jwanniie · 5 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome
Thank you so much love!! Mwah!!😍😍😘🫂
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letsgetrowdy43 · 7 months
you’re so valid for all of this
because instead of him being able to be a rookie and learn from vets around him, and ease into the league, he’s being thrown straight under the offensive microscope.
like you can tell they partly rely on him for offense, which isn’t fair to him at all. he’s a fucking rookie, and he usually is spending the first period learning how the other team plays, because he’s never fucking played them before.
like yes, he’s a good player and should be expected to perform, but he shouldn’t have as much pressure as he does to be a heavy presence in scoring.
It's so aggravating.
He's a rookie and he's literally their top centerman and his wingers aren't even vets like ALL OF THE OTHER FIRST LINE ROOKIES IN THE LEAGUE RN
No his wingers are another rookie and a guy who has played 74 games his entire career
I’d also like to say that I am not speaking illy on his wingers, I just think it’s ridiculous that they want him to be an offensive powerhouse and place all these expectations on him, and don’t even supply him with people who are known to offensively produce and make plays.
I feel very passionate about this, because he’s the same age as me, and this entire Fanbase is expecting greatness from him, and the organization around him has supplied him with nothing :(
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rowan-ashtree · 4 months
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Silly HC
You and your mutuals passing each other while both being carried by your f/os and having a quick "hello" as you pass each other.
Miguel carrying @detective-rowan while i’m being carried by Jack. Pointing at each other as we pass by like
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
believe me when i say that your blog is AWESOME, AMAZING, im in love with your writing, i think it's the most beautiful thing in the world and i want to say thank you for sharing your talent with us. if i could marry one of your fanfics, i would do it without hesitation. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 .now that i said my thoughts about your amazing blog, i have a request... MODERN rowaelin x reader.
🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ (fancy clothes, expensive phones, cars...) i would LOVE to see a fanfic of them in the modern world with reader🧎🏻‍♀️😫 .
no pressure, take your time, stay safe, eat healthy, sleep well, and drink water 🫂💜
Modern!Rowaelin x reader headcanon
A/n: thank you! That’s so nice of you to say and I’m so happy you like my writing (trying to make it my career if Hollywood can get its shit together lol). I love this concept, it’s amazing and I had to write it bc Aelin would thrive as modern day princess/queen.
Sending you love bestie ❤️
Warnings: none
Modern!Rowaelin would be a fucking power couple (and with you a power trio)
Let’s say for this hc that Aelin and Rowan are just a rich couple that come from old money. I’m talking old New England money but they give it a new look bc Aelin likes new stuff, Rowan is like the antique collector in the relationship
When you met they were shopping for art at the gallery you worked at
You had just graduated college a year or so ago and this was your entry level job in the art world. You were actually very familiar with the pieces the gallery sold and you have an insane memory for art history
Aelin and Rowan came in to buy a few pieces for their new apartment in the city so you showed them a few pieces since the owner was busy
The three of you hit it off and they offered to take you out to dinner once you finished with work
You met them at the five-star restaurant that was in their building and that’s when they asked you out. “We knew once we met you we had a connection. If you don’t feel the same way please feel free to reject us and we can pretend this never happened.” Aelin said
But you had felt an instant connection with them too. You felt safe and at home around them. You knew you needed to be with them
After that night you moved in with them and they talked you into quitting your job and working for their clients as an art collector
It was like a dream come true
Aelin and Rowan spoiled you with love, attention, and gifts
You weren’t always a material person, you grew up getting things you asked for that were within your family’s budget but this was a whole other level
After a year of being with them they gave you a credit card, “unlimited spending baby. Anything you want it’s your.” Rowan said kissing you on the cheek
Shopping sprees with Aelin were the best! Those were your bonding trips and when you truly got to know each other. You talked about everything while wandering the aisles of high end department stores, trying on shoes and clothes
Lingerie shopping was the most fun since you would pick out pieces that would drive him crazy (and each other)
There may have been a time or two where you both couldn’t keep your hands to yourself in the changing room
With Rowan your bonding time was going on walks or runs or him teaching you how to work out at the gym
When you were out in nature with him that’s when you saw him most relaxed (besides at home)
Your yearly summer vacation is always to Cape Cod
Both their families have beach houses there but they wanted their own in a different area, so they bought one just before they met you
The house is huge and you obviously use it more than once a year but you always had those set 2 weeks in July that you would go
No work. No distractions. Just the 3 of you, the beach, and fun times
You and Aelin of course demand the best lobster rolls which Rowan gets for you
Ice cream every night after dinner
And they buy you all the souvenirs you want
Two days before you were set to leave, you and Rowan were packing. You folded he put away (he’d never admit it but he’s awful at folding clothes but he tries)
Aelin came running into the bedroom with a shit eating grin on her face that told you two she wanted something, “Row, y/n/n.” “Yes Aelin.” You responded in unison
“I just realized we need something for the Cape house that we don’t have.” Rowan rolled his eyes, “And what would that be, Fireheart?”
“We don’t have a Jeep!” You and Rowan shared a look. “Ok A, so what do you suggest?” Aelin clapped her hands together in excitement “We’re going to get one obviously.” “Right now!?” “Yes Rowan. Come on you’re driving.”
She rushed back out of the room and you followed her as Rowan let out an exasperated sigh, tilting his head back
45 minutes later you were all sitting in the Jeep dealership
Not only did you leave with a Jeep wrangler, but she also managed to find a beautiful jet black convertible Audi
Aelin insisted you bring both to Cape Cod and of course Rowan gave in to her
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legacyshenanigans · 5 months
How its nearly 9am and i'm still awake after being up all night tho, i'm entering delirious hours 😅😴 Just got into bed, gonna go flirt with Marvolo/Rowan bot and pass the fuck out hopefully 🤣🤣
Also, just a reminder,
love you guys 🫂💚🤍
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transpool · 1 year
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peachcombo >>> transpool
hiii im rowan/coral ^_^
mutuals my discord is @ rowies and my insta is @ rowanslog
no dnfi - blog is 18+ i will softblock if you follow w/ no age in bio/carrd. okay have fun lalalaa 🫂
*my smdp tag stands for spiderman/deadpool im not a dsmp fan 🫶
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brigittefitzgerald · 2 hours
Hiiii rowan!! it's your birthday right?!?! hope you have a wonderful day today 🩷🧡 and a beautiful year ahead 🫂🌈
hiiii jupiter!!!!! yes it is! thank you so much!!!!! you’re too sweet🤍🤍🤍🌈🌈🌈🥹
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rowanisawriter · 4 months
i am here to thank you, the inimitable rowan the writer & godkiller, for in the days since i read your brain-chemistry-changing iconoclasts series, i have managed to write SEVEN. THOUSAND. WORDS. because your writing was so good it inspired me to write!!! after a two month dry spell!! so, thank you very much. i owe you a life debt LMAO <3 <3 <3
- emi xoxo
OMG 😭 thank you for reading, your comments made me SO HAPPY im so glad you liked my religious trauma dumping disguised as fanfic haha and congrats on all your writing!!! 😭🫂
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carnalapples · 6 months
hi bestie i have QUESTIONS!! congrats on a great year for writing ❤️ and also a great year because i got to meet you ❤️
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Howdy Rowan and thank you!! I'm so happy we met 🫂 You’re def a big reason I kept creating this year!
1. favorite fic you wrote this year This is tough but I think… and it’s peaceful in the deep. I’m proud of it because I planned it more than most fics I write lol, and I am really happy with the end result. I think a lot of times i kind of miss the mark with what I originally intended… I do like that because I like seeing what results and what people take away from it. But with this fic, I told the story I originally intended to tell, and I was really proud of that focus.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t I went trawling in the trenches for this lol, I forget a lot of ideas when I move on from them. I had a Mass Effect longfic I started that went through all the games, and I ended up doing the same thing as I did for DA, using it as a springboard… I think I also had some Bollywood fics I never finished, and two separate DA modern AU/romcom-type things that lost steam. (One was supposed to be an exchange fic inspired by Four Weddings and a Funeral, but I couldn't get it to work in time) I also had a western AU for DA that fizzled out, so that’s fun.
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year From the care and feeding of lovebirds… I think I’ve posted this before, but I really like the vibes lol:
Simran puts a disc into the player—Madonna, The Cranberries, The Goo Goo Dolls, she’s squirreling them away with a little part of each paycheck.
Maybe once a week, she’ll put on one of her old tapes, something swing, or one of her father’s songs—she listens to them for only half a minute or so before she has to switch them off, and only when she’s alone, only when she can put the hurt away for later. She can never seem to hide these things from Raj. She only has one tape from her father, and it's been in the box long enough it's beginning to gather the lightest layer of dust.
Raj comes through the door just as the soft chords of “Linger” filter into the air, dripping water into the entryway. She can imagine him standing on the mat, beads of water on his coat catching the hallway light as he slips out of his shoes, and it’s all a poem: the rolling thunder underscoring the music, the fat drops rolling down the leaves and pouring from their waxy surfaces—
—right onto her face, and she opens her eyes to find Raj grinning down at her, his dimples on full display as a trickle of water disappears down her blouse.
“Chi—“ she scolds him as she pushes his head away, “I’ll have to clean all that up—“
“I’ll mop it,” he promises, folding one hand over hers where it still rests on his face. He presses his cheek to hers and she can smell his cologne, shivers at the cold dampness of his chest pressing into her back as she lets her eyes fall shut again.
“Come here,” she gently urges, tugging at his hand until he circles the sofa and sits next to her, and then until he lies down with her, both of them hopelessly wet now and bringing the upholstery down with them.
“How was it?”
“It was good,” she whispers, enjoying the soft puffs of his breath on her skin. “I liked the passage they picked.” She came home straight after the exam, the rain discouraging her from any larks to a cafe or the library.
“I was going to stop by the bakery on the way home, but this is an even sweeter surprise,” he says in a syrupy voice. She scoffs even while her chest flushes with warmth.
“Do you want me here waiting for you every day?” she teases.
“As nice as it would be to be greeted by the moon herself every night,” and he brushes a kiss across her cheek as she laughs, “Never. I’d never want to take you from school like that. From your life.”
“You’re my life, too.”
“Not like that,” he says, his voice so fond that she feels she could do anything right now and he’d not have a word against her. “Do you want to order in for dinner?” And he’s off to the latest banal concern, and she’ll never quite get used to how he sees the world, flipping through matters of such gravity and the smallest things like flicking on a switch.
“It’s not Friday.” Can we afford it, will we be good enough to cook Friday instead—
“We can swing it,” he says. “You like Indian?”
She tosses her pillow at his head.
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soulreaper · 3 months
OH MY GOD ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY I'm sorry for missing it!! happy birthday my wonderful friend. love you forever leon
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hi rowan ^^ it's still my birthday for another hour and a half so you didn't miss it. thank you for the lovely cake. i love you too🫂
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d3lux4ry · 4 months
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🖼️ 🏷️ Rowan art- my art tag(duh)
💬 🏷️ Rowan rambles-me just yapping about shit that no one cares
🚧 🏷️ Rowan needs to stop procrastinating-my WIP tag
🫂 🏷️ Mootie patootie: Mutual tag
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Inanimate Insanity
Battle for Dream Island
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise
The amazing digital Circus
Spider-Man: Into/ Across the Spider-verse
And more
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nirikeehan · 10 months
hi niri 🫂
✨ share a snippet featuring night time
Hi Rowan I hope you are doing well!
Here is a snippet from an old DADWC fill where Thalia comes across Blackwall at night.
The night was unseasonably warm, well above freezing, with a dampness to the air as the ice that surrounded Skyhold wept. On the one hand, Thalia found it intoxicating, like the possibilities held on the first day of spring after a hard winter. On the other, she found it deeply irritating, as the humidity caused her long hair to frizz and curl. Thalia combed her fingers through the tangled mass hanging heavy over her shoulders, adorned with a weave of tiny white flowers, as she strode through one of many little used exits to the battlements.
If only she hadn’t let Josephine talk her into wearing her hair down. Or wearing this ridiculous dress: a royal blue, richly embroidered with gold thread on the bodice and sleeves. She looked like a noblewoman, to be sure, but she did not feel like the Inquisitor. Like someone who possessed any power at all.
Perhaps that was why Thalia needed the night air so badly. The dining hall had been hot and stuffy, lit by large hearths at either end of the room. She’d been seated at the head of the table, her back to the crackling blaze, and surrounded by Orlesian heads of state, forced to make small talk. She had risen to the task, though the conversations had been dull, dull and duller still.
Out here, at least, she could think. She strolled the length of the battlements, gazing upward at the dusting of stars. Though braziers lit the way every so many feet, in the space between it was nearly too dark to see. Her hand on the cold stone walls guided her way.
The solitude calmed her. The nearest sentry was clear across the courtyard, and no one loitered the walls this time of night, especially not with a state dinner ongoing. Everyone was either in the dining hall at a place of honor, or drinking the night away at Herald’s Rest. Thalia smirked; she imagined the stir she might cause if she sauntered into the tavern in her full finery. At least a mug of ale, a tavern song, and perhaps a war story from Krem or one of the other Chargers would be more entertaining than the soiree she had just fled.
Up ahead burned another brazier, but to her surprise the warm orange glow illuminated more than the battlement stones. A tall figure shrouded in black stood sentinel against the wall. Thalia tensed, her hand clenching, ready to summon her magic. But as she stepped closer, the silhouette formed into a familiar figure: the Warden Blackwall, leaning over the edge of the wall, holding something. At her footsteps, he shifted, looked in her direction, and the light moved, revealing his hands.
He clutched a handful of wildflowers, identical to the kind that grew outside Skyhold’s stables.
Thalia halted. The moment seemed strangely intimate, the look in his eyes fierce and guarded.
“Am I interrupting something?” she asked, anxious.
He watched her in silence, gaze dipping from her hair — wilder than ever, with the wind picking up — to the top of her snug bodice, where it lingered long enough for her cheeks to warm. What were feisty girls supposed to say? My eyes are up here? But what if she didn’t mind if he noticed? Why did it have to be tonight, of all nights, when she was dressed up like a bloody peacock?
“I look absurd, I know,” she snapped, trying to tug her hair back into place.
Blackwall averted his gaze toward the dark mountains. “You don’t.”
You can read the rest here.
Ask list here!
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A Clash of Kings - 33 CATELYN IV (pages 449-458)
Cat prays, connects some dots, and returns to Renly's camp in time to witness a magical murder. Brienne joins Team Stark.
It was full dark before they came upon the village. Catelyn found herself wondering if the place had a name. If so, its people had taken that knowledge with them when they fled, along with all they owned, down to the candles in the sept.
Hey look, it's Cat's turn to find an empty village!
The wealthy septs of the cities had statues of the Seven and an altar to each. In Winterfell, septon Chayle hung carved masks from each wall.
Oh that's interesting. Like I know it's probably a common enough alternative where they can get them, but I just like how the masks of the Seven kind of mimic or mirror the carved faces of the Weirwoods. I wonder if it was intentional, either by GRRM or the characters to sort of... meld some kind of common ground between Cat's gods and theirs.
- but these charcoal scratchings wre so crude they might be anyone. (...) The Warrior was Renly and Stannis, Robb and Robert, Jaime Lannister and Jon Snow. She even glimpsed Arya in those lines, just for an instant.
Ohhh? Well that feels like vague story/character arc type foreshadowing. ... assigned warrior at Rorschach test.
I have come so many thousands of leagues and for what? Who have I served? I have lost my daughters, Rob does not want me, and Bran and Rickon must surely think me a cold and unnatural mother. I was not even with Ned when he died...
Oh Cat, 🫂 She's just carrying so much, trying to help who she can only to feel like she's failing everyone else and then failing the one she was trying to help because things are so far out of her control.
I like this bit in the sept, it's very reflective, not in a shiny way, just that "the seven are one and all part of each other" part that reminds Cat that even though the Rorschach test of the abandon sept might say a character is this type of character, there's more to them than just that. Like how Cersei is assigned the role of mother, she's still as fierce in her protection of her children like the warrior, and though Arya has a warrior's strength of heart, she is still a maiden, a young girl.
"Yields?" Lord Rowan laughed. "When mace Tyrrel laid siege to Storm's End, Stannis ate rats rather than open his gates." "Well I remember." (...) "Near the end, Ser Gawen Wylde and three of his knights tried to steal out a postern gate to surrender. Stannis caught them and ordered them flung from the walls with catapults. I can still see Gawen's face as they strapped him down. He had been our master-at-arms." Lord Rowan appeared puzzled. "No men were ever hurled from the walls. I would surely remember that." "Maester Cressen told Stannis that we might be forced to eat our dead, and there was no gain in flinging away good meat." (...) "Thanks to the Onion Knight we were never reduced to dinning on corpses, but it was a close thing. Too close for Gawen, who died in his cell."
... shit that's dark. Like I know this series goes dark places, but damn.
I had to reread that section because for a second my brain interpreted that as "Stannis ordered the men flung from the walls so the dead wouldn't tempt the hungry" but then I realised no, no he put them in cold storage for when the rats ran out. My gosh the level of trauma that entire populace must have from that...
"Robb will set aside his crown if you and your brother do the same," she said, hoping it was true. She would make it true if she must; Robb would listen to her, even if his lords would not. "Let the three of you call for a Great Council, such as the realm has never seen for a hundred years. We will send to Winterfell, so Bran may tell his tale and all men may know the Lannisters for the true usurpers. Let the assembled lords of the Seven Kingdoms choose who shall rule them."
Oh!? Oh my gosh. one sec... *plays season 8 finale* you son of- "we'll chose our kings form now on." Tyrion Lannister stole Catelyn's notes!
I know she probably just means in this instance, and not as a standard moving forward, but let me have this? Just for the lulz.
When they saw Renly in Brienne's arms, and her drenched with the king's blood, Ser Robar gave a cry of horror. "Wicked woman!" screamed Ser Emmon, he of sunflowered steel. "Away from him, you vile creature!" "Gods be good, Brienne, why?" asked Ser Robar.
these men are idiots. Brienne literally cried out "Your Gr- no!" No one's sword is out of their sheath, and I understand how it looks, but why is No One asking "what happened!?" And I do understand how it looks, but why are they assuming Brienne did the murder? No doubt at all, not even a whiff of suspicion someone else was in the tent? Y'all really think there's zero chance your security is less than air tight? And given Brienne' personality and crush... how did this not raise flags for them?
You know, I doubt it's even going to occur to them that a sword shouldn't be able to cut a steel gorget like a hot knife in warm butter. (I mean I assume based on the description, though I suppose it could have been slipped under and between the gorget and breastplate, just odd to me to say "the steel of his gorget parted like cheesecloth beneath the shadow of a blade that was not there" if the metal itself isn't being compromised.)
Yay! Robar redeems himself by trusting Cat's honor! (and also logic despite "evil shadow did it")
He had forgotten Catelyn, until the iron brazier came crashing into the back of his head. ... "This way," Catelyn urged, "and slowly. We must not run, or they will ask why. Walk easily as if nothing was amiss." ... "Ride," Catelyn commanded her escort when they were all ahorse. "If any man tries to stop us, cut him down."
When not emotionally compromised, Catelyn is amazing under pressure.
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legacyshenanigans · 10 months
Evening B!! I've come once again to shower you in love and a tiny bit of chaos, because it's Friday night and..... honestly I have nothing better to do then to cause mischief ❤️🐲
I've said it a million times by now but I will say it again you've made my days so much better and enchanted my heart with your precious boys so much I can't even explain it❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂 enchanting a dragon is hard by the way, so what you've done is pretty much a miracle 💫🐉💫
Now if you don't mind my chaos here is what I've got for you that could be fun:
I'm really curious, we know what a terrific hunter Rowan is and I bet he hunts all kinds of creatures in the woods. Does he hunt rabbits? If he does what's Volo's opinion on that we know he's THE king of bunnies so would he care that Rowan hunts them or would he forbid him from hunting them? 🐺🐰I think that interaction could be super fun but that's up to you of course.
Now that's done I wish you a pleasant rest of your evening and nice dreams once you fall asleep (hopefully earlier than at 4am 😵‍💫🫂❤️)
With love your little Dragon friend ❤️🐉
And here, have silly woof 🐺❤️
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Hello Lil Dragon!
Aww then I'm honoured to have enchanted you! And I love having you in my lil VoRo Cult 🥹💜
Sure I can do a lil something for that! 😊 and yeeeah I hope I can get to sleep before 4am too 😅 but knowing me, probably not ahahaha
Bunny Hunter 🐺🐍
Marvolo: *wandering through the woods on his way home from somewhere and spots a rabbit*
Rabbit: *munching on some grass nearby*
Marvolo: *small nostalgic smile as he watches it*
Rowan: *jumps of the bushes in werewolf form and grabs it, biting its head off, crunching its skull in his mouth as he chows down on it*
Marvolo: *stood there..Eyes wide in shock for a moment*
Rowan: *looks up and notices Marvolo* Oh hey! *licks his fingers after finishing off the rabbit* Fancy seeing you here *crinkles his nose and bares his bloody teeth in a smile*
Marvolo: *gives Rowan a dissaproving look*
Rowan: ...What?
Marvolo: Rabbits are nice..
Rowan: So are nifflers and Unicorns..But I eat them too, heh..
Marvolo: *narrows his eyes in more potent dissaproval*
Rowan: Don't you judge me because I killed a bunny *small frown* I saw you slice someone's stomach open yesterday and pull out their intestines..
Marvolo: ...Alright, Fair...But try not to kill Rabbits Rowan. Will you?
Rowan: I was peckish! They're the perfect little snack..
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hollowslantern · 8 months
We used to be closer im sad we drifted apart a little of my own social negligence i really love you im sorry i dont make the active effort to talk again i will try to ;-; smiles rowan my friend forever
waghh i hope that you don't feel guilty about it 🫂 I don't think it's anyone's fault but if it was then the fault would be ours equally to share. I'm no good at the maintaining friendships thing and often fail to reach out. though I don't know who this is, there's no doubt that i miss you and love you too my friend 💗 lets talk soon ok?
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