she's embarrassing is herself." the simple act caused chills to pass over my skin, almost making me shudder.
i let out a small laugh through my nose, grateful at his attempt to comfort me. pauline continued rambling on about today's workshop on job options, as ross leaned back towards me again. in a hushed tone, he whispered "so, how come you're here then?"
i was a bit taken back by his question, "is that really something you should ask?"
"i didn't mean it in a rude way. but come on, a pretty girl like you, i can't imagine you've just been scrounging off of benefits all your life. you look like you've got it all together, which is more than what I can say for some of the messes in here" he grimaced as he glanced around the room.
i was quiet for a moment, mainly only thinking about the fact that he just called me pretty. "i was forced to come here. i was recently made redundant. i had no choice" i sighed at the reminder, i had liked my job.
he nodded. "well that's a shame... still, this will be over before you know it." i turned my head to shoot him a slight smile. i was about to ask him the same question, considering my first impression of him was that he didn't look like someone who'd been struggling to get work, but i was quickly interrupted. pauline cleared her throat sharply, just as she had done yesterday, and we both looked up to see her scowling at us from the front of the room.
"well, well. If it isn't little miss y/n and mr ross," she began sarcastically, "sitting together are we? as if it wasn't bad enough being ignored by the both of you yesterday, now you're both just speaking over me!"
I went to reply to her, but ross beat me to it. "sorry, pauline. I was just asking y/n if she had a pen I could borrow."
"you want a pen, ross?" pauline said, "well there are plenty of pauline's pens up here at the front near mickey love. now I want you to move here so I can keep a close eye on you." I could tell that ross wanted to protest against her, but she looked at him like such filth that he quickly closed his mouth and stood up. he glanced at me as he walked away with a subtle roll of his eyes, making me giggle.
the rest of the session dragged by, i found myself staring at the back of ross' head for the majority of it, and he'd occasionally turn around in his seat to pull faces at me whenever pauline said something completely inappropriate.
"come on ross, on your feet" she suddenly said, making us look at eachother in confusion. she wanted ross to partake in the last exercise of the day for sales jobs, where he had to try and sell a copy of the big issue. i watched as he stood at the front of the class next to pauline, holding his hands awkwardly. i leaned back in my seat and craned my neck upwards, barely controlling the smirk on my face. i had a feeling this was going to be quite entertaining.
"right then, job-seekers. i want you all to imagine that we're standing on a very busy highstreet," pauline began, "and i'm an attractive young housewife." the laugh that erupted out of me was completely accidental. my hands slapping over my own mouth to stifle the noise was not enough, as pauline slowly turned to stare at me with eyes of daggers. ross however, was smiling at me widely with his bright teeth as he laughed along. i felt giddy knowing i had made him laugh. god, what is wrong with me? i barely know him.
i watched the scene unfold, with pauline mocking ross for his "poor attempt" at selling, before she strangely started asking him to beg her, making everyone in the room uncomfortable.
"no! no, I won't!" he finally snapped, raising his voice. "i won't beg you pauline."
there was a long pause. "very well..." she mumbled, "sit down please, ross." he angrily gave her the magazine back before returning to his seat. she followed closely behind, before raising the magazine and aggressively slapping it across his head. my jaw dropped involuntarily as ross cried out in pain, holding the side of his head where she had hit him. i stood up from my seat, my mouth still wide open in disbelief, and i went to approach him to see if he was okay.
pauline held out her palm towards and stopped me in my tracks, "ah, ah" she said, as if she was telling off a small child or a dog. i stood feeling helpless, watching ross continue to gawk in pain as pauline went around the room and started shouting at everyone. but i wasn't listening to her, not until she shortly announced that it was time to leave. i grabbed my bag and walked over to ross, who was also stood up gathering his belongings. "hey, are you okay?" i said, genuinely concerned.
he looked up at me, his angry face immediately softening. "uh, yeah, i'm alright."
"are you sure-"
he cut me off, "yeah honestly, i'm fine. can we just go?" he said, nodding towards the door. "i'm desperate to get out of here." he seemed flustered and agitated, but i didn't blame him. i would be too.
i nodded and followed him out of the building. we stood on the street outside of the job centre, and i turned to look at him. "we should do something, she can't get away with that." i said, but he didn't seem that bothered.
"what would we do? there's no one to even tell."
"we can report it to the authorities or something. it's just unacceptable."
ross shook his head, which confused me. this was a bigger deal than he seemed to realise. "no one will care, y/n."
"well i care" i said, looking at him as he stared me in the eyes. he glanced down at the floor quickly and nodded his head, before looking back at me. "thanks" he said quietly, poking his tongue out across his lips to wetten them.
there was a small silence. "does it still hurt?" i said, reaching out to touch the side of his head.
"not really" he swallowed, continuing to stare at me. i lowered my hand, mumbling a "good."
there was another small silence, but he broke it this time. "would you maybe want to... go grab a coffee or something? unless you have plans" he seemed nervous, but i smiled in response which made him seemingly relax.
"i'd love to" i said, and we began walking down the road towards the nearest coffee shop.
we sat for a few hours, talking about anything and everything. how unbelievable we think pauline is, where we grew up, where abouts we live now, what our interests are. we discovered that we had quite a lot in common. the more we spoke, the more attracted i became to him. he was so well-mannered and polite.
we both lost track of time and would have stayed even longer had we not been ushered out by the closing staff. he insisted on being the one to pay, and i couldn't resist the joke as we walked out the door. "what? just because i'm on the dole you think i can't afford a couple cups of coffee?" he snickered and used his elbow to gently nudge me in the side. i smiled widely to myself as we walked along, taking in the evening sun as it began to set in the sky.
"can i walk you home?" he turned to me, looking hopeful.
"what a gentleman" i joked, causing him to roll his eyes with a smile. "i'd love to say yes, but you live on the other side of town from me, and that's quite a long walk back by yourself."
"oh it's not a bother. i could just ring barbara to come pick me up" he said, alluding to the local taxi driver.
i refused, wanting to make it easier for the both of us, but he went to protest again. with a sudden boost of confidence, i walked forward and reached up to place a kiss on his lips, silencing him. i felt him kiss back almost immediately, after the initial shock, of course. i pulled back after a few seconds and exhaled through my nose. "goodnight, ross. i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled cheekily, turning away from him and beginning my walk back home. i felt tipsy, eventhough i hadn't had a single sip of alcohol. my mother would have called it drunk in loveee, but i shook the thought from my head, unable to control the grin on my face the whole way home.
the next day quickly arrived, and i awoke in the morning feeling excited for the first time in months. i got up and picked an outfit, cuter and more formal than what i'd normally wear, especially to a job centre. however i stuck to my usual, light makeup. i didn't want it to seem like i was dressing up too much.
i made it to pauline's class, but i was somehow a few minutes late. brilliant, i mentally scowled myself, and stood outside for a moment to work up the courage to knock on the door and walk in.
"ah, y/n. how nice of you to actually join us" pauline said in her usual sarcastic tone.
"i'm really sorry pauline. something came up."
"don't let it happen again" she looked at me sternly and i nodded before she gestured at the tables for me to go and sit down.
i immediately spotted ross at the back of the classroom, in the same space as where i was sat yesterday. the empty seat next to him almost grabbing me by an invisible magnetic force. i gave him a smile as i made my way over, and sat down as quietly as possible in order to prevent disturbing pauline even further.
"glad you showed up" he whispered. "i was worried you had called in sick or something to avoid me."
"no, not at all!" trying to voice my urgency in a hushed tone was difficult, but i hope he believed me. he was the only reason i forced myself to come here this morning, i certainly didn't want to avoid him.
"that's good, then" he nodded, and i watched as his eyes flicked up and down my body, observing my outfit. "you look nice, by the way"
i couldn't hide the blush on my cheeks as i grabbed my pen and started making notes to catch up with what i'd missed. "thank you" i smiled, moving my foot under the desk to lightly nudge his shoe.
the session was almost coming to an end, with pauline wanting to do one more exercise on practicing conducting interviews. she had already had poor mickey up the front, making a fool of himself, but now she wanted someone to volunteer roleplaying as the interviewer, so she could play the "perfect" candidate.
she had singled me out in the room, completely unprovoked. "now, i won't be asking you, y/n love. most interviewers don't show up late, it's usually a very bad impression" i swallowed and focused my gaze on the desk, avoiding eye contact with her. i could feel ross looking at me. i had told him yesterday about how i'd always struggled with anxiety, especially social anxiety, and how my memories of school had been tainted due to my teachers constantly picking on me.
"any takers?" she said, looking around the room. "come on, don't be shy."
there was a moment's silence before a stern "i'll do it." arose from right beside me. i raised my eyes from the desk to look at him, and he was staring intensely at pauline. she beckoned him to stand up, and he gladly obliged, making his way over to the front. as he tucked in his chair, he sent me a subtle wink, and i sat up in my seat wondering what he had planned.
i watched as he immediately began to tease pauline, asking for the clipboard and the pen, before making a snide comment about how he was glad that she wasn't naked. i suppressed my smile, pressing my knuckle against my lips. i continued to watch the scene, pauline pretending to enter the interview and immediately sitting down.
"would you like to take a seat?" ross said sarcastically, mimicking the tone she always used when belittling us.
"ross is quite right," she said as she jumped up. "you're in the driver's seat now."
"... i know." the look on his face as he clicked the pen and slowly smirked up at pauline made the core between my legs ache, and i pressed my thighs tightly together in an attempt to stop the inappropriate feeling.
this new side to ross made me feel things i hadn't felt before. the 'interview' was proceeding, with ross continuously taunting and spiting pauline. making her admit how old she was, asking her if she was an egregious person, to which she agreed, and mocking her for her lack of academic qualifications.
he was being stern and stubborn, and a small piece of me couldn't help but think he was perhaps partly doing this to stick up for me, making me want him even more.
the roleplay drew to a close with pauline cockily standing up extending her hand for a hand shake. "thank you very much, when do i start?"
the smug look on her face quickly vanished when ross scoffed. "i'm sorry, but i can't offer you this position." he went on to say that she strikes him as a bully, is foul-mouthed, under qualified, and above all else, "too old."
i mentally praised him as i listened, grateful that pauline was finally getting a taste of her own medicine. she got quiet and took the clipboard back from ross, before suddenly ripping off the papers that he was making notes on, and began shouting. "you'll eat these words!" she exclaimed, turning to him and physically shoving the screwed up papers into his mouth. "egregious, am i? foul-fucking-mouthed?!"
it all happened too fast, and i watched in horror as he began physically choking, pauline's grip on him was so tight that he could barely fight back. i stood up and ran to them, shouting at pauline to stop and trying to push her off of him. but she didn't budge and continued trying to choke ross, before mickey raised from his seat and shouted at her to "stop being a nutter."
pauline seemed to come to her senses (if that was even possible), and let go of him, before slowly turning around and realising what she'd done. i rushed to crouch down at ross' side and placed my hand on his shoulder as he leant forward in his seat, coughing and spluttering uncontrollably. i watched as he struggled to regain his breathing, and i moved my hand to rub circles on his back in an attempt to comfort him.
eventually, the entire class was slowly filing out, including pauline who didn't say a word as i glared at her. it was just me and ross left, the only noise being his small coughs that he made as he began to calm down. i moved my hand from his back and placed it on his knee, "are you okay?" i said gently, enticing him to look at me.
he took a deep breath and nodded slowly, still staring at the floor. he finally raised his head and stared at me. looking into his eyes, they seemed sad and helpless, before they suddenly changed. they became clouded with darkness and he gave me a look that i couldn't quite read. it was a look i'd never seen before. only then did i realise just how close we were to eachother, faces inches apart. i gulped, not knowing what to do.
all of a sudden, ross stood up, pulling me up with him. his hands met the side of my face as he aggressively pushed his lips against mine, taking me completely by surprise. i squealed against him before i registered what was happening, and began kissing him back. the kiss was sloppy and rough, his lips seeming desperate.
he backed me up against the wall, his hands moving from my face to my waist as he began kissing down my neck. i gripped at his hair, my breathing becoming heavy. he began to bite and suck at my neck and shoulders, careless that there would be definitely be marks there tomorrow. as weird as it sounds, i kind of wanted them to be there, a reminder of whatever this would turn out to be.
i could feel myself growing increasingly wet as he trailed his kisses down my clothed body, slowly getting on his knees. he moved his hands down from my waist to hold onto the sides my thighs, before he suddenly stopped, looking up at me. i nodded, not even sure of what he was doing. but i knew i wanted it anyway. he wasted no time tracing his fingers up my thighs and i watched as they disappeared under my skirt. i felt him playing with the hems of my thong and i groaned, desperate for some friction. he slowly began to pull my panties down, enjoying how much i was growing increasingly frustrated. he pulled them all the way to my ankles and over my shoes, encouraging me to step out of them. he held them in front of his face, observing them.
"so wet for me" he whispered, looking up at my face. i whined and pressed my legs together, much like i had done earlier that afternoon. "no, no" he smirked, forcing my legs apart.
"please" i spoke in a broken whisper, causing him to look back up at me.
"please, what?" he said tauntingly. "i want you to tell me what you want."
"please touch me" i whimpered, feeling tears prick at my eyes.
"well, because you asked so nicely..." i watched as he threw my thong somewhere behind him, and began trailing kissing up the inside of my thigh, lifting my skirt and holding it against my stomach. my breathing became extremely heavy as i waited to feel him where i most desperately needed to.
i gasped as his tongue suddenly flicked against my clit, throwing my head back against the wall at the much-needed sensation. i moaned loudly as his mouth wrapped around my pussy, his saliva and my juices mixing perfectly together.
he ate me so hungrily, liked a starved dog at a buffet. his tongue worked me perfectly, focusing near my entrance, as the rest of his mouth caressed my trembling nub of nerves. my body reflexed and bucked against him, grinding my pussy down onto his face. i moaned loudly as my clit rubbed against his nose, causing him to grip me tighter and force my hips against the wall to stop me. i could tell that he wanted to be in control. i grew excessively louder, my hands forcefully holding onto his head for something to grip on to, as i felt myself already getting close.
i allowed myself to bounce up and down on his mouth, trying to get a bit more friction on my clit. he groaned against me, the vibrations almost sending me over the edge. i felt my climax approaching and i tilted my head upwards, my mouth hung open as i readied to reach the summit. until suddenly, it stopped.
ross pulled away from me and stood up, leaving me panting heavily, and oh so unsatisfied. "what the fuck?!" i complained, only to be ignored. "i was so close."
i watched as he undid his belt, flinging it off along with his blazer, and began unzipping his jeans, through which i could see the huge outline of his bulging boner. he pulled them down to his ankles to expose his boxer briefs that were leaking with precum, and i almost instantly dropped to my own knees to return the favour. i looked up at him, trying to look as sexy as possible as i raised my hand to palm him through the thin material. he screwed his eyes shut and hissed as my fingers played with the head of his penis, and i felt it twitch, begging for more.
i smirked and pulled down his boxers to his jeans, letting his aching member spring free and slap against his stomach. he groaned at the feeling, before i collected the precum from his tip and rubbed it and down his shaft, pumping him a few times. i placed the head in my mouth and began sucking him slowly, using my tongue to expertly swirl around the bottom of his tip. i certainly wasn't an expert, far from it, but from the way i had ross moaning, i don't think he paid any mind.
i began going lower, slowly taking more of him in as i bobbed my head gently. but i must've teased him too long, as he leaned down and pushed the hair out of my face, grabbed the sides of my head and pushed his cock all the way to the back of my throat. my hands flailed to grip on to the sides of his thighs as i tried so hard not to gag. but i didn't have much time to think about it as he began rocking into my mouth, thrusting his hips. he moaned quietly, concentration furrowing in his brow. he began fucking my throat, causing me to choke below him, but i didn't mind. i enjoyed it, actually, knowing he was using me to get his pleasure.
i didn't know my eyes were watering until i felt the tears stream down my cheeks, my mascara probably getting ruined. he carried on for a few more minutes, staring down at me as he continuously told me that i was "taking him so well." he suddenly pulled away again, leaving me slightly annoyed as he had ruined my revenge plan to edge him, just as he'd done to me.
but before i knew it, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me to my feet, bending me over the nearest desk. he held my wrists behind my back as he forcefully pulled my skirt up, rubbing his hardened cock against my dripping folds. we both let out a low moan as he finally entered me, his large appendage filling me up so deeply. i groaned as he slowly began thrusting into me, lowering my head to rest it against the desk below me.
"god, you're so tight" he grunted from behind me, beginning to pound me harder. it burned and it hurt, but in the best way possible. his grip on my wrists was so tight that it was sure to leave bruises by the next morning. the desk wobbled and creaked beneath us as he sped up, the sound of our heavy breathing and skin slapping filled the room. he suddenly pulled me upwards so i was stood, my back against his clothed chest. one of his hands stayed gripping my wrist, and the other ran against my hair, collecting some of it into a loose pony tail, before he pulled it roughly, forcing my head backwards. i felt his head rest on my shoulder, grunting in my ear as he continued to fuck me. it was messy. rough and angry. and i think he just needed to use me to release his frustrations. but it was very good nonetheless. he reached down to give my arse a light, unexpected spank, making me choke on a moan.
"i think. i think I'm gonna... cum" i barely managed to get my words out, ross continuing to ram in to me. he let go of my hair and reached round the front of me, rubbing the pad of his fingers over my clit. i screwed my eyes shut dousing in the extreme pleasure, my mouth hung open silently, unable to vocalise my moans.
"come on," he whispered in my ear, "cum for me." his encouraging words and his fingers still working magic was enough to finish me. "fuck, fuck, fuck!" i moaned loudly and flung my head back against his chest, orgasm finally flushing over me. ross removed his hand and raised it to clamp it over my mouth, trying to stifle my loud profanities. his cock still grinding inside of me, helping me ride out my orgasm.
"fucking hell" he groaned through a laugh. "you're such a good girl." he pulled out breathlessly and gently turned me around, pushing me backwards so that my arse hit the desk and my knees buckled to perch on it. he stood between my legs and held my waist to push me further onto it, allowing me to be more comfortable.
he slowly entered me again, before immediately picking up the pace and ploughing me hard. i cried out, wrapping my legs around his lower torso, my arms holding onto his shoulders tightly. i think i may have trouble walking in the morning. he moaned into my hair, his hands under my skirt cupping my arse cheeks.
i moved my hips forward to meet his, copying his rhythm and grinding against him. "fuck!" he groaned against me, trying to keep as quiet as possible. he played around with the hem of my shirt for a while, looking like he was deep in thought, before he suddenly pulled it up and off my shoulders, discarding it somewhere across the room. he stared at my lace bra, my nipples large and pointed. his mouth gaped open as his hips thrusted erratically and became more sloppy. i knew he was close, and considering i was still extremely sensitive from my first orgasm, i knew i wasn't far behind him.
he began moaning uncontrollably, and the noise was like an angel choir to me. i shoved my face into his shoulder, using his collarbone to try to quiet my own noise. i don't know why, but i had only just realised where we actually were. in a public place, where anyone could walk in or hear us at any time. my hands crawled up under the back of his shirt, allowing my finger nails to dig into his skin, and i let myself go, cumming around him for the second time.
he gasped at the sensation of my pussy clenching around him, and i felt his cock twitch and pulse inside of me. he suddenly pulled out and grabbed my hips, pulling me forward to the edge of the desk and encouraging me to lay down. he held his penis and pumped his fist a few times before cumming all over my naked stomach, "oh, fuck" and "yes" being the only words he could manage. he almost collapsed onto me, my chest heaved as i watched him. I'd never seen something quite so hot before.
after a few minutes of us desperately trying to catch our breath, he stood up and walked over to pauline's desk where there were a box of tissues. he grabbed a few and wiped himself, before pulling up his pants and jeans and bringing the box over to me. i cleaned his mess from my skin and stood up, throwing the dirty tissues in the bin. i wandered around the room to pick up my shirt and my panties before dressing myself. i sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, watching ross as he fastened his belt.
"so... what now?" i questioned with an awkward chuckle, not knowing how to proceed with our relationship after the hottest and most random sex of my life.
"uhh, i don't know. late lunch?" he replied, genuinely suggesting us things to do.
"i could do with a shower, to be honest." i laughed, not really wanting to spend any time in public looking and feeling like a hot mess.
"okay, come back to mine then?" i looked at him, not sure if he was actually being serious, but the look he was giving me told me he was. i didn't really want to, but at the same time, i really did. "we can shower and I'll order us food or something. i need to talk to you, anyway."
he didn't give me much time to respond, as he began dialling his phone and ordering us a taxi. we were stood outside waiting for barbara, ross wasn't saying much and i was worried that i'd made a mistake and had set myself up for a very awkward evening. i mean, what do you actually say to the man who just fucked your brains out, completely unplanned in the middle of the day?
we were soon sat in the cab, ross and barbara speaking about what-not. she tried to include me in light conversation but i couldn't really concentrate. i ended up staring out the window as i began thinking about things. about ross...
yesterday, he kept avoiding my questions about work and why he was at a job centre, eventhough he knew my reasonings as to why i was there. he had invited me out for coffee and paid, just a moment ago he had invited me out for lunch, and when i denied he said he'd order us takeaway, and he has just paid for a cab to his flat. he didn't live very far away from the job centre, only about a 20 minute walk, which confused me beyond belief. don't get me wrong, it's not like i couldn't afford those things. I'm not completely broke. but you'd assume that someone out of work would be trying their hardest to save money if there were other alternatives, such as walking a small distance or cooking a home meal.
i didn't want to think too much about it, or judge his situation, but i was anxious about what he wanted to talk to me about. i thanked barbara and climbed out onto the street. deep down i was secretly grateful that we didn't have to walk, anyway. i'd have been hobbling side-to-side due to the pain down there. thanks ross.
i followed him into his apartment and took in my surroundings. it was pretty nice. i immediately see a kitchen island with bar stools, joining into the living space with a large couch and tv, a bookshelf tucked into the corner. "can i get you anything to drink?" he asked, putting his bag and blazer down onto the kitchen counter.
"uh, just water is fine, thank you." i felt awkward and vulnerable. i just didn't know what to say to him. i tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear as he passed a glass of water to me, and i sipped it gratefully, thankful for the refreshing hydration after the exerting events of our afternoon.
"so... what did you want to talk to me about?" i wasted no time, eventhough i was nervous about his answer. he gestured for me to sit next to him on one of the kitchen stools, and i sat cautiously, my mind racing with what he could possibly say. was it good or bad news? was he going to say that he wanted to see me more often? say he never wanted to see me again? or was he going to announce that he's riddled with STD's and has just passed them all onto me?
i watched as he grabbed multiple papers and what looked like video tapes from his bag. "so i guess i just have to jump straight in..." he began by clearing his throat and knocking the papers against the counter to straighten them.
i grew impatient as i looked at him, searching his face for answers. "now, don't be mad" oh brilliant. whenever a man says that, 9 times out of 10, he's about to say something that would make anyone go ballistic. "but i haven't been completely honest about what i've been up to for the past week."
"what do you mean?" i stuttered.
he let out a sigh, and i assumed he was nervous. which only made me want to shit bricks. "i'm actually employed, and i've been working under cover at the job centre."
of all of the things i thought he might have said, that was certainly not one of them. i sat in shock, my brows furrowed, once again not even knowing what to say. my mind raced again and it began to piece things together. the professionalism. the money.
he noticed that i hadn't said anything and carried on. "i'm an internal investigator. i've been investigating pauline and examining her classes-"
"what?" i cut him off, finally regaining my words. "you... what?" that was all i could seem to manage to say. i stood up from my seat and walked to the other side of the counter, feeling my heart beginning to beat under my chest.
"this is a good thing, y/n." he said, also standing up and beginning to approach me. i scoffed and screwed my face up.
"how? i didn't know that lying and being a faker was a good thing." i felt a range of emotions. confusion. shock. betrayal? maybe that was a bit excessive, but i felt like i suddenly didn't even know him. this man whom i'd been hanging out with and seeing every day, he was a complete stranger. was any of the stuff about his childhood and hobbies that he told me in the coffee shop even true? i had been completely honest with him from the start, finding a friend in him, opening myself up (emotionally and physically...), and this is how he repays me?
"i didn't lie to you, y/n." i resisted the urge to scoff again, but i just looked at him confused. "...withholding of information is not technically a lie." i rolled my eyes and turned away from him, wanting to run out the door and not look back.
a hand rested on my shoulder and i shook it off, walking to the door to try and slip my shoes back on. "y/n, just stop. i meant that it's a good thing because i'm going to have all this evidence against pauline. when i hand this over, she'll be locked up for good." i glanced at him as he was holding everything that he laid out on the counter earlier. "these are recordings. all of the times she was ever rude or picked on you. every time she belittled mickey. every time she... you know. physically hurt me. it's all on here."
ross' pov
i shook the papers and the tapes desperately in my arms, trying to get her to understand. i wasn't even supposed to be telling her this information, it was completely against the rules of the social services. but i trusted her. i wanted her help in being a witness against pauline. and above all else, i just wanted her to know the real me.
she was silent for a long moment, but i could tell her thoughts were racing.
"why didn't you tell me this sooner?" her voice was quiet.
i sighed, wishing i had been truthful with her from the start. "it's company policy. i'm not even supposed to be telling you now. but i trust you, y/n. i really do." i watched as she slowly turned to face me and put her shoes back down on the floor. "i didn't want to hide from you anymore."
"okay, so... what was earlier about, then?" she cradled her arms against her chest, looking nervous. or embarrassed. or both?
"what do you mean?" i wasn't quite sure what she was getting at, but she soon made me feel like an idiot for not understanding.
"oh, you know, when you randomly fucked me?!" her voice was raised. i couldn't tell if she was mad about it, or just mad at me. but surely she wouldn't have come back here with me if she was disgusted and never wanted to see me again.
"i- i just. i don't know, i was angry. i needed something. someone. and you were there being all nice-"
"so you would've just done that to anyone?" she spat, cutting me off.
"no! god, no!" my grip loosened on the evidence against pauline, letting it crash to the floor in a discarded mess. but i didn't care, the only important thing at the moment was getting y/n to understand. "i... i really like you" she looked at me but didn't say anything, so i continued. "i think you're so beautiful. i didn't mean to upset you or anything, and i'm really sorry if i did. i just thought that, i don't know, maybe you liked me too..." i sighed again and looked at the floor, feeling vulnerable and worried that i had ruined the relationship between us.
"i do like you, ross" she spoke so gently, her voice barely above a whisper. "i liked you from the moment i saw you."
i couldn't find any words, i didn't need them, anyway. i walked towards her cautiously, extending my hands towards her face. she didn't move as i used my palms to cup her cheeks, smoothing a piece of hair from in front of her eyes. i leaned forward a little, her eyes glancing from my eyes to my lips.
reader's pov
i fluttered my eyes closed in anticipation, as i leaned towards him, waiting for the gap to be sealed. his lips pressed against mine, they felt small and incredibly gentle, a huge difference to how he was kissing me earlier. i raised my hands to allow my fingers to run through his hair, enjoying the feeling. i smiled against him, wanting to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away.
he rested his head against mine, our noses almost brushing together. "will you help me get pauline fired?" he whispered. all i did was nod.
his lips curled into a small smile. "just five more weeks of torture left, before she gets what she deserves."
"torture?" i questioned, sarcasm lacing my voice. "i think five weeks of seeing me every day will be pure bliss for you" i smirked, allowing my hands to rest on his lower back.
"i think you're right" he whispered, moving to kiss me again. it immediately heated up, my tongue slipping into his mouth. he walked me through the apartment, tongues still intertwined, before softly laying me against the couch. somehow, we both ended up undressed, panting heavily as we explored eachother. my hands raked through his hair as i moaned, his lips kissing down my neck in the same spots he had done not long before. "hold on" he whispered, pulling away from me and quickly running into the next room. he immediately returned, pulling a condom onto himself, making me chuckle. "probably a bit late for that." he laughed lightly and hovered over me, parting my legs with his knee.
"are you ready?" he said, leaning down to peck my lips. i nodded and rested my head back on the cushions, hissing as he stretched me out. "i'm sorry" he cooed, "are you okay?"
i nodded again, tears pricking at my eyes. "you really did a number on me earlier" we laughed against eachother, sharing small kisses as he stayed still inside of me, allowing me to adjust to the feeling. "we don't have to-"
"no, i want to. it should be okay now." he cautiously started rocking into me, moving as slowly as he could. after a while, the stinging stopped, and the pleasure soon returned. he was gentle and loving, only making the experience even more gratifying. our whines filled the apartment, lips moving perfectly together, my fingers rubbing his back and through his hair. no one had ever made love to me the way ross was right now.
we soon reached our highs and we laid exhausted, cuddled against eachother.
"should we go have that shower now?"
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gingiesworld · 1 year
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Old Flames
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Civil War Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings : Smut. Reader has a penis. Breeding.
Requested by @ginnsbaker
"And always."
After the battle at the airport, Vision tried to help get Wanda free from the Raft. Tony could see that the synthezoid was evolving, he was feeling more human with each passing moment. What Tony had never expected was the news he recieved when he arrived at the Raft.
"Wanda Maximoff was broken free last night." Secretary Ross informed him. "You wouldn't have anything to do with it now?"
"No." Tony told him firmly. "As much as I feel horrible with her being here, I wouldn't go back on the Accords."
"The power went down. The cameras were hacked." Secretary Ross stated. "The only person that came to mind with that was you."
"I can assure you. It wasn't me." Tony stated. "You can search the compound and every one of my safe houses but I assure you it wasn't me."
Wanda soon woke up in a dimly lit room, her eyes darting around the room. She wasn't in the restraints she was put in when she was in the Raft. She was just in her suit.
"You know, when I heard your name on the news after the incident. I just couldn't believe you were still alive." She watched as a figure emerged from the doorway.
"Who are you?" She asked, her accent thick.
"I'm hurt that you don't recognise my voice." They spoke, feigning hurt. "After all, you were the one who said always."
"You were dead." Wanda whispered as Y/N chuckled.
"That is what Strucker told you." Y/N stated as they took a seat on the bed beside her. "I was transferred. After they realised our bond. Our relationship, they used it as leverage for their own gain." Wanda remained silent as they spoke. "They told me that you had lost the baby."
"What baby?" Wanda questioned. She remembered their nights spent together, but she was never pregnant.
"They were the ones who told me you were pregnant, and when you miscarried. They told me that you never wanted to see me again." They told her.
"Y/N, you were the only one I ever cared about. Why would I hate you?" Wanda questioned as Y/N shrugged.
"I wanted to have a family with you Wanda." They whispered, they had flicked on the light. Wanda gasped as she saw the once warm blue eyes she fell in love with. "I always did, since we were little."
"Y/N, we're completely different people now." She whispered as they took her hand in theirs. Playing with the many rings on her fingers.
"You will always be the same Wanda to me." They whispered as she shook her head.
"Y/N, we don't know each other anymore." Wanda tried as Y/N shook their head and cupped her cheek.
"You are just a little different." They whispered as their thumb brushed against her bottom lip. "But I bet I remember all of the things that make you squirm." Wanda sighed when they pressed their lips against her own, almost getting lost in the feeling.
"I can't." Wanda whispered as she pulled away.
"You can Wanda." They told her as she shook her head.
"I have Vision." She told them as they smiled at her.
"I understand your powers may be different but it will be ok. This is meant to be. We are meant to be." They told her as they brushed her hair from her face.
"No. Vision has nothing to do with my powers." Wanda whispered as her heart pounded in her chest as Y/N untied her corset. "He is my uh, well I'm not quite sure what we are."
"You're mine Wanda." Y/N told her sternly. "You belong to me, and me alone." Wanda sighed when she felt their lips on her skin as they removed her top. Their hands softly grazing her skin. Remembering the way her skin reacted to their touch.
Wanda moaned as they wrapped their lips around her nipple. Wanda's hand went to the back of their head. Keeping them in place as they continued to suck on the hardened bud.
"Fuck." Wanda moaned lewdly when Y/N's fingers made their way beneath her pants and underwear. Thrusting slowly into her soaked core.
"We have to find her Mr Stark." Vision urged as Tony sighed.
"I have been looking for days Vision." He told him. "I haven't found a single trace of Wanda or the person who broke her out."
"What about Steve?" He questioned as Tony sighed.
"He only got there a couple of days ago. I already questioned him in Siberia." Tony informed him. "He knows nothing of Wanda's whereabouts."
"I don't know what this is that I am feeling Mr Stark but my calculations tell me it's love." Vision told him. "I can feel more with each day that passes."
"I understand that Vision." Tony sighed. "I am looking everywhere."
Y/N was thrusting inside her at a steady pace, the two sharing a kiss before Y/N looked in Wanda's eyes.
"I can't wait to breed you Wanda." They husked out. "Have the family we always talked about."
"Please." Wanda begged as she scratched down their back. "I need it. I need you. All of you."
Y/N grunted as they went faster and harder. Wanda reaching her third orgasm as Y/N reached their own releasing inside of her before they brushed the hair from her face. Watching as she caught her breath.
"I love you Wanda. Forever." They whispered.
"I love you Y/N. Always." She leaned up and kissed their lips lovingly. All of their feelings coming back in full force. The two old flames back together. Burning brighter together than they were when they were apart.
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ilybeam · 1 year
“Tat my name on you so I know it’s real”
You jokingly tell him to tattoo your name so you know he’s serious about your relationship.
Various x Gn!reader
Gun Park, Dg/James Lee, Hudson Ahn, Samuel Seo, Vasco, and Jake Kim
Content Warnings - Established relationship, unintentionally manipulative reader?
A/n - Didn’t add all my favorite characters so if people enjoy this I might make a part two.
Doesn’t tat it
Gun park -
- Definitely scoffed at you when you said that.
- I mean are you crazy? His body is a temple, of course he’s not going to go through with something that he could potentially regret in the future.
- Told you to get his name first and then he’d think about it. Was not serious about that proposition when he said it.
- Has semi realistic expectations of romantic relationships.
- Scolded you even after you said it was a joke.
“All jokes have some truth to them, [name].” He chided
“God you sound like my mother.” You bit back.”
Dg/James Lee-
- Looked at you like you had three eyes.
- He’s an idol, his image is everything. A tacky tattoo of his lovers name would not slide.
- Doesn’t even matter if he thinks y’all would last forever, a tattoo is just too much.
- Would try to compromise by buying a chain with your name on it.
Didn’t agree to it, but definitely thought about it
Hudson Ahn-
- The man reeks of commitment what can I say.
- His devotion to relying on his right hand is a testament to that.
- But even with all things considered a tattoo of your name is a bit much.
- Definitely thinks it’s a bit tacky as well.
- Not to mention, your significant others name as a first tattoo is a lot.
- All things considered, you should be thankful he even thought about.
Samuel Seo -
- Laughed at you when you said it.
- But even so, it definitely took him a minute to think about it.
- I mean his whole body is tatted up, how’s one more going to make a difference.
- Would also be very easy to cover up or incorporate in the design of his whole body’s
- But a king with his significant others name tattooed on his body, I’m not sure if that’s a great idea.
- Told you he’d tattoo your name, if you tattooed his.
- But unlike gun he wasn’t joking.
“Okay I’ll do it-“ he smirked, he’s definitely up to something.
“Wait really?” you interrupted, not actually thinking he’d agree.
“But only if you tattoo mine aswell”
Agreed to tattoo your name, no regrets.
- Didn’t think of the nuances of tattooing your name.
- I mean look at him, what’s one more tattoo.
- Not much more to be said.
“Vasco?” You called out, gaining his attention.
You both sat in the park whilst Vasco was in between sets.
“Hmm?” He replied, slowly catching his breath after completing his ridiculous workout regimen.
“You should get my name tattooed” you tried to hide the smile forming on your face.
“Huh, get your name tattooed, why?” His whole attention was on on you now, he was genuinely confused.
“So I know it’s real” it was really hard to contain your laugh now.
His face fell some more, even more confused than before. An adorable display of his emotions.
“Let me rephrase that, so I know you’re serious about me .” You pouted as those last words came out of your mouth, attempting to add sincerity to your words. You knew Vasco was serious about you, from your first, albeit, disastrous date.
“Okay” he smiled as his reply came out, full of real sincerity.
“Okay?” Now you felt bad, you didn’t think he’d actually agree.
“Mhm, I’m real serious. I’ll have to set an appointment for it then. Sorry if it takes too long, my artist might not have any availability.” With those words he turned back to his set, ready to complete the rest of his push-ups.
Okay, now you felt really bad. His face when he said that made you take pause when telling him it was a joke. You forget how sincere your boyfriend really is. One to always wear his heart on his sleeve.
“No, no Vasco. I was joking. Don’t get my name tattooed please.”
Jake Kim-
- What can I say, he’s as committed as they come.
- Would only get into a relationship if he’s completely sure he wants to stay with you forever.
- A tattoo is for ever and so is your love.
- Would hope you’d get his name tattooed aswell, but wouldn’t force it. Especially if you don’t have any other tattoos.
- Definitely pouted when you said it was a joke.
- Told you he was going to get it done anyways now that you put the Idea into his head.
A/n - got a bit carried away with Vasco’s one, I’m not sure how it happened but I wanted to add a bit of a Drabble since his was so short and it turned into that. Hope y’all enjoy anyways.
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abiiors · 2 months
17. thunderstorms - ross x reader
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a/n: this is literally so fucking self-indulgent but i yearn for this so much i can't even find it in myself to be embarrased
cw: smoking weed, some kissing and touching but very very tame
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“it looks like it might rain outside,” you point to the window, leaning against ross’ chest. a moment later, the sky rumbles, briefly flashing, and you feel smoke caress your earlobe, followed by the familiar earthy, grassy smell. 
he hums, voice deeper than before and right next to your ear. 
“should we do something?”
you turn your face, parting your lips a little so he can place the joint between them. the smoke makes warmth bloom in your chest. a second later, ross takes the joint back, inhaling the smoke again.
“i was thinking about restarting that zelda game we like so much.”
“oh yeah?”
his chest vibrates when he speaks, scattering goosebumps over your arms. you’re about to speak when another rumble cuts you off. then the first fat raindrop hits the window. 
“would you play with me?”
ross makes a show of thinking, pointing one accusatory finger at you. “you always chuck the joycons at me when the fights get hard,” he snickers, flicking your nose when you wrinkle it at him. the joint dangles between his lips, smouldering. you can’t resist placing a little kiss on his jaw. 
“because you’re so much better than i am!” you whine. 
“how will you get better if you don’t play!”
“is it not enough that i can sit here and cheer you on?”
you both stare at each other, noses almost touching, your side pressed against his chest and your back resting against his knee. a second later he exhales, blowing smoke right into your parted mouth. somehow this feels better than smoking on your own. 
“go on, get it then.” he smiles when you whoop, stumbling off the bed to turn the console on and get the joycons. 
when you’re back he pulls you into his chest again, slotted between his legs with his arms firmly around you. your bare legs spread out on the bed—it was a muggy summer day until the storm started and you’ve rather taken to wearing just his t-shirts and underwear around the house for comfort’s sake. most of the time. 
the rain gains speed, more fat raindrops hitting the window. it’s the perfect rhythm, you think. or maybe it’s the weed thinking that, making its way through your bloodstream. the world feels slower, softer around the edges. 
you stare at the colours on the starter screen, mesmerised. 
“that’s you,” he points at the screen when the first cut scene ends. you wrinkle your nose and flick him in the shin. “that pig-like monster?!”
“no, you idiot,” he giggles, kissing the shell of your ear and takes another drag of the joint. you have a sudden and visceral urge to kiss him, to feel that smoke entering your lungs again. 
“that old man. you’d love to be unnecessarily cryptic and sit by the fire roasting apples.”
you hmph, unable to contradict really because he is right. a second later he turns your face to his, as if he’s read your mind, and kisses you. his lips feel warm from the smoke, soft from your lip balm that he keeps stealing. his beard tickles a little and you laugh. 
when he lets go, he holds the spliff in front of your lips, letting you take a small drag. 
the sound of the rain fills the room, along with the click of your joycons. link grunts every few seconds, in the middle of a fight, and slashes at enemies left and right with a measly rusty sword. every few seconds ross leans and kisses your neck. 
“tickles,” you laugh, “you’re being very distracting.”
“am i? i thought you were a pro at this.” 
and just to hammer home the point, his hands push under your t-shirt, caressing the underside of your boob, thumb flicking over the nipple in a way that’s barely a brush. and yet you feel as if the thunderstorm outside suddenly enters your body. 
you briefly let go of the joycons, twisting your hands into his t-shirt and kiss him again. it’s a leisurely, slow kiss—mostly indulgent and lazy and soft. his hand lingers over your ribs, right under your t-shirt and still brushing against your nipple softly. ross holds the joint far away from you so he won’t burn either of you by accident.
right when his kiss turns a little more intense, a thwack echoes in the room. you break apart, giggling, laughing louder when the ‘game over’ screen blinks at you. 
“look at that, you’ve killed link!” you poke his chest. 
ross traces his thumb over your lip, dragging it down and letting it go. “i guess i am being distracting.”
you take the joint from his hands, handing him the controllers in return. “go on. your turn.”
“and what will you do?”
“stare at the rain, i think.”
you look out the window. it’s raining in sheets by now, so hard you can barely see the neighbour’s house anymore. the trees outside sway lightly, leaves dancing under raindrops. your head feels heavy, so do your eyelids. you could fall asleep like this, cocooned by the warmth of his body and surrounded by his smell. 
“you’d fall asleep,” ross catches you instantly. or maybe it’s that your eyelids are already drooping and you’ve turned into a ball against his body. 
“would that be so bad?”
he hums, threading his fingers through your hair, tucking a stray strand behind your ear. you smile at his tenderness. 
“you’ve played two minutes of the game you insisted on playing!”
you pout at ross, hoping the big eyes would have some effect on him. a second later he rolls his eyes and tucks your face into his chest. you feel him take the joint out of your hands, put it out in the ashtray on the nightstand. 
“this was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it!”
you shrug, already snuggling into him, as cosy as you can be while he restarts the game, goes through the same motions you were before but at a much faster rate. and even when your eyes close of their own accord you can tell where he is in the game based on the soundtrack alone. 
“that’s you,” you point blindly at the screen. he pauses. 
“that…apple tree?”
“noooo,” you laugh, properly slurring your words. “link. brave knight rescuing the princess and everything. from nasty boss fights in your case.”
“alright, princess,” he chuckles and kisses the crown of your hair. “go sleep now. i’ll wake you up if something interesting happens.”
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aphroditeinthesea · 6 months
If you are still open to requests may I request Thalia grace with femreader who was with Thalia when she ran away(childhood friends) and was till they reached camp. Reader is the type that won't stop talking and tries to make everything funny and uses humor in most things she does and would constantly make flower crowns for everyone and when Thaila was a tree she would constantly leave flower crowns there and tell jokes. when Thaila is back reader is a bit of a coward and just hides till found.
“ strawberry fields forever ”
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thalia grace x fem!reader
a/n this might be a little off from the book bc i haven’t read the original series since 2021 so
tw none
⋆⁺₊𓇢𓆸 ⋆⁺₊
Thalia stood by where her tree stood. Although she was still trying to gain back the feeling of the air and wind, she focused on the flower crowns that littered the ground. Some of the flowers were even so crisp that they seemed as though they had been sitting there for years.
The person responsible finally flickered into her mind. Y/N.
She and y/n sat in the strawberry fields. Y/N was busy rambling about something unimportant, but Thalia listened intently anyway as she watched how the other girl intricately weaved the flowers together.
“And then Rachel broke up with Ross because he said that they were on a break, and she was like ‘well that doesn’t mean-’” she looked up, “Thalia?”
“Sorry,” Thalia laughed, “but, how do you do that? With the flowers?”
“Here,” y/n beamed, “I’ll show you.”
Thalia grabbed what looked to be the freshest flower. She examined the flowers that twirled around. She sighed and began making her way back to the cabins.
She finally was at the doorstep of y/n’s cabin. She took a deep breath as she knocked on the wood.
The door opened with one of y/n’s siblings standing there, “Thalia? Oh my gods, I-”
“Is y/n here?”
They shook their head, “no, she just left. She’s be acting off today, she didn’t even say anything about where she was going.”
She huffed, “okay, thanks anyway.” She rushed off and stood in the middle of the cabins. She thought about all the places where y/n could’ve been, and then it hit her.
She ran off to the strawberry fields, where to no surprise, y/n sat, weaving a crown.
The girl turned around, “gods.”
Thalia sat beside her, “I was looking for you.”
She looked down at the flowers, “I’m sorry, I was- uhm- here.”
Thalia smiled, “I got that.”
Y/N nodded, “sorry yeah.”
“Are you okay?”
She stayed silent.
“I’ve been scared of seeing you.”
She finally looked back up, “I’ve missed you for years, and you’re back and I don’t really know what to do with myself. I mean, I don’t know how to talk to you. Well, I know how to, but not how to.”
“Like this.”
She giggled, “what?”
“You just talk and make your flower crowns, and I’ll just try to make out whatever words you're saying.”
Y/N bit her lip, “this is for you.” She placed the blue flowers on top of Thalia's head, her finger twirled a strand of the girl’s hair as she pulled her hand away.
Thalia laughed, “thanks.”
“I’ve been wanting to do that for the past six years.”
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drivelikeiido · 11 months
25 with matty who’s very drunk or very high and he’s forgotten that the reader is already his gf so he’s trying to (really badly) flirt with her
a poor attempt at flirting (a drabble)
25: “Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
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matty healy x f! reader word count: 1.1k warnings: mentions of alcohol and weed consumption and poor writing due to many months off :/ notes: kay is back and attending to her inbox! thank you for this prompt my dear and ever so sorry it's taken me 6 months to complete it! anyways i'm not really a fan of this but it was sitting in my drafts and i wanna get back to posting so this is a start ! i promise the writing will get better from here on out mwah so accept this as a peace offering for now <3
You had awoken at 1:06am to a phone call from a very exasperated sounding Hann who had politely begged you to come and take your rather high boyfriend off of the boys’ hands as they couldn’t handle his intoxicated rambling much longer and they all know your patience for Matty far exceeds any of theirs.
This is how you’ve landed in some random party in the city filled with musicians and producers and many other peoples’ faces you half recognise while trying to collect your boyfriend. Thankfully all the boys are easily spotted due to their height (and Ross’ unmistakable mane of hair, which he thankfully lets go wild when he’s drunk). George unabashedly hollers over to you when he sees you, raising his ring-clad hands and waving you over, his smile lopsided and his eyes betraying his lack of sobriety as you make your way over to them. He says nothing but points a painted nail to a mop of curls resting on the table, head leaning on his hand while the other nurses a glass of some dark and clearly long forgotten liquid, his face hidden by the length of deep brown ringlets that fall from the top of his head. You’d recognise your boyfriend anywhere but his hair and it’s current messy state you could clock him from miles away, the stray curls resemblant of his unkempt morning bedhead that you love so much. Your heart momentarily warms at the sight until you remember the reason you’re there. You slowly make your way to sit at the table next to him, your movements slow and your eyes never leaving his form.
Once you’re seated you reach your hand slowly out to his, ghosting your fingers over his tattooed arm in an attempt to grab your boyfriend’s attention. He begrudgingly lifts his head up from where it was rested and you can barely just make out his dark hooded eyes from behind the loose curls that fall in front of his face, reaching down and tickling his nose. He releases the drink from his other hand and pushes the unruly strands backwards onto his head, remaining silent and blinking at you multiple times before he speaks. 
“You’re really pretty”. His voice is light and airy and even if you didn't know him as well as you did you’d still be able to sense his inebriated state, however the smell of weed and alcohol makes it overtly clear.
This causes you to laugh, “Thank you. So are you Matty.” you utter with a grin, gaining a surprised intake of breath from the singer, a rush of colour taking to his already flushed cheeks. 
His surprise continues as he lets out a whispered “You know me? What the hell”, his dark eyes now wide with wonder. You ignore the chorus of laughs in the background that you can only assume comes from the rest of the band at their frontman’s embarrassing display of forgetfulness. Being well acquainted with Matty’s intoxicated states you’ve experienced similar situations to this before, all of which have been incredibly entertaining.
Your giggle at his clueless response seems to spur his joy farther, his face breaking out into a lopsided smile. Your boyfriend is a pretty sight when he’s intoxicated, with his dark eyes and messy curls and the intoxicating scent of his expensive aftershave and the sweet weed smoke; if you didn't have to worry about getting him home you’d maybe indulge his flirting fantasy for just a little longer.
You grab onto his lithe fingers and move to slowly guide him up, “Let’s get you outside Darling”. His tiredness seems to have dissipated into excitement at this point as he quickly moves to follow you outside, letting out a hushed “Yes!” and doing what you can only imagine is some victorious movement of celebration out of your line of vision, encouraging even more laughs and hollers from the rest of the band, the phrase “What a twat” seeming to be a shared sentiment amongst the group as they laugh in agreement .
Thankfully, leading your rather drunk and high boyfriend outside is an easier feat than you expected; he eagerly holds onto your hand as you guide him and he too joins you in a large intake of the crisp night air once you make it outside. You stop and situate you both carefully against the wall in an attempt to gather yourself and your boyfriend. Matty however takes this as an opportunity to look up and down between you and the night sky and if you looked closely at him you’re sure you’d be able to see the moon’s ring of light reflecting perfectly in his chestnut eyes, giving them a further element of sparkle than what they normally have. 
He soon surprises you as he takes both of your hands in earnest and holds them delicately between his infinitely larger, but cold fingers. 
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?” . The suddenness of this adorable (yet uncharacteristically cheesy) pickup line startles you, the innocence of his state and how he still compliments you works to warm your body against the harsh cold. You find it funny how a man who normally displays such an astounding example of romanticism is reduced to something so simple in this state.
You simply shake your head in amusement and press a chaste kiss to his cheek, “Come on, Healy let’s get you home”. To this he grows juvenile and argues “No. I want to stay here and stare at you longer”. As sweet as the sentiment is you realise you’re going to have to play into his delusions even more, only a little bit offended that your boyfriend still seems to have forgotten you but you make sure to keep it in your arsenal to tease him with in the morning.
Your only attempt at reasoning with him works as you gradually win him over by offering to let him stare at you as long as he wants in the car and when you do eventually get home. Although this works on the stubborn man he still puts up some of a fight as he lowers his head and mumbles “You’re too pretty to be bossy” and although you can’t see it you’re sure a cartoon-like frown make its way across his features as he says this. You ignore him and slowly lead him into the passenger seat of the car, buckling him in despite his insistence he can do it - he’s passenger princess this evening and you’re making the most of it. After reaching the second set of traffic lights you realise that his plans to overtly stare at you are unfulfilled as he had at some point fallen asleep, his heavy head resting haphazardly against the window. You simply smile and lower the radio, already planning just how you’re going to torment him with tonight’s events in the morning.
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I'm sorry but you briefly mentioned Tony's thigh in the last one shot and my brain immediately went into the gutters and oh boy his thighs... thicc... strong... oh but to ride them!
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Fem! Reader
Warnings: SURPRISE SMUTT! Enjoy
Your patience grew thinner and thinner as you let out a whine while sitting on Tony’s lap for the last hour while he was busy talking shop on a call.
He gestured he would be done in five minutes, and that was fifteen long minutes ago. You’d had enough and decided to take things in your own hands.
Shifting just enough to slide your panties aside, you exposed your lower lips to Tony’s pant-clad thigh, immediately catching the billionaire’s attention. His sentence stopped midway before he cleared his throat and resumed, watching what you were up to now instead of the glaring monitor in front of him.
Slow at first, you began rocking your hips back and forth, gaining friction that sent shivers down your spine. Planting your arms on Tony’s taut shoulders, you positioned yourself better and increased your pace.
Soft mewls left your lips as you desperately chased your climax, giving Tony a challenging smirk as you continued; one of his arm gripping your ass firmly spurring you on.
A particular brush against your clit and the fabric had you moan out loud, Tony’s hand covering your mouth to keep you quiet as he smirked, his cock twitching excitably inside those pants.
“You are in so much trouble.” He mouthed, grunting against the phone as you gripped his hair in reply, making a terrible excuse to Ross who was on the other line.
Your arousal marked a wet spot on Tony’s thigh, his toned muscles providing just the right amount of pleasure for you to orgasm shortly. Your pussy fluttered around nothing as you came, burying your face in his neck as you let out a muffled cry.
“I think I will have to call you back, Ross. Turns out I do have urgent matters to deal with at hand.” He threw the phone on the table without a second glance, cradling your head before gently making you look up at him.
“Baby forgot her lessons on patience huh?” He murmured, his brown orbs now darkened with lust while his erection strained against his pants.
“That makes two of us..”
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PS: It was long Uber ride home from work. Plus I’ve got my spiked lemonade guyssssss…
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wandabear · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤ
Summary:   Y/N proposes to Wanda and she says… no. That’s when things get complicated, too much.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x f!reader | Natasha Romanoff x oc
Warning:  Somewhat graphic MCU violence, ANGST and FLUFF. As you know me: Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. This mcu style is my own, Natasha Romanoff will not die here. You're warned. She deserves to be happy.
Songs you've need to listen reading this:
The Great War Fade into you - Mash up ㅤㅤㅤ   
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER FOUR ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤPART I: THE GREAT WAR
“Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff are in violation of the Sokovia Accords. They assaulted the king of Wakanda and now they're helping two of the most dangerous fugitives, Y/N Y/L/N and Julia Hale. Make an example out of them.” General Ross ordered his soldiers, who after taking courage entered the building surrounding it.
It wasn’t an easy mission to find themselves against three enhanced and the fucking Black Widow.
Ross's phone started ringing a few seconds later, unaware that a certain redhead was watching him through the cameras around the place.
“Don't do this.” Natasha left the phone on speaker and looked at herself in the mirror.  “Come after me... I mean, you're embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.”
“Thought maybe you'd be calling me to cut a deal. 'Cause from my vantage point, it's the federal fugitive who's desperate.” Ross's voice showed how proud he felt, he had captured the elusive Black Widow.
Natasha sighed, changing her blouse for a nice grey hoodie. “From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest. What is this, your second triple bypass? You look like shit.”
“I wouldn't worry about me.” Ross scoffed. “We got your sister, she's fiery! We got Barton, we got the Bishop girl, Sam Wilson...”
Natasha clenched her jaw when she heard her sister's name, he knew how to press those weak points. Or at least try.
“Everyone will recognize you all, Rogers is on the run too. You got no friends. Where you gonna go?”
“I've lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross.” Nat smiled and took her phone. “You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. I'm done.”
She ended the call and left that bathroom. As she walked to the bow of that boat, Ross right now was breaking into a long ago abandoned apartment.
Nat played him a trick again, he took the bite perfectly.
“All good?” Y/N asked as she watched the redhead approach breaking that disposable phone.
“The asshole swallowed it all.” Natasha threw the phone into the water. There was no one but them and some people sleeping, it was barely five in the morning.
The breeze and the mist from the Norwegian fjords in front of them showed them one of the most beautiful landscapes they had ever seen.
Y/N handed her a cup of coffee and they both shared a moment together while Wanda and Jules rested before they reached Sæbø.
“Perfect. Now we just... let's try to keep up.” Y/N sighed and looked around.  Sæbø was a fairly quiet town, and living on the outskirts would give them a great advantage in staying unnoticed.
“We need to draw less attention.” Nat licked her lips and leaned against the ship's rail, watching that beautiful place. “I never came to Norway, you know?”
"It's beautiful." The brunette smiled. “Thank you for doing this, you didn't have to. You could have stayed on Stark's side, you know he would have supported you."
“I know.” Nat sighed and turned to see her friend. “But I wouldn't leave my friends behind, Yelena wouldn't forgive me either.”
Just remembering her sister and the conditions in which they surely kept her broke everything inside the spy.
Nat struggled a lot to find Yelena again and gain her trust, leaving her on the raft for a while longer was painful but necessary.
“We can do this, and soon we will rescue Yelena. We just need time to put together everything we need.” Y/N placed her hand on the redhead's shoulder. Nat's teary green eyes broke her heart.
“You promise me?”
“I swear, Nat. We'll go get her.”
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“We've got a generator outside. It's petrol-powered. And the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks, but, you know, I've got a guy coming for that.” Richard got out of that trailer and turned to see Nat, who was perched against the door smirking. “You okay? I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers getting divorced...”
“Ugh. It's fine.” Natasha shrugged.  “I'm actually better on my own.”
The man arched an eyebrow, at least she was still looking really hot like always. “Are you sure?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Because you can tell me, you know.” Richard smiled flirtatiously at her. “That's the way the whole friends thing works.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I know. I have friends.” Nat smiled and nodded toward the girls arriving at the trailer.  “They’re there… and I don't pay you to worry.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Ouch.” The man teasingly touched his chest and then walked to his car. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
At that time, Y/N parked the small Lada Niva jeep in front of the campsite. They all started to unload all the supplies they had brought from three markets in the town. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N wore her hair in two braids, a huge plaid shirt and a cute beanie. Jules now had a wild ‘bisexual-bob’ cut with a few streaks of blonde, quite different from her typical dark hair. Wanda was the one who had made the makeover and according to the girls: she did an excellent job. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ And Wanda kept her brown hair but with bangs, making her look adorable and different. No one had recognized them until now, and if they did, they just smiled kindly and kept the secret to support them. They saved the world so many times, people saw that and cared for them.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Did you get rejected again?” Y/N joked at Richard and he just shrugged. Wanda smiled - she knew Richard didn't stand a chance with Nat- and Jules just rolled her eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “She is hard to catch.” Richard got in his car and drove off. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The three arrived at the first trailer, while the other was a little further away, near the river. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Richard stopped by for some smooch or what?” Y/N joked, but Natasha just completely ignored it. Wanda just said a soft 'ew'. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Very funny… but seriously speaking, it's all done.” Nat showed them all the place, both trailers had a cozy bedroom, a bathroom, a nice sofa and TV, as well as a small kitchen. Everything was pretty cozy and good. “The idea would be that we live two in each trailers.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ They all agreed. Wanda walked through the trailer snooping around the kitchen area and the bedroom. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “The story, if the police come close - which I highly doubt - is that we are Aussies backpacking the world.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“It sounds pretty good.” Y/N nodded. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Looks good.” Wanda added. “Better than that small room in Budapest.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Good. Here are some important items, passports, weapons, some personal stuff you may need.” Nat took two of the bags and gave one to Y/N. “Wanda you coming with me, Jules and Y/N together.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N raised a brow. “That doesn’t sound safe, if they find us, you’re two Avengers with their faces on the magazines. They would recognize you instantly.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N and me, you and Jules.” Wanda tried, trying to hide her intentions to spend more time with Y/N.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah, nice try.” Nat rolled her eyes. “Y/N and me, Wanda and Jules.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
They all looked at each other and then nodded, it didn't sound so bad.
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“All that bloodshed, crimson clover. Uh huh, sweet dream was over. My hand was the one you reached for… All throughout the Great War...” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Her friend's voice made Y/N  smile, Jules had a beautiful voice, so deep and so beautiful that she could send chills down your spine when she sang. Though she didn't do it much. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Come on, you can do it.” The currently blonde cheered her up. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The brunette closed her eyes, inhaled deeply and tried to think of some nice memory. Losing herself in that melancholic sensation and not letting be carried away by sadness, Y/N raised her hand and felt how the breeze hit her face. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The leaves of the trees on the ground began to swirl around them, nothing violent, like a slow dance. In perfect sync. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N smiled when she noticed how the leaves danced, some clouds formed over them but the inhuman dissipated them carefully. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How does it feel?” Jules asked. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“It’s… it’s different. I feel everything, it’s like… when I’m angry the thunder-clouds talk to me, they beg me to let them rain. The power of the storm flows through my veins, my mind, it's part of me.” Y/N shrugged, few seconds later everything calmed down and the leaves fell to the ground. “That was good, right?”
“Good? It was amazing! You are improving a lot... I’m proud of you!” Jules smiled proudly but couldn't help feeling a little sad, which her friend noticed.
“You okay?” Y/N approached her.
“I’m just… I used to be an agent, you know? I was good at it.” Jules swallowed, lowering her gaze somewhat sadly.  “Now I'm afraid of... of not knowing what I am.”
Feeling that you are different and starting to know yourself was something incredible, scary but incredible. But what happens when you don't know what you are? Or rather: what you can do.
“What happens if I explode? What happens if... something catches fire because of me? What would happen if...? I don't know.” Jules panicked but Y/N rushed to hug her. “What if I hurt you all? Maybe I should go, be alone...”
“That will not happen, everything will be fine. You won't hurt us, okay?” Y/N smiled tenderly and took her hand, squeezing it gently.  “Soon you’ll know, when it is time, we will discover it together…”
Jules didn't say anything, just seemed lost in fear and thoughts.
“You with me?”
“All the way.” The blonde smiled.
Y/N nodded and took her arm so they could walk together down that path in the woods, coming back to the trailers.
“So… You haven't talked to Wanda?” Jules smiles mischievously, biting her bottom lip.
ㅤㅤㅤ “What? You can tell me, I'm her roomie, remember?” She cocked her head to see Y/N. “I have to say: she has not stopped talking about you all this time. You two need to talk...”ㅤ
“I don’t know how to do it.” Y/N sighed, she felt too lost and confused. It was so much easier when Wanda was acting like a jerk, it made 'ignoring' her so much easier. “She wants to try or something, I don't know. Last time she told me that she was very sorry for everything she did.”
The blonde sighed and shrugged.  “Maybe…you should give it to her.”
“You think so?” Y/N couldn't believe it, she had to stop to see her friend face to face. “You're the one who was mad at her the most. You wanted to kick her as soon as you found out.”
“Well we all have our moments, don't we? Forgive and forget and all that shit.” Jules rolled her eyes.  “Besides, I heard how every day she came to talk to you while we were locked up… Y/N, she loves you and she’s sorry.”
“And you know what?” Jules stopped, being serious this time. What she wanted most in the world was for her best friend and sister to be happy. “We’re running across the world, as if we were the worst criminals on this planet. Don't you think you deserve a little rest? We can end up locked up in the middle of the ocean, it's time for you to live. Be with her.”
“I’m scared.” Y/N shrugged and put her hands in the pockets of the hoodie. “What if she hurts me again? What if she walks away again and broke me again with her absence?”
“What if it doesn't happen?” Jules arched an eyebrow, winning this battle.
Y/N sighed in defeat. “Maybe…”
“Besides that a little sex wouldn't hurt.”  Jules teased and they both started walking, reaching the campsite soon.
“Shut up.” Y/N giggled and pushed her.
“Go, talk to her… she was in our trailer doing some stuff when I left. Meanwhile, I'll go to... to town to buy something, or the river. Just try not to blow the roof off my trailer when you reach an orgasm.” Jules teased one more time and moved away from her, patting Y/N’s shoulder.
“Now?” Y/N panicked when she saw the trailer door open and heard how Wanda hummed a beautiful lullaby.
“Now it sounds on time.” Jules turned to see her but kept walking backwards.  “Remember that we do not have much life expectancy in this job.”
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Y/N entered the trailer and watched as the brunette was humming and cooking something. She couldn't help but smile.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Hey, Wands.” ㅤㅤㅤ Wanda turned around quickly when she heard her, smiling as soon as she saw Y/N. That day got so much better. ㅤㅤㅤ “Hi! You came back, I thought you both got lost in the woods.” Wanda joked while drying her hands. Apparently she was baking some bread.
Y/N laughed. “We just went for a walk for a while, to clear our minds.”
“That sounds good, sometimes it's necessary when this is… too much...” Wanda sighed, looking around her.ㅤㅤㅤ
“Today I was able to move the treetops a bit. Very slowly, without causing any trouble. No thunderstorms, no tornadoes, no hail. Just everything under control.” For the first time, she was glad to have some kind of control over her powers. It felt so good, she felt happy.
 “Really?” Wanda smiled widely.  “Wow, Y/N, that’s so good.”
“Thank you.” Y/N blushed and keep their hands in their pockets. Hoped Wanda wouldn't be able to hear her heart pound with her being so close.
“At least this time I didn't make it rain when I'm feeling a little sad.” Y/N joked but recalled one of their most interesting moments there. “That would draw too much attention to us again, especially when the forecast says it will be just cloudy all week.”
Wanda giggled. “Yeah, I'm sure Ross must have a whole team googling ‘weird weather stuff’ around the world.”
“Maybe I should even be guilty of global warming!I bet you he'll tell that to the President!”
They both laughed and it felt so warm, so good and familiar. They could finally share a personal moment together after so much.
Y/N stayed for a moment watching as Wanda cut some vegetables and dropped them into the pot, stirring it slowly. Making a delicious sauce for spaghetti.
“I like how the bangs looks on you. It takes my breath away.” Y/N sighed. Wanda looked up quickly, the hope inside growing exponentially upon hearing that.
“Do you think so?” Those hopeful green eyes sparkled.ㅤ
“I love it, and your brown hair is... lovely.”  Y/N walked over to her and stood by her side, tucking a strand of hair behind the ear.
“Thank you.” The sokovian murmured, biting her lower lip. “I like how you look too.”
“I did nothing.” Y/N looked at herself.
“I know.”
They both looked at each other without saying anything, just the exquisite tension that they missed so much.
Since they had been together, everything was so beautiful and different. So exciting and romantic enough to scare Wanda away completely and to hurt Y/N and keep distance from her.
 “Wanda?” Y/N whispered.
Wanda swallowed, without breaking the connection between their gazes.  “Yes, detka?”
“I missed you.”
Wanda smiled tenderly and happily.  “I missed you too.”
“You hurted me so bad.”
Well, that had been as long as she could take. Wanda felt she couldn't climb too high as she was soon plummeting back down.
“I know.” Wanda looked down.
“No, no like that.” Y/N pursed her lips, it was time to drop everything once and for all to heal. “You said I wasn't THAT person you saw a future with, you didn't even know you'd be with me that long.”
“I've said a lot of things, I know that! I was so scared, Y/N.” The brunette hugged herself. “You have no idea how scared it was to love you that way and... to feel that you loved me as much or more than I loved you. Cause I love you, so much you can't even imagine. But I felt… I felt small and scared of losing everything, that it was more than what I deserve. I was afraid that I wouldn't be enough for you, that I didn’t deserve you.”
“We know that. And I forgive you...” Y/N sighed, she settled next to the redhead. “But if we want to move forward, we have to let go of everything that hurts us.”
“Move forward…?” Wanda looked at her without understanding, and without wanting to get too excited for nothing.
“I'm sorry I asked you to marry me, maybe it was too soon.”
“No! No… It wasn't... I was just afraid, I lost everything, my family, my country, and then I have you and... I was terrified of losing you. Watching you die like everyone around me.”
Y/N took her hand to gently caress Wanda's cheek. “You won't lose me.”
Wanda blinked in disbelief, this was what she expected. “Is… Is this a… are we?”
“I don’t know yet…” The taller woman narrowed her eyes playfully. “Let's go slowly, if that's alright with you.”
Y/N was encouraged to go further and hugged Wanda’s waist who, instantly upon feeling her touch, clung to her. It didn't take long for them to kiss again, to join once more in a caress that they had been waiting for so long.
Wanda was lost in Y/N's soft lips, in that familiar and pleasant warmth. Her belly was so warm, screaming that she was completely in love with Y/N.
There was no case, no matter how long she refused to accept it, she was in love. Wanda Maximoff is in love.
“How about we... have a date.” She sighed once they broke away from the kiss, smiling so excited.
Y/N chuckled, she didn’t allow herself to let go of her waist. “Oh, Wands... I think we've been through more than one date, don't you?”
“I know, but... now we're getting to know each other again, and everything has changed so much.” Wanda took courage, defeating all the nerves she felt. “Would you come on a date with me?”
Waiting for a while, enjoying that, Y/N nodded before pecking those lips.  “Of course.”
And while they tried to make their first date special, it didn't take long for them to end up in the huge bed in Wanda's room. Naked bodies finding each other under the soft sheets.
Y/N's lips ran down the back of her beloved, so slowly, little by little, discovering her once again. Making each other their own, complementing each other perfectly.
The smiles were not lacking, the words of love and eternal promises. Wanda kissed Y/N’s hand when they intertwined their fingers, after making love all night.
Of course this was going to work, this time, nothing was going to stop them.
“We still have to go on a second date, okay?” Y/N laughed when Wanda bit her naked shoulder and kept kissing her arm and chest.
“All the dates you want… as long as they don't find out about us.”
“Do you know something? Maybe I’m selfish but… I like this moment, together. Just us.” Wanda snuggled up against her girlfriend. “Without a huge noisy city and problems to solve like Avengers…. Is that selfish?”
“No, it’s not, my love. And if it was…”  She took a moment to admire her body.  “It's not bad to be selfish sometimes, you know? It makes us human.
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“Sorry, I had to go inside because it's late and so fucking cold outside.” Jules got into the trailer trying to warm her hands, rubbing them together.  “In my trailer there are two lovebirds loving each other non-stop.”
Natasha -who was eating something on the sofa in front of the tv- looked at her in confusion, not sure if it was because of what she said or because Jules had walked in.
“Oh.” Nat nodded. “I'm glad they fixed it.”
“Yeah.” Jules walked over and sat in one of the chairs, taking off her coat. The place was much warmer than outside. Natasha took one of her beer bottles and held it out to her.   “Oh, you watching Bond? Nice.”
“Yep.” Nat didn't take her eyes off the TV, lost in the dialogues she knew by heart.
“Moonraker? Do you like Moonraker?” Jules smiled curiously, but Natasha quickly turned a bit annoyed.
“Yeah, why? Will you also tell me that it is crap and that others are better?” The redhead raised an eyebrow.
“No, I like it too. Besides to 'The spy who loved me'.” Jules shrugged and settled back to keep watching the movie, not realizing that the russian's gaze was still on her. “I didn't know you liked James Bond movies, guess it's something between spies...”
 “Kinda.” Natasha's serious face softened, perhaps she was too tough at times to let anyone else into her life. Yelena did it since they were kids, but Clint had given her the chance to be friends, something impossible for her.
When she joined the Avengers, her heart opened up a little more to that complex 'family'. But after that, she hadn't allowed herself to love or accept anyone else.
‘You're not a sportsman, Mr. Bond. Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python?’
‘Because I discovered he had a crush on me.’
‘Moonraker 1 on preset launch program...’
“I like how your hair looks on you.” The redhead said without further ado, almost like a whisper. She remembered the time where Jules and Y/N had been locked up, how guilt devoured painfully her all those weeks.
Natasha had broken many hearts in her life, but she had never been so sorry for one of them before.
“Yeah, imagine if I were bald!” Jules teased.
“No, I mean it. The blonde…”  She swallowed, leaving a small door open in that gesture. And Jules took it, putting the film aside for a moment to watch Nat. ㅤㅤㅤ “Thank you.”
Green and light brown met. Again, this one looks different.
It wasn't at a Stark party where flirting was normal, or somewhere in hiding to make out and then pretend nothing happened.
This was sharing.
ㅤㅤㅤ “What's that? jam?” Jules took that little jar and spoon from Nat’s hand, taking a good taste of that delicious jelly or whatever she thought it was. It was so salty, clearly it wasn't jam, Jules made a disgusted face and dropped the jar in the trash.  “Natasha, what the fuck?”
“Hey!” Nat complained, looking at the trash can.  “That’s a good caviar!”
“Jeez, couldn't you buy some chips or something?” She tried to wipe the taste from her mouth and wrinkled her nose. “Ugh…”
“No, because I thought I was going to watch my fucking movie alone. Eating my caviar.” Natasha huffed. “And don't pretend, you know it didn't taste so bad.”
“Y/N always buy chips.” Jules whispered mischievously, noticing how Nat turned to see her somewhat interested in that information. “And I don't think she'll come back, right?”
Natasha smirked. “I don't think so.”
Jules chuckled and got up to grab some chips from Y/N's cabinet. She tossed one to Nat who quickly caught it. Both were lost in the movie for a while until one of the two broke the silence.
Nat whispered. “I know we haven't talked much since you… you know.”
“Since I called you heartless bitch?”  The blonde muttered as she ate some nachos.
Nat smiled a little amused.  “In fact you called me ‘The bitch with a selective heart’.”
“Oh, yeah, I remember.” Jules smiled proudly, taking a sip of the beer.
“You and I were never able to talk about everything that happened, Julia.” The spy knew the effect it had when she called her by that name.
“One, don’t call me Julia. Two, kind of hard when you spend time locked in a rock and then run around hiding from some governments.” The brown-eyed woman teased but never took her eyes off the tv.
“You loved me.” Nat finally said, swallowing, saying it out loud was very different. “That night you said that you loved me.”
“It's in the past.” Jules avoided looking at her, opening another bag of chips.
The russian tilted her head.  “Is it?”
“What do you want me to say, Natasha?” Jules snapped, staring at her now. “That I HAD feelings for you? That I cried like a fucking teenager and that turns my stomach just remembering it? Want me to say that I fall in love with you?  That I loved you?”
Jules let out a sad giggle.
“Yeah, I did. I never felt so humiliated when you slept with another agent after that.” Jules stared into Natasha's green eyes, losing herself in them but not in the same way as before.  “and every time I remember… Every time I remember what I told you, and how you humiliated me for that, makes me want to hit myself so bad.”
“I’m sorry.” Natasha genuinely apologized, feeling so much guilt inside. She didn't understand what was the desire to cry that she felt lately, a loneliness that she appreciated before and now drowned her. “I know I was harsh…”
“That wasn’t being harsh, that was being an asshole. Punishing me in front of my teammates to make a point.” Jules swallowed, feeling the bitterness.
“I wasn't ready. I was taught that love is for children.”
The blonde sighed and shook her head, completely defeated.  “Well, there's no point in debating that anymore, is there, honey?”
Those words made Nat swallow, what was that feeling of sadness? Rejection perhaps?
“We are no longer the same.” Jules drank some beer before keep going, licking her lips. “We're two... ex-agents on the run. Besides that now I am a freak with powers that I still don't know, and I don't know how to control.”
Nat watched her with tenderness and perhaps some concern. “You’re not a freak.”
“Anyway...” Jules sighed. “At least I can say that I fell in love once. And with the amazing ‘Black Widow’, at least I won't be the only one.”
The girl smiled and brought her beer closer to clink it against Nat's.
“I don't feel very amazing right now.” Natasha bit her bottom lip.
Jules saw a certain sadness in those green eyes, knew instantly what she meant.  “It's not your fault. We'll go get Yelena and everybody, soon.”
She took the spy's hand and squeezed it. ㅤㅤㅤ
“We just have to wait to get everything, the Quinjet and... we can go, I know.”
They both smiled tenderly, it was time to support each other.
“Why did you stop loving me?”
Jules dropped her head back on the sofa, here we go again. “There's no point in talking about it, Romanoff.”
“Maybe I do want to talk about it now.”
“Oh, now is a good time to talk about it?” Jules perhaps said something sarcastic and harsh, but hearing herself that way made her feel bad, she sighed and tried to calm down.  “It's pointless now, Nat.”
“Why not?”
“Because there's no point in loving someone who can't love you.”
“Because I'm a heartless bitch, right?”
“No, because I'm not enough for you!” Jules exploded and then got up from the couch. “I am not enough and I never will be, you told me that. And I don't understand why you make me relive it now! Again!”
Natasha looked at her worriedly, noticing the girl's eyes fill with tears.
“I'm fine, trying to move on. Maybe one day I'll meet a pretty girl, I don't know, who loves me as I am and for what I am. And I will stop being in love with an impossible crush like you.” She inhaled deeply trying not to cry this time. “We can be friends.”
Natasha frowned and stood up to face her.  “I don't want that.”
“Okay, teammates at least.”
Nat was a little nervous for not knowing how to express herself.  “No, I don’t mean that. I mean, I want to be something else.”
Jules frowned, trying to see the catch.  “Why now?”
“Why not?”
“Is it because I'm your only option since we're running away?” ㅤㅤㅤ
Natasha chuckled wryly.  “Do you think that would stop me? I lived as a spy, I had many lives before I was Natasha Romanoff."
“Oh cool, the woman of many lives.” Jules rolled her eyes.
“You've been spellbound with me for months, looking for an opportunity. You have it now, why don't you want it?” Nat couldn't understand what had changed in Jules’s heart this time.  “Why don’t you want me?”
“Because I'm better than this.” Jules said those words as if trying to believe it for the first time in her life.  “I'm better than ‘something to settle for and that's it’.”
“But I like you.”
She sighed. “I know, Nat, we fucked many times.”
“No, you moron.” Nat smiled and shook her head. “I think I'm falling in love with you, for a long time.”
"And I don't know how to do it, I was never in love. I've always been in control of myself and my feelings, and now… I don't know how to do it when you're here."
Those words made Natasha sigh deeply, finally releasing one of the most powerful sentences of her life. And it felt good, pretty good. Finally.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Unlike Jules, who looked like a huge bucket of cold water had been dropped on her. Completely shocked.
“Oh no.” The blonde mumbled. “Really?”
“Aren't you happy with that? I thought you would be.” Natasha frowned in amusement, stretching out her hand to take the girl's and they both sat down on the sofa again, sharing the blanket.
“I know, it's just… I-I never thought that would happen.” Jules swallowed, feeling her heart start beating faster than ever. “What are we going to do?”
“We can go slow too.” Natasha offered, trying to look sure and confident, but inside her an endless number of flying things stirring anxiously. It felt so strange and charming for the first time.
“We can watch the movie.” Jules said barely, with a small smile on her lips and a special sparkle in her eyes.
“We can do that.” Nat smiled one more time.
They both stayed together, watching the movie. Without realizing it, Jules laid her head on the redhead's shoulder and everything felt good, for both of them.
Both hearts beat fast, this time not because of sex but because of the closeness. And without realizing it, around that place some beautiful daisies grew quickly, under the moonlight. Something magic.
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But unlike the other two, going slow was not the idea at all. Since that night, Wanda and Y/N hadn’t separated again.
Of course, although Y/N spent a lot of time in Wanda's trailer, sometimes Jules kicked her out so she could rest one night on her own bed.
After sharing a delicious stew and a last dinner in that place they considered their home for a while, they were ready to move on with their plans.
In the distance, over the mountains, one of the most beautiful northern lights could be seen. An incredibly unique event.
“What do we have?” Nat asked as she drank some of her beer, the four of them were around a nice bonfire under the moonlight.
“Underwater prison, prisoners have no contact with the outside world, and they never return to it.” Y/N stroked the bridge of her nose.  “I spoke with a former S.H.I.E.L.D. The place is guarded by US Marshasls. It's not impossible but not easy either.”
“That place is for maniacs, it's a place for…” Natasha seemed quite worried.
“Criminals.” Wanda finished the sentence, looking at the fire. The reflection from the campfire making her eyes look even more beautiful.
“Our source said that Clint and Ant-dude made a deal, as long as they both retire.” Jules took a sip of the beer.
Natasha nodded, at least Clint was safe. He had a family, he couldn't lose everything.
“Steve will join us in Dublin.” Nat watched the three of them, handing them new long range earpieces. “You'll take out the Marshall's while we entertain Ross with a show of 'Rogers gives himself up'.”
“And then?” Wanda asked what everyone was thinking at that moment. “After that, what are we going to do?
“Flee, possibly continue to live as nomads.” Y/N grimaced, pushing some wood towards the fire.  “They will come back to look for us, maybe more than before.”
“So…” Jules sighed and raised her beer, toasting. “Let's get them out of there.”
“To them.”
"To family."
They all toasted their friends and enjoyed that drink of beer. It was their last night there, and they had to be strong because the next day, everything was going to change. Forever.
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And things changed, quite a lot. Together with Steve, they all managed to get all their friends out of the Raft alive.
They began to live as nomads, from one place to another without finding a home. By carrying out the missions and taking care of things that the governments didn't do, they took justice into their own hands.
Because even though S.H.I.E.L.D fell and the Avengers were done, it didn't mean the cause was lost.
Things with Wanda improved a lot, although sometimes being together was difficult when you were hiding. Romantic getaways are rare, but at least they were together.
For example, the time they visited Rome momentarily, they took the opportunity to escape together.
Wanda took advantage of every moment to make Y/N fall in love again, even though Y/N was afraid. And Y/N took advantage to make each moment unique. Also that sex was so much more interesting when you are one of the most wanted women in the world.
Y/N was controlling her powers so much better, understanding them more instead of repressing them. Wanda taught her a lot about it, reminding that fear was only going to make everything worse.
ㅤㅤㅤ When the day was sunny, she felt an enormous peace and a warmth that filled her with vigor.
When the day was rainy, she would rejoiced into the comfort and happiness. Feeling how the rain wrapped her in a fresh embrace, renewing her.
When there was a storm, she felt her blood pumping hard and her heart pounding fast. Feeling this unique adrenaline rush, Y/N felt complete and powerful. Lightning streaking across the sky, thunder making the earth tremble.
A wide smile formed on her lips. She felt complete.
And Wanda felt enormous happiness to see Y/N accept and understand herself.
Since she left Y/N that time, Wanda hadn't been the same, but now that they given themselves a chance together, Wanda felt like she was living again. A new opportunity that she wasn’t going to waste, ever again.
And they all saw it, they all saw again how in love they were. Not just Y/N this time, both.
Until one night, everything drastically changed. New York had been attacked again, and Earth just lost her best defenders.
Wanda and Y/N were on a little romantic getaway on Scotland when they found out about this, while Natasha, Steve, Jules, and Sam watched the whole thing on tv.
Without hesitation, they all jumped into the quinjet as fast as they could to head to the Compound, where they were greeted by James Rhodes and Bruce Banner.
“The world's on fire.” Those were the exact words of Y/N when she saw the videos on the screens, over and over again. The attack on New York, the day Tony and Spider-man were gone.
Thanos's ships were outside the stratosphere awaiting orders.
She reached for Wanda's hand to intertwine their fingers, sharing the same look of concern. This could be the end of everything, but they would be together until the end. ㅤㅤㅤ
“We can do this.” Wanda whispered and leaned her head on Y/N's shoulder, as they waited for the Quinjet to land in wakanda. If a battle did take place, it would be ideal to do it where they  the local advantage.
“We can do this.” Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath.
“I love you, detka... This is forever.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“I love you, Wands.”
"When we get back… do you think…" Wanda bit her lower lip, a little nervous. “Do you think we could do…?”
Y/N frowned blankly. “What?”
“Marry me.”
ㅤㅤㅤ That left Y/N speechless, she tried to search Wanda's gaze for some sign that it was a joke or that it was just part of the despair of the moment, but she could only see love on her girlfriend's look. Just that, just love. Right time, the right place.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Wands…”
ㅤㅤㅤ "Please, detka." Wanda sighed, wishing with all her heart that Y/N would say yes. "Marry me."
The sokovian took her girlfriend's hand. “This time is different… Y/N, I can't see a life without you. Let's get married."
Y/N just stays silent for a moment, looking at her. And a smile begins to slowly appear on her lips.
Wanda smiled feeling the tears forming in her eyes. "Is it a yes?"
“It’s a hell yeah! Let's get married, girl.”
ㅤㅤㅤ They both giggled and hugged each other tightly, before sealing that pact with a deep, passionate and needy kiss of love. Now all they need to do was survive the great war. ㅤㅤㅤ
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Meanwhile, in the control cabin of the quinjet were those two women about to land in Wakanda, they only needed the coordinates that Steve was giving them and they would go through the shield that protected that sacred place. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Always remember we’re burned for better. I vowed I would always be yours… If we survived the Great War.” Jules sang to herself, remembering that beautiful song.
ㅤㅤㅤ Nat cocked her head to look at her with tenderness.  “Jules?”
ㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah?”
Of endless words that she wanted to say, after being together for some time, the spy just tried her best:  “You’re a good co-pilot.”
Jules chuckled, pressing a few buttons on the panel.
“Thanks, I worked my ass off on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy just to hear that.” The blonde joked, while making sure everything was alright. She turned to see Nat for a moment. “You okay?”
“t's funny...” Nat cleared her throat. “My whole life, I didn't think I had any family. Turns out I got two, so... one of them's a bit of a mess right now.”
“It'll all work out, Nat.”  Jules sighed and reached out to squeeze her hand gently. “We will do it together.”
Smiling and nodding solemnly, Natasha trusted her girl's words.
Of course they hadn't given her any official name to this ‘thing’ yet, not even a relationship, they hadn't even told each other how much they loved each other.  But everyone knew it, even Yelena who saw them from afar and couldn't help but say "ew", making everyone laugh. But of course, inside was so happy for her big sister.
And although they tried to be brave, they gave everything of themselves in that battle. They fought against huge hordes of aliens, a genetically engineered race of extraterrestrial creatures, so awful and agressive.
“This is it, right?” Jules said feeling like she was out of breath when she saw how those creatures charged against them.  “The great war.”
“Whatever happens, please, stay with me.” Y/N whispered, looking at Natasha, Yelena and Jules. They gave themselves the strength to start with this. Wanda was taking care that Vision was safe, that the universe was safe depended on. Although all she could think about was y/n, hoping she was safe.
There wasn't much to say other than that it was one of the toughest battles of their lives. All the defenders of that Earth, fighting to make it survive another day.
Y/N took advantage of her powers to kill all the aliens she could, of course not too much because could get out of control and hurt everybody. She rose up, flying and smashed as many as she could with lightning and hurricanes. Fury and storm.
Jules did the same although she still tried her best being a simple agent with weapons and shield making a wonderful team with Natasha.
She hadn't discovered her abilities yet, but one day, she would.
“Fall back! Fall back, now!” Y/N exclaimed trying to make the Wakandans in front of her move away, watching as those huge bladed wheel-like were heading towards her and the Wakandans. “Guys, we got a situation here. I can’t stop-”
“On my way.” Wanda spoke through the earpiece and got ready to go to help her, when something hit her with enormous strength. ㅤㅤㅤ
“She'll die alone.” Proxima threatened her, hitting Wanda with the grip of the sword hard enough to leave the sokovian crawling on the ground. "As will you."
“She's not alone.” Natasha's sassy voice made Proxima turn to look at her. Natasha was on one side and Yelena on the other, raising her Widow's batons, ready to start the battle.
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Everything seemed to go on their side, the battle was favorable for the Avengers until a portal opened, letting that fearsome villain through.
And as they could, each one of them faced the mad titan in the way they could to prevent him from reaching Wanda and Vision. And each one of them was defeated, since he wore the gauntlet.
Steve. Bucky. Sam. T'Challa. The Hulk. Each and every one of them fell.
Y/N stepped in the way and caused one of the most powerful thunders to strike on him, but the titan used the reality stone to prevent her from doing it again. Y/N was punched badly, her nose was broken and blood dripped from it and her lips.
She tried again but Thanos threw her against some rocks.
Jules tried to get in the way too, gritting teeth and trying her best, drawing a strength that she didn't know where it came from, she managed to make the earth shake, huge roots come out of the ground and catch him. But the Titan was stronger than that. He broke free and got rid of her too, as well as Yelena and Natasha.
They all fell and when he got the gem, that terrifying snap made everything change.
“Where'd he go?”
“Steve?” Bucky muttered before falling apart and turning to ashes. Desperate, everyone looked around them to see if their friends were okay.
“Wanda?” Y/N murmured and ran towards her beloved, who was on the ground crying.  “My love, come on.”
She knelt down beside the sokovian to help her up, but seconds after taking Wanda’s hand, it began to disappear. “Wanda, no,no, no, no.”
Wanda looked up to see the love of her life one more time, those huge green eyes full of pain, sadness and love saw looked at her for the last time. “I love you, detka.”
ㅤㅤ And she disappeared, just like that, in her arms. Y/N she burst into tears, shocked, terrified to see how the love of her life left her forever.
Y/N searched around as if trying to find her but everything was ashes, just ashes, and anguish everywhere. Crying impossible to contain, uncertainty and pain.
ㅤㅤ “Nat?” Jules whimpered reaching out her hand to hold Natasha's, who looked at her with a tender look. Natasha Romanoff turned to ashes along with everyone else.  “NATASHA!”  she yelled.
“Sestra?! SESTRA, WHERE ARE YOU?” Yelena also screamed through the forest, looking for the redhead, trying that whistle but never received an answer.
They got up to help those who were left, completely devastated by the loss.
Today the universe lost its greatest protectors, and half of its population.
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Sighing heavily, Y/N stared at the screen once the meeting ended. She had been in contact with the remaining Avengers, who were at least trying to keep this world upright.
Steve was on an important mission, so it was their turn to take care of the Compound.
“Where are you?” Y/N asked Rhodey, who had stayed on the line after everyone hung up.
“Mexico.” Rhodes sighed tiredly.  “The Federales found a room full of bodies… Looks like a bunch of cartel guys, never even had a chance to get their guns off.”
The inhuman leaned back in her chair, exhausted. “It's probably a rival gang.”
“Except it isn't.” Rhodes shook his head, knowing that Y/N would have a hard time accepting the truth but she had to.  “It's definitely Julia.”
Y/N swallowed, feeling her eyes fill with tears but she couldn't show weakness.
“What she's done here... Y/N, what she's been doing for the last few years…” Rhodey felt enormous sadness for them, but Y/N had to understand what Jules had become. “She calls herself an 'eco-terrorist'. I mean, the scene that she left…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Call me when you have more information and please…” Y/N was blunt. “Do not engage, just call me. I'm the only one who can stop her.”
Rhodey nodded and his hologram disappeared. Y/N breathed shakily, tried to stay calm. A cool breeze made the treetops move slightly.
“Easy, today's forecast does not say that there will be storms.” Her friend's hoarse voice brought her back to reality, Yelena approached her with two bowls of mac & cheese.
Sadness was reflected in those gloomy eyes, but the widow kept standing.
“Eat, please.” The blonde told her with that thick accent, putting the bowl in front of her and sitting next to Y/N, putting some hot sauce on hers.  “That is my favorite.”
“Thank you.” Y/N sniffled.
“Are you okay, Y/N/N?”
“I'm just worried about her.” Y/N swallowed and wiped the tears from her eyes. “She's taking a rocky path to come back from.”
Yelena sighed and took her hand, trying to support her in this. They had spent years side by side, trying to get over the loss and the pain. “You know it could have been me, If it weren't for you, I would be with her.”
“But you didn’t.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
"I decided to go back, she decided to stay."
Y/N felt hurt by Jules, but above all, she felt her absence. Y/N understood her more than anyone, but it hurts. “I feel like I have failed her.”
“She lost everything, Y/N/N.”
“But not us.” Y/N cleared her throat, eating some mac and cheese.
Touché. That was true.
“And we'll let her know she won't lose us when she decides to come back.” The widow sighed, changing the subject to a less sad and more interesting one. For example: what was it like to receive e-mails from a raccoon?
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ㅤㅤPart II is going to be the finale...
So you sure want to kill me. But I'll tell you: don't do it, you need to know how it ends, right? This is not the same as the movies, so... pretty much wild. Thank you for reading me and for waiting for me with this story, it means a lot that you have come this far. 🌼🐻
here goes some amazing and lovely people tags   ✨  : @wandsmxmff​,  lonewalker17,  tsmeanobody,  dark-hunter16,  lattayhottay16,  natashaswifeu,  silverockmusic,  kacka84,  emeraldevan! @sunsol-22 @dparker0 Thank you for reading me and leaving your beautiful and quite empowering comments!
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anonymityisfunwriter · 4 months
The Twin Flame - Invisible String (CACW Version)
"Time, mystical time, cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine. Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?"
Pairing: Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Bucky Barnes The Twin Flame Chapter List | The Grumpy x Sunshine Universe
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"They don't offer visas for weapons of mass destruction!" Tony booms.
"And what about-"
"Oh no," Tony incredulously chuckles, cutting off Steve's question before he can even finish it. "You can't put that on me. If Pinkie wants to go galavant around with you and Sam, that's her choice. I offered to keep her safe in the Compound."
"That's not safety, that's internment."
"It's more than you or Sam can offer," Tony refutes. "But neither of you will stop and think about the consequences, will you? The consequences that neither of you will pay, but she sure as hell will."
"So you'd lock her up before Ross even gets the chance to?"
"And you'd send her to a life on the run," Tony retorts. "All because you can't get off your high horse."
"This isn't about me. Do you understand what you're asking here? She signs, she will never make another decision for herself. She will never get to be a person. Ever."
"And she won't get to do your bidding anymore?"
"Jesus, Tony." Steve frustratedly shakes his head. "She can think for herself."
"But she's not!" Tony booms. "She's doing what you and Sam want her to."
"Have you ever thought that maybe she never wanted to sign? Maybe she doesn't like the idea of being an asset! You know, every time I think you're seeing this the right way-"
"She is a ward of the state, Steve! Do you get that? And you're giving Ross everything he needs to keep her locked up for life!"
"She trusts you, Tony, she considers you a friend. And you're asking her to sign her life away."
"I'm trying to give her a life. A real life. A family. Everything she's every wanted and then some."
"You just don't get it, Tony," Steve whispers, pain coating every single syllable. "A gold cage is still a cage."
"For the record, this is not staying out of it," Nat scolds as the guard uncuffs you.
"What?" you dramatically scoff. "This was just one big misunderstanding."
She looks at you with pursed lips and an unimpressed expression. "Really? So what are you doing in Berlin?"
"Sightseeing," you automatically respond, proud at yourself for the effortless way the lie fell off your lips. 
"Mhm... and what exactly did you go see?" You falter for the shortest of moments. Your shoulders slump in defeat, knowing she's already caught you in the lie. She shakes her head with a chuckle, "Make sure you prepare the lie ahead of time for future reference."
She starts guiding you down to a hall where Tony and Steve are currently waiting for you. "Care to explain why Sam dragged you all the way to Berlin?"
"You know why," you breathe. 
She remorsefully sighs. "I get Ross freaked him out, but getting arrested is certainly not helping your case. Don't give Ross any more reason to force your hand."
You rub at your tender wrists, "Well, we didn't plan on getting arrested!"
"Could those cuffs even hold you?" she quietly jokes.
"No," you chuckle. "I was just being nice."
The smile leaves her face as she scans the corridor for listening ears. Her voice drops to a quiet murmur. "What do you stand to gain from this?"
"Steve, Tony, they'll be fine. They'll come out of this unscathed, but you don't. You don't win here. You won't win like this. You don't get out of this free - Steve and Tony can."
Her words hit you like a punch to the gut. You knew she didn't approve, but you never thought she'd be this upset at you refusing to be a bystander. "Nat..."
"You won't come unscathed," she emphasizes in a low, warning tone. "Believe me. This could cost you everything."
"I just want to do what's right. If we lose, we lose together, remember?"
"For once, think of yourself. Think of what will happen to you." She gives your shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Just don't let them back you into a corner, okay? Don't let them make you a villain in this story." 
"Okay," you promise. 
"You okay?"
"I'm not the one that got pushed down an elevator shaft," you quip. 
"Why'd you go after-" Steve starts, a concerned look painting his face. 
"I think you're right, Steve," you blurt.
"Right about?"
"He hesitated. Your friend, I don't - I don't know, but he hesitated."
"Hold on, hold on, just walk me through exactly what happened," Steve prompts.
You nod, taking a large gulp of air. "I was just down the hallway with Nat when the power went down, and I saw him tackle Sam down. He pushed you down the elevator, Nat went one way. And I know I'm supposed to be staying out of it, but I followed him."
"His arm, it's made of vibranium like your shield. He heard me coming from behind him, I sort of grabbed his arm. I swear I wasn't trying to shove him that hard, but he fell down some stairs, his head hit one of the steps so I went to make sure I didn't, you know?" you insinuate with a wince. Steve nods, waiting for you to continue. "But when I went to look, he sorta popped back up. Steve, he could've killed me right there. I know that he could've, but he didn't. He just watched me for a second, and then he took off again."
"He hesitated," Steve murmurs under his breath.
"I know what he did to Nick, Steve," you remorsefully mumble. "I wouldn't be saying anything that I didn't really believe."
"And what do you believe?" Steve gently asks.
"He just, he looked..." you falter, fumbling for an accurate portrayal of a moment that was so fleeting and yet carried so much weight. Steve catches your eye again, silently urging you on. "He looked trapped."
"Want to tell me what the hell that was about?" Tony furiously questions as he strides into the room.
You already had the inkling that Tony saw your actions, or more accurately, your inaction earlier. You just hoped that he would've taken that as you being scared in the face of the Winter Soldier, but from the tone of his words you know that he knows there was more happening. You immediately begin apologizing profusely, "I'm so sorry, Tony. I guess I just - I hesitated-"
"No, I saw you. On the staircase, you had him and you let him go, and I want to know why!" Tony demands, his voice seething with rage.
"Tony," Steve chides, a little taken aback by Tony's vitriol that had never been directed at you.
"I already told you -" you start.
"You're a terrible liar, you know that? How about you try the truth this time!?"
"Tony," Steve admonishes once again.
Your eyes remain downcast as you finally admit what ran through your mind as the Winter Soldier stood in front of you while you did nothing to capture him. "He's a person, Tony. Just a person."
Tony scoffs, throwing his hands up. "Of course, leave it to you to try to find the humanity in the Winter Soldier. He killed Nick Fury. He killed the person who rescued you! Did you forget that? Better question, what happened to staying out of it?"
"I know, I know, but I think-"
"That's the thing, you didn't think!" Tony snaps. "Do you even realize what you just did? All that talking to Ross, making a case for you, all of it gone. You just proved to Ross today that you're a loose cannon."
"I'm sorry, Tony. I - I just I looked at him, right in his eyes and -"
"Oh, that's great, really great! I'll be sure to tell Ross you spared the guy because you thought he had pretty eyes."
And while you and Tony both knew you weren't talking about the color of his eyes, and though you most certainly weren't going to admit that to Tony, you were captivated by the vastness carried in his eyes.
For those few short seconds, you were mesmerized by what you swore upon every star that you saw. It was like there was an entirely different person trapped, begging and pleading for help as he was drowning in the depths of those ocean blue eyes. 
"That's enough, Tony," Steve curtly warns for the last time. "You're asking her to apologize for having mercy."
"Mercy?" Tony incredulously repeats. "That's mercy? Mercy is sending him to a psychiatric facility instead of a Wakandan prison. Not letting him go!"
"I didn't-"
"But you did!" Tony angrily exclaims. "And if anyone else gets hurt, that's on you two."
"I guess it was time to get off my ass," Wanda replies.
"Well, it was about time," you quip.
Wanda playfully gasps as you emerge from the backseat of the car. "I can't believe it. Sam finally let you out to play."
"Ha-ha," you sarcastically chortle. "But wrong, because Sam doesn't even want me here."
"No, I don't." Sam shoots you a halfhearted glare. "And you know exactly why."
"I couldn't just let you guys have all the fun." You step around Sam, taking a few steps forward. You stand in front of Wanda for a moment, throwing your arms around her in the next.
"I missed you," she murmurs.
"Being grounded in the Compound not all it's cracked up to be?"
"Like being handcuffed to Sam is any better," she scoffs.
"Missed you too."
"So what's her deal?" Bucky asks Steve, nudging his head in your direction.
"Her deal?" Steve chuckles, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Single, if that's what you mean."
"Funny," Bucky scoffs, rolling his eyes at Steve. "What's she doing here?"
"What are any of us doing here?" Steve questions, a slight huff of laughter as he watches you and Sam share some incredibly long, elaborate secret handshake.
"Are you done being a smart ass?" Bucky impatiently prompts.
"Alright, alright," Steve acquiesces. "It's Sam mostly. At least that's what I think, you didn't hear that from me."
Steve shrugs. "Her story is... complicated."
"Ha," Bucky grunts in clear disbelief.
"I would argue as complicated as yours," Steve continues.
"Should I be insulted?"
"No," Steve assures, his voice a light laughter at Bucky's defensiveness. "She was a SHIELD asset. Best thing they ever stumbled on. Person in captivity. Clean slate. She just never quite fit the mold. 'Specially not with Sam watching out for her."
"Sam was her handler?" Bucky guesses.
"From what I know, yes. Even now, where she goes, he goes. He goes, she goes."
"Doesn't sound that complicated to me. So they're together?"
"No, not in the slightest," Steve barks out a laugh. Steve's mouth remorsefully twists, trying to determine how much of your story he was at liberty to divulge without your permission, "SHIELD wanted things from her, had this idea of what she should be. It was unnerving, watching them try to take advantage of a person that didn't understand this world."
"Born and bred. Didn't see the light of day for the first 25 years of her life."
"But she's so...?" Bucky trails off, the four of you still waiting in the parking lot for the rest of your ragtag team.
"I know," Steve snickers, fondly smiling at you. "She's tough. Didn't matter what SHIELD through at her, she never folded."
"And now?"
"I don't know," Steve winces, shaking his head. "It's not really my story to tell."
Bucky snorts. "Who am I gonna tell?"
"Is there a reason you're this interested?"
"There's a reason you're deflecting," Bucky counters.
"It's complicated," Steve repeats. "SHIELD owned her. Like really owned her."
"But SHIELD fell... so she's free?"
"Sam doesn't think so. He won't admit it, but he's scared. How do you argue the freedom of a person that no one knows exists? A person that no one has ever considered a person?" And that statement really strikes a chord with Bucky - because isn't that exactly what Steve is doing for him? Isn't that exactly what he's been for 70 years? "SHIELD's gone, but what's stopping the government from staking their claim? She's not a citizen, of anywhere, no home, nothing. A ward of the state, really. Sam thinks that they're gonna come for her. He wants to keep her out of the fight, but he's not letting her out of his sight any time soon. It's how she ended up here in Berlin."
"And what do you think?"
"I think that she's here to do what's right."
"You think they'll come for her?"
Steve's mouth quickly opens, only to shut again. He waits for a moment, clearly thinking his answer through. "I don't know."
Before Bucky can probe any more, an announcement rings out. For a moment, the playful reunion between you, Wanda, Sam, and Clint comes to a halt. Now was the time for a fight.
"They're evacuating the airport."
"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're going to win this one, some of us are going to have to lose."
Sam looks at you, a pleading expression on his face. You know he's asking you to make a quiet escape, to leave while you still have the chance. He also knows you won't do that, you've never been one to stand aside when you could help. 
You offer him a crooked smile and a languid shrug, letting him know you're ready and willing to accept the consequences of your actions today. Whatever they would end up being for you.
"They're headed for the Quinjet," Tony informs Rhodey.
Before he can take off to stop Steve and Bucky, you catch the foot of Tony's suit, pulling the metal suit back to the ground against all the force of his propellers to keep him grounded.
"What the-?" he starts, his sarcastic tone dropping when he sees you standing there, maintaining an invisible grip on him. He deeply breathes, "Sam really just can't keep you out of it, can he?"
"I don't want to fight you, Tony," you implore.
"You don't know what you're doing. There's nothing that hasn't been done that can't be fixed, but you're about to cross a line, Pinkie."
"Then don't draw one. We don't have to do this, we don't have to pick sides."
He gestures to you, pinning him to the ground, "A little too late for that, don't you think?"
"I'm not choosing anything."
"What? You think because he's easy on the eyes he's not a cold-blooded murderer? Because he flashed you a smile, he won't kill you the first chance he gets?"
You wince at the coldness of Tony's words. "I just want to do what's right. That's all I want."
He scoffs, "By protecting a murder? Or because you only listen to Sam says?"
You suck in a breath, desperately not trying to take personal offense to Tony's words. You know they come from a place of hurt, that your friend wouldn't say these things about you. "You know how this ends for me, Tony. You know what they'll do."
"No one's going to hand you over to Ross. We can protect you!"
The corner of your mouth lifts in a sad, remorseful smile, "I've heard that one before."
You flinch as the sounds of Wanda's screams, and Tony looks over to the hangar just in time to see Steve and Bucky make it past the collapsing flight tower.
"Let me go, Pinkie. Now," he demands. You wordlessly shake your head, your lips remorsefully pulling in. He slowly raises his arm, aiming one of his shooters directly at you. "Please don't make me do this."
You both watch as the Quinjet takes off. He sucks in a sharp, angry breath. You see the bright blue light charging as the cannon remains locked on you, you quietly offer, "I'm sorry, Tony."
A loud mechanical whirring emanates from the device. "Me too."
The moment those words left your mouth, Sam's head snapped over his shoulder just in time to see the person you both called a friend raise his canon and take the shot.
He still remembers what was running through his head as Tony took aim at you: there was no way you were going to actually let him shoot you, you wouldn't do that, you were going to jump out of the way, you were going to realize that your life meant more than winning this stupid battle for this stupid civil war.
"What are you doing?" Sam frantically speaks into the comms device, trying to reach you before it's too late, "This is not the plan. I repeat, this is not the plan."
But it was clear to Sam that you were both too far gone to hear anything anyone else was saying. Tony too angry. And you too willing to give yourself up as the sacrificial lamb.
It happened so fast, yet the moment seemed to last a lifetime. 
The blow sending you hurling back, your body skid against the pavement, only for your head to smack against the ground with a sickening crack. It seemed like the moment stopped everyone, he could almost hear the collective gasps from his team mates. It seemed like everyone watched in abject horror. No one could believe it. No one could believe that this is what had become of your team, your found family.
He remembered trying to convince himself that you were just going to pop back up, that you would stand up and bellow an assurance to your team that you were okay.
None of those things happened.
Before he knew it, he was diving to dodge a blast from Vision, one that sends Rhodey hurling to the ground. 
It was all a blur, scrambling across the airfield to make it to you. And what he found would forever imprinted in his memory. He found you all alone, sprawled out on the pavement, unmoving.
"Oh God," he quietly gasps, awkwardly landing on the ground. He barely lands on his feet, too focused on making sure you were okay.
"Hey, hey, you have to get up now," he frantically nudges you, scooping you up in his arms. Completely unresponsive, your head slumps back. He taps at your cheeks, shaking you as hard as he can, still no response. He raises his two fingers to check your pulse, and relief only incrementally comes when he feels your pulse still beating underneath his fingertips. "Please, you have to get up. Come on, please, get up." 
He removes his head from the back of your head, only to find his hand now covered in your blood. 
"Help, we need help over here!" he screams, pleading with whoever would listen. "Please, please, please, we need help!"
Help never came.
Instead, he had to helplessly watch as your unconscious body is thrown with the rest of Team Cap onto an armored truck to haul you away to the Raft. 
"Don't touch her. Don't you touch her!" he screams as they tear your unmoving body from him.
Then, he watches them throw you on the floor of the truck like you aren't an actual human being.
For that split second, he hates Tony Stark.
For that split second, he hates Bucky Barnes.
For that split second, he hates Steve Rogers.
He hates everything and everyone that brought you that close to death.
"How's Rhodes?" Sam asks, feeling Tony's gaze on the back of his head from across the glass barrier.
"Flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow so... Fingers crossed." Tony stops speaking, taking a moment to choose his next words very carefully, "What do you need? They feed you yet?"
Donning a full prisoner's uniform, Sam turns around with an incredulous chuckle,"You're the good cop now?"
"I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went."
Sam angrily crosses his arms. "Well, you're gonna have to go get a bad cop because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get anything out of me. Or, you know, just shoot me down, you're good at that."
“I knew it wouldn’t,” Tony stops, even as the words leave his mouth he hears how vile they sound. He still says them anyway, “I knew it wouldn’t actually kill her.”
Clint loudly guffaws from across the room, "You hear that? He didn't think it would kill her when he shot her point blank. Stark friendship at its kindest!"
Sam bitterly snorts, shaking his head at Tony, “Do you hear yourself? You shot a supposed friend down. You shot her. And now she’s somewhere in this God forsaken prison.”
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you kept dragging her into your fights!" Tony seethes. "Can't fight your own battles so she’ll do it for you, right, Sam? You talk about SHIELD, about Ross, when you’re no better, you’ll exploit her without a second thought. She trusts you without a second thought and you take advantage at every turn. Don’t blame me. Blame yourselves.”
"Anything to not blame yourself, right?" Sam counters, schooling his expression to hide the sting of Tony's words.
Tony's words hit him in his most vulnerable spot, so hard that it feels like he can't breathe. Because no matter how much Sam doesn't want the words to ring true, he can't shake off the sense that Tony is right, that you're only on the Raft, chained up and alone, because of him.
"I just knocked the A out of AV. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment. I was wrong, Sam. That's clear to me." Tony flashes him a small holographic screen, an image of an unconscious man in a suit strewn on the ground, "Just look, because that is the guy that was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly I made a mistake, Sam. I was wrong. Now tell me where Steve is."
Sam scoffs, shaking his head. "No."
"She's all alone right now, if you didn't already know that. Might do some good to have a visitor, can't be that hard to convince Ross to let me see her."
The thing was Sam already knew you were somewhere in this prison. All alone. He could still see the panic in your eyes when they separated you and Wanda from the rest of them. He tried to hold onto the foolish hope that maybe they decided to have an iota of humanity and not separate the two of you.
He also knew that it wouldn't really matter. They could've thrown you in the cell right beside him, but still there was nothing anyone could have said, could have done to prepare you for the feeling of being locked up all over again.
Even worse, because the guards paid them no mind, he had no way to find out anything about your whereabouts, if you were okay or not, he knew nothing.
Sam tried a diplomatic approach at first, simply asking the guard if you were alright, how you were holding up.
Then, Clint tried demands. Threatening to kill the guards the second they got out of here unless they told them how you and Wanda were doing.
Scott tried to appease, to joke and appeal to their sense of humanity.
None of it worked.
A snort of disbelief leaves Sam's mouth. "You're gonna bargain with my friend's life? That's a new low for you, Tony."
Tony grits his teeth, sneering, "She was my friend too." 
"Was, operative word."
"Did she say that or do you speak for her now, Sam?"
"No, you do a good enough job of that on your own," Sam counters, though he has more than half a mind to tell Tony where Steve is just to find out if you were okay.
"15 seconds, Sam. Choose."
Sam just can't stop picturing it. You in a cell, all alone. God knows they weren't kind to you before, now there was nothing stopping General Ross from laying all the pressure he possibly could to force you back into line. He almost can't believe the words as they leave his mouth, "You go, you go alone and as a friend."
"Done," Tony agrees.
Escorted by three guards, Tony slowly approaches your cell. The glass makes it feel more like a zoo than a maximum security prison. But, he figures, that's what you are to them. Nothing more than a pawn. Tony does his best to ignore the guards intensifying glare as he approaches the cell.
He sees your face dejectedly slumped against the cell wall, balled up in the corner closest to him. He looks up at you in horror. Your face is grey, sunken in, like the life and soul had been sucked from you. "Pinkie?"
It's only when he calls for you that you even noticed your visitor. Recognition lights up your face. You look up at him with the best smile you can muster, "Hey, Tony."
His heart breaks a little bit, your smile is lifeless and lacks any real conviction, he knows you're only doing it so he doesn't feel like an even bigger asshole. "How are you holding up?"
"I've been better," you slur, finally managing to hold your head up off the wall. "How... how are you?"
It's not just your marred, garbled speech that alarms him, but he notices an IV running out of your straight-jacket. You can't reach the IV cart from where you're chained up in the corner of your cell, but he can see the IV bag filled with a yellow-ish liquid that continuously drips down into the tube leading up into your arm.
"Pinkie?" Tony calls again, this time slightly louder. "What is that?"
You tiredly exhale. You blankly stare at him for a moment like you don't understand what he's asking. It takes several long moments for the words to process, "My fault. I freaked when they put me in here...Sedating me helped."
A few things pop into his head immediately.
First,  between the way they were keeping you and Wanda, he feels completely and absolutely sick to his stomach. They treated you both like weapons and nothing more. It disgusts him. 
Second, he knows how claustrophobic you are. He can only imagine the panic that must have coursed through your veins when they threw you in here all alone. He imagines all the control you once had gone in a split second.
Third, he knows it can't be healthy to keep an adult so heavily sedated for this long. This is not good for you. Not in the slightest. 
"That explains why you're the only one speaking to me," he remarks.
"You're my friend, Tony." Your breathing is so slow that it freaks him out. "Know you're just..."
"Just?" he prompts, hoping you'll remind him what all of this is for, hoping you'll remind him what was worth turning his back on all his friends. 
"You're a good person, Tony, always been a good friend..."
"A good friend that gets his friends locked up," he sarcastically murmurs, more to himself than to you. "I'm not a good friend, Pinkie. And I'm so sorry-"
He looks back up at you to find your eyes slid shut, breathing shallow.
"Time's up, Stark," General Ross barks. "Consider us even, and consider this your last courtesy."
Tony never did find out if you heard his apology.
"What if she doesn't wake up, Steve? They kept her sedated the entire time we were there," Sam worriedly rambles, the feeling of carrying your limp body in his arms as Steve lead you to freedom still fresh in his mind. "Her head, it was bleeding so much, so, so much."
"Head wounds bleed a lot, Sam," Steve assures him. "She's tough, she's a fighter."
"You weren't there, Steve," Sam counters, a bit more bite in his voice than he intends. "You didn't see it."
Steve rests a hand on Sam's shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze, "I'm sorry, Sam. Truly."
Sam squeezes his eyes shut, reminding himself that if you wouldn't blame Steve, he certainly didn't have any right to. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault - it's just-"
"You're worried," Steve finishes.
"She's just lying there, Steve. It's been hours."
There was nothing, barely a twitch of your fingers even though you'd been lying there for hours. He made Wanda recount exactly what had happened before they separated the two of you already several times.
According to Wanda, after they separated the two of you from the group, they didn't want to risk keeping the two of you together either.
You'd held it together as they forced you into a straitjacket. Even as they chained your hands and feet together. They'd put that large black, electrical collar around your neck with minimal resistance from you.
After that, you and Wanda were separated.
Your breaking point came when they lead you to your cell. You panicked, spiraled so quickly that their solution was to jab a sedative in your neck.
She knew things had gone wrong when she heard your screams echo and reverberate down the hall. You, at the very end, her at the complete opposite end. And still, the screams sent chills down her spine.
But worse than any of that, her blood went cold when it all went silent, when there were no screams, no labored breaths. Just a boon chilling silence.
A few hours later, the sedative wore off, but the panic did not. The guards were genuinely worried about what you might be able to do if you lost control, so constant sedating was their failsafe.
"She'll be okay, Sam."
It's quiet after that. No one speak, only the low hum of an engine rumbling fills the silence. Sam remains by your side, fussing over you as the jet takes them to God knows where.
There is no warning as you snap back into consciousness. You sharply gasp, sitting up in one quick, fluid motion. The jet rattles, violently swaying as your chest heaves and your eyes try to figure out where you are. 
"Whoa!" Sam exclaims.
"Where are- What- What is going-"
"Easy, easy, just take a breath, we're okay. We're alright."
"We - we were on the Raft. I was-" you hyperventilate.
"You're safe, we're all out now," Sam consoles you. "We're safe."
You look around to the other solemn faces aboard the jet. Sam, Clint, Wanda, Scott, you're all out. "How?"
"Well..." Sam starts.
"I guess that would be me," a familiar voice pipes in from behind you.
Your head whips around to see Steve standing at the helm of the jet. "Steve?"
"Hey, Sunshine," he warmly greets.
The Twin Flame Chapter List The Grumpy x Sunshine Universe Bucky Barnes Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24
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justanamesstuff · 6 months
Chapter 6
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Matty Healy x f!reader A/N: This chapter is shorter but includes how they met :))) guys, i need you to tell me if this (the entire fic) is just trash or i keep going jhqwbkjb help Warnings: wounded egos, matty is a dick, angst, flashback, typos. Word count: 3.3 K
< Chapter 5
The whole family looked at how a very familiar car parked beside theirs. Shortly after, Y/n came out smiling nervously at them.
“Hi, guys.” she greeted the group.
Matty’s heart stopped beating right there.
Matty didn’t know how to react. He knew they would meet again sooner than later but not in that short. Time during which we couldn’t gather his thoughts and feelings.
Y/n was there looking as perfect as he remembered. Sporting an awkward look going from his eyes to the floor, like searching for his reaction only. Matty didn’t react. After one look at her, Matty fixed his sight on his shoes avoiding her sweet eyes calling him. At the same time, he tried to snap out of this strange mind place he was in. 
Sooner than he expected, she was standing in front of him. Adam and George held their breaths tightly meanwhile the rest –specially Denise– smiled at the best friends. Adam was beyond worried for Matty and G was intrigued by the tension unnoticed by Matty’s mother. 
“Hi, Matty.” Y/n greeted him, twisting her hands trying to get rid of the tingling sense. 
“H-Hi.” his hesitation made Adam rolled his eyes.
Y/n tried to force a smile, “How have you been?”
“Good, good. You?” Matty still didn’t return her gaze, which he could sense burning the skin of his face.
“Yeah, well. Sweet moment, shall we get in? I’m starving.” Ross interrupted, gaining a hard look from Adam. “What?” the bassist was lost. 
Since no one had a better reason against Ross’s petition they moved closer to the entrance. Matty took the opportunity to sneak out of the conversation meanwhile Denise distracted Y/n with chatter and Adam followed his friend. 
“Are you okay?” Adam asked, taking a side look to Y/n. The guitarist knew her as much as he knew Matty, neither were okay with the surrounding vibes.
Matty looked at him confused, “Yeah, why?” Adam scoffed. Matty studied his annoyed face and continued saying, “The girl that I’m in love…who is also my best friend…is in a fuckin’ relationship, which I supposedly don't know about…shows here, out of nowhere. Yeah, I’m totally fine.” Matty tsked.
“Not out of nowhere. Your mum called her.” 
Matty stopped his walking. “Not a moment for being sarcastic, Hann.” 
“Sorry.” he patted his best friend back, pushing him to walk forward.
Although, this time, Matty showed resistance, “I should leave- “
“Don't even think about it. Denise would kill you.” the guitarist advised him.
“I can’t- “
“Yes, you can. You say it. She is your friend.” 
“I’m not ready to spend the entire evening with her listening how her boyfriend is perfect and how they f-”  
Matty’s rant was interrupted by Denise, “Boys!” she called for them. ”Slow down! ” they looked at her and obeyed. 
The frontman took a moment to look at Y/n. Her eyes met hers for a second until she looked away and Matty felt his heart filling up with rejection.
Y/n was trying to make her best effort and focus on eating meanwhile she talked with Denise, Lincoln, and Tim –when they arrived late and suffering Denise’s scold. The conversation was more them talking than her and Y/n was thankful for that. Her mind was foggy repeating the same scene over and over again. Repeating on loop how Matty clearly didn’t want her there. She saw him before they knew she was there and after when his entire body language changed. It was bittersweet, on one hand talking with Denise, Tim, and Lincoln made her felt like a daughter, like she was really part of a family and happy. On the other hand, Y/n felt awful about Matty. 
Between chats about Denise and Lincoln’s projects and short looks towards Matty’s side of the table, Y/n shared a few laughs with G, Ross and Louise. Adam was on the other side, at Matty’s right whispering things she couldn’t listen and wasn’t sure if she wanted to. Matty’s sight remain down, this time it wasn’t his shoes his point of focus it was the half touched plate. 
Y/n could perfectly sense how distant Matty was. She didn’t understand. How they talk a lot by message and then in person he was miles and miles away?  
Y/n didn’t want to focus too much on him. If Matty had a problem with her or something, he would search for her and talk. She was happy and not even him or anyone could take that from her right. Or she tried to convince herself of it. 
The two weeks after finishing with the film and back at her home, Y/n had spent it with George having little dates around London or at her house. The relationship with George was day by day getting better. She missed seeing him every day, which surprised Y/n because she wasn’t the clingy type. The opposite in fact, but George made her feel things she never felt.
“You have to stop.” Adam warned him. “Talk to her.”
“I’m not doing anything, and I’ll not do that.” Matty folded his arms like a little boy.
“You keep looking at your plate like…a mad person.”
“I thought we agreed that I’m not okay right now-“
Adam let out a big sigh, “Yeah, we did…but still.”
“I can’t help it.” Matty admitted slightly embarrassed, grabbing a bread to tear it apart. 
“I know, but try.” the guitarist almost begged.
“I don’t want to.” Matty said stubborn.
“Don’t act like a child.”
“I’m acting like an angry person. Which I am.”
“Then talked to her.” Adam resonated.
“Oh, yeah. I’m going to tell her ‘hey y/n, by the way..mom told me you’re in a relationship and I didn’t know, but I lied to her saying that you told me something…and I’m beyond pissed with you right now’. Good advice Hann!.” 
“What? Am I what?” Matty challenged his friend, raising his voice gaining a few looks from other tables.
Adam turned to the other side, starting a chat with George and Louis. He left Matty alone with his thoughts. 
The frontman’s head having a quick look at Y/n’s smiley side before returning to his boring plate. Matty’s mind little by little suppressed the noise and movement around him, making him travel back towards the night he met Y/n.
It was summer, summer’s nights were the best ones to met friends and have fun. The boys loved to be out of the house, hung out at the local pub and shared a good laugh adding the bonus to get drunk until they return home in ways they didn’t remember the next day.
The boys were together having fun after a couple of months of intense work trying to get the next album out. Some people recognized them at the pub stopping to say a few words and then left.
At one moment of the night, Matty was returning from the bathroom, trying to get through the hectic pub, when noises of two people caught his attention. His first thought was “a couple fighting”, but no. A big man was cornering a woman between his big body and the wall behind her. She moved like she was very uncomfortable.
“Come on, sweetheart. A pretty little thing like you’d love to spend a night with me.” the boy said. Matty’s first instinct was to approach them and help, but before he could even think about that, the woman solved it.
“Excuse me?! I’m not little, I’m not a thing either…and don’t get me started on the last part. Dick head!” she replied to him, before she did a pair of movements leaving the man on the floor.
She continued her way, passing right beside Matty. The singer was in awe of her so when she was right beside him, Matty snapped out of his mind. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, touching her arm.
“What? Do you like to end like that too?” Y/n reacted, still sensitive about the prior encounter, looking at the man which gave her an angry look.
Matty stuttered,“No, no. I just-“
“Do you just want to be my prince charming then?” she raised an eyebrow.
“No, no. I’m sorry! I just want to know if you need anything. Just that.” he quickly answered, letting her arm go.
Y/n quickly gave herself a mental facepalm. She was angry with the other man, but she has no right to snap at other people. “I’m sorry, I’m angry with that twat and I snapped at you.”
“It’s all right, I get it.”
“Let me buy you a pint as an apology.” she offered.
“Mm I would love that. I’m with a couple of friends- I mean, if you want you can join us- We could buy that pint- I mean…” Matty tried to say a coherent phrase, failing miserably. She thought he was really cute.
“Okay, I’d love to.” she smiled at him.
Matty felt relief, “Amazing!”
“Yeah, cool.” he said, while he just stared at her. Y/n was waiting for the moment he figured it out himself, the fact that they were just standing. She just arched her eyebrows at him a second time that night.
“Oh, shit. Come, follow me.” he said, turning around heading to the table.
The guys were still in the same positions since Matty left. Adam was the first to notice Matty and the new girl.
“Take your time in the loo, Matty.” Adam made fun of him.
“Shut up.” he replied. All the men around the table kept looking at Y/n, trying to figure out who she was or if they knew her. “This is- “ Matty started, suddenly, realizing they never properly introduced to each other.
“Y/n.” she said for all of them.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n. Sorry for the manners of my stupid mate.” George greeted her. Gaining a look from Matty and a laugh from Y/n. “I’m George, the stupid is Matty, this one is Adam.” he pointed to everyone. “That’s Ross and Jaime.”
“Nice to meet you all.” Y/n greeted them.
“Please, take a seat I’ll go buy a new round.”  Matty offered meanwhile the rest cheered as a response to the mention of new beverages. “Do you like any beer in particular?”
“I have to buy the drinks, Matty.” she reminded him.
“Shh, it’s my treat. You have to bear with this lot now. You’d thank me later.”
“Hey!” Ross protested.
“Shh! Y/n?”
“A Guinness it’s fine.” she informed Matty.
“Good taste also? You’re amazing!” the singer told her, making her blush a little before leaving.
Meanwhile they waited for Matty to get back, the singer supposed the boys asked where she met Matty and all the details. 
Matty returned with the drinks shortly after. Between those pints and a couple of laughs they continued asking about her, she replied to some questions –the easy ones– and the others were quickly forgotten.
Matty couldn’t fail to noticed how his heartbeat picked up every time her arm touched his, who insisted on sitting beside her. She was the most beautiful girl he had met in a good while –probably ever–, and even though they met in a bad moment something clicked inside him when he took her arm.
Y/n didn’t look like a girl who fell in love easily, quite the opposite. On the other hand, everybody could tell Matty was the other side of the coin in the matter. Back then, Matty was living his “best life” as a single boy, getting the attention of girls/women that pumped his ego. He didn’t hook up with every one of them, he only got involved with the ones that understood the deal. Matty was comfortable with that because a relationship takes time and attention, back then he couldn’t promise that to anyone due to his hectic schedule.
“So, Y/n, do you like music?” Ross asked almost in a whisper that the entire pub could hear.
“Who doesn’t?”
“Perfect!” he levelled up the tone. “Favourite current artist?” 
“George Ezra? I don't know. Why?” Y/n replied, feeling her face hot with the rest of the table laughed. 
“Favourite current band?” 
“Emm, not sure.”
“Ross, stop.” Matty warned his friend, before bringing the pint closer to his mouth. 
“Have you heard about the 1975?”
“No. I’m sorry?” Y/n’s face scrunched. 
“Shame on you, Y/n.” the bassist pulled a sad face. 
“Why? Are they good?”
“We’re the 1975, Y/n.” George informed her, ending the joke around the table except for her.
“Oh my god, guys! I’m so sorry!”
“Did you really never have heard about Matty Healy?” Jaime continued with the interrogatory. 
“It does ring a bell, but I’m not sure.”
Matty interrupted before they could be continued, “You’re not missing out, don’t worry.” it was the second time during the night Y/n witnessed a shy and uncomfortable Matty.
During the rest of the night, Matty continued subtlety flirting with her, making Y/n felt giddy from head to toe. He was interested, she could notice. Y/n was flattered, but the girl didn’t want a one-night stand.
At a moment of the night, the boys disappear making stupid excuses when they saw how close Y/n and Matty were. After a few minutes, the man moved his face closer which forcer her to move backwards.
“I’m- no- I-“ she started to mumble.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“It’s okay, we’re drunk, it’s fine.” she made the excuse for the both of them.
“Please, don’t take this the wrong way. I really like you, I mean, your presence, I mean you-“ Matty rambled.
“It’s fine, Matty.” she cut him, placing her hand on top of his. A tick silence fell between them. Matty wanted to apologise again and Y/n didn’t know what to do. Thank god the boys returned, and the awkward couple felt relieved.
 The night continued with little pranks and laughs. The boys took Y/n as part of the group, leaving the incident with Matty slightly forgotten.
When they all were leaving the pub, the boys dropped Y/n at her house not without asking for her phone. Since then the relationship between all of them grew, the love for Matty stayed for a little under the surface and Matty’s feelings were storage in a box he didn’t open for a long period of his life.
A few hours later…
“That was lovely.” Denise stated, looking at the rest of the group stepping out of the restaurant after they finish eating and chatting the night away. 
“It was.” Tim agreed, sharing a humming sound from Lincoln. 
“Okay, kids…see you soon?” the woman opened her arms meeting Louis and Matty on a quick hug.
“Yeah, yeah.” 
“Yes, mom.”
“Put more effort faking you’ll miss ya mum, ha?” she patted her sons on the face.
“Bye, Denise.” George pulled her away from the annoyed boys.
The greetings continued until Denise stopped in front of Y/n, asking her how would she travel home. Disliking the answer she gave Matty’s mother.
“No fuckin’ way.”
“We can dr-”
Y/n knew the rest of the sentence but interrupted her quickly, “I live on the opposite side of town…I wont make you drive two hours when you’re twenty minutes away from your house.”
“But-” Denise tried to protest.
“No. I’ll take an Uber.”
Y/n tried to maintain her composure against Denise’s puppy –worried— eyes. When suddenly someone’s voice intruded in their conversation.
“I can take you.”
Y/n turned to look at the man, at her friends that almost didn’t talk with her the entire evening. 
“Are you sure?” she asked, sceptical. 
Matty sensed Adam and G’s eyes burning in the back of his head. He cleared his throat, nodding slightly. 
“Sure, why not?”
Y/n wanted to scream loud. She opted against that.
After more hugs and kisses, strange looks and arranges around which car Matty used to take Y/n home, Matty, Adam and Y/n drove towards her flat. 
Adam, being the only grown up in the car, started a conversation, “how have you been, Y/n?”
“Emm, well…a bit sad because I finished a job, but it will pass I guess.”
“Right, I get like that when we finish an album.”
“How have you been guys?” Y/n dared to look at Matty’s tensed figure.
Adam wanted to smack some sense into Matty’s head badly watching how he didn't answer even a simple question.
“I’m fine. How are you Matty?”
The silence was too loud and Adam was beyond bored with Matty’s passiveness. 
“So, Denise says you have a boyfriend now.”
Y/n saw how Matty gripped the wheel harder, his knuckles turning whiter. 
“I did expect that to be honest.”
“Really?” Matty snapped out of his silence.
Y/n searched for his eyes but he didn’t return it. She wanted to say so many things at the moment even though she chose to say, “Yes, I was going to tell you guys…”
“Yeah? When? After you get married or before?” 
The girl took a big breath in, “I get it that you’re annoyed but-”
“But what, Y/n? I want to see you try to explain it to me.”
His attitude infuriated her.
“I didn’t want to tell you guys…you, Matty…over the bloody phone. So, I’m profoundly sorry you’re wounded, apparently, by my actions but it’s my fuckin’ relationship and I tell you when I think it’s the best thing or when I fucking want. Okay?” Y/n screamed.
Silence returned, making now Adam uncomfortable. 
“No, shut up, Hann.” Matty stopped him.
“No, you shut up. I’ll say whatever the fuck I want and I’m more than tired of your guys shit. Act like two grown-ups and speak. I’m tired of you two.”
“I haven't done anything.” Y/n defended herself.
“You know how stupid he is with your stuff.”
Matty made eye contact with his friend not believing his words. “Excuse me?” Adam looked back at him, without saying a word. “Now you choose silence. Fantastic. Very mature, Hann.”
“He’s right.” Y/n said shyly, gaining Matty’s attention. “We should talk…for real.” 
“Then talk. I just don’t get it why you keep it under secret and don't come again with the stupid phone excuse.”
Y/n felt defensive at first, “It’s not a stupid phone…point one.” and then her attitude turned down. “I could've told you something at least but i knew something like this would happen.”
“It did happen, and you could’ve prevented it, Y/n.”
“I know, I’m sorry…all I can say is that I’m really sorry Matty.”
The frontman lose his grip on the wheel a tad, stopping under a red light and turning to look at her friend. 
“I’m sorry too. I’m just incredibly annoyed you left me out of this.” adding the fact that she was in love with someone else and not him, but it wasn’t the moment to revel that.
“I know.”
“Can we make peace?”
“What if I…we, me and the boys, meet him?”
Adam tried to get his attention from the back of the car even though Matty ignored him. 
“Do you really want that?” Y/n searched for something she wasn’t sure what it was inside his eyes. 
“Sure, why not? Adam?” 
The street light turned green at the same time Y/n turned to look at her other friend. Hann felt defeated. It wasn’t that he didn't want to meet Y/n’s boyfriend it was the fact that Matty was under some weird effect to offer that or had an ulterior motive Adam wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Hann’s intuition and best reasoning were against the idea but Y/n’s eyes were pleading to him as well. 
“Yes, you can take it to the house if you want. We make dinner as an apology for Matty’s stupidity.” 
“Oi!” Matty protested, making Y/n laugh. He had missed it, he had missed her.
He was caving his own grave, Matty was well aware of that. 
Taglist: @hollybrislen @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001 @brittluvs1975 @amillennialthatbabyboomerslike
Chapter 7 >
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asmallpinkfan3 · 2 years
Okay okay so I have had this idea in my head forever. Reader is with death BUT we are really similar to him and are kinda like his assistant when it comes to things to do like we just pop up when he needs help and all that you don't have to do it right away take your time ❤️
Death x assistant reader
Song i listened to on repeat while writing this: savage daughter-sarah Hester Ross
Warnings: small amount of fighting, swearing, death, robbing, reader getting hurt, blood.
GN reader. Who is also immortal
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You helped death in ways no other person could you have been there for him no matter what.
He fell in love with you when he realized how much you were alike.
You soon became his assistant, he gave you your very own sickle for days that there were many souls to collect.
You had a small clipboard of what you have the names of the souls he needed to collect.
However there was days where he had people fight him to keep their life.
Specially one that you tell your friends together is the time a guy who was a criminal but not in the good way.
The guy robbed from poor and rich people so one day when his soul came up to collect from his heart failure.
It was a gloomy day the god of light had felt sick so the rain god had to take over and keep the weather into a rainy and gloomy day.
The guy was running from death as the wolf gained on him.
“You will never get me bounty hunter”! He yelled knocking straight into you.
“We aren’t bounty hunters, he’s death he has to collect your soul you said from under him.
Getting up the guy kicked you to the side and kept running.
“Well I’m not gonna let death have my soul today”! He yelled as you held your shoulder.
“Fuck that hurt for a guy with heart failure he can kick pretty hard”. You said as death helped you up.
“Stay here I’ll get him amor”. Muerte said giving you a quick kiss on your shoulder.
Not to far up ahead the guy hid and waited to jump onto deaths back.
“Alright amigo your not gonna live for much longer so why don’t you just give it up”. Death said not aware about the guy who was about to jump on his back.
“Never lobo”! He yelled and muerte yelped out for a second as he felt hands grip his fur pulling him backwards.
Elbowing the guy death turned to the guy on the ground.
“Amor”. Death said and you popped out of no where beside him.
“Check him off”. Death said, “are you and that cunt together or something?”
A cocky voice coming from the man and murete growled before killing him.
You simply grabbed your pencil and checked his name off.
“Finally he’s gone”. You said murete turned back to you some blood on his poncho.
You grimaced, “I’m gonna have to wash that for you my love”. You commented placing a kiss on his cheek.
He only grinned and wrapped his arms around you the rain pouring once more.
“That makes both of us”.
You chuckled at his joke and walked your hand in his paw going home.
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mercwiththem0uth · 1 year
Agh, hi, i love your drabbles! i've read every single one so i know you've already covered it a bit, but i would love to read something about caring for an emotionally distraught Ross, on account of all the being called worthless scum who'll never amount to anything everyday. What do you think? 💜
hi!! thank you for your kind words about my work and for your request - i would love to do this for you! i wasn't entirely sure how you'd like this to be written, so i've gone for ross x gender neutral reader. i hope this is okay! let me know what you think and i hope you enjoy :)
p.s, i do have other inboxes/requests which i will reply to as soon as possible! i'm not ignoring anyone! <3
Ross Gaines - "Worthless Scum"
Summary: [Ross x GNreader] Ross gradually becomes worn down by Pauline's relentless bullying, and seeks comfort in the arms of his favourite person.
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The look on his face as he entered through the front door to our shared apartment almost ripped my heart in two. His eyes, once bright and full of wisdom, now dull and sad. His mouth, soft lips normally smirking or twitching with intense interest, now down-turned in a melancholy frown. His face, usually so clean and smooth to the touch, now tainted with smears of dried blood, and roughened due to weeks of tiring work and pain.
This had seemed to get progressively worse over the past week or so. When he was first assigned the job of investigating a restart officer at the local job centre, neither of us imagined what horrors he would return home with every night. It started with simple, belittling comments and rude remarks from the woman he called 'Pauline', but with each passing day he'd start showing up with random bruises and telling me heinous stories of being beaten and physically attacked.
Of course I was horrified, I had begged him to report her, or at least refuse to continue working until she was fired. But Ross was stubborn, he always had been. Especially when it came to his job.
It was only a few evenings ago that he had come glumly walking into the apartment, his expression laced with unusual sadness. I was stood cooking for the two of us and expected him to give me a usual 'hello' kiss, but instead he glanced at me with a weak smile and walked straight to the shower, sighing heavily as he went. When he reappeared to eat dinner, I had tried asking him if he was okay, but he just nodded his head and changed the subject. Our evening meal was usually one of the favourite parts of our day, getting to finally spend time together and catch eachother up about our day. But this particular evening, it was quiet. He usually doused in my home-cooked meals, but he barely ate anything this night, pushing it around with his cutlery. As we cleaned up, I tried again to see what was wrong, but he dismissed me and said he just needed an early night, before taking himself to bed.
It was very strange behaviour for Ross. And this carried on up until today. I gasped aloud at the sight of him, immediately rushing towards him and placing my hands on his arms. "My god, Ross! Please... tell me what's going on" I could barely whisper as my eyes examined him, riddled with anxiety and dread as I couldn't wait any longer to find out what had been bothering my significant other.
I watched as he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped as no words came out, only a broken squeak. Hot tears immediately filled his eyes as he shook his head, falling limp as I pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. We stayed still for a while, allowing him to cry into my neck as my hands rubbed soothingly against his back and across his hair. I had never really seen Ross cry before. He had always been very selfless with his feelings and didn't communicate them much with me - apart from the things he deemed important. He was a very headstrong man, extremely patient too, so seeing him so distraught almost made me break down along with him.
When the sobbing had quietened, I held him at an arms length and gently wiped the stray tears away, trying to read his face for answers. "Talk to me, baby." We didn't use pet names very often, but this felt necessary. He sighed and lowered his head, looking at the floor for a moment. "Let's sit down" I said gently, leading him to the sofa and perching next to him. He took a shaky breath as I held one of his hands in mine.
"It's Pauline..."
He went on about how awful the past week had been. He didn't think that she could get any worse than she already had been, but he was wrong. The beatings, the insults...
"It must be true," he wailed, fresh tears falling as he continued to talk, "I'm obviously not good enough. I'll never amount to anything." I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. I was baffled, to put it simply. I shuffled closer to him, wrapping my arm around his back.
"Ross... You are the smartest man I've ever met. You don't seriously believe any of that?"
I felt his shoulders raise and fall again with a dismissive shrug. "Being an internal investigator isn't much, is it?" His voice was angry, but he spoke so gently, almost as if he was questioning the very words out of his own mouth and was asking if I agreed or not.
"That's not true. I know you don't even believe that." I squeezed his shoulders as I spoke. "It's a really interesting job, you're so good at it. And you love it, which is all that matters anyway."
He shook his head with a whisper. "Not anymore." My heart broke hearing him admit that. Ross has always been a workaholic, he has stated to me many times that before our relationship, all he knew was working, work, and even more work. And now he's falling out of love with his job? Pauline should be grateful that I don't know what she looks like, otherwise she'd be getting a hard slap.
"Oh, Ross" I sighed, pulling him into me for another hug, tears still pouring from his eyes, wetting my shirt. "No matter what you do from here, whatever you decide is best for you, I will always be so proud of you. I love you so much." I felt his head raise as he tilted to look up at me, eyes glistening. I stroked against his hair and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose where they had slipped, "You have always done me so proud. And you should be proud of yourself too. For everything. Don't you dare listen to whatever Pauline has said, you're a very successful man with the biggest heart, and I'm so lucky to love you."
I reached to grab a tissue from the coffee table and dabbed it under his eyes.
"I'm so lucky to be loved by you" he choked out in a whisper.
I smiled before laying down onto the sofa and extending my arms up towards him, welcoming him in for a cuddle. He curled into me, his head on my chest, letting me pepper small kisses all over his forehead. Some time had passed, and I was sure he had fallen asleep. My own eyes were getting heavy, and it was only until he mumbled my name that I realised he was still awake.
"Hmm?" I hummed, tilting my head down to look at him.
"Thank you." He murmured, reaching for my hand to press a small kiss to my knuckle.
When I didn't say anything, he turned his head to make eye contact with me. "What?"
I stayed quiet for a moment, allowing myself to think. "Please don't feel like you have to hide anything from me ever again. I'll always want to help you." I spoke sweetly but firmly, making sure he knew I was being serious.
With a small nod of his head, I smiled at him and leaned down towards him for a kiss. He puckered his lips and closed his eyes in anticipation, but opened them again when nothing happened. His brows furrowed in confusion as he stared at me inches away from his face, "What's wrong?"
"You've still got blood all over your nose" I chuckled, grabbing him by the hand and leading him towards the bathroom to clean him up.
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swaqcenix · 1 year
༻ It comes and goes | Natasha Romanoff ༺
Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader
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Summary: You've spent a chunk of your life battling the emotional thoughts of bipolar and have no concept on dealing with your emotions. Sitting in the rain does feel like drowning but it's comforting, until a hand from Romanoff drags you out of the depths of water.
Warnings: reader has bipolar, mentions of low thoughts, a shit ton of hurt/comfort, natasha just allowing reader to understand it's okay to not be okay!
Word Count: 1.8K
AN: This is just a small comfort fic while I work on my peggy!yandere fic and of course the strip club natasha one. (I haven't forgotten them!)
Wrote this a while back just to cope with my own diagnosis and anyone is welcome to gain comfort from it. Be my happy flowers guys! <3
There's one thing people never quite clarify with you, that the older you get just becomes more hard to swim. Kids always jump for growing up and throwing away their innocence not knowing of the tidal wave coming slowly along the sea, prepared to drown out your every thought of contentment.
Aged 10 was the last time you could ever remember not suffering with the constant feeling of a pit of anxiety, suffering and longing to allow the waters of the sea to suck you in. The way you used to place fictional games with your friends, always being petty shit's on the concept of, "Ask... it's not my game," or the fighting of being first in the lunch line.
You'd kept the diagnosis quiet when joining the Avengers, not wanting any of your fellow teammates to think any less of you. You'd felt less of yourself the moment the words of the diagnosis slipped from the nurses tongue 5 years prior. 5 years officially diagnosed but you didn't feel any lighter, instead you felt heavier.
"Sometimes we like to do CBT," the woman stated and your head tilted to the side.
"What's CBT?" Your hands bounced on your knees.
Slipping out the compound wasn't the easiest job. You'd all had meetings back to back with Ross and the damn government. An excuse slipped past your lips faster than it should have done. You'd stated only that you couldn't attend the final one as you'd had to go pick up your little sister.
Sure it would have been a valid excuse. If you actually had a sister. Yet, you didn't so you knew you'd be caught out eventually especially if Fury found out already knowing your background including family members. Still, you'd deal with that when the moment occurred for it.
"It's called cognitive behavioural therapy. It's commonly used for depression or anxiety but we do tend to use it on other patients like in your case to help you to cope with living with bipolar."
Your brain tried to stay focused but all you heard was the words 'your bipolar,' then began to shut off. After that the session was a blur. No thoughts passed your mind, no feelings ran through your veins nor emotions. Just the concept of numbness. Nothing to feel.
Heading back to the compound was a stressful moment. As soon as you walked through the doors you'd have to put on a whole front again pretending you were and felt something you didn't.
In all honesty it was comforting to sometimes be able to do that. Around your therapist, the outside world even your family they treaded lightly, afraid one word would break you like shattering glass hitting the floor or a porcelain doll. With the Avengers they didn't know, so you weren't a doll and you weren't glass. You were yourself and that alone.
However, sometimes it would be nice to just let yourself go. Your feet padded up the stairs of the compound entering the main room, the lounge where they sat watching TV and discussing.
"Hey, Y/N.. you okay?" Sam's voice was the first to speak but it sounded.. concerned?
"Yeah, fine thanks Sam," you responded allowing your eyes to meet his own.
Trying to act as casually as you always did, you went to grab a glass of water turning on the tap watching it run down the sink hole. You often wished you could be flushed away like that.
Shaking your head away from deeper thoughts you grabbed your glass sipping at the water looking up to see everyone examining you. A familiar feeling of dread, the emotional tidal waves flushing through your skin wanting out came crashing to the surface.
They surely couldn't know, right?
Vision spoke up first, possibly to ease up the tension though you can hardly imagine toaster man knowing much about emotions. No offence to the guy.
"We were told you.. you're an only child," his voice seemed one not of judgment but of confusion.
"Oh.. right," was the only response your brain could conjure up in that moment.
Tony let out a half-sided smile and you were grateful he wasn't digging too much. Surprisingly none of them were. He did speak up after a beat or two and while it wasn't their fault you did wish they wouldn't at all.
"Whatever is going on, we.. we're here," His tone was the best of sentiment you'd get out of him.
You truly were grateful but you hadn't a moments thought on how to even tell them. Fear of being kicked off the team, living half a life amongst them simply for suffering with some health issues was silly to other's minds, but not to your own.
Shaking your head you grabbed your jacket you'd left on the chair offering them all a tight lipped smile. Your eyes connected with Natasha's and your eyes felt like watering. She wasn't looking at you like you were damaged, nor was it in a concerned only look.
Nat was looking at you like she knew, like she understood what you felt and the pain gnawing away at you only grew. Her emerald green eyes looking one of connecting with nature swimming with the look of understanding was a pain you couldn't bare.
You mumbled that you needed air, heading towards the patio you'd become familiar with at night. It had become a comfort location, you'd seen Natasha out there a few times although, come to think of it lately she seemed to not be heading there anymore.
The mumbling and mainly muffled voices of the Avengers informed you that it was raining, but your brain scarcely paid attention. You just needed out, besides who gives a fuck if the rain touched your skin.
Your brain danced with thoughts of how to calm yourself down and you knew instantly, as your reached into your back pocket slipping in your airpods and connected them to your phone. Sliding open the patio door, you ungracefully sat down on the bench looking down as the rain hit your skin.
Hair becoming drenched you focused on your chosen song, trying to drown out any invading thoughts that would cluster your mindset, instead focusing on how you felt utterly at home.
The chosen song had been Waves by Dean Lewis. It reminded you so much of how your brain's concept of emotions and how your life seemed to go in waves of the ocean.
Sometimes you saw yourself standing next to the ocean as it pulled you out. The freedom of falling, allowing yourself to no longer panic over bipolar or how the world saw you.
The rain splashed down heavily on your skin and you felt wet through but you didn't mind, or frankly didn't care. Nor were you sure how long you had been listening to songs in the rain, it felt late but it felt like seconds.
A gentle hand on your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts. Your mind had been dancing to Paris, Texas by Lana until your body almost jolted forward from the contact. The sudden shelter from the rain made your head tilt up to come in contact with emerald eyes.
Natasha stood tall, almost protecting you- sheltering you from the rain, a beacon of hope. You offered the best smile you could give, despite the fact it looked like you were in pain more than smiling before indicating to her to sit down.
Her red hair cascaded down her shoulders, pulled half back into a plait that was elegant but moved with ease. It suited her just as most things did. You'd noticed that about her, for a woman who'd been through so much Natasha did everything with elegance and ease.
"You know, when I was a child I used to run out into the rain, the firefly's came out at night," She confessed causing you to stiffen up.
Natasha wasn't one for opening up, let alone talking of her childhood past, so why you? You let her express her thoughts almost curious to see where she was going to take this.
"My mom she'd come out to find me afterwards and I was always helping my little sister who also danced away with the firefly's. It wasn't real though. Not truly," She proceeded and your heart melted and cracked for the older woman.
"Nat I.."
You weren't even sure what to respond with. Hearing her open up around her past made your own pain seem tiny, insignificant despite the fact she wasn't attempting to do that.
"You don't need to say anything, I understand. Perhaps not what you're going through. The feeling of masking right, I see it," she continued tilting her head towards you.
She proceeded her train of thought.
"It comes and goes in waves. The feeling of this family. I had no one after the family I grew up with, no one but myself. Don't drown your thoughts out in the rain, drag yourself up out of the ocean, trust me Y/N."
You finally looked up making eye contact with the Russian, smiling softly at her nodding. You took off your glove reaching sighing looking down at your hands.
"Sometimes, my therapist gets it to a certain extent but sometimes she doesn't. When it feels like all you can do it float out to sea and drown in a pit of your own emotions. The masking isn't something I want to do, but simply so people don't see my problems.. they just see me."
A tear slipped down your cheek without even realising it and you closed your eyes. Nothing was spoken amongst the pouring of the rain, nothing was needed to be said. All that was needed was the words you let echo. It felt like you were drowning in a sea of hell, with no way out.
Through the mist and fog engulfing your brain, taking you out to the sea you felt a touch upon your hand. Eyes opening wide, you saw it. Her hand clasped tightly in your own trying to drag you out of the suffering, reach to you through the ocean like a beacon of a ship, rising up it's anchor.
Her eyes looked into your own, reflecting what she wanted to say but had no thoughts on how to express it. Her touch was all you needed, the words slipping past your mouth before you could think.
"Your family.. It might not have been directly real, but they pulled you out of the waves while it lasted, it was real to you Natasha," You explained watching it pull at her heart strings.
She offered you a watery smile, her eyes dancing with sea of hope just as your own while you were perhaps an an anchor in the waves you steadied each other out in a balance.
"This family is real to you too. We are real and we see you. I see you Y/N," Her voice bringing comfort and warmth.
You grabbed her hand tightly because while your bipolar had an anchor on you, you had a ship lifting you through the sea's Natasha and your little family. They were there to guide you.
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rossmacdonaldsgf · 7 months
just pure fluff of ross after playing a sold out show at the o2.
ross x reader
no warnings.
you don’t think you’ll ever forget the feeling of watching thousands of people scream, cry and love a band that is so deeply connected to your being. the very songs reverberating throughout the arena filled with people, were the songs you watched being formed. you were there from the beginning, you watched them change, you watched hairs become grey, songs gain more feelings and you saw the way that people looked at them change. of course, the band had a large wire of displeasure tethered to them, perhaps they’ll never escape it but, their followers, their people, were so loyal and loving. they loved and were loved retrospectively. from your bubble of pride, you watched the world float by in a mixture of songs with lyrics that you definitely shouldn’t be screaming so wholeheartedly. your pride, joy and love, did what he does best upon that very stage in london, his emotions were difficult to read, he was a 6”4 big friendly giant. intimidating but pure. the years you’ve spent enclosed in your bubble of love enabled you with what felt like the ability to recognise what he was thinking no matter what, and you knew he, like the rest of his adored band, felt nothing but glee. this tour was life changing, starting at their very best and ending at most definitely still at the their very best. But with age comes knowledge, and you know deep down everyone recognises that age puts a large barrier in the things we love most. it isolates us away from being able to do the things we love the most. you weren’t as young as what you used to be. they, weren’t as young as what they used to be. so each show, each crowd, each mesmerising performance, was so special. life is unpredictable. for this band especially, the unpredictability of life presented its ugly face in times they wanted it to be hidden. so now, with no naivety to the challenges life can present, they treasure each special moment as they grow older together, for, who knows how long the 1975 will still be at their very best.
the aftermath of shows were exhilarating, each show ending differently to the last, each crowd having a special story. the band walks off stage, an aura of joy cascading off them, they each have their own separate traditions, which in the past few years have been altered and changed. matty, now infatuated with gabriette, makes a point to speak to her, wether it be calling or texting, family was always important to him. george takes five minutes to relax from the high that is performing, if he can, he’ll call charli, if not, he’ll lay on a sofa, eyes closed, most definitely playing back what just happened so it never slips from his mind. adam, finds carly, his safe space and love, they’re quiet encased in a world of serenity. with nothing but the noise of matty rambling about something unimportant, ross always finds you, each day changes depending on the others mood, but for now, you take his hair out the bun, knowing the agonising feeling of restriction must be elevating the headache that comes with the after show blues. he allows you to massage, your fingers gently untangling the nots, your touch soft, featherlight, like if you touch him, he’ll break. when that’s finished, you hug, it’s a long, ‘im proud of you hug’ that speaks more than words, he allows himself to show a vulnerability that he only shows with you, a soft, sweet smile resting on his lips. he’ll take your hand and quietly whisper, ‘let’s go’, he bids farewell to the guys, hugging them and talking about how great the show was. you take the short walk to the tour bus, his arm protectively around your shoulder, allowing you to feel the heat radiating of his chest. when back in the safety of the bus, he showers, letting the water loosen his muscles and clear his mind. while he showers, you cook, a simple dish, nothing too fancy for the late night dinner. just some pasta with sauce and cheese, a favourite that provides endless comfort. during dinner you talk about anything but the show, you talk about an upcoming party you’ll be hosting. you talk about the cat you’re planning to adopt after tour finishes, you talk about anything but his work and for a moment, life seems normal and serene. you both clean up, you tell ross that it’s fine, he can go relax, but, ever the gentleman he insists, so you wash he dries. a cringy 2000s movie plays quietly in the background, with both of you in comfier clothes, his arms wrap around you, pulling you towards him so your practically covering him like a blanket. on days like this, he doesn’t want to talk, just soak in your presence and allow himself to love and be loved, your fingers trace his face, his nose, lips, eyebrows, beard, before finally kissing him. the silence is usually interrupted by matty making his presence very know ‘ do you two ever stop bloody snogging’, with his apparent arrival, ross decides it’s too late to deal with him, and you go to his bunk. your not sure how long it is till you fall asleep, his embrace warm and comforting. when you feel yourself drifting, you feel his lips touch your forehead and a loving whisper, ‘i love you’. you’re too far asleep to say it back but you know he knows, he knows with everything you do for him, cooking, cleaning, taking care of him, travelling around the world with him. god your so in love with him it hurts, he’s your person and nothing seems bad when you are together.
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planetkiimchi · 1 year
the strings of fate | l.mk
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no. 5 of my song collection (requested!)
featuring: mark lee x gn!reader, chenle
word count: 7351
warnings: arson, fire, burning, people die in the fire, death (funeral), rooftops (?) if you're scared of heights, there's mentions of nudity but not described, swearing, you'll probably hate me for this fic but idc
playlist: anaheim - niki; 10:35 - tate mcrae; psycho - jun; adelaide - johnny orlando; let me go - hailee steinfeld + alesso + florida georgia line + watt; after you - gryffin + jason ross + calle lehmann; haunt you - x lovers + chloe moriondo
summary — when mark lee, student council president of riize highschool goes missing, you’re the first suspect. as his best friend and well-known crush, you stood to gain the most from it. you’re also vice-president, and with mark gone, you’ve stepped up to be the president and predicted valedictorian. all eyes are on you, and one wrong move can send you to your downfall. but who’s that lurking in the shadows, tugging on the puppet-strings of fort irwin? the city is small, but you feel smaller as things go spiralling crazily out of control. OR mark loves you more than anything else in the world, but you're too broken to receive his love.
if you liked it, REBLOG it.
5 months ago — if i could, i’d freeze this moment, make it my home
“Mark?” You peeked into the room, footsteps resounding in the hollow space. Mark had promised to meet you at the auditorium, but he wasn’t there, leaving you stranded in the middle of the school in a dark room with only the dark red seats to keep you company.
As you turned to leave, you heard a muffled sound that sounded suspiciously like someone landing on the carpet floor. You looked behind you just in time to see Mark removing his mask, breathlessly calling after you, still clad in his Spiderman outfit.
“Just as I thought I’d been stood up,” you told him.
“Nope. In fact, I would have been early if someone hadn’t tried to mug me on my way here. It took some time to get changed and wrap him up in spiderwebs before I dropped an anonymous tip to the police station.” As he spoke, Mark reached into his back pockets, which were luxuriously deep and could seemingly fit as many things as Doraemon’s bag.
“I brought you the book you said you wanted,” Mark said as he pressed it into your hands. His smile was contagious, and you couldn’t fault him for having a heart of gold. It wasn’t his fault that he wanted to make things right, so you forgave him for it.
“Aren’t you gonna get changed?”
He blushed and made some vague motions with his hands before settling on, “Yeah. If you could just- turn around?”
You turned around swiftly, lips pressed together as you tried to ignore the hot blush spreading across your cheeks. You fiddled with the book in your hands, the thumping of your heart making it difficult for you to hear when Mark told you he was done.
He gave you a thumbs-up, and you saw his mask hanging out from the open pocket of his bag. You walked over to him, tucking the mask inside and zipping the pocket up before reaching up, tiptoeing slightly to reach his head, and smoothed out his hair.
He shook his head slightly and wiped the sweat off his brow with a grin. “Better?”
“Since we’re already here, why don't we take advantage of the projector and watch a movie?”
You hesitated, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “I’m a little busy,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck as you thought about the countless assignments you had piling up.
Mark smiled disarmingly and extended his hand, shooting webs from his wrist. They reached the control room, hitting the “on” button. The screen blinked on, showing the default screensaver. “I didn’t mean it as a question, more like an invitation. I know you’re still not over Chenle, so I thought this might cheer you up.”
You were given little choice when Mark slipped into one of the back seats, procuring popcorn from his bag like a magician, patting the seat beside him as he projected his Netflix account onto the screen, and “Little Women” started playing. You couldn’t lie, you had a soft spot for that movie, and seeing it playing was all it took for you to cave in and slump into the seat next to him, dispelling all thoughts of work from your mind.
“Are you supposed to be using your student council pass to get access to the auditorium for a movie?” You asked curiously, reaching for the popcorn.
Mark passed you the box with a dismissive shrug. “If they didn’t want me to take advantage of it, they wouldn’t have given it to me. Perks of being liked by the teachers, I guess.”
That was Mark Lee for you. Handsome, smart, popular—well-liked by both the student body and the faculty. He was perfection in a nutshell, and his heart was yours. You only regretted never being able to give him the same.
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3 months ago — you’re all i want to, want to know
Dangling your feet off the rooftops, breeze soft against your skin as you watched the sunset. Yellow waves of light washed over the red sky, turning it gorgeous shades of orange and pink and purple, if you squinted hard enough.
The sky was a vast expanse of intangible matter, the whispers of the wind calling out to you. Instinctively, you reached out for it, hands grasping at thin air. It felt like it was just out of your reach, and you leaned further, hands outstretched…
You forgot that you were on the rooftop, stomach rising to your throat as you fell from the building, scream caught in your throat which was squeezed so tightly you could barely breathe.
Every second of the fall was torture. You could feel the air rushing past your face, hard enough to chafe but not dense enough to cushion your fall. Your hands flailed about, scrabbling for something to hold onto, desperately searching for holds to grab onto, until you felt a tug on your back.
Mark lowered himself to your height, and you found yourself swinging like a pendulum from the top of the building while Mark leaned into his pants like he was going rock climbing with his friends for leisure, fully trusting his webs to hold him up.
“You good?”
You nodded, gulping nervously. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down…
Mark seemed to sense your fear, one hand wrapping around your waist reassuringly. The concrete touch of his arm against your back calmed you, and you inhaled deeply while staring straight into his eyes, refusing to look down for fear of how high up you were.
“You know, if you wanted to swing around town, you could’ve just asked.”
Your face dropped as you glared at him, your grip around his torso never loosening even for a second. “Ha ha, very funny. Please bring me back up before I throw up.”
“My pleasure.” Both of you shot up suddenly, and you almost collapsed in relief when your feet found hard ground again, but you made sure to move far, far away from the edge that time.
“I think I’m happy just staying here,” you said cautiously from the middle of the roof, as far away from all the sides of the building as possible. You knelt down to feel the ground, afraid that it wasn’t sturdy enough, before falling into a cross-legged position with a grunt.
Mark bent down to sit beside you, guiding your head onto his shoulder as he rubbed your back comfortingly. “I know it’s scary, but hey, the sunset’s worth it.”
Its beauty was almost comparable to Mark’s.
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2 weeks ago — i can tell you mean it when you kiss me slow
Your hand tightened in Mark’s as he ran gleefully towards the ferris wheel, dragging you along behind him as he stood in line for the ride.
Autumn was all around you, in the air as auburn leaves drifted past on a breeze, gently gusting over your hair and leaving you feeling chilly but not cold. The crunch of your footsteps against the ground, the smell of apples all around, the earth heralded the third season of the year.
Mark’s figure was stark against the rest, dressed in all black against the neutral tones of fall, taller than everyone else. Mark was your rock, and sometimes he seemed a little larger than life.
The queue moved slowly, but Mark kept you entertained with silly jokes while it inched forward, and you found yourself lost in the sound of his laughter. It sounded muffled to your ears, like you were hearing it while you were submerged underwater. How could you bring yourself to hurt someone like him?
Your knuckles whitened as they gripped the side of the carriage tightly when you boarded the ferris wheel, eyes staring straight ahead—anywhere but down—while you fought to calm your racing heart.
“It’s not too scary if you look at me, right?”
You had to admit that he was right. If you focussed only on Mark, the world disappeared into a blur of white lights and cloudy skies, and the ground felt solid under your feet.
It was a reassuring thought to know that Mark had your back. So when you reached the top of the wheel, sky-high above the rest of the world with no weight on your shoulders, and Mark kissed you, you kissed him back.
You kissed him like your heart didn’t belong to someone else, like you didn’t care if it hurt him. Because you selfishly wanted his heart, even if you could never reciprocate his love for you.
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1 day ago — but please don’t ask me, the answer’s no
You woke up in Chenle’s bed, his hands tangled in your hair while you wrapped your arms around him. The blanket was at your feet, having been kicked off in the night. Chenle’s breathing was peaceful, and the steady rise and fall of his chest pulled you out of your trance.
Chenle had done nothing to Mark, yet he had unknowingly hurt him again and again. You kept coming back to him even after you had broken up, slipping into his arms after shitty decisions late at night, clothes strewn over the floor as you willingly hurt yourself again and again.
To Chenle’s knowledge, you were single, and it was true—to a certain extent. You didn’t love Chenle, and he didn’t need to love you either. You had come to a mutual agreement that he would keep you warm on lonely nights, and there would be no questions asked.
In the mornings, you would leave, and there would be no expectations of breakfast or loving words when you woke. 
And so, you became a ghost of yourself, hovering in spaces just long enough for you to be seen before vanishing again, never happy or satisfied.
You pried yourself from Chenle’s hands, slipping into your clothes, running your hand through your hair in the mirror before rinsing your mouth and washing your face quickly. You left no traces of yourself behind, save for the guilt-ridden kiss you left on Chenle’s cheek with a sad smile.
Mark didn’t know what had happened when you met him that morning, reaching out to envelope you in a hug when you stiffened, pushing him away with a grimace. “Don’t- I don’t want to do this to you, Mark.”
He raised his hands in surrender, but you could have sworn heard his heart shatter, the pain in his eyes too much for you to bear. You turned towards the school, firmly avoiding his gaze as your lead-filled limbs brought you further and further away from him.
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now — in a perfect world, i’d kill to love you the loudest
mark: can we talk? mark: i feel like there's something you're not telling me mark: i'm always here for you, you know mark: even if just as a friend
(i don’t know if that’s enough for you)
The messages he left on your phone burned a hole through your pocket. You didn’t want to answer them, but you didn’t want to ignore him either, so you opted to climb into a cab and asked it to take you to an isolated area just out of town. It was close enough for Mark to go to, but only as Spiderman. If he took any other form of transport, he would arrive too late.
you: 📍live location you: come over you: please
“Y/n?” Mark was in his Spiderman suit, eyes shielded by the mask. You couldn’t decipher any of his mixed emotions, but you saw his fingers twitch slightly before he reached out to touch the fence that separated you, hesitance laced in his voice. He sounded unsure, afraid even.
“Are you okay? What are you doing out here?” You had never heard Mark scared before. To you, he had always been the brave one, the one who walked first in haunted houses and killed insects while you screamed and leaped away. He wasn’t afraid of heights or those he fought against, and he seemed to shrink in front of your eyes when he was afraid.
“Can you come over to this side?”
Mark scaled the fence and dropped silently in front of you, cautiously moving towards you as his hand reached to pull his mask off.
“What’s going on?”
Mark felt somebody grab his hand, pulling him towards them with his face away while they held him in a chokehold. He felt a needle poking into his neck, injecting anesthetic into his bloodstream. He went limp in his captor’s arms, and was gently laid on the ground while his captor reached for their phone and stopped the recording.
“I’m sorry,” they whispered as they anonymously sent the video of an unmasked Spiderman to the news station they could count on to deliver their news the fastest.
but all i do is live to hurt you soundless
Mark came to in a dark room, hands tied behind his back. He tried to move his feet, and found that they were also tied to the legs of the chair. Defeated, he slumped in the chair, breathing heavily as he surveyed the room. It was small and empty, and he was the sole occupant inside it.
Welcome, Mark Lee. I hope you make yourself at home. With that, the speakers crackled and went quiet.
Chills ran down Mark’s spine as he heard the voice playing. Where were you, and why couldn’t he remember anything? His mind was foggy and he couldn’t remember a thing, except for your text. He remembered receiving it, and going to a shady, isolated place….
Could someone have kidnapped you and taken your phone to trick him? The idea of it caused his throat to seize, heart thumping painfully inside his chest.
The clanging sound of a door opening startled Mark, and he strained to see where the door was. He heard metal grating against the floor and the thump of footsteps, coming face to face with a masked silhouette. The white of the mask was a stark contrast to the dark cell, and it was the only thing Mark could make out.
A spoon clattered to the floor as the silhouette knelt down and set a tray of food on the floor, the water in the cup sloshing out at the impact. The silhouette’s voice sounded robotic when it spoke.
“I will untie your hands, and you can reach down to take your food. This will last you until tomorrow, so ensure that you don’t finish it all in one sitting. If you struggle or try to escape, just know that you won’t like the consequences.”
Mark’s hands felt numb, and he winced at the feeling of pins and needles as the blood gratefully rushed to his wrists, and he rubbed at his sore shoulders. He bent down gratefully to take a bowl of rice and meat from the ground, and when he sat up again, the masked person had vanished like a wisp of smoke.
say you see i’m lying, babe, and let this go
Mark was going insane. An entire day of silence was enough to drive a man to the brink of insanity, but Mark was just barely holding on. He had estimated the length and width of his cell, tried to write it down and realised that the best way was to write it in his food; hopped around, trying to stand up, and fell multiple times; and was growing bored.
He counted the seconds it took for him to breathe one full breath, then held his breath for as long as he could, then glanced back down impatiently at the analog clock he had found on his food tray.
If it was telling the right time, then 12 hours had passed since he had first woken up in his cell. He had fallen asleep in his chair during what he hoped was nighttime, but woken up with a crick in his neck that had been irritating him the entire day.
It didn’t feel like daytime, although it was supposed to be past noon, simply because there was no natural light filtering into the cell, and the only way he could see was by the light of the clock’s hands and numbers, and the dim light coming from what he assumed was a corridor outside his cell.
Mark drummed his fingers against his lap and rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. He had eaten breakfast when he woke up, then lunch just after noon, but his water was running low and his parched throat itched.
It was odd, he thought, that the food that he had been given actually wasn’t that bad. It was simple, but the meat wasn’t as hard as he had expected, and he had been so hungry that he had scarfed it down in one go.
He was just about to risk hopping over to the door of the cell and yelling for help when the speaker that had scared him the night before suddenly crackled to life.
Fort Irwin is a little small for mysteries, but the latest case of Spiderman had everyone puzzled. Mark Lee, 17, was reported to be missing yesterday evening. According to reports from 35.7Hz Radio, the unmasked Spiderman circulating on the internet is exactly the same boy that has gone missing.
However, the hero was spotted swinging by a Target today, persuading a teenager to return the goods they had shoplifted from the store. Has Mark simply run away from home but felt obligated to continue enforcing the law, or has he been kidnapped?
And, more importantly, if Mark Lee has gone missing, then who is his replacement Spiderman?
Mark’s heart dropped as the speaker went silent. There had been a video of him being unmasked in his Spiderman suit? But he hadn’t even worn it in the past 24 hours—oh. Mark looked down at himself to check that he wasn’t wearing it anymore, finding his own clothes on his body.
Odd. He had only brought his phone with him when he went to find you, and he never wore his regular clothes under his suit. However, the clothes that he was wearing were definitely his—they even smelt like the laundry detergent his mum used when she washed his clothes.
If he was wearing his own clothes, then where had his Spiderman suit gone? He craned his neck to the side to look for it, immediately wincing in pain when he felt the burning pain sear through his neck. He had completely forgotten about his stiff neck.
He rubbed his neck, and the door creaked open, the masked silhouette standing there. “Good afternoon,” they said casually, picking up the empty bowls and cutlery from the floor. Mark had been bored enough to stack them up, so it was an easy task for his captor to collect the items and place them on the tray.
“If it were a good afternoon, I would be at home doing homework,” Mark snapped.
i can never promise you tomorrow
“Watch your tone,” his captor said. “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
“They’d find you,” Mark said, but he wasn’t very sure that they would.
“I don’t need to set my hands on you to drive you crazy. In fact, you’re already halfway there,” the silhouette sneered, and Mark could hear the contempt in their voice. He shuddered at the thought of going crazy, knowing that the boredom would surely drive him to do things he never would if he were in the right frame of mind.
“You should show me your face.” It was a weak attempt, but Mark didn’t want to hear anymore about his future loss of sanity, and he wanted to at least be able to identify the culprit if he ever got out alive.
“You’re changing the topic. And I don’t think I will,” the captor said. They grabbed the back of Mark’s chair and forcefully turned him around, facing him away from the door as their footsteps retreated out of the confines of the cell.
Later, the clang of a metal tray on the ground informed Mark that his food and water had been replaced, and he found that it had come with a chamber pot.
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‘cause i have yet to learn how not to be his
Chenle’s hand traced lazy circles over your back until you turned to face him, legs intertwined in his.
“How are you- what do you think of the… y’know, the Mark situation?” He asked hesitantly. It was crossing some boundaries, that was for sure. Your and his relationship was meant to be free from emotional baggage, romantic gestures, and only meant as a way of comfort for both of you.
But at the end of the day, Chenle and you had dated once. Even if you had hated him for a while after the breakup, and he had ignored you for a good couple of months, he did still care about you, although he didn’t know how to—or whether he should—show it.
“I’m dealing with it,” you responded curtly. The truth was, it hurt more than it should. You were being investigated by the police, and when they found the last texts you had sent to him, it didn’t help your case much. The best you could do was to defend yourself, telling them that you had really only been in a bad place and wanted a friend to comfort you.
What they forgot was that he was still your best friend, and even if you didn’t love him back the way he loved you, he was still important to you. You didn’t want him to come to any harm, though it might seem differently to some.
You were, after all, vice-president on the student council. Now that Mark was incapacitated, you were the acting president. Besides, Mark’s crush on you had never been a secret, and half the student body thought that you had taken advantage of his crush on you to get rid of him.
His parents were the most worried, and you could barely look them in the eyes, knowing that you might have been the reason that Mark was missing. They didn’t suspect you, fully trusting you as Mark’s friend, but you didn’t want to let them down if the police found that you had led the kidnapper to Mark.
Mark’s exposed identity was also an issue. You and his parents had known since he decided to create an image for himself, but he had always wanted to keep it private for two reasons: he believed that good deeds did not need to be rewarded, and he was shy.
He didn’t want people to think of him differently because he was a “hero”. You admired him for that, but you also hated him for it. That he could be so noble and righteous, and you hated the jealousy you felt when you saw him walking around school and waving at everyone.
Superhero student council president Mark, who was only missing a lover in his otherwise perfect life.
this city will surely burn if we keep this as it is
Riize Highschool has been set on fire. 5 bodies have been recovered, and the number of injured individuals is 36 and counting. Authorities are working with the school to investigate the source of the fire. It is suspected to have been an arson attempt.
Mark’s mind ran wild with questions. Who could have tried to set the school on fire? Why? What was going on in the world, and why had his “replacement” not done anything about it?
His hands itched for something to do. The cell seemed to grow smaller by the day, the space constraining him and shutting him in. If he couldn’t escape soon, he would explode, and all the parts of him he’d tried hard to keep hidden would be on display for all to see.
He tried to pull his legs from the metal chains strapping him down for the hundredth time, pushing away from the back of the chair until he lost his balance and fell face-flat on the floor.
Blood dripped from his lips from where his teeth had torn skin, and he tried to push himself up from the floor. But the exhaustion and the weight of the chair on his back combined made it difficult, and his arms quivered from the effort.
He lay on the ground, breathing unsteady as he wondered if it was really better to be left in there alive or to leave the world peacefully.
i'd give anything to stop time
Mark missed being able to walk. He missed the sensation of sun on his face, of light reaching his eyes, he missed the freedom of not being trapped in isolated boredom the whole day. He missed his family and his friends, and most importantly, you.
He missed the curve of your neck and the warmth of you when you leaned into him on a cold day. He missed the way your waist felt in his on the rare occasions you let him hold you, missed your smile when you laughed at a silly joke on your phone.
He missed the way your face lit up when you saw him, missed sending you texts between classes, he missed everything about you. And he realised that lately, you hadn’t even felt like friends anymore.
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Mark. You have fifteen minutes to leave this cell. You have been given all you need to leave, and I suggest you do it quickly.
Oh, by the way, your beloved Y/n is also trapped here. If you don't rescue them and leave in time, you can imagine what will happen.
Mark couldn’t tell what was going on in the cell, but it seemed to him that he could smell gasoline and smoke. His head whipped towards the door, seeing a flash of silver in his peripheral vision. A pair of wire cutters lay on the floor near the door of the cell, and he lunged for it, hands shaking as he tried to cut through his chains.
It was hard work, and his arms were tired and sore, and he struggled as he tried to free himself. When the second chain finally snapped, he dropped the wire cutters on the floor as he leaned back, spent.
But the reminder of you in danger spurred him on. He stood up shakily, fumbling for the key on the floor, and his trembling fingers only made it more difficult to unlock the door. As soon as he did, he stepped out into the hallway.
Smoke drifted in slowly, illuminated by the lights along the corridor. He couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but it was getting thicker by the minute.
“Y/n!” He yelled, voice hoarse from dehydration and misuse, desperately hoping that you would answer.
He almost collapsed from relief when he heard your voice. “Mark?”
“I'm coming! Please just keep talking, okay?”
He ran down the hallways, your voice keeping him company as he searched for you.
“I miss you. I’m tired. I want to go home. Mark, we’ve all been worried sick while you were gone. I hate the responsibility you shoulder even more now that I know what it feels like, and I can’t believe you had to go through all of that. You’re insane for holding out for this long and I’m so glad you’re alive. Most of all, I miss every part of you. I’d give anything to have you back.”
“You sure about that?” The proximity of Mark’s voice filled you with relief. You turned towards the sound of his voice, and the blindfold over your eyes was the last barrier before you got to see him again. You heard the creaking of the door hinge and felt Mark’s hands land on your shoulders before he wrapped you into a hug.
As soon as he removed your blindfold, you were taken aback by how exhausted he looked. Dark circles were prominent under his eyes, his face gaunt and the cheekbones that used to be covered in a soft layer of fat seemed like a thin layer of skin over bone. His body, which used to seem taller and bigger to you just a week ago, had grown skinnier. He wasn’t taller, but somehow his body proportions looked off. He was smaller, taking up less space.
The outgoing, cheerful, popular Mark was gone — he had been replaced by someone a little awkward and unsure of himself, having grown used to living in fear.
You were in no place to comment on his appearance, however. Neither of you were in great shape; you were trussed up and your wrists were red from struggling against your bonds. Your ankles were bound tightly with rope, and it was clear to Mark that you had not been meant to stay there for long.
“We have to get out of here.”
“Yeah, no shit. Do you have a map or something? What’re you gonna do, navigate us out of here?” You were taken aback by Mark’s tone, and hurriedly amended your statement.
“I know there’s something in this room that you’re supposed to take. I was told that I would be able to get us out. Can you search the room?”
Mark scanned the room quickly before his eyes landed on you. Without a word, he knelt down in front of you, searching your pockets thoroughly. Your jeans pockets were empty, but there were a few surprises hidden in the thick folds of your hoodie.
“Got it,” he said triumphantly. He opened up his hand, and in his palm lay a few crucial items. His phone, car keys, and a sticky note.
“These are my car keys… how?” While Mark looked between his car keys and his phone, the gears in his mind whirring as he wondered how it could be, you snatched the sticky note from his hand and read the message aloud.
“Drive home, and never come back. Your car is outside. Leave.” The note ended on that threatening note, messy handwriting trailing off into a scrawl scratched across the page. Smoke drifted into the cell and you grabbed Mark’s hand.
As if on command, you saw the pathway lighting up. At the end of the corridor, a door opened up into light and with it, freedom. You ran toward it, the fire lapping at your heels. Although it hadn’t touched you, you could feel the blistering heat of it on your back, and the first thing you could think to do was flee.
The signs of freedom continued to greet you in the form of Mark’s car, and you ran over to the driver’s side while he unlocked the doors.
and drive around anaheim at sun down
Mark was blinking furiously, shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand while you sped off, unused to the influx of light. Luckily, you hadn’t been in darkness for long, so you adjusted quickly enough to be able to drive safely.
You sat in silence like that for a while, and Mark leaned across to stare at the building, watching it go up into flames.
You said nothing as you turned on the highway, heading towards Anaheim. It was your hometown, and though it was a little out of the way, at least no one you knew would be there. For the time being, both of you needed some peace and quiet.
When the main road branched off, you took the first exit, finding yourselves next to a grass field. You shifted the car into reverse, parking along the side of the road and turning towards Mark.
“C’mon,” you gestured to him over your shoulder and went outside the car, feet sinking into the ground as you laid back onto the grass.
The sun had set on the drive there, and you could see the moon peeking out from behind the clouds, the small visible crescent shyly waving at you. You grinned back in response and felt Mark plop down next to you, one of his arms snaking under your neck and settling on your shoulder.
to teach my mind to put you first
Even if it was Mark’s hands around you, all you could think of was Chenle’s lips on yours and his hands in your hair, and not a single thought your restless mind conjured up was of Mark.
You wanted to rip the grass from the soil and scream into the void. Why couldn’t you just love him back? After all that Mark had done for you, all he had sacrificed for you, all he had given up just for a sliver of your heart? Why did your traitorous heart despise him so?
Perhaps it was because you didn’t deserve him, and despite all the selfish greed you harboured, you knew deep down that Mark deserved so much better.
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here you are, a hero
Mark had grown comfortable next to you, breathing quietly as he let loose of every muscle in his body. He could feel every knot filled with tension dissipate, could feel the pain of every cut and bruise on his body finally sinking in, almost as if he’d been too scared to register it.
"You go first."
"No, you."
“I want to kiss you” was his confession, blurted out like a bad choice from the depths of his subconscious, said aloud before he even had time to think it through.
“I’ll try hard not to make this feeling a crime,” he said as he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you tenderly, tears falling silently down his cheeks.
You knew you were only putting salt on the wound when you kissed him back, claiming the parts of his heart you had known were yours all along. You knew he liked you, and you hated hurting him but you never wanted to lie to him. You didn’t want Mark to think you loved him when you didn’t. Though you’d done so much to him, you didn’t ever want Mark to have his heart broken by someone who told him they loved him when they didn’t.
Not with all of their heart, at least. You did love Mark, platonically, but the important parts he wanted were the ones he couldn’t have, the ones that belonged to someone else.
You could feel Mark’s sadness piercing through your heart, his tears saltier than the dead sea. He was so genuine, so raw with his hurt as he kissed you, you almost caved and told him you could give up on Chenle. Almost.
But you couldn’t- you couldn’t do that to him.
you wanna be my new home
He pulled away, and as you stared at him, the pale yellow glow that emanated from him seemed to grow brighter before it faded. Mark, your guardian angel, who had fallen from glory and had been reduced to naught but a shadow of his former self. Everything that had made Mark stand out was gone.
And it was all because of you.
You had first started to want to know how to make Mark's webs synthetically when he first used his powers on you for target practice. His webs were long and unwieldy, and uncomfortable to use. You had been curious to see if you could possess those powers too, perhaps better than Mark.
The point where your intentions went from harmless to harmful was when you were about three-quarters of the way through the process. Mark had told you that he had won a scholarship that you had been eyeing.
It had been a tiresome period of jealousy for you, constantly feeling outdone by Mark. Him getting the scholarship you wanted had been the tipping point for you, and you were jealous that it seemed like Mark had the perfect life, while you were always competing with him. Sick and tired of it all, you had decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Your turn,” Mark said, interrupting your thoughts. “What did you want to say?”
“It was me, a week ago, that knocked you out and kidnapped you. I had been planning it since you had gotten that scholarship I had wanted, and by the time I realised that I wasn’t upset with you any more, it was too late. You had been gone for 3 days and I didn’t know how to let you leave without anyone figuring out that it had been me.
“I wanted to come clean, yet I was scared of the repercussions. It took me a few days to come up with a plan to get you to ‘save’ me so you wouldn’t suspect me, and I would burn the place down so no one would ever know.
“I wanted to live your life, Mark. I wanted to know what it was like to have everyone adore you, to be at the top of the world, carefree and loved. I was sick of hiding in your shadow, I wanted to know what it was like to be a hero, to no longer settle for second best.
“But after experiencing it? I don’t think I want that life. It’s not for me. The amount of pressure you must have been under every day of your life is not something I envy. I understand now why everyone admires you. You’re worthy of that, and I’m not.”
Your palms were clammy with sweat, unsure how he would react. “I’m sorry for all I did. I hope now you understand why I would never be worthy of your love. And I hope- I hope that you won’t love me anymore in ways I can’t return.”
You didn’t know what you had expected from Mark, but it definitely wasn’t acceptance, much less his forgiveness.
When he said, "It's okay," you looked at him in confusion. What was he talking about?
"What you've done is in the past. We're both here now, aren't we?" At that, you understood. It was because he was Mark Lee, angelic and purer than you could ever hope to be, with a heart bigger than the universe. Only he would be able to forgive you after everything you had done. You nodded, and when you stood it felt like your feet were weightless against the cotton candy clouds soft under your feet.
but baby, let up
By then it was getting late, and the sun was starting to set. Mark had been silent for a while, and though it worried you, you had other concerns. The most important one at the moment was how you were going to get back home, because you were still stuck on a little road in Anaheim when you lived all the way in Fort Irwin.
It was late at night and Mark’s phone was dead, so you handed him your phone to ask him to navigate. It was an unfamiliar place and you couldn’t wait to be back in the comfort of your home, and you wanted to get Mark back to his parents as soon as possible.
Deep down, maybe you wanted to prove that their trust in you wasn’t misplaced, wasn’t unwarranted. But when you slipped your phone into Mark’s hand, it was freezing cold, and when you turned to look at him, it sent shivers down your spine.
“Mark?” He disappeared before your eyes with a sad smile, fading into nothingness while you grasped at him in a panic, refusing to believe that he wasn’t real. Your attempts were all futile as your fingers met with cold air until all that was left of Mark was your memories and regret.
i won't ever recognize these roads
You sped back after that, unsettled and afraid. If you hadn’t saved Mark, then your guilty conscience wasn’t cleared after all. How long had you been hallucinating him? Had Mark ever been real, or was he simply a figment of your imagination? How much of your reality could you trust?
Your foot on the accelerator never let up, speeding across the highway with a sinking feeling in your stomach. If Mark was real all along, and you had kidnapped him, but he wasn’t there with you, then there could only be one possibility…
'cause i am lost, but not in you
“Chenle,” you managed breathlessly while Chenle looked at you in horror. He was dressed in pajamas, as if he had been about to sleep, and you knew you were a mess.
Your wrists were red from struggling against the bonds that you had tied for yourself, an effort to make your kidnapping look real to Mark. Parts of your hair had been singed in the fire, and you smelt strongly of smoke and sweat. Your clothes were stained brown from the wet soil of the grass fields, and your shoes were falling apart.
“I think I killed him.” You wished the revelation would hurt, but Chenle slamming his door in your face hurt you more. You sank to your feet, defeated, back against his door as you sighed.
Perhaps it would be better if you ceased to exist, too. At least in hell you would get the punishment you deserved.
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The sky burns bright like ochre, burnt umber streaks like autumn. As if on cue, as the coffins are lowered side-by-side into the earth, thunder rumbles across the sky. The sky weeps as if haunted by memories, harbouring the guilt of the murderer and the pain of their victim.
The land sings its heart out, crickets chirping and nightingales drifting by as the sky darkens. Chenle tightens his grip around the chrysanthemums in his hand as he watches the disfigured silhouettes descend.
He doesn’t know what to do. Mark Lee had been a friend of his. Granted, not a close one, but a friend nonetheless. And to think that his fuck-buddy had killed him in cold blood was a burden he wasn’t sure he wanted to bear.
He breathes in and sighs. Even if he loved you, it was too late to change the course of things. All that had happened would have happened some way or other, and all he could do was try to right things in his own way.
Chenle watches on in silence as the families of the bereaved pay their respects. He’s hidden under the shelter of the umbrella, drawn to his eye-line so no one can make eye contact with him. He observes silently as the families mourn their loved ones, not knowing that the two best friends hadn’t been kidnapped, but that one had killed the other.
When you had showed up at his door, Chenle had the fright of his life. Your pants were dotted with blood, tears streaming down your cheeks. When he heard what you had done to Mark, his first instinct was to deny it. He slammed the door in your face, head spinning, stunned by your confession.
There was nothing else he could have done.
He could not have stopped you, headstrong as you were, heading back the entire way to Mark’s deathbed, where you hugged him tightly as flames enveloped you, burning away all traces of your guilt.
When the authorities found you a day later, the forensics seemed to match up to logic—the unknown killer had killed both of you, burned you to erase their footsteps, and you two had huddled together in fear during your last moments.
He kneels to the ground and weeps with the sky, umbrella dropping to the side as the downpour drenched him and the earth as if they were one. His sorrow would melt into the soil if it could, but as it could not, it remained heavy in his heart.
Onlookers would see a grieving boyfriend, crying for his lover and friend. It was not far from the truth, but nothing they thought would come close to what had really happened to the unhappy dead.
If only they knew the truth.
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dino-fart · 2 years
A Father’s Sin | Chapter 1: A Proposition
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Summary + Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Pairing: Namor x Female!Reader
Genre: Action, Adventure, Tragedy, Romance
Summary: Your father is the CEO of a biotech research company. You are the head of the research and development branch of the company. You specialize in nanotechnology and planes. You quickly gained a representation of being an infamous pilot and brilliant weapons engineer. But when an agent from the CIA requests your help to aid the most secret country in the world, will you take the chance?
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You landed the plane in the hanger and got the clearance to deplane. You gave the crew the thumbs up and removed your oxygen mask. “All clear!” You shouted back and removed your helmet. You were handed a water bottle by one of the engineers. 
“How’d she fly?” 
“Like a dream.” You smirked. 
“I want to work on the engine a bit more than I’d like you to try and get the plane to Mach 10, the nanotech should be able to reduce the plane from overheating.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” You nodded. 
“Director!” You heard someone shout and you turned to see three of the board members and a man with sunglasses approach you. 
“Is there a problem?” You furrowed your brows. 
“Quite the opposite, director!!” The board member, Don, smiled. 
“Apologies for interrupting your flight session, director. My name is Agent Everett Ross. Mind if I have a moment of your time?” The older man removed his sunglasses and smiled. 
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The two of you were in your large office now and you watched him pour two cups of coffee. “I’ve read so much about you, a woman accomplishing so much at your age and continuing to push boundaries despite your gender, it’s inspiring.” Ross smiled at you and offered you a cup. 
You took it cautiously, “Well I didn’t do this alone. It helps to have a CEO as a father.” 
“True but I can’t imagine your father was too pleased knowing his daughter wanted to fly planes and put herself at risk.” 
“What do you want Agent Ross?” You said firmly, irritated by his words. 
“I have a proposition for you but I’m not sure if your father would agree.” 
“My father and I don’t agree on a lot of things. And while I do work under his company, I’m not under his thumb.” 
“Perfect. I want you to come to Wakanda with me.” 
You nearly dropped the coffee cup, “I’m sorry...What?” 
“Wakanda. You and me. Their new queen needs help with nanotechnology and from what I know of you, you’re the best of the best.” Ross set the cup down. 
You furrowed your brows, not buying it. But your curiosity was peaked. “Very well. I’ll get a plane ready.” 
“Actually...Wakanda is very...Secretive of how people find them.” 
You raised a brow and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“I’ll have to sedate you or blindfold you, dealer’s choice,” Ross said so casually. 
You chuckled softly, “Agent...You can’t be serious right? Wakanda needs me? Who said no.” 
“It doesn’t matter who says no, it matters if you say yes.” 
Silence now filled the room as you thought it over. You’d always dreamed of going to Wakanda. A place with such rich technology and intelligence. You set the cup down and glared at Ross. “If this is some sort of kidnapping scheme or if I end up somewhere else than Wakanda...It won’t be my father you need to worry about.” You warned. 
Ross nodded, “Understood, I’m glad you agreed...Tomorrow morning shall we...Set off?” 
“Can’t wait.” You nodded and watched the agent leave the office. You were curious to see how this would play out and why in the hell would an amazing civilization need your help? 
There was more to this, you had a strong feeling.
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Dividers By: @silkholland​
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