#sabine and ezra are siblings
sliebman10 · 8 days
Late Night Wandering
(Excuse me while Rebels takes over my brain.)
Ezra crept out of his and Zeb’s shared bunk, his heart racing. If anyone could help him interpret his dream or vision or whatever it was, it was Kanan. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall trying to get his breathing under control. Everything was quiet, so he made his way into the mess area. 
Sabine was sitting there sketching on her pad. She looked up when she saw him. “Can’t sleep?” she asked, sliding over to make room for him at the table. He took the seat with a shrug and a sigh.
“Something like that,” he muttered. Sabine nodded and went back to drawing. “Everyone else asleep?”
“Why?” she asked. “Planning something you shouldn’t be?”
“Then why do you care?”
“I don’t,” he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest and scowling. 
Sabine took pity on him. “Everything…ok?”
“I just…needed to talk to Kanan, that’s all.”
Sabine looked up sharply. “If his door’s closed, don’t bother him.”
“I…what? Ok,” Ezra said, confused. Kanan never turned him away. Why would now be different?
“I’m serious, Ezra…leave them alone,” Sabine said urgently.
Sabine huffed and rolled her eyes. “If you don’t know what I’m talking about then I’m not going to tell you.”
“Thanks, good talk,” Ezra said, getting up from the table. 
He wandered back down the hallway towards his and Zeb’s bunk. He didn’t think he’d be able to sleep but he didn’t know what else to do. He paused at Kanan’s door, which was ajar. It was late, but maybe he was awake. 
Ezra poked his head in and backed right out again. He wouldn’t have been surprised to find Kanan asleep. What did surprise him was that he and Hera were both asleep in his bed and completely entwined. 
He thought about Sabine’s attitude moments before, with the realization finally clicking in his head. Was he the only one who didn’t know? Who hadn’t realized?
He’d never really thought about it, preoccupied as he was with his own stuff. But flipping back through his memories since he joined the Ghost crew, he thought about how Hera encouraged Kanan to teach him. How they always looked for each other first. How they were the core of the crew and if they were fighting, then everything felt off.
Of course they were together. 
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transitranger327 · 4 months
Alright WolfWren Nation, y’all asked for it, here’s Ehn’yuste Chapter 2:
Chapter 2: “The Wolf of Clan Wren”, in which Sabine remembers her Mandalorian family, then gets married in front of the rest of her family.
Notes: the number of ancillary ships I can have in this fanfic increases exponentially with each chapter I post. Also how is this chapter almost 3k words? I think I need an in-universe Star Wars queer theory textbook. Thanks to @shinhatisgirlfriend for the Mando’a marriage vows.
One year after the Ignition
“Bo-Katan, please, this is too generous.” Sabine was examining the “spare apartment” Bo-Katan “had laying around” that was more like a small complex than the studio Sabine expected. There were four bedrooms, multiple refreshers, a large gathering space, a kitchen big enough to host a clan dinner, a currently-empty armory, and a small office with a separate entrance. “Well I knew the Countess of Clan Wren would be back one day, so I kept this open for you.” Shin was still unclear about the noble titles, so asked “Why do you keep calling Sabine ‘countess’?” “Oh she didn’t tell you? She’s the head of a minor clan, so by tradition she’s a countess.” “I didn’t want the title! Tristan was supposed to be count.” Sabine sounded very annoyed despite being in an armory. “Yeah, well too bad, he isn’t here. You aren’t the only sibling the responsibility meant for another.” Shin sensed an implied “we” from Bo-Katan. 
“It was your sister, wasn’t it?”  “Yes, my sister was Duchess before she died.”  “During the purge?” “No, she died much earlier than that, during the Shadow War. Sabine was a toddler and Ahsoka was fresh out of the Order, helping us.” “Really, Ahsoka was involved?” “Where do you think she got her beskar armor pieces? Oh, that reminds me”
Bo-Katan pressed a single button on her vambrace, “Arms, you have the beskar’uliik prepped?” “Affirmative, Lady Kryze,” the Armorer’s voice spoke from Bo-Katan’s comlink, “but I thought we agreed to keep nicknames to after-hours activities.” “Sorry, I think it might be a habit now. Please meet Shin Hati at the Great Door.” Sabine emerged from the armory, “Arms, huh? I take it that this Armorer is more that just a colleague.” Bo-Katan’s cheeks blushed, and she quickly changed the subject. “Shin, you’re going with the Armorer to retrieve the beskar you have on your shuttle. Sabine, come with me, I have some things I want to show you.”
“Really, Arms? That was the best pet name you could come up with?” Sabine was laughing at Bo-Katan as they walked thru the lower levels of Sundari. “It’s not just short for Armorer, her arms are so strong and dreamy from the forging she does all day.” Sabine could feel the butterflies inside Bo-Katan thru the Force. “Does she have a name?” “If I knew, I wouldn’t tell you. That’s her secret to share.” The approached a door labelled simply “Remember”. “This is where we store any intact pre-purge armor,” Bo-Katan said as she opened the door. The room was stark, with few armor pieces in sight. “Many of what was stored here was found by the surface survivors. Once we ignited the great forge, we sorted them by clan. Any piece that could be identified was kept in their families, and the unclaimed was returned to the forge.” Sabine felt an immense grief. So many families gone. “Don’t be sad, Sabine. The room is empty, not because there was so little beskar’gam, because most everything has been reforged. Empty, that is, except for these.” They were now standing in front of the only armor in the room. “This is the remainder of Clan Wren. The pauldron, I believe, is your mother’s.” Sabine picked up the shoulder pad. It was Wren yellow, with a purple Phoenix that Ursa let her paint on after they liberated Mandalore all those years ago. “This shin guard I suspect to be Tristan’s,” Bo-Katan continued as she flipped the piece over to reveal a “TW” pressed into the back. Sabine smiled as she remembered the day she and her brother forged their beskar’gam. She had a matching “SW” pressed into her shin guard. “And this armor belonged to your cousin, Kala.” Sabine asked, “How do you know?” “She died in my arms. We were trying to escape from Moff Gideon, and while Axe and Koska survived our escape, Kala didn’t make it.” Sorrow threatened to fill the air. Sabine reached for comfort and found a tradition among rebel pilots, “We’ll drink to their memories tonight.” “Yes, we will. In the mean time, we need to forge at least some beskar’gam for your wife. I know most Jedi don’t like armor, but maybe she’ll go for the braces and guards like Ahsoka did.” 
The Great Forge was about as loud as Shin expected, all things considered. The pounding of hammers was only intermittent, but the fires roared louder than most. Probably had to be hotter in order to work the beskar. The Armorer had used what amounted to an ornately decorated hover-stretcher to move the sizable amount of metal from the Wolf to the Great Forge. Shin felt a familiar presence enter the room, a welcome relief from all the suspicious looks she was receiving. “Hey there riduur, ready to become a Mandalorian?” Sabine had woven her fingers into Shin’s, “What armor would you like to wear?” Shin had been thinking about this since the Armorer had informed her that she would need to be wearing at least some armor for the wedding to be valid under Mandalorian law. “I was thinking, what if we just replaced the armor I do wear with Mandalorian versions?” Sabine smiled, “So vambraces, pauldrons, and boots?” “And maybe also the very centerpiece? It would feel like a pendant.” Shin wasn’t quite sure if it was okay to want one; She felt like an outsider intruding on traditions. Sabine was quick to reassure her, “A lovely idea, baby. Armorer, can we make that happen?” “Of course, Lady Wren. Do you have any previous armor to reforge with the new beskar?” Sabine set down Kala’s shin guard, pauldron, and vambrace at the Armorer’s anvil. “Oh, and take this,” she said, removing her own centerpiece, “I’d like our centerpieces to be forged together.” “Excellent. I will have these forged by the end of day. Would you like any signets inlaid?” Shin answered, “no, I’d prefer if my riduur painted them on.” “Very well, Shin Hati, soon to be of Clan Wren. This is the way.” Another “this is the way” resounded in the Forge.
Having moved most of their belongings into their suite, Shin and Sabine collapsed onto their newly acquired couch in each other’s arms. Absentmindedly caressing her betrothed, Shin asked, “who are you inviting to the wedding?” “I dunno, probably just my family from the Ghost? It might be the first time we’re all in the same place since Lothal.” Shin was a tad confused, “didn’t I meet everyone on Home One?” “You didn’t get to meet my older brother Zeb, he was out on patrol. You were questioned by his husband tho.” “Oh, Kallus? He seemed ex-imperial.” “Yeah, he was ISB. But after an…incident on Geonosis, he fell in love with Zeb. Wouldn’t admit to it until years later, after he joined the rebellion.” Shin laughed a bit, “you really are like your family.” “Yeah, I guess I am.” After a pause, Sabine asked, “Hey, I know we’re doing a traditional Mandalorian wedding, but are there any of your culture’s wedding traditions you want to do?” Shin shrugged, “I was a child when Baylan started training me. I did eventually research a few traditions, but I couldn’t find much about marriage. Didn’t think I’d ever need it.” “You didn’t think you would get married?” “You know how temple Jedi are, no attachments, no romance, no sex. Didn’t think there were Jedi who wore love like that on their sleeve,” Shin paused, “until I met you.”
Three months after the Ignition
Ahsoka was laughing at what her padawan had just told her. “You know, the masters at the temple would never have approved…” “yeah but when have you ever thought the old masters were right?” Sabine and her master were sitting around the campfire they had lit outside Ahsoka’s Jedi Shuttle. Shin had gone inside to grab a drink. “I do wish I had the freedom you have. No need to sneak around with the other padawans.” Ahsoka reminisced about her misadventures in the Clone Wars, “one time I had to pose as someone’s betrothed. I was so bad at it, the only romances I knew were Holo-novels.” She sighed, “but you had actual role models in your life. Your parents loved each other, despite your strained relationship with them. Kanan and Hera were able to balance being a Jedi, running the rebellion, and being in love.” “Hang on, you said padawans?” Sabine asked in jest, “Plural?” “I did secretly kiss a few, but there was only one I ever caught feelings for.” Ahsoka remembered the time she shared with Barriss before the bombing. Shin approached the fire, 3 cups of caf in hand. “Just remember, you two. Sometimes our feelings guide us, and sometimes they control us.” Ahsoka reached for the guidance that Obi-Wan gave her years ago, “know the difference, keep your heads clear, and you’ll go far.”
One year after the Ignition
Sabine smiled at her beloved as she was putting on her new beskar’gam. The Armorer had kindly agreed to keep the finish matte for easy painting. Shin had wanted a mix of Wren Yellow with orange detailing to match her lightsaber. Sabine had repainted her pauldrons to match, a Jedi crest on one shoulder and a Starbird on the other. Shin’s body glove was intricately lined out with Mandalorian designs and the map to Peridea. As she put on Kala’s old helmet she remarked, “you know, I thought you were joking when you said the armor felt like a second skin and you sometimes slept in it, but I get it now. It’s so much more comfortable than durasteel.” Sabine’s pride was visible thru her helmet, “You’ll make an excellent Mandalorian, love. But we are definitely not sleeping in these tonight.”
As they approached the living waters, Din Djarin approach the two soon-to-weds. “The Armorer asked me to give these to you,” he was holding out two coins, “She didn’t have time to let them cool before she started prepping the wedding.” Shin took the two coins, one the bare silver of beskar inlaid with a mythosaur skull, the other a bronzed beskar alloy featuring a Jedi sigil. Sabine asked, “care to elaborate to us what these mean?” Shin answered, “apparently on my home planet, there’s a tradition of parents giving their daughter two coins on her wedding day.” Sabine smiled at her beloved, “Awww that’s so cute that you consider the Armorer a parental figure.” Then she turned to Djarin, who was walking away, “you’re now officially invited to the wedding. Your kid can come too!” The former bounty hunter turned around. “Uh…thanks. But isn’t the wedding in like 10 minutes?” “Yeah, so?” “Grogu is currently in class right now. So it’ll just be me.” “Well then we won’t have to hide the uj.” Legends of Grogu’s sweet tooth had already reached Sabine. Djarin began to follow them into the Mines of Mandalore.
Sabine couldn’t stop smiling as she walked thru the assembly. Hera, Zeb, and Kallus were in their New Republic dress uniforms. Ezra and and his new padawan Jacen were wearing traditional Jedi robes, while Ahsoka had managed to find her old Mandalorian flight suit (or maybe she just had a new one tailored). Shin had even managed to invite Beilert Valance, an old underworld contact from her mercenary days, and one of the few she would consider a friend. It was the only person in there wearing a Core-style tuxedo, no doubt from infiltrating high-society parties on the job. Djarin and every other Mandalorian present were wearing their helmets. Some of Sabine's old acquaintances from her academy days were there, as well as the last surviving Protector that she and Fenn Rau had trained years ago, Shysa Mereel. Mandalorian sigils hung all around and above them in the Mines like championship banners in a Chin-Bret arena. Above the living waters hung, not just a Mythosaur like most days, but also a Clan Wren Starbird. Sabine had managed to repaint it the previous night during a fit of sleeplessness, accenting the traditional yellow with her signature orange and purple. Perhaps Clan Wren will rise from ashes. 
Sabine and Shin stepped into the Living Waters, where the two most powerful Mandalorians were waiting for them. The Armorer began pouring water onto Kala’s—no, Shin’s helmet.
“Shin Hati, will you swear on your name and the names of the ancestors?” “I swear on my name, and the names of the ancestors”  “That you shall walk the way of the Mand’alor? “That I shall walk the way of the Mand’alor”  “And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged on your heart?” “And the words of the Creed shall be forever forged on my heart.” “This is the way.” “This is the way.”
The assembly resounded, “This is the way.” Bo-Katan then continued the marriage rite.
“Do you two name each other as wife?” “Ni kyr'tayl gai sa riduur, Shin Hati”  “Ni kyr'tayl gai sa riduur, Sabine Wren” 
Bo-Katan turned to the assembly, “Today I, Duchess Bo-Katan Kryze, and all you assembled here are witness to Shin Hati joining Clan Wren, by rite of marriage to Countess Sabine Wren. This is the way.” 
“This is the way”
No sooner had Sabine and Shin emerged from the Living Waters than Ezra nearly tackle Sabine back into the Waters with an enthusiastic embrace. “Congratulations sis, I always knew you would find the right person one day.” Then he turned and hugged Shin, “Welcome to the family.” Jacen came up and embraced Sabine. “So Aunt Sabine, did you tell her fun stories of you and mom doing cool rebel stuff together.” “Of course I did.” Ezra decided to put on the little brother act. “Shin, did Sabine tell you about the time I rescued her from a pack of wild frynocks?” “Um no?” “Or the time I rescued her from a pair of inquisitors?” A gruff voice behind Ezra spoke, “the way I remember it, I rescued both of you from them.” Zeb had approached the wedding couple, arm-in-arm with his husband. Kallus’ Coruscanti accent queried, “or the time I helped her infiltrate and escape an imperial pilot academy?” “Well that story she definitely told me.”
Sabine found her way over to Hera. “Your Mandalorian parents would be proud that you married in the traditional style.” “Hera, I’m not sure you knew my parents well enough to say that.” “You didn’t let me finish. Your Rebellion parents are proud of you for a very different reason: pulling a fast one on the authorities using a quick marriage is right out of Kanan’s playbook. He and I were illegally married 4 times in 3 different systems. And in my personal opinion, I’m glad you’re marrying someone you love.” After a laugh, she added, “Professionally, I cannot stress how disappointed I am in you abusing legal loopholes for personal gain.”
Valance approached the woman who invited him. “You know, in all my time in the Empire and the underworld, I’ve never been invited to a wedding that wasn’t a ploy of some kind.” Shin smiled, tho Valance couldn’t see. “Well my list of living friends and family is very short.” “What’s the deal with the helmets?” “Apparently the original Manda’lor never removed his helmet in front of others. Quite a few Mandalorians today follow in his footsteps.” Valance raised its only eyebrow, “so you’re not removing your helmet then? How does the wedding night work?” “No, Sabine and I will remove our helmets, just not in here, the sacred Mines of Mandalore.” She gestured to a moderately-sized banquet table in the back, “that’s why the wedding food is takeout only. But we’re having an afterparty at our apartment tonight, and you’re more than welcome to join us.” “Unfortunately I have to take off soon. Got a tip during the service about an old pirate captain.” The two shook hands. “Well, thanks for coming Beilert. Be sure to take a few slices of uj cake on your way out.” 
The afterparty was just as wonderful as the wedding. The Ghost crew and the Mandalorians swapped stories. Food was plentiful, and the beverages flowed even more. A few people tried changing the music from Sabine’s preferred rock, but the only one that was successful was her wife. Mandalorians from every clan managed stop by. Both Dins came thru early in the party, as Grogu had an earlier bedtime than the Wrens. Bo-Katan and the Armorer managed to actually get drunk and scratched some lewd Mando’a into the back of the refresher door. 
Sabine fired her blaster at the ceiling target to get the afterparty’s attention. “All right everyone, it’s getting late. Now if you want to stay the night, Shin and I have some spare bedrooms. BUT we’d like to be sleeping soon, so choose!” Hera was the first to reply, “I’ve got work to do, there’s some in-person generals’ meeting tomorrow.” “We’ve gotta go too, Alexs and I have our own vacation planned,” said Zeb before kissing his partner’s temple. “Ezra can we stay?” pleaded Jacen, “We have that new U-wing!” “Okay, but we’re gonna do some more Jedi training and exploring tomorrow.” Ezra was clearly just as excited to stay on Mandalore. “Yes!”
“So great, you invited you family to stay the night.” Shin was a touch annoyed with her wife. “Weren’t we gonna have some newlywed activities?” The overexaggerated wink made Sabine laugh. “Oh sorry riduur, did I not tell you?” Sabine feigned innocence, “Mandalorian bedrooms become soundproof and lightproof on command.” She flipped a switch, and all Sundari’s background noise went silent. Shin pushed her lover against the wall and started kissing. “Apology accepted.”
Mando’a Glossary:
beskar’uliik: literally “beskar transporter”, they have a dedicated vehicle to move lots of beskar at once
beskar’gam: Mandalorian armor
riduur: spouse, partner (Mando’a lacks gender)
uj: short for uj’alayi/uj cake, the best Mandalorian dessert
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa riduur: Mandalorian wedding vows, literally “I know your name as my spouse”, adapted from the Mandalorian adoption rite by “Runi”
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rhadamantthys · 9 days
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been catching up on all the animated star wars shows i didn’t watch as a kid
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peachyhoolagan · 8 months
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Now I have to remember you for longer than I knew you
Not sabezra
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 1 year
"you're like a sister to me"
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darth-memes · 1 year
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chissjedi · 1 year
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this is a PSA from your neighborhood ace asking you not to be an asshole
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loth-creatures · 6 months
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For @heart-of-a-rebel16's lovely DTIYS!!
Had lots of fun with this :3
Wouldn't ever pass up a chance to draw my favorite kiddos, most beloved little guys, the bestest space siblings <3
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light-sabe-babe · 1 year
after seeing this shot in the trailer
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reeveskryze · 1 year
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I love one (1) sibling duo and I can't wait to see more of them next episode
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Kanan and Hera are so parental that we forget how young they really were. Hera is 8 and 10 years older than Sabine and Ezra respectively… she’s literally not even old enough to be their mom. She and Kanan were barely more than kids themselves.
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Sabine: I can’t believe how much we have in common!
Satine: Our names, for starters —— just one letter different.
Sabine: Iconic style and fashion sense, of course.
Satine: And let’s not forget about our problems with estranged family members.
Sabine: We’ve both had precarious encounters with Maul, too!
Satine: Precarious indeed. Is there anything else you can think of?
Sabine: Hmmmmm...well...
Obi-Wan and Ezra: *standing together awkwardly in the background*
Sabine: ...nothing I’d admit publicly.
Satine: I suppose you don’t have your own Korkie, then? A ‘nephew’ of inexplicable origin?
Sabine: Sorry...a what??
Satine: Never mind. Give it a few years.
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incorrectpizza · 1 year
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My new favorite analysis of Sabine and Ezra's relationship...from Quora, of all places!
"Sabine left everything behind to find Ezra with Ahsoka...Doesn't matter if its romantic or platonic, THAT is love at its finest."
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
The only thing I want from the Ahsoka show is for Sabine and Ezra to NOT get together romantically please 🙏🙏
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peachyhoolagan · 1 month
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Panicking trying to fix my school schedule while the website continuously crashes = swr sketches
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starbirdsonthearch · 5 months
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Me when Ezra says the li(n)e about sabine being like a "SiStEr"
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