#rue leaves
Taro and carrot stewed in miso (cooking)
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Peel the skin of the taro, boil it and set aside. Stir-fry carrots, dried shiitake mushrooms, and kelp in olive oil, add water and sugar, and bring to a boil. When the carrots are moderately soft, combine with the taro, simmer further, and add chopped ginger. Add miso, bring to a boil, add garlic and rue leaves for fragrance. All the ingredients were very soft and finished.
(Vitamin A from carrots and kelp, and vitamin D from dried shiitake mushrooms are extracted in oil and are easily absorbed by the body, so they are fried in advance.)
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lilislegacy · 5 months
hot take (maybe)
i know many of you think percy is the gossip guy, but in the books he usually doesn’t really care about what’s going on in other people’s lives that much. he cares about his friends obviously, but he doesn’t ever give off the vibes of being someone who would enjoy gossip and drama at all. i feel like he’s the “i didn’t ask” guy. like tell me this isn’t how it would go
annabeth: oh good you’re home! how were the guys?
percy: good. i tried to teach frank to skateboard. it… it didn’t go very well. that guy is strong as fuck but he has terrible balance!
annabeth: i could have told you that. is anything new with any of them?
percy: i don’t know. not really? although when we were watching the game, chris mentioned him and clarisse broke up. it was right before halftime when-
percy: uhh, i don’t know
annabeth: okay well when did they break up?
percy: hm, i don’t know
annabeth: what do you mean you don’t know?? did he not want to talk about it??
percy: maybe. i don’t know. i didn’t ask
annabeth: you- you didn’t ask??
annabeth: this is why i need leo to be at these things!
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”lilly stop saying clarisse is gay she literally gets w Chris” SHUT UP OK JUST SHUT UP‼️‼️‼️‼️
y’all saw what she was wearing too, right??? The costume department isn’t stupid they know straight girls don’t wear CAMO CARGO PANTS AND LOOK GOOD IN THEM
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Sara "Romance Disease" Wile: What if my character was in a love triangle consisting of herself, her fiancé, and her leg (man)?
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conartisthaiji · 6 months
rewatching princess tutu and i forgot what a dramatic fucker fakir is like mans is riding around on a HORSE in episode three...he said "what is the most intimidating way to travel around town while i chase down mytho" and then found it
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kaitcake1289 · 2 years
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two pretty best friends! (wish they were normal though)
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Silena and Clarisse Headcanons
okok i know im mainly a marauders girly but also ruegard my beloved i must talk about my sunshine x grumpy girlfriends okay i dont care
Silena’s middle name is Rose and Clarisse uses it as a nickname for her (she melts every time)
picnic dates in the strawberry fields!!
Silena is actually really insecure and Clarisse never misses a moment to tell her how gorgeous she is
when they first started dating, Silena figured Clarisse wouldn’t like affection so she tried to hold back on how touchy she is, but then Clarisse actually ended up loving physical affection
Clarisse is SO possessive (Silena adores it)
when Clarisse first met Silena’s dad, she was really nervous because most parents don’t like her, and Silena takes her dad’s opinion VERY seriously, but he ended up absolutely loving Clarisse and they became really close
on the topic of Silena’s dad, Clarisse didn’t like him when they first started being friends (long before they started dating) because she didn’t trust that he was actually good to Silena (she’s a doormat and thinks the best of everyone)
Clarisse asked Silena out but she was in DISTRESS because she wasn’t fully sure Silena liked girls
double dates with Beckendorf and Malcolm Pace :)
Silena calls Clarisse ‘Risse’ (Reese) when she’s not doing great mentally or physically, and its always a signal for Clarisse to try and clear the rest of her day to spend it with Silena
when Silena’s really upset, she goes nonverbal, and the first few times she did it with Clarisse she was really nervous because she wasn’t sure what Clarisse would think and if she would hate her, but Clarisse ended up learning ASL for her and being really patient 
Clarisse doesn’t listen to music, but Silena is a hardcore Swiftie and is obsessed with Harry Styles
Clarisse spends a lot of time in the Aphrodite cabin because she hates the cramped feeling she gets in the Ares cabin. not that the Aphrodite cabin isn’t cramped, but Silena laying on her chest helps ground her and make her more comfortable
they frequently get in trouble with Chiron for sneaking out of their respective cabins, either to go to each others cabins, or to look at the stars together
almost everyone already liked Silena before they started dating, but after Clarisse announced it to her siblings, they all became super protective over Silena
Silena has only every been in three relationships. the first was when she was fifteen with a mortal boy from school and it was super toxic and only lasted a few months, but he had a lasting impact on her. the second was with Beckendorf because they were to scared to admit that they’re queer and then they eventually broke up (and stayed best friends they’re absolutely soul mates just platonically). the third is Clarisse and she’s been the happiest and healthiest by far
Clarisse had never been in a relationship before but when her and Silena started dating, she actually ended up talking to Annabeth about how to be a good girlfriend, and it was a way of apologising and mending their relationship. not only does Silena make her happy, but dating her helped Clarisse apologise for a lot of her past actions and begin new friendships with people
Silena would NEVER ask Clarisse to change herself, but she does frequently scold Clarisse if she feels she’s been too mean to someone
Clarisse would do literally anything Silena asks
Silena gets so mad when she realises she is actually really attracted to Clarisse’s atrocious fashion sense because it makes her look buff and androgynous as hell
Drew doesn’t like Silena At All because everyone likes her more, and she frequently makes fun of Silena for dating Clarisse. Clarisse couldn’t care less until one day she overhears Drew say something incredibly mean and one of Silena’s biggest insecurities to her and she gets so mad she ends up breaking Drew’s nose. Drew didn’t talk about their relationship or Silena again
Lacy thinks their relationship is absolutely adorable and loves gossiping with Silena about it
Silena was like. never told no as a kid. like she was spoilt rotten and Clarisse had ZERO idea how to navigate that when they first became friends so she just let it slide. then it got worse when they started dating and she never quite learnt how to say no to Silena
Silena got to put makeup on Clarisse one time and she was so excited that she couldn’t sit still (she ended up nearly blinding Clarisse, hence why it was one time only) 
Clarisse absolutely adores when Silena wears cute dresses and miniskirts because she loves walking around holding hands or sitting with her arm around her pretty girlfriend and everyone knowing they stand no chance between them
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heyitsphoenixx · 1 year
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oh u know, they are just they/them-ing
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tfdtreasurer · 2 months
<3 erinep!!
i have no real reason for liking it as much as i do, maybe im just weird ?
Not weird at all anon!
You say you have no reason but I can think of plenty. Erinep is one of those ships that I'm shocked isn't more popular. In many ways, they have an interesting dynamic that makes for good storytelling.
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They're both trolls kind of known for their unrequited crushes, so it makes intuitive narrative sense to have them get over it through each other. Nepeta's flaw is that she lacks the courage to make romantic advances out of fear of failure. Eridan's flaw is that she makes romantic advances with the expectation of failure and thus creates self fulfilling prophesies of rejection.
Eridan is so weird...
It's their flaws that led to the canonical obstacle to them as a ship, the fact that they have gotten off to a rocky start romantically. Eridan having gossiped with Karkat, is aware that Nepeta has feelings for somebody else, but in true Eridan fashion, attempts to ask her out anyways. Nepeta thus diagnoses her as a creep and insincere. Considering that my own interpretation of Eridan is based on insincerity and how weird Alternian society makes you, yeah I'd call that fair. Creep is certainly strong language that would suggest little chance for romance developing but lets not forget whose Nepeta's moirail is, and what she calls him in her own words. She's well aware that hemospectrum hangups lead people to be way weirder than they really would be, and as one of the most compassionate trolls, she's probably sympathetic to that. It is in the same conversation that you get her calling Eridan insincere that you get her feeling bad that she died. Because Nepeta is just that nice.
Getting over it
That being said, they still both require some character development to make the ship work, which from a storytelling perspective, is good. They don't need to be each other's moirails or anything, I approve of Meowrails and would not want to disrupt that, so other characters can help drive their development instead (*Cough cough,* Kanaya, but this is the erinep post). Nepeta has two main paths: giving up passively and not asking Karkat, or ripping the band-aid off and asking him out. The second option is in my mind the best for character development as it provides closure. However, there's also a parallel narrative decision to be made: does Eridan tell her what will happen, since she knows, or will she let Nepeta ask Karkat out anyways. I'm a complicated girl and so I think the third and most emotionally complicated option is the best: have Eridan encourage her to ask Karkat out. It's in keeping with Eridan's approach to Kanaya's crush on Vriska, and isn't necessarily mutually exclusive with Eridan telling her what will happen. They can have a conversation where she warns Nepeta what happened with her, the emotions she felt, but also recognize the necessity of asking anyways. It'd be a good moment for Eridan's character to develop too, recontextualizing for herself her rejection by Feferi. And bam, voila, hey presto, you've got them both taking their first stepping stone of emotional maturity together. From adversity, progress.
Feferi's #1 hater propaganda
If you see this blog you should know that I'm Feferi's #1 hater, and so Eridan perhaps being honest with somebody would lead to her revealing why she was such a desperate loser in past (the breakup+rejection combo leading to messy pinball-like attempt at rebounding). And while getting over the flush crush is required for both of them, I believe Nepeta would be kind of shocked at the nature of Eridan's moirallegience. What do you mean she just started calling you her moirail? She didn't consult you about that? What do you mean she thought the job was over after entry? She thought weirdo behavior stops on a dime? What do you mean she knew that you didn't appreciate it and she went on with it anyways? What do you mean she expected it to be a two way street? Me and my healthy moirail were always super clear about being moirails, and of course I stuck with him after entry. The gig with my own weirdo is practically full time, but you do it because your genuine feelings for the person. I did it because my efforts were appreciated by someone that recognized their issues as issues and wanted me to be their moirail. Hell, if you're going to change canonical events that allow all noncanonical shipping to happen, you might as well give Nepeta one successful "shipping moment" (the irony is not lost on me, shut up) by letting her matchmake Eridan with a moirail that would care about her (*COUGH. COUGH.* kan, but like also while I don't care about the recent pale erikar trend, that could be hella character moment for Nepeta to make that call).
If your interpretation of Eridan emphasizes her brief environmental commentary, the fact that Nepeta lives fairly detached from industrialized society makes how they relate to each other interesting. Nepeta is if anything characterized as being very not wasteful, and in her own words: "i dont kill anything i dont eat, that would be mean." This stands in direct contrast with Eridan who has resigned to how her occupation may be infinitely necessary and entirely justified, but is distinctly evil in purpose and function. It helps that although orphaning doesn't appear especially wasteful (the whole whale does get eaten), it draws on historical industrial whaling which was infamously wasteful. There's something very interesting there between, again, the most compassionate troll hunting for herself, and the orphaner hunting for somebody else. It would be an emotionally complicated mix of sympathy and disgust, made part tragic by the fact that Eridan transparently expects the disgust, but would be absolutely flabbergasted by sympathy. It continues the cute but somewhat tumultuous path that I think characterizes some of the best love stories.
There's also a few other little things that can tie them together and make good stories out of their ship.
If you see Equius' overprotectiveness of Nepeta as a significant flaw, he can be given development by Nepeta properly dunking on Eridan during a low stakes lover's spat. Proving that although she may have not played FLARP with the rest of the "dangerous" trolls, she's no less capable of handling herself. You can play it for comedy as it's always fun to see Eridan dunked on, and Nepeta could ride her around by the horns like a Left for Dead jockey as Equius looks on proudly. For anti sea dweller reasons maybe? We'll keep working on it, Equius.
Speaking of FLARP, they're both RP dorks. Common on alternia so perhaps nothing really special, but the distinction between FLARP and RP is more significant than the distinction between LARP and RP (astonishing, I know). FLARP, an acronym which is already losing its meaning to me, is kinda psychotic and so I'm inclined to agree with Equius that it should be avoided. Nepeta toning Eridan down from FLARP+orphaning that was her hobby to a more healthy and low stakes RP would be both awkward and cute. Plus it can serve as a character moment for Eridan where the orphaner dualscar character is retired and she can fully embrace the 🌠 wwonderful wwhimsy of wwizardry 🌠.
And sometimes it's just the silly little things that can justify a ship. Maybe the cat likes fish. Maybe the military history nerd likes trenchcoats.
IDK, erinep is just cute. Solidly approved, anon, erinep has been placed in the "works really well" tier just below GOATED tier.
Whew, yet another tantric Homestuck analysis sesh. People insane enough to have read to the end: Don't forget that hopping anonymously in the asks to suggest Eridan ships for me to spend time analyzing is entirely free.
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
A theory; what with all the wistful looks Brother Dusk has been giving Enjoiner Rue throughout the season, I posit that part of his opposition to Day's marriage plans is that he wanted to break with Imperial cloning and marry Rue and make her Empress back in the day, but he stuck to tradition and let Rue go with the required mind-wipe in order to preserve the Genetic dynasty. And now here's Day, trampling all over tradition, and he doesn't love his wife-to-be or even want to have sex with her because he's too busy being dommed by Demerzel.
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“they hate to see a hot girl winning” well they hate to see a hot girl losing too because clarisse got her ass handed by a newbie, got outsmarted by a 12y and lost the only gift given by her father and they’re still dragging her into this !!!!!
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ormspryde · 2 months
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Someone finally took the pity on Grell that she couldn't take on herself in life.
[ID: A digital sketch of Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji wearing a dress and lying on her back with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes are closed, and she's holding a bouquet of rue in her right hand. /ID]
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gabriestat · 3 months
I fear him. I don't know why. Perhaps I fear him because I could love him again, and loving him, I would come to need him, and needing him, I would come to learn from him, and learning from him, I would be again his faithful pupil in all things
the vampire armand, anne rice
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Now that I’ve watched bridgerton i should probably rewatch Acofaf now cause I’ll get some of the small refs. Also just to rewatch bc it’s my fave d20 season hands down
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mvad1 · 8 months
Okay I've seen quite a lot of posts and tiktoks with how Percy is all about god of disappointment with not helping Chris's remark about oizys
BUT could we be more serious about it for a moment, like atm Chris is STILL not claimed, boy been there for like 5 years, so probably he has been thinking about it a lot, feeling like a failure who hasn't managed to achieve smth that would make his godly parent claim him
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godlesslostsoul · 9 months
Now that I’m not geeking out as much, I just want to say how much I love the cast of PJO. Every single one of them is playing the characters straight from the book with their own little details in there. I just I love I LOVE
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