#rs and ow
wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
I just read the NYT piece in full (because I couldn’t finish it the other day) and holy shit it’s even more infuriating and deliberately obtuse than I’d read
What in the conspiracy theory fuckshit did I just read
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pinayelf · 2 years
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sera-wasnever · 2 years
Every single time I hear Spanish it makes me want to try learning it again despite the fact that every time I try I run into the fact that I literally cannot pronounce it and there's no point
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ranvwoop · 6 months
12 hour setosorcerer pokemon vod life is beautiful
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ohimsummer · 4 months
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— one(1) suggestive under the cut so minors dni, gamer! gojo x reader, established rs, explicit language, some gamer! reader, pet names (sweetums, baby, (my) love), the link has body horror!!, horror-loving gojo in general <3
⭑ ࣪ ˖ sum’z notes.ᐟ gojo playing outlast and resident evil and silent hill and fnaf and and
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horror gamer! satoru who always likes you around whenever he starts playing. doesn’t matter if you’re cooking, showering, or out for the day—and prefers you in his lap while in his comfy gaming chair, but if you’re even just on the bed nearby then that’s totally okay, too.
horror gamer! satoru who finds it so cute when the jumpscares actually startle you. laughs when you let out a yelp or a scream, giggling a ‘relax, baby’ as if his heart didn’t stop for a second at the same scare.
horror gamer! satoru who asks your opinions and recommendations on what games to play, even if you know nothing about them. if he’s stuck between two games, he’ll let you be the tiebreaker, shoving the two options in your face for you to choose from even if your reasons are inane. ‘you like the art on this one better? the title sounds cooler? okay, come check it out with me!’
horror gamer! satoru who finds it comforting whenever you’re cuddled under him while he plays. your scent and the warmth of your body soothes him, makes the scares a little less frightening and he calms down way quicker when he gets to hug you so tight. (refers to you as his emotional support y/n)
horror gamer! satoru who’s just about always eating his words about how terrified the game is making him. talks so much shit going ‘oh this dumbass monster isn’t even that scary’ and you just like to humor him even though you can feel his heart pounding in his chest.
horror gamer! satoru who enjoys when you also talk a little trash with him. ‘i could totally take that monster on, right, baby?’ ‘hell yeah, it looks weak as shit, you could destroy that thing.’
horror gamer! satoru and you both frantically talking over eachother when he gets to a fast-paced area of the game, parts that require swift puzzle-solving or thinking quickly on your feet. ‘fuckfuckfuck where do i go, where do i go ?!’ ‘that way, THAT WAY, no the other way, oh my god, run!!’
horror gamer! satoru who likes handing you the mouse/controller and watching you play. guides you through some parts when you get confused, and always returns your victorious grin when you’re able to get past the really scary or difficult areas by yourself.
‘look at my baby gettin’ through the little mini-boss after 26– ow, fine, 18 tries! so proud of you, sweetums, guess my super-awesome gaming skills are rubbin’ off on ya, huh?’
horror gamer! satoru who lets you get jumpscared even when he knows a scare is coming up. ‘didn’t wanna ruin the experience for ya, baby’ while he’s almost spitting out his water from trying to hold back laughter.
horror gamer! satoru who you have to gently drag away from his setup when he starts getting frustrated. he’s been stuck on this one part for hours now because of rng or the boss is just ‘stupid and rigged’ and insanely hard. you can see his jaw clench, his moves getting sloppier in his exasperation.
horror gamer! satoru let’s you pepper kisses up and down his neck, over his jaw and cheeks, on his forehead as you murmur suggestions to take a break in his ear. you hold your own drink up in an offer for him to take a sip, before slipping away to grab one of his favorite sweet treats to hopefully ease his frustrations. ‘give it a rest and come cuddle with me for a bit, my love, you can always try again later.’
horror gamer! satoru who buys another controller (in your favorite color) so he can play co-op horror games with you. he loves watching you improve, proud when he doesn’t have to carry you as hard anymore. and it feels so much more fun because it’s like you’re experiencing the scares together, not the same as when you’re just watching him play.
horror gamer! satoru who goes horror game-hunting with you. he loves that your interest in them has grown so much, and you two can actually talk in detail about them since your ‘horror knowledge’ isn’t at base level anymore.
horror gamer! satoru likes that you’re not just watching him play and listening to him explain what’s going on anymore. you’re more heavily intrigued in the game lore and spotting tiny details or references in the games.
you’re playing a multiplayer horror game with satoru, exploring a different room of the house since you two have split up to cover more ground.
‘oh, wow! satoru, look at this little figure on the desk!’
his avatar makes its way over, and he’s a little excited to see the tiny evil within 2 reference on the piece of furniture.
‘it’s obscura, isn’t that so cool?’ ‘fuck yeah, wonder if there’s any more hidden around here somewhere?’ and you both keep an eye out for any other allusions to more horror game characters.
horror gamer! satoru who convinces you that playing in the dark is so much better. and it is, it makes the whole experience that much scarier, and you hate (love) it. you find yourself peeping into the dark shadows of the room, goosebumps raised on every inch of skin. and also wanting to punch satoru in the throat when he grazes a finger up the nape of your neck, laughing at your fright when you just about jump out of your skin.
horror gamer! satoru who buys little trinkets or figures of horror game characters. bought you a silent hill nurse figurine to go next to his of pyramid head. you both dressed up as said characters for a Halloween party once, and then ended up, um, undressing eachother in someone’s bathroom later that night…
horror gamer! satoru who knows all kinds of horror game trivia and he loves exchanging facts with you, even if you tell him stuff he already knows. again, he just loves that you share his favorite interest! tell him over and over about how [char.] is your favorite horror game villain or how [song] makes that scene so much creepier! he will eat it up again and again and again.
horror gamer! satoru who gets so excited whenever you present a new game to him, especially if it’s one he hasn’t seen before! ‘holy shit, baby is this a new release? fuck, we have to play this tonight!’
a casual (horror-themed) date night with horror gamer! satoru could be going out to see a new scary movie in theatres, or even just staying in to play your favorite horror games together. on nights like those, he likes to suggest cheesy, parody, or nostalgic horror games like slenderman or some .EXE game.
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tagz: @anthoosies @staryukis @hellkaiserinphoenix @biscuitsngravie @elusivemoon @rxddxvotion @babytoshiii
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lilly-chou-chou · 4 months
Evolution of Gyaru
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Hello everyone the long awaited post is here!! Sorry for the delay I has gone back to my he country to celebrate Lunar New Year.
As we all know Gyaru was and still is one of the most important fashion movement in the history because it's roots of opposing the "good girl" and "submissive" societal views of women that Japan had imposed into them.
During 90's with Namie Amuro being the first idol ever to popularize the Gyaru culture created a huge wave of community in all over Japan which eventually created many subcultures under it, over the years gyarus blossomed for 2 decades heavily but around early-mid 2010's the culture slowly died because people were now really trying to shun them out of the society, gyarus was losing it's popularity and old gyarus were getting to age of finding jobs or trying to get married yet the culture is still alive. There have been multiple support and love coming from international fans too.
Egg magazine, which is holy grail for us gyarus followers is still up and running to this day <3
Today i'll show you just a little glimpse of modern gyaru. Hopefully this will help new followers too.
Gyaru of the past:-
So let's start with how gyarus are usually seen, pictures below are gyarus from their peak eras so definitely from 90's to 2000's. They are all different subcultures but they all have one thing in common the eye makeup, gyarus were and are still known for their beautiful luscious eye makeup. They are what you call
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They were our guide, our mothers and everything! Gyaru has always been the most supportive community to ever exist, over here women were allowed to cuss, they were allowed to be brash, they were allowed to have male friends without the judgement of two goody shoes with insecurities, they were allowed to wear clothes that liberated them doesn't matter short or modest.
People often forget that gyaru exists more than manba, agejo and kogal, few of the modest and lesser knows subcultures are amekaji and roma gyaru, although amekaji is is blue eyed perfect grass is greener on the other side take of American inspired fashion. Either way it is one of the most fun subculture to exist.
We as gyaru followers ow everything to these past mother figures, without them and without brands like alba rosa, D.I.A and MA*RS we and egg Magazine teaching us what? How? And why? We would never thrive in this era. We owe it to them all even after decades and decades the magazines, scans and tutorials on YouTube by the OG gyarus have done it all <3
Modern Gyaru:-
The pictures below are the present models of Egg magazine. The last OG gyaru issue was stopped in 2014 which was Egg last physical print of magazine but in 2018 Egg came back as online magazine.
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A lot has changed in gyaru world. Long gone are the days of owning specific clothing brand or even wearing clothes that resemble even the least of typical gyaru fashion. The only key point which hasn't changed is eye makeup because that is utmost necessary thing for a gyal to have.
Over the years of almost dying to again alive fashion culture the meaning of gyaru has changed a lot, from dressing like the OG gyarus we have now evolved to the whole "gal is mind" mindset, now in this era dressing up as gyal doesn't mean that much because you can still have pointy acrylic nails, iconic eye makeup, wear casual clothes and still be a gyaru.
These days even the gyaru slangs have changed so much like instead of poyo, atonsu, pachikoku now we use yarirafi, kyun-desu, daijuobu-so?, tobu-zo and so on.
Although there are egg models that still somewhat follow OG gyaru fashion like @ / mahiroisme (left) and @ / kae. 06256 (right) on IG.
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By this post I just wanted to show that as time passes it is inevitable that everything changes and fashion changing is a no brainer. What is hate is companies capitalizing and making their own rules for lure in newbies gyals who would do anything to "fit in" and ring the nostalgia bell for old gyarus and all I have to say is that no, you don't have to spend 100-500$ on eBay trying to find the OG gyaru brands because you can definitely wear your own casual clothes and still be a gyaru because if egg magazine who raised whole generation of x gen, millennials and Gen Z of gyarus then who are we to judge them?
Although if you still wish to dress up like OG then I definitely recommend finding clothes that match the subculture that you want to follow for example I follow agejo, Tsuyome and kogal so I shop in Amazon, local stores, Instagram stores, I order clothes fr abroad the most helpful and fast way to do that finding a vendor and my vendors are all from Instagram. Hope this helps.
I will meet you all in my next post bye gyals <3
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georgiapeach30513 · 9 months
Hai Jenn, i know maybe you didnt want to answer to this but its worth to try 😂. I always love your take on chris drama cause you always been so neutral all along. So im just curious, on your personal opinion what is all this? Do you think since beginning they always been real? And the PR theory is only the fandom denying that they are dating? Tbh i always think they are, im not denying they are dating but the wedding news is kinda shock me, cause if i see their rs these past two years they giving casual rs but not serious one. Both of them is also didnt give the vibe that they are ready for marriage.
Whew…where to start with this one 😂 I know there’s 10k theories out there, and we may never know honestly.
I think, my personal opinion, it started off as a PR thing. We can’t deny the multiple UTA girls he followed all around the same time in 2020.
We can also say that just because it’s “PR” doesn’t mean real feelings or actions won’t take place.
I question more those timelines more than anything 😂 that living together in Atlanta for a year is a load of shit. Not going to say how I know that, because here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter anymore.
What matters is right now. He chose to align himself with this woman. He chose to continue to align himself with her and her friends. He chose to get married. I know some will say it was a ceremony and not a real wedding, but it doesn’t matter if it’s legally binding. He chose to put out there that they are married.
Now, it is his fans to figure out how they feel about that and how they proceed. I know some of my mutuals are dealing with separating the actor from the characters, some are pissed, some don’t care, some are just meh. I also think that’s how the GP feels, too.
What I will say, and what I have said from the beginning is I don’t think there is real deep feelings involved from either one of them. I think they both have this weird way of showing they care. Both of them have publicly humiliated each other in some way.
I can say it’s weird. I can say I don’t buy the timeline they’re selling. I can think they’re both idiots. But it is not my life to live. They have to be the ones to look at themselves in the mirror. If they got married for the wrong reason, that’s their deal.
I’ll leave with the saying, not my circus, and not my monkeys. I’ve got my own circus to deal with. Stop putting him and other celebrities on impossible pedestals. They are flawed humans just like we all are. We’re never going to know what is fully going on and we aren’t owed that. Take it for what it is.
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jeannereames · 4 days
While reading stories of Alexander & his friends, it often feels like they could very well be today's youths. Is it because the authors present Alexander's world in a way relatable to the modern reader? Or there are things about youth common in all eras, like teenage crisis, romance, dreams, bold & adventurous spirit? And if I'm not wrong, you mention at one place that you don't "heroize" Alexander. That's interesting, since he's often worshipped a mythical hero. Why did you move away from that?
Alexander and the boys
This query was really two, or at least I want to separate them into two, so I’ll address the matter of heroizing Alexander in a different post.
The reason teen Alexander feels familiar owes to the simple fact biology makes certain aspects of adolescence universal. That said, while all human beings go through (suffer?) adolescence, whether it’s recognized as a “stage of life” depends on place and era. Does X culture have an adolescent moratorium, or time period between childhood and adulthood when teens are not (yet) saddled with the full responsibilities of adulthood?
Ancient Greece did, at least for some classes; they even had a specialized term: ephebe/έφηβος. Later, it came to signifcy a specific military class for training (18-20), but originally, it just meant a teenage boy, although the start age was imagined as later, more like 15+. Up to that, the generic pais (child) was more common. Ephebe has the implication of “starting to look like a man.”
Of more import, they invented what’s become the Western pedagogical system. The word pedagogy is GREEK: pais (child) agōgē (guiding/training): a paidagōgos was a nanny, but also a method of teaching children. The specific Spartan schooling system is referred to as the Agōgē, but the word has a generic meaning too. All of that is related to the Greek word for “work” (agōn) but also “to lead” (egōn).
There’s your Greek lesson for the day.
The Greeks had a pretty firm idea of the proper way to train up boys* and shape young minds. By the Classical era, and arguably the late Archaic, city Greeks were sending boys between the ages of 7 and 12 to school. These were private, so parents paid for the privilege of getting junior out of the house so somebody else could run herd on him. Mom and Dad had work to do. What were boys taught? The Three Rs (reading, writing, and ‘rithmatic) but also phys-ed (PE) and music. Again, the basics of a proper European primary-school education.
At 12, most boys returned home to take up their father’s occupation. So these were not all wealthy boys. Some were what we’d call middle class, but their families had enough money to invest in their education, and then, as now, the pricier the tuition, the better the teachers. But most stopped on the cusp of adolescence and went to work; they had no adolescent moratorium.
Only the wealthiest boys could afford to go on to what amounted to secondary education: lessons with a philosopher in order to prep them for their future careers as politicians, generals, and city leaders. What they learned now were rhetoric, eristics (art of argument), some literature, laws, theory on government, etc.
This higher-level tutoring is what Aristotle was hired for. Alexander (and friends) had already had the basics. A “philosophic education” had been around for over a century by the time Philip called Aristotle to Pella, although it wasn’t as set in form as it would become by the Hellenistic and Roman eras. In some of his more famous works, such as the Politics, Aristotle talks about the importance of education in the formation of a state: specifically in Book 7.18, and most of Book 8. He gets very specific in Book 8. He puts forward a number of common ideas the ancients had about the nature of the child. Most believed character was unchanging, so education would work to curb a person’s vices and elevate their virtues.
The Greeks, btw, did not invent schools themselves. Egyptians and Mesopotamians both had schools for children before the Greeks did. Greeks got the idea from them. But they did create their own notion of what school should include, which is what they passed down to the Romans, then to Europe, and finally, to most school systems in the West.
Anyway, when a culture introduces the adolescent moratorium, it frees up teenagers to, well, do “stupid teen shit.” Schools provide an environment where they create their own society with their own rules. In cultures where they begin adult jobs at 12/13 (or even sooner), they’re integrated and don’t have the chance to create these little sub-societies that percolate with all the drama of wildly pumping hormones.
So, a society that creates an environment where groups of teens regularly congregate in disproportionate numbers to either adults or children, like secondary school, squire/military, maid, or scribal training--or the Macedonian Pages Corps--will feel familiar to modern societies that have high schools.
Put a bunch of teens together, suffering through adolescence, and it’ll produce similar results anywhere, any time.
*Girls were obviously not included in misogynistic Greece.
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violetsmokes · 9 months
How the parents react to Spicynoodles!
PIF: I thought I raised you with higher standards 😒
RS: Mother please....
MK dodging DBK: Red help!
SWK: REALLY! First you get another mentor now you're dating the enemy! Where did I go wrong?😭
MK: Aren't of our enemies your exs?
Mac squinting at Red Son: Just like your parents.
Pigsy: Ow no, no way. I don't want you any where near my son. You're nothing but trouble Fire Boy.
RS: It RED SON and MK is perfectly cable of getting into trouble on his own.
Tang: I owe Mei so much money.
MK: You, you what?
Bonus <3
Mei: Tang owes me so much money.
MK: .........
RS: I told you we should have eloped.
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everlastinghistory · 4 months
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I’ve seen quite a few trad accounts complain about teenagers moving out as soon as they turn 18. And/or going no contact with their family as soon as they turn 18.
I’d like to remind you: If you are being abused you do not owe your abuse(rs) or anyone you associate with them anything. That includes contact with you. Contact with you is a privilege they decided they did not care about the moment they decided to abuse you. Mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, I don’t give a fuck.
If they abused you or enabled your abuse: YOU OWE THEM NOTHING. “It’s still your family!” They stopped being my family the moment they decided they’d rather hurt me than protect me. The only family I will ever have is my 2 cousins and their mom who genuinely support me, as well as anyone I may marry in the future and any kids I may have. That’s it.
Leaving abuse is not “untrad”. Leaving abuse is protecting yourself, your future partner and your potential future kids. Would you want your partner and/or kids to be subjected to people who behave that way?
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ask-larspinfield · 25 days
LA-rS I kNow youR CoNne--cTiOn iS ho--rrible RigHT n--oW , I dON 't eVEN KnoW I---F you 'LL geT TH--Is bUt TReV--0r I--s HIdinG iN a TUnNel , h--E saYs IT's A SmaLL oNE
--------el near the li------------------------n the hell di-------------------------ear the-
------er mind. I---------t. 
Trevor (@ask-trevorspengler), c----------ear me fro---------------you are?
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blizzardsuplex · 5 months
So, I actually made a RS/AC relationship meta post...thanks @christiancagesupporter for the sign that was a live sex celebration joke, and also @scissormedaddyass for not telling me to stop.
So, imagine a relationship that goes something like this: there’re two guys who’ve known each other pretty well a long time. They’re into some similar things, like music and craft beer and their mutual profession, which paved the way for their initial bond despite some initially obvious differences between them (like age and experience in said mutual profession). They have quite a few differences in personality, too—the starkest one being, probably, that one of them prefers to go with the flow, taking opportunities when they come; the other has been on that grindset since day one.
Still, they’re pretty close. When Roddy (the generally more passive one) moves on in his career, the other hugs and kisses him in public. When Adam, the generally more active one, moves on in his career and gets himself into trouble, the other comes out of nowhere to save him. They’ve had their disagreements (explosive ones), but overall things are good—kind of blue oni and red oni, as TV Tropes might say.
Then Adam gets another chance to pull himself up the ladder—not only further, but to the very top of the profession they both hold dear. He wants this (to be the best, and to be adored for it) more than anything, and will do anything to get there. This includes concocting a plan so elaborate it’s almost comedic: get close to the person on the current rung (Max), find out his weaknesses, and destroy him before any official confrontation. When several wrenches are thrown into his plans, he quickly pivots to not only play kingmaker (to someone who now owes him and is someone he's won against before) but get petty revenge on the man now-deposed, who he blames for plans going awry.
Now, as we all know, Adam is a manipulative asshole. He has backstabbed people close to him more than once and will probably backstab many more. In fact, he’s backstabbed or has planned to backstab Roddy himself at least twice. But Roddy is actually a significant part of Adam’s current plan. Adam’s mark, you see, is distrustful and wary about any attempts to get close to him. An attempt at a straight shot through to the heart would probably fail. Could Roddy (and some others) be a smokescreen, causing a distraction while the other pieces fall into place?
And, you know what? Without a second thought, Roddy does it. In fact, Roddy does it with such aplomb people around them genuinely wonder if he’s gone insane—and then outright believe it, after he continues to do it for months. He has a public tantrum in his hometown. He pretends to be delusional enough to outright attempt to kidnap Adam for weeks. Adam, again in public, verbally tears him down and disavows any bond they previously had (in favor of his new “friend”, of course).
But why does Roddy agree to go through these lengths? The simple answer is probably “emotional manipulation”, and you wouldn’t even be wrong about that…to a point. What makes Adam Cole such an effective manipulator is that he makes his feelings seem so real, and he does that by committing to actually feeling them. As Drea @shes-a-voodoo-child has pointed out recently, any love and affection he feels towards those he’s close to is actually kind of genuine—as long as those he loves know their place, which is to say he’s the one on top and running the show (as she said: just ask Kyle O’Reilly). In that case, then, yes: there’s at least some manipulation going on.
Roddy knows this though, doesn’t he? Why, then, does he seem to keep falling for it? Is he forgetful, stupid, or a total simp? I think part of it is his personality; besides being more laidback when it comes to grand-scale ambition, which Adam has in spades, thanks to Personal Issues™ he also craves the love and attention Adam liberally provides (again, as long as the status quo remains how the latter likes it).
But the interesting thing is that this love isn’t just portioned and given to him like treats for a dog, something to ensure loyalty: Roddy decided to be loyal first, and as such actively works for it. It’s more a salary than anything else—which is to say that when he chose to receive it he also knew exactly what kind of person he was going to work for, just like he actively chose to play the fool for months on end. After 10+ years of knowing the guy, he’s not blind to or delusional about Adam’s nature or demands. Definitely I don’t think he wants to “fix him”. He’s just someone whose math of the costs and benefits of being close to and associating with Adam Cole has come out with him gaining more than he’s losing. He’s made his choice, and in that way he’s kind of using Adam, too.
Also, to be honest? People (myself included) focus a bit more on why Roddy continues to stick by Adam; not a lot of people think about why Adam continues to keep Roddy around beyond a general "he's useful for now". Recognition in a relationship is a two-way street, and so (besides genuinely sharing interests and such) Adam definitely has figured out, and probably even likes, the truth: that Roddy can be as big of a prick as him. It’s not in the same way; Roddy’s brand of dickishness is more out in the open, but because of that they complement each other well. Heel synergy, you might say.
In fact, they just complement each other in general: being gifted at talking versus being gifted in-ring, a leader versus a follower, being evasive versus being direct. That they just “click” in these way probably contributes to the sense they just have fun doing things together—even if that “thing” is “heartlessly destroying Max’s world in front of everyone he knows and those watching at home”. And, of course, they don’t really challenge each other, which does wonders for their egos (both sort of fragile/easily set off in different ways).
Basically: there still a power imbalance/lack of equality in their relationship? Yeah—but the power is more or less being willingly given, and not as one-sidedly as it may initially appear. Do they enable each other’s worst habits/tendencies? Yeah—but in part it’s because they’re so used to and accepting of each other, flaws and all, which can be kind of wholesome depending on how you look at it. Are they toxic bfs as heels? Hell yeah (no buts).
Tl;dr: Roderick Strong and Adam Cole are mutually evil bros. They both know what they’ve gotten themselves into and exactly what kind of person they’ve chosen (for now) to stick with—and they more or less like and/or accept who they’re sticking with. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk that will probably be refuted when we see them interact or something moving forward
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Hey friend!
Saw it was your birthday recently and wanted to draw you Teddy as a present but sadly do not have the time. :( But still wanted to send you some love and well wishes before it is too far removed from your big day!
I hope you had a rocking day filled with memory making moments!
I totally owe you a Teddy doodle or any kind of drawing you want, really.
But until I have time to make you something special/ specifically for you, here is a doodle of Regular Sized Rudy and Loiuse that I drew back in April for some practice!
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You are SO SWEET!😭 Thank you SO much!!! It's very lovely that you wanted to draw for me, I really appreciate the kind gesture!!!🤍
This was wonderful thank you again!! As a thank you here is my favourite RS Rudy meme!
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officialoctan · 2 months
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Congratulations to RS-003 for winning the Employee Of The Day award! And, this is it for the roboSWAT employees. I don’t know any other awards to give. So, I’ll miss them, but I know GCBC deserves them more than I do.
Honestly, doing this employee of the day thing has made me understand how I’m supposed to respect my employees a lot more. I’m so sorry that I haven’t done that. I don’t know what to do to fix it, I mean, my whole evil villain phase is already over. The robots are just normal workers now. I’ve started paying ALL of them, and good wages too. (Even the roboSWAT, though they aren’t mine anymore.) They are all also now citizens of Bricksburg. And tomorrow (and the day after that), I have a nice surprise for someone.
I really do owe Bricksburg (and the world) more. Haw haw, saying that is so silly. I think I was visited by three spirits in my sleep or something.
But back to this award. RS-003 goes by Dewey in the halls. And he’s a very fun guy. These robots, they’re more human than you’d think. I’ve watched all sorts of silly shows with Dewey. I encourage everyone to try to interact with the robots more, any of them.
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chatonarya · 4 months
I was having Goat Feelings.
(Written post "Blade Catcher" release)
It truly astounds me how much emphasis HG has placed on the Karlan Trio with the release of Degenbrecher. I won't have the full scope until RS releases on global as I prefer to read the official translation (story and Degenbrecher's op file and voice lines), but with each new tidbit I coincidentally learn despite largely attempting to avoid big spoilers, I'm simply bowled over by it.
Ever since BI, it's been implied that the reason Degenbrecher sticks around Kjerag is not money, but rather because she approves and supports Karlan Trade's endeavors. She talks a bit about how she didn't like Kazimierz, and she thought she wouldn't like Kjerag, but she does, and it's quiet. My guess was that she stayed there because she liked the peace after nine years of arena fighting and being hunted down, and she possibly even felt she owed Enciodes for saving her life, and maybe she found it (and them) entertaining. This was given further fuel by Enciodes's second oprec where he states "Degenbrecher keeps herself deliberately uninvolved," doesn't care, and views much of what he does as simply inviting trouble for himself.
But what's abundantly clear now is that Degenbrecher cares a lot about Enciodes and Gnosis on a personal level. Parts of her EP are clearly addressed to them as they appear in the background of it, emphasizing their bond, and through the lyrics she's swearing to protect them with her life no matter what. "I will be your wall, I'll take it all;" "It's a blizzard of fear, but you're safe here;" "Won't let you drown." Even the name of the song "Blade Catcher," aside from being another reference to her name, implies that she will catch the blades that come towards them. She is the blade catcher; the swordbreaker. She speaks of the "blade, heaven made" deep inside of her, and how she is "the creature born to fight" but she fights for them. (Deeper reasons I presume will be elaborated on in her file/RS, but if I were to guess, it's because they "melted the snow" and saw that "blade" inside of her and didn't try to use her or judge her. "Don't ask who would I be," she says, refusing to allow "the shadow" of her past to shake her, instead making it "the key to the fortress"; perhaps it's that sentiment that links all three of them together.)
What amazes me is not the fact that she cares, because that was hinted at (one of the first things I noticed was that she addresses Enciodes by his first name), but by how much she cares and how boldly and openly it's stated. It's not just a mere fondness, just an amusement: they're her friends, and she would kill for them. Oh, she might complain about them being annoying, or comment about wanting to smack them around a bit, but that doesn't change the fact that she still has their backs and she's not shy about it. She's not just a bodyguard, she's never been just a bodyguard, but she's so much more than I expected. I anticipated her to be cool and standoffish, speaking of Enciodes (and Gnosis to a much lesser extent) with some detached fondness about how good he's been to her; I expected her EP to speak of her pain-filled childhood and how she found herself in battle to make herself from something defective into something exceptional; I did not expect her EP to wholeheartedly declare her loyalty and dedication.
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 months
I've had problems with Lily all the way back in my days of bronydom in 2014 when she was Bhaalspawn, so I've been annoyed/aware of her for awhile. What capped me off to her current, genuinely malicious beliefs and behavior is how she handled the antisemitism accusations against her.
I think that, when Lily did her infamous "I don't think Rebecca Sugar is a fascist, BUT-" schpeel, she both forgot RS is Jewish and didn't mean it in earnest; I think Lily was just doing one of her -bad- edgy jokes for the sake of clowning on RS.
Where Lily showed her true colors is when Jewish people came forward and told her "hey please don't call a Jewish woman fascist that's not cool" and her response was "nahUH! You're not actually Jewish cuz you came to me on anon; you're clearly just mad I criticized your fav show".
Hon- you are a gentile. You had Jewish voices tell you "hey can you tone it down/not do that" and you then barked at THEM. She literally shot the messenger and presuming bad faith. She was antisemitic by way of ignoring Jewish critics and voices. Not only that but she doubled down and made jokes about how N@zish SU is in the following years. She did it to mess with SU stans, but she never cared about the Jewish people in her line of fire with this 'joke critique'.
Recently Lily's been trying to backtrack on her feelings on Steven Universe for reasons that totally don't have to do with her sibling coming out and accusing her of COCSA. Lily, you don't owe the show an apology. The gay rock show and it's characters aren't real and you never hurt them to begin with.
You owe the Jewish people you hurt and talked over an apology. You ought to take responsibility for lashing out at them. You owe LOTS of people you offended and talked back at for correcting you apologies. It never was the cartoon that's the problem, Lillian.
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