#s62 generation
Okay, I just got angry again because our dear Kakucho doesn't have a birthday.
I refuse to believe that Izana would allow his boyfriend servant to not have one.
So this just happened. Enjoy it!
Izana's servant needs a birthday. Period.
(drabble of platonic KakuIza, since it's after Izana just got out of juvie and they are still kids)
Warnings: None, just platonic fluff!
Explanation: Sapporo Snow Festival is a big winter festival in Hokkaido, that takes place the first week of February (it starts a different day depending of the year, but I needed to choose one day). So of course, it had to be a day related with snow! 💜❄️
(english is not my first language, be nice please!)
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Izana didn't realize until now. He blamed himself for a moment, but quickly got rid of the guilt. He was too busy with Shinichiro and then juvie for noticing.
But, after introducing his new "friends" to Kakucho, Ran asked the question that was making Izana's mind spiral.
"What? How can you not have a birthday?"
The older Haitani was surprised, his big brother instincts were starting to kick in with this kid. Kakucho seemed too nice for being surrounded by a bunch of lunatics like them.
"I just don't."
The scarred boy mumbled, looking away. Izana could see the sadness in Kakucho's eyes. He couldn't bare it, no way his servant wasn't going to have a birthday.
"Shut up, servant. Since today, your birthday is February 1st."
The king voice was firm, showing that there wasn't any room for objections on this matter. And of course, Kakucho didn't complain, but he looked at him with big curious eyes.
"Why that day?"
"It's when Sapporo Snow Festival starts. Obviously."
Izana replied calmly, with a soft smile directed to the younger boy. Kakucho's face lighted up instantly, like it was touched by some kind of magic.
The rest of the group just agreed with the date, not understanding exactly what was happening, but deciding unaniomously that this kid deserved a birthday.
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rinwhore · 3 months
guys do u have any headcanons about s62 generation in groupchats? Like who's this and that. The loudest and the one who never opens the gc or anything like who gets kicked out every damn time js because pleasee anythinfg
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nevermeyers · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ S62 childhood headcanons 𐇵
»» author's note: some hcs about those s62 characters we hardly have any info on! TW for the canon typical violence, mentions of child neglect and similar things, eds, abuse.
»» What characterizes, for me, the s62 is that none of them have "a place to go to"
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➛Yasuhiro Mutō
» He grew up in a broken family. His mother was a battered woman, and although Yasuhiro was never abused, he witnessed her constantly being beaten.
» When he was seven years old his parents divorced and his mother took custody of him. By then, he had already turned into a troublesome boy.
» He was never a model student. He didn't bully others, but he could grab anyone in lunch time and beat them up without saying a word. He used to smoke in the bathrooms and hang out with other troublesome kids like him, even though he didn't consider them friends.
» He always felt somewhat alone.
» On the outside he was a quiet guy, quite expressionless and barely speaking. However, inside he had fire. If something made him angry, he didn't hesitate for a single moment to crush what was bothering him.
» He was expelled several times for bad behavior. His strength always made him respected by all the schools he went through.
» The night before he was arrested and sent to juvie, he had an argument with his mother. Things escalated and he ended up hitting her. It's his biggest regret.
» When he left juvie, his mother kicked him out of the house. Well, she didn't kick him out. She directly never opened the door for him. Yasuhiro was left completely alone. He ended up turning to Izana and together they gave name and shape to the Generation of Brutality.
» Since then, everything has happened. Drug trafficking, small-scale prostitution, beatings, extortion. Yasuhiro and Izana were feared wherever they went.
» When Izana left for some reason (he later found out that izana cut himself off from everyone because of shin's death), he was left alone again. That's when Mikey found him and proposed to join the Toman.
» He had problems with drugs, but managed to recover.
» Yasuhiro used to go to a small coffee shop in his neighborhood to hang out. He became friends with the owner, an older lady who treated him as if he were her grandson and who always gave him desserts. Thanks to that relationship, he managed to redirect his life, and also have a dream: to have his own coffee shop in the future.
» His calm temperament contrasts with his brutal strength. He's a stoic and firm boy, lover of discipline and authoritarianism. After getting a job it began his interest in historical literature. He liked to read about wars and empires while having a coffee.
» Meeting Haruchiyo was one of the best things that happened to him.
» Sanzu became like a little brother to him. Someone to warn not to use drugs, not to get into trouble, someone to hang out with even if it was in silence, since Haruchiyo was a quiet boy.
» Haruchiyo reminded him of himself and the other members of S62. Hence, he told him that it seemed he had no place to go and that they were similar.
» During the year and a half that they were together, they formed a special bond. Or at least for him it was. He took a liking to him and they even got to share a apartment on one occasion when Haruchiyo was short of money. He came to know that he had left home, but never more than that. Haruchiyo was very closed, and Yasuhiro tried to open his heart.
» His peers always came to him for advice. Especially Kakucho, whom everyone treated as one of the group.
➛Haitani Brothers
» Roppongi natives. Their parents had a lot of money, their father was a prosecutor and their mother a surgeon.
» Despite the luxurious appearance of Roppongi and its inhabitants, they had none of it. Their father mistreated them constantly, he was kinda passive-aggressive, the kind of father who throwed them in the face that he was supporting them with his money and they couldn't complain, the kind of father who finded it very easy to hit them because he thought they were property and not persons.
No Christmas presents, no birthday parties, it was all discipline. If one of his sons failed something he'll made up a mess. The Haitani brothers were quite relaxed and normal in their academic life and that made him very angry. Ran always skipped classes, and Rindou was constantly distracted.
» Ran snapped back at their father constantly. The fights were so strong that to this day Rindou still feels anxiety when he hears someone scream in an argument. It was the first time he saw Ran being violent towards someone and he'll never forget it.
» Despite Rindou being the most sadistic, deep down he's quite sensitive.
» Rindou frequented clubs to escape from his reality. That's where he learned how to use DJ equipment. He also bragged about all the money he had to feel better about himself and create a facade to hide behind.
His alter ego was the strong, attractive boy that everyone loved and praised. When he returned home, he was nothing more than a nuisance to his parents, an offal with which they verbally retaliated.
» On the other hand, Ran always preferred quiet places like libraries to sleep among books.
» Ran was recruited to Max Maniacs after being watched beating up someone who tried to rob him on the street. He really hated drugs and that kind of things. From the beginning he thought of taking advantage of the gang.
» Rindou followed him. He liked to feel he had authority. It was the first time they introduced themselves as Haitani brothers. They refused to follow orders that didn't include both of them at the same time.
» All the money that Ran stole from the Max Maniacs executives he used to leave their house for good and rent an apartment with his brother.
» Then they challenged the leaders of Roppongi Kyougoku, the famous battle that led them to rise in (criminal) popularity and be arrested.
» During their time on Max Maniacs, in fact, they were already quite known for having no mercy with their opponents and, of course, a great sense of fashion.
» Ran is actually a very calm person, but with a very fragile barrier. He's easily annoyed but won't say it, he'll just wait for the right moment to take brutal revenge. He's extremely smart.
» Rindou spent hours in the gym because he never liked his physique. He worked for it until he liked himself.
» Ran went on to develop an eating disorder.
» When they left the juvie they already had a well built reputation so it wasn't difficult for them to get everything they wanted.
➛Shion Madarame
» He lived alone with his alcoholic father. His mother left him behind when he was six years old.
» He suffered quite a bit of neglect and hardly bathed as a child. The money was often not enough for new clothes or school supplies. Shion was the boy who always borrowed pens and pencils because his father preferred to spend all his money on alcohol.
» Due to lack of care, he was always disheveled and some of his classmates shunned him because of his bad smell. He hardly had any friends.
» He fell in love with the first person who agreed to do a group project with him. However, his skills for love are nil and he got nothing. He never knew how to interact with love interests, nor how to cope with that feeling.
» Shion always hated his father, even though he ended up being just as arrogant and boastful as him.
» When he was a child he quite liked to draw. If he stayed home alone, he could spend hours drawing, coloring or gluing tree leaves on paper, marking his hands with pencils. He was good with artistic things and surprisingly had patience for scrapbooking.
» Over time that skill cooled, but as a child he dreamed of being a manga artist.
» The first person he admired was Izana. It was something like respect at first sight. At first he tried hard to please him and always orbited around him. He felt a rivalry towards Kakucho because he was the one who had the most confidence with Izana.
» Indeed, he could never resemble Kakucho. It's his biggest frustration.
» Despite being really annoying when he sets his mind to it, he has an impeccable sense of loyalty. He would die for Izana if necessary and the only thing he would regret would be that he was nothing more than a "weak dog" for others.
» He's twisted. He won't hesitate to get into a fight if he hears Izana's name being used in a bad way. He also doesn't like being teased. He easily loses control.
» He's not good at fighting but stay away from him if he's carrying a knife or knuckle dusters.
» As a child he liked to skate and his scar is from a fall, although he'll say it was from a fight.
» Urgently needs a hug.
» He and Rin hit it off instantly because they both get excited easily in fights. Ran always keeps a close eye on them because he's sharped eyed and see when they're not realizing that something's wrong.
» He developed an anxiety disorder.
➛Kanji Mochizuki
» He's an orphan.
» He grew up in an orphanage in Kawasaki, maybe that's why he understands Izana so well. When he was a kid he was quite active. He didn't mess with the weakest, but he liked to command authority and respect.
When he had the chance, he left the place with his friends and together they formed Jugen, in which he was the leader.
» The discovery of an abuse case caused the orphanage to close, some time later. Mochizuki found out that one of his Jugen mates had been abused back then, so they searched for the director.
They found him when the police were taking him away in handcuffs and Mochizuki beat him up. He smashed in the face of the cop who tried to stop him and he was sent to the juvie.
» In juvie he was quite respected for having sent an abuser to the hospital half dead. He got along well with the locals, and his fellow Jugen mates sent him letters from outside.
» He wasn't a troublemaker. He always did his homework and attended all the programs and classes that were taught there. He liked patio time and exercising by running every morning
» When he met Izana he decided to disband Jugen to follow him. He urged his former teammates to join Tenjiku.
» He ate a lot. He was one of those kinds of people capable of repeating a dish three times and eating the leftovers of others.
» When he met Shion he thought he was crazy. At first he couldn't stand him for always showing off and being so loud.
» He cares a lot about his physical image. He shaves regularly and takes care of his skin. On one occasion Ran complimented how good his hair looked and that was the best day of his life.
» He was always very sensitive towards his S62 teammates. He sensed Izana's loneliness just seeing him speak once, the Haitani's trust issues, the fact that Shion would always leave when someone offered to drink alcohol for fun.
» Something he doesn't like about himself is that he can't quit smoking.
» He likes to spend time alone. When he feels nervous he goes to Jugen's old hideout to smoke or just think
➛Izana Kurokawa (not exactly about his childhood since we already now about it)
» He has undiagnosed adhd.
» He has long conversations with his fish. No one can convince me otherwise.
» His fish lives better than him. He could spend hours just looking at his pet. The latter calms him down and he does it whenever he feels anxious.
» He finds Shion insistent and somewhat annoying. He always orders Kakucho to keep him away from him because his enthusiasm gives him headaches.
» Ran, Yasuhiro and he share a taste for Queen.
» After Shinichiro's death he was on the verge of falling into an addiction to hypnosedatives. He had... some harmful thoughts.
» He randomly zooms out when someone talks to him.
» A childish taste he has are stickers, collecting them. He has a folder full of them.
» Since his time as leader of the Black Dragons, he didn't grow his hair that long again, since it was difficult for him to take care of it. He wasn't very devoted to the physical image of him until he grew up.
» He secretly envy Ran's flawless skin. He had acne that left some marks that he doesn't like.
» He never asks for advice. If he has a problem he'll swallow it and move on, without anyone knowing. He hates crying, he hates it as much as one day he hated himself
» Everybody finds out when he's having a bad day because he treats those around him badly.
» He has a huge resting bitch face. He never controls his expressions.
» Needs a hug but hates physical contact.
» If he has to complain about something, he does it with Kakucho. That poor boy bears all of Izana's annoyances.
» He has a terrifying facility for self-destruction, for losing control and losing himself as well.
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©nevermeyers, do not translate, use or steal
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frozenmoonshine · 1 year
How well can the TR characters cook?
A yet another random HC I dug out of my archive of notes and scribbles....
‌Master chef lvl: The Twins
‌Makes best homemade food: Mitsuya, Emma, Hina, Kakucho, Akane
‌Decent/can get by just fine: Draken, Sanzu, Mucho, South, Kisaki, Yuzuha, Akkun, Inupi, Benkei
‌Can only make some VERY basic stuff: Takeomi, the Haitanis, Taiju, Mocchi, Chifuyu, Takuya, Naoto, Peyan
‌Can't cook to save their life: Hanma, Shinichiro, Izana, Pachin, Makoto, Hakkai, Kazutora, Koko, Senju, Wakasa
‌Burns the kitchen down just by looking at the stove: Takemichi, Yamagishi, Mikey, Baji, Madarame
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Little Kaku
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Kakucho's just lucky no one else was around to hear this though. I bet if the other s62 were here "little Kaku" would 100% become his new nickname. I can see the Haitani brothers and Shion especially calling him that.
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madeofchaos · 2 years
How I would unlock time leaper!Kazutora. Save the cheerleader gangster, save the world.
Because Baji deserves his own pet shop dammit!
Even though Kazutora and the S-62 Generation (Ran, Rin, Mochi, Mucho, Shion) were at different juvies, Tokyo Juvenile Detention Center & Boys Juvenile Detention. It wouldn't be a stretch to relocate them temporarily due to plot issues.
Anyways, S-62 gets a not so nice welcoming party in the form of a prison riot. Our boy Kazutora gets shanked. This is pretty much still early in his rehabilitation and he sees this as a form of atonement so he tries to stops the person near him from saving his life. (Sorry Draken) He’s shocked as hell when he wakes up at his childhood bedroom years earlier and thinks that it’s all a hallucination to his happier days.
Where does he wake up? Before Toman challenges the 9th generation Black Dragon.
Who is Kazutora’s trigger? Madarame fucking Shion.
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izanazqueen · 7 months
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the S62 generation formation.
tokyo revengers brilliant full color edition
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dottores · 2 years
12:17 PM | sanzu h.
pairing: sanzu haruchiyo x fem!reader
summary: post-toman vs kanto manji gang fight, you visit your boyfriend in the hospital.
warnings: spoilers for most recent chapter but none other than that — implied timeleaper sanzu, kakucho survives
notes: i wrote this in an hour at work diosidisjd ignore spelling/grammar errors LMAO
wordcount: 1.3k
you stared at him, head tilted to the side, lips parted in shock. “you… what?”
sanzu glared up at you from where he was sitting up in the hospital bed, you bit down on your lower lip, trying to hide the smile that rose to your face.
“fuck off,” he said, but the words were half-hearted and counteracted by the red flush that spread across his face.
you giggled, moving to sit on the bed next to him, wrapping an arm around him as he leaned into you. you turned your head to the side, pressing your lips against the side of his head as he rested his head against your chest, long lashes fluttering shut.
“who just drives a fucking motorcycle into someone?” sanzu muttered petulantly, voice muffled against you, and you desperately tried to hide another giggle, pressing your face against the top of his head, burying your face into his hair.
“probably someone with the same mindset of someone that brings a katana to a fist fight. or someone that brings a train to a fist fight,” you murmured, and your arms tightened slightly around him as he bristled like an angry cat.
“it would have been efficient,” he said, not looking at you, and your eyes narrowed.
“haruchiyo,” you warned, voice low, and sanzu slumped back into you, letting out a long breath against you as his eyes slid shut.
“no one died,” he argued.
“kakucho almost did,” you countered, “or did you forget he’s in the hospital room across the hall? i’ve had to fend off all of the remaining s62 generation from coming in here and beating you to death in your hospital bed, and let me tell you the haitanis are persistent.”
sanzu didn’t reopen his eyes but his lips turned down, his fingers rubbing soft patterns on your leg as he rested against you.
“i’m sorry,” he said, and you let out a soft sigh, bringing your free hand up to cup his cheek, lifting his face from your chest. his eyes fluttered back open at the touch, pretty blue ones looking right back up at you. you leaned in and pressed your lips against his gently, thumb tracing the scar on the right corner of his lip.
“you scared me,” your throat was tight as you spoke the words aloud for the first time. “you scared me a lot, haruchiyo. i wouldn’t have even known what was going on if kokonoi hajime hadn’t gone out of his way to find me after the fact. when he told me…”
your grip around him tightened instinctively and he let out a hiss, a grimace flashing across his face. you loosened your hold immediately, running soothing circles over his skin as an apology.
sanzu didn’t respond, you took in another shaky breath, letting him rest his head back against your chest. you brought your own palm to press against the skin above his heart, the steady thump putting you at ease.
sanzu covered the back of your hand with his palm, wincing as he let out an exhale.
“promise me you’ll stop with this,” and you knew it was useless to ask. sanzu would never stop so long as mikey was around. a part of you genuinely hoped that hanagaki takemichi had gotten through to the other boy because you were sick and tired of sanzu coming home hurt—this was too close of a call. you weren’t sure how much more you could handle.
he didn’t respond, he didn’t even open his eyes to acknowledge your words and you had half a mind to slap him for ignoring you but you supposed that the silence was answer enough. you grit your teeth tight, grateful that he wasn’t looking at you so he wouldn’t see the way your eyes watered.
“promise me you’ll be more careful,” you amended, “and you’ll stop with these ridiculous plans.”
“… fine,” he agreed after a moment, “i’ll be more careful.”
you very much noticed how he avoided the second half of your statement, but you supposed you could press later. you were happy with the current progress and didn’t want to push your luck.
“hanagaki came here,” sanzu’s eyes flew back open at your words, a sort of panic and wariness that you’d never quite seen in him before. your lips tugged down at the reaction and you leaned in to press your lips against his forehead, watching as his eyes fluttered back shut and he relaxed back into your arms. “he only wanted to talk, you were still sleeping though.”
“keep telling him that,” he murmured, “i don’t want to talk to him.”
“you were the one that tried to kill him,” you pointed out and sanzu’s brow furrowed.
“no, that’s not why,” he said. he didn’t elaborate and you wondered, briefly, what you were missing but sanzu didn’t seem inclined to explain.
you sighed, burying your face into his hair and shutting your eyes, “you’re gonna kill me, haruchiyo, all this worry and stress…”
sanzu gripped the forearm of the arm you had wrapped around him tightly, “don’t say that,” his voice was hoarser than you expected and he had tensed, trying to sit up and you opened your eyes again, confused. worry hit you hard when you noticed the haunted, genuinely distressed look on his face. “i don’t care what i have to do, you’ll live. okay? i won’t let you die, not aga-“
he cut himself off abruptly and you drowned deeply:
“haruchiyo,” you began, bringing one hand up to rest against his cheek but his hand darted up to catch it, holding it tight.
“okay?” he asked more urgently, and you forced yourself to nod, unsure of where the sudden burst of emotion had come from but you needed him to relax before he aggravated his wounds.
“okay,” you said softly, and he let out a shaky breath, resting back against you. you returned to holding him, arms gentle around his thin form, hand pressed against his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. “you should get some more rest.”
“i’m not tired,” sanzu protested but his eyes were drooping shut even as he spoke the words. you giggled as you kissed the top of his head again, fingers running gently through his soft, pink hair, lulling him to sleep.
“sleep,” you murmured, and he hummed against you.
“no,” he said, and you nearly rolled your eyes but instead only smiled against the top of his head as his breath slowly began to even out.
“one day,” you said softly, as to not startle him from how he was slowly dozing off, “you’re gonna tell me everything.”
his voice was slurred and sleepy as he agreed, “one day.”
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nana-mania · 10 months
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ HIS RED FLAGS P1 
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ HIS RED FLAGS P2
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ HIS RED FLAGS P3
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ HIS RED FLAGS P4
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ “DON'T WORRY, I'LL BE GENTLE...”
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ SHIDOU - CAN’T LET GO
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ KAISER - TATTOO
╰┈➤: ̗̀➛ IZANA - SPOILED
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
masterlist (updated 10-09-2022)
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General Headcanons
some general s62 (+kakucho) headcanons for the soul  - What is Ran like outside of gangs? Does Kakucho have a secret hobby? How does Shion fare in the flirting game? All that and more here. 
tenjiku boys doing karaoke - Who would be the best singers? What are some of their song choices?
the haitanis and kakucho - what is their relationship like?
s62′s handwriting - self-explanatory. all-pictures!
s62 and horror movies - who hates them? who likes them too much? who is the asshole who tries to scare people during the movie?
tenjiku at a filipino prom - filipino highschool AU Tenjiku, self-indulgent
stuff the tenjiku boys do - quirks, hobbies, and habits they have. might be overly specific. 
Romantic Headcanons
many fluffy thoughts about ran haitani - capturing ran’s heart is not easy, but i promise the results are rewarding! you’ll be pampered and spoiled for as long as you stay with him.
rindou may break his enemies’ bones but never ur heart  - #2 best boyfriend rindou is dependable, affectionate, excitable, and easy-going. this boy would go the extra mile for you every time.
shion couldn’t beat peh-yan and akkun, but can he beat the worst boyfriend allegations? - shion often forgets important dates and gets himself into dangerous situations trying to impress you, but it’s fun(ny) to date him. he does have his sweet moments
instead of tr 257, think of these kakucho headcanons instead - kakucho would do everything for you. he’s always making sure that you’re comfortable, safe, and happy like the best boyfriend he is
here’s why mucho should be living in your head rent-free - mucho may not be affectionate nor sweet with words, but his love shows in the little things he does for you
in this house, we simp for mocchi. - mocchi is truer to his name around you: soft and sweet. you’re one of the few lucky people to see his tough guy persona dissolve. 
pov: you’re everything izana ever wanted  -  problems come with dating izana, but beneath all the violence and hatred is an innocently sweet boy just trying to navigate this thing called love
tenjiku boys around their crush - who would be smooth, who would be hopeless? what are their chances?
more romantic haitanis - additional romantic headcanons and scenarios of ran and rindou, as asked by an anon. includes crush and partner scenarios.
what they look for in a partner - my headcanons of the Tenjiku boys’ ideal types. includes turn-offs for fun.
the way we kill time -  You're on yet another date with Ran. But you’re new to Roppongi, and you’ve never heard the whispers about the Haitani brothers until yesterday. The new friends you made in the district warned you of their tendency to “fuck and go”, and now you’re not sure what to believe or where your relationship might go. Read on AO3
discussion of ran’s MBTI - points for ESFP Ran and ISTJ Ran 
alignment chart memes - 1, 2
#answered is the tag for all asks! 
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Let me tell you now, you're the lucky one
(Enemies to Enemies Who Fuck)
(HaruKaku in Bonten timeline)
(some past-MuSan and past-KakuIza with a subtle RanOmi bc why not, it's my fic and I don't have self-restrain when it comes to multishipping)
(link to ao3 in case some one preferes to read it there)
Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!
All of them. Bonten is their own warning. Substance abuse. Really unhealthy coping mechanisms. Depression. Mental health problems. Suicide. Major character death. (it's Bonten, they all want to kill themselves and some of them succeed, okay?) Mentions of unsafe sex, but there is no smut or graphic depiction of it.
I tried to not be too graphic with any of this topics, the focus is mostly on what the characters are thinking/feeling. But it's hard anyway, tbh the last scene was actually difficult and painful for me to write. So please, don't take the CW lightly and prioritize your mental health!
Angst and Hurt/No Comfort.
Notes: HaruKaku came as an hilarious idea. Because they are hilarious, let's be real. Soulmates archnemesis, doomed to hate each other in every timeline. But then Bonten happened and of course, I ended up writing some angsty shit instead of focusing in all the other moments when they are hilarious. Kudos for me, yey! 🥲
This is canon complicit (again, is Bonten, beware!)
It alternates from Kakucho's POV to Sanzu's POV. I did that thing again of using "Haruchiyo" when he's in his most vulnerable state because for some reason I like playing with his name like this.
(English is not my first language, be nice please 🙈)
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(the art is from @just-sp-in-inginthevoid who is in part responsible for the archnemesis brain riot, but mostly the hilarious part, tbh)
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Is not that Kakucho enjoys Sanzu's company. Or that the pinkette gradually started to grow on him. Quite the opposite, to be honest. He hates him a little bit more every day, every shared mission, every time they had to spent hours together.
But with Sanzu, he feels. He feels intensely, he feels with passion. Even if it's twisted, at least he's not empty anymore. The void that threatens to devour him seems to disappear when he's around the other man. Sometimes, Kakucho wants to murder him, but he knows he can't. Others, he wonders what would happen to him if he also loses the only person that it's still able to provoke an intense emotion on him.
Hate is better than apathy, isn't it?
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They hate each other passionately. Sanzu finds his reactions too funny for stopping it, always willing to go a little further, to push Kakucho to the edge. It's too easy to pick on him, making him forget about his allegedly righteous patience.
It's disgusting, how Kakucho thinks of himself like he was better than the rest of them. So Sanzu enjoys to proves him wrong, to show him that they are the same (even if he can't stand that fact either, seeing that burning rage in those heterochromatic eyes makes it worth it).
Now that he thinks about it, it was probably a matter of time, considering that his king denied them the right to kill each other, they needed to find a way of releasing all that build up anger. That's probably why isn't that surprising when it finally happens.
It looked like a regular night. Sanzu was high as a kite, trying to forget every one of his lives. Kakucho just seemed to be there, he can't recall exactly why, some type of report, but he didn't pay any attention to it at the moment, too intoxicated for actually caring for something that could wait until tomorrow.
“Why are you still here? You like me that much or what?”
The pinkette man says, slurring his words.
“Are you that high? You know I hate you.”
Is the harsh answer that he earns. It's brutal, but real. Kakucho's honesty has something that grounds him to the present. It's sickening. It's exactly what he wants right now.
“I hate you too, don't worry.” He laughs, finding his own words amusing. “Think about it, me and you. Just us, hating each other all night long.”
“You're crazy.”
“And you didn't say no.”
(If he was more honest with himself, he would admit that he was trying to find another way of punishing his broken mind and his body. But he's not.)
And oh, it actually feels good. Kakucho fucks him with the same brutality that talks to him. He couldn't bear any type of gentle touch (specially not from someone that it's so linked to Mucho, but he isn't thinking in that, he promised himself to forget his old captain a long time ago).
There isn't any type of care between them, only spite. Both men are too broken for having the ability to love someone again. Indeed, this was precisely what he needed. This is perfect.
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The next day, Kakucho feels nauseated. How couldn't he? Sanzu was high as fuck, too intoxicated to give proper consent to do anything. So even if he was also a little drunk, even if it wasn't his idea, Kakucho feels guilty for what happened.
Until Sanzu just laughs at his poorly attempt of apologizing, mocking his morals once more. He was about to punch him in the face, but the lingering guilt doesn't allow him to do it. Not that one more bruise would make a difference, actually.
Both are covered in so many marks that more than sex, it looks like they tried to kill each other. Yeah, maybe he should stop feeling sorry for Sanzu, considering this. Maybe that was the best way to get rid of that not-so-pent-up hate.
And it works. At least for a while, it works. Until it happens again. And again.
Is not that they are lovers (Kakucho wants to puke with that idea). They just fuck from time to time. That's all. They hate each other, they wish they could kill the other. But they can't. So, sometimes, they fuck.
Their relationship is not pretty. At all. Or better. If Kakucho had to use only one word for describing it, he would say “real”. They don't lie to each other, what would be the point? Both are too able of seeing between the lies, they are too similar in so many ways. But that raw honesty only makes it worse.
Kakucho knows it's a mistake, that he shouldn't care about Sanzu's fate (he brought it on himself and he doesn't seem to have any complains). But Mikey is worse every day, the king is falling and his loyal dog is falling with him. Kakucho needs to do something, because the uneasiness he feels every time he sees them is now living rent-free in his mind.
That's why, one day, Kakucho tries. He's trying to find his clothes, dressing quickly, wanting to get out of this room that only makes him feel sick. Then, he looks at Sanzu, his pink hair scattered on the pillows, a lazy and satisfied smile than only appears after sex (and never lasts). There is some twisted vulnerability in how content the other man is while lighting up a joint, as if seeing these new swelling (all this pain) on his skin was something he wanted.
(Kakucho can't shake the feeling that Sanzu is using him as another way of hurting himself and that infuriates him so fucking much... Maybe that's the real reason why he decides against his best judgment and opens his big mouth.)
“Is not worth it.”
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Sanzu looks at the other, not sure if he actually heard something. He just wants to smoke and relax, to feel the post-orgasmic satisfaction while it lasts, to enjoy the pain in his body (one more of his little punishments).
“I said is not worth it. Dying with Mikey.”
If it had been anyone else, Sanzu would shoot him in the face just for saying this. Thinking like that, talking like that about his king is treason. It should be. But it's difficult to pretend Kakucho's isn't right about this when, unfortunately, it's the only one Sanzu trusts with Mikey's well-being (It's the one he calls every time Mikey is being suicidal again).
“You wish you could be me, you wish you had died with Izana.”
Sanzu spits his words, burning with all the rage he feels every time he has to acknowledge the reality of how is Mikey.
“That's not what this is about-”
Kakucho is unable to finish his sentence, turning pale in anger when Sanzu cuts him. 'Good'.
“You're a selfish bastard, aren't you? You want me to be like you, stuck here with no purpose, jerking yourself with the memory of a ghost. Pretend it's because of your high morals, that you're worried about me or some other bullshit. But you're just another selfish bastard. And you envy me.”
If it had been anyone else, Sanzu would shoot him in the face. But he can't (he wants to, oh, he wants it so much, but he can't disobey Mikey's orders). So, instead of bullets, he uses his words.
“At least Izana cared about me.”
Is the last thing he hears before Kakucho slams the door. Sanzu laughs maniacally, throwing the first shit he can find to the place the other man was a few seconds a go. He's momentary satisfaction long forgotten, replaced only by hate (and pain, but one that he refuses to see).
The worst part is that in a sickening way, he trusts Kakucho. They don't lie to each other, that makes it so much worse, because both of them know that what the other said is true. He hates him, he hates him with every fiber of his body. He doesn't want this words to be true, he can't accept that. He needs to keep living in this denial, to pretend Mikey is fine (to pretend he doesn't keep mixing this Mikey with that in his nightmares, to pretend they don't look so alike).
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It's been three days. Three whole days since Mikey's death was splattered on the news (no one seems to care about Takemichi's death, even with all that footage of how the hero tried to save the most dangerous man in Japan). Kakucho cares, but he knows damn well that he wouldn't be welcomed within the hero's friends, so he would have to say goodbye in his own way (again).
During this days, Kakucho learned some things, like the fact that apparently everyone had some kind of contingency plan in case this happened (no, for when this happened, all of them could see that Mikey was more on the edge every day). But nobody spoke to him about it, keeping him in the darkness, the only idiot that didn't prepare himself for the end. Well, not the only, he knows that, of course he knows that.
(Sanzu would have killed them in the blink of an eye. Anyone who dared to imply that Bonten needed to be prepared to function without a king.)
Kakucho understands the need for secrets, of course he does. The idea of Mikey falling would be considered treason a few days ago, it was taboo to think like that. At the same time, none of them wanted to acknowledge it, like saying it out loud would make it more real. He can't even be mad when the Haitanis (obviously) thought about him on their own schemes, making sure Kakucho was also safe. Or as safe as any of them could be now that Bonten was crumbleling.
It's been three days. Bonten is crumbleling. Mikey is dead. And Sanzu disappeared the same day. Everyone knows he's dead, but they don't say it. Not in front of Takeomi, who's still desperately looking, going out in the rain for hours. Trying to find something, some clue that leads him to his little brother. Clinging to the hope that he's still alive somewhere. That he's going to find him, high as fuck, but alive (Kakucho thinks being able to find Sanzu's body at all would already be a miracle).
Only Ran is able to convince Takeomi to rest a little bit, promising that he and Rindou will help with the search as long as the older man gets a few hours of sleep. Takeomi just nods, mumbling “Today is his birthday, Ran. Is his fucking birthday and he's out there alone.” while Ran drags him softly, a concerned look plastered in those violet eyes.
Kakucho hates it, hates having to see all this sorrow around him (again). He doesn't lament the loss of Mikey and Sanzu, he's incapable of doing it. Grief took his heart for hostage a long time ago, there is nothing more for him to mourn.
More than anything, Kakucho hates himself, because he's jealous of Sanzu. He knows he shouldn't, but he hates that the pinkette man was right about him. He envies Sanzu, who had the privilege of dying with Mikey, of dying with his king.
Kakucho hates the Mad Dog even more right now. But he's aware that once this hate fades away, he would feel empty again. So he clings onto this feeling, he needs this rage as a motor to keep moving.
It doesn't matter if this energy is fulled with rage, he needs it. He can't fail his friends, what's left of his family. Kakucho has to keep living even if he can't remember how being alive felt anymore. Even if he's more dead inside every day.
So, over and over... Kakucho would keep living.
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The rain keeps pouring down without truce, Haruchiyo shrinks inside the leather jacket that was always too big for him. Now the only thing that makes him feel protected from that annoying rain (from the world). To be honest, he isn't completely aware how he managed to recover it from his penthouse, but it seemed important in that moment.
The jacket and the old picture that he's still clutching in his pocket, the only two things he cared enough to take. He doesn't even need to look at it to see the four happy smiles stained with watermelon juice. Two pink haired kids that could be confused by twins, one with a shy smile, the other with a cheerful one, happy to be included with his brother friends. Next, a fierce smile showing two small fangs, already a force of nature at his young age. In the middle, a blond kid with the most radiant smile Haruchiyo ever saw, capable of making everything shine just with his presence. Full of life, of dreams. Full of potential. Brighter than the sun, a true leader.
But that was a long time ago and, once again, Sanzu is the only one who remembers. The man staggering in the rain is now the only survivor from that photo. Only him, alone in this fuck up world where nothing and no one matters anymore. Not without Mikey. Even Bonten can burn from what he cares.
He keeps walking (it feels more like floating for him, floating in a cloud of pain and numbness at the same time). Until he finally reaches his destination, an abandoned bowling alley. Sanzu enters in some kind of trance, not sure if he's dissociating or too intoxicated. He doesn't care.
He sits down exactly in the same place his king sat down. How many days had passed since that moment? One? Two? Ages. It certainly feels like ages for him. Haruchiyo hugs himself, trying to make space for his legs inside the big comforting jacket. Completely curled up. And he cries, he cries like he hasn't allowed himself to do so in the last ten years.
He's starting to sober up, he can feel it. Because the flashbacks are coming back. Shinichiro jumping from that bridge. Mikey jumping from this exact building. Mikey falling from the stairs, that awful “clonk”. Mikey jumping again from this building.
Haruchiyo screams, holding his head with both hands, begging the images to stop, unable to continue reliving those memories. He needs everything to stop, to be quiet, his shattered mind can't take it anymore.
He takes out a small box from his pocket, looking at the content. Everything he needs is here, he knows how to do it, how to make sure he's not going to wake up from this trip. His stupid hands are shaking while he gets the syringe ready.
For some reason, he suddenly remembers Kakucho's words a few months ago. He hates it, he hates thinking in that fucker when he's about to die. But the other man was right, wasn't he? Mikey never cared about Sanzu, he spent years of his life trying to keep his king alive and it was all for nothing. Everything blew up in one night.
A manic laugh escapes between his whimpers. Of course is that, he's fucking jealous. Sanzu is fucking jealous because at least Kakucho got to held Izana's hand when he died, he got to comfort his king in his last moments. Sanzu didn't had that, Hanagaki was the one holding Mikey's hand. Always that cockroach, never him.
What did he expect anyway? Haruchiyo is just a failure. He never deserved to be the one making his king last moments less painful. Of course, he should had known. He failed everyone. He failed Shinichiro, unable to protect Mikey, to be the friend he promised he would be. He failed Mikey, watching him falling into the darkness, becoming the same empty shell he already saw in a past that never happened, and doing nothing about it.
Sanzu doesn't have anything left. He also killed his own chance of happiness a long time ago (he also failed his captain, didn't he?). The only thing left for him is to disappear, to follow his king. He's going with him, because he's being following Mikey for so long, that he doesn't see any other choice. He's going with him, because he doesn't deserve to keep living when he couldn't save Mikey.
But it's fine, the drug is already kicking in, his body feels more relaxed. Even his mind seems to be quiet, almost in peace. He looks at the old photo one last time, before drifting out of consciousness, looking for safety in the inner part of the leather, pretending it smells like cheesecake.
It's fine, because at the end of the day... Haruchiyo was just a failure.
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rinwhore · 2 years
Izana "i-don't-give-a-fcuk" Kurokawa
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Stylish Izana (stylist: Shinichiro)
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Tinyy Izanaa🥺💓💓
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Stylish Izana (he found his style thank god) aka the best look out of all his timeline/era (maybe bad toman competes with this)
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One of my fave panels. Little angels❤❤
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Happy Birthday Izana❤
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autolesionistra · 1 year
Non so se avete presente quelle situazioni tipo quando sei in ferie da qualche parte e c'è un evento improbabile nei pressi, roba a cui non saresti mai andato ma non hai una mazza da fare (parlo di tempi in cui non avevo una mazza da fare) e decidi di farci un salto. Ecco, anni fa finii così a vedere in una chiesa montana un concerto di musica barocca per viola e clavicembalo.
Pur avendo mietuto qualche vittima fra gli astanti (fra le panche della chiesa si vedevano almeno un paio di teste reclinate in postura più da riposo che da ascolto) personalmente mi acchiappò parecchio, soprattutto quel pezzaccio di  “Folies d’Espagne” di Marin Marais. Avevano pure un CD che si auto-vendevano e lo andai a pigliare; anche se la cosa più vicina alla musica barocca che conoscevo erano le vignette di Sardelli, mi sentii in dovere di fare qualche apprezzamento al violista dicendo che il suo strumento aveva un gran suono, o qualcosa del genere. A quel punto intervenne la mogliera del violista a dire che forse pure suo marito aveva qualche merito nel gran suono e io diventai un poco bordeaux tentando di spiegare che volevo poi dire che mi era piaciuto molto come suonava e di riflesso si imbarazzò pure lui dicendo che, sì, aveva capito l’apprezzamento e ad entrambi credo si rafforzarono alcuni stereotipi di genere sulle mogliere.
Ora, io nella mia vita ho vissuto tanti momenti significativi il cui ricordo si è fortemente appannato quando non scomparso del tutto, ma questi momenti di grande inutilità e piccoli disagi tendo a ricordarmeli come se fossero successi ieri e in momenti casuali, tipo oggi. Pazienza.
Grazie alla magia delle interwebs ho recuperato analogo concerto più recente dello stesso duo (Andrea Maini e Marco Vincenzi) che pur con tutti i limiti di un audio registrato apparentemente con la cornetta di un Siemens S62 regala un certo numero di emozioni, in particolare nella già citata Folies d’Espagne: https://youtu.be/rH3WeBIWf2M?t=961
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frozenmoonshine · 2 years
Slander series part 3
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one day Ran wanted to tease Izana in his own way. He told him "do you know that fish can die of sadness because of the loneliness?", later the same day, Kakucho barely stopped Izana to buy a whole fish shop.
Even more fish isn't enough though, Izana sets up fish babysitting with the s62. Everyone gets a turn at watching these fish whenever Izana's out the house.
Ran likes to stare at his reflection in the tank and nap next to them
Rindou plays them different songs and watches finding nemo with them (not jaws though that's too scary)
Shion tells them all about his life stories and his black dragons days, he's thrilled to have finally found someone who'll listen to him.
Mucho brings Sanzu and they both end up cleaning the tank together.
Mochi shows them his newest fighting moves and complains about the others to them.
And Kakucho just kind of sits there staring at them like
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deathfavor · 7 months
@barrenstars said: 🛑 ( for emma & izana! )
send 🛑 for my muse (receiver) to protect yours (sender)
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It wasn't that surprising that cowards would utilize dirty tactics to try and land a blow on Tenjiku. But the key was that if you were going to use them, which Izana had no problem with, make sure they'd land. It seemed someone hadn't done their homework to ensure it would, or what the consequences for failure would be.
" You're going to regret that. " Izana grips the wrist of the would-be attacker who made a lunge at Emma, an eerie smile resting on his face. His grip tightens as he slowly applies more and more pressure, wisteria eyes unblinking as he forces them down and keeps adding pressure even as they begin to scream in pain. " This isn't anything compared to what you're going to experience. Or your friends. None of you are going to ever forget about this for any walking moment of your lives. " Izana's eyes turn down towards the emblem on the jacket and then back towards them. " Good enough. "
If they felt any momentary relief, it was quickly crushed when Izana brutally punched downwards as he struck them in the face with enough force to break bones in both his wrist and his face. Izana lets go only to bring his foot down on their head once, twice, three times as blood stains the sidewalk. If he's conscious or not, it doesn't particularly matter to Izana. Nor do the broken bones or the spectacle it creates. Really, he's being quite nice for now. For now. Because of course he's going to do far, far worse to him and his little group. It's been a bit since Tenjiku or the S62 Generation has really had some people to break down to the point of destruction.
" You okay, Emma? " Izana turns his attention from the heap of flesh and broken bones to look towards Emma, calm as if it was a perfectly normal scene. Which is was. For him. " I can call Kakucho if you want. He can walk you home. " He trusted Kakucho to be able to protect her. " Or if you want to wait a moment, we can continue. " After he sicks his followers on this guys entire group and grounds them all into the dust. If they survived or not wasn't his concern.
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