#rotomblr psa
prayers-to-hyliarceus · 6 months
[OOC] rotomblr PSA
so i've just had to turn down a mailed pokemon for like the third time, and it may be on me for not making it clear in the intro post or something that i'm not accepting stuff like that.
but also. i don't think most people want to be mailed wholeass pokemon without being consulted about it first. that's an entire other character we'd have to take into account completely unplanned. just putting it out there - please do not mail pokemon or pokemon eggs or something of like without communicating with the mod of the blog first!
listen i love the little bean hisuian zorua but i didn't plan to have it on my blog! :P
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About trolls and what to do about them.
So recently I've seen a lot of posts about people dealing with trolls ooc through asks. So I just thought I should make a PSA for anyone else who starts to have trouble with them.
So first and foremost. Don't feed the trolls. If you see a mean ask in your inbox ignore it and just block the user and delete the ask. I know it's a pretty common thing that people know, but I know your first instinct can be to answer it.
Second of all, once you start ignoring the trolls they will most likely go to someone else. This is also why I'm making this post since they tend to do that. But don't feel obligated to keep the trolls on you, it's better to spread the word so nobody gives then the time of day. Eventually they will stop.
I know it can hurt, the things they say to you. But it doesn't mean anything, they just want to bother you. If you find yourself really being affected by their words, feel free to take a break. Or talk to friends, it's okay to be upset about it.
And that's the PSA, feel free to add onto this with reblogs. I hope you all have a great weekend.
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lavender-town-tone · 3 months
// Hi ✌️ People interacting with "AwA anon" from @teampoet-official need to make sure to tag any meta asks with unreality at the very least.
Please do not publish asks from "AwA anon" without tags that allow people with paranoia, psychosis, and delusions to avoid being triggered.
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bugs-and-grass · 9 months
//Friendly reminder that you have no obligation to answer all asks in your inbox. If you're not comfortable, if it'll break canon/continuity, if the vibe is just off, just delete it. You don't even have to answer it OOC. You owe nobody an explanation for why you deleted it.
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
Tumblr media
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mpc-unofficial · 10 months
My friend has been kidnapped via Pelipper unmail, to a user named @team-express
Please be wary of this user, and all Pelipper mail notifications that come into your inbox. Be sure to get the heck away from any Pelipper that attempts to scoop you into its mouth and take you someplace else. Please stay vigilant, and stay safe.
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pkmncenterguy · 3 months
Just watched someone shatter a used fire stone today. A high quality one too. When I say I felt my soul wilt
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hisuianhellion · 9 months
Fun fact. I have tendinitis in both of my wrists. Too many video games, my pinky and ring fingers have a tendency to just go cold and numb randomly, all the way down past my wrist.
Stretches literally keep me from developing arthritis. Just do 'em daily, guys. Here's a REALLY good video for it:
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chaos-cousins · 3 months
We’re not. I don’t think.
We’re just seeing what Pokemon would fit each Thief.
...I don't want to tempt fate.
Also that's weird. Like. That's a conversation my friends and I would be having, not some strangers on the internet
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admin-courtneys-corner · 10 months
okay…i’ve done several laps around lilycove….i’m ready to discuss the issue at hand.
team magma psa:
regarding recent events…i will be reiterating one of the policies that were listed in the agreement all grunts must sign to join.
relationships of a romantic nature are strictly prohibited in the work place
rather it be a fellow teammate…or groudon forbid a worker of team aqua…we do not allow such behaviors when in uniform…as it causes disruptions and distracts from the task at hand, the betterment of humanities future via expanding the land.
if you are on the clock….or in base…..or in uniform…we ask that you keep your hands to yourselves.
and yes. this does include sneaking off to the battle resort with your team aqua fling.
disregard of any rules stated in our team agreement can result in termination….sincerely, your admin.
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rotomblr-askgames · 4 months
Didn't know this was a PSA I was going to have to make but if ur blog url is deliberately paranoia inducing do not follow or interact with me. I'll be adding it to my pinned.
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Wow another PSA
Apparently @/the-wonderguard-project has tried to forcefully brainwash someone. Please everyone be wary of weird looking shedinja. Also don't look inside any shedinja, just in general it's not good in general.
So be careful anyone who sees this and try not to get brainwashed.
//mod of @the-wonderguard-project love your blog//
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arcphone352945 · 1 year
[ … can we have standardized tagging for the apparently plot relevant transphobia and other things or something. ]
[ this sorta issue went around a years ago in other rp communities- adding tw or cw or // to the beginning or end of a warning tag makes it much more difficult to catch in blacklists, due to the sheer variety of prefixes AND postfixes. you don’t need to add a pre or postfix. just the “ic subject” is fine ]
[ i am proposing this because many people do want to stay up to date on current events, such as the horrors, but at least want a Heads Up if they transphobia, abuse, homophobia, or racism(last one hasn’t been spotted in this community yet)(not a challenge) is going on in character ]
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The Pokemon Ranger Union would once again like to remind all members of staff that providing civilians with pieces of certified Ranger Union equiptment is strictly prohibited.
Due to recent development, new security protocol for Ranger Bases has be issued. Failure to comply with the new protocol will result in disiplinary actions.
Finally, alterations to the Pokemon Ranger Ettiquete Handbook are as follows:
No Employee, Trainee or affiliate of the Pokemon Ranger Union may accept bribes or gifts from associates, stakeholders or civilians.
Any civilian found to be in possession of offical Pokemon Ranger equiptment will be subject to fines. The contraband item(s) will be confiscated in accordance with seizure of private property following regional protocols.
Thank you for your time.
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soda-poison-type · 29 days
as a poison type trainer i have to say this, as it both applies to me and i have dealt with it-
i have seen one-too-many young trainers pick up a Coragunk and think that they can handle a full on Toxicroak.
Please please please don’t go into training poison types if you can’t handle smells, constant cleanup, buying heaps of Antidotes and so on and so forth.
Poison types can be so rewarding to train, but it comes with a price.
soda out
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Please rent Mantine responsibly!
It's great to see so many people at Hano Grand Resort! I heard some people talking about doing Mantine surfing at some point. That's great! Most of Alola's designated Mantine surfing beaches will let you rent a Mantine for your journey or a certain amount of time. If you're planning to rent a Mantine from somewhere else, please be careful and do your research! Some of them will cut costs by using cheaper equipment or using mill pokemon. Today I had to escort someone back from quite far out after their Mantine's harness broke in midair and they couldn't hold on. The Mantine didn't look all that well either. Don't worry though, we've reported that Mantine rental service to the authorities so hopefully there won't be more problems with them!
If you're going to catch your own Mantine, good on you! If you want to use them for doing cool Mantine surfing tricks you'll both need to train pretty hard. Rental Mantine are (usually) very well trained, so you'll only need to put in the effort to train yourself to do some fun flips and turns. However, cultivating that bond with your own Mantine as you learn how to rule the waves together is a uniquely fulfilling experience.
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