#s4 accessory poses
afrosimtricsims · 6 months
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Baked Love Posepack
4 Couple Poses
Custom Thumbnails
Blunt Accessory Included 
You will NEED:
Andrew Poseplayer & Teleport Any Sim or Wicked Whims **18+** (For better position)
Blunt Accessory (Included)
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DOWNLOAD (In-Game, Early Access Public 11/17!)
DOWNLOAD (Blender)
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Do NOT Steal/Claim as Your Own!
DO NOT EDIT MY POSES! (You may edit them for RENDERS if there is clipping)
Any issues please DO NOT hesitate to message me!
@blender4sims @sssvitlanz @xmiramiraccfinds
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katverse · 2 months
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Download All The Sims 4 Custom Content I've ever made with One Click
I’m so grateful to all of you who have supported my custom content creations for over six years. 💛 It was a fun ride!
You’ll find a comprehensive collection of my CC throughout the years in the Google Drive folder linked below.
Happy Simming, Kat
Katverse CC folder
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tatibunnymoon · 4 months
Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You
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Легкие снежинки белым ковром мягко опускались на дорогу, а мороз затейник рисовал на окнах причудливые узоры.
На улицах было пусто, но в окнах многоэтажных домов можно было увидеть мигающие гирлянды, украшенные ели, накрытые столы, а самое главное счастливые лица людей готовых встречать любимый праздник в кругу семьи или друзей.
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Сегодня мы заглянем в небольшую квартирку в районе специй Сан-Мишуно. Там плотно поужинав в сочельник и встретив первые часы Рождества молодая пара устроила марафон по просмотру волшебного мира Джоан Роулинг.
Близился второй час ночи, а на экране шла всего-лишь третья часть любимой серии фильмов. Девушка внимательно следила за каждым происходящим в сюжете событием, а вот кто-то уже начал сдавать позиции незаметно проваливаясь в сон.
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Тиана: (Заметив как блондин все сильнее нависал на ее плечо, мягко прошлась пальчиками по его скуле) Ты что спишь?
Не сдерживая улыбки и бормоча себе какие-то милые словечки под нос, шатенка уже более смело трепала белую щечку, удостоверяясь в том что парень никак не реагирует на ее действия.
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Аккуратно вытащив завалившийся в складку дивана телефон, девушка принялась фотографировать умиляющий ее вид парня. Она потешалась, а фигура блондина медленно сползала по спинке дивана все ниже и ниже.
Тиана: (Сквозь смех:) Жаль слюна не течет.
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В какой-то момент тело перевалилось до такой степени, что парень пошатнулся и выпал из своей дремоты. Мягкое плечо его подруги больше не служило опорой, а Тиана сидела чуть поодаль удовлетворенно листая недавно созданные ею кадры.
Тиана: (Наконец-то определившись с выбором победно воскликнула:) О, вот эта годится для первого праздничного сторис.
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Крепкая рука резко притянула телефон девушки ближе. Рассмотрев чем именно занимается шатенка, парень недовольно воскликнул:
Лоран Реми: Ну что ты делаешь!? Зачем "постить" такую ерунду? Тиана: (От неожиданности вскрикнув, через пару секунд возразила) Ну блин, мило же!
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Блондин ловко выхватил телефон из рук подруги, в пару тапов открыл фото-приложение, и оставляя теплое прикосновение губ на щеке Тианы прошептал:
Лоран Реми: Тогда уж лучше что-то такое.
По комнате раздался звук имитирующий щелчок камеры и громкий вздох удивленной девушки.
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Что за детские чмоки в щечку? Гораздо приятнее дарить друг другу более откровенные поцелуи.
С каждой секундой прикосновения становились все смелее. Еще чуть-чуть и просмотр Гарри Поттера будет перенесен на другую ночь...
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Праздники незаметной поступью подкрались к дому этой парочки, как и к нашим порогам! ^3^
Желаю всем поющего сердца и ликующей души! Всего самого красивого и приятного в вашей жизни! Люблю и целую! С Рождеством и Новым годом!
MoonBunny - Holidays With You
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You need: Pose player and teleport any sim Sofa by @wondymoondesign Iphone 13 PRO MAX with cases by @redheadsims-cc
!Please, tag me if you use this pose pack!
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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Helena's been capturing scenes of Britechester over the course of an entire autumn for her elective photography class, and she just developed the pictures! 📸
Previous / Next
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lilyssims · 2 years
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~♡ 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙷𝚊𝚝 𝙱𝚊𝚐  ♡~
September hasn’t treated me as kindly as I hoped. I’ve gone down with stress, but is getting better. My husband and I had our 10th wedding anniversary this Tuesday and I intended to release this piece at that time for you guys. Obvs it didn’t happen lol, but instead on this day. Today was my dad’s birthday, he would have been 78 this year, and its exactly 1 year ago since I last spoke to him before he passed before xmas </3. 
Okay enough of all the negativity! This is probably the most complicated and amazing piece I have ever created! 
It has been ages since I last did poses, but I created a few to go with it ♥ 
I hope you guys will enjoy these as much I did creating it! ♥♥
✘ 𝟷𝟶𝟶 % 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 ✘ 𝙷𝚀 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 ✘ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝙻𝙾𝙳𝚜 ✘ 𝟷𝟶 𝚂𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜 ✘ 𝙲𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚗𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚜 ✘ 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 ✘ 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍 + 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 - 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚢 ✘ 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝟽 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜
♡ 𝙳𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚍 (SFS) ♡ 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚘𝚗 ♡
♡ 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝙲𝙲? 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚘𝚗 ♡
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simplyanjuta · 2 months
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Posing Interaction for Babies (Newborns)
This mod adds an interaction to the bassinet to play poses with babies.
Based on my testing the interaction works wherever the sim is, even off lot. The baby spawns to your sim and afterwards back to the bassinet (little demo below).
As a placeholder I included a set of Gallery poses with babies. However, you can override them with your own. For that purpose, I’m including the pose files separately as well as the blend file I used that you can then use as a base (the blend file is saved in Blender 3.6). (You don't need to put the blend file into your mods folder.) Here is an alternative set of poses I made that you can use with the interaction.
XML Injector Required The XML injector is a tool/library that can be used to add interactions without the need to write your own script (another one that you might know is lot51’s core library). A script in my case would have been needed to add the posing interaction without overriding the existing game file with the baby tuning. The XML injector does that for me.
Download: SFS | Mediafire
This was just an experiment tbh but I was surprised that it works so well and so I ended up wrapping it up. But anyhow, in game interactions are pretty new to me, so let me know if there's any issue.
If you need any help making your own poses, you can also drop by in our Discord server for pose makers.
Some background information:
The baby is an object in-game that is connected to the adult sim via the stigmata bone for poses/animations – similar to poses with accessories, if you’re familiar with that. The difference is that you also need to pose the baby itself. I have some additional notes in this tutorial for Gallery poses with babies that I made a while ago.
Note that you can’t export baby poses or animations via S4S the standard way since you can’t select the baby rig in the S4S export options. I did this with a workaround by exporting the clips from the Game File Cruiser, then importing them to Blender using an add-on (it’s actually a deactivated part of the Blender add-on that S4S uses and it’s only functional in Blender 2.7).
However, you can import the blend files with baby poses to the package file like you normally would since the rig selection is not relevant for the import.
Below a little demo, sorry for the bad quality :D
@ts4-poses @luthsthings
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salemsimsrender · 10 months
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So you want to make a sims render: a beginner's guide
But what does that even mean? What do you need to start?
To get started with sims renders, you'll need the following programs:
Blender 3.6 - to render your sims
Blender 2.7 - to export poses, accessories and objects from s4s
Sims Ripper - to rip your sims to prepare them for blender
Sims 4 Studio - to export poses, accessories and objects for your renders
All of these programs are FREE to download and use!
Blender outputs fantastic renders depending on your settings, but you'll probably want to edit them after the fact.
For editing, I recommend:
I'll be posting editing tutorials in Photoshop, but any of these programs will get the job done.
Stay tuned for in-depth tutorials on using Blender, Sims ripper and Sims 4 Studio!
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simmerianne93 · 9 months
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Hello everyone!!!!
So... I have being struggling a lot (and when I'm saying a lot is A LOOOT) with the accessory that comes with these poses (and some poses I'll be sharing soon)... why?... see, I made two acc for these poses, one of them "High resolution" (with the texture in HAT cathegory) and another "Low resolution" (with the texture in RING cathegory).... the thing is, the low resolution was not showing ingame, so I tried to make another new archive, but now the acc is missing one of the meshes and I haven't figured it out how to fix it.
I noticed that in my blender (V 2.79) there is an option now in s4studio mesh tool that is missing since I updated the s4s program to "star version" and I don't know how to fix it. Before I was able to choose the mesh type from NONE to GEOM but I have not that option anymore and I think that is the problem.... If one of you know how to fix that problem, I'll be really happy if you tell me how to. I tried to redownload the wishes version, I tried to merge the two meshes into 1, I tried to change the cut in both meshes to 0000 (It should be 0000 and 0001 since there are two meshes in the archive), I tried to export the High res version and do again the object to import it in s4s to the new archive and none of that options worked. So right now, I have no idea on how to fix it and that's why for now, you will have just the "high resolution" version available... Unfortunately with that version you cannot use hats (wich, for these poses is not needed... unless your sim sleep with hats xD... but for other poses that can come later maybe you want your sim to have a hat and it will be impossible, since the texture will overlap both objects).
I'm not and expert making objects, I have not idea how to make objects... I just have a barely notion on how to convert objects already made to make a pose accessory and it is frustrating I couldn't find a fix on time, but it is what it is....
Anyway, I have to say that the meshes are not mine (obviously), as I said, I have not idea on how to make objects, so I converted a mesh from "Around the sims 4" to use as a pose accessory, and I have to thanks the creator for making a pill bottle object 'cause I really need it. You  can find the clutter object right here.
About the poses, I made them for my own story.  I found some from other creators but I decided to make my owns to make the right expressions and movements I wanted my sim to have and to make the last pose with a bunch of other poses xD haha... So here you have the info of theses sad poses in bed:
What is on it?
12 solo poses (made with a female rig) + 1 all in one.
What do you need?
Andrew's pose player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo.
Any single bed.
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Instructions on the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [EARLY ACCESS UNTIL September 3rd, 2023]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
For more poses: Pinterest |  Wix
My socials: Twitter | Instagram
I really hope you like them and I will say on advance: Thank you so much for use them.
@ts4-poses​​​​​​​​​​​​ @emilyccfinds
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loveislandthegame · 4 months
my overall thoughts on S7, art edition: it's giving rough draft . i really have no idea how any of these design choices got approved in the first place
as an artist, and more importantly, somebody who has eyeballs: this season looked like absolute shit . i can’t speak for everybody, but personally i would be embarrassed to release work of such poor quality
not only is it hideous, it’s clearly rushed. i'm getting the vibe that FB took some s4-6 concept islanders and threw them all together at the last minute (still believe the theory that alex was going to be the redeemed eddie FB was talking about, before the poll revealed nobody wants that nasty man back lol)
weird poses, weird proportions, weird shading on everything, and almost every single guy has youcef's abs . rafael did when he was first revealed, even though he has love handles ??
this is just speculation, but i really do think the heavy amount of reused assets is to cover up signs of AI art. everything that is original, like hair, hands, and clothing, looks a hot ass mess . i think we’re all aware that uma's hair looks crazy, but it's not just her. pretty much every islander has an issue where the flow of their hair is "unnatural," like it was either drawn by AI, or by an artist that was paid one cent & pocket lint. if there were any human beings involved in this, whoever designed that blue tutu partywear and the suggested prom outfit needs to be fired expeditiously
the customisation options are severely lacking, and it's further limited by some of the stuff being straight up unusable. mind you, this is a gem hair and a gem hair colour. you have to pay for this 😭
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instead of adding new clothes/hair/accessories, or at the very least, fixing the issues with the options we already have (why do the necklaces go under half of the clothing ?) ...they keep adding shoes. ugly as hell shoes at that. we don't even see MC's lower body outside of picking outfits , so what is the purpose of having like 30 fucking pairs ?? i know FB has a "thing" for feet, but come on man . these yellow ankle-breakers are the stuff of nightmares
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clearly their quality assurance team has left the building, we’re the QA now 😭 problems that should've never happened in the first place, like the arm tattoo having no transparency on plus size MCs, the hole in the curly hair, earrings going behind hair, alex’s eyebrows, and rafa’s anatomically incorrect body were only adjusted after complaints. everything else is just gonna stay looking busted i guess lmao
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afrosimtricsims · 6 months
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Bad Bae Posepack Part I
Here's Part I to the Bad Bae Posepack Update! It was 41 poses so I have to update them in parts lol 
7 Poses (9 for Blender Version)
Custom Thumbnails
You will NEED:
Andrew Poseplayer & Teleport Any Sim or Wicked Whims **18+** (For better position)
iPhone 13 Pro Max or  iPhone 12 Pro by Murphy Sims
Butterfly Chair by MXIMS
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DOWNLOAD (Blender)
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Do NOT Steal/Claim as Your Own!
DO NOT EDIT MY POSES! (You may edit them for RENDERS if there is clipping)
@ts4-poses @blender4sims @sssvitlanz @xmiramiraccfinds
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katverse · 1 year
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Baby Bottle Accessory 🍼
Created for my fellow pose creators, this classic baby bottle accessory is perfect for adding a realistic touch to your Sims’ parenting moments. 🍼
All LODs
New mesh
5 swatches
Infant to elder
Custom thumbnail
Compatible with the base game
In the wrist category (both left & right-hand versions)
Download: katverse.com
Public release: May 16, 2023
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aisquaredchoco · 2 months
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Hey all, especially to those who left comments on my long post that I hope is the last of that kind...I appreciate everything you've said, and I was proved wrong when I thought I felt invisible during those times. So thank you for that! I'll never leave them unresponded though, but work went a little busier lately and now's the only time to reply to them all..
@kevinvoncrastenburg: "I'm glad you're back! I appreciate your transparency and the way you expressed yourself. I can only speak for myself but I really appreciate you and your content. Nonetheless I see your pov and think you found a healthy way for yourself to kind of slow down a little bit and focus on what's more important to you and the future of your blog. I will always be looking forward to new posts by you. Wishing you all the best and again: You ARE appreciated! 🙏🏼"
-- Thanks for the reassurance, and knowing someone's still looking forward to my stuff is more than enough. I still love my craft, that's why I'm not deciding to leave. I'll get tired, but I won't quit..
@pudding-parade: "I long ago determined that to be a "popular" CC creator, you need to do things with clothing, accessories, and hair. I'm guessing the reason is that some people don't even play the game. They just make sims and then dress, pose, and take pics of them to edit. I've never wanted to be "popular" because, frankly, it's a pain in the ass to have eyes on you and what you're doing, so I guess it's a good thing I never liked doing things with clothing and hair. LOL But yeah, it's just how it is. It doesn't mean that the things you DO share are unappreciated, though. I appreciate your TS2 conversions, in particular. :D"
-- I also figured that simmers I follow spend more time with sims and mostly show CAS cc, so I once thought "why not make CAS stuff too?" but held back because I know making them is more tedious than buy/build. I realized I won't have go that far just to acheive popularity, and of course we know being popular comes with a price. I choose inner peace, so I quit being too ambitious in that sense. Thanks too!
@nornities: "Hm, to me you are "a household name", here as well as on MTS. I'm not sure what makes a creator a household name. I created worlds, well liked by some, unknown to most. Am I a household name? I don't think so. So I think you are right, it's a lot about expectations. But your good health is the most important thing, and that you enjoy what you do (and playing the game). So I'm glad you don't retreat entirely! Take care!"
-- Ohhh...really? Even on MTS huh..*blushes* Anyway, thank you for thinking of me as such. Well in that sense, I think you earn the reputation of being a household name as well! And yeah, as I said I choose inner peace and just enjoy playing (and making cc)..
@nessysims: "You have every right to want recognition. It `s naturally. And I really appreciate your CC! I absolutely love and almost always use your repurposed uni desks. And your wood texture is an irreplaceable thing for me! I use it everywhere and it's my favorite."
-- Thank you for letting me know! It's truly appreciated. And while I have the right to get recognized in what I do, wanting too much of it becomes a problem, so it's a good start if I quit with such mindset..
@curmudgeonness: "Welcome back! I'm glad you will not be leaving. I hope you find the balance you need to thrive here. I'm sorry I don't tag creators when I use their content, but I'M EXTREMELY LAZY. I have stopped downloading S4 conversions. They're generally clunky and don't fit the (my) S3 vibe. I like S3 edits, new S3 functional objects, and S1 and S2 conversions. I always look forward to your posts."
-- Yeah, I'm not leaving. And no, don't apologize. It's fine if you don't tag creators, you're not obliged to do so. I guess I was just expecting too much from people who download my stuff, but do not want to actually force them. And thanks for the warm welcome too..
@puffkins2000: "Yayyy! I'm happy you're back! Honestly, I get the "household name" thing. I guess I sort of tried that as well. I like converting because I want those conversions in my game---and pretty much any other EA conversion. If I see it's not been converted and I have that pack, I'll totally try to do it. I rarely get a ton of likes, but at least if someone DL's it, they wanted it!"
-- Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, that's the core mindset I also want to have when making cc 🙏. And yeah, I also tend to forget that download numbers also matter and so far I got a fair amount and maybe that's enough.
@parystrange: "To me you're one of the creators who's CC I know is quality, safe, and exactly what I want in my game. I wouldn't worry too much about being a "household name" , I think you'll always have your dedicated users, who love your content, and I personally think that is just great! I use a lot of your stuff, but I rarely post gameplay pics so you, and the other people I download from, rarely see your stuff in my game. But it IS there, I promise! 💕Also, I think the more well known you become, the more the community seems to expect from you, and from what I've seen, it appears to put a lot of pressure on to people. I don't think you'd want that ( I know I wouldn't anyway ) I never see any of my downloads in people's games - I don't have many, but I don't mind if I don't see it, I just hope people enjoy it, and that's enough."
-- Thank you for reminding me that 😊. And you're right, popularity may come with perks, but also with disadvantages. I've seen some unsolicited (and sometimes rude) requests to some popular creators and I don't want to garner that kind of attention..
@gifappels-stuff: "It shows great character and maturity to self-reflect and self-correct 💐 Do not worry so much about recognition... it is very much subjective. Just play (and enjoy) the game, and share whatever comes forth from that. All of us have lives beyond Sims 3, and sometimes, people are just more involved in their own problems and everyday lives. So don't take it personally. Rather, try to take satisfaction from the fact that you created something that brought you happiness 💝"
-- Yeah I'm kinda embarrassed that I had an ambitious mindset back then. I realized there's more to life than overthinking if people really like the stuff I make. Thank you for the words of support!
About the photo: I also got a new kitty! (the orange one) So I made him in TS3 too. Name's Ponkan by the way, and he's very sweet and chatty, always makes me feel better whenever I feel sad or stressed. He and Cloud are getting along in the game but not in real life though lol.
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tmvcreations · 2 years
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Hey guys so today i am releasing my 5th pose pack called “Baby Fever”.
Mannn did this take me forever!! LOL anyways this pose pack has a total of 20 poses all involving a newborn sim.  2 of the poses are for a group of 3(2 adults and 1 toddler*), 5 of the poses are for a single sim(toddler), the 13 other poses are for 2(adult & toddler). 
I had a specific vision with the 3 person group poses “Young mother is trying to change her newborns diaper, but the newborn is fussing too much so the young mother gets frantic and calls for her mother whose in another room. The mother comes in the room and asks whats wrong and and the young mother explains. The mother picks up the baby and takes care of the situation.” 
The 5 single sim poses are of a toddler sleeping and fussing/crying in any Maxis bassinet.
The rest of the poses are various ones;  involving a sim holding and feeding the newborn a bottle** standing;A sim getting a bottle from the fridge***; A sim on a lounger holding, feeding and talking to the newborn; A sim saying goodbye to newborn in bassinet.
a HUGEEE Thank you to @akuiyumi​ for helping me figure out how to change the lounger in S4S, Without you my vision wouldnt have been able to come alive!!!
*Toddler in this pose pack is the SMALL RIG  so you will need the “Edited Body Height Presets“  
**Both Left hand and Right hand Bottle accessories are required
***The fridge is required, it is maxis’ all i did was open the door for my pose i will upload the file along with the pose pack.
BOTTLE LEFT HAND- https://www.bommiesims.com/2020/10/random-poses-3-patreon-early-access.html
BOTTLE RIGHT HAND- https://www.patreon.com/posts/53551161
  “EDITED BODY HEIGHT PRESETS“ by RedHeadSims- https://www.redheadsims-cc.com/2018/08/toddler-sliders-presets-height.html
POSE PLAYER - https://sims4studio.com/thread/2617/andrews-studio
TELEPORT ANY SIM- https://scumbumbomods.com/teleport-any-sim
!!!!!!!!!MORE PICTURES BELOW!!!!!!!!!
Hope you enjoy! :) Any questions or problems please contact me.
DOWNLOAD LINK(sfs, ADFREE): http://www.simfileshare.net/download/3447307/
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thefoxburyinstitute · 11 months
Hi! I’ve been able to easily find tutorials for converting a build/buy object into a pose accessory, but I haven’t been able to find a tutorial for converting a pose accessory into a build/buy object. Do you know if there’s a tutorial out there? Thank you!
ah sorry i missed this! you can use this tutorial
export out your mesh as you normally would
follow this tutorial
and part 2
the only difference is
1 - you must make your new texture 256x256 or 512x512 or 1024x1024 (ie it has to be a square)
2 - you have to change the uv map name to uv_0
3 - you can remove the geom 0000 (which cas accessories have) and add a cut of 1
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softpine · 1 year
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i’ve been so busy lately and then i get extremely sick and i’ve been in a haze from all the pain meds the past 2 weeks so if i already answered any of these asks or if i forgot any, please forgive me 😩 i really have no memory at the moment jfksjds
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awww thank you :’) i have such a soft spot for those moments where a character who isn’t normally vulnerable opens up (but only for one special person). and so does elaine!!
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@lullabysimblr​ omg thank you so much!!! reading my story from the beginning is a herculean task fjskjds i really appreciate it 💖 i looove giving my characters flaws, it’s one of my favorite aspects of writing!
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technically they all have iphones because i just use the same phone accessory so that i can reuse poses and just quickly recolor the screen depending on the scene :/ but i honestly can’t imagine any of my characters dick riding for any corporations fjksjds
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 @alltimefail​ fksdjskj words have never been casper’s strong suit but it’s always fun to write dialogue for him!! and i’m so happy you like reading the bts posts because i feel like a self absorbed weirdo if i post them without someone prompting me first lmao so i’ll definitely post one for you!! i know i already sent you a dm but yeah i plan to combine the last 3-ish posts into one behind the scenes post because i can barely remember what i’ve already said or didn’t say 😭
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so let me just say that it’s been a while since i watched season 1 and i haven’t started season 2 yet, so some of this might not be accurate. but!! i had the same gripes when i watched it but i eventually changed my own mind. the shrooms scene is definitely not a realistic portrayal of what shrooms would make a normal person act like, but these aren’t normal people. they’re teenagers who have been removed from society, are starving, scared, beginning to think they’ll never go home again, combined with alcohol, and they don’t even know they’ve been drugged (that can make you feel real crazy REAL quick). the madness was already started to take hold in them while they were sober, the shrooms were just the gentlest little push they needed to give into it. personally i dislike how media treats shrooms in general (or like any hallucinogen) because it’s never realistic, but i don’t think yellowjackets was any more unrealistic than any other trip scene i’ve seen on tv. i agree that it was a cop-out and nothing more than a plot device which is pretty disappointing. i would’ve rather seen them descend into madness more gradually.
as for jackie’s death... if i remember correctly, all the girls had just fallen asleep outside the previous night and it was only a bit chilly, not dangerously cold. no one had reason to believe they were sending jackie to her death that night by making her sleep outside. and i live in an area where the weather fluctuates rapidly especially in the fall or spring, where one day i can be wearing a t-shirt outside but within a couple hours we’ll get 6 inches of snow. homeless people tragically die all the time in my city if they’re not able to take shelter when this kind of weather hits, because it happens so suddenly that you might not even wake up in time to realize that you’re freezing (or you’re half awake but your body is in shock and you become delirious). so i don’t find that part to be unrealistic at all. i can’t really remember where nat and travis were at the time so i can’t say why they would ignore jackie, but if it hadn’t started snowing yet, they probably just weren’t concerned. same with ben, he’s a voice of reason but he’s not really good at putting his foot down. taissa didn’t want to disagree with shauna and she didn’t think jackie would die, so she didn’t say anything. that’s all just my interpretation obviously but i’ve seen a lot of people call jackie’s death unrealistic and i just don’t agree
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i don’t even know what the bed glitch is, i’m sorry :( is it not the same glitch you can fix with an s4s batch fix?
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thank you so much for the advice! now that the weather is warming up i’ve been able to spend more time outside which has helped a lot. i’m sorry about your grandparents, i’m sending you & your family all the peace and love ♥
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i believe they’re still these eyes but i’ve customized so much of my main sims cc that i can’t say it’ll look the same. i also edited their eyes in that post to make stevie look like she’d been crying and to make elaine’s eyes more dramatic!
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i think they’re these ones :)
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
sims 4 cc lists for individual sims - skins, makeup/tattoos, presets, poses, hair, clothes
Links will come eventually. Some are listed by file names, some are listed by official titles. Creator username always comes first, and may be abbreviated or shortened if i use a lot of their stuff. Typically has a description of what type of item it is.
// skins and presets //
suzue ear preset n 3
suzue ear preset n 2
minimalsim small tattoos n1
alfgray male body presets 01
helgatisha model poses 32 posepack and CAS
couquett admire me posepack
beto_ae0 sleepover with friends (pose pack)
kiellessa rin okumura's tail
thecomic voltron face markings
daria_glass tattoo lunar cycle
jovelyng japanese flower tattoo
gossipgirl-s4 japanese tattoo
wistfulcastle cosmic dune - mtattoo
s-clubts4 WM tattoo back 01
-merci- tattoo n01
merci tattoo n10
alix dekostube s#ign symbols v1
azurenika grunkle stans tattoo
shazzqr mixed design tattoo pack #1
sugar owl the sun tattoos
sugar owl the moon tattoos
sugar owl the star tattoos
sugar owl the chariot tattoos
sugar owl the devil tattoos
sugar owl golden bracelet tattoos
SO garden of roses tattoos
so love is on the line full body tattoo
so under the sea full body tattoo
so see the good full body tattoo
so carnival joy face tattoo
so children of the night
so here comes the sun full body tattoo
// hair //
Wings fluffy long curled
wings frizzled updo
wings fluffy male curl
wings curly hair with double buns
wings natural curly short
wings echo
wings OE0818
wings fluffy male hair
wings TO0418
wings TO0326
wings TO0220
wings TZ1028
wings ER0805
wings TO0729
leah lilith joie
leah lilith soundwave
leah lilith juliette
anto angelo (adult & child)
anto ivory
anto lizzo
anto momsen
anto arya
anto daisy
anto maggie
anto blossom
-merci- triandal hairstyle
darknightt dahlia hairstyle
viviandang kojiro hairstyle
// clothing //
---> tops
christopher067 temptress top
belaloallure_lili blouse
lace up crop top
cleotopia lace top bralette crop
cleotopia accessoiry bra tops
belaloallure_ cassandra top
cleotopia lace top flora
charlindy peasant blouse
the perfect night side ruffle top
SLYD cuban collar shirt
pizazz ladies bouse N 08
amaranthwaffle mabel pines sweater
plumbobs n fries maddox sweater
plumbobs n fries Nikolai jacket
plumbobs n fries santos
plumbobs n fries thalia sweater
toksik kaliah top
kks4 sweatshirts 03 fm
slyd cropped tank top estelle
jwofles-sims oversized hoodie
oranostr print sweaters
fesege shingeki no kyojin all
---> bottoms
belaloallure_ alaina pants
belaloallure_zafaria shorts
belaloallure_fai pants
belal19972 danial pants
wicked_kittie halloween themed leggings
pizazz cropped sweat pants
SLYD culottes noel
plumbobs n fries lewis shorts
plumbobs n fries frankie pants
pnf sierra pants
trillyke flashback pants
trillyke take off pants
trillyke love me right cropped
trillyke hi high pleaded skirt
trillyke my little black skirt
sims2fanbg 332 ripped skinny jeans
pinkzombiecupcake winter black ripped jeans
sentate mortimer biker pants
serenity-cc pearl slit pants
viy_sims pants mi - vic
---> full body
esyram floral applique tulle dress
its leeloo lace up suede dress
plumbobs n fries brandy outfit
toksik bailo dress
slyd ondria dress
pinkzombieunicorns reinas swimsuit
---> accessories
christopher067 lovato necklace
christopher067 nouveau earrings
wisteriasims gothic moon choker
minimalsim grace earrings
minimalsim trekant necklace
sugar_owl arya halo
serenity-cc elisa glasses
pralinesims shine forever glasses
pralinesims xoev glasses
pralinesims mobius necklace
nightcrawler layerable hoops
trillyke wolo fishnet tights
toksik euphoria rings
toksik kamil headband
sugar owl pine tree stud earrings gravity falls
yealuis pine cap
Winter sporty socks
helsoseira joko thigh high socks
pinkzombiecupcakes winter tights
plumbobs n fries celina earrings
---> shoes
madlen puricelli boots
ShakeProductions leather sandals
arltos long boots
MinimalSim Ivory shoes V1
dissia mrand boots
slyd superstar sneakers
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