shadowdaddies · 4 months
Camping Trip
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For @ruhnweek day 1: family
Summary: Ruhn spends the weekend with Ace and Brann while Lidia is out of town.
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“How are we supposed to know what to do around here?” Ace grumbled from behind his phone. Ruhn refrained from rolling his eyes at the teenager’s attitude - he’d dealt with worse from Bryce when she was younger.
Instead, Ruhn watched as Ace’s lips thinned, eyes softening as through the conversation had struck a nerve. Turning to where Brann slouched on the opposite end of the sofa, golden eyes shifting to meet his with a noncommittal shrug.
Running a hand through onyx locks, Ruhn sighed. “That’s valid, Ace. I shouldn’t expect you guys to know what to do in Lunathion. But we’re not going to sit on our asses all weekend while your mom is gone, so if there’s anything either of you want to do or see, now’s the time to tell me.”
The twins exchanged a look, silent communication passing between the two of them. This time is was Brann who gave a shrug, Ace clearing his throat. “Well, we’ve seen the city... But Brann and I never really got to spend time outside, like above water, you know?”
Ruhn’s face spread into a grin, hands sliding into the pockets of his jeans as the plan came to him. “Alright, get up then,” he jerked his chin at the boys. “Grab your bags and get ready to leave.”
“To go where?” Ace questioned, face finally peering fully over his phone for the first time since he’d arrived. 
Calling out over his shoulder, Ruhn strode towards his own room to pack. “We’re going camping.”
Twenty minutes later, the car was packed up and a map was handed to Ace. “You’re our navigator since my phone’ll lose signal up in the mountains,” Ruhn said, turning to Brann. “And you’ll be in charge of music. Let’s go.”
Making it to the campsite in record time, Ruhn couldn’t help but be proud of Ace’s directions - the teenager was even more detail-oriented than Declan. They unpacked the car, both boys complaining when Ruhn insisted that they help set up the tent, but their expressions had lightened during the car ride.
Ruhn tried to keep his face neutral, not letting Ace or Brann see him noticing how they marveled at the large pine trees or the sun reflecting off the lake. “Come on, let’s go for a swim,” Ruhn suggested as he watched Brann take a picture of the lake. “I’ve got a specific spot to show you.”
After a short hike up a winding path, the three males arrived at a cliff. Large trees parted on either side, the earth dropping off so suddenly that if you looked up, it seemed as though you might be flying over the waters.
Ruhn stepped right up to the ledge before turning to look at the twins, violet eyes shimmering with mischief in the afternoon sun. “My friends and I had a tradition here. At the start of each year of college, we’d take a camping trip out here. And everyone - including the new guys - would jump off this cliff into the water.”
He couldn’t help but smirk at the slightly alarmed expression Brann held, Ace’s gaze unfaltering in a silent challenge - a challenge that Ruhn was happy to take. “See you down there,” Ruhn called with a mocking wave before running over the edge.
The cool water crashed around him, stealing the breath from his lungs as he plunged deep beneath the surface before feeling his weight slowly rise back up. Breaking back through, Ruhn gasped for air, wiping black hair from his eyes only to feel water splash across his face again, and again.
Finally able to see, he found the sources of each splash on either side of him, Ace and Brann both wearing cocky grins that showed how proud they were of taking the dare. “Nice. It took Flynn a lot longer to get the courage for that jump,” Ruhn commented casually before swimming back toward shore and the campsite.
They dried off at the tent, the sun setting low in the sky when Ruhn pulled out the cooler with ingredients for hot dogs and s’mores. Brann helped gather wood while Ace set up the food and plates, and Ruhn showed them how to make s’mores, chuckling at how well-received the new dessert was by them.
The weekend went by too quickly, so much so that feet were dragging and smiles fading by the time they needed to pack up the car. The drive was quiet and peaceful back to Lunathion, where Lidia waited for them back at home.
Ruhn sucked in a breath at her beauty, those golden eyes trained on him as she smirked. Dropping his bags, he strode to where she stood and pulled her in for a kiss, ignoring the groans from the teenagers behind them as he did so. 
“I missed you,” he murmured.
“You smell like lake water,” Lidia grinned back, laughing before she pulled him in for another chaste kiss. “And I missed you.”
“You all smell like the lake,” Lidia teased, nose scrunching up as she pulled Ace and Brann in for hugs. “What, you couldn’t get out of the water for just a weekend?”
Ace rolled his eyes, shimmering golden like his mother’s as he voiced his protest. “We were out of the water plenty. We went kayaking, hiking, made s’mores...”
Brann slipped his bag from his shoulder, pulling out his phone to show her the pictures he’d taken. “There were so many of these pine trees - it was incredible,” he explained, absentmindedly taking a seat with Lidia next to him.
“Oh, show her the picture we took up by the cliff,” Ace interjected, leaning on the edge of the sofa. Ruhn smiled, full of admiration and love as he watched his family. Listening to their excited voices as the twins told their mom about the weekend, Ruhn turned to get the rest of the camping gear from the car when a voice stopped him.
“Hey, Ruhn,” Ace said, the most reserved Ruhn had seen him yet. “Thanks for this weekend.” 
Giving a quick nod, Ruhn didn’t let them see before he stepped out the door, tears lining his eyes with joy as he thought back to the days when he lived with the Autumn King. He’d never imagined living a life as fulfilling as this - one with hope, excitement for the future, and true family.
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
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Ruhn Danaan week 2024
@cadiawrites @ruhnweek
Day six: Night
[Mood board]
Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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shadowqueenjude · 5 months
There’s not enough Ruhnlidia content out there IMO, so I wrote this married Ruhnlidia pregnancy snippet. This takes place several years after the end of HOFAS. I am too lazy to save this for @ruhndanaanweek2024 so here it is!
Lidia vacuumed the floor, observing as her husband worked overtime, preparing everything in the kitchen for Ace and Brann to come home from college.
It was their first time visiting from CCU, and Lidia couldn’t wait to see them again. Although this was a shorter and voluntary separation due to their need to study, Lidia couldn’t help but recall the years she had been forced to be the Hind, not knowing the fate of her sons.
She had admittedly bawled the first several nights after they had left. Ruhn had not questioned it, merely pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly. Her husband, her mate, who had got her through this separation, who had taken on two teenage boys simply because they were hers, and loved them as his own.
Even Ace had warmed up to him, before he’d warmed up to herself. Ruhn had some kind of secret bro handshake with each of her sons, and Ruhn always made sure to give each boy special attention when they visited; he’d play sunball with Brann while he’d help Ace test out his helmets and wings and whatever things he decided to build.
Lidia had quickly learned sunball so that she could compete with Ruhn and play with her sons. She had to admit that it was fun to have a normal life, and she loved her boys and her mate and drinking beers and just chatting with him at night, or cuddling by the fire, or the four of them going out and having dinner together.
Lidia smiled as Ruhn lowered a frozen rat for their snake to eat. When Ace had brought home the snake initially, Ruhn had gone pale and insisted Ace put it back where it was. Lidia, who had just repaired her relationship with him and was not willing to mess it up so fast, had taken the snake in her arms and ordered Ruhn to buy a tank.
He’d obeyed; he was never very good at refusing her. He’d returned with loads of snake food packages called “Snakky packies” as well as some frozen rats and a heated lamp which Lidia set up before feeding the snake. Ruhn had cringed the first time she’d fed him. Now, he did it regularly.
Lidia was exceptionally nervous because she had some special news this time. She’d put a small shield over herself so no one could detect anything amiss; she wanted to be able to reveal this information in her own way. She hadn’t had much time to process it, so she didn’t know how to feel about it. She didn’t know how Ruhn would feel about it either. Or Ace and Brann.
She did want another child; she loved her boys, but unfortunately, she missed out on most of their childhood. She had tried to do right by them as much as possible, but now her boys had all grown up, and she missed the sound of child’s laughter in the house. She just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon, and she was nervous about how her family would react.
God, she had a family now. She had been alone for so long that it was difficult to come to terms with. Her heart had never been more full.
There was a ring of the doorbell, and Lidia rushed over to open it and she barreled into her sons. “Ace! Brann!” she cried, and they hugged her back warmly. “Ma!” Ace grumbled. “You’re smothering us!”
“Oh, you’re big boys now, you can handle it,” Lidia retorted. Ruhn chuckled as he came into view too. “How’s college been, you two?” he asked. Brann grinned. “I made the sunball team! Ace is on the robotics team! It’s been awesome!”
“Sweet! Forward, right?”
“Yes. Our first game is next weekend. You have to come!”
“I’ll mark it on my calendar, bud,” Ruhn said. “What about you, Ace? Any events I should take note of?”
“Well, I have a robotics meet next month on the second and I am applying for a research position; there’s a symposium next Thursday.”
“Cool! I can help you narrow down your options and fix your resume before the big day,” Ruhn offered. “Sure, thanks,” Ace replied. Not much of a talker, but Lidia could tell he appreciated the offer. Smiling, Lidia lounged on the couch, flicking in the TV and flipping through the channels.
She finally found Knowledge is Money was on, and she watched the three competitors standing in a triangular formation, their hands hovering over buttons to buzz for an answer.
“Who is the first known queen of the Sprites?” the host asked.
Ace came to sit beside her. “Easy. Ranthia Drahl.”
Lidia chuckled. “Technically, no. The sprites traditionally were ruled by theocracy until Cynthia Drahl, armies led by her niece Ranthia, destroyed the corrupt religious leaders who took advantage of the poor. However, nobody remembers her because she was killed two days into her reign by none other than Ranthia herself.”
A redheaded pixie on the far right of the screen finally buzzed in. “My final answer is Cynthia Drahl.”
“That is correct,” the host answered. Lidia smirked at her son.
“Who is the sunball player with the most points of all time?” the host asked.
Lidia groaned. “Shit, I hate when they ask sports related questions.”
“The answer is obviously Viktor Kapournikov,” Brann boomed from the kitchen. A few moments later, the boy at the bottom of the screen buzzed and said, “My final answer is Viktor Kapournikov.”
“High five!” Ruhn said, and the smack of their hands rung in Lidia’s ears. A few moments later, they came to the sofa with food in their hands. Ruhn and Brann each carried two; Ruhn handed one to Lidia while Brann handed one to Ace.
“What event caused the Valbaran Fae and Avellan Fae to become rivals?”
“The Melanthos shooting of 2,000,” Ruhn and Ace said at the same time. “Damnit, you two are quick,” Lidia muttered. “Sadly, my father made sure this shit was drilled into my head since I was a boy so that I didn’t make the mistake of befriending a kid from Avellan,” Ruhn said.
“Freak,” Brann muttered. Ruhn and Lidia nodded in agreement.
And so they ate and shouted answers at the TV and generally had a merry time. When the entertainment died down and they were all pleasantly sleepy, Lidia cleared her throat and said, “I have big news for you all.”
Ruhn pulled Lidia into his lap sleepily, mumbling against her, “Yes, sweetheart?”
Lidia didn’t know how else to say it, so she just said, “I’m pregnant.”
“What?” Brann asked. “Ma is pregnant, Brann!” Ace yelled back. Ruhn just stared at Lidia with his beautiful blue eyes, awe in them. “Truly? But I don’t smell any-“
Lidia removed the glamour. As the scent of the embryo filled the air, the boys began to cheer while tears filled Ruhn’s eyes. Ahhh, her sweet, adorable, emotional Ruhn. After decades of being forced to hide her emotions behind a mask of cold, there was nothing she adored more than seeing her mate overcome with affection and emotion for her.
“We’re going to have another baby?” Ruhn asked. Throat tight as tears filled her own eyes, she nodded. Ruhn pulled her to him. and Lidia held him so tightly it was a wonder she didn’t break a bone.
“She’s a girl,” Lidia murmured against his cheek. “Our little flame. I think we shall name her after your fire sprite friend.”
“Lehebah?” Ruhn croaked. Lidia’s shirt was a little moist from his tears. “Yes,” she whispered. “Lehebah.”
“I love it,” Ruhn whispered. “I love you. And I already love our Lele too.”
Lidia beamed. She felt so much better about this pregnancy. This time, she wouldn’t be alone. She had a family and friends to help her through this.
A baby girl.
Lidia pulled away slightly to cup Ruhn’s cheek. “I love you too. Lele is going to be so lucky to grow up with a father like you.”
“And a mother like you.”
Lidia chuckled and laid back against Ruhn. Neither of them noticed that Ace and Brann had subtly left the room, giving them time alone.
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moonlightazriel · 6 months
Finally got the inspiration to start preparing for the @ruhndanaanweek2024!!
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readychilledwine · 5 months
Wats in store for us after poly week?
A lot, hopefully 💕
I will be wrapping up Lost Bonds and Small World. Then, I will be updating series. I also previewed several Ruhn and Rowan pieces I'd really like to post. Especially because I just saw there was a @ruhndanaanweek2024 ran by one of my beautiful beautiful moots 💕 and I'd love to partake.
My big goal is finishing Kink Bingo, though. I've been feeling writing smut, so hopefully, I can get those all wrapped up and close that chapter so I can get back to telling my ocs stories.
Speaking of, the amount of you reaching out who are so invested in Kaylee and Amelia has made me cry. They are very self-indulgent ocs with self-indulgent love interests. I am so glad that many of you connect with them and love them. I promise I haven't abandoned them. I just want to be able to give them as much attention as possible
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
Impactful words
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@ruhnweek @cadiawrites
Day four: Free Day
Ruhn Danaan x Lidia Cervos
A/N: *Gasp* That gif is so Ruhn and Lidia. Anyways. I love them. Also, first quote is from the movie Pride and Prejudice. If you do not know that series, respectfully, go watch it right this instant. It's sappy. 💕
A HUGE thanks to @sarawritestories for helping me out with that Pollux part. Ily sweets you're the best. 💕
Summary: Idk. Period comfort.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Period, abusive Pollux, angst, panic, anxiety, self-loathing, vomiting, blood
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“You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love… I love… I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
Gods, that was sappy. Lidia’s cheeks turn into a bright red at the sight of the handsome actor on the screen, and she cuddles closer to Ruhn. Ruhn isn’t fond of this kind of romantic lovey-dovey movie, but he always caves in to watch it with his mate. Only to see her eyes glimmer as she swore she wasn’t crying, or see her squirm on the seat beside him when a heated scene came up. It was some kind of unspoken rule in their relationship. She watches sunball with him, and he watches her romantic movies. That’s how it works between them.
Well, watch.
He is supposed to be watching the movie right now. But sleep had rushed through him mere minutes after his long fingers had started to thread through Lidia’s silky golden hair. He had traced the length of her blond curls and his eyelids instantly grew heavy. He can’t help it. Lidia’s locks are just so soft. It is nearly impossible for him, or anyone else, to not feel relaxed and sleepy while combing her hair.
Lidia’s peers up at Ruhn in hope to get his insight on her favorite movie scene, her golden eyes still wet from how emotional this scene makes her every damn time. She pouts, a bit disappointed to find Ruhn’s eyes closed and his chest rising and falling slowly, steadily. How can someone fall asleep so quickly? She clicks her tongue, her eyes rolling and she lifts her hand to Ruhn’s face to flick his nose, in hope to wake him up. Her hand freezes, and she feels like she has just been struck by lightning. She grunts, and clutches her stomach tightly, curling into a ball between Ruhn’s legs.
Lidia mentally curses, blaming Cthona for the pulsing pain in her womb. Tears were burning her eyes. The blond-haired Fea female sinks her teeths in her lower lip to choke back her whimpers. She bites it so hard that it pierces open, and she can taste the saltiness of her own blood on her tongue. Silent as a mouse, Lidia unfolds her legs from her fetal position. She can't wake Ruhn up. Then she feels it. What she dreaded the most. That familiar stickiness pooling between her thighs. She needs to get up, to push through the pain, and hurry to the bathroom. Now.
What if… What if... What if…
Unfounded fear settles in her gut as she starts to make up the worst scenarios of Ruhn’s reaction when he would learn that she dirtied his expensive-looking couch. Her legs shake weakly as she rolls to her side, contracting her muscles to stand up. She scolds herself. She should’ve kept track of her menstrual cycle. She should’ve known it was coming. If only she hadn’t been too lost in the frenzy of hers and Ruhn’s love affair… Her stomach churns, it’s her fault, all of it. She feels gross.
You stupid bitch…
"Look at what you did," Pollux gripped Lidia's gold locks and forced her face on the couch. The little breath she was able to get was invaded by the metallic stench of blood that was stained on the couch. It was an accident. Her punishment? Being suffocated into the cushion as if she was a pup having her nose rubbed in for urinating on the furniture. Lidia's oxygen was limited, and spots appeared in her vision. This was how she would die. Before her lungs gave out, Pollux yanked her head back as she gasped for air. "You stupid bitch."
She forces air through her lungs as she tries to stand on her wobbly legs. Sweat is coating her forehead, and her gaze lands on the bathroom door. Five more steps. She can do this. She’s been through worse. Lidia doesn’t dare look behind her, too afraid to see the copper stain she might’ve left there.
You stupid bitch…
Tears blurries her vision, and she can feel them tracing patterns as they slide down her cheeks. She takes a first step, then attempts a second one. Her stomach churns from the overwhelming distress and pain in her body. She sobs, heaves, and with the remaining strength she has left, she collapses on her knees, in the bathroom doorway. She wastes no time, ang crawls to the toilet. Her peripheral vision narrows as bile falls out of her mouth. She had managed to reach for the toilet bowl, at least she didn’t make another mess. Her fingers painfully grips onto the toilet seat, her knuckles turning white. She tries to ground herself, to breathe, to calm down.
Ruhn. Her stomach flips, and she tries to keep her nausea at bay. Her breathing is getting shallow and her heart is beating so fast, so loud, that she can herself hear it. Ruhn wastes no time, and tug on his hair tie in one swift movement, using it to tie Lidia's hair in a ponytail as fast as he can, before they fall into the toilet. He kneels right behind her, caging her between his knees, his left hand rubbing circles on her lower back in an attempt to sooth her tense muscles. His other hand strokes her white knuckles as she holds on for dear life onto the freezing toilet seat.
Oh, Ruhn.
“Look at you,” Pollux growled behind her, and she tried her best not to flinch. She closed her eyes, waiting for her lover's rage to fall onto her. Like the rock that the waves keep crashing over. “On your knees like a good little bitch, cleaning up your,” He paused, and Lidia could imagine him clearly, scrunching his nose in disgust and clenching his fists. “Mess.”
She wanted to apologize, she should've. But the words stayed tucked deep down in her throat. The smell of bleach burnt her nostrils before she could feel it scorch the soft skin of her hands. She jumped back, the towel she was holding fell from her aching hands. She stumbled back against Pollux's chest, and was quickly slammed back down on her knees. She felt her knee pads wobble from the harsh impact. The Hammer held her hair tightly, so tight that she could feel some hair detaching from her burning scalp as he pushed her back down on her aching knees. “Stop whining,” Pollux snarled, shaking the remnants of the chemical onto the couch. Everything burned, her eyes, her nostrils, her hands, her lungs… “Clean,” He spat, his voice held no mercy. And he walked out of the room before she could apologize for something she had no control over.
She should've been more careful. She would be next time. She would track her cycle properly.
What a stupid bitch…
“Fuck, why are your… feminine products so far away,” Ruhn’s hand stays still on her back, as he stretches his arm towards the sink cabinet. His rummaging makes the bottles, and different products bump against one another, some of them landing on the floor. Lidia groans, wiping her mouth as she tries, but fails to move from in front of the toilet to help Ruhn. “Ah, got em’.” Ruhn states, holding the pink envelope of a pad in his hand, smiling proudly.
“Ruhn, it's…” She tears up, and shakes her head. The hormones, she tries to convince herself that it’s the only reason for her emotional turmoil. She swallows, and stands up, wincing. She needs to clean up the couch. To get into clean clothes, and put this pad on. Ruhn stands close to her, his hands on her hips, steading her, the menstrual pad still in hand. “Don’t touch me, I'm gross,” She chokes out, tears clouding her vision. Pathetic. She was acting pathetic. Her cycle, and suffering wasn't Ruhn's problem.
And yet he still cares…
He shouldn't. She doesn't deserve that.
What a stupid bitch…
“Hey…” Ruhn’s frown deepens, and he holds her closer to him, rocking her from side to side as she sobs. Her breathing is incredibly fast. And her eyes… Her beautiful gold eyes look dark, so dark, she seems to be stuck in a bad memory, somewhere so far away… He sways her slowly from side to side, placing soft kisses on the top of her head. “Would a bath sound nice, maybe?” He murmurs against her hairline, his nose humming the delicious scent of her shampoo. She feels gross, so maybe a bath would help her to feel better in her skin, he guesses.
A bath… A bath… No, the couch. She needs to clean her mess first. Gross, she feels so grossed out of herself.
Lidia’s thoughts are reeling, her body so stiff, frozen in shock. She is still unused to such kindness in that type of situation. She snaps back into reality when she hears the water run from the faucet. Ruhn keeps his arms protectively draped around her, his concerned glance fixed on her face. Her rapidly moving chest meets his steady one with every breath she tries to take. She finally manages to copy Ruhn’s breathing, and she can now hear better, see better, and the pain was a bit more bearable too. “Bath?” Ruhn asks again, staring into the honey depths of Lidia’s eyes. She was here, safe, with him, out of these horrific thoughts.
“The couch,” She swallows down, trying to lube her dry and sore throat. She tries to slip away from Run's comforting, and oh so warm arms. “You’d prefer to rest on the couch?” Ruhn asks, trying to figure out what his girlfriend needs from the little glimpse of information she mumbles to him. She bites her cheek at the thought of Ruhn’s couch, her eyes filling with tears again. Ruhn rubs his thumbs on her arms slowly, the worry for his mate is written all over his face. “No, I need to clean the couch.” She blurts out.
The couch. The couch. She made a mess. What a stupid bitch. The couch…
Ruhn stills, and his eyes narrow as he tries to figure out where all this nonsense and panic comes from. He wonders how he could have ever made her believe that he cared more for such material things than her well-being and comfort. “No, I'll just buy a cleaning spell later,” He murmurs, confused at Lidia’s panicked state. Has he done something wrong? He doesn't like it for one bit that his mate looks so terrified around him. He sighs and presses a kiss on the top of her head. “Bathe, Lidia. Or rest. Is it because you'd prefer to just change and rest? I didn't mean to force you into doing anything.”
Lidia sobs, covering her mouth with her hand. Ruhn moves one of his hands to cradle her face against his chest. Lidia feels like if it wasn't from Ruhns's love and tender hold, her heart would have shattered completely from the weight of her guilt and self-disgust.
“Please,” Ruhn pleads, his fingers brushing away her tears. “Tell me what's wrong.”
“I just… I dirtied your couch. I should've kept track of my cycle. I'm such a,” She hiccups, her throat feeling so tight, “Such a,” Such a stupid bitch, she wants to say, but the words refuse to come out. Only sobs and incoherent babbling fall from her lips.
Everything makes sense for Ruhn, then.
Fucking Pollux.
Ruhn cuts her off with a soft caress of his lips against hers. Now is not the time for him to be angry at Pollux. He needs to be calm, and reassuring, for his Lidia. He takes a deep breath. “Hey, no. Gods, Lidia no…” Ruhn holds up her chin so his eyes can dive deep in hers. He doesn't want her to feel bad around him. Especially not over something she has absolutely no control of. He hates it. Hates the one that has carved nonsense into her brain even more. Only time would undo the mental and emotional damage Pollux had caused.
“You are such a strong and beautiful female,” He smiles softly down at her, turning off the faucet, his eyes not leaving her puffy and red ones even for one second. His hands slide under her shirt, tracing her ribs slowly. He looks into her eyes, silently asking for her permission. Lidia nods, her blond curls bouncing on her shoulders as she does, and he lifts her shirt off. “My strong and beautiful mate…” He whispers, kissing away her tears as he helps her out of the rest of her clothes.
Lidia absent-mindedly watches Ruhn as he gently picks her up, and settles her nude body in the tub. Her muscles relax with the heat of the water. Her whole skin welcomed the warmth, too, making it feel like she was receiving a peaceful hug. She closes her eyes and leans back her hand in Ruhn's palms as he starts to rub shampoo through her sweat coated hair. She rubs her stomach, trying to ease the pain of her cramps and the guilt lingering there.
“You've done nothing wrong,” Ruhn's voice breaks through the silence. “It was an accident. I love you. It's not your fault," He adds.
“I'm so–” “Don't.” He says, his tone slightly harsh, and he hated himself for how Lidia flinches. He shakes his head, his fingers still massaging the shampoo on her scalp. He sighs, “Don't be sorry. Please. You have nothing to be sorry about. Not with me.” She nods, tilting her head back a little bit more so Ruhn could rinse her hair. The shampoo tickles her ears as the water falls on her head, and she sinks in the comfort and reassuring presence of her mate.
Ruhn rubs every surface of her fair skin with a cleaning glove. Lidia almost starts crying again at the look of pure love and adoration shining in the blue eyes she loved so much. He wasn't disgusted, of her, or her femininity. He loves her, and admires her as a person. The deer shifter's heart flutters at this sight.
“I love you, Lidia. Like, a lot,” Ruhn chuckles slightly to ease the atmosphere, lightening Lidia’s heavy heart. “And I want you to be comfortable with me. I know it'll take time. But let's just start with like,” He halts, his eyebrows frowning as he tries to figure out where they could start. He grins when suddenly, an idea pops up in his head. “Keeping your feminine products at easy reach in the cabinet? It would be a good start. Okay?” He winks at her, replacing the things in the cabinet, putting the box of pads and tampons in front of everything, so it’s easy for her, or him, to reach when needed.
The realization feels like a kick in Lidia’s guts. She doesn't have to hide them anymore.
Not with Ruhn.
My strong and beautiful mate.
Ruhn's words thrums in her ears, and the sight of his eyes filled with all the beautiful emotions he feels towards her dances in her mind, replacing all negative thoughts and fear that Pollux had once pushed there.
She smiles, truly smiles, and nods, the water sloshing around her as she brings her knees to her chest. “Okay.”
My strong and beautiful mate...
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
A melody through hell
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Ruhn Danaan x OC!Lyrie
Ruhn Danaan week 2024
@cadiawrites @ruhnweek
Day four: Inspired by
Summary: This fic takes place in Ruhn's early life, when his father first starts to torture him. Ruhn troubled soul encounters a sweet and bubbly creature, who happens to know just how to ease his pain.
Inspired by: Seven, by Taylor Swift
Warnings: Mention of parental abuse, mention of scars, mention of burnt skin, mental distress
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Ruhn ran, and ran. Tears streamed down his cheeks as his bare feet hit the streets of Lunathion. He had crossed the river gate already, his heart thumping so hard in his chest that it numbed his troubled mind. He halted at the edge of Istros river, kneeling at the edge of the canal, the shadow of the bridge above it giving him some sort of privacy. Not that this part of the city was very crowded, especially not at this time of the night. His shadows wrapped around his scorched arms, as if trying to comfort him. His Fae healing was struggling to restore his burnt skin. It would’ve been healed by now, if he had made the drop. But he hadn’t, yet. Maybe his father would stop torturing him once he’ll make the drop. Maybe… Maybe he would be proud of him once he’ll make the drop.
His tears caused his reflection to ripple, distorting his face like a mirror of how troubled and distressed his soul looked like from within. His shoulder quivered as he sobbed and hiccuped. He hated himself for crumbling down the way he did. He was weak. So very weak. The words his father used to describe him as he bruised the skin of his arms echoed through the crowned prince. He wasn’t worthy of this title. He would never be. “You should sink them in the water.” A breezy voice reached his pointy ears, almost falling face first into the river, but long fingers quickly pushed his shoulder back, making him fall back on his butt. He stared, wide-eyed, at the red-haired head peeking from the water.
She chuckled, placing a hand on her chest as she did so. She took a deep breath, then moved closer to the edge of the canal. She placed her hands on the platform Ruhn was standing on, her big blue eyes sinking into his. “You should sink them in the water,” She repeated, “Your arms, I mean.”. Ruhn breath hitched as she carefully took his hands in hers, her eyes scanning him for any sign of rejection. He didn't. He nodded slowly, letting the Mer sink his arms in the canal, his chest leaned just above the surface.
He hissed at the feeling of the cold water on his arms, but he forced himself to keep them there. The Mer was lovingly caressing his hands under the water, her lips in a tight line with compassion. “I'm Lyrie.” Her voice was light, soft, comforting… Lyrie… The name fitted her well, her voice sounded like a melody to his ear, just like a soft lullaby played by a lyre. “Ruhn.” He sniffled, the tears on his cheeks had now dried. The female had seemed to heal his aching heart already, only by her kindness and tender eyes.
Their friendship bloomed with the passing time, it grew stronger with each visit of the Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae. Lyrie had been an anchor for Ruhn whenever his father tortured him. The thought of her sweet presence whenever he needed it made it easier for him to endure it all. Now, he has a friend. A friend… The thought of it made his heart flutter. “Ruhn? Is something wrong?” Ruhn hadn’t realized his hands had stopped braiding the Mer ginger hair, his thought had consumed him once more. He smiled softly at his friend, her head had peaked over her shoulder slightly, her eyes staring at him in concern. He chuckled, pushing her chin back to straighten her head. “No. Everything is right whenever I’m with you.”
Ruhn could’ve sworn he noticed the Mer ears turn pink, his were too, probably. He kept his fingers moving through her hair, carefully braiding her long hair. He was himself surprised by his sudden confession, but everything he said was true. Every moment passed with Lyrie felt… right. He felt like he belonged here, like they belonged together. She was the solace in the mess of his life. “You know,” She whispered, “I think your house is haunted. Maybe that’s why your dad is always mad… Maybe he’s possessed or something.” Ruhn couldn’t help the snort that came from him. She spun around, waves splashing all around her. Ruhn tried to keep hold of the strand of hair he was braiding, but it fell into the river. He tsked his tongue, but the female kept talking. “You know, I think you should come live with me,” Her hands gesture beneath the water, sending droplets with each movement, ”I’m sure there’s enough space for the both of us in my cave.”.
Ruhn sighed, raising the edge of his pants to dip his feet in the water. His eyes were shining with adoration for Lyrie, he grinned, keeping silent as she kept going excitedly. “And we could be pirates! Well, you could be, and I’d protect your boat- our boat from the undersea creatures!” He swishes his feet in the water, before nodding slowly. “Yeah. Maybe.” She smiled, swimming closer to the edge of the canal, resting her wet chin on Ruhn’s knee, her braid half done floating on the water surface. She took his hand in hers, placing a cold shell in his palm. “Here. This gives me strength. It’s yours now.” Ruhn’s eyes filled with water as he nodded, smiling. His throat was too tight to thank her, but she understood his silence more than anyone could. He clung the shiny shell in the palm of his hand, he wouldn’t be sad anymore, he wouldn’t be scared. Because whatever he would have to face, Lyrie would always be waiting for him in the Istros river, and she would make everything okay.
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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lady-of-tearshed · 5 months
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A/N: Hi! Here's a list of all of the works I have planned for @ruhndanaanweek2024 !! I'm thrilled to participate in this event! Thanks a lot for hosting it, @callmeblaire. You're awesome 💕
OC!Lyrie (She'll appear on Days one and five!)
Day one: Family
The art of bonding
Theodore, Ruhn's son, decides that his family needs a little bonding time.
Day two: Crowned Prince
How to be rebellious, Tristan Flynn's guide for dummies
"First rule of being a prince: Rebel when you can!" Tristan Flynn's steps on how to become a rebel.
Step one: Fell like a rebel!
Step two: Look like a rebel!
Step three: Act like a rebel!
Day four: Free day
Impactful words
Lidia's first menstrual cycle since being with Ruhn comes up uninvited.
Day five: Inspired by
A melody through hell
This fic takes place in Ruhn's early life, when his father first starts to torture him. Ruhn troubled soul encounters a sweet and bubbly creature, who happens to know just how to ease his pain. (Inspired by the song Seven, by Taylor Swift.)
Day six: Night
Mood board!
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
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@ruhnweek is coming, people!! Less than 24h before my fic "Bonding time" is out!!
Here's a little sneak peek of the fic I will post tomorrow for Ruhn Danaan week day one: Family.
Bonding time
Declan sat down on the floor, next to the child, and he picked up one of the pencils sprawled all over the floor. “Might as well cover up the whole couch while we're at it. It feels illegal and incredibly fun.” “Illegal is not fun.” All eyes turned to the heavily pregnant woman entering the room, she was munching on a sandwich, staring at the mess her son made. Her eyes widened, but then she laughed, everyone doing the same. “We're drawing on the couch, mum!”
I can't wait for you guys to meet my OC, Lyrie! 💕
Here's the link to her description!
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lady-of-tearshed · 5 months
So excited for Ruhn Danaan week!
Honestly, me too!!
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