#ruben mid90s
lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Mid90s gang reacting to reader writing a book about them and their friendship and reader wins a writing contest!!
- ♣️ (I'm giving you fluff okay I've decided I've tortured you enough with angst 🙄)
LMFAO YES YOU HAVE and I've been procrastinating those oneshots you sent me 💀💀
MID90S ; writer
includes ; fuckshit, ray, fourthgrade, ruben (platonic), & stevie (platonic)
warnings ; language, mentions of alcohol and drugs
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you were no writer what-so-fucking-ever
while high, he dared you to enter some writing contest for school
"how funny would it be if some random junior won?"
honestly it would be funny, considering you're not a writer, you're a skater
you entered just for the fun of it, plus you had a great chance at beating some of the other contestants because you knew their writing was shit
you didn't even know what to write for the first two weeks
then it popped up in your head, like holy shit it was so obvious
you decided to write about yours and fuckshits long friendship history
from how you met, to your nicknames and to your other friends
let's just say, other than the profanity, the judges/senior english teachers loved it
you wrote like a whole motherfucking novel too
you got second place, considering they'd be in trouble for awarding a book with so much inappropriate content with first
plus the person who won first definitely deserved it
teachers were literally suggesting you publish the fuckin thing too like calm down ⁉️⁉️
fuckshit was too lazy to read it at first, but once you told him it was about you two and that you won second place? nah reading that was all he did
I honestly hc that he's a little dyslexic so he was struggling a little bit
but he loved it, it was genuinely moving to him and its literally about him
brought him to tears that he tried to hide
which he did to help his fragile ego by hugging you and hiding his face in your shoulder
genuinley so grateful for you
you were kinda iffy with writing
but once you saw the amount of money you could get from winning...?
shit sign me up
a thousand dollars to win first off of something you wrote? okay let's go LMAO
you didn't know what to write about because it's not like there was a given prompt so you just kinda spilled out stories and shit about you and ray
you made sure to leave out all the drugs and shit because you weren't gonna try and get in trouble LMAO honestly real
the judges loved it though
it was about 104 pages, so you made the actual like minimum, which was 80 pages
but thankfully for you, quantity doesn't equal quality
you actually got third surprisingly
that's still 400 dollars though
you didn't actually tell Ray or the others about you joining that contest so when you walked in with 400 dollars, a smile on your face and your skateboard and 52 sheets of notebook paper connected by a keyring under your arm, damn
you quickly explained and set your stuff down and Ray just scooped you up and spun you around while he hugged you
he's a simpleton but you got him giggling and shit okay??
genuinley so flustered that you wrote about you and him of all people like huh
he reads it front to back at least 3 times
you were pretty passionate about writing
so when your school was promoting a novel contest you knew you had to join
a thousand dollars would've done you a lot
you spent the next six months writing about you and fourthgrade, stories, how you met, favorite memories, random blurbs, etcetera
you told him about it but never that you were writing about him
you wanted it to be a surprise lmao
i also hc that he's a little dyslexic so 💀
you actually won too
apparently it was so "inspiring and moving amongst the youths" that you won ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for it, IN CASH
you sprinted over to Motorz and immediately wrapped fourthgrade in a hug
"thanks for being such great inspiration"
you genuinley just retold some of his camcorder tapes for a bit of the book too so you had to give him some credit
you gave him 200 dollars because he refused to take any more
the duo
bro couldn't care less that you joined a writing competition
"whatever you want"
you have the annoying sibling dynamic what can I say
"dude I'll give you 100 bucks if you just be supportive"
you wrote about him and your awesome sibling relationship
you made sure to cut out all the abuse and just say "growing up in a rough household" and "growing up not as privileged as everyone else" and shit bc you weren't getting cps called on anyone
you wrote like 70 pages
you got third
but you got 200 dollars so you basically split it with him
he ended up reading it because he was bored at motorz one night and you left it laying around
he's never smiled while crying before
you come in the next morning and he just silently hugs you
you see the book thing on the couch where he slept and you just kinda knew
"why are you crying?"
"i'm not!"
you also have a very sibling like dynamic
although instead of annoying each other you're kind of the comfort siblings you've both never had
so when you brought up the fact you joined a writing competition because you had a good chance at winning, he was like "oh cool"
"i'm writing about you"
"what the fuck why?"
he's supportive tho
he'll ask how it's going and stuff and you'll just give a vague answer
by the time they're due and judged, he asks what you placed
you shrug and pull out a thousand dollars cash from your backpack with a smile
"holy shit!"
you smile and hand him half of it
he's confused as to why but accepts it graciously
I mean half of its about him so he deserves some credit
gives you a little hug and shit
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cinedits · 22 days
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mid90s (2018) icons.
like or reblog.
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ruben: we need to open this locked door. stevie, give me your credit card.
stevie: here.
ruben, pocketing it: thanks. fuckshit, ray, break down the door.
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xelmokidx · 8 months
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Mid90’s x gn or fem!reader / slight Fuckshit x gn!reader
Reader wanted a nickname, so the boys tried to come up with one. It sucked + readers' first time meeting the boys. 
Warnings!!: two mentions of fem pronouns sorta. Just fluff:D
Spike Psyche. That's my nickname. Out of all the things my friends could have nick-named me. Spike Psyche. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, appalled. Fuckshit nods, swigging back his Coke. 
“Yup.” he replies as Sunburn (aka stevie) giggles at the name.“Why?” I exclaim in disbelief. 
Ray chuckles at the nickname before muttering
 “Thats fucked up” Fuckshit opens his stupid mouth again. “Because all you talk about Is chopping off our heads and putting them on spikes, and how you want to kill yourself after every minor inconvenience.” I gasp, putting my hand over my chest dramatically. “I do not!”
Ruben shakes his head. “Yes, you do.”
FourthGrade chuckles behind his camera and I glare at him. He sinks down into the couch. “I do not talk about killing myself that much guys, if anything Ruben does more than me!” Ruben whips his head around to look at me. “Man, fuck you” He starts “I do not talk about that depressed shit.” I shake my head. “Y’all are trippin’” I look around the shop and see some customers listening in on our conversation. “I will not let yall call me that dumbass name, I like Y/N so much better”
Fourth grade finally chimes in. “But last week you said you hated your basic name and you wanted a nickname.” Bless his innocent soul. “Well I take it back, i am not answering to ‘Spike Psyche’” I sink into the couch with a pout. “Well fine ma, we’ll find you a “good nickname” Fuckshit reasons. I nod. We sit in silence as Ray gets up to help the customer. I look around the shop. 
New posters of artists I like are on the walls. Fuckshit insisted on making the space mine as well as theirs. All I heard was ‘we need new decorations and you have good taste in music’ I didn't really mind though. I've always wanted to add my own little spice into the skate shop ever since I first stepped foot in it. I think back a couple years. 
I was 13. I wanted a new board for my birthday. So, my dad took me to the nearest shop. Four boys sat on a couch near a wall, watching MTV on their small TV. The tall one noticed us first. He nudged the golden haired boy to his left, who then looked up at me. “Oh shit” he muttered under his breath. My dad frowned. I guess he caught that. “Hey, welcome to Motorz, how can I help y'all today?” he asked, clearly trying to impress my dad (on account of my dads business attire). 
My dad spoke for me while I hid behind him in fear. I was never good with new people. Especially ones I found cool. 
As my dad pressed questions like ‘How old even are you?’ and ‘fuckshits your name?’ I only found the kid cooler. How did you even wind up with a name like Fuckshit? 
Soon enough, my own personal skateboard was in my hands, and my dad was dragging me out of the shop despite my wanting to stay. As I looked behind me to the boys, and the supposed fuckshit was waving to me out the door. With my other free hand I waved back. He smiled a soft smile, and then walked back into the shop yelling “that chick was hot!” I smiled to myself the whole way home. I went back to the shop after school one day to see fuckshit again, and just stayed there for three years. My dad warmed up to fuckshit eventually, but still has some grudges against him. 
And I'm still in love with the stupid kid, even though he gets on my nerves almost every day.
 I look at fuckshit now. His hair is longer, yet less taken care of and frizzy. He has more scars from skateboarding. And his eyes look even more green against his tan olive skin. Suddenly, he speaks. “I got it!” I roll my eyes and mutter “what is it?” He smirks and walks over to me slightly slotting his legs between mine. “Your new nickname is Stalker, because you're always staring at me” The boys erupt in laughter. I gasp “fuck you” 
“You wish ma,” 
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ares--athena · 2 months
Omg how do you think the Mid90s group would react if some guys were asking out Ray's little sister? I feel like if she knew the others they'd also act like her older brothers too but idk tho
A/N: you got it; I didn’t know if you wanted a story or head canons so I did a mix of both
Pairing: Fuckshit x sister like reader Fourth grade x sister like reader Stevie x sister like reader Ruben x sister like reader
Mid90’s group with Rays little sister
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Out of all of them Fuckshit would be the most pissed if a guy was hitting on you.
Fourth grade would be the most neutral about it; knowing you were a person and needed your own life
Ray would also be pretty upset about it, if he knew the guys and the guys were players like Fuckshit
Ruben and Stevie are the wildcard ones given that you are older than them but also wanting to ‘protect’ you
Stevie also not know you for as long depending on when the asking takes place will feel it’s not his place to say or do anything
Being asked out around Ray, Fuckshit, and Forth Grade
The four of yall were at the skate shop, you were working at the counter while they joked on the couches toward the back. You were flipping through a magazine while half hearty listening to the conversation. The bell chime got your attention but not the boys. A guy about your age or a year older walked in looking around the shop. He was a light skinned boy with curly hair like Fuckshit’s but tighter curls. He walked up to the counter after browsing for a second, “Hey” he said looking at me leaning over the counter. “Hi” I smiled awkwardly, “can I help you?” I asked looking at the boy. “I just wanted to tell you, you are beautiful. And you should let me take you out one day.” He wasn’t able to get an answer before Fuckshit was storming up and Ray not far behind. “Aye man, if you not gone buy nothing get the fuck out.” Fuckshit said pushing the boy; him and Ray getting in between the counter and the boy so you were blocked off. You rolled your eyes at this straight up childish behavior looking at Forth grade who just shrugged. When the boy walked, you looked at Ray and Fuckshit; “That was incredibly unnecessary.” You said looking at them. “We disagree, no bitch ass nigga like him is gone ask you no where.” Fuckshit said.
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deathmetalangel · 3 months
Is it okay if you do headcanons on what Ray from Mid90s would be like as an older brother, with the reader as his younger sister? I feel like he'd be the type to act like he's wayy older even though there's only a 2 year age gap
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warnings: mention of underage drug use and alcohol use, canon character death
eeee i love this request
- you technically have two older brothers being the only girl out of the three total siblings
- after your twin brother died when you guys were kids, ray became even more overprotective
- you’d think he’s your dad or that you’re a baby when in reality he’s only two years older than you, but you understand why he’s overprotective so you can’t get mad at him for it
- if and when you do hang out with him and the guys, which he honestly prefers since he knows you’re safe with him, he makes sure that all of the guys are nice to you (it’s easy for fourth grade and stevie, a bit of a ‘censorship’ thing with fuckshit and ruben)
- hates when you hang around their other guy friends because he knows how they are and doesn’t want them even looking at you
- doesn’t like you tagging along to parties with him, but he’s a softie with enough begging you can sucker him into anything you want. when you’re there with him you can bet you either won’t be drinking or will only be drinking drinks he gives you
- watches you like a hawk, doesn’t matter what he’s doing he’ll always make sure you’re within his eye line
- if fuckshit tries to give you any of his adderall or other drugs he will be genuinely pissed, he already doesn’t like him giving that stuff to stevie and ruben, but you were definitely off limits
- ray is easily your number one supporter in anything you do. do sports? he’s going to every game and dragging the guys with him. same thing for music or literally any other interest. he wants to be there for you as much as he physically can
- he’s always there when you need him. your own therapist that would beat anyone’s ass for you. he actually gives the best advice ever
- his number one dream is to make it big with skating at take you with him on tour to see the world. fuckshit may be his best friend, but you’re his other half and he would have so much more fun if you were with him
- growing up he’d always do whatever you wanted even if it was embarrassing or girly, he just likes to spend time with his siblings
- unlike a lot of guys he doesn’t get annoyed or bothered by younger kids or anything, he understands what being a kid is and looking up to older kids. it’s very clear he’s empathetic and honestly flattered when it comes to you, stevie, and ruben
- ray is easily the best out of the guys to have as an older brother (ugh i love him)
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sxtapee · 7 months
I saw that you wrote for Ruben from Mid90s.
Could I please request some general dating headcanons with Ruben? And if you could make the reader a skateboarder too that’d be pretty rad.
Thanks so much! <333
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thanks for requesting!! hope you like it
- always acting tough around his friends
- but when its just you two he’s such a softie
- not the biggest fan of pda tbh
- you guys always skate together
- like late at night
- gives you his hoodies all the time
- you help each other with tricks
- and like listen to music together
- while smoking and just vibing
- you guys always skate to a shop late at night
- and like just go back to your place to smoke and cuddle
- you guys always have the deepest conversations at like midnight
- both of you would hold each other while talking about your problems
- one time he just started crying and you just held him
- while reassuring you’ll get him out of his house and get him away from the abuse
- omg i love him sm
- anyway
- always hyping each other up when the other lands a cool trick
- he always shares his cigs with you
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dolly-gutzz · 2 months
Mid90’s x gn or fem!reader / slight Fuckshit x gn!reader
Reader wanted a nickname, so the boys tried to come up with one. It sucked + readers' first time meeting the boys. 
Warnings!!: two mentions of fem pronouns sorta. Just fluff:D
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Spike Psyche. That's my nickname. Out of all the things my friends could have nick-named me. Spike Psyche. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, appalled. Fuckshit nods, swigging back his Coke. 
“Yup.” he replies as Sunburn (aka stevie) giggles at the name.“Why?” I exclaim in disbelief. 
Ray chuckles at the nickname before muttering
 “Thats fucked up” Fuckshit opens his stupid mouth again. “Because all you talk about Is chopping off our heads and putting them on spikes, and how you want to kill yourself after every minor inconvenience.” I gasp, putting my hand over my chest dramatically. “I do not!”
Ruben shakes his head. “Yes, you do.”
FourthGrade chuckles behind his camera and I glare at him. He sinks down into the couch. “I do not talk about killing myself that much guys, if anything Ruben does more than me!” Ruben whips his head around to look at me. “Man, fuck you” He starts “I do not talk about that depressed shit.” I shake my head. “Y’all are trippin’” I look around the shop and see some customers listening in on our conversation. “I will not let yall call me that dumbass name, I like Y/N so much better”
Fourth grade finally chimes in. “But last week you said you hated your basic name and you wanted a nickname.” Bless his innocent soul. “Well I take it back, i am not answering to ‘Spike Psyche’” I sink into the couch with a pout. “Well fine ma, we’ll find you a “good nickname” Fuckshit reasons. I nod. We sit in silence as Ray gets up to help the customer. I look around the shop. 
New posters of artists I like are on the walls. Fuckshit insisted on making the space mine as well as theirs. All I heard was ‘we need new decorations and you have good taste in music’ I didn't really mind though. I've always wanted to add my own little spice into the skate shop ever since I first stepped foot in it. I think back a couple years. 
I was 13. I wanted a new board for my birthday. So, my dad took me to the nearest shop. Four boys sat on a couch near a wall, watching MTV on their small TV. The tall one noticed us first. He nudged the golden haired boy to his left, who then looked up at me. “Oh shit” he muttered under his breath. My dad frowned. I guess he caught that. “Hey, welcome to Motorz, how can I help y'all today?” he asked, clearly trying to impress my dad (on account of my dads business attire). 
My dad spoke for me while I hid behind him in fear. I was never good with new people. Especially ones I found cool. 
As my dad pressed questions like ‘How old even are you?’ and ‘fuckshits your name?’ I only found the kid cooler. How did you even wind up with a name like Fuckshit? 
Soon enough, my own personal skateboard was in my hands, and my dad was dragging me out of the shop despite my wanting to stay. As I looked behind me to the boys, and the supposed fuckshit was waving to me out the door. With my other free hand I waved back. He smiled a soft smile, and then walked back into the shop yelling “that chick was hot!” I smiled to myself the whole way home. I went back to the shop after school one day to see fuckshit again, and just stayed there for three years. My dad warmed up to fuckshit eventually, but still has some grudges against him. 
And I'm still in love with the stupid kid, even though he gets on my nerves almost every day.
 I look at fuckshit now. His hair is longer, yet less taken care of and frizzy. He has more scars from skateboarding. And his eyes look even more green against his tan olive skin. Suddenly, he speaks. “I got it!” I roll my eyes and mutter “what is it?” He smirks and walks over to me slightly slotting his legs between mine. “Your new nickname is Stalker, because you're always staring at me” The boys erupt in laughter. I gasp “fuck you” 
“You wish ma,” 
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ssalvatore · 4 years
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
idk if you’re still writing but if u are - and have the time - could you maybe write fourth grade or ray seeing the readers sh scars? totally understandable if not :))
ooo yeah sure! ; also I'm still active I promise haha, if I ever had to retire (which will hopefully never happen) I'd probably but a thing in my bio to detail that I'm gone temporarily/permanently ; but yeah, it's all cool, I've written ab sh plenty of times before and I'm fine with writing about it ; decided to do ray on this one cause I've given fg enough attention atm haha ; and thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy!
RAY ; don't hurt yourself again
summary ; he finds your sh scars
warnings ; language, substances, self harm & weapons (razors/scissors iykwim) used (slightly) in detail to cause physical harm
disclaimers ; pre-stevie era
word count ; 1.3k
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This hot, sunny summer day was no different than any other. Patsy Cline's Walkin' After Midnight rung in your headphones, your cassette player quietly whirring as it plays your mixtape. The summer vibe had finally hit you, inspiring you to get with the theme and listen to some more beachy/summery songs for the season.
Ray always found it funny how you had such a taste for music. He didn't get how certain music was only for certain seasons or only gave you the vibes of a certain time, but he wasn't against it. You were way better at making mixtapes than he was.
Speaking of him, you were on your way to meet him at an abandoned pool you'd found a couple months ago. It was around sunset, the heat wearing down against your back.
Trust, the pool was clean, you made sure of it. But you found it as some hole in the concrete by some unused project apartments, water just sitting stagnant inside. You pick up your pace a bit, wanting to hurry before the sun completely set.
As you arrive, you see Ray, Fuckshit, Fourthgrade, and Ruben, dressed down to their boxers as they fuck around in the water. You wave hello as they welcome you, watching as you strip down into whatever you preferred to wear in the water.
You join them as the moon illuminates the pool, the only other slight source of light being the mostly burned out street lamps.
You end up starting a little water war, with you, Ray, and Fourthgrade against Fuckshit and Ruben. It was mostly just a splash party, with lots of shouting and yelling. Said shouting and yelling earned you a noise complaint, causing police to come deal with you.
"Hey! Hands up, get out of the pool!"
As flashlights are pointed at you all, you quickly scramble out, grab your belongings, and run barefoot down the street to avoid the police. You laugh and yell to one another as you sprint down the road, adrenaline fueling you as you aren't able to feel the rocks in the road wedge into your feet.
You hide in a garden, lit up just enough so you'd be able to put your clothes on properly and be able to tie your shoes. You shove your dry clothes on over your wet ones, attempting to warm up before you begin to freeze due to the cold water soaked in your under clothing.
You notice Ray staring at you a little too long before looking away as you slide your shirt on. You brush it off, maybe thinking he was looking over at one of the other guys, and you happened to be in the way, or maybe he saw a rabbit or a squirrel run through the lawn.
You and Ray separate from Fourthgrade, Fuckshit, and Ruben, as the trio were planning to go to some 24 hour diner to eat dinner before heading home. You and Ray head the opposite way, wanting to go home as sleep slowly creeps up on you both.
Your walk home is mostly silent, warm street lamps lighting your way down the sidewalk. You slowly glide on your board next to Ray, who decides to walk. He shakes his locs out of his face to look up at you.
"Do you hurt yourself?" He asks bluntly, unable to word what he wanted to ask any differently.
"What?" You quickly look at him confused, almost shocked. "No"
"I saw scars on your arms earlier when we were in that garden," He speaks, "Those weren't cat scratches or just rush burns or some dumb shit, those were cuts. It's fine if you don't wanna talk about it, but it's not fine to bottle it up and just hurt yourself. Like, we're here for you, okay?"
You slightly shrug and look away, your foot hitting the pavement as you give yourself a little push. "I don't hurt myself anymore"
You hold back a light smile. "Yeah"
"When did you hurt yourself then?" He asks, almost disappointed in himself that he never caught onto it if it was in the past. "Why?"
You shrug as you give him a blunt explanation. "Long ago. They're just scars for a reason. Life got rough, and I didn't know how else to cope. I was too scared to drink or smoke like you guys, but I was somehow able to hurt myself instead."
He nods. "Sorry"
You nod, "It's cool. I was waiting for it to happen anyways. Just another consequence of my actions, but I've grown and yknow, sappy shit"
He chuckles, "Yeah, yeah."
He pulls a blunt from his pocket, like he'd pulled it from Mary Poppins' bag, considering he just randomly had it and a lighter. He lights it up, puffing it to feel a little calmer about what you'd told him. He was such an extreme empath when it came to shit like this because he knew what the bottom felt like after losing his brother. He understood but didn't know how to help, so he just listened.
The rest of the walk is fairly quiet, the smell of weed filling your noses while the sound of your board rolling on the concrete whirs in your ears.
He waves a slightly awkward goodbye as he walks up to his front porch, knowing you'd stay on the sidewalk until he actually got inside. He grabs at the screen door, pulling on it to realize it was locked. Within the Marry Poppins pockets he had, he surprisingly didn't have his housekey.
He turns back to look at you, giving you a look you knew all to well. You laugh before waving him down to you, offering up your bed for him. He jogs back down the sidewalk to catch up as you'd already drifted away, knowing he'd follow like a lost puppy.
He holds onto your hand as you trail down the neighborhood towards your house, trying to hide the fact that holding your hand was his only comfort that he knew you weren't currently hurting yourself.
You open your front door to let him inside, placing a finger over your mouth to tell him to hush as you walk toward your room. You close the door and hand him some clothes he'd be able to wear to bed, allowing him to go to the bathroom to change while you also change.
You both flop down on your bed, sitting in silence as you stare up at the ceiling covered in glow in the dark stars. A lamp illuminates the room, covering it in a warm blanket.
He turns to look at you. "Do you wanna talk about it at all? Get it off your chest?"
You shrug before answering, "Yeah. I mean, what do you wanna know?"
He shrugs in response. "What'd you use?"
"Scissors, razors, pencil sharpeners. Anything sharp, used a knife once."
"Damn" He mutters. "How often did you do it?"
"About multiple times almost every day" You answer. "I was at the bottom then"
"When was then?" He asks, "A few weeks, months, years ago?"
"Months" You answer carefully. "I'm not anywhere near depressed like that anymore, I swear"
He nods, turning on his side to look at you as you speak. "You know you can reach out for help, right? Like, we aren't gonna yell at you or something, we wanna help you, I promise"
You quickly nod. "Yeah, it's just, when you're that low, you don't think help will actually help. I was worried if I reached out, I'd just be thrown to the side or I'd be yelled at and lose everything I have left."
He nods. "Can you promise me you won't hurt yourself again?"
You smile, appreciating the thought of those words. You hold your pinkie out to him, allowing him to shake his with yours to pinkie promise on it.
"I promise"
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michelleinterrupted · 2 years
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No racism, homophobia, transphobia, pedophilia, etc. You will be blocked and reported !
I will not write about certain kinks/fetishes, including; non con, ageplay, SA/rape, etc.
I write nsfw and sfw (some characters may be sfw only if they are a minor)
Active SH, SA, etc. I'll write about a pass experience but will not write about the event itself
Please be patient if I do not write your request right away!!
In your request pls say whether you want it as fem!reader, gn!reader, or male!reader
pls say if you would like it to be fluff, smut, angst, etc.
Rue Bennett (wlw only)
Jules Vaughn
Kat Hernandez
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Lexi Howard
Nate Jacobs
Ashtray (no nsfw)
Gia Bennett (no nsfw)
Isabel (Belly) Conklin
Steven Conklin
Conrad Fisher
Jeremiah Fisher
Stevie/Sunburn (no nsfw)
Ruben (no nsfw)
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher (mlm only)
Debbie Gallagher (wlw only)
Carl Gallagher
Liam Gallagher (no nsfw)
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Mickey Malkovich (mlm only)
Mandy Malkovich
Billy Loomis
Randy Meeks
Stu Macher
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Tara Carpenter
Charlie Walker
Chad Meeks-Martin
Ethan Landry
Amber Freeman
Jill Roberts
Chole Price (wlw only)
Rachel Amber
Drew North
Mikey North
Skip Matthews
Max Caulfield
Nathen Prescott
Steph Gingrich
Victoria Chase
Sean Diaz
Kate Marsh
Warren Graham
Dana Ward
Jacob Hackerman (mlm only)
Finn McNamara
Esteban Diaz
Daniel Diaz (no nsfw)
Ryan Lucan
requests are open ! thanks for reading <33
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mcclinseymediablog · 2 years
Blog #1 - Examining Youth Culture
When young boys grow up, they are faced with emerging masculinity, oftentimes in a harsh social landscape. Thirteen-year-old Stevie is about to willingly immerse himself in the culture of young men, and his life will change drastically.
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Mid90s 00h:02m:15s
Stevie lives with his abusive older brother and single, over-protective mother in Palms, Los Angeles. Stevie is getting older, and he has a desire to mature and fit in with his peers. Despite the relationship with his brother, Ian, Stevie looks up to the culture associated with Ian’s age, and so he does some exploring.
Young boys naturally explore their limits by taking risks. This phenomenon is nothing new. In the mid-90’s, a popular medium of teenage risk-taking was skateboarding. One faithful day in the year of 1996, Stevie rides his bike across the street from the Motor Skate Company shop. Outside the shop, a group of young skaters display youthful camaraderie that strikes a cord with Stevie. The next day, Stevie decides to enter the shop.
In the skate shop, Stevie observes the group of teens converse and connect, and his desire to fit in with them strengthens. He observes a gap in maturity between himself and the others. Stevie begins taking on less-childish interests, most notably, skateboarding. Trading video games for his brother’s skateboard, he begins pursuing skateboarding skills and potential new friendships.
Stevie brings his skateboard to the back of the shop building where the group of teens are skating. Stevie first connects to the youngest of the group, Ruben. Ruben gives Stevie advice contrary to his ambitions in spite. Despite this, Stevie’s youthful risk-taking and desire to try new things gains respect from the older teens. Quickly, Stevie surpasses Ruben and Ruben becomes resentful.
Among the other members are Fourth Grade, Fuckshit, and Ray. Fourth Grade gets his name from his stupidity, being no smarter than a fourth-grader. The name “Fuckshit” derives from Fuckshit’s common reaction: fuck, shit! Ray does not have a nickname; the other members look up to him and believe he is too cool for a nickname. Ruben was the youngest in the group before Stevie, acting as the impressionable one. Stevie joins the usual conversations between the four. One day, Stevie’s response to a question results in his solidified nickname, Sunburn. Stevie is officially a part of the group, and Ruben’s resentment intensifies.
Stevie is devoted to the group and starts succumbing to peer pressure. He begins drinking and smoking, growing further from his protective mother. To show off to the group, Stevie attempts a dangerous roof-jump on his skateboard and fails. Stevie ends up with a nasty wound on his head, but gains further respect from the group for taking heavy hits.
As Stevie strengthens his relationship with the group, he learns that each of the members have their own unique struggles and ambitions. Ruben lives with abusive parents. Ruben’s desire to fit in mirrors that of Stevie, and Stevie’s acceptance into the group damages Ruben’s aspirations. Fourth Grade wants to be a filmmaker, but has little drive and experience other than filming skating videos. Fuckshit wants to avoid adulthood and continue his immature partying. Ray wants to become a professional skater, but the chances of going pro are slim. While Ray considers the importance of adulthood, the rest are oblivious, willingly or not.
One night, Stevie joins his friends at a house party. He has a conversation with an older girl who recognizes the little innocence left in him. Stevie hooks up with the girl, and he is now completely free of his innocence. Stevie is aware of the youthful wonders of sexual promiscuity. He takes yet another step towards connecting with the group.
As Stevie gets closer to the group members, he realizes that they are all in a bad place of their own. Stevie is coming to terms with his new life choices contrary to his mother’s wishes while Ruben severely resents Stevie. Fuckshit is wasting his life and pushing his friends away in the process. Ray and Fourth Grade are anxious about the future and the well-being of their friends. One night, Fuckshit drinks too much alcohol and decides to drive his reluctant friends to a house party. Stevie, trying to mature and fit in, agrees to take the passenger seat: a decision he will regret.
A night of potential fun partying turns into a disaster. Fuckshit causes a violent car crash that almost kills Stevie. Stevie is brought to the hospital unconscious and with a broken arm. He is lucky to be alive. His friends stay by his side, admiring Stevie’s attitude in pursuit of fitting in. Stevie and the rest enjoy the skate film they produced, fully aware of the youth accomplices that they are.
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Mid90s 01h:19m:15s
Stevie’s story represents a few common through-line themes in youth culture. 
Sexual promiscuity is represented by the change that Stevie undergoes following his sexual experience at the house party. Before the experience, he is innocent and oblivious to what the girl insinuates about sexual experiences. Afterwards, he boasts about the experience and degrades the girl behind her back in a manner that represents what she despised about older guys. Sexual promiscuity of this sort is present in other films that represent youth culture. In Kids, during the timecode 00h:53m:47s-00h:57m:05s, a bunch of teens trespass at a pool. they share degrading sexual comments and express their desires openly. The attitude towards sexuality expressed in the sequence is similar to that of Stevie and his friends following the house party. Another example is in Euphoria’s first episode, during the timecode 00h:39m:05s-00h:41m:20s, when Kat and a group of teens discuss sexual experiences and slutiness at a house party. They are boastful as a way to fit in, much like Stevie following his experience.
Stevie’s story also represents avoidance of the realities of adulthood. Growing up as a teenager is a necessary step to adulthood. If Stevie was concerned about his adulthood, he would be making decisions that would benefit his future self. Instead, Stevie is more concerned about short-term pleasure and risks. Examples include the hours he spends skating, the time at the house party, drinking and smoking, etc. Fuckshit plays a big role in Stevie’s story, and he represents an archetype of avoidance. Fuckshit is willingly ignorant to the necessities of adult life and devotes himself to unemployed drinking, destined to end up like the homeless person he has a conversation with early in the film. The avoidance of adulthood necessities is especially prevalent in Kids. During the timecode 00h:05m:52s-00h:09m:51s, Casper and Telly expose themselves, through their conversation, to their devotion to drinking and having sex. These are short-term activities that possess youth culture. Media that expresses youth culture often ties these themes together.
The most common theme I have observed in Stevie’s story is the desire to fit in. Stevie’s actions throughout the story all relate to him fitting in. Picking up skateboarding, dropping childish habits, drinking and smoking, embracing sexuality, and much more all fit into Stevie’s aspirations. He sees a need to fit in, which drives his need to mature. The same theme is central to Mean Girls. The protagonist, Cady, involves herself in a group of popular girls at her high school. She starts by trying to sabotage the group to fit in with the unpopular kids. Ultimately, she finds herself wanting to fit in with the popular girls. She adopts new habits and attitudes in the process, just as Stevie does. The same theme is seen in The Breakfast Club. Andrew finds himself in detention with the other students because he beat up a kid as a way to fit in with his friends. The desire to fit in is common among the youth, and films revolving around youth culture involve the desire for acceptance into their core narratives, especially Mid90s.
Soundtracks in films and television shows accompany visuals to develop a character’s story. Stevie’s story in Mid90s is accompanied by soundtracks relevant to the 1990’s, adding to Stevie’s experience in 1996. When riding down the street with the teen group, the upbeat music represents the freeing feeling that Stevie feels when skateboarding and fitting in with his peers. The same can be said when Stevie and the skaters are running from the police. Stevie smiles as he rebels, taking risks and fitting in with his peers while blissful music plays in the background. Soundtracks help define the mood of a moment and tie-in the narrative implications of what the character is feeling.
Below is a playlist that defines my adolescent experience during my teenage years.
These songs relate to my experience, but many of them also relate to Stevie from Mid90s.
“Luminary”, by TesseracT, has themes of being alone amongst others. This relates to Stevie before he finds his friend group.
“Young Lust”, by Pink Floyd, better fits characters from Euphoria or Kids, but it would no doubt fit Stevie’s character if the film delved later into his life. It could also define Stevie’s feelings directly following his first sexual experience.
“Waiting for Love”, by Avicii, does not relate much to Stevie. I could make an argument for before the house party, but Stevie exhibited traits of innocence then.
“Time is Running Out”, by Muse, relates to the rush to mature as Stevie is growing up fast. It could also relate to the final moments of his pre-teenaged childhood.
“Screenager”, by Muse, is a bit ahead of the period in Mid90s, but let’s just say that Stevie spent a lot of time on his video game system.
“Marigold”, by Periphery, has themes of facing danger in youth. This relates to Stevie’s risky skateboarding and taking hits.
“Moron TV”, by Primus, does not relate to Stevie at all. I added the song because I watched too much television in my youth. For Stevie, it means that he was heavily influenced and immersed in pop culture.
“Toxicity”, by System of a Down”, relates to Stevie being influenced by the toxic elements of his city.
“Phoenix”, by TesseracT, relates to Stevie growing up and relying on his friends for comfort and acceptance amongst a confusing time in his life.
“Surrender to Reason”, by Dream Theater, relates to Stevie taking sacrifices in life to benefit himself later on. A good example of this is Stevie risking the roof jump to impress his friends. He made a sacrifice for acceptance.
COM105: Examining Youth Culture. Spotify. Accessed 18 September 2022. open.spotify.com/playlist/61dF9YqI3GZlrdEhEihYRb?si=0cedb0943ef6418a
Euphoria, season 1, episode 1, “Pilot.” Frizell, Augustine, dir. HBO, 16 June 2019. play.hbomax.com/page/urn:hbo:page:GXKOAMQ3qNcJzwwEAAAAU:type:episode 
Kids. Directed by Larry Clark, 1995.
Mean Girls. Directed by Mark Waters, Paramount Pictures, 2004.
Mid90s. Directed by Jonah Hill, A24, 2018.
The Breakfast Club. Directed by John Hughes, director’s cut, Universal Pictures, 1985.
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luckypon3 · 2 years
College essay on Supreme and Golfwang
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Parody and Irony in skating: 
The irony in skater fashion is designer skater fashion. The sport is for the underprivileged, people who feel that they don’t understand other sports, other people, other music, other clothes. The look of a skater is all about what they already have. In Mid90’s sunburn originally trades his CDs for his brother's old skateboard. Ruben from the same movie seems to only have two shirts one of which he exclaims is his favourite shirt. Fourth grade is quoted to be “the poorest person I’ve ever known,” by Ray; “he can’t even afford socks.”. Mid90’s shows that skating isn’t for the elite and in a lot of ways it has stayed that way since. Anyone can pick up a skateboard and try but the question in the recent era is can you keep up? 
Supreme for example is a brand that has fallen ill to consumer elitism. In April 1994 supreme was just another skater lifestyle store opened in New York but as the years have gone by It has completely, lost any of that. While its media and advertisement stay close to popular skaters, supreme falls under the hype-beast category of fashion (a demographic of fashion consumers who collect highly exclusive and popular pieces of fashion.) so it’s fair to say most of the people who purchase supreme are not skaters. Unfortunately, supreme only feeds into this by creating products such as the supreme money gun, supreme Oreos, supreme Lawn chair etc. Supreme raises the same questions as Balenciaga; is it all one ironic, mocking joke. 
This isn’t all to say supreme no longer has any good fashion on the contrary I believe that the demand for products that only serve as a sign of wealth is going down and the demand for substantial clothes and fashion is rising once more. This is evident in the supreme spring/summer 2022 look book. Featuring a balance of supreme logomania and new and interesting cuts, prints, textiles and colours. 
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Tyler the creator is largely credit for Supremes success among other influences. The brand’s mocking products and links to skaters is why young Tyler and supreme fit so well together. However, in 2013 after designing all odd future’s A.K.A odd future wolf gang kill them all A.K.A OFWGKTA (a hip-hop collective that Tyler lead) merch, Tyler launched GOLF WANG. Golf wang opened with its 2013 fall/winter collection featuring fitted caps, hoodies, stripped and graphic adorned T-Shirts, button ups and socks. Golf wang was already proving itself to be a brand catering towards skaters, following the regular silhouette. Most of the motifs had carried on from odd future but with a much cleaner non-merch look but most shockingly was a graphic of an extremely racist and controversial character Ture of an African American. Tyler makes it clear through his music and interview cuts that he is trying to get a rise out of people and considering his race as a Black man it’s sure that Tyler didn’t mean the graphic as a serious statement however as said by Sid, another musician in the odd future collective, the problem isn’t Tyler but who may purchase the shirt.  
Tyler’s Ironic graphics eventually fade away as well as the loud colours, focus on T-shirts and hoodies, and its jokey attitude. In turn a more mature Golf Wang formed. From 2017 onwards we start seeing suit like silhouettes, references to suburban fashion, more knitwear and heavier fabrics. These were clothes were made to go with loafers rather than air force ones. This is obviously influenced by Tyler's second fashion brand golf le fleur. Despite the shift, skaters moved with Tyler and the influence is obvious. It could be said that golf wang is the right place to look to identify where skater brands are today.
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sunburn: you really put aside everything and came all this way for me? how did you even get here so fast?
fuckshit: several traffic violations.
ray: three counts of resisting arrest.
fourth grade: roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
ruben: also, that's not our car.
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xelmokidx · 3 months
Hii can I request headcanons on how Ray from Mid90s would be like as an older brother with the reader as his little sister? I feel like he'd be the type to tease his little sibling and act like they're a baby even tho there's only a 2 year age gap- I feel like he'd be fun to gossip with aswell, the insults he'd pull out about people you have beef with would probably be SO funny
omg this is soo cuteeeeeeeee
ray x f!platonic!sibling!reader
So freaking protective it’s insane
like he will not leave you alone with any boy ever
maybe the group, like they are def an exception
((but not fuckshit, he’s way too horny))
teasing is always and forever
“ur short” “:(“
when you try to do it back he just laughs it off
but sometimes when you actually do a good burn, he is equally impressed and offended
Ray-“I mean you are a young stupid kid, no wonder why you look like that.”
-Y/n-“ damn, I can’t believe your ugly and mean, pick a struggle asswipe”
will always call you a baby
whether it’s derogatory or not
if you fall and cry , you’re a baby
if you are talking to someone you are vibing with and want to date, you can’t, you’re only a baby
it gets to a point where the rest of the group starts to call you a baby( with fuckshit calling you babygirl as a way to flirt)
trying teach you to skate when you guys where younger
but you sucked, so he stopped trying to teach you
(you where so saddened by the fact that he stopped teaching you that he gave you thirty dollars( which was his life savings) and promised that you could hang out with his friend sometimes)
((you never stopped hanging out with his friends))
you have sad puppy dog eyes that will change any decision he has into your favor
They also work on every single one of the boys
you, Stevie and Ruben complain about being the youngest kids in the group
hanging out with Estée and asking for girl stuff bc you have a stupid skater older brother and all of you guys’ conjoined friends are guys you have no clue about anything girly
speaking on girl stuff, the day you got your period for the first time was in front of the boys
they literally thought you were dying
ray was so concerned and started to cry
you where also terrified but you knew that all girls went through this cycle
you called Estée to help you and she explained everything to them
I like to thing that the reader is sorta popular at school, which is contrary to ray who only hangs out with fuckshit and fourthgrade in school
gossiping w/ ray after school at the nearby taco shop 🔛🔝‼️‼️
him actually being interested but acting like he doesn’t care is so funny to me omg
will buy you any little random thing that remind him of you
You being on fourthgrades films seems so cute to me hold on
like he’ll be filming you and ray coming like “wtf are you doing get that camera off of my baby sister”
and you are equally parts touched by his protectiveness and annoyed
okay that’s all I cnat think up rn
plsssssss send more request im begging 🙏
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ares--athena · 4 months
Hii I don't know if your asks are open or not if they aren't then ignore this sorry
Is it okay if you do headcanons on what Ray from Mid90s would be like as an older brother, with the reader as his younger sister?^^ maybe around 15 if that matters
Ray w/ Younger Sister Black Reader
First, y’all are really close
ray would be the type of older brother that would help you sneak in the house then be pissed that you didn't tell him where you were going
Ray definitely has trauma from when his twin died so that's definitely as thing
After the death of his twin you guys get incredibly close as you were all each other had left
He would teach you how to skateboard
You being younger would make him insanely protective after everything he and his friends have experienced
As you got older he would bring his friends around more since he didn't want any of them to be a bad influence
As he got closer with Stevie, he brought him around more knowing he wouldn't be a bad influence on you
Ray would be a protective brother as he sees more of his friends fuck their lives up and didn't want that for you
Would completely drop his cool demeanor if Fuckshit offered you ADD pills like he did Stevie and Ruben
I head canon that his parents are often at work so we'll roll with that; he became a very prominent figure in you life and would help you with everything he could
That being anything from school, friends, relationships, even mundane things like watching tv with you when he was home
Often time he would be the one to help with hair was days and styling
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