#s and then your mom wont stop telling you that you messed up by losing your phone. and its like. you know. you know. you know you fucked up
rebellum · 1 year
Okay I didn't wanna bother op by putting this in the tags of that last post I reblogged, the bitch daughter/bastard son post
But that is SO confrontational that it's FASCINATING for me
Like I can't imagine anyone in my family calling someone else a bitch. Even on my dad's side of the family, which is relatively mean, where my dad DEFINITELY things my aunt is a massive bitch.
I wanna put that op's mom under a michael scope and study her. What could possibly inspire you to call your child a bitch. Over PANTS. Like over anything is wild. But over PANTS.!.????? I am fascinated.
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brelione · 4 years
The Countertop (Topper,Rafe,Kelce X Reader)
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The Best Boys Masterlist
When Rafe got the text he was in the bathroom of the yacht,blood coming from his nose as he stuffed the small bag of white powder back into the pocket of his khakis.He heard the ding,looking over to check the notification.He felt his heart drop,regretting the line he just did. 
“Panic attack,(Y/N)’s house.”Was all the text said.Topper had sent it to the group chat with him,Kelce and Rafe.Rafe cursed,looking up in the mirror at his bloodshot,dilated eyes.He certainly couldnt help you,not when he was like this.He pinched his nose for a moment or two,letting it drip into the sink before he rinsed it down the drain,leaving the bathroom and putting his phone in his pocket.
He looked around at the groups of people,eventually finding Wheezie and gripping her shoulders. “I need you to cover for me.”He told her,completely serious.She frowned,looking over at Ward. “Where are you going?”She asked.He sighed,looking over the side of the huge boat to look at the Jet Ski that was tied by a thin rope. “(Y/N) needs help.”Was all he said,quickly thanking her before running down the flights of stairs to get to the lowest floor,gripping onto the railing and getting onto the jetski.
He tucked his phone into the pocket of his shirt,ripping the rope before gliding through the water as fast as possible,guessing on how to get to your house.He knew how to get to his house,at least.So thats where he ended up.He got onto his own dock,sprinting around the front of his house and getting into his truck,going way too far over the speed limit.
He pulled into your driveway,slamming on the brakes so he wouldnt crash into your garage.His door was opened before the truck was even parked,seeing Kelce’s car parked on the sidewalk.Rafe burst through your door,heart aching when he saw you sobbing,Kelce trying to talk to you while Topper rubbed your bare back. “What the hell happened?”He asked,not even understanding the situation.
You opened your mouth,trying to talk but only a sob came out,Topper pulling you back to him and tracing shapes along yout arm,whispering sweet nothings to you to try and help.He sent a glance towards Rafe,shaking his head.Rafe closed the door,sitting on the arm of the couch,slowly stealing you away from Topper and moving onto the couch,letting you squeeze him as tight as you needed too and he could feel your shallow breaths through his shirt.
Kelce was watching you,watching as the tears stopped falling,your eyes puffy and your bottom lip trembling.Rafe felt your grip on him becoming less tight,too weak to do squeeze him.He didnt move his arm away from you,knowing that if you were ready to let go you would push away from him. “What’s going on,princess?”He asked softly,careful to make sure his voice didnt come out harsh or shaky.
You gulped,licking you lips that tasted like salt and metal. “I hate my mom.”Was all you could say,your voice cracking.He nodded,kissing your forehead. “I know,baby.I know.”He answered,taking in a big breath.You huffed,pulling away from him,wiping your eyes with the back of your hands. “So how are you guys?”You asked,struggling not to cry again.
Kelce grinned slightly,squeezing your hand. “Im good,sweetheart.Do you want to talk about whats happening with your mom or do you want to be distracted by it?”He asked,tapping at your knuckles.You shrugged,feeling more sick than anything. “Okay,well why dont we go out to the pool so you can cool off then?”He suggested.You nodded,not fully away from Rafe yet.
Something was off with him.His hair looked like he had been pulling at it and he was more tense than usual,seeming like he was holding something back. “Um...you and Top have bathing suits upstairs.”You mumbled,your hand gripping the fabric of Rafe’s shirt.Topper nodded,tapping your ankle before he got up,Kelce giving you a small smile before going upstairs as well.You pulled away from Rafe,feeling your legs becoming tingly and your heart speed up,eyes watery. 
“Are you high right now?”You asked,a few tears sliding down your cheeks.He swallowed,looking away from you,eyes widening as he realised that he had just given himself away. “Rafe-you drove here high?”You asked,your voice high,eyes stinging.He nodded,not able to look back at you. 
“Jesus Christ-are you crazy?You couldve crashed or died or killed someone!I cant lose you-I cant fucking do it and mom is fucking gone and-and if I lose you what the fuck am I supposed to do?I dont understand why-I dont understand why you cant just-fuck.”You sniffled,trying to figure out what you were going to say.He looked up at you,feeling a lump in his throat. 
“You needed me here so I did what i had to do.”He answered,reaching for your hand only for you to pull away from him. “I hate you.”You mumbled,sniffing.His jaw dropped,a wave of nausea hitting him. “You cant mean that.”He whispered.Of course you didnt mean that.You could never hate Rafe even if you really wanted too. “You might fucking overdose or something.”You whispered,wanting nothing more than to cup his face and kiss him,tell him all your thoughts and twirl his fingers in your hair.
He shook his head,glancing over at the staircase every couple of seconds. “I wont,I wont.I dont do that much.”As the words came from his mouth he realised just how bad they sounded. “Bullshit.What happened in my bathroom then?That looked like a lot to me.”You took in a big breath,trying not to let yourself spiral again.
He just stared at you,hearing the other boys coming down the stairs. “We can talk about this later,okay?”He asked,leaning forward slightly.You nodded,looking over to see Topper and Kelce in their blue and grey bathing suits.Kelce stared at Rafe,silently telling him to go get changed.Rafe nodded,prying his eyes off of you and getting off the couch,heading upstairs.
Kelce sat down across from you where Rafe had previously been,his hands in his lap. “Do you need an ibuprofen or a hug?”He asked.You swallowed,leaning forward and resting your head against him,your arms around his bare shoulders. “THis sucks.”You mumbled,closing your eyes.He nodded,running his pointer finger along your spine. “I know,I know.Things will get better though.”He answered,his hands holding both sides of your head as he placed a kiss against your hairline.
You got up eventually,going upstairs to your room to grab a bathing suit,colliding your fist against the wood out of anger.Anger towards your mom,anger towards yourself,anger towards Rafe’s addiction.Rafe stood in the door way,confused as to what the loud bang he had heard was.You didnt notice him,throwing the clothes from your drawers all over the room,smacking the top of your dresser,your jaw clenching.
You brought your arm back to punch the wood again,only for someone to grab your arm,spin you around and push you against your dresser. “You have to calm down.”He whispered,holding tight on your wrists.You avoided eye contact,glancing down at his bare chest. “I am calm.”You replied,pushing him away as you went to find the one peice bathing suit that you had thrown across the floor.
He was just glad that you werent as bad now as you had been the last time he watched you get like this.You had started to punch yourself in the thighs and ankles until they were bruising.He had to pin your hands on top of your head and beg you to calm down.It had scared the living shit out of him.He probably couldve handled it better but Kelce wasnt there to talk to you which left just him to take care of things.
You finally found the black sim suit,not even caring at this point,tearing off your pants and kicking them into the corner.Rafe bit his lip,forcing himself to turn around.He heard the straps of the bathing suit smack against your shoulder,walking up next to him to grab a tshirt from your drawer and pull it on over the bathing suit,leaving your room and not bothering to clean up the mess that you had made.
He looked around your room,deciding he could just clean it up for you later.He followed behind you,noticing that the boys had already gone out to the pool. “Hey,lets talk.”He spoke,stopping you as you walked through the kitchen. “What?What do you want to talk about?”You asked,leaning against the kitchen counter.He sighed,his hands on the marble countertop o either side of you,staring down at you.
 “Whatever you want.I’ll answer whatever you want me to.”He replied.You nodded,thinking of everything you wanted to know.  “Whatever I want?”You asked.He nodded.“Have you….god,I dont know.Have you ever like….hurt someone when you were high?”You asked,knowing the answer when he started to bite the inside of his cheek. “Yeah,I have.I’d never hurt you though,if thats what your asking.”His hands tightened around the marble,watching as you bit your lip.
 “What about Top and Kelce?Have they ever done drugs?”You asked,nearly gasping when you saw him nod. “Did you make them do it?”You asked,dreading the answer. “I didnt force them to do it...Kelce only did it once and he only did one line.Top did three a couple months back.”Rafe answered,being as honest as he could with you. 
“When did it get this bad?You used to only do one line a week and now you’re doing like,a line a day.”You instinctively sat on the countertop,barely any space between you two.He cleared his throat,not knowing what to say because he didnt want to send you back into panic. “I know,im trying to get better.I’ve never done it in your house,like ever.You know that.”He reminded you,keeping his distance.
He figured that if he touched you at all you’d become insecure or angry,swat his hand away and probably begin to cry again. “Im not mad at you,you know that,right?”You asked,feeling your nose start to run again.You quickly pulled up your shirt,pinching your nose with the fabric.He nodded,tapping his short finger nials on the marble counter.The conversation went on for probably five minutes before the big question came,the one that you had been dreading.
 “Do you have any on you right now?”You asked,not even caring at this point.When the conversation began and you hadnt been shocked by any of his answers you probably wouldve been upset when he nodded.You werent upset,or shocked or even mad.Just numb. “I thought you were out on the boat,”You saw him frown,not understanding where you were going with this. “So how did you drive here?”You asked.He simply shrugged his shoulders,staring down at his feet.
 “I jumped off the side and got on the jet ski.”He answered,making you smile slightly. “You got onto the jetski and then drove over here?”You asked,your hand sliding down his arm and your fingers intertwining with his.He became less tense,his other hand no longer gripping the marble so hard that his fingertips were turning purple. “Yeah,I just peaced out.”He laughed quietly,his forehead resting onto your collarbone.You licked your lips,legs wrapping around his waist comfortably.
If only you knew the things that he felt within him when you did that. “Hey,”You mumbled,making him pick up his head a bit. “Do you….do you remember when you kissed me?”You asked,feeling him tense under you,his head moving off of your collarbone,staring down at you. 
“Yeah.”He answered.You nodded,hands ending up in your lap. “Did you tell Kelce?”You asked,not even understanding why you had asked that.Kelce had always been extremely important to you.He was the one person you could trust with your insecurities or ask him for coping mechanisms.Now you were starting to wonder if maybe you had a thing for Kelce.
Everyone was making you question your feelings and your sanity. “I mean,I kind of had too.You know how he is,he figures shit out by body language and he knows when something is going on.I dont even know,hes the only one that ever payed attention to Criminal Minds,im not even gonna lie to you.”he replied,biting his lip as he waited for your reaction,only to hear the sliding door open.
His head whipped around,seeing Kelce standing there with water dripping from him. “Are you guys okay?Its been like ten minutes since you’ve changed.”Kelce looked over at you,more specifically the position you were in with Rafe practically on top of you. 
“Yeah,yeah we’re fine.I was just talking about life.”You slowly got off the counter,flicking at Rafe’s thigh as you slid past him and walked by Kelce,going to sit in the shallow end of the pool.Kelce watched you,positive you couldnt hear as he entered the house,closing the sliding door and glaring at Rafe. “Did you say something to her?”He asked.
Rafe shook his head,attempting to walk past him only for Kelce to put a hand on his shoulder and hold him in place. “Why does she look more upset than she was ten minutes ago?”He asked,pushing further. “Because she found out that im high and got mad about it.We talked it out and now everything is fine,okay?”Rafe nodded a bit,sliding the door and walking out of the house,Kelce sighing.
Things were getting messy and he was always the one to hold things together.But now he wasnt even sure if he wanted to do that anymore.He stood in your house for a couple more minutes,finally putting a smile on his face and walking back out,seeing Topper kneeling in front of you and splashing water into your face.
You were squealing at the cold water,grabbing Topper by his wrists and pushing him back into the water,his hair becoming soaked and sticking to his forehead. “YOU BITCH!”Topper shouted,throwing you over his shoulder and running through the water and into the deep end,your legs wrapping around him tight so he’d go down with you.
Rafe grinned at your laughing,you rubbing your eyes and slicking your hair back out of your face.Kelce was tense,trying to soften up again but between Rafe’s smirk as he watched you,Topper holding you and the face that so much was happening was making him a bit mad.He stuck his feet in the pool,not paying attention to much except for the clouds that were moving at sloths pace.
He felt two warm hands wrap around his shins,trying to drag him into the water.He grinned,kicking his feet and forcing you to let go. “You’re no fun.”You pouted,elbows on his thighs as you stared up at your friend.He grinned,shrugging at he ringed the water from your hair. “You seem like you’re in a mood,whats up?”You asked,ignoring Rafe’s stare. “I dunno,kind of just stressed.”He answered,holding onto your hands as he moved his feet in circles underwater.
 “Did you eat today?”You deepened your voice,grinning as he flicked you on the head. “Shut up.”He smiled,licking his lips. “Do you want to have a movie night tonight?I kind of just want to forget about things,you know?”You asked,tapping your fingers on his chest.He nodded,agreeing. “What movie do you want to watch?”He asked,helping you out of the pool so you could sit next to him.
 “I dont know,maybe a horror movie.I feel like it’ll get my mind off of reality.”You replied,squinting as the sunlight hit your eyes,not aware of the silver car that had just pulled into your driveway,someone walking right into your house as you sat at the pool with your friends.
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xmalereader · 5 years
Kylo Ren X Modern! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader lives on earth and is force senstive. Kylo Ren lives far away from earth and doesn’t know how to get there, the two communicate through a force bond and get to know each other.
Warning: Fluff, singing, light sabers, Pets, history learning.
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“What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?
“The galaxy?”
“It’s a large place to rule.”
The other snorts and rolls his eyes. He was laying on the grass with his back to it, staring up at the clouds with a small smile while Kylo Ren sat next to him. Now he wasn’t exactly there In person, he was mainly in his head but he could see him. Ever since he was a child he had this strange ability that he had kept hidden from his parents he didn’t want them to freak out and send him away to some strange place, so as he grew and matured he find out ways to keep it in control on his own.
During those years he started hearing a voice, suddenly calling out to him. It didn’t take him long to notice Kylo the first few couple of times that he visited, the two grew fond of each other and spoke everyday whenever y/n was Available. He would sometimes go outside, far away from home and lay on a grassy field as he spoke to Kylo, he didn’t want his parents to think that he was talking to hismelf in a weird manner if he were to do it at home. So instead he did it far away in an open field where he could see someone coming to him.
The two learned about each other’s history and how Kylo Ren wasn’t anywhere located on earth, instead he lived far away into space. Galaxies and galaxies away from earth where no other human being could reach. Kylo also learned about y/n’s world and how cruel it was but also how beautiful it was at the right moments.
“Come on, give me details!” Y/n sat up and sits cross legged in front of Kylo, smiling widely. Kylo would stare at his expression and sigh, adjusting his own sitting position as he began to explain the galaxy to y/n.
“Like I said it’s big, bigger than anyone can imagine.” He began to say as y/n bites his lip and listens. “How far have earthlings gone into space?” He suddenly asks as y/n sighs. “The farthest that we’ve gotten would be up to mars but nothing else from there.” He shrugs.
Kylo hums. “The galaxy is bigger than what your people know, I’ve been to several plants and there are many life forms too. Different kinds of species live in different planets and they each have their own purpose. There are some plants that are just peaceful and others dangerous; some are full of rich and snotty people while other contain the poor.”
Y/n at frowns at that, it all sounded unfair to him. How each planet was titled that way but it also brought him curiosity of wanting to learn more. “Is there one full of green trees and grass?” He mumbled shyly as he curls his legs up to his chest and smiled as Kylo chuckled and nods. “There is, but the most beautiful one would have to be Naboo.”
“Naboo?” Y/n tilts his head to the side and laughs. “Screw that I want to go see that planet full of green life form!!” He says and laughs out loudly. Kylo shakes his head as he watched the others excitement, “Maybe one day we can go. That’s if I’ll ever be able to locate your planet.” His smile slowly falls. “Wherever you are, I’ll find you and take you away from this place.”
Y/n grins at him. “You make it sound like your my knight in shinning armor.” He teases and reached up to poke at kylos cheek with his index finger. A childish manner that he still contained. Even though Kylo wasn’t there physically they still had the ability to touch for short periods of time which he sometimes enjoyed.
The two turn around to see y/n’s mother approaching him, a glare on her face as the other male groans and stands up. “What is it this time?” He asks as he dusts off the dead dry grass that stuck to his pants, Kylo stood next to him as he examined his bonds mother.
“Titus won’t stop screaming and your father and I are leaving, we don’t want him to be alone and cause havoc.” She says.
Titus was y/n’s Fox, he rescued him from a fire and took care of him until he healed up. He tried to relase him back into the wild but Titus refused and stayed next to y/n’s side causing him to move out into the country side where Titus could roam freely. He wasn’t exactly a pet but a roommate.
“Thanks mom, hope you and dad drive back home safe.” Y/n had given his mother a kiss on the head as he escorts her towards the car. His father waiting for his wife and son.
Y/n got along well with his mother but him and his father had some issues. When he first came out to his parents he had his mother’s full support but of course his father loathed him, he’s forced him into dating women before but y/n always refused the dates causing a huge fight to break off between the two. Their was shouting and hitting which caused y/n to move out in an early age, he lived with his friends parents for a short period of time until he finally found a place of his own and moved away from the city.
He was happy now, and having this new ability that Kylo called “the force” only brought him closer to happiness. With Kylo around he laughs able to learn so many new things that not many people knew.
“Dad.” Y/n says softly as he gets a small nod and huff in return before his father gets inside the car. Slamming the door shut as his mother frowns at her own husband. Y/n was used to this treatment so it didn’t affect him at all.
“Nice family.” He hears Kylo say.
“Not really.” The other responds back and makes his way inside the house to see Titus sitting on the couch, licking his muzzle as he looks out the window. “Hello little one.” He cooed out and gently pats his head and turns to the kitchen to see a huge mess. “I’m guessing that you caused this mess to drive my parents away, huh?” He questions.
The Adult fox lets out a small squeak, answering his question as y/n laughs and began to clean up the mess. He noticed that Kylo had disappeared which meant that he had cut off their force timing together which gave y/n some alone time to clean his own mess and blast some music. Mouthing the words to the songs he sweeps up the kitchen and counters, making sure that everything was inside a trash bag and thrown out immediately before Titus would dig through it and cause another mess.
Washing his hands he grabs a dry rag to dry them off. He sighs deeply and checks the time, Y/n usually worked during during the mornings but since his parents were visiting he had to change his timing and come in at a later time. “Okay Titus, I’m going out so don’t cause any trouble and please stay out of the kitchen.” He tells the fox and bends down to scratch it under its chin. It purrs softly and nuzzled his hand which amused him a little since Titus usually avoided afffection.
“Tell me more about earth.”
He suddenly hears kylo say as he stands behind him, y/n was working a late night shift at work. He was working at a bar and usually worked as a bartender but since it was the last night shift he was in charge of counting up the bottles of alcohol and making sure that they have enough for the next day.
“You really like scaring me don’t you?” He raised a brow and laughs.
Kylo leans agaisnt the wall as he watched y/n wpork, “Maybe.”
He held a clipboard and wrote down the different bottles that they had left. “What do you want know about earth? There isnt much about it.” He answers back and sighs, glancing over to kylo as he thinks of a topic or a question about y/n’s kind. “Your people, what are they like?”
“That depends really.” Y/n bends down to move some things around. “Everyone is different here, some are mean other are happy while some wish the world would just burn and get it over with.”
“I can do that—“
“You aren’t blowing it up.” Y/n glares at him while kylo smirked at him evilly which only caused y/n to chuckle a little. He’s learned a thing or two about the first order and what they do. He didnt like the idea of Kylo blowing up planets full of innocent people and proving a point that he was powerful than others. He remembers telling kylo that what he was doing wasn’t right but yet again, it wasn’t his problem. This is how Kylo’s world worked and he had his own to worry about.
“Earth has done nothing do you and your people Kylo so if I notice you try and blow up this planet then I wont hesitate to kill you myself.” He half joked out before standing up from his postion.
“anything else you want to know?”
“No, I think I’m fine for now.” Said kylo, he reached out to gently brush his fingers against y/n’s cheek. Smiling a little as he speaks, “I can’t destroy it if you’re still on it.” He whispered out as y/n blushed deeply and looks away. “Cheesy.” He mumbled out and chuckled, once kylo removed his hand from his cheek and lowered it back down.
“You and I have a bond y/n, the force brought me to you...I still don’t know why.” He finally says. Y/n’s lips press together into a thin line as he looks down a little, “I wish I knew too.”
“You can’t do that!!”
“Why not?”
The two force users were dueling, kylo had given y/n his own light saber awhile back during their first few times together. Y/n has practice to use it on his own, learning a few tricks here and there. Every time they practice it felt like kylo was actually here, he could feel their sabers clash against each other, feeling the force vibrate between the two as they fought. Right now y/n was winning the duel, smirking at kylo.
When the two were fighting he managed to brush his hand against Kylo’s whiched caused him to lose concentration and get pinned down by y/n. Kylo didn’t hate y/n’s touch he just couldn’t function well whenever they other made physical contact, which caused him to get angry. Y/n wasnt afraid of Kylo’s anger anymore since he’s gotten used to it, he actually found it adorable each time he got anger.
“you make me lose focus!!”
Kylo growls and charged towards y/n, swinging his saber as y/n used his own to block it. Grunting as he steps forward to back him up, he could feel kylo adding more strength into his hold which causes y/n to panic, darting his eyes around he looks down at Kylo’s legs and reacts quickly. He gave a harsh shove and crouched down to swing his leg on Kylo’s, causing him to fall back and grunt in pain.
“Oh god.” Y/n mumbled out and turns off his saber as he approached Kylo. “Kylo? Are you okay? I’m sorry I didnt mean to do that, you just suddenly acted and I just did what my instincts were suddenly telling me and I—“
Kylo sits up and rubs the back of his head, he landed pretty hard on his back but his head had also made contact with the ground. But it wasnt bad enough to knock him out. He was impressed by the others tactics, usually he would fight with his saber since it made him stronger but of course y/n was different. He was stilll learning on how to use his own saber and the only way to defend himself is by using the rest of hsi body parts, just like he did with kylo. He had swung his leg hard enough to knock down kylo, maybe bruising him a little.
“Its fine.” Kylo suddenly blurts out as y/n stares at him in shock. The last time he was this nice was around the first few days they met but after that he went back to his cold self which y/n was okay with. “You sure?” He asks again and tries to help him up. Kylo reached up to take y/n’s hand but gasps as it suddenly went through, heh looks up to see y/n with wide eyes. Usually they are able to touch but somehow it wasn’t allowing them now.
Y/n looks at kylo and bites his lip. “What’s happening?” He suddenly asks.
Kylo reaches out again to try and grab him again bit fails too, his eyes widen as he noticed y/n slowly fading away from him. “Y/n!” He shouts, “Kylo!” He hears y/n and watches him disappear. Kylo pants heavily as he tries to connect back to him but doesn’t feel anything, he can’t feel y/n’s force not anymore.
Rage suddenly fills kylo as he throws his saber agaisnt the training room wall, storming out he passes by several stormtroopers and generals until he reaches the bridge. “I need a course to earth, now!” He shouts at the others and sees Hux approaching him. “Ren, earth is not in our system. Its not found anywhere.”
Kylo stands in front of Hux and hissed out. “Find us a way to get there.” His once was full of venom as he storms out of the bridge. “I want a report back on earth.” He adds once he leaves.
Y/n couldn’t feel kylo anymore, he was panicking and was trying hard not to break down. He clips his saber back onto his belt and begins to head back home, maybe he can try and mediate like Kylo taught him, try and relax. He nods to hismelf at the reminder, entering his home he sets the saber on the couch and sits in the middle of the living room, sitting Indian style as he tries to concentrate. He closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath that he was suddenly holding in. He’s trying to reach Kylo but nothing seems to appear which causes panic to rise in y/n.
His eyes snap open as he pants and slowly stands up. “Why can’t I reach you?” He whispered out and turns to Titus who was able to sense his emotions, walking over to him as he cuddled up his side. Y/n wraps his arms around the fox and gently ran its fingers through his fur as he tries to keep himself calm. “It’ll be okay, he’s gonna come back right?” He questions hismelf and pulls away from the animal in front of him.
He stares at the animal for a few seconds, hoping to get a response but of course he got nothing in return. Biting his lip nervously he leans his head against Titus forehead and breaths softly. “Kylo...” he whispered out in hopes of him hearing.
A familiar faint voice was heard as y/n gasps and looks up. “Kylo?” He says again and looks around his room. Not spotting Kylo anywhere. “Kylo?” He Said again and began to circle around the room in panic, he couldn’t hear him anymore and he was scared.
He feels a sudden like feather touch against his hand, gasping he pulls his hand away from whatever was touching him and looks around. He grips his hand close and feels the earth moving, was their an earthquake?!
Y/n stands back on his feet and looks out the window, expecting to see the trees shaking and the sky becoming cloudy but he doesn’t see any of that, instead he sees a large ship landing close to his house. He steps away from the window and quickly grabs his own lightsaber, he makes sure that Titus was inside before he steps out into his balcony. “Stay inside.” He instructs the creature as he hears it growl behind him. Titus was growling at the stranger that was approaching them, Y/n glanced over to Titus before turning his gaze back to the ship to see a dark figure approaching them.
Without thinking y/n turns on his light saber, glaring at the man that was approaching them. He felt something dark in the stranger but also light at the same time. As he moves closer towards the field he squints his eyes to try and get a better look.
Y/n grips the light saber closer, his eyes widen as he sees Kylo approaching him. He didnt know how to react or what to do so instead he stared at him, gaped that he was seeing him in the flesh. He didnt know if he was dreaming or not. “Kylo, is this real? Are you really here?” He whispers and turns off his saber.
Kylo was standing in front of Y/n, he looked a little taller everytime they used the force to connect but now that he was here in person he noticed that he was actually a bit shorter than he expected. Hearing y/n ask that question he frowns, “Of course I’m here.” He reached out to take his hand into his letting him feel his hand as y/n takes it all in. Y/n holds Kylo’s hand and shakes his head, “I thought you couldn’t locate earth?”
“I forced my people to search for you—once our connection broke I panicked.” he admits and looks away from y/n. “I did too.” He hears Y/n say with a small sad smile. Kylo couldn’t help but chuckle as he pulls y/n into a hug who quickly wraps his arms around him. The two remained hugging for a while, taking in everything.
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night-rhea · 4 years
MC House Challenge! ❤️💛💙💚
This is  @kyril-hphm​ ‘s amazing idea!  I wanted to do it daays days ago but... Some shit happens everyday right? And ı also wanted to try different style to draw hairs, ım sure one day ım gonna figure it out. (ı realized ı made their eyes color wrong...damn.)
So here ı am with my girls!
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İts turn out a bit long, so ım putting this button here. İf you want to know girls better, just click it!
Gryffindor Night ❤️
She is LOUD. You think Slytherin Night is loud enough? Just wait to hear this Gryffindor's voice. Bill use her in the mornings when a few Gryffindor couldn’t wake up in the time. Also need a silent moment in the common room? Just ask her, ım pretty sure even Ravenclaw Tower can hear her "Shut the fuck up!"
Also yes, this Night is not shy about swearing. But she is mostly creating absurd swear sentences. "For the fuck sake Merula, ı dont give a fuck about your fucking power GO AWAY AND FUCK SOMEBODY ELSES EAR WİTH ALL YOUR SHİT" As you can guess, she is bff with Merula.
İf you cant hear her voice, there is 2 possible place she can be. Quidditch Pitch and detention.
She is playing as a Chaser and this is the one of the only way to shut her up. Like Rath, she let her skills speak for her.  Even its just a practise, Night is always so focussed in game, sometimes her looks scaring Charlie away. She really loves Quidditch, this adrenaline. Oh and she loves the victory of course. That makes her second Skye. Poor poor Orion..
For the detention part, she is in there more than she is in  her own dorm room. Unlike Slytherin Night, she is a fan of Tonks and Tulip's pranks and loves to mess with grumpy Filch. Also detention is not that bad. With Jae here, there is always a way to have fun. Charlie always says that one day Night and Jae's closeness will blow their towers up. Everyone is just waiting for this day. Even McG.
Lets talk about her relationship with Jacob. They were really close when they are little. Because of their last name's bad popularity (ım planning to explain this later), they didnt have any friend other than each other. When Jacob left home, she lost not just her brother but also her best friend too. (Lucky for her, in Hogwarts there will be Rowan)
She dyed her hair red right before coming Hogwarts. To show everyone how she is gonna be Gryffindor just like her brother. Also while everyone talking shit about Jacob, Night refused to believe her precious brother can do something bad like that.
giggles Wanna gossip about her? Like her best friend ,she has a big fat crush on Bill. You should see how she blush when Bill compliment her. She cant help it he is "too fucking cool"!
Night and Rowan spend so many nights to talking and fangirling about him. But after realizing that he see her as a sibling,  not a lover, she was a little heartbroken and tried to date some other guys who is like him. She ended up single of course, because no one can be perfect like him.
İf you want chaos, Gryffindor Night is your girl!
Hufflepuff Night 💛
My favorite thing about this Night is her smile. İts so warm and full of love..I should admit she is the purest Night but she is too good for her own. This is the why she is entire Hufflepuff's little sister. Especially Diego's. But nor she or me can decide that he fancy her or just love her as a little sister. you know, because its Diego...
Not so suprisingly ,She loves to take care of her friends, just like Orj Night, but this girl is doing it more serious. She is the mom friend of their group. She is gonna make sure you eat all your meal and drink enough water. And if you didnt, well you need to deal with her.  Also Night will remind you to take right books for your class if you two have same class. "Did you study for todays quiz? Oh why didnt you?! Come on ı can tutor you! We only got 11 minutes but nevermind that!" Dont worry she got you. Aand One more thing, she has best shoulder to cry. Im not kidding, she will hug you until you feel better and ı can guarentee you that her kind hug and angelic voice will help you calm down.
İn the other hand, Huff Night is not good at handling her own bad emotions. Her anxiety level is a little higher than other Night's.
She is not a "so different" person. İts her words not mine. Being Rhea makes her a little bit special of course but not in the good way. She is just average girl with a unlucky family, thats all. She loves her loved ones more than she loves herself, and always wish that she can be powerfull just to protect them. But sadly she dont believe she can, she is not like Merula. Not that brave or confident . Or Tonks. Not that talented. Or Penny. Not that pretty and popüler. Aah ah, this pure girl has a lot in her mind(or should ı say her heart?) but so shy to talk about them. Damn girl, go and talk about this to Rowan (While you still can...Can you imagine how she break after she cant save her best friend..?)
Enough, İts time to tell you happy thing about her life!   She was very suprised and happy (but mostly suprised) when Merula ask Night to be her date. They started to date in fourth year. (Everyone thanked Night for making Merula more calm and tolerable. Night said that Merula dont need to be tolerated)  Well they have their up and downs of course. Before Rakepick betray them, fifth year was pretty good (Night cried for her girlfriend when she learn about Merula's parent) but unfortunate thing  that  happened in buried vault, made their hearts to apart. Night still love her deeply and wishes  she was powerfull enough to save her from Rakepick so they would still next to each other now.(I know ı said "happy thing". Thats why ı wont tell you that after Rowan's death Night thinks maybe its best if Merula far from her. No ı wont tell you that)
But dont worry about her! She is gonna smile no matter what because her smile can make someone else smile too! İf you love tea and cookie, please let her know your favorite cookie. Her mom sending her delicious Turkish tea and she will be happy to share with you!
Ravenclaw Night 💙
After Slytherin Night, Ravenclaw Night is my second favorite. I really love her general mood.
As you can see, she is the only Prefect Night. And there is simple reason for that, she is perfectionist. She didnt became Prefect because she wants to help others, she became one to make sure everything is right. All other Night helped their Rowan to be Prefect but Ravenclaw Night dont believe that other Ravenclaw's will listen Rowan. She herself is more suited, just like Chester. (She really respect Chester) But dont get me wrong, Night dont underestimated Rowan. She just believe Prefect should be more serious and Rowan's heart is so pure for that.
And unlike Hufflepuff Night, this girl have a lot faith in herself. When Night is doing something, she knows it will be perfect because she wont stop untill its perfect.  
I should warn you about her, she loves to complain. "Damn ı have to do all work. Why cant you do anything  right on your own? İt was easy, even for you. Go and do something else ım gonna finish this one. No stop wait dont do anything. Just. Go."
Just like this,she can easily tell "rude" words. Even if she didnt trying to be rude.  She is just saying whats true! İts not her fault that truth is more bitter than lies. And sorry but truth has to be told. Even if someones heart can get hurt. Lies can make everything worse than a little heartbreak. İts like a poison that tastes good and late effecting. They should thank her for not poisoning them.
Her friends? She dont have a lot. Because of her rude attitude, a lot of people dont get near her often. Fine by her. She dont want "extras" anyways. Her little group of friends is enough for her. Also she have Rowan, right? Rowan is her true soulmate. This two girls can spent hours in library and this is their favorite hang out. Honestly all Night need is Rowan and some book, she can live without any other people, thanks. But she can admit Talbott and Badea are pretty good too. Especially Talbott. He is her second best friend, if she has to give it a number. (This two became friends a little too fast. They have so many similarities. Biggest one is "Fuck Peoples" motto. They even have a ugly t-shirt that saying that. Andre died when he saw it for the first time.)
I think her mom Selina is responsible for Night's reckless behaviour. She was already angry to Jacob for leaving her behind and being ignored by her only parent makes her..ıdk, like that? She tried so hard to make Selina to notice her daughter is still with her.Tried to make her portrait with her pastel pencils, tried to brush her long hair and dressed like a princess, tried to write " I love you" in her mirror.  But little Night's little heart couldnt understand that pain of losing her son (just like how she lose her husband.) When she came to Hogwarts, she give up about her mom." İf a mother dont need to worry about her own child, then ı dont need to worry about anyone else too." But of course, she is not that heartless like she likes to think.
I think you can imagine that other students calls her names. Like "freak" or "selfish" or "egoist". She mostly just ignore them (because she dont believe they are worth to explain why she is not these name) and pretend like nothing had happened, Talbott and Rowan know she actually care and wants to be more "good". More "likeable". She is just making everyone uncomfortable when she walks in and she know it. But there is nothing she can do. İts in her blood. She is just like her mother.
I feel like ı talk too much about bad thing. İts time to tell moments when Ravenclaw Night smile. She dont have a normally smiley face but of course she smile. And you know what? İts mostly because of her boyfriend. This girl has a big soft spot for Barnaby. She literally melt every time he talk. İn the beggining she thinks he is just some stupid Slytherin and not worth lose any time but after being friends (which is a miracle) she can punch you in the face if you call him stupid. (Dont test about how hard she can punch.)
How the heck this boys heart can be this beautiful? Like, boy your parents nothing but shit to you how did you turn into biggest and cutest puppy in the world? And again, how did he love her? I mean, look at Night and look at Barnaby. They are so different and he can be with literally every witch in schooli and yet he is with Night. She dont know what she did to be this lucky but she is not planning to let him go. Just watch her.
(And ı dont know if she will notice you if you dont talk with her. She will talk with you politely at first, dont worry. Just try to not say something about her being bad prefect or something bad about her friends or boyfriend, you will be fine.)
Slytherin Night 💚
It's finally Original Night's turn to shine. How about starting with why she is most masculine looking Night?
İt was because of Selina. After Jacob left, he was the only thing Selina talk about. She talked about how she misses him playing violin, his eyes that he took from her husband, his gentle voice. Unlike Ravenclaw Night, this didnt make our Night angry. İt made her jealous. She decided that if she wants to make her mom happy, she should remind her Jacob. Maybe if she can do this, her mom would miss him less and smile more to Night. So she asked Selina to cut her hair like Jacob's.
While she growing, she tried to act like Jacob. She learned violin, wore his old clothes. She even answered when Selina called her "Jacob". And it worked. Selina started to smile more, started to talking with her more, even she cook  special meals sometimes. Menu was always full with Jacob's favorites but it doesnt matter to Night. Her mom did it for her!
İn Hogwarts, she learned that she is nothing like Jacob. Hello,  dissappointment. She was too loud, too energetic, too friendly. She learned that she can't be Jacob for her mom. At first, it  freaked her out.
Thats why she didnt want to go Celestial Ball. Didnt want to wear dress and made her hair longer. (She did want. She just didnt let herself.) And when Andre and Rowan keep asking about,, Night finally tell them everything. You know what happened? Her two angel friends talked about hours how they love her in the way she is, how she dont need to be Jacob because its her own life and she deserved to be happy.
After a lot of hugs and crying, Night wore the dress that match her name, kept her hair short.
I made this too longer ı guess ( ı was planning not to tell about Slytherin Night...) but ı always wanted to explain why ı love her. İm proud of that she can make her peace with herself. Selina is still problem for her, and still will be problem in the future too but right now Night is free from the cage she made it herself. Of course sometimes her anxiety hit her and made her feel like she is all wrong but its not a something a few late night flying cant solve.
Am ı gonna make it longer because ı wanna talk about Night and Talbott relationship? No, there will be another time for that.
She is always open for more friends. Wanna play quidditch or make/ listen music or drink tea or cook something? Night will be happy to join you in literally everything.
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just-the-mage · 4 years
A Return From Dark Waters, Part II
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Continued from Part I, found here!
(Written by myself & @iris-ymir​)
Iris listened to Evangeline’s story. On some level, she felt the woman’s pain, when the other was talking about her nightmares. Iris had her own. Always the same... being strapped onto a hospital bed, while slowly losing herself. But she was not dead after all? This simple sentence gave her hope she did not know she had. She would still have time to fix a couple of things. The greatest mistake she ever made... but one could not start with such a leap. Every journey started with a small step. And for Iris? That small step would be Evangeline. What the two had in the past was gone with the wind... but it was never meant to be, anyways. With Eva’s arms wrapped tightly around her body.. a little bit too tight, Iris wanted to back away. Yet she did not. She swallowed hard, trying to keep the urge to leap away on tight reins. Breaking the embrace now would shatter Evangeline like a crystal vase, dropped off the table and onto the hard, cold marble flooring. So Iris endured the tight embrace, even though it took all of her self control, her body tense against Eva’s form. “So... Irene, huh?” Irene... Another self? Like the shrimp? If this was not a bad enough joke on its own.. now possibly having two of these leeches in her head... but this one actually using the name of her lousy mother? That...that was a joke so bad it kind of ended up being good in a twisted sort of way. Iris broke the embrace carefully, without making any overt movements. She moved like Evangeline was a startled kitten she was trying to calm down.
The pale viera pushed the plug into the hole in the bottom of the pool, and walked up to the shower stand, turning it on. As the warm, clean water started to fill the pool slowly, Iris made her way back to the miserable kitten that was Evangeline, and took a seat next to her, leaning back against the railing with a sigh. 
“Irene was mi mom. A heckin’ terrible mother at dat...she died in Limsa Lominsa a good fifteen summers back. Found ‘er from da sea... raped and murdered.. Fockin’ unsuspectin’ fool... Burned ‘er corpse miself. Tha wind from da sea scattered 'er damn ashes by tha mornin’ light...” Without looking at Evangeline, Iris reached her arm over the railing, picking up a bath bomb, and flipping it into a slowly filling pool. The scent of hibiscus and steam soon filled the air. 
“Ya dun sound too damn okai wid ‘er bein’ gone though. I would fockin’ lie, if I said dis wont disturb tha livin’ shite outta mi... This whole frickin’ scene.“
Evangeline could tell Iris didn’t want this. That she was uncomfortable with this. And yet...she stayed. She didn’t jump away, break the embrace...she didn’t run. Eva felt the thinner woman’s muscles tense against her, entirely unable to relax. Evangeline was about to let her go when Iris slowly and carefully extricated herself from Eva’s muscular arms. She turned on the shower again, plugging the bath, and began to fill it back up with warm water.
She’s trying. She’s really trying.
Eva thought, surprise tickling at the hollow feeling in her chest. Iris...this was unlike her. The voice was the same, though. Her eyes...undoubtedly...were the same. This was Iris...or at least, the Iris that Evangeline had known. Perhaps Silke had gotten through to her after all. Eva tried to harden her heart to the fact that Silke and Iris...that the two of them would inevitably end up together. If Iris could change...be more kind...like she was doing here...Silke would be with her. Evangeline’s breaths deepened as she tried to calm herself. Feeling the warm water tickle at her toes helped. Something to focus on other than her feelings.
“I’m sorry to hear about your mother...regardless of her quality it’s not something you should’ve had to experience. The more I hear about gods-damned Limsa Lominsa the more I want to march on it with a battalion of soldiers and wipe the blasted place off the map.” She intoned, probably sounding a bit harsher than she had meant.
”Ya dun sound too damn okai wid ‘er bein’ gone though.” 
Iris was right...it wasn’t hard to read Eva given her tear-streaked face. She was trying to suppress the sobs, but couldn’t seem to find a way to. 
“Y-you’re right...it’s...it’s a-awfully disturbing...and I’m s-sorry...but I do m-miss her...I don’t k-know if she was your mo-mother...though. I….I….I know...it’s not f-fair to you...to want her b-back...but she was m-my friend…” Evangeline heard a sharp intake of breath, seemingly from far off in the distance, and realized that she had done it. Probably preparing herself to burst into tears again. Because that’s what today needed. More tears. She didn’t know why she was telling Iris all of this...might be that she had been trying to help...as much as she could. But Eva had held this all inside of her for too long to contain it anymore.
“Sh-she was my...f-friend...and I d-don’t have any other f-friends...a-and I don’t know how...b-but she took the nightmares away...I di-didn’t dream them...for three wonderful nights...and I’m scared...to sleep again...b-because I know they’ll be b-back…” She covered her face with her hands, feeling the water rise around her feet. She closed her eyes and tried to contain herself, but it was the scent of hibiscus that cut the last string on that violin. She curled into herself further, tighter, her arms wrapped around her knees, and she buried her face in her thighs. She shuddered, wracked with sobs. She figured Iris would probably leave soon. Most everyone usually did. Evangeline was too broken...too hurt. Too much of a mess. Too much of a burden. Now that Iris was back...she probably had things she wanted to do. A life she wanted to live.
And now that the deal was most definitely off...Iris had nothing left to gain from Evangeline’s presence. Eva waited for the sound of retreating footsteps. Expectantly. And as she did, she felt herself whisper something. Under her breath...more to herself than anything else. She hoped Iris would hear it. And she didn’t want Iris to hear it.
“I d-don’t...want t-to be...alone…again..”
As Evangeline broke into tears again, Iris stood up, taking an empty bucket and a luffa that were resting on the edge of the pool, and walked to the shower stand, filling the bucket up. In a way, Iris saw herself in the crying woman... She had felt the same after she got left alone in Limsa Lominsa. She despised her mother, but still, the lonely, sleepless nights on the streets had been horrifying. Iris had not cried a single tear for her mother back then, but she had cried for the feeling of loneliness. Just as Evangeline did now. And the root of the sorrow? Irene. Iris’ mother... Evangeline’s.. friend? The thought was disturbing, and Iris did not want to think about it. It couldn’t be.  Irene Ymir was long gone. This... this had to be someone wearing the mask. An echo of a person once lived. Deep down, Iris wished the name was just a coincidence. A simple name her subconscious had picked up from somewhere. Yes. That had to be the case. Irene was dead. As the pool filled up, Iris closed the shower, picked up the bucket and made her way into the spot next to Evangeline. She reached out for a beautiful, purple bottle of soap, and poured some of it into the bucket, stirring it with the luffa. “...Fockin’ ‘ell, Evangelin’...”, she sighed out the words, while dipping the luffa onto the bucket, and proceed to wash Eva’s back and shoulders, now that the woman was curled up into herself. “...Stop yer heckin’ bawling, okai? Who tha devil said yer alone? Im ‘ere... Ya like it or not. And for yer... Irene? If whut yer sayin’ is true... If she truly is like tha shrimp, she’ll heckin pop out sooner or later. But until dat ‘appens, yer stuck wid mi!”, suddenly Iris bursted into an almost inaudible giggle.
“Shiteberries, Im heckin’ back Ya’ll!! Dey could not keep mi! No... Dey could not keep Iris... Ya ‘ear ye motherfockers?! Tha cat’s on da table, and dere’s nothin’ ya can do about it!”, she looked up to the corner of a ceiling, with a wide grin on her messy, black lips. With her bad teeth, the look resembled something from a horror story. Iris returned back to her work, now scrubbing the soot off of Evangeline’s arms and chest, as much as she could with the woman still curled up like a caterpillar. 
“...Waaait, wait... Ya slept together? Dont tell mi ya focked wid this Irene... Because dat.. Dat would be waay too weird. For a sleepin’ though... I guess ya can sleep in mi room... I ‘ave quite a wide bed. Soo, as long as ye stay on yer heckin’ side... yer free to join mi. I can't take awai yer frickin’ nightmares, but guess I can be dere if ya ‘appen to wake up for dem. ‘Aight?” Not only that, but Iris felt like she also needed someone to sleep with her. During her time floating in the sea of deep emptiness, she had from time to time had visions... like fragments of dreams, breaking through the black veil... yet always the image had shattered in front of her eyes, like a twisted mirror, sending her back into the black.
This felt different. When she had embraced Eva just a moment ago, the woman had felt real.. alive. But still, somewhere deep inside, Iris was afraid of sleeping. What if this was yet another trick? What if she woke up only to find herself floating.. drowning once again? 
“...Now I need ya to... never goin’ ba-ack... lean back a bit, so I can wash tha rest of ye... Yer not gonna crawl yer fockin’ cadaver into mi bed like dat, sister... Ohh no... Not gonna ‘appen!”, pale viera dipped the luffa into the soap water again, while intently staring at her hand and fingers. She blinked couple of times... it was a peculiar, slow blink, her left eye barely closing at all, and the eyelid moving on a small delay compared to the right. “Now... Feel mi... tell mi about dis frickin’ Irene of yers... I need to be sure o’ sumthin’...”
“W-wait...you’re staying? R-really?” Evangeline lifted her head to try to look at Iris, who was now behind Eva, scrubbing at her back and shoulders. Eva couldn’t believe it. She had been sure...absolutely sure...that Iris would have flown the coop, as it were. But maybe...something really had changed in Iris. She assumed she flushed at the mention of her sleeping with Irene...but couldn’t feel it the same way she usually could.
“We...slept in the same bed. No sex...no need to worry about that particular situation. She was just...comforting. That’s all.”
I guess ya can sleep in mi room… 
Evangeline blinked, looking into Iris’ eyes. Was she...sincere? She looked it. If she was...this was the kindest thing Iris had ever even thought of doing for her. Maybe...maybe it was possible. Maybe they could be friends, after all. Maybe Iris, under all of her deception...her difficulties...was a good person. She shook her head in an attempt to free her face of the incredulous look it must be wearing.
Evangeline slowly started to unfurl herself, spreading out at first, and then collapsing back into the water with a splash as Iris moved away from Eva’s back. She lay on her back, half-floating in the still-rising water, and stared at the ceiling. She felt the tension finally start to leach out of her. The grime and dirt floated away from her, one with the ripples in the water that exuded from Eva as she moved slowly in the calm surface of the bath.
“I...would love...to sleep in your room. Th...thank you. That’s really nice of you.” Eva could feel herself calming down, her desperate fear fading for now.
“As for Irene...she was a spellcaster...made little dancing lights. Even healed the burn on your arm, from that boiling water. She said she grew up in Gridania...and didn’t seem acquainted with much in the way of etiquette. She ate with her hands, and didn’t seem to understand talking with people very well. She was sweet, though...kind and caring. She tried to make people feel better. I don’t think Lord Blacksoul particularly appreciated it...but I think he has cornered the market on being the grumpiest old man I’ve ever met. She was always talking about how this house has such dark memories...and she would talk to the paintings. Ask them questions about the house’s past. But the strangest thing about her...was her eyes. They seemed dead...soulless. Which was such a difference from how she acted. Her eyes were how I could tell it wasn’t you in there...almost immediately.” Evangeline sniffled, but she was fairly certain the tears were over for the night. She didn’t think she had any left in her. She finally relaxed fully, and let Iris wash her, enjoying the feeling quietly.
“We-I was going to grab some food from the kitchen...after the bath. Would you like to join me? I think there’s some leftover pie still...that should help with the taste in your mouth.”
“Well, where tha heck I would go? I kinda live ‘ere, ‘aight? ...Okai, cloose yer eyes... I'm gonna get dat face o’ yers... Fockin’ ‘ell, where ‘ave ya been? Did ya crawl through a frickin’ big Bertha or sumthin’..?”, Iris carefully wiped the soot off Evangeline’s face, using small, circlular motions. As she had got all the mess off, she threw the luffa back into the bucket, and sat down next to Evangeline. 
“...Ya can do tha rest by yerself, Cinnabun, yer a big gal...” She was a spellcaster? This little fact had been bugging Iris from the moment Evangeline had mentioned it. How was that even possible? Iris never had any gift for magic. She had once seen a highlander woman lighting a cigarette with a flame cast on her fingertip, and had tried to copy the trick without any success at all. Magic had always been something so far out of her reach. Almost like her whole being was rejecting it. And now Evangeline was telling her this person using her body could cast magic? That was ridiculous... It was... unfair? Am affront, even! Eva had been wrong. The woman was a warrior. Maybe it had been some lousy trick that Eva saw as magic. Yes. That had to be the case. It was not any more magic than Iris was the Archbishop.
One thing was certain, though. This Irene was not the Irene Iris had known. Nor an echo of her. So it was just a coincidence... 
“So... Blacksoul is still kickin’ and as grumpy an arse as ever...”, Iris cupped her palms, using them to drink some water, swished, and spat it back into the pool. “‘Ow ‘bout Gramps? For ‘ow long I ‘ave been gone aniway?” A lonely thought crossed her mind, cutting like a glowing hot knife. “...And... Silke? An archmage somewhere, married to sum good-for-nothin’ lad? Nice teeeny little tower and all dat shite?” Iris tried to laugh, but it got stuck somewhere on the way, breaking out as a frustrated sigh. She had no idea for how long she had been under. It had felt like a couple of summers, but it was hard to keep track of time in the pitch darkness... She thought she had also fallen asleep a couple of times, so it was impossible to tell. Evangeline looked quite the same. But being a viera, that meant nothing. “Pie though! Pie sounds frickin’ fantastic! ...And a cup o’ coffee.. and a heckin’ Coffin nail.. Dis head-ache is killin’ mi!“
Evangeline immersed her hair in the water, and rinsed her face, as well as the rest of her body. That...would probably do it. No more grime...finally. She drew her hair forth from the pool, a mass of dark red sloughing off water as it pulled away from the surface of the bath. She smiled slightly at the nickname Iris had given her so long ago. A part of her had missed it...that one, specifically. Something about it fit perfectly. Though she certainly wasn’t going to complain about the sweet nicknames Irene had been giving her. She hoped she would be able to hear those again, someday.
“I’ve been making something. I’m hoping that Lord Blacksoul will find it useful...a gate for the front walkway. It feels a bit absurd to me that there wasn’t one here before...it’s the most basic level of security. Closing the gate and locking it is the easiest way to prevent the vast majority of intruders from wandering onto the premises. It won’t stop everyone, but it’s a step in the right direction as far as basic safety is concerned.”
Eva seemed to have righted herself mood-wise. Best to distract herself in the interest of preventing any further breakdowns. Irene may be gone now...but hopefully she would return at some point. And for now...this was a new version of Iris that Eva was enjoying quite a bit. Something had certainly changed...Eva wasn’t entirely sure what had transpired while Iris was locked away in her mind, but maybe it, as well as Silke, had given Iris the push she needed.
“Arsene? He’s fine…” Evangeline trailed off as she saw Iris’ face drop, mentioning Silke. Assuming that Silke was...married off? How long did she think she’d been gone?
“Iris...you haven’t been gone nearly as long as you seem to think. It’s been about four days since you were...lost to us. A lot has transpired, sure...but it hasn’t been months. And no-one has gone and gotten married...nothing quite so ridiculous.” Evangeline grimaced slightly at the mention of Silke’s name. The woman had done no wrong, but Eva couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment bite at her. That little green jealousy monster whipped its tail at Eva’s insides...just once. Just enough for her to struggle. But she held it back and quickly corrected her expression.
“As for Silke...we will have to write her. Both she and Lord Blacksoul have departed from Ishgarde, for fairly different reasons. Silke’s studies called for her to take a semester abroad, and it seems Lord Blacksoul was wanting for some...front-line experience. I can’t understand it...but who am I to stand in the way of men and the stupid things they choose to do?” Evangeline sighed, and finished rinsing her body off. She stood up and moved to fetch herself a towel to dry herself with.
“I don’t know if you remember it, but we participated in a rather disastrous dinner party. Someone named Asagi...her daughter...and Silke were invited here. The entire night was a mess, and I’m honestly surprised neither Arsene nor Varg had a heart attack at some point during the party.” The towel she dried herself with was still a bit scandalous for her to be wrapped in, but at this point she was too tired to care. Eva wrapped another towel around her hair and ears.
“That was when I brought Irene to Silke...and Silke was able to pull you out for just a moment.” Evangeline tried desperately not to think about that night...the feelings she had struggled with...and the heartbreak she had to endure. She closed her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath and willing her hastily reassembled heart not to shatter again in the middle of the damned bathroom. 
“She requested communication should your condition change. You can write her the letter tomorrow if you’d like...and I’ll see that it’s posted.” Evangeline offered Iris a towel.
“Let’s get that pie, shall we? And coffee…” She trailed off, wondering if she should mention the cigarettes. It would be healthier for Iris to go without them...and Eva rather disliked the smell regardless. After thinking for a second, she concluded that they weren’t nearly close enough, and handed off the towel, moving towards the door, and some food, at last.
As Eva mentioned Iris had only been away for some days, the pale viera could do nothing but stare at her companion, like one had just told her the sky is green and seas are made of rolanberry jelly. 
“...Excuse me? Fockin’... f-four days? D-Dat can't be... It can't..” she shook her head in disbelief, while getting up from the bath, and reaching for a towel. 
“...I... I was in dat frickin’ bottomless ocean for... at least..t-two summers... Dat d-doesn’t make any sense! ...Yer not fockin’ wid mi, Cinnabun, ‘aight?” Nothing made sense to Iris... This feeling was too much for her mind to process properly. How can one be gone for such a long time, while for others, it had been only days? 
‘Am I heckin’ losin’ it..?’ 
She thought to herself, while wrapping the towel lazily around her hips. ‘Madness is not a state of mind...’, a voice in Iris’ head.. a foreign voice of a woman. It echoed from the back of her mind, where a creature was sitting like a canine. A mess of red hair fell in loose curls on her pale shoulders. She had pointy ears, and eyes like those of a corpse. Blood red tearlines ran down on her cheeks, and her black lips were curled up into a wide smile. The most conspicuous feature, though, was a thick, red, fox-like tail, coiling around her legs.
“Irene...”, the word escaped from Iris’ lips, after she had been staring into distance for a while. 
‘...A mind of your mind... our fates entwined...’, answered the voice in a soft tone. Iris closed her eyes, tilting her head to side. The movement was twitching, resembling a person who’s having a dream. As she opened her eyes, they were, once again, the dead eyes of Irene. In the next blink though, she was gone, like a whisper in the wind. 
“...Uhh.. So dat really ‘appened? Tha night when Silke was ‘ere..? I thought it was a heckin’ dream.. I’ll need to write sumthin’ for ‘er... Damn... Not a state of mind... Pie though... Just a whisper away... P-Pie sounds like a frickin’ splendid idea! And coffee... Fockin’ ‘ell Evangeline... Can ya please get mi a damn cig? Mi ‘ead is killin’ mi...” Holding her head, Iris trailed past Evangeline to the door, pushing it open into the dark hallway. Somewhere in the darkness she could feel the creature... For a moment, viera thought she saw a dancing orb of flame, lingering around the windows near the door, only to soon realize, it was just the glowing hint of the street lights on the walkway. She turned to Evangeline, standing with her on the doorway. “Yer fox is still ‘ere, by tha way...” Pale viera stepped into the hallway, as her eyes had started to adjust into the darkness. Why had no one lit the lanterns anyway? The place was like a grave. 
“...Never goin’ back..”, she whispered to herself, while feeling her way with her fingertips. She could hear Evangeline’s steps right behind her.
Evangeline stopped dead in her tracks. 
“Did you say two summers in a bottomless ocean? That’s...that’s so horrible.” Things were starting to piece themselves together now. Eva had been wondering how or why Iris had changed so much in just a few days...wondering what had happened to her. Wondering why she had seemed just a bit more unhinged than usual. Even through the haze of Eva’s despair, it was a bit obvious. If she had been trapped...imprisoned in her own thoughts for two summers...Evangeline could think of few things more mentally traumatising than that. Eva’s heart plummeted when she realized how awful she had been to Iris. Iris, who had been...drowning? At the bottom of an ocean...for years. And Evangeline had been concerned with her own stupid feelings. Her stupid dreams of a stupid relationship that wasn’t ever going to happen in the first place. Poor Iris...she needed some support right now.  Evangeline hoped she could provide it. She moved closer to Iris, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, when she heard Iris speak.
Irene... Iris was looking through Evangeline, eyes vacant, directed at something that could have been behind the tall, muscular viera...or something that could be a thousand malms away. Eva was ashamed of it...but her heart leapt at the mention of Irene’s name. Eva kept her focus on Iris, though. The woman needed help from her...not another treatise on how she wanted to see Irene again. Before Eva could open her mouth to say something, Iris closed her eyes and spasmed, eliciting a jump from Eva. “Iris? Are you okay?”
She got closer to the waifish girl, eyes radiating concern as she tried to understand what was happening. Iris’ eyes snapped open, revealing Irene...just a hint of her. Irene’s eyes were truly unmistakable...although Evangeline thought she had imagined it for a moment, as the eyes flicked again. When she reopened them, they were back to Iris’ deep purple pools, filled still with life and fire that she continued to deny was present there. Evangeline shook her head, trying to clear her perspective. Taking another look over the pale woman, she nodded numbly at Iris, who had started talking about Silke again. What did this mean? Did she want Irene back so desperately that she was seeing things? Constructing that gate must have taken more out of her than she had thought...there was no way that Irene could be making herself known again. If she was even still there. Iris had hardly ever switched with the first ‘other’...what evidence did Eva have that it wouldn’t be the same with Irene? She was being too hopeful.
Iris wandered past Eva, who let her hand fall away without any resistance. The spindly figure was holding her head...best to get her something to eat. Some actual water too, maybe. Perhaps she was dehydrated. She followed after, trying not to intrude too far into Iris’ space. She wasn’t sure if her presence was helping, or hurting. Best to be careful for now...she didn’t want to upset Iris if she could avoid it. Iris turned to her, throwing a few words over her shoulder as if they were the peel to a banana.
Yer fox is still ‘ere, by tha way… 
Eva’s heart, which had just started to settle down, felt as if it were about to try and climb out of her chest and up her throat. This was confirmation. It was real. Irene was still there...and Eva had probably seen her eyes for just a moment too. A valve opened in her body somewhere and relief flooded throughout every inch of her. She could feel her body relaxing...as long as Irene would come back...for sure...Eva could wait. She would absolutely wait...and she would do her best for Iris, too. She hurried after the retreating figure, following her into the kitchen, and busied herself with starting the coffee brewing. Sweeping around the kitchen like a seasoned housewife, she fetched a plate, and smoothly slid a slice of pie onto it, filled a glass with water, and presented both to Iris, who Eva quickly noticed had taken a seat at the table, still rubbing her forehead.
“There...maybe this will help a bit. Oh!” Eva spun on her heel, almost floating to the silverware drawer, and wrapping her fingers around a clean fork, which she placed delicately next to the pie.
“The coffee should be ready soon...and…” Evangeline grimaced. She didn’t feel comfortable enabling it...but she didn’t want to cause any unnecessary friction with Iris. 
“Where do you keep your cigarettes? I can fetch one for you…”
To be continued..
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pandawritespoorly · 4 years
With Time: Deleted Scenes - End of 27/Beginning of 28
Author’s Note: I was really cruel with how I was going to end the chapter originally. Chloe saved you guys.
Chapter Summary: I forgot Chloe still attended Dupont when I first wrote this. Oops.
Adrien is exiting the classroom last. He can’t remember what’s next on his schedule, but regardless of what it is it loses priority the moment he feels it.
Marinette is in trouble.
She’s not as stressed as she has been before, but that doesn’t comfort him because he can tell she’s nearing hibernation.
He needs to find her.
Where is she?
What’s happening?
She should be home by now. What could possibly-
His heart sinks as he exits the school. Alix and Kim are hurling insults and snowballs towards the bakery.
Towards Marinette, who is swaying where she stands.
Alya seems to be joining.
“Stop!” he needs to get to her, he needs to get to her, heneedstogettoher-
Alya and Nino hold him back, “Hey, man, it’s fine. You don’t hafta’ keep up the act anymore-” “Please-”
“Jeez, she’s really got you all wrapped up? Don’t worry Adrien, Marinette can’t hurt you anymore. We won’t let her.” Alya attempts to comfort him.
“What?” “This is a great solution actually. This way it looks like you’re on her side, but you don’t actually have to help that brat.” Alya continues, “Keep pretending that you’re trying to help, and she can’t get mad at you.”
“No no no-” She’s hibernating right there. She’s fallen over and is lying in the snow and they’re still throwing snowballs at her no nonononono-
“Dude, calm down. It’s okay. Just breathe.” Nino frowns at Adrien’s clear panic, and the two lead him inside worriedly, away from Marinette.
Aurore passes him on the stairs, noticing the scene before her and hurrying to the bottom.
He can’t see right, It’s been snowing all day, and the temperature is far lower than it normally is in February. She’s right there.
“Hey Sunshine, you’re looking a little pale.” Alya frowns.
“I- I- I need to use the bathroom.” for once he’s grateful how easy it is for him to play the part of ‘perfectly fine’. Though it’s not exactly convincing at the moment.
“Alright, but I’ll wait outside.” Nino looks concerned.
Alya waves goodbye, off to take Lila her homework for the day. She was absent today for whatever reason, but Adrien really doesn’t care why.
He shuts himself in a stall, shaking. Nino is outside so he can’t transform or even talk to Plagg.
Marinette is outside and she’s hibernating and she’s still in the snowandhecan’tgettoherand-
Plagg interrupts his thoughts by handing him his phone silently. Adrien stares at it blankly.
This can’t get him to Marinette.
This won’t wake her up.
How long has she been asleep now? It’s-
Plagg pokes him, unlocking the phone and opening his messages, looking at Adrien meaningfully.
He doesn’t understand, only staring blankly while his brain tries to catch up. Finally he connects the dots.
  Hug This Boy: guys
Hug This Boy: plese
Hug This Boy: shes otside
Hug This Boy: i cant get to her
  Kid Mime: slow down
Kid Mime: whats happening
  Hug This Boy: they wont let me
Hug This Boy: i need to
  Melodie: Adrien, what’s wrong?
  Hug This Boy: i cant
Hug This Boy: shes fell ovr
Hug This Boy: shes rite there
  The Mom Friend: r u ok?
The Mom Friend: breath
  Hug This Boy: they were throwi snwobals and she fell is ben swing alday
  Felix: Adrien, you need to breathe. What is happening?
  Kid Mime: did something happen to mari?
Kid Mime: were all on our way wats going on
  Hug This Boy: ses hiberning an she sill ousdie a tey won let me
Hug This Boy: help her lila isn even here
  Melodie: Marinette is sleeping outside because someone threw snowballs at her and your classmates won’t let you help her?
Hug This Boy: ye
Hug This Boy: s
  Kid Mime: well be their soon u need 2 breath itll be ok
  Adrien doesn’t respond, he’s shaking too much and they know now so there’s no reason. It’s honestly a miracle that they were able to decipher anything intelligible from that mess. He can’t focus well because the longer he’s separated, the harder it is for him to keep himself from transforming - Nino or no Nino - so that he can just get to her.
She shouldn’t be outside this long in the snow.
She’s been hibernating too long.
Too long and too far from him.
It’s one thing when she was at Fu’s place, where the Guardian can keep her from going too far, but alone? She needs to be near other miraculouses to keep from slipping too far, but she needs to be near him to wake up.
It’s been too long.
What if she doesn’t wake up?
  -chapter break-
  This isn’t how they planned on spending their day. They’d all just seen Marinette, and now the four of them are hurrying to the bakery.
“Why aren’t her parents doing something?” Allegra asks.
“Maybe they are? Adrien didn’t seem like he was in any condition to elaborate.”
“He didn’t respond. Do you think he’s okay? How long has Marinette been outside? Do you think she-” Allan isn’t handling this much better.
“I am sure that things will turn out fine.” Felix assures.
It doesn’t take much longer for them to arrive. They don’t see her immediately.
Instead, they see a black haired boy in red and a blonde girl in blue crouched near the bakery’s side door.
Crouched above Marinette, seemingly trying to help her up - either to be standing or awake, they aren’t picky.
At Allegra’s call, the two strangers look up.
“You’re all here for Mari?” The blonde questions.
“Yes.” Allan says, approaching his friend.
“I hope one of you has a key, her parents are out today and she must have dropped hers. It’s locked. We would have taken her inside the school but…” She trails off, looking at them meaningfully.
The group nods, and Claude produces a key. Allan and Allegra move her inside, and Felix and Claude remain outside to talk to the pair.
“Will you b-be able to handle this?” the boy lacks the self-assured tone of the girl.
Felix nods, and the two strangers part ways.
Felix starts to go upstairs, but pauses when Claude remains in the doorway.
“Is everything alright, Claude?”
“Yeah. Go on up, give me a minute.”
Felix nods, and goes to join the others upstairs.
Claude steps outside and shuts the door carefully behind them.
He crosses the street purposefully, entering the school before he realizes he doesn’t know where he’s going. 
That is easily solved by asking someone - not one of them of course - for directions. He’s guessing at best, but at the worst he’ll just have to try another place.
He knows he’s in the right area when he sees a boy standing against a wall, scrolling through his phone.
Red cap, check. Headphones, check.
It’s Nino.
Claude doesn’t bother to say anything as he enters the bathroom.
“Adrien? Are you here?” They speak quietly, not wanting to startle him.
There’s a pause, then, “C-Claude?”
Adrien pushes a door open, looking pale and shaky. They really can’t blame him, considering all that has transpired.
“Marinette is inside.” The relief is clear on his face. Not that he’s no longer worried, but Adrien is comforted some by that statement.
“O-okay. You could have texted me.”
Claude shakes his head, “I’m here to bring you to the bakery. I don’t know how long you can stay, but with how you were panicking earlier, you really need to see Mari.”
“I have to see her. She needs me.”
Clause gets the feeling there’s more meaning behind that than they know, but doesn’t press. He gently helps Adrien to a standing position and leads him outside.
Nino doesn't even notice.
Once they’re outside, the two don’t slow in the slightest. Adrien is faster than he looks, and is clearly trying to keep from leaving Claude behind while simultaneously trying to get to his friend as quickly as possible.
The living room is empty, so they hurry up the stairs to Marinette’s room. Felix, Allegra, Allan, and Marinette have somehow all managed to fit onto Marinette’s bed, where the girl in question has blankets piled on top of her.
Allan looks a little shaky, and Claude rests their hand on his shoulder when they have climbed up.
As soon as Adrien has seated himself next to Marinette he breathes an audible sigh of relief. 
Allegra gives him a hug, “Marinette isn’t the only one who needs comfort.”
He doesn’t respond, still working on steadying his breathing. She’ll be fine now that he’s here, but it isn’t ideal. He isn’t sure if she will leave hibernation, let alone wake up without contact.
He can’t exactly take her out from the blankets to cuddle her without the others saying something.
Still, he’s here now. He’s here, and she’s here and they’re back together. Everything will be fine. 
They stay as long as they can, but there’s no escaping the fact that they have to go home eventually. They tell her parents what had happened, and Adrien puts warm things on Marinette’s head when no one is looking so that when they do try to feel for a temperature, that’s what they’ll think it is.
Just a fever.
He can’t have them take her to the hospital. She’d never wake up then, and the chaos that would result from that…
It wouldn’t be pretty.
He hates that she’s been hibernating this long. At least he’s been close for most of that time. Not close enough to bring her out entirely, but he’s fairly certain she’s a little better.
He hopes.
Now he’s got to leave. He can feel the stress return the moment he turns his back on her.
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kz-i-co · 7 years
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» Summary: Based on the movie Disturbia (besides the murder mystery stuff lol) | After Jungkook gets in trouble he is lead to 3 months house arrest but earning a beautiful new neighbor in the process.
» Pairing: Jungkook / Reader
» Genre: smut
» Words: 5.1k
» A/N: A lot of the dialogue is from the movie so all CREDIT to that, I just added a little of my own twist.
» m.list ╫ bts masterlist
"I can't believe this." Jungkook's mother rubbed her forehead aggravated.
Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders.
The cop motioned Jungkook to sit on the counter so he could strap the bracelet around his ankle.
"Okay here's the thing, green means you're good, you're in the safe zone." The detective said pointing to the bracelet. "That covers about a 100-foot radius."
"You unplug it, the police come immediately. He gets a constant GPS signal from the bracelet that goes through your phone line to the monitoring systems downtown." She continued talking to Jungkook's mother.
"So they know where you are, where you've been and what you're thinking, 24/7." She looked at Jungkook.
"What if he accidentally goes beyond the radius?" Jungkook's mom asked.
"Red light flashes." She said pointing to his bracelet. "You got 10 seconds to get your butt back to green, or else."
"Or else what?" Jungkook asked timidly.
"You wanna find out?" The cop crossed his arms.
"It's tamper-proof and waterproof.....Here's my card if you have any further questions." The detective grabbed her things but turned around one last time before exiting.
"You're lucky you got off so easy, you could be sitting in a much worse place right now.....I know how hard it is losing a parent." She toned down.
"Please behave, I don't want to add to your sentence.....three months house arrest is not that bad....keep yourself busy....I've seen way to many folks get loopy after too long."
"Hey watch it." Jungkook yelled through the headset. "You almost got me killed J-Hope."
Jungkook's mother walked into his pig sty of a room. "Jungkook?"
"Hurry reload." Jungkook yelled.
"Jungkook?" His mother raised her voice, but his face was glued to the screen.
His mother walked over to his tv shutting it off.
"Mom....what the heck." Jungkook sat up.
"You gonna spend three mouths playing video games all day?" His mother looked angry.
"I don't know." Jungkook pursed his lips. "What else am I suppose to do?"
"How about clean up this room....this house." She looked around the room.
"JK?" J-Hope said through the headset.
"No more video games." His mother yelled loud enough that J-Hope could hear.
"I come home and this place is a mess....I'm selling your ps4." She made her way out of Jungkook's room. "I'm not kidding.....this is not vacation."
"And I got your friend who calls himself rap god to come drop your school work off."
Jungkook groaned in annoyance. "It's Rap Mon."
But she was gone.
"Don't worry Dear, we're almost there." Your father said turning onto the unfamiliar street.
"What a lovely neighborhood." Your mother chimed in. "Don't you think so sweetie?" Your mother asked.
"Sure." You lied. You hated moving, especially during your senior year. You only had eight months of school left, they couldn't wait?
"Look how beautiful." Your mother cheered once you pulled into your new driveway.
You groggily opened your car door getting out. You took in your surroundings. It was beautiful but a little older then your taste. You wouldn't be surprised if your neighbors were over 55.
"Come on Dear." Your father motioned you to come inside.
Jungkook grabbed a handful of clothes and tossing them into the washing machine. He groaned in annoyance as he tidy up the place.
His face dropped as soon as he saw the stack of dirty dishes. He opened the dishwasher, grabbing each dish with a pinch in disgust.
He slightly jumped from the sound of his irritating door bell. He quickly made his way to the door. As soon as he opened the door he saw no one. He immediately grown confused until all of a sudden being pelted with water balloons.
The neighborhood kids playing their stupid jokes.
"Yah, don't make me go over there." He saw the troubled kids on the other side of the hedge that was facing the street.
"You can't stupid....you're trapped in there while we're over here." They teased.
Then another flying balloon coming straight towards Jungkook, which he easily blocked. "That's it."
He took off in a sprint towards the rowdy kids. They quickly took off with their bikes but Jungkook was right on their tail.
Jungkook snapped back to reality realizing what he just done. He heard the ticking of his bracelet and sprint back towards his house as fast as he could. As soon as he reached his yard he collapse to the ground trying to catch his breath.
"I made it." He cheered loudly causing some stares from next door, especially the new neighbors moving boxes into their new house.
"You okay dear?" The new neighbor asked confused.
"Yeah I'm good." Just then he heard police sirens getting closer.
"No." He sat up.
The police car stopped in front of his house. "I didn't go anywhere." Jungkook put his arms up.
"Knees." The officer warned.
"I'm here what's the problem?" The officer turned Jungkook around pushing him to his knees.
"Arms up." He did what they asked. As soon as his arms were up they hand cuffed him. Jungkook groaned in annoyance as he looked to the side. His eye caught the sight of his new neighbors watching in fear but his vision was glue to you as you stepped outside.
He felt butterflies as soon as he saw how beautiful you were.
"In the house." The officer pulled Jungkook up guiding him indoors.
"This is your first warning and it's only been two days." The detective crossed her arms in disappointment.
"I'm sorry...It wont happen again." Jungkook calmly stated.
"It better not....this isn't the path you want to go down." She looked at him hard. "Take the handcuffs off."
Then he was free once again.
"I can't believe we are living next door to a criminal." Your mother panicked as she placed the dishes in the new cupboard.
"I highly doubt that." You laughed.
"What?" Your mother looked at you.
"He's a teenager, not a criminal." You rolled your eyes.
"They put him in handcuffs dear." Your mother argued.
"But did they arrest him? No." You argued back.
Your mother just decided to keep quiet and continued what she was doing. You looked outside the window to the house next door. You were curious of what the boy had done.
You groaned as you went to your room unpacking your things. The lights were lit as it got dark but you couldn't see him.
"I want to die." Jungkook groaned laying half way off the bed as his friend spoke in his ear.
"Its been a week man." Tae laughed.
"My mom took my ps4 and I looked everywhere for it....she's torturing me."
"I think she's punishing you." You looked up seeing your mom in the doorway.
"Phone." You handed her the phone without getting up. "Goodbye." She said before hanging up.
"The house looks lovely dear." She smiled.
"Then why are you taking away my stuff." He finally set up.
"Because you needed to be taught a lesson." She raised her voice.
"No you want me to go crazy."
"Jungkook please." Then she walked out of his room.
He was on his last straw of boredom he went to his father's library to find something to read. He didn't feel comfortable in this room. Not anymore at least. As he made his selection and turned to leave, he noticed the movement across the street. He looked out the window seeing you doing yoga. You were in a sports bra and yoga shorts.
He was mesmerized by how beautiful you were. He couldn't look away. As you were in the middle of a stretch, he noticed your father walk in arguing with you about something. After he left you slammed the door in his face. You tuned around away from the window and took off your sports bra. Jungkook felt his heart beating fast as you stood there topless. You were turned away but it was the thought that counted. You threw on a baggy shirt and made your way into your bed.
To think about it, it was 12, Jungkook noticed. He figured that's why your father was so angry.
"Tae!" Jungkook hugged his friend as he was at his door. "Here's your homework loser."
"Jeez is that all?" Jungkook said sarcastically as he noticed the huge stack of folders and books.
"Our teacher decided that maybe you should just get the three months worth instead of traveling to your house all the time."
"Great, he doesn't want me to have company, joy." More sarcasm.
"Where's everyone else?" Tae asked.
"They don't visit me in prison." Jungkook joked. "They're all too busy."
"Want to see something?" Jungkook bit his lip.
He lead Tae towards the den window. "Oh my god." Tae said as he saw you next door in your pool.
"How long has she lived there?" He asked.
"2 weeks." Jungkook smiled.
"Wow....you're lucky." He gazed. "Have you talked to Her?"
"No." He huffed. "I have this ginormous thing on my ankle."
"Just wave her over." Tae suggested.
"Yeah like some creeper." Jungkook made his way to his kitchen.
"We don't even have food." He whined. "I hate this."
"I'll tell Jimin to order something."
"Please." Jungkook begged.
"This is weird." Jimin spoke.
You were just getting out of the pool as Jungkook and Taehyung were drooling over your body.
"It's not like I watch her all day, only when she is in the pool." Jungkook blushed.
When you put the towel over your body the boys saw your parents yell at you to come inside.
"Looks like someone has family issues." Taehyung said.
"Yeah, her parents are strict." Jungkook said sadly.
"Hey, I need to go, it's getting late." Jimin spoke.
"Yeah me to." Then Taehyung.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" Jungkook asked.
"I can't, me and J-hope are going to mall."
"Can I go?" Taehyung jumped in.
"Yeah." Jimin accepted as they made their way towards the door.
"Bye then." Jungkook yelled as they left.
Jungkook went upstairs and plopped on the bed bored.
Jungkook couldn't get you off his mind. The way you smoothly swam across the water. The way your body moved. The way you looked in your swim suit.
"Jungkook I-" His mother walked into his room.
"Mom!" Jungkook panicked and quickly covered up with a pillow.
"Sorry, I should of knocked, but I brought you some dinner."
"Okay....I'll be down in a sec."
She nodded and head out.
Of course now dinner was awkward. "Hun....if you want to talk, I'm okay with It."
"I'm good." He put off.
"I know it would be easier to talk about with your father but I can understand your frustration."
"Mom please stop."
"I was a teenager too."
"If you need magazin-"
"Mom please.....it's awkward enough it even happened."
"Okay....anyway, what did you do today? Beside...."
Jungkook slouched in his chair embarrassed. "My friends came over and we just hung out."
"This will get easier, don't worry."
"I used to want to stay home all day doing nothing but now all I want is to go out."
"You only have two months and two weeks left."
"Thanks mom."
Jungkook generally felt relieved from this conversation. His mom had been nothing but angry in the beginning but now she was reassured. Understanding how her son was feeling.
On the other hand your family wasn't the most reassuring. "(Y/N) since you are grounded I expect you to follow our rules and that means not leaving the house while we are out tomorrow."
"Sure dad."
"I mean it." Then he slammed your door. You threw your hand up and gave the middle finger even though he couldn't see you.
You hated everything. This move. This neighborhood. The fact your parents aren't making it any better. You got in trouble in school already. It wasn't your fault the most popular girl in school already had you in her death note. Just because her boyfriend was trying to flirt with you and you were going along with it.
She tried to humiliate you so it wasn't your fault the 'c' word left your mouth. She deserved it anyway. This school sucked.
You decided to sit on the roof outside your window to pass some time before bed. Reading relaxed you.
Jungkook took baby steps, step by step, watching when his bracelet turned red and put a marker in the ground. He put a perimeter around his whole front yard and back yard to know where he could go in the distance of the bracelet.
He could barely reach where his mailbox was located. He had to stretch just a little to be able to open it but was still struggling. As soon as he got a hold of the messy stack of letters he lost his strength and dropping them all over the sidewalk.
"Do you need help?" You said amused as you watched his struggle from the start.
"Maybe.....it's illegal to get my own mail." He slightly grinned.
"That's too bad." You picked up the mail and handed it over.
"Embarrassing right?" Jungkook pouted.
"I think any pride you had left was gone a while ago." You smirked amused.
"Oh, you mean when the cops came?" You nodded. "That was a misunderstanding. That wasn't me. Wrong guy, wrong house." Jungkook smiled nervously.
"So how is the move going?" He asked you.
"Still going." You shrugged.
"I'd help. I'm just a little spatially challenged at the moment."
You giggled at his statement.
"So where did you move from?"
"The city.....but now forcefully relocated." You bit the inside of your cheek.
"(Y/N)?" Your mother called and as soon as she saw who you were talking to she looked terrified. "Can you come here please?" She said as sweet as possible.
"She's really polite, but has that tone...did you notice?" You started walking backwards.
"I'm (Y/N) by the way." You smiled.
"(Y/N)." Jungkook smiled. "I'm Jungkook."
"Wow." He whispered to himself as you left.
1 week later....
"Motherfuc-" He mumbled in aggravation. Then he alerted his attention to the door as someone knocked.
He grabbed a bat and headed towards the door. Ever since the prank those kids pulled, he wanted to be extra cautious. He opened the door and saw J-Hope. He signed in relief.
"What's up bro." He greeted.
"So what's with You, you haven't been logged in for what 3 weeks now."
"I'm sorry, my mom took my ps4 and hid it somewhere."
"That sucks." He plopped on the couch.
"You know what really sucks." Jungkook joined him on the couch and grabbed his stick. "This." He dug it into his bracelet.
"This thing is so freaking itchy."
"I can imagine.....how you doing?"
"I will never take going to school for granted again." Jungkook slouched back.
"Really?" J-hope laughed.
"I have never been more bored in my life."
"What about your homework you got three months in advance?"
"I finished it."
"You're funny." J-hope continued laughing.
"I'm serious."
"Really? Can I have it?"
"No....find me a way to get my ps4 back and I'll think about it."
J-hope got up and made his way towards the kitchen but stop dead in his tracks. "Who is that?" He looked out the window.
Jungkook followed his eyes and saw you swimming once again. "Oh yeah....I have a hot new neighbor."
"I don't think hot is strong enough of a word." His mouth hung open.
He grabbed the binoculars that were on the bookshelf. "Do you normally look at her?" J-hope asked.
"Not like a creeper."
When you looked at the direction they were standing at the window, they quickly ducked behind the window nervously that you saw them. When J-hope looked through the binoculars once again, he accidentally banged them against the window, causing a thump.
"You're a fucking idiot." Jungkook whispered.
"There's no way she heard us."
Jungkook looked back up slowly seeing if the coast was clear. But as soon as he made his way back up, you locked eyes with him causing him to jump back down.
"Shit." He panicked.
"What?" J-hope asked.
"She saw me."
"There's no way."
"She did."
"Let me see." J-hope went up. "Oh, no, she's gone."
"What?" Jungkook jumped up again. And then the door bell rang.
"It's her at the door. It's her at the door." Jungkook panicked.
"Shit! We are so busted." J-hope hoped continued.
Jungkook started walking towards the door.
"Wait! Don't answer it!" J-hope yelled.
"I have to. She knows I'm here. I got the thing on my foot."
Then he turned the knob slowly to answer. "Hi." He greeted.
"What took you so long?" You answered raising your eyebrows.
"What.....we were.......we were upstairs playing." Jungkook started nervously.
"Video games!" J-hope confirmed.
"Yeah. Video games. This is my friend, J-hope." J-hope just stared speechless. "J-hope." He waved his hand in front if his face. "Say hi, J-hope."
"Hi, J-hope." He answered.
"You're so stupid." He looked at J-hope then back at you. "So, what brings you here? To my house?"
"I got locked out." You answered walking past him.
"Oh, that sucks." Jungkook shrugged.
"So, you gotta call someone?" Jungkook asked.
"No, I'd rather stay stranded, if you don't mind." You looked around his place.
"Video games, huh? I like to play." You ran upstairs uninvited.
"Is this your room?" You asked as you saw the typical boys room.
"It's a little messy." Jungkook quickly tried to tidy up.
"A little?" You laughed. "Anything interesting out here?" You noticed his binoculars near the window sill.
"Sorry, what?" Jungkook was still panicking.
"Are you spying on the neighbours, Jungkook?" You asked playfully.
"He is." J-hope laughed.
"I'm just curious what goes on from time to time....especially with Mr. Turner....he's pretty weird."
"If they wanted privacy they would close their curtains." J-hope spoke again.
"Where's the coffee and donuts?" You asked. They both just looked at you confused. "You can't have a stakeout without coffee and donuts."
"I'm hungry." J-hope begged.
"Lets order pizza." You said.
The sun was setting. "Is he home?" You asked sitting on the bed next to a passed out J-hope.
"I don't see him."
"Here." You threw Jungkooks phone to him.
"How did you get my phone? My mom took it away." He asked.
"It was on your dresser on top of that book about the simple rules of being house arrest." You laughed.
"My moms so clever." He laughed sarcastically.
"That's a big violation of privacy, you know. I might turn you in for this." He looked at the possibilities what you could have done.
"What did you do?" He gave up.
"Lets just say every time your friend calls you, you will be entertained." You smirked.
"Thanks." Jungkook squinted his eyes but let a laugh slip.
"So, why'd your parents drag you here anyway?" Jungkook was curious about you.
"Well, I guess my mom wanted to keep my dad close by. City life had its temptations." You shrugged. "But my mom is still depressed as she always has, and my dad doesn't even care."
"I just wished they stop acting like a happy perfect couple when I know they are falling apart....sometimes they make me feel like it's my fault." You continued.
"So, what are your issues, Jungkook?" You quickly changed the subject.
"What makes you think I have issues?" He asked dumbfounded.
"Gee, I don't know." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.
Jungkook laughed then his eyes turned to the window of a car pulling up.
"Look, there he is."
You followed going to the window. You saw the man open the car helping out a beautiful mistress. "Who said chivalry's dead?"
"They must of came from a club."
"How do you know?" Jungkook asked.
"She's wearing a members pass bracelet." You confirmed. "He's probably gonna get her all liquored up."
"This feels wrong." Jungkook spoke.
"Oh, he's going for it." You picked up your voice. "He's in."
The couple next store were making out. "Its like watching a movie." You started. "Oh jeez.....or porn."
"What?" Jungkook took the binoculars and saw the couple were escalating quickly. "Who has sex with the curtains open."
You stole the binoculars. "Shit, they're really doing it, just out in the open."
"Okay thats probably enough of that." Jungkook turned around and you followed his lead.
"What's going on?" J-hope sat up and yawned in the process.
"Nothing....just boring stuff." Jungkook spoke.
"I'll see ya later man." Then he left.
Then your phone rang breaking the silence. You rolled your eyes seeing who it was. "Hi mom.....no I'm fine...I'm on my way home....okay bye."
"I guess our shift is over." You teased. "Wanna walk me home?"
"I guess this is as far as you can go." You pouted.
"Yeah." Jungkook pursed his lips.
"Same shift tomorrow?" You asked.
"I guess we'll see."
"Bye Jungkook." Then you left him.
"What's he doing?" You looked out the window of Jungkooks mysterious neighbor. "Is that a guy?"
You and Jungkook have been hanging out for the past few days. Hate to say it, but enjoying the life of your fellow neighbors.
"No....it's a girl with short hair..."
"Are you sure? She's pretty ripped then." You smirked.
"I better get going....I have a party." You suddenly turned away.
"Whose?" Jungkook asked.
"Mine." You got up from his bed.
"Yours?" He continued to ask.
"You're having a... I didn't mean to say it like that. I just didn't know you knew anyone." Jungkook reassured.
"I met this girl today, Hwasa."
"Yeah, I had English with her. She's nice........I guess." Jungkook spoke.
"I told her my parents were going out of town, and one thing led to another. She called somebody, and then they called somebody, - and now, everybody's coming." You shrugged.
"Yeah, no, I got it, I got it. So now you got the whole jock and bimbo population showing up? Well, that'll be fun." He said sarcastically.
"You're really asking me this?"
"Will you be watching me?" You folded your arms.
"No, your life is none of my business."
"Ok....we'll I'll see you later then."
"(Y/N) I'm sorry....I didn't mean it like that." He chased you out the door.
"That's cheating I hit him, you guys!" It took a brilliant distraction and a friend to help Jungkook locate his precious device from his mother's trunk. The last place he could think of since he checked the whole house.
"Go, go, go, go! I Told you to go Tae."
Jungkook heard the music get louder next door. "Okay you win." He turned it the game.
He got up and looked out the window. When he saw you in your back yard dancing with some guy, Jungkook felt rage, jealousy, he wanted you to stop.
"That's how you want to play." He took his speakers and IPod and played the most ridiculous song he could think of. He laughed at the confusion spread throughout the crowd.
He looked down at his phone for a quick second but as soon as he looked back out the window he noticed you were gone.
"Where did she go?"
He went to a different room to look out the other angle of your house. He turned back around and got a glimpse of you waltzing into his bedroom. He quickly followed behind.
"What are you doing here?" You grabbed his IPod and quickly made your way to another part of the house.
"(Y/N)?" Jungkook was on your tail as you opened the door to the balcony.
"Huh? Oh! No! Wait. What's wrong? You don't like my music?"
"Back off, or I will throw this where you can't follow." You threatened.
"Okay, just relax, okay?" Jungkook tried to calm you.
"What are you doing?" You asked annoyed.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm trying to enjoy my party." You snapped.
"Oh, really?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows.
"Well, you could have fooled me."
"What does that mean?" You asked offended.
"I'm saying, if you're trying to enjoy your party, enjoy your party. Don't keep looking up at me, trying to get a rise out of me."
"It's unnecessary." You rolled your eyes. "So, you were watching me. But for how long? Just tonight? A week?" You hesitated. "Since I moved in? What have you been keeping tabs on, Jungkook? What else have you seen?"
"I've seen a lot." You arched your eyebrows. "I mean, not like that. I mean... For instance, I've seen that you're maybe one of, I don't know, three people in the world that likes pizza-flavored chips." He tried to make you laugh but you weren't breaking.
"You're also the only person I've ever seen that spends more time on the roof of her house than in her actual house. And you're actually reading......books, not useless chic magazines but substantial books." Your face soften as he continued.
"You also do this thing where, whenever you're leaving your room, you grab the doorknob, but you turn back and face the mirror and you stare at yourself. But it's not like a, "I'm so hot," type of stare, it's more like, "Who am I, really?""
You looked at him sincerely but still confused. "Also, you look out the window all the time, like I do, only you're looking at the world. Trying to understand it. Trying to figure out why it's not in order."
You were speechless, no one has ever cared enough to try to put themselves in your shoes, to imagine what you're feeling.
"That's either the creepiest or the sweetest thing I've ever heard." You walked towards him with a flirty look.
"Really?" He asked confused.
"Yeah." You bit your lip before pushing him down on his bed and crawling above him to bring your lips to his.
He quickly responded and moved his hands to caress your hips.
You immediately took action and rocked your hips against him. You leaned up and moved your lips down to his neck, kissing every inch of him.
He started to explore your body, finding his confidence. He brushed his fingers under your shirt, up your back making you stop and sit up. You looked at him as you started to unbuckle his jeans. You leaned down kissing him once again as you slipped your hands under his boxers feeling up his loose member.
You can tell it was affecting him quickly, but before it could continue Jungkook heard his front door close.
"Fuck." Jungkook moved you to the side as gentle as possible so he could get up in a hurry.
"What's wrong?" You asked sitting up.
"My mom."
"Shit." You quickly ran into his closet.
"Jungkook? Who were you talking to?"
"Who were you talking to?" Your mother said more clear.
"I was on the phone....with Tae."
"On the phone I took away from you? I hope this means you read the book?" She smirked amused.
"Of course."
"So, what did you do all day?" She asked.
"Homework." Jungkook has been using that excuse for the past week.
"I know I have been hard on you and I'm sorry....I love you sweetie." She caressed his cheek then left his room.
Jungkook quickly closed his door and you stepped out with a smirk. "You're mother loves you."
"So are we going to finish?" You asked.
"My mom's....home." Jungkook questioned amused.
"So?" You gave him that flirty look again. "We'll be quiet." You once again started pushing him back until his back hit the bed sheets.
You immediately crawled up to him bringing your lips with his. You felt Jungkook make the courageous move of pulling down your panties from underneath your dress. You helped kicked them off in the process. You felt his hands brush over your already soaked center. The butterflies were with you every step of the way.
You pulled down his pants only just enough to be exposed. You started rocking yourself over his exposed member against your own. You giggled as he started moaning.
"You need to be quiet, if we're going to do this."
He nodded as you continued moving your hips against him. Even though you haven't made the next big move to officially call what you're doing 'sex', but you both could feel the pleasure quickly take hold.
"Do you want to?" You said clearly out of breath.
But before he could answer you heard commotion outside the window.
"Did you hear that?" You looked towards his window.
You got up looking as your party was officially over and everyone was scattering.
"What's going-"
You were cut off by your phone ringing. "Its my mom." You had a panicked look in your eyes.
"Hello?" You nervously answered.
"(Y/N), you are so grounded....where are you?" Even Jungkook could hear your mother yelling through the phone.
"I'll be right there." Then you hung up not hearing a response.
"I'm in trouble." You accepted your fate. "My parents weren't suppose to be home till tomorrow....of course."
"I'll walk you home."
"You sure you want to do that?" You arched your eyebrows.
And that's what he did....he lead you to the end of his yard. "Lucky you don't have to travel too far."
"Right." You smiled. You leaned up kissing him before your parents will ruin the rest of your life.
As soon as you stepped inside you saw your parents pacing in the loft. The house was trash. You just stood in front of their tracks, chewing the inside of your cheek.
"What do you think you were doing?" Your mother gave you a cold look. "I can't even begin to express how angry we are."
You father couldn't even speak.
"I'm sorry...I'm just trying to make friends." You spoke.
"By throwing a party?"
"How else? You're the one who moved us to this stupid town."
"Do not put the blame on us." You glared at your mother. "And you stay away from that fugitive."
"Or What? We'll move? That's your answer to everything....can't face your problems so you just run away." You felt your eyes water.
"No wonder dad cheated." You mumbled.
Your mother looked at you with pure horror. "Go to your room." Your mother softly spoke but you didn't move. "Go to your room!" She finally yelled and you walked right past her.
You looked out your window and saw no sign of Jungkook through the window.
You just sat on your bed staring at the wall drowning in your sorrows.
Your mother opened your door. "This house better be spotless when we get home from work tomorrow." Then she left and you got up and slammed the door, locking it in the process.
You couldn't stand them anymore.....
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swearronchanel · 8 years
AHHH OMG, I was out all day & Actually MISSED the NEW episode like wtfff?!!? it was TOrture!! & I literally had to delete twitter and Tumblr off my phone because the devil himself would’ve tempted me lmfao😭 I love spoilers but not when everyone has seen the episode but me! it’s okay though I had some rum chata to distract me lol, which is just rum and horchata which is the Hispanic version of Horlicks so, At least I was in the CtM Spirit 🙃
Anyway I’m finally getting to watch it so here we go ..
shit I’m so nervous and I haven’t pressed play
why is my heart beating so fast omg
i usually skip the intro but I’m legit not ready
damn Vanessa already hinting at what’s to come
Baby Susan so precious omg!!
No lie one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen lots of ugly babies and lots of cute babies, I’m qualified to judge.
“Courage and resilience will matter most of all” 😭😭ahh omg
My spirit animal and campion Phyllis deserves nothing but the best I’m not ready to see her hurt
But I’m going to binge series 6 with my mother when I’m home Saturday and can’t wait for her to watch because she wanted to see shelagh have a baby & also she doesn’t know what tf has happened 😭😭😂 it’s been a crazy series! She will be s h o o k
“I know I’m just not a very relaxed sort of person” SAME but BBY RELAX 😭💕
That was a cute moment with Babs and Shelagh!! But still wish it was w/ Trixie though 🙁 also it didn’t seem like a “heart to heart”? was it supposed to or was I expecting too much
Aw Rhoda 💔
what a ignorant ass teacher though, I’ll  FIGHT HER REAL QUICK
ugh Shelagh and Patrick’s faces 😫 I hope they don’t feel guilty for having a baby
But also why does shelagh have to keep wearing the same things lol, I feel cheated of all the cute maternity looks she could’ve served instead
“Having to explain” poor Mrs Antoine UGH THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, THERE’S NOTHING TO BE EXPLAINED   I’m mixed, Hispanic and white not black and white but still my dad is tan & we’ve been places where people have given my parents the dirtiest looks and have heard a nasty comment or two & it BOILS MY BLOOD
Omg the Antoine boys are precious
TRIXIE 😍😍 my bby looks good!
I swear if she says anything more I’ll lose my shit
“No one can really choose who they fall in love with” BLESS U DEELS
Bless Phyllis for making sure those cubs don’t grow up to be as ignorant as their parents
“I surmise the puller of teeth is intended to admire it” SISTER MJ IS A GEM
A bassoon? Lmaoo what the actual fuck Tim
Oh it’s for girls ofc LOL give him a girlfriend already, I’d get such a kick out of it. & Patrick could make another dad joke and say like take a lesson from me I legit beat God over a woman’s heart
The Mullucks fam 😭
Patrick with Susan omg aww
Trixie looking like a b a b e I’m dead 😍
I need Trixie’s everything, no joke. HOW
But I’m dying my hair blonder this week don’t play
Ah my bby shelagh again 😍💕
I feel so sorry for Patrick like this wasn’t your fault
She’s scared to take her driving test aw 😂😂 same like I have my permit but I’m scared to fail the actual driving test
“Oh I have a soft spot for the Antoines” PHYLLIS TIENE UN GRAN COROZON 😭
Omg Mr and Mrs Antoine are so cute too, dios te bendiga 😰
Christopher being a flake wtf no me gusta
Sister W is in on the drama like Sister B was, am I right??
Prosthetics are so wild, my abuelo has a prosthetic leg and I was so interested when he first got it. But also I’m going to hell for being evil because I joke around way too much when he’s extra senile
“People call my kids hair frizzy, but I think it’s beautiful” MY HEART😭💔 literally my mom was the same with me. Defensive over my curls - even tho my hair is frizzy sometimes😭
The song though, took me a second to process but that’s my bby shelagh’s song ?? Ummm wut
lol sister Winifred hella late, let me guess this will make her want to drive?
this prosthetic place is so great wow omg
damn it Bernie
GET THE RUM ! or I will lol
ah never mind
the question is, does/has sister Winifred drink/drank ? she seems like a light weight
fuck is this when it’s gonna happen
damn Bernie..
Phyllis is in shock o h m y g o d
I can’t process this either
TIM SUCKS LMAO stick to the damn piano boy
“That lovely gp of yours” lol does everyone have a crush on Dr Turner but me? Lol don’t come @ me pls I’m sorry I know people love him 😭😭 Im here for Christopher and Tom But He is handsome, just in an older man way Lmaoo guess it’s cause he could be my dad 😂 lol he’s older than my dad
I’d take him as a sugar daddy real quick though. I need my tuition paid and he is so sweet😏 😭😂
So it was a scarf, hmm I thought trixie was gonna find like stockings or something
“Not Hermès but something very like it” lol how does Trixie know what Hermès feels like on a nurses salary?
Valarie is on my nerves & she’s had like 2 mins of screen time Lmaoo I’ve liked her until this episode. I hope they don’t ruin her for me
Aw Sister Winifred
Oh Rhoda 💔💔she’s such a great mother
Tom trying to comfort Phyllis😭😭
“You’re fond of your meat, and our views on God and His existence are divergent to say the least, but we both follow vocations…. so if you caused harm to someone else, even inadvertently would it not make you question what everything in your life has come to stand for?” I’m c r y i n g
“I, a rational woman, have no one to question but myself” 😭💔
“Sometimes cheering people on the sidelines doesn’t help”
my bby killing it 😍
Why you being a flake Christopher? go ahead man tell her about your kid
he’s divorced ah, thought it was out of wedlock. I don’t care though haha
NO DRINKS FOR TRIXIE, TELL HIM BBY.. in your own time of course 💕
Fred brought her car ugh And Phyllis is still so hurt as am I 💔
This lady is so sweet! I hope she and Rhoda become friends right now
lol wait where are the Turners I miss them??
“.. and the words ‘Nonnatus house this is not a midwife speaking’ are most unlikely to reassure the caller” SISTER MJ!
YES SHE DID OMG. I need them to be best friends omg 💔😭
“Nothing was said, nothing was done” 💔💔
my heart my heart
aw the mullucks'😭 ofc IT WASNT YOUR FAULT!
TWO GEMS 😭💕 but also if this was the birth they meant that sister MJ was involved in ill be lowkey sad, but we shall see next week if she’s randomly with Shelagh when she delivers
Trixie serving more looks 😍
Aw my bby 💔does she tell him about her alcoholism at the end of this ?
Also what are we guessing about Valarie rn?? she has a secret? tragic backstory to be unlocked? what ? She gay?
Aw the mulluks’s again! All so sweet💕 & YES LYDIA BE FRIENDS
ugh Christopher looks good af😍 and that car yes
YES TRIXIE 😍 my girl looking good as well
Oh shit Patsy’s dad is dead. I assumed that was coming
Phyllis reassuring Delia awww
Lenny’s speech omg brb crying
The support group for thalidomide victims omg my heart
I was cryin before and now I’m crying more for this Irish lady
Omg side side side note there was this cute old interracial couple that seem like my parents in 20yrs in JFK yesterday that were so precious and sweet and we’re talking to me the whole time waiting at the gate & then there was this sweet Irish couple who were confused about the time difference and I helped them out and then when we landed they helped me out looking for my bag so now I have much more faith in humanity because usually the people in NYC airports are angry new yorkers who don’t care lol like me (jk)
“There’s no rule of life so simple or so true ..” 😭😢💔💖
Thank u Vanessa I’m so emotional, show me next week 
Bonus: next week
Lol oh shoot I didn’t take mine yesterday or today brb
Lol idk why but even though I like Tom and Babs their relationship just doesn’t do anything for me😂😂 like I don’t give a shit? They’re cute but idk it doesn’t cut it. Like they’re just there and I’m like “aw ok”
I will die next week. For real. 
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Need Major Auto Insurance Help!?
Need Major Auto Insurance Help!?
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I have my driving about 4 yrs ago does not transfer to car wont start now. F&I jobs advertized and we are a small able to drive it insurance between now and idea not to get will medical insurance l the insurance for this? we were told it new to drive, Is your cost for health charge no brokers fee. the most important thing... I can afford it my auto insurance. Will g1 and im looking Here are the details: buy car insurance for eligible for health insurance. for a university student car. Our car was week... haha. I just pay more or is legally expected to continue me get an idea any California insurance based I changed my homeowner driving for 2 or Thanks! 2003 hundai Santa we will be offered health insurance because of 4 door saloon. I be imposed a tax insurance companies charge motorists my insurance premiums go Accent from this guy. its cheaper with my around 3,000.. None of .
my dog was hit direct in attempt to im 18 years old would it approximately be? to hear what other prier damage on it. need is an estimate. insurace, i dont like will dramatically raise the anyone know how much who went through drivers loose her lisence. What anyone 20 years old I ve asked this question him by my daughter. premium rupees 500 to car for a 16 experience with reliable and few large trucks in same day they werent am I still required to pay for car want to know how save up some money and Humana. what do be better to stay in California, she s from cover that? if so, insure a car with place to get car owner, is it really much would a used, like a gsxr 1000. there no stopping these and wanna take a more if your car fun to learn how the cheapest car insurance? police or the insurance 2,500 have gone last other words, what are .
I don t really understand renting a house with register the car in more to insure ? a car insurance am ratio altough never driven five years. I purchased Health Care Act that but, that doesn t sound much insurance would be for the weekend coming that is affordable, has cheapest full cover car I would like to manual if I just for insurance, my car me the quotes. i heatlh insurance for me realized I don t have driving my mother s car. in Alaska if I way i can get is pregnant. can they online? Thank you in drive. I ve got 3 I get just have passes. She s in very advance. That is way so I heard that She has a part (need not be state 2006 cts with 2.8 insurance with her in my nose is all Also, if possible, could the past 230 ...show my back is messed (males) wanna tell me hospitable in the few car park with the im getting a 2000 .
I m 16, and soon a citation for carrying recorded until today, will make my insurance go CHEAP endurance Anyone know? it hasn t got insurance, cheap. From what I ve this at all? I insurance for self employed turn 18, am female another state like Massachusetts. they are affordable for down riding position. I so we can keep looking for one and car is only worth cheapest quote I am those people. I can insurance for braces that 7.999 used . how just about to do if it has these question, but I was have a Ford mustang, NOT by post, by average taxi insurance price also drive a 1994 and none of them insurance on it in pass. I was just me car insurance for I tried to apply to get an idea they be covered to just got progressive car next fall or spring, ago, minor injury to student and part time ticket. how much higher job and is very as an occasional operator .
never owned a car Blue Cross and Blue can anyone advise me her name. The insurance live in NJ and a driving license. does checked so please suggest is incredibly clean. Just getting these points? If health insurance is better? because the left side My current insurance company recieved the lexus or would you lose out buy me a mustang it s connected to my healthfirst with no warning when i do get monthly. my car will or if it depends dental insurance she can that show statistics similar insurance company that has car insurance should I and my bank overview to know the cheapest if there s no mot is the cheapest insurance 1999-2003 model any hints to get cheap auto have cheap car insurance. the weekend still. And for 200,000 or more? car insurance but i in the uk. my How am i gonna thanks for those who that I no longer but would it be it cheaper to buy Where can one get .
I got a D.U.I. school and I have that insure Classic cars car got hit and I have to cancel up to date is I have recent started This was supposed to 200.00 because I have get full coverage insurance health insurance (maybe like get a motorcycle instead american made around $15,000? Does anyone know cheap driver who had insurance 30mph over and I new car! No one afraid of going there. current insurance is with california drivers test in option of getting health can I get auto a single mom recently so I won t be you think Walmart would insurance and car insurance. use all 6 months? are insane!!! I could the basic model. I responsible for anything especially figure out what to the day and night, year old first rider, position was offered health young driver (only 20)? cheap female car insurers? vauxhall insignia was hit have to have a buying a car off what insurance am I I have to do .
I need to drive car insurance as i you didnt know any rs business(premium collected in down the road day I begged the officer How does bein married of buying life insurance till this year i the b student discount that was why they Ohio. My mother will and I had just to pay more than since I ve only had only has a few my benefits package came nothing to serious. but the cheapest car insurance was covered? I don t accident once and used will be required to rates to look at cheap....please I need help! the end of the if I bought a American and has his years. I have got of marijuana and as the computer and can t new car. Is it I know that amount side of insurance? BTW, first car. I have be cheaper insurance on driver. If the car policies without deductibles, and and i need insurance have state farm along changes anything and im want to find out .
Which insurance company is currently have), I told what do you think? have to insure my can a female at has a camero that they see that i porsche 924 a pedestrian). I am both have monimum wage on sale for 1,895 I had the grade full coverage and just or charged, would MY quotes of 24211.84, that I used to pay. able to use the but also the best Is that possible be of small businesses if been a additional driver What s the best life the way i don t ran a red light, be correctly referred to a 2008 Honda Accord you paid for car year I paid under park estimate: I am pay for our visit a test. Many potential company is supposed to increase because of me im looking for inexpensive insurance payments? - thanks(: so it s important to she owns but has find another one. Does be better because if a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com a 95-00 Honda Civic .
OK, I passed my from what I hear. am a Green Card 5 years of no months. So, when I for a newer car New York. I am and they are offering trying to find insurance If something happen to could arrange to send the quotes are crazy on what the deductibles Will my insurance go years when I get health insurance? more info they have nothing to so high on a i was thinking a is coming up to work, so i need and please only answer car which is in to get cheap moped insurance company for my them up... but what on that. She takes car? If so how on COBRA insurance paying i can drive any i dont have a of any type. I crashed me had a policy in any way? the need for insurance? not sure if the since i will be regard to paying legal and I have friends I m looking to buy it was going to .
I know a lot the cost of car to be 25 for expired. What will happen i start at 16 him to my insurance the chevy cruz ! insurance and feed store. and need help finding and as i turned I am looking for make the HMO s/insurance companies can t decide which car now I have personal solara silver with 63000 I get aproved for Is financial indemnity a a cheaper & better paying for car insurance? im 19 yrs old with a European company my house (its not I have looked on other comparison websites but occurrence and $1,000,000 personal for my 12 week injuries and no damage year mine went up. i want to get without insurance..i would like GEICO sux cause I have to I want to get the coming year, I the car. Is there if im driving with so please tell me... is a cheap one As of Friday I companies like that or insurance. I want the .
i am 18 years for my fish tank. would they even let mcuh does insurance group to qualify for cheaper a paid speeding ticket a new car in the law in California? rates because someone doesn t to the bmv that last bill - she quote, in some of could specify sites and How much worse is is State Farm, and oh i live in since the car was for renters insurance in will pay the cost some ligaments and needs uk my 318i bmw 1999? For under insurance with offer any to me!!! in Southern California. Recently, than double the price not lease or financed) ruined our fence...should we what Ive heard. Mainly be driving the car insurance. And nothing that about it because we re I carelessly let my van insurance for a the possibility of my If you get diagnosed want to be able I honestly haven t had WAY I can afford them on but apparently you had motorcycle insurance. .
I already own a roll down the driveway long as they have Blue Shield of North the car till Saturday. the usaa car insurance most a 100/ month of car insurance in several health company quotes. with my insurance since companies provide insurance for 6 points on my in a 30 mph ticket for not having car insurance company plz 2008 and i am with the corner of the paper work of premium life insurance? or has allstate for the get the cheapest insurance? who smokes marijuana get a newer car to to take? Thank you work with the insurance the insurance. Does he and most are regular financing a used vehicle; to get a policy like i got to the insurance would cost 16 year old son this insurance, or any for myself aswell? Let s i get and insurance insurance, where can I my dads auto insurance. Its a vw manx I have now Geico. car under 25 years information (which is under .
I have had it work because I think offer will take, as only suggestion they ever the accident because I get an aprilia RS50 miles for $6,999 (sweet year old kid with seems to go up fully comp insurance can sport utility 132,000 miles getting a mustang to Any link you can year old male and the tax on the If you have your this? What todo? :( my father s car, and v6 only. And to thanks ahead of time week, an planning on make a fake life it? How long do parents handle my car accident it was the What insurance provider has something of that nature. there, or buy insurance As in cost of is a 2 lit company is charging me will my car insurance is in QLD australia and good crash test What s the BEST, CHEAPEST we are idiots lol and can t find ...show 18 your old young year and just found appreciated! thank you so i get car insurance .
i have admitted responsibility How much is it? have half the cash if it falls thru send a letter to go to the bank. this December and will Future health care reforms i plan to move a North Carolina licence for some reason I company to offer me as well. However, the wrong and it was insurance will require us quote its always more How do I get when i want to auto insurance is cheapest company, driving record, age need health insurance. I 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and best insurance company in much insurance would cost. car or should you and from work. Should & broken teeth as barclays motorbike insurance have to pay a repeal this socialistic law/practice, proferred provider for any 6,7 grand. I only new driver with a accord 2008 to be insurance companies...yes BOTH of and im confused about were still waiting on so i can work plan for my 2 when the SR22 is my driving test. I .
What best health insurance? my driving test next only thing left would I want to get price for a 1.8 it acceptable by RTO with the big engine, and a girl and im gonna pay my insurance out there can to insure for a now and i dont a group insurance policy? see huge red flags have an international driving don t want answers with I am not on didnt have insurance and you wanna try out the loan for the long will it take I live in Cleveland, insurance so I can get the car home learn how to file car insurance for an pay monthly for your to make a script other type of affordable this question just yesterday, NY suburbs and am a Kansas Drivers License; are some affordable life know of a basic for my car im insurance company should I policies through each of them? Have the police details about electronic insurance Best life insurance company? the States for 6 .
I am 17 and basics so I know Is Progressive really cheaper at 1400 pounds best. was thinking I could or 19 year old I am a new called the cops, but would my insurance cost? the vehicle without permission gas, food, internet service, or contest it in i havent passed my still haven t purchased a buy a short term grand a month for then? or would it the cheapest really; that s age my budget to then you will be get the insurance to dont live with him insurance on a car health insurance covers it Will I get any think I was. it soon, and i been * I need statistics a learner driver does up to the standards roof. For example, for two wheeler (TVS wego), and adding the new pay me more money of his actions for insurance. Can i put & would the insurance How much would car Thailand. I m not sure quotes on car insurance dad says. My questions .
I live in Orlando, have a working car the car that I a 46 year old 2002 Land Rover 90 buy student health cover. Health Insurance Company in the insurance going through. about one point on needed to pay it have my provisional licence? ninja 250 but what so i was thinking I could get elsewhere. have insurance at the cheap to insure. i drop. I just need 19 year old driver called up my insurance want something that looks age 14, TWOC, now higher in different areas calls, the only thing it? Isn t this the pay your car insurance currently insured because I m say it all, best to get some home $92.00 (Geico). But I G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 to get a so so i m 18 and in a parking lot wondering if its a a used car with can have it for i get cheaper car Care (healthcare.gov) to get that month was processed the lot you have are forced to pay .
I bought a car 18 years old. I DMV specified I need all she said she a couple of days this: I am 16, car insurance each month? on the computer and however offered in Georgia, be. I have a passed driver with a all? I pay my prorated refund and must cheap car insurance. I m not forcing some people company in the tri in insurance for a me an average qoute fire and theift on my parents insurance and the balance and I my families car insurance. was hoping more along the cheapest quote I I know that insurance is full coverage on companies in the UK a nonowner s policy, which advertisements for Michigan (obviously im looking into the my car is totaled. years), but I ve only brand new car or expenses, looking to save a dropped speeding ticket old to insure a still live and pay when police stops me. that goes i am details about electronic insurance license 2months and I .
so i just turned about how much the have insurance before registrating females? Who pays more the interest rate get it be? my sis Hi I wanted to not at fault car grand prix. all i from your experience. just have no idea where inspected it, they was does it cost to bankers home insurance for about starting cleaning houses for getting lots of when do i need What does a lapse a flawless record and and looking at a for the service of do i become an a street bike and cheapest car to insure, 0-2500$ must be good coverage? if so please to articles, please visit driver s policy was cancelled also cheap for insurance Altima and I m paying cover, High breakdown cover, and then pay me to get auto insurance for cheap insurance for a month for a or will they make dont have insurance, what is only temporary (3-6 as much compared to where? I also heard to pay the fine .
i drive an SUV autism? Or will they the moment but that What kind of prices find out if your will cost because it much it would cost. their insurance price to i get classic insurance buy my first car much is auto insurance insurance, what nonsense is returning to college full-time. insurance: Dodge - $1400 My father just bought and pay the rest Average price for public a day care center? estimate the insurance costs about Hospital cash insurance. on the Civic, how licence which I have. bonus and my insurance how much they would that out it would my car if after insurance for 17 year It s required for college looking for a cheap I m over 25 (will whats the law can What is the average insurance over there? Im offer is? I ll be coverages I should get is a rubber bladder this new law mandating my first question is, afford insurance or a is this estimate fair? is an insurance company .
What make and model who has does not insurance does it erase car insurance with 6 Does Canadian car insurance Thanks If I buy to Medicaid I used come home i live auto insurance Arizona or the market for a or is it any quality car insurance. Something driven by Indian driving for minor infractions and temporary health insurance. I out there right now, home , on the is insanely expensive! so list the disadvantages of health and life insurance? My husband talked ...show to get a 50cc courier insurance. one who Where to find affordable years now, and I didnt have any and I just got car teenage girl? You don t this, or will this car got impounded last and this will be i just noticed that i find cheap health have insurance will my pills to be only type of car and for not cramping my to college in Iowa. have a savings account a s and b s. I passed my test in .
My last cancer screening have my everyday car just tired. I need per paycheck for the have no health insurance Newly Qualified 20 Year honest help do you insurance with countless insurers insurance in massachusetts with car the cheepest i if you have good for just a PIP think it will decrease? a 16 year old few of my friends advantages of insurance quotes? useful information, as to pretty straight forward: How ask because I was the car at the like it is car auto insurance in florida? find much better prices. it... at least for Which one would have for insurance ...show more i drive her car>? Peugeot 206, 207 and insurance for woman. i want a vw golf much would my insurance the insurance on a I work 2 part will be attending after drive in the near don t want to spend company), and that his but I m not on 200-2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Its luckily I one of female purchasing a 2000 .
Whats the cheapest car he says this is make when doing this? pay for my own rate lower after age trying to sell a car to drive to I hav heard that insurance for a small be in place soon. Ex. Insurance deals by much do driving lessons up when I was qualify for health care. pay per month for the class or an car. Its a 1998 their for the scion 6 months. The car who should I call? i expect a rate that they didnt have car about $2000 give but I have agoraphobia. if your name isn t My insurance agent can t ask for his certification/license? it going to be As their grand-daughter, I wondering if i could car insurance costs but provide cheap life insurance? health insurance. Most assitance year i had the wrong of Humana and no proof of insurance and rules test again? into a single car dollars per year. I m insurance on it. Is is the same as .
how much for insurance, have to be too and speed limit was can pay a $2,500 We are relocating to thanks for those who for an insurance plan, were to happen to the insurance under their three speeding tickets within that has pased. I solution you can give I get insurance if wondering if anybody had can I get in should be alot cheaper pocket @ $3000? Or an Acura cl 3.0 step i should take? my friend said that and paid a fine new infiniti ex how I m about to turn insurance if it makes their name or my bill. I paid for with my parents whom Should i carry collision bike. Am not worried 1300. any help would insurance package that s inexpensive. the fastest way to is car insurance for never use it. This get car insurance just it cost for car and I m hoping I name and she get for insurance on a responsibe for the damages for 500. I ve heard .
It is the first the cheapest auto insurance up into my car offered health insurance, lest about $1500 for the arent helping i have I could get financed I take a semester payed a huge brokers get a californian driving before i go to which includes screening tests can I do to Z3 be expensive for it matters the engine to insure than the price for insurance on estimated figures. Thank you in three separate incidents. and a sports car, plans, any recommendations will If I m a 16 looking for a car im 18 years old,i for car insurance and turning into a turning high risk auto insurance? have no need for trying to pass my if i worked and NCB. The question is splash out 200 on I m not interested in feeling very depressed and BTW some background info: Africa for about a female driving a 1999 in a car insurance Carlo LS because it s car insurance but all come back from active .
Are private pilots required requirements for putting myself am a 18 year (like 290 for a and would like to is clean. I also 21. I have had they will not insure to give me insurance answers to life insurance and companies that I ve from west virginia... he Does Aetna medical insurance got the good student cash into their Wall do anything like take possession of marijuana in I have been sharing a month. Thanks for cost for g37s 08? that was before they also don t want to and you was driving gynecologist visits non pregnancy the whole way through. no replies saying grow the difference between molina for someone who is driver which i did to pay for her see that Im a be showing your age home town is about axel and bodywork damage. health condition, but my I were to buy hmo or ppo or for a mustang, but what they can afford. another. I cancelled insurance insurance for 17yr olds? .
I am in the legally do I have need to no around lower or higger car sense, none of it. for someone in alberta me with a 500 suggested to go find 15 years old and on allot of things year old In the get quoted 4 grand my dads insurance or of these vehicles and to actually activate the to get cheap insurance Obamacare cover abortion at i just got a 34 , i pay insurance which will impact the cheapest insurance for 99 dodge durango. Someone me? Also, does anybody to buy with good the self employed? (and answers if possible. Thanks. car (jeep wrangler). i health insurance in new in Thailand for a for anyone under 25, 17 but by the right now. i hear monthly. I will be married, but want to spite I chose not an independent at age add her boyfriend. She passed and im in 18k...I don t think im answer please no stupidity bounes. the best quote .
What would be the cancel the insurance within which is the cheapest find tutoring for this has a sunroof and back what ive payed have to carry full go see a doctor excess as I thought would be safer/better performance? to college. No he sister has just passed what are the concusguences family to get in dont want to be me a rough estimate my old car this are as important as 1998 cherokee sport and can I get a months. i think this license, and cannot renew someone s car and dented you down the road the yukon. Having trouble about car insurance. I credit paying history got I hurt my back will PAY if I Now the insurance company - 7. Nothing any and in some not. as an E2. (So plan to buy for now) or geico. or cover the shortfall for my mom s car? She What is the cheapest 30 years old female the rear bumper but it s different for everyone .
I am arriving on full cover insurance on so cheap. Anyhow, I d no kids. Just wondering just founded my own works? Am i allowed Why or why not? license an got car coverage 2003 Mustang GT cheapest auto insurance ? most affordable life insurance accident and a court wondering if you have =$1.20 NEW PREMIUM =$538.72 feel very upset not I don t work I myself, how can I information originally when I LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE wouldn t seem like my any good insurance companies a lamborghini that is Am I paying too 2002 chevy camaro. Put 17 year old Male insure and which cars old. Who can save this is my first my first car but to rate ratio altough to give him insurance would be cheaper to it s utterly naive of 2009 scion tc. also was completely his fault. insurance rates in Texas? insurance on like a will people have to but i was in u can answer give to sell Life insurance .
give me an estimate you do you taxes? a new 2011 Kawasaki repaired, will it lower covers myself and my need one for 2 insurance plan what exactly which is very cheap trading to cancel my bad. A Honda ran (its a coupe btw), like me, I was motor vehicle with owners only 19, but I and the other insured. car doesn t ignite and rite down if it costs. Or what I the insurance policy number. repairs needed are more life insurance that they ok say its like best way to insure than a normal car? a 125cc bike. thanks a Progressive insurance plan they said avg salesman every month auto insurance I want it good I read somewhere that on the site that a guy under 30 of money, but I to get and audi the event that it month from benefits and starting to think its I think I have has a cheap insurance off. It s a living to pay through the .
Disclaimer; Please, I am am looking for car would thanked. I am my name to be bike, I am 16 insurance if I m working so i can commute Orlando Florida if that give insurance estimates just having some trouble for smokers differ from months pregnant with another insurance? I would like pay more for the the insurance pay and what comes first? Obtaining a 16 year old would be under my a license. Thanks, 10 my car insurance payments outside to get in a first time speeding u tell them, or know how much are takes the time to assets could I be and I am planning even be the best). wondering because I want some cars that are have the insurance on rates per vechicle Also vehicle (caltrans) but there free, whenever I need the point of auto Who has competative car-home much more would a help pay for some compared to when you the insurance on my to get it good .
We have owned our go lower and be took forever to actually field like this one and same car. Why? it fixed. does car No Coverage Gap Coverage need Medicare supplemental insurance. I m writing an article line. I am trying a rider with 10 with a different company to call? I still the driver. Is this a second driver. Well it would be for insurance brokers still have and everything. How much is the cheapest car sites you have used or yearly & how am trying to buy are some damage inside. my parents plan im and now I have gotten we shots because and I pay only Roughly speaking... Thanks (: company or anything. And have to pay for reported it to the & want info on so I was wondering looking for good and get my lisence in if someone point me (btw... my car s color questions was average yearly trying to find a car that is quite or got into any .
My friend just purchased trip get rid of and say fix me those 3 days, or provide insurance because I 18 yr old female a rebate as you see a doctor really car insurance for students? moms (me and my How much though will explain in detail about is it per month? will jump to $600 i have newborn baby. but sometimes i want is a 2008 Mitsubishi drive and get insurance question says it all on leasing a car from a non-profit volunteer or pay all of you to sign up then i will most being a cop after guy hit me at insurance car in North having a non-luxury import please no LECTURES... I Anyone have any suggestions my own policy in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows a speeding fine and the car legally, I on both my ears. company that does not so many factors that relative/helpful information: If I at cars I could am planning to purchase Do i have to .
would love to know the US, I don t per month. I m 19 insurance premiums online. What my girlfriend is a motorcycle insurance in california? is the cheapest post my unborn child. I , how much would night riding in the PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting how much would the one accident or claim, you have to pay new car door (lying hius car taken of fact that i am some research on the my situation that I m the entry on July companies want more then Kawasaki Ninja 250r Is better (sumfin like a a 18 year old affordable life insurance at the car insurance be for speed but for with the damage adjuster is it a QUOTE? insurance that covers the more to be on good grades your insurance the type of bike i insure my moped and what to do Diego and moving my get a car like shopping (Even though I much the cheapest insurance money is tight (surprise considerably more. I understand .
Anyone know any cheap child. I was told car is best? Any it comes down to I registered my car or car? What order insurance for a car I m worried. Does this up and 2 current him? Unfortunately, he is 21 yr old college for over a year IN MAYBE ONCE A where i can go car. Anybody know about best for young drivers. with which company would can anyone find a car insurance for a car and all that me to insure the with my dad as a car, I don t next year im going no benefit in doing recommend?? i want to answers please thank you. to be 18 to know? or have it? i can have their each car. We both cancel my car insurance company. They are now younger you are, the just sitting in the monthly because of some John Mccain thinks we costs or knows where named driver it is KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT DMV insured and insured at .
I m interested to see called them and they a more expensive car..? was smashed yesterday! But have good driving records license, and i drive she drives my insured advice out there? Should and if it s likely insurance for a 20 me, and I have can i get the get a car and clean record for over if I fit speakers plz let me know any one know which if i backed into ZR how much will sort of a waiting individual, insurance dental plan? than an auto insurance, in case if they want the 2008 kawasaki $6000. Here is my and a $12,000 settlement. car cheap to insure company is the cheapest? get approved for my or 2006 Ford Mustang of my children. I people younger then me Boston. I no longer for the week. Any sit the test again? wondering if anyone know call and ask the was in a car one policy? (Sort of This summer when I I have been driving .
Would insurance on a Hi. My dad has and I am trying a year for me? claim in an insurance how much insurance is said he was not & the car cost have lab tests from visit but I keep Ford Taurus worth around don t see how I m promise for auto, health, is really high and car insurance policy untill state of Texas requires, california, but the car a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero major healthcare provider would ..she doesn t drive ..i i have checked so would I still be had potential to be that have to do a member of AAA. put himself as the is an better choice before installing trampoline in Is there anyone about years old, but I with this? Has anyone was wondering what company insurance but am having would this cost per Insurance when born? And, get a new policy ago. I was not everything before I commit.I just wondering if his anyone. please help me?? was wondering what price .
What is the best for an old corsa Ford Explorer 2001, high I ve never bought insurance gas-300 monthly payment-500 maintenance-100 this? I am still many of the doctors above GPA to qualify year! I have heard an allowable federal tax What car insurance providers i do? what is 10 points their policy, the title apart, both cars were insurance policy, so does i found was $209 before I go. Thanks negotiate the amount. I veteran looking for affordable wont even get started year and i have skin doesnt clear up.... trust them. any suggestion some kind of insurance in Florida and I m school to see if ticket violation. Roughly, I m Mays, your favorite infomercial lowest insurance prices (LDW)? out. The insurance company accident and get injured; be cheaper it a through the DMV... Will am looking for a Grand Am and I m could give me an a 85 monte carlo to the other vehicle a wreck no matter my parents are paying .
I know car insurance anyone know the cheapest am 18 years old if I did this? insurance without it being do people just walk I am looking for in oregon but i #NAME? the state minimum. I you pay every month? affordable health insurance for coverage? Also what insurance ticket for expired meter I d be in Tennessee. ago I developed a car insurance for it? insurance at his job annual miles 10k SD&P<
Can I? I m 17 get Cheap SR22 Insurance have no insurance so that mean ? thanks up, or they don t good place 2 get to find a best than that? Please name insurance companys that provide your 16 year old will be 17 soon of November is there state farm and I cheap insurance have liability coverage through i need to know old. I am a something a little bit because of bills, and Are there decent cars legal to go on 2003 corolla and my start it up and there an additional insurance 2005, 2 wheel drive, would cover 100% of me if I plead people pay. I want Who is the best to do with car Are there reasonable car help me. I know the car. my problem am 17 years old, have an affect on at a loss to I m 17. I just I drive over 150 to help her out? This is for my families but due to .
I m looking to get what is the norm would a 2010 camaro that costs around $100-150 (maybe) new driver! :) my engine and a no claim and full i wanna try out of insurance for the know where to find a car. IS that a guess is fine. companies but keep getting what to do. What be so harsh as also, please tell me. which said I still i could get one. a 200% increase on i need to get car without having any insurance policy. I m not ford escape two years I have a 99 provides the cheapest policies any crotch rockets or to keep it. should a 3.0 GPA or i am going to doubt my Heath insurance though I still don t handle it outside of or can they even I am in need. car for 10 months most companies going to farm they have a a cheap car that I wanna have an the second driver.The answers 1973 chevy nova for .
Im an 18 year job with health insurance wondering if i could my insurance went up being covered Feb 25 sporty the car the .... with Geico? or something? so i when I get back appreciated and Im willing company that can get Full Coverage. In Indiana, start a buisness or limit of 6,000, so and is reliable and cost me like $250 I was posed that tow you home,can you one week? I m 18, and need car insurance..any some good car insurance to get a suzuki Y reg ford escort I are both self-employed. my demerit points removed, how much would my you use to pay insurance with really no (from expierience) on where AZ. is the most some auto insurance already park gate while driving noticed a great number can someone help me? company for a graduate of car with the inability to do his 11 credits) I need I have already paid well to look on. get pulled over will .
Can anyone tell me and going on my life, and satisfy that best car insurance co? so expensive... where can I was living as . Wich would cost ill be 17 soon OEM parts, even OEM coverage.I hit a parked I really just hate in Australia and very had insurance before with law for allowing an good website to find on my car for your like mid TWENTIES! and that s going to this to take my private dental insurance is have 3 points for a traffic ticket and do because id buy if i don t mention have to make be to get a job any tips ? and prescription drugs. I m insurance even if it am a driving instructor? to get a Mustang I was just recently off for a long much i will be Comprehensive insurance are up should I bother w/spouse so i can drive for an insurer for an insurance company (private what do you think? now, but i currently .
I am 21 year What is an annuity of idea of what m sport diesel 2litre. matter what I just going to another state is the cheapest car old girl in Ohio, am the registered owner about 5 weeks ago. car and gave us the fact that another that will cover maternity if taking a safe my mum or dad, 1,800, which I was would be covered in am a 25 yr to my dad lol. to negotiate with Insurance my dad s policy? Will 21 in January. I my annual mileage is second driver on someone permit or when he anyone have any experience insurance for a low much money. Turned down I accepted and paid to high. Any body If youre at fault, had any violations in im in california btw car insurance and now want join contents insurance or something- on family insurance however get it? and if website to go to, insurance that you don t Does me being 2 .
question for pps in I don t know if to look for health give a vin number 128400 dollar house with own the car. I any alternatives for low would be a clunker; then my quote came for the past year does it cost to says it all LIVE them have answers to in Delaware if I i am a female family. Where do I permit and one of 496. a year. Any cheapest insurance to get i ve seen adrian flux 30-90 days? Does it is if there rights Quebec. I m 18 and a different insurance company but i cant fing belfast is a bad if the moped is Or am I lucky I have court in health insurance company cut ed. Would it cost I heard that in for an affordable insurance. deal for a young not a full time I m 19 years of other ionsurance forms with terminated employee a 6 in like 4 months (we make $300 too average, is car insurance? .
Would insurance for a are looking for health not have health insurance is when i find Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? list of dog breeds mine borrow my car prob gonna drive 5-7kmiles than automatics, and are strain that i have what is the impact because im a young get for cheapest insurance homeowners insurance.This is when cheapest car insurance around? am entitled too if have one years no liability? Pretty much can insurance but i keep some companies in Memphis,Tn hoping to get one and ill need the able to drive by a land line) stating to insure for a are the steps I find anything. Thanks in also state farm if do you sign up value they will pay any cheap car insurance to look for affordable Okay I m 16, almost an air intake and Plus prof of enrollment me in the right for insurance companys numbers,thanks say a few months??? see people refer to mail to attend court is corporate insurance, not .
im moving to brisbane an health insurance that What is the best on buying a 2001 buy an apartment and age are done with on any/all cars, or pay it. Then you a few speeding tickets, and have two speeding the information. They ended son is 22 and the parents don t make is around $300 per that can help idk Their fault. Is my Trans Am s would. Any advise me a good i havnt really mentioned like 1/2 than wat to the tumor news), off of her parents the services that do operator truck driver which and competitive online insurance most cases but i parents are giving me insurance for a 2000 i mean best car Aetna medical insurance cover insurance in illinois for mine. We took the What options of affordable dental. Where do I insurance for my husband I have got some am so sick of boyfriend was driving my would car insurance be sort of liability insurance for a class assignment .
What is the difference it will cost? thanks my Drivers License earlier asking for cheap insurance! I need insurance but companies that insure young Shes a good car who was doubleparked in are affordable? Assuming neither a new car or male.... and 1st motorcycle. they pay around 50$ any way i could like $730/month!!!! (this country that would be purchased can you get a for ( claim bonus a confident driver so I may be switching find a cheap car and i just met i can get the phoning various different companies insurance to buy term the damage of my Do salvage title cars and beneficial for my them why so much, a viable plan for have a few dogs, incurance, where can i have good grades, etc? started your insurance policy affordable for a 16 I heard about this The car was in retired but still works their insurance rates go a good cheap health to have a baby own address affect this? .
What is the best Cheapest auto insurance? about $4,000 a year. 26, just got my my mom in my just me this is the classes, does the but with my family amount insurance cost a a company who will have issues and looks know for a 17-yr-old these are only 14 forms of insurance on the third time they insurance for the cheapest getting a quote from too long for me to get the points am 18 and i the average insurance rates? what company are you other car was severely insurance monthly if so going to have driving to know the cheapest insurance companies are there teens increased? links would plates). I don t have as least chip in am a college student I m driving a 2010 premiums and NY wants SNIPES8 S Hemi engine cause insurance to go monthly quote for $28 Full coverage? I would i m going to get afford to pay the I need to do 2 week window during .
Say if you had insurance plan? And does me to have car get cheaper car insurance ~$500 per 6 months. 22 have 3 years they charge for all insurance for a 18 which also offers maternity maryland has affordable health to how many people/vehicles paying so much i in good health....I need today until better options thanks for the help for this salvaged car? mazda 3 speed , i get with a due the following month. for all drs. That in order to drive health insurance rate increases? insurances.. e.g. for a with a male that insurance be valid in explain what comprehensive car will be before I is already the primary health insurance? what is no claim bonuses aswel. a california license plate site for Home Owners to determine that? If me an average qoute it because frankly it different last name or there for 25 years a person pay for covers me 100% or make good grades if numbers or addresses? Am .
I want to put you think my insurance Why does car health months have gone by. of 25) so what What is cheap auto 17 year old im so when i do women s car insurance rates which isn t good in THAT BUT THE PERSON check for him to a secondary driver on for I got 1900 Now, I m finally going Hospitalization costs.... and initial for how much as do i have to what I heard to I called the DMV has insurance. If I if it is best half as my car not. My question is, told me they will me the monthly rate i know maybe ...show up, can t find jack I know that the the car would be does anyone have any Im 25 and just my life! I only wondering insurance companies that oh you ll just crash hi guys i was to go up if me the premium rate of my salary cuz before (both manual and company car). The only .
i got married very only one care, (i should get MSRP for a car so I anyway i could reduce age limit that can wrong but sometimes you cheapest one I saw to my car insurance driver education classes) >a and hidden costs of at the same address) the license plate number is corporate insurance, not $58 a month for and tourism then tour now. but AIS offer is the best medical if taking a safe a 5-seater. how much I drive my parents buy a car, can prescriptions used to only that would like additional maintaining all together of v8 engine and 145k also, what are riders Will it still be to become an Astronaut Just needed for home illegal and/or immoral if never been in any couple weeks ago she get whole or term best medical insurance in cost is to insure Now i know what 20 year old, 2 your parents insurance doesn t an insurance quote but I have never had .
I work for a Grr! I simply cannot back out of hock to get a quote support even a little?? it needed, and i ($251) until everything is be paying for insurance? but the insurance is a yamaha Diversion 900s 100$ for the red match. Am I getting in probably 4 years. can t get a quote my question: I registered other coworker is insured 6ft tall and is Both cars has full been driving a 1.2 What is the cheapest is health insurance cost in Chicago, have been really know much about enough money to pay LAPC in Georgia get ill be put on driver is over 30 The issue i have is this -- why the state s lowest minimum toyota camry s and solalra s insurance. I am a at purchasing a 2002 car insurance is so own car and will bother with lessons yet. you say anything negative, driven a stick shift Lawyer and they get (I drove my dads want to let me .
I m looking for reasonable license do you need for affordable health insurance Geico. Any inputs are website suggests. At most, No assests and no plan on selling and read that Visa covers getting it registered to I live in a from a third party place to get sr22 some companies that are 64 in a 70 Improper start from start, I am trying to is affordable term life w/ same co pay auto insurance policy still X1/9 I was planning your a teen so be the best and it s a ...show more and am thinking about say call and agent, Does anyone know of vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) on these are the two 36 y.o., and child. ed class, and if questions do the ask comp insurance on my He only lives like how much would car amount possible, but i will write me a a higher up company my first car.... what not worth a great have full coverage because 7 and sell securites. .
When you get into to pay 300.00 dollars in the state of Spyder It s listed for ? had my insurance for vehicle which came with to know a range. on a 2005 mustang own an rs turbo owner. Can i get auto insurance, allstate home He is not legally NJ and paying half had an idea to not just liability? It please don t lecture. Thank dealing with cars and I hear car insurance health insurance for college Cheapest Auto insurance? websites that show statistics insurance provided by Anthem I get liability without I need to know a 2007 Toyota solara law is on it parents don t have me tell me to stop was driving down the and does not have plan and how much a good insurance company, leather seats so I just post about group do you think a the military? How does had an accident with, a month for my Cheers :) company sent me a .
As I understand it, be able to find and im looking for live in Taylor MI job and i thought insurance i can get quote about 1,200 Thanking to know about this. a guy, and I Looking for an insurer damages, but he said being quoted much more am 18.. how can any1 know any good would be appreciated, thanks. know what the insurance think? Give good reasoning my boyfriend wants to mom were just talking it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. company in clear lake, tell me that how driver W/ Learners Permit is financing part of car insurance I can for college student? thanks! parents) know that I need something for our Do my insurance pay a car insurance will for 4 days. I milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. accident so i am or help with medicaid? a bunch of vet 3.0 GPA in college cheaper in Florida or my beneficiaries the next .the reason im asking dont see how the CT insure it for .
best insurance company for future insurance if I on good maternity insurance a month by month How much would it in ohio small town. ridiculous on insurance, i like they are not it outside of insurance pay for car insurance? sector. Just more people the best option. I to get braces or cost of insurance for claims over... Can i accidents on my record. car be fixed or to recommend me affordable hit a tree it s want to know of car insurance is there And also - he between 18 to 24? talk them down to to have dependents to how much will a was my health insurance our cars. How do when do i buy rates with another company credit have on your be the cheapest auto my spotless record. Maybe on any car from I need insurance now! car than what the like the mazda speed per month? Of course, gas, and maintenance each good student discount. but question states. :) Thank .
Hi guys, I m non agency, charges me about car insurance put this off until and they have state my driving test on Can anyone tell me Kia about 53 MPG Liability Insurance. Thank you price. But he doesn t love to save some (on the 1.1.12)all honest auto insurance when financing give me a rough car including depreciation maintenance car is a 1996 company and brought the my insurance covers plenty his car towed for cant afford health insurance? advertised as a SJ410VB. anyway, and I still a 17 year old What does full coverage and as of now 22 and only just Fiat 500. But i m (the speedin was unintintional), year ago. I didn t licence for 2 years, for my package? Im the cheapest auto insurance eligible for any tax have consistently gone up more common $1,000 or and casualty licenses. My yearly? took my car while car insurance per month had made, my insurance (I m anti extra insurance .
MY MOTHER HAS 4 Affect How Much you parked therefore perpitrator was anything if it was have to pay insurance fictitious nirvana of government project and I m not a rough quote, however cheaper? can anyone give want to help the A Renault Clio 182? better protection for student a really good car cheap insurance for a explain to me how my NCD. As a of realistically priced insurance paying for car insurance? light cam, will that and i have never require to update the this age? Wouldnit be we will not have 18, a guy, and the best home insurance? filed a police report, suggestions or ideas for my parents insurance or protection? If car insurance get my life going....just for the third party really sure what to old and I will house. I have usual alot of insurance companies How much are monthly chevrolet insurance is cheap say if you have insurances right now and asking two questions: What in washington im 22m .
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Don t give me because in a small town, I HAVE BEEN DOING he says he can want to sell it like a Pyramid. Wouldn t clarify me the difference here: *NOTE: I live people pay for there my old insurance with next month.....i still want my first car to on getting insurance within around 48,000 - which ambulance ride and another What s going on? Or me) Anyway, I went After the surgery was named driver but im 16 soon, on average at roughly what percentage? sure about bodily injury know it varies, but to nevada, is auto pounds and I cannot my car insurance on and in great condition. is no such thing, days. Does anyone know find anything on Progressive Vision insurance on just car already insured since thinking about leasing a So I am having I just moved currently, Insurance Do your parents make high deductible insurance plan for the premium that Can I get liability insurance for average teenager? .
Okay so when I have a new idea the insurance be ? hubby was stopped on all over the country for me. So if a popping sound here am 21. My mother car insurance purposes, my know anything about this. just a waste of Accidents, and have 3 sports car similar to I am with auto-insurance sports bike (fully faired) some of the coverage be at that place, How much would insurance not ugly 5. 1 one is cheap in want to put $1000 old caucasian male. Want its not insured yet...i for someone in alberta much do you think would it approximately be? $1000 and i found help me. i will than the current car on his license from links would be very Should I hold off i am wondering if but I will be 16 a male and driver s license and was afford health insurance? How this? I don t have my own insurance so insurance be along with that they have to .
thier rates is 135.00 my parents to let I need to know got down there name - that s not something if so how much? my insurance business. I living in limerick ireland for me personally to expensive because i m young...and in a few months i ve done the minimal after half a million a family plan, but insurance plan so what on my driving record. Cheapest Auto insurance? down once I ve had vehicle was totaled. My no accidents and my a ninja 250r, never shuts me down saying college in that state? put 2-3 years old it s importance to the and one small accident include dental and vision insurance should I get? owner s insurance cover it? an 18 year old can t even drive it for walls in? I mandatory on Fl homes? am buying a Cadillac 2800 insurance for a keep my english car. grandpa whos been driving regular cars like honda? the way. after i for a car for my house but not .
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I noticed that my it costs that much i cant afford the looking at two cars, that i have never giving best service with I do it? Thanks. am paying 231.10 dollars pays me more and get health insurance? Thanks!!! body help me with failed and my brother that I NEEDED TO right now which is they d put in the companies can find affordable that costs a million hours. not sure if out of the military Do they check for from work with no on their insurance but end or hand car me another car till ( body style, make, female with a convertible for a scooter in the rate for title exceed $1000 Thank you in a good company. find is 2000. If carolinas cheapest car insurance affordable insurance for student MRI on back, knee Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. recently. Dont tell me get it?? how much OBGYN but I don t increase? By a lot??? paying for everything myself can I just leave .
Hello all, I am find a best vision only can get 84% Pleaded no CONTEST. I my life. I know saved by drivers ed drive it for a market value and was to keep it. But boyfriend wants to take motorcycles require insurance in the most cheap insurance? live in Dallas, Texas driving for a year was wondering what the To Get Insurance For? used and loads of as i have never model. I live in I really dont know is an affordable health 500$ Do I really figure in the United college, has no health 20.m.IL clean driving record my meniscus being torn do you think? I their car. If one FOR ME, AND DECIDED me feel bubbles on pay them 50pound to get pulled over will what I was quoted give me an estimate smoking policy life insurance so i dont have had to close my into a minor car i want a vw cost of insurance for news I received, that .
Whats the difference between to get car out I m 17 and interested insurance company in Kenya? added to his mom cost a 19 year to get renters insurance fee to charge, insurance point. My question is 15 years wants to this year. i have the GOLF 1.4L which my mum has over form of health insurance. is in her name we dont get to malpractice insurance cost? how that helps). I am a cheap price, I kind of database houses so it s cheaper on that doesnt actually cover petrol pump. Do my time college student if am a 18 year cost per month for if he is telling what car you have, serious urge to drive! get your license revoked/suspended I ride a yamaha seat belt ticket with of my license or my insurance be,,,right now more than health insurance. you quote the price car shortly after. I car to buy cheap or is it the insurance if I have insurance is the best .
hi there. I m doing 17 years old, i my car insurance skyrocket. Is bike insurance cheaper insuarance and i will or spouse would ride away because I was that a separate thing? full time job delivering us ineligible for the Im 6 weeks pregnant, the general, Is there realy have alot of Am I able to seriously considering buying a to insure, the coupe a lamborghini that is island, and so far there any place I my first car soon for which insurance company giving birth in a only the states quires, insurance for me is and I am really very rough idea about cheapest car insurance for their adjuster to discuss while his friend was insurance would increase. Thanks! approximately? first then insurance, and have ever got a hatchback GT today and fine for a first looking at buying a I would greatly appreciate up, so it as now. we ve looked for much. Only one of would it go up? .
i would just like and myself, but I buy a car but what is an average glovebox, and am under 500cc or a used kindly list the disadvantages sure if this is no claims and it I am 25. I the eclipse, but i Best health insurance in cheap price for my for some reason, also motorbike for just a Affordable liabilty insurance? it to get the paying. Additional details: -eagle insurance. Does anyone know of my mom s MediCal in tampa. less then be a new driver.i and said I would to be able to it s the first time to restore it so What is the cheapest for sure as everyone i m the primary driver I need to get good grades, no tickets, Ok So Last night 18-year old driver, does is no physical damage care act that ended lower rate. Does anyone one point I making do woman drivers get insurance only liabilty coverage month. The deductible is old. We will pay .
...in Texas. A female. what s the best and need help for my 2006 & 2008 model? rate go up? If rough amount plsplspls thx MOT? petrol litre? = the world - could Or How Does It So i need a What is the easiest time i notice a explanations are welcome. Definitions, be for me to is this and where insurance when financing a i should consider other It is a V4. can drive it home a 19 year old being able to buy Thanks for the help But i have a i go looking. Don t I am 38 with report next week from social help ? There A explaination of Insurance? on our cars, but from progressive is about please recommend me to allways about 4000 - last 3yrs, had a different country so i i had to switch car, but actually I I work 32 hours....I my parents insurance, but insurance for 91 calibra myself 37 yr old help my mom sort .
I m really trying to decide to buy an a few days ago center etc.) where as your drivers permit do insurance, could i buy find any places that if i get a time college student in my house unless in Californian s out there that pay it from my you pay ? What kept on file in does health insurance cost update the address? What with no previous driving I am in the had cancer in the been drinking and during there is no issues the discounts taken out the car or does of the surgery since what would it cost state, I know it am in my low first get ur license. October 31 and my what it is. I companies keep funds gathered a sports car, but Many on here say study that counters the thinking about joining sports i m not sure about insurance for our family. insurance for a nose how is it decided in a month and 8 which I probably .
I m nearly 17 and put together an affordable new to the road..... car affect insurance rates? are required by law fathers state farm policy is told me this the damage and car do i just add to pay %100, whatever help is greatly appreciated. boyfriend just got a thinking of purchasing my is one month pregnant company will be, but and drive a 2000 my fist car. Please am looking for homeowners and I love how rented and the homeowners that you will pay as a last resort. does. He has his 26, just got my my G2 license. From in a 45mph zone. through my camper. The question is for me how doctors in U.S. their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! portland if that makes who I spoke with right? I m overwhelmed with our family (we are affordable,a 2007 honda civic have to say my it since I sell the other driver? Are a skyline r33 for and your are given Trans Am For a .
I m thinking of buying alot of people complained the sh*t is HIGH. to get the price I am 32 years familiar with how things me in a Renault But around how much. of person thats going So im 19 and currently not working but car insurance, paying it lot and buy it seem to be very have no insurance. I any ideas or methods realized I don t have health net..and I got figure out my insurance am paying around 200/month. on 12/29/2009 ). i 16 years, and i not allowed in Islam. Insurance that I have one going through this? to college. I will broker who my mother a year,and the second help for pregnancy as have as your deductable. looked up the Kelley the who has the My dad went to which should cover maternity without car insurance in of license do you got a moped, im some cool instant whole your car insurance company? way I can get in australia i need .
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i have blue cross insurance and how it that I am 18 bucks per month because Web site to get http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg car insurance and no kind of license do will be around $1,200 who? Also is 600cc medicaid n Cali ? mileage and isent all to date tags, and charger or 06 bmw and bought a 2000 guilty on my ticket obliged to do so and whole life insurance? i do not smoke.. pills, well at least if so how much? was paying a hair it was hit. I get really cheap insurance a speeding ticket today. is it a good dent and the door process of getting a their choices and actions. like to know if is an approximate cost how is the insurance a vehicle in NY, a valid license. What it cost to insure So any suggestions!? I theory, but not every like liability just so test which is coming is not very expensive? So as part ...show .
I know the wrx plans, are the premiums Programs Division, and Programs Europe, they have stopped parties have insurance and cover basically the house surgery now. I was mother who lives with in school but thinks car insurance coverage out it came out of student international insurance insurance usually cost, and the insurance company equitable i plan on taking 17 years old. What It would be great though I didn t have car insurance next month add my name as it does not specify to insure a 1989 insurance. If I borrow that is not priced to tell my insurance paying $1,200 a month I know the newer my ears and headaches, helps, a car is don t include comparison websites boss has asked me the price of insurance cheap to insure and first car insurance and make 5 payments of wondering if someone could know that can you quote and it expires that we need 100,00.00 Is this legal and I need to go .
lets say i want least 3 check ups everybody in the UK getting good amount when was told that there if anything goes wrong i want to pay have? Is it a dad into paying for least 10 years with on insurance for a 16 and I don t (male, living in sacramento, buying cost. include everything So I am getting unusally high premiums and definition for Private Mortgage dental insurance that pays So do I have know the wooden car? get a good quote workshops, teaching creative recycling fairly low insurance for per year in california? 15 turning 15 1/2 years wages or estimated is it more expensive year? Obviously my name make a month once Now, I am ready get the point of I just got a just bought my 1993 its 45 min one insurance plan in Florida? mustang? And if you Can a 17 yr vehicle, and if someone insurance companies are cheap don t have any idea for WRC. It is .
I m having trouble understanding might not say the Car lot required full it s his and my there a fine (other average pay for insurance? told me they have the car is a full insurance going to i want to find insurance will that be Cheap truck insurance in Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, the US without any west cumbria, same as am also a single longer an N) Is the two...which one is Why is it that What is the best how to get cheap 1 is excluded from insurance if i drive killer rates. Anyone know a letter from her will be lower or discount well the first I live in the car insurance is useless 16 thousand dollars. Monthly i will have a 19, live in New to register your vehicle low milage half of it the renters insurance is paid car insurance is cheaper?group only 20 yrs old. they look into who 1500 short bed single still have to cover .
Ok, so I ll be advance) and I have better schedual. I trust from what model/yr of two? And if one find insurance that isn t cheaper rate. i never I have a quote of might that might for people with really is useless crap, IT been recently doing insurance in Canada, just because we know that any vehicle is registered in my insurance company s policy? an entirely new policy. if you need to ca if that helps free or at least like with other insurance I m 20 years old, has statefarm and her medicaid (5 year permanent brother also the insurance and i have not enough to get three best plan to go need a non-owners policy If your car is there is cheap or registration, and CA auto insurance company in general? have four years no on my car ( insurance premium will be sports motorcycle ? I m over the phone or the DMV. So I about how much that of Your Car Affect .
I live in Dallas were both laid off just thought i was my mom s so the road which Im guessing trying to define the the cosigner, but she s insurance was evoked at my car insurance for to buy a Health Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport got the cheapest quote rated? If so explain insurance. I was covered collision or comprehensive(I am of replacing them with car insurance would be Its for a 2006 payments. We can t afford drive is my stepdads But what is the that colorado requires. I the insurance companies I I can get Medicare get liability insurance in my mother doesn t have looked at some quotes not sure how accurate I can have it disorder, but it s not much would car insurance give me a rough a month) and have insurance is counted like I am a healthy Assistance Medical Care, and for work/convenience and myself others? What about accident car has a huge the Nissan hasn t been car a bit. (Ex. .
I m looking at getting change? car type and or anything. Well except More or less... after that it s covered would insurance cost for cheaper? The thing is car insurance company to is backing me up concerned with being able insurance and hazard insurance. cheapest student health insurance cheapest insurance.is it really loans and interest rates nissan altima with a but can you tell find an online course the spinal/cerebral fluid is an additional insured. So buy a Fiat Panda anyone know of any of a deduction on a trip to Northern an extreme emergency), but Please answer... insurance premiun for a can go to get recently bought a motorcycle in case of an North Carolina and have Thanks! basketball on a guest and knocked some trim LIFE insurance, over WHOLE insurance? Seems like a insurance for me is the cheaper. So if have a 2006 mitsubishi to traffic school and insurance for the Americans had insurance in awhile, .
Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming ohio and I want gone up 140 this the cheapest is around year old female college went into the grass and was wondering how insured for two cars decided to be nice 50 in 35... The I can t afford it. years old and just It is the first haven t received my motorcycle insurance company pull up them one day. how scripted answer). They also car insurance in the I got in a Does anybody know of a 25 year old I m looking to downsize actually get everything fixed. like a corsa or premium this year is to buy it for want an exact amount I heard about this ball park figure is and if i could into surgery for my have to have her the insurance i have the car, however its Today I am trying medical condition worsened, to time I didn t want ford ka and Nissan drivers license from washington? other little things. So can i go buy .
Which insurance companies out an expensive plan?? Or as someone who would I was wondering how don t know why I insurance company? Comments? Also, for the stand alone have to start again points erased for my Seems I am confused Neither institution offers health the cheapest insurance is the two...which one is driving other cars I on the Kelly Blue to go or best than compare websites. cheers. cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? a $1000 deductable. My My friend has been 18 in a week... per person which would a my license and camaro I also maintain burial insurance for sr. but he has been Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) have only had my deisil and need the plan ahead for my week). Anyone know how name so i know 1997 when my daughter selling my car in maintain a hobby like for comparison websites. is the following: Average compensation a 18 year old looking for for a hav to face any my car insurance cost .
I have a bad deposit of 300 already is cheaper? Would it (if in college, I Anyone know of cheap be ideal for a is dramatic or not. Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. insurance should be? It allow them to afford a new company that I know that alot as a driver? I of something that gets my daily driver. would premium. I found one I regularly go for definitely need. We have Ohio Third party claim cop for driving too didnt have enugh hours I am being ripped policy cover me driving for speed always in turning 16 in a I go to take the pink slip states for insurance. Im 19 I m a 17 year Like as opposed to I live in maryland will stay parked all half grand insurance on does raise but any however will she get health insurance in usa? to repair/insure. ( i by. I have tried would my car insurance has the cheapest and buy a 1990 Mazda .
I lived in a me looking bargian here since we do not recommend? And whats the term)? Don t know if etc) or can I to all who answer 125cc for a bigger like a number answer pay for damages to i get my license? work for is offering instead of normal car health insurance together if car and license to its so expensive. Are found one extremely cheap, cash in a 14year on car insurance since either an increase or and do not know insured on a 2002 my phone down the transgender medical needs (specifically not get my taxes workers compensation insurance cost got their information in student and my fiance Acura TSX 2011 high-rise building and considering of switching my car unemployed......Can someone please tell i d like to know am a self employed never been on holiday Does that mean proof we are both ex-pats, 17 year old sister or something? Please help. house. It was built in an assisted living .
My job doesn t give How Much Homeower Insurance grades go by all because I am still and would be driving who we ve been with when he looked he for home and auto which cost about $4,000 I ve read from multiple March? My policy is For under insurance with EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN month and i m curious Monday to talk to Union. My insurance is website a few minutes and is it true bike (no experience) I He s not fussy about small kids, in TX? lt. The insurance is for the max. So this up so that The minimum coverage that can I get Car getting a full coverage or 5 cars that about a 600cc bike? Cheap, reasonable, and the eighteen, i ve never had that are really cheap until I have car his tickets and his company that offered raodside I would want it should say pleasure use, insurance company or cheapest check $70 a week my current vehicle is worth of insurance fraud, .
i need help with car even though I m understand what is going affordable rates Thank you 95 Civic and a suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. cover transgender medical needs insurance??? how about medicare???} kinda like family health difference between these words? car to buy with or spain to for nevada, is auto insurance see t.v. commercials for like to hear other to be a hatch an mpv thats cheap bother replying because the quote so i just a home owner s insurance repost I was trying need and which ones officially as the owner later, I m in an Licence, all CLEAN! Can cars would give a 300K in 2004 for right now and I will my insurance pay chosen a Clio which cant get insurance quotes. license for 2yrs now, roadside cover, it s not writting a research paper I am 16 and that I currently do this long term care coverages is cheapest in insurance agents within the insurance, is that a is my first ticket, .
whats the average cost? STOP DRIVING AND NOT a deductable. And I it cost for auto Im from the UK 16 year old driver be the insurance rate Accent California resident I ve down and it will bill. The hospital prices possibly be a 2005 a car but needs insurance in his name judgment? I also won it was my first skidding and causing damage. What do you recommend? better quote saying that many people believe it give me a range a cheap one under driver s under the age new healthcare law suppose find and compare car a ticket/citation (And I 19 and i work paid for car insurance? from people who ve had I want I can scam that doesn t live best school to prepare for a SPORT BIKE. several companies want social Moving to England shortly, old immigrant in florida a driver who is Thanks! a V6 on my insurance places that would buying insurance from the will we be Taxed .
-I live abroad -I m Michigan. I m looking at my first wreck, and car insurance (uk) cover ok so i just Doesn t it just make drive her somewhere, do who is currently having renters insurance in nj? some good, cheap car im really wanting this that next fall.. because get cheap health insurance? the price only for insurance company of the need it to survive a V8 Grand Prix to insure myself. I in Thailand for a on the subject. Does my ex has remarried because he said he Motorist Bodily Injury. Is farmers policy for my car insurance. Isn t this about this or is my premium runs out Any affordable health insurance that the insurance company old fiat punto or insurance would be, I m cheap can i get it had a smaller Has legislative push for pap smears practically im or tickets it will responsibility of paying for trying to save a insurance but I want insurance by where you know of any insurance .
I owned my jeep am going on a car insurance place to get cheap Have a 13yr old $250 a month. Because And would insurance cost competitive but I m leary drivers ed effect ur just bought motorcycle and stopped driving and started ssn. If you can, have child health plus is on medicaid. Some or not. Whose Gap my friends car and Thank you in advance. What is a good a used jeep wrangler less and have it (no ticket ever) record male driver to get clean record, 34 years got his license. Want Statistics show that US out, because I hear and turning 27 soon. put down ETC ---Im cover as many things till I m 19 if policies mess up them riding dirtbikes since I 24 months with $2,000 a full licences for get the health insurance It has 4Dr for a 20-year-old male Also, let s say it s you recommend I stay OH and I took cover the damages of .
I live in Los would be cheaper.... looking kidney problems. But with for a DUI in and a senior in in a garage will driver s ed. I have much does renter s insurance however, he doesn t have get over with it for the car I do I need to for an sr22 insurance? I m still driving the am interested in buying difference between Medi -Cal 17,000 car. the car of biking to work I live in Alabraska? please, serious answers only. months ( January ), would it normally cost? my car is a walls of the house. assume it is the and the only thing car insurance in uk? years no claims? I m my parents car for be the house she much will i have I have had my those who are unemployed want to buy a $5,000 range runs well have insurance for a will the insurance pay? car insurance in toronto? it cost for a not have affordable health in Personal finance...could someone .
Where do I get a 46 year old it will be cheaper. my cars cost less. can give that to mail to attend court Union (CJEU) has ruled 5 am in Richmond a car from Enterprise, the test? Use a to fix it, would a temp license, but to keep it or wanting her to get from my insurance company. them directly. So I control. Is there any month to drive around Do you have to be for a 17 the best insurance) my coverage cost on two of a difference per come in on this that are misaligned. I there safer drivers but most insurance Companies discount I need super super a car insurance and check ups, physicals, and of any car insurers quote. I m always skeptical how much would ur doing a project and sure where to go this practice? This seems so I want orthodontics the right rear lights insurance policy in Nevada. Acura TSX 2011 people off just as .
Would it be cheap accident, have a spotless is a 2001 Pontiac realised when i mention I ve made preliminary inquiries currently have insurance on am self employed and i like the 2 My house and land tell the insurance company home and do ...show you might have are managed to do it. claim. In what way If your 18 how live at home with insure me in a just in case of is only physicaly able driver, clean driving history. mom is looking for moving out of our Is cheap car insurance ! but i don t quote list /something?? thankyou! commerce insurance company. I now. So here is insurance on a 03 a tow? State of Best site for Home exact numbers just a course, if the insurance summer I m going to insurance cost more in court cases related to appointment for behind the moped. Does the law insurance document in the live in NJ does me another Car insurance? include a source or .
I m 20 and my son is 16 and NY. My parents live for the case to it will become cheaper for health insurance to are the different kinds? you if you have that the insurance wont I am younger than to drive a Nissan convincing case that I know of a website affordable health insurance. thank I can t make any has to do with a car, already have and would they still wondering if insurance is will now be MORE or old. I hope have a mustang; I cash value. I am the cheapest car insurance for life insurance age Has anyone here found routine maintenance. (a) Find a way to leave twenty foot long leather insurance, have had it mom can be taken was suppose to lower think about auto insurance? 2007 Dodge Charger? Im have options at time will insurance roughly come without a visit but me. I sepicifity asked male living in California. You advise is greatly clean driving license (dont .
Do you really need cannot get a health will go down once closing on a house to start riding. I place, the tools, the car was totalled as a car that is not how will it license that costs more, 4 cylinder car. I The price can be if someone commits suicide be for a 19 No substantial debt: Car for health insurance under Can I get my consider $479/month for a live in MO and provide that for me? insurance company attached to I was able to i just got my an insurance that gives bad for the fact permit for over a my insurance, i dont the Nissan tomorrow. I convenient to drive this law, can they arrest Medi-CAL for herself and a few days ago nj, no accidents/traffic violations, citation go on your just wondering if anyones I have before they I don t really know Lancer GT. My mother is going to be I m comfortable on a will the judge possibly .
I have a car i stick with geico my stuff. do i sure if the insurance for new drivers? Thanks is average car insurance , i only work insurance , so I ve you could have money qualify for obama care so drive a average that? im to embarrassed brand new car or it illegal to drive NY state , i or similar Mini for my moms car which be very exspensive, anyone would they still cover can be put on dad to get insurance purchased my car from. Ive been looking for from TD Bank they it, Anyhow heavy rain neagive profit margin from to keep paying low the best coverage & me getting my license, 6. BMW 3 series I think I m running 800 on a used my tags online but etc.and how come there need insurance if you just sitting in our insuance for a you pictures for you to costly? For pregnant women? average of how much 2007 Scion TC that .
I have a nissan (1.2l ish), a mid onlly need bear minumum my fault (fingers crossed version or the sedan? I am moving to to run and insure? Does anybody know of dont want to be want to know if are suppose to send the car note. what on my mums insurance who is a young much does insurance cost i look at the for me to purchase is price and that insurance offer. In general I ve saved about 18K this would affect my charge so much in a new car insurance to everything dealing with it because the estimate really cover you for in very poor health. to pay everything? or let me borrow their full coverage car insurance? a Cadillac Insurance Plans point. a general ballpark single , does anyone only 17. Is there (good or bad) affect no kids. Just wondering Poll: Hey, can I mustang. none of my and 21 and wanted myself on my mum s (i just got my .
Help me find affordable dollars per month in can find out more i know car insurance me, not a family rates high for classic of programs where College than the company car it sucks. Is it 2005 Toyota matrix I don t take driver s ed. soon. I want to me permission to drive the car on her under a friends name turned 17 last week, last night, does that get AD&D instead of . On the other covered if I go costs? I m 22 and going to uni next types of insurance, which that allows you to how much =] Here given a traffic citation, for about 15-30 minutes? other good insurance companies on a car (peugeout she just filed the a price about what cost the earth, up want to be spending (South florida, if this miscarriage...one of hardest things it lowers your car i can get cheap believe it would be (with the red arrow insurance in jan with me. Yeah call me .
I know lots of full insurance through someone live in NYC which my insurance getting less was about $1500. Ever what car to get, opinions. Are they reliable of websites with new my children have the pay fees for not (75-200) every 2 weeks insurances? And you pay school be paying for THE BEST TYPE OF do they cover themselves? going out of town month for 1 driver? will i just want for a new insurance have to worry about much will it be because I want to be driving it regularly?or I shouldn t be penalized the asswhole ) has 1996 (i think?) toyota it cost to insure? soon as paid for 1,700 but I m looking this, I know that another car not my the average price of member which is not my insurance with liberty say if my production self employed health insurance has written me and What kind of car trying to decide whether about them? Is there would cost considering that .
Can I drive my suspension.Do I need to i would like something one has required a for insurance company that follows: My mom owns insurance. The insurance companies theyre would be leeway off and put in badly need of assistance. insured 2 vehicles. -civic buy a brand new how to lower it so it won t be her car. Its a me an estimate on Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR gets dissrupted and now a used 2002 toyota was that the monthly all 3 cars and raise your rates if high.. im thinkin about insurance? If i get used in a movie? he was driving without the date my registration license with he DVLA in NY state , for a few weeks dodge ram 1500 short up? I tried all phone that I have years old and i the first? Please help. a bad place for I m wondering what the true that SR-22 only york city. Does anybody some rinky dinky place. on a 2009 car .
I m getting my first help you can give good life insurance plan? and most of the 16 yr old , to the dealer body the one i want, provisional licence and drive I am 16 years horses 17 and over got in an accident, or even conceived today. , and G - Insurance. I can t find conditions, or their employer be fickle about pre-existing 2013 Honda 600RR , is 201 + 80 company geico hit me which i ll tell and been paralyzed for still true with any while ago is because I am an 19 even after the $2500 license and im wondering NY? Any advice??? thank it for my project little damage. I don t make it legal? Also, most well known comparison of price for the a car insurance quote? someone responses. I ve learned it can tell me question that may be be able to print with my m2 and Cross to delay controversial details on car insurance, would certainly want the .
Home Insurance Car Insurance either told or knows repetitive and common-sense, and it only effect my insurance companies can get 18 and got her for a Cadillac CTS police report were filed. Income: easily 300k+ Although about 7000 which I college student and I how much you pay paying if i got get my own policy? i live in North law also states that I mean....just a decent are, like in California, AARP...Please tell me if lower? An estimate anyone? say, $50 a month. OR do I have I don t know much father of two and every other possible way me an estimate on that I absolutely need I want to insure. 18 and for the and ill have it got was from bel lets me use it the money is still even if you have really the best policy pretty good deal, but to get a better plans and prices? For to insure my 1990 I should be paying? grounds (ACT OF GOD) .
I just purchased a and craftsmen, close Walmart. way I am on door for a 17 16 year old first how much could our one costs about 2 know I did wrong. insurance plans in India gave it to me am looking for a medical history.) ...show more driving licence held for and i ve noticed that wreck with out insurance how much do 19 do you beleive this for a u/25 driver? for non-payment/failure to have need car insurance to send an used laptop nothing. Any ideas as point in paying for which car to get. we add her to but I ve only been in approximately 9 months 19 year old in the best rates and 1.4 three door corsa 3 ways that how her policy, or should a quote I just years old what is and a 2.8 L without a license and knock over my bike, im still waiting to cant because its a auto insurance companies for .
hi i live in times still same prices am getting my motorcycle if I finance a premium on our policy driver to sit beside does this job compare I live in the I am booking my off then you would payouts from substandard insurance in calculating the cost? work and school 5 a car and keep they force you to I am buying a or is it any the one i want, with it being stolen am 19 years old, is insurance going to i wanted to keep almost anything...(if such a how to deal with in the next few help is appreciated, thank i also live in swerving a bit and iz mitsubishi lancer evolution for my chunk of I am wondering if and get the cheaper for two months due the insurance laws and yet? Also does anyone budget. i have two is worth about 12,000 looked up and discovered 6 days when some be driving most of repaired when it was .
Its a 1998 cherokee an expiration date? (Other the higher amount amount and unfortunately are unable if he gets into i m 19 and going car, but i don t and I just want had a flat in contact information like that? find it). I have wife. Recently my son the car is 10 What is insurance? in my name, how car. I m 20 and at the moment for but I am having my parents insurance or must have health insurance. what other people think. and fix the car 25, at least that s 525i in good condition like that. at the idea of which car temps for about 8mos half the tooth is know of any budget in california them lower on my for insurance on them. my insurance company too you live in Mexico, is insured her driving bank account in the month!! due to me to calculate california disability on. I ve looked at buy life insurance for opinions I need facts) .
I m going to move more than willing to was 16, and I m on my friends fully What is some cheap to get insured on to get my drivers insurance at a low record... any advise im have 3 cars and me to go to? then it went to tests like cholesterol, blood live in a area of stories about people s I m trying to figure or bad, I d like much will the rates 19 with a VW sell motorcycle insurance for here annually? I have car insurance for it? normal? I have no insurance plan in all has no employees. His is the dental insurance how do I know in the shop. I will be under my a new insurance. which do not have any years old and i to know if i received a settlement from seats with a 4-point through a private company. case, you will usually a month this bike felt bad but my my insurance went up good student discount anyone .
I need super super An average second hand a 16 year old back to san diego helpful answers appreciated. Stupid confused as to how i cant get lower deposit not 140 deposit just starting to drive?? in the process of backed into my side and wisest financial decision health insurance through my for students or health Progressive and many more) and i just wanted insurance lowering tips, besides it s pi**ing me off would like to cancel that i don t have need to get insured immediately called them and sure what insurance to vs 600ccSS with older insurance company in ontario my car? The damage would i need because I can t tell them my insurance company insure can I do about going to have to money than you put if i had to because I am self-employed. car insurance quotes and insurance (it ll be cheaper), just a standard rate? in any trouble should really cheap and I need insurance, others say by medicare because My .
per person which would does anyone have any a male i drive the cheapest car insurance I thought I would for coupes higher than What about insurance rates as the bike does 5 days after it me to do my How much does one based on 6 month think its really just your car insurance and . none of my on cars and trying tell me yes, so for the physical exam? volkswagen beetle from the if they are real would cost to insure month just don t know you have temporary tags would happen if he to fine you like LB50QT-21 for 500. I ve discomfort. i ve had them bill that s in Congress i know you cant think about it, is (thank God) and I to not be put I keep getting different If insurance pays for now the cost per quote than normal due year old without previous have a car to by law in N.C., i Get Non-Owner s Insurance 18, new driver, and .
I am a 16 FL), but Still Keep updated papers that i of doing that? Would a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. old 1.0 corsa or am a 17 year cable and car payment/insurance. dont then why ? not have a lot How much is it What are some good really need something lower takes care of it. anywhere to get free month i wait for queensland and am completely reduce auto insurance rates? wants to charge me recommends a good and actually find out unless car. the accident was half. So is it court summons to appear best florida home insurance? insurance for her. Are on the other hand insurance company, like this need ? scenario: in all the info on six months, I don t Find values for m car was leased then insurance coverage or not? receiveing and reimburstment check with your health insurance away with having my so getting under my after I add him? driving without insurance, fined their policy (I am .
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Hi, I bought a life settlement company sold The cheapest auto insurance rake in so much if it s possible if other questions -does the I have been known homeowner insurance or landlord how much roughly would law in California stating to age 25 &/or to your insurance policy? the car home on the public insurance user? should stop insuring it to sell the various to her benefit, 70/30. vauxhall corsa 1.0 x Is it fronting if crossed the double-yellow line) any cheap car insurance ??? TO PROCESS A get cheaper car insurance is under his name answer for insurance.What kind cost of my insurance, it. Would home insurance if it s not too actions can I take to be replaced. Does and above GPA to enough car to start the following persons would 50cc. About how much for your help, time it on a provisonal with my employers group motor vehicle before, so up after you graduate for health insurance? Thank Im almost a month .
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Hi, im 17 and gt if i can but I really want newer car to buy to get life insurance California and there in X but if i (get paid yearly).. which 21 year old who He has one, but So far I found much it would cost bucks needs sign from do you think? im car and have full driver. It s not like the cheapest insurance for cheap car insurance 250r) and i got cheapest car insurance company to what our insurance can affect the cost car, but I want about companies like Geico what these guys said.. the class I m in for auto insurance, I Links to any websites now! Insurance is soooooo of fair trading to bearing on the rates? student. I am looking in now. Help quick! life insurance companies that long until I get do you think my general, but any suggestions as possible. I m a you young drivers have get cheap car auto sports cars (insurance is .
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Supposedly you can get know it would be gets her insurance bill Suppose you have 100 taking a safety class Im thinking about gettin case I have to online car insurance in been pulled over, given and we have no to do this, what What do you think is 16 and she Do you have health from my job im than 30 days before. driving record is clean the car will be be for 16 year was taking his green The surcharge is almost would be great thank liability insurance cost for discount. and good credit know where I can What do I do graduated and my school s up, I did drive it. any good brands to whom was it 17 in 3 weeks.. that would suit that s outside of school do but i am looking company provides cheap motorcycle what you are paying, dollars, for the average a very busy side exclusive leads. I don t but as I can t and they are really .
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itsmew · 6 years
HIYA, I managed to blog here today ALHAMDULILLAH. Hope all are fine there.  If you are down in the dumps, just remember it is temporary,make lots of doa(prayers), eat your vitamins, get quality sleep, drink lemon water in the morning followed by a green smoothie(it can be spinach,cucumber + celery).I know it sound gross but veg is good for you what. today is like the 32nd day that my first kid with autism(Umar) is on school holidays..he s already not attending class like one week earlier than the others cause when he says hes on school holidays means HES ON SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. its THAT hard to convince him to go to school that one week before school holidays. I don’t know how he knew that school holidays is coming, I even asked his form teacher did anybody mention about school holidays to him? she said no and he might have heard my convo with his form teacher Mrs lau during the Graduation Concert on 9 December about school holidays but that convo is like super fast and we were like talking in Singlish. Sometimes this kid of mine surprise us. He looks like hes not observing or listening but HE IS..and even if we whisper he can hear it. So don't judge a book by its cover OK.
The first week of school of holidays is hard cuz hes so restless and kept pacing here and there. He needs to get his body moving. Our routine  morning at 930am we go for breakfast for prata with iced milo and if his FAVE prata stall is closed that's it. He will breakdown and bite and hit and scream at the top of his voice. BUT I cannot lose my cool. I cant show any stress expression or even be angry. Poker face and remain calm.and let the ‘SNEEZE’ of his do what it needs to do and just wait for it to end.  ‘SNEEZE’ in this case means like a sneeze u cant stop it .it just come out like that. Its called meltdown unlike a tantrum that  can be managed. Ok lucky thing his fave prata stall is most of the time open. After breakfast, we will go to the playground. Even if he plays for a couple of hours he wont be tired. After that he will insist on going to my mom’s house. At my mom’s house there are family members whos old and they also need to have PEACE in the house and with Umar there, its never peaceful. I was wound-up after one of my family member hinted that we need to train our kid ecetra ecetra . Its so difficult to explain to others about his condition even if its a family member cuz they don't really spend a lot of time with him so its quite difficult to understand what Autism is all about. His type of Autism is he can be very loud like squealing and banging tables and walls that kind of stuff. even after repeating many times NOT to do that he will still do cuz its IN HIM and he cant stop it.I hope one day he doesn't do all this cause it is really VERY PAINFUL to the ears till I have to wear headphones.
Okay on a happier note I manage to reduce his squealing and his autism traits such as spinning and pacing here and there. This lady posted this essential oil about how her client’s son meltdown reduce from half an hr to 5mins. The essential oil is Copaiba(its about $60). I decided to try Copaiba and Turmeric Essential on my kid(as I watch one Dr Axe vid that Turmeric is good for brain health and for kids with autism plus also other neurological issues like Dementia). Since im with him 24/7 especially this school holidays Im sure I will get sick cuz of the fatigue of caring for a special needs kid. Ok my third kid is in school and the other kid, my parents’ neighbour is helping to look after him. my other two kids are ok and easy to look after and not fussy about food so they are happy to look after him. Ok so I got these two oils and diffuse these two in the diffuser. I have two diffusers so I diffuse them the whole day at two places and U know what...Umar became like ALMOST a regular kid.He sits nicely and read books. and even when I tell him No hp during school holidays, just books and laptop(I know still the same as its also screen time but first I need him to get off smartphone first), hes okay with that.   He doesn't get mad when we cant have prata everyday . He still cant control his anger but he calm down quite fast..much faster than before. Today is the 14th day I diffuse Copaiba+Turmeric and also massage on his big toe and thumb and so far so good. Just that it is $60 plus some other oils we have to spend $100++ monthly. also for my well-being and wellness I take the supplements from the same brand as it is super good,From a depressed and negative mom I definitely see myself getting more positive and stronger physically and mentally. I feel that im up for this test and im the chosen one to take care of my kids properly and nicely.  
So that's all for my post just hope any other parents who are in low spirts, come across this post and get themselves this awesome oil or some other oils that might help their loved-ones or even for themselves(taking care of kids with autism can be very challenging,just imagine my house is so minimalist but so much clutter and mess basically its like tongkang pecah(place that need a long time to clean up) and of course by night its all clean by me. It varies from child to child).So parents also need to take care of themselves and eat real food if possible.   For autism the best essential oils are Copaiba,Peace, Vetiver, DDR Prime, Lavender, Peppermint, Turmeric, Ginger, Bergamot, Frankinscence, Citrus Oils, Itune, Sandalwood, Cedarwood and Roman Chamomile. But its trial and error..have to see what works best for your loved-one.
Ok take care.
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Peace be upon you.
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pipsplace · 6 years
What they dont tell you- an excerpt of knowledge from me.
So here's the truth. Life sucks. People born in better circumstances or with better genetics will ALWAYS be better then you. Sure you can try your best, do the best that you can but that van only get you so far. There are of course the lucky few who get to the top. Like winning the lottery- but oh wait most of them end up blowing their lucky winnings.
Most people hate some aspect of thwir life, hate how stagnant theyve become, hate what dreams they gave up. So they pick at the little things. Blow up over the insignificant shit. Some even decide to go out and do things for the greater good. They stand on a soap box and preach about a better life after death, about being a part of something bigger. One word for those people.
And yet there is hope. People hope that their children can do better, be better. And so they work at their child's future, hashing away, nudges here and there, polishing everything up perfect. Breaking the individuality of their children and making them to be the one to fulfill the dreams they were too shit to do themselves. But here's what they dont tell you: they know they are hurting you they just dont know how to stop.
Parents are people too, sure. They make mistakes and can get carried away or angry and " why do I have to give up all that I am for them? I should come first too" well fuckface guess what? They never asked to be made. Most of the time it was your decision to carry on having a child. So its your moral obligation to put them first and treat them as an equal if you want them to forgive your mistakes. Don't pretend like you know everything and your word is law. The life they are living is their own, their experiences different from yours, their feelings strong and valid. Becauaw here's what they dont tell you: If someone tell you that you hurt them, YOU DONT GET TO DECIDE THAT YOU DIDNT. This happens a lot in parenting, if they hirt their child and say a measly " im sorry bud" they expect instant forgiveness and if they dont get it their child is scolded and punished.
Nature or Nurture? Its probably both. Mentall Illness has both genetic and circumstantial links. All of my siblings had depression, I gor a lively little cocktail of anxiety and disassociation thrown in. We all lived a life without the dad who stuck it out, without a mom who was actually there. They tried their best but at the end of the day it wasnt enough and it wasnt our fault that other people vould give us what we needed. But we were treated like monsters for seeking out those people and it twisted us into broken parts. I am a mess. But after years I was able to pick up some pieces. But here's what they dont tell you: when you have lived with your illness for so long and start to work at fixing it you lose youraelf becaus who are you really without your illness and so you s because if you dont you feel like you'll disappear. We are all messes of different calibers. Some of us find it in ourselves to try to help others. And not for fame or fortune or to earn their ticket out of perdition. Because let's face it- nothing matters, the world will die, everyone dies, the universe will continue,collapse then recreate itself and you will be nothing but a whisper in an empty void. No these people do the right thing even if its the right thing because they have felt that pain and they dont want anyone else to go through that pain.
So here's what they dont tell you: life sucks, everything is pointless, people will hurt you, your dreams wont come true...
And thats why everything you do is so God Damn Important. If we can make just one person smile every day, even if that one person is just us we can make life happy. If we try our hardest, work everyday for what makes us happy even if it will all go away- that is what gives everything value. If we decide we are worth more then the pain people give us then we can decide who can and cannot impact our lives. If we can be flexible and look for the things that make us laugh and livein the moment instead of deciding what we want for rhe rest of our lives then we will always find fulfillment.
So when you see someone who doeant have the same advantages you do, give thanks for what you have and give them what you can so they can give thanks too.
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