#ryan ross x reader fanfic
Relaxing - Ryan Ross x Reader
Prompt: R: Relaxing (How do they relax with their s/o? The best ways? The cutest?) (from this list) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Word Count: 1 309
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By the time Ryan returned from the shops, he found your car was parked in the driveway. Judging by the amount of fine rain droplets that had already collected on the windows, he supposed you had been home for a while. Smiling to himself, he unlocked the front door, letting himself in. While kicking off his shoes, he called for you, but received no response. Carrying the groceries into the kitchen, he called for you again, before he shrugged it off. Maybe you were in the shower. 
Ryan did have to admit that he was at least a little proud of having gone shopping. It was something you usually did together, but your week had been stressful, and he had wanted to take some work off of your hands. He had made sure to buy your favourite dessert and some nice bathing salt for a warm bath. The fluff socks he had been unable to resist getting for you would simply be snuck into your dresser after he had washed them, to surprise you.
Lately he thought a lot about how he could help you stay warm. You constantly complained about how cold your workplace was, and while in the beginning Ryan had foolishly assumed you were exaggerating, he had been forced to agree, after having visited you once. It really was freezing there, and he had no idea how you managed to stand the cold for hours upon hours. But now even the weather had turned surprisingly cold. This was LA, and yet there was not the faintest sliver of blue sky, only dark, grey clouds, freezing wind, and an unending drizzle of rain.
After having put the groceries away, Ryan went back into the hallway to take his jacket off. This was when he noticed your wellies and rain jacket were missing. He didn't need to see more than that to know that you had not gone to take a shower but were instead outside, taking a walk along the beach.
It was one of your favourite things to do after a stressful day. Sometimes you were gone for hours, walking miles along the waterline. And sometimes you just sat on the porch, looking out over the sand and watching the waves in the distance.
Ryan was never certain whether you wanted to spend the time on the beach alone. Sometimes you asked him if he wanted to join, and he never said no to that offer, but other times you just announced you would go to the beach and disappear. He was never certain if he was allowed to ask to accompany you. Once you had told him you loved spending time with him, that even when you needed "alone-time" you were always okay with having him around because he respected your needs, and was excellent company, even without the exchange of words or touches. 
Still it felt like an intrusion on your space. But today Ryan missed you. The whole day had been cold and grey and rainy, and he just wanted to kiss your forehead and hold your hand for a few minutes. So he slipped into a different jacket, one that would withstand the wind and rain, and put on his wellies. 
Stepping through the backdoor into the garden that opened onto the beach, he wondered if he would even find you. If you had decided to got on a hike along the waterline, he would have no way of knowing which way you went. But luckily the beach was entirely empty except for a small figure right by the edge of the water, dressed in your signature rain coat. 
The wet sand made walking difficult, and cold, wet wind blew into Ryan's face, but he steadily fought his way towards you. Even though the wind was carrying the sound away from you, and he hadn't yet called for you, you seemed to have sensed his approach, because you turned around to him and reached out your hand.
Ryan and you had been dating for a fair while, and gestures like this were not uncommon and jet the sight of your right now made his heart clench. The hood of your jacket was pulled over your head, wind had ruffled your hair even underneath the hood, and the late afternoon light cast a mysterious glow over you as you reached for him, your eyes tired and yet carrying a light Ryan had only ever seen when you looked at him. He swallowed thickly, once more, just like many times before that, realising that you loved him just as much as he loved you. 
Taking the last steps forward, he took your hand, linking your fingers together and steping to your side. For a moment you looked at one another, waves licking around your boots, wind tucking on your clothes, and just relishing the time you got to spend together before you looked out over the sea again.
Your head dropped to Ryan's shoulder, and he quickly pressed a kiss to your hair. You relaxed against him, making him smile and nuzzle his nose against your head.
"How was your day," he asked carefully, his words muffled against your hair.
"If it were up to my boss, I'd work 20 hours per day, 8 days a week," you answered quietly.
Ryan groaned quietly, hoping to show his sympathy.
"So bad?"
"Worse," you answered. " Remember that project I'm supposed to work on? They decided to elect me as project leader and now none of them do their job. Today I've done my workload and that of three colleges."
"You really shouldn't do that," Ryan shook his head. "They're just using you."
"I know. The problem is that if this doesn't get finished in time, I'm the one whose head will roll."
"When's the deadline?"
"Right before Christmas?"
You nodded. 
"That's shitty."
"I know. So be prepared to have a super stressed out partner for the next week."
"If there's any way I can help…?"
You cuddled closer against Ryan, and he placed his free hand on your waist, pulling you into a half hug.
"There really isn't. But I took the left over leave days, and the office is closed for the first days of the new year anyway, so I'll have two weeks off after this whole ordeal. Oh-"
Remembering something, you giggled, a sound Ryan had not heard often enough recently.
"My one coworker found out I'd be off for two weeks, and deadass asked 'But you can't go on holiday? The whole office will collapse! What will we do without you?'"
Ryan grinned. At least these ungrateful co-workers of yours were aware that you were carrying the whole office on your back.
"What did you answer?"
"I told him to figure it out."
Ryan laughed at that and pulled away.
"Well done."
Leaning over to you, he pecked your lips. They were wet with fine rain drops and salty from the sea water that blew into your faces.
"Do you wanna go back inside? I'm starting to get cold…"
Ryan nodded, hesitantly pulling away from you. 
"I bought more of that plant milk you like so much. We can make hot chocolate?"
"Uuuhhh, I'd love that," you grinned, taking a better hold on his hand.
Ryan guided you back towards the house, the cold wind still tucking at his clothes, but with you by his side, your hands intertwined, he only minded it half as much. He'd still have to tell you about the bath salt he had bought for you. Maybe you would like to use it after dinner. And maybe you'd even let him join. 
Smiling to himself, Ryan lifted your hand up to his lips, pressing a warm kiss to the back of it, before he pulled you through the backdoor into the warmth of your shared home.
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@alexstyx @jayloverthe3rd @robinruns​ @lookalivefrosty​ @butterflycore​  @omgsuperstarg​ @fivelegance​ @casmustdiee​ @cmtryghoul​  
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polyestercleaner · 3 months
HIIII I KNOW U HAVE MANY REQUESTS BUT 😞😞 maybe ryan x reader where reader is struggling with ED?????
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|Summary: You've always despised your body for what it looked like. Your eating disorder consumed you for many years. Espically when no one is around. But now that you have a lover full aware of it. Things eventually get better each time your down deep into that hole.
|Content Warning: Fluff, angst, Eating disorder
Your body has always been the bane of your existence, you've always looked down and frowned at what you saw. Today was no different, ryan has been on tour for what feels like a decade now, and now that you have nothing else to do.
your brain began to flood with those thoughts you've been pushing away. When ryan was here reassurance was enough to keep you eating 1 to 2 balanced meals when you can. Despite not being in such a low weight. Ryan did infact worry. You pulled yourself out of your bed. You haven't eaten for 3 days, by then the hunger completely vanished.
Your energy crashing down and your body nothing more than a hollow shell. Your eyes spoke the truth. Dark circles underneath your eyes and a slumped walk. You pulled on a pair of shorts and a shirt on your body after stepping out of the shower. The kitchen fell empty after Ryan's leave.
You couldn't wait for life to come back into this house. But you knew this wasn't going to fix you so easily. You sighed as you sat on the chair, cup of milk in hand that you've already counted the calories for. On usual normal days, when things aren't so bad. You find yourself counting calories way less.
But on hollow days when there's nobody around, and there's nothing to do. Your brain falls back into its only sense of control. It's only sense of security. And you can't seem to slip out of it until you know for sure. That your not alone. And even then that state of mind is always there, always letting you know that you should count those calories and burn them off. You took a sip from your drink as you walked off.
Pacing around thinking about what you should do for today. But once again, whatever you thought of was weighed down with the feeling of this low level of energy. Everything felt blurry, nothing made sense.
Your brain felt like it was eating itself out of hunger. And yet that stomach of yours had not felt what hunger feels in a day or so. You decide to slip back into bed, and prayed that ryan would walk through that door... your eyes felt heavier than ever. Slowly closing as you drifted into a state of sleep...
and before you knew it, that gentle voice was back again. Ryan shook you gently. Rubbing his hand on your shoulder. Just the fact you heard his voice made your brain perk up. "Hey.. why are you still asleep pretty girl" those names.. that smile.
You opened your eyes to him sitting next to you on the bed, "what's wrong are you fel-" despite being so exhausted, you used all that energy you had to pull your body up and embrace him with a hug, you pulled him down, laying back down as he hovered over your body, laying on top of your chest as you begin to cry. Those cries you wanted to let out from all the frustration. Those cries you've mustered up because all those bad memories and bad days.
"Hey hey.. your okay.." he whispered into your ear.. you felt relief and sadness, maybe even happiness but you knew for sure you felt safe. He pulls off of you, laying next to you on the bed, on his side. You turn to your side aswell. Facing him as you struggle to keep yourself together.
"Whats wrong? You know you can talk to me right." You covered your face with your hands as you sobbed, pulling your legs to your stomach. "Dont look at me, I look horrid." "No way.. not a day have you looked horrid baby"
He gently pulled your hands off, you looked at him, sniffling as you struggled to stop those hiccups that washed over you each time you cried. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." He stroked your face, brushing those tears away from your face, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer as you breathed in the scent of his clothes, ryan never failed to smell good, let alone look good, but the smell of him.
Just assured you even more that you weren't hallucinating from all that brain fog. "Have you eaten?" Your snapped back into your senses and you knew for a fact you can't lie if you wanted things to stop being so bad. You felt your throat close up for a minute.
Your lungs felt like they collapsed. You breathed in the scent of his shirt one more time before replying. "I haven't....in a few days.." deep down you knew his fear simply intensified. His worry getting worse. But he didn't let go. If anything. His grip around your body tightened.
And he held you impossibly close. You closed your eyes and let your thoughts wonder for a bit. "You're gonna be okay.. yeah? You'll be okay. I'm here." You barely noticed the fact you began crying again. His hand rubbed at your back. "Let's get you something to eat yeah?"
You nodded, but in the back of your mind you wanted to yell. You wanted to run away. No way were you gonna eat. Not after this progress not after the control you felt. You wanted to refuse letting go of the only thing you had control of.
But your forced a nod despite that. Ryan was infact, very dear to you. You made your way downstairs following ryan as he made his way to the kitchen. Rummaging through it in a desperate act to find something to eat. "There's barely anything. How about pizza?" He turned to you.
A smile, you can never get enough of. It's contagious. You smiled back. And even though he knew you might not want to nod for that. That smile was enough to let him know you were willing to try..
"Come on, one more slice yeah?" He urged you, chewing at his own pizza before swallowing. You went as far as eating two. That was enough for you. Despite it not being the best choice of food after not eating for 3 days.
You felt better knowing things might be fine after a while. "You're still exhausted?" You put the crust of the pizza down. "Yeah, even though I slept it wasn't really....without you? You know.." he smiled at you. Closing the lid for the pizza box. "I'll come to bed." You nodded. Getting up and making your way to your bed.
You pulled your shirt off of you. And your shorts off. Slipping on a tank top you always sleep in and headed to bed. You slipped the blanket on your body.. this was the safest you've ever felt. The best you've ever felt.
Ryan grunts as he slipped into the bed, covering both of you once again. His arms found your waist and he pulled you closer. Your back against your chest. "Ryan."
"Mhm?" You blinked awkwardly. Unsure of what you actually wanted to say. "Am I making your life difficult.. for being. This way?"
"Your making my life impossibly beautiful. And full of emotions so good I never thought I'd feel. Okay?" He kissed your cheek. Shoving his head in the crook of your neck. You smiled to yourself. Letting the exhaustion take you out again. But this time. You were in the arms of someone you loved. And that felt much less lonely.
|Ryan they could never make me hate you.
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polaroid2-0 · 2 months
7 minutes in heaven
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── ryan ross x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol use, vulgar words (very few tbh) and slightly suggestive themes. the characters are 18+
word count: 3.4k
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Ryan knew full well you were an introvert and not too interested in partying, yet he insisted on dragging you to Brendon’s house, which was currently way too crowded in your opinion.
You thought about how you’d rather be at home bingeing crappy movies or just relaxing by yourself, sinking in the myriad of pillows that adorned your bed, when your eyes started wandering around the room. Maybe you were looking for an excuse to leave, or just maybe you were looking for the reason you were at this God forsaken party to begin with.
It’s not like you were mad Ryan dragged you here, what made you kind of annoyed was the fact that he was seemingly gone, while you’d hoped he would stay by your side. Instead you found yourself alone, looking for some peace and quiet in the kitchen, far away from the crowd. Yes, you were on your own, but this was somewhat more bearable than awkwardly standing against a wall amidst waves of dancing bodies, trying to push down the knot in your throat that formed as soon as you stepped in. You hadn’t even noticed Ryan disappearing, you just suddenly found yourself feeling colder, your limbs going frigid, looking around for your friend: it almost felt like your body felt the lack of his warm presence and signalled it to you through the shivers dancing up and down your spine.
Once you realised you were unable to locate him, you tried to navigate the crammed hallways towards a glimmer of quietness, shushing the gloominess muddling your thoughts.
You lowered your head, staring at the red cup in your hand, half full with a mixture of vodka and some kind of energy drink. Why were you thinking such stupid things all of a sudden? You’d known Ryan for years now, you had many classes together in high school and now that finals were done, ending your senior year, you were a bit worried you guys would just… drift apart. Maybe that’s why you hoped he would stay with you at this party, maybe that’s why you accepted to come to begin with. Or maybe it was just the alcohol talking. Yeah, that was definitely the reason.
You let out a soft – and perhaps slightly self deprecating – chuckle: it wasn’t the first time those thoughts came to your mind, but every time you deemed them too silly to pay them any mind. You couldn’t bring yourself to accept the fact that you would miss Ryan if you parted ways. You couldn't even begin to process the butterflies you felt in your stomach whenever his pretty face popped up in your head. The oh so perfect, poetic and dazzling Ryan Ross was definitely too out of your league. What use was it to try to make sense of it all, when you were so sure of the fact that these feelings were not reciprocated?
“What’s got you laughing?” a shadow loomed over you. You didn’t even hear the footsteps coming towards you, partly because they were hidden by the loud music that was making the walls vibrate, and also because you were so deep in thought that you drowned out every other stimulus.
You looked up, “Oh wow, I thought you had abandoned me and escaped or something,” you flashed Ryan a small smile. His cheeks were slightly red and flushed, probably because of the alcohol, seeing as he also held a red plastic cup just like yours, except his was empty.
“If you’re looking for something to drink, it should be in that cabinet,” you pointed to his left.
“Well, no, I guess I’ve had enough. Also, I wouldn’t abandon you: Brendon was just talking to some girls about our songs, you know… and he wouldn’t let me leave.”
“What a show off,” you giggled, jokingly. “What are you here for then?”
“Obviously I came looking for you.”
You felt blood rushing to your face.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm. We were thinking of playing some games or something,” Ryan immediately noticed your face going blank, “Listen, I know you’re not the biggest fan of parties and stuff, but I’d like if you tagged along, to be honest I’d like it better with you there…” he scratched the nape of his neck, was he… embarrassed?
That was so unlike the Ryan you knew, always somewhat cocky and annoying, hiding his kind and sweet side behind the slightly arrogant facade. It was kind of endearing to see him flustered, and you silently thanked the alcohol for making him this cute.
“Yeah, well, I guess I can tag along… but no truth or dare, you know I have no creativity whatsoever and I wouldn’t be able to come up with questions and that would be the actual worst,” you chuckled, hoping he wouldn’t notice how nervous and anxious you were.
“Okay okay, I won’t allow them to let you make a fool of yourself like that,” he mocked you.
This wasn’t your first party, but it definitely would be the first time you played party games, as you always avoided them like the plague.
Other than the nervousness, a slight pang of jealousy caught you by surprise. What were you even jealous of? Ryan? It’s not like he liked you back. And it’s not like you liked him to begin with. The butterflies that flapped violently against the walls of your stomach were just a natural reaction, who wouldn’t feel even the littlest bit of excitement when the most gorgeous man on Earth smiled at you so coyly?
Then why did you catch yourself staring at his nape while he was leading you out of the kitchen, the curve of his shoulders clumsily hidden by his shirt, and your eyes wandered down his back, while feeling a pit of sadness piercing through your stomach?
You caught yourself praying that he wouldn’t have to kiss any other girl, and maybe, just maybe, the bottle would land on you… but it’s not like you’d ever have the guts to confess your conflicted feelings, especially not when the thought of your friendship dying down from the distance college would put between you was all that occupied your mind for days now.
He turned to face you, “Are you coming or what?” he smiled.
You tried to regain some composure and nodded.
The whole house was packed with teens dancing to the loud music playing through the speakers. Ryan waited till you caught up with him and then let you walk ahead of him.
“I don’t want to bear the guilt of losing you in the crowd,” he snickered.
You walked past him and felt his hand on the small of your back. It was warm and comforting, you relished in the feeling, trying to quiet down your heartbeat. You couldn’t even tell if it was the nervousness of the imminent game or the warmth radiating from his hand making your heart skip one too many beats.
He led you all the way to Brendon’s bedroom, where a few other people were waiting.
“Here they are! Come sit here guys,” Brendon exclaimed cheerfully. “Allow me to explain what we’re gonna play.”
Brendon’s theatrical attitude made you chuckle, seemingly calming your furious heartbeat with the distraction he provided.
“So you all know 7 minutes in heaven right?” He glanced at you and you nodded in response. While you weren’t as close with Brendon as you were with Ryan, you guys did hang out more than a couple times and he knew you were kind of a shut-in hermit. Being a homebody didn’t mean you lived under a rock.
He continued, “Well that’s what we’re playing, but with a twist,” Brendon’s smile grew, you could catch a glimpse of benevolent malice hiding behind his pearly whites.
Some girls squealed excitedly, everyone wanted to know more.
“Okay, quiet down everybody,” Brendon shushed, gesturing with his hands.
“Hurry up Brendon,” Spencer laughed.
“So, to be honest I always thought 7 minutes in heaven was pretty boring. I mean you get to spend seven minutes stuck in a closet, isn’t it quite obvious you’re gonna fuck?” he started explaining. “So I’ve devised this variant. Basically we’re gonna split the guys from the girls and each group gets a room.”
People started giggling gleefully, thinking this was gonna get interesting.
“Each group gets to pick one person, like I don’t know, by spinning the bottle or something, and that’s the lucky one that gets to go in the closet. Blindfolded obviously. Cause the objective is guessing who the other person is, but no talking allowed. And no cum stains on my clothes cause we’re gonna use my closet, and I swear I’m gonna commit murder if any of y’all get them stained,” he shot daggers at the boys, who all laughed.
Ryan glanced at you as if to ask if you were okay, you gave a slight nod and a small smile. You didn’t want to ruin everyone’s night and be a bummer. Also it would be unlikely you’d get picked anyway, seeing as there were at least six or seven other girls.
“Oh also,” Brendon chimed again. “We’re going for multiple rounds!” Everyone cheered.
“Come on now, let’s get to our rooms,” Brendon ushered the girls out, pointing to the door opposite to his bedroom.
You sat down with the others, taking a second to look at them. You kind of knew some of them, from school, but not really enough to call them friends. Barely acquaintances even.
“Okay I guess spin the bottle would be the easiest way, right?”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
You gulped nervously, you genuinely didn’t know if you wanted to be picked to get this over with or not.
One of the girls placed an empty soda bottle down in the middle of the circle you all made on the floor, and started spinning it.
When it landed on a pretty blonde, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. The pang of jealousy stabbed through your chest again though, and you found yourself hoping that Ryan wasn’t the one picked.
As you all got up and covered the girl’s eyes with the tie Brendon gave you as a makeshift blindfold, you started making your way out of the bedroom, while the chosen girl was being guided by her friend.
“Keep quiet or you’ll ruin the surprise!” you overheard one of the girls say, while giggling.
You opened the door to find the boys all ready with their chosen candidate.
You held back your sigh of relief when you noticed it was Spencer the one who was blindfolded.
Everyone stayed quiet as Brendon opened the closet and let Spencer and the girl inside. He then grabbed a timer, “Time starts… now!”
He hurried everyone to leave the bedroom.
Once you’re all out he laughed, “I don’t wanna hear them making out to be honest.” He flopped on the bed in the spare bedroom where you previously were with the girls. “Hasn’t Spencer been eyeing that girl up and down like, all night long?”
“Yeah,” Ryan replies, his tone somewhat sheepish.
You felt warmth rush to your cheeks and ears, your breath hitched after noticing how close his voice sounded. Your head felt dizzy and you couldn’t bring yourself to turn and look at him and face his gaze, that you felt burning through your skin.
You sank lower into the mattress, seeking comfort in the lavender coloured sheets.
Perhaps Ryan caught your nervousness, or maybe he was also feeling awkward — even though you struggled to picture that — but he didn’t say a word for a couple of minutes.
When you finally lifted your head to look at him, he gave you a small smile, his eyes hiding his flustered demeanour pretty well.
“How do you think they’re doing in there?” he breathed out.
Why was your heart even thumping now? You felt like your ribs were about to crack.
“Oh, uh… I guess they’re having fun,” you spoke softly.
As the minutes went by you started making small talk and feeling a bit more comfortable. After all it was the alcohol’s fault you were feeling so lightheaded and your heart felt like it was running a marathon. Yes, it was surely that. Just hold on a bit more and you can leave, you kept telling yourself.
The ringing of the timer shook you out of your dizzy bliss, your heart giving you the fatal blow when it seemed about to jump out of your chest as Ryan’s shoulder brushed against yours when he rose from the bed.
“Time’s up, let’s go free the lovebirds,” Brendon laughed in a slightly sarcastic tone.
When he opened the closet door, the two of them were all over each other, hair ruffled and breathing laboured.
“Come on, get out. You can continue somewhere else,” Brendon winked, making everyone laugh. “Time for the second round.”
This time you were feeling a little more relaxed, the alcohol was starting to wear off and you were getting more comfortable. The game didn’t seem as scary anymore.
Until the bottle landed on you.
You knew this would happen eventually, yet you couldn’t help your head jerking up, trying to hide the panicked look you were sure was plastered on your face.
Thank God, or maybe unfortunately, the girls didn’t seem to notice and they hurried you on your feet, eager to blindfold you and start the round.
Shivers travelled up and down your spine as one of the girls held your hand to guide you to the room.
It was so eerily quiet, you couldn’t tell at all who was the guy who got picked.
You felt the girl’s hand on your shoulders as she pushed you into the cramped closet. You tucked your feet under your bottom, trying to find a comfortable enough position.
The air grew warmer as the other person joined in.
“Okay guys, time’s starting.” You hear a muffled voice, but you couldn’t distinguish who it was because of the layers of fabric and wood blocking out the sounds, “let’s go grab some more booze while we wait”.
Your view was completely black, your mouth agape, looking for some more air to fill up your lungs. You were almost shaking, trying to dry off your sweaty palms on your jeans.
You felt rustling coming from in front of you, he was probably trying to adjust himself in the tiniest amount of space so as to not disturb you. He couldn’t help but brush his legs against yours though, which let a small gasp escape from your lips.
“Uhm…” you started, before remembering the no-talking rule. You sighed in frustration. How could you even begin to guess who was the boy stuck in there with you if you couldn’t even talk to him?
Suddenly you felt puffs of warm hair hitting your face, signalling that he was getting closer. You instinctively raised your hands in front of you, as if you were trying to protect yourself or put some distance between the two of you, even though it would have been in vain, seeing as your back was against the wall.
What you didn’t expect was your hands hitting the soft cotton covering his chest. You froze, unable to react and remove them, mentally cursing the moment you decided to participate in this stupid game.
The fact that the boy took this as a sign that he could reciprocate your touch made everything even worse, your head started spinning faster than a carousel as his hands laid gently on your knees.
You could feel his warmth through the denim fabric, your heart started skipping beat after beat. This was driving you insane, it felt as if the time was as frozen as you were in that instant.
He hummed quietly as his hands made their way up your thighs, hesitating.
He stopped midway, seemingly unsure whether he had the green light or not.
For some reason you felt disappointment rush through your veins when he stopped, replacing the nervousness. As he was about to lift his hands, his fingertips barely grazing your legs, you moved your own hands higher up his chest, your feather touch barely caressing his collarbones under the lightweight shirt.
Thankfully he got the message. His hands latched back to your thighs, but didn’t stay there for long, he immediately moved them up to grab your hips.
You felt goosebumps when his thin fingers slid under the hem of your shirt and collided with the skin of your lower back.
It felt somehow familiar.
His fingers hooked in your Venus’ dimples and your ears felt devilishly hot when they caught the sigh he let escape.
The sound reverberated in your head, kicking out all other thoughts and that small spark of reason you were trying to keep alight.
You grabbed the collar of his shirt, trying to focus on identifying the man who was making you feel all hot and bothered.
As your fingers travelled to the nape of his neck and tangled in his soft hair, his hands were occupied with exploring your back and waist, stopping to lay palms flat against your side, thumbs lightly pressing your stomach.
His face was inching closer and you could smell his cologne, faint but distinguishable.
The scent of hairspray, the softness of his shirt, it all made sense now.
“Ryan?” a whisper struggled to leave your lips.
“Y-yeah…” his breathing fanned against your earlobe. “You have no idea how happy I am that it’s you,” he sighed as his lips brushed against your skin.
A rush of hot blood made your veins pulse, you gulped down the awkwardness.
“I’m happy too…” your hands moved to his back, pulling him closer in a much needed hug.
When you felt his nose bump into yours, all sense and reason escaped you, as an eagerness you didn’t know you could have made its way through your dizzy head.
“Is it okay if…” his lips caressed your cheek as he whispered.
“Yes, please, Ryan, kiss–”, his lips didn’t let you finish the sentence as they immediately captured yours in a loving and chaste kiss.
“I’ve waited for this for so long,” he whined desperately in between sloppy kisses, stopping only to take your blindfolds off.
You hummed against his mouth, hoping he’d understand that you too had been dying to kiss him for God knows how long.
His hands started exploring your back, clashing against the clip of your bra and the hem of your jeans, before settling on the sides of your face. His thumbs traced small circles on your cheeks.
“I really really like you, (Y/N),” he panted.
“I like you too,” you replied before capturing his lips once again.
The make out session left you breathless as you laid your head on his shoulder, while he engulfed you in his tight embrace. It felt like he’d never let you go and you were totally fine with that.
“I think I would have actually cried if you ended up with some other jerk,” he chuckled.
“Were you jealous?” you teased, knowing full well you were thinking the same exact thing.
“Shut up. Wouldn’t you also be jealous if the girl you liked for years ended up making out with someone else?”
“Touché, Ross,” you chirped gleefully. He liked you. The prettiest and kindest and smartest person you’d ever laid eyes upon reciprocated your feelings. It felt unreal.
“Don’t you think time should be up by now?” he tilted his head.
“Oh fuck, you’re right. Did they forget us or what?”
“Not that I’m complaining if we accidentally end up staying here all night,” he teased sarcastically, “who knows what might happen.”
“Shut up!” you laughed.
The closet fell silent. You really should be looking for a way to get out.
Thankfully it seemed that Brendon read your minds, cause you suddenly felt frantic footsteps approaching hurriedly and a string of mumbled ‘fuck fuck fuck’s.
“We can continue this later, right?” Ryan whispered in your ear, as he moved just a couple inches back. You could literally feel the cocky smirk adorning his beautiful face.
You turned to look at him right as the closet door opened, “Fuck guys I’m so sorry, we went to grab some more vodka bottles and didn’t hear the timer go off I’m so sorry fuck,” Brendon’s hand was outstretched, offering you help to get out.
Thank God he didn’t seem to notice your tousled hair and laboured breath.
Your eyes went immediately looking for Ryan’s, his gaze making you melt.
“Don’t worry, we had fun,” he winked at you.
You rolled your eyes. He was back to his annoying usual self, which you couldn’t help but love all the same as the desperate whiny mess he was just a couple minutes ago.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
i highly hope there were no mistakes as english isn't my native language and this was my very first time writing a fanfic :)
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camjsad0 · 3 months
Birthday wish ‧₊˚✩彡
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- Ryan ross x reader oneshot !! got bored and js wrote this lol. this is my first oneshot so expect to see a few mistakes sorry😞💪💔
- Fluff <3
- WC: 741
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It was 6:30pm on a tuesday, just a few days after ryan’s birthday. I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about random stuff while listening to my favorite band. This was usually what i did everyday.
My thoughts were quickly cut off when i felt my phone vibrate.
I lazily grabbed my phone and saw that ryan had sent me a text. I instantly checked what the message said.
“Hey, can i come over??”
I nervously typed on my phone and sent him back a text,
“yeah sure, what time r u coming over?”
“ill be there in 10 mins :)” he replied.
I sent him a like and got off my bed, making my way to the vanity.
I didn’t know why i was so nervous, it was normal for ryan to come over. However, i never really cared about what i looked like. But for some reason i’ve been developing feelings for ryan—— although i keep trying to be indenial about it because i knew that telling him how i felt can result into having my long-time friendship with ryan ruined. I knew for a fact that ryan viewed me only as his friend, nothing else.
I pushed away my thoughts and quickly started to brush my hair, put a decent amount of lipstick; just making myself look like i totally haven’t been rotting in my bed for days.
A few minutes have passed, and i heard a knock at my door. My mom probably had already let him in, I opened the door to see ryan’s surprised look on his face. “What got you all dressed up?” in a teasing manner. “I went out earlier.” clearly i was lying, unfortunately ryan picked up from my weird tone and replied “You’re totally dressing up for me, aren’t you?” smirking as the words flew off his mouth. “Oh shut up” trying to hide my flushed face, quickly turning around and making my way to my bed as i sat down on it.
“Wanna watch a movie?” looking up at him as i asked. “Yeah sure, how about this one?” he said as he picked up a CD from the small shelf. He comfortably sat down on my bed as i set it up and hurriedly sat down beside him.
30 minutes in, and i sensed that ryan was getting bored of the movie, and honestly so did i, it was just your typical horror movie. He yawned and placed his head on your shoulder. You awkwardly sat there until you finally felt comfortable enough to lean your head on top of his.
“You’ve been acting weird lately, what’s wrong?” he randomly blurted out. I didn’t know how to reply and froze for a few minutes before i finally replied, “It’s nothing.” I stuttered out before getting up and rushing to my bathroom. My heart beating fast, as if it was about to fly out of my chest.
Why were you feeling this way towards ryan? Your bestfriend for years?
You stood there for a few minutes and realized that you had probably left ryan startled. You hesitantly pushed the door knob open.
Ryan was holding your journal in his hands, casually flipping through the pages. Reading it with a smile on his face, I don’t even think he noticed you.
You almost fled there to snatch your journal back, although you knew that ryan had probably already read enough to know how you felt towards him.
“Why did you never tell me how you felt?”
“I’m sorry, but i knew that you only viewed me as your friend-“ you were cut off. “Why would you assume that? What if i liked you too?” He admitted. I couldn’t believe what i just heard. I never even noticed that he had feelings for me too. “What do you mean?”
“God, you’re so oblivious (y/n). I’ve liked you for years. But you were always busy being with some guy that didn’t even treat you right. It crushed me to see you being treated that way. I never had the chance to tell you how i felt-“ you immediately cut him off by placing a soft kiss on his lips. Leaving a faint pink kiss mark on his lips, making you giggle. He leaned forward to kiss you again, this time being more passionate. He pulled off and reached a hand to your cheek.
“I guess my birthday wish came true.”
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ ☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆ ☆ ★
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saturnplaza · 4 months
𝐈𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐞 ��𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭// 𝓐 𝓡𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽
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I love Ryan Ross and there simply are not enough fanfics about him out there so I am here too add.
This is Circa 2002, set in a different universe where the Pre-Split Panic! boys are a friend group instead of a band.
Simple premis for this one.
Reader Invites Ryan to skip school and get high, they end up confessing eachothers feelings.
There are no trigger warnings this fic is very lax.
This is definitly not my best work, but I do still like it, Kudos and Comments a greatly apreciated<3
Word Count: 3,934
Have a good rest of your day <333
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prettyseaveins · 1 year
Lover Boy, Lover Girl - R.R.
Ryan Ross x female!reader one shot
SFW / No warnings 
word count: 748
Summary: a small snippet into a random morning with Ryan Ross
“Ryan, did you hear what the fuck is going on with the government?” you asked, your body leaning against an arm of their shared couch as you held a cup of coffee. A look of disbelief was on your face as your boyfriend sat down beside you, letting his eyes fall on the screen you stared at. “This literally means that the government is gonna start controlling our brains or some shit because they want to block the media we consume—which is complete and utter bullshit! What the fuck? Does this mean I am no longer going to be able to sing about socialism and shit?”
“I think you’ll be able to sing about your idealistic world of anti-capitalism and love for me no matter what the government says,” he smiled comfortingly at you and let a hand rub your thigh soothingly. “This probably won’t even pass. Do you even hear how dumb they sound? She asked him if some dumb meme caused kids to become communists. I think we’ll be fine.”
“I guess you’re right, but also, who said I sang about loving you? For all you know, I could be singing about my love for Pedro Pascal or another celebrity crush that is ranking high on the list. Who knows, it could even be one of your friends from a different band. What was that bassist that took over Jon’s spot? Austin, was it? Or maybe his name was Antonio?” You put a finger up to your chin, tapping it as you faked your pondering. “Oh, I remember! Dallon is his name! Isn’t he a part of some big and famous band now? Supposedly even better than that band you used to be in?” Before you could utter another word, Ryan grabbed the coffee out of your hands and pushed his free hand into your side, starting to tickle you.
“You better plead for mercy,” he said, continuing to tickle you as you giggled and thrashed around. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! You were right! All my songs are about you and not some stupidly gorgeous hunk!” Another fit of giggles and laughter left your lips as he continued to harass your side with wiggling fingers. “I said you were right! Please, have mercy on my soul!” After a couple more seconds of tickling, Ryan stopped and let you be free of the punishment.
“Thank you for admitting I was right,” he took a quick sip out of your mug, grimacing at the taste. “You put way too much creamer in here.”
“Yeah, well it wasn’t for you, it was for me,” you sat up and grabbed the mug from him before taking a sip of your own coffee. “I could make you a cup if you want. One that has less sugar for your poor old soul.”
“You can’t be mean to me anymore. I have fingers of steel that could tickle you for eons to come,” he wiggled his fingers to try and prove just how serious he was, but it only resulted in a cringe from you.
“Okay, lover boy. I’m gonna make you a cup of coffee so I can hopefully get that image out of my head,” you stood up and started walking to the kitchen, setting down your own mug to start making Ryan’s. “And can you please change the channel? I would love to stop thinking about how the world is coming to an end for one second.”
“As you wish,” he picked up the remote and flicked it to a different channel, letting a random episode of Friends play as you made him coffee. “Make sure to use the mushroom house mug.”
“You mean the only mug you ever use? Technically, it isn’t even your mug, I’m the one that bought it,” you countered, finishing making his coffee before walking back to the living room and passing the mug to him. “I made sure to keep it extra disgusting.”
“Just because I like my coffee actually tasting like coffee doesn’t mean it’s disgusting. Also, I will forever be denying the fact that this was ever your mug. They are forever mine,” you rolled your eyes at his statement and grabbed your own mug, it coincidentally originally owned by your boyfriend, before taking your own sip.
“Whatever you say, nerd,” you giggled and let yourself sink next to Ryan, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love you too, lover girl,” he said softly, peacefully watching the television with you.
A/N: I just wanted to create more ryan ross content so i wrote this lol. i’m gonna write more so drop suggestions if u want to ! thank you :)
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ohestrela · 1 year
wet // Ryan Ross
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Ryan Ross appriciation. thats it.
warnings: very suggestive but nothing explicit, naked Ryan Ross, suprisingly dosn't talk about his dick, BREIF mention of an ed, soft (i think), lowercase intended, drabble
summery; Ryan gets out of the shower and finds that his body looks really nice. 1.4k words
Ryan stepped out of the shower and pulled a freshly washed, pristine, white towel around his waist. drops of warm water fell from his hair and onto the cold, bare tile making a sheen of puddles where he walked from the shower to the bathroom counter. he quickly wiped the condensation off the mirror with his hand to be met with his reflection reflecting his wet, tangled hair on top of his head.
Ryan stood there as he watched the yellow hotel bathroom light flicker over his face, his chest, arms, down his stomach, and it even reached his legs behind the counter. the wall to his left was covered floor to ceiling in one giant mirror, which apparently the hotel was fancy enough for but not fancy enough for decent, non-yellow lighting. 
he turned so he could see his whole body, but quickly saw the mirror covered in a wet, blurry mess. with a sigh he grabbed the other towel that was on the small shelf and brought it to the mirror. he reached as high as he could, both hands above his head, and wiped one long strip down to the floor, where he left the towel. with two steps back he was able to see the full of his body in the path he cleared. 
the yellow light was uneven on his pale skin, though at a certain angle it defined the muscle in his bicep, and was even able to point out a few soft abs across his stomach. he twisted and turned looking at himself, and at one point he rolled the top of the towel to get a good look at his thighs, and he set it low on his hip to peak at his v-line. both were delightfully defined, not as much as he wished but they were pretty enough to live with without gym work.
Ryan took two steps closer back to the mirror. water was still dripping from the mess of his hair to the floor and onto his chest and back. his eyes traced one that fell from his shoulder, leaving a trail down his arm before finally dripping off his middle finger. there was a dull hum from the lights that registered in Ryan’s ears. it would slowly pick up in volume before quickly dropping back down to where it was hardly heard. he rolled his eyes now that he noticed it and tried to drown it out with the very faint music he accidentally left playing in the hotel room. 
Ryan quickly focused his eyes back on himself in the mirror. 
not on his face. not yet. his collarbones. his collarbones poked out slightly, creating divots into his neck. he took the index finger of his left hand and with a feather-light touch. he placed it in one of the divots. the tip of his calloused finger oh-so-slowly began to drag down. 
he first went across his chest from left to right. twice. feeling the smooth muscle and occasionally sweeping across the small, accidental scratch left from his nail a few days ago. one of his favorite parts of his body. it looked stunning and was starting to become an accessory to his outfits. always keeping the first two or three buttons of his button ups undone to show it off.
after his chest he went down to his pecs. they were firm without him having to flex them. he had seen some men who had no muscle there. just fat. and it had made them straight up look like boobs on certain people. he was glad that his weren't like that. his were toned and not overly muscle-y; they were the perfect size for his body. 
next, he glided his finger down the center of his stomach, in between the subtle muscle that indistinctly prodded through the very minimal pudge. Ryan was a very healthy weight, maybe just bordering on underweight but no matter what he would eat to gain at least five pounds more, nothing made his weight fluctuate permanently. no one could even tell he had a bit of pudge, if it could even be called that. he was happy though. very happy. growing up, and even into the early years of his twenties,  he had just been a pile of boney limbs stacked on top of eachother due to a not so healthy “diet” he forced himself into. which he was never found of. now, he has meat and muscle, something he was way more proud of than being overly skinny. something he wanted to show off. something he smiles at when he sees it. 
following his stomach, his fingers grazed over the top of the towel, and while doing so his fingernails swept over his hip bones. it almost tickled and he smiled. he circled his hip a few times. drawn out strokes tracing over the veins that disappeared behind the expanse of the towel. he poked at freckles he never noticed before. it’s been a while since he’s taken a good, proper look at himself. not that he used to do it regularly, but always seems to forget to check his body out even for health reasons. 
Ryan shifts his weight between his feet and dips a finger below the makshit waistband the towel created, and finally moves his right hand to grasp where he had it tied up. his hand curled around the corners as he slowly began to pull it away from his still slightly damp skin. his eyes closed as he felt the cool air hit where the towel once was and he dropped it onto the counter to his right. both hands went down to run alond the front of his hips to the top of his thighs, back and fourth a few times.
it was another minute of just staring at himself. eyes roamed where they previously were. eventually his eyes fell off the mirror as he looked down at his actual body, not his reflection. the light looked less harsh on his skin than it did in the mirror. it was still very much yellow but it was defused over his skin to look soft and surprisingly smooth. its weird how mirrors can do that. Ryan moved his right hand over to his left that was hanging by his hip. again with the tip of his finger and the lightest touch he could manage he started at the knuckle of his middle finger and worked his way up. up over the bumps of his veins that went from his hands to his biceps. in unison he twisted his arm, still keeping it down by his side, so that the inside of his arm could recive some attention. the veins were more prominent on this side. an extra minute was spent tracing over just his forearm. years of playing guitar added to the look and muscle of them and built them up to where they were. he was able to keep them looking nice while doing something he loved instead of weights or gym work.
Ryan smiled and giggled, starting to feel silly looking at himself. he ran both of his hands up his arms and crossed them to grab onto the opposite shoulder. almost like a hug as he continued to giggle. the heat finally started to seep out of the bathroom and cold air was slowly replacing it. his hair stopped dripping and the water drops all slid off of him. damp skin starting to air dry. he was starting to feel cold as well. small goosebumps spread out over his, otherwise smooth, skin.
three loud knocks hit the bathroom door and Ryan jolted where he stood. he quickly scrambled to grab one of the towels, forgetting he had locked the door. "hurry the fuck up Ryan. we're going out for breakfast soon."
he finally reached the towel that he put on the counter but his heart was pounding after being startled. he looked at the door, putting a hand over his beating chest before clearing his throat. "yeah- yeah, gimme a minute. almost done." he said with a sigh. 
Ryan took one last real look at his body in the mirror before quickly brushing the towel over the areas of his body that weren't quite dry yet then running it very quickly and roughly through his hair. 
while finishing up, Ryan continued to peaked at himself in the mirror every so often. biceps flexing and stomach tensing as he pulled on his clothes. he thought he looked pretty damn good. even with the mess of hair on his head. 
i apologize for rushing the fuck out of the ending.
send requests!!
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ciaraloveswriting · 10 months
- requests & guidelines
people i'll write for
- ryan ross
- noodle (gorillaz)
- 2d (gorillaz)
- damon albarn
- graham coxon
- alex james
- gerard way
- spiderman (any variation, i do love tasm! tho so
and probably more; so feel free to request anyone else. these are just the people who come to mind immediately.
feel free to request one shots or full ass story ideas
i will do smut at request, but i wont do it if the person its about is against it. (if i know, so be the bigger person 😭)
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hesitant-angel · 3 months
how would we feel about me expanding my fanfics to include panic! at the disco (presplit + dallon only) and just dallon weekes in general?? if you have requests hand them over !! <3
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ciaralovesspiderman · 8 months
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request rulez here !! - yes u can request other people
-tom holland
-andrew garfield
-toby maguire
-ryan ross
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lunarwritesthings · 4 months
Hey! I have quite a bit of free time this week, so I feel like nows a perfect time to get some request. Feel free to send some in, just read my request info first. It has all the rule and who I'll write. :)
Anyways, have fun, have a good day/nice, and take care of yourself, you are important. Peace.
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polyestercleaner · 3 months
Heya guys! I just wanted to remind any of you that you can request ANYONE it dosent have to be just joost and it would be a nice change of pace! Could be ANYONE!
Nsfw or sfw it dosent matter, also thanks to everyone who requests! It means so much! Feels surreal knowing people actually read what i write! <3
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vampynights · 1 year
welcome to my blog<3!
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my names vampy and this is my silly little corner of the internet where i write self indulgent and requested fanfiction for people who'd rather live in their heads (like me!) ^_^
i’m currently interested in writing fan fiction mainly for Rory Culkin’s character Clyde in the film Electrick Children ! This will of course change once I get over my current hyper fixation on the movie. Other than that, i’m also looking to write fics for Ryan Ross, Gerard Way, Larry Johnson from Sally Face, Sal Fisher, Ashley Campbell, and maybe some Arcane and Criminal Minds characters. These are not the only fandoms i’ll write for, they’re just the only ones i can think of right now. If you really wanna request a specific character/person just send them to me and i’ll see if i’ve ever seen the show or have an interest in writing for them. i also almost only write for female or nonbinary readers, though may be open to write for male readers as well. I'm just more comfortable writing for females seeing as i am one!
i am open to writing smut however i do need to remind that i am 17 years old, so if you’re above the age of like..19 and are uncomfortable seeing a 17 year old write smut, please just look away. i do have limits to what i will write. no heavy gore, no rape and incest, i will not indulge in any kinks involving bodily fluids or childlike behavior, etc (i’ll probably make a rules page once i figure out all of my limits and such.)
i will absolutely write fluff, angst, hurt with comfort, and maybe some hurt with no comfort. we’ll see! most things i post will be oneshots or headcannons seeing as i suck at writing full fledged fics and keeping up with them.
i’ll try to write as much as i can, however i do suffer from a lot of writers block and am also a high school senior with extracurriculars and community service to attend to. if i can’t get to a certain request in a certain amount of time, i ask that you please be patient and understanding<3
that’s all for now! masterlist and rules coming soon!
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fuuyuko01 · 3 months
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It's fine
Ryan Ross x Reader
Slight hurt/comfort (mostly fluff)
TW: swearing, alcohol, very, very slight nsfw
[HII!!! THAT WAS MY FIRST EVER FANFIC, SO I'M SORRY IF IT'S NOT GOOD!! You can tell me what I should improve, and I'll work on it!!! Hope you'll have fun!! ;P
XO Lea ☆]
*Y/N's POV*
It was a rainy day and I was lying in my bed with my friend Ryan by my side. Yes, Ryan Ross, known as Ryan Ross from Panic! at the disco. Cool, I know. We were friends since 8th grade, when he and his parents moved to our town. Since then we were friends and blah blah blah... As you can guess, I might kinda have a littlest crush on him, but hey.... who wouldn't, right? Anyway, I know it might sound cringe, but I'm 100% sure he doesn't feel the same, cause he can get literally every girl he wants, so I see no point why would he choose me. Anyway! I was scrolling through Instagram, when Ryan sighed and tapped at my shoulder.
— Brendon invited us to some party this weekend. He said that it's a Halloween party, so we should wear some costumes, you down? - he looked at me with pleading eyes.
— Well, if you're going then why not? - I smiled to him and he returned it.
— Good! I'd rather not go to Brendon's alone. - he sighed dramatically and I chuckled.
— Uh-huh, so if we're going, should we have matching costumes? Maybe mummies? [Everybody scream it's almost Halloween!!]
— Dude, I was thinking about the same thing, we totally should! - Ryan said excited. I knew he loves mummies, that's why I picked them, cause.... be fucking for real, who would want to go to party as a mummy. I could've been some Frankenstein [Iero] or dead bride. But I knew it'd make him happy, so whatever.
— Great! Well, we don't have much time, let's go shopping for some paints and bandages! - I said, and we went to store, to buy everything we needed.
Rest of the week wasn't so entertaining, we were just basically going to school and completing our costumes.
I had the worst luck in the day of the party. First, I spilled my coffee all over myself in the morning, so I had to change my clothes, but then I didn't have anything clean, so I had to wear some of my old clothes, which were too small for me. Then, I slipped on the spilled coffee and not only did I cut my knee on the floor, but my bracelet from Ryan fell under the kitchen cabinet so far that I practically had to climb under it to get it out. And when I had it, I also got a huge, DISGUSTING spider out of it. Yeah, I hope that was everything for today.
Ryan came over to my house, so I could do our matching makeup and that was so far, the only good thing that happened this day.
I was sitting on Ryan's lap, doing his makeup and his hands slipped on my waist. I blushed as crazy, cause what the fuck was he doing... He just grinned with his eyes closed as I was doing his eyeliner. That bitch... My poor heart was about to blow up, so I just tried to ignore it, which was difficult, cause I HAD A CRUSH ON HIM, AND HE HAD HIS HANDS ON MY WAIST!!! WHAT THE HELL.
I calmed myself and focused on finishing his makeup, and when I was done, I stood up and he went to the mirror to see my work.
— Is it good? - I asked him, still feeling a bit of warmth on my cheeks.
— Bro, it's beautiful! Thank you, Y/N, you're so good at this, damn.... - I chuckled at him and blushed slightly.
— Jeez, stop, you're making me blush! - I said jokingly and he smirked.
— Well, I saw how you blushed when I put my hands on your waist, you liked it so much? - I turned away so he couldn't see my red face, so I could finally do my makeup.
As I was finishing my eyeliner, my hand slipped and I stared at my fucking relfection in the mirror trying not to cry, cause I was almost finished. I groaned loudly and frustrated. Ryan came to me and looked at my fucked up eyeliner.
— Ehh... don't worry, you look great anyway - he smiled warmly and put his hand on my shoulder - You can always say that it's a part of your costume, right? - he rubbed my shoulder and I smiled at him. He's so cute and good to me.... You get why I love him.
I sighed, and after a while of getting our things, we went to Brendon's house.
[Sorry if it's boring...]
When we got there, Brendon opened the door with some girl Sarah beside him and they greeted us.
— Dude, you know who's coming today? - Brendon said to Ryan - Juliet! - he said and grinned at Ryan. Who? I was so confused. I knew it couldn't possibly be Ryan's girlfriend, cause I'd know if he had one, but... I've never heard of anyone named Juliet from him. He side-eyed me and I shot him a confused look.
— That's um... great. - Ryan said embarrassed and Brendon just shook his head.
As the sun went down and everyone was tipsy or just drunk, I was talking to Frank and Andy, cause Ryan went to grab some drinks for us. I realised it was a while ago, but I thought that maybe he met Jon or Z on the way. But after some more time, I was getting worried.
— Uh, guys, I'll go check on Ryan, you wanna stay or go with me? - I asked them and they looked at each other.
— I'll go with you! - Andy shot me one of his stunning smiles. Don't get me wrong, I love Ryan, but Andy is so cute! And he's more like a brother to me anyway.
Frank said he'll stay and went to talk to Pete and Gee.
As we were going and talking with Andy, I spotted Brendon grinning and giggling, while looking at something in the kitchen. Andy said he's probably so drunk, that he's hallucinating, so I brushed this off and then we get there.
Ryan was kissing with some blond girl. She was almost fucking eating him alive and he held her so tightly... I was stunned and I could tell Andy was too. We were standing there for like 15 seconds, which felt like hours and then Andy grabbed my arm and started walking off to the doors. Last thing I saw, was Ryan's shocked face, when he caught a glimpse of us walking off.
I was crying into Andy's shoulder, when alcohol and the whole Ryan-situation caught up with me. I'm not really blaming him for kissing that girl. She was pretty and in his type. I knew I wasn't that pretty, but she looked nothing like me and this broke me even more. I was kinda angry that he didn't told me about having girlfriend or even a crush.... I thought we were friends.
I heard someone opening the door, and Andy turned around.
— Um...hey, could you leave us alone? Please... - great. Well, who would've thought that it was Ryan. I hung my head low as Andy backed off a little.
— Sure, but don't worsen her state, cause I swear to god... - Andy looked at him with his brows knitted. He was such a good friend. As he was leaving, I heard him whispering "She loved you, bro" to Ryan. Damn, could it get worse? I sniffed and Ryan came to me.
— I'm sorry, Y/N... - he said. I started to feel bad, was I a bad friend and person?
— No, Ryan, it's fine! I just... I thought you'd tell me if you had a girlfriend... But it's okay, really. - I tried to smile at him, but my words were just worsening my ability to speak and hold back tears, so my voice and smile were cracking as fuck. Ryan sighed.
— It's not okay, Y/N and... she's not my girlfriend, I 'd tell you. I'm sorry, fuck, she's just an old friend of mine and... God, I'm sorry, she kissed me and I wasn't really thinking straight after alcohol, so I just went with it. And... you were all over Frank tonight, I just couldn't take it. - my eyes widened at his words.
— What? Ryan, what are you talking about? Frank and I are just friends, besides, Frank have a girlfriend, don't you remember...? - I looked at him in disbelief. He met Jamia, I didn't know what he was thinking anymore... He looked me in the eyes and his cheeks went slightly red. He said a little "Oh..." and I smiled lightly.
— So... that girl isn't your girlfriend, right...? - I asked shyly, cause I still was confused about all of this.
— No, I... - he sighed - I love only you, I couldn't look at you being so close with Frank, I just... I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm sorry Y/N, I get it if you don't want to be with me or you need a break I..- he didn't get to finish the sentence, cause I bring him down and kissed him quickly. We both melted into the kiss and his hands went to my waist, while mine rested on his shoulder and at the back of his head. We broke off after some time and just smiled at ourselves and he kissed me again, this time much softer, without any hesitations and fears of rejection, just pure love and happiness. Soon I deepened the kiss and it got pretty heated. My back collided with the wall and Ryan's hands were roaming on my body. But then someone opened the door and we broke off again. We were panting heavily, and Jon walked through the door. He looked at us, panting and blushing and he started laughing.
— Having fun? Don't get too fucking freaky when everyone can walk on you and get flashed. - he said and we looked at each other and smiled.
Soon, we got back to my bedroom and as the sun went up we ended up on a ground. I smiled into the kiss and felt Ryan smiling too. He then backed off a little and looked me in the eyes.
— I'm sorry for tonight. I never thought you'd like me like that... I really love you Y/N, really, you're my everything. - he said and kissed my cheek, I felt like crying again.
— I love you too, Ryan! I thought YOU wouldn't like me like that. I guess we're just two idiots. - we chuckled and I hugged Ryan tightly.
I guess that day wasn't so unlucky, after all...
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Never Walk Away Again - Ryan Ross x Reader
Summary: A few months after a big fight Ryan spots you, his best friend in the crowd at a show. Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Warnings: reader got cheated on (not by Ryan!), break-up (also not with Ryan), maybe slight emotional cheating on reader’s side, but not reall Word count: 2 853 A/N: Happy Birthday to the guy who said we’d get an album soon in 2019, and still hasn’t published anything since then. I forgive you under the condition that you are happy.
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The lights made it almost impossible for Ryan to see beyond the first few rows of people standing packed together in front of the stage. Ryan had expected the small venue to maybe be half full, but it seemed he had been wrong; it was almost sold out. Blinking against the light, getting ready for the last song of the night, he stepped closer towards his mic, fiddling around with the capo, adjusting it on the neck of his guitar.
“Okay, we‘ve reached the final song,” he spoke into the mic, trailing off at the end. “The lights make it really hard to see all the way to the back, but I just wanted to thank you all for coming out here tonight to see us play. It was a pleasure and an honour to do so, and I’d love to meet you guys later at the merch table.”
The audience cheered, making Ryan smile, as the drums began picking up the beat for the last song. Ryan had barely played the first few chords, when his eyes, wandering through the room, spotted someone he had expected to never see again, surprising him so much he almost would have missed the next chord.
You were standing at the side, leaning against a wall, not dancing like others, just watching, just listening. Ryan’s heart beat in his throat, as he glanced at you again. There was no doubt: it was you, his best friend, who he had not seen in months. Well, you were his best friend. If you still said the same about him was something he did not know. He could not blame anyone but himself if you did not.
You had been friends for years, and it had not taken Ryan long to fall for you back then. But he had never told you, never acted on it, because he knew you were in a relationship, and he did not want to risk the friendship that connected you. For years he had lived like this, meeting you for movie evenings, going on walks, to concerts, out drinking or shopping, always knowing in the end it was not him you were going home with, but instead you would return to your boyfriend John. It had killed him a little bit, every time.
When about half a year ago he had found out John was seeing someone else at the side, he had been torn up about what to do. For over a month he had tried to convince himself that it had not actually been John, but some random guy who just happened to look like him, who Ryan had seen, but when it had happened again, when John and some model-like chick had begun half-way making out in the next booth over from where Ryan was having breakfast with some friends, he had decided to confront John.
John had never liked Ryan, something Ryan was well aware of. John had the tendency to want to control who you had contact with, and Ryan knew that some of the meet-ups you had cancelled had been cancelled because John had made a drama out of you meeting him. Ryan also knew that John thought himself to be above Ryan, looked down on him. So when Ryan had caught up to John outside the diner and told him to come clean to you about the chick he was seeing, or Ryan would tell you, John had only laughed at him. He’d never have the guts to do it anyway, he had said, and that you would never believe Ryan. Ryan had insisted, had given him a two week deadline, making John roll his eyes.
When three weeks later Ryan and you had taken a walk through the park, and you had told him how good things were going with John, he had burst out that John had been cheating on you. In hindsight Ryan really did not know what he had expected you to do. Cry and hug him, thanking him for telling you? Certainly not. But if he was honest, he had not expected you to accuse him of being a liar either. You had asked him if he was trying to break John and you up, and why. Ryan could not even admit to himself, that maybe a small part of him wished you would break up with John and instead take interest in Ryan, but he told himself he just did not want you to live with a lying, cheating piece of asshole longer than you already had.
That conversation had been the first (and last) time you had fought, the first time you had raised your voice at him. Ryan had tried calming you down, had tried assuring you he was telling the truth, but instead of listening you had turned around, and stormed down the small path you had come up, back towards the parking lot.
Ryan had given you a head start, having hoped by the time you had reached the gates to the park you might have calmed down, but when he had reached the exit himself you were nowhere in sight, and the car with which you had driven both of you here was gone, so Ryan had taken the bus home.
He had not seen you since, had not talked to you.
How many times had he dialled your number but never pressed call? He was scared of calling. Were you still mad at him? What if you had blocked his number? He was certain he could not take that rejection, so he had never dared contacting you. For your birthday he had bought a tiny key chain plushie of your favourite animal, but he had not known your address. He had gone back to your flat, but your name was gone from the door bells, John’s too. He had ended up squeezing the plushie into a small compartment in his guitar case, and left it there, always carrying it with him. A constant reminder of having lost you.
But now you were here, watching him play a song he had written about an evening he had spent with you. The song was as melancholic as it was hopeful. He could almost smell the salt of the sea, and feel the waves licking at his feet whenever he sung it, recalling the evening the two of you had spent wandering along the beach, collecting pretty sea shells, sand sticking to your hands where you picked up the shells, and feet, there you were dragging your toes through the soft ground.
He had almost worried a little, when he had played the song for you the first time. It was too much of a love song to not cause him to worry. Why would he write something that could easily be understood as a declaration of love for his best friend? If you had asked him, he might have taken a leap of faith, and answered truthfully, but instead you had smiled, told him how much you loved it, that it might well be a song you would have listened to that evening, as the sun had sparkled red and golden on the waves.
Now the song floated through the room, the audience singing and dancing along. Ryan saw friends twirl one another around, and he could not help but think that if he had been in the audience with you, hearing this song being played, he might have done the same with you. His eyes flickered back to where he had seen you. You were still leaning against the wall, head tilted slightly, a soft expression on your face. He quickly looked away again, his heart racing in his chest.
When he went out to meet the fans who had been staying behind after the show, he could not spot you anywhere, making his heart sink, thinking maybe seeing you had just been wishful thinking, or that you had left intentionally, not wanting to talk to him.
He took pictures with the fans, pushing the thought of you out of his mind, signed posters, CDs and vinyls, chatted with everyone who wanted to talk to him. And when he finally made his way backstage again after having waved good bye to the last fans, a bunch of girls who had surprised him with the story of how his music had brought them together as a group, he found all of his band members had left already.
Tiredly he rubbed his eyes, feeling the disappointment of not having gotten to talk to you settle heavily in his stomach. He shuffled over to his guitar case, which the others had left behind. They knew he prefered taking care of his instrument himself. He clicked open the lid, checking the guitar was inside. The key chain plushie he had bought looked up at him reproachfully as it always did, with its little, black stich-on eyes.
The sound of a soft voice almost made him jump out of his skin, the recognition of the voice raising his heartbeat almost painfully.
Quickly spinning around, he found you sitting on a table in the corner, where he had not seen you coming in. Earlier he had seen you from a distance, from up on stage, but seeing you so close, just a few meters away made him dizzy. You looked good, cute, sexy in a completely relaxed way. You wore a shirt that loosely hung around your body, and a pair of short trousers. Your hair was different from the last time he had seen it, but it made you look even cuter than he remembered you.
For a moment he just stared at you, not having expected you might have snuck back here, but then again the whole band knew you, and nobody would have stopped you from coming into the backstage room.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out, finally getting to say the words he had wanted to say for months, ever since he had last seen you.
“No, I’m sorry,” you looked away, your eyes scanning the room, “for blowing up in your face.”
“You had every right to,” Ryan shook his head. He wanted to walk over to you, wanted to hug you, to take your face in his hands and just look at you for hours, but he stayed rooted where he was. “It wasn’t my place to-”
“But you were right, weren’t you,” you asked with a shrug. “John had been cheating on me. And I knew it. I’ve known it for months. Suspected it at least. You telling me just made it real. And I didn’t want that.”
Ryan swallowed hard.
“Still, I shouldn’t have- I didn’t do it with ill intention, just didn’t want you to… I didn’t want you to end up as one of these girls who gets married and the groom disappears with one of the bridesmaids or something.”
Ryan’s head shot up as he heard you chuckle.
“Never intended to marry him anyway, no worries there.”
“You know what I mean.”
For a moment there was silence spreading through the room. You were not looking at Ryan, just at the wall, while Ryan took you in closer. You looked tired, but generally healthy. Healthier than when he had last seen you.
“I broke up with him,” you suddenly said. “Just so you know. I went home right after you told me, and broke up with him. Honestly, I should have done that years ago,” you admitted. “But I was scared, which might be another reason I denied it, when you told me.”
“Scared,” echoed Ryan.
“Scared because I’ve been with John for so long, that I wasn’t sure I knew who I was without him. What I’d do without all these goddamn restrictions he put on me, what I’d do if I actually had the freedom to choose everything for myself. Turns out it wasn’t him I needed in my life after all.”
“Who then?”
You shrugged, finally looking at Ryan again. “You?”
His breath hitched, and for a moment he almost thought maybe you were saying you needed him as more than a friend, as much as he needed you, but he pushed the thought aside. Baby steps, he told himself. For now you were just here to talk, perhaps not even considering him a friend anymore.
“I came here because I missed you,” you continued. “Hell, I thought about you every day, wondering if I should call you or something. But you hadn’t called either so I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to.”
“I was scared you didn’t want me to call.”
You blew air out of your nose and rolled your eyes. “Wow, we’re two proper idiots, hmm?”
Ryan nodded.
“Anyway,” you continued, “I came because I wanted to see you, wanted to know if there’s still a way to fix things.”
Ryan was about to say something but you silenced him by lifting your hand.
“But I can’t expect you to agree to try without you knowing the whole truth, and that’s that I wasn’t just scared of not knowing who I would be without John, but also of knowing the moment I wouldn’t be with John anymore, I’d try to be with you.”
“Be with me?” Ryan felt his stomach fill with butterflies, but did not yet dare to hope. Maybe he misunderstood.
“Yeah. And not because I’d be so devastated about John that I’d try to find someone to take my mind off him, but because-” you took a deep breath, “because I’ve been completely in love with you for… so long. And I always told myself that I was with John, and it was better this way and we were just friends, and that you didn’t want more. So I was scared that if I’d break up with John, and told you how I feel, I’d mess up things with us too. But things are already messed up, hell, we haven’t even talked in over three months, so I don’t know why I shouldn’t just try, you know? Maybe I’m lucky and you actually want me back in your life. As a friend. Or… I don’t know. Something else. Something more, maybe, if you want to try. But if you’re not interested, that’s fine, it’s okay. I just miss you and if you still want to be friends then-”
You were rambling, but Ryan barely had registered anything after the part where you had said you had come here to ask him if he wanted to try to be more than ‘just’ friends. And you had said: you were in love with him, had you not? So you wanted him, you wanted to be with him. The look in your eyes told him that you wanted it just as much as he did. So he did not even think about it, when he quickly crossed the room, over to where you were sitting, grabbed your face in his hands, and interrupted your rambling by slamming his lips against yours, years of pent up emotions unloading themselves at once.
You gasped in surprise, but your body reacted on its own, throwing your hands around his neck, and pulling him in, shifting your legs so he could stand between them, while his hands wandered away from your face, one into your hair, the other down your neck, down your back, until it was resting at your waist, tucking you closer to him. It was not until his chest pressed to yours, the only thing separating you now your thin shirt and his tank top, that it quite sunk in what was happening. He was kissing you, hot and urgent and it drew all breath from your lungs, made you dizzy with emotions, made your heart soar. You had dreamt of the feeling of his lips, the taste of his tongue, the brush of his breath for so long, that it felt unreal, really having him kiss you now. The sensation was overwhelming, and you could do nothing but follow Ryan lead, as he desperately kissed you, as if he feared you would disappear any moment from his hold.
You only drew back from the kiss when the need for oxygen became overwhelming, and gasping for air you dropped your head to his shoulders. He was warm, familiar, safe, his longish brown hair softly tickling the side of your face. You could feel him wrap his arms around you tighter, could feel him pressing his nose to your hair, inhaling deeply with every breath he took.
“I’m never gonna let you walk away again,” he whispered, pressing his lips to your temple, hot and sweet.
You just nodded in response, unable to form words that could have expressed how much that meant to you, how much he meant to you.
And when you had caught your breath, you kissed him again, softer this time, and then again, and again, neither of you quite able to believe that after so long you were finally holding each other as you had always dreamt of.
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@alexstyx​​​ @jayloverthe3rd​​​ @robinruns​​​ @lookalivefrosty​​​ @butterflycore​​​  @omgsuperstarg​​ @fivelegance​
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
Could you possibly write a Ryan Ross x reader that’s either very domestic/fluffy or funny/goofy/fluffy?? Thank you!
Follow You
Pairing: Ryan Ross x Gender Neutral Reader
Rating: General
Word Count: 550
Requested By: Anon
Author's Note: @mariawritesfanfic posted a few really cute prompts last night, and I was inspired by one of them. So here's a short little one shot featuring fluffy domestic Ryan Ross in the autumn 😊
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You sat down on the front steps, steaming mug of coffee in your hands. As you drew your knees up to your chest, a smile grew across your face and you stifled a laugh that threatened to disturb the peaceful morning. 
Your source of amusement was your boyfriend Ryan struggling with a rake and the bright fall sunshine. He was trying to clean up the bright orange and yellow leaves that littered the lawn before it got any colder.
"Aren't you glad I convinced you to move up here where we have seasons?" You shouted to him with a smirk.
He looked your way, squinting as he shielded his eyes. "Yea, real glad," he said dryly.
You laughed and shook your head before running inside. "Here," you said when you returned with his sunglasses. "These might help."
Ryan rolled his eyes before putting them on and planting a kiss on your cheek. "Thanks love."
"After you're done, do you wanna get the full fall experience?"
"What's that mean?"
"Hurry up and finish the leaves and you'll find out!"
It was early afternoon when you and Ryan piled into your car and you drove out of town into the countryside.
"This was my favorite place when I was a kid!" You explained as you pulled up at the farm. Apple trees stretched as far as the eye could see behind a big red barn, and next to it was a field of pumpkins waiting to be picked. "You don't think it's too basic, do you?"
"No, I've always wanted to do this," he smiled, his eyes twinkling with delight. "I just didn't know if it would be weird if I brought it up."
"Not at all," you shook your head. "Now come on, let's get some pumpkins!"
You lead the way out to the field. "Do you wanna carve jack o' lanterns?" You asked.
"I haven't done that since I was a kid," he laughed. "I'd love to."
You each picked a pumpkin large enough to carve, and then made your way into the barn. You picked out a bushel of apples to make pie with when you got home, then stopped for some hot apple cider and turnovers before heading back out to the car.
"Now for the next stop," you said as you took off down the road.
"Where's that?" Ryan asked.
"You'll see," you replied as you drove up a winding road. Eventually you came upon a small parking lot off the side of the road.
"Scenic overlook?"
"Yea, grab your cider and follow me," you said as you got out, grabbing the bag of treats.
Ryan follows you along the narrow path to where it came out overlooking the valley below. The trees were all shades of red, gold, orange and brown.
"Wow," he murmured as he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. "It's beautiful."
"Yea. And you have to rake all of it up," you laughed.
"Hilarious," he laughed dryly, shaking his head. "But thank you for today, it was really fun."
You turned to face him. "Yea? I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad that you came up here with me."
"I'll follow you wherever you lead," he smiled softly before leaning in and kissing you deeply.
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