#s1 ep 9
pencildragons · 14 hours
i cant help but wonder if john is going to use his newfound projection abilities to save arthur next episode??? like we have only seen him use it the once, and while that was rlly draining on arthur's body, he was also kind of mirroring the kiy. i do think it would be interesting narratively if john Did have this ability but couldnt use it without the threat of mutual destruction (arthur's life and john's humanity) HOWEVER it would be fascinating if john, fuelled by much more selfless reasons than a power grab or protecting just himself, was able to project in some manner to help. because god knows an evil knife to the chest is NOT within your average medieval english barber-dentist-doctor's skillset
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Have it all
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Aemond talking to Criston Cole, and roasting Aegon 😆, made me think of this
Slight mention of violence
It went according to plan, surprisingly. A handsome reward to keep Ser Criston quiet (one that he graciously accepted), and a nice sum Aegon accepted for the quickest ship.
Those who were witnesses were either put to the sword, or caught in the crossfire of his mother’s schemes.
With the rush to secure a proper heir, Aemond graciously accepted the impending title as King.
Something he didn’t think was possible, but it wasn’t just the title that made him proud. How you looked at him with such adoration as he was crowned meant more to him than any lord’s approval.
“Tell me, beloved, in all those storybooks we’ve read, how does the king live when he has everything?”
You were pulled into his lap with a shy laugh, arms wrapped around him. “He lives happily, knowing that he has his heart’s desires.”
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WHO do we all think the standalone episode this season is gonna be about. my bets (hopes) are on david or jo
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This just in- I love Lucius Spriggs
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starrysharks · 11 months
finished clone high s2 and it wasn't amazing but it was fun and that's what matters 👍🏿
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somebirdortheother · 1 year
I owe Lewis an apology and a bouquet of roses. He did really good, and he was incredibly selfless in the end. It's a true testament to his character. He was probably terrified.
Lee Pace's moves are extremely sensual. There, I said it. But seriously, they don't have sunscreen in the Foundation Universe? I think even the way he kneeled was outrageously slutty. Perhaps it's just something he exudes in general. Perhaps it's just Lee Pace. I don't know. I just don't understand why he started the Spiral fully covered, then progressively lost his clothes, and then ended up half naked. Was it a fashion statement? A power move? Is he just stupid? Nobody knows. Not even himself, I presume.
I felt terribly sad for him, though. He didn't see anything. It must've made him feel so lonely. Somehow, I feel like whatever feelings his encounter with the old man elicited in him, this disappointing experience balanced that in the complete opposite direction. I don't know if that makes sense.
Where I'm from we have a saying. It could be translated this way: you know what you give up, but you never know what you get in return. This is exactly how I feel about this new Brother Dusk. I said I hated his predecessor. I didn't know how good I had it. New Batch is messed up. The actor managed to chanel the creepiness exhibited by Lee Pace when he was playing this Cleon (Cleon XII I believe). The mural manipulation. I knew it before I saw but it was still a gut punch. And the music sold it.
Whenever a protagonist gives away a invaluable item in exchange for a bauble much needed to evade their enemies, I'm always convinced that, although the narrative might not show it to us, the person who accepted the exchange will be killed for it. Either because it's worth stealing, or because the people hunting the protagonist will eventually find their way to the item, and kill its current possessor.
All of this to say that protagonists get people killed. And the succession of twists melted my brain. I was extremely suspicious of Azura's game from the begining, because it was too good to be true. She had an answer to everything, and a solution to all of Dawn's problems. But this whole time, I thought that perhaps, she was Dusk's pawn, and merely a test that all Cleons had to go through at some point. It was way more messed up.
I know that Day will want Dawn dispatched and replaced by a perfect copy, there is no other option for the kind of situation they're in (or I would be extremely surprised). And obviously, nobody will ever know of this whole debacle, so the new Dawn will still be known as Cleon XIV. But I wonder how they'll call him when they're only between themselves: Cleon XIV 2.0, Cleon XIV ESR, Cleon XIV RTM, or just Cleon XIV(2)?
Salvor and Hugo were playing 5D chess when the rest of them were playing checkers. Brilliant. Also Hugo is awesome. And his beard game is incredible.
Ok Hari isn't even playing chess. He's just twenty steps ahead. And he's a complete bag of balls. I can't believe I love him. He's incredibly charismatic but also such a massive ass. I'm worried, though, that much like psychohistory, he cannot really see people as individuals. He has his big plan in mind, but he seems to forget that people don't like to be meddled with, to be controlled, and lied to. His memory is good enough that he can recall the names of everyone who boarded with him for Terminus, but it doesn't mean that he cares at all. You're right, his ego is immense.
I have to give it to him though, his Second Foundation makes complete sense. Terminus is known to the Empire, it would be stupid to only count on it, and in fact, I'm a little upset at myself for not pointing it out sooner. But he admitted himself that he considers the Termini as bait, and that it's highly unlikely that they will endure. It reminds me of Ender's Game. It's very cruel. I understand that he only considers the big picture, but these people entrusted themselves to him, and his vision.
Now regarding Demerzel and Cleon the First, I was actually quite surprised. If my understanding is correct, she was already far older than him when they programmed her, right? Initially, I felt that modifying her program so she would serve the Cleonic Dynasty denoted a lack of trust in her. But after rewatching the scene, it felt like an insurance, not for the next Cleons, but for her. So they would never question her, and so she would be safe from any sort of retribution. But either way, when she talked to Cleon XII when he was at the final stage of his life, and she said that they (the Cleons) always left her, I felt incredible longing. Perhaps it's better for her that they never seem to rise to the level of Cleon the First. It would be atrocious to lose him again, wouldn't it?
Now to episode 10.
DYING over this breakdown.
Lewis: Yes, in the end he really came through. He was never the bad guy, he was just narrow-minded in his approach for what "good" meant, but he had genuine care for his people and was willing to sacrifice himself. For the record, I found those whole scenes with people physically having to wire themselves in for the jump such classic SPACE HORROR concept that I almost puked (and I mean that affectionately).
Brother Slut: Yes... Well, my hypothesis is that he was stupid about the dangers of sun exposure. I suppose... maybe he didn't know that the burning thing in the sky can burn skin, too? Who knows! He definitely doesn't! I was tremendously sad for him to - he had a bit of one step forward-two steps back as personal growth in that episode. I thought that his experience had been profound, but he was dealt a shitty card to have to continue being a shitty dude.
Brother Dusk: I am paging @brotherdusk because collectively we HAD to know your thoughts on this "upgrade". Oh boy, have you delivered. Yes, yes, this is still that same creepy, menacing, Cleon XII baby! In all his glory, but now also older, no longer the ruler he loved being, and still endlessly spiteful. Gotta love the Galactic Evil Grandpa. The move with the mural was absolutely spectacular. What a massive cunt :D
With Azura's thing, I was on Dusk's side for how he handled the situation - I am glad he was able to foresee the levels of stupidity of Dawn walking right into that trap. For the record, I have a feeling that each Dawn is uniquely ridiculous and dumb, and somehow Demerzel manages to shape up those messes into Days.
Day wanting Dawn dispatched - OH! INTERESTING PERSPECTIVE and I guess you will have to see for yourself, and I think that may tie in with your musings on his character growth or lack thereof. Also LOL at your backup clone notation. I am sure they have release notes on each version :D
Hugo - Absolute legend. Salvor - absolute legend. No notes, they are BOSSES.
Hari Seldon - yeaaaaaa he's a cock. Yeaaaaaa I love him. I also think he's an absolute red flag for the galaxy, and I doubt that his vision is actually a better alternative to Endless Cleons.
Demerzel - I believe on the show they do not allude to her being programmed in any way prior to Cleon I. It is unclear to me what the insurance policy would entail, but I certainly speculate in my writing! All I can say - it's undeniable that she *actually* cares about all these clones no matter how insufferable she may find them individually.
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always-a-joyful-note · 5 months
You know, I find it incredibly funny that most villains get a backstory to show how tragic and sad and sympathetic they are. But the writers looked at Qiao Jin and went, "Oh, we can use his backstory to make him WORSE." In exchange, the Li twins got the brunt of the tragedy and man are they really going through it
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beckyblah · 3 days
actually nvm i don't care about the gore anymore vyncent has a cool magic sword now that's the only thing that matters
Lol- the boys getting to do cool shit IS very distracting haha
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rock-ettz · 9 months
i really love how so far the dynamic in PD is: william learns insanely important lore/ info, and meanwhile dakota and vyncent do some dumb shit
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Season 1 Episode 4: Act of God.
Judd is so the type to play video games😂
I don’t really like that Grace gets upset with Judd for questioning his faith. He just went through something catastrophic I think it’s okay for him to question things. 
I don’t really think he handled if well but also she needs to back off.
Judd saving Owen’s ass because Owen is nauseous because of the cancer he isn’t telling anyone else about.
Marjan being a queen once again🥵
Owen finding the kids and being like: Hey, I’m Owen, let’s go.
Is so Bobby Nash coded when he found Cory on the cruise ship. (Yes I know the Bobby scene happens after the Owen scene)
This is gonna sound so sucky but I’m happy the cat makes it even though the dad doesn’t😅
Now Judd and Grace are talking it out and being adults about the situation and it’s perfect.
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acebean · 1 month
i really didn't like dr halstead not respecting mrs bakers DNR the first time i watched med, but watching it now as someone who had a family member get really sick and have a DNR im genuinely angry right now
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inutaffy · 9 months
13 Reasons Why really said you are a teenager. and you are lonely. you're bad at keeping friends, and everyone takes and takes and spits in your face. and you die. and suddenly in death you're more important than in life and you left behind a mess but that was the person you were. drama. too much. extra. your own personal legacy. always called a liar, but theyre afraid of the truth anyway. high school is survival and you couldn't make it. they left one man behind. you were seventeen and made bad choices. but everyone else was seventeen and making bad choices. that was never an excuse though. just a reason. you couldnt just. you couldnt just make it. you imagined walking on that stage once. you thought maybe one day at a time. but each day, drained, and drained, and weighed you down. like you were drowning. And drowning takes a long time. and you've been drowning for a long time. it was only a matter of time. high school is survival. but to you it was warfare. and your fellow soldiers let you shiver alone in the mud, and acted surprised when you were cold.
13 Reasons Why really said you are a teenager. and your friend is dead. and you loved her. and miss her. and wish wish wish on every shooting star that its all a dream. that she'd come back. or it would stop hurting. or that its not your fault. because it's your fault. and twelve others. but they dont want to talk about it. they want to smooth over the cracks with bandaids. and theres a open wound on your head. and you should have dealt with it sooner, not brushed it off or ignored it. you should have dealt with it sooner. you should have cleaned it and iced it and put Neosporin or some shit on it. but instead you slapped on a bandaid and took painkillers for the pain and headache. because you didnt want to deal. and now it's yellow and gross and letting it air out isn't working so well. because it still bleeds. You still bleed. (She Bled.) you are a teenager and everything isnt making sense but its making more sense as you listen to your dead friend. its boiling and boiling and you love her. and you have to deal. someone's gotta take the heat. or all of you. your friend is dead and you are angry. everyone is trying to smooth your rage over like a bandaid, but you're bleeding too much. You wish she was here for you.
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 4 - What’s your least favorite episode(s)?
oh g-d ok. so the way i said even the best torchwood eps are 70% good 30% bad? well my least favorite eps are like, 80% bad, 20% something that fucking rots my brain... and my resentment + frustration is increased by the fact that, like, im not able to dismiss the ep completely bc there's like two or three good things in all the mess. so then i have to revisit it, and every time i do im reminded how bad it is. jgkfgk. so it builds up my disdain more than usual
anyway. i hope i dont hurt anyones feelings w these opinions im just petty fhsdkjfsdhjk
ok i have a particular grudge against adam. it makes me viscerally angry. i have a tangible hatred for adam!owen like JGKFKGKGKF it's semi inexplicable but he makes me angryyyyy. i see ppl gush about him being cute in that ep - to me, he comes across as a pushy niceguy in it and it grosses me tf out, and i hateeee the towen implications there, bc usually it's switched, right? so if confident!tosh is like normal!owen, i dislike conflating stalkery niceguy!owen with normal!tosh, like?? bc if adam!owen's love for tosh mirrors normal!tosh's love for him, then the way adam!tosh feels about adam!owen (aka, legitimate disgust + disdain) is Not a good sign for how normal!owen feels about normal!tosh. she's cruel to him in that ep, just like he's usually cruel to her, and it's just... eugh. i continue to be #1 towen critic. baffles me that the show was tryna pass them off as cute - baffles me that ppl FIND them cute. more about that when i talk abt my notps ig 😭
(adam cont.) and then i hated the jack plot, but that's a me thing bc i hate the gray arc. i also hated adam taking advantage of tosh. ianto's plotline was underwhelming to me, like ig it's cool i just haven't ever thought of it since i first saw it fff. i like the concept of the ep, i just disliked the execution. that being said - the scene where they're all gathered around the conference table haunts me. one of my favs.
then we have dead man walking, my beloathed. i like the resurrection scene itself, and gwen & owen's hug... and that's it. the rest is so ridiculous n bad n corny n an insult to owen 😭 and they MAJORLY flubbed the jack & owen scenes like they had sm potential to explore shit there n they DIDNT. unforgivable. the jail cell should've been fantastic n it's just... meh. i hate that ep it's laughable. there's some good shit sprinkled in but it's not explored, like owen would've been horrified at something possessing him n invading him, esp bc he has control issues - but they dont dwell on it. he WAS pissed off w jack for bringing him back - but they don't dwell on it. martha's clearly dealing w survivor's guilt, the team are experiencing loss, and none of that's properly touched. it's just. ugh. ill talk about some of this stuff more when i talk abt scenes i wish i could fix
my other one i dislike, although my grudge is less personal, is adrift. it's alright on its own, i just hate it being at the end of s2, when we only have two episodes left with tosh and owen. i feel like it was a prime time to do a tosh episode, because she was majorly underutilized as a character, like the show never prioritizes her (+ all her eps are romantic plots which annoys me personally. shes a fucking cyberterrorist why didnt we get an ep about that). i also hate that owen was deemed irrelevant after his undead arc. grr. i for one love gwen adventure eps (+ andy's in that one!!!! and rhys like im fond of all of them so i like those eps) it just feels like a missed opportunity to highlight one of them one last time. esp tosh. owen got enough attention gkfkgk
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whalehoodie · 1 year
series 1-3 of taskmaster have a different vibe to the rest of them idk if its cos theres less episodes or cos the tasks were more basic but there's something rlly unique about them thats not in the next ones
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kaelyx-zac01 · 7 months
You guys...I just watched OFMD's latest episodes. WTF WTF WTF WTF WT-
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rococo-loca · 1 year
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