#royal pregnancy
gravidwithlore · 5 months
You know how in ancient times some royals would have arranged marriages from the moment they were born or even just as young children? What if instead of being assigned a spouse, the young prince is assigned a nurse maid for their future heirs? You would both be trained from a young age, the prince in swordfighting, politics, and governing a kingdom; you however would be taught little of this, only in the service of someday nursing and as a last resort defending the future heirs. Much of your education would be in regards to producing the best milk possible for the future rulers of the kingdom and lessening the child rearing load of the future queen.
When you both reach adulthood, the ceremony is performed, the runes traced along your body, and the prince is tasked with putting the first bastards in your belly to symbolize his passage into manhood and your servitude to his bloodline. In those first 9 months, no one, not even the prince himself, is allowed to touch you, the growth of a royal nurse maids first progeny was considered by many a litmus test of how they'll perform their duties, no matter how much you crave to feel your princes touch again. And you pass the test with flying colors, quickly swelling up with twins, if not more. Of course you'll never know for sure, the ceremonial runes etched in your skin ensure that once the your due date hits, the babes in your belly stop growing, waiting to be birthed until the prince himself releases you from your duties, cedes the throne, or in the worst case dies. And with the way he looks at you, you get a sneaking suspicion he plans on keeping you round and waddling until the day he dies, and he plans on living a long long time. Not that you mind, you were raised to do this, proud to have finally begun fulfilling your duties to provide for your prince.
Once permission is granted to touch you again, the prince begins inviting you out on hunting parties with all his friends. The fully grown babes in your belly protest from the movement of your horse, and once the prince notices, he quickens the parties pace to a sprint, smirking as your sensitive body struggles with the unforgiving pace. Later, when the party stops to make camp, he, of course, rewards you by passing you around to all his friends. While his friends fuck you, the prince brags about what a good nurse maid you'll be, how obscenely full he's going to make you, how he plans to have a ridiculous number of heirs. When he brags about how each of your tits is going to be bigger than your head, you can't help but whine and cum around whoever's cock is plowing into you. His friends all laugh and tease you on how eager you are to make your prince's dream come true. And it's true, you would do anything for your prince, and you would do anything to make his vision a reality, and it doesn't even matter that you want the same thing, somehow even more than the prince does. Soon after he begins to take you on these hunting parties, your belly begins to swell again, and your tits follow soon after. Your prince begins to take you almost everywhere, either enjoying your sensitive swollen body himself or allowing whoever's near to satisfy your growing libido. It becomes clear quite quickly that the prince doesn't plan to keep you all to himself.
A few years pass, after near constantly growing another baby or so in your womb, and you've grown so big that bards have begun to sing songs about your gravidity, your heavy tits, your all consuming desire to spread your legs and serve your prince. The prince himself gazes upon you with royal pride in public, and unbridled desire as he suckles like a glutton on your breasts and mercilessly fucks you like he's breeding you for the first time.
There has been talk recently of finding your prince a match, and he begins to feed you fertility supplements, planning on getting you as baby filled and ripe as possible to impress his future spouse. By the time the princess arrives at court to make arrangements, you've had to have several custom chairs made to hold your weight and your teats have become so overfull that at least once a day you need to go down to the stablehands to get milked. You're a little disappointed you don't get as much attention from the prince as you've gotten used to since he's been busy courting his possible future spouse to be. Riding the princess's knights and making them compete for who gets to put some new bastards in your belly only distracts you for so long. Your brain has been so addled by all the pregnancy hormones and fertility supplements raging through your system, especially with the growing triplets of one of those knights, that for a little while you forget your purpose, and in your jealousy, resolve to hate the new princess.
Of course, then the princess asks you to tea. You resolve to be as stiff and unwelcoming as possible, hopeful that maybe she'll just go back to wherever she came from, and you can have your prince all to yourself again. But then, she spreads a cloth napkin in her lap before she nibbles on a dry cookie, then she takes a sip of her plain tea, scrunches up her nose, holds out her teacup, and asks you for milk. For a moment you're confused, but then you see the way she glances down at your chest, a sparkle in her eyes so similar to the way the prince looks at you; and without a moments thought more you lean forward, lifting up your heavy teat out of your shirt, and can't help but whimper a little as you give the sensitive flesh a squeeze. A burst of milk squirts out, already full even after a thorough milking session at the stables earlier that day. The princess smiles as you both watch your milk swirl and mix with her tea, she puts it up to her lips and her head falls back a bit in satisfaction, as if it's the best damn tea she's ever had. She explains to you that she's heard a lot about you from your prince, and she wanted to make sure you lived up to the promise of her future nurse maid before she agreed to wed the prince. She would have only the best supply of milk for her future heirs and nothing less, and so far, you seem to live up to the promise. But, she smirks, that could just be the tea. Perhaps she should taste it from the source she says as she beckons you into her lap. You awkwardly settle into her lap, and she doesn't hesitate to take one of your nipples into her mouth, gaze full of unbridled lust that is so similar and yet so thrillingly different from your beloved prince. At the thought of him, you can't help but begin to grind your hips back and forth, desperate for friction. The princess obliges, and her well manicured fingers press into you, mercilessly pressing down into your most sensitive spots, some of which you didn't even know you had. When she's done, you're a mess. Your tits are only half drained, but as she guides you back to your own chair, you can see her belly slightly bloated from all the milk she drank of you. She folds the napkin, soaked in your fluids from cumming over and over again on her fingers, and tucks it into her dress as she whispers in your ear her plan to give the prince her answer right away.
That night, the prince finds you to reveal the good news of his betrothal to the princess and shows you just how much he appreciates the very important part you played in convincing her to seal the deal. He wears you out so much that night that you sleep through the official announcement the next morning. A week or so later, you're front row at the wedding, crying out of love and pride for your prince, the sentimentality of a wedding, but mostly out of excitement at finally being so close to fulfilling your duties. The wedded prince and princess don't invite you into their marriage bed right away, but once it's confirmed the princess is with child, you're in there almost every night, the prince and princess both insisting that drinking your milk will help the growth of their heir. And grow she does, and soon it's confirmed, she's pregnant with twins, just as you were, and are, with the first of the royal bastards still blessing your womb.
Near the end of her pregnancy, just when her breasts begin to get tight and sore, yours begin to feel tighter and fuller than ever before, as if out of sympathy, making you weep with relief and pain when anyone coaxes even a droplet of milk from them, as if your teats know it's only a matter of days before their destiny is fulfilled. When she goes into labor, you're right there, having been trained to help midwife to be the best nurse maid possible. You help hold her up, her smaller belly resting against yours, siblings separated by thin walls of skin kick in greeting, one set on their way to meet the world to be raised as royals, the rest to remain as bastards in stasis, gaining sibling after sibling in perpetuity, until released into the world on the prince's whim. The thought makes you suddenly desperate for the prince's cock. But there will be plenty of time for that later, once the royal twins are born.
It seems like an eternity before the first baby is born, but once they are it seems like your tits hear the baby's cries before your ears do, from the way they begin to release a torrent of milk in anticipation. The baby is brought to their mother first, then handed to you to begin feeding as the princess begins to labor with her second. You weep in ecstasy as the first royal heir begins to suckle from your breast, knowing that this is what you were made for, what you were raised to do, and when you gratefully look back up at your prince, you know you'll be doing this the rest of your life.
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royalsimsofyazmia · 12 days
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Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Princess of Yazmia, Duke & Duchess of Oasis Springs have released new photos of the couple, during the Crown Princess' pregnancy.o
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melenae · 8 months
and what’s this???
by god—
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buckets-and-trees · 18 days
The Silence of the Hushed Sublime
Collection: CEDAR TREES Characters/Pairings: King!Steve Rogers x Queen!Reader Word Count: 4.8k Summary: A morning one month after the Spring Equinox. You savor some of the precious time before you as king and queen have to take up your royal duties - but this morning will be different than any that came before.
Content & Warnings: royal au, pregnancy conditions, discussion of pregnancy and children, smut: breast play, unprotected vaginal intercourse, brief cock stroking and vaginal fingering, edging into a pregnancy kink (probably)
Author Notes: I PROMISED I'D UPDATE SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE 2200 FOLLOWERS, AND HERE IT IS!While a few others put up a fight, and even temporarily edged into the lead, King Steve came out triumphant in the end! It's been a busy summer with other projects, so I was thrilled to see him leading most of the time because it gave me the perfect excuse to prioritize him! Also... even though I've been planning this chapter for months with very clear ideas of its outline, the muse still surprised me, but I won't say more than that for now...
Narrative Notes: To read previous pieces chronologically, refer to the masterlist for the Cedar Trees Collection.
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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The soft song of birds coaxes you into consciousness, and you are susprised to find yourself awake before Steve - a rare thing. Before him, you were never much for mornings, but now you enjoy the time bathed in the glow of the warm morning sunlight and blissfully showered in his attention, woken up with kisses and soft murmurings, and his beard against your neck, your shoulder, your cheek.
But this morning, as you slowly come into consciousness, you roll to your side, careful not to disturb him, and smile as you get a rare opportunity to study his face without distraction and without him knowing.
Your eyes trace the strong line of his jaw, softened by his beard, and you resist the urge to reach out and run your fingers through it. His lips are slightly parted, and you can hear the soft, steady rhythm of his breathing. His brow is smooth, free from the creases of concentration or worry that often mark it during the day. In sleep, he looks younger, more carefree.
You let your gaze wander down to his broad shoulders, exposed above the sheets. The early morning light casts a golden glow on his skin, highlighting the contours of his muscles. Even in repose, there's a quiet strength to his features that never fails to captivate you.
As you watch him, a wave of tenderness washes over you. This man, your husband, your king - he's everything you never knew you wanted or needed. The love you feel for him sometimes overwhelms you with its intensity.
Your hand drifts down to rest on your belly. You haven't told him yet, wanting to be absolutely certain, but you're fairly sure now. The nausea that's been plaguing you in the mornings, the tenderness in your breasts, the absence of your monthly courses - all signs point to the fact that you're with child.
As if sensing your scrutiny, Steve begins to stir. His eyelids flutter, and a small groan escapes his lips as he stretches. When his eyes finally open, they immediately find yours, and a sleepy smile spreads over his face.
"Good morning, my love," Steve murmurs, his voice husky with sleep. He reaches out to pull you closer, nuzzling into your neck. "This is a pleasant surprise. Usually, I'm the one watching you sleep."
You can't help but laugh softly, running your fingers through his tousled hair. "I couldn't resist. You looked so peaceful."
His arms tighten around you, and you feel the familiar warmth of desire spreading through your body. After months of marriage, he ignites fire along your skin every time he touches you.
As he holds you, you can feel your heart racing, the weight of your secret pressing upon you. You want to tell him, to share this joy and excitement with him, but a small voice inside your head whispers caution.
It's still early, too early. You don't want to get his hopes up, or worse, disappoint him if something were to happen. You feel you shiuld wait a little longer, just to be sure.
Steve senses your hesitation and pulls back slightly to look at you. "Is everything alright?" he asks, concern etched in his features.
You force a smile and nod. "Yes, everything's fine. I was just thinking about how fortunate I am to have you."
He smiles back at you before leaning in for a soft kiss. His lips are gentle against yours, full of love and warmth.
"I'm the fortunate one," he says as he pulls away.
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, Steve begins tracing circles on your cheek with his thumb. "I've been meaning to ask you something," he says after a moment of silence.
"What is it?" You ask curiously.
"I know we've talked about starting a family one day," Steve starts nervously. "But I was wondering if...if now might be the right time?"
Your heart swells at his words and the butterflies in your stomach flutter frantically. Does he already suspect? Or is this just a coincidence?
"I think that would be wonderful," you say softly, unable to keep the happiness out of your voice.
Steve's face lights up in excitement and relief all at once. He wraps his arms around you tightly and presses kisses along your neck while whispering words of love and excitement.
As he peppers small kisses along your jawline and collarbone, tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You can't believe how lucky you are to have found such a caring and loving partner.
Your legs tangle with his, and you pull his lips to yours, engaging him in a long, languid kiss. Your bodies move together, easing into lustier territory, but neither of you feeling the pressure to rush things along.
After a few more minutes, you break off the kiss and rest your forehead to his. He breathes you in, and your chest tightens in contentment.
But then suddenly, you’re overcome with a wave of nausea rolling over you. You quickly sit up, pressing a hand to your mouth.
"My love?" he questions, reaching for you, voice full of concern.
You shake your head, unable to speak as you fight the urge to be sick. Steve sits up immediately, worry etched on his face. He rubs your back soothingly as you take deep breaths.
After a moment, the nausea passes. You look at Steve, a mix of excitement and trepidation in your eyes. Your heart races. This is the moment, you realize. You take a deep breath, gathering your courage. "Steve, I have something to tell you."
His blue eyes widen, a flicker of understanding passing through them. He takes your hand, his thumb stroking your knuckles gently. "What is it, my love?" he asks softly, though there's an undercurrent of anticipation in his voice.
You take another deep breath, your free hand instinctively moving to rest on your stomach. "I believe I might already be with child," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
For a moment, Steve is utterly still, his hand frozen on your back. Then, his face transforms, a look of pure joy and wonder spreading across his features. "Truly?" he breathes, his voice filled with wonder and joy.
You nod, tears of happiness welling in your eyes. "I'm not entirely certain yet, but all the signs are there. I've been starting to feel ill in the mornings, I’ve now fully missed my courses twice…”
Steve's arms are around you in an instant, pulling you close to his chest. You can feel his body tremble with emotion, and he presses kisses to every inch of your face, exuberantly showering your forehead, your cheeks, your eyelids, lips, nose, jaw, temples with his excitement.
Steve pulls back slightly to look at you, cupping your face in his hands and brushing away a stray tear that has escaped down your cheek. "This is the greatest news I could have ever hoped for," says, voice thick with adoration.
You smile radiantly, bursting with happiness, thrilled to finally be sharing this with him, the one who holds every piece of your heart.
You're overwhelmed by the love and joy radiating from Steve's eyes. Unable to contain your emotions any longer, you pull him in for another kiss. This one is different from the gentle, sleepy kisses you shared earlier. It's filled with passion, promise, and the excitement of your shared future.
Your lips move against his with increasing urgency, and Steve responds in kind. His hands, which were cradling your face, now slide down to your waist, pulling you closer. You can feel the heat of his skin through the thin fabric of your nightgown, igniting a fire within you.
As the kiss deepens, you part your lips, inviting him in. Steve's tongue meets yours, and a soft moan escapes you. The sound seems to fuel his passion further, and he gently lowers you back onto the bed, his body hovering over yours.
Your fingers tangle in his hair, as you deepen the kiss. Steve's hand caresses your side, sliding down to your thigh and hitching your leg over his hip. The weight of his body presses you into the mattress, igniting sparks of pleasure everywhere you touch.
He breaks the kiss to trail his lips down your neck, pausing to lavish attention on the sensitive spot just below your ear that never fails to make you shiver.
"My love," he murmurs against your skin, his voice husky with desire. "My queen. The mother of my child." Each endearment is punctuated with a kiss, each one sending sparks of pleasure coursing through you.
Your hands slide down his back, feeling the play of muscles beneath his skin. You arch into him, craving more contact. Steve's hand skims down your side, over your hip, and then slowly pushes up your nightgown. His fingers trace patterns on your bare thigh, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"Steve," you breathe, your voice a mix of pleasure and need.
Steve's eyes darken with desire at the sound of his name on your lips. In one fluid motion, he flips you both over, rolling onto his back and settling you atop him. The sudden change in position elicits a gasp of surprise and delight from you.
Your nightgown has ridden up, bunched around your waist, leaving your lower half bare against his skin. Steve's hands slide up your thighs, over your hips, and finally come up to span your waist. His thumbs stroke the soft skin just beneath your breasts, sending shivers of anticipation through your body.
Steve's gaze roams over you, drinking in the sight of you above him, bathed in the soft morning light.
"You're breathtaking," he murmurs, voice rough with want.
It sends shivers up your spine, and you place your hands on his broad chest for balance, feeling his heart racing beneath your fingertips. Slowly, deliberately, you roll your hips
Your movements elicit a deep groan from Steve, his fingers digging into your hips. The friction sends waves of pleasure through you, and you repeat the motion, savoring the way his body responds to yours.
Steve's hands slide up your sides, taking your nightgown with them. You raise your arms, allowing him to pull the garment over your head and toss it aside. His eyes darken as they roam over your newly exposed skin, lingering on the subtle changes in your body that hint at the new life growing within you.
"So beautiful," he breathes, his voice filled with awe and desire.
Steve's hands explore your body, caressing every curve and plane with reverence. When his palms brush over your breasts, you gasp.
He chuckles. He’s always loved your breasts.
Steve's thumbs brush over your sensitive nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. You arch into his touch, craving more. His hands cup your breasts gently, massaging them with just the right amount of pressure.
"Are they more sensitive now?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
You nod, unable to form words as he continues his ministrations. Steve sits up, wrapping an arm around your waist to steady you as he brings his mouth to your breast. The first touch of his lips against your sensitive skin makes you cry out softly.
His tongue swirls around your nipple before he takes it into his mouth, sucking gently. The sensation is almost overwhelming in its intensity. Your fingers tangle in his hair, holding him close as waves of pleasure wash over you.
Steve lavishes attention on both breasts, alternating between gentle kisses, licks, and soft suckling. Your body writhes atop his, pleasure building with each touch. Steve's hands roam your back, your hips, your thighs, as if he can't get enough of feeling your skin beneath his palms.
You can feel his arousal pressing insistently against you, and you roll your hips again, relishing the groan that escapes him. Steve's head falls back, exposing the column of his throat. Unable to resist, you lean forward and press your lips to his neck, trailing kisses up to his jaw.
"My love," Steve breathes, his voice rough with desire. "I need you."
His words send a jolt down your spine. You capture his lips in a passionate kiss, pouring all your love and desire into it. Steve's hands grip your hips, guiding you as you slowly lower yourself onto him.
You both gasp as you sink down onto him, your bodies joining together. The sensation is exquisite, and for a moment, you simply hold still, savoring the feeling of completeness. Steve's hands tighten on your hips, his breath coming in short pants against your neck.
"You feel incredible," he murmurs, pressing hot kisses along your collarbone.
Slowly, you begin to move, rolling your hips in a steady rhythm. Steve matches your movements, thrusting up to meet you. The pleasure builds with each motion, waves of sensation washing over you.
Steve's hands roam your body, caressing every inch of skin he can reach. His touch is reverent as it always is, but there’s also an almost imperceptible change in it, more protective. When his fingers brush over your stomach, where your child grows, a surge of emotion wells up within you.
He looks back up into your eyes, his blue irises bold with an intensity that always takes your breath away. But they’re also glassy with unshed tears of pride.
You lean down to capture his lips in a passionate kiss, your bare skin pressing against his chest, his coarse chest hair playing deliciously against your nipples. You grind down on his hips again, needing more friction.
Steve groans into your mouth, his hands gripping your hips tighter as he matches your rhythm. The pleasure builds with each movement, waves of sensation washing over you both. Your bodies move together in perfect synchronicity, a dance you've perfected over months of loving each other.
You break the kiss, gasping for air as you arch your back, changing the angle slightly. The new position sends sparks of pleasure shooting through you, and you cry out softly. Steve's eyes are fixed on you, drinking in every expression of pleasure that crosses your face.
"That's it, my love," he murmurs encouragingly, his voice rough with desire. "Let me see you."
His words spur you on, and you increase your pace, chasing the building pleasure. Steve's hands slide up your sides to cup your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your sensitive nipples. The dual sensations of him inside you and his hands on your breasts send you spiraling higher. Your movements become more frantic as you near your peak.
Steve senses your urgency and slides one hand down between your bodies, his skilled fingers finding that sensitive bundle of nerves. The added stimulation is almost too much, and you cry out his name as waves of pleasure crash over you.
Your inner walls clench around him, and Steve groans deeply. His hips buck up into you as he follows you over the edge, his release pulsing inside you.
For a moment, you both remain still, panting heavily as you come down from your shared high. Steve's arms wrap around you, holding you close against his chest. You nuzzle into his neck, pressing soft kisses to his skin.
"I love you," you murmur, your voice heavy with emotion. "So much."
Steve's hand comes up to cradle the back of your neck, gently guiding your face to his. His eyes, still dark with passion, search yours with an intensity that makes your breath catch.
"And I love you," he says, his voice thick with emotion. "More than I ever thought possible." His thumb strokes your cheek tenderly.
Then he gently rolls you both onto your sides, keeping you close as he softly strokes your hair. His other hand rests protectively over your lower abdomen, a gesture that makes your heart swell with love.
"Our child," he murmurs in awe, his eyes shining with joy as they meet yours. "I can scarcely believe it."
You smile, placing your hand over his. "I know. It still feels surreal to me too."
Steve leans in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "You've given me everything, my love. You brought vibrant color to this kingdom, and now a family and a future brighter than I could have ever dreamed."
You feel tears prick at your eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and the enormity of the moment. Steve leans in, pressing a soft, reverent kiss to your lips. When he pulls back, there's a hint of mischief in his smile.
"Though I must say," he adds, his tone lighter, "if this is how your body reacts while pregnant, I may have to get you with child more often.”
You laugh, playfully swatting his chest. "Careful what you wish for, my king. We may end up with a whole brood of little ones running about the castle."
Steve's eyes light up at the thought. "And what a joyous chaos that would be," he says, pulling you closer. "Our own little kingdom within these walls."
You snuggle into his warmth, relishing the feeling of his strong arms around you. "It would certainly keep us on our toes," you muse, imagining the pitter-patter of tiny feet echoing through the corridors.
Steve's hand moves to your belly again, his touch gentle and reverent. "I can't wait to meet this little one," he says softly. "To see your eyes in their face, or perhaps your smile."
You place your hand over his, intertwining your fingers. "Or your sharp nose, and your strength.”
His expression softens as he gazes at you, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your stomach. "How are you feeling? Truly?"
You take a moment to consider, assessing your body. "A bit nauseous still," you admit. "But mostly, I feel happy. Excited. And a little scared," you add softly.
Steve's arms tighten around you reassuringly. "It's alright to be scared," he murmurs. "This is new territory for both of us. We will face it together, as we always have."
You nod, burrowing closer into his warmth. "I know. There is simply so much to think about. So much to prepare."
Steve nods thoughtfully, his fingers gently combing through your hair. "Indeed there is. But we have time, my love. We will take it one step at a time."
You smile, feeling comforted by his steady presence. "You are right. Though I suppose we should start thinking about when to make the announcement."
Steve's eyes light up at the thought. "Ah yes, sharing our joy with the kingdom." He pauses, a hint of concern crossing his face. "Though perhaps we should wait a bit longer, to be certain?"
You nod in agreement. "My thoughts exactly. I would like to consult with the royal physician first, to confirm everything is progressing as it should."
"Of course," Steve says, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "We will keep this our little secret for now."
“I do think it in order that we soon bring Lord Barnes into our confidence on this,” you said, drumming your fingers lightly over Steve’s chest. “And Viscount Coulson.”
“You need not feel obligated, we can alter our morning routine and breakfast privately again,” clearly thinking you felt it would be necessary to explain the morning sickness when it plagued you in their presence.
“Oh, no, no,” you counter. “They should know. They are your closest advisors and our trusted friends, are they not?”
“Bucky all my life, and Coulson these many years I’ve been king.”
“Then we will tell them over the next few days,” you insist.
“And the Duchess?” Steve queries.
You bite your lip and drop your gaze for a moment.
Steve lets out a teasing but incredulous laugh. “She already knows.”
“She suspects. But you know she knows everything - she is the one who said something to me a few weeks back to get me questioning my condition myself.”
Steve shakes his head. “Unsurprising, really.”
“You have no idea,” you laugh.
Steve is pensive for a moment. “Did you say a few weeks ago?”
“Mhmm,” you nod.
He searches your face, and you try briefly to hold back a smile. Your brilliant king is putting pieces into place.
“Spring solstice, in the forest…”
“I was only hesitantly starting to think I may be with child then.”
There is no unease in his face, only love.
His hand splays protectively over your stomach once more. "I swear to you both, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy."
You place your hand over his, intertwining your fingers. "I know you will. You're already an incredible husband, a stalwart king, and you'll be an amazing father."
Steve's eyes twinkle with mischief as he pulls you closer once more. "Speaking of being an amazing husband," he murmurs, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "perhaps I should demonstrate my devotion once more?" His hand slides teasingly along your thigh.
A shiver of anticipation runs through you. "Oh? And how do you propose to do that, my king?" you tease, running your fingers through his beard.
"Well," Steve says, rolling you onto your back and hovering over you, "I believe it starts something like this..." He dips his head, pressing a trail of hot kisses down your neck and across your collarbone.
You gasp as his lips find a particularly sensitive spot, your body arching into his touch, fingers tangling in his hair. “My, my, Your Majesty, you are insatiable."
He grins, pulling you closer. "Only for you, my love. Always for you." Steve captures your lips in yet another searing kiss, rolling you onto your back. His body covers yours, warm and solid, as his hands begin to roam. You arch into him, always ready to be taken by this man, nay, yearning for it.
As Steve's hands roam your body, igniting sparks of pleasure everywhere they touch, a sudden wave of nausea washes over you. You break the kiss abruptly, turning your head to the side and taking deep breaths.
"My love?" Steve's voice is filled with concern as he pulls back slightly, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "Are you alright?"
You nod, still focusing on your breathing. "Just a moment of queasiness," you manage to say. "It will pass."
Steve immediately shifts, gathering you into his arms and cradling you against his chest. His hand rubs soothing circles on your back as he presses a tender kiss to your forehead. "Perhaps we should rest a while longer," he suggests softly.
You nestle into his embrace, feeling the nausea slowly subside. "I'm sorry," you murmur against neck.
“Do not apologize, your body is engaged in an arduous and demanding task.”
You take a few deep breaths. “Perhaps some water?” you ask.
Steve’s action is immediate, gently extricating himself from you and swiftly crossing the room to pour a glass of water from the crystal pitcher nearby. He presses it into your hands, and resumes his spot next to you as you drink.
“Better?” he asks once you have finished sipping down the cool and calming liquid.
“Mostly,” you answer, reaching to set the glass on the bedside table.
“What else do can I do?” he asks.
Truly feeling the nausea melted away, you turn back to him, an impish grin on your face, and reach for his hand. Steve's eyes darken with renewed desire as you guide his hand between your legs. He groans softly, feeling your warmth and wetness against his fingers. "Are you certain?" he asks, his voice husky with want but tinged with concern.
You nod, pulling him closer. "I am. I want you, Steve. Always."
He needs no further encouragement. His skilled fingers begin to stroke and tease, drawing soft gasps and moans from your lips. You arch into his touch, craving more. Steve's mouth finds yours in a passionate kiss as his fingers continue their ministrations.
Your hands roam his body, tracing the familiar planes of muscle and sinew. When you reach between his legs, you find him already hard and ready. Steve groans into your mouth as you wrap your hand around him, stroking slowly.
"Please," you breathe against his lips. "I need-”
A soft knock at the door interrupts you both. You freeze, eyes wide, as Steve calls out, "Who is it?"
"It's Lord Barnes, Your Majesty," comes the muffled reply.
Steve withdraws the two fingers that were buried in your cunt, and you whine softly at the loss of him.
"I apologize for the early intrusion,” he explains, “but there's an urgent matter requiring your attention."
Steve groans softly, resting his forehead against yours. "Of course there is," he mutters, then calls out, "One moment, Bucky."
You can't help but giggle softly at his frustrated expression. "Duty calls, my love," you whisper, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
He shoots you a playful glare before nipping at your jaw. "Don't move," he whispers. "I'll be right back."
Steve rolls out of bed, hastily pulling on a robe. You admire the view as he crosses the room, enjoying the way the fabric clings to his muscular form. He throws you a knowing smirk over his shoulder before opening the door just enough to speak with Bucky.
You can't make out their hushed conversation, but you see Steve's posture stiffen slightly. Whatever the matter is, it's serious enough to warrant immediate attention. You sit up, pulling the sheet up to cover your you. After a few moments, Steve nods and Bucky leaves.
Steve closes the door methodically, and his brow is furrowed in worry and thought as he turns back to look at you.
“Hydras forces are mobilizing near our northern border. Our scouts report they may be planning an incursion within the fortnight."
You are no stranger to the bloody and barbaric history Hydra has unleashed on many kingdoms over the last century. They showed no preference for where they tried to conquer, striking at kingdoms all across the continent. They moved swiftly, always emerging out of the unknown and shifting shadows they grew in, rising up in violence, brutality, and chaos. They tried to mount a campaign against your grandfather’s kingdom before you were born, and luckily, with the aid of allies, he was able to fight back and send them back.
They had struck many others before, and had struck twice on the other side of he continent since then.
Now, it seems, they were here.
“I must-”
“Yes,” you nod. “You must act with all wisdom and haste. Go.”
He nods solemnly, turning to go.
Steve hesitates for a moment, his hand on the door handle. He turns back to you, his eyes filled with a mixture of love, concern, and determination. In three long strides, he's back at your side, cupping your face in his hands.
"I love you," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "Both of you."
Before you can respond, his lips are on yours, soft yet urgent. Steve's kiss is deep and passionate, conveying all the words left unspoken between you. His fingers tangle in your hair, pulling you closer as if he's trying to memorize every detail of this moment. The rough texture of his beard against your skin, the warmth of his breath mingling with yours. You melt into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pour all your love and support into it.
When Steve finally pulls away, his eyes are dark with emotion. He rests his forehead against yours for a moment, taking a deep breath.
"I love you too," you whisper, your voice wavering only slightly.
"I'll return as soon as I can," he promises softly. His hand drifts down to rest briefly on your stomach, a gesture that makes your heart swell with emotion.
You nod, your hand coming up to caress his cheek. "Be safe, my love. We'll be waiting for you."
Steve's gaze lingers for a moment before he straightens up, then turns away with visible reluctance. But his steps grow purposeful and full of determination as he strides towards the door. The air around him seems to shift and crackle with raw power, his posture regal and commanding as his shoulders square and his jaw clenches. By the time he reaches the door, he has transformed into the king revered and respected by so many - every inch of him radiating authority and strength.
You are no fool, you know he’s walking into dangerous paths, and though you are fearful of the threat and how it will play out over the days and possibly weeks ahead, there is a fire of hope that you will guard and fan the flames of because you believe in him.
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
I have vague plot points that I did intend on incorporating later in this collection, but THIS HYDRA ONE WAS NEWS TO ME! I thought we were just in store for a nice pregnancy news sharing morning, and then BAM, the muse was like, "YOU WANT SURPRISE NEWS, HERE'S SOME SURPRISE NEWS!" Definitely threw a wrench into my original plans! BUT HYDRA GOTTA HYDRA, AS THE KIDS SAY. no, they don't, they don't say that...
READ THE NEXT PART: COMING SOON read more of the Cedar Trees AU
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mpreg-celeb · 1 year
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Taylor Zakhar Perez & Nicholas Galitzine
(Alex Claremont-Diaz & Prince Henry) 🇺🇸❤️🇬🇧
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royalchildreneurope · 22 days
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New : Prince Carl Philip of Sweden and Princess Sofia of Sweden are pleased to announce that The Princess is expecting their fourth child.
The baby is due in February 2025 and will be 8th in the succession line to the throne.
The couple has already three children : Prince Alexander (8 years old), Prince Gabriel (7 years old) and Prince Julian (3 years old) -September 2nd 2024.
📷 : Kungahuset.
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I mean from what we know of the British royals health has always been fine until this year
I mean, the Queen did die before this year and I haven’t looked it up but I believe death is a pretty serious health issue
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warwickroyals · 2 months
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↬ Warwick Wives (2/7) | royal wives during the reigns of Louis III & James I, 1817 - 1857
Both Louis III and James I were unpopular, their reigns were characterised mostly by the royal family's struggle to produce a male heir. In the mid-nineteenth century, the middle-aged, promiscuous and ill-tempered sons of Louis II, vied for the throne. They scrambled to marry and have children. This power struggle divided their young wives, who over the years became jealous, power-hungry, and cunning.
E L I Z A B E T H was the daughter of a wealthy American merchant, the first of House Warwick's many American brides. She married Hereditary Prince Frederick, the only child of King Louis III, in 1826. Criticized as morganatic, the marriage was harmonious but deeply unpopular. Elizabeth was tiny but fierce, with Frederick calling her his "Pocket Artemis" due to her spirited personality and uncharacteristic love of hunting. During her time as Hereditary Princess, Elizabeth was a strong voice for social reforms, although her activism was pointedly ignored by the staunchly conservative king and royal dukes. Elizabeth and Frederick had no children at the time of his early death, sparking a succession crisis. Elizabeth remained close to her in-laws, but later remarried and had four children, the eldest of which was named Frederick.
C A R O L I N E married fifty-three-year-old James, Duke of Lennox when she was twenty-six. The marriage was chiefly a political one, in light of Prince Frederick's death and King Louis III's unhappy marriage with Queen Mary Caroline the Duke was increasingly likely to succeed to the throne. James despised his younger brothers, the Dukes of Glenciarn, Bessarion, Westminster, and Keele, and saw them as a threat to his inheritance. When a healthy son, the future Louis IV, was born in 1840, James was relieved.
Caroline herself was miserable. Her marriage to James had also produced several children who were stillborn or died in infancy. With her health permanently weakened, Caroline was isolated at Lennox House, where she lived with Louis separately from her husband. German by birth, she spoke broken English (although many historians believe this was an act to appear unassuming) and had a hard time adjusting to life in Sunderland. When she became Queen, her situation improved, but she attracted the ire of the Duchess of Glencairn by snubbing her son. Their rivalry would haunt Caroline for the rest of her life. While she was an affectionate mother to Louis, Caroline was intentionally cruel to James's numerous illegitimate children. She promptly banished them from court after James died in 1857.
Caroline has the great accomplishment of being the first woman to serve as a regent. During Louis IV's minority, she governed with a surprising level of competence; but she was unable to control Louis, who had grown temperamental and spoilt.
I M O G E N was stern and grim, with a sharp, unsmiling face. Despite this, in 1837 she left her home in England for the man she loved—the kindhearted Prince Henry, an amateur playwright and the third son of King Louis II. Imogen was passionately in love with her husband and she took pride in her two children. The couple's youngest, George, was the first male-line grandson of Louis II since Hereditary Prince Frederick's death, and Imogen was convinced he would be king someday.
Imogen was crushed by Henry's early death in 1840; after which she became paranoid, controlling, and antagonistic. For the next eighteen years, Imogen clung to George, fearing that his uncles would murder him to secure their own claims. When King Louis IV was enthroned in 1857, with Imogen's arch-enemy Queen Caroline serving as regent, Imogen returned to London, dragging her reluctant teenage children with her. By the time George became king in 1860, Imogen was estranged from him. The pair only reconciled after George became a father in 1862.
E L I Z A B E T H was another German princess who married a son of King Louis II. Prince Reginald's horrific reputation preseeded him, and the seventeen-year-old Elizabeth trembled on her way up to the altar. Reginald was a career soldier who lived a Spartan lifestyle and the rumours surrounding him ranged from off-putting to abhorrent. Luckily for Elizabeth, these rumours were mostly conjecture, and Reginald treated his wife with a "passing indifference". Reginald's military career was sporadic, and he left Elizabeth alone at his city estate for increasingly long stretches of time.
Elizabeth ran a carefree but lonely household. She was often seen picking flowers around the mansion's perimeter and trying to befriend the serving girls and vagabond women who passed through the estate, often giving away her possessions to win their friendship. In her later years, Elizabeth was aggravated by her late husband's debts. While Queen Alexandra, dismissed Elizabeth as peu de chose (not much), King George I was saddened when Elizabeth died.
J A N E had a habit of chewing on caraway seeds. She was pleasant, but known to pry. She came from a family of Sunderlandian aristocracy, a descendant of the Prussian entourage that followed King Louis I and Queen Whilmenina into Sunderland in the 1780s. Her family name Smith was adopted after King Louis II anglicized his own name from the German Hohenzollern to Warwick—an attempt to distance himself from Prussia. Jane married King Louis II's youngest surviving son, Prince Robert, who was fifteen years her senior. Robert was polarizing and widely despised for his controversial stint in the House of Lords. Despite this, the marriage was a happy one and Robert doted on his wife. Jane was the favourite aunt of King Louis IV but his successor, George I, had little love for her and his mother distrusted her.
M A R T H A was a large and domineering woman. Despite marrying the fifth son of King Louis II, she had a bravado that outpaced her station. Unlike her sisters-in-law, Martha remained a prominent member of the royal family during the reign of her nephew, King George I. Known to be an extravagant hostess, Dear Aunt Westminster drank and ate in excess, and habitually burned through her generous pension. She also quarrelled with Queen Alexandra, who thought her impertinent. Family drama quashed Martha's high ambitions in the later half of the 19th century. Her elder son was disinherited after marrying his mistress and her second entered a loveless political union that produced one daughter, Anne. Martha died at the age of ninety-five in 1911, making her one of the longest-lived members of the royal family. Just two years after her death, her granddaughter Anne married the future King George II.
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trexalicious · 3 months
Her Majesty repeatedly shooing away H and his cable tv actress wife from standing near her after Eugenie and Jack's wedding. The wedding reception where Rachel announced her faux pregnancy...
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gravidwithlore · 3 months
Your marriage to the King was a union of transaction, just the pure necessity of trade and contract between wealthy nobles ambitious for more wealth. And the King treated you as such. He never bothered with conversation, or compliments. He barely even acknowledged you unless he needed to. And it seemed like his duty to seed you with an heir was the most tedious chore of all. The King was distant as he bred you, eyes squeezed shut as he concentrated on getting the deed done as quickly as possible, leaving you to finish satisfying yourself, if you so chose to.
On one of these briefly scheduled meetings, you mentioned you'd felt a slight swell to your belly and some nausea. The King called in the royal nurses to confirm, and they were quick to congratulate him on his future heirs. You imagined he would breathe a sigh of relief, duty fulfilled, the weekly meetings canceled. But the next week, he arrived right on time, hesitantly feeling the soft barely noticeable swell of your belly as he thrust into you, muttering a gentle command to tell him how you realized you were with child, biting his lip and groaning as you complied.
As you grow, so does the Kings desire for you. Before, he barely gave you enough pleasure for you to even be upset at being left unsatisfied by the end of your meetings. But each new meeting goes on longer and longer, the meetings more frequent and less strictly scheduled. The first time the King makes you cum, you're about 4 months along, your belly already so heavy on your lungs as you lay on your back, legs wrapped around His Majesty as he bucks into you, his hands and mouth roaming across the undeniable baby bump beginning to dominate your frame. He's begun to shower you with praise on how good you are at carrying his babies, his heirs, how ripe and fertile you are, how lucky he is to have negotiated to marry someone so perfectly made to be bred. His mouth begins to drift higher, towards the newly growing swells of your chest, already preparing to feed the future royals growing within you, his lips latching on to your hyper sensitive nipple. At the same time his hand drifts to entirely new territory, between your legs, where he's never bothered to pay much attention, at least where your pleasure was concerned. Between the new sensations of your body and the new sensations of your Kings administrations, you find yourself overwhelmed with pleasure. For the first time in your life, you cum. Your eyes roll back in your head, your legs clamp around your husband's waist, as you squeal in pleasure and babble and beg for him to put another baby in you. Eyes alight with excitement, His Majesty has no choice but to do his best to fulfill your wishes, as impossible as they may be in that moment.
He only grows more and more enamored with you, with your gravid body, as not just your belly grows, but your breasts, your hips, your thighs swell until you barely recognize yourself in the mirror anymore. Not that you have much time to be looking in a mirror with the way your royal husband keeps pawing at your body. The King wants you there at every meeting, every dinner, every possible moment, and when everyone else is dismissed, it's not long before you're both in a state of indecency. It's gotten to the point where the Kings advisors seek you out and beg you to start rebuffing the Kings advances, he's starting to become distracted from his Kingly duties. But you're horny hormone addled brain can much less resist the Kings advances as much as the King can resist losing himself in the new softness of your pregnant body.
When you're just over 9 months along, the babies in your belly big and overdue despite all odds, you sit uncomfortably in the throne next to your husband's as he meets with his advisors. The babes, you'll find out soon enough how many, kick and stretch, uncomfortable themselves in their turned positions. Your belly dropped a few days ago, much to your husband's delight as he fucked you and made you describe exactly how you felt being so full and heavy and close to birth, and now you feel almost overwhelmed by how full and fertile you've become. A twinge flashes across your lower back, then stretches across the stretched dome of your belly. You try to quietly breathe through it, the only sign of your pain a brief squeezing of your husband's hand. He finishes discussing the topic at hand, and waves his advisors out of the room. When the last grumbling noble leaves, he turns to you, his eyes twinkling with warmth, affection, admiration. An expression that would have been completely out of place on the Kings face just a year ago. He can tell your time has come, and gently asks how you'd like him. You heave your heavy body onto his lap, your gravid belly pushing against him, pinning him into his throne. You tell him you'd like him to break your waters right there on his royal throne. And eagerly, desperately, lapping milk from your heavy tits, grabbing onto your ass, your thighs, your waist, like he doesn't have enough hands to hold all of you that he wants to hold, pressing the kicking heavy orb of your belly against him, your beloved husband makes your command a reality.
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thewales-family · 4 months
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The Princess of Wales June 2024 Photo Challenge
9. Favourite photo(s) of Catherine pregnant.
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Bless @lucifer-imaginaryfriend for making this adorable comic of pregnant Lucifer and his two comforting boyfriends Husk and Angel Dust 👑 🍎🍺🍸
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royalsimsofyazmia · 2 months
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The Crown Prince and Princess of Yazmia, Duchess of Oasis Springs, are very pleased to announce The Crown Princess is pregnant with their first child.
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Dear British Royal Family-
Meghan Markle rejected your offer to physically & emotionally equip her with professional medical support & guidance during pregnancy and after childbirth.
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You graciously offered Meghan Markle the best geriatric pregnancy and pediatric health care in the world. Health Care that is NOT afforded to employees, but was offered to her as a member of the family.
Meghan Markle rejected your generous offer in favor of GENDER & PRIVACY preferences which she publicly confirmed to Oprah Winfrey.
During weekly medical appointments with her PRIVATE geriatric obstetrics and gynecological team(s), Meghan Markle was asked to provide updates on her mood and psychosocial wellbeing.
EVERY week for five (5)+ months leading up to birth, Meghan Markle told her PRIVATE medical team(s) that she was emotionally and mentally fit and well.
Meghan Markle told her PRIVATE care team(s) that her moods were normal and she was not experiencing thoughts of harming herself or unborn child.
Meghan Markle told her PRIVATE care team(s) that her moods were stable/good and she was NOT experiencing suicidal ideation or thoughts of harming baby (Archie).
File a lawsuit against the daughter-in-law from hell and sue her arse for defamation of character.
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The royal household's gynaecologists Alan Farthing and Guy Thorpe-Beeston, who specialises in high-risk childbirth, were present at the births of all three of William and Kate's children.
A royal source told the Mail on Sunday: "Meghan said she doesn’t want the men in suits. She was adamant that she wanted her own people. It did leave a few of us a little baffled."
But, despite being two of the best in the business, the pair have been denied a leading role in the delivery of Prince Harry's baby.
According to royal protocol, the doctors cannot be excluded from the process entirely, and should anything go wrong in the birth they will be present to step in.
Another said: "It is slightly surprising. These people [the Queen’s doctors] are the best of the best and when it comes down to it, their role would actually be very limited in the birth itself, assuming all goes to plan."
The move to shun the royal gynaecologists could be seen by some as unnecessary extravagance, as the Queen's physicians do not charge a fee and taking on a new team of specialists will cost tens of thousands.
A source explained: "Working for the Royal Household is seen as an honour and attracts other high-profile fee-paying patients."
In another break from royal tradition,is not planning to pose with her newborn baby on the hospital steps like Kate Middleton and Diana, it is understood.
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royalchildreneurope · 3 months
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Louis Ducruet and Marie Ducruet shared those pictures on their Instagram page of their daughter, Victoire Ducruet and their dog, Pancake, as they announce they are expecting their second child, in Monaco -June 17th 2024.
📷 : Louis Ducruet and Marie Ducruet on Instagram.
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victoriademedici · 22 days
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