#ryan ross x reader imagine
Relaxing - Ryan Ross x Reader
Prompt: R: Relaxing (How do they relax with their s/o? The best ways? The cutest?) (from this list) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Word Count: 1 309
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By the time Ryan returned from the shops, he found your car was parked in the driveway. Judging by the amount of fine rain droplets that had already collected on the windows, he supposed you had been home for a while. Smiling to himself, he unlocked the front door, letting himself in. While kicking off his shoes, he called for you, but received no response. Carrying the groceries into the kitchen, he called for you again, before he shrugged it off. Maybe you were in the shower. 
Ryan did have to admit that he was at least a little proud of having gone shopping. It was something you usually did together, but your week had been stressful, and he had wanted to take some work off of your hands. He had made sure to buy your favourite dessert and some nice bathing salt for a warm bath. The fluff socks he had been unable to resist getting for you would simply be snuck into your dresser after he had washed them, to surprise you.
Lately he thought a lot about how he could help you stay warm. You constantly complained about how cold your workplace was, and while in the beginning Ryan had foolishly assumed you were exaggerating, he had been forced to agree, after having visited you once. It really was freezing there, and he had no idea how you managed to stand the cold for hours upon hours. But now even the weather had turned surprisingly cold. This was LA, and yet there was not the faintest sliver of blue sky, only dark, grey clouds, freezing wind, and an unending drizzle of rain.
After having put the groceries away, Ryan went back into the hallway to take his jacket off. This was when he noticed your wellies and rain jacket were missing. He didn't need to see more than that to know that you had not gone to take a shower but were instead outside, taking a walk along the beach.
It was one of your favourite things to do after a stressful day. Sometimes you were gone for hours, walking miles along the waterline. And sometimes you just sat on the porch, looking out over the sand and watching the waves in the distance.
Ryan was never certain whether you wanted to spend the time on the beach alone. Sometimes you asked him if he wanted to join, and he never said no to that offer, but other times you just announced you would go to the beach and disappear. He was never certain if he was allowed to ask to accompany you. Once you had told him you loved spending time with him, that even when you needed "alone-time" you were always okay with having him around because he respected your needs, and was excellent company, even without the exchange of words or touches. 
Still it felt like an intrusion on your space. But today Ryan missed you. The whole day had been cold and grey and rainy, and he just wanted to kiss your forehead and hold your hand for a few minutes. So he slipped into a different jacket, one that would withstand the wind and rain, and put on his wellies. 
Stepping through the backdoor into the garden that opened onto the beach, he wondered if he would even find you. If you had decided to got on a hike along the waterline, he would have no way of knowing which way you went. But luckily the beach was entirely empty except for a small figure right by the edge of the water, dressed in your signature rain coat. 
The wet sand made walking difficult, and cold, wet wind blew into Ryan's face, but he steadily fought his way towards you. Even though the wind was carrying the sound away from you, and he hadn't yet called for you, you seemed to have sensed his approach, because you turned around to him and reached out your hand.
Ryan and you had been dating for a fair while, and gestures like this were not uncommon and jet the sight of your right now made his heart clench. The hood of your jacket was pulled over your head, wind had ruffled your hair even underneath the hood, and the late afternoon light cast a mysterious glow over you as you reached for him, your eyes tired and yet carrying a light Ryan had only ever seen when you looked at him. He swallowed thickly, once more, just like many times before that, realising that you loved him just as much as he loved you. 
Taking the last steps forward, he took your hand, linking your fingers together and steping to your side. For a moment you looked at one another, waves licking around your boots, wind tucking on your clothes, and just relishing the time you got to spend together before you looked out over the sea again.
Your head dropped to Ryan's shoulder, and he quickly pressed a kiss to your hair. You relaxed against him, making him smile and nuzzle his nose against your head.
"How was your day," he asked carefully, his words muffled against your hair.
"If it were up to my boss, I'd work 20 hours per day, 8 days a week," you answered quietly.
Ryan groaned quietly, hoping to show his sympathy.
"So bad?"
"Worse," you answered. " Remember that project I'm supposed to work on? They decided to elect me as project leader and now none of them do their job. Today I've done my workload and that of three colleges."
"You really shouldn't do that," Ryan shook his head. "They're just using you."
"I know. The problem is that if this doesn't get finished in time, I'm the one whose head will roll."
"When's the deadline?"
"Right before Christmas?"
You nodded. 
"That's shitty."
"I know. So be prepared to have a super stressed out partner for the next week."
"If there's any way I can help…?"
You cuddled closer against Ryan, and he placed his free hand on your waist, pulling you into a half hug.
"There really isn't. But I took the left over leave days, and the office is closed for the first days of the new year anyway, so I'll have two weeks off after this whole ordeal. Oh-"
Remembering something, you giggled, a sound Ryan had not heard often enough recently.
"My one coworker found out I'd be off for two weeks, and deadass asked 'But you can't go on holiday? The whole office will collapse! What will we do without you?'"
Ryan grinned. At least these ungrateful co-workers of yours were aware that you were carrying the whole office on your back.
"What did you answer?"
"I told him to figure it out."
Ryan laughed at that and pulled away.
"Well done."
Leaning over to you, he pecked your lips. They were wet with fine rain drops and salty from the sea water that blew into your faces.
"Do you wanna go back inside? I'm starting to get cold…"
Ryan nodded, hesitantly pulling away from you. 
"I bought more of that plant milk you like so much. We can make hot chocolate?"
"Uuuhhh, I'd love that," you grinned, taking a better hold on his hand.
Ryan guided you back towards the house, the cold wind still tucking at his clothes, but with you by his side, your hands intertwined, he only minded it half as much. He'd still have to tell you about the bath salt he had bought for you. Maybe you would like to use it after dinner. And maybe you'd even let him join. 
Smiling to himself, Ryan lifted your hand up to his lips, pressing a warm kiss to the back of it, before he pulled you through the backdoor into the warmth of your shared home.
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@alexstyx @jayloverthe3rd @robinruns​ @lookalivefrosty​ @butterflycore​  @omgsuperstarg​ @fivelegance​ @casmustdiee​ @cmtryghoul​  
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bookdaddysworld · 11 months
Reader x Ryan Ross(protective)
*writing for a friend enjoy*
"Alright cut! That's lunch!" called the director.
The music in the background stopped and the lights went down as everyone stopped what they were doing to go and eat.
You walked away from your fellow performers to see your boyfriend Ryan waiting off to the side with a smile.
"Hey babe" He said.
"Hey!" You said as you greeted him with a hug.
You two walked and talked as you headed to the makeshift cafeteria that had been built on set. The music video for "I write sins not tragedies" was being filmed and you were lucky enough to not only be a dancer on the set but the girlfriend of one of the members, Ryan Ross.
"What do you wanna eat?" he asked.
"I trust your opinion."
"You sure about that?" he replied quirking his brow.
You laughed "Yes I'm sure".
"Okay, I'll be right back" he chirped as he walked away to the line.
While you waited you kicked your feet up on to a bench and put in your earbuds to listen to some music on your iPod. You weren't paying much attention so when you felt a tap on your solider you didn't expect to see someone other than Ryan. Instead it was a fellow performer who you had briefly been introduced to when filming started. You remembered his name was Tom.
"Hey Y/n" he said tapping your shoulder to get your attention.
"Oh um hey Tom, what's up?"
"Ya know just tryna find someone cool to hang out with".
"oh okay" you laughed.
You tried to go back to listening to your music but he persisted with his attempt to converse with you. Seeing as Ryan was taking forever you humored him and had a casual conversation. But you kept looking around wondering where Ryan was and Tom noticed.
"Who are you looking for" he questioned.
"Oh no one there's just so many people it's crazy."
"Oh yeah there really is but you're pretty easy to pick out"
You laughed awkwardly but grew a little uncomfortable as you tried to figure out if he was trying to hit on you. You continued to carry on the light conversation but it was hard when he kept getting bolder.
"So what are you doing after this?"He asked.
"um probably hanging out with some friends" you say trying to be vague on purpose.
"Anything set or.."
"um kinda"
"Well maybe you should ditch your friends and come hang out with me" he said getting closer to you on the bench.
"I have a boyfriend you know"
"I don't see him" he said putting his hand on your knee.
Okay so he was a creep, great. You went to push him away and tell him to get lost when somebody from behind pulled him away. It was Ryan.
"Excuse me why are you touching my girlfriend?" Ryan said with a hard stare.
Tom eyes practically bugged out of his head as he stuttered out a response that required one braincell.
"Oh this is you're girlfriend?! I'm sorry I had no id-"
"No" Ryan cut him off "She told you she did and you still tried to come on to her.
Tom stumbled as he got off the bench I was sitting on. Attempting and failing to look cool as he bullshitted a response to my very angry boyfriend.
"listen dude you gotta understand man to man, you gotta shoot your shot when you can."
What a piece of work.
"Well dude you gotta understand that when someone tells you they have a boyfriend that you need to fuck off."
"why so serious it's not like she a 10 out 10 why are you so angry."
"The fuck did you just say." Ryan said quietly.
Ryan looked like he was about to lose his shit, which as hot as he looked was not what needed to happen right now. So you tried to interject.
"Alright that's enough, Tom you need to leave you're making a fool out of yourself"
People had started to notice the scene that was unfolding and you could see a security guard a ways away starting to notice the situation. Tom failing to hide his embarrassment turned on you.
"You need to learn when to shut up bitch!" Tom pushed you away and you hit the ground.
Before you knew it Tom was on the ground too and Ryan was seemingly hell bent on beating his face in.
You wanted to tell him to stop but was torn between that and letting that asshole get what he deserved.
Before you could make up your mine the security guard you had seen was tearing a slightly disheveled Ryan off of a bloodied Tom.
Ryan was breathing heavily and his hair was ruffled. He had a slight bloody nose and his knuckles were bruised but was otherwise unharmed.
The same could not be said for Tom
I looked at the security guard and saw a name tag that said "Mike".
He looked at me and asked "I saw what happened are you okay?"
I could only nod because my attention was on Ryan who was now in front of me helping off the ground.
"Are you okay" he asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, you're bleeding"
"I'm fine and you're lying your hands are all scraped up"
"I honestly think that's the least of my worries right now"
He chuckled and rolled his eyes
" Come on let's get you cleaned up" I said grabbing his hand and leading him away from the screaming shitbag flopping around on the ground as Mike tried to restrain him.
I managed to find a first aid kit and lead him to a family restroom. I washed my hands off while Ryan waited patiently. He went and sat on the counter while I opened the kit and stood between his legs to begin cleaning and wrapping up his hands.
"You know" he said in a quiet tone "I should be cleaning your hands".
I scoffed "I washed them I'm fine, you are the one who needs first-aid".
"Well still you shouldn't have to do thi-"
"Oh my god", I stopped cleaning to look at him in the eye, "enough just let me help you".
"Okay" he said dropping the subject as I finished wrapping his hands and went to wipe the blood off his face.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that asshole" he said breaking the silence again.
"You have nothing to be sorry about". I paused then laughed before saying "plus you did one hell of a job at getting him to leave me alone".
We both laughed as I finished wiping his face and put down the wipe. When we stopped we just stared at each other in a silence that was steadily filling the room with tension.
He really did look good. His hair was still ruffled and he was so pretty you couldn't stand it.
"You know I'll always try my best to be there for you right?" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.
I smiled as my stomach filled with butterflies "yeah".
He looked at my lips then back at my eyes then smiled.
"Good" he said leaning in a closing the gap between our lips.
A warmth starting at my lips radiated throughout my body as our lips slowly moved to together. I slowly brought my hands up his back and tangled them in his hair as he deepened the kiss, thoroughly taking my breath away. My mind became hazy as he became more passionate pulling me flush against him and running his hand up and down my body. I had forgotten where I was and was well on my way to forgetting who I was when there was a knock on the door.
I pulled away quickly, breathing heavily, as I said "occupied" while signaling to Ryan to be quiet.
He just looked amused. Well actually he looked far more than amused, he looked hot as hell with his hair messy and lips swollen, but I was too distracted by whoever was currently banging on the door.
After I was sure they walked away I turned back to Ryan.
"We should probably go."
"Already?" he said with a sad and stupid pout that made me laugh.
"Yea but" I said pulling him close to me again by the collar of his shirt "we can finish this later".
He smiled and looked me up and down
"Can't wait."
The End
*Did y'all get the five nights at freddies reference with mike the security guard or are you lame. Anyways y'all like it?*
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prettyseaveins · 1 year
Lover Boy, Lover Girl - R.R.
Ryan Ross x female!reader one shot
SFW / No warnings 
word count: 748
Summary: a small snippet into a random morning with Ryan Ross
“Ryan, did you hear what the fuck is going on with the government?” you asked, your body leaning against an arm of their shared couch as you held a cup of coffee. A look of disbelief was on your face as your boyfriend sat down beside you, letting his eyes fall on the screen you stared at. “This literally means that the government is gonna start controlling our brains or some shit because they want to block the media we consume—which is complete and utter bullshit! What the fuck? Does this mean I am no longer going to be able to sing about socialism and shit?”
“I think you’ll be able to sing about your idealistic world of anti-capitalism and love for me no matter what the government says,” he smiled comfortingly at you and let a hand rub your thigh soothingly. “This probably won’t even pass. Do you even hear how dumb they sound? She asked him if some dumb meme caused kids to become communists. I think we’ll be fine.”
“I guess you’re right, but also, who said I sang about loving you? For all you know, I could be singing about my love for Pedro Pascal or another celebrity crush that is ranking high on the list. Who knows, it could even be one of your friends from a different band. What was that bassist that took over Jon’s spot? Austin, was it? Or maybe his name was Antonio?” You put a finger up to your chin, tapping it as you faked your pondering. “Oh, I remember! Dallon is his name! Isn’t he a part of some big and famous band now? Supposedly even better than that band you used to be in?” Before you could utter another word, Ryan grabbed the coffee out of your hands and pushed his free hand into your side, starting to tickle you.
“You better plead for mercy,” he said, continuing to tickle you as you giggled and thrashed around. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! You were right! All my songs are about you and not some stupidly gorgeous hunk!” Another fit of giggles and laughter left your lips as he continued to harass your side with wiggling fingers. “I said you were right! Please, have mercy on my soul!” After a couple more seconds of tickling, Ryan stopped and let you be free of the punishment.
“Thank you for admitting I was right,” he took a quick sip out of your mug, grimacing at the taste. “You put way too much creamer in here.”
“Yeah, well it wasn’t for you, it was for me,” you sat up and grabbed the mug from him before taking a sip of your own coffee. “I could make you a cup if you want. One that has less sugar for your poor old soul.”
“You can’t be mean to me anymore. I have fingers of steel that could tickle you for eons to come,” he wiggled his fingers to try and prove just how serious he was, but it only resulted in a cringe from you.
“Okay, lover boy. I’m gonna make you a cup of coffee so I can hopefully get that image out of my head,” you stood up and started walking to the kitchen, setting down your own mug to start making Ryan’s. “And can you please change the channel? I would love to stop thinking about how the world is coming to an end for one second.”
“As you wish,” he picked up the remote and flicked it to a different channel, letting a random episode of Friends play as you made him coffee. “Make sure to use the mushroom house mug.”
“You mean the only mug you ever use? Technically, it isn’t even your mug, I’m the one that bought it,” you countered, finishing making his coffee before walking back to the living room and passing the mug to him. “I made sure to keep it extra disgusting.”
“Just because I like my coffee actually tasting like coffee doesn’t mean it’s disgusting. Also, I will forever be denying the fact that this was ever your mug. They are forever mine,” you rolled your eyes at his statement and grabbed your own mug, it coincidentally originally owned by your boyfriend, before taking your own sip.
“Whatever you say, nerd,” you giggled and let yourself sink next to Ryan, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love you too, lover girl,” he said softly, peacefully watching the television with you.
A/N: I just wanted to create more ryan ross content so i wrote this lol. i’m gonna write more so drop suggestions if u want to ! thank you :)
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disenchantingwrites · 2 years
If you'd be up for it, could you write a Ryan Ross x reader thats friend's to lovers?? Maybe something where reader is involved in the music business but not famous and they become introduced that way and quickly form a friendship? They/them or she/her if possible. It's rough being a Ryan Ross girlie in 2022 and I'm so excited that people still write for him 😭
Story for a Love Song • R.R
Being a small-time record producer, you're eager to accept any opportunities that present themselves. You just didn't expect that working with Ryan would lead to so many feelings.
Ryan Ross x Female Reader
A/N: okay first off, thank you for the request, i started writing as soon as i read it (also I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be a singer, so i can do another one if you want). And the struggle is real for Ryan Ross fans in 2022, we're like a dying breed :(
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(1372 Words)
For years, producing had only been something on the side. You’d spend time with small bands and artists, even friends’ bands, and assemble their songs and albums for a few hours in the studio you’d book. Then the rest of your time was spent going to your primary job, the moneymaker for your borderline bankrupt lifestyle.
“You’re going to burn yourself out,” your parents would say each time you would call. “Maybe you should take a break and catch up on some sleep.”
But those sleepless nights eventually paid off. You’d made enough to focus solely on your producing career. And, although small within the industry, you loved every second you had doing your job. Any project you had, you poured your heart into any project you had, undoubtedly passionate about achieving the perfect sound.
Your passion was what drew Ryan to offer his work to you in the first place. He wanted a fresh sound for the new album he was working on, and hearing what you’d done for others had only solidified you as his top choice. And in sending off the simple email asking for your talents, he’d unknowingly changed your life.
For the days you spent working together, you and Ryan developed a close bond. He was different to the others you’d worked with, both as a person and musically. His lyrics were profound, and his music moved you, touching your heart, causing it to thump until you could hear it drumming in your ears. As your time together bled into months of collaboration, you realised it wasn’t just his music that made your stomach twist into knots.
“If you keep looking at me like that, it might inflate my ego too much,” Ryan joked when he’d caught your astonished stare for the dozenth time.
You’d tried desperately to keep your feelings for Ryan under control, but the closeness between the two of you made it hard. The constant proximity he had with you whenever you were together didn’t help. He was almost always touching you in some way, whether it was pressing his shoulder against yours or instigating a game of footsies while you listened to the songs. 
You had no idea how you’d be after the two of you were finished collaborating. You already knew the two of you would keep talking; the close bond between you had grown so tight in such a short period of time. Truthfully, your only worry was whether you would ever find the courage to admit your feelings to him.
“If you keep working like this, this album will be finished earlier than it needs to be.” Your head turned away from your station at his comment. It was one of the rare days you looked forward to when you and Ryan were both in the studio. He only further surprised you when you felt his hand settle on your shoulder as his body leaned over yours. “I can tell you’ve been working late on this ‘cause of those circles under your eyes.”
His free hand poked your cheek, and you managed to glance at his face to see him grinning humorously at you before he pulled away. Aware of the fact your heart was beating a million miles an hour just from his simple actions, you leaned back in your chair, head turned around.
“C’mon, there’s a little cafe not far from here I saw last time, and I want to try their raspberry muffin,” Ryan urged, and you could practically hear the eager smile in his words.
You sighed, somewhat dramatically, as you turned your chair to him. “Alright, you’ve convinced me.”
--- --- ---
You and Ryan sat opposite each other in the small cafe you wish you could say he dragged you to. True to his word, he’d bought the raspberry muffin and a hot chocolate, only a mild wonder to you. You thought it was cute, much to Ryan’s chagrin.
“They even gave you little marshmallows, look,” you grinned, pointing to the two sugary treats on the side of his plate.
You could see the slight colour that rose in his cheeks as he used his spoon to hide the marshmallows from your view. You could only laugh further at his contrite reaction, tipping your head back ever so slightly, your eyes scrunched.
Your laughter only stopped when you felt something hit your nose. Startled, you silenced and opened your eyes to see Ryan stifling his laughter as he watched you. You looked down, finding one of his marshmallows sitting on top of your food. Diverting your attention back to Ryan, you noticed he’d shifted so his head was resting in his palm, and there was a wide smile on his face as he watched you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You murmured, having to avert your gaze as the heat rose in your own cheeks.
“You’ve got marshmallow dust on your nose,” he replied simply. He picked up a napkin and, just as you were about to reach out and take it from him, leaned over and wiped the residue from your face. “There." His voice sounded far away, quieter, and he halted any further actions as he peered at your face.
“I think it’s my turn to ask why you’re looking at me like that.”
“What?” You managed to strangle out, surprised by Ryan’s inquiry.
The singer sat back in his chair, placing the napkin down, a cheeky smile on his lips. “Friends don’t look at each other like that.”
You almost choked on the sharp breath of air you took. Incoherent noises escaped your mouth as you struggled to think of something to say in response. “I—what?”
Ryan let out another short laugh. “I guess it’s lucky I think of you as more than a friend.”
You blinked, dazed by the seeming confession. “More? Are you…?”
“I thought the x’s I attached to my good night and good morning texts were enough of a giveaway,” Ryan seemed to be more bemused than anything by your confusion about his declaration. He picked up his phone, tapped away for several moments, and then showed the screen to you.
“What’s this?” You frowned, accepting the phone from him.
“I realised while we were working together that I liked you, but I,” he let out a soft sigh and ran a hand through his hair, “I didn't know how to tell you, so… I wrote it down.”
You glanced from Ryan to the phone in your grasp, only to realise the note he had pulled up for you contained several paragraphs beginning with, primarily, the same line.
I think I like her because of how she smiles.
I think I like her because of how my name sounds coming from her.
I think I like her because of how she looks at me.
Which slowly evolved into different phrases the more you read.
I think I love her and her laugh.
I think I love her because of how much her messages make me smile.
I think I love her.
You swallowed, pulling the phone back. But before you could focus back on Ryan, a text came through, one with your name followed by a heart, as the sender.
i love you. x
You managed to gather the courage to look up, finding Ryan with your phone in his grasp, a smile on his face.
Your mouth curled in a broad grin, and, had you not been seated in a cafe with barely touched, you would have launched across and kissed him then and there. Instead, you tapped on the message with your name and typed a text on Ryan’s phone to send to yours.
did you want to go out on a date with me?
Ryan read the message as soon as it pinged on your phone, then let out a pleased hum.
“Only if we do it tonight,” he replied. You nodded, finally setting the phone back over on Ryan’s side. “Then I’d love to.”
“Brilliant,” you sighed, feeling as though a weight had been relieved from your chest.
The two of you were about to, finally, begin eating again, but you paused.
“Hm? Yeah?”
“I love you, too.”
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ciaralovesspiderman · 8 months
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request rulez here !! - yes u can request other people
-tom holland
-andrew garfield
-toby maguire
-ryan ross
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
Could you possibly write a Ryan Ross x reader that’s either very domestic/fluffy or funny/goofy/fluffy?? Thank you!
Follow You
Pairing: Ryan Ross x Gender Neutral Reader
Rating: General
Word Count: 550
Requested By: Anon
Author's Note: @mariawritesfanfic posted a few really cute prompts last night, and I was inspired by one of them. So here's a short little one shot featuring fluffy domestic Ryan Ross in the autumn 😊
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You sat down on the front steps, steaming mug of coffee in your hands. As you drew your knees up to your chest, a smile grew across your face and you stifled a laugh that threatened to disturb the peaceful morning. 
Your source of amusement was your boyfriend Ryan struggling with a rake and the bright fall sunshine. He was trying to clean up the bright orange and yellow leaves that littered the lawn before it got any colder.
"Aren't you glad I convinced you to move up here where we have seasons?" You shouted to him with a smirk.
He looked your way, squinting as he shielded his eyes. "Yea, real glad," he said dryly.
You laughed and shook your head before running inside. "Here," you said when you returned with his sunglasses. "These might help."
Ryan rolled his eyes before putting them on and planting a kiss on your cheek. "Thanks love."
"After you're done, do you wanna get the full fall experience?"
"What's that mean?"
"Hurry up and finish the leaves and you'll find out!"
It was early afternoon when you and Ryan piled into your car and you drove out of town into the countryside.
"This was my favorite place when I was a kid!" You explained as you pulled up at the farm. Apple trees stretched as far as the eye could see behind a big red barn, and next to it was a field of pumpkins waiting to be picked. "You don't think it's too basic, do you?"
"No, I've always wanted to do this," he smiled, his eyes twinkling with delight. "I just didn't know if it would be weird if I brought it up."
"Not at all," you shook your head. "Now come on, let's get some pumpkins!"
You lead the way out to the field. "Do you wanna carve jack o' lanterns?" You asked.
"I haven't done that since I was a kid," he laughed. "I'd love to."
You each picked a pumpkin large enough to carve, and then made your way into the barn. You picked out a bushel of apples to make pie with when you got home, then stopped for some hot apple cider and turnovers before heading back out to the car.
"Now for the next stop," you said as you took off down the road.
"Where's that?" Ryan asked.
"You'll see," you replied as you drove up a winding road. Eventually you came upon a small parking lot off the side of the road.
"Scenic overlook?"
"Yea, grab your cider and follow me," you said as you got out, grabbing the bag of treats.
Ryan follows you along the narrow path to where it came out overlooking the valley below. The trees were all shades of red, gold, orange and brown.
"Wow," he murmured as he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. "It's beautiful."
"Yea. And you have to rake all of it up," you laughed.
"Hilarious," he laughed dryly, shaking his head. "But thank you for today, it was really fun."
You turned to face him. "Yea? I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad that you came up here with me."
"I'll follow you wherever you lead," he smiled softly before leaning in and kissing you deeply.
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All Fall Down. (R. Ross x Reader)               
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For: anon
Request: could you do a ryan or gerard x reader where the reader is sick? if not it’s totally cool, just wondering
It was inevitable; you knew that. Your days were numbered, and regardless of how careful you were, no matter how many precautions you took, you knew that you would eventually fall. The stomach bug had been making the rounds on the Pretty. Odd. tour, and unless you were one of the four band members who were being kept away from everyone else, you were fair game.
“Ryan, don’t,” you croaked, using what little strength you had left to push yourself up into a sitting position on your bunk.
You were dazed and disorientated and had no idea what time it was. Looking out of the small window next to your bed was no help either; the grounds on which the tour bus stood was completely shrouded in darkness. It could’ve been the impending promise of nightfall, or it could have just been the dreary Maine weather.
It felt as if you had only just fallen asleep, yet it also felt like you’d been sleeping for months. The blankets had become your enemy, drawing you into a battle of constant pushing and pulling as your body temperature fluctuated between extremes.
Making the mistake of turning around to look if Ryan had entered the bus, your stomach churned and your head spun.
“Oh god, here it comes,” you choked out, hand flying to your mouth as you stood up and staggered to the tiny bathroom.
Hearing the commotion, Ryan hurried onto the bus, struggling to maintain a firm hold on the ginger ale and crackers in his hands.
“My love?” he called to you with concern in his voice, bursting into the bunk area just as you shut the bathroom door. “Too slow; I saw ya! I brought reinforcements.”
The scene inside the compact space was not at all pretty. You were sprawled on the floor, limbs splayed out as wide as the restraining walls would allow. The toilet bowl was directly next to your head; as unappealing as the position was, you were terribly afraid that if you were too far away from it, you would make a mess all over the floor once the contents of your stomach decided to make a premature reappearance.
“Baby, are you okay?”
“Just leave me here to die, Ryan.”
“Never gonna happen, (Y/N).”
At the risk of being yelled at – and catching the bug – Ryan tentatively pushed on the bathroom door, peeking through once it had opened a smidge so that he could see you. When his eyes landed on your limp figure, his boyfriend instincts took over and he burst in and dropped down to your side.
“Oh, my love, you look terrible. What can I do? How do I help?”
“You can go away.” You gave him a weak push – one that barely caused him to move. “Don’t get too close, else you’ll get it too.”
“Don’t care. You need me.”
Even though your head and your heart wanted to argue with him, your body betrayed you and instead of expelling words, it expelled what little contents you had left in your stomach.
Ryan rushed to pick up a washcloth that was hanging over the towel rack, and ran it underneath cold water before gently pressing it to your face. He had felt awful when other members of the crew had fallen victim to the bug and had helped where he could, but seeing you in such a state of agony broke his heart.
Management would have his head if they found out that he was exposing himself to a sicknes when they still had a week and a half of tour left, though he couldn’t care less at this point. You were his only concern.
“I’m here, my love. What do you need?”
“To get back to bed. But I’m too weak to lift myself.”
“Say no more-“ He instantly reached down to lift you up, but you lifted a shaky hand to stop him.
“No, get someone else. Someone who isn’tone of the band members.”
Hurt flashed across his soft features. “Why?”
“Because you can’t afford to catch this, and you’ve already exposed yourself too much,” you spoke hoarsely, looking up at him with droopy yet determined eyes, “I can’t kill Ryan Ross. The fans would riot.”
“Out, Ross,” you commanded, pointing at the door, “I’m serious.”
“Come on, (Y/L/N). Woman up. It’s medicine, not poison.”
“Those are one and the same, to me.”
With a frustrated groan and a frown etched onto his forehead, Ryan reached over to try and force feed you the medicine. “Would you just- UGH!”
You swatted him away angrily, pushing yourself back to lean against the headboard of the hotel bed. “Leave me aloneeeeee,” you drawled, holding up a pillow to block him. “YOU’RE GONNA GET SICK!”
In one swift movement, he hit the pillow out of the way and straddled you, pressing his legs against your sides to prevent you from wriggling away.
Sighing defeatedly, you folded your arms over your chest to showcase your displeasure, but ultimately resigned yourself to opening your mouth.
“I hate you.”
“I love you too, baby.” The guitarist’s hand was as steady as ever as he lifted the spoon full of liquid up for you to take in. He watched with an intense, unwavering gaze to ensure that you swallowed every single drop.
Your stomach fluttered at his endearing actions, though you didn’t dare to tell him that. The last thing you wanted to do was to encourage his behaviour. It was unresponsible for him to be exposing himself like this, and it irked you that he refused to acknowledge the fact.
Nevertheless, the medicine worked wonders on your frail state, and you settled into an restful slumber shortly after taking the dose. Smiling to himself, Ryan placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
A couple days later and you had made a full recovery, stepping out of self-appointed quarantine for the first time in who knows how long. You were still apprehensive about re-entering the land of the healthy though, and made a concerted effort to avoid touching anything or anyone as you walked through the venue.
“Hey, look who it is!” Jon beamed at you as you entered the rehearsal area. He was at the far end of the room but despite the distance between you two, you held up one hand to warn him to keep back. “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah – much better, thanks.” You looked around the room carefully. “Have you seen Ryan?”
“Dressing room, I think.”
You nodded. “Thanks, J.”
Before he could reply, you were out the door and on your way to find your boyfriend. You made sure to take the quickest route that allowed you to pass the least amount of people, and kept your hands in your pockets the entire time to avoid inadvertently reinfecting yourself.
Nearing the dressing room, you could hear movement from inside and it prompted you to barrel your way through the door.
“Stay back.”
“Because – Oh no, oh no…” he gasped, shoving his way past you and out of the door.
You stepped to the side quick enough for him to fly by, but followed immediately behind him despite his pleas for you not to. Suddenly, seeing Ryan falling prey to the bug erradicated any fear you had of catching it again, and your only concern from then on out was to help him.
Ryan tumbled into the bathroom across the hall, failing to lock the door in his ill state. You rapped your knuckles against the door tentatively.
“My love, I’m coming in, okay?”
“No… no… I’m fine.”
“You sound wonderful.”
A weak groan sounded from the other side of the door. “Go away, (Y/N). I don’t… need you… either.”
His words were a resounding reminder of how abrasive you’d been towards him whilst he was nursing you through your sickness, and you sighed heavily as you mentally cursed yourself for it.
“Ryan, I’m sorry. I was just trying to protect you from all this,” you apologised, pushing the door open a tiny crack, “I know that you were just trying to help, and I’m sorry I treated you so badly. But please, let mehelp you.”
The musician’s response came in the form of an agonising groan; he was too sick to argue any further at this point, so you opened the door and dropped down next to him. Your hand flew to his back to rub soothing circles there.
“Go…” he tried again, but couldn’t subdue his throwing up long enough to say more. His body slumped against the cool wall, eyes droopy as he stared up at you.
“Not a chance, Ross,” you shook your head. “You’re not getting rid of me. No way.”
“Okay… just… promise me one thing.”
“Promise… that you’ll let me cough on the other guys. If I’m gonna die, I’m taking the rest of them down with me.”
Thank you for reading x
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lovelylusts · 4 years
Sex || Brendon Urie
Pairing: Brendon Urie x Reader, mentions of Ryan Ross x Reader
Genre: smut, angst
Warnings: cheating, car sex, fingering (f receiving), daddy kink, blowjob, handjob, spanking, protected vaginal sex, based off of “Sex” by The 1975, I wrote this YEARS ago ok bear with me
Word count: 2.7k
The real reason Ryan left Panic! At the Disco.
She began undoing the laces of her old vans, letting her dexterous fingers play with them. She always wore those vans. Every time I saw her wearing them, I would think back to the first time we fucked.
I would remember the morning after, when she walked out of my bedroom only wearing some underwear and one of my t-shirts. The shirt was so big, one of the sleeves slid down her right shoulder to reveal her collarbone and tempting skin -- exposed skin that made me want to undress her all over again. I would remember when I told her to keep the shirt since it looked so good on her and it would give her a reminder of chaste kisses inclined to senseless fucking. She left that day wearing my shirt, some skinny jeans, and those vans. But that was when we were friends with benefits -- before she got a boyfriend. She was dating none other than my best friend and bandmate: Ryan Ross.
As she took her tank top off with a modest sway of her hips, she teased, “C’mon, Bren. I don’t have all day!” I began undressing as well. She only had panties on, while I was only in my boxers, as we made out in the backseat of my car.
“Tell me, what do you wanna me to do to you?” I asked with a devilish grin, cocking an inquisitive eyebrow at her.
“I-I want you to fuck me with your fingers. Please,” she begged. She basically slathered the words with a wanting lust. Without saying a word, I pulled her underwear down; she whimpered. I ran my fingers through her wetness and smirked.
“Damn babygirl, you’re so fucking wet,” I said with a cocky tone. She wasn’t able to say anything; all she did was let a high-pitched, practically pornographic, moan.
I started by slowly rubbing circles on her clit; her soft hands latched onto my bicep and she let out a shaky moan. My fingers started moving a bit faster and she sharply sucked in a breath. I soon pushed my middle finger and ring finger into her pussy and Y/N practically screamed when I did so. I began to slowly thrust my fingers in and out of her. She breathed heavily, trying not to moan, but she couldn’t help but scream out my name when I pushed a third finger into her.
“B-Brendon, please! I’m close!” she cried out. I kept moving my fingers and after only a few more thrusts, I felt her clench around me. “Brendon!” She came around my fingers. I let her body rest for a few seconds and she took a few deep breaths before sitting up.
“Sit back, it’s your turn” she commanded. We switched places to where I was sitting on one of the seats in the back and she was on her knees in front of me. I lifted my hips so she could pull my boxers down. She took my cock in her hand and kissed the tip.
“Damn, Brendon. Sometimes I forget you’re so big,” she teased.
She slowly ran her hand up and down my hard-on while looking into my eyes. She licked the tip a few times before taking only the head in her mouth and sucking on it. I let out a soft moan and reflexively reached out to grab at the top of her head and lace my fingers through her hair. She began to bob her head up and down, taking in as much of me as she could - which was almost all of me, due to the fact she had almost no gag reflex.
“Shit, Y/N, you better stop before I come,” I said.
She slowly pulled off of me with a ‘pop’ and opened the console compartment in the front seat. She reached in and grabbed a foil packet, then tore it open, pulled the condom out, and rolled it down my cock. She placed herself above it and slowly lowered herself onto it. We both let out small moans when she did so. Y/N lifted herself up and then slammed herself back down onto me. She continued this pattern, increasing her speed every-so-often.
I grabbed onto her ass and gave it a rough squeeze, then gave her ass an experimental slap to see how she would react. She moaned and brought her chest closer to mine and engulfed me into a kiss.
“Do it again,” she begged against my lips. Without hesitation, I brought my hand back down onto her ass. She let out a cry of pleasure. “Oh, god! Brendon, I’m gonna come again!” After riding me for a few more minutes, she began moaning uncontrollably. With one last moan, she came around me. I thrusted up into her a few more times before coming into the condom. We sat there wrapped up in each other for a few seconds before she got off of me. We began to clean up after ourselves.
“God, I missed that,” She gave a shuddery sigh, and stretched. She grabbed the tank top that she had discarded earlier and slipped it.
Then why don’t you break up with Ryan and date me? I thought to myself.
“Yeah, me too,” I mumbled.
She reached over to her purse and pulled out her phone to check the time. “Oh, shit! Dude, we gotta hurry. I promised Ryan I’d be at his place by the evening!” She threw her phone in her purse and started collecting the articles of clothing that had been thrown around the backseat.
As I put my clothes back on, I thought about her relationship with Ryan. They met through me. The two of us had just finished “working” on “stuff” when Ryan came over to show me something he had been working on. She was still at my place when he got there, and they instantly clicked. Ryan ended up asking her for her number right before she left. I regretted not asking her out before he did. Because now all we had was meaningless quickies in my backseat.
We both clambered to the front seat of my car and began our drive to Ryan’s apartment.
“So…” I trailed off, trying to find a conversation topic. “How are things with Ryan?”
“Pretty good,” she says. “Considering the fact I just fucked his best friend and bandmate.”
I couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t make me sound like a total jackass. I just stayed quiet and kept my eyes on the road. She took note of this and tried to carry on the conversation herself.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’re great. I’ve never had someone quite like you. But… I don’t know. I know how wrong this is to be doing, but Ryan isn’t ready for that step yet,” she continued.
“I understand. So you wanna keep doing this until Ryan’s ready?” I asked. I hoped she would’ve said she wanted to do it even after that, but I already knew the answer. She loved Ryan a lot and I knew she didn’t like hurting him like this, but you can’t blame someone for hoping.
“Yeah. I don’t think I could go that long without sex. Besides, I can’t give you up just yet,” she said. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see a devilish smirk displayed on her angelic face.
We let the awkward silence take over and I drove for a few minutes more before arriving at Ryan’s house. Just as we got there, Ryan walked out of his front door. He rushed down the cobblestone walkway to greet us.
“Hey, babe,” he said to his girlfriend. He gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Oh, hey, Brendon!” Even though he greeted me with a kind tone, he still looked between the two of us suspiciously.
Y/N caught on to the look he was giving us and came up with an excuse. “My roommate’s car is in the shop and she asked to borrow mine today. I asked Brendon to drive me over since we live near each other,” she lied.
Ryan’s face softened a bit and he nodded. Even if the rest of his face looked calm, I could still see it in his eyes that he didn’t like the sight of us together. But I guess since he trusted me (for some fucking reason) he believed her and didn’t question me.
“Well, I gotta get going. But I’ll see you guys later,” I excused myself before more lies had to be told.
“Yeah. Next time you come over, I gotta show you this song I’ve been working on,” Ryan gleamed with excitement. “Later, man,” he said.
“Bye, Brendon. Thanks for the lift,” Y/N said. Her and Ryan turned to go back into his house. Y/N walked and, when Ryan wasn’t looking, she turned back to wink at me.
Y/N: Can I go over? I wanna talk to you about something
Sure. When?
Y/N: Is now ok?
Yeah, totally. See you in a bit!
I started getting anxious. What did she wanna come over to tell me? Did she decide I was boyfriend material and break up with Ryan to start seeing me? Or did she decide to end things with me?
After a few minutes of anxious waiting, Y/N knocked on the front door of my small apartment. I got up from my spot on the couch and went over to open the door for her. She was standing there with a small smile. In her hands was the t-shirt I gave her once-upon-a-time.
“Hey,” she greeted.
“Hey. Come on in,” I welcomed her in and she followed me inside. Both of us sat down on my small, old, brown leather couch. I fumbled with the tear in my jeans, waiting for her to finally speak.
“So, uh, Ryan and I had sex last night… And we said we’d stop once we did that, so, uh, I came over to give you the shirt back. Since it reminds me too much of you,” she told me, handing me the shirt. The shirt was now a very faded red, compared to the vibrant crayon red it was when I still owned it. I could tell she wore it quite often. It even smelled like the laundry detergent she used.
I stared up at her in awe. I didn’t actually think we’d stop. It took me quite a bit to think of what to say. “Can we still be friends?” I choked out.
“Of course we can,” she said with a bittersweet tone. “No matter what, we’ll always been friends. We were friends before we started fucking, and we’ll be friends after we stop.” She gave a slightly awkward side hug and rested her head on my shoulder
We sat in silence for a few moments. We then both turned to look at each other. As I looked into her eyes I realized just how weak I was for this woman. Y/N cupped my face in her hand and gave me a small kiss. The kiss soon turned into the more. I picked her up and carried her into my bedroom, then gently laid her down on my bed. I was about to pull her shirt off before she put her hand on my chest, letting me know she wanted to stop.
“Bren, wait,” she said, pushing me off of her. “We really shouldn’t be doing this. I’m sorry. I can’t do this to Ryan. You care about him too, right?”
I sighed. “Yeah, I do.” I frowned. I did care about Ryan, but I also couldn’t keep myself away from her. No matter what direction my relationship with her would go, at least one of the three of us would end up hurt.
“Then we shouldn’t do this.”
“You’re right.”
But to be honest, shortly after that conversation and just laying next to each other in tranquility, we threw that conversation out the window for one last night of intensity and lust. And after we finished, I could instantly tell both of us regretted it more than any other time we had sex throughout the duration of her and Ryan’s relationship.
“Hey, how are things back home?” I questioned Y/N over the phone. We were in Africa for a festival, and we hadn’t had a formal conversation in a few days. It had been two or three months since the last time she was in my bedroom for something more than a friendly hang out, and we were still pretty good friends.
“Pretty good. How are things over there?” she asked in return. “I heard that there was a huge turnout last night.”
“Good, good. Yeah, there were lots of people last night. We’re gonna be going back home in a few days, then take a little break to record some stuff before going back on tour,” I explained. I leaned back on the couch in the empty dressing room while we spoke. “Have you talked to Ryan?”
“Yeah. We’ve talked every night. I don’t think he knows about anything, so that’s good, I guess,” she said. “I think we’re in the clear. I can’t even imagine what would happen if he ever did.”
“Yeah. I don’t think he’ll ever find out about it. I mean, we haven’t fucked in months. I think we’ve pretty much put all of this behind us,” I said.
“Yeah. I’m glad we stopped. I feel a lot less guilty than I did a while ago. Still guilty, but not as much. But anyway, I gotta go. Have fun with the show and I’ll see you guys in a few days! Bye, Bren.”
“Later, Y/N.”
“You were fucking my girlfriend?!” Ryan yelled at me. We had just gotten off stage and were getting ready to fly back home the next day. But as soon as we got back to the dressing room, Ryan lashed out at me.
“Dude, calm down,” I insisted, unsuccessfully. I knew it wouldn’t work, but it was worth a shot. There was no way I would ever get Ryan to calm down over something like this. Especially since I know he’s been cheated on before and was so salty about it, he wrote one of our first hit singles about it.
“How the fuck do you expect me to calm down about this?!” he raged. “I heard you talking to her earlier, you piece of shit!”
“I-” I tried to come up with something -- anything -- to calm him down. But I already knew he wouldn’t be having any of it.
“Don’t even start! I don’t wanna hear your excuses. How long has this been going on?” He glared at me with his fury-filled eyes, waiting for an answer.
I gulped before answering. “We were friends with benefits before you guys met. We waited until you were ready to have sex before we stopped doing it. We only did it once after that.”
“You mean you guys fucked for months?! What the hell, man? Did you really think I’d never find out about this?” His hands had now formed fists, and I could tell he was prepared to swing at me at any second.
I had never seen Ryan this angry in the years I’d known him. By now, Jon and Spencer were in the room with us and were watching us, speechless.
“Fuck you, Brendon. Keep the band, I don’t care what you guys do. I’m out,” he sighed and started to walk to where his belongings were on the other side of the dressing room and threw it all together as fast as he could. His rage was very evident in the way he through his stuff in his bag.
“You’re quitting over something as stupid as this?!” I inquired. “You’re joking, right?” Truth be told, it wasn’t all that stupid. I just couldn’t imagine the band without him. He wrote amazing music and he was one of my best friends, after all.
“Hell no! After this, I can’t trust you. You didn’t tell me what was going on before I asked her out, and now you can’t keep your hands off her! Well, you can have her and the band now. Just like you always wanted.”
Ryan walked out of the dressing room, leaving Jon, Spencer, and I in a still silence.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Jon asked me, bitterness in his voice.
“I wasn’t.”
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Ryan Ross Imagines
I’m taking requests for ryan ross imagines! 
Things I’ll Write:
- X reader imagines
-BSM’s (Brother-Sister Moments)
-DDM’s (Daddy-Daughter Moments) [ not sexual you horny fucks] 
- I’ll even take short Brendon/ Ryan imagines or even Brendon/ Ryan/ X reader if you want! 
my ask box is open!
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axelsagewrites · 5 years
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Never Walk Away Again - Ryan Ross x Reader
Summary: A few months after a big fight Ryan spots you, his best friend in the crowd at a show. Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Warnings: reader got cheated on (not by Ryan!), break-up (also not with Ryan), maybe slight emotional cheating on reader’s side, but not reall Word count: 2 853 A/N: Happy Birthday to the guy who said we’d get an album soon in 2019, and still hasn’t published anything since then. I forgive you under the condition that you are happy.
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The lights made it almost impossible for Ryan to see beyond the first few rows of people standing packed together in front of the stage. Ryan had expected the small venue to maybe be half full, but it seemed he had been wrong; it was almost sold out. Blinking against the light, getting ready for the last song of the night, he stepped closer towards his mic, fiddling around with the capo, adjusting it on the neck of his guitar.
“Okay, we‘ve reached the final song,” he spoke into the mic, trailing off at the end. “The lights make it really hard to see all the way to the back, but I just wanted to thank you all for coming out here tonight to see us play. It was a pleasure and an honour to do so, and I’d love to meet you guys later at the merch table.”
The audience cheered, making Ryan smile, as the drums began picking up the beat for the last song. Ryan had barely played the first few chords, when his eyes, wandering through the room, spotted someone he had expected to never see again, surprising him so much he almost would have missed the next chord.
You were standing at the side, leaning against a wall, not dancing like others, just watching, just listening. Ryan’s heart beat in his throat, as he glanced at you again. There was no doubt: it was you, his best friend, who he had not seen in months. Well, you were his best friend. If you still said the same about him was something he did not know. He could not blame anyone but himself if you did not.
You had been friends for years, and it had not taken Ryan long to fall for you back then. But he had never told you, never acted on it, because he knew you were in a relationship, and he did not want to risk the friendship that connected you. For years he had lived like this, meeting you for movie evenings, going on walks, to concerts, out drinking or shopping, always knowing in the end it was not him you were going home with, but instead you would return to your boyfriend John. It had killed him a little bit, every time.
When about half a year ago he had found out John was seeing someone else at the side, he had been torn up about what to do. For over a month he had tried to convince himself that it had not actually been John, but some random guy who just happened to look like him, who Ryan had seen, but when it had happened again, when John and some model-like chick had begun half-way making out in the next booth over from where Ryan was having breakfast with some friends, he had decided to confront John.
John had never liked Ryan, something Ryan was well aware of. John had the tendency to want to control who you had contact with, and Ryan knew that some of the meet-ups you had cancelled had been cancelled because John had made a drama out of you meeting him. Ryan also knew that John thought himself to be above Ryan, looked down on him. So when Ryan had caught up to John outside the diner and told him to come clean to you about the chick he was seeing, or Ryan would tell you, John had only laughed at him. He’d never have the guts to do it anyway, he had said, and that you would never believe Ryan. Ryan had insisted, had given him a two week deadline, making John roll his eyes.
When three weeks later Ryan and you had taken a walk through the park, and you had told him how good things were going with John, he had burst out that John had been cheating on you. In hindsight Ryan really did not know what he had expected you to do. Cry and hug him, thanking him for telling you? Certainly not. But if he was honest, he had not expected you to accuse him of being a liar either. You had asked him if he was trying to break John and you up, and why. Ryan could not even admit to himself, that maybe a small part of him wished you would break up with John and instead take interest in Ryan, but he told himself he just did not want you to live with a lying, cheating piece of asshole longer than you already had.
That conversation had been the first (and last) time you had fought, the first time you had raised your voice at him. Ryan had tried calming you down, had tried assuring you he was telling the truth, but instead of listening you had turned around, and stormed down the small path you had come up, back towards the parking lot.
Ryan had given you a head start, having hoped by the time you had reached the gates to the park you might have calmed down, but when he had reached the exit himself you were nowhere in sight, and the car with which you had driven both of you here was gone, so Ryan had taken the bus home.
He had not seen you since, had not talked to you.
How many times had he dialled your number but never pressed call? He was scared of calling. Were you still mad at him? What if you had blocked his number? He was certain he could not take that rejection, so he had never dared contacting you. For your birthday he had bought a tiny key chain plushie of your favourite animal, but he had not known your address. He had gone back to your flat, but your name was gone from the door bells, John’s too. He had ended up squeezing the plushie into a small compartment in his guitar case, and left it there, always carrying it with him. A constant reminder of having lost you.
But now you were here, watching him play a song he had written about an evening he had spent with you. The song was as melancholic as it was hopeful. He could almost smell the salt of the sea, and feel the waves licking at his feet whenever he sung it, recalling the evening the two of you had spent wandering along the beach, collecting pretty sea shells, sand sticking to your hands where you picked up the shells, and feet, there you were dragging your toes through the soft ground.
He had almost worried a little, when he had played the song for you the first time. It was too much of a love song to not cause him to worry. Why would he write something that could easily be understood as a declaration of love for his best friend? If you had asked him, he might have taken a leap of faith, and answered truthfully, but instead you had smiled, told him how much you loved it, that it might well be a song you would have listened to that evening, as the sun had sparkled red and golden on the waves.
Now the song floated through the room, the audience singing and dancing along. Ryan saw friends twirl one another around, and he could not help but think that if he had been in the audience with you, hearing this song being played, he might have done the same with you. His eyes flickered back to where he had seen you. You were still leaning against the wall, head tilted slightly, a soft expression on your face. He quickly looked away again, his heart racing in his chest.
When he went out to meet the fans who had been staying behind after the show, he could not spot you anywhere, making his heart sink, thinking maybe seeing you had just been wishful thinking, or that you had left intentionally, not wanting to talk to him.
He took pictures with the fans, pushing the thought of you out of his mind, signed posters, CDs and vinyls, chatted with everyone who wanted to talk to him. And when he finally made his way backstage again after having waved good bye to the last fans, a bunch of girls who had surprised him with the story of how his music had brought them together as a group, he found all of his band members had left already.
Tiredly he rubbed his eyes, feeling the disappointment of not having gotten to talk to you settle heavily in his stomach. He shuffled over to his guitar case, which the others had left behind. They knew he prefered taking care of his instrument himself. He clicked open the lid, checking the guitar was inside. The key chain plushie he had bought looked up at him reproachfully as it always did, with its little, black stich-on eyes.
The sound of a soft voice almost made him jump out of his skin, the recognition of the voice raising his heartbeat almost painfully.
Quickly spinning around, he found you sitting on a table in the corner, where he had not seen you coming in. Earlier he had seen you from a distance, from up on stage, but seeing you so close, just a few meters away made him dizzy. You looked good, cute, sexy in a completely relaxed way. You wore a shirt that loosely hung around your body, and a pair of short trousers. Your hair was different from the last time he had seen it, but it made you look even cuter than he remembered you.
For a moment he just stared at you, not having expected you might have snuck back here, but then again the whole band knew you, and nobody would have stopped you from coming into the backstage room.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out, finally getting to say the words he had wanted to say for months, ever since he had last seen you.
“No, I’m sorry,” you looked away, your eyes scanning the room, “for blowing up in your face.”
“You had every right to,” Ryan shook his head. He wanted to walk over to you, wanted to hug you, to take your face in his hands and just look at you for hours, but he stayed rooted where he was. “It wasn’t my place to-”
“But you were right, weren’t you,” you asked with a shrug. “John had been cheating on me. And I knew it. I’ve known it for months. Suspected it at least. You telling me just made it real. And I didn’t want that.”
Ryan swallowed hard.
“Still, I shouldn’t have- I didn’t do it with ill intention, just didn’t want you to… I didn’t want you to end up as one of these girls who gets married and the groom disappears with one of the bridesmaids or something.”
Ryan’s head shot up as he heard you chuckle.
“Never intended to marry him anyway, no worries there.”
“You know what I mean.”
For a moment there was silence spreading through the room. You were not looking at Ryan, just at the wall, while Ryan took you in closer. You looked tired, but generally healthy. Healthier than when he had last seen you.
“I broke up with him,” you suddenly said. “Just so you know. I went home right after you told me, and broke up with him. Honestly, I should have done that years ago,” you admitted. “But I was scared, which might be another reason I denied it, when you told me.”
“Scared,” echoed Ryan.
“Scared because I’ve been with John for so long, that I wasn’t sure I knew who I was without him. What I’d do without all these goddamn restrictions he put on me, what I’d do if I actually had the freedom to choose everything for myself. Turns out it wasn’t him I needed in my life after all.”
“Who then?”
You shrugged, finally looking at Ryan again. “You?”
His breath hitched, and for a moment he almost thought maybe you were saying you needed him as more than a friend, as much as he needed you, but he pushed the thought aside. Baby steps, he told himself. For now you were just here to talk, perhaps not even considering him a friend anymore.
“I came here because I missed you,” you continued. “Hell, I thought about you every day, wondering if I should call you or something. But you hadn’t called either so I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to.”
“I was scared you didn’t want me to call.”
You blew air out of your nose and rolled your eyes. “Wow, we’re two proper idiots, hmm?”
Ryan nodded.
“Anyway,” you continued, “I came because I wanted to see you, wanted to know if there’s still a way to fix things.”
Ryan was about to say something but you silenced him by lifting your hand.
“But I can’t expect you to agree to try without you knowing the whole truth, and that’s that I wasn’t just scared of not knowing who I would be without John, but also of knowing the moment I wouldn’t be with John anymore, I’d try to be with you.”
“Be with me?” Ryan felt his stomach fill with butterflies, but did not yet dare to hope. Maybe he misunderstood.
“Yeah. And not because I’d be so devastated about John that I’d try to find someone to take my mind off him, but because-” you took a deep breath, “because I’ve been completely in love with you for… so long. And I always told myself that I was with John, and it was better this way and we were just friends, and that you didn’t want more. So I was scared that if I’d break up with John, and told you how I feel, I’d mess up things with us too. But things are already messed up, hell, we haven’t even talked in over three months, so I don’t know why I shouldn’t just try, you know? Maybe I’m lucky and you actually want me back in your life. As a friend. Or… I don’t know. Something else. Something more, maybe, if you want to try. But if you’re not interested, that’s fine, it’s okay. I just miss you and if you still want to be friends then-”
You were rambling, but Ryan barely had registered anything after the part where you had said you had come here to ask him if he wanted to try to be more than ‘just’ friends. And you had said: you were in love with him, had you not? So you wanted him, you wanted to be with him. The look in your eyes told him that you wanted it just as much as he did. So he did not even think about it, when he quickly crossed the room, over to where you were sitting, grabbed your face in his hands, and interrupted your rambling by slamming his lips against yours, years of pent up emotions unloading themselves at once.
You gasped in surprise, but your body reacted on its own, throwing your hands around his neck, and pulling him in, shifting your legs so he could stand between them, while his hands wandered away from your face, one into your hair, the other down your neck, down your back, until it was resting at your waist, tucking you closer to him. It was not until his chest pressed to yours, the only thing separating you now your thin shirt and his tank top, that it quite sunk in what was happening. He was kissing you, hot and urgent and it drew all breath from your lungs, made you dizzy with emotions, made your heart soar. You had dreamt of the feeling of his lips, the taste of his tongue, the brush of his breath for so long, that it felt unreal, really having him kiss you now. The sensation was overwhelming, and you could do nothing but follow Ryan lead, as he desperately kissed you, as if he feared you would disappear any moment from his hold.
You only drew back from the kiss when the need for oxygen became overwhelming, and gasping for air you dropped your head to his shoulders. He was warm, familiar, safe, his longish brown hair softly tickling the side of your face. You could feel him wrap his arms around you tighter, could feel him pressing his nose to your hair, inhaling deeply with every breath he took.
“I’m never gonna let you walk away again,” he whispered, pressing his lips to your temple, hot and sweet.
You just nodded in response, unable to form words that could have expressed how much that meant to you, how much he meant to you.
And when you had caught your breath, you kissed him again, softer this time, and then again, and again, neither of you quite able to believe that after so long you were finally holding each other as you had always dreamt of.
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@alexstyx​​​ @jayloverthe3rd​​​ @robinruns​​​ @lookalivefrosty​​​ @butterflycore​​​  @omgsuperstarg​​ @fivelegance​
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pkmntrainergreyze · 6 years
The Apocalypse Suite (Tyler Joseph x Reader)
a/n: My frens know I’m trash for The Umbrella Academy and I suggest you read it. Real amazing comic series and characters. I noticed not a lot of people write an imagine using TUA, so yeah, expect major similarities.
Although I tweaked the plot and characters a bit, there are still spoilers regarding the Apocalypse Suite (or the comics at least, maybe the netflix adaption is different) (best hope it won’t be death note v2).
So yeah, read The Umbrella Academy before it airs on Netflix.
(p.s: there are .cbr files you can download free on getcomics and you can open them with the comic reader app. you didn’t hear it from me)
Warning ⚠: The Umbrella Academy Spoilers (duh)
Tyler sighed and leaned on the plane’s window. The greasy caramel haired boy gripped his small keyboard tight. The child’s goo eyes observed his adopted brothers and sisters fight against France’s morale skyscraper at 6:26 in the morning. He can’t deduce why they have missions everyday. His father— Monocle won’t tell.
The Eiffel Tower’s summit glowed green. Number 3 (Pete/Rumor) twisted reality with his lies so citizens will evacuate. Fortunately every lie he says come true.
Number 1 (Ryan/Moonboy) hollered in command and only Number 6 (Brendon/Panic!)’s stomach tentacles seem to follow his lead. Ryan has super strength and loves playing leader while Brendon had monsters frolicking under his skin that is sometimes under his control.
When the tower ascended, Number 2 ((Y/n)/Kraken) prepared the blades. She’s known to be a knife casting child that can hold her breath for a day— and a brat.
But she’s his first favorite “sibling”. She’s the only one that shared his interests and understood him, together with Number Five. They wrote songs together— hers mostly about cryotic messages on how to utterly destroy Hargreeves with humiliation and his about beliefs and religion. The three of them could make a great band.
Oh, and Tyler has a school boy crush on her.
And now Number 4 (Frank/Séance) floated, aiming to contact the dead engineer for assistance. He’s psychic for a reason.
All those abilities made them equal in strength, aside from Number 7. Unlike his siblings superpowers, he’s a talentless slob with mediocre piano skills babysitted on Hargreeves’s private plane.
Out of 43 children, he was the seventh chosen for the Umbrella Academy. Sir Hargreeves claimed his orphans are gifted with abilities the norm can only imagine, yet he doesn’t seem to exhibit the description.
“Dad— I mean, Sir Monocle, Sir? Why can’t I play with the others?”
“Well Number Seven… There’s just nothing SPECIAL about you”
Tyler bobbed his head.
Inside, Tyler rebuked. But if he dare defy his father, he’ll be a reject in the streets. So he bottled it in, and inquired another instead.
“Where’s J— Number Five, Sir? I don’t see him anywhere” He asked, praying the man won’t reply insultingly.
“The Future, I presume. Ran away from home, no doubt. I can’t be sure, nor be bothered”
Tyler gasped at this— but envied his foster brother. The Kraken and Number Five were his closest friends, and one of them banished without him? Other than that how could a man— a father say that so blandly?
Hargreeves looked down, his monocle glinted him blind.
“Why don’t you go and play your piano?”
“Does anyone wish to say anything?”
(Y/n) sighed and leaned on the nearest tree. They lost Brendon a few years back— and now Monocle. She discovered it’s better crying over a dirty calamari than a tyrant’s death. She barely casted a gaze down her father’s corpse. She did not like dusting her superhero custome for any occasion.
It obviously took a lot of time and money  polishing this funeral. Hell, it seemed like a wedding.
Everyone took giant leaps to be there. Her brother Ryan literally landed from space, Pete appeared after signing divorce papers from some guy named Patrick, Frank probably floated across the American borders and the most shocking news is their long time missing brother Number 5 came back from the future.
(It’s easy to spot who’s Number Five, considering he hadn’t aged a bit. He’s his seventy year old mind self trapped in his ten year old body)
Thank God the paparazzi met their dead end in front of the gates or else unanswerable questions will drill their heads to sleep.
But back to the present. Pogo, their talking caretaker chimpanzee’s question remained unanswered.
Ryan and Pete, the last of Hargreeves’s favorites inventions wore a grim expression. On the other hand Frank, Number Five, and (Y/n) displayed no sign of remorse. None of them dared to talk, not wanting to piss off one another.
Thankfully, Mrs Hargreeves took the spotlight. She wore a black trench coat to emphasize her husband’s death. She had puffy cheeks and looked like she cried before she arrived. The sight made Pete’s heart ache a bit. She was made to be the best mom. Equally a delicate and nice lady.
She began talking about how Gerard wasn’t the greatest father— and an even worse husband, in which everyone agreed fully. But when she spoke about him caring more about saving the world than personal relationship like a hero…
The Kraken called her words bullshit.
Pete and Ryan tried to warn Mrs Hargreeves, but it was too late.
If it’s barely a human being, how could it be a mother? It’s pathetic, a pathetic waste.
No one can make a mother out of parts and removable limbs. Why did everyone have to live their lives with everything plastered in man made inventions? No, they’re not superheros.
(Y/n) gripped her coat from behind and in one swift motion— she revealed her mother’s true nature.
They were all Sir Gerard-Fucking-Hargreeves’s lab rats.
Mrs Hargreeves’s body bared open organ systems and a stray heart. She cried, humiliated “I’m sorry…”
She sobbed “I shouldn’t have come”
Pete covered her with his jacket and cooed “It’s okay Mom”
Ryan grumbled in (Y/n)’s ear. This turmoil meant nothing in her head, and Mr Fly-Me-To-The-Moon can’t intimidate her.
“I’m warning you Kraken—”
She gazed at her mother’s synthetic black hair “Those tears aren’t even real”
Pete’s head snapped, bawling as he yelled “WELL THESE ARE”
(Y/n) flinched.
“Then too bad Tyler isn’t here” She mumbled. Pogo pressed a button and the casket lowered.
“He could play his piano…”
Not an hour had passed before Ryan and (Y/n) gripped each other’s throat in an almost ordinary fashion. This time, Moon had the upper hand. He pointed a ray gun against her temple, harnessing energy while his finger neared the trigger. And before (Y/n) could vision hanging out beside Bren’s pretty corpse, Number Five intervened.
“Maybe I wasn’t clear on what I saw back in the future!” He yelped.
“The world was destroyed just three days after Gerard’s death!”
Ryan froze.
Number Five looked down his watch “Time is running out”
Rumor scoffed at Moon “You haven’t changed a bit”
And when they thought everything is at peace, Pogo rode Séance’s shoulder as he flew, pointed at the carnival then screamed “Look!”
“The carnival! It’s on FIRE!”
It’s quite far from the mansion, but Ryan’s height and Frank’s psychic abilities let them saw the burning image. Moon’s face solidified. “The Niners” He muttered subconsciously
Séance groaned. Everyone except Number Five— who wasn’t there for the last two decades— hauled in a state of annoyance. Rumor shook his head, this again?
“The what?” Number Five asked.
“When we last fought Dr Nicholas Bourbaki he told us the next time we reform the Terminants will activate…”
Ryan looked down at the child.
“Which means Tyler is in the City”
Everyone headed back to the Mansion. One of the perks of being Sir Hargreeves’s children is the access to the televator— a teleporting elevator. They all thought of it the second they realized one of them is astray.
But Tyler isn’t the only prodigal sibling.
“Moon–” Pogo called out, noting (Y/n)’s lack of presence “The Kraken!”
“Let her get killed, cause according to the terminants…
We’re a team again”
Tyler sat in a taxi cab after rejecting an offer to hypothetically— destroy massive civilization by playing his piano, scavenging his keyboard bag for his pills. After all, how could his “adequate” piano skills help an apocalypse inducing orchestra?
He had enough. He thought being the lamest sibling in the Umbrella Academy will be the last line in his autobiography but it wasn’t. He also happened to cause another villain outbreak.
He can barely see the man in the driver seat, but if it weren’t hallucination then he paid a shadow.
He hoped the shadow, unicorn– whatever the hell is behind the wheel would drive faster so he could warn his family.
“Are you alright man? Y'know you look like—” The driver was cut off when a loud bang erupted.
“The carnival— It’s on fire!”
Tyler looked at the window. The carnival was indeed crackling in flames. He humphed. The rollercoaster looked way cooler morphing ashes.
“I bet it’s my family” He poured pills down his palm “change of plans”
“Drive me there” He glanced back at the amusement park. There are two groups of enemies on the loose.
But he prayed more that one of his siblings in particular will forgive him for what he had done in the past.
“And drive faster”
The Kraken flung another knife at the cloaked robot. The children on the ride’s boat ride hugged each other, chanting their quote on quote last words. Fuck them for thinking anyone else except Moon can’t save them.
God, (Y/n) hated these Niners. Next time Dr Nicholas design something it better look cooler and not look like wannabe cults. Oh wait— He’s dead! She forgot.
(Y/n) punched one down and roundhouse kicked the other. And as the others made their way another blade passed through their brains, splattering oil everywhere.
If only Number Five finished his check-up with Pogo earlier then he might’ve enjoyed fighting alongside her. They both missed each other’s company, most especially Five.
The woman was bleeding from her appendix down her right thigh— yet she determined the appropriate time vocalize they owe her a costume.
While she evacuated the three ungrateful souls, Tyler made his way south the carousel.
As he ran closer, the picture of Moon from afar about to punch a self-destructive robot went clearer.
“My God” He sprinted toward about to warn him “MOON!!”
Behind a trashcan ejected another enemy pointing a ray gun
Tyler looked back, and saw approximately ten missiles ahead.
Ryan barely heard his scream however, someone else did.
(Y/n) pushed him down, with her on top. Her face contorted beyond pissed. They laid at the ground, both in pain. Tyler thanked God he stayed alive— but when he saw the look on the her face, he found out the half of the upcoming verbal abuse.
“What the hell are you doing here!” She screamed right at his face “You think you can show your face after all these years?!”
Tyler frowned.
“I… I wanted to help! There’s something I need to tell you, (Y/n)!”
Her chest tightened. It’s been a while since someone called her by her name.(Y/n) scoffed and laughed, repressing the warm feeling pooling inside her with the acidic truth.
“You left.”
He left when (Y/n) needed her the most. Being a teenager in Hargreeves’s manor was the saddest you could be. She shared chunks of her dreams with him— and he left to some pretentious academy because the person she hated the most told him so.
Another robot went boom after Ryan smashed it. Through the smoke he saw the illusion of The Pianist and Kraken together. (Y/n) covered him from Moon’s sight. She’d rather let him leave.
“The only thing you’re helping us is getting killed, and there’s nothing else I want to hear from you”
She towered above him.
“I… used to think I have a brother” At that time, Tyler felt tears roll against his warm cheeks. He avoided her gaze, but doing so does not make the situation easier, just made him seem more in denial.
“But I’ve got nobody”
That had to be the worst thing he heard all day. Much, much worse than hearing a proposal about universal destruction.
“Get lost” (Y/n) commanded.
He did, he scampered as fast as he could. She watch him crawl and trip out of her sight. She thought she might be masochistic for liking the sight of people leaving her… again… and again…
“Kraken” Ryan called out. And with that, (Y/n) Hargreeves transformed back to just Kraken.
“Thanks” She pertained to the broken robot that nearly killed her. Cause there’s no way she’s talking about it.
“Was that Tyler?” Pete asked. Frank wanted to ask the same question but he has to excuse his language to the children around him.
“Just a citizen” She gently grabbed one of the rescued injuired girls to the ambulance.
“No one SPECIAL”
a/n: I’ve been thinking about making this as a book, though I’m not sure everyone can understand my writing haha.
anyways, for the people who read the comics or at least saw the trailer: Who’s your favorite hero and enemy? 
Cause mine is the 100% best assassin Five, Klaus and Vanya (can’t choose, I just don’t like Luther, but Diego and Allison is pretty decent). Tho when it comes to enemies the best imo is Hazel and Cha Cha.
(… cause who needs drugs when you have cookies and guns?)
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badimagines · 6 years
imagine 1
imagine, you and brendon urie are making some eggs, and you go to get out the milk. when all of a sudden ryan ross runs into your home, and slaps the milk out of your hands and yells “NO I NEED THAT!!!!”
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hellofanimagination · 6 years
Imagine kissing Ryan, his lips sliding over yours and how when you bite his bottom lip he gives a little gasp. Imagine how he always wants to be touching you, his hand in yours, his thigh pressed against yours as you sit too close, standing too close, coming over to play beside you on stage. Imagine his lips on you're neck and his voice cracking as he tells you how he wants to fuck you over and over and over again. Imagine Ryan singing to you over the phone (after you beg a few times) when you miss him and can't sleep. Imagine movie nights and snuggling and how perfect he feels pressed close to you. Imagine him smiling at you when you do something embarrassing or stupid and all he can say is "i love you" Just imagine Ryan ross ok bc i sure am
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canislupus-exe · 7 years
Messages | ryan ross
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fandom | Panic! At The Disco
charcter | Ryan Ross
reader | no pronouns used
requested | Anonymous
warnings | Mild Swearing
word count | 525
keys | None
>> prompts <<
52 | "Can we cuddle?"
152 | "Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night."
145 | "Go back to bed."
summary | May I request 52,152,and 145 with AFYCSO! Ryan Ross
>> back to prev <<
Keep reading
You groaned as you heard the quiet ding of your phone going off. You had just settled into bed and you were really comfortable. Plus, your dog was already laying on you so it’s not like you could just get up. You closed your eyes and laid your head on the pillow, reveling in the silence.
Ding ding ding.
You screamed and threw your pillow across the room, not aiming for anything in particular. Who the hell was texting you this late at night. You sat up and walked to your phone, huffing and pulling it off the charger. You sat on your bed and opened your messages, revealing who had been blowing it up.
Ryan😍💖: Hey babe
Ryan😍💖: Babe
Ryan😍💖: Baaaaaaaaabe
Ryan😍💖: Baby answer me
Ryan😍💖: Babeeeeeeeee
Ryan😍💖: Come on I wanna cuddle
Ryan😍💖: Can we cuddle?
You rubbed your forehead as you read the messages from your boyfriend.
You: Ryan, you are literally a thousand miles away from me. How the hell are we going to cuddle?????
Ryan😍💖: Idk can’t we like Skype cuddle or some shit?
You: Where do you even get these ideas?
Ryan😍💖: Well people Skype fuck so why can’t we skype cuddle?
You: Can you just stop texting me weird stuff so late at night? Like I’m trying to sleep.
Ryan😍💖: But I need to cuuuuuuuudle
You: Go back to bed
Ryan😍💖: I can’t
You: And why not?
Ryan😍💖: Cause I need to cuddle
You: Fine, don’t go back to sleep. You’re the one who has a show tomorrow, not me. Goodnight Ryan
Ryan😍💖: No, please
You turned off your phone before you could read his text message. It continued to ding for quite a while before finally went silent. You sighed in relief and put it back on the charger. You laid back down and covered your feet with the blanket, slowly closing your eyes and greeting your much-needed sleep. At least, you tried.
As soon as you were falling asleep, your phone began to ring. You couldn’t help but let out a sob-like noise. Sleep, all I want is sleep. You stood and walked to your phone again. The light shone brightly, illuminating the picture of Ryan. He was FaceTiming you.
“What do you want?” You answered with a growl.
“I told you. I want to cuddle.” He replied. You glared at your screen as you watched his innocent smile only grow.
“Ryan. We can’t cuddle. You are on the other side of the country!” You shouted.
“You cuddle your phone and I’ll cuddle my phone. Simple.” He replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You rubbed your temple with frustration.
“I am not cuddling with my phone Ryan.”
“I won’t leave you alone until you do.” He said in a sing-song tone. You sighed, knowing very well that he wouldn’t.
“Fine. I’ll cuddle my phone. Just please, please let me sleep.” You mumbled as you got into bed for the third, and hopefully the final, time that night.
“Okay.” He said, his smile bigger than ever. You wrapped your arms around the small screen and closed your eyes. The sound of his breathing was slightly comforting but you’d never admit that. You began to slowly fall asleep but before you could go under completely, you could hear Ryan whisper a quiet goodnight.
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coltonthelizard · 7 years
requested: connor l, o, q, r, y
L - Location
connor really digs doing it in places you might get caught. he’ll pull you into a dressing room at the mall or a stairwell at school because you just looked so hot and he couldn’t take it anymore. there’s a stairwell at school that’s basically abandoned and it has more or less become your spot. he’s got condoms stashed under the carpet
O - Oral
connor loves oral. he especially loves when you blow him since you know he’s mostly a dom and he can pull your hair and run his hands through it. but he knows exactly how to make you feel good when he’s giving you oral and he loves to drive you crazy with it
Q - Quickie
connor’s always down for a quickie. like if you’ve got twenty minutes to kill before you have to be somewhere guess what? sex. but that’s kind of what’s so special about it, that you have the kind of connection where you can just have hot giggly sex any time. most of the time you both prefer it to be longer so you can really get wild but quickies are a good time
R - Risk
you guys are super chill about trying anything even if you don’t think you’ll be into it. like you tried role playing once and you couldn’t stop laughing because connor was such a bad actor and couldn’t think of any of the right things to say. but you’ve tried out orgasm denial, anal, worship, hair pulling, switching roles, basically everything cause you’re always down to clown
Y - Yearning
this boy has the highest fucking sex drive. it’s unbelievable. his go to move is when you’re driving, he’ll have his hand on your thigh and slowly slide it up and start teasing you till you have to pull over and fuck him right there in the car. he’s got this little eyebrow raise down for certain situations that’s just like “you wanna go bang?” and he’s definitely used it at boring dinner parties he has to go to for larry
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