#ryeowook fluff
blu-joons · 2 years
When Their Foreign Partner Gives Birth In Korea ~ Super Junior Reaction
A hand brushed through your hair as Jeongsu perched on your hospital bed just beside you. “What’s on your mind?” He quizzed, noticing you staring off into the distance as if you were in a world of your own.
You gave yourself a moment before looking at Jeongsu. “I’m just thinking about how much I wish my family were here with us right now.”
“It must be tough for you,” Jeongsu smiled.
“I just wish they’d been able to come and see us at some point during my pregnancy,” you finally admitted, “I didn’t want it to just be the two of us.”
Jeongsu moved his arm around you, “I wish they were here too.”
“Not all of your family have been able to see us either.”
“You can’t compare my situation to yours,” Jeongu assured you, “my family can get here in a heartbeat if we need them.”
“I think my mum worries sometimes that your mum is around so often, and she’s not,” you confided nervously in Jeongsu.
His heart sank as you spoke, “I’ll make sure that all of your family feel as involved as they can be, just like my family.”
“They’ll be alright, it’s just a lot.”
“We’re all overwhelmed right now.”
Your smile was wide as Heechul encouraged you to pose, holding his phone up and taking a photo of the three of you. “What do you think?” Heechul asked you as he loaded up the photo so that you could take a look.
You nodded approvingly straight away, “my family will be printing that straight away and sticking it up on the fridge at home, I promise.”
“It’s our first family photo,” Heechul noted.
“It’s adorable,” you chuckled as Heechul began to send the photo to your family. “They’re not here, but this feels as good as having them here with us.”
Heechul watched you closely, “they’ll come and visit us soon.”
“I know, we’ve not got too long to wait for them now.”
“Just think when they get here we’ve got babysitting sorted for the week,” Heechul suggested, bringing a laugh out of you.
“I can’t wait to sleep when they come over,” you agreed, taking Heechul by surprise, “we can just rest and let them take control.”
As Heechul placed his phone away he nudged against your side, “they’ll go crazy if we leave them to babysit you know.”
“They’re my parents, I’ll sweet talk them.”
“I like your style.”
You smiled appreciatively across at Jonghoon as he picked up a tissue and wiped underneath your eyes once again. “Don’t fret,” he told you, knowing that you were starting to feel guilty for getting so teary.
A faint chuckle came from you as you tried to get comfortable on your hospital bed. “I didn’t think I was going to cry, how wrong was I?”
“It’s an emotional time,” Jonghoon assured you.
“I didn’t think giving birth would get to me like this,” you confessed, shaking your head, “let alone getting all of these texts from my family missing me.”
Jonghoon nodded back to you, “I bet they’re missing you.”
“I can just picture my mum sobbing reading all these.”
“I’ll make sure to keep them updated,” Jonghoon assured you, “I can’t imagine you being on your phone for much longer.”
“Don’t remind me of what’s to come,” you joked, “it’s bad enough already without knowing they’re all not here too.”
Jonghoon’s smile turned up as he took a hold of your hand, “even if they’re not here, I’m here and I’ll support you Y/N.”
“I’m super lucky that you’re here.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
A sigh escaped from you as you heard a knock at the door of your suite, glancing across at Donghee. “Who’s here? I thought we asked to make sure that no one interrupted us,” you told him, hanging your head.
Donghee stood up from your bed, making his way across to the suite door. “I’ll have a look and see who it is, I’m sure they’re harmful.”
“Tell them to go away,” you responded.
“That’s not very nice,” a familiar voice told you as Donghee opened up the door, “we’ve travelled halfway around the world to be here for you Y/N.”
Your eyes lit up straight away, “what are you guys doing here?”
“We couldn’t let you give birth all by yourself, could we?”
“I can’t believe it,” you laughed as your mum and dad both rushed to either side of your bed, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“Surprise,” Donghee smiled as he hovered back to give you a few moments with your family, relieved to see your wide smile.
Your eyes flickered to Donghee as he spoke, shaking your head in disbelief. “Did you really organise this, just for me?”
“Of course, anything to help you.”
“You’re the best, thank you.”
You both stared down at your son in your arms, with Hyukjae leaning against your shoulder. “He’s definitely got your mum’s nose,” he commented, being able to recognise the similarity straight away between them.
You nodded in agreement with Hyukjae as you studied your son closely, “we’ve cursed him already for having to share a nose with my mum Jae.”
“She’ll be thrilled,” Hyukjae chuckled.
“I can’t wait to show her, we’ll never hear the end of it once she sees him,” you told Hyukjae, turning to face him with a wide smile etched on your face.
He nodded back at you, “just think if she was here in person instead.”
“That’s one good thing about being so far away from them.”
“She wouldn’t let you go,” Hyukjae laughed as he looked at the empty chair beside you, “I’d be useless if she was here.”
“You know what she’s like, always worrying,” you reminded him. “Remember what she was like when I came over for the first time.”
Hyukjae chuckled as he recalled the memory, “there’s no way when she met me she thought I’d father your children.”
“Honestly, she thought you were so strange.”
“But that’s why you love me.”
Your eyes lit up as Siwon sat on the end of your bed hearing familiar voices coming through the phone. “Mum! Dad!” You cheered, leaning into Siwon to make sure that you were in frame and seen by them.
Siwon moved so that you didn’t have to, turning the phone around. “Do you guys want to meet your granddaughter?” Siwon excitedly asked them.
“Let me see, let me see,” your mum grinned.
“Here she is, nice and cosy,” you told them, tilting your arms so that your parents could both see the baby that you cradled so tightly in your hold.
Their smiles were wide as they looked on the screen, “she’s beautiful.”
“Everyone’s doing really well, and only a few tears from Y/N too.”
“Hey,” you jokingly snapped, nudging against Siwon’s arm, “I’m sure no one can blame me for getting upset with all that pain.”
“She was a superstar,” Siwon quickly reassured your parents, watching their smiles light up as they kept looking at your daughter.
As they did, Siwon pressed a kiss against the side of your head. “We can’t wait to come over and see the three of you soon.”
“The three of us, that sounds so weird.”
“You’ll get used to it Y/N.”
The dampness in his shirt broke Donghae’s heart as held onto you, running his hand along your back. “Let it all go,” he whispered closely into your ear, knowing that your emotions were all over like a rollercoaster.
After a few moments you finally pulled away from him, “I’m sorry, this is supposed to be a happy time for us, not a time for me to get upset on you.”
“Don’t you dare apologise,” Donghae told you.
“Throughout this whole pregnancy I’ve survived, but now it’s finally happening. I wish they were here,” you replied, wiping under your eyes.
Donghae kept a close eye on you, “I wish they were here as well for you.”
“You don’t need to feel bad for me, you’re missing people here too.”
“But my people are here, they don’t have to catch flights or pack suitcases to travel for hours,” Donghae reasoned in reply to you.
“They wouldn’t want me to cry,” you whispered to yourself, trying to find the motivation to stop yourself from tearing up.
Donghae moved his arm around you as you pulled away from his chest, “I’ll give them a text let them know that you’re alright.”
“You’d really do that for me, Donghae?”
“Of course I would Y/N.”
As yet another contraction subsided, Ryeowook moved closer to your side, letting go of your hand. “Everything good?” He quizzed, running his hand over the top of your head to push your hair away for you.
The pause that came from you told Ryeowook a lot. “I know that you’re here but I feel so alone right now, like someone should be on my other side too.”
“You wish your parents were here?” He asked you.
“More than anything,” you admitted, letting go of a sigh as you threw your head back. “They don’t tell you about this bit when you move abroad.”
Ryeowook offered you a weak smile, “no one thinks of the downsides.”
“I shouldn’t be thinking of this as a downside, I mean we’re having a baby.”
“It’s human to miss people during important times in your life,” Ryeowook smiled back at you, “I feel bad that my family are here.”
“Please don’t feel bad,” you asked him, resting against the palm of his hand, “I’m so grateful for all they’ve done for the two of us.”
The pad of Ryeowook’s thumb brushed against your cheek, “we’re all wishing that both of our families could be here right now.”
“Hopefully it won’t be too long to happen.”
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t.”
You smiled softly as your daughter was taken away by the midwives leaving you and Kyuhyun along at your bedside for a while. “How are you feeling?” He asked, leaning across and taking a hold of your hand.
Your shoulders shrugged as you met Kyuhyun’s eyes, “it’s been a while since I felt homesick, but I’m really feeling homesick right now, it’s not the same.”
“They’ll be awake soon, right?” Kyuhyun quizzed.
“In an hour perhaps,” you told him as you glanced at the clock. “I can’t wait to wake them up with the best news ever, they’re all going to be so excited.”
Kyuhyun nodded in agreement with you, “I bet they’ll be missing you today.”
“This is the sort of moment where they should be here, not so far away.”
“We’ll be able to tell them all about this moment soon enough,” Kyuhyun tried to reassure you, “they’ll be on the first flight over.”
“I never imagined myself settling down in a foreign country,” you confessed, taking Kyuhyun by surprise, “this feels like a dream.”
He continued to watch you as you sniffed the tears back once again, “I never imagined myself being in this position either you know.”
“Would you change anything about right now?”
“Not a single thing.”
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keepingloveagainkw · 2 years
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They’re looking at each other;
Next to the window, mulled wine in their hands to warm up;
The mistletoe is hanging in between, casting the shadow of a knowing move and their breaths are catching;
Looking for just an excuse to lean into a kiss;
One cannot stop looking at the other’s lips and tortures his own with a nibble – language of seduction;
Their breaks are still hinged, too tight, and it’s painful;
Everything they wish for is to break the curse around years of longing, cast a spell, get accustomed to each other’s bodies, map them through their kisses;
Midnight comes, among the starry sky;
Fireworks explode in the background, everyone at the party is loud and happy;
But them;
One more glance, shyness gone, slender fingers reach out for a single touch;
It burns;
Ryeowook looks into Kyuhyun’s eyes, looking for a glint of doubt, yet he finds none;
The loud noise is just a distant echo, muffled by their erratic heartbeats;
Thump, thump, thump,
Breaths are now mingling, steaming over luscious lips, the homey scent of the petite man’s cardigan is alluring, delicious…
Like the lips that he finally – without restraints – is devouring.
“Merry Christmas,” Kyuhyun shyly whispers, as Ryeowook sits still in his best friend’s arms that night. His forehead is softly brushing against the man’s in what looks like a final understanding, their sacred connection elevating to something else. Intimacy.
“Merry Christmas,” Ryeowook smiles back, free of the one constraint that has forced him not to make a move for several years now.
Complice of the change, the night envelopes them in a friendly way, as they are holding hands in front of the window, star-gazing for an answer in their messy, yet mutual feelings. No regrets allowed.
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
Lead and Gold 4.
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Pairing: Eunhyuk/Reader
Genre: mafia!au, smut and fluff
Warnings: swearing, blood, smut eventually
Word count: 3,114
There were a lot of gossips about your superior, Doctor Jung’s secret works, where he invited surgeon residents to his private clinic to help him out. Afterwards, no one talked a word about it. Then, your time came. He took you there too, and you did your best to do exactly what your job was in the hospital: saving people’s lives. You just didn’t know who’s life it was this time.
Previous | Next
Not looking in the mirror failed greatly, and you almost got a heart attack by noticing your reflection. Or rather by not recognizing yourself in it. You looked how you were feeling: beaten to shit. Well, yeah, you won’t be able to avoid questions in the hospital, doesn’t matter how much make up you’ll try to put on.
So you didn’t bother to cover your bruises at all.
When Shindong saw you after getting ready for your night shift, he simply scoffed and smirked as if he heard a nasty joke. You even heard him mutter something like ‘this will be interesting’ under his breath, but you weren’t so sure about that. You decided to ignore him. It became your habit lately; ignoring whatever disliked thing came to your way.
Coping with mafia stuff wasn’t something you could or wanted to get used to.
Shindong declared he would drive you to and from work, and he’d wait for you in the car. He made you put his number on speed dial in your phone, just in case of emergency, but you doubted you’d have time to call him if some thug attacked you in the hospital or somewhere else.
During your three-day long involuntary vacation, you missed a lot of gossips, and you were sure Ryeowook would fill you in on all of them. However, none of them seemed to be as big of a news as your bruised face.
Your sassy colleague got tongue-tied as soon as he saw you, only gawping at you openly. Other doctors, residents and nurses weren’t brave enough to do the same. They stole quick glances at you and then talked behind your back when they thought you were out of earshot. Most of the time, you weren’t, and heard everything they said.
Well, Ryeowook wasn’t that kind of a man. He stared at you with opened mouth and you could almost see the wheels turning in his head. It took him less than a minute to get over the shock, and pour his questions onto you. You just waved all of them off. What could you say to him, anyways? That you have got beaten up, because you involved yourself in some shady mafia business for money? Doesn’t matter how you looked at it, it didn’t sound good. So you sealed your lips, and shut his questions off with your own.
“Shouldn’t you be at the ER?”
“Not before you tell me what happened to your face. Have you got botched?”
“You know. You wanted some botox done and they botched you.”
You raised your eyebrows, but had to fight off a wince, since it still hurt. You never realized how many face muscles you used for the most simple things. Like cocking an eyebrow affected muscles even under your eye.
“For the love of god, I didn’t have botox, so don’t go and spread it around the hospital. Please, Ryeowook.”
He sighed, the joking manner leaving him completely, and a more serious look filled his face. You never saw him look like that. He was always goofy and snarky, joking around a lot, so it was a weird experience.
“I hoped I was right about the failed plastic surgery, because looking closely at your bruises makes me assume something worse. Even an idiot could tell that you were beaten.”
Pursing your lips, you turned away from him, planning to make a bee-line to the ER. Jung was on the same shift too, and he’ll probably make you assist him if there were some urgent cases that needed to tend to immediately.
“Tell me no one hurt you and I’m just misunderstanding your injuries,” Ryeowook spoke in a tight voice, and you didn’t have a heart to lie to him. But you had to.
“You’re misunderstanding it. I slipped and fell down the stairs a few days ago.”
“And you hit your face on every single step?”
“No. I face-planted into a pot of flowers. It wasn’t a pretty sight, trust me.”
Ryeowook’s gaze never faltered, the unbelieving shimmer never leaving his eyes, but if you kept up the eye contact long enough, then… Ah, yes, there it is!
He glanced away, before nodding to himself and going to the ER himself.
People could be tricked easily. They believed whatever you said if it was more convenient for them and you stated it confidently. In Ryeowook’s case, if you confirmed to him that your bruises was caused by someone hitting you, it would only disturb him. He would feel the urge to do something or help you, but deep down, he didn’t want to get involved really.
You two were only colleagues, nothing more, nothing less. It didn’t matter how close you acted with him or how he acted all sassy with you, still weren’t close enough to confide in each other.
So you lied confidently, and he decided to believe and not to pry any further.
And anyways, you would be dead in an hour if you told anyone about what happened. Or rather, Eunhyuk would get Ryeowook killed, too. It would look like an accident, a tragic one, so no one would suspect him or your ties to him.
Getting washed in for surgery, your mind was all over the place. Not only your colleagues stared at you strangely, even the patients did. They seemed to be uncomfortable around you, even after you told them the same fabricated story you told Ryeowook. Consistency was the key, yet they avoided eye contact with you, and gave you one-worded answers.
Lucky for you, Doctor Jung stepped in at the perfect time. You were feeling close to exploding with frustration, your hands were constantly in fists when you weren’t with a patient. The doctor asked you to assist him with a surgery. Then, in front of some nurses, he barked at you to leave your personal shit out of the hospital. You gave him a pointed look, but understood what he meant. You couldn’t loose focus during a surgery. It could cost you someone’s life.
So you shook yourself, hoping to get rid of your nervousness.
To be fair, it didn’t help at all. You could go on with the surgery without any problem, and your mind was focused on the tasks at hand, but you just felt out of it. What a relief that the patients was unable to stare at you from the operating table! That would be the cherry on top of all of today’s shit.
“Act professional,” you heard Jung’s whisper on your left. He was taking off his mask as well. His rubber gloves snickered as he removed them, and then threw them in the trash can. “I know, everybody gives you looks and they gossip, but not focusing on your job can end someone’s life. And I won’t be taking responsibility if you fuck up assisting on a surgery. Got it?”
You simply nodded, eyes fluttering in shame. Staring at the ugly linoleum seemed a better option then looking into the judging eyes of Jung.
He was right, you knew that. You were out of it during the whole operation, and you were lucky that you only got scolded by the Doc, not someone higher up on the hierarchy, or worse. You could have got an official warning for this. Hopefully, no one from the surgery will snitch you for this one time.
“Yeah. Just give me a minute.”
When you finally made eye contact with him, Jung opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the desk lady’s voice.
“Resident L/N is expected at the front desk. Resident L/N is expected at the front desk.”
You both looked up at the ceiling before he dismissed you with waving his hand. He avoided meeting your eyes now.
Reception wasn’t too close to the operating wing, but the walk helped you cool your head off, and you started to wonder why you were asked to go to the front desk.
Your parents would never come to visit you. Only you went to them, and all of you were okay with it. So what or who else could it be?
You got your answer as you turned the last corner leading to the reception. At the front desk, stood the man from your latest nightmares: the skinny guy who broke into your apartment and assisted with beating you up.
He had a five o’clock shadow on his jaw and with an almost pleasing smile on his lips chatted away with the desk lady. And she seemed to be swooned by whatever he was telling her.
But pretty words and nice smiles couldn’t trick your now trained eyes. You saw right through him.
His eyes were rather cold, the smile never really reached them. His hand – the one he didn’t use for leaning on the front desk –, were constantly moving, probably trying the steam off his nerves.
With every step you took in his direction, a lump was forming and growing in your throat. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. You should just call Jung or Shindong. Yeah, you should do that for real.
But you were too stubborn for your own good. And a little stupid, maybe. So you walked right up to them, not sparing a glance to the man, you spoke to the desk lady, after taking a quick look at her name tag:
“Who was looking for me, Joonja?”
“Ah, yes, Resident L/N! This lovely man has been looking for you,” she said while pointing and smiling at the man next to you. You had to give her a point for not flinching when she saw your bruised face. Only then you dared to look at him, your expression not changing from being nonchalant. “He said, you planned to meet up today, but you never showed up or called him.”
“Did I, now?” Your voice was painted with a cynical tone, which made him blink slowly, fingers drumming on the counter. “Silly me for forgetting.”
“It’s okay. Let’s go and talk somewhere more private about rescheduling it.” His smooth talking made you break out in a cold sweat. He really was a professional, huh?
Maybe should have texted Shindong immediately, you thought as you started to walk away from the front desk. One last look at Joonja told you that in only ten minutes everyone will know that a mysterious man visited you to probably scold you about standing him up on your date. These would be just allegations, but as people will spread it, the truth would be deformed to a bunch of lies. Oh, well, you reputation was already tainted by the state of your face, so what more harm could this man appearing at your work would do to you? Except for killing you here or beating you a little more.
You confidently led him to a rarely used corridor of the hospital, then walked into a storage room. Cleaning will only start later in that wing of a hospital so you wouldn’t be interrupted right away, you thought as you looked at the cleaning supplies.
“What do you want?” You turned to the man with vicious eyes, after the door clicked shut behind you. “Are you planning on threatening me more at my work place? Because you won’t get away with that so easily.”
“Just here to give you a fair warning. Don’t meddle with Eunhyuk and his business.”
The way his face scrunched up and he refused to meet your eyes made you uneasy. He was standing close to the door, seemingly listening if anyone was coming, but you could only think about how he was blocking your only way of escaping if things turn for the worse. He fidgeted with his belt, fingers time to time wandering near his armpit. You suspected a gun hiding there which made you even more nervous.
“And you had to beat me up just to come and tell me that?”
“You seemed like a nice and hardworking person, so giving you a heads-up seemed appropriate. Siding with Eunhyuk doesn’t get you anything, you’ll only gonna get killed.”
“And you care because of why exactly?”
He heaved a long and heavy sigh, eyebrows furrowing with frustration.
The whole situation confused you. He was trying to help you? Making you to get away from Eunhyuk before you were involved too deeply with everything? Well, it was already too late. You helped the mafia boss and accepted money for your medical services. They clearly stated from that point on the only way out of it would be by a bullet to the heart. Clean, and making it look like anything but intentional murder, so no one would be suspicious. Except for this man, maybe.
“I don’t care. I only want to get to Eunhyuk, and if it will be through your dead body, then so be it.”
One word contradicting the other; it was hard to decide how you felt about that man. He seemingly wanted good for you by telling you to get away from Eunhyuk, yet saying not to care if he had to kill you to get to the mafia boss. Who was that man, anyway?
You inhaled sharply, getting enough of talking to him. Ten minutes must have passed since you left Joonja at the front desk, so words should have spread. It meant Jung would have heard about it already. You could only hope that he realizes that something was wrong and would call Shindong in.
It’s not like it seemed that the man in front of you planned to kill you here and right now, but you could never know with people like him. For the record, he didn’t even look like a thug or someone from the mafia. Nice, dark hair, simple clothes that you could see on any other man on the street. A nonchalant look on his face. Except for the possibility of having a gun on him, and those cold eyes that flickered around the room before settling on you again.
“For your defense: are you planning to tell me where Eunhyuk is?”
You smiled without any happiness, then scoffed.
“Still a no, for me.”
“I hoped you would change your mind. It would make things so much easier for you in the future.”
His words rang a bell in your head, so you decided to play the idiot card. You widened your smile, and in your most innocent voice managed to say:
“Change my mind? I don’t know anyone named Eunhyuk. I’m only a surgeon resident, trying to do my job here, but you keep me from that.”
It was his turn to scoff at your words. They were faker than artificial flowers sold at the dollar store. But if you would be in shit and someone questioned what were you talking about, nothing could be used against you. Deny and get away with everything was your strategy at the moment.
“I just…”
A knock on the door disturbed the moment, and the man failed to finish what he wanted to say. He was standing close to you, chest almost touching yours, which you only noticed now, when you were kicked out of the tense atmosphere. You were so focused on the conversation that you didn’t know when did you step closer to each other.
You stumbled back a little when the knocking could be heard again, followed by Jung’s voice:
“Yah, Resident L/N, your break has ended eight minutes ago.”
None of you questioned how did the Doc know you were in there, but you will definitely ask him later. The man opened the door and was greeted with the sight of Doctor Jung and Shindong. Scratching his stubble, he let out a low chuckle.
“Not knowing who Eunhyuk is, yet his dog is right here, looking for you.”
“What a coincidence!”
He stepped out of the storage room, bumping his shoulders into both men’s, giving them a smug look. You already saw Shindong reach for his gun on his belt as the man passed by them, but Jung put a hand over his before he could pull the weapon out. The doctor’s eyes were on you and with the shake of your head you signed him that nothing serious happened.
“See him out, then meet us here.”
Shindong only nodded at Jung’s words, then followed the nameless man out.
The doctor came in, trapping you two into the small room. The serious look only softened when he saw your form shaking.
“Are you okay?” He asked after a long pause.
“I’m good. How did you find us?”
“Security cameras and that stupid gossiping Joonja. Not to mention that no one would ever ask you on a date looking like that.”
The little jab didn’t even bother you anymore, but still hurt slightly.
“He was one of those who broke into my apartment.”
“What did he want? Tried to hurt you again? Or threatened you?”
“No, he warned me not to get involved with Eunhyuk and get out of it while I still can.”
“You can’t,” he added right away.
“I know. But he doesn’t.”
“What was that babbling about you not knowing Eunhyuk?”
You laughed humorlessly, running a hand over your hair. Your ponytail was still intact to your surprise.
“I played stupid. He felt off somehow. I mean, why would the enemy warn me to save my ass?”
“Maybe he fancies you.” Looking at him questioningly. You tried to keep a straight face, wanting him to break first. It didn’t took him long, his lips twitching until a smile took over his face. Laughing out loud, you doubled over, hands on knees. It was so unbelievable. Even thinking that the man who beat you up was liking you in any way was ridiculous.
“Let’s go and take a smoke break before getting back to work. We both deserve it.”
“What about Shindong? He supposed to find us here when he gets back.”
He just shrugged and was already out of the storage room, on his way for a cigarette.
The last time you smoked was in high school, and your lung didn’t have a great reaction to you inhaling smoke after such a long time. You coughed and choked, but continued smoking until you finished the cigarette. At first Jung gave you a weird look, but never said anything about your struggling. Not even made fun of you to Shindong who just got to you after you texted him your location.
You reeked of cigarette when you got back to the hospital, but you didn’t care. Jung was right, you deserved a break.
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
“I had a bad dream” - Ryeowook
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A/N: So I got a request for some fluffy Ryeowook, and I just feel like he’d be such a sweet caring s/o that this is what happened!
You jolted awake, staring wide eyed around your room as you came to your senses. It was just a dream. Nothing you had just experienced was real, and none of it could hurt you. That thought was not comforting enough to help you drift off to sleep though. Every time you closed your eyes, it was right there haunting you.
You grabbed your phone, noticing it was only 1am, not even a suitable time to give up on sleep. For a while you mindlessly flicked through games and apps on your phone before deciding to call your boyfriend Ryeowook for some comfort. You felt bad because of the time, but you knew he'd berate you for not calling if he found out you'd been alone and upset.
"Hello?" his groggy voice said from the other end.
"Hey," you replied, softly.
"What's wrong?" he asked, knowing you would only call this late with good reason.
"I had a bad dream," you told him. "I can't get back to sleep."
"Do you need to come round, or do you want me to come to you?"
"No, I just needed to hear your voice. It's comforting."
"That wasn't a yes or no question," he told you. "Give me a moment to find a jacket and shoes and I'll be right there."
"Really, Wook, you don't need to-"
"I do, you're upset, and you need my cuddles. I'm coming."
You couldn't help but smile at how caring he was as you thanked him. You really had won the boyfriend lottery when he asked you to be his.
Deciding sleep wasn't happening without Ryeowook beside you, you climbed out of bed and made your way to the kitchen. By the time there was a knock on your door, you had two cups of hot chocolate ready to be enjoyed.
As soon as you let him in, your boyfriend pulled you into a hug.
"I'm sorry you had a nightmare," he murmured.
"Thank you," you replied. "I made us hot chocolate. Can we sit in the living room and drink before bed?"
"Of course," he smiled as pulled back. "I love that you made me one too."
"I woke you up in the middle of the night. It's the least I can do."
"You know I'd rather you woke me than suffered alone," he pointed out.
"I do know, that's why I called."
He gave you a quick kiss, before the two of you snuggled on the sofa together in your pyjamas with hot chocolate in hand. Making sure to keep you distracted, Ryeowook engaged you in conversations about your day, and what you guys could do when you next had time off together. He knew that if you needed to tell him about your dream you would, otherwise taking your mind off it was the best thing he could do.
By the time the drinks were done you were starting to yawn. Putting the cups in the sink, soaking them so they could be dealt with tomorrow, the two of you headed to bed.
"Goodnight, angel," he whispered.
"Goodnight, my handsome prince," you muttered back.
There, safely nestled in between Ryeowook's arms, you were able to finally drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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Always Having Cold Hands Indoors - Super Junior Reaction
Summary |  Members reaction to reader always having cold hands.
Genre | fluff, idol! boyfriend.
Warnings |  none.
Pairing | Reader x Super Junior members.
WC | Around 2K.
Note |
Note | Requested by @leehyukjaes-wife
Original request |  Suju react when s/o always having freezing cold hands in indoors aka at home.
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming
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Leeteuk let himself fall on the couch after cleaning up the kitchen which you offered to do but he insisted that you should take some rest. Instantly you scoot closer to him, wrapping your arms around his upper body. Your hands place themselves on his side. The coldness of your hands radiates through his white shirt, goosebumps form on his arms and a chill goes through his spine. You notice him tensing up.
''Sorry'', you mumble as you loosen your grip on him.
''No worries darling, I'm here to keep you warm''.
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Heechul tenses up at the feeling of your cold hands on his body, you turned around a few minutes before and placed your head on his chest. Your hands roam around his upper body, a habit of yours in your sleep. Heechul doesn't want to move, scared to wake you up and having to deal with your grumpiness.
''This woman should wear mittens in bed'', he whispers, silently laughing as he imagines you in bed with a pair of mittens over your hands.
''I heard that you dumbbutt'', you mumble. You lift your head as you slowly open your eyes, glaring at your boyfriend who just watches you with a sheepish grin plastered on his face.
''Good morning love''.
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Yesung sits down in front of the piano, touching the keys softly as he waits for you to join him. After a few minutes, you sit down next to him, placing your hands on your legs waiting for him to play something and teach you the basics.
''Here'', he grabs your left hand but instantly he lets go. With furrowed eyebrows you watch him shiver.
''Still not used to it after all these years?'', you ask in fake disbelief.
Yesung is fast in grabbing both of your hands in his, they feel warm and a small smile forms on your lips.
''I am, it's just that I sometimes forget that I'm married to the Ice Queen of Narnia''.
You smack his arm with your hand.
''At least you are married to a queen''.
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Shindong grabs the pile of clothing on the ground and puts it in the washing machine, setting it on the right program before pushing the button. ''Thank you'', you whisper, walking towards him as he puts down the laundry basket.
''It's nothing, you know that''.
You wrap your arms around his body, placing your hands on his lower back and you rest your head against his chest. You hear him mumble a few swear words under his breath.
''My hands again?'', you ask, retrieving them from his lower back.
Shindong grabs your hands in his, holding them tight before placing a kiss on your forehead.
''Come on, let's get some hot chocolate''.
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Eunhyuk pulls of his clothing, throwing it in the laundry basket as he approaches the shower cabin. He hears you hum to a song, the song itself unclear to him.
You feel a pair of arms wrap around your hips, hands place themselves on your stomach as you feel him resting his head on your shoulder, occasionally planting a kiss on your neck.
''Hey love'', he whispers, urging you to turn around in his arms so he can look at you. You wrap your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with the little damp strands of his hair. Eunhyuk hisses as you caress his skin.
''Seriously, how hot does the water need to be for your hands to warm up?'', he chuckles raising the temperature and he places a kiss on your lips.
''Don't worry babe, otherwise, there are other ways to warm them up''.
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Siwon knows you like the back of his hand. After a few years of dating, he knows you inside and out. Your habits he's gotten used to, the way you are always happy and cheerful even when half of the population think otherwise. But there is one thing he still doesn't understand.
''Can you pass me that blanket?'', you ask Siwon as you both sit on the couch on a Friday night, not wanting to go out or be social in any way.
Siwon let's go of your legs, grab the blanket from the other side of the couch, and throws it on your body.
''Those hands of yours...'', he mutters as he wraps his hands around your legs again.
''Maybe you should do something about it instead of massaging my legs'', you chuckle, sticking out your tongue at him while you wrap the blanket around your body.
''Be careful with what you wish for''.
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Donghae walks into his apartment, he just finished some studio work with Eunhyuk and the first thing he notices is the heat coming from the living room.
''Why is the heater on, it's still 20 degrees outside?'', he asks as he takes off his vest, sweat already forming on his forehead.
''Oh wait, never mind'', he says as he notices the blanket around your body, mostly around your arms and hands and he chuckles at the pout visible on your face.
''Sorry babe'', you mumble, the pout increasing with every word you speak. Donghae sits down next to you, wrapping his arms around your body and you let yourself fall against his chest.
''Don't worry about it, I'm here now so I can keep you warm instead of that stupid heater''.
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Ryeowook crawls under the blankets quietly, wrapping his arms around your body, placing his hands on your stomach as he lays his head on his pillow.
''Goodnight babe'', he whispers, planting a kiss on your shoulder and he closes his eyes.
Out of habit, you place your own hands on top of his, intertwining your fingers even in your sleep.
Ryeowook opens his eyes again, lifting himself up to check if you are awake, but you are still in dreamland. The coldness of your hands makes him shiver, even with a blanket thrown over your body.
He shakes his head in disbelief, how cold can someone's hands be?.
''Elsa would be jealous'', he mumbles before untangling his fingers and placing his hands on top of yours.
''As she should be'', you whisper, chuckling as you try to get closer to Ryeowook.
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When Kyuhyun is cooking, it's like he is in his own world. Even when you are present, he shuts off completely focusing on the dishes he is making.
After a while of watching him work his magic, you wrap your arms around his waist, placing your hands on his stomach as he cuts some meat.
His body tenses up, the coldness of your hands radiating through the fabric of his shirt and your lips planting kisses in his neck is distracting.
''Babe, I love you and your cold hands but please, let me cook. I will give you my attention tonight, all of it'', he says and you notice him smiling at the thought of his intentions for tonight.
''Alright, but hurry up, I'm hungry''.
Kyuhyun chuckles and puts the pan on the gas, heating up the oil inside of it. You instantly hold your hands above the pan.
''You can choose, warm hands or a delicious meal?''. He never saw you leaving the kitchen that fast.
Copyright © 2021 International-kpopfan. All rights reserved.
Don’t repost without permission.
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caliboyjaeffrey · 7 years
How Long I’ve Waited (Ryeowook x Reader)
Rating: M, with plot 
(A/N) Ayy it’s ya girl Ry back at it again with that plot filled smut that everyone loves and craves like crack lol I’m actually seriously proud of this one bc I worked my ass off and put my heart and soul into my writing. I love Ryeowook so much like he has such a special place in my heart. I miss him so much and I will literally cry a waterfall of joy when he returns from the army. Please enjoy some plot and smut fam!!!!! I had to even insert a Keep Reading because it was long AF lol
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"________, I know this isn't the best timing but I-"
"I'll wait for you."
"I'll always wait for you."
Staring out the glass window of your apartment as the rain poured down on Seoul, you remembered the last conversation you had with him, with Ryeowook. It had been rainy that day too, much like this one, before the sun had shown softly on the day of his conscription into the army. You remembered you had been fighting with him out of fear, scared because he had decided to join the military as an active duty soldier rather than a public worker. It terrified you thinking of Ryeowook holding a gun, trained to possibly shoot and kill if need be, to be on the front lines if duty called. He'd yelled at you for the first time that day, hands gripping your shoulders and tears threatening to spill down his cheeks from his soft brown eyes. You yelled back because you loved him, and he didn't know it, you were his best friend first and foremost. "Stop treating me like I'm not a man, ______!" "I'm not treating you like a kid for fun Ryeowook!" "Then why?!" "Because I love you, goddammit!"
You remember the shock you felt of those dreaded words passing your lips, the shock on Ryeowook's face as his grip suddenly lightened and his eyes searched your face for more. The heavy quiet in your apartment was deafening, and his soft voice, no matter how he murmured, still felt like a shout to your heart. "What?" You couldn't bear to look at him anymore, turning out of his grip and wrapping your arms around yourself as you stared out over the city skyline. The ambient light would have been beautiful if your tears weren't blurring everything from view as you tried to calm the pain in your chest. You finally turned to him with a hurt smile on your lips, "I love you, Ryeowook. I've always loved you." With his arms hanging limply at his side, he was rendered speechless, looking unable to formulate a complete thought as he could only stare at you with those big brown eyes. Inside, you urged him to say something, begged him to accept or reject you instead of just staring at you like the fool you were. Fresh tears spilled down your cheeks as you turned away from him again and walked towards your bedroom, realizing with a bitterness that he didn't love you like you loved him at all. Silence was the only answer you needed. "The door's over there." "_________-" You had slammed the door shut, collapsing on your wood floors of your bedroom in a heap as the sobs wracked through your chest and made your throat sore. You remembered the silence again, except for the soft creaks of the wooden floors as Ryeowook showed himself out, the door shutting quietly behind him with a definitive click. Staring out the window now, you remembered the absolute agony you felt knowing that the next day he would be gone. Not forever, but two years would feel like forever. It would have been forever if that night you hadn't stayed up in your living room, staring at the black screen of your television as you thought of all the ways your last conversation with him could have turned out differently. You had thought he would never want to speak to you ever again after how you had treated him, until you heard hurried knocks on the door through the deafening sounds of the rain and rumbling of thunder in the distance. You had stood up too quickly, dizzy as you stumbled over to the door and whipped it open to find a rain soaked and breathless Ryeowook, warm eyes wide as the world. "Ryeowook...?" You were barely able to get his name out before he embraced you, arms tight as he pulled you securely into his damp chest. If you weren't surprised beyond all belief already, when he suddenly pulled away and cupped your face you knew this couldn't be real. Placing his petal soft lips on yours, Ryeowook kissed you with as much passion as he could convey in one gesture. Your eyes slid close at the feeling, clinging to his wet jacket as you pressed closer to him, craving the warmth that lurked beneath his clothing. It felt as though he had pulled away all too soon, lips swollen as he looked down at you with so much adoration you felt your heart seize. "________, I know this isn't the best timing but I-" You silenced him with another kiss, knowing what words were about to come from his mouth. You didn't need to hear them to know what he meant, just his presence and the fact that he came back was enough. You caressed his lips chastely with your own before pulling away, stroking his cheek tenderly as you looked up at him with determination in your eyes. "I'll wait for you." "I'll always wait for you." And that was the last time you spoke to him in person. You sighed to yourself still gazing out over the drizzling skyline of Seoul like you always did, like he would appear in the window of some apartment building waving at you. You exchanged letters with him, because that's all he was allowed with non-family members, besides the one call a month he was permitted after begging his superiors time and time again. He had been assigned extra duties because of it, but he had told you it was a labor of love, just hearing your voice for ten minutes made it all worth it. You treasured his velvety voice over the phone too, replayed it in your mind over and over to stop yourself from missing him too much. You couldn't help yourself though, you loved him. You were startled out of your thoughts as the phone in your apartment rang, the sound echoing off the walls of the clean interior. You jumped up from your favorite chair and scurried over to the kitchen where the phone was ringing cheerfully, sliding along in your fuzzy socks on the slippery floor. You did a spin for fun before snatching up the phone without looking at the caller ID, your voice as bright as you could muster, "Hello!" "________?" You nearly dropped the phone, catching it in your grip clumsily as you cupped it to your face with both hands, flabbergasted, "Ryeowook?!" He exclaimed in relief, and you could hear the excitement in his voice, "________! I don't have a lot of time but let me first tell you that I-" "I know!," you grinned, cutting him off as he chuckled on the other line. You could hear the smile in his voice as he teased, whining cutely, "When are you going to let me tell you? "Not until we can see each other in person again," you smiled, lips pressing softly to the phone as you imagined kissing him again. "Well then, guess I don't have to wait that long because I have something to ask you," he mumbled, a little shy suddenly as your perked up at his words. "And what would that be?," you asked, practically itching with curiosity as you bounced on your toes impatiently, squinting your eyes in suspicion, "And why do you sound so embarrassed, Wookie?" "Well," he swallowed, and you heard him turn away to clear his throat. "The base I'm stationed at is going to be having a gala, a black tie event of sorts and they asked me to sing at it." "That's wonderful," you smiled, glad that Ryeowook was still able to get the opportunity to perform, even during his enlistment. "But I'm still confused-" "Will you go with me?," he blurted out, voice stuttering nervously as he continued, "We can invite one civilian to escort and, of course, you were the first and only person I thought of, but if you can't go-" "Yes!," you exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly. "I'll go, I'll go!" You couldn't help but hold the phone to your chest and let out a scream of excitement. "You'll go?," he sounded so relieved that you wanted to wrap him up in your arms for being so effortlessly cute. You heard a faint 'yes!' as he pulled the phone away, and you grinned at the thought of him thinking he had to convince you to go. "So it's really fancy?," you asked, shuffling your feet in excitement. "Like black tie and everything?" "Yep," he answered, his voice giving away all his happiness. "You'll have a room booked at a hotel close to base and I'll come pick you up. You should receive a letter in the mail from one of my superiors with all the details." "Okay," you smiled, cradling the phone close to your cheek. "I can't wait to see you, Ryeowook." "I can't wait to see you too, sweetheart," he spoke softly, his voice like silk. You felt your heartbeat quicken at the pet name, never having heard it come from his lips before. You loved it more than you could say. "I have to go now," he said suddenly, sadness creeping into his words. "But I'll see you soon, okay?" He teased you gently, not wanting to leave you on a solemn note, "Don't miss me too much." "I'll try," you but your lip to hide your grin. "I'll see you soon." With that he hung up, unable, like always, to say goodbye. Ryeowook never said goodbye, even when the two of you were just friends, it was always "See you soon!" or "See you later!". You liked that about him, it made him feel continuous and eternal, like  he'd always be with you somehow. Setting the phone down, you released the real scream of jubilee that you had been holding in since picking up the phone. You spun around your apartment, laughing maniacally as you slipped your socks off and opened the sliding glass door to your tiny balcony. Ignoring the rain you gripped the railing tightly as you hung over and shouted out to the skyline for joy, "God, I love him so much!" And even with the distance, you knew he could hear you and that comforted your heart, wrapping it in an excitement that made your limbs buzz with energy and your head to spin. You don't know how long you shouted your love for Ryeowook to no one in particular, but when you finally ran back inside, your clothes were sopping wet and your hair was dripping. But you could care less, you were going to see him. Be with him. Touch him. Kiss him. Love him.
Just like Ryeowook said, you'd received a very formal and fancy invitation to his military gala. You smiled down at the gold embossed lettering of his name, indicating that he would be giving a special performance during the event. You scurried to your room and reached under until you found your memory box, opening the dingey light blue box to find keepsakes, special cards, and such things. You carefully placed the invitation on top of the pile of notes and letters you'd created and resealed the top, sliding it back underneath your bed. You stood up and dusted yourself off, already eager to pack for the trip to Ryeowook's base tomorrow. You'd even already bought a dress especially for the occasion, going out and spending your latest paycheck on something beautiful the moment Ryeowook had invited you over the phone. You packed quickly even though you weren't going to be leaving until early tomorrow morning, your eagerness could not be quelled. Soon enough and not even half an hour later, your single suitcase was completely packed, save for a few needed toiletries. It being late already, you dressed in your pajamas, brushing your teeth tiredly as you readied yourself for bed. You stretched and flopped back on your bed, wanting the hours to speed by so tomorrow could come faster. You shut your eyes and tried counting sheep, but impatience kept you awake for a while before you finally drifted into a restless slumber.
You remember vaulting out of bed like a rocket, scrambling to your closet and stressing for about twenty minutes about what you would wear. You settled on something comfortable, but put together because you would be traveling for most of the day anyway. Soft blue linen shorts and a well loved coral top that was just the right amount of worn to still be considered fashionable. You didn't even bother with makeup, far too preoccupied with your eagerness to leave than your appearance. You'd stress about your hair and makeup later before the gala.
After gathering all your things, you took a taxi from your apartment building to the train station that would carry you all the way to Ryeowook's base. It wasn't that long of a ride, but felt like ages before the fast train peeled to a halt gracefully, the doors opening fluidly as you grabbed your bag and jumped to your feet. Walking out of the train station, you went to hail a cab but lowered your hand when you saw a man holding up a sign with your name standing beside a sedan. You smiled and jogged over to him, raising your own hand in greeting, "Hello!" The man was dressed in standard army uniform, not a pin or hair out of place as he turned toward you, "Ah! Are you Miss _______?" "Yes sir, that's me," you grinned wheeling your suitcase in front of you as he took it from your grasp and placed it in the trunk. He opened the cab door and gestured for you to get in as he smiled, "Ryeowook made special arrangements for one of us to pick him up, he's always picking on the trumpets." "The trumpets...?," you furrowed your brow in confusion as he slid into the drivers seat. He looked at you through the mirror as he spoke, "Didn't you know? Ryeowook is part of the 37th division military band. That's where he was stationed, didn't he tell you?" "He told me he was singing but he never mentioned anything about being in the military band," you couldn't help but smile, feeling relieved that he had been placed somewhere he could still sing and perform. The rest of the drive was spent in polite chatter with the obvious trumpet playing driver, talking about Ryeowook and all the crazy antics he got into at his base. Everything sounded like him and you wanted to to hear more, but your arrival at the hotel cut you short. Your heart was pounding, didn't he say he would pick you up at the hotel? You hurriedly got out of the car, not even waiting for the driver to get your suitcase for you as you wrenched open the trunk and barreled toward the automatic sliding glass doors of the shiny hotel. You arrived in the lobby breathless, looking around and turning in circles as you searched the crowded and busy lobby for Ryeowook's face. You frowned when you didn't find him, a receptionist calling you over politely, "Ma'am? May I help you check in?" Pulling your gaze away from the hoards of people, you walked over to the lobby desk, smiling apologetically as you answered, "Yes, please." "What name would the room be under?," the woman asked, fingers posed over the keyboard as she looked up at you expectantly. "Ryeowook, Kim Ryeowook," you said quickly, your heart racing at just the sound of his name escaping your lips. The receptionist looked surprised as she typed in the name, bewildered as she clicked on the name, "Ryeowook? As in Super Junior's Ryeowook? Are you his girlfriend?" You nodded shyly, taking the key card that she handed you, "Something like that. Thank you." "Have a nice stay," she said with a smile, already whispering to the other receptionist beside her excitedly. You hurried away with a blush toward the elevator, your suitcase rolling behind as you pressed a button indicating the tenth floor, where the suits were apparently located. Leave it to Ryeowook to spoil you, even from a distance. Once you'd arrived outside your room's door, you slid the key card in and opened the door breathlessly, heart hoping Ryeowook would already be in there. You dropped your suitcase and ran into the room, "Ryeowook...?" But there wasn't a soul besides your own in the room as your shoulders sagged in disappointment. Your heart felt heavy from tension as you glanced at your phone, wanting nothing more than a text from him to indicate he was on his way to get you. You were simply greeted with the time, alotting you a little over an hour to get ready and look presentable. Your eyes grew wide at the numbers on the screen, throwing your phone down as you picked your suitcase back up and unzipped it, rifling through its contents for your dress and makeup. Forty minutes later, after a scalding shower and fifteen minutes stressing over your hair and makeup, you were dressed for the night. You took a look at yourself in a large mirror that hung on the wall of the hotel room, turning in a circle slowly as you searched for any mistakes of strings out of place. You smoothed down your dress, already knowing it was something that Ryeowook would definitely like. It was a simple, yet elegant black silk gown with an open back and thin straps framing a sweetheart neckline. It accentuated your curves in a demure way, not too risqué, but just the right amount of sexy that men would give you a second look. You grinned and bent over to slide your heels on, glad you had chosen your most comfortable and easy to walk in pair. The timing was almost too perfect as you stood up and you heard a few solid raps on your room's door. You froze where you were, heart beating so fast you swore you could see it as you stumbled over to the door in your heels and ripped it open. You pressed a hand to your mouth and let out a sob of happiness as you were greeted with the only sight you wanted to see. Standing there looking trim and clean in his camouflage uniform and black beret, was Ryeowook. He grinned at your reaction and instantly pulled you into his arms, burying his face in your neck, "________." You could only sob into his chest as you clung to him, not even caring if you ruined the hard work you had put into your hair and makeup. You said his name over and over, gripping his uniform in your fingers as your tears soaked it, "Ryeowook, Ryeowook, Ryeowook..." He rocked you, gently pressing kisses to your neck, face, and lips in between the sound of you saying name. He felt his own tears spill down his cheek as he murmured, "I'm here, I'm here. _________, I'm here." You pulled away and looked up at him, laughing through your tears as you pressed a hand to your mouth, "Ryeowook, I can't even believe-" "I know, sweetheart," he smiled, wiping away his own tears with a laugh before swiping under your eyes carefully with his thumb. "This doesn't feel real." You couldn't help yourself any longer; the need to have him close as possible beyond an embrace made your heart ache. You cupped his face and brought his lips to your own, smiling against his mouth as he stooped down to bring you back into his arms. How long had it been since that night when he first kissed you? It felt like a thousand years, but you'd wait that long again just to have him like this, to kiss you softly in the doorway of some hotel. It began chastely, until his hands began to run up and  down your sides heatedly, his thumbs brushing against your rib cage through the thin silk of your dress. He took a step closer, letting his hips press against your own, the intimacy of such a simple gesture made heat pool in the bottom of your stomach. You let out the softest moan you could muster, his name escaping past his kisses as you gripped the front of his uniform, "Ryeowook. Don't we...?" He pulled away with a smile full of longing, nodding as he bit his lip, "I guess we'll have to wait until after the gala, right?" He grew sheepish as his thumb tried to subtly wipe away the lipstick that traveled outside the shape of your mouth, "You might want to reapply your lipstick before we go." You stepped inside your room and regarded the smudged mess of your lips, grinning at his reflection behind you, "And you might want to wipe your mouth." Ryeowook saw the mess of his own lips with wide eyes and laughed, dampening a washcloth and wiping his mouth with a grin. You watched him out of the corner of your eye as you swiped a fresh coat of lipstick on, choosing a more kissproof one this time. It felt so natural to be with him again, doing such menial things like this made you flush with happiness as you grabbed his face and kissed his cheek while he protested, "I just wiped it off-" "Kiss proof, you dummy," you grinned, turning his face so he could see his lipstick free cheek in the mirror. He looked cutely surprised, "Oh." A mischievous look appeared on his face as quickly changed his mind, leaning in again, "Well in that case." "Nuh-uh, Mr. Casanova," you grinned, hands on his surprisingly muscled chest as you pushed him away teasingly. "Are we going to this party or not? I didn't get dolled up for no reason, you know." You grabbed your clutch and keycard, urging him toward the door as you stepped into the hotel hallway backwards, unable to take your eyes off of him. He took your hand and flashed you a smirk, his eyes roving over your figure as you stepped out of the room, "You mean this wasn't all for me?" You blushed and looked down bashfully, lacing your fingers with his as you headed for the elevator, "Of course it was for you." His finger froze right above the down button before he pressed it, his own face turning red as he stooped down to place another peck on your lips. You smiled softly to yourself as the empty elevator opened, stepping in with his strong hand around the curve of your hip. After the long ride down, and Ryeowook pressing you against the wall for a quick and heated kiss that left you breathless, you stepped out of the lobby and into the evening air. He had a car waiting, a twin to the one that had picked you up earlier sitting parked close to the building. Ryeowook held the passenger door open for you as you slid in eagerly, a winning smile on his face, "Princess." Your face heated up from the nickname, realizing you might have a little something something for that kind of thing. You fanned yourself before Ryeowook slipped into the driver's seat, trying your best to appear poised and unaffected as he smiled at you, "Ready?"
Under normal circumstances, the base would have appeared to be rather bland and spartan. But with such a special event like the annual military gala, the base seemed to have been spruced up a bit to appear, dare you say it, more romantic. The party was held in a training field next to the main buildings in a big white event tent that seemed impossibly large, the inside dancing with twinkling lights and a removable wooden floor. You wondered at everything with wide eyes as Ryeowook guided you into the tent, arm laced formally with his. Many people, of course, gawked at the two of you. Who would've thought that Super Junior's Ryeowook would bring his famous and almost mystical girlfriend that he bragged about to his division constantly. You were welcomed with open arms after the initial shock, blushing beautifully whenever Ryeowook would introduce you as his girlfriend to everyone who asked, even if they already knew. He seemed so proud to have you there, unable to take his eyes off of you as you socialized with his fellow soldiers and their significant others or friends. It made you glad to know that Ryeowook had made friends with these people, glad that he wasn't cooping himself up.
A man with many glittering medals walked up to Ryeowook, who entangled his arm from yours for a mere second as he saluted politely to him, "Sir." "Private Ryeowook," the man nodded curtly to him before he turned a softer eye on you and tipped his cap to you, "Ma'am." "You're needed for mic testing, Private, please report there immediately," he commanded swiftly, nodding one last time as Ryeowook replied cleanly before he walked away. "Yes, sir," Ryeowook replied, saluting once more as the man walked away to maybe terrorize another young soldier. He turned to you, an excited look in his eyes, "That's my queue that it's almost showtime. They asked if I would sing songs from my mini album!" You smiled at how he was practically bouncing on his toes from excitement, "I'm so proud of you, Ryeowook." You cupped his face and gave him one last kiss as he jogged away happily. He suddenly turned around and walked backwards, mouthing words and gesturing with his hands as you spoke them out quietly, "Every...song...is for...you." You covered your smile with your hand as you watched him walk onto the small raised stage at the head of the tent, changing from soldier Ryeowook into the natural performer he was born to be. There was something incredibly hot about how Ryeowook commanded a stage, commanded attention with not only his beautiful voice, but with his gestures and gaze. You saw that look in his eyes many times whenever you would watch him perform, it was both sultry and passionate and made your belly burn with excitement. They did a few mic tests, tech crew scurrying around on stage as Ryeowook warmed up his vocals with his usual routine. You made your way to the front of the crowd gathering around the stage, many people getting ready to finally start the party and dance the night away. Even on the base, Ryeowook had a bit of a fan following and that made you incredibly happy to see grown ass men and women so excited to see your boyfriend perform. He introduced himself politely, bowing respectfully as he smiled, "Good evening everyone, tonight I'll be performing for all of you. I hope you will enjoy my singing and have a good time while listening and dancing." People cheered and whooped for him, clapping as he positioned himself on stage. Ryeowook seemed like he had something else to say as he pressed his lips to the mic in his hands to hide his grin, "And all these songs are dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend, _________." He looked down at where you stood in front of him, "Standing right there in that lovely black dress. So guys, hands off, I mean it." People laughed and clapped loudly, making you blush as you smiled shyly up at Ryeowook. He sang all your favorites, songs he knew you loved and that he loved as well; songs that held special meaning just between the two of you. Any normal listener wouldn't have thought twice, but to you they meant everything that you and Ryeowook felt for each other. People danced together, swaying happily together with the music as your boyfriend filled the air with his velvety voice. You danced by yourself, moving rhythmically with Ryeowook's vocals as he crooned each song for you. One of your favorites came on, a song from his Little Prince mini album, called Foxy Girl, that he later told you he had written about you before the two of you had gotten together officially. It was your song and you looked up at Ryeowook excitedly, who hopped down from the stage and wrapped his arm around your waist with a smirk, pressing his forehead to yours as he sang. "I'll let you know my love," he crooned, moving his hips with yours to the beat as he practically serenaded you in front of everyone. "I'll let you know my heart." You heard people cheer from around you and you blushed from happiness, feeling absolutely beautiful as Ryeowook spun you gracefull around the dance floor. You moved your hips to the flow of the sexy song, making him smirk at your boldness in front of so many people. "Look at me," he commanded in his song, pulling up close once again and burning you with his gaze. "I want you girl, I need you girl." Your eyes glazed over and your body melted into his at his words, knowing exactly what he was wanting and thinking. You wanted nothing more than to give him what he desired right then and there, but the whoops and hollers of the other partygoers pulled you from your haze as he sang the last note. Ryeowook spun you around slowly before dipping you, capturing your lips passionately as you laced your arms around his neck to return his kiss. When he finally pulled you up for air, you were ready to leave with him and drive back to the hotel as fast as the law would let you. But Ryeowook gave you a look as he hopped back up on stage that told you to be patient, and you nodded in understanding, biting your lip at all the thoughts racing through your head. Your fingers itched to touch him again, even to just hold his hand as you proudly watched him continue his performance happily. He seemed so blissful as he sang, so much love and passion in his voice as he belted out notes that would seem impossible for most men. As soon as Ryeowook was finished, you walked to him swiftly, throwing your arms around his neck as you embraced him and congratulated his performance, "You did so well." "Thanks, sweetheart," he smiled, brushing a strand of hair from your face as other friends and colleagues came up to say the same. You waited as patiently as you could, fingers laced with his left hand as he saluted respectfully with his right when a superior officer approached. He lifted your joined hands and kissed the back of yours, winking sweetly to indicate that he was impatient as well. Thirty minutes of this passed and your grip on his hand became tighter and tighter from your need of him, his own hold matching yours as he squeezed back. It seemed like things were wrapping up and he could finally leave, your heart pounding as you met his discrete lusty gaze he shot you when no one else walked up to him. "Let's go," he urged, tugging you along at a pace that was fast but not too quick to alert anyone of your obvious intentions. Making it back to the car felt like hell in your heels and you could hardly keep up with Ryeowook's stride, "Wookie, wait!" You winced, and pulled your dress up, shocked to see angry red blisters on your feet. Ryeowook immediately took your hand and helped you step out of your shoes, "Come here." He swept you up easily into his arms with your shoes in hand as he continued to walk to the car. You could only stare at him in surprise with your arms wrapped around his neck, "When did you get so strong, Mr. Soldier?" He smirked at you, appearing to not struggle at all with your weight in his arms, "You can thank boot camp and training for that." You played with the hair at the back of his neck and buried your face into his shoulder to hide your pleased smile. Ryeowook was suddenly this incredibly manly man and it shocked you to think your soft and sweet boyfriend was now tough as nails and had the body to go along with it. You hadn't even seen him without his uniform off, but you could feel his lean muscles flex against your body and it made your mouth water as you tried to imagine what he would look like back at the hotel. Making it to the car, Ryeowook placed you gently into the passenger side, tucking your shoes neatly down beside you, before he shut the door and slid into the driver's seat. Without a word he turned on the ignition and sped off, his hand coming to rest comfortably on your thigh as he drove just a little above the speed limit. You placed your hand over his, stroking the back of his knuckles softly and feeling the car suddenly pick up speed just a little at your touch. You smiled discretely to yourself when you saw him shift in his seat, his thumb playing with the slit in your dress and teasing the skin of your thigh as the hotel came into view. Your heartbeat picked up as he parked and took your hand, grabbing your shoes as you carefully walked barefoot into the hotel. Of course people did double takes when they recognized Kim Ryeowook and his well known best friend, and rumored girlfriend, walking hand in hand into a hotel together. You bit your lip in disappointment as he led you into an unfortunately packed elevator, wanting nothing more than a little repeat of your earlier elevator kiss. But you saw the hard look in his eyes that Ryeowook got when he was thinking hard about something important. You couldn't help but wonder and maybe worry about what it could possibly be, resting your head on his shoulder to gain his attention again. Dragged out of his thoughts he smiled at you, brown eyes warm and welcoming as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and relaxed. You realized he was nervous and that made your heart leap for him as the elevator door opened to your floor. The two of you exited and took the short walk to your room in silence, the air holding something like anticipation, like there was something he wanted to say but just couldn't get it out. With fingers trembling from excitement, you fished out your keycard from your clutch, struggling a little as you swiped to unlock the door. You had left a lamp on in the room accidntially, the room being bathed in a soft ambient glow that made the mood more romantic. Ryeowook followed you inside and placed your heels he had been carrying beside your messy suitcase, smiling to himself at the untidyness. You turned to him expectantly as he looked around and took his beret off for the first time that night, "I picked a good room, right? The bed's nice and big." Your mouth dropped at his hair, the standard military crew cut but a little messy and grown out, giving him this rough and sexy look. You stepped close and tugged him toward you by his belt, reaching up and running a hand through his hair as you smiled, "You need a trim." "I was growing it out for you a little," he said sheepishly, touching it self consciously. "I didn't know if you liked the short hair or not." "What, did you think I wouldn't find you as hot with the buzz?," you grinned while lacing your fingers around his neck and backing toward the bed. "I think it looks sexy." He smirked and his hands found your waist, laying you down softly on the bed as he hovered over you, "Oh, do you?" You nodded, stroking his cheek tenderly as you hit your lip to hide your smile, "My handsome soldier, serenading me and buying me expensive hotel rooms. Now what do you think he wants?" He surprised you when he rocked his hips into yours, licking his lips as he regarded how you were laid down underneath him. He cocked his head to the side, a silent question as he eyed your soft lips that were suddenly a hair's breath away. You sucked in a breath as your slyness faded away, hands trembling slightly as you raked your nails through his hair, pulling him down for a kiss. That kiss was the catalyst for Ryeowook, his body and hands suddenly active and alive as he pressed his hips down into yours. His lips moved passionately against yours, nibbling at your bottom lip as he begged you for entrance, hands sliding underneath your body to pull your closer. You gasped at his bite and allowed his tongue to slide inside your mouth, kissing you more intimately than he ever had before. Your eyes slid close at the strange new feeling, tasting him as he pulled your wet muscle from you and sucked on it, causing you to moan. You blushed when you peeked from under your eyelids for a second to see Ryeowook with his eyes closed, brows furrowed in pleasure as his jaw flexed beautifully. He released your mouth suddenly, sitting up on his knees but never taking his eyes off of you as he popped open the buttons of his uniform jacket and slid it off, revealing his muscular shoulders. He unlaced his combat boots rather quickly and slipped them off, pushing you farther up on the bed as he groaned, "God, you're so beautiful." You murmured his name softly in appreciation as he kissed your neck gently, "Ryeowook." He looked up at you with a confused look, which changed to greed as you gestured to the zipper of your dress, "Please." With slow teasing hands and a small smirk, he unzipped your dress and slid it off your body at a snail pace that frustrated you to no end. You realized quickly that this was the first time he had seen you completely naked and it felt surreal. This didn't feel like the first time by the way the two of you moved together so fluidly, like you knew each other's bodies better than anyone else's. He drank in your creamy skin and worshiped each curve as he fingers traced up your sides and around the swell of your breasts, "So beautiful." He leaned down and pressed wet kisses to every inch of your skin he could reach, licking up between the valley of your breasts to the base of your throat. You blushed but hid it by tugging at the hem of his shirt eagerly, "Your turn...right?" He smiled at you softly and pulled his standard white shirt over his head, revealing the good work that boot camp had done to his body. You groaned at the sight, fingers already traveling across the tan expanse of his chest as his abs flexed with every breath he took. It was practically pornographic the way he breathed, chest rising and falling as your hands danced down to his hips and touched his belt with a question. The way you looked up at him through your lashes made him groan as he nodded, "Please." You licked your lips and worked on his belt, sliding it out from each loop and tossing it somewhere across the room. Your hands eagerly found the fastening of his camouflage pants and popped open the button, his bulge already pressing out in need. He groaned and pressed his hips eagerly into your hand, wanting nothing more than your touch. You pressed your thighs together, rubbing them softly as you helped him shimmy out of his pants. The two of you were left in nothing but your underwear, completely vulnerable and open to each other as Ryeowook pushed you down into the mattress. You gasped when his fingers found your center, pressing against your panties as he rubbed you softly. Your back arched at the feeling, toes curling as Ryeowook inched your panties off, eager to taste you. You bit a knuckle when he dipped a finger into your soaked heat, swirling it around and collecting your essence into it. You nearly came just seeing the way he took his finger into his mouth, tongue swirling around as he groaned at your taste. He released his finger and pressed two to your clit, rubbing generously as he murmured, "You taste so good, kitten." You whimpered at the pet name, turning your head to the side as he bent down to kiss your hip, trailing down further and further until he hovered just above your core. Your eyes were squeezed shut, fingers knotting into the hotel bed sheets as you rocked your hips and felt his fingers enter you, a gasp stuck in your throat. Ryeowook thrust his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace, bending down to lick a stripe up your clit before murmuring, "Look at me." You did as you were told and made eye contact with him, biting your lip at the predator look in his eyes as he sucked on your clit. You let out small noises of pleasure, fucking back against his fingers as he praised you, "So good, kitten." You felt like you could come, but you pushed him away, wanting to come around his dick for your first time together. He gave you a startled look as you whispered, "Not yet." You leaned in and sucked on his neck, fingers tugging at the waistband of his briefs as you mumbled against him, "I want to come around you." Ryeowook let out a raw moan, fingers already pushing yours aside as he pulled down his briefs and rocked you back into this mattress. He took a few moments to really treasure your body, pressing butterfly kisses to your skin as he whispered sweet nothings. You held him close, running your fingers over his back, feeling his muscles and pressing yourself fully against him, the heat from his skin burning you beautifully. Time stood still for a moment as he pulled away to look at you, his eyes so warm and soft they melted your soul. He whispered, oh so softly, like it was only for you, "I love you, _________." You froze and met his gaze, heart soaring far above the clouds as you remembered telling Ryeowook how he couldn't say he loved you until he saw you again. You felt happy tears spill down your cheeks as you smiled, "I love you too, Ryeowook." You pulled him close, kissing his neck tenderly as you affirmed, "So much." He pulled away and smiled teasingly at you, thumb brushing over your swollen bottom lip, "Tell me, what should I do with you?" You blushed at his question, not really knowing how to phrase what you wanted gracefully, stuttering, "I-I..." How was it that he could make you feel so tender at one moment and then so frustrated the next? "What was that, kitten?," he smirked, fingers trailing to your hips as he pushed your buttons once again. He was absolutely ruthless when he wanted to with that sharp tongue of his. "I-I want you," you started, calming yourself and taking a breath as you looked up at him. "I want you to make love to me, Ryeowook." His gaze softened at your words, his teasing suddenly gone as he bent down to kiss you chastely, "You don't know how long I've waited for you to say those words." Ryeowook positioned himself at your entrance, teasing you only for moment with the tip of his member before pushing completely in. He slid inside to the hilt without any hindrance, like he was made to fit you perfectly, a matching puzzle piece. You both let out sounds of satisfaction, Ryeowook unable to stop himself as his hips began to thrust inside of you. You could only cling to him as he set a breakneck pace, your body absorbing and feeling every sensation to the tenth degree. Every sound and feeling was amplified as he slid in and out of you smoothly, the wetness of your walls allowing him to do so easily. The bed shook from his thrusts, rocking against the wall rhythmically as he rutted against you, suddenly erratic. Ryeowook let out the most beautiful groans, urging the heat in your belly along as your release crept up, whimpering, "Ryeowook, I'm so close." "Wait for me," he commanded, hips working into overdrive as he buried his face into your neck, biting down on the flesh there. You cried out at his roughness, fingernails digging harshly into his back as you tried to stave off your release, unconsciously clenching hard around his member. Ryeowook panted into your ear, pulling back to look at you, "Look at me, __________. Look at me when you come." You couldn't hold back any longer, walls clenching tightly around his cock as you milked him for all he was worth, the knot in your stomach snapping. You came with his name on your lips, clinging desperately to his shoulders as he suddenly pushed himself as far inside of you as he could and stiffened against you. He called out your name loudly as he came, holding your gaze as his seed spilled deep inside of you, coating your walls. You felt him harden and twitch with each pump of his seed, releasing an alarmingly large amount that made you flush and moan. You didn't even mind, you wanted him to claim you like this. When he was finally soft, Ryeowook pulled out of you as gently as he could, biting his lip as he carefully did so. You couldn't help but smile with how tender he was handling you as he laid down beside you and pulled you into his arms. You smiled against the warm skin of chest as he kissed the top of your head, "I love you." "I love you too," you replied, looking up to press a few kisses to his lips and face. You turned in his embrace and wrapped arms around him, tangling your legs with his, "More than anything." "Enough to wait one more year?," he asked with a smile, but you saw the slight worry in his eyes. You silenced his worries with another kiss, putting all your love for him into that one gesture as you pressed your forehead to his, "Enough to wait a year. Enough to wait always." Maybe you only got this one day to be with Ryeowook, and maybe it would be a while until you had another. Maybe you would only have the phone calls and letters for a while, but at least you had him, even when he wasn't there, he was with you. If you were lonely, he was a letter away. If you missed the sound of his voice, you would slow dance with yourself late at night in your living room to his songs, imagining he was there. You would count down the days until you could see him again, waiting however long it would take, all for the love of him. And he would count too. Looking toward the day he would finally hold you in his arms again. One year was nothing compared to the eternity he would wait for you.
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haveanotherkpopblog · 4 years
Super Junior Reacts to Having a Game Night with You
Requested by @heart-bleeding-autism-angel​
A/N: I hope you like it. I was so hoping for a SuJu request.
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Wanting to have a game night? A sweet concept. Wanting to have a game night with you? A sweeter concept. Inviting his members to join? A stupid decision really. His members were, in the most loving way possible, assholes. However, watching you play with them was funny.
“If you try to hide anymore money, Kyuhyun, I’m locking you outside.”
“HoW dId YoU eVeN sEe?”
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Honestly, he couldn’t care less about the game. He’d rather be playing a different type of game with you, but you were insistent on keeping the night PG. He tried for PG-13, but after almost hitting him in the head with the Yahtzee cup, he relented.
“Ha! Yahtzee bitches!”
“Good job Jagi.”
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Maybe he should have agreed to Monopoly. But he knew that would have been a train wreck. However, poker wasn’t going any better. Not only were you surprisingly good at it, you kept using the fact you knew him so well to swindle him out of his good hands. He definitely needed you to teach him some tricks.
“How does losing feel? I wouldn’t know.”
“I love you too Jagi.”
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You challenged the main dancer of Super Junior to a game of Just Dance? What were you thinking? There’s a whole MV of him slaying the game! However, watching you lose by mere points made his other members laugh, and him chuckle.
“Pick another song!”
“Babe, we’ve already done ten.”
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You two were ridiculous. You were going against each other hard. You stared at each other, eyes hyper-focused. Everyone around you was watching as you glared at each other. How had game-night become so intense? That’s a story too long for this reaction.
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He’s so sweet and such a good sport. He’d congratulate you every time you won. And if you lost, he assured you victory next time. He’d be more into watching you play than trying to go against his members, or worse, you.
“Oh yeah. Third time in a row.”
“You’re doing amazing Jagiya.”
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Another sweetie. He’d play with you, making cute eyes at you and not really paying attention to the game. He’d be completely enamored with your concentrated power of will look. He’d barely answer his bandmates questions, leaning over to pinch your cheeks.
“Donghae, it’s your turn.”
“Go fish.”
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He loves you to death, but he loves winning more. When the game starts, all personal feelings are out the window. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, all that matters is winning. And he will win.
“Sorry toots, you lose.”
“How could you Jagi?!”
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You both got weirdly into it and what was once fun has turned into a hot mess. You two are bickering because you think the other one is cheating. It turns into a full on interrogation. The others are about two more comments from kicking you two out of the game.
“Just admit you cheated!”
“It’s the Game of Life! You can’t cheat!”
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Delivery: Ryeowook x Reader
Synopsis: You have a small crush on your vocal trainer
Word Count: 370
Note: y’all need to really prepare yourself for how trash I am for Super Junior
Your crush on your vocal trainer had gone unacknowledged, unadmitted, and unaddressed, and that was how you planned to keep it. 
"I think you know the song," Ryeowook said once you finished completely singing through your newest single-- a romantic ballad-- for the first time. He leaned forward onto his keyboard and tilted his head at you as he asked, "But do you know the song?"
Confused, your eyebrows twitched at the question, and you shifted under the intensity of his gaze. "What do you mean?"
His laughter, as he threw his head back, was an airy giggle. "I guess that didn't make a lot of sense, huh? I just mean, you sang really well--"
He paused just long enough for you to bow and say, "Thank you."
"-- It was technically perfect, but there's something a little lacking in your delivery." As always, Ryeowook delivered his criticism so delicately, it was hardly recognized as anything other than praise. He advised, "When you sing these kinds of songs, you sort of have to draw from your own experiences--"
Noticing how you frowned at his advice, he asked, "Are you okay? I don't mean for it to sound like I don't think you perform it well. Your voice is beautiful-- I just think that if you want to really connect with your fans. . ." 
He trailed off as you nodded your head more enthusiastically. "I get it," you promised, forcing a smile onto your blushing face. "You're saying that I should make the audience to believe I feel this way."
Staring down at the lyrics, you thought, that shouldn't be so hard. This part about how it's better left unsaid-- that's how I feel about Ryeowook, isn't it? 
His curious gaze burned into you briefly before he asked, "Do you want to talk about it? Whatever's bothering you?"
You shook your head. Maybe you would tell him someday that he was the person who occupied your thoughts when you sang the song, but for now-- for the sake of the performance, you claimed-- it was best left unsaid. 
You softly replied, "No-- not today," and urged him with a smile to play the piano from the start of the song. 
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topinot-noir · 5 years
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minminnie-shii · 6 years
True Love
Summary~ You are tired of people judging your relationship with Leetuk because of how young you are. One day, he comes home to you crying and his heart breaks at the love of his life crying.
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I let out a sigh and ran my hand through my hair. I tossed my phone on the table and leaned back on the couch.
"Aish, when will this end?" I mumbled sadly. I grabbed a couch pillow of held it close to my chest.
I knew that the second I started dating Leetuk, people were going to be angry. But, what was the main reason they were upset? I'm younger then him, a lot younger.
People think I only want to be with him because he's famous, that's not even a little bit true. I love him, more then I've ever loved anyone. But, because of my age, no one wants to believe that I love him.
I squeezed my eyes shut as tears began to brim my eyes. I held the pillow tightly as I began to cry. Why won't people just leave me alone? Why won't they believe me?
I let out a gasp as I heard the front door open.
"Jagi? I'm home." Leetuk called. I stood on my feet and quickly wiped away my tears.
I jumped slightly when I felt Leetuk's arms wrap around my waist. I smiled softly and leaned my head back in his chest.
"I missed you." He whispered. I turned around in his arms and hugged his waist.
His eyes widened and he cupped my face with his hands, wiping away the stray tears that had fallen.
"You were crying." He whispered. I looked down at the ground, my arms falling to my sides.
"Why were you crying?" He asked softly. I didn't answer, the tears began to build again and I started to cry. He pulled me into his chest and cradled my head as I cried.
I clutched his shirt tightly in my hands and continued to cry. Leetuk didn't say anything, just continued to comfort me as I sobbed. After a while, Leetuk sat on the couch and gently pulled me into his lap. Soon my sobbing subsided and I was now just sniffling and hiccuping quietly.
"Y/N, what happened?" He whispered. I looked up at him and he cupped my cheek, stroking my cheek gently with his thumb.
I reached over and grabbed my phone that was sitting on the table. I unlocked it and handed it to him. He took it from me and began to read everything that was on the screen. Slowly, I could see that he was starting to get angry.
"How long has this been happening?" He asked setting the phone down.
"Ever since we started dating." I whispered.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I sniffled again and looked down at my hands that were in my lap.
"I'm sorry. It's just, you have a lot that you're dealing with right. With rehearsals, and being an MC, I didn't want to make you more stressed." He gently grabbed my chin and turned my head so I was looking at him.
"Y/N, listen to me. No matter what the situation is, if you think it's something small, or if someone dies in your drama. Or if it is something big like this. You have to come to me. Promise me that you won't cry by yourself anymore." He pressed his forehead against mine and closed his eyes.
"Please Y/N, promise me."
"I promise." I whispered. He pulled me into his chest and rested his cheek on top of my head.
"I love you so much Y/N. I don't love you because of how much younger you are then me. Or even because of how you look. Though I do have to admit, you are pretty sexy." I laughed wetly as he winked at me.
"I love because of who you are. You're such an amazing person. And that's why I love you. You're so kind, generous, and sweet. You don't have a mean bone n your body, you don't even know how to insult people. It's funny to see you try." I rolled my eyes and hit his arm playfully.
"Yah! Are you going somewhere with this?" I asked. He chuckled and kissed my cheek softly.
"Yes. The point of all that ranting was. I love you, with my whole heart and everything else. You're the love of my life and you're the only one that I want to be with, for the rest of my life." I smiled and a blush began to creep up my cheeks.
"I love you too Leetuk." He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me softly. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him back.
"Wah, how did I get so lucky to be with you?" He asked resting his forehead against mine. I chuckled and kissed his nose.
"I don't know, you must have saved a country in your past life." He chuckled.
"To be with you, I had to have saved the world."
"You're cheesy, you know that?" He winked at me.
"Only the best for you." I laughed and stood up.
"Come on, let's make dinner." He took my hand and together we walked into the kitchen. The problem from earlier completely forgotten. Leetuk wondered what he did to deserve me. I ask myself that every time that I lay my eyes on him.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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The two of you are definitely known amongst the people that know you for being cuddlers, even when you’re around other people, you can’t help but hold onto each other quite a lot of the time and stay close together.
It took a little bit of time for Ryeowook to trust the boys enough to introduce you, not wanting for them to embarrass him in front of you. After the boys had assured Ryeowook that they’d be on their best behaviour, Ryeowook finally brought you to the studio with him, never looking back since with how well you got on.
The best thing about being around Ryeowook when you needed comforting was how tightly he held onto you whenever he could tell that you were having a hard time. His hugs were the best whenever you needed reassuring, the perfect thing time and time again to remind you that you weren’t alone through anything.
Quite a lot of the time you’d arrive home to find Ryeowook in the kitchen, with cooking being his speciality when it came to being domesticated around the house. He loved to surprise you and make dinner, knowing that you coming home late was usually a sign that your day had been stressful. His cooking was something that he knew made you smile, making sure to cook your favourites for you when you needed them too.
Trying to keep everything from you was tough on Ryeowook as he organised his proposal. More than anything he wanted to spill sometimes, struggling to deal with the pressure of not having you around to help him out like he usually got. If anything, he was relieved once his proposal was over, glad that he didn’t have to keep the secret from you anymore and that he didn’t have to worry about it anymore too.
Ryeowook’s favourite thing about being with you was having someone by his side and supporting him. You made a lot of effort to support Ryeowook whether he was doing something with the boys or on his own, usually working in a musical, which was something that never went unnoticed by Ryeowook. He definitely felt loved by you, knowing that he had you in his corner pushing him to do his best.
The two of you definitely preferred nights in over nights out, unless there was someone who had made plans with the two of you, once you got home from work, the door would be locked. The two of you tended to enjoy lazing around on your nights in, finding a good drama to start or a movie to watch for the night.
You both were pretty indecisive when it came to your honeymoon, with neither of you able to make a decision. In the end, a flip of a coin decided most things for you both as you told each other again and again that you didn’t mind whenever anyone presented an idea on what the two of you could get up to.
Small gestures were Ryeowook’s favourite way to remind you that he loved you, after coming home with a little something to prove to you how well that he knew you. It would usually come as your favourite chocolate bar or bottle of wine, something small, but attentive to show that he paid attention to the things you said.
His face was always a giveaway for you whenever you could sense that Ryeowook was getting jealous, he was far from the best at disguising whenever he felt uncomfortable about something. You often couldn’t help but laugh at how dramatic he was when someone was making him feel jealous, pulling him to one side usually so that you could reassure him without anyone watching the two of you too.
There was even more of a drive in Ryeowook to think about starting a family after the two of you got married, as the only child, he was keener then ever to have a baby and continue the family line. Over time, his parents began to question the two of you a little more too, wanting to know when you’d think about settling down.
Your lazy days often didn’t consist of much, with the two of you deciding what you’d get up to as you went along your days. Although he had the day off though, Ryeowook would still make sure to reserve a little bit of time so that he could practice, whether it was a song off of a new album, or a song that he was learning for a musical, he still wanted to spend a bit of time making sure that he perfected everything.
The two of you were bad influences on each other in the mornings, trying to convince one another to stay. Ryeowook especially was bad, if he wasn’t in a rush to get up, he’d wrap his arms around your frame to try and stop you from getting up, even promising to drive you to work to save you a little bit of time.
You enjoyed falling asleep at night with Ryeowook singing to you, if you were particularly restless or stressed then you’d ask him to sing a little something to try and ease your mind and help you drift off into a dream.
Ryeowook was obsessed with your affection. He loved having you by him and the warmth that wrapped around him whenever you held onto his hand or wrapped your arms around his shoulders to be close by.
There was nothing that made Ryeowook happier than the feeling of knowing that you were in the crowd when he was performing. It became a mission for him most of the time to try and find you, either glancing around whilst with the group, or trying not to break character whilst he was performing in a musical.
He loved to ask you if you wanted a sneak peek of things that he was working on, whether it was a song, some lyrics, or some content for his YouTube channel, as much as he knew that he shouldn’t give spoilers, he just couldn’t help it.
After the two of you got married, you were barely allowed to introduce yourself anymore. Instead, Ryeowook liked to do it, as he’d always add on the emphasis that the two of you were married, especially around his male colleagues to plant the seed and let them know that you were definitely off limits.
If there was usually silence between the two of you, it would be broken pretty quickly by Ryeowook. When rooms were silent, he’d often start singing or humming to himself, not even realising that he was doing it until you threw something across the room at him to get him to be quiet so that you could concentrate.
Ryeowook’s biggest tip for making your marriage work was being open and honest. He never kept anything back from you, if he was going to be home late for example, he’d say, even if it was going to disappoint you.
He hated seeing you upset, whenever he noticed you getting teary eyed, Ryeowook would be around you straight away with a hug.
Being at home by himself alone on his days off was pretty boring for Ryeowook, and so when he knew your shift was finishing, he’d drive down to work and pick you up so that he could see you sooner.
Nothing else could make Ryeowook any happier, the way his life was, already was the top point of how he’d imagined it to be.
When he wanted something, Ryeowook would be right by your side, kissing you and annoying you until you caved and asked him what he wanted, with him knowing it was always the way to get what he wanted from you.
You were his partner in crime, the two of you seemed to always be together doing something.
The two of you spent quite a lot of your night talking until one of you eventually went to sleep, opening up and clearing your minds, even if the two of you were mainly talking through your nonsense thoughts.
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keepingloveagainkw · 2 years
Backstage: is where secrets should be kept that way, especially if a naughty Kyuhyun ruins Ryeowook's vlogging plans.
It wasn’t certainly the first time. However, going back to perform on the same stage where big legends from British and international pop music alike did in the past was always making it feel a bit more special.
Particularly so, because Super Junior had missed the European stages for several years in the past – nine, to be more exact, their fans were keeping a meticulous count – therefore even waiting in the backstage of the Wembley Arena in London was making the members exceptionally thrilled and excited to be finally meeting their audience.
As a matter of fact, Ryeowook decided that it could be the perfect time to break his vlogging hiatus and get his hands onto his faithful camera to record stills of mundanity among the members.
Smiling behind the small object that fit in his palm, he walked through the narrow corridors to capture actions and conversations by the older members. Yesung was quietly sitting next to Siwon, making that a very weird combination, as they were both intent at scrolling their phones onto different apps. The eldest was checking his camera roll to fish yet another random picture from his past solo travels to upload on twitter, making sure the most artistic one prevailed over a bunch of others where his sharp profile hadn’t come out as well as them. Siwon, elegantly sitting against the back of the soft chair like the consumed-model he was, was checking tons of emails that the Label had forwarded him about worldwide meeting invitations from the UNICEF.
“Siwonie hyung is always so busy and booked,” Ryeowook commented with a giggle “Where are you going next?” he then asked.
Siwon turned around with his usual meme-like frown, that turned into a genuine dimply smile for the camera: “Saudi Arabia,” he simply confirmed. Before Ryeowook could even ask him to elaborate more, his attention was caught by the very loud noises coming from the waiting room just next door.
“You two together are impossible! I don’t know how I managed to cope up with you for so long,” Leeteuk’s voice apparently sounded calm, but hid a hint of exasperation as he addressed Donghae and Eunhyuk bickering like their usual.
“Get off me, Donghae!” Eunhyuk was complaining as he tried to run away from the sticky hugs that Donghae was giving him. He had bulked up to the point it was very difficult for Eunhyuk to simply scroll his best friend off his waist, especially when Donghae nuzzled his face into the other man’s neck and plastered cheesy kisses to annoy him more.
Pointing the camera on to the couple first and then towards Leeteuk, Ryeowook couldn’t help but chuckle louder as he caught on film Leeteuk’s resigned expression: “Hyung, leave them be. Donghae is just excited for today!”
“Like every one of us, Ryeowook,” Leeteuk sighed as he sat down onto a couch and massaged his own temples to ease the small headache that was spreading across his forehead “But we are not jumping and squeaking around like he is,”
“That’s because you’re getting older,” Ryeowook commented, pointing the camera onto Leeteuk, who couldn’t help but wave and share a little smile.
“As if you kids aren’t,” the leader scoffed, not even insulted by the comment. Ryeowook couldn’t keep a light giggle from emerging from his lips. There was still something loving and special in the way Leeteuk referred to them all as kids despite the age. He himself was about to hit his forties, while the rest of them were in their mid-thirties, it wasn’t exactly that age that applies to kids anymore, right? However Leeteuk had already spent three-quarters of his life tending to them and looking after the members that it was absolutely impossible for him to stop affectionately calling them all by that word.
Too bad Heechul wasn’t around for their tours, otherwise he would have just backed Leeteuk up, like he usually did when trying to discipline the other members.
“Where’s Shindong hyung?” Ryeowook asked, noticing how the man had gone missing and was nowhere to be found.
“He’s with the director, probably brainstorming a few ideas on the animations to project on screen,” Eunhyuk replied.
It made sense. Lately Shindong was so into directing and producing, it was actually one of the best ways for him to show just how much of an all-around talent he was, Ryeowook thought, completely lost in his mental trail. Until a low voice growled from behind his back, startling Ryeowook to death. “Shit!” the smaller one hissed, jumping on his feet.
Shindong squeaked as he laughed holding his belly: “I’m sorry!” he quickly apologised, noticing how Ryeowook’s frown was getting closer and closer to his trademark intimidating one, while he pointed the camera at Shindong, capturing his wide laugh.
“Oh, are you vlogging again?” Shindong asked, curious as per why Ryeowook was seen holding his camera after years he had stopped using it. Ryeowook nodded and Shindong caught that as the perfect chance to ramble about what latest products were on the market that Ryeowook might have wanted to check out, so to create even better and higher quality contents. He was momentarily dragged into the enthusiastic explanation, fascinated by the passion Shindong was showing him while showcasing his knowledge about hi-tech.
Following Shindong down the corridor and into a different waiting room, Ryeowook was too caught up with his hyung and how he fiddled with the content of his backpack, taking out tripods, lenses and various other accessories, that he completely forgot about the only one person he had really wanted to capture on his camera.
Sitting cross-legged on a couch in a remote corner of the room, distractedly leafing through a science book, Super Junior’s maknae interrupted his reading only to move his flashing eyes onto the other two members that had barged into the room. Kyuhyun loudly cleared his voice, catching Shindong’s attention who, all of a sudden, toned his voice down: “We are disturbing Kyuhyunie,” he commented.
Cutely swirling around, Ryeowook’s camera pointed at Kyuhyun.
“Kyu, Kyu!” Ryeowook’s voice chirped affectionately. In the tiny screen on the back of the object, Kyuhyun was looking particularly sleek in his intro outfits, giving him a sexy, mysterious aura enhanced by the way he was casually sitting. Not to mention how his eyes flared with some sort of vivid passion. Blushing hard, Ryeowook’s breath caught up in his throat when he noticed Kyuhyun’s gaze was actually boring holes in his soul through the lenses in his camera. Too bad that even after half of a lifetime together, that was still the effect Kyuhyun had on his poor heart.
“Hyung, I’ll catch up with you later,” Ryeowook told Shindong, silently expressing his wish to be left alone for a while. Shindong moved his eyes onto Kyuhyun, noticing how annoyed the man looked for bursting his bubble of quietness, but also how accommodating he had become as soon as Ryeowook sat down on the couch with him, scooting as close as possible to the younger one.
Rolling his eyes, Shindong left, knowing better than interrupting the youngest ones’ privacy.
Kyuhyun closed his book, the pages rustled softly before he could put it on the side table and focus solely on Ryeowook filming him.
“It took you long to find me,” he commented with a sigh, keeping his huge, dark eyes fixed on the camera “Usually I’m the one you run to for a starter,”
“I’m filming, Kyu,” Ryeowook warned him, with a giggle, lightly smacking his thigh and resting his hand there.
“Exactly what I mean,” Kyuhyun told him, grabbing Ryeowook’s hand and holding it tight in his “You always run to find me whenever you’re filming something,”
Ryeowook’s smile grew wider, not without a few beads of cold sweat rolling down his neck as he explained better: “Nope, Kyu. This is not what you think. It’s for my vlog. I want to film our backstage moments before performing here in London,”
Blinking in confusion, Kyuhyun’s frown became a bit darker as he couldn’t understand: “Vlog? I thought you had stopped with that,”
Ryeowook extracted three small legs from the handle of his camera and set the tripod so he could place the camera on the table. Comfortably sitting against the couch, he directed his gaze to the small object and explained: “It is true that I stopped, but this is a nice occasion to go back to film our daily life and share it with our fans, don’t you think?”
Exhaling a sad sigh, Kyuhyun leaned closer to Ryeowook only so he could breathe his disappointment into the other man’s ear: “I thought it was… you know, our daily journal,”
Ryeowook’s cheeks blushed hard and became as red as two apples, making him mentally curse the fact that Shindong had helped him choosing that particular camera whose HQ features were enhancing the footage. He had better edit out a few scenes – if not everything – featuring Kyuhyun at that point.
“Oh, Kyu! Stop it!” Ryeowook crossed his arms against his chest and pouted, sulking lightly “I need to redo everything now!”
Kyuhyun laughed out loud, stretching an arm to circle Ryeowook’s shoulders and pull the petite man closer to him: “You can just cut these scenes out and no one will notice anything,” he said, planting a quick kiss on Ryeowook’s temple “I am just too used at you documenting our love life lately, that I simply acted upon instinct,”
“Yeah, I should have told you,” Ryeowook pouted, nevertheless placing his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder while the taller one rocked him in his arms. Whenever he did that, Ryeowook couldn’t help but find peace to his senses. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, while his mind ran to past memories of Kyuhyun waking up at the dorms one day and deciding to film Ryeowook out of the blue. The petite one was nestled among the messy bedsheets after sleeping over and a bored Kyuhyun decided to start what had become a habit nowadays.
It was mainly small, trivial, domestic things that were captured – like sitting down for breakfast, pestering Eunhyuk at the dorms or sharing a ride to a mutual schedule – however, ever since starting, Ryeowook had found it quite difficult to quit as he liked – no, scratch that, he absolutely loved – replaying his personal footage and watch the way Kyuhyun’s eyes were always and devotedly looking at him. It made him feel special.  
“Guys! Please come to the audio booth, we need to install mics on you,” a couple of their managers called out loud, hoping to catch the members’ attention as they had a tight schedule to stick to.
Peace broken, Ryeowook thought. Sighing, he was about to pull back from Kyuhyun’s hug, when Kyuhyun’s slender fingers reached for his chin and tilted Ryeowook’s head back. It was quick, but nonetheless sweet, as Kyuhyun’s lips found their way to Ryeowook’s, slowly moving as their mouths matched perfectly and shared the same rhythm, making their kiss a gentle, yet sensual habit.
“Now you have to seriously delete everything,” Kyuhyun breathed as he kept his face merely breaths apart from Ryeowook’s “There’s no way in hell our fans will see this-“ he pointed at the camera while about to finish talking, but then Ryeowook smacked him hard in the chest, making the other man wince in pain.
“Ouch!” Kyuhyun rubbed a hand across the chest to try and soothe his pain. Hurriedly standing up, Ryeowook took one more minute to simply turn the camera off for good before bursting out of the room at a speed that Kyuhyun didn’t recognise as his lover’s at all.
Smiling to himself, Kyuhyun stood up and lightly smoothed his outfit to get rid of the wrinkles caused by Ryeowook sitting close and reciprocating his hug. Walking out of the room, he followed the loud voices of his members to locate where they were. Among them he spotted Ryeowook looking serious and professional while talking to a crew member who was helping him to secure the microphone wire inside the shirt he was wearing, and Kyuhyun’s gaze softened.
Many years after getting to know his best friends and yet, the decision to fall in love with him had never felt any more right. 
Chapter 2
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
How my bf sees SuJu
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Dating and Marrying Kim Yesung
Anonymous asked: "Hey hey hey could u also do a dating/marriage with Yesung from Suju that would be great :3"
~he's artistic skills are put to the test when he has his phone and social media full of your pictures. But social media can't tell because it's all about angles
~him dressing up up In Victorian gothic style because he knows you find him sexually attractive (if you don't that's okay, because I do)
~on the phone together but not talking, and you get to hear him sing and hum to himself as he does what he does around his house
~he finds it hilarious when you always question his aging process
~you haunting him with his debut pictures
~finding it cute when he pouts
~he's very aggressive and demanding in the bedroom (and who's complaining)
~English time with Yesung is comedy gold
~lots of forehead kisses
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~he's a man who likes the hair pulling and lip biting roughness
~marriage with him is only for legal purposes in his heart he married you long time
~you two have code texting for all emotions
~since marriage he gained a sense of power and doesn't take shit from any of the boys
~reading your favourite book to him as he lays on the couch or bed to sleep.
~likes to ask again who your favourite Ballad singer is and is shocked when you said Kyuhyun and not him.
~late night talks and laughing till the sun rise
~devoted husband and caring father
~still does the little pouting when he's sad. And now your child does that too
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Hope you enjoyed it luvvie~
- R
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
Working Birthday - Ryeowook
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A/N: A special birthday post for Ryeowook <3
For a lot of people, working on their birthday would put a dampener on the day, but for Ryeowook, the whole day felt like one big party.
While Super Junior were getting in some last-minute rehearsals for the concert that night, you had arrived with a cake and some gifts. The Super Junior boys had given you anything they'd got for him too so you could bring everything to surprise him with.
His face lit up as you walked in and everyone stopped what they were doing to wish him a happy birthday. Once you'd put down the cake and bags you were carrying, he hugged you.
"This is perfect," he told you, "I'm so pleased you're here for my birthday."
"Me too," you grinned, "And I get to watch a Super Junior show!"
After a couple of hours relaxing together watching Ryeowook open all his presents, you were all now stood side of stage waiting for their concert to start. Leeteuk was half way through a pep talk, when you heard the crowd start singing happy birthday. You noticed Ryeowook's eyes grow wide as he became quickly distracted and pulled out your phone to quickly record his reaction. He was staring off in the direction of the stage with puppy eyes and a happy little pout on his lips.
As he turned and saw your phone pointed at him, he knew what you were doing. "This is so sweet," he said. "15 years and I never quite get used to all the love from ELF. Saranghae!" As he finished speaking he made a love heart with his hands and kisses with his lips.
When you lowered the phone, he spoke to you. "Can you send that to me? I want to share it and thank them."
"Of course I will."
"Ryeowook, you back with us? We're on stage in like 2 minutes," Leeteuk's voice interjected.
"Right, yes, I'm here," he said, turning back to the group, a smile still on his face as he prepared to go out and spend his birthday with his Ever Lasting Friends.
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We got married (tv-show) - Super Junior headcanon (F)
Summary | Reader and member during the tv show we got married.
Genre | fluff
Warnings | none
Pairing | reader x members
WC |.
Note | I tried my best, I never watched this show. I watched a few videos of it but it is not really my style and still didn't get a lot of inspiration. I also wrote it as a kind of headcanon, because I got more inspiration from that. I know you've been waiting a long time for this one so I hope you like it and if not, feedback is always appreciated.
Note | Requested by @leehyukjaes-wife
Masterlist / Request Rules / Upcoming
Posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays!
He is very kind and helpful during the challenges you guys get during the show. He likes to show that he is a leader and that you can always trust him. He will treat you with respect, tries to make you comfortable and when he knows that he can be himself, he will be even when it is a show. During the challenges, he will show you that he can win or finish the task, but in the end, you are the one that is finishing up the task.
He is known to be a loud and very honest guy. He says what he thinks so it would be a challenge on its own for him to keep it down a little with you. He will treat you with respect, and try his advances using opening lines that are awkward to make you laugh. His first priority is to have a fun time with you. You feel like you can trust him after a few conversations and that showed during the challenges you guys had to face.
Quiet but helpful and kind during the show. He needs to swear less in front of a camera so you help him with that while taking on the challenges. He is always close to you, making sure everything goes fine and that you feel comfortable around him. Makes a few lame jokes at the beginning to ease the tension.
Joker but serious. If that is possible. He is always laughing, joking around with you during the challenges, and even besides that, he can have a fun time with you just being himself. He does not try to be another person in front of the camera or in front of you. I think you will build up a friendship quickly with him after the show.
Shy and formal. Uses his manors to treat you the best he can on tv. A lot of talking between you two, even after the show ended you guys keep talking and meeting up. He is kind and respectful in a way that you feel at ease with him being that formal around you. Makes photos of you so you can post them on Social Media after. Will make sure of it that he treats you the best way he can during a television series.
Competitive but with a soft side for you once you enter the scene. Will make a fool of himself when needed to make you laugh. Gets competitive when completing the challenges, sometimes forgetting it is not a race but a team effort. Will make up for it to give you the best hugs.
Softy and shy. Doesn't know how to behave around you at first but when the challenge starts, he will help you and kind of let go of the nervousness. Loves to joke a lot around you, and talk with you during the show and behind the cameras. He wants to get to know you behind and in front of the camera.
Absolute sweetheart who gets fanatic but still makes sure he doesn't overdo it. Will take care of you the way he would treat his girlfriend, even if it is a show. Loves to take pictures with you for some memories and will call you after the show to have dinner or two just to talk about the whole experience.
Evil maknae turns into sweet and caring maknae (if that is possible). He will take care of you during the show, behind the camera, and in front of it. He will help you during the challenges if something doesn't work out the first time and will make sure you can be yourself around him even if it is monitored and recorded. Will save your contact after the show.
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