heartlessfujoshi · 7 months
the horndog and the prince(ss) - a rufusreno multi-chapter fic
Title: The Horndog and the Prince(ss) Chapter: 3 of 10 Fandom: FFVII Compilation Pairing: RufusReno (Rufus Shinra x Reno) Rating: Explicit (Explicit Sexual Content - Timeline what Timeline - Mirror Sex) Word Count: ~2,250
Ch 1 Ch 2
Rufus woke up a few hours later to his PHS ringing, his head throbbing only a little at having been startled awake. He reached for his phone, expecting to feel a warm body next to him, but there was only empty space there. Opening his phone up, he put it to his ear. “Yes.” He answered, sitting up as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. 
“Did you forget we have a meeting, sir?” He heard the distinct voice of Reeve Tuesti coming through his receiver. “We were to meet and discuss my new projects that I'm hoping will be funded by your generous pocket.” 
He looked over at his bedroom door, and could smell the acrid smell of cigarette smoke. That meant that Reno was nearby. Good. Rufus got out of bed, and pulled his underwear on. “Can we meet in thirty?” 
“Thirty is fine, sir.” Reeve ended the call, making it easier on him as he hated awkward goodbyes. 
Walking out of his bedroom, he saw Reno was sitting at his dining table, smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of coffee. “We’re leaving in twenty.” Rufus commented, then went and poured himself a cup of coffee. “How the hell can you drink this shit?” The coffee was the strongest he’d ever tasted in his life. “How does your heart not stop?” 
“Ye’ll get used to it, Princess.” Reno tapped his cigarette onto a small dessert plate that had become a makeshift ashtray. “Hope ya don’t mind.” 
“It’s a little too late if I did, wouldn’t you agree?” He saw Reno was eyeing him. “What?” 
“Never fancied you were a man that liked to wear colorful shorts.” 
Rufus looked down, and saw that the underwear he’d chosen to put on had been a pair of chocobo boxer briefs. “Am I not allowed to wear things that one might deem as undignified?” 
“Yer the richest man in the world, Ruf’. I don’t think it really matters whatcha want to wear or not. Jes figured ye were a guy that preferred an all black wardrobe. Ye know, considering how ye dress and all.” 
He supposed that the redhead had a point. “Did Tseng go over what has to happen as you watch me?” 
“Ye. Should be no problem, yo.” Reno snuffed out his smoke, and stood up. Rufus drank more of the bitter liquid in his cup, grimacing as he swallowed. It was fucking awful. “Go get ready. We’ll leave in fifteen.” 
“Right.” He set the cup down, then pointed his finger at the Turk. “You finish that. I can’t drink that shit.” 
“Don’t mind if I do.” 
Rufus went back to his bedroom, and went into his ensuite bathroom. Standing under the spray of his shower, he could feel his ass still tingling where Reno had whacked him a few times. He put his hand against the sore spot and moaned softly, his cock perking up with renewed interest as he rubbed his hand over it. He shook it off, knowing that right now wasn’t the right time to get those sorts of feelings. He had a business to maintain, and now that Reno was going to be around him twenty-four seven for the next week, he knew it was going to be a difficult task no matter what life threw at him. 
Fixing his white jacket, he examined himself in his closet mirror, pleased that his cleaners were able to get the blood out. The last time he’d worn this particular jacket, he’d been in a rather nasty fight which had ended in bloodshed. Rufus saw Reno staring at him through their reflections. “Say your peace.” 
“Can’t a man admire the way his lover looks?” Reno was now leaning up against the door jamb, his arms crossed over his chest. And Rufus couldn’t believe how attractive he found him. The lazy attitude. The ‘I don’t give a fuck’ look on his face. Everything about Reno right now was screaming at him, and he hated it. His hormones were in control of him in a way that they’d never been before. He’d never had this problem before engaging with the redhead. 
Rufus pushed his bangs off of his head, but didn’t turn around as he stared at Reno’s reflection. “Is that what I am?” 
“I mean, ya shoulda been a one night stand but yaa fucked up on that front.” Reno approached him, and Rufus couldn’t help but close his eyes as he felt Reno’s presence behind him. His heart startled in his chest as he felt Reno’s hands touch his hips, and then a soft moan passed his lips as Reno’s breath touched his ear. “Ye’re fuckin’ gorgeous and ya know it. Don’tcha, Ruf’?” 
He took a deep breath. “I don’t know what you’re implying, Reno.” He didn’t have time for this. “We have to leave.” 
“No, we don’t.” 
Opening his eyes, he looked into Reno’s green eyes and felt his ears beginning to ring as his heartbeat became more pronounced. “Excuse me?” 
“I said, no we don’t, yo.” Reno’s hands on his hips gave them a firm squeeze, Rufus’ body responding almost immediately to the force being shown. “Do I gotta remind ya who ye are?” 
Another slow breath left his chest as he glared at Reno. “I know who I am, you fool.” 
“Oh, I know ya do, Princess.” The hand on his left hip was moved, and was now palming his growing erection. Rufus moaned, unable to stop himself as he felt the heat rise up to his cheeks as Reno’s breath touched his ear again. “Open yer eyes, Rufus.” 
He did, and saw that Reno’s hand was now unzipping his pants, and was pushing it down until his hand found his cock. Rufus’ eyes stared at their reflection, and moaned low as Reno pulled his cock out into the open. He could see the tip dripping with precum, his body clearly wanting more. “I have a meeting.” 
“Which ye can be late for. Ye were already late once.” Reno’s eyes kept him trapped, Rufus staring into them as he felt his hand start to stroke his cock with just enough pressure to feel good, but not enough to make it feel great. “Ye like being late, don’tcha?” 
Rufus dropped his head, moaning low as he could feel Reno’s cock pushing up against his ass. “I don’t.” He whispered, but deep down, he knew Reno was right. There was a certain thrill knowing that someone was waiting for him, while he was here, doing things that he shouldn’t be doing. 
“One quick fuck, what do ya say, Princess?” Reno asked him, his thumb now pushing against the tip of his cock. “Only, ya gotta do somethin’ for me, yo.” 
“A-Anything.” He would agree to anything the redhead requested. It was how bad he needed him right now. Reno could ask him to jump off the tower, and he would say yes. It would be foolish, and he knew it, but there was something about Reno’s commanding presence that had him wanting to do anything he wanted. 
Reno put his hand on his chin, and tilted it upwards until their eyes met again in the mirror. “Stay like that.” 
Knowing what he wanted, Rufus moaned in anticipation as he felt Reno yank his pants down to expose his ass to him. He saw the redhead go over to his dresser, and watched him roll a condom onto his cock. Rufus stood still, his cock dripping as he waited for the redhead to return. Reno put his arm around his waist, and held him close, the tip of his cock now probing against his ass, looking for that opening that would benefit them both. And as soon as he slid home, Rufus released a moan that made his throat hurt. 
His eyes stayed locked onto Reno’s but he could see him thrusting his hips back and forth, his body moving to the beat as Reno’s hand returned to his cock. Rufus was tempted to look at his own cock, but there was something about the way that Reno was staring at him, it kept him trapped. He moaned, his chest arching up as Reno’s cock pushed deep inside of him. 
“Ya gonna come again, Princess?” Reno asked, his breath hot against his ear. Rufus nodded his head fast, knowing that he was already set to explode. Staring at them in the mirror was doing wonders for his arousal, and all he could think about was how good Reno was making him feel. “Go ahead and come fer me.” 
Rufus broke off their eye contact as he felt the unmistakable heat begin, signaling to his brain that he was close. And after a few more rough thrusts, Rufus was moaning through an orgasm, the tip of his cock erupting with more fluid that shouldn’t have been possible given the amount of sex the two of them had already had, and yet here he was, defying the odds. “R-Reno…” He moaned the redhead’s name, caught in the throes of an intense orgasm, his head going numb from head to toe. 
“That’s right, baby…” Reno murmured into his ear, as his hips began to pound into him roughly. “I gave that to ya.” Reno groaned, Rufus tilting his head back against his shoulder as he felt him buck his hips hard. “Me.” 
“Y-You…” He agreed, nodding his head as everything continued to spin. Reno released a deep grunt, and then Rufus knew that the redhead had found his own release. He sank back against him, panting softly as he struggled to remain on his feet. 
Reno pulled out of him, and as he did, Rufus grunted as he hadn’t been prepared for the connection to be severed so quickly. He watched as Reno pulled the condom off, and then tossed it into the wastebasket with a few tissues, and then saw him approach him with a few more tissues, and began to wipe up his ass. Rufus pulled up his pants, then looked at the redhead, who was adjusting his own Turk issued suit. 
“Why do I feel like this week is going to be a problem for the both of us?” 
“I dunno whatcha mean, yo.” Reno grinned, then tapped his wrist where there wasn’t a watch. “I think we’ve got some time before yer meeting.” 
He looked at his own watch, and saw that yes, they were in the window of when he was supposed to be at Reeve’s office. So he would be five minutes late. No big deal. And after that great fuck, he was glad for the tardiness. “You’re correct. Let’s go.” 
“Whatever ya say, boss.” 
Rufus knocked on Reeve’s door, and walked into his office without a second care in the world. “Now, what did you want to discuss with me, Reeve?” He asked, taking a seat in front of Reeve’s desk, ignoring the mechanical cat he could see leaning up against the wall. “What sorts of projects are you hoping that Shinra will pay for this time?” 
“Where’s Tseng?” Reeve asked, as Reno stayed out front of the opened office door. 
“I wasn’t aware that it was any of your business where my Turks were.” Rufus glared at the scientist, not at all interested in dealing with him. He would much rather be back in his apartment, preferably without any clothes on, and with a certain redhead’s cock shoved deep inside of his ass. He shifted on his chair, as if feeling the thickness inside of him. But sadly, there was nothing there, only the reminder of it being there less than seven minutes ago. It was a heady feeling, knowing that. Rufus took a deep breath, hoping that his face didn’t look as hot as it felt.  
Reeve’s face paled, and he bowed his head. “Sorry, sir. That wasn’t the way I intended it to sound. My sincerest apologies.” 
“Yes, fine. Now, what do you wish to show me?” 
He sat in Reeve’s office for close to two hours before making it to his own office. Reno stood guard outside, leaving him to be in peace. Rufus stood at the window that overlooked Midgar, and wondered how in Gai he’d wound up where he was currently. Or, rather, how he was managing to hold his hormones in check, as Reno stood outside of his office, making sure no one came in to harass him. He wanted the redhead to come in, lock the door, and do terrible things to him. 
We’re together for a week. You can wait. 
Rufus palmed his stiffening cock, willing it to go down. But it had a mind of its own, and it was itching to be touched again. Rufus, however, had work that needed to be done, so he ignored it and dived into the items that had been sitting on his desk since yesterday. He still needed to discuss with Reno about their arrangement, whatever the hell it was. The redhead had used the word ‘lover’ earlier, but was that accurate? Rufus didn’t think so, as he’d sort of entered unwillingly into this unexpected dalliance. He hoped that Reno would listen to him, but he had a feeling it might be difficult as they both seemed to have a thirst for each other that didn’t really seem to be satiated. At all. Rufus shook his head, picked up his pen and began to work - he’d deal with Reno later.  
Cross-posted to AO3
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incaseofart · 2 years
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Rufus and Reno in an outfit from Twitter because I wanted to. This is 100% ship 😁
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incaseofwriting · 2 years
Rufus and Reno share a tender moment that belongs just to them.
word count: ~1.5k
content warning: none
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goldenworldsabound · 2 years
owo all the odd numbers with rufus!
BULLYYYYYY (affectionate)
Comfort Character Asks
1. how long have i known about them
October 3rd, 2021, a certain @singingdeepinme bombarded me with pictures and gifs of him saying I would like him and. She was correct. kfjhsafkkjs
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
I have his fancy ff7r figure :D
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And a sticker of him (unofficial) on my laptop! and a keychain (also unofficial) on my purse!
I really want a plushie so bad but they haven't made an official one yet and I'm not sure about a custom one at the moment.
There's a set right now that look like this for several characters and I wish they'd do the same for the Turks and Rufus!!!
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5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
everything- ksajfhdkjshfds
his father was an ASSHOLE to him. They talk about it in On The Way To A Smile. He's like a four year old or something and his dad is calling him an idiot and he already knows that he has to be very careful what he says and does to avoid his fathers ire. Like. That's not normal or okay. And his mother must have passed when he was quite young since she's never mentioned anywhere. It's said that his dog, Darkstar, was his only friend. Everything in his life begins to center around being better than his father and taking over the company - and he plots assassination after assassination attempt, working with terrorist groups.
And then it's revealed in On The Way To A Smile that...Rufus' father used his son's birthday as his passcode for everything. Rufus doesn't know that exactly - but he knows it was used for at least this specific locked door. He puts off trying that as long as possible, and he finally tries that combination, and it works. What sorts of things must he be feeling? Did his father love him after all? But he didn't really show it in any meaningful way...but he clearly did care, because even though Rufus literally tried to kill him, his dad was like lol whatever just put him under house arrest for a bit and keep this hidden, I'm gonna give him the company when he's older, what a dumb idiot.
I dunno just. The fucked up circumstances of his childhood and the complexity of a relationship with a parent with sky high expectations who failed to show even an ounce of love. It's just. 🥺
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
He doesn't have a lot of happy moments hakfdshhkjdsh HOWEVER I loved his arrival as President onto the roof of the Shinra building in ff7r. He looks so POWERFUL he sounds so CONFIDENT and he FIGHTS REAL GOOD FEKWJHFKJEW he retreats but he still kind of won. He gets to enjoy being on top for just a bit!!!
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
His ff7r outfit is the best. His original outfit isn't bad and neither is his AC or BC outfit but the FLARE of the ff7r outfit,,, so good
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11. my favorite relationship they have with another character
I love his relationship with the Turks! They are so loyal to him 🥺 even when they don't need to be anymore. He did a lot for them (saved them from being killed in BC) and I also think they honestly all care about him.
I'm also a RufusReno shipper just love the dynamic of proud egotistical Rufus and bratty delinquent Reno
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
Some people seem to strongly HC that he liked to mock/make fun of Sephiroth when they were both kids and I??? do not see that at all. I feel like he probably kept mostly to himself and learned how to put on a front early on, I just don't feel like he was running around making enemies/bullying other children. I don't he got to see many other children.
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
I fully absorbed canon into my being this is tough. UM the thing I think canon did wrong is that they went through all this trouble to say Darkstar is his BEST FRIEND and ONLY FRIEND and then she never shows up again? I guess in the original it might be implied that she was killed in that battle (though I don't think Rufus would have allowed that either), but this is definitely not the case in the remake, as we see Rufus tell her to retreat partway through. I think canon needs to show more of how much he cares for Darkstar cause I think he really does love her.
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devilreno · 4 years
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"Easy now.”
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frienduccine · 4 years
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My first contribution for Turkstober (plus eventual Roche). I will be uploading sporadically because of my busy schedule (once a week is the goal)
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nekojitachan · 7 years
"I've tried to cut the string" if I may request Rufus and Reno :)
Ooh, Rufus/Reno. I so miss writing these two (I need to write these two, when will we get the new game???). Okay, I hope this makes you happy, sweetie!
Rufus never gave much thought to the red string wrappedaround his left wrist which stretched out a few inches into the air and thenvanished. He knew it would lead to his soulmate, the person fated to be his ‘otherhalf’, the person meant to be by his side for the rest of his life if he waslucky enough to find them. He assumed they would be a woman, would be someonefrom an upstanding family much like his mother had been… because he was aShinra and that’s how things were done. Fate wouldn’t get in his way andprovide anything else, would dare to interfere with his plans, would it? He hadenough headaches dealing with his father and bending that situation to his liking, after all.
So he ignored the string as inconsequential, being much toobusy with betrayal and AVALANCHE and everything else, and took the occasional loverhere and there when needs must (a classmate or two who understood the urge forrelief, a few daughters of business associates connected to SHINRA to appeasehis father) and left it at that. Relationships were complications he didn’tneed or want when he was focused on overthrowing his father, on taking controlof SHINRA and effectively the world.
He came so closeto achieving that with AVALANCHE, only for it to come crashing down around himat Old Corel. If it wasn’t bad enough to have everything he’d worked so hard onbe ruined by the ‘Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department’, byVeld’s little groups of rejects and psychos who worked in the shadows and didSHINRA’s clean-up work (and worse)… at some point during the whole mess, thered string had grown brighter and thicker on his wrist, had stretched outwardto his soulmate at last.
Toward one of the Turks, as Veld’s groups of rejects werecalled, in particular.
The Turks, now led by Tseng, a quiet and taciturn Wutianyoung man, were unable to trade Rufus for the freedom of Veld and the old man’sdaughter, as the Turks had planned, but with a bit of careful maneuvering,Rufus had prevented the group from being executed for attempting to ransom him inexchange for their leader with a bit of clever showmanship. It meant the Turksonce more reporting to Heidegger and he was sent into ‘exile’ to Junon underhouse arrest… but he was alive to plot again and had gained the loyalty of Turks,which could work for him in the end.
There was only the matter of that damn red string.
He was set up in a palatial penthouse in Junon, one with abreathtaking view of the city and around the clock guards to ensure he didn’tgo anywhere unsupervised. His father was keeping a very close eye on him andmaking it clear that he wasn’t trusted, that he was being kept alive on sufferancealone.
Rufus would make him regret that small mercy and consideredthe situation a mere setback.
He’d take a little time to regroup, to consider his reducedresources, the altered battleground and then come up with a new plan. He’dlearn from his failure and do a better job next time, it was as simple as that.Learn from one’s mistakes and move on.
But first, that damn red string – that was a potentialweakness he hadn’t anticipated and he refused to let it be used against him.
It wasn’t long after he’d settled into Junon when he sat inthe room he’d established as an office, complete with a large desk where heworked during the day on the few things his father ‘trusted’ to him (boringassignments and tasks his father couldn’t be bothered with, for the most part,but which gave Rufus valuable insight on what was happening with the company),busy sawing at the string with what was supposed to be one of the sharpestblades on the market.
“It’s not gonna ta work, ya know. I’ve tried. Ya can’t cutthe damn string.”
Rufus jerked at the sound of that sardonic voice and nearlycut himself as he spun the chair around to find a lanky figure leaning againstthe doorway of his office, a lanky figured dressed in wrinkled black slacks andan open black jacket, a white dress shirt left with the top three buttonsundone beneath. The Turk had brilliant red hair in a spiky cut, severaltendrils falling onto his pale face and a long tail trailing down his back, analmost pixyish face with two red slashes along his sharp cheekbones andbrilliant aquamarine eyes.
He was Reno of the Turks, infamous for his insubordination,his violent, explosive nature and skill in fighting. Rumor had it that he mighthave been considered for SOLDIER but was too unstable for the program, too muchof a risk and so he’d been shuffled over to the Turks where even Veld (and nowTseng) struggled to keep the gutter-bred, below-Plate maniac under control.
He was also Rufus’ soulmate, the string on Rufus’ wristflowing bright across the room to Reno’s own, disappearing beneath the leathercuff of the baton he almost always wore when working.
It was then that thewords previously spoken sunk in, causing Rufus to stand up, the knife carefullyset aside and his hands braced on the desk, to glare at the bastard. “What doyou mean, you tried to cut it?”
A mocking grin curled Reno’s lips as he folded his arms overhis chest. “Just that, I tried ta get rid of the damn thing and nothing works.”He scoffed as his fingers gave the string a slight tug. “Even tried blowin’ itup. Rude stopped me from using the really strong stuff, though.”
Rufus stared at him in confusion. “You tried breaking it?” He’d been expecting Reno, a below-Plater,to show up to take advantage of the… ‘situation’ binding them together eversince he realized that he was stuck with the Turk.
Reno’s brilliant eyes narrowed as his lips curled into asneer. “Yeah, I did. What, ya think I wanna be tied to a fucker like you? Someone who’ll stab anyone in theback ta get what he wants?” He scoffed again. “Tseng says we gotta work withya, we work with ya. He says we gotta keep ya alive, we keep ya alive.” Forsome reason, Rufus felt a dark, angry emotion deep in his stomach over the waythat Reno mentioned the new Head of the Turk’s name, the way his voice held ascrap of respect. “But that’s it, ya stay the fuck away from me. I’m used talife bein’ an utter bitch so this is just,” Reno paused to laugh, the soundpure bitter amusement. “Yeah, stay the fuckaway, ya spoiled little shit.” He gave Rufus a rude gesture and then slippedaway into the shadows of the hallway without making any sound.
He left without giving Rufus a chance to say anything, toargue that he refused to be stuckwith such an ill-bred, uneducated, uncouth bastard(in every sense – Reno probably couldn’t narrow his father down to a possibletwenty men if given a chance).
Except… except Rufus despised being told he couldn’t havesomething. He detested being given ultimatums, in being told something was outof his reach. And Reno… yes, he was a gutter-rat, but he was also veryattractive, intelligent, and resourceful. He’d thrived with the Turks andclimbed up to their second in command. He had the gall to talk back to a Shinra(even a disgraced one, but from what Rufus had heard, that didn’t hold thebastard back at all).
He contemplated the red string around his wrist as he satback down in his chair and wondered if Fate had made a mistake after all.
He always did thrive best when given a challenge.
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Sinday Kiss Meme | Open
@ivory-paragon​ asked:  💋 - Give me Reno. :]
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It wasn’t expected at all. Looking back, maybe it should have been, but for Reno, it just...wasn’t.
He had just been mouthing off, some stupid bullshit as usual as he was off the clock for the moment but, of course, was still drawn to watch over Rufus when he lingered. That turned into the two of them sitting together and having one of their more comfortable talks, not so bound in professionalism. And so, of course, Reno had to get cocky, and mouthy, and made his crude jokes.
All he’d said was it’s a shame no ladies or lads had much chance to experience the other mans lips, as he surely had to have one hell of a mouth. Sure, it was a genuine opinion of the Turk (he’d made enough harmless jokes that still made it clear that Rufus, among a few others, held the attraction of the red haired employee). However, it was spoke with the intend to make Rufus roll his eyes, or express his ‘threats’ about docking his pay or putting him on lockdown for misconduct. Reno was a chaotic being deep down, he enjoyed those little moments.
So, of course, when he looked into the presidents eyes with a cocky fire in his own and said, “You deserve to choose when and where and who, sir, but I’d for those pretty things to go to waste--” he was expecting to finally earn the usual threat.
Instead, he sat still as the blond leaned in and took his lips. He went still, unmoving, even his lips were frozen. And then something clicked, and his eyes fell shut, and his lips pressed back, firmly, as he leaned into Rufus’ space, one hand carefully slipping over the chest of the others shirt to grip at his collar. His body seemed alive, like an electric current was running through him over the shock and the possible instability of this moment, and at any moment, something would burst, would sour, that perhaps he had finally gone too far.
Or perhaps he had gone just far enough.
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He was just beginning to really move his lips, when Rufus eventually pulled away. The red-head drifted after him, shortly, before righting himself and swallowing. “...S-sir...?” he finds himself stuttering. All that cockiness had dwindled, and all that was left was raw interest, confusion, and concern. But his eyes flicked to Rufus’, as if asking.
And one again, that cockiness return, and he gripped that white collar, licking his own lips and locking his gaze on Rufus’--if he was going to be punished, fuck it, it would be worth it. Rufus could stop him if he wanted too, but Reno wasn’t one to let a good moment pass, and soon his lips were right back on his. Because why, after the years of imagining this off and on, would Reno let this moment pass without savoring every moment and taste of it?
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crookedspoonfic · 4 years
WIP meme
Rules: Post the name of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or I will tell you something about it!
Oh nooo... I was tagged by @setsailslash and I totally didn’t didn’t start this because I saw it on @maliciouslycreative‘s tumblr and thought, wouldn’t it be fun if I procrastinated on this exchange fic that is due tonight and needs another scene to feel rounded off by listing my insane number of what I once considered WIPs? :D
Ftr, most of these are just premises I wanted to write once upon a time but that will now never see the light of day. I didn’t check which of these actually meet the requirement of WIP, whatever that is.
Below the cut: FF7 and DCU. Warning: long. Click at your own risk. None of these are guaranteed to become finished fics. 
Tagging @neurotoxia and whoever else wants to do this. Show me them WIPs.
FF7, where you’ll never guess my favourite pairing xD
The Great FF7 Boink Off
dress fic notes
RufusReno, gratitude
Cloud/Tifa, awkward sex
[redacted pairing], forced fem
[redacted pairing], Possession
[redacted pairing], overstimulation
Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Model AU
RufuSeph, budding relationship
RufuSeph, Model AU beginnings
RufuSeph, riding crop
Sefikura, mindfuck
Zakkura, makodisiac
Zakkura, somnophilia -- oh, I actually posted that in December!
PE with Zack
RufuSeph, good boy
RufuSeph, PWZ
Epic rarepair100
037. Letters
Epic Rufus/Sephiroth love story
good morning kiss
RufuSeoh, 5+1
RufuSeph, 1sentence
RufuSeph, abandonment issues
RufuSeph, glasses/contacts
RufuSeph, medical play
RufuSeph, randoms
RufusScarlet, playing games
Untitled Document
DCU, which I’ll probably never touch again, whoops.
A Fool’s Legacy (Fingers)
Black Mask AU
Hanahaki AU
Creepy Jay
distance between us
Eldritch Dick
Hooker Jay
i fear no fate (YJ sadfic)
Stray Dick 
undecided / short stuff 
Blood Ties
notes, Damian wishes to learn how to sex
even deeper (omega Jay)
Fake Marriage
made of glass (AK selfcest)
Octomer Dick
SladeJayDick CYOA
Stripper Dick
Talon Dick
Tentacle Jay
Titans, DickDonna, lasso
Titans JayDickDonna
Titans (Bru)JayDick
Titans date
Virgin Jay
warning signs
White Knight
curse of the wk bruceharley
yt white knight
BruJay, “comfort” porn
cb2020, GuyArk
chat, sex pollen + VD Shaz
diablo/harley wip
gotham city garage
Harley/Artemis/Jay AU
HarleyIvy remix
I’m in love with you and it’s no fun
Jaydick + Tim voyeurism
jaydick soulmate au
JayDickGarth tentacle roleplay
nct birbflash fallout wip
one big cosmic joke (H/Ollie/Dinah?)
sladejaydick remix
Soldier!Jay wip
Stalker Tim
vanilla kink
zero at the bone remix notes
Wifey Jay (No Nuptials Necessary)
blue wifey
maid wifey/bdsm au
manor wifey
red apron ?
red apron 2 - Apr 29, 2019
Red/purple apron
spring break draft 4
this spoon has too many drafts
wifey 3
Wing Attack
hoe dick jaydickbabs (jtrp)
sloppy seconds
wing attack 3
wing attack early prequel
wing attack joker
yj dickteam
yj orgy
Altered Carbon AU 1
Brujay a/b/o
Inkheart AU
pain you tasted 3
Resident Evil Planning
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sapphire-weapon · 4 years
So far the rufus ships i've seen in AO3 are RufusTseng, RufusTifa, RufusCloud, RufusReno, RufusReeve, RufusElena and even RufusSephiroth and RufusScarlet...Any thoughts on them? But I think ofc it's hard to think them as romantic ship if you really wanna go there especially the last two
hmm i’ll go down the list here, and some of these answers may surprise you LOL
i’ve already talked ad nauseum about my feelings towards rufus/tseng so i won’t bother going over it again (tl;dr i hate it, notp, never not even once)
rufus/tifa - i have my hangups about this ship (as i just discussed in one of the last few posts), but honestly? my discord server & i were kicking around the idea of tifa ending up as rufus’s trophy wife and the two of them accidentally falling in love long after they’re legally married, and i don’t hate that idea. realistically speaking, when i’m being completely honest with myself, tifa has the exact temperament and personality that would be perfect for rufus. he needs someone who’s patient, compassionate, kind, badass, and independent -- and tifa is all of those things, even if she doesn’t actively realize that last one about herself quite yet. and she needs someone who’s independent, confident, good-natured, and who can give her space to grow -- and of course, that sounds like rufus. that’s why i said i’d put this ship on the backburner for now. i really don’t hate the idea of it. i just... need some more time. (and also to be convinced of this over rude/tifa)
rufus/cloud - so here’s some DEEP SIREA LORE (TM) for u guys. i actually wrote smut of this back in the day LOL idk man when ac hit it brought something out of me, man idk idk. (this fic is lost on a locked livejournal that i no longer have access to, so no, don’t ask for it.) i think this could work for hatesex, but only post-AC, and then they’re never allowed to talk to or see each other again LMAO but i see rufus as straight these days, so i’m not going to write this myself. i’m sure there are fic writers out there who have done this justice, though.
rufus/reno - i don’t see rufus being with any of the turks. straight up. i can’t see that in his personality and how he views his role as a leader. he needs to see the turks as expendable. he needs to. it’s a big part of his job and his role, and he knows this better than anyone. and, again, i see rufus as straight. (reno’s a big ol bisexual hot mess tho, and we know this and love this about him.) i see their relationship largely as reno thinking of himself as an annoying little brother trying to get big brother’s attention, while rufus is just like YOU’RE MY FUCKING EMPLOYEE RENO OH MY GOD (but you’d throw yourself headfirst into oncoming traffic for me so you’re secretly my favorite don’t tell the others).
rufus/reeve - so. not gonna lie. the only thing that keeps me from shipping this is 1) i see rufus as straight and 2) reeve just gives off big Suburban Dad Who Is Also A Furry energy, which keeps me from shipping reeve with anyone at all ever. if these two things were not so, i would be all over this ship. the dynamic is there, man. it’s fucking there. and it’s interesting. and complex. and good. if reeve was a lady who was not a furry, sold. done. there. i’m there. big shame and missed opportunity on this one.
rufus/elena - again, i just don’t see rufus being with any of the turks. but even if she wasn’t a turk, i’d see them as a hot fling and nothing more. i’d probably have fun writing it, though. FUN FACT: these two never hold a conversation with one another over the entirety of the compilation.
rufus/sephiroth - this is where it gets interesting. if i was at all the kind of person to give a shit about teenage characters and also liked rivalmances, this would be a fun ship to write for pre-canon. especially in remake where they’re now the same age. president shinra’s golden boy and his neglected son? OH BOY. THE POTENTIAL IS THERE. but naw dawg. that ain’t me. and then post-crisis, rufus flinches and tenses just at the mere mention of sephiroth’s name anymore and refers to him as “the nightmare.” i’m sure that this is a dynamic that appeals to people, and i get it, but it ain’t me.
rufus/scarlet - wait that’s a thing? i can’t see him having a high opinion of anyone who 1) is cool with torture and 2) spent however many years as his father’s patsy.
1) that rufus/elfe thing i was talking about like last week or something, though that’s not at all a good or stable relationship, it would be highly toxic, and he would use her like the most precious tool in his box. i also don’t have the time and the mental wherewithal to do this right now.
2) go hog fucking wild and let my full crazy out and write a big rufus/aeris AU, which i’ve thought about and kind of workshopped with @friedesgreatscythe at great length, and boy. BOY if remake ever has these two interact, it’s over for u hoes. but right now it just feels like a lot of work.
3) do The Unspeakable and give evan what he wants and have rufus cuck him and fuck kyrie. this feels weird to do now though that rufus’s age has been pushed up to 30 in OG, so he’d be 32 in TKAA while kyrie’s 19. i don’t hate the age gap, but i also don’t love it.
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heartlessfujoshi · 7 months
the horndog and the prince(ss) - a multi-chapter fic
Title: The Horndog and the Prince(ss) Chapter: 2 of 10 Fandom: FFVII Compilation Pairing: RufusReno (Rufus Shinra x Reno) Rating: Explicit (Explicit Sexual Content - Timeline what Timeline - Spanking) Word Count: ~3,270
Ch 1
Rufus struggled to get out of Reno’s hold, but with his Turk strength out in full force, it was a futile attempt. He wasn’t going to let the redhead get the best of him, though, and was contemplating kneeing him in the groin to escape, but then something happened that made it much easier to move. 
Reno’s PHS went off. 
The redhead reached for his phone, and brought it to his ear. “What.” The greeting was short and sweet, but it was a distraction that Rufus used to his advantage. He pulled himself out of Reno’s arms, and got out of the bed, holding a pillow against his chest, covering the necessary bits from sight. “What’d ya expect, yo? Yer calling me really fuckin’ early. What is it, boss?” 
Boss. Tseng. Rufus breathed a sigh of relief, happy that it seemed that their time was going to be cut short. He listened to the rest of the one-sided conversation, and then saw Reno close his phone with a grunt. “Trouble?” Rufus asked. 
“Yeah.” Reno got out of bed, and started to put his Turk suit back on. Rufus’ eyebrow raised up as he took in the sight of Reno’s muscular body. For someone as thin as he was, he was seriously cut and he couldn’t help but drool a little at getting to see those muscles work without any sort of hindrance. “Looks like our boss is fucking missing.” Reno grumbled, grabbing Rufus’ tie off the ground and threw it at him. “So now I gotta go downstairs and meet with Tseng, Rude and Elena, and make a plan as to where th’ fuck he is. Got any ideas, Princess?” 
Rufus blushed at the endearment. Why was that word worse than beautiful? Rufus couldn’t make any sense of it. He loathed the way it made his stomach churn in a way that made him feel like a school boy. “You tell me.” He glared at Reno, as he got his own clothes back on. “Where is your boss?” 
“RIGHT FUCKING HERE, YO.” Reno shouted at him, upset for an unknown reason. “Yer a fuckin’ pain in the ass, ya know that?” 
“You didn’t seem to think so last night.” Rufus was quick to remind him. 
Smoothing down his shirt, Rufus shrugged his shoulders as he slipped his boots back on. “That is not my problem.” 
“Listen up, Princess.” Reno was soon in front of him, glaring down at him in a way that was making Rufus’ heart beat wildly inside of his own chest. “I don’t like being taken advantage of. Ye tricked me. That ain’t cool.” 
“Are you upset because it’s me? Or because I was able to do this to you?” Rufus asked, standing his ground as he stared at the Turk. 
Reno was fit to spit. He could see the anger increasing in his eyes. Rufus waited for an answer, but all he got was an annoyed scream and then Reno was turning away from him. “Fuck off, Rufus. Yer a fucking nightmare, yo.” 
He watched Reno leave his own apartment, slamming the front door for good effect. Rufus exhaled a long breath, not realizing he’d been holding it as Reno’s temper had been keeping him quiet. His shoulders dropped as he looked around the mess of a room. Rufus rubbed his hand over his face, then pulled his own PHS out of his pocket. He left Reno’s apartment, making sure to close the door behind him without the same fanfare that Reno had shown. 
Once up on his floor, he brought his PHS to his ear and called Tseng. “Where are you?” He asked, playing the fool for a few minutes later. 
“Sir?” Tseng’s voice came into his ear. “I was about to ask you the same question.” 
“I’m in my room, and you’re not here.” Rufus grunted, sitting down on his couch. He sat down too hard, though, and his ass ached in a way that hadn’t been present in a very long time. When was the last time he’d been intimate with a person like he had been with Reno? He was under constant surveillance by his Turks, so the opportunities were extremely low. He’d made his own luck the night before. 
“You were not there earlier.” 
“So?” He could hear the anger in Tseng’s voice. Unlike Reno, who was like a loaded gun, Tseng’s anger was quiet and cold. Rufus knew he had fucked up. “Sir, you do know that we’re currently on high alert because we thought you had been kidnapped.” 
He rolled his eyes. Always so dramatic. “I went out, and got back a few minutes ago. I don’t see why this has to be DefCon Three, Tseng. You know that I’m capable of taking care of myself.” 
“Understood.” Tseng ended the call without another word. Rufus threw his phone across the couch, and crossed his arms over his chest. He knew he had a few minutes before his own personal Turk would be returning to his suite, and knew that there was going to be a firm tongue lashing, and not the kind that he really wanted right now. No, that kind was reserved for a certain redheaded Turk. Who he hadn’t been able to explain why he’d done what he’d done the night before. Shit. 
Things were going to get messy. They already were, but Rufus was choosing to ignore that fact for the moment. 
Five minutes later, his suite door was opening, and in walked Tseng, looking extremely pissed off. Rufus held his head high, and stared right back at him. “You know you’re overreacting about this.” 
“Rufus.” The way his name was said, it made him feel sick to his stomach. Oh, how he hated making Tseng upset. But last night was worth it. And would be worth it in the future. He could handle Tseng. Had been handling him for years now. What was one more tongue lashing? “Your behavior is unfitting for a man of your stature.” 
“You’re upset because you couldn’t find me.” Rufus knew this game. “If you want an apology, you will not be getting one. I will make my own choices, Tseng.” 
“I am aware of this, Rufus.” Tseng’s voice still dripped with the icy anger that he could feel being directed towards him like a frigid blast. He refused to back down, though, and kept his head up. “You picked a very bad time to do something like this. We thought the worst because of that.” 
“And I’m here.” He swept his arm, moving it to showcase the room. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“You’re correct. You are not.” There was a sharp knock at the door. Rufus turned his head as he tracked Tseng over towards it. The door opened, and there stood the person who he’d been with the night before, looking as put out as all can be, his EMR resting against his shoulder as he tapped it repeatedly. “Come in, Reno.” 
Rufus saw Reno enter his suite, but the redhead was not meeting his eyes. This can’t be good. “Why is he here?” Rufus asked, looking at Tseng. 
“He is here because he is taking over watching you for the time being.” Tseng adjusted his gloves. “We discussed it downstairs, once you let us know you were not kidnapped.” 
His eyes widened as he looked at Tseng. “You can’t be serious. He’s unfit to be my bodyguard.” 
“Fuck off.” Reno’s quip came out of his mouth, his body turned towards the window that showcased the beauty of Midgar. 
“Reno.” Tseng reprimanded him before Rufus could say something back. “Drop it.” 
“Yeah yeah, sorry, yo.” Reno, in fact, did not sound sorry at all. 
Tseng looked at him. “He will be with you at all times for the next week. I’m leaving with Rude and Elena to go and take care of a problem out in Cosmo Canyon.” 
“This is ridiculous.” Rufus tried not to get too excited by what Tseng was telling him. “He isn’t capable of keeping shit together, Tseng.” 
“Rufus.” He bit his tongue, knowing he was pushing it a bit too far as he saw Tseng rubbing his temples. “It’s temporary. When I return, things will go back to the way they were. This will do you some good.” 
“I haven’t done anything wrong!” Rufus shouted. “Why am I being punished?” 
Tseng raised his head and looked at him. “Because of what you did last night.” Rufus stared back at him. He can’t know what I did, can he? “Or whatever it was that made you not be here this morning.” Tseng went to the front door. “Reno - I expect nightly reports from you.” 
“Ye got it, boss.” Reno saluted. “I’ll make sure the Princess stays in line while yer gone.” 
“I have a name!” Rufus glared at the redhead. 
“I’ll return soon.” Tseng left the apartment, the door closing with a sound click. 
Rufus looked over at the redhead, who was glaring at him with hate in his eyes. “Ye fucked up, Ruf’.” 
“I did no such thing.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “If I fucked up, then what’s your excuse?” 
Right. He hadn’t known. “You never answered me before.” Rufus dropped his arms, and walked over to where Reno was standing. He could see his chest rising and falling, his breathing a bit quicker than normal. That’s interesting. Rufus stood directly in front of him, but didn’t touch him. “Are you upset because it’s me? Or because of something else?” 
“Yer jes tryin’ ta push my buttons, yo.” Reno glared back down at him, his EMR resting on his shoulder. “Ya better be careful, Princess.”
His stomach rolled at the name. It was degrading and awful, but the way that Reno said it made his heart flutter like a stupid school boy. “Maybe I am.” He reached for the EMR and disengaged it, so that Reno didn’t accidentally zap him. He returned it to his hands, feeling a bit better. He turned around and began to walk back over to his couch. “You weren’t supposed to know it was me. I fell asleep.” 
“That makes it worse, Ruf’.” 
Turning around, he looked at the redhead, who wore an expression he couldn’t get a read on. Was it sadness? That couldn’t be, because there was no reason to be sad. “Wouldn’t it have been better not knowing it was me, though?” Rufus sat down, and then flicked the hair off of his forehead. 
“How often do ya go and sleep with random people?” Reno didn’t answer his question, as he walked over and sat across from him on the chair located next to his couch. 
Heat raced to his cheeks as he looked down at his coffee table. “Never.” 
“Don’t lie ta me, Princess.” 
Lifting his head, he stared at Reno straight on. “I’m not lying. Last night was a fluke.” It was, and it wasn’t. He had gone to that bar to look for Reno, but he’d never admit that to him. Not now, at least. 
“What do you want me to say?” Rufus continued to glare at him. “I’m not going out tonight, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I know ya ain’t, cuz I’ll be with ya, twenty-four seven for th’ next week, yo.” 
A deep sigh left his mouth. “Fine. I know you will be.” 
“Why’d ya do it?” 
Rufus stared at his hands, feeling put on the spot. “Why’d I do what?” 
“Ya know.” 
“Because I was curious.” Rufus kept his eyes cast downward, afraid to look directly at Reno. “I had heard that you went to that bar, and wanted to see for myself.” 
He lifted his head just in time to see Reno’s mouth drop open in surprise. He quickly looked away, unsure how the redhead was going to handle that information. “Bullshit.” 
“Not bullshit.” He stood up, and approached where Reno was sitting. Figuring he had nothing to lose right now, he took a seat directly on his lap, his knees now pushed up against the back cushion, while he draped his arms over Reno’s shoulders. He felt the redhead’s hands touch his hips, preparing himself to be pushed away, but then there was no resistance there. Just two warm hands, holding his hips in a loose hold. “I went there to find you. I wanted to find you.” 
“Why?” The confusion was evident in Reno’s voice. “I ain’t nobody, Ruf’.” 
“But you are.” Lowering his head, he brought his lips to his jawline, and left a few kisses there before bringing his mouth to Reno’s ear. He could see his piercing, the small stud gleaming in the light. “You’re fascinating, Reno.” 
The hands on his hips moved down to his ass, and were now holding onto his cheeks in a way that made him release an involuntary moan. “Ye don’t know me.” 
“Yes, I do.” He brought his lips back to his jawline, then hovered them above Reno’s mouth. “I know you very well. Better than you know yourself, probably.” 
“Oh yeah? Then what is it that I want, yo?” 
He dropped his mouth onto Reno’s, and then moaned as he felt the redhead thrust his tongue into his mouth. The hands on his ass squeezed tight, and he couldn’t help but let out a keening moan. His hips rocked forward, and he could feel that Reno’s cock was already stiff, his own cock getting harder by the second. Every sweep of Reno’s tongue inside of his mouth was like mana from heaven. It was becoming difficult to breathe, as they kept recycling each other’s air by breathing in and out together. He broke off the kiss with a soft gasp. 
“Ye don’t know what I want.” Reno repeated into his ear, as he yanked hard on his hips, bringing him flush against his crotch. “I don’t want ya, Princess.” 
“Yes, you do.” Rufus moaned, his hips now moving more rapidly as their pelvis’ lined up perfectly. “Now shut up, and take me to bed.” 
Reno lifted him with no problem. Rufus wrapped his legs around his torso, and groaned as Reno’s mouth touched his neck, teeth latching onto him. He moaned as Reno kept biting him, only stopping to throw him down onto his bed. He pointed to his own dresser next to the bed, and Reno took the hint. Pulling out some lube and a condom, the items were dropped onto the bed as Rufus began to take his clothes off. 
Soon, he was on his hands and knees, his head facing the wall as he felt Reno’s hand slap down hard onto his ass. The debauched moan that left his mouth should have embarrassed him, but somehow, he knew he was safe with Reno. Reno could manipulate him in ways that he would never let anyone else touch him for fear they would go too far. Reno could give him what’s been aching for for years. A partner that could really get him off properly. 
“Ya like that, Princess?” Reno asked, slapping his ass a second time. His skin tingled where the slap had occurred, and all Rufus could do was moan in response. “Who knew ye’d like that kind of shit.” Reno sounded surprised, which was a blessing. “Ya like it rough?” 
Gripping onto the bedsheets with both hands, Rufus nodded his head. “Yes.” Heat flooded through his body as he felt the tip of Reno’s cock now pushing up against his puckering hole. “I like it rough.” 
“Ya didn’t say that last night.” 
“Didn’t want to.” 
“Scared to admit it?” 
Rufus turned his head, and looked at Reno. “Scared to admit it to you.” 
“Don’t worry, beautiful.” Rufus almost collapsed onto the bed at the way Reno said the word. “I’ll take good care of ya.” 
He was about to ask how, when Reno chose that moment to thrust his hips forward. Stars dotted his vision as he was treated to the redhead’s cock slamming back inside of him. Rufus wailed as he was fucked hard, his head dropping down as Reno’s cock did wondrous things to his body. He could feel his cock dripping, spilling onto his sheets below him, but he didn’t care. Nothing mattered right now except for the way that Reno was pounding his ass, his cock striking all the right spots deep inside of him. 
Reno grabbed onto his hips, and pulled him up onto his knees. “This is dangerous, yo.” Reno spoke into his ear, as his hand made a tight fist around Rufus’ cock. “Yer gonna fuckin’ kill me, aren’t ya?” 
“N-Never.” He moaned, his head now resting against Reno’s shoulder as the game of push and pull began. He knew he was going to come soon. The way his body was screaming for release, it was inevitable. “I won’t, Reno. Y-You have…to trust me…” 
“I don’t.” Reno snapped his hips hard, drilling his cock deeper into his body. “I won’t.” 
“Y-You will.”
The hand on his cock began to move at a quick rhythm, making Rufus moan louder. Reno’s teeth bit down on his earlobe, Rufus screaming as he began to come. His release made his head spin, as he listened to Reno whisper filth into his ear. “Yer gonna keep comin’ for me, Princess. Yer gonna keep coming until I fuckin’ tell ya ta stop.” 
Rufus moaned as he was pushed face down into the bed, his cock still dripping with his release, Reno’s hand now on the back of his neck, holding him down. He moaned as Reno’s hips bucked wildly against his, his cock dipping in and out of his ass at a fast pace. Rufus could feel his cock swelling back up as each hit of Reno’s cock was pushing right up against his prostate, making the job easier. And being held down was doing wonders for his arousal. He couldn’t help but moan into the mattress as Reno fucked him good. 
He came again two more times before Reno’s hips stuttered, and he listened to him moan through his own release. Rufus’ body dropped down onto the bed after Reno pulled out of him, his body covered in sweat. Panting hard, he saw the redhead stumble to the bathroom, and then heard him bitching about the condom. When he came back, Rufus was still trying to regulate his breathing, his body feeling like it was on fire, all his nerves were tingling and his head was swimming. 
It was perfect. 
A soft towel touched his ass, and then he could feel it touching his stomach. “Sorry about th’ mess, yo.” Reno was equally out of breath, and then dropped down onto the bed next to him. 
Lifting his head, Rufus brought it to Reno’s chest, and was pleased when he felt the Turk put his arms around him. “I don’t care.” It was true, he really didn’t. After that session, there was no way he would care about anything. He felt too good. 
“Yer a wild one, ain’t ya, Ruf’?” Reno’s hand was now playing with his hair, and he couldn’t help but smile as it felt nice to be touched so intimately. 
“Is that going to be a problem?” 
“Nah, I dig it.”
He knew they had more to discuss, but after spending all night doing what they’d just done again, Rufus was exhausted. He soon fell asleep in Reno’s arms, and would deal with whatever this was that the two of them were getting themselves into later.  
Cross-posted to AO3
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malbecfox · 9 years
FF7 fic prompt
Okay, so @whitejenna asked for something along the lines of ‘it’s only for forever’, so this is what hit me. Just a reminder, hit me up w/ messages or what not with new fic prompts if there’s something you want to see written.
Reno stifled a groan as he slipped into Rufus’ Junon apartment; this double-duty shit was wearing on him, was wearing on all of the remaining Turks as they did their best to scramble to rebuild the organization in the wake of Veld’s death and clusterfuck of fighting Avalanche. Things were quiet now… but something told Reno that it wouldn’t last for long, that he better enjoy the ‘silence’ while it lasted. No one had seen Zach or Sephiroth for a while, and when the prissy SOLDIERs went missing, it was never a good thing.
He sighed as he crept toward the bedroom, and smiled when Dark Nation lifted her head from her position near Rufus’ bed. He patted her couple of times and skritched her ears while he shrugged out of his jacked and kicked off his boots, Rufus sleeping the entire while, and it wasn’t until he shimmied out of his pants that the oblivious idiot woke up. He shifted about on the bed for a few seconds before he thought to sit up and point his gun at the ‘intruder’ – at which point Reno had his baton at Rufus’ throat. “Ya gatta work on those reflexes.”
“And you have to work on sending me a message when you’re coming to spend the night,” Rufus snapped as he put back on the safety and then slid the pistol back beneath his pillow, all the while glaring at Dark Nation. “How long are you here this time?”
Reno allowed his baton to fall to the carpet, followed by the rest of his clothes, before he slid beneath the damn expensive sheets. “Eh, ‘til morning.” At Rufus’ confused frown, he shrugged even as he pulled his lover closer. “Supposed ta give ya the message ta come home,” he explained.
Rufus’ expression smoothed out as his hands roamed along Reno’s back to settle on his ass. “Ah, so either my father came to his senses or things have taken a turn for the worse. I’ll assume that it’s the latter.” He didn’t sound too upset at the prospect.
Even with the prospect of imminent sex on his agenda, Reno grimaced and attempted to pull away. “Fuck, don’ tell me ya gonna be plottin’ an shit. Had enough of that already.” He scowled at his lover even as Rufus shoved him onto his back and straddled his hips. “’Bout ready ta turn in my gun and jus’ retire ta save me the pain an’ all.” He’d put up with enough shit the last time Rufus had done his plotting and fuck all.
Rufus scoffed as he tangled his fingers in Reno’s hair and gave it a harsh tug. “You’re a Turk – there’s no option to quit, remember? There’s no real exit clause when you signed up to the Turks.”
Reno fought with the urge to shove the bastard’s nose up into that overeducated brain and bared his teeth. “What, ya sayin’ we’re stuck together forever?”
“More or less.” Rufus leaned forward until Reno could feel the bastard’s breath against his lips. “At least until you fuck up and get yourself killed.”
“Or ya piss off ya old man one o’ these days wit’ those fuckin’ dumb-ass schema schemes tha’ almost get us killed, yeah?”
That earned him a particularly virulent glare. “It almost worked.”
“Almost doesn’t get me off, yeah? Almost just makes me bust a nut with a fuck-ton o’ overtime.”
For several seconds, Rufus stared down at him as if he was insane before sighing and leaning in even closer. “You make my head ache, with that awful accent and even worse logic of yours. Shut the hell up and distract me until morning,” he demanded before kissing Reno with a savagery that belied his prissy boy image.
Okay, now this was something Reno could get behind, disturbing as fuck portents forgotten in favor of great sex. Wrapping his arms around the traitorous bastard, Reno devoted himself to the latest order with a rare bit of dedication.
Pain. Pain. So much pain… Rufus could only surmise that he was alive because of it, because of the bone-deep ache that grew sharper with each heartbeat, with each dust-laden breath. He could feel the cooling presence of Dark Nation on top of him, could surmise that she was to thank for cushioning the worst of the damage, that she had kept some of the weight off of him… and wondered if he would end up cursing her as the pain and the thirst and the hunger began to grow, to wear on him.
There were a few voices crying out, weak and frightened, but they died off after… well, it was difficult to tell time with so much pain and – it was difficult. His head hurt, his head and chest and most of his left side, and he found himself wishing for Reno and Tseng, for his Turks to be here. Dammit, why had he sent them away? He kept asking himself that even as he knew the answer, but if they were here….
He thought that if he could move his right arm a little more, could scrape away enough debris he might be able to reach the phone in his inner pocket, could attempt to call someone – no, he wouldn’t think about the cellular network being down, about Reno and Tseng and everyone else being out of reach or worse. No, just curl his fingers, just work on being able to reach his phone. One thing at a time. Push past the pain, push past the dirt and rubble and fear and-
What was that? Was that real? Was that someone coming for him? Rufus focused on the sound and refused to believe that his mind was playing tricks on him, that it was just the debris settling some more and gasped when he heard his name be called out. It was so difficult to respond, to force his voice to work past a throat gone dry and tight but after several tries he managed to get a weak ‘I’m here’ out. The noises grew louder, and he winced when he thought there were sparks of light in the breaks of the beams that had fallen on top of him.
“I’m picking up something!”
“He should be around here!”
“Be careful, the debris is unstable.”
“Don’t do anything to draw attention, we can’t risk Avalanche noticing us.”
“I don’ give a fuck – let’s see them lose a few o’ their own an’ like it!”
“Reno… just work to get him out, okay?”
Hearing his lover’s name made Rufus grunt and push against the beam that held him trapped against the earth. Hope warred against fear inside of him – fear that this was just a delusion, an illusion created by his dying mind. Yet there was noise, was dust falling on him as the earth groaned and the light grew, and as the voices muttered and cursed, soon the weight on top of him shifted until he was coughing from the dirt falling onto his face before hands pulled him free.
The first face he saw once his eyes adjusted to the light was Tseng, who appeared unusually tattered and unkempt for once; his hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and his face streaked with dirt, his eyes shadowed in obvious exhaustion but a rare smile on his lips as he set Rufus down with care. Then Reno shoved his way into Rufus’ line of sight, a furious expression on his dirt-smeared face.
“Who tha fuck doesn’ get outta tha way of a fuckin’ meteorite?”
“Not now, Reno,” Tseng snapped as he shoved the idiot aside. “We need to stabilize the President and get him somewhere safe.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Still, Reno hovered near Rufus’ side. “Fuckin’ idiot,” he muttered as he fussed with Rufus’ tattered suit while Tseng barked out orders to Rude and Elena. “Should leave ya dumb ass.”
His throat dry enough to make each word hurt, Rufus twisted about his right hand to latch on to Reno’s. “Swore… an oath. My… Turk forever.”
Reno went still for a moment and then rolled his eyes, a spot of brightness amid the dirtiness of his face. “Yeah, yeah, hold that against me.” He reached into his torn jacket to fetch a flask, which he held to Rufus’ mouth. “Any hope o’ hazard pay for this shit?” When Rufus choked on the potent alcohol, Reno sighed. “Yeah, thought so.”
“Im-impertinent,” Rufus coughed even as he slowly began to relax, finally at ease now that he was safe with his Turks.
“Sheesh, why couldn’ ya been hit a bit harder on tha head?”
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Day 5: Kissing
Rufus/Reno - Final Fantasy VII
It’s hectic. The noise of the helicopter blades is almost overwhelming. Barked orders from Tseng are the only thing louder. Still, there is one last thing to do, before he leaves. Leaning out, slightly, he motions to the turk. When he’s in reach, he grabs the uniform shirt and drags him close. Close enough to count eyelashes, the noise is blocked out. They’re in an isolated bubble, a world of only the two of them. They brush lips, only barely qualifying as a kiss. In an instant, it’s back. The whoosh of air. The shouts of the turks. The rest of the world. Everything. “Goodbye, Reno.” He mirrors the smirk on the other’s face. Satisfied, he adjusts himself until he’s seated properly, ready for anything..
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heartlessfujoshi · 7 months
the horndog and the prince(ss) - a rufusreno multi-chapter fic
Title: The Horndog and the Prince(ss) Chapter: 1 of 10 Fandom: FFVII Compilation Pairing: RufusReno (Rufus Shinra x Reno) Rating: Explicit (Explicit Sexual Content - Timeline what Timeline - Blindfolds) Word Count: ~3,500
Summary: Rufus decides to go undercover to a watering hole he had heard his Turks liked to visit. He never expected to go home with one of them, but wasn't about to pass up the opportunity for a one night stand. A/N: With the release of Rebirth just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to celebrate the release with a fic of these two. I'll update twice a week until completion on Sundays and Thursdays. Please enjoy!
The city streets of Midgar were fairly empty for this time of night. There were a few citizens walking about, but other than those few, it was relatively quiet. Rufus Shinra tugged his coat to be closer to his body, shielding away the brisk cold wind that was pushing through between the tall buildings surrounding him. He resisted the urge to flip his hair, a nervous tick that he knew he was going to have to ignore for now. It was currently tucked under a hat, but the itch was still there. He wasn’t supposed to be out here like this. He was supposed to be inside, monitoring the situation with Avalanche. But he was bored, and had escaped without any detection. 
He looked around and found the spot he’d been searching for. It was a bar that he knew a few of his Turks like to visit after a long day of doing his bidding. One Turk in particular, that is. Rufus wanted to see for himself if they were there, or if it was some made up tale to get him to leave them alone. As he entered the bar, he was surprised by how lively it was, considering how quiet it was outside. 
The music hit him first, the sound of a live band playing the current popular tune that could be heard on all the radios. Rufus kept his head down, the hat he was wearing keeping his face conveniently hidden from the clientele in the bar. He searched through the bar, and saw a shock of red hair that he would know anywhere. 
So it was true. 
Reno did come to this bar to unwind. 
Rufus decided to head to the bar, and saw that there was an open spot nearby the flamboyant redhead, who was telling a very embellished story of what he’d done earlier in the day. Rufus could see a woman who was barely wearing any clothes shoving herself up against the Turk, who paid her no attention as he continued on with his story, some of the beer he was drinking flying out of his glass for added effect. 
He bided his time, knowing that as soon as he spoke, it would be over. Rufus sat there, listening to Reno go on and on about SOLDIER, and how that they weren’t as tough as they said they were. The Turks were the tough ones, the ones that everyone should be worried about. 
Cue the woman asking about Sephiroth, and the annoyed look that crossed Reno’s face. Rufus would have laughed, if he could have. But he kept quiet, paying for another drink with gil that he set down on the bar. The bartender didn’t say a word to him, which was perfect. There seemed to be an understanding in this bar that no doubt acted as a refuge for people who were looking to lay low. The way he was currently dressed gave off that vibe, and everyone seemed to respect it. 
Reno turned towards him, looking like he was already three sheets to the wind. “What about ye, yo?” His words were slurred, and the strong smell of liquor was prevalent on his breath. “What’s yer story?” 
Rufus shook his head, holding up his beer as if to ward off any further questions. But, he knew Reno. He knew that no answer would not suffice for him, and he would begin to ask more questions to goad him into talking. It was a gift, really. Or, the redhead hated the silence. It was a toss-up for Rufus, as it really could be either one of those options. 
“Ya mute or somethin’, yo?” Reno asked, picking up his beer to drink more of it. Rufus suppressed another laugh as he saw that he tilted back the stein and no liquid came out. “Hey, bartender! Another round!” He slammed the empty stein on the bar, the glass holding together. Rufus raised an eyebrow, impressed by how unbreakable the glass was. 
The bartender came over to the redhead. “You’re cut off, Reno. You should get out here.” 
“Eh, what do ye know?” Reno grabbed a smoke from his jacket, and lit it up. Rufus saw him turn back towards him. “Ya gonna answer me, beautiful?” 
His cheeks grew warm, which surprised Rufus as he hadn’t felt something like that in years. His face was still growing hotter the more those green eyes stared back at him, begging him to speak. Rufus didn’t want to, but he knew that it was going to be over soon anyway if the redhead was going to be tossed out. A plume of smoke was blown into his face, Rufus coughing now with an annoyed look on his face. 
“You’re rude.” He commented, attempting to disguise his voice. Tseng had taught him a long time ago that if he wanted to remain unknown, that it would be best to hide his normal speaking voice. It was a wonder how he’d escaped his own personal Turk, who he knew was going to be livid when he found out what Rufus had been up to tonight. 
“Eh, ye’ve got no idea.” Reno grinned, ashing his cigarette into an ashtray, then took another drag on it. “So ya do have a voice. Ain’t that sweet.” 
He raised his hand to signal the bartender, then motioned for two more beers, pointing to Reno. “You sure? He’s pretty loaded.” The bartender asked. Rufus nodded his head. “Fine. It’s your money to waste."
Two more beers were poured, and then Reno was practically in his lap. “Thanks, beautiful.” There it was again. That suave, almost belligerent way of speaking to him, yet carrying a confidence that Rufus faked often. “What’s yer name?” 
“Gus.” Rufus replied. It was the first name he could think of that wouldn’t be a dead giveaway. 
“Gus, huh? That’s a good name.” Reno leaned over towards him, that strong stench of liquor and now cigarettes wafted towards him. “Bet it would sound real nice if I moaned it, huh?” 
Rufus felt his stomach drop to the floor, not at all prepared for this side to Reno. “Excuse me?” 
“Or would ye rather be moaning my name? Name's Reno, by the way.” The redhead grinned a toothy grin at him, Rufus wondering how in the world he could be flirting with someone so shamelessly when he had no idea what he looked like. “I’d be down for that. Ye look like ye’d be a good screamer.” 
His mouth dropped open, shocked by what was coming out of Reno’s mouth. “You have some nerve.” 
“Most people love it.” The bartender returned with their beers, and Reno picked it up. “Ye let me know if ye wanna go home with me, and I’ll make it happen, yo.” 
Curiosity was a devil of a thing. Rufus knew he should tell him no, that he wasn’t that kind of person, but there was a much larger part of him that wanted to know where this would go. How would Reno react when he found out it was him? Would there even be any reaction, or would Reno be so drunk and oblivious that it wouldn’t really matter? Again, it was a toss up for Rufus, because it really could go either way. 
“Make it happen.” Rufus spoke the words near Reno’s ear, knowing that he could hear him perfectly well over the din of the bar. He saw him gulp down the rest of his beer, then held out his hand towards him. Rufus ignored the beer he’d paid for and took it, almost falling over at the strength that Reno used to pull him off the stool and away from the bar. 
Rufus pretended to be surprised as Reno took him back towards Shinra’s headquarters. All the Turks lived in the building - a safety precaution. Rufus had figured that Reno would take him to a seedy motel, but no, Reno was flashing his badge to security with an arm now around Rufus’ shoulder, guiding him over to the bank of elevators that would take them up to Reno’s floor. 
“Ya smell good, yo.” Reno commented, his arm still slung over his shoulders. “Can’t wait to see that pretty face of yers, Gus.” 
“You won’t remember it.” He muttered, becoming more annoyed as the elevator sped up towards the top of the building. This had been a stupid exercise. He was now regretting his decision to do this, and was hoping that Reno would pass out as soon as his head hit the pillow. 
A vial was held up, and his eyes widened as he saw him take the elixir. Reno wore a smug grin on his face, while Rufus stared at him in shock. “Nothing ta worry about, beautiful.” Reno touched the top of his coat, trying to pull it down. Rufus slapped at his hand, and saw the grin disappear as he winced in pain. “Ow!” 
“I didn’t give you permission.” Rufus said, hoping it would be believable. Reno rubbed his hand as the elevator came to a stop on his floor. 
Rufus waited for Reno to exit, even though he knew exactly where he lived. He had to know, as Reno was late so often to work that Rufus had started to personally come down there and wake his drunk ass up to get to work. Tseng had told him that that was his job, but Rufus ignored it as he got off on torturing the redhead in his own personal way. 
And now here they were, Rufus about to enter Reno’s apartment under the guise of ‘Gus’, a man who was looking for a quick fuck to round out the night. 
The Gods surely were laughing right now. 
The apartment was as messy as it ever was. How could Reno bring someone he didn’t know here? It was disgusting. Rufus could see two pizza boxes sitting on top of his kitchen counter, and trails of dirty laundry leading from the door to his bedroom. “Sorry about the mess.” There was no apologetic tone in Reno’s voice. It was said as more of a formality. “But it’s clean where it needs ta be.” Reno smirked, then nodded his head towards his bedroom. “Ye ready to have yer mind blown?” 
If you only knew. Rufus gave a quick nod of his head, and followed the redhead into his bedroom. The door was shut and locked, Rufus now feeling like this was a very bad idea. The room was picturesque in cleanliness. How the bedroom survived the tornado that was Reno, Rufus had no idea. It was such a conundrum. 
Two hands touched his shoulders. “How’s about ya let me take yer clothes off now, yo.” The smell of liquor still lingered on Reno’s breath, but there were no slurred words now. The elixir had done its job to make the redhead alert once more. 
“Close your eyes.” Rufus didn’t say no. “Better yet, let me blindfold you.” 
“Kinky.” Reno’s soft chuckle in his ear made Rufus’ cheeks hit up again. He felt like a stupid teenager, with his hormones all out of whack. “Ya don’t want me to see ya, beautiful?” 
“I don’t.” He agreed. “Do we have an understanding?” 
“I’m all yours.” 
Rufus turned around and saw that Reno’s eyes were firmly closed. Fine. He could work with this. Rufus took the tie off around his neck, and brought it to Reno’s head. He tied it securely, and then made sure that the fabric was covering enough of his eyes. “Can you see me?” Rufus asked, no longer hunched over, and was now taking off his hat, his blond hair falling onto his forehead as if it had been itching to be there for the entire evening. 
“Can’t see a thing, yo.” Reno nodded his head. “Ya naked yet?” 
He snorted, shaking his head. “No, not yet.” 
“Damn, that’s depressing.” 
“Relax, horndog.” 
“Name’s Reno, beautiful.” 
Rufus rolled his eyes. “Horndog.” 
“I’ll take it.” 
Taking his time, Rufus got Reno undressed first, then pushed him down onto the bed, where he saw him start to stroke his cock. Rufus bit his lip, more turned on than he thought he would be as he stared at Reno openly, looking at him in a way he’d never really thought about before this moment. And he was almost upset that this thought had never crossed his mind before, as Reno was a very attractive man. Too attractive, some might say, for the position he held within the Turks. But Rufus had fought for his inclusion, because he knew he was a master at his job. And Reno proved it, time and time again. 
Now here he was, taking off his own clothes as his eyes remained glued on Reno’s pleasuring his own cock. “Hurry up, Gus.” Reno’s voice was huskier now, thick with desire that Rufus could feel spinning through his own veins. “My cock is dyin’ ta feel ya, yo.”
Rufus reached for the drawer next to Reno’s bed, and saw a bevy of items there. Different sized condoms, multicolored condoms, edible condoms. At least Reno practiced safe sex. That was somewhat unexpected, and slightly pleasing. Rufus grabbed a condom, and then grabbed a bottle of lube, which was what he’d initially been looking for. 
He turned off all the lights in the room, enrobing them both in darkness. Rufus got onto the bed, and poured some lube onto his own fingers. There was no time for drawn out sex right now - he needed to make himself ready fast, as his own need was becoming a bit unbearable. Rufus couldn’t believe he was about to be fucked by this Turk, and he had a feeling that it was going to be a lot better than he thought it would be. 
Pulling the condom out of the package, Rufus seated himself on Reno’s thighs, and then rolled the condom onto his cock. “You ready for some fun, Reno?” Rufus asked, keeping his voice disguised as best as he could, but he knew that he might slip up soon. 
“Fuck yeah I am, yo. I can’t wait to be in that sexy body of yers.” Reno made grabby hands, and Rufus smirked as he saw him trying to reach for him but couldn’t find him due to his lack of vision. “Where ya at, beautiful?” 
Rufus put his hands down onto Reno’s chest, and moved himself into position. Please don’t be terrible. He pushed his hips down, and felt Reno’s cock slip inside of him, his knees pushing down onto the bed as he kept himself from impaling himself directly onto his cock. No, he let it in, inch by inch, a deep rumbling moan leaving his throat as Reno’s cock stretched him open in a way that his fingers couldn’t. “R-Right here…” He moaned low, satisfied that he was now fully sheathed inside of his body. 
“That’s the ticket.” Reno’s hands found his hips. “Hold on, because it’s gonna be a good night.” 
Reno was not wrong. It was a good night. A very good night, as Rufus was fucked so hard that his head spun. Reno had gripped onto his hips tight, and began to buck them hard and fast, Rufus’ moans falling from his mouth without any pause as he was taken for a ride on Reno’s cock. As he was bounced up and down, all he could do was scream in pleasure, the way Reno’s cock kept hitting him in the right spots was making it feel oh so good. 
A warm hand touched his cock, making him gasp and then moan as Reno began to jerk him off. “That’s it, beautiful…” Reno murmured, Rufus now laying directly on top of him, his hips moving on their own accord as he fucked himself stupid on the redhead’s cock. “Go ahead and come for me, yo….” 
Rufus knew that it would be impossible not to. As Reno’s cock was drilled deep into his body, and the hand that was still on his cock between them, Rufus was a goner. He began to come with a deep cry, his own voice surprising him as he was being fucked so good. Reno pulled him through his orgasm, and then brought his messy hand up to his mouth, which Rufus gladly took, licking away the mess with a greedy moan as Reno began to really pound hard into his ass. Reno moaned low as he felt his hips stutter, and then knew that their time had come to an end. 
He could barely move, that orgasm taking a lot out of him. He somehow moved himself off of Reno, both of them grunting softly. “Can I take the blindfold off now, yo?” 
“No.” Rufus shook his head. “Not until I leave.” 
“I jes wanna see yer face.” 
“No, you don’t.” 
“With that orgasm, yes I do.” 
It would be so easy to run away right now. Rufus could do it. He had the training to knock the Turk out with a simple move that had been taught to him long ago. But after this quick session, Rufus wasn’t sure he was ready to say goodbye to Reno just yet. 
“Leave it on, and I’ll stay the night with you.” Rufus suggested, wondering if he would take the bait. “We’ll fuck again.” 
“Ain’t gotta tell me twice.” 
He grabbed a few more condoms, keeping them close by should the need arise. Rufus brought his mouth to Reno’s, but didn’t kiss him. “Do you kiss your one night stands?” He asked, wondering how he would answer. 
“If that’s what they want, sure.” Reno shrugged his shoulders. “Kissin’s fine by me, yo.” 
Deciding a kiss wouldn’t hurt, Rufus brought his lips closer and then Reno lifted his head to kiss him first. He groaned low, as he felt Reno’s arms wrap themselves around his body, hugging him close to him as his tongue slipped into Rufus’ mouth. Another deep groan left his throat as their tongues touched with needy, excited strokes. The first kiss was always the best, and Rufus knew that he was doomed because he was going to want this again. 
Reno’s hands touched his hair, and he melted against him as their kisses continued. He could feel his cock growing hard, and then felt Reno’s stiffness poking his belly. Rufus grabbed one of the condoms, and quickly put it onto Reno’s cock, then felt the redhead roll him onto his back, and then was pushing back into him, the both of them releasing satisfying moans as that connection was restored between the two of them. 
Rufus held onto Reno’s shoulders as he pushed his cock deeper into him, Rufus’ moans spilling widly from his mouth as he was thoroughly fucked again by the redhead. Reno knew how to move, and knew how to make a person feel amazing. Rufus was a blubbering mess by the time he was close to another orgasm, the pleasure consuming him completely. “Go on and come again, Gus…” Reno groaned into his ear as he leaned down towards him. 
He began to come again, shocked by how quick his body had recharged after that first romp. Being with Reno really was making him feel like a teenager again. He could feel his come spreading over his stomach, and he could have cared less. He listened to Reno’s moans as he squeezed his ass tight, and heard him start to spit swears that would make anyone blush. Rufus egged him on, and then heard him release another deep moan, which made Rufus see stars as the redhead came again. 
They did this two more times, and at the end of that last time, Rufus had all but passed out from sheer exhaustion. Reno had swept him up into his arms, keeping the blindfold on his face. “Ya gonna leave me now, Gus?” 
“I might.” Rufus tried to stifle a yawn, as he wasn’t really ready to leave. “Soon.” 
“Thanks for the fun night.” 
“It was fun, wasn’t it?” 
“Sure was, yo.” 
Reno fell asleep, snoring softly as he kept Rufus in his arms. Rufus decided that maybe a quick nap wouldn’t hurt. Closing his eyes, he fell asleep and was knocked out, his body giving up on him as it had been through too much through the night. 
He roused from sleep a few hours later, and saw a pair of green eyes staring at him. Rufus blinked, and then tried to pull away in a rush, but Reno held him tight in his arms, using his Turk strength against him. 
“Nah, yo.” Reno shook his head, his red hair flying as he stared directly into Rufus’ eyes. “Yer gonna tell me what the FUCK is goin’ on right now, Gus.” 
Well, shit.
Cross-posted to AO3
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heartlessfujoshi · 6 months
the horndog and the prince(ss) - a multichapter rufusreno fic
Title: The Horndog and the Prince(ss) Chapter: 10 of 10 Fandom: FFVII Compilation Pairing: RufusReno (Rufus Shinra x Reno) Rating: Explicit (Explicit Sexual Content - Timeline what Timeline - Collar - HEA) Word Count: ~2,510
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9
“Rufus, I need to ask you a question, and I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me.” 
The sun was shining, there was a very delicious cocktail in front of him, and the waves could be heard crashing onto the beach about a dozen meters away from where he was sitting. Rufus had brought his Turks to Costa del Sol for a weekend of relaxation and recharging. A group activity, if you would. And while it has been all fun and sun, right now it was anything but that. Rufus could feel a knot begin to form in his stomach, as he kept his eyes on the ocean, where he could see both Rude and Elena having fun splashing in the waves. His favorite redhead was sunning his very pale body on the beach, sunglasses covering his face, while his goggles were left on his towel. 
He kept his eyes on the ocean, then reached for the glass and brought it to his lips. Tseng never addressed him by his first name unless it was something very serious. He really didn’t want to deal with something serious when this weekend was meant to be one where no such thoughts should exist, but apparently Tseng had not gotten that memo. “What is it.” 
“Is Reno compromised?” 
Setting his drink down, he felt the knot disappear, as his eyes went over to where the redhead was laying. “Why would you think such a thing? Has he shown disloyalty to any of us?” 
“No, he hasn’t. I’m not asking in regards to that. I’m asking in regards to being able to protect you.” 
The drink touched his lips, the alcohol striking his tongue as panic began to well up inside of him. They’d been so careful in the past, but it seemed that their luck had finally run out. “Why would he not be able to protect me?” 
“Because he’s in love with you.” 
Rufus’ head snapped to the left where Tseng was sitting, and he could see a pleased smirk on his former favorite Turk’s face. “Excuse me?” 
“I am not an idiot, Rufus.” Tseng picked up the cocktail that had been in front of him, and took a long drink from it. “I had my suspicions, and you confirmed them just now.” 
His eyes narrowed. “You know nothing, then.” 
“I know everything, Rufus. You think you may be fooling the others, but I know you better than you know yourself.” Tseng returned the drink to Rufus, and leaned back against his chair. “Now, I will ask you again. Is Reno compromised? Or do you think he will be able to perform his job when called upon?” 
Rufus looked back over at where Reno was laying, and sighed. “He would die for me if he had to.” 
“Do you love him?” He closed his eyes, and nodded his head. “You both deserve to be happy. I’m sorry that our positions limit that from all of us.” 
“It’s fine.” Rufus grabbed his drink and took another long sip. “It happened by accident.” 
“You’re lying.” 
He groaned, then rolled his eyes. “Fine. It didn’t happen by accident. I went and sought him out, but he didn’t know it was me when it started.” 
“You were playing a dangerous game.” 
“Don’t I always?” He heard Tseng chuckle, which made him feel slightly better. “I don’t know how it happened, but yes - I love the idiot.” 
Tseng nodded his head. “He’ll be your guard moving forward. Only if you promise to curb your sexual needs until after hours.” 
“I will do my best.” 
“That is better than refusing.” 
“Reno will be more difficult to accept that, though.” Rufus commented, leaning back in his chair as he exhaled a long sigh. “I promise I will try, Tseng.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
He heard the chair scrape against the sand, and saw Tseng stand up. “How long have you known?” He asked, curious to hear what he was going to say. 
“A few months.” 
“Why are you asking about it now?” Rufus was curious, needing to know why Tseng had kept quiet about it for all this time. 
“Because Reno has been acting more volatile if he’s not around you.” The smirk on Tseng’s face had Rufus blushing. “Keep him in check, would you? He listens to you better than he listens to any of us, so it would seem.” 
“I will.” Rufus refused to tell Tseng that he was wrong. It was him that would listen to whatever Reno wanted. “Do the others know?” 
Tseng shook his head. “I’m sure Rude has his suspicions as well, but he won’t say anything. Elena will not find out.” 
“Thank you.” He saw Tseng bow his head, then watched him leave. Rufus finished the alcohol in his drink, and wasn’t at all surprised when he saw a very pale redhead standing in front of him. 
Reno’s sunglasses were perched on the tip of his nose, his green eyes staring at him in a way that was making his heart beat a little quicker. “Ye gonna go in the water, sir?” 
“No.” He shook his head. “I think I’ll be retiring to my room now.” 
“Tseng gonna escort ya?” 
“You are.” Rufus stared directly at him, conveying his meaning through a single look. 
The redhead grinned, and nodded his head. “Yes, sir.” 
Rufus led them back to his suite on property, which was off to the side of the hotel as it was more private. The owners of the hotel were happy to host them, and made sure that they were all well taken care of. Rufus, as a precaution, took the suite as it made the most sense for him to be in it. He unlocked the door with his magnetic key, and pushed it open, knowing that Reno would follow him. 
Two well defined arms wound themselves around his waist as soon as the door was closed. “Saw ya talkin’ wit’ Tseng. Anything I should know about, yo?” 
Leaning back against Reno, Rufus shrugged. “He knows about us.” 
Reno started to pull away from him, but he held his arms in place, refusing to let him go. “Relax.” He waited for Reno to settle down, then continued. “It’s fine. I’m glad he knows.” 
“Am I fired?!” 
“Why the hell would you be fired?” This time, as Reno struggled to get his arms free, Rufus allowed him to move. He turned around, and could see panic written all over his face. “Hang on, are you upset that he knows? Because I’m relieved.” 
“I don’t want to be fired.” 
“You’re not fired!” Rufus bellowed, then walked away from him and headed towards his bedroom. “You’re a fucking moron, Reno. Why would you be fired? Because you’re banging your boss?” 
He turned around, and saw Reno was following him into the bedroom. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’ll be assigned to me full time.” 
“Is Tseng a fuckin’ idiot?” 
“Maybe.” Rufus smirked, as he peeled off the button up shirt he was wearing. “He asked if you were compromised. I told him no.” 
Reno stared right into his eyes as he spoke. “Ye know I’d fuckin’ go into th’ lifestream for ya, Ruf’.” 
“I know you would. As would I.” He approached Reno, and brought his hands to his and held them tight. “I’m yours, Reno.” 
“Hang on.” 
He blinked a few times as Reno left him standing in his bedroom, his shirt wide open, the swim trunks he was wearing hanging low on his hips. Rufus couldn’t believe the redhead left him. He was about to tell him he loved him again, when he was left high and dry. What the hell. 
Reno returned a few minutes later with a wrapped box in his hand. “Sorry. I was gonna give this ta ya when we got back ta Midgar, but now seems like a good time.” 
“You got me a present?” He asked, staring at the box. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had given him something he hadn’t expected to be given. 
“I did. I saw it, and knew I had ta get it for ya, Princess.” 
“Can I open it now?” 
“Ye fuckin’ better.” 
Rufus tore into the package, and saw that it was a medium sized velvet box. He opened it, and felt his stomach roll in a way that took his breath away. “Reno.” He examined the item, and felt all the blood in his body rushing down to a part of him that was begging to be touched. 
“Want me ta put it on ya?”
“Please.” He nodded his head vigorously, his fingers still touching the item in the box. “When did you get this?” 
“I saw it a few weeks ago. Was waiting for th’ right time ta give it to ya.” 
Reno picked up the simple leather collar that was in the box, and held it up to Rufus’ face. “It’s beautiful.” He breathed out, his heart still beating quite fast as his cock stood rock hard in his swim trunks. 
“Only th’ best for ma babe.” Reno put the collar around his neck, and Rufus exhaled a low moan. “Now ye can wear it all the time, and know that yer mine.” There was a small pendant attached to the collar, which also could be attached to a leash if the owner wished. On the pendant was the letter ‘R’. To any other person, it would mean his own name, but he knew it stood for ‘Reno’. “Do ya like it, Ruf’?” 
His hands touched the collar, which hugged the base of his neck. “I love it.” He moaned softly, then stared up at Reno who looked pretty proud of himself. “How does it look?” 
“It looks like ye wanna fuck.” Reno’s lips were curled up into a smirk, as he put his palm right up against Rufus’ very apparent arousal. “Is that true, Princess? Do ya wanna fuck?” 
“Yes.” He nodded his head. “I want you to fuck me, Reno.” 
“Then get on the bed, and get on yer hands and knees.” 
Rufus quickly got out of the rest of his clothes, and crawled onto the bed. The collar around his neck felt so good - he truly was Reno’s now. What had started off as morbid curiosity had turned into something he never could have dreamed. He hung his head, the pendant swinging back and forth as he waited to feel his lover’s cock push up against his needy hole. His fingers dug into the comforter, his hips swaying back and forth, waiting for Reno to join him. 
He moaned low as Reno slapped his hole with his cock. “Ya want it, don’t ya, baby?” Reno did it again, making him moan lower as he tried to hold onto his sanity. “Tell me ya want it.” 
“I want it.” Rufus moaned, pushing his hips back, as if that would get the redhead to give him what he wanted. A hard slap to his ass made him positively ravenous, as he screamed into the mattress his mad desire. 
“‘Course ya want it.” Reno rubbed his lubed up cock between his cheeks, torturing him in the best way possible. Rufus moaned and moaned, the collar tightening around his neck as it moved up from the base, making it difficult to breathe. It was perfect. Another hard strike to his ass made him involuntarily spasm, his body willing and ready for Reno. “I guess I gotta give it to ya, don’t I?” 
“Please!” He shouted, his cock thick between his own thighs. 
Reno slammed his dick deep inside of him with one hard push forward. Rufus fell forward as he finally got the relief he’d been itching for, a deep bawdy moan leaving his throat as his inner walls were stretched to the max. Reno slapped both of his hands onto his hips and held him tight, forcing him to follow the speed that he set. Rufus moaned, pushing his hips back in a futile attempt to get Reno to move faster, which only made the redhead move slower. 
“Yer gonna earn this fuck, Rufus.” He moaned low in response. 
Over and over, Reno snapped his hips hard, but wouldn’t allow Rufus to come. He was constantly held back, and by the time it had happened for the fourth time, Rufus was shouting obscenities that would make a SOLDIER blush. He could hear Reno chuckling low right up against his ear, as he yanked him up off the bed, forcing him to stay up on his knees. 
“Curse all ya want, baby.” Reno’s tongue licked the shell of his ear, and then Rufus was screaming again as the redhead’s hand touched his cock. “Imma make you scream for th’ rest of yer life.” 
Rufus knew he was done for. As Reno’s hand pumped his cock, he rocked his hips back and forth, reveling in the way Reno’s cock felt inside of him. If this was what he was going to have for the rest of his existence, it was going to be a very good time. “R-Reno!” He moaned his lover’s name as he began to come, finally getting the release he’d been chasing after for a while now. 
“That’s it, baby….Keep comin’ for me…” 
He couldn’t stop if he wanted to. And when he was finished, Reno pulled out and flipped him onto his back, then drove his cock back inside of him. They came together, meeting in the middle with sloppy kisses, Rufus’ fingers now dragging down Reno’s back as he snapped his hips harder. He heard the redhead howl, and then felt his inner walls flood with the heat of his release, Rufus exhaling a deep moan as he himself began to come again, the two of them locked in a lover’s embrace as they reached oblivion together. 
Reno collapsed onto his chest, Rufus grunting as he hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly. “I love ye.” Reno panted hard, Rufus’ own breaths matching his. 
“I love you too.” Rufus moaned softly as Reno’s fingers touched the pendant on his collar. “I’m yours, Reno.” 
“And I’m yers.” Reno lifted his head, the two of them looking into each other’s eyes. “Ya might hate me.” 
“I’m sure I will.” He agreed, but said it with a smile on his face. “And you will get tired of me.” 
“Never, yo.” 
Rufus looked into his eyes and believed him. Whether they would stay together until their dying days, it was anyone’s guess, but Rufus knew that he’d made the right choice by seeking Reno out. He never had any intention of falling in love with him, but it had happened, and he wasn’t at all sorry. Rufus knew the redhead would love him, and would keep him safe for as long as he was able. He trusted Reno with his life, and with his heart, and wouldn’t have it any other way. Because he was Reno’s, and would always be his, until the lifestream came for him. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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