#rusty's mum
uncaaj · 1 year
Fanfic: Diesel's Petrols (Bluey)
The door to his dimly lit office opened, and Dr. Bernard, the Australian Army counselor, looked up. “Thanks for coming, Sergeant Kelpie,” he greeted.
Diesel Kelpie took a seat in the cushy leather seat opposite him and held out his hand. “No worries, Dr. Bernard.”
After shaking his hand, Dr. Bernard grabbed his tablet and pushed his glasses up. “So let’s get right into it. How have you been since discharge?”
“Well, it was great to see my family again, let’s say that first. Everything I do, I do for them. It was all I could think about on the flight home.” Diesel leaned back and recalled the whirlwind of a month he’d had.
Fresh from a 12-hour flight, I felt light as a feather despite the jet lag fuzzing the edges of my sight. It never fails, I try to catch up on sleep on the flight and somehow stay up the whole time, idling the time away with the same crummy puzzle games and the same five movies.  Even still when I landed, I couldn’t help but jog from the gate straight to border control, hopping like, well, an excited dog in the queue.
Once I finally made it to the luggage claim, there they were, big smiles all over. My pack, my troop. My family. I probably looked like hell with my stained fatigues and baggy eyes, but I knew it didn’t matter one bit to them.
“Dad!” Rusty shouted, bolting over and jumping into my arms. I could hear the others catching up to him as I gave my little recruit a good squeeze before setting him down and letting them all in. 
“Aw, missed me, eh?” I joked.
“Yeah,” said Digger, the oldest.
“Missed you lots!” said Rusty.
“Thiiiiis much!” said me youngest Dusty, stretching her little arms as far as they’d go.
Then it was Pepper’s turn. “Welcome home, honey.”
I felt all my worries vanish with my sigh as I kissed my loving wife. “Good to be home.”
“How long are you staying for?” Rusty asked.
Dusty bounced up and down. “Will you be here for my birthday?”
I gave Pepper a quick smooch then turned to the kids. “Oh yeah, I didn’t mention that, did I?”
“Tell ‘em, babe,” said Pepper.
I knelt down to meet my kids’ eyes as they all bunched together. “Well, I have a little surprise for you all. I’m here this time…for good.”
“You mean…your service is done?” Rusty asked, almost pleading for it to be true.
“Yup,” I confirmed. “Done and dusted.”
We all met in a big hug in the middle of the baggage claim, and for the first time since hearing the news I was headed home at last, I felt like transitioning back to civilian life wouldn’t be so bad.
DIESEL: This episode of Bandit is called “Diesel’s Petrols.”
“How have you been filling your time over the past month?” asked Dr. Bernard.
“Well, that army schedule’s a part of me, so I’m still up bright and early every day. The kids keep me active with cricket, footie, the works.” He chuckled and slung a leg over the other. “But that’s not what you’re asking, is it?”
Dr. Bernard laughed. “No, it isn’t.”
“For my career after service, it was a no-brainer for me. All that time fixing Jeeps, I knew I was gonna open my own garage when I got home. And bless Pepper, she was gracious enough to come on as my business partner. Signing the lease on that space was the fulfillment of a dream, so I was psyched.”
“Fantastic,” said Dr. Bernard. “How about friendships?”
“Oh, I’ve kept in touch with my troop online. Couldn’t do that when I was a tyke. But I promised myself something on the way home. I see Rusty talk so highly of his schoolmates on the ride home from school, so I really wanted to get to know their parents. Thought they could be my new troop. And in a way, my garage helped me do that. It started while I was out promoting the venture…”
I was taking my new shop truck on her maiden voyage with Rusty by my side. Figured it’d get the word out and drum up some customers since we were gonna open any day. We’re puttering along in Paddington and suddenly, Rusty points out the window and says, “Dad, look! It’s Mackenzie!”
I saw a couple o’ border collies standing by the side of the road, their ute smoking. “Looks like they’re broken down, kiddo,” I said.
“Can we help them, Dad?” Rusty asked.
“Well, if he’s your friend, let’s see what’s up.” We parked nearby and got out. Rusty greeted Mackenzie happily while I went over to his dad.
“You’re Rusty’s dad, right? Don’t see you around much,” he said.
“Yeah, discharged recently. Diesel.”
“Sorry, Josh,” a guy shouted, “my mechanic’s booked solid today.” A blue heeler and his pup walked toward us from a couple houses down.
“Biscuits,” Josh muttered. “Thanks for trying, Bandit.”
The Heeler pup waved at us. “Hi, Rusty!”
“Bluey!” said Rusty. “Me and Dad are spreading the word about his new garage.” He pointed at the logo on my truck that Pepper designed. 
“Diesel’s Petrols,” read Bluey. “Hee-hee! I like that name!”
“You work on cars, eh?” said Josh.
“Yeah, cars, Jeeps, copters, you name it, it’s my toast and jam. I could take a look if you don’t mind.”
Josh shrugged and led me to the wide-open bonnet. I felt the heat on my fur immediately and recoiled back. “Poor thing’s overheated,” I said, waving some smoke away. Now time to sniff out the problem. The army taught me that well. Let everything fall away and focus on what needs to be done. 
I took a deep whiff through my nose and exhaled sickly sweet aromas, like burnt caramel. It was coolant, alright, almost like the radiator blew or a hose had popped loose and covered the engine in it. For Josh’s sake, luckily it was the latter I spied immediately.
“I don’t understand it. It was all right yesterday,” said Josh once I regained my awareness.
“A hose popped off your rad here,” I said, pointing to the dangling pipe near the main gears. “Reckon you’ve lost all your coolant, mate.”
“Wow,” said Josh. “That’ll do it.”
“You know, I think I have a proper clamp and some coolant in me Ute. I can have you right as rain in a tick.”
Josh looked shocked. “Really? R-right now?”
I smiled. “I always like to come prepared for anything.”
Josh pumped his fist, his bummed expression washing out to giddiness. “Well, thanks a bunch!”
“No worries.”
It was simple to refit the hose and tighten it down properly. Then once his engine came back down to as normal a temperature as could be on the eve of summer, I topped up the coolant and gave him the go to start up. The engine tumbled for a second as the coolant recirculated but then kicked right into life. “Gotta love a rock-solid Toyota,” I smirked. Hardy and excitable, just like he was.
I waited a moment to see if the hose would pop off, but it held. I shut the bonnet and gave Josh the thumbs up. He called his son over and they loaded up.
“Thanks a bunch, mate!” said Josh as I approached the cab. “What do I owe ya?”
I glanced quickly at the temperature meter. A-OK. “Ah, twernt nothin’, mate,” I scoffed. “All in a day’s work.” 
I felt a tug on my arm, and I crouched down. “Yeah, mate?” I said to Rusty.
“Dad, remember what mum said? ‘If you fix some stranger’s car like I know you will, make sure you’re paid.’”
I gulped and stood up again. Both Mackenzie and Josh were laughing. I grinned embarrassingly.
“Your mum’s a smart cookie,” Bandit said with a wink.
“Thanks, Mr. Heeler!” said Rusty.
I shook my head and fished a business card out of my wallet. “Okay, how’s $30 sound? And you gimme a ring if your Ute ever packs in again?
“Done deal!” said Josh, quickly exchanging it for a banknote from his.
“Much obliged,” I said, shaking his paw. With a wave, he was off down the road with his pup.
Not long after, I’d just finished installing the new ramp in the garage when in wheels this sturdy little Subaru. My first real walk-in. I head over and a Jack Russel steps out of it. 
“G’day, mate,” I said, “thanks for droppin’ by. what can I do ya for?”
“Do you do suspension work here?” he asked.
“Whatever’s ailing your car, I can put it right.”
“Oh, great!” he said, relieved. 
I wondered what brought that on, but I didn’t have to wonder long. The Jack Russel pushed down on his wheel arch and it didn’t budge an inch. “The ride’s been really rough,” he continued. “My tail aches every time I drive it longer than a grocery run.”
“That ain’t fair dinkum. Let’s put ‘er on my new ramp and I’ll take a look.”
I helped him position the car and once it was safely in the air, I could see straight away what the problem was. “Great day in the morning, your shocks are toast! Covered in oil and stiff as stone. What on earth did you do to ‘em?”
The terrier rubbed his arm, looking guilty with himself. “It’s a funny story, I suppose. I took a shortcut picking my son Jack up from school-“
“Wait, you’re Jack’s dad?” I exclaimed. “My son Rusty talks about a Russel named Jack all the time.”
“Ha! Likewise! Good to meet you, er…”
“Diesel.” I held out my hand and he shook it.
“So what happened exactly?” I said, motioning him toward my tool bench.
“So my battery died leaving me without SatNav. This bloke called Maynard showed me a shortcut through the bush, but a sign just before said it was for 4-wheel-drive cars.”
“Hmm…” I suddenly had an inkling. I went back to the car and shone my torch around the wheels. I grimaced even more. “Yeah, this is an all-wheel-drive car.”
Blake raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t they the same thing? It’s got four wheels.”
I almost laughed but I didn’t want to do that to the poor guy. “Rookie mistake, mate. See, all-wheel-drive shifts power to all the wheels to help with traction on muddy or wet road. 4-wheel-drive is for serious off-roading like what you did on that shortcut, it looks like.”
Blake sighed. “Yeah, I…had an adventurous moment. But when I came home from the markets the other day with busted eggs, my wife said I’d better bring it in. She heard about you from Josh Border-Collie.”
“Issat so?” Small world. “Well, tell ya what- I have the parts here that I need. I can have you back up and running by day’s end for…how’s $400 and a promise to not take your car where it’s not meant to go?”
Blake perked up. “Really? That’d be fantastic!”
I nodded. “All in a day’s work, mate.”
“Two new civilian friends, that’s a good start,” said Dr. Bernard.
“Thanks,” said Diesel. “But it’s funny.” He scratched his chin and tried to gather his thoughts. “I…didn’t think I was making friends at first.”
“How so?”
“I guess it felt like just doing what I had to do and sending ‘em on their way, nothing more, like in the army. The troop and I would bond for hours on end every day because we were together for that long. We slept on smelly cots together. I could know everything about them. I barely got to know Josh and Blake before their cars were fixed and they were off.”
Diesel paused, wondering if he should even say what he was about to.
“Do you need to confide about something, Sergeant Kelpie?” Dr. Bernard asked gently, without judgment.
“Sometimes I feel…like an outsider, ya know? It used to be I was barely home before I was back overseas. The army was my world more than here and suddenly, this is my world now. I wasn’t sure if Josh and Blake would remember me with how little we were able to talk. I wasn’t sure I could make my place here.”
“It doesn’t make your interactions any less meaningful,” Dr Bernard reassured. “It takes time and effort but it’s very possible.”
Diesel nodded. “Oh, I’m realizing that now. And what helped me change my view was that Heeler Bandit I mentioned earlier…”
As it happens, it was the day after I expressed this to Pepper and we were discussing my rates in the garage.
“The prices I’m giving aren’t too low, are they, Pepper?” I said, my head hurting seeing her spreadsheets.
Pepper shook her head. “Don’t worry, love, you’re covering all our expenses. I just want to make sure you’re charging what you’re worth.”
“It’s never a big deal. I’m just glad I get to do this at all.”
Pepper took my hand and squeezed it. “Okay, well, I think you’re worth more.”
“Yeah, and I know you always will.”
How did I find someone so perfect, in partnership and…well, partnership? We moved in closer for a kiss until we heard someone nearby clearing their throat.
We turned to see that Heeler Bandit from the other day with his daughters, Bluey and an orange one whose name I didn’t recall. “Sooooo does Rusty run off screaming when he sees smoochy-kisses?” asked Bandit.
“Dad, you were kissing Mum’s stinky fish breath!” laughed Bluey. 
I stood up straight and saluted. “Sir!”
Pepper rolled her eyes and pushed me away. “Welcome to Diesel’s Petrols. How can we help?”
“I was just passing by and I wondered if you’d give my Jeep a once-over. I’m taking the family dune racing next month and I figure you’re the Jeep expert.”
I chuckled. “It’s a stereotype for a reason. I’ll make sure you can handle everything out there. Pepper’ll show you to the waiting room.”
“We’ve got toys!” she said to the Heeler kids, and they cheered and dashed off toward the lobby, their dad following.
The hum of the lift had become music to my ears by this point and I could operate it in my sleep. Wrangler, a good rugged vehicle, could literally take you anywhere. That once-over was probably the quickest one I’d ever done, even on an army vehicle. Bandit maintained it really well.
I wiped my brow with a rag and headed to the lobby. Bandit was in the middle of keeling over, clutching his chest. His kids had their hands out, wiggling their fingers at him and laughing maniacally.
I sniggered. “What’s all this then?”
“Hi, Rusty’s dad!” said Bluey. “Bingo and I overwhelmed him with our magic!”
Bandit looked at me. “Yeah, powerful stuff,” he whispered.
“Dad,” said Bingo, “you’re supposed to be asleep!”
Bandit slowly came to his feet. No doubt it took longer these days with those two scamps running him ragged. I certainly knew the feeling. “Let’s just call it a cliffhanger,” he declared. “Am I asleep? We’ll find out when we get home.”
Rugged, adaptable, and fun. Just like his car.
“All good?” he asked me.
“Good to go,” I said.
“Good job, there, mate.”
I smiled. “All in a day’s work.”
I held out my hand and he shook it vigorously. Of all the blokes I shook with, his was the best so far. “Make quick work like that and I might be calling you from now on,” he said.
What a compliment, especially since he already had a guy. “M-much obliged,” I said before I led him over to the computer to do his invoice.
“Only seen you at drop-off a couple of times. When’d you get back?” he asked.
“Not too long ago. It’s good to be home at last. Feels like I’ve missed too much outta my kids’ lives.”
“Yeah, I feel that way when I have to be on a dig site. I’m not gone nearly as long but it’s still too long.”
“Truth. And it’s good to really talk to someone outside of that whole world. Makes it easier to get back…to the swing of it, you know?”
“Hey, you oughta come and have a drink with me and some friends. Josh’ll be there. And Blake’s thankful you got his Subaru running again.”
“Oh yeah, I remember them.” But did they really remember me? “Well, I dunno-“
Bandit slung an arm over the counter. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”
I gave it a rummage in my mind. Sounded like the perfect proposition, and so quickly after getting back. I’d hopefully have a new friend group to make reintegration easier. But it still almost felt like I was intruding on somewhere I didn’t quite belong yet. I wasn’t sure if I should step in.
I looked away for a moment. Bluey and Bingo had slid right into another game, involving the footy in the toy box. I laughed. “These kids make it look so easy.” So easy to get along, I thought.
“Yeah, we can take a cue from them every once in a while, eh?” said Bandit.
I nodded. I’d take that step. “Sure, gimme the deets and I’ll be there.”
“I’m sorry, Sergeant Kelpie, but we’re out of time for today,” said Dr. Bernard, rising up. “But it sounds like you’re making great progress with reintegration. I’m proud of ya!”
Diesel stood up. “Thanks, doc. After opening my garage and meeting Bandit and Blake and the others, it really feels like I have another troop. I know I’ve only just started my new life and there’s so much I want to do yet, but…” He shrugged. “It’s like I always say, even in the field.”
“All in a day’s work?” asked Dr. Bernard.
“Yeah, all in a day’s work.”
Diesel opened the door to the pub and cased the joint for the table where Bandit and his friends were. Catching waving hands out of the corner of his eye, he saw they were all smiling and waving at him.
“There’s the dog of the hour,” said Bandit, filling a glass and handing it to Diesel.
“For putting us all back on the road,” said Blake.
“And for being a stand-up bloke altogether,” said Josh.
“Good to know ya, mate,” said a yellow Labrador. “Congrats on the new venture.”
Diesel sat down and rose his glass, gulping down the lump in his throat. “Thanks for making an army dog feel welcomed home.”
“CHEERS!” Glasses clinked and mirth and merriment took him over as Diesel joined a conversation about an upcoming cricket game. The garage had always been a goal of his, but now he felt like he accomplished something far more difficult-making a place in a third troop, a group of guys he was proud to call his new friends.
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blaithnne · 9 months
My daughter’s new pet is half deer, half fox. They tumble over each other, racing through the valley, their rhythm imperfect, she is human after all. Half human, half something I can’t quite recall,
I don’t know him      well, his fur is soft and smooth. Little antlers,  tiny twigs on his brow. Hoofs like       black pinpricks, needles     through fabric. At night he howls at nothing, he doesn’t quite know why.
His fur is soft and smooth     , morning snow, untrampled, unbothered. Black spots     speckled by the bane of his tail,     an old scar from something he can’t quite recall.
I don’t know him very well. He runs an endless trail past the river with my daughter, in two step tandem, they’ve learned to act as one. Half human, half deerfox, half nothing      at all.
He looks at me, sometimes, with ink black     misty eyes. He licks my hand, leans his head on my palm, as if the weight of the world is held by the little twigs on his brow.
I am so far away from home, he says. I will never see my mother again. She is so far away, I am here. I am all that there is,        , anywhere, of me.
You understand me, he says. We’re the same,     brothers. Half deer, half fox. Half human, half something you can’t quite recall.
We walk in two step tandem, Two parallel lines that touch without knowing. We have     never met. We have known each other our whole lives.
We’re the same, like brothers, he says. You understand    , he says, and I don’t know why but         I do.
I can’t                        recall. The ' something     I’m  missing. The bridge between me, and all that there is.
I am all I can’t recall. I am the tear      left unstitched. Half human, half nothing, nothing          at all.
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violentdevotion · 3 days
have i ever told you that i find you very funny fr
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this is the validation that allows me to continue to be funny
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thelakesuite · 2 years
gordon ramsay: pheasant breast, ay-yi-yi. bland. chewy. hardly seasoned at all, just got a bit of the compost on the outside of it, and- ohk- what's this? *pulls a piece of shrapnel out his mouth* they've still got a bullet in there. did they have to shoot it so it wouldn't run out the pan? i'm gonna have to talk to the chef *mr toad walks out* ramsay: christ, mate, you're the head chef? looks like they'd serve you in the bloody stew. don't tell me that's what you do with the customers around ere
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redscorpiocat · 1 year
More lil Rusty
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My mom also gave him the nickname "Tiny-Tot" which is also adorbs :3
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I rn am listening to MAG Commentary - retrospective #2 and its so fucking funny when jonny and alex talk about the early magnus recording because jonny's like: yeah i think that's the episode we recorded on the floor of my good mate's - Zachary McKimam apartment that didnt have heating so we were all wrapped up in one blanket. And then alex is like: ohh thats the day that i got up at 3am spent two hours in a train, got there at 5- (jonny) ALSO i finnished writing this an hour before recording at 6 am and i didnt sleep for a week thats why the episode is so good :D
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
Nia is, technically, narrow gauge. So though it's probably easier to regauge her up about a foot, what of instead she was regauge down, how she fair on the skarloey?
You're so big-brained, nonny.
The more I think about this, the more I love it. Definitely feels like Nia (I'm thinking the clever, composed, self-directed Nia of the BWBA special, not the Nia of TVS or AEG) would have a chemistry with the narrow-gauge gang that she sorely lacks with the standard-gauge crew.
Her sense of humour feels very like Skarloey and Rheneas; I bet they would get along like a house on fire! They would have loads of stories to swap and share too. She would also be great at slyly keeping Duncan and Sir Handel in line. And Peter Sam would basically have a mum. Oh my gosh, I love it.
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dana-del-no · 1 year
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When you pause it at the right moment 🤣
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ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
You are not immune to nosey aunties trying to dictate how you live your life and commenting on your life choices...........
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rustflesh · 10 months
the eczema has spread!!!!!!!!! owie
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uncaaj · 1 month
Fanfic: Curry Impossible (Bluey)
Diesel threw the oven door open and was assaulted by thick, black smoke pouring out. It surged down his throat, not helped by his gasp of surprise at the orange glow of fire he beheld. He fell back into the kitchen island, bumping his knee on the corner and crashing into a heap.
“Retreat, troops, retreat!” he choked out in between hacking coughs, waving the smoke away. The smoke alarm overhead screamed its shrill alert, adding to the ongoing bombardment on Diesel’s senses. Blinded by searing tears, he crawled to the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the fire extinguisher. After standing and readying his weapon, he unloaded it up and down and across the oven. Once the last of the stray flames flickered out and the black smoke mixed with the extinguisher foam into a light gray matter, he limped to the window and threw it wide, ushering the smoke in that direction. 
Diesel heaved fresh air in and out and willed his racing heat down while holding his throbbing knee. Crisis averted, and now that his nose wasn’t overwhelmed with smoke, it was time to sniff out the problem. The oven control panel shone through the dissipating clouds and Diesel squinted toward it looking for an answer. Did he not hear the timer go off? Did he set the wrong temperature? What was it that caused such a calamity?
The timer was still ticking down from the three hours he set it to. In fact, it still had two and a half hours to go. Scratch that off. The temperature readout said 250, just as he set it. The “C” right beside it was a new sight however.
“C”?!, he balked in his mind, “Celsius?!”
Slowly turning his eyes down, what he saw on the sheet pan was not the red, pepper-coated roast beef he started out with, but a mass resembling a smoking volcanic rock freshly cooled from an eruption. 
Diesel’s stomach dropped and he ran a paw through his long hair. “Ohhhhh, biscuits.”
DIESEL: This episode of Bandit is called “Curry Impossible.”
Earlier that day…
In the living room of the Kelpie home, father Diesel and middle child Rusty were trading pushups, something the kid always liked to do with his dad.
Diesel rose to the apex, disregarding the mild burn in his biceps. “15!” He grunted.
“15!” Rusty parroted, coming to the top just the same.
“Good one, mate! Good form. Think you can go to 20?”
“Kids! Come on, let’s go!” called his wife Pepper. She was standing by the hall leading to the bedrooms. “The sooner we get your school shopping done, the sooner I can grab groceries for dinner!”
“Guess we’ll find out later.” Rusty nodded as Diesel lifted himself onto his feet. “I can handle the shopping if ya want, babe.”
Pepper smiled. “Oh, you’d do me a big favor. I’ll send you the list.”
The text popped up in a second and Diesel’s mouth watered at every ingredient. Beef, potatoes, carrots. “Mmm, I love roast night.”
“Me too,” said Rusty, his tail wagging.
“Me three!” chirped Dusty, the youngest Kelpie, running into the living room.
“Ditto,” said Digger, the eldest, walking in after.
Suddenly, Diesel was struck with a great idea, something he knew his kids would be excited for. “Know what?” he declared, “Why don’t I cook dinner tonight?”
“No thanks!” chimed the kids, backing away.
“Kids, don’t be rude,” Pepper hissed, then turned to her husband hiding her own apprehension. “Um, are you sure, honey?”
Diesel held his hands up. “Look, I know my history, but I’ve learned a lot since the ‘Garlic Incident.’ I oughta start pullin’ my weight around here now that I’m back for good.”
“I appreciate it, but I can handle it,” said Pepper, taking Diesel’s hand.
Diesel added his other hand. “But you don’t gotta. School shopping’s gonna be a handful as it is.” Diesel let go and knelt down to his kids. “You can give yer ol’ dad another chance, eh?”
The kids made their “thinking very hard” faces until Digger spoke first. “Well, roast night doesn’t seem that hard. Dad can probably do it.”
“The worst that’ll happen is we get fish and chips for dinner like last time,” said Rusty.
Pepper shook her head. She knew she wasn’t winning at this point. “Okay,” she relented, “Dad’s cooking dinner.”
Diesel pumped his fists. “Uss!” Dusty giggled at his victory dance.
“C’mon, then,” said Pepper, ushering the kids out the door before looking back. “I trust you, honey.”
“You can count on me now, babe,” Diesel shouted after. “I’ve got this!”
The door shut and Diesel looked back at the list. The weight of his current task was now upon him and it was heavy without warning. But he’d done much harder things in the army. It was just groceries and cooking dinner.
“I’ve got this,” he said again, grabbing his keys and marching out the door.
Those words played in his head like a broken record as Diesel leaned against the counter and beheld his great cock-up. The kids were bound to be disappointed, but he could easily get back in their good graces. It was Pepper he was worried about. No one was safe from “the mom roast” as it was called, and she was bound to read him the riot act, not just for nearly burning down their kitchen, but for taking on something she could’ve already done herself, and correctly. She had sacrificed just as much as he had with his army service, and all he wanted was to give back.
A speck of brain power cleared and he recalled a mantra he drilled into his troop from day one, “Recognize when you need to ask for help, and then ASK!” He emphasized this because realizing you need help does no one any good if you don’t put your wounded pride aside and reach out.
Time to take his own advice to heart.
He left the carnage behind, grabbed his phone from the coffee table and found the group chat titled “Space Dads,” named after the game their sons liked playing all the time.
“SOS,” he texted, “Please come over right now.” He snapped a picture of the crime scene and sent it off, sweat beading on his back as his two best friends received the messages. Diesel paced the living room, waiting for a response but none came. Five minutes later, the doorbell rang, setting his tail fur on end. Diesel opened it and beheld a clean cut jack russel terrier and a bushy zebra-colored border collie holding their phones up, Diesel’s handiwork on full display.
“Mate,” they pointedly said in unison.
Diesel felt a blush betray his tan muzzle. “That’s a fine howdy-do,” he mumbled as he herded them inside. The group headed straight for the kitchen and beheld the now wisping roast corpse with their own eyes.
“Oh my,” said Blake Russel with a wince.
Josh Border Collie nodded, eyes wide. “The photo definitely sugarcoated it.”
“I’m in a right pickle,” said Diesel. “Me wife and kids’ll be home from the shops later lookin’ for…” He couldn’t even picture what the roast was supposed to look like, and just gestured with both arms to his homebrew charcoal. “…not that!”
“How’d you even turn it into…” Blake echoed Diesel’s action. “…that?”
“I set the oven low and slow for the chuck!” Diesel implored. “Recipe said 250 degrees!”
“You’re dreamin’, mate!” Josh laughed. “You grilled that meat!”
“I realize that now,” said Diesel. “That’s the last time I rely on an American recipe.”
Blake poked the roast and drew his arm back when a chunk broke off and crumbled into powdered carbon. He stared for a moment before nodding. “Ah…Righto. Fizzy?”
“I need it, mate,” Diesel sighed. Blake walked to the fridge and tossed a can toward Diesel who cracked it open while not breaking the thousand-yard stare setting in. He downed the entire thing down to the last drop and rubbed his temples.
“Mate, you good?” asked Josh. “It’s just roast.”
“It’s not just roast, mate!” Diesel leaned against the counter, arms drooping. “I asked to work the mess hall so many times, mate. I always told ‘em, ‘first thing I’m gonna do when I’m done is cook for my family. I wanna give back like they’ve given to me. They’re gonna love it.’ And I blew it on a silly mistake.” With one groan, he found himself fully at a loss. “What am I gonna do?”
Josh pulled Diesel upright again by his shoulders. “You’re gonna put dinner on the table, Kelpie. That’s what you’re gonna do.” Josh met Diesel’s despair with a stern determination, a change from the border collie’s usual happy-go-lucky attitude.
“How?” The kelpie wondered, “I-I used most of the meat I bought for my…cremation already.”
“This meat?” said Blake, holding a zip-top bag from the fridge.
“Uh, yeah, that’s the leftovers, I bought too much meat. And I ain’t grabbing no fish and chips or takeaway curry to pass off, not for what’s left of my dignity.”
 Josh opened it and beheld the contents, a gleam forming in his eye. He went to a nearby cabinet and started picking through spices.
Diesel followed. “What are ya doing, mate?”
Josh grabbed one more container, nodded, and shut the cabinet. “Don’t need a takeaway curry if you can make one.”
“What? Now you’re dreamin’!” said Diesel. “I don’t got all ya need for curry.”
“Trust me,” Josh countered. “You got enough.”
As Josh went to the fridge and sifted through the produce, Diesel watched his friend taking on the challenge ahead, not unlike what he did many a time under deployment. The fire returned to him and he knew he had to take charge or he’d stand around like a green private and not learn anything from this. And he had to learn.
“Hang on!” barked Diesel. Josh and Blake whipped their heads toward him, surprised. Diesel cleared his throat. “Lookit, I want your help, need it, really. But if I’m gonna ever redeem this in my mind, I gotta be the one to cook it.”
The two nodded their approval. “Of course, mate,” said Josh. “Sorry if I got a bit ahead of myself.”
“No worries. Thanks for talking me outta the hole. Now let’s do this, eh?”
They high-fived. “Yeah!”
Sergeant mode engaged. “Josh, feed me instructions step by step. Blake, can you fetch ingredients?”
“Sir, yes, sir!” Blake saluted.
“I was just lookin’ for onion and carrot, mate,” said Josh, and Blake took up the task.
“How’s your knife skills?” asked Josh.
Diesel answered by taking up the vegetables Blake offered up and cutting them in half and beginning to dice. 
Josh chuckled in amazement. “Sweet as. That mess hall work served you well.”
Diesel beamed without stopping his action. “Thanks, mate.”
“Watch your fingers!” Josh yelped.
Diesel startled and looked back down before shifting his fingers. He flashed a nervous grin. “Right on.”
“Take a breath, and just trust the process,” Josh said.
Diesel continued on the path, pushing all doubts to the back of his mind. There was a chance that this couldn’t work, that he didn’t have what was needed to pull this misadventure back from the brink. But he couldn’t focus on that. He needed to trust his friends and trust the process.
Before long, the meat chunks were cubed up and all ingredients prepped. The dogs congregated around a hot pot, empty and waiting. Diesel turned to Josh and the border collie nodded. First, the diced onions were scraped in from the cutting board and sautéed in oil and butter. Upon translucency, the carrots were added and took their turn on the scorching surface. Diesel listened to Josh’s every instruction as he guided him through a simple beef curry recipe, sure to please at a moment’s notice.
As Diesel poured in the beef stock and it began to boil, he took a moment to sniff the mixture he created. The smell his nose met almost blew him backwards. It was fantastic. Every piece of the puzzle had settled into place and for the first time since that morning, the weight of expectation had lifted from Diesel’s shoulders.
“Good, eh?” said Josh.
Diesel looked at him, grinning ear to ear. “Mate, this is ace! How could I ever thank you for saving my tail?”
Josh smiled. “Just promise to check your temp’s in the right format before you start cooking next time, okay?”
“Agreed,” Blake concurred.
“Make that a double,” said Diesel. “Now what’s next?”
“Rice time,” said Josh, rubbing his paws together.
“Right, I got a pot we can use. I’ll need to know the ratios and maybe some cardamom as well-”
Josh held his paws up with a chuckle. “Mate, just throw it in a rice cooker.”
Diesel stopped. “Heh-heh, got one o’ those as well.”
The Space Dads were long gone and the Kelpies were seated around the dinner table, the steaming result of Diesel’s efforts placed at the center upon the lazy susan. Diesel’s tail twitched with anticipation as Pepper placed the first spoonful of curry into her mouth. The payoff moment was here.
Her gaze turned from skeptical to surprised to delight with every chew. An “mmm” from little Dusty broke the silence. The entire table devolved into yummy eating noises and Diesel’s tail devolved into full wagging as his heart surged with pride.
“Honey, this is amazing!” said Pepper.
“Ditto, dad,” said Digger.
After dinner, the two parents were on the couch cuddling while the kids did the dishes. Pepper stroked Diesel’s hair and he hummed happily.
“Thank you, Diesel Kelpie,” she said. “You don’t know how much you’ve helped me today.”
“I have an idea,” he responded. “All in a day’s work. I just needed a good recipe.”
“From Josh, I imagine.”
“No one makes it better.”
She sighed. “I never did get an answer as to why curry instead of roast night. Not that the kids minded.”
“Call it a whim, a moment of inspiration.” That answer sounded really good to Diesel, and to Pepper as well as she returned to scratching him behind his ears, his favorite spot.
“Dad!” Rusty called.
“Yeah, mate?” said Diesel.
“What’s this black rock in the oven?”
Diesel’s brow immediately produced a cold sweat.
“And why’s all this white stuff in there?”
Pepper sat up and crossed her arms. “Yeah, why is all that there, dad?”
Diesel gulped. “I knew I forgot something.”
0 notes
georgia-stanway · 1 year
Signed up for German evening classes probably given myself far too much work and not 100% sure I've picked the right level but being entrusted with the family recipe book when my nan passes feels like a lot of responsibility so I should probably at least try to not have to completely rely on google translate to use it, particularly as the only one who I think could know German is my uncle who lived in Munich for a bit.
0 notes
fallingforfandoms · 2 years
#guess who hasn't thought about her mother's parents in literal years#and now all of these memories just ... come back all at once#the steep driveway and the cherry tree in the garden and the neighbours' dog#and the creaking stairs and the record player in my mother's old room and the rusty lock on the shed#and playing hide and seek between the rain bins and the rose bushes#and kicking the football right into my grandma's patch#and gardening and baking and sewing with her#and picking berries and apples and cherries for days on end#and grandpa just sitting out there on the terrace and smoking in silence with my dad AND I LOVED THAT SILENCE SO MUCH#and having all those barbecues over the open fire with dad and my cousin and the goddamn STOCKBROT#hach#those were ... the good parts#so ... let's not talk about:#the long nights when grandma and mum and auntie kept drinking one bottle of red after the other#and i felt so alone and dad was the only one that understood me and kept telling me stories in bed until i fell asleep#or the fact that you had literally no cell service up there so you were always alone with your thoughts no matter how dark they were#so..... kind of glad that's over too?#but the scars that these nights left on the way i see my family are still there#and i can't ignore them no matter how hard i try and it blows my mind to this day#like ... i should have loved grandma because she cared so much for me and was so nice to me directly#but she just ... took mom from me in those nights even though i actually dared to speak up more than once#so i started to loathe that side of the family and started to love my dad's side even more in exchange#and ... not much has changed to this day#even though my mum's parents have been dead for seven / eight years#it's ... wild how things can stick sometimes#like yes i'm getting along with her now#but that took so much work#and it just ... shouldn't be that hard to love your own goddamn mother#but it's definitely much better now..so..... yay? :')#how to end this mess of a braindump right i guess lol
0 notes
etherealstar-writes · 3 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: seventeen
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
lotte has anyone checked on y/n lately?
lessi no why? what's up
lotte i feel like she's been trying to ignore us and the groupchat is quite dead that itself should be ringing some bells
niamh last time i saw her was when we went to nandos together a week ago but i could tell she was feeling a bit down, and these past few days she keeps saying she's busy or tired whenever i try to make plans with her
charli same here
leah wait you guys went to nandos again?!
steph that's what's concerning you the most rn omg? nandos? and not my child?
kyra i think we should revoke leah's privileges to be in this chat tbh raise your hand if you agree ✋
niamh ✋
lotte ✋
lessi ✋
charli ✋
katie ✋
steph ✋
georgia ✋
ona ✋
ella ✋
viv ✋
kyra see that just shows how uninvested leah is in this gc she isn't worthy to be part of the y/n protection squad
leah kyra istg you're gonna catch these hands the next time i see you
steph oi you won't lay a hand on my children not on my watch, williamson
kyra thank you mum 🥰
the REAL karate kid guys have we noticed that y/n's disabled comments on all her posts lately?
viv the fans and media can be quite toxic i won't be surprised if they caught up to her
niamh sent a few screenshots
kyra oh.
lotte no wonder she's been trying to avoid us she's most definitely seen all those tweets
katie i'm gonna fight em 😈
kyra i'm joining you 😈
niamh count me in 😈
georgia me too 😈
lotte guess i'll see you all on the battlefield
steph the battlefied it is
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
brightness why are we at war in twitter rn
sam the skippa HELP this is so entertaining
rusty metal @ the imposter aka y/n ❤️
meado y/n you need to see this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ what is happening
mccard y/n protection army reporting for duty
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rusty metal i need more popcorn for this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stop you guys tysm i'm crying
the REAL karate kid you see those are the more .... civilised ones and then there's kyra's ones
pest don't be shy show em 😈
the REAL karate kid
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willybum KYRA 😭😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ thank you kyra 😈
pest you're very welcome y/n 😈
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ PLS IM SO PROUD OF YOU ILYSM HAHAHA
pest our teachings have paid off
ona they sure have pookie 😈
rusty metal STOP 😭😭 you two are banned from teaching her slang
pest it's not our fault you're a grandma
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ okay but genuinely thank you so much everyone you guys really didn't have to back me up there but it truly means a lot to have your support i love you all so much 🥺😭❤️🙏
pest we love ya too y/n ❤️
mccard ❤️
stephy ❤️
neev ❤️
cha cha ❤️
elton ❤️
meado ❤️
viv ❤️
ona ❤️
rusty metal ❤️
the REAL karate kid ❤️
stairway ❤️
willybum ❤️
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
481 notes · View notes
russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Straight from the heart (Lando Norris)
It takes a bad race for Lando to notice how much he has neglected your relationship, and he can only hope he can fix it
Note: english is not my first language. I was fighting the other piece I was writing so I jumped to this one and I did something a little bit different (* cough cough * longer) and see how it goes! I'm not sure how good this is (or how much you will want to kill me), but I promise this has a happy ending!! 🥹🫶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: relationship struggles, curse words
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
The result on the screen was not the one you hoped. Lando had a wonderful race, but a mixture of bad strategy calls, dark rain clouds appearing on the sky with only a couple of laps left to finish the race and the wrong tire compound made him lose a good number of places, cars overtaking him in the last seven laps.
"Is the race over?", you mother asked as she stepped inside the living room, carrying the curtains she had left out to dry and proceeding to hang them back in their place.
"Yes, just now", your father said as he adjusted the volume on the TV, "let me help you, darling", he offered, getting up and standing beside your mum in case she got out of balance.
"Are you going to call Lando?", your mother asked once her squinty eyes read the position he had finished in. Even though the prescription glasses were on the table, she insisted she didn't want any mishaps after she accidentally dropped her last pair while she was gardening and one of your younger cousins found a rusty frame a couple of months later when he was over.
"I'm not, I don't think - he's flying back tonight and the timezone is so different, I don't want to bother him", you blurted defensively, making up excuses as you went along with your answer, "he's doing the interviews, and I'm sure the debrief will be long and torturous - he will need his rest to fly back", you stated as you got up, "I have to check on the project I handed in on Friday, the professor said he would post the grades around this time and if we want to appel, we have to do it right away - I'll be in my bedroom".
The subject was an open wound that stung everytime you so much heard a mention of it, let one having to seem completely okay with it when it ripped through your heart.
The calendar on your wall is full of stickers, both with notes, urgent matters and things you couldn't forget. It's the last stretch, you tell yourself, one more week and then it's done and you'll have a well deserved break.
A knock on your door catches your attention as you reply with the allowance to let whoever is on the other side in, "is something wrong?", you asked. Lately, the negative side of your mind was the first one to speak.
"That's what I want to ask you - that conversation we just had downstairs was not your usual self", she sighed as she pointed to the living room, "I've noticed you haven't mentioned him much, but I don't want to intrude or offer my help because I know you don't like meddling", your mother looked for your eyes before you could fully focus on the wooden floor.
"Things have been rough between us lately", you sighed, "Lando is keeping me at a distance, and I don't know the reason why, mum", you shrugged, "I don't know if it's because I've known him all my life and the comparison is so profound, but it seems he only cares about racing and his friends, and I'm nowhere in the mix. We rarely call eachother, no texting - I know the triple headers are intense, but all I got from him were reactions to my stories and a little video from Max where he's in it and said something to me", you recalled, "I can't be the only one making an effort, can I? Either he realised where this is going and we catch it while we can, or I don't know where this is going, I don't know where we're going".
Your mother's heart broke as she saw you allow the tears you had held on to fall freely, your sleeves bunched up on your hands to wipe them, "and have you talked about this? A long, grown-up and serious conversation?", she mused.
"We have barely been with eachother, mum!", you whispered shakily as more tears got caught on your throat.
"Couples go through phases, darling - do you think me and your father was all smooth sailing?", she tried to get you to smile as she brushed your hair while she hugged you, "you need to talk to eachother, seriously and let it all out, nothing is off limits because that's how you'll get to where you need to".
You kept your head on your mother's chest, accepting her comforting hold despite being an adult. A mother's hold was truly the best.
You hoped she was right and this was something that would pass. A rough patch that you and Lando would work through a look back on with a sense of accomplishment.
This wasn't how you and Lando end, is it?
Max and Lando headed for the plane as soon as they left the race track, having made prior arrangements to had their luggage there waiting for them once they arrived. Max was the first to sit down and get himself comfortable on the seat, texting his girlfriend to let her know they were leaving.
"Y/N hasn't called or even texted me, nothing", Lando mumbled, "didn't she watch the race? Doesn't she know that I need her?".
Max weighed in the good and the bad that his next few words could do. He could either be honest and encourage his best friend to finally come to his senses, or keep covering the lie and perpetuate the suffering and miscommunications.
"This is not how I wanted to do this - truth be told, I never wanted to have to do it", Max rambled off.
Lando was quick to notice that there was more to it than just this instance, "you know something - she's my girlfriend, Max, if something is happening, I deserve to know", he said in an antsy tone.
"Are you really so blind to it? Have you not noticed it yet? Damn it, Lando, I've been on your side, trying to clean it up and now I'm questioning it", Max declared as Lando only grew more confused.
"What am I missing Max?", Lando snapped, even catching his own self off guard at the reaction he had.
"Mate, think about the last couple of months and whether or not you have been a good boyfriend, or even the boyfriend Y/N deserves", Max offered.
Lando wasn't expecting that answer or point of view.
The last couple of months roll through his memory as if he's watching a movie and when he tries to select the moments he spent with you, he finds himself struggling to gather any at all. He can't remember any of the times you spent together, and considering his memory isn't that bad, it could only mean those moments didn't even happen. Thinking about it, he can remember the last time he held you in his arms, just the two of you.
"Fuck!", Lando shouted, punching the arm rest.
"Glad you figured that one out almost all on your own", Max tsked, "do you really think you deserve any interaction from Y/N? Thought so", Max muttered. He didn't like the situation his friends found themselves in, and he certainly didn't feel any joy in the words he told Lando, but the truth wasn't always easy to hear.
"Seems Y/N doesn't think so either", Lando mumbled, "do you know anything? Has she told you anything?".
He wasn't sure he deserved to know, but he needed to.
"The last time I spoke to her she didn't say anything - you know how Y/N doesn't want to bother anyone with her things and getting information from her is harder than solving the world's problems -, but P and her talk here and there", Max reasoned, "she obviously won't tell me all the details but from what I can tell, Y/N has really taken a toll because of this, P is always quite upset whenever it comes up", Max offered. Quite upset wouldn't cover it, so much so that, unbeknownst to Lando, the last couple of time Max's girlfriend couldn't join them for their plans was an orchestrated excuse from her to avoid being in the same room as the McLaren driver.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!", Lando groaned into his hands, "how could I not realise this was happening?".
"You want the honest, blunt truth?", Max asked and Lando nodded, "I know it's your job, but lately, it's all been about racing, and I think you've neglected Y/N ", Max offered.
McLaren had a one hundred and eighty degree turn lately. From struggling to get their cars in the points, the team had managed to turn things around to the point where P5 and P8 was considered a bad weekend for them.
With the new signings, Quadrant had grown exponentially and it had naturally drawn him to spend more time on it, and it seemed to have alienated everyone in his life that wasn't directly a part of those.
It wasn't intentional, but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt. And by the looks of it, the person Lando loved and cared about most was also the one he hurt the most.
They both sat in silence as the British drive thought about all of it. Things got so good that he didn't look back, he worked his hardest and gave every piece of himself to the cause and the new territory he was paving. Being on the podium was a common feature for him, and the race win was there, up for grabs and he wanted it. Yet, he had been dazzled by it and had let himself fly higher, his characteristic "both head and feet on the ground" posture no longer present and resulting in a degree of neglection for the things and people thay mattered to him.have always been important to me.
"How did I push away the most important person in my life and I'm just now realizing this?", Lando asked, not really expecting an answer, but rather to let out all the frustration that boiled inside him, anger soon following at his late realisation, "what's worse is that I've only come to realise this because you had to tell me - stupid, stupid, stupid".
"I don't know what you want me to tell you, mate, and frankly there isn't much I can, but look on the bright side: now you have a chance to fix it", Max tries to comfort Lando.
"What if it's too late? What if Y/N doesn't want to be with me anymore?", Lando voicesd his deepest fear. What if the anger had finally got to you and you wanted to call it quits?
"Wouldn't you be able to understand that? I don't think that is the case - I've never seen two people who love eachtoher more than you two, it's as disgusting as it it lovely most times. And even though she might feel angry or hurt, I believe she has it in her to forgive you", Max states.
"I hope you're right", Lando sighed as he tapped his phone, his finger hovering over your contact.
"I wouldn't do that", Max chirped, "you should rest before diving into anything about that topic, and today has had too many emotions as it is. Tomorrow is a new day for you to think about it", he advised.
With his head on the headrest, Lando went over everything that occupied his mind, allowing the heavy sinking feeling to settle in. To a degree, he deserved the discomfort he felt. Shame, guilt, frustration, remorse, embarrassment, overwhelm, sadness.
What if he had destroyed the thing that made him the happiest? If I managed to single out the person who loved him for him?
Lan 🧡
Hello. You were probably expecting a text or a call, but the last few days haven't been easy and I needed to ground myself a little. We really need to talk, Y/N. Do you think we can grab lunch today?
It irritated you how quick your heart was beating the minute you saw who sent you the text after you submitted all the projects that you had left. Battling an inner fight of whether or not you should answer it, you decided to so it. Rip the band-aid off, Y/N.
To Lan 🧡
Hello... We do urgently need to talk. I'm on my own today - where do you want to go?
Your tone was cold and unusual when you compared it to the older messages, filled with hearts and the pet names you had for eachother.
We can go to that café by the marina, the one with the paninis you really like.
Yes, we'll meet here at one pm.
Do you want me to pick you up?
No, I'll walk.
Your sunglasses are good enough to hide the nervous gloom on them as you walked to the marina. There is no script or guideline to go about this lunch other than honesty and finally admitting everything you were feeling. It could go either way and, truth be told, you believed it would go down the way it was supposed to.
Stepping on the wooden path to the small café's outside area, you looked for the boy whose arms were where you used to feel safe.
Lando chose a table that overlooked the water, the warm sun shinning and bringing out the blue of it. It would be a big conversation, and while the café wasn't crowded, he never knew how things could pan out so he went for the most demure spot.
When you take a proper look at him, it surprises you. His eyes are not shiny like they usually are - there's a dark hue surrounding them along with sadness.
"Hey", you utter out to grab his attention.
The moment he faces you, you feel naked despite the summery dress you have on. All vulnerabilities exposed for the person who knows you best and who can read you like the back of his hand.
"Hello, hi", Lando cleared his throat, "how have you been?".
Setting your bag on the chair, you shrugged, not ready to engage in casual chit chat.
"Do you already know what you are having?", he wondered.
"The italian panini and iced tea", you mumbled after looking at the menu he handed you, "have you ordered yet?", you mused before calling the waiter to do so.
The silence between you after the waiter left the table was painful and hard to digest. You avoided looking at his colourful eyes - once you did it, breaking down would be in an instant.
"We really need to talk, Y/N", Lando says.
"Do you want to go first? Or shall I?", you asked bitterly, accepting his silence.
The waiter comes back with your orders. The café doesn't have a big menu and it's mostly empty, so the service was quick, "I hope you enjoy it - Bon appétit!", he interrupted the tension filled moment.
"I recognise I need to apologize to you for all the things I did without realizing it an-", Lando was cut off by you.
"Let me stop you there before this derails", you stated, "I'm here to have a serious, grown up conversation, so I'm not going to sit here and listen to dusty and beaten up childish excuses".
If the ground could sink him into it, Lando would've accepted it gladly.
"It's a start that you have realised that something was wrong, but you can't excuse yourself like that, Lando. Not when this situation has taken proportions that you can't fanthom - you can't get away with being sorry for not noticing what you were causing", you argued.
Lando gave you a nod, "I'm still not sure about all the things that led us to this point and what it entails, and that's why I wanted you here. I don't want to be blind to it anymore - I want to get all of it so all the pieces make sense in my head. You probably won't believe it, Y/N, but I'm so lost in this. I feel like I've lived a parallel universe for the past couple of months", Lando added all in one go.
"When did your feet come back to the ground?", you mused, "when did you feel like maybe things weren't the way they should be?". The curiosity was killing you, and the answer could very well do the last stab.
"When I lost all of those places in the race", Lando gulped, "I expected you to call and to hear your comforting words, and they never came. Max was the one to bring my mind to the matter", he admitted and you could see he was the opposite of proud of his own actions, "How I've been the worst boyfriend in the world and how I deserved that you didn't call - hell, I'm not even sure if I deserve that you're here today and willing to listen to what I have to say".
It's difficult to maintain a tough appearance and pretend that his words don't affect you, but alas, you keep your armour on.
"That afternoon was a struggle for me, Lando. I wanted nothing more than to call you and hear your voice, silence your cornerns and negative thoughts, let you know that you're the best driver out there and that a bad race doesn't define you. That it wasn't your fault and that you shouldn't beat yourself up because of it, that I was still so proud of you and how you handled things and that nothing could keep me from shouting to the rooftops. But you didn't deserve it, my dignity has been punched by your actions day in day out for the past couple of months and I couldn't take it anymore".
"I need you to hear things from your side, I need to know your perspective so I can understand what I did wrong and if I'm able to fix it still", Lando asks desperately.
"We should start from the beggining then", you laced your hands on top of the table after taking a bite of your panini, "I think it was at the end of the last season - at the time it didn't seem like it, but looking at it now, it was the start. I even took some time off and travelled with you so we could enjoy your break, then I came back for university. It's never easy, I know, but up until then we never had any issues with it - even if it was a bloody run, we made time for eachother. Then, you barely texted, let alone call - but all relationships hit rough patches and I thought that it was ours. Then Christmas came around and we finally felt like us again, there were no work or uni commitments, and it was bliss. After that, life happened again and I couldn't find a way to spend time with you - there was always a Quadrant video to film or a meeting or some event. You, Max and Martin went to Bali, and despite the fact that I didn't have any exams and could easily do university stuff remotely - like I do everytime - you didn't even think to ask me if I wanted to go or if I had planned something for us in the first place. I just took it for granted that you would spend it with me, but when P showed me the photos I looked like a fool and an ungrateful friend and girlfriend because I stayed back, Lando. I never felt so humiliated. Max had his girlfriend and you didn't, you ignored me as if I didn't matter to you", you breathed out. Ruminating was one thing, talking about it out loud was another. The latter angered you less and hurt more.
"I'm sorry", Lando murmured and you were quick to shoot it down.
"I don't need you to apologize now, Lando. What I needed was for you to make a decision then, one that considered me and what I wanted", you sighed, wiping a stubborn tear that got out, "after that, I just watched you pull further and further away, and I tried to get closer, work things out, but you wouldn't let me in. You floated and floated and I stayed here, both feet glued to the ground as I watched you go higher and higher. You were never like this, letting things get to your head wasn't something you ever did, but it happened. You alienated me in such a way that for this triple header, I didn't hear your voice once unless it was from the TV or the McLaren social media. You only wanted to call when you needed comfort, and it hurts that it took Max to help you see things the way they are", you state as tears fell uncontrollably down your cheeks.
Apart from your earlier bite, both wooden serving boards look full and no one made a move to go further.
"You told me time and time again that you would always be there for me, but when I was the one needing a cuddle and reassuring words, I was all alone in my bedroom, crying because of you. When you said you'd be there for me, I guess you failed to account for the fact that you can't protect me from yourself.. Because what hurt me these past couple of months was you", you declared, sniffling and, finally, looking into Lando's swollen and tear-filled eyes.
The tears Lando has been holding back fell. He was angry with himself, at how he had done the one thing he promise not to do to you. He made you hurt, he was the reason you were in pain and he couldn't keep you from feeling it.
"I wish I could tell you there was a reason behind it and that it all has some justification, but there isn't and I can't lie to you. I was propelled from the results and the promise that this could be our year - my year - and everything else faded away. I know it's not any help, but I'm not proud of what I did, and definitely not proud of the way I made you hurt - I wish I could turn back time and do it differently", Lando confessed.
"I needed you, Lando", she bit back.
Lando couldn't find any words after that and once you began eating the now cold panini, he followed your movements, granting you the quietest meal you ever shared with him. Lando was playful, loud, cheery and giggly on any other day. As much as it nagged you that your words were the ones to dim that light, you had to put yourself first. Someone had to.
"Can we walk along the marina?", Lando asked once you finished eating, earning your nod to his surprise.
You both get up, Lando paying for your meal at the front before you left the establishment. You walked along, looking at the luxurious boats and yachts before you found a part of the wall that you was comfortable enough to sit on, remaining in silence as you watched a couple of people unlock their yachts and sailing away.
Lando wanted to say something, to prove to you that he was sorry and that he still loves you more than anything, but the fear of saying the wrong thing and hurting you even deeper was not something he wanted to risk.
"You're going to break up with me, aren't you?", Lando voiced the biggest worry on his mind since he left his apartment.
"I walked here, so I had time to think about all of this, and all I could think was that I was going to meet you there, be reminded of all the pain you made me feel, and then we wouldn't see a solution to this. And on my way here, it got harder because I passed by the shop where we always go for croissants, and then that park where I tripped and you carried me home because of my bruised knee even though I could walk just fine, the bench where that lady asked if Mila was our daughter when your brother visited. And when I arrived at the café and saw you, I knew there was no way I could do it", you half smiled.
"I struggled to see what was happening, and I didn't see what was clearly in front of me, and I know I can't undo all of the crap that I've made", Lando pointed out, "but I can say that I love you, Y/N. I love you even more than when I asked you to be my girlfriend, which I never thought was possible, but everyday I love you a little bit more. I know I won't be able to love anyone the way I love you and, honestly, I'm not sure who I am without you, because I've turned into a person I don't recognise anymore and I'm afraid that if I don't have you around, this is the real me, and I don't like it. You make me a better person - since day one! I'll love you forever, but I also understand that you don't need this pressure in your life and that you want us to be over. I deserve that", Lando mumbled.
As much as the idea of not being with you hurt him, he knew it didn't equate to the pain he caused you hence why he deserved it if you dumped him.
"You're making it so hard", your groaned rubbing your temples, "It would have been so much easier if you had told me that you didn't care about this, that you didn't care about me anymore".
"That's never going to happen, Y/N", Lando assured you.
"It would be so much easier if I told you to fuck yourself off, wouldn't it?", you chuckled and Lando got to see a small glimpse of the world's best smile, "but I can't do it - I do think, though, that we need to take some time, for both of us to work on our own things", you suggested.
"I get it, you can have all the time and space you need, Y/N", Lando nodded, "would it be too much to ask if I asked you for another shot?", he wondered as you quirked an eyebrow, "I know you just asked me for some time, and I'll give it to you, but I'm not going to let you entertain the thought that I don't care about you or that I don't love you any longer. I'm still the same person you met all those years ago and I want to remind you why you fell in love with me in the first place - if that's even the case", he blurted, "please".
"Slow steps, okay?", you mused with a small small.
"Is it still the case?", Lando picked up where he left off, "are you still in love with me?".
"If I wasn't in love with you and if I didn't love you, trust me, I wouldn't be here", you smiled, squeezing his hand in yours on top of the warm stone.
Over the last couple of days, you felt lighter. University was finally over for the semester and you could rest, and the whole situation with Lando was better. Even though it hurt to tell him all of those things and see his reaction, and even if Lando still had a lot to make up for, you had to admit you didn't expect to feel like this right away. The right path was being trailed and you couldn't feel more at peace with it.
So far, he kept his respectful distance, which didn't mean that you didn't know he was there. Two days after you met him in the marina, Lando sent you a bunch of flowers to your doorstep, your mother being the one to bring them up to your bedroom since she was arriving from work as the delivery man was about to knock on the door, smirking when she saw who it was from.
You were getting ready to go out for a picnic with Lando. The sunny day invited you to go out and Lando seemed to think the same, sending you a quick text with the location and plan ideas.
"Where are you off to?", your mother asked as she noticed you looking for your hat, "you look very nice, dear".
"Lando invited me for a picnic", you offered her a smile despite the butterfly feeling on your tummy.
"I'm glad you're working things out, Y/N - I know how much you care about him. And even if he hurt you, he's doing the work to get you back - a lot of men would just give up, but not Lando", your mother nudged. She always liked him despite her initial concerns when he moved up the racing ladder and the toll it would take on you. For a brief moment, she was upset that she had been right, but she never lost the hope that the young man dating her daughter would fight for them and for her. For you.
"I'm not sure how long I'll be out, but if I'm not home for dinner, don't worry too much", you added, waving at her before closing the door.
You drove yourself to the park, politely declining Lando's offer to pick you up. As you followed the directions, you spotted Lando under one of the trees, seemingly battling with the corner of the picnic blanket.
"Hey, need help with that?", you called as you approached him, noticing his flustered face at getting caught.
"Hey! It's fine, it's fine", he dusted off his shorts, "I didn't fold the corner properly, never mind iron this", he grumbled.
"We're going to sit on it, I don't think we needed it ironed", you smiled, setting your small backpack on the blanket and occupying the space that wasn't covered with glass containers and pape bags, noticing the logo of your favourite bakery and the sweets shop near Lando's apartment.
"So, I baked these - who knew my oven works, hm?", he joked as he pulled out some granola bars that smelled delicious, "Jon did give me the recipe, but I made them! He says they don't have any harmful raw ingredients in them so there's no danger if they're not cooked properly".
"You could've told me to bring something too", you sighed, "you had all this trouble and I'm just going to sit here and eat it", you reasoned.
"I think we've gathered that I deserve all this trouble, even though I didn't mind doing it - I think I finally get it when people say they find baking relaxing, even if I just threw some oats and syrup on a bowl with nuts and chocolate", Lando shrugged.
You smiled at his antics, "this looks lovely, Lan - thank you", before you grabbed a paper napkin to grab the food.
Lando's heart did a little backflip at the pet name - when he thought about it, he can't remember the last time you called him anything other than his name.
He wiped the thought away as he noticed you get one of the paper bags, "It was no trouble, but I did have to make sure the lady at the pastry shop knew I was the next in line because there was this lady, you should've seen her, she was, like, eighty? I don't know, maybe more than that, and she was very posh and very proper and she was trying to cut in line! Then she started saying something in French and I was like 'no can do, madam! I need to get these croissants for my girlfri- for Y/N because they're her favourites' - I bet she wanted to get them first but I did!", he dramatised the scene, earning your loud laugh. How much he missed that sound.
"Seems like it was a little troublesome, though", you teased. Inside your chest, your heart beat fast at his efforts.
"You're worth it", he smiled before taking a bite of the granola bar, "not to toot my own horn, but for someone who eats pre-prepared meals, this is amazing! Try these!", he offered, forming a shell with his hand before he brought it up to your mouth.
For anyone else, this would be just another set of cute behaviours, but for you, it carried a sense of intimacy you hadn't felt in a while. Taking a bite of it and chewing, you had to admit the balance of the nutty taste and the chocolate was on point, "it is good, Lan! You should make granola bars more often - might even make a side business out of it!", you smiled.
"Charles has some ice-cream, there's alcohol from the other guys too - me? Granola bars", he smiled, eating the rest of it and looking at you. He would never be stupid again. He would never take you for granted. Never ever.
The conversation flowed once you started eating, mainly pointing out the new swings in the park or the pretty blooms that were showing up, and even though you weren't acting like you would had it not happened, it was comfortable and Lando had definitely put some effort into this.
"Thank you for this, Lando", you smiled after you helped him clean up the supplies, making sure he wouldn't have any spills and trouble taking the rest home.
"It's alright, really", Lando mumbled as blood rushed to his cheeks, "it wasn't much, but I wanted to make sure you remembered I'm still in and that I love you more than anything", he smiled, closing the basket and getting up with it to walk back to the car, "which actually brings me to an invite I want to make you", he went back to mumbling again.
The invite was a risk, he knew it. After all, it was the reason that got your relationship here in the first place. Yet, he wanted you there and he thought it would be good. Adding to it, it would be the way that he could make sure he was able to see you as it would be a busy day.
"What is it?", you asked as you walked with him.
"The day after tomorrow, we're going karting - Max and P are coming over for a few days, they arrive tomorrow - and I was wondering if you wanted to join us", he invited, "I know it's not the best environment to be in given al-", he started rambling.
"I'd love to go, Lando", you assured, touching his arm confortingly, "I might need a ride though, if you don't mind doing the detour", you pointed out.
"It's fine, of course we'll pick you up!", he smiled, happy and excited at your answer.
"That's me", you nodded to your mother's car, unlocking it with the key, "thank you so much for this, Lan, I appreciate it a lot", you smiled, raising your stance so you could kiss his cheek, "will you text me the details when you know, please?".
"Yes! Absolutely!", he gave you a big smile again, "until then, Y/N!", he waved.
As Lando walked back to his car, there was an extra spring up on his step, a new found energy and a smile that insisted on not disappearing from his lips.
Little by little, he was slowly getting you back.
"Why are we going this way?", Max asked as Lando took the first exit on the roundabout, "isn't the track that way?".
Lando couldn't contain his smile, "we're going to pick Y/N up first".
Max and Pietra exchanged a look before rhe blonde woman spoke up, "you finally came to your senses?".
"P!", Max scolded.
"It's alright, Max - she's not wrong", Lando added, "but yes, I have, and I'm working on it, respecting her but making sure she knows how much I regret it, how sorry and how bad I feel that it happened and how I'm trying my hardest to make sure it does happen again", Lando turned around once he stopped at the red light, "Thank you for looking after her when I didn't, P. I know you have been a good friend to her, so thank you for that", he added.
"She didn't deserve what you did to her, but I'm happy you figured it out and that you're working on it - I don't say it too often, but if you two ever broke up, I would consider that true love isn't a thing, what you two have is something else entirely", she smiled.
"Excuse me?!", Max dramatised, "what did you just say?".
"Did I lie, Max? Who was it that came home in a nervous fit without any fingernails because they bit all of them off after Lando realised what happened? The same person who couldn't even sleep because of it? Who was it, hm?", she quesioned her boyfriend.
Lando chuckled at his friends, thinking that they really had been made for one another, "you two make me look like the sanest person inside this car", he shook his head, pressing the pedal and turning into your street.
There you were, the person he was sure was made for him too. Your outfit was simple, consisting of black jeans, black trainers, a shirt sleeve polo and a cardigan on your arm.
"Hi guys!", you greeted, getting inside the car and kissing Pietra's cheek before putting your seatbelt on.
"Why don't I get a kiss?", Max pouted.
"Because you stink, that's why", Lando chirped in, "all ready to go back there?", he mused, sending you a wink from the rear view mirror.
Blushing, you nodded before looking at Pietra again, accepting her hand in yours as she gave it a squeeze. For the whole drive to the track, you engaged light conversation, mainly listening to the plans they had for the clips they were filming before they raced eachother since you and P would happily drive around in the karts just to pass the time.
For the first segment, you stayed on the stands, watching the team get the equipment ready.
"How have you been, Y/N?", Pietra asked as she handed you a bottle of water she had gone to her and taking a sip of her own.
"I've been well - university is finally done with and I can actually have a thought that doesn't involve it", you giggled, "and Lando is home", you offered.
"Now, I wasn't going to be so blunt, but that is the subject I wanted to get at", she raised her eyebrows playfully.
"He's... Goodness, he's Lando again, my Lando", you sighed happily, "surely, it still stings a little and we need to work through our issues, but we're trailing our way through them. Learning our ways together - it's a bit like falling in love again and it's such a good feeling", you blushed at your admission, "it's doing us well and we're going with it, and not out of it", you smiled.
"Y/N", Pietra cooed, "you have no idea how make that makes me! It's so good to see you so happy and hopeful", she squeezed your arm, "I was ready to avenge you on him, by the way, Max did us both a favour in telling him, because I was sure what I wanted to do to Lando was considered a crime and I'm a good person", she raised her hands defensively.
Once the boys were done, Max waved at you to come down and meet them, giving them the time to get your equipment ready.
"Come here, I need to make sure you don't fly out of your kart this time", Max called his girlfriend after she was fully equipped to go on the single seater.
You finished the makeshift hairstyle before you looked for the helmet, finding it in Lando's hands, "come here, big head, I'll help you put it on", he smiled.
As you approached him, you could see his sudden nervousness at having you so close to him, hands setting the helmet on top of your head and then pulling in on, "Look who's talking", you mumbled quickly before it was all the way in, his fingers gingerly touching your neck as he did the strap buckle.
"All good for our speed daredevils?", Max joked, getting an instant slap from Pietra before he got up.
"Does it feel safe, Y/N?", Lando checked with you, making you wiggle a little to make sure you were strapped tightly enough, making you flash his two thumbs up.
"Ready, set, go!", Max yelled before you and Pietra went off, happily driving on the track despite not extracting the full potential out of the kart.
"You and Y/N seem well", Max offered as him and Lando took a break before they joined you back at the track.
"I don't think I'll ever stop feeling this guilt on my chest, it's like a weird weight that sits here and gets heavy every now and again", Lando explained, "but I think we're going in the right direction, and I'm going to spend every day of our lives making sure it never happens again. Y/N will never doubt my love or affection for her. I just want to make her happy now that she knows I know how much I screwed us up".
"I'm proud of you, man", Max tapped his back.
"You're what?", Lando asked, a little flustered at his bestfriends words.
"I'm proud of you, Lando - you're dealing with this in such a good way! I'm not saying I doubted you would, but seeing you actually do it and make it happen in such a grown up, loving and accountability filled way makes me proud of who you became. As much as I joke about it, what P said in the car was true - you and Y/N are it. Whenever I think about what endgame is, you two are the first thing that comes to mind", he admitted.
"Thanks, mate", Lando replied earnestly.
After a couple of laps from you, you saw the boys joining you in the track, making you assure that whenever they lapped you, you made a Mario Kart like noise, always managing to get a smile and a headshake from Lando and Max.
Once you were done, Max and Pietra volunteered to take all of the supplies back to the storage room.
"Did you enjoy your day, Y/N?", Lando asked as he approached you.
Surprising him, you nodded before you hugged him, "I haven't been this happy in a long time", you cuddled him, letting your head rest on his chest and letting yourself feel enveloped by his arms after the initial shock wore off.
"I'm glad", Lando uttered out before he composed himself, "I just want you to know that I could fulfill all your dreams and that there I'll never do anything to hurt you again. I'm well aware of all shit I've done and put you through, and how accountable I am for it. I just want to make you happy", he chuckled, "I don't want anything else in this world other than to make you happy, to show you how much I love you and that I want make this work, I want to make us work", he let out in such a serious and intense tone that you could feel a knot forming your throat, "you were my first love and I want you to be my last, Y/N".
"Lan...", you gasped softly, "I know it hasn't been good for you, but I just need a little bit more time to put it behind me, once for all", you added.
"I know, and that's alright", he mumbled against the top of your head, "I just wanted you to know that it is coming straight from my heart - everything I do, I do it for you", plucking up the courage to press a kiss there.
You closed your eyes and basked in the feeling, "two Bryan Adams references in the same sentence from the guy who used to DJ? You impress me, Lando Norris", you giggled and teased him playfully, feeling the rubble from his own laugh on his chest.
"I'll make sure to impress you everyday that we're alive, Y/N Y/L/N", he promised.
And he intended to keep it.
Lando invited you to his apartment for a cosy night in, thinking the plans over and over while he waited for you to arrive.
The delivery service was faster than he expected so he wrapped the takeout boxes in all of the kitchen towells he had so they would help retain the heat while you weren't there yet.
The whole apartment was tidy, he had your favourite blanket on the sofa and the TV had your favourite shows ready to stream in the background as you hopefully shared a comforting meal.
Your acceptance to come to his place made Lando feel very pleased with the way you were trailing in your relationship. He had been able to correct his mistakes and make you happy again. Even though there had been moments where he seemed to forget, he now knew that you had always been and will always be a priority in his life. He had never been in love with anyone else, and he was sure he would always be in love with you until his last breath.
A knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts, heading up to the door to open it, "Hello hello! Come in", he gestured as you stepped inside, pecking his lips on the way - a few days prior, you had kissed him out of nowhere when you went to the bookshop and you swore he looked like a cartoon, all wide eyes and blushy cheeks.
Lando assured you you wouldn't leave the house and it would be just the two of you, so you hadn't bothered to put together a proper outfit, opting to wear a pair of leggings and an old Quadrant hoodie.
"I wasn't sure if I should bring anything, so I stopped by the sweets shop to get some of these hard candies, apparently they're very trendy now", you giggled sweetly as you set the bag on his hands so you could take your trainers off.
"You didn't have to, but thanks! We'll do a taste test after dinner - which is here by the way", he guided you to the living room.
Unravelling the mountain of kitchen towells, he had you sit down before he opened the containers, handing you a plate after you chose a bit of each of the dishes he ordered, "thank you, Lan", you smiled, sitting criss-cross on the sofa and waiting for him to do the same before you started eating.
"These are really good, have you tried them? They're new on their menu and when the guy explained it to me, I thought you'd like it", he pointed to one of the bite sized pieces.
"They are! They're not too heavy on the seasoning and they're really nice when you dip them in this sauce - try it!", you offered him the small cup.
"Is this going to be like the time you made me dip my spring rolls in that other sauce you claimed was the best thing in the world?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Just try it, Lan!", you insisted, getting one from your plate, dipping it in the sauce and taking it up to Lando's mouth, your hand under the chopsticks in case some of it fell on his clothes.
Lando chewed it before nodding and humming in satisfaction, "is it good", he admitted with a smile after he wiped his lips.
Once you finished eating, you helped Lando bring everything back to the kitchen, saving the leftovers on his fridge, washing the plates and putting them away.
"You didn't have to help, I could've done it myself", Lando nudged before he laced your hand in his and pulled you back to the living room, "do you want to watch something?", he asked.
"There's this new Disney movie I haven't watched if you're up for it - or any of the shows we usually watch, I'm not picky", you answered quickly.
"Disney it is", he smiled sitting down and resting his arm on the back of the sofa, hoping you'd sit next to him and cuddle him.
You shuffled around before grabbing the fluffy blanket, pulling it over your legs and tentatively closing the distance between you, taking the plunge and taking a spot on his chest.
Once the movie was playing, Lando's arm dropped to wrap around you, lulling you closer to him and rubbing your arm.
"I can hear you thinking, and I'm sure you're not thinking about that little goat", you nodded to the screen.
"I'm watching the movie, I swear - and he's quite funny actually! He's also Mila's favourite character, at least he was last week", Lando chuckled, "but I was also thinking about us", he admitted.
"You were?", you turned to look up at him, wanting to know more.
"You do know I will apologize for what I did until the end of our lives, don't you?", Lando reflected out loud.
"Lando, stop it, it's forgiven and forgotten", you offered.
"Is it really?", he asked, a small smile breaking his way into his lips.
"It is, it's behind us now", you kissed his clothed chest.
"I will never forget it, though. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me to forget it or that you've forgiven me", he let out a shaky sigh, "I don't think I will, I hate myself for what did to you, the hurt that I caused you".
"Lando, let's not talk about it right now - not now, not ever. It's a part of our story, yes, and we learned from it, but I don't want to to remember every day. We are good now, and I don't want you to torture yourself with something that is out of your reach and that you can't change", you told him sternly, now sitting back against the sofa so you can face your boyfriend, "Promise me we won't mention this again, Lando".
"You're right", Lando agrees, "Okay, you're right, I promise, Y/N", he stated with a smile.
Your delicate lips peck his quickly before you go in for a second kiss, longer and more intense this time, and you both got lost in eachother.
You couldn't change what happened, but you could learn from it and work everyday to make sure it never happened again.
Lando was crazy about you, about who he was when was with you and how you made him feel, and you felt the same way about him.
"I love you, Lando", you smiled after you pulled away, resting your forehead in his.
"I love you forever, Y/N", he whispered, sealing his promise with a peck and bracing himself, "I'm never taking you for granted, and maybe this is a big gesture and I'm not sure how much this fits our new way - new patch? It's not a patch if we want it to last forever, right? - anyway, I would like to ask you to move in with me", Lando stated, "it doesn't have to be tomorrow or right away, we'll do it when you're ready! I just- I spend so much time of the year away as it is, and I don't want to cut the short time even shorter when it comes to you, so this way we'll be together for a bit longer - even if it's just at nightime and we can intertwine our legs or I can warm up the bed for you", he rambled on and you were sure he wouldn't stop anytime soon.
"Hey, hey! Lando, baby", you cupped his face with your hands, "look at me", you smiled as you straddled his lap, your thighs on each side of his and keeping you from fully sitting on him, "good now?".
"Well, since you're already there - sit, please", Lando added before he allowed himself to stress about your answer.
"I don't want to squash you", you mumbled.
Laying his hands in your thighs, he pulled you down, "I said sit down", he spoke sternly despite the playful glint on his eyes, "it's my home after all, I get to make the rules".
"Oh, I thought it was our home, but maybe I misread th-", your playfulness was cut short as your boyfriend flipped you around, your back hitting the soft sofa cushion with a yelp.
"You're moving in? For real?", he asked.
"Yes, baby, I'm moving in", you cupped his cheek, pulling him for a kiss, "I love you".
"My love, I'm going to spend everyday reminding you how beautiful, how strong", he started kissing your face with every word, "how kind, how amazing, how sexy, how hot, how smart, how kind, how incredible you are", he stopped just above your lips, "how all mine you are - I love you Y/N, forever", before he kissed your lips.
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greynatomy · 11 months
when leah falls in love
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leah williamson x reader
hey guys. it’s been a while
i’ve been having the biggest writer’s block ever, so it was a surprise when i got an idea and actually started writing. so i’m a bit rusty with writing again.
“Wait? What’s happening?”
“Hey, Lia, Leah’s pacing the floor!”
“Leave her be. She’s gonna lock herself in her room in a bit.”
“Why would she do that?”
Leah was home with some teammates, pacing the floor of her living room, hands wrapped around her hair. Her friends, apart from Lia and Katie, were all seemingly confused on what was happening to their co-captain.
Next thing they know, a sound of a door slamming and locking, Leah was gone.
“Told you.”
Two weeks later, Leah was in a hotel room, her roommate seem to have disappeared. She grabs her phone and decides to video call her best friend.
“Hi, Mum.”
They both catch up on what’s been happening in their life, Leah basically ranting to her mom at this point.
“Maybe it’s a good thing that she’s not in the football world.”
“How is that a good thing? Hey, if she’s not the one, I’d make a dating profile for myself.” Leah jokes, tears streaming down her face.
“Calm down Le. Take a deep breath for me.” Leah does what she is told. “Okay. Have you talked to her about it?”
“Well, no.”
“Then you’ll never know, unless you do. And I have a feeling you’ll be just fine.”
Months later, her Arsenal teammates noticed a change in her. She didn’t pace the floor or lock herself in her room anymore. Leah often has a lovestruck look on her, face lighting up every time she checks her phone.
After training, she would just disappear. No one dares to ask her. That would just laughs at how Leah thinks she’s being sneaky.
Another couple of months have passed and it was Leah’s birthday. She decided to just have a low key birthday, invite her friends to her place and spend some quality time together.
This was the first time her teammates have met you or seen what you look like. Leah told the story of how you both met, eyes meeting from across the room.
Lia watches how you both interact from a distance, how her friend’s eyes light up with you, smile the biggest she’s ever seen, her heart fits like a puzzle in the palm of your hand.
You’d become her protector, not knowing how your whole world is going to change with her by your side.
All because Leah fell in love.
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