#s2 ep9 for reference
madarasfloofyhair · 1 year
the prison realm sequence in the english dub
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jillapril · 3 months
One thing that hit me while watching the sept scene was Rhaenyra saying „My father loved me, Alicent. And I believe he loved you too“, as I just realized how both characters keep on using Viserys as an excuse or bypass for the love they do or did have for each other. Isn’t it funny how often other characters have addressed the love between Alicent and Rhaenyra, while they are always only referring to the love of others or their love for others? 
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S1 Ep8
Rhaenyra: „I love my father. But I must admit that no-one has stood more loyal by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with unfailing devotion, love and honor and for that she has my gratitude and my apology.“
Alicent: „Your graciousness moves me deeply, princess. We're both mothers and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup to you.“
This really is a love confession hidden beneath pointing out love for like everyone else around the table.
S1 Ep9
Alicent: „The king wouldn't wish for the murder of his daughter! He loved her, I will not have you deny this!“
Alicent: „My husband would have desired this mercy be shown to his daughter.“ 
Otto: „Your husband - or you, his daughter's childhood companion?“
Otto: „Queen Alicent has not forgotten the love you once had for each other.“
Thank you, Otto, for summing this up.
S2 Ep 1
Aemond: „Alicent holds love for our enemy.“
And thanks to you, Aemond.
S2 Ep 3
„My father loved me, Alicent. And I believe he loved you too.“
To get to the point, she also could have said: „I loved you, Alicent, and I believe you loved me too.“
So while everyone else is calling out the affection between them, Alicent and Rhaenyra keep on dancing around it. Probably because it is too hurtful to admit. Probably because they are ashamed and thinking that the other one only feels hate. Like they have agreed on acting like enemies - how can you talk about love then?
But as this pattern keeps on repeating, I believe: a kind of love confession between Alicent and Rhaenyra has to come at some point. Probably close to the bitter ending, in a moment where everything is so lost that nothing - no pride, no reputation, no men and no fear of the gods - matters anymore. Could be coming from both of them, but I think Alicent really should be the one to speak it out: „I have…“ - or at least - „A part of me has always loved you.“
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redsnowdrop · 3 months
Stolas and Blitzø
-Relationship analysis-
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Just a flow of consciousness here.
Stolas and Blitzø developed their feelings not always on screen. We got hints, especially from Stolas.
We can still understand it grew gradually, from just very passionate dates to actual feelings.
It all started from Stolas, who let Blitzø use his Grimoire to access the human realm, in order to maintain his business, in exchange of se*ual activities. No problems here, just two adults demons who consented to have coitus, a do ut des!
Going on with their relationship, Stolas’ feelings changed. He realised his “first real friend” was also his first and only love.
We can tell it by his words, he stopped addressing to him and his colleagues as “imp/imps”, stopped referring to his social status and quit the “Blitzy” and started calling him by his name as his respect grew stronger. And also he bowed to him in S1 EP7, exactly like he did when they were kids. In the same episode by his reaction to the date proposal we can tell he was smitten!
Blitzø has been hiding his own feelings to us but first to himself, his actions and words were more subtle than Stolas’. He changed his behaviour towards his lover, as he changed the way he looked at him like he did in S2 EP3, when they lost Via in LA, Blitzø was lost when he saw Stolas’ human form. But while talking to everybody else he kept his mask on, like he did when he was speaking to Fizz and Striker in S2 EP6. In fact, Striker admitted Blitzø was less bad than Fizz ‘cos they “were only f*cking” while Fizz was “a dog purse” for Ozzie.
Blitzø cannot believe people love him, so he rejects everybody before, so he cannot be dumped. There is no way you can forgive people when you don’t forgive yourself first, and we can understand a lot thanks to his interaction with Verosika in S2 EP9.
He realised he loved Stolas when he lost him.
In conclusion, there is not an actual fault here. None of them ever experienced an healthy relationship so they could pretend by one another to behave correctly when they have never been in a healthy environment first. Stolas did Blitzø wrong, especially at the beginning, and Blitzø did him dirty, when things could get another chance he “ruined everything” to protect his feelings.
Anyway, I still ship them and let me know what you guys think!
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m3ntal-hiatus · 1 year
[ rambling ahead ]
ever since hearing the sub of that episode, during The Scene with gojo and geto’s ‘reunion’, i couldn’t help but think about how lackluster gojo’s va had sounded during his lines.
absolutely no hate or anything, but it seemed to me that gojo’s tone didn’t nearly sound as grieved and/or anguished, as i would’ve expected. especially from someone who’s not seen their best friend—the other half of their heart and soul—for over a year after killing them.
and then comes the dub.
the sheer agony and devastation delivery from gojo’s va in the english dub made my stomach just drop.
he sounded so so broken, so deceived and downright angry on behalf of geto for being used in the ways he was. hearing gojo’s voice crack and fucking tremble made his reaction raw and natural, given the circumstances.
and the added line of: “[…] but my heart and soul know otherwise” was unfiltered genius.
well, there is a lot of references towards souls in jjk; how they are one with the body; adding in the contrast of “heart and soul” was beautiful.
for starters, analogies to ‘the heart’ (in literature) typically is associated with the deepest and most fierce of emotions—it being the tie between raw feeling and it’s physical properties. (ex. when someone is flustered, their heart beats faster; when someone is angry, their heart beats stronger.)
‘the soul’ — in this particular show — refers to the: energy/aura of a person, power of the individual self, as well as their awareness of self. thus, the more self-aware you are, the stronger the soul. which, in turn, strengthens the capabilities of that person. (e.g. domain expansion.)
furthermore, the eng dub completing that analogy in referencing ‘the heart’ as well, really solidifies the idea that the soul and body are truly connected and intertwined in the world of jjk, too. so, the more you know how you’re feeling in your heart, and knowing exactly why you feel that way from the depths of your soul, expresses one’s undivided power.
your soul is a mirror of what the heart is feeling.
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Lighters in Malevolent
Hello, folks! 
So, as loads of people have noticed, there’s some hinky stuff going on with the lighter in Malevolent.  As I was going back through transcripts to see where it popped up, I thought it might be helpful to have a reference of all the lighter appearances so far (a sentence that sounded a lot more hinged in my head than when I typed it out.)
Obviously, there will be spoilers from EP1-26 under the cut. 
Bold: Arthur obtains a lighter. Regular: Arthur uses a lighter. Italics: Relevant but not directly related to lighters.
For brevity purposes, I’ve also omitted repetitive lighter uses. (For example, if Arthur flicks on the lighter four times to guide himself around some tunnels, I’ve only noted the first go unless something has drastically changed in the meanwhile.)
(This is more of a reference post than a theorizing post, but IMO, a lot of the more Compelling lighter red-stringing pops up in later S2 + S3.)
Season 1
EP1: Arthur uses the lighter while exploring the ritual/sacrifice basement.
EP2: Arthur finds a flashlight in the trunk of his car. He leaves it after the crash.
EP3: Arthur uses a matchbook to light a candle, found in the Mansion.
EP4: Arthur steals Kellin’s lighter from his bed.  He briefly drops it, and then lights Kellin’s bed on fire.
EP5: John remarks that they have nothing after the hospital, excepting clothes and several hundred dollars from the Lost and Found.
EP6: Arthur remarks that they need to get a flashlight and matches, which they buy at the gun shop.
EP7: Arthur searches for a lighter on his person to re-light the lighthouse wick. John responds that they have one, but it refuses to light in the heavy wind. He re-lights the lighthouse keeper’s supernatural lamp.
EP9: Officer Collin has a lighter at the start of the episode. Arthur takes both a lighter and a flashlight on the police boat, after the monster attack. He uses a lighter to start a fire on the beach.
EP11: Arthur uses the lighter for illumination and.to construct a torch. 
EP12: Arthur uses the lighter to illuminate the hotel basement.. He initially refuses to light the boat lantern, but eventually does use the lighter to both burn the tadpoles and smash a lit lantern against the boat.
Season 2
EP13: Arthur finds his lighter in his bag while dealing with the Trader. He uses it to cauterize John’s wound. 
JOHN: You said something back there. ‘This too shall pass’. (NB: In reference to Arthur comforting John before biting off his little finger.) ARTHUR: Yes. JOHN: Why did you say that? ARTHUR: I don’t know, it’s just a comforting thought. JOHN: It’s written on our lighter. ARTHUR: Oh, that’s right! (He pulls it out and flicks it.) That’s the one I had with me from... the office, way back when. Crazy to think it’s made it all this way. It’s not even really mine. JOHN: No? ARTHUR: No, found it in an old desk drawer when we moved in. JOHN: Interesting.
EP14: Arthur refers to the lighter when talking with the Three Soldiers.
EP15: Arthur uses the lighter to illuminate the tunnels.
EP16: Arthur momentarily drops and recovers his lighter. He uses the lighter to ignite the supernatural bullseye lantern.
EP17: Arthur lights and extinguishes the lighter per John’s wishes. He also uses the lighter to make his Molotov Cocktail.
EP19: Arthur barters back his lighter from the Trader after his imprisonment.
EP20: Kayne lists his things, but neglects to mention the lighter. In panic, John suggests the lighter to help with Lilly’s bleeding.
Season 3
Coda: Arthur uses the lighter to light a fire.
EP22: The following two exchanges -
As Arthur enters the washroom to bathe:
(The door shuts behind him. Arthur searches through his pockets.)
YELLOW: What are you searching for?  ARTHUR: Our lighter. YELLOW: You have a lighter?  ARTHUR: Of course, don’t you … you saw it.  YELLOW: No. ARTHUR:  You must’ve, you said – (NB: Reference to Yellow saying ‘This Too Shall Pass’ at end of EP21.) YELLOW: I didn’t see your lighter, Arthur.  ARTHUR: Fine, must be in the bag. Any way to light the stove? We need to heat the water. It’s freezing in here.
After Arthur sees Uncle rummaging through his room:
ARTHUR: Oh. Um. (He starts to speak, in the same cadence as Kayne’s original rhyme. The main theme starts to play.) The glass, the stone, the mask, the books, the tooth, the coin, the wallet and … (Normal cadence) Some hooks. Um, the shaving kit, and my … uh, lighter should be in here, somewhere. YELLOW: What lighter? ARTHUR: The lighter, you – I used it... oh! (He flicks the lighter.) YELLOW: What?  ARTHUR: Oh, it’s here, in my – in my … in my jacket. W-Wait! Didn’t I just…?
EP23: Yellow tells Arthur to pull out the lighter to illuminate their way in the estate. Arthur refuses.
EP24: In the mine, John asks Arthur where his lighter is. He finds it in his jacket again. He lights a lamp.
EP25: Arthur lights a torch with the lighter. 
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sparklingoctopus · 1 year
Doctor Who - S2 Ep8 and Ep9 - The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit
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Bonus: (is that a good omens reference?!?) >>>
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep9: Tatoo
This is the third time this season I thought 'ugh, not this one' when I realized which episode I had to watch next- I honestly didn't think the writing started to be so uneven so early, but I guess it did. While I like the idea of an episode giving us some backstory for Chakotay, I really can't stand where they went with it.
I seriously can't comprehend the level of stupidity a person would have to have to actually think that if people of color created something white people can't figure out, that it must have been made by aliens. That a Star Trek episode would actually sit there and endorse such crazy racist conspiracy theories is unbelieveable. Aside from the fact that paleolithic people actually did have a culture 45,000 years ago (we have all kinds of tools and cave paintings and burial sites that even in the 90s you could find out about with a little research), to sit there with a straight face and say that any of the indigenous peoples of the Americas didn't develop their own language and culture, that they were in fact given their language and culture by aliens, is unbelieveably offensive. And white aliens no less!! It's a blonde white guy made up to look even paler! What the hell was anyone thinking with this one?
The flashback scenes even showed the people Chakotay's tribe descended from as having the alien foreheads, so apparently, they're trying to tell us his tribe is actually descended from the aliens as well! How tone deaf do you have to be to think you're creating good representation when you're literally dehumanizing the very people you say you want to give representation to??
And they kept referring to Chakotay's tribe as being 'the rubber tree people' in the flashback scenes, but then said the rainforest they were in was in Central America. Rubber trees were originally native to the Amazon, which is in South America. Apparently no one here did the least bit of research, and no one wanted to. 'Just throw some mystical flutey music in, that's good enough' was apparently the order of the day here. Ugh.
It's massive cop-out to create a Native American character and then say he's actually descended from aliens- it's just an excuse so they don't feel guilty about not researching a real tribe or using a real language, and it's not okay. They'd never do an episode where Chekhov discovers that Russians are descended from aliens, or create a character from a fake European country with a made-up language, and expect anyone to take it seriously.
The B plot was much better. It was actually a good one, and still very relevant today. Kes giving the Doctor a lesson in compassion was not only something he needed as a character, but something doctors in real life could stand to be reminded of too. I just wish it had been in an episode where the main plot wasn't so offensive.
Tl;dr: While this could have been a nice character episode for Chakotay, it was ruined by veering off into racist conspiracy theories.
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unsurebazookacore · 1 year
Has anyone analyzed the song that plays during the end credits after s4 ep9?? Like it’s the first time they’ve played an actual lyrical song at the end of a season, most of the time its just the st theme song as they pull away from the title card, but also like… its called Spellbound. Like, Will the Wise, in dnd Will is a wizard/cleric who can cast spells, hinting Will getting powers next season?? 
The song itself has been interpreted multiple different ways, “a paranormal horror, a depiction of child abuse, a comment on conformity, or on the hypocrisy of religious figures,” all things the show explores, and, "Spellbound" was named after Alfred Hitchcock(whose films the Duffers have taken inspiration from)'s 1945 psychological thriller about an amnesia patient Gregory Peck who was accused of murder. Similar to how in season 2, (which, as we all know at this point, season 5 is drawing inspiration from) Will slowly loses his memory and leads the soldiers to their death in the upside down.
Now, the song has a lot of Vecna’s curse-type references, like the “rag doll dance” similar to how Vecna turns his victims into lifeless, loose-limbed rag dolls, “laughter cracking through the walls” like the cracks in the walls when the original Mothergate was opened up to banish 001, even “it's an illusion you cannot shirk” like how Vecna makes his victims see things and terrorizes them with visions. 
But in particular the repetition of “we are entranced,” is what sticks out to me. I mean it’s not a stretch to guess Vecna’s going to come for Will next season, but could his motives be more than just claiming another victim and making another gate? Like we know Vecna wants control, he controls the Mind Flayer, he controls everything in the Upside Down, so could season 5 potentially have him like taking the town of Hawkins hostage? Putting everyone under a trance season 3 style kinda? 
So in summary, if this does hint to season 5, I wouldn’t be surprised if Vecna takes advantage of Will’s trauma and secrets and does the same thing he did to Eleven, and tries to recruit him. Manipulate Will into being his right hand man or his general per say, especially because of the s5 parallels between Henry Creel and Will being described as “sensitive boys” who have been outcasted from society, Vecna could even see a part of himself in Will. And Will, being at the incredibly low point in his life that he is, is susceptible to Vecna’s mind games… and could actually join him. Heck, Vecna could even be how Will gets his powers, like the same way Will got super-strength almost when he ripped his restraints and was choking Joyce in the s2 finale. Will is the glue that hold the party together, so instead of looking for him like season 1, they would have to deal with actively being forced to fight AGAINST him, in his brainwashed entranced state obviously, but it would kinda take the baseline ideas of season 2 and essentially put them on steroids. 
Anyway the song is definitely hinting to Will having a Will the Wise arc, and we get to see Willie cast some spells next season, so a win is a win 💪💪💪
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pitbullwithaship · 9 months
I love resolving arcs, it's so nice.
Sidenote I really love the theme song it's so pretty
Anywho, the Satan pit
Creative title
Oh good so they're not falling into the black hole anymore that's good
OoooOohHhhh Strategy Nine
Oh good oh good he's okay
Waxes poetic about human feelings
Oh dearie me
Thank you for psychoanalysing every single person there
Oh dear
Oh yay Rose yes taking charge
I understood that reference
L'appele du vide
Into the darkness
I love them they're all so funny
Oh shit those are fast crawling ood
Don't panick danny
Oh no jefferson
I was a bit slow aaaahhhhh
Oh shit
Oh shiiiittt his eyes are red oh dear
Run y'all run
Okay hate that noise but yay!
Sinking through the void oh what fun
Sidenote David Tennant is so adorable
The things that men do...
Awwwwwww aahhh with the music too
Oh Ida
Oh Rose
Oh shit he can breath
Oh doctor she didn't want to leave
Oh man that's so cool
OH no YES no
Oh no indeed my dude
Yep you really can't kill an idea
Oh dear no Toby's never the mean one that's a red flag
Aaahhhh yaasss but also nooo but also awesome
Oh the poor Ood
Aaahhh the TARDIS AAHH
Aww hugs I love when they hug they're so cute
Honors to the Ood I love them aaaah
Aaaahhĥ (sorry just. Emotions)
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if god hates gays WHY DO WE KEEP W I N N I N G
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Producers: How many jojo's references do you want in this episode?
Atsushi Ōkubo: yes.
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Recently, I started seeing this post floating around and it got me thinking.
How old is MePhone?
This post ended up pretty long so I put it under a read more, haha.
TLDR: Due to the lack of information, I couldn’t find a clear answer, however with a lot of assumptions, I concluded he’s 3 years old!
I suppose to figure that out we’d have to figure out: 1. How much time passes between each episode; 2. How much time passed between seasons; And for future reference: 3. Whether the other S2 episodes (that we haven’t seen yet) are happening alongside S3 or after it.
I decided to handle each problem individually as to not lose my mind. :P
The first thing I could think of was the asks Taylor has answered in the past (here and here) but they boil down to “Unless it’s important, we never really thought or cared about it”. 
Ok, that’s... a little disappointing. But you know what? Whatever! I’ll overthink things then! I can work with this.
So based on how the characters talk in season 1, the episodes seem to be happening on the date of release (with the exception of episode 18 in s1, of course). So I went and looked at the release dates of every episode of season 1 and calculated how long it was in-universe - A year and seven months. (I realized I could’ve just looked at the first and last episode after I finished. oops.) In season 1 ep 14 he says he’s just a year old. (I would’ve put a screenshot here but the episode has no captions! The time stamp is 3:37.)
If we were to assume he means exactly a year old (which is likely, based on season 2), that means that by the end of season one, he’s a year and 5 months old.
Now, onto season two where things get complicated.
The last time I remember dates being mentioned in s2 is in ep6 where MePhone makes a Halloween based challenge and MePad says he’s off by “over a month”.
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Yea, that doesn’t really narrow it down. So I went and looked at the release dates up until this episode. Here’s the list (date/month/year):
Ep1: 02 April 2013 Ep2: 02 May 2013 Ep3: 25 June 2013 Ep4: 23 August 13 Ep5: 03 November 2013 Ep6: 02 February 2014
As you can see, the gap increased over time. That doesn’t really help!! Like at all!!
If we were to go with the ‘Episodes exactly a month apart’ formula like in season 1, ep6 would’ve been in September so that’s not right. We can only make assumptions but I’ll save that for later.
Episode 9 implies that there are deadlines as to when episodes need to come out as he mentions a schedule:
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And the white board in episode 10 looks exactly like in episode 9:
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(Screenshot from episode 9 when Mic finds Taco and screams ^)
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(Screenshot from the start of episode 10 ^)
So I’m pretty confident in saying that ep10 is happening a little after ep9. Maybe an hour at most? But I think that’s a bit of a reach, since there’d probably be more on the white board if so much time had passed.
And episode 14 is happening right after ep13 (......obviously.)
He also says that episodes 7 and 8 fucked up his schedule? But the eliminations still happened (I’m assuming on time) so like. I don’t know.
............And here is where the canon information ends and my assumptions begin.
Since there’s a schedule, then there’s probably an equal amount of time between the episodes. Based on MePad’s line and episode 5’s release date, we can assume ep6 takes place in December. And if we were to assume that episode 1 is happening on the second of April, then there’s been 9 months between these episodes. That means there’s a month and a half between each episode! Here’s my timeline (date/month/year):
Ep1: 02 April 2013 Ep2: 17 May 2013 Ep3: 02 July 2013 Ep4: 17 August 2013 Ep5: 02 October 2013 Ep6: 17 December 2013 Ep7: 02 February 2014 Ep8: 17 March 2014 Ep9&10: 02 May 2014 Ep11: 17 June 2014 Ep12: 02 August 2014 Ep13&14: 17 September 2014
So if MePhone was 1 year and 6 months old in November of 2012 then at episode 13&14 he’s 3 years and 5 months old!
As for season 3, we have absolutely no point of reference. Not for how much time passes between episodes or when it started. So unfortunately, for that I have nothing. Maybe that’ll change with the following episodes though? <:3c
All of this is ignoring the time he spent living with Cobs, as we have no way of calculating that. MePhone saying he’s just a year old in season 1 makes sense since he had erased those memories and likely started the show immediately.
And uhhh yea, I think that’s everything?? If I’ve forgotten something I’ll either edit or reblog dskjngjjkdsnjfks
Thanks for reading have a good dayyyyyy :D
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insomniactalks · 2 years
hi! saw ur post regarding portwell’s colors esp in s2 ep9. ej’s nails r (almost?) identical to the colors of jack’s top! 👀 (u can check matt’s s2 ep9 bts in ig! hehe)
Hi anon! ❤ (This ask is in reference to this post.) Yes, EJs nails, courtesy of Ashlyn 😊, are pretty similar in color to Jack's shirt. Tho, it looks more like pink and blue to me (which are still Portwell's colors lol😁!) Either way, the show knew what they were doing painting EJs nails those particular colors...🤗
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leeeeeemse · 3 years
just binged “Love Victor” s2 and the ending cliffhanger is Victor ringing a doorbell so naturally i go to check the scenes in which we see Benji and Rahims front doors only to discover that neither have doorbells. This is either fucking genius or a mistake, nonetheless gotta wait for s3 now :))))
(references for doors w/o doorbells(Benji - s2 ep8 18:46/19:36) (Rahim - s2 ep9 24:04/24:21))
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elnotwoods · 3 years
the only thing like, one of the screenwriters (i think?) said that when we see the finale, we are gonna be screaming for a s2, and idk how to take that lol
Hey there!
I can't find the tweet you're referring to rn, but I think it's the same person who Milk interacted with after ep9 or 10 I think... Milk at the time said that she wants a second season and this person mentioned that a lot of people will want a second season after BB ends too.
I'm trying to stay positive (my therapist would be so freaking proud) and choose to believe that this was tweeted for one of these 3 reasons:
1. we will get to see glimpses of InkPaa and *shudders* KornWai (derogatory) and a lot of people would want a second season to see those sideships more developed;
2. the last episode will give us a reunion and will allude to something like them moving in together or maybe even getting engaged (tho I am unsure if P'Aof would go in this direction... but since he wanted to create something more typically BL and a lot of them have their couples get married or at least engaged by the end these days....) and we would naturally want to see more of their relationship now that the parents are no longer a problem;
3. we are all clowns and we would want more BB content no matter what (which, does sound like us... doesn't it?)
Not sure if you are the "unhinged" theory from before or not.. but does any of this seem like a possibility to you?
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For Hannibal ask 🍴
Hi dear thanks for asking <3
🍴 fave episode
I'm a big fan of Shiizakana (s2 ep9), I absolutely love Randall Tier and how he is built as a comparison for Will's instincts. It's very intriguing to me how in the show they framed both Will and Hannibal as vampires and Will's enemy is, in this case, framed as a sort of werewolf. Also the imagery is plain gorgeous, with the skeletons at the museum and Will tying up Hannibal at the tree in a possible reference to how Hannibal kills one of his enemies in Hannibal Rising... effervescent. I also love Primavera and The Wrath of the Lamb too! Oh and Mizumono too is cool but so heartbreaking...
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