nineghoti · 1 year
forgot adding a headlight would start it up 😁
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thegreeneyedlycan · 1 year
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discoverhowitworks · 1 year
Which grass varieties are best for putting greens
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When it comes to putting greens, not all grass varieties are created equal. Golf enthusiasts and professionals know that the right grass can make or break a game. In this article, we'll explore the best grass varieties for putting greens and how to care for them to maintain their lush, green appearance. - Bentgrass: Bentgrass is a popular choice for putting greens due to its fine texture and excellent ball roll. It can thrive in full sun or partial shade and prefers moist, well-drained soil. - Bermuda Grass: Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that is known for its ability to withstand heavy foot traffic and high temperatures. It requires plenty of sunlight and prefers well-drained soil. - Zoysia Grass: Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass that can tolerate partial shade and has a high drought tolerance. It can also withstand heavy foot traffic and recovers quickly from damage. - Poa Annua: Poa Annua is a cool-season grass that is commonly found on golf courses due to its excellent ball roll and disease resistance. It prefers moist, well-drained soil and can tolerate partial shade. - Ryegrass: Ryegrass is a cool-season grass that is often used to overseed warm-season grasses during the winter months. It has a fine texture and can provide a fast, uniform playing surface.
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Now that we've explored the best grass varieties for putting greens, let's look at how to care for them. - Mowing: It's essential to keep your putting green's grass at a short length to maintain a smooth, uniform playing surface. Bentgrass, for example, should be mowed at a height of 1/8 to 3/16 inches. - Watering: Consistent watering is crucial for maintaining healthy grass. Water your putting green deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. It's best to water early in the morning to avoid evaporation and disease. - Fertilizing: Regular fertilization is essential for keeping your grass healthy and green. It's best to apply fertilizer in the spring and fall when the grass is actively growing. - Aeration: Aeration is the process of creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the root zone. It's essential for maintaining healthy grass and should be done once or twice a year, depending on the grass variety and usage. By following these tips, you can keep your putting green's grass healthy and vibrant, providing an excellent playing surface for years to come. Remember to choose the right grass variety for your needs and care for it properly to ensure the best possible playing surface. Read the full article
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thebotanicalarcade · 2 years
Llega al Conte Grand, el Festival por la Visibilidad Trans
n53_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: The instructive picture book, or, Lessons from the vegetable world Edinburgh :Edmonston & Douglas, 87 Princes Street,1858. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/59644140
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mundoagrocba · 2 years
Un nuevo modo de acción para frenar al ryegrass en cultivos invernales
Un nuevo modo de acción para frenar al ryegrass en cultivos invernales
FMC lanzará al mercado el herbicida Azugro®|Isoflex™ active, una solución innovadora de relevancia y calidad mundial, con sello nacional. Los cultivos invernales de trigo y cebada son de alta relevancia para la generación de granos en Argentina. El trigo, con 6,3 millones de hectáreas sembradas, es el tercer cultivo de mayor importancia nacional, detrás de la soja y el maíz, lo que lo convierte…
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flowerakatsuka · 12 days
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yotsubana florals' other frequent loiterer + a bonding moment between kuroba & ichimatsu.
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wilddogsdivorce · 1 year
how the hell am i supposed to withstand 3.5 years living in a city when i can already feel my spirit decaying after barely a week, because there is no forest within five minutes walking distance. i am in mourning.
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March 2023: Spring Stuff
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This oregano escaped from a pot: 
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I’m worried the single digit temperatures killed our fragrant tea olive. It does not look happy: 
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Your daily dose of bee butt: 
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He sang while I worked in the garden: 
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Annual ryegrass that I planted under our blueberry bushes: 
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When a desirable plant becomes a weed. This bee balm made its way from the bed beside the garden & into the garden. A weed is any plant that is growing where you don’t want it to:  
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I couldn’t tell if the grape vine had survived the singular digits but... we have buds: 
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Our white clover clump: 
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arborix · 2 years
When you analyze the seeds, what do you look for? :o
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...but really for a standard purity test we check for inert matter like stems or soil (and "empty" seeds) as well as other seeds! Other crops, weeds, noxious weeds...
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michael-massa-micon · 2 years
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Red Ryegrass - January 2013 The campground at David Crockett State Park is near the border of the park and just across the park boundary is a huge field of red ryegrass. I found that field to be photographically intriguing. The local cows evidently found it delicious. The first image is primarily of the field of red grass. The second is a closeup of the cows who apparently found me interesting. MWM
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plantcompany · 7 months
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The Plant Company specializes in the cultivation and distribution of ryegrass NZ. With a focus on providing high-quality grass for various purposes, the company ensures that their ryegrass is well-suited for both residential and commercial landscapes. Through careful selection and nurturing of the plants, the Plant Company guarantees that their ryegrass is vibrant, lush, and able to withstand various weather conditions. Whether it's for a golf course, sports field, or simply a beautiful lawn, customers can rely on the Plant Company to deliver top-notch ryegrass that will enhance the aesthetic appeal of any outdoor space.
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nineghoti · 1 year
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A circadian rhythm in the promotion of flowering by far-red light has been observed in the LDPs barley (Hordeum vulgare), darnel ryegrass (Lolium temulentum), and Arabidopsis (Figure 20.13).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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gfloutdoors · 2 years
Growing Florida Ryegrass in Florida: Tips and Tricks
Growing Florida Ryegrass in Florida: Tips and Tricks
A lawn is one of the most critical parts of your home. Not only does a fresh bed of grass look great, but it also provides a place for you and your family to relax and have fun. If you are thinking about growing a lawn, you might be a bit confused because of the sheer number of grass seeds available to consumers now. This challenge can be tricky in states like Florida, where the growing…
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starks-hero · 2 years
The Beauty of Chance
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x Dúnedain!Reader
Summary: Whilst finding respite in Beorn's home, certain relevations are had. Or; you and Thorin do a little more than just talk things through.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: feather-light smut, the reader smokes a pipe
a/n: Reader is Dúnedain because I'm physically incapable of writing a middle earth fic where the reader isn't Dúnedain. Once again I used Irish as a replacement for the Dúnedain's native tongue because trying to translate Númenórean Sindarin is a nightmare :)
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Beorn's home offered a sense of comfort and safety of the likes you hadn't felt since leaving the Shire. The high walls eased your nerves and you found your hand no longer instinctively reached for your sword. It served as a quaint port amidst the storm, a chance to catch your breath. And it had come long overdue.
After a breakfast sweetened with berries and honey and made up of foods far finer than anything you'd seen since passing Bree, you decided on spending the morning exploring Beorn's home in all its subtle splendor.
Everything seemed to dwarf you in size, from the furniture to the settlement itself. It was an odd feeling, one that stirred up a strange sense of nostalgia; wandering into your father's forge as a child and toying with tools far too large for small hands. You supposed it also offered a glance into the life of your companions.
You reached to undo the lock to the back door, vowing to never poke fun at Bilbo's height again when the plank of wood fell snugly back into the lock despite your best efforts.
You passed through the stables instead, petting the manes of the mares that resided there as you did.
The gardens, just like the rest of the skin changer's dwellings, were evidently tended to with no shortage of care. A small warren of rabbits dozed comfortably in the ryegrass and blooming flowers brushed your knees. You simply stood among it all for a moment, feeling the soil beneath your feet and the sweetened air in your lungs.
The outskirts of the garden were bordered by two oak trees, mature and proud. Their canopy provided a small shadowed patch and you quickly found respite against its bark and beneath its leaves.
With the company out of sight, you breathed a pained sigh.
Your muscles ached and your body felt stiff. It was somewhat difficult to convince it to relax after so long spent prepared to fight at a moment's notice. Shifting against the tree bark, you undid your shirt enough to reveal the unpleasantly long gash that ran across your shoulder and coiled down your arm. The fine work of an orc blade. The bleeding had all but stopped now, but the wound's edges were jagged and an angry red. And the horrid stinging that accompanied such injuries was yet to go away.
You undid the bandages and bound the wound in fresh cloth. It was by no means your finest work but others in the company had sustained far worse wounds during the scuffle on the cliffside and Oín only had two hands and a very limited amount of supplies. You wouldn't seek out care when your friends needed it more.
Besides, the blade had caught your weaker arm. You could still hold your sword, still carry out your purpose.
You'd manage.
Relacing your shirt and silently vowing to put your stubbornness aside and seek help should a fever set in, you sat back against the bark, shifting until you found comfort.
It felt nice to finally rest. To close your eyes and not fear for your company's safety. You reveled in the quiet. For all of two minutes.
The sound of brambles snagging on leather and stones shifting beneath heavy boots had you up and alert and despite all logic, your hand still grasped at your empty sword belt.
You calmed when Thorin rounded the tree. He seemed startled at the sight of you.
“Forgive me, I did not mean to intrude,” the dwarf said, words genuine. He stepped back, as if ready to turn on his heel should you ask him to.
“Searching for some peace and quiet?” You asked instead. Such moments were few and far between. “It would seem we both had the same idea.”
The king's head fell forward in a nod and when still he made no move to leave you motioned to your side.
His hesitation was brief. He settled beside you, then all was quiet again. A sudden breeze, warm and tinged with the scent of autumn, rushed through the leaves. Thorin took a deep breath before releasing it in an uneven sigh.
It was an odd sight, seeing him at ease. You'd go as far as to call it unnatural. His relaxed shoulders and gentle expression seemed foreign and uncanny. But you couldn't deny the youthfulness that seemed to soften his features now. It was not unlike the glimpses you'd caught of him during your shared night watches when both of you were too stubborn to let the other stay up alone.
A quaint stillness began to settle and when Thorin still said nothing, you decided neither would you. You were happy to sit in silence at his side.
From your pocket, you produced your pipe, old and worn around the rims but still trusty enough to serve its purpose. You ran your fingers along the polished wood, all the way down to its blackened base. Generously stuffing it full, you held a match to the green leaves until they kindled and began to smolder.
Bilbo, bless his heart, had offered you what was left of his pipe-weed. ‘The finest you'll find anywhere south of Bree,’ he'd promised as he handed it over without a second thought after discovering yours has been lost to the greedy hands of goblins.
The first exhale of smoke left lips that were turned up in a smile. The generosity of halflings would never cease to amaze you.
The taste of tobacco sat heavily on your tongue as you blew out wisps of grey smoke and watched as they were carried off on the afternoon breeze.
“I owe you thanks,” Thorin said suddenly, shifting beside you. “The courage you showed on the cliffside, your willingness to help this company, it's not something I take for granted. You have done a great deal for us and we- I am grateful.”
“You don't have to thank me, Thorin.” You exhaled another flurry of smoke.
“But I do. When I called on my own kin for help they turned away. But you, a soldier of Man, a ranger, you answered. You didn't have to, by all means of sanity you shouldn't have. But you did.”
You chewed anxiously on the tip of your pipe. “I know what it's like to be without a home,” you said simply. “And it is not a faith I would wish upon anyone.”
Thorin only nodded in response. His gaze shifted to the tree roots beneath his feet.
You hadn't spoken much of your past, although by the way you carried both yourself and your sword, Thorin knew that your life until this point had not been one without hardship. The race of men were as dependant on each other as a fawn to it's mother; venturing out on ones own was strange for your kind. Gandalf had not indulged him with your story, only what he needed to in order to convince him to accept you as one of the company.
But Thorin knew what a renegade looked like. He'd lived as one long enough to know what the dreariness in your eyes and your indifference to battle and death meant. Part of him wanted to tell you that, to form that middle ground and hope it offered some comfort.
“Regardless, I am glad to have you with us,” he said instead.
At your feet, a lone beetle made its way through the undergrowth. You watched in bemusement, shifting your boot to clear its path. You turned to Thorin and found his own eyes trained on the bug as it continued on its journey. In an odd moment of catharsis, you saw the dwarf beside you not as a king, but a friend and fellow soldier. You offered him your pipe.
When the dwarf noticed your extended hand he smiled almost fondly. The sight made the aches in your muscles ease. He took the pipe in gentle hands, pressing the mouthpiece to his bottom lip and filling his lungs with the finest pipeweed the Shire had to offer.
He pushed the grey cloud past his lips in one deep breath, the smoke taking the shape of a perfect ring before disappearing above the tree.
You raised an unamused brow. “I would not have offered had I known you'd take the opportunity to show off.”
“Lying is not becoming of you, master ranger,” the dwarf responded smoothly, his eyes closed and lips turned up in a satisfied smirk. His hair splayed out around his head like a darkened crown, white strands catching in the sun like silver.
For no reason other than to make watching him an easier task, you shifted against the tree so that you faced the king. The resulting pain that lashed up your arm in doing so had you hissing through your teeth. Thorin's eyes were on you in a moment.
“I'm alright,” you dismissed quickly.
The dwarf looked entirely unconvinced. He reached for the collar of your shirt and when you made no attempt to stop him, pulled the fabric down.
“Mahal,” he said the word like a curse, low and rough. “How long have you kept this hidden?” Struggling to fall somewhere between a convincing lie and an honest under exaggeration, you decided against answering altogether. With a grunt, Thorin pushed forward and onto his knees. He took the hem of his undershirt in one hand and tore off a strip with less than a second thought.
Just as you hadn't answered him earlier, you said nothing as Thorin began to tend to you.
The bandages, already tinged pink, fell away easily in his grasp. A single line of blood seeped from the open gash and trickled down the swell of your bicep. Thorin swiftly decided the best he could do was simply rebind the wound. Despite their broadness, his fingers worked nimbly, carefully gracing over your arm and masterfully retying the bandages.
“You're a fool,” he said eventually, finishing the bindings with an unnecessary tug. “I believed your selflessness to be honorable, now I'm more inclined to think it idiotic.”
You huffed a laugh and winced.
Thorin took up the torn strip of blue linen from his shirt and carefully looped it around your arm, tying it taunt against your shoulder.
“Where did you learn that?” you asked. With the added support, the aching throb in your arm had all but ceased.
“I learned many things during my time in the Blue Mountains and in the villages of Man. How to properly dress a wound was one. It would appear that was a skill you did not pick up during your time on the road.” He answered with a smirk.
“Healers usually work in silence,” you reminded him.
He smiled at your words despite himself. He looked younger when he smiled. His eyes brightened and shone silver. You found yourself wishing it was a sight you could see more often.
There was something about the way he tended to you that set a deep ache in your chest.
He finished his work with one more tight knot and a satisfied hum. “It will do for now. I'll have Oín treat it once he has a moment to spare.” His hand ran down the length of your arm before falling away at the bend of your elbow.
“I'll manage,” you said. The words were almost second nature now.
“You always do.” Thorin's voice was soft. He regarded you in a manner so gentle the ache in your chest flared, a pounding against your ribs. But when his eyes caught your own, the look vanished and he stood. “I've intruded long enough, I'll take my leave.”
“Why not stay?” You were embarrassed by how quickly the words jumped from your throat.
“Because if I do I fear I'll do something rash.”
“Thorin–” you rose to your knees, reaching out and grasping his forearms. The action surprised you both.
You failed to find any words to confront him with, anything that would translate the fierce fire he set in you. How he regarded you not just as an equal but as someone to be respected, admired. How he tore the very clothes on his back to stop your bleeding. How the action was almost instinctive. Even the simplest things. Like how he hadn't complained once about how the earth dug into his knees as he tended to you. How he still hadn't pulled away from you now...
Gravity seemed to give way beneath you and you pushed yourself up on your knees further till your lips brushed his. Thorin was still for a fleeting, terrifying moment; before he returned your affection with a fierce passion.
The earth bit into your knees and you rocked forward. Thorin's hands grasped your waist and anchored you against him. The feel of his palms against your side was grounding. You swore the world had faded into the great void at the end of time and this moment was all that was left.
When you parted, a shaking breath passed Thorin's lips. “You are far braver than I.” His voice was quiet, hoarse.
“Brave?” you grinned. “I thought you'd settled on idiotic.”
The dwarf laughed, full and hearty, and gods what you wouldn't do to hear it every day for the rest of your life.
“I think, perhaps, both can be true,” he said, and his lips were on yours again.
His advance was softer this time, fixed on feeling you against him, marveling at your touch. He kissed your neck, just above the beating of your pulse. His lips turned up in a smile.
You watched him in absolute awe; a descendant of Durin touching you as if you were carved from gold, a king willingly on his knees for an outcast.
The ache in your chest seized your heart.
Your hand rushed up his arm, fingers running past the swell of his shoulders and gently catching in his hair. Thorin gasped sharply, the bridge of his nose pressing tautly against the curve of your jaw. In a single grounding moment, you recalled the significance of hair in dwarven culture as well as the boundary you'd just overstepped.
You rightened yourself against the tree, forcing Thorin to pull away in turn.
“Forgive me, I didn't mean–” you swallowed. “Thorin if you want this to end you need only say so. I won't take offense.”
The silence that followed was uncomfortably thick. You sat unmoving as the dwarf regarded you with something you couldn't quite place. It left you feeling uncertain whether he was going to reach for you again or stand and leave.
“Why do you do that?” he asked instead. “Doubt yourself. Ask for forgiveness as if you have done something wrong. Do you truly find the thought of me wanting to touch you, to be touched by you, so difficult to accept?” He caught your chin with gentle fingers and raised your head. “I can think of nothing I want more.”
His touch ghosted your neck and you shuddered. Words could not tell him how much he meant to you, but you hoped your lips against his own and your heart beating frantically against his chest would.
Thorins knees began to ache, straining and giving way. You pressed a steady hand to his back and guided him forward until his legs slot over your own and your height balanced out. He surged closer, you could feel the tree bark biting into your back. You ignored it with ease.
The kings hand ran along the underside of your arm and the feel of it drew from you a soft breath. Your hand brushed over his braid, gently thumbing at the strands. You combed your fingers through the knotted locks behind his ear; the knowledge of what the act meant to Thorin, the intimacy of it all, made your head light.
Then, your fingers tapped almost unnoticeably against the base of his neck, right above his pulse where the dwarf's blood rushed so fast he was almost certain you could hear it. Your mouth parted in an unasked question and Thorin grunted a low ‘yes’.
Your lips traced his neck, kissing down his collarbone and ensuring to leave each of your marks below the collar of his shirt. Thorin steadied himself against you, breathing a sigh against your temple.
“Tá tú go hálainn, a grá,” the words were so raw, came from somewhere so primal within you, you hadn't noticed they'd left you in your mother tongue. “Tá m'chroí agat.”
Thorin managed a shuddering breath, a weak sound that caught in his throat. “I assume you will not be telling me the meaning of your words.” His hands shook as they moved against your back.
“Consider it reparations for each time you have spoken to me in Khuzdul with no intention of telling me what it is you'd said,” you smirked against his throat, recalling each time he'd addressed you in his native tongue. How the words always seemed natural and unmistakably genuine. He didn't feel the need to tell you the meaning behind those words now. He felt you already knew.
Thorin chuckled, boyish and light, and it set fire to your heart.
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The sun had sunk behind the mountains and turned the air cold. But with Thorin laying by your side and a bed of grass at your back you swore you had enough warmth to last you the night.
The dwarf's arm rested beneath your head, hand tracing patterns you didn't recognize against your bandaged shoulder. Even now, his lips still brushed your head.
His other hand rested against your stomach and you bid your time tracing his palm, slowly and with purpose.
Thorin shifted beside you. You could hear the careful workings of his mind as he forged his next words on his tongue. “Should we succeed in taking back Erebor, where will you go?” He asked. His words were heavy.
“I don't know,” you answered honestly. “South? Towards Rohan and then wherever the road leads.”
It took the dwarf a moment to respond. Your words hollowed out his chest and set an ill feeling in his stomach. The thought of you alone stirred up a deep sadness Thorin had not felt in an age. You, with your spark for storytelling and devotion to others and your incomprehensible ability to simply make a difference. To bring light to whatever situation you found yourself in, to join a company that was all the better to have you. To stumble into the life of a downtrodden king and singlehandedly remind him he deserved his throne.
“If we take back the Mountain, I want you to know that you are welcome to stay, should that be something you wish.”
You took a deep breath, holding it till you were certain Thorin's words had not caused your heart to cease beating. As the true weight of the offer set in, you released Thorin's hand.
“I would not think I'd be wanted. I have no right-”
“You have every right,” Thorin said, his words instant and forceful, convincingly so. “As much right as any dwarf that refused to help us in our hour of need.”
You huffed a sigh that fell somewhere between disbelief and amusement.
“Someone like me staying in the sacred halls of Durin's folk. A lowly ranger...”
“You are so much more than that.” He said the words slowly, as if they were the most honest thing he'd ever spoken. “You are a descendant of the Men of the West, a member of this company.” He paused. “You are Amralimê. My love.”
You shifted to look at him. A dwarf who by all means of faith and sense you should never have crossed paths with. But by the beauty of chance, he'd entered your life and reminded you, in all his subtle ways, that it was worth living. That you were worthy.
You dared to retake his hand in yours. “You'd have me?”
Thorin simply smiled.
“Above all else.”
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Thank you for reading! <3
authors notes:
Irish translation: tá tú go hálainn, a grá - you are beautiful my love. Tá m'chroí agat - you have my heart. Phonetic pronunciation for those interested - taw two guh haul-in, ah graw. Taw muh-kree a-gut.
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cosmicanger · 5 months
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Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel, Embroidered quilt with earthworms, cockchafer beetle larvae, false barley grass, red fescue grass, poppy plants, meadow fescue grass, English ryegrass, cinnabar moth caterpillar, giant peacock moth caterpillar, hebe tiger moth, death’s-head hawkmoth caterpillar, magpie moth, giant peacock moth, death’s-head hawkmoth, cinnabar moth, sparrow and recorder, 2024, Cotton and polyester thread on linen fabric, cotton batting, 166.5 x 210 cm
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