#ruby cacao cookie
quibbs126 · 1 year
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I didn’t really feel like drawing fankids today (or at least not now), so instead I drew some Ruby Cacao Cookie, a character I’ve been wanting to draw more of but never got around to
And she’s also the only one of the “ocs related to Dark Cacao” that I actually made to be an oc, not just a hypothetical character that just took up space in my brain
So I’ve fleshed out a few more details with Ruby Cacao, and I just want to say them
Not much to really say about the drawings themselves. The first one is just supposed to be Ruby being concerned over her brother, coming back with scratches all over him. She’s supposed to be somewhat strict on him, but given the dangers of the land, it’s pretty justified. As shown in the other picture, she tends to be kind to him
The bottom two pictures are just supposed to be that Gordon Ramsay meme, which also describes her herself, even if it is a slight exaggeration. Like I said, towards Dark Cacao she’s very kind and understanding, trying to support him even if he has trouble doing things (he’s like 5 here), and she’s always the one he goes to when he’s scared or in trouble. However, to everyone else in the tribe, they know her as being quick to anger, very aggressive and willing to commit violence on other children. Granted, part of the reason for her aggression is the fact that everyone else in the village tends to be mean to her little brother (which has a reason, but I’ll explain later), or they’ve basically given up on life and she’s fed up with them all. But regardless she does have a short temper and is quick to anger, as well as just very distrusting of people. Were she to have lived to meet the other Ancients, it’d take some time for her to warm up to them and trust them with her brother. (I realize she kinda sounds like an overprotective parent not letting their kid date someone and having to be won over for their blessing. If polyancients, then yes this would probably happen). Though also later in life she would have mellowed out some, as she’s learned not to just assume the worst of people and that there are good Cookies out there
So I alluded to me having made the backstory to the fate of their village and why it’s so run down, so I might as well talk about it. Basically, just blame the Licorice Sea. So basically, the Cacao Tribe lived right off the coast of the Licorice Sea, which also used to be farther inland, as there was less of a force pushing back on it. Years prior to the time shown here, around when Dark Cacao was baked, there was a major attack from the Licorice Sea on the Cacao Tribe, to which the warriors fought against bravely. In the end, the Cacao warriors were able to push the creatures back, but in the resulting carnage a lot of their village was destroyed and many, both warriors and innocent civilians, crumbled. To the rest of the tribes, this is where the Cacao Tribe met their end, in glorious battle to defend their people. However, they did manage to hold out, but their plight was not over, as soon after, a plague broke out amongst the (I don’t actually know what it does, but I imagine when it was visible, it showed up as splotches of licorice on the dough with it eventually turning the eyes dull. Also it was fatal. Maybe it culminated in the affected melting into licorice? I dunno), caused by the attack and overexposure to the Licorice monsters. As such, the warriors were the ones first affected by the plague, and since it was a slow acting sickness and people didn’t know about it, it quickly spread throughout the tribe. They had to cut themselves off from the rest of the world at that point, hence one reason the other tribes thought they all perished, and try to work out on their own how to stop it. The plague devastated the surviving population, and while a cure (or at least something to help fight off the disease for those who could be saved) was eventually found, by this point so many had succumbed to the disease that the population of the tribe was no more than 20 Cookies. After all the horrible death and misery that those survivors went though in such a short amount of time, they were basically all left severely traumatized and for most of the adults, it left them with a constant state of sorrow and hopelessness, wondering when death was coming for them, or why they were the ones left to survive, some even saying they should have all died when the rest of their tribe did. Dark Cacao and Ruby Cacao lived through this, however they were very young at the time, with Dark Cacao not remembering any of it. As such, he just doesn’t feel or understand that same sense of loss, especially since he still has his sister, and because of that other kids (and to some extent the adults) take out their feelings on him. Ruby Cacao is a bit older, and only vaguely remembers the end of the plague (both of them got the disease, but got it late enough that they weren’t too affected before the cure), but the others don’t pick on her because they know she fights back, and fights hard (she’s got abnormal strength like her brother)
Edit: oh yeah, another thing I wanted to mention but forgot, after making up this backstory, it made me consider making a fic where another Licorice Plague happens, but this time it’s in the aftermath of Episodes 13-14, since they have a pretty big Licorice Sea attack themselves. I think it sounds interesting, since while Dark Cacao knows what it is once he sees the visible symptoms and he’s the only one to have lived through an outbreak like this and knows that there is a cure, he was too young to actually remember any of it, only being told about it and not knowing all the details. So if the Citadel wants to find a cure before it causes devastation to their troops, we might have to do some memory magic stuff to find the answers, which could also lead into other characters learning of the past he keeps secret (if it was like a thing where someone else has to venture in his memories, I’d pick Caramel Arrow for the one to do it), which could be neat. Also, there’s the whole conflict of the fact that to keep the plague from spreading, they’d have to quarantine the entire Citadel, meaning they’d have to completely shut their gates once more, even though they just opened them up again after so long, which could plant fear and doubt back in to the minds of the citizens, and Dark Cacao doesn’t want to do that, but the alternative puts the entire kingdom at risk. I feel like there’s plenty of interesting concepts you could have with this, I’m just not very skilled at writing multi-chapter fics, so I don’t really know how to approach this
But eventually the tribe met their ultimate fate a few years later, when the Licorice Sea attacked the tribe once again, and as there were no warriors and most of them just wanted to die, and as such they and what remained of their village was swallowed up by the sea, with only a few survivors, that being those that still wanted to live and could escape the attack, which weren’t many, but included Dark Cacao and Ruby Cacao
What happened after I’ve already said, them living alone in the mountains (with Dark Cacao becoming more independent as there’s only two of them, so he feels he can’t just hide behind her and has to step up and do his part), Ruby meeting her tragic fate and what happened with Dark Cacao afterwards
I also had some ideas for what Ruby Cacao would look/be like if she had lived, mainly just in that while she uses a large sword like her brother and nephew now, she later ends up preferring dual daggers, sort of like what Caramel Arrow has, only it doesn’t turn into a bow. Also that when she’s a teenager, she wears a cloak made out of a snow lion’s pelt, along with other things made from its fur (Dark Cacao has some too). I’m thinking she’s more of a hunter than her brother. Were she to live, she’d probably go with him and the other Ancients on their journey, and (presumably) get a Soul Jam herself, probably a red one. I’d imagine she and her brother would end up joint ruling the kingdom, or if she doesn’t take ruling role, she’s at least got an important role in the kingdom. I imagine she and Dark Choco would get along, with Ruby Cacao thinking he reminds her of Dark Cacao when he was that young (and then probably teasing Dark Cacao about it, to his embarrassment). Don’t know if she’d have a kid of her own, but if she did they’d probably be named Ruby Choco Cookie.
But yeah, I think that about covers what I wanted to say
To be honest, I want to draw more on this page, so I might edit this later with more sketches and then details about what’s on that. Though most of what’s going through my head for ideas is just them when the Licorice Sea destroyed their village (the final time) and Ruby Cacao hypothetically older. Though I’m also considering drawing them during the Licorice Plague, aka very small Ruby and Dark
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painisfull · 6 months
Ruby Choco Cookie!
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anitoko-17294 · 1 month
Stages of Healing au - Licorice Cookie/Luis Halandori
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Most of Licorice's design in the SOH au is inspired by dark choco's after the events of episode 14 of world exploration, as well as some of Licorice's costumes in both CRK & Ovenbreak
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Yes, I’ll make Affagato's appearance in this au as well, and for those who are wondering, he’s doing…somewhat well.
Back to Licorice though, the dude is basically the elephant in the room to the other dark cacao citizens, though he gets along pretty well with SOME of the dark cacaoians and most of the Ruby Cacaoians (Mainly Ruby Choco Cookie) and the other non-dark cacaoians in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, such as the local rice cake hound trainer, Choco Rice Cake Cookie.
He has a lot of guilt from all the shit he put Dark Cacao Cookie and his subjects through back in 2022 (IYKYK), and gets pretty damn pissed off when someone brings it up. He’s also pissed at the Cookies of Darkness (Save for Matcha, Butterroll, Poison Mushroom, Dark Choco, Red Velvet, and Choco Werehound Brute) for nearly screwing over both the dark cacao kingdom AND the Creme Republic.
He’s ESPECIALLY furious at Pomegranate Cookie for 4 reasons:
Just being an asshole in general
Using Dark Choco's trauma against him and using it as a punishment by tormenting him
Causing Dark Cacao to become the Ghoul and nearly getting everyone killed
She attempted to manipulate him into staying in the Cookies of Darkness after he made it known that he and Affogato were leaving
I’ll make a post on affogato cookie in this au at some point in the future
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cg-cookierun · 3 months
Oc shenanagins
but this time, it's placed in @cuppajj 's Beast Ancient AU! I just think its neat
Half N' Half Choco Cookie (Wastelands - Cacao Kingdom)
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Despite his solitary life style, and lack of social interaction since The DFW, Half N' Half Choco Cookie is very aware that something is wrong.
Currently he's just putting up small traps around his tower in The Wastelands. Not much else he feels he can do.
Ruby Choco Cookie (On the run - Cacao Kingdom)
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GTFO as soon as she realized something was off, very much hopes her Husband will... stop... all that. But for now she's on the journey back to her home village to hide away.
White Raisin Cookie (On the run - Vanilla Kingdom)
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Absolutely inconsolable, running along with Strawberry Crepe. Threw her Cape clasp- that was designed after her fathers Soul Jam- Away.
Out of everyone, she hopes the most that everything goes back to normal.
She misses her parents.
Dragonbell Cookie (Beast-Yeast)
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In a similar space as Half N' Half Choco, but far more aware of what exactly is happening.
Doesn't really care, so long as The Lady is safe (IE: Lunar Eclipse)
(Undesigned ocs)
White Peppercorn Cookie (Dragon's Valley)
Incredibly stressed out, she would rather be anywhere else than The Dragons valley but can't leave its borders. Mostly just hoping Dragonberry doesn't turn her eyes onto her operation. Sent her best workers out of The Valley.
Angel Hair Cookie + Snake Wheat Cookie (Cacao Kingdom)
They would leave, but there's not really anywhere for them to go. Just try to stay out of the way
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sundove88 · 1 year
Linkers Of The Ancient Heroes (Cookie Run Sugar Linkage)
Hello, everyone! Sorry if I didn’t post that much art but I have a new installment for Project Link Up- Cookie Run Sugar Linkage!
And what better way to start than with the linkers of the Ancient Heroes?
Btw, their Linkage Treats are in the brackets- and I’d like to see their Linked Forms!
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Jonah Ramirez (Pure Vanilla Cookie): “No matter what, I’ll find the linkers of your friends no matter what! Even if it means skipping classes and stuff!” (Determined Doctor in Training) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Vanilla Bean Soufflé]
Jonah is a Caucasian-Latino student at medical school, and went there because not because he wants to help heal people, but also because he wants to make a change in the world.
As much as he treasures his friends (They’re older than him), he loves his mentor Priscilla the most, especially since they became instant friends when Jonah began attending the university.
Just like his partner Pure Vanilla Cookie, he’s mostly the medic of the team, and a very good one at that.
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Eliza Regale (Hollyberry Cookie): “Who's my fave granddaughters? Yes, you are! After all, I’ve still got that fighting spirit in me!” (Gramma of The Year) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Festive Berry Cupcake]
Eliza is a talented Black fashion designer and owner of the Fashion House Berrylicious. She can practically make any outfit you wish, but she loves making dresses the most.
She loves her granddaughters Emily and Erika (Princess and Tiger Lily’s Linkers) more than anything, and she lets her husband Ivan (Elderberry’s Linker) as well as her son Matthew (Royalberry’s Linker) and daughter in law Lorelei (Jungleberry’s Linker) to help her with designing clothes.
Just like her partner Hollyberry Cookie, she knows some sweet party tricks like a keg stand and can even break open a wall with just a headbutt.
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Donnelly Hyun (Dark Cacao Cookie): “Andy… I know I’m busy with everything I’m doing… but I swear… I will spend time with you…!” (Wanting Nothing But My Son) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Chocolate Citadel]
Donnelly is a Korean-American father who accepted an overseas work offer too good to be true, and wants desperately to get back to his family in Bakerton (The main setting of CRSL).
He loves his wife Kiera (ChocoPearl’s Linker) and son Andy (Dark Choco’s Linker) more than anything, but is really good at martial arts. However, his coworker Qin (Affogato’s Linker) decided to keep him in Korea… for his own reasons.
Just like his partner Dark Cacao Cookie, he also has a very soft side- especially when he makes ink drawings with just a brush and ink pot.
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Natalia Jameel (Golden Cheese Cookie): “Tell me, is my company going the way I want it? And if so… how can I make it better?” (More Than Just Gold) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Gilded Cheese Fondue]
Natalia is an Arabic woman who is the CEO of Golden Moments Inc., a trade company that has a building 36 stories tall- her office is on the very top floor!
She has a pet Scarlet macaw named Rouge and loves her husband Abdul, but feels like that something is missing from her life; and no matter how much gold surrounds her, she can’t fill that hole.
Just like her partner Golden Cheese Cookie, she loves anything sparkly and has a secret obsession with gemstones- especially amethysts, rubies, topazes, sapphires, emeralds, and pearls… but most of all diamonds.
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Priscilla Magdalene (White Lily Cookie): “Come on me, you can do this. You just have to keep Patricia at bay…!” (Two Sides of The Same Flower) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ [Lily Flower Cookies]
Priscilla is a Caucasian teacher at the University of Bakerton, and she teaches botany. Plus, her favorite flowers are asiatic lilies; because of their smell and meaning.
However, a month prior to the series, she tried to make life on her own aka Homunculi- but that backfired and she was caught up in a massive explosion, leading her face to be permanently scarred and her to gain a split personality- aka Patricia (Dark Enchantress’ Linker). Despite the efforts of her friends to save her, all 5 of their Linkage Treats were destroyed and she was sent into a coma upon being split from Patricia.
Just like her partner White Lily Cookie, she truly values her friends and family- especially Jonah, who was devastated at the fact he lost his mentor.
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destinylightsup-2006 · 10 months
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My Nice List for Christmas (2023)
Here are the characters I think they're nice. (As I believe they all are)
Pure Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run)
Hollyberry Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie and White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run)
Gingerbrave (Cookie Run)
Cherry Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie (Cookie Run)
Cream Puff Cookie (Cookie Run)
Cotton Cookie (Cookie Run)
Pumpkin Pie Cookie (Cookie Run)
Milky Way Cookie (Cookie Run)
Sea Fairy Cookie and Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run)
Cream Unicorn Cookie (Cookie Run)
Clotted Cream Cookie (Cookie Run)
Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren (RWBY)
Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Oscar Pine (RWBY)
Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus (Sailor Moon)
Chibiusa (Sailor Moon)
Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons)
Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Mario and Luigi (Super Mario)
Peach and Daisy (Super Mario)
Yoshi (Super Mario)
Geno and Mallow (Super Mario)
Rosalina (Super Mario)
Adeleine and Ribbon (Kirby)
Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony)
Spike (My Little Pony)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony)
Princess Celestia (My Little Pony)
Princess Luna (My Little Pony)
Steven Universe
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tails the Fox (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Hercules (Disney)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)
Sulley and Mike (Monsters, Inc.)
Po (Kung Fu Panda)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Ryuko Matoi and Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill)
Elsa and Anna (Frozen)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon)
Woody and Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Leo, Raph, Don and Mikey (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man)
Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
Puss in Boots
Raya (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Sisu (Raya and the Last Dragon)
Fa Mulan (Mulan)
Tari (Meta Runner)
Meggy Spletzer and Melony (SMG4)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Chun Li (Street Fighter)
Poppy (Trolls)
Emmet Brickowski (The LEGO Movie)
Stan, Kyle and Kenny (South Park)
Butters Stotch (South Park)
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Muriel Bagge (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Yoda (Star Wars)
Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)
Frozone (The Incredibles)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas & Friends)
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Felonius Gru (Despicable Me)
Lucy Wilde (Despicable Me)
Margo, Edith and Agnes Gru (Despicable Me)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Bumblebee (Transformers)
Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger (Inside Out)
Dipper and Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Sportacus (LazyTown)
Captain America (Marvel)
Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg (Teen Titans)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Samurai Jack
Frodo Baggins (Middle-earth)
Gandalf (Middle-earth)
NOTE: I do not own everything
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paranoid-necromi · 2 months
The Big-Bad Request List!
Hihi I'm Necromi/Nomi and I do requests for all fandoms listed and tagged!!! I had a post similar to this before, but I'm remaking it for the sake of getting more requests and having my info more accessible! Signal boosting and reblogs are super duper appreciated ♡!
The Types Of Requests I Do:
Edit Icons
Edit Banners (*please specify size)
Edit Wallpapers (*please specify size)
DNI Banners
Reblog Banners
Short Fics/Writing (*currently only for CRK)
Ship Things
Therein/Otherkin Stimboards & Moodboards
Request Guidelines & Etiquette:
Please specify relevant ratios
Feel free to include certain things you want included or editing styles you'd like
Please read my DNIs, blacklist, and source list before requesting: things that are not on my source list and/or that are on my blacklist will not be done, but please send an ask to check if there are any exceptions that can be made!
Absolutely no NSFW requests: mild blood and gore requests are fine, but absolutely nothing sexual or suggestive will be made and requesting NSFW things will get you blocked!
Some requests can't be completed due to not having official art to use or other reasons, requests are never denied maliciously!
Occasionally my requests are paused meaning I am not currently working on requests: you can still request things while my requests are paused, however they won't be worked on or completed until my requests are unpaused
Requests are completed in the order I received them with minor exceptions (*basically a stimboard is much faster and easier to make than a fic): if I complete a request before yours, it is because I recieved that request before your request
Greenlist (Fandoms I Do Requests For):
Cookie Run Kingdom
Puyo Puyo
Tokyo Mew Mew
Slime Rancher
Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion
Precure (*not all characters)
Madoka Magica + Magia Record
Stardew Valley
Magical Girl Raising Project (*not all characters)
Genshin (*not all characters)
Needy Streamer Overdose
Red Velvet Cookie × Pastry Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie × Mystic Flour Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie × Dark Choco Cookie
Pureple Yam Cookie
Moon Rabbit Cookie
Junko Enoshima
Junko Enoshima × Anyone
Schezo × Witch
Tokyo Mew Mew New
Mew Ichigo × Quiche/Kishu
Ruby × Yang
Incest & Pedophilic Ships
*Please just ask about pokemon characters, creatures, and ships
"MAPs", Pedos, Proshippers, Ect
Homophobes, Transphobes, Anti-LGBTQ+
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pinksparklelps · 11 months
Dream lol
I was both white lily cookie and a dragon at the same time. Possibly also anna from frozen. The kingdoms were all very side by side, and it was forbidden from going to another kingdom because other cookies are yucky and mean. Since my sister was very secluded, i went out with my favorite guard to play in the garden (me, pv, ect were quite young maybe around 8-10) and we picked white roses. Suddenly some guy came riding in on a motorbike and I tried to stop him. I did, and we talked, but then we were attacked by soldiers.
We tried hiding in the trees, and for some reason i picked some berries: pink, blue, and white. One of them made us invisible and we could sneak away. Later on, i was out flying around with a book on magic. I went into the vanilla kingdom, and spotted black raisin cookie + pure vanilla cookie. I chased them for a bit, begging to ask sone questions and that i’d tell them useful stuff. We ended up in a library when they stopped. I was going back down the spiral stairs when BR cookie stopped me and asked what kind of information.
I told her about those magic berries, and asked if she or PV cookie knew anything for me. They didn’t and we all head off. A day later I was stuck in the palace because it was raining pretty heavily and i was told the garden would surely be flooded. Regardless, i went outside into town, and saved the guy on the motorbike from drowning in the flooded streets. We flew back to the garden, and realized it wasn’t very flooded anymore, and went searching for the berries again. Tons of trees and bushes were cut from the previous soldier attack.
So we went into the golden cheese kingdom, and accidentally scared a bunch of humans. We eventually found some willing to help, and one similar to Wren in wof helped us look for more berries. I apparently had a pet at this point, a guinea pig mixed with a cat. We ventured into somewhere similar to the poison jungle in pantala, where we had to flee quickly so no one would get eaten by plants. Timeskip to dinner, i dropped my berries off at the table at wrens familys place cuz they invited me for dinner.
It was then i noticed my guinea cat was missing and panicked, immediately flying back to retrace my steps while calling for him. His name was loner i think. I eventually made it into the dark cacao kingdom which was for some reason like the city in stray. It was night and i was missing for like a day from my kingdom. I found my pet, and had a little game battle where i was given a paw with claws and had to make my feral dude realize its me. I eventually got him back, and we headed back to the my kingdom. I accidentally also messed up the clouds of the pegasus palace that was for some reason in between the lily and golden kingdoms. I was in my garden, deciding to plant my berries after retrieving them from wrens place.
One of the soldiers somehow snuck over and tried to kill me. I quickly fled, and found all dragon queens (including my mom who i think was ruby of the skywings?) and yelled that someone just tried to assassinate me. Me, ruby, and glory headed to the cloud palace for some reason, where we met Princess Celestia. She asked me to please fix what I had damaged, and she’d take me to her garden to get white roses to fix it. We did so (I accidentally grabbed some red lilies which i was embarrassed about) and went back to fix the clouds. While the queens did that, i went and talked to some random ponies walking along the border of the lily kingdom. And then the dream ended.
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totallygray · 7 months
Thought I'd actually post something one here since this account has been collecting dust for like a couple years I think anyways here's some cookie run kingdom oc's
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Ruby Choco cookie is a warrior of the dark cacao kingdom if you can't tell by his uniform his brother left the kingdom to "find himself" although Ruby Choco has no idea what that means he supports his brother where he can and would typically send letters to him when he could until the events of the game in which he tagged along with gingerbrave and co to ensure their safety
Triple choco cookie is Ruby choco cookie's younger brother who left the dark cacao kingdom because he didn't want to deal with whatever the liquorice sea was up to and because he wanted adventure he ended up finding Gingerbrave and the others on his journey and tagged along to save earthbread
(Triple choco is not a child he's about average cookie height Ruby Choco is just freakishly tall) If you have any questions about them I shall answer
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Alright, so I just made up this character this morning basically right after waking up, and I thought I’d draw her and show her to you. As I said in the image, this is Ruby Cacao Cookie, and she’s supposed to be Dark Cacao’s older sister (not by that much though)
I got her name because a few weeks ago, I was looking up ruby chocolate to see what exactly it was, and apparently ruby chocolate is made from a new species of cacao bean called ruby cacao. She was originally just going to be a character named Ruby Choco that Dark Cacao used to know, but then I remembered that ruby chocolate came from ruby cacao, so I thought “ooh maybe they could be siblings if she were Ruby Cacao” and so yeah
Also, as you might be able to guess, she’s supposed to be where Dark Choco gets his red eyes from, since while I like Dark Cacao ships (mainly Jujube/Cacao and Pure Vanilla/Dark Cacao/White Lily (does that have a ship name? I’m calling it purecacaolily)), I’m pretty sure in canon, Dark Choco’s only supposed to have one parent, that being Dark Cacao. So why not say he got it from another family member?
I made her hair a different color so she stood out from Dark Cacao and Choco, so I colored it after the ruby cacao pods I saw online. But I still kept the white streaks to show the connection
To be honest, I was struggling today with both her design and backstory (which was also my revision of my take on Dark Cacao’s backstory, since I’ve changed what I thought about it), mainly since I have two tests today, one of which I still need to take, and this morning my brain was split between doing physics problems in recitation, reading the books/notes for my Literature test in like an hour, listening to the discussions going on at the table, and coming up with stuff for her. Then after that I was just mentally exhausted from the Literature exam. Only in the past few hours have I been able to come up with something
Aight, so. The backstory. Note, the main character in this story will be Dark Cacao, since this also serves as my retcon of his old backstory
So Dark Cacao came from the Cacao Tribe, a place that at the time, was barely holding on. The people were starving and struggling to find enough food, the beasts in the area had grown more vicious, and their best warriors had all now crumbled away. Because of this, the people of the tribe had basically lost all hope, and were just waiting for their inevitable demise. Any concept of happiness or laughter were nothing but a pipe dream; it was a truly miserable place. Dark Cacao lived there with his sister, Ruby Cacao. They didn’t understand why the adults had all just given in to despair, and wanted to speak out against it, but they were just children, and so no one would listen to them.
One day, the tribe’s demise came in the form of a particularly devastating attack on their village (I haven’t decided what). Dark Cacao and Ruby Cacao were just barely able to escape, and they, like any of the other survivors, fled into the mountains.
They wondered why things had gotten so bad in their tribe, and eventually figured that maybe if they had chosen to keep trying and help each other instead of always being hopeless, they could have saved themselves. So the two (it was technically Ruby’s idea, but Dark quickly agreed with it) decided that they won’t make that mistake, and that they would try and help Cookies in need.
They did this for a while, this giving them a drive which helped them thrive in the wilderness, up until one particular day when they found a group of Cookies being attacked by some monsters, and they fought them off (they can probably fight and use swords at this time, though it’s a bit rudimentary), but in the process Ruby Cacao got a pretty nasty wound. At the time, she shrugged it off, but on the journey back to the Cookies’s village, it quickly grew worse and she all but collapsed. They were eventually able to get to the village and find a healer, but by the time they did, it was too late, and unfortunately her wound would be fatal, due to internal bleeding. Soon, Ruby Cacao succumbed to her wound, but not before making Dark Cacao promise that he would continue to help other Cookies in need, and then crumbling in front of him
Edit: okay, so after more thought, I’m changing the backstory from when the Cacao Tribe was destroyed to when Ruby Cacao crumbles (everything I italicized) because I don’t like it. In my defense, what I wrote here was kind of literally my first draft that I had only come up with in a few hours. I’ll keep the original just for posterity, but just note, it’s not going to be part of it
So they managed on their own for a bit. While it was more difficult now that they didn’t have others to rely on, regardless of how helpful they were, but they found a way. However, one day they got attacked by a hungry beast, and while they were eventually able to drive it off, in the process Ruby Cacao got seriously injured.
Dark Cacao tried to help, but he could only do so much, and so he tried to find someone to help her. He was able to find other travelers or tribes, but when he asked for help, they turned him away, as they had to look out for themselves. By the time he was able to find a doctor that would actually try to help, it was too late, and soon Ruby Cacao ended up crumbling in front of him
After this, Dark Cacao was left in a daze, unable to process her death, and finding himself climbing the mountains in a blizzard, as if to join her. Thankfully, he was saved by a certain pair of twins. After this, he took some time to process it all, and told himself that he had to make sure that no one else goes through what he did by helping those in need. And so, he became a wandering warrior, helping where he could
During this time, he was very lonely, and desired companionship again, but at the same time, didn’t let himself be close to another person both because he didn’t want to lose someone again, and because he felt finding someone new would be a betrayal to Ruby Cacao, as if he was just replacing her. But most notably, his experiences had led him to have a rather cynical outlook on the world and other Cookies. He had learned that in this world, Cookies tended to only look out for themselves or the people they cared about, and that compassion for anyone else was scarce. He’d help others, sure, but he wouldn’t trust them, at least not to the extent that he could rely on them. So even if he wanted to be around others, just didn’t see a reason to risk it.
He dealt with those feelings for a long time, until he met the other Ancients and went along with them on their travels, eventually coming to the realization that there is good in this world, and he can allow himself to open his heart to others and be with them, even if Ruby Cacao was still gone
Over the years, Ruby Cacao is something he’s kept close to his heart, but also something he doesn’t like talking about (only the other Ancients know about her). Though, for a while, he was starting to feel as if he was forgetting her, as it had been so long since he saw her face. But when Dark Choco was born, and he saw those red eyes, he felt that painful pang of familiarity as he remembered once more
But yeah, that’s Ruby Cacao. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Calc test to take
Edit: I just realized that I didn’t really mention anything about her actual personality. To be honest, I haven’t really thought about that much, but I’ll work on it
#cookie run#cookie run kingdom#cookie run oc#dark cacao cookie#ruby cacao cookie#my art#my oc#all right I’m back#pretty sure I did horribly on my test but moving on#so yeah pretty different from my old story#but after actually getting Dark Cacao and going through his story as well as just examining him in canon#I sort of got a different impression than I did initially#he seems like he never allows anyone to get close (other than his friends)#and I mean the dude straight up says he doesn’t know how to laugh#his backstory is probably pretty horrible#and also Might of the Ancients seems to suggest he hasn’t really met the dragons#or at least doesn’t know them personally#so in this they’re far less involved#but I think I may have understated them as they are kind of the reason Dark Cacao’s resolve is restored#and the three of them all have a deep respect for one another#oh yeah also another thing I forgot to mention#I like to headcanon the Ancients met and started traveling together when they were around Gingerbrave’s age#meaning that all of this happens to Dark Cacao before he’s even 12#he’s a literal child when dealing with these things#also this means that Ruby Cacao died a child as well#oh also he hasn’t told Dark Choco about her or his past#edit: in the edit I feel like Ruby Cacao has even less personality but I’ll work on it#and also I changed it bc I thought it was better for Dark Cacao to come to the conclusion to help others himself#rather than it all be Ruby Cacao#it’s sacrificing Ruby Cacao for Dark Cacao
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Main F/o's:
Adaman ⏳️ (Uncomfortable Sharing)
Archer 🗄
Petrel 💥
Pokemon F/o's
Black and white:
Colress 🧪
Brycen 👊❄️
Let's Go:
Lt.Surge ⚡️
Archer 🗄
Petrel 💥
Alpha Sapphire/Omgea Ruby:
Maxie 🌋
Ultra Sun/Moon:
Guzma 🪲☠️
Miror B🕺
Eldes 📝
Sword and Shield:
Avery 🎩
Gordie 🕶
Shielbert 🛡
Chairman Rose🌹
Pokemon Go:
Mateo 🥾
Scarlet and Violet:
Hassel 🎼
Brassius 🖌    
Grusha ❄️🏂
Larry 😐
Arven 🍳
New Pokemon Snap:
Professor Mirror 📷
Pokemon Legends Arceus:
Adaman ⏳️ (Uncomfortable Sharing)
Volo 🥚🎒
Lian ⛏️💎
Sabi 🦅
Djimmi 🧞‍♂️
Beppi 🤡
Mortimer Freeze 🧙‍♂️
King Dice🎲
Dr.Kahl 🔧
Kahl's Robot🤖
Chef Saltbaker 🧂
Flim 🍎
Fancy Pants💍
Twilight Sparkle 🌟👑
Shining Armor 🪖🛡
Princess Cadance 👑💝
Lego City Undercover:
Chase McCain 👮‍♂️
Rex Fury🥊
Vinnie Pappalardo 🍨
Chan Chuang⛩️🐉
Super Mario:
Mario 🍄
Luigi 👻
Dr.Eggman 🛠
Knuckles 🤜
John Dory🎤
Cookie Run Kingdom :
Captain Caviar Cookie🏴‍☠️
Dark Cacao Cookie🗡
Butter Roll Cookie⚗️
Licorice Cookie 🍬
Pure Vanilla Cookie🍦🍪
Crème Brûlée Cookie 🫓
Hollyberry Cookie🍇
Strawberry Crepe Cookie🍓
Custard Cookie III 👑
Dark Choco Cookie ⚔️
Captain America (Steve Rogers) 🛡🥏
Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)🦾
Thor 🔨
Loki 😈
Inside out 1&2:
Anger 😡🔥
Embarrassment 😳
Robbie Rotten 🍰🍬🍭
Sportacus 🍎🏃
Spongebob Squarepants:
Squidward 🦑
Gravity Falls:
Stanford Pines 📕
Stanley Pines💰
Fiddleford McGucket💻
Dipper 🌲
Mabel 🌠
Soos ❔️
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motura33 · 2 years
The rise the Giant dark cacao cookie, a special edition of gift for @dr4xx0r and @smalberry
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100 years... Let's play snow after a child, and every, ask very soon, the second feeling the snowing, at the shed "he is after snowing outside the window, it's very creepy looking off the face, it's strange snow Kaiju"
(that looks like Arceus, why is it just okay about the real name was, palkia, Dialga, and Giratina)
The strange creature, attacking by Jacksonville Florida
Part of the show, did the same "okay fine"
Lily said. He acted me, why you ask me to do something very important, this weird thing I never thought that, a camera, it's one after a giant monster, the taller size, "what the hell?? w-.... What is that thing!!! Something strange going to happening!!!". There's a saw Palmetto park, many people are strange thing on the results, a terrify Giant monster, she is a giant dark cacao cookie.... He destroying every people are bloody in the cracking the shoes, "there's this strange thing I've never thought this" as she said
As well to see years, short not, and after destroy, mini people around very strange sound.... It was a running..... She called 911, it's impossible quickly meaning mines
"911, why the emergency"
"H-... Hello, somebody help!!! This is a strange looking creature-like cookies, can you please help..." "Okay what's your name"
"my name is ruby". "Okay ruby I'll be right soon on police and fire fire"
She feels ruby, name but she saw that look like groudon?... Is she the strange or something??.. "AH!! She's eating!! HELP ME!!! PLEASE HURRY UP!!!"
She eating bloody on my leg, "AH!!! MY LEG!!!". But solidly.... The strange creature..... Did it be you... Did you get me.... The weird thing, strange looking creature, she was going to city, made me have cute.... But she's so hungry.... Many people are eating, which mean blood. It's too late for her a bloody, she's still eating everyone have bloody, something strange going to be happening next morning, 26 hours later... After destroy everyone was eating, 500%, but just starting lily, she said a hug, and she's looking him face, but after her death, the strange thing I have saw this year, many people are survived, my parent would be best friend together, but still lily has the hug and.... The weird thing.... Pastor Lee, have now lily had to say "what..... But no.... this can be..... What are you doing here!?". Pastor Lee, starting angry, "lily! You are bad darling!!! But you are the strange thing I saw this!!!" But she's still doing and bloody, pop blood pressure monitor, it's very good, that dark cacao cookie, list of love with my friends are Lila, she's going to be the new friend, but who... I think Lila she's a new friend lily
The next day. The back in the snow, but now she's gone, everyone the same "that's okay, well, look like dark cacao cookie, half the back". "Goodbye dark cacao, see you soon". Epilogue, have back in the life.... For Now... The end....
So, you guys are my favorite story of g/t, so I hope to guess you know what, you guessing
@dr4xx0r and @smalberry I have a new special edition of gift
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ruby choco cookie,my beloved
i dont have art of him but there IS a cookie run oc in my brain so here’s the story line:
after months of healing and recovery,dark choco cookie hangs up the strawberry jam sword. and yet it’s power lingers in the ruined halls it’s been set in. it cant act on it’s own. so it’s power manifests a wielder.
this wielder is ruby choco cookie. he is found in the ruined walls of the shattered kingdom. the sword can’t speak to him much. can’t influence him much. but he feels it’s pull and as he grows,he finds that he wants nothing more in life than to find the last heir to the dark cacao kingdom,no matter the costs.
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Ruby Frappuccino Cookie Info
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•Age: 36 Years Old
•He / Him
•Bisexual (Male Lean)
•Current Resident: Crème Republic
•Rarity: Super Epic
•Class: Support
•Team Position: Back
•Gacha Pull: “Not everyone will have a happy ending.”
•Recommended Toppings: 5 Medium Swift Chocolates
•Ruby Frappuccino originally from the dark cacao kingdom but moved to the republic when he was young
•Ruby Frappuccino is an medical researcher, he also experiments on the cookies
•Ruby Frappuccino may look sweet but in reality he’s an villain
•A lot of people fall for his charm, but it can be dangerous too
•Ruby Frappuccino created an infected cookie which was created by fungus bacteria. He calls that Cookie ‘Weed Killer’
•Lastly Ruby Frappuccino has a quiet & mysterious personality and everyone wants to know what’s he planning next
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nephalemartist · 1 year
Hi ruby choco cookie! How did you find your way to Dark cacao kingdom? Also I love you❤
Ruby: Aaawww youuuu! Well like i said before on my first answer, me and my family went to the kingdom because we wanted to travel and we loved snow, but i am here now, Father-in-law got hurt (again) 😅 so i am helping him recover, I've been helping him for 7 years too!
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choclateblog · 2 years
 Hi, i'm Kyana and i love chocolate. That's why i'm making this blog about chocolate. I think it's really interesting to see the proces of a chocolate bar. I've been to the chocolate nation in Antwerp where you could see how chocolate was made. I really found this interesting how it went from a cacao bean to a chocolate bar. So in this blog i'll be talking about the proces of a chocolate bar, what sorts you have and a lot more. 
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The earliest trace of cacao was found 5,300 years ago. That means that we've been using it for a really long time. The first person in the history that was able to make the cacao beans to chocolate were the Olmec. These were the  earliest civilizations in Latin America.
All the sorts of chocolate
The most common sorts of choclote are white, dark, milk and ruby. Ruby actually didn't exist until 2017. It was discovered by a Belgian chocolate maker, Barry Callebaut. Ruby chocolate is pink chocolate that taste intense fruitiness and fresh sour notes.You may think that the chocolate is just white chocolate collored with pink pigment. But it's actually made of the ruby cocoa bean. Chocolate isn't only in solid shape but also in liquid form and cacao powder.
the proces
the proces of chocolate takes a really long time. In the link i put below you can find the wole proces of chocolate. So if you are interested in reading all the steps in detail you can read the article. But if you don't wanna read the whole page i'll give you a short resume. So first they roast the cacao beans to bring out the chocolate aroma. After that they remove the shell and seperate the cacao from the cacao butter. They then add extra ingredients. The last step is the reheating the chocolate.
dishes made with chocolate
You can make alot of things with chocolate. This can go from drinks to food. You can make chocolate chips cookies, milkshakes, brownies, ice cream. But my favorite thing to make with chocolate is chocolate cake. People invent lots of different dishes but one of the weirdes dishes with chocolate i've seen so far are the fries with chocolate sauce.
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