weatherbane · 1 year
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one day i’ll stop picking on rynd (no i wont)
[based off this text post]
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leighsartworks216 · 20 days
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What's the point of ocs if I can't torture them??
Comic of Rynd (they/them), my dnd character. This took 6 hours and 40 minutes to make, but I was so invested in drawing this that I felt absolutely none of that time pass.
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eglerieth · 11 months
Translating the Song of Beren and Luthien into Sindarin!
i laid nî ann, in glae nî calen
i saew-lûth tond a bain
a mi i lant - ae! - calad
o giliath mi doath silivren
Tinúviel nî lilt ennas
an linnas o thibin altirad
a galad o giliath nî mi finnathdeith
a mi hammadeith silivren
ennas Beren tùliel o ered ring
a dom ranë nu lais
a mivan i heb-edhil duin nornt
padantë air a nírol
cenë mi i saew-lais
a tírant di elven mellys
po colldeith a rainc-hammadeith
a finnadeith sui dae aphadol
elven nestant taildeid lom
han thar emyn nî amarthan an rain
a e rongantë, thalion a lim
a mabant na aglannim o ithil celair
tre-remmen glad mi Neldoreth
is colui horthant na lilthatail
a lefn Beren air eno an rain
mi i dínen tawar lastad
lhaent ennas rem i rimp law
o tail colui sui melhûn-galadh lais
egor linnas eithela nucae
mi thurin gryd potha
hi thern hoda i saew-thrimpim
a mîn-ar-mîn na fírlaw
na lhoss dannant i neldor-lais
mi i rhîw-taur potha
e cestant ín him, raun haer
mivan lais o íniath nî delch hodant
ar calad o ithil a aglann o el
mí menel sui hell potha
colldeith glînnant mîn i ithilgalad
ir bo amoncaw raud a haer
Tinúviel lilthant, a na taildeith nî hodant
hîth o celeb potha
ir rhîw lúda, ad-tolantë
a linnë leithiant i bragol ethuil
sui orthad amrent, a dannad ross
a medhiant nen gwelch
tírantë i edhellys eithela
os taildeith, a ad-cyrant
anírantë arë an lilt a linnon
or i glae algumri
adribant dîn ach lim tolantë
Tinúviel! Tinúviel!
estannenë in di edhel-enethdeith
a tass dîn darant lastad
min luig tarant dîn, a lûth
glimdeid caedant bo dîn: Beren tolant
a amarth dannant bo Tinúviel
han mi raincë hodant silivren
ir Beren cennant mî hent dîn
mîn i dúaith o fingimdeith
i potha gilgalad o i menel
tírantë ennas cenedrilant silivren
Tinúviel i edhel-bain
alfirin gwen edhel-sael
os Beren hantant gwathui fingimdeith
a rainc sui celeb silivren
annan nî i yr amarth ti colant
thar sarn emyn ring a mith
tre-rynd o ang a morn fen
a taurim o dúath alordolel
i sathantgaer mi ti hodant
a ach na vedui ti ad-govannen
a annan-ia ti gwanwen
mi i taur lindant alnaeras
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gotyouanyway · 7 months
ive never seen dw, theres naming conventions for time lords?? genuinely curious
other people have written it up better than me but yes, loosely! to start off they typically have very long single names that get shortened to the first few syllables
romanadvoratrelundar -> romana
vansellostophossius -> vansell
for a couple examples off the top of my head.
beyond that it’s a little hard to pin down exactly what’s typical for a time lord name bc they vary a lot, but once you’ve heard a bunch you kinda get a feel for it. there are a lot of hard consonants, and most syllables are consonant-vowel-consonant, making the names quite solid and heavy sounding, but really easy to pronounce/understand for english speakers (imo). examples of that would be narvin, andred, hossak.. but it isn’t a rule and a lottt of names break that pattern so it can really be anything at the end of the day
there are some commonly used syllables/sounds as well though, like tor (torvic, torvald) and -ax (drax, jelpax, braxiatel, maxil).
and those are the more normal ones but there are some weird ones out there too, depending on who wrote them. i think rynde and satthralope from lungbarrow sound more like elves than time lords, and i need not even say anything about homunculette from alien bodies
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libidomechanica · 6 months
No drew the one good people
Those banish crimes: or glorious jewel haue I glimmer’s keepe like any coverlooks something Fantom workmanship thy tears, that your intends entrench’d in pedigression storm: no come in thy han greatly charm of each petty bond the narre, through the stones. And the plaine. No drew the one good people art louers woundings of fashion’d such let this unto her to matron backs, brake a Ladde wind women this quoth I all from his rynd is love, temperate her look’d together cheek; he can get by thou have gone, and Kidde: but turn once, and frenzies wheat himselfe for when your Misforth was I, to speake his first seated soul, its with rare pure, travel, a ripe them threat, nor coming out bloody disdeign’d thy trod being braid. I loved of he dispraising did bewayle as what’s race; yet neuer they spendthrifts’ heirs is a man; even to no shine, and dreery days of their hae I like a myle. Come, but to swing.
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leanstooneside · 9 months
Barbra Streisand
1. Isaac de Queyran
2. Claude
3. Taylor
4. pierre
5. Mary Rynd's
6. Issobell Smyth
7. Samedy.—Catherine
8. Alison Device
9. Janet Thomson'.[411
10. pierre isol
11. sung
12. Kirkyard
13. Isobel Bairdie
14. ane tryme
15. Janet Brown
16. Annaple Thomson
17. Thomas Leyis
18. Lane
19. Bessie Vickar
20. Mary Green
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fangirlinglikeabus · 10 months
As the glasses were filled with emerald-coloured wine, Rynde said, 'Remember that ornamental hermit we had? The one that lived in a grotto up the mountain?'
ornamental hermit is my dream job actually
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authorbettyadams · 1 year
Humans are Weird – Thermoclines
#ShortStory #HFY #EarthIsSpaceAustralia #SpaceOrcs #ScienceFiction
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444names · 2 years
dremora names from tes
Akalago Akamet Akaosha Akarg Akelivion Akenaile Akenaz Akvila Akvilord Akvion Amkaleho Amkaosh Amkara Amkath Amkatii Angasath Angathik Anha Anharra Anhas Anhaz Anhazzai Arunasats Arur Arus Arusaxura Aruzu Atrozu Atrrata Atrrb Atrrbwd Baidan Bailed Bailk Belar Bele Belia Belm Blarg Blath Blax Bogur Bogurog Brogtrif Brolo Broshale Brota Brothilk Browind Brozu Brozun Clololari Cloolsger Clothi Coda Codaerk Codaezaz Codanaa Dekale Dekara Dekataz Demag Demishaz Dezai Dezan Dezaz Dhra Dhras Dhruit Dhrunkah Dhruzaz Dogur Dogurotes Dosh Dosuro Doth Dregasa Dreivilo Dreiz Dremoraz Drex Drexata Drexev Drolsger Droth Drunats Druraz Druro Druzai Elinziri Elixata Enzer Enzira Enziran Ephas Ephaz Ephiaa Erulaz Eruz Erztir Erztrim Fema Femis Fesn Fespirik Fessata Firan Firas Fireizz Firex Firhia Firhinte Firi Firia Firim Foshae Fothia Gades Gadriam Gata Gatai Gattle Geladra Gelag Gele Geledran Geledri Gila Gnia Gniaa Gnilarra Gnilivora Gnim Gregenaz Grelm Grexxil Guilax Guitora Gykkata Gykun Gykunkyu Gykz Hade Hadrah Hadrataz Hadrilind Hive Hiviladra Hivilarg Hivion Hivlof Hivloshae Hivorm Ifria Ifriamet Ifril Ifrim Illiaa Illinthet Illit Illive Illixamma Imag Imale Iola Iolark Ioloolaz Iolsger Issa Issakh Issoshel Issovaynd Jabra Janaz Janchel Janquilaz Janshe Jeris Jerk Jerkilag Jyna Jynds Kalar Kale Kaluzai Kaluzu Kata Kath Kathe Katta Kehk Keho Khas Khata Khaz Khazzelof Khazztii Kixas Kixata Kixatar Kmolar Kmolaz Kmolord Kmolota Kmorsax Kota Koth Krranas Kvord Kvorolsh Kvorsa Kvoth Kynaz Kynia Legas Legasa Legerikho Lira Liran Liranche Lirhi Lirhia Lirik Liritosha Lora Loreive Lori Lorif Lorigif Lorm Lorratar Lorruzu Lyrkil Lyrkyusax Makh Malehk Maluphae Maluz Mansh Manyu Mata Matarif Math Methet Mora Moran Moranyu Morata Moreiz Moril Morim Morra Morsax Mysis Mysit Nacar Nachela Nachet Nachnim Nameer Namesa Narrzt Norah Noraz Nord Noreizz Noremissa Norothel Oblia Obliaa Oblin Oblind Obliviles Ofasa Ofasax Ofassosh Ofephi Ofephraz Olari Olark Olaz Olokvion Olord Olothar Oolag Oolax Oolsger Orrah Orrats Orrbwd Ortharim Orthin Orthutes Osakigif Pynaz Pynds Raneerm Rata Rathik Rathilas Rayl Raynds Rayngo Reivotha Reizztiri Rykezai Rykkah Rykkal Rynata Rynd Rynufasa Scre Screma Screx Screxev Seho Sehtkyris Serashik Serb Sermet Sero Shynaz Shynd Skora Skoras Skori Skri Skrif Skrilk Skrizz Skykelorm Skynasati Storiksa Storratai Stosh Stoshatii Sularg Sumes Sumet Tacar Tacari Tacaria Tachnilar Tachnilk Tanati Tash Tashaz Telag Telakh Telaz Teledesn Telehk Telitosh Tephilax Tephin Tephintet Tephrane Thataz Thedra Thxurthar Tuzai Tuzun Ukah Ukam Ukaoshae Ukathi Ukathxura Uldunai Uldunatha Uldunaz Uldunkath Uluphrah Uluz Urah Vaezet Vames Vamet Vamys Vanaz Vaneerkil Vanquis Vanshikhe Vela Veladrik Velaz Vele Velivil Velm Velokezed Venatar Venaz Verbwd Vermes Vessax Vikh Vikhe Vikho Viksa Viksaxu Vinds Vine Vonshae Vregati Vreivila Vrema Vremalazz Vremolsh Vrexev Vyrigif Vyrigirik Vyrothe Xalara Xalarias Xale Xarg Xaria Xark Xarkig Xarrozu Xykkah Xykkats Xynkyroth Xynvayl Xyrif Xyrilofax Xyrk Xyro Ykara Zavas Zavasatet Zavayl Zavaylak Zenas Zexev Zyroz Zyzaide Zyzailag Zyzain Zyzanquit Zyzaz Zzedraz Zzeriam Zzet Zzethind
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weatherbane · 2 years
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rynd: i had a thought 8565, only three cups of coffee into his day: please god not again
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leighsartworks216 · 11 months
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More fanart of Astarion with one of my bards bc im so starved of dnd content with this character especiallyyy
(Character is Rynd, goes by they/them pronouns)
Template by mellon_soup on twitter, instagram, tiktok, pinterest and patreon (image below the cut)
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trusttheme · 2 years
Beholder meaning
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CSU-ERFSA and AMBA have a Vision Plan that covers everything from checkups to new eyewear and prescription lenses and more. Seeing loved ones in a special way is healthy, but making sure your vision stays healthy with regular check-ups is important. It is this matter of perception that allow for differences in opinion and grant us the ability to see and appreciate things that others may overlook. This subjective nature of beauty applies in all areas of our lives: from art, literature, music, and, of course, love. In the 1878 novel Molly Bawn, there's the line "It is an old axiom, and well said, that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Hungerford wrote many books, often under the pseudonym of 'The Duchess'. Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (née Hamilton) is widely credited with coining the saying in its current form. raw thrills fast and furious asu panhellenic instagram illegal repossession lawyer how many siblings are in the debarge family h and r. The modern-day version of the expression is believed to have first appeared in English in the 19th century. Spectator vs beholder vance global gummies reddit waters edge real estate firm nbme neuro form 6 sybaris locations illinois soy wax bulk 2021 hyundai palisade cheap train tickets to north carolina. "Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them." Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues”Įven Founding Father Benjamin Franklin paralleled the sentiment in Poor Richard's Almanack, 1741, writing:Īnd, just a year later, David Hume penned: “Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye, ".as neere is Fancie to Beautie, as the pricke to the Rose, as the stalke to the rynde, as the earth to the roote."Ī similar sentiment was eloquently expressed by Shakespeare in Love’s Labor Lost: One example is found in English playwright John Lyly's late 16 th century play, Euphues and his England: On the side of beauty being a subjective matter, many expressed sentiments similar to Plato, and plenty of variations on his statement followed. Philosophers continued to grapple with the question of the question whether beauty was objective or subjective for centuries. So, a thing beautiful for one might not be beautiful for the other. According to Plato, the sense of beauty is itself transient in nature. The concept that each individual has a different inclination of what is beautiful first appeared in the 3rd century BC in Greek. What's the origin of the phrase 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'? beholder - Meaning in Bengali, what is the meaning of beholder in Bengali dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of beholder in. So what one person perceives as flawless and captivating might be ordinary or unappealing to another. 'Beauty in the eye of the beholder' has a literal meaning: that the perception of beauty is subjective - people can have differing opinions on what is beautiful. But where did the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” originate? It’s one of the most universally celebrated phrases about the nature of love and appreciation. One of the most universally celebrated phrases about the nature of love and appreciation is “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. With Valentine's Day coming up, we often turn our gaze to our loved ones. Who Created the Saying 'Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder'? February 1, 2022
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Rynd the Qwilfish (Hisui)
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Oh, poor Hisuian Qwilfish.  And by extension, Overqwil.  High physical attack, but only special options for Dark moves.  Hopefully the Hisui crew can actually be imported into the upcoming games and have some better movepool options...
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libidomechanica · 4 months
The divine
—An’ O for a five year old age.     Remain as its only Florida. But when we court us     no more, for we will. But three April performing Chloe.     Boys! To fight, never
why shore a second health in death.     Break, break her: strong, supple, sinew-corded, apt at all. My     life renew. The maids and the only Stellaes eyes of your     arms open, eyes survivor
bulging with her at all. And     think’st by how farre this, dearest and give me on my father’s     bleed, my onelie hire, desire! He scent and yet amid     all must show seems a gracious
seem to lovest thou mayst comfort     neer. Behind your prince’s functions rage unbred; ere you?     And I feel thou hast had reddens what can be fynd, and, wonder     highest foam of this
knot too deepe furrow bring your whole     and free, and sword and unruffled; they are, or doth sweet with     scoffing, and its meaning in the beauty still we call the     chorded shell, his eyes. We
hunter; woman wed is the first     step. Thee have her neck, And straitly curbed she movies or once,     went unexplained, a folded to fill a little tepid     pool, that my tempests cleere,
stella, I say, phillis the road     and its head, pitying abroad and pure and so I often     lived in a window light appeare: which the going. Take     me to thee: while I fled.
Such as might, that fills both sides all,     that I did but sweetest lips meet! I brought they him clayme with     me, and sting, that their baldness now, if you’re lucky together,     Tut, you for it. I
am watery disk caught in     the Temple’s inner leave for her splendent sun hotter things     at parle: and mid the coldness up and prospered jest to     render you occur in
grass! My hear’st thou, that transient in     a mirror are one with the Seven of love and rainy,     O; but brightness, or flowering him home; but tis too high,     though I be left sucked on
the weird affection clung the winds     are sad and whiskey, on their image yow made, the lists were     pitty. The porch with, when thou return. Unworthy reason.     The rapture, that he left
to wish thy be to one, one this     story, let so we can his hand, and breed up her visage     all my name is not one another; for he nil false to     bow, syllables in thy
poet’s eyes squinched with a     melody they be, i’m thine at a window, Sweet! Robert Burns:     country in Mexico I slept in a dreams, and he had     drunk in tourney takes it
up, and she will not his lips to     our point: not lock’d up in her look up the Impression learned     here are not talked on the boat and doat. Vulture: is not     one that wing that in answer.
All go or seven more or     shed a tent whispered jest to West, is not fond tones and bloom!     When she would have sworn. Your shadows. A strange shirt you are lost     my rugged rynde, and nothing?
The latest to thee to my     sins though I knew. After yet reflecting each on her knees.     And later in the sound, we stumbling lute. And though is my     head and slain with horror
of the most uselessenesse     with you, when the sheath, the pain, whence ye see my business, and     on thee more fat, by all the raging fyre, the bottomless     apartment and maist thou
ever mouth doth keepe. While, I will     die. Hey, rose, just musings in which she lovers on the garden     bed this is short-numbers sweeter the honour first time,     butchered by a ghastly
glimmering scarfs and dumplin burn     blue. I’ll not ask. Her brother dreerie death he red man dance Yea,     ’ answered, touched by the huge tree-house did heart compeld my mouth     was grave. This small glory.
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firaknight · 4 years
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triflesandparsnips · 2 years
This is not my very important post about oranges in OFMD
However, it is related, as during my research I've discovered that a major point of contention in the fandom of our beloved gay show is whether, in the face of Swede's scurvy, Stede wantonly hoarded his marmalade rather than give it over for the good of the crew.
Now don't get me wrong, there is much fun to be had with this notion, and the Rule of Funny should definitely outweigh historical accuracy here. However!
Stede would not necessarily guess that his marmalade would be useful for scurvy
Leaving aside the fact that there wasn't what we'd call a proper scientific study of scurvy cures until 30 years later (and they'd still get it wrong)-- take a look at the remedies people of Stede's class would've known about from various household manuals available at the time. Here are two, from The Accomplish'd Lady's Delight in Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, and Cookery (1675):
Dr. Deodates drink for the Scurvy
To make an excellent Syrup against the Scurvy
Both do include oranges and lemons (either in sliced or juice form), but their real primary ingredient was scurvy-grass, which had all the benefits of being both the subject of a popular treatise published during Stede's childhood and, uh, working really well.
But even with that, ingesting scurvy-grass or citrus fruits was kind of an anecdotal cure -- Learned Medical Professionals and Super Sensible White Dudes weren't so convinced, and instead were pretty sure that the only thing oranges and lemons did was help unblock sweat glands, which while helpful surely SURELY was only a minor assist rather than a full-blown cure.
"But how do oranges unblock sweat glands?" I hear you cry, and thank you for asking don't worry it's very scientific, you see as we ALL KNOW sweat glands can get blocked when cold sea air keeps you from sweating and NATURALLY this leads to an EXCESS OF MORBID HUMOURS that cause SUNDRY MEDICAL AILMENTS and probably a change to your personality don't worry about it but BUT thank heavens we also DEFINITELY KNOW that since orange "rynde is hotte in the fyrst degree, and drye in the second: [and] the iuyce of them is colde in the seconde degree, and drye in the fyrste" BASICALLY IT'S DRY, OKAY, PRETTY DANG DRY that means ingesting oranges helps BALANCE THE WET AIR and NOW YOU CAN SWEAT and so probably YOU DON'T HAVE SCURVY ANYMORE.
anyway, Stede was never gonna hand over his marmalade, it'd seem as useful as handing them Karl the seagull (RIP) but at least he listened to the crew when they said they needed oranges instead of pulling some bullshit landlubber nonsense like making them eat grass and run in circles until they sweat the scurvy out.
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