#anyways my grandma was valid here
ayakashibackstreet · 2 years
You are not immune to nosey aunties trying to dictate how you live your life and commenting on your life choices...........
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Hi, sorry this is my first time asking somebody something and English is not my first language so I apologize in advance.
I hope this is the right way to send in requests (I feel like a grandma using this app tbh 💀) but anyway I am in love with how you write chrollo and I honestly cant get enough.
So could you maybe write about Chrollo having an insecure s/o like she actually looks basic and even if she styles her hair and puts makeup on while wearing something pretty it doesn't make her feel beautiful so she rather wears casual clothes? I hope it is not too much
But again thank you for your writing <3
🕸️~ hello!! i’ll be happy to write your request, and dw you sent it in correctly lol💚 im very happy to see that you like the way i write chrollo, the whole reason i write is to make you all happy! without further ado, let’s get into the writing. enjoy, ily <333 so sorry for the wait btw :(( @shyminnie07
♥*♡∞:。.。 fem!reader
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𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐱 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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You stared at yourself in the mirror, brows furrowed in thought. You’d spent the last hour and a half styling your hair, doing your makeup, getting dressed up, and accessorizing just to stand in front of the bathroom sink and not feel any different. Your boyfriend, Chrollo, and you were supposed to attend a prestigious gathering of crime syndicates and leaders, but standing here now, you were wondering if maybe you should back out. Chrollo was sure to be the most important figure at this gala, and to have a plain girl like you on his arm wouldn’t be a good look for him. No, people would be expecting a drop dead gorgeous girl, a woman rather, one who walked with pride and exhibited an aura of confidence and sophistication. That just wasn’t you.
With a sigh, you began to slip the gold bracelets from your wrists, letting them clatter to the sink counter. They just felt like dead weight. Carefully, you began to do the same to your necklaces.
You weren’t expecting Chrollo to walk in then, entering your bathroom in a very elegant black and red suit and tie. His hair was down and his forehead bandaged as it usually was when you two went out. The dark colors of his clothes brought out the paleness of his gray eyes, easy to get lost in as usual.
Seeing Chrollo look so lovely only confirmed your doubts, and still fiddling with your necklace clasp, you gave him a halfhearted smile as he came up to you.
Chrollo’s lips spread into a warm, dazzling smile. “My love, you look absolutely stunning tonight.” He noticed you trying to undo your necklace and moved behind you, thinking that you needed help putting it on. “Do you need help with your necklace, dear?”
You stepped away from Chrollo’s hands moving up to your neck, letting out a nervous laugh. “Ah, thank you, but it’s alright. I was just going to take it off.” Finally, you managed to undo the clasp of the necklace and set the silver chain on the counter.
Chrollo seemed confused. “Take it off? But it looks so lovely on you.”
You paused, not knowing how to respond, but when you saw yours and Chrollo’s reflection in the mirror, you remembered what you were going to say. “That’s a sweet thing to say. But… I hate to disappoint you, but I don’t think I’ll be going to this event with you.” You sighed and dropped your gaze, not wanting to see Chrollo’s reaction.
“How come?” Chrollo asked, trying to meet your gaze but unable to find your eyes. “Sweetheart, is something the matter? Did I do something to upset you?”
You shook your head frantically. “Oh, no, of course not! I just… don’t think I should be seen with you.”
Chrollo paused for a moment. “Is it safety you’re worried about? It is a valid concern… but if anybody tries to harm you at all, I’ll kill them. You know that.”
“Ah, no, it’s not safety. It’s just…” You trailed off. How were you supposed to tell him that you simply weren’t pretty enough to go to such an event with someone like Chrollo? It seemed so shallow. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to embarrass him with your presence. At least for this event, he deserved someone more desirable to the eye.
“Chrollo, look at you.” You gestured to the mirror, and he followed your gaze. “Everything about you is just so… perfect. There’s nothing out of place about you.” Your eyes briefly darted to your own reflection before instinctively dropping again. “And then there’s just me, I guess.” You didn’t really know what to say after that, instead picking up the necklace you’d taken off and twirling the chain around your finger.
Chrollo was silent for a bit. “Just you?” he queried. “What does that mean?”
You weren’t expecting the question, but you answered it anyway. “Well, I mean-“ you threw your hands up and dropped them back down again- “it’s just me. I’m not really all that pretty. Even with makeup and nice clothes on, I’m nowhere near your level. I would really just make you look bad.” Feeling like you’d said too much, you started out the bathroom, but Chrollo took your wrist in his hand before you could get out of reach. Gently, he turned you around until you were face-to-face with him.
He looked you up and down, his gray eyes meaningful. For a moment he didn’t say anything.
“Oh, my love, if only you could see yourself the way I see you,” Chrollo finally sighed, the wistful look in his eyes making you avert yours.
You rolled your eyes a little, trying to seem dismissive and like you didn’t care, but it was a facade. “Yeah, me too, I guess.”
“Look at me.” Chrollo took your chin in his hand and turned your face back towards him, making you startle in surprise and immediately drop your gaze again.
“Beauty isn’t in the eyes of the beholder but rather in the mind of its owner. If you genuinely don’t believe you’re beautiful, I can’t convince you otherwise. But you are. Really.” Chrollo lifted your chin up, making you look at him this time. “However, if you really don’t want to accompany me to the gala, I won’t make you. I’d hate for you to feel insecure.” Chrollo released your face and peered into your eyes again, making sure you understood him.
You hesitated before answering, twisting a strand of hair around your finger as you gazed tentatively into the mirror. “I think this time around I’ll just… stay here.”
Chrollo nodded understandingly. “Whatever you’d like, Y/N.” He glanced in the mirror briefly, straightening his tie before walking to the bathroom door. “If you’d like me to bring you back anything, let me know. Have a good night, my love.” And with that, he was gone.
(ew that was ass wtf)
(cat3ch1sm stop ending every story the same way challenge (IMPOSSIBLE))
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unhonestlymirror · 8 months
How to recognise organized harassment on tumblr (on example from hetalia, the most normal fandom):
First of all, it often starts with "Block this person!" Often with many exclamation marks. Never "please be aware". That's not the accusing who should be responsible for your decisions to block/not block.
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There are too many accusations at once. This one example of wording sounds hilarious. There is some recognisable pattern in such a kind of harassment: you are necessarily being accused of transphobia + racism + islamophobia/zionism. All these accusations in a 1 post at once are a red flag, you should check the information very precisely and objectively. Otherwise, you have a very high risk of participating in harassment and misinformation's spread about innocent people.
Like, I've seen callouts about tankies/vatņiki and they are VERY different from organized harassment.
Thirdly, if there is more text from the accusing than actual screens/links - that's also a red flag - you shouldn't share the post immediately. Those who harass innocent people want you to believe that if you don't share the callout post right here, right now, the world is gonna collapse. It's not. Check the information.
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Wtf is this. It's not even recent? You are just bored and you want to make a fuss? Red flag. I would not trust the author after this. Five sentences ago, you encouraged us to "block this person!!!" - and now you say "I'm urging y'all not to block"? Sure, grandma, let's get you to bed.
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No, my dear, the only person with dangerous views trying to hide behind "valid criticism" is you. Once again, "just block this person", right after "don't block this person".
Anyway, organized harassment doesn't necessarily have a lot of profanity because assholes became a bit smarter. Organised harassment makes an accent on rather the personality of the accused than the actual deeds. Organised harassment uses the Pontius Pilate's rhetoric. Organised harassment makes it a show, a Broadway musical, "Jesus Christ Superstar", leaves the accused no opportunity to explain themself, and leaves the people no opportunity to ask the accused.
There are surprisingly many people who cooperate with each other in harassment. Organized harassment makes its authors feel like they have some power. Maybe because in real life, they are too wretched.
Even if the accused actually has weird views, such a callout post makes me too disgusted with the author to share it.
Please don’t participate in harassment. Please check the information.
P.S. Accusations of zionism? Has anyone ever tried to ask Jews what is zionism? It's like accusing of patriotism. I accuse the author of the post of anti-Semitism.
P.S.S. I think I've seen the author sharing "how hetalia characters would sing in their native language" (AI covers), but I'm too lazy to search.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Mia and Ez taking care of the twins and not know what to do.
A/N : Mia is 17 & EZ is 14 here.
“Is there a switch somewhere?”
Mia instantly gives a look to her brother, “Ezequiel, you did not just ask me that.”
He shrugs, “I did, and you didn’t answer me.”
“No, there isn’t a switch somewhere.” She picks up one of the twins, and starts rocking them. “I can’t believe you asked me if they have a switch so they stop crying.”
Ezequiel picks up the other twin and gags, “Oh that’s definitely not just the bubble guts.”
Mia chuckles, “Good luck changing him.”
“Nooo.” He lifts the baby in the air “Here, let’s trade please.”
“Ugh fine.” Mia rolls her eyes and they switch babies. “Only because you know how to get her to stop, and I know he likes me better.”
Ezequiel holds his baby sister to his chest. “She knows who her favorite Harlow is.”
“I swear to god, mom said to feed them this one.”
“Mia, I’m telling you that she made this one this morning so why would you get a new one?”
“Dad texted me their schedule and what to do, so you’re wrong.” She smirks.
Ezequiel shrugs, “But isn’t he the one who’s wrong half the time and mom always has to come in and save the day?”
Mia freezes, “You make a valid point.”
“I’m always right.” At that, one of the twins let’s out a little giggle.
Mia smirks, “They disagree with you.”
“They are literally little demon spawns so-“
“I told you to stop calling them demon spawns.” Jack says, as him and Y/N are walking inside, hands filled with bags.
Ezequiel shrugs, “I told you, the moment they took my spot was the moment they were demon spawns.”
You shake your head and head towards him, “You’ll always be my sweet little boy.”
Ezequiel blushes and kisses the top of your head “Thanks momma.”
Meanwhile, Mia and Jack are sharing a look. “Such a mama's boy.”
“You’re just mad she prefers me.”
“Are you sure about that? Because I make her very, very happy, especially when-“
“DAD” Mia yells, “Do not finish that.”
“Anyway” you start, looking between the twins and the food containers your teenage kids had out. “Why is the food that I made full?”
Ezequiel smirks, “See, I told you that was for the twins.”
Mia rolls her eyes, “It’s really not, dad said that was for us. We had to give them Gerber.”
“They’re three, they don’t eat Gerber anymore.” Ezequiel tells her.
“Actually.” You say. “The food was for your grandma. So you both were wrong.” You head towards the fridge and open it. “This container is for the twins.” You point to a pot on the stove. “That was for you two.”
“OHHHH.” Both Mia and Ezequiel say at the same time.
“And you.” You point at your husband. “I was literally telling you what to text them and you completely messed that up.”
Jack is shocked, “Why is this always turned over to me?”
Ezequiel shrugs, “You’re that bad.”
Mia shakes her head, “I never doubted you dad, I still believe that food should’ve been for the twins anyway.”
Jack smiles at that. “Thank you Mia bug, you always have my back.” He winks at her.
You and Ezequiel share a “of course” look and roll your eyes.
“So let’s agree that next time, you hire someone else to babysit the demon spawns.” Ezequiel says.
Mia nods, “Yeah, we didn’t know what to do.”
You threw your head back in laughter, you and Jack shooting each other the same look.
“It was an hour!” You both said shaking your head.
“The longest hour ever” EZ mumbles.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
I feel like my qpp is ghosting me. I've told them countless times that if she needs space and alone time, its completely valid and I still care about and support them all the same. We're both neurodivergent (I have autism and ADHD for sure, she has BPD and likely autism as well) and so we've both been very straightforward on communicating boundaries and such so far. For minor context I'm lesbian oriented aroace, they're panromantic asexual.
I'm completely fine with respecting their boundaries and space, because even I have a hard time messaging others a lot. But lately she's been getting bad depressive episodes and hasn't responded to me in 3 weeks. I try to check in every few days or so just to let them know I'm still here if they need me and that I adore and support them no matter what. Thing is, the last stretch of time since we last actually spoke to each other was over 20 days ago. I feel guilty and horrible for worrying that I'm being ghosted bc I trust them but they've ghosted me once before.
Before we started "dating" (aka entering a qpr together), we were online friends back in 2021. Everything went great up until she just disappeared and stopped responding out of nowhere. Then a year passes of having no contact, they came back to one of our mutual servers on discord and I sent them a message. To which, we picked up where we left off previously, and talked about our feelings for each other and became qpps.
What alarmed me and triggered my anxiety of being ghosted again the most is she left several of the servers we were in together on top of that without saying a word.
I just feel like an asshole and like I'm being selfish and clingy for being worried about stuff like this when I know I trust them, but I don't want to lose her again and that's what it feels like is happening.
- grandma anon ig? not sure if its needed but I'll add it anyways
Submitted April 28, 2023
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officialpenisenvy · 4 days
i just found your blog through someone i was already following and i feel like confessing a bit so here goes. sometimes i think my mother was sexually abused as a child because she is a very avid believer in Frued or at least uses his psychology to say her beliefs. She talks a lot about how her boyfriend (very physically abusive and at times predatory to me) is just like her father and always told me growing up that I would find a boyfriend just like that too. I was horrified at the notion because I did not want to have that kind of relationship with a man (lesbian) but also my father was dead lmfao. She is very possessive over me and has often crossed the line of what I would consider just being motherly. She used to insist I was her best friend and that I was her date during the holidays. She encouraged her boyfriend making jokes about me hitting on her when I was a teenager. (It was me giving compliments like nice hair) She used to hold me by my hair to scream in my face. Anyways due to all this and also being raped as a child I fear that I have a deep dark fascination with incest and am always chasing it in fiction to validate my life experience somehow .... As for my dead father lets ignore that LOL
i can see why you would think that, she certainly seems traumatized if nothing else, and i feel like being so comfortable overstepping boundaries and lines of "appropriate" parental behaviour can often be a sign that one's own boundaries were overstepped and violated to the point of that being seen as a normal behaviour and reference point for a parent (speaking as someone whose entire maternal family is or was Like That, my grandpa with my mom and my grandma with my uncle, and my own mom with me). and i completely understand what you mean when you say you chase it in fiction to validate your life experience, it's such a good explanation of my feelings about fictional incest and where they come from! wishing you all the best dear ❤️❤️
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 21 - Meeting Gran
Time to get squeaky clean from our adventures yesterday! Couples that clean together, stay together. Libby and Ophelia interpret that differently than Travis and Becca.
Mark showers solo, since Summer just needs five extra minutes of beauty sleep.
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Rainy mornings are great for staying indoors and catching up with your grandma.
Ophelia: Gran, we're here!
Gran: There you are, my girl! Oh, you got that nose piercing you were talking about. I had one of those back in the day but it was a pain adding it to every outfit.
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Ophelia: I think you should bring it back. Assert dominance over the other elders at the community center.
Gran: Oh hush, Fifi. Enough about me. Where's this girlfriend of yours?
Ophelia: Not as stealthy as you were in your secret agent days, huh? She's right behind you.
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Libby: Hello, ma'am. I'm Liberty, pleasure to meet you. Ophelia's told me so many great things. At least what she can tell without having to kill me after.
Gran: Ah, Fifi's a jokester. The secret agent career is hardly a secret. You can call me Eve. Or Gran. I'm not your boss.
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After some chit-chat, Gran wastes no time telling embarrassing stories.
Gran: When her gramps and I took Fifi to the splash pad as a tot for the first time, instead of spinning into her swimsuit, she took all her clothes off and toddled away!
Ophelia: GRAN! Don't tell her that!
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Gran: We did the best we could to give her a happy childhood. Unlike my worthless son and that wife of his-
Ophelia: Gran, we don't need to talk about them. I try not to. Don't let them bring down the mood, okay?
Gran: Whatever you want, dear. I'm just saying, my son sucks shit.
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The three chat the rest of the morning as the rain clears. Evelyn Lemon has a lot of cool stories from her time as a secret agent before quitting to settle down with her family. Hell, her stories AFTER she settled down are cooler. No wonder Ophelia regards her gran so highly.
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Gran's got a scuba diving lesson, time to go.
Gran: Safe travels, Fifi! Now you know no matter what that family tree says, I'll always be your gran, right? I love you, okay, sweet pea?
Ophelia: Yes, Gran. Love you too.
Gran: You take good care of my Fifi, you hear, Libby?
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Ophelia loves seeing her two favorite women get along so well. She hopes Gran lives long enough to maybe someday be a Great Gran.
Well, she's already a great Gran, but like... You know what I mean. Ophelia wants babies someday.
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Sometimes a legacy challenge is spending an hour doing poses for pictures and that's valid. These are just the ones I managed to get screenshots for. Having Becca get a tan in an asymmetrical swimsuit was a mistake but mistakes make for fun memories.
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Becca Clarke in my save file just needs a break I guess. She is always chillin'. I'd need a break too if I was dating Travis. At least Mark is stopping to double check and make sure she's still even alive lmao.
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Time to experience the Sulani nightlife!
The girls talk for hours over drinks. Becca has really warmed up to everyone, no longer just feeling like their friend's girlfriend, but their friend as well.
Travis and Mark bond over foosball like men.
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The six make the most of the rest of their time in Sulani and stay up all night. New friendships have been formed, and old friendships have been strengthened. They'll have to go back to the stressors of the real world tomorrow, but today feels like paradise.
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Speaking of stressors... Ophelia got that urge again. Well, to pee, but also to swipe. What a beautiful piece of Sulani decor! She needed a souvenir to bring home, anyway...
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silverstarfics · 1 year
You didn’t think I was going to miss Gordon’s day of @thunder-pride did you? 
AO3 link
When the realisation initially struck Gordon, Scott was the only other person present. Technically Brains and Grandma were also on the island but had squirreled themselves away in various evil lairs – the kitchen in Grandma’s case and the lab for Brains – and so didn’t count.
Scott was flopped across a sun lounger, sulking but pretending not to be because Virgil had grounded him regardless of his protests that a twisted ankle was really not that bad. Gordon floated on his back in the pool, steadily being blinded by sunshine despite his shades. It was rare for the two them to hang out without Virgil or Alan around and so he had somehow forgotten just how terrible Scott’s jokes could be. Still, it was sort of nice. At least up until Gordon bolted upright and nearly inhaled a lungful of chlorinated water.
“Oh my god.”
Scott lowered his collection of holograms then, apparently satisfied that his younger brother wasn’t undergoing yet another near-death experience, returned to the data packet. Gordon sidled up to the pool edge, waiting expectantly with a couple of dramatic sighs until Scott finally abandoned the projector to look at him.
Gordon gestured vaguely at himself – pineapple-shaped sunglasses and all. “I never officially came out. I just started dating people of every gender and let everyone figure it out.”
There was a slight pause. It was testament to how used Scott was to these antics when he didn’t question the seemingly random subject and instead just rolled with it. He eyed Gordon warily.
“So, I feel like I missed out.”
Gordon hoisted himself a little higher to prop his elbows on the poolside and balance his chin in his hands with a sunny smile.
“Scotty,” he announced grandly, “I’m pan.”
“Hi Pan,” Scott replied without hesitation. “I’m Scott.”
It took an entire five seconds to comprehend this response.
Gordon’s eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Did you just…?”
“Oh, I did.”
“That was terrible.”
“It was brilliant.”
“No. Just no.”
Scott grinned. “Oh, c’mon. You have to admit it was funny.” He pinched his fingers to demonstrate. “Just a little.”
Gordon lofted himself fully onto the poolside and lounged over the tiles, basking in the sun like some sort of… well, he’d say lizard but the thought sent a chill down his spine. What else liked sunlight? Cats, right? Okay, he was going with a cat comparison. He crossed his arms beneath his head and frowned up at the cloudless blue sky. It was approaching late afternoon but it was still hot enough for extended exposure to the sun to be dangerous.
Anyway. Back to the main point.
“I could have thrown a party or something,” he declared mournfully.
Scott didn’t even try to keep the amusement out of his voice. “I can guarantee that wouldn’t have ended well. Your parties never do.”
“Lies and slander.”
“Gordon, I’ve bailed you out twice because of your parties.”
This was actually a valid point.
Gordon flapped a hand at him. “Shh. That’s not the issue here, anyway.” He draped an arm across his face and heaved a great sigh. “Aw man, I can’t believe I missed my chance to have a grand revelation. It could have been like one of those dumb gender reveal parties but with my pride colours. Like, I don’t know, confetti balloons or something. Or fireworks. Hey, do you think Virgil will make me fireworks? It could be a vibe. We could drag John down from his tin can for once.”
“Careful,” Scott teased with a knowing look at the seemingly innocent holoprojector. “You never know who’s listening.”
Gordon winced. Insulting Five within Johnny’s earshot never ended well. He could still remember the humiliation of the last revenge he’d been dealt.
“Is this genuinely bothering you? Do you actually feel like you missed out?”
“Nah. Well. I don’t know. Yes? No.” Gordon propped himself on an elbow to gauge Scott’s reaction. “If I say yes, do I get to throw a party?”
“You’re so boring.” It was probably a bad idea to call Scott – known adrenaline junkie and idiot – boring to his face. “Do not try to prove me wrong while your ankle’s still busted.”
“It’s not busted,” Scott protested. “It’s just… mildly bruised.”
“Only slightly.”
As the person who’d had to help Scott limp into Two’s medbay, Gordon could confirm that this was, in fact, a complete and utter lie. It was badly twisted at best and treading on the coattails of a sprain at worst. Not that Scott seemed to care, hence why Gordon was here, keeping an eye on him – ahem, babysitting – rather than giving Virgil a hand over in… wherever the hell Virg currently was.
Their conversation was temporarily shelved by the buzz of the projector as Alan’s holo appeared, clearly running low on energy reserves after three callouts in seven hours. He looked so dead on his feet that Gordon almost felt sorry for him. Almost. This was the same kid who’d put fake lizards in his bed last week and he planned to hold a grudge for another month at least.
“My ETA’s…” Alan paused to yawn. “I don’t even know anymore. Twenty minutes? Unless any other assholes decide to pilot their ships into areas that are no fly zones for a reason.”
“Damn, Allie,” Gordon whistled in unison with Scott’s chiding, “Language, Alan.”
Alan made a vague, growly sound not unlike Virgil before coffee. “Whatever. Can we get pizza tonight? I need a nap and carbs.”
Gordon let out a loud laugh and stuck up a hand in the hopes that his thumbs-up was within range of the projector.
“Preach, bro.” He caught Scott’s eye. “You know, Kayo’s due back around half-six. We could ask her to pick some up on her way.”
“Don’t get Hawaiian,” Alan ordered instantly. “Or at least get some other normal pizzas too which haven’t been contaminated by fruit. Who puts fruit on a pizza? It’s just weird, Gordo.”
Gordon pushed himself fully upright and shuffled within sight. “Hey, Alan? Remind me what a tomato is classed as?”
“We’ll get a selection of pizzas,” Scott interjected smoothly before they could fall into an actual squabble. He leaned forwards slightly to prop his elbow on Gordon’s head, ignoring all muttered protests, a silent command for Gordon to stop antagonising our brother. “Twenty minutes, yeah?”
“Uh huh.” Alan stifled another yawn. “Oh, by the way, how’s your ankle?”
Scott raised a brow. “Are you asking or is this John’s question?”
“John-” the brother in question said, materialising beside Alan’s holo, “-is sick of being snapped at whenever he enquires, so yes, it is my question. Gordon, has he done anything dumb?”
Gordon took a moment to process. “Huh. It is weird to be asked that. Normally I’m the one doing dumb stuff. This is a whole role reversal. Shockingly, no, he’s actually behaved. For once.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Scott cut in. “This is a weird role reversal.”
Kayo’s holo appeared around the same time as Virgil’s, catching the tail end of their conversation.
“What’s a weird role reversal?” Virgil queried.
Gordon jerked a thumb over his shoulder at Scott. “Being responsible for this dumbass.”
“Thanks,” Scott deadpanned. “I’m not paying for your monstrosity of a pizza anymore.”
Gordon dropped his head back against the lounger with another sigh. “So many haters. Kayo, back me up – pineapple on pizza?”
“Fantastic,” Kayo confirmed. “Is this a request?”
“Please?” Alan made puppy-dog eyes which were somehow even more effective when paired with obvious exhaustion. “Can you get pepperoni?”
“Wait. Guys. You’re all here, so I can make my announcement.” Gordon paused for dramatic effect. “I’m pansexual.”
There was a lengthy silence.
“Um, Gords?” Alan ventured. “We already know. Like, we’ve known for years. Was it supposed to be a secret?”
Kayo glanced away to hide her smirk. “He sure as hell didn’t keep it secret last time we went to the mainland. It’s very public knowledge to everyone present at a certain club in-”
“Okay,” Gordon interrupted. “Great. Thanks for that, Kay. Anyway, I never officially came out, so I’m doing it now. Feel free to bring drinks and presents and confetti and maybe invite some friends over and I’ll make a playlist and-”
Scott reached over and flicked him on the forehead. “No parties.”
“Congrats, Gordon,” Virgil said before chaos could unfold. “We’re all very proud of you.”
“Aw. This is nice. Thanks, guys.” Gordon twisted to beam up at Scott. “Hey Scooter? You know how you could show your support?”
“No, Gordon,” Scott sighed in a long-suffering voice. “I’m not throwing you a party.”
“Ah, dang it. Worth a try.”
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psychelis-new · 6 months
It's not a reoccurring dream but why do I see 3 historical characters in my dream
First : I was running ( escaping) then I ended up in my house to see Joseph Stalin sitting across from me scrolling through his smart phone he greeted , I saw my recently dead grandma too in the house then he took his plane which was barked inside my apartment (bizarre ik) and left
Another scene from the same dream : I was in a place where there are some people ( not too crowded ) and saw the physicist Richard Feynman he explained to me a math problem or a concept it clicked very fast and I explained it to another student and Feynman was kinda happy / proud
Dream 2: let me give you a background I am a very big fan of this character I saw him as the only real national hero he was extremely intelligent, disciplined and humble his name is Saad Alshazly
I saw him ( in his older years ) and he offered me traditional coffee ( I am a coffee drinker)
I really hope that I saw him because of a message not because I think too much about him 😭
Many thanks for your time and effort
Since this is all you remember, I guess this is what you needed to understand your message. Now I honestly don't think any of those historical figures wanted to tell you anything directly, they're more of a sign/symbol for you. They represent the type of people you admire (in a way or another) and would like to resemble or would like to get in touch with, whether to find support/help or even validation. We have a revolutionary man (talking historically here), a physician (a man of knowledge) and a military you said yourself you admire and are so fond of for all that he did. I think you are searching for support, maybe also through your grieving process (again my deepest condelences for your loss, take your time) or for comfort about any repressed memory or emotion. Despite these people are no more alive, you're trying to find some kind of support by learning more about them, or something like that. Or trying to see yourself (worth) through them. In the first dream you were probably expressing your will to connect with Stalin for some reason (it depends on what you think of him/how you see him/what trait of him you "like" or sth), maybe also to find comfort or change something in the way you are grieving/confronting your loss or any emotion related with it? Maybe you want to be braver in this, or would like to be free from this asap. Or simply, you'd like to see things from another perspective. As for your exchange with the physician, I guess you were searching for validation, feeling good and smart enough and being seen/appreciated/praised for this (maybe you are/were comparing/compared with others a lot and this has been/is playing with your self confidence). Similarly the third figure: you admire him so much that you'd like to communicate with him, maybe to get guidance about how to change and grow from something. But also to be comforted about yourself and all that's around you and maybe... your inner turmoil? We have two military figures anyway.
Hope this helps! Take care<3
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yujeong · 6 months
prev anon here: thank you for your ace vegas thoughts!! I love to hear it explored and I absolutely agree about the point that it's not at all uncommon to be into bdsm and be ace. now..... aromantic pete???? I'm here, I'm listening ahahaha
Hello again anon! I'm very happy you liked my answer and exploration of the ace Vegas headcanon. I tried my best to explain it as thoroughly as I could. As for aromantic Pete, I was honestly mostly joking. It does sound like a cool headcanon, especially as an explanation for why he never says "I love you" to Vegas in the show (he did say it to his grandma, which was GREAT), but I'm not equipped enough to expand upon it and I don't consider it super plausible based on my interpretation of the VP arc. However, if people do think Pete is somewhere in the aro spectrum, that's totally valid, I can see why. I'm sorry if this one is disappointing, I didn't really have a lot to add, but thank you for sending me this ask, anyway ❤️ I really appreciate it when people are interested in hearing more about my thoughts, especially for things I'm passionate about.
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schrijverr · 9 months
I Dig You 8
Chapter 8 out of 8
Robin is tentatively excited for her first internship: an archaeological dig in the Netherlands, where she has been studying. However, when she gets there, Steve is there too. The dick of their uni that she now has to work with. Great. But being stuck digging for six weeks makes people bond and maybe he isn’t too bad. Maybe he can be her friend.
AKA an archaeology interns, modern, enemies-to-friends stobin au
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Chapter 8: Plans
The two have made their way back to the vacation home, deciding that while it gets dark late, they shouldn’t risk getting lost. They are trying to maintain a semblance of a normal sleeping schedule to survive the last week that’s coming.
However, once there, they decide that it’s not yet time for sleeping, so they’re sitting on the table – on not at, because sitting on tables is superior – and are chatting about everything and nothing, content with each other’s presence.
After a lull in the conversation, Steve breaks the silence by asking: “What about you, by the way? What do you want to do with your future?”
“I mean, I wanna finish my Bachelor’s with high enough grades to get into the Research Master, then specialize in materials, bones specifically, before doing my PhD, preferably with a minimal student loan debt. Then do research for the rest of my life, probably work at a uni and teach,” Robin says. She has had this dream for forever, so it’s an easy answer.
“You’re going to stay at the faculty here?” Steve asks.
“That’s the plan for now. I like the uni and I know the professors. So, I’m not planning on leaving just yet,” Robin says.
“So, you’re not missing your parents? People back home?” Steve asks. “You said you’re working, you don’t wanna go visit after this?”
“Can’t really afford the plane ticket,” Robin shrugs ruefully, for once not embarrassed to admit that out loud. “Besides, my parents are the only cool people there, I don’t really have a connection with most of my extended family, except my conservative grandma, so don’t really miss her. I do miss my parents of course, but there isn’t a uni with a good archaeology program nearby, so it wouldn’t really matter, because I couldn’t go see them regularly anyway, so why go there, you know?”
“That fucking sucks, dude,” Steve says. “When does it become socially acceptable for me to offer to buy you a plane ticket? I mean, you have cool parents, you should be able to go see them. This is so unfair.”
“Welcome to the world, buddy,” Robin rolls her eyes, though also touched by his reply. “And I already used up most of my vacation days, so I have to go back to work when I’m done here. If we’re still friends by christmas you can come over to mine to celebrate and I will turn a blind eye if you pay for the plane tickets and forget to send me a Tikkie.”
“Didn’t we just decide to be friends forever? I’m holding you to that,” Steve grins. “I wanna meet these mystical parents of yours.”
“Daisy and Thomas Buckley are the most boring people alive, but whatever floats you boat,” Robin informs him, though she’s fond. She loves her parents and she can’t help but get happy whenever their friendship is confirmed. It might sound a little sad, but she needs that validation or her brain convinces her it’s all a trick.
“I like boring,” Steve replies.
“Yeah, that tracks,” Robin ribs him, quite literally.
“Ouch!” Steve pouts, clutching his side. “You’re mean.”
“And you like me anyway,” Robin grins brightly, because it’s true. Steve knows what a judgmental bitch she is and he still wants to be best friends.
“Sadly,” Steve jokes.
“Who’s being mean now?” Robin says, putting on a huge pout.
“Oh no, it is me. However, shall I repay you for this horrendous slight against you?” Steve asks dramatically, draping himself over her, which almost makes her topple.
Robin shoves him off, while being carefully so he doesn’t actually fall off the table as she huff: “You’re such a dork, I don’t know why people think you’re cool.”
“It’s called being confused 90% of the time so people think you’re aloof,” Steve says as he sits back up again.
“That’s stupid,” Robin says.
“I know,” Steve shrugs.
They’re quiet again. Between the trees the sun is setting and Robin knows they should be going to bed if they don’t want to fuck up their schedules, but that would mean ending this moment and she is too attached, so she stays quiet.
Steve is the one that breaks the quiet again. His voice is more serious again as he asks: “Do you want to stay here or move back to the States when you’re done?”
“Haven’t really thought about it,” Robin says honestly. “I mean, I’ll be twenty-two when I’m done with my Bachelors, twenty-five with my Master and then a PhD is between four to ten years. I’ll be twenty-nine at the youngest. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Why?”
“I mean, I’d be sad if you moved away,” Steve admits softly.
Robin tends to forget she is a person in other people’s lives, so she’s taken aback for a second, before a happy feeling floods through her. She says: “I’d miss you too.”
“That’s- that’s good. Is that weird to say?”
“Probably, but I don’t think so,” Robin replies. “I’m bad at being friends with people, but it’s easy with you. This is nice.”
“Can you believe you hated me five weeks ago?” Steve randomly comments.
“I didn’t hate you,” Robin lies.
“You totally did,” Steve laughs, poking her.
“I thought you were annoying and a stupid frat bro, I didn’t hate you, because that would mean I was more invested in you than I was,�� Robin retorts to save face.
“You were bitter about Tammy,” Steve singsongs.
“Ugh, are you ever letting that go?” Robin groans.
“Never,” Steve tells her smugly.
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“… Fuck. No, I don’t,” Robin sighs, though she’s unable to help the smile. She can’t believe how fast her opinion of Steve changed, but she’s glad for it. Idly she says: “It’s going to be weird to not be in your space 24/7 after this.”
“Yeah, it is. You can always come over to mine, you know? Hell, you could move in and that would be cool,” Steve agrees.
“What?” Robin chokes, surprised by the offer, but not for the reason you’d think. “You haven’t offered anyone that. Carol and Tommy both complained – loudly, I might add – how much of a dick move that was of you.”
“Tsk, of course they did. I don’t want them to live with me because they throw parties every weekend in their own house and I actually like my personal space, and not living with people, who don’t clean and make fun of the way I eat,” Steve scoffs.
“Wow, yeah, okay, they sound horrible,” Robin says, unable to fathom living like that. She likes her own space too.
“Tell me about it, I don’t know why it took me this long to drop them. They can be the worst,” Steve says. “I guess it was just what I thought friendships were supposed to be like. Befriending people at the archaeology faculty, like Argyle – he’s super cool, by the way – made me realize that was actually not normal, lol.”
Robin fights the urge to make fun of Steve for saying lol out loud, since she can recognize when someone is trying to make something sound less serious. Instead she nods: “Yeah, I can get that,” before smirking: “Sooo, I am worthy of living in the Harrington residence?”
“Yeah, you’re cool,” Steve responds more easily than Robin would have thought. “And we’ve kind of proven we can live together just fine. I’d help you move and everything.”
“Wait, you’re for real?” she asks, looking at Steve with wide eyes. She kind of thought he was joking, but he sounds pretty serious.
Steve looks back like she is weird for not getting that yet. “Of course, why would I joke about that?”
“I don’t know, that sounds like something you should think about before offering, right?” Robin shoots back.
“Why? We’re students, people move in impulsively all the time,” Steve answers. “It would actually be a pretty normal thing to do.”
“Except that your parents would be my landlords,” Robin points out, not even daring to ask what the rent situation would be like.
“No, the house is in my name, remember? I’d be your landlord,” Steve says.
“That doesn’t really make it better,” Robin informs him.
Steve shakes his head, suddenly looking excited as he says: “No, it does make it better. Think about it. I can charge you nothing and if my parents ask, I can just say you’re my girlfriend and they’d understandably let you stay for free, because they are terrified of me being anything but straight and then I can get as much money out of them as I can, before they cut me off. I’d be perfect.”
“You- you want to beard in the year 2023 to scam your homophobic parents out of money?” Robin asks incredulously, unsure if she understood correctly.
Steve nods.
“Well, that does sound pretty punk to do,” Robin admits, because when she thinks about it, that is hilarious and she’d get a house with no rent out of it in the actual city the uni is in, so she won’t have to take the train every day.
“Is this you agreeing?” Steve asks her, excitement not having left.
“Yeah, sure, let’s become roomies,” Robin laughs, a little disbelieving at how she ended up here, but delighted nonetheless.
“Yay,” Steve cheers, doing a dorky little dance that Robin joins in with, because why the hell not?
With that decided, they lay down on the table side by side, looking up at the slowly appearing stars as they continue to plan how to move in together, arguing if they can move furniture by public transport or if they need to find a person with a car they can borrow, since neither of them are qualified to lease one.
“We can’t carry my bed frame with just the two of us!” Robin exclaims. “How are we even fitting it in the tram or train for that matter.”
“You see people with crazy shit in the train all the time,” Steve argues back. “I’ve seen people with a fridge, like a hundred suitcases, people with a floor length mirror and people with a big ass chair. We can totally take your bed with us on the tram.”
“Okay, fine, even if it’s allowed, have you seen my noodle arms? I can’t carry it and even if I could, I am not coordinated enough to pull that off,” Robin says.
“I can do it by myself.”
“You cannot carry a bed frame by yourself. We need a car.”
“Who do you know with a car?” Steve shoot back.
“No one, you’re the one with friends.”
Steve is quiet for a second, then says: “… Argyle has this beat up van. He’ll probably help us move if we buy him pizza at the end of the day.”
“See, problem solved,” Robin says self-satisfied.
“I still think I can do it,” Steve pouts.
“Well, you’ll just have to find that out in your own time,” Robin informs him. “So, what about chores? Are we making a schedule or like splitting it on preferred tasks?”
And on they go, deciding how to organize chores and cooking, what to tell people that ask and what they prefer when it comes to studying and noises, making a list of rules. By the time they’re done, it’s already late and Robin knows they fucked up their sleeping schedule just a little bit, but neither of them care.
The next day, they both sleep in for a change, doing a familiar dance through their small kitchen as they make their breakfast and get ready for the day of lounging around, before they have to start up again for their last week on the dig.
If Robin had expected Steve to change his mind overnight, she doesn’t get a chance to ask if he had, because Steve excitedly tells her they can have Dutch Days where they try to only speak Dutch, because he looked it up and if she wants to teach here at the uni she needs a minimum level of Dutch, so they both have to practice.
After that time seems to fly by with the last week of the excavation seeming to not last longer than a blink. Before they know it, they’re standing around on their last day, waiting for Jeroen to fill in their evaluation, so they can add it to their final report, before leaving to spend the last day in the vacation home that has been their shared home for weeks now.
They’re both a little melancholic as they write their final daily report together and make dinner (pasta for the dozenth time), before going to sleep.
The follow morning, Robin is also awake early and they clean the vacation home together, so they’re not leaving it a complete sandy mess, before Steve goes to give back the key, while Robin watches the bikes.
With their bikes packed, they make their way to the local train station, traveling together until they’re at Utrecht, where they have to split up.
It’s a little weird to say goodbye, so Robin says: “So, uhm, we’ll meet up soon?”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll text you,” Steve agrees.
Suddenly Robin is struck with a thought and she says: “Do I even have your number?”
“I don’t know, do I have yours?” Steve replies, pulling out his phone.
“Can you imagine if we don’t?” Robin giggles.
“It would be very on theme,” Steve giggles too, weird tension broken again. He asks: “Are you in that big group chat with everyone from first year?”
“Yeah, I am, you too?” Robin says.
“Yeah,” Steve confirms.
“At least we have each other’s number,” Robin laughs, amused at the situation. “I’m going to save you in my phone as Airhead Himbo.”
“Rude, I’m saving you as Pretentious Dick,” Steve says.
“That’s rude,” Robin protests, though she’s grinning.
“You started it.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll change it to Schmuck,” Robin concedes.
“Is Bone Lady better?” Steve asks with an equally amused look on his face.
“Totally, that is epic. I will wear it with pride.”
“I somehow feel I got the short end of this,” Steve says, though it’s clear he thinks the whole thing to be hilarious.
“Live with it,” Robin winks (naturally failing at the action, but Steve is a good friend, who doesn’t mention that). Then she sees the time and curses: “Fuck, I have to run if I wanna catch my train. Don’t forget to text me,” she calls out already running.
“I won’t! Bye!” Steve yells at her as she sprints to the right platform, barely catching her train with the struggle it is to get her bike in with her.
Once she is finally seated she checks her phone, seeing a few texts from Steve that read:
You run funny
Oh my god that’s rude
I love you
Pls, still move in with me
Robin snorts out loud and texts back: omg ur a fucking loser lmao, oc ill move in with u, dingus
Then she takes a second, before she adds: love u too, have a safe trip <3
Steve sends back a string of emojis that is more suited for a granddad, who should not be allowed near technology. Most of them are heart-shaped or heart-adjacent, so Robin decides it must be a positive thing as she smiles and shakes her head.
They continue texting for the entire time and Steve comes to visit the next day, pointing at all her furniture as he continues the argument of whether or not he could lift it by himself and if it would fit into the tram and train, while Robin is packing all her little trinkets.
Argyle is luckily down to help them out, so Robin never has to actually stop Steve from attempting to lift her desk and it turns out the dude is very cool. Robin hasn’t worked with him, but she has seen him around, but never talked to him.
As the new year starts, the two of them learn that Argyle is the only person at the faculty, who is seemingly not weirded out by their sudden attachment, because they get a lot of weird looks and curious questions when they show up together for the one little thesis talk at the starts, Steve giving Robin a piggyback ride.
However, the two of them shake it off easily. By then they’ve been living together for three months already and are very comfortable together. They just click, it just works for them.
Robin sometimes can’t believe how lucky she is with Steve (and she is thrilled that Steve thinks the same, a fact he informs her off multiple times a day, especially at the end when they’re chilling on the couch and she is running her hands through his hair, because it’s so so so soft).
When she got to that excavation and seethed that she could never be rid of ‘that fucking guy’ she couldn’t have imagined how true that statement was and how happy she’d be with that outcome, but here she is and the future has never looked brighter.
I feel like maybe they’re speed running the whole best friends thing, but they’re also stobin, so you know xp
(Also they totally still live together rn with ten cats and shit)
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chidoroki · 1 year
I don't know who decided to put Ray under Isabella's care but the culprit is the biggest ever. giving her her own child to raise to death? Of course she didn't know and would have never knew if Ray didn't remember but still. Do it means that the other mamas in the other farms had to raise their child too? I love that thank to Isabella who has listed all the mamas and their alive children (when she was grandma) because now they can be reunited in the human world. It will be nice for the youngest
You know what.. for the longest time my most hated TPN character was that demon bastard who ends the life of my favorite villain ever.. BUT NOW? I think it might have a new contender hahahaa. Ahh, yeah, that’s really such a cruel move to pull off. I wanna doubt they had any idea on which babies go to which mother, but I sorta can't. It seems the Grandma distributes the babies to the individual plants and we know from Isabella’s side-chapter that Grandma’s have access to all sorts of information. So if Sarah (if it is her here) actually knew that she was handing Isabella her own son, then DAMN. Yet another reason for me to hate her!
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It’s not a totally bad thing though? If Ray was sent to a different plant, he would’ve still used his infantile amnesia to learn the secret of the house, but then I dunno how well his plan to survive would go if he had to make a deal with another mom. I hardly believe any other mom would even tolerate the idea one bit like Isabella did. Take Krone for example. Once she learned from Isabella that some kids knew the house’s secret, she was so quick to decide that those kids needed to be shipped off. I’m sure a handful of sisters/moms would’ve handled the situation the same way, so Ray might not have lived very long at another house. That is, if he even attempted to make a deal at all.
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So I guess we have to be thankful he did end up under Isabella’s care instead? Partly because she low-key says “to hell with the house’s rules” and cares more about producing high quality merchandise, but also because she was dealing with her true son. It’s a rare moment when her “Iron Lady” facade cracks so the revelation certainly effected her greatly, so as much as she tries to hide it, she does indeed care for him.
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As for other sisters/mothers raising their own kids or not, I'm sure it had to have happened occasionally, (Sarah certainly seems like that bitch to pull it off more than once too) but I don’t believe any of them knew like Isabella did. The four sisters in ch181.7 seem pretty surprised learning that their children are even still alive to begin with.
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I wanna say it’s rare the ladies wouldn’t know anything, but then again how did Krone manage to confirm Ray was Isabella's son from the note he left? We don't know what was fully written in the note aside from “Dear mother..” so while that alone could be valid enough proof, I still don’t understand how Krone managed to confirm this information as true instead of be skeptical about it or think it was just a trap.
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What book of secrets did you manage to get your hands on girl? I don't wanna put belief into something so random because there's really no better look at the book Krone uses, but they resemble each other very faintly..
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Anyways.. yeah, thanks to Isabella for raising the children so well that they were able to survive and possibly spend time with their potential mothers, if they ever choose to that is. I also find it real sweet that they're all so happy and relieved to be free. They truly deserve a life of happiness for all they've been through.
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I'm still unbelievably salty that ch177 ended the way it did (thank god that was the one positive change to come out of season two) because damn it, you can't give all these women and children freedom and a bright future and not include the best mom ever aka Isabella aka love of my life not ever having the chance to experience her happy ending with her own precious kids! Ahh I'm gonna stop here before I get emotional. Thank you again for the question anon!
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But Joe was filming a movie idt he could stop the filming just to see her. Now if your argument is that he shouldn't had accepted the role at all i will disagree too, everything is shut down now because of that writer strike it's good he took that opporturnity, and had they not broke up he would be able to join her in (i think) the texas concerts and would be touring with her even now (for what we know he is not working).
So… I tend to agree, but there’s layers to this, imo. The fact that Taylor was disappointed when Joe took the last minute role on SAN instead of being there for her for Red TV release week is just fan speculation, but it’s valid fan speculation.
And I’m SO glad Joe took that role. The movie is amazing and he’s great in it and he had the opportunity to work with one of his favorite directors.
I also come from a family that’s taught me to always put myself first in a relationship, when it comes to career opportunities or just things I really wanna pursue. Just as an example, about one month after my mum found out she was pregnant with me, my dad left to work for a year in the UK. He was there when I was born too. It was a huge opportunity for him and it paid off long term, and my mum was okay with him going away, but she had to deal with seeing her husband twice a month for seven months of pregnancy, and it was her first pregnancy and her mother (my grandma) had five miscarriages before giving birth to her. So, you know, it was a delicate situation, and yet my dad took the job and moved away (even though he had a job here in Italy) and she was supporting of that. Since then, btw, my dad has spent a total of eight years working in other countries, so she’s become quite used to having a long distance marriage and they make it work quite well.
And that’s the ideas I personally grew up with: support your partner but always put yourself first, because, at the end of the day, it’s not guaranteed that your partner will stay with you forever, and you don’t wanna lose opportunities because of them just to then regret it.
That’s just how I PERSONALLY see things. So, you know, I PERSONALLY applaud Joe for having had the courage to take a last minute role and not skip on the opportunity to work with Claire Denis. And she was smitten with him as a person and as an actor, so it’s clear that it was worth it. The opposite is also true: there are people that think that Joe wanted Taylor to “slow down” and perhaps not take on such a gargantuan tour but live a more laid back life. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but, if it is, I applaud Taylor for choosing her biggest passion even at the cost of losing the greatest love of her life.
Other people might argue “he should’ve given up on the role and stay with Taylor for the release of Red TV, because she had spent the previous months following him around Europe for the shooting of CWF, and it was his turn to be supportive”. And I personally don’t agree with that, for a series of reasons (for example, Taylor didn’t give up any real opportunities, as far as we know, to support him - she just had to work extra hard to make her schedule fit his. Plus, I don’t think you should do stuff for your partner or your friends expecting something in return, but I digress). But I also understand those who point out that she packed her bags and followed him to Ireland and recorded a full album in Belfast and then she rent a big ass villa in Croatia for them both so they could enjoy their time there while he was shooting… and then, when it should’ve been his turn to be supportive of her, he just said “bye bye, I’m going off to Panama!”.
I understand both sides, I just sympathize with Joe a bit more because that’s what I was always taught.
Anyway, once again, I’m glad they broke up, because they weren’t on the same wavelength anymore!
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rebellionbeach · 2 years
Re-reading the 2nd half of A Cruel God Reigns and I forgot how much Ian and Jeremy argued…it’s basically all they do now. Also seeing Nadia so desperate to be with Ian makes me sad 😞 girl you can do much better but you depend on that man with all your life. Seeing the parallels come to life between Greg and Ian throughout the second half with Greg always being a presence within Jeremy and Ian’s lives is not only showcase of Moto Hagio’s incredible talent at writing but is also deeply uncomfortable to watch play out especially with how similar Ian’s feelings become jumbled up when it comes to Jeremy. I think when I first read this when I was a oncoming Sophomore I didn’t read into it too much but seeing the very clear parallels between not only father and son but Nadia and Sandra too makes me feel stupid for not noticing it before. I think there’s something to be said here that Moto Hagio is trying to express and as a female mangaka probably feels strongly about on the mother and daughter relationship. Sandra and Nadia aren’t the main characters but they highlight something intriguing and important to me on how mother’s can raise their daughters to become insecure and rely on their future partners which usually are men to validate their worth. Sandra comes from a broken home and the grandma who raised her openly stated and told Jeremy that women can’t do anything without a good man and Clare always pressures Nadia and speaks down on her on how much of a fussy woman she is and how men won’t be attracted to it. Nadia herself acts in a manner to be the complete opposite of Clare yet she still takes her mother’s words to loss and puts all her soul into loving Ian. I’m glad she ends up somewhat okay at the end but man mother’s need to stop putting their daughters down! It’s such a sacred bond to me and I could never see my mom ever saying something so hurtful even though she was raised in a household where her surroundings were the same. I feel that so many insecurities in young woman come from the family and having your own parents put you down can really mess you up, just look at Nadia!Anyway that was a long tangent and I’m still not finished reading through. It’s always hard reading in Japanese since my vocab is still elementary school level but thankfully I’ve read this series before in English. I think I also always ignored the love between Ian and Jeremy? When I first read this series I was kind of unnerved at how Ian was acting to Jeremy who just went through all of his horrific abuses and I feel putting him in a position to love is something he isn’t ready for and quite frankly neither is him. But then I started thinking about what Dr. Orson was saying earlier about loving someone and seeing what love truly was. It seems obvious but now maybe I see the function of their relationship. Don’t get me wrong there’s still so much wrong with it but I think there’s a connection between the two that was required for both of them to heal through each other’s love. At least, I think that’s what she was getting at…..
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niteshade925 · 2 years
I really am preaching to the choir because this is fucking tumblr and westerners, esp americans, love to project their situation to the rest of the world, but no, even though there is racism in China (I mean duh, it's a big fucking country, not all people are nice), it is neither systemic, nor is it the same sort of thing as in Western countries. For example the whole "colorism" thing that people here keep harping on about. Yes, tanned people (notice! NOT "dark skinned", but TANNED, as in you are lighter skinned but became tanned due to exposure to sunlight) were seen as lower class, because way back then only farmers and hard laborers worked under the sun, but this is more of a thing within Han Chinese people themselves. In other words, this supposed "racism" actually doesn't have much to do with racism at all, it's a CLASSIST thing. Now I'm not saying classism is good, but I'm just pointing this out so people can stop calling Han Chinese culture "racist" when they know jack shit about it.
And anyway, you looking tan in China doesn't mean people won't hire you for jobs or people will be prejudiced against you or whatever. That is NOT A THING. My grandpa is literally brown skinned (there are brown skinned Han Chinese people btw, also some Han Chinese have very wavy almost curly hair too, like my cousin, and many have the "double lid", like my uncle, some even have pointy noses, like my grandma's family), and guess what? He had a respectable job, he made a good living, retired with a house, elderly mother, wife, kids, grandkids, was well liked, and had a lot of friends. My mother also has very tanned skin and she was a well-respected teacher. Again your skin color really isn't a huge deal in China because Chinese people have a wide range of skin colors and physical features already. We are NOT all "light skinned with dark eyes and dark straight hair". NO. And we are fine with having a range of physical features.
Alright now that the misconception has been addressed, let's talk about the kind of racism that does exist. From my experience, most of the racism towards black people are IMPORTED. Yes, imported, from the West. The kind of racist things some people say are literally the same as what you might hear in the american south. Now, although they say the same things, the root is still different. White americans are racist towards black people because of skin color and race, and because it's systemic, it has kept many black people poor. Now in China, some people say the same things NOT because they "don't see black people as people", it's because they see that black people are generally poor in the West and they thought it's because "these people don't work hard enough", when in reality it's the system in Western society working against black people. Again, it's more of a CLASSIST thing, and actually has less to do with either colorism or racism, but more with ignorance of the situation in countries far far away from China. Many Chinese people don't really understand how racism towards black people are systemic in countries like the us because there has never been anything similar in China ever. Obviously there are exceptions who are actual racists (and it's not a coincidence that these exceptions are usually people who had lived in Western countries and who sought white validation while they lived in the West by trying to act and think like white people), but let me repeat again, in China in most cases it's a CLASSIST thing.
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bucephaly · 1 year
congratulations on reconnecting with your cherokee ancestry!!!!! if it's not too nosy could i ask how you got started on this journey? did you know you had native ancestors and decided to look more into it?
Thank you !! It's not nosy! I'll put it under a cut cuz idk how long it'll get
So honestly no, I didn't really know. It's on my dad's dad's side and I never knew him. My grandma divorced my grandpa when my dad was around 10 and his step dad adopted him. Plus he never really talks about or to his family much and I'm only just now getting back in touch with my aunts on facebook
I just remember once my grandma telling me my dad had Cherokee ancestry, and I ignored it cuz i was so sure it was the same granny story everyone around here [in the south] has lol. [I didn't know at the time that my dad was born in WA and his dad was from there, my g grandad moved from OK to WA in the 40s, idk why]
Then later I asked and he messages one of his sisters, who said that their dad went to OK and found that 'his great grandma came off the reservation' and so they assumed my dad was 1/16 and me and my siblings were 1/32 [not true], which they somehow got in their head was 'the lowest the tribe still recognizes' lmao [also not true, if you have an ancestor on the dawes roll you're eligible for CNO citizenship]
Anyway, about a year ago I started doing research on ancestry [my mom luckily had a membership] and I quickly found that my gg grandad and his dad are both on the dawes rolls, the later of whom was a baby during the trail of tears. I'm also a Nancy Ward descendent
I found all this a year ago, got excited for a bit and kept going wildly back and forth abt whether I had any right to reclaim that identity, seeing as how I'm 1: very thin blood and 2: white, but I am eligible for CNO citizenship, but I didn't even know I was until then, but I'd love to learn more, etc etc etc. I kept talking myself out of it saying 'nah dude shut up you're white and you'd be taking resources and shit from others if you went around calling yourself cherokee'
So a year passed and something got me looking into it again abt a month ago, I looked at r/cherokee on reddit and saw some folks being pointed towards a cherokee genealogy Facebook group + people saying that yea anyone who has a documented ancestor on the dawes roll is valid to reconnect etc etc
So I got research done in the genealogy page and everyone was so welcoming, I got invited to a group of Nancy ward descendants, I got into the main cherokee Facebook group and I'm seeing how welcoming everyone in there is etc.. and I'm working on getting documents together to apply for citizenship! [Which is a massive pain since my dad was adopted, those documents are hard to get] and now I'm finally feeling like I can claim that identity ! Obviously I'm not a citizen yet but I'm working on it, and I have no doubt I'll be granted citizenship barring some sort of documentation mishap.
Obviously I'm still learning and reconnecting and I'm also white, I don't claim to know anything abt anything, nor do I claim any sort of oppression or whatever lmao, I'm just learning more and I'm really excited about it! I'm grateful to the cherokee groups I'm in for being so welcoming and open to 'lost' cherokees that were disconnected [and note these are legit groups, like ones that are exclusive to those who are citizens or can prove that they are documented descendants, not some random bullshit Facebook group haha]
I'm also learning the language some! So far I only know a few words and the syllabary, but I plan to jump into the live language classes when they start again in fall.
ᏩᏙ! Thanks for the ask! I'm glad you did ask because I know it's common to just sorta claim cherokee ancestry so I've wanted to explain and all.
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