#russian interpreter
coockie8 · 5 months
This is gonna sound cold, but as a creator, if there is any type of ship you are so uncomfortable with that you would demand your fans not ship specific characters of yours due to that, then straight up do not release your creations to the public.
Again, I know this is gonna seem cold, but you do not have control over how other people are going to interpret or engage with your creations, and if there exists an interpretation or form of engagement you loathe so much you would demand people never do that with your characters, then keep your creations to yourself.
There are 8 billion people on the planet, which means the potential for approximately 8 billion different interpretations and forms of engagement. It is impossible for you to like, or even just be comfortable with, every single one of those, and it is crucial that you make your peace with the fact people are going to be interacting with your stories in ways you don't approve of if you're going to be publishing. Because again, this is going to happen, you can't control it, and you will drive yourself insane trying.
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schnuffel-danny · 1 year
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see you soon, laika
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sovamurka · 7 months
Timebomb nation, once again I'm here to tell you about russian localisation's ekkojinx moments. When translating Tales of Runeterra's character lines our translators accidentally made a genius mistake and now Ekko has a nickname for Jinx. Try to guess which one. It's Bomb. Of course it's Bomb 💣
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notonlymice · 4 months
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rumbelle + the frog princess au moodboard
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theartdaleterrier · 9 months
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Quick Borzoi before bed. I think I'm getting the hang of the individual parts of the Borzoi, but might need some work putting them together. What do you think? 🤔
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women only go on spotify for one thing and one thing only. and that thing is the third verse of almost (sweet music)
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pikuniku53353358 · 19 days
Dude, you understand the whole surreality of situations, in fact two Russian people are talking with the help of an English translator
I don't see anything strange in this))) And in general, Yandex Translate does a pretty good job with its main function, so you can consider that this is how I pay tribute to the great and terrible Yandex browser :)
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gregoriaofnyssa · 20 days
On the Higher-Critical Method of Hermeneutics
It is exceedingly trendy to devour religious information of all kinds through the lens of secular scholarship, for either the sake of general knowledge, or for the sake of an artistic adventure. For either of those purposes, and certainly for the purpose of actual religious learning, the higher-critical approach fails on every level. The biggest perpetrators of this online are Genetically Modified Skeptic and Religion for Breakfast; the biggest print perpetrators are Bart D. Ehrman and George Harris. This method fails to accurately describe and convey the concept of religious orthodoxy, and therefore fails to accurately convey controversies within religions; it also fails to anthropologically contend with religions in a way that is honest and charitable; it denies not only the very concept of truth, but also the very concept of literary analysis. 
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Much of the basis for this argument is rooted in vintage anthropology-- I preface “vintage” because anthropology has changed a great deal in the last 100 (even 50) years, and has come more and more to reflect the higher-critical method of hermeneutics, of course applied to secular cultural artifacts. In the past, anthropologists did not seek to study other cultures as a way to change their own, or as a way to frame their own. They studied it for pure passion. They studied it for themselves. An anthropologist doing similar good work today is Daniel Everett who wrote the sympathetic, raw, and amazing book Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle. A main reason why Everett’s work is so effective is because it takes the word of the Pirahã people (the subject of the book) as true. This makes the book strikingly intimate, especially because it is told from Everett’s own perspective. We thus get a greater understanding of the culture-- a highly mysterious and un-understandable culture at that. He writes, “‘I mean, what are you going to do to him for shooting your dog?’ ‘I will do nothing. I won’t hurt my brother. He acted like a child. He did a bad thing. But he is drunk and his head is not working well. He should not have hurt my dog. It is like my child.’ Even when provoked, as Kaaboogí was now, the Pirahãs were able to respond with patience, love, and understanding, in ways rarely matched in any other culture I have encountered.”
A key problem with the higher-critical method is that it applies a hermeneutics of suspicion, rather than a hermeneutics of trust, as vintage anthropology did. The passage above would read much differently, and be much less revelatory, had Everett followed the encounter with an insistence that the Pirahã must not actually be so compassionate, and must, in fact, be putting on a show to fool outsiders for more canoe money. Just as that is unsatisfying, so too is a hermeneutics of suspicion that insists Jesus said to care for the poor in order to manipulate starving Jeudeans into joining his “movement”. Not only is it unsatisfying, but it makes no sense. The higher-critical scholar must invent new motivations seen nowhere else in the text, or in adjoining texts of the day, to justify what is essentially a headcanon. It assumes too much, and what it assumes is an insult: people do not say they believe what they do because they believe it-- they have ulterior motives. The higher-critical method demands you see all people as charlatans.
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We should notice that this is an anti-historical method as well. Historians do not make a habit of assuming primary sources are lying unless there is extremely good reason. I’ve studied the writings of Ibn Fadlan on the rituals of the Vikings, and not once did a professor or a critic write that he must’ve been making up the horse-killing for the sake of making barbarians appear worse than Muhammadeans. 
The method is also unliterary. It is possible for an atheist to read the Bible (or any scripture, for that matter) and encounter it as a complete work of fiction, whilst still applying the usual rules of textual analysis and letters. It is possible, even in the context of “fiction” for interpretations to be baseless and wrong. We hear in school there is no such thing as a wrong answer in literature, but be assured, there is. There are analysis, conclusions, and summaries that are disconnected from the text so to have nothing backing it up for any kind of merit. For example, if someone were to say, “The theme of Hamlet is that love conquers all,” that would be a conclusion so wrong you’d probably assume the speaker was pretending to have read it. The same is true with the Bible, and with all other scripture. The theme of Maccabees is not that the oppressed should take their torture lying down and there is nothing in the epistles to suggest the Apostle Paul was gay. The latter is fanfiction and the former is active subversion-- look out for that. 
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You may believe I want only the Bible to be interpreted in such a way. But this would be wrong. I am frequently disgusted by the mistreatment of other sacred texts; in the HCM, this is particularly suffered upon the Quran. My insistence against the HCM is not only religious, but born of an anthropological conviction. I love people; the whole world is my people. I love to study them, to learn about their experiences, and to read what they have written. It breaks something in my heart when even documents I disagree with are encountered as if they are intentionally lying. The Quran was written by a man, and I believe that man believed what he wrote to be true, and I believe that those who believed him really did. I do not like to be taken for a liar, and I assume the feeling is the same through all people. 
It weakens the position of the opponents of any text, because in order to argue against something, you must actually know it. You must understand it, and you will never understand something you don’t trust to be the words someone once believed.
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Maria Ilyushkina in Emeralds.
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gave up halfway
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shrews-studies · 3 months
Graduation exam tomorrow, guys if I survive this I'll be the most carefree person on earth for the next 2 years
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karamazovposting · 5 months
Just remembered that at some point Rakitin calls the whole Karamazov family a bunch of conservatives and now I can't help but imagine him and Ivan having an insane argument Twitter leftist infighting style
(this post and this post are complementary)
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prolibytherium · 7 months
I'm going to be real I don't have any doubts that there are trans people on the tumblr/auttomatic staff who sincerely want to improve circumstances for trans users on this site but I'm really not going to care about apologetic gestures until there is material improvement. I won't trust vague assurances of improving anti-harassment measures until I see it. It's not like any of these patterns of abusive moderation against the most vulnerable demographics is new.
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arrgh-whatever · 11 months
Hello. I just wanted to say thank you very much for your art, I relate to your small emotional drawings a lot. When I saw your comic about trying to lock yourself up and accepting yourself it made me cry really hard (not in a bad way), because it was the first time that I saw something like this... The way you're showing any emotion is beautiful, couldn't understand and agree more. Thank you very much for it, спасибо 💗
Thank you! I'm glad that what I do can be relatable for others
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bloodmoths · 1 year
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return of Nigel 🦇
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shrews-art · 6 days
Thinking about my favourite characters kissing while I'm doing my literal mountains' worth of uni work can actually be something so personal
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