#rude and racist af
narryleomessi · 1 year
have any of you ever hated a player so much that you don't want your team to win any trophies or leagues for as long as that motherfucker plays in your team???
Like you love your team so much, been supporting that club for 15+ years/since childhood because it's your dad and granddad's club, you love the other players immensely, but this one player grates on your nerves so much, like you fucking hate his guts, so now you don't want your team to win in the upcoming season because you don't want that one guy you despise to lift the trophy, get a medal, celebrate happily, or be on a winners bus parade ever.
I know this is soooooo irrational and ridiculous, i'm fully aware this is such a shitty thought, like why don't you want your childhood club and 25 other good players to win but you can't stop your brain from having this negative thought and intense hatred. The manager is stupid af too so they are going to lose on their own accord.
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tariah23 · 2 months
Last night, my boss called me out of the blue (he’s never done that before. It was like, almost 9pm and my sister and I were out eating at a restaurant in Chinatown. Well, we’d just left tbh.) asking if I was “coming in today?” And if “I need my hours,” like man, what? And tried to joke about the times where I’d text him to ask if I should still come in because the weather is bad and I can’t work the pool if it’s raining. They literally know this. I’ve been sent home because of the rain at least 5 times now, bro, stop playing with me. He said some shit like “you aren’t just doing that as an excuse to call off, right hahah?” And I just feel like that since they want to fire me, he’s trying to come up with an excuse to do so. He tried to take a jab at me asking by about the weather as an excuse to go into possibly “calling off too much,” even though I’ve never missed a day of work since starting this location. The only days I’ve missed are the days where they’d send me home because of the rain and that one weekend because I was gone for vacation, so they can’t use my attendance at all. I’m late sometimes (only because I’m tired of this place, man. I’m so unmotivated but I need the money orz. The good thing is that the leasing agents and those in higher positions aren’t there on the weekends. Only maintenance and the concierges and they don’t give a shit. I doubt they’d tell on me about being late since most of the concierges hate it there, too. They could gaf.) but my boss sounded like he was trying to see if I was going to coming in today (why wouldn’t I? I’ve been working the weekend for weeks now, what are you talking about 🗿…) so that he could try to have someone new work the pool to give them a chance to get used to it so that they could push me out/ fire me. Jokes on them, I might just call up my main boss on Monday and tell her that I’d like a new assignment because the work place has become hostile and it is now, making me feel uncomfortable.)
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carigm · 6 months
About Dyersfilm’s “leak”
For all of you who don’t know, dyersfilm is an insufferable individual who used to go by the name of swiftlynatalia. She is racist, homophobic, transphobic, and even made fun of her supposed favorite actress’ eating disorder. However, people on Twitter (especially mlvns) entertain her because she had reliable sources during the filming of S4, and after during post production. She had some true leaks, many being the same that Reddit got right, while others only she had. She was also wrong about quite a few things, but generally she was reliable.
It is worth noting though that she is extremely biased against byler (many of the leaks she got wrong for S4 were pertaining their storyline) and absolutely hates the ship.
This time around, she was getting some leaks during the first couple of months of filming to her curious cat, but she herself claimed that these were not reliable leaks whatsoever and that she was pissed because this time she doesn’t have access to the real sources she had for S4. She has complained about this repeatedly for these past few months. The leaks she has gotten tho, many she has mocked and made fun of because they don’t align with what she wants from the show. She also made a “disclaimer” when the show started filming again that she would not be posting leaks about Byler because she hates us all, and yet every single one of those most likely fake leaks she got she posted, and many of them talked about Byler. She would post them and mock them for “clearly being untrue”. She has barely gotten a single Mlvn positive leak this whole time, and when she’s gotten at least something that alludes to them having scenes together she immediately ran to post it and alert all her friends, even tho she herself knows all of these are most likely fake.
For weeks now, her curious cat has been dry af because I guess nda’s are stronger this time, or no one wants to leak shit to her (she’s rude as hell). she posted the following ask 10 days ago. Someone asked her if she knew about any Mike and El scenes and she said no. Keep this in mind for what’s coming next…
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Then suddenly yesterday, she alluded to a Jonathan spoiler she’s supposedly pissed about, but refused to post it like she’s done for everything else. People quickly thought it might involve Byler because she said she wasn’t going to post “leaks” about it, even though she had already lol. So they asked her and she said that “yes, it has to do with Byler.”
Then shortly after this someone asked about Mlvn again, this was just today. Again, note how she proceeds to say she knows nothing about Mlvn 😭
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Bylers on Twitter noticed her answers about Mlvn and her comment about a supposed byler leak involving Jonathan and started speculating. She ofc noticed this, and not even after an hour of her saying she knows nothing about Mlvn she goes on to say this.
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She knows nothing but somehow she knows Mlvn is stable? The bipolar disorder of these answers could rival my own bipolar.
Mind you, we all know that she would’ve jumped up at the first opportunity to post any leak that implied Will was pining and miserable, her and her friends would’ve had a field day over it. And yet, she only clarifies this after…
Not to mention how utterly ridiculous this all is. They’ve filmed stuff up until episode 4 (from what we know), why the hell would Will be pining and hung up over Mike if Mlvn is endgame? That makes absolutely no fucking sense. They would have him immediately fully patch things up with Mike and move on, not be hung up on someone he can’t have in the middle of an apocalypse. Especially not after the Duffers said he’s getting a happy ending. Will getting a happy ending but still being in love with Mike halfway through the last season with Mlvn being endgame is absolute lunacy.
Especially when you consider the fact that narratively, in a sense, Will has already moved on. He doesn’t expect anything from Mike, he doesn’t think Mike can like him back. He saw Mike confess his love in front of El, he helped that confession happen. Will literally has no problem with Mlvn anymore pls 😭 He saved them!!
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This is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever read.
Will is somehow upset at Mike not feeling the same way…when Will already believes Mike doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t ever expect any reciprocation 😭
Either she’s wildly twisting this supposed leak out of context to fit her own perceived narrative of what should happen, or she’s straight up lying about this.
And we know she’s lying about Mlvn so…you people decide what you think of this buffoonery lol.
Wait for Reddit leaks y’all. This woman could get a legit leak saying Byler is endgame and dig her own grave before posting it.
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davekat-sucks · 13 days
fanon versions of all the characters:
john: GIRL!
rose: goth girl (that’s it)
dave: karkat’s boyfriend
jade: silly girl :3 or BADASS!!
jane: bake
jake: dirks uwu boyfriend OR hates his friends and is extremely rude to them or ASS!!
dirk: depressed emo boy who has every other mental illness
roxy: alcohol LOLZ
aradia: BORING!!
tavros: flushed for gamzee, very weak, also gamzee’s only friend
sollux: NERD!!
karkat: dave gay uwu boyfriend, no longer believes in quadrants because of dave ^__^
nepeta: uwu cave girl
kanaya: lesbian vampire ;)
terezi: blind
equius: sexiest, bad morail
gamzee: evil!! kills for shits and giggles, tavros is his ONLY friend. doesn’t deserve to get a redemption arc
eridan: RACIST
feferi: not like other fuchsia bloods!!
Alternatively Jane or Jade: CRAZY BITCH!!! HATE HER! John: Boring af if they aren't trans
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Hey first off, GIRL YOUR WRITING IS GREAT AND I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS, but anyways I wanted to request a gf headcanon Mihawk x black/mexican (I'm mixed) fem reader if that's okay. Please and thanks.
A/N: OH STAWP— ur too kind! And ofc :)❤️‍🔥 U didn’t specify sfw or nsfw so I’ll do both if that’s alright lol. Also alotta people been asking me to write for him so I gotchu. Enjoy!
Mihawk with a Mixed Girlfriend Headcanons (SFW/NSFW)
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…so I like HC him as Part Hispanic too…so let’s pretend he is.
He’s so romantic??? But it’s not like intentionally romantic I mean he’ll do such sweet gestures without thought towards you and it’s really sweet
He actually enjoys having a GF that is a bit more cheery. It livens him up and makes him feel young so he says💀
He is so passive aggressive towards other men he doesn’t respect that is around you that seem a bit too close for comfort
And don’t get me started if y’all encounter some racist mfs
He takes you along on his trips if he ever leaves but he always wants to make sure you can fight so he trains you every once in a while with his “smallest blade”
You get flustered a lot because he’s very HANDS ON
Will wrap his arm around yours, breathing down your neck and poor boy doesn’t realize you’re not even paying attention you’re just enjoying his warmth and minty breath
Btw…mf smells AMAZING idc who said what he smells like Dr. Bonners Peppermint soap w a hint of expensive cologne
If you can speak Spanish he loves hearing you speak it he’s very open to learn about whatever culture you embrace
He also encourages you to embrace it
Ngl hes very blunt so do expect him to act it around you.
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to wear the dress just because your rolls are showing? You still look stunning.”
Like he’ll sound rude af sometimes but he means no harm😭
He’s not really into PDA he likes to keep his hands in his lap or free when he needs to draw his sword out.
IT IS VERY HARD TO FLUSTER HIM. The most you’ll get is a small smirk but he’s a very deadpanned man
You swear you saw him blush once when showing him the dress he got you but he denies it with his whole heart
You have met Shanks while with Mihawk and though Shanks kept flirting with you Mihawk didn’t care because he trusted you
No you did not flirt back
One of his favorite things is to do with you is bathe you for some reason. He loves seeing you wrap your hair up in a bun or scarf and sometimes he will join you and he will sip wine while he cleans you up or do it while sitting on the edge of the tub.
He enjoys seeing you bully Buggy.
If you give him a gift he may seem like doesn’t care but he has every single gift you ever gave him in a trunk
You’ve seen his porn book collection and yes he has given you some books to read so you both can discuss it together
He does that thing where as you’re talking he will move your hair behind your ear so he can see your face
Or just like adjust any clothing on you whether it’s your bra strap showing or your shirt
He subconsciously kisses your knuckles when he holds your hand
He has caught you wearing his hat and impersonating him in the mirror and he scared the shit out of you when he spoke up but he found it cute
Speaking of him scaring you the mf might be bigger than you but he creeps on you a lot
Like just pops tf out of no where it’s so random
He is the type that enjoys your company a lot so sometimes you both will be in his room or somewhere quiet just doing your own thing. As long as You’re there he is okay.
He doesn’t speak his feelings and his communication skills aren’t the greatest. he’s very hard to read especially when he probably isn’t feeling well so you have to guess a lot and sometimes it can be straining
Mihawk however can read you like a book and sometimes have even assisted you before you even felt bad? It was like he had some kinda 6th sense.
He calls you “little one” a lot
Alotta Head pats too
This is a touch starved man.
He has had only less than a handful of lustful nights with women before he met you but they didn’t mean anything and very forgetful.
However since you’re his woman he does want to learn what you like so sometimes while you both talk about the latest books you’ve read he’ll ask you what part of the sex did you like. If you’re willing to ignore his casual bluntness the conversation can last smoothly
“So, you enjoyed reading how the male character bent his lover over and—“
“Yup! Yes I liked that alot.”
He attempts it and aces it.
Mihawk is an exceptional lover he learns fast and always studies your reactions when he has sex with you
His libido is actually quite high, he is also very blunt about it
The moment Perona is out the room or he has finished training Zoro he greets you with a kiss on the forehead
“Y/N would you like to have sex tonight before bed?”
..that’s as good as you’re ganna get with his dirty talk.
His body is so smooth? Like mf silk or something you always catch yourself rubbing his body when under him
He makes absolutely no noise.
His face does gets hot and he’ll bite his lip slightly watching you bounce on top of him but that’s all you get
There was like a few occurrences where he moaned out your name but it was so low you thought you miss heard
He loves your legs and neck. ALOT
If it was up to him He will spend his entire life between your thighs he loves the taste of you.
He’s very slow and calculated with his tongue movements he usually test out different pace to see what your body reacts to and goes with that
Speaking of he’s more interested in how what your body says than you
You’ll scream for him to go faster but the way your legs are already twitching and shaking from his deep slow thrust he keeps his same pace
And you’re grateful for that because you cum like a whore every single time
He doesn’t get caught up with how you look. If you’re hairy, have scars, cellulite, whatever he doesn’t care if you’re comfortable then that’s all that matters
His kisses are always so passionate and you always want him to kiss you more but he doesn’t ever want to get caught doing so so you Gatta suffer a little bit
No worries though because you can be as touchy as you want with him when you both are in bed
There has been times he went through sex without cumming once and when you found out you felt horrible and that maybe you didn’t feel good to him, however he explained to you that you felt more than amazing it’s just he likes to focus on making you satisfied rather himself
Yeah no you didn’t take that lightly so one night you offered to suck him off and then ride him. He didn’t oppose but he still wanted to make sure your pleasure came into play
Don’t worry it did he fingered you as you sucked his cock it was a great time
Mihawk does have a bit of an obsession with heels. He loves seeing you wear them and if you ever decide to do so with no clothes on he may MAY feel like going feral
He doesn’t like when you cover your mouth he wants to HEAR you
If you’re up for it he’ll kiss and lick your toes up to your cunt and eat you like that. He’s done it once and it was so attractive because his gaze never left yours
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I'm just gonna place my honest opinion here.
Genuinely, the more I look at cookie run, the more I wonder what I see in it.
Most of the characters are either
A. Stereotyped.
B. Boring as hell.
C. Assassinated
Or D. Certain character tropes that I DESPISE.
I understand that some adults are short like that but why make them sound like a child, look like a child, and act like one. But they aren't children, and I know that PLENTY of other things do this but... Some of these updates had potential that was quickly ruined by stereotyping and/or just shitty writing.
Some characters had their chances to shine only to be ruined by poor writing which makes the update simply mid.
Some updates just feel like there was wasted potential, there could've been more to the update and now that I look at it, some of these writers are scared to get better.
As a GingerBrave fan myself, I will admit, There are some updates where he shouldn't even be present, simply just because he feels out of place.
And that moves onto my next problem, devsisters are way too bitchy to get GingerBrave removed from a certain plot because they are afraid of something the mc isn't involved in.
It's honestly annoying, and even with a few updates where GingerBrave isn't mainly involved/ isn't even involved in at all, some of it is still mid. Some story plots make it feel incomplete or empty. Like I said, there's so much wasted potential it actually sucks.
Also, devsisters cannot help themselves but be racist. There are a few updates in which it wasn't even needed and made the story/update plain unlikeable.
Also, there were so many unnecessary things that didn't need to be confirmed cannon, hell, it being confirmed cannon sometimes made it worse.
Some characters would've fit certain updates much better but devsisters clearly don't care.
Also, there was some dialogue that just didn't need to be added.
And back on the fact that some things doesn't need to be confirmed, I don't like shotas/loils. I don't. So when I found out that dozer was old AF, I immediately just got disappointed. They didn't need to say that him being the first batch was cannon. They didn't even need to speak on that, same goes for Milky Way, like I said, some adults can be short, but why have the need to make them act and sound like a child if they aren't a child? It's extremely unnecessary.
And no, it's not weird, it's pretty obvious once you take a small look at a few characters and realize that devsisters unnecessarily made them a shota/loil.
Also, now that I look back, some of the lore gives me more questions than answers, the lore can be extremely confusing and makes the gameplay just unsatisfying at the end of the day. Some updates were just rushed and heavily forced, some of the characters had no business being in the lore let alone even alive for some of them.
I understand that not everything has to be exactly perfect but they could've tried with some of these updates.
At the end of the day, devsisters needs to get better fucking writers.
If you don't agree, then either scroll, block me, or just tell me how I'm wrong without being rude about it. Have a nice day/Night.
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eva-stator · 5 months
The Cod fandom weirdness starts to make a lot more sense when you realize the majority of fanfic writers haven’t played and don’t actually care about the games, they just want a hot (white) blank slate with one or two character traits to make into an OC
The amount of OOCness really bothered me until I realized this now I just block everyone who admits to not playing or watching the games
Yeah, ive blocked heaps of people because they are rude, or openly racist about hating gaz. Im not a huge fan of people turning pre-created characters into an oc as they generally remove alot of the characters lore (especially ghost) i dont mind if they add a few traits. I have to agree new people in the fandom should atleast do some sort of research on the game, even if its just watching play throughs of the campaigns, or playing cod themself (although i dont expect them to buy the games bc they're expensive af😭)
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I must say. The way they handle mental health, parental abuse, trauma, sexuality, toxic masculinity (and overcoming it) in Ted Lasso is like nothing I’ve ever seen in a popular piece of media. They really understand what they’re doing there.
It makes me sad, then, that a lot of the narrative surrounding Nate (and to some extent Shandy as well, since her arc was cut short) is so. Colorblind. I mean, yes, Jade isn’t even exceptionally rude by European standards when it comes to customer service, but she sure is rude enough that it stands out to me, a German. And we’re not known to be the most bubbly people. (Really, we can be rude af. Don’t go to some parts of Eastern Germany, resting bitch-faces everywhere here, it’s draining.) And, well. I’ve never been stared at as if the server was a dead fish, ya know. As if I was invisible.
So when people of color in the fandom tell us that they see racist behavior here in Jade, and in Jack’s and Barbara’s treatment of Shandy? We better believe them. Because if even my white-bread nose can smell this against the wind, something is off.
And the thing is, I was ready to give Jade the benefit of the doubt! I even commented somewhere that she seems like someone who sees through people, like she just knows when they act a part, when they try to turn up their nose at her.
Cue Anastasia. And Jade treating her with dignity, something she denied Nate from the beginning, and he’s been coming to this place for years!
The whole framing of Nate’s interactions with her have a taste of “finally the white woman takes pity on the brown man now that he praised her restaurant’s cuisine in her proximity”, and that taste truly is bitter, especially compared to everything this show does well!
It stings. And now imagine you’re a fan from the same minority group (in England) as Nate and Shandy. And you see this treatment of their arcs. The disrespect. How it’s played as a joke. And then you see how well they execute queer narratives and how tenderly they approach mental health.
Man. The framing of Nate’s narrative is such a perfect mirror for reality. And people HATE him for lashing out after years of this disrespect? I think we can be glad he didn’t strangle someone. Why do you think Ted isn’t angry at him? (Hint: It’s not because he avoids negative feelings. Not in this case.)
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fuck-customers · 1 year
💋this one is a fuck coworkers, my first one ever!
My coworker has been pissing me tf off lately bc anything I say, no matter how normal or neutral, she’ll turn around and respond with “you’re so negative!!” Like I admit, I am prone to negativity, which is why I come on here to rant and get it out, but to scold me liek a child for doing something you also do yourself, all the time, is beyond fucking ridiculous.
Some context: my coworkers lost the keys the other day when I was off work (willing to bet it was actually this girl in particular bc she’s lost them before, the leaders just never found out), and because of that, fhe leaders are now making us keep the keys and security magnet on our person rather than keeping them in our cabinet in the store. This is incredibly frustrating bc of that stupid magnet, it sticks to EVERYTHING. The keys that are attached to that magnet are used to open metal drawers, so it’s a giant pain in the ass to do our pulls when you’re having to pry the industrial grade magnet off of the drawer every. Fucking. Time. Our checkout counter is also made of metal, and if you stand too close to it, the magnet sticks, and it’s so strong that if you try just stepping away, it will actually pull that cabinet open. When the leader who made this decision was talking to me, I explained to him how frustrating this was going to be. He mentioned that me and the other girl I talked about above are the only ones who complained about it. So clearly I’m not the only “negative Nancy” here.
Cut to a few days later, I’m standing at the counter with this coworker. A lady walks in past us, I greet her, she ignores me/doesn’t hear me. I just say “oh well, she ain’t hear,” and go back to my stuff at the counter. Then my keys stick to the cabinet again and I’m like “damn it.” Neither of these things did I say angry or annoyed. Literally just talking like normal. But after I got my keys unstuck, my coworker was like “you’re just so much! Can you just chill? You’re ruining the vibe etc etc” and I’m just over here like where the hell is this coming from, it’s not even that deep lol??? And like I said earlier, as far as hating our jobs goes, she’s the only other person that can compete with me, so don’t bitch at me for “being negative” when you’re not exactly a ray of sunshine yourself.
She’s also just kind of shit in general. Doesn’t get much done, doesn’t try. Which is fine you do you fuck capitalism, but again don’t tell me all I do is sit here and mope when I’m busting my ass getting shit done. At least I can complain AND perform well, meanwhile you only do the former. Like when she first started me and my other coworker rly didn’t like her bc she’d never clear out her carts and then just pawn them off on us.
She’s also kind of racist towards me? Idek. I’m mixed Mexican and white, and I’m like medium complexioned. I’m the only one on our team that doesn’t speak Spanish though. And she always says rude things ti me about me being white. I mentioned one time “damn my cheeks look rly red rn” and this bitch literally goes “did you forget you’re WHITE?” Like yes actually thanks for that MUCH needed reminder. I’m also not JUST white but thanks for trying to put me down over my ethnicity, something I literally cannot control. She’s also teased me for not speaking Spanish, again calling me white. Like girl, not every Mexican family passes down Spanish to their kids. That is a real thing that happens and all of this bs you keep gearing toward me just makes you sound ignorant af. And anytime we have a Spanish speaking or Mexican customer that is rude to us (not mildly, I’m talking absurdly fucking rude) she tries to minimize my feelings by saying “oh that’s just Mexican culture, you wouldn’t understand.” Actually bitch I do understand. Mexican culture means sometimes you can be a little loud, blunt, or direct, but never straight up rude. And either way, someone’s culture is not an excuse to be a total dick to someone, I don’t care where you come from. And I’m also smart enough to know when someone is being blunt because they’re not from here vs when they’re just being an asshole. Just tired of this girl trying to put me down and minimize me in every which way. This job is hard enough and our clientele are already awful, so I don’t need any extra grief from the people that are literally supposed to be on my team.
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
I just want to rant, but the comments about Joyo from LITG Facebook Fan Group seems backhandedly racist. I'm not surprised Reddit fans also like this as well.
Stay 👏 away 👏 from 👏 freddit 👏
Seriously after seeing what tumblr is like, and having the option of a lovely friendly discord server, why on earth would you even go near fb or reddit? They are cesspits, they are racist af, they’re just awful awful awful.
Reddit occasionally has decent memes but the character discussions are trash. Cold takes all around, and there are people over there (not dropping usernames on main but I could NAME NAMES) who are just plain fucking nasty and rude. I mostly stay the hell away.
Anyway, just stay here or come to discord 🩵 it’s basically the same as a reddit comment thread but live and it’s so fun
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anotherfck3ddayoflulu · 3 months
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Search for friends!
🍐—hiii! i’m Lulu (they/Lu)
it’s my personal account and safeplace (cuz my head mates r annoying af and i need a place to vent)
also im artist and i draw literally anything that comes to mind :D
DNI: anti-radq, racist ppl (lu’s literally poc), abelist or/and plural phobic, zoo sadist and rude ppl (lu’s sensitive)
that’s all! hope ur havin a nice day
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kkqueergurl · 6 months
I could talk for hours abt how Hazbin Hotel isn’t good anymore…but I won’t. Cause I know some people like it. First off above anything else I’m a theater kid. I know a lot of actors from theater and who got their start in theater.
Let's start with Jeremy Jordan.
he is Jack, Kelly. he is Clyde. He is Jay Gatsby. put some respect on his name. He is an incredibly talented actor. I hate when people automatically link him to the character he plays in Hazbin Hotel.
Next Erika Henningson. Idek who she plays in Hazbin cause I couldn’t care less. But her vocals are one of the best young vocals on Broadway currently. She is Miss Cady Herron. She is not whoever she is in that show like I get people knowing her from that show that’s not what I hate what I hate is they seem to think they discovered these super underground actors but they didn’t.
there are hundreds of other Broadway actors in that like Alex Brightman and others who also don’t get enough recognition for their other work, but that would take too long.
Can we talk about the writer?!??
I don’t like her like didn’t she fire so many like new talented Indie, for these super popular, probably shitty animators who changed the entire style?
I don’t know much about her as a person but I know many people who really don’t like her and I don’t think this is a fan of my should be getting into if the creator is someone rude.
also second thought isn’t she a MASSIVE racist?!?! And like is transphobic af?!
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forlix · 4 months
They look like Fae Princes attending a royal Garden party lfkfgiuegfuefhiuerf Also is Chan really shading on bubble?? I need to know so I can go hunting with knives 🥰
Cuz the paparazzi was being rude and racist af
SKZ ON SKZ ON MET RAHHHH! can’t believe we were praying for hyunlix and got ot8. that’s what we call shaking the industry baby
and yes i think he was shading them bc nobody under the age of idk 45 uses “😊” unironically and i love him so much for it. call those unprofessional xenophobes out!! that’s my leader 🫶🏼 grab me a knife too i’m with you
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beevean · 2 years
It will forever make my blood boil by the amount of undeserved vitriol thrown in the direction of Rebecca Sugar and many other of the show's staff, when there's certain other cartoon shows that are unironically problematic and their insufferable creators that actually deserve it. *glaresatThomas Astruc* Whether you like the direction Steven Universe eventually went in or not, I have yet to see to Rebecca and the other Crewniverse go around constantly mocking and insulting viewers by telling them that it's their fault for becoming invested in the show's story and character, or just being rude af in general to fans on social media, and the show's staff clearly gave a shit about what they were working on. Yet people went and basically attacked Rebecca's character by accusing of her shit like being a pedophile, racist, or a Nazi apologist- all because she created a show where it's reoccurring, and consistent, themes and messages are about forgiveness and moving on, and actually committing to it.
I love how the same people that preach to the rooftops about how artists and creators deserve better from executives and corporations, and need all of the support and encouragement they can get- yet will turn around and throw those same people they claimed to support under the bus the second they create the "wrong" thing, and then blame every single thing that's out of their control all on them. Fucking bite me, you selective, two-faced hypocrites!
Pretty much what you said. I've also found tweets that pointed out that the Crewniverse pretty much vanished off after the end of SUF, and you know what? Good for them. They did their job, why stick around for an ungrateful fanbase that has smeared their name into the ground?
Let's be honest: SU became the internet's punching bag because it was famous. That's it. It was one of the most popular shows at the time, so sorry, gotta be considered cringe!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 years
Theitsa they are doing it again! Now they depict Andromeda as black African princess and people again in the comments are trying to debate it and make it again about color instead of ethnicity...😅
Literally no one is even questioning how problematic and rude it is to take a character from GREEK mythology and erasing it from it's ethnicity.
>> No skintone is superior or "better" than others. This blog doesn't stand for that
>> Greek culture has space for all people
>> It would be equally inaccurate to present Andromeda with the appearance of a North European, like blue eyes and blonde
To the video:
>> The video misrepresented the location of Aethiopia (Andromeda was middle eastern, not South African! Andromeda is the mother of Persians, according to our mythology, who are... Asian!)
>> The video disregards all ancient Greek texts and depictions of Andromeda. I don't know how to say this but.... if you are speaking about myths from another culture, better respect the texts and the depictions of the culture. Regarding Greek culture, it is a cultural convention to follow our depictions.
>> The video creators probably based her depiction off Ovid's description which was 1) the only one of its kind saying Andromeda had dark skin 2) Racist af the way he wrote it 3) Ovid is a hack and misrepresented Greek myths a lot (people seriously discourage having Ovid as a source. He pulled many things out of his ass and ignored the actual Greek myths)
>> The channel that produced the video is Afrocentric in the negative sense of the word. The viewers themselves write blanket statements that are historically inaccurate, like "people forgot that all Egyptian dynasties were black except for the last dynasty which is the Ptelomaic dynasty", "The original Greeks are the Estruscians and Minoans who are Nubian Cushites" and "Greek mythology is full of Black people and they want to erase us from it", "The Greeks and black Africa were tight. They clearly got along without racism. They lived during a time when Africans were highly respected while Europeans ( other than Greeks) were feared and rejected as barbarians. Greek and Roman descriptions of other Europeans were frightening. Their descriptions of black Africans were filled with awe and respect."
I would be extremely happy if these statements were factually true - if our people had very close ties with African nations, if ancient Greeks spoke highly of Africans and didn't represent them stereotypically, etc - but it's not supported by archaeological evidence. To ignore the evidence is to spit to the effort and intelligence of generations of Greeks and xenoi who have gathered and continue to gather this evidence.
Let's not stand a lot to the more voyeuristic and fetishizing comments about "Black"* women. They speak for themselves. But may I stand on a while on other comments that reek of conspiracy theorist logic... "it's sad how blind people can be to Truth." and "That's why the jealousy to destroy and re-educate is so great. The Envy of the ancestors", "No wonder I was obsessed with so called Greek mythology because it’s our people not theirs."
Stop calling all historians and archaeologists worldwide hacks! Please, for the love of whatever you hold dear. They've been trying to uncover as much as they can! Greeks, Egyptians, and all sorts of people with all sorts of appearances are in this domain! It's not to their advantage to hide anything! Not worldwide! Not even in the US, to be honest. (The research there is exhaustive too, and biases don't stay covered for long)
The results not fitting your ideal image doesn't mean they are fake. Do I really need to explain how much, constant work archaeologists do, and how most of them strive to reach the truth as much as possible?? If there were depictions of Andromed as "Black"* and ancient Greek texts that supported it, and people were hiding them or destroying them, yes, then I would agree that something bad was going on. But that's just not the case!
Systemic oppression, racism, and biases in scientific domains are very real, don't get me wrong. But Andromeda's depiction has little to do with it. We have overwhelming archaeological evidence of how she looked, and it would be wrong to ignore them. Not only out of respect for the culture one is entertained by, but also because that's the objective reality.
Here you can find a huge detailed, exhaustive essay about the appearance and ethnicity of Andromeda, with sources and depictions. It is more empowering to have your facts straight than to believe appealing falsehoods.
* In quotation marks cause it's a slur in my language
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pastelcryptid · 2 years
something that I’ve personally not seen other people talk about exactly before re: Nope (despite talking in general about neurodivergency in the characters, some offhand jokes about being gender non-conforming) is that
as someone who loves a lot of action movies, save-the-world movies I am very aware on some level when I watch those films  (I mean, movies in general are like this but especially those genres) that they are taken up by (white, cis, straight) men. And as much as I might love those movies and the characters and the tropes, there is a fatigue that comes with experiencing such a high percentage of films where the cast is dominated by men. Sometimes there might be only one woman in the main cast, and you’re lucky if she’s treated well (this is obviously improving slowly), to say nothing of NB people. However, I noticed at some point that, huh, Nope is still a majority male cast. Yet I don’t feel that fatigue when I watch the movie. Why? 
Of what I consider to be the key players, four are men  - OJ, Angel, Jupe/Ricky and Antlers. Even with Otis Sr., who has about 3 minutes of screen time, he is a figure that looms large over the story. He established the ranch, its reputation (that in itself inspired by his great-great grandfather).
Apart from Emerald (appropriately named as she is a fucking gem) there are only a few female speaking parts in the film and they get a handful of lines. I would say that the most important women in the film aside from Em, in terms of how they fit into the themes of the movie, are Amber Park and Mary Jo Elliott. Amber has doesn’t have a huge part, and then she dies horribly. You could say Mary Jo also doesn’t have many lines but actually, when I was writing this I realised... Mary Jo doesn’t have any. The only time we hear her speak is when she’s saying Haley’s lines, the rest is barely intelligible begging as she’s brutalised. Adult Mary Jo never says a word, and then she also dies horribly. She never gets to speak for herself, Jupe takes all the attention, and she is consumed. This obviously fits into the whole thing, and I feel like you could write a tonne about Mary Jo alone, but this isn’t what I came to talk about exactly.
so, if it’s so male-heavy, why does it almost not feel that way? I think one of the most interesting things about this film, and something I love about it, is that it has such varied, interesting portrayals  of masculinity. Even in their mildly problematic to incredibly reprehensible moments, the men in this movie do not feel like cookie cutter sticks of bravado. The same ones we have been exposed to decade after decade, especially in Westerns.
firstly, you have OJ. I’m not saying anything new in talking about the fact that he is very spectrum-coded. He dislikes eye contact, finds it hard to pick up on social cues, he comes across as awkward or blunt to those who don’t know him well, likes his routine, and prefers to spend his time alone, working with the horses. He’s also speaks very little, in fact as a side bar, I would say Daniel Kaluuya has made quiet characters into an art form. He has played many roles that are not loud, or overly talkative, and yet they all feel incredibly distinct from one another.
I also find it important to note that another very good post by tumblr user @soupbi​ pointed out that, while I consider the autistic tones to OJ’s personality to be undeniable, there is a history of Black men having to avoid eye contact with white people in order to protect themselves from racist abuse/murder. I’d say this definitely factors in during the commercial shoot, particularly given Bonnie’s reaction to his name and everyone’s general rudeness to him that can’t be handwaved as general “well everyone in LA is rude af”. OJ’s Blackness is also relevant because his presence is not just another example of white masculinity and heroism. OJ is a hero, but he is allowed to be one not in spite of his lack of - for a better term - conformity, but because of it. His family’s place in film history is intertwined with Black history. His knowledge, his care, his skill, his love, his reluctance to Look, are all things that help to figure out how to deal with Jean Jacket, and keep his sister safe. And despite his difficulty relating to others, he accepts Angel pretty easily despite the fact that Angel has incredibly contrasting traits.
So then you have Angel. Again, not another white dude. I think if he had been played by one, he would’ve been danger of coming off a bit creepy/incel. Angel does have some tendencies that are more in line with what you might expect from a typical tech/conspiracy guy in these movies - griping about his ex-girlfriend in the beginning, referencing the whole “probes up our asses” obsession that so many people seem to have with UFOs (that I have always felt comes from a similar place of fear to prison rape jokes because... why is that such a common thread in invasion stories/theories?), and apparently he mines cryptocurrency based on something he has in his apartment?? I don’t know shit about mining crypto and I don’t want to, but anyway.
All this to say, when you get down to it Angel is a socially awkward guy with a lot of fear played with incredible depth by Brandon Perea (we all know how much the movie got edited to accommodate his revamped character). A lot of scenes in the movie involve him being visibly and verbally scared. Incidentally, maybe the line of his I find most charming is when he goes off about forgetting to do the feed for Antlers’ camera because he was busy rigging the sky dancers and then says “Sorry. I’m scared.” Taking responsibility for his outburst, admitting his fear. And while he isn’t exactly avoiding attention, he is one of the characters that seems most disparaging of fame. Most explicitly in the dinner scene near the end where he essentially says, “we’re doing this for more than just fame, right? We’re doing it to help people?” He is also visibly more disturbed by Antlers death than him potentially sabotaging their efforts to film. He takes OJ and Em in very easily despite his tinyass apartment. He’s an emotional, fearful guy. But he’s also allowed to be smart, loyal, and ultimately indispensable.
So then you have Jupe. I’ve seen it stated that Jesse Plemons was actually Jordan’s first choice for this role, but had scheduling conflicts. I don’t know at what point in the negotiations it was established he couldn’t participate, but I feel as though this makes a lot of sense when you look at the way Jupe is written and his background. If only because Jordan addresses the role that race plays in all his movies, and yet I feel as though Jupe’s identity as a Korean-American is not addressed as heavily as you’d expect - especially in a story that’s about fame, conformity, fetishisation and the consumption of other people’s trauma and personal lives. There are references, obviously, but it makes a lot of sense if you imagine it was written for a white man.
That being said, I think this works very well in a way that may not have been 100% intentional. For starters, Ricky isn’t even known by his name, he’s goes by the name of his most famous character in an attempt to hold onto the fame he achieved through Kid Sheriff. We know very little about Ricky Park as a person, and it seems as though there is a black hole between Gordy’s Home and Jupiter’s Claim. I’m kind of reminded of Ke Huy Quan and how after Indiana Jones and The Goonies he spent decades largely off-camera (and at one time used a different name because of racism) until Crazy Rich Asians inspired him to return to acting, as he didn’t think there was place for him (I recommend listening to his episode on the podcast Feeling Seen).
When you take into account Jupe’s presence on the sitcom, I know there are American shows like Diff’rent Strokes and Webster which involved white families adopting Black children and that was a key element of the show (I’m English and I’ve never seen those shows come up on British channels let alone watched them, but I looked them both up on Youtube and I noticed the living room in Webster looks very similar to the one in Gordy’s Home). So you have the complexities of that at play. I don’t know enough about this and I don’t think it’s my place to really go into it, but suffice to say you have that as a complex element in Ricky’s background. He’s mostly known for token roles and he’s had to play up to them to stay relevant. A once famous dude having unresolved trauma and a desire for  - or need for recognition through - the spotlight which eventually costs him and/or others is not new.
But I think there’s something very different about the way Steven Yeun manifests that, and manages to keep it grounded and even charming. In at least fan reaction to Ricky, it’s a pretty consistent response that we are disgusted by the way he treats the Haywoods and gets everyone at the Star Lasso Experience (including his wife and children) killed and yet we are also fascinated and even endeared to him. He’s not the guy punching holes in the wall, or refusing to open up to his wife, or going around stabbing people to death. He’s an Icarus, and we see his vulnerability. We were under the dinner table with him, we were there when he was alone with his wife, and we were with him as he stared into Jean Jacket and knew he was about to die. This isn’t meant to be a defense of his actions, obviously, just an observation about how he is presented as a man, especially one who literally cosplays as a cowboy (while he feeds the horses of the real cowboys to a flying saucer).
And then finally, you have Antlers. Antlers is the character I feel I least sympathise with and least understand, which is a personal thing (I’ll be interested to see what the Bluray special features affect this actually), but I think is also tied to the fact that he is what you would expect the most, historically, from a film like this. He is an old white guy. He’s sort of the old guard of cinema, and he’s very stoic, selfish, and keeps his cards close to his chest. Not to mention he has such a typically “Western” accent it took all 5 of my watches at the cinema to parse all of his lines. On paper he is the picture of traditional masculinity… except he’s actually not the picture of traditional masculinity. In every scene, he’s either wearing a dress or a skirt of some kind, and the bracelet on his wrist even goes against what you would consider traditional masculine jewellery. If he was a young man, the dress code might almost be read as a piss-take of “quirky” young filmmakers and thereby making a derogatory statement re: AMAB people who wear gender non confirming clothes. But this is a much older man who is clearly making a choice of expression and comfort. It’s not extravagant – in fact on my first watch I didn’t even realise Antlers was wearing a skirt.
All this to say, it’s incredibly interesting to have such diversity in storytelling and representation of gender through it, and that it doesn’t always come down to “there should be more women in this.”
Anyway guys did you notice there’s a big cloud mural on the wall in the Fry’s store? This movie is batshit
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