#sabrina spellman morningstar
caossource · 1 year
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Proof positive
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billiesbabygirl · 4 months
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csilis · 8 months
Children of Lucifer
Now that I have watched Hazbin Hotel and met another child of Lucifer I could imagine something like this:
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But with them instead:
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This would make a great sitcom indeed!
If there's more (because I remember Supernatural also having a child of Lucifer?) feel free to tell me so I can add them into the group🤣
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jeong-guwon · 2 years
I just think they're neat
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aboutcustardcreams · 3 months
The monster within you
part three here
Lilith/Madam Satan x reader (most of all)
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The air is crispy outside, the setting sun is turning the sky into a bluish tinge. A light breeze blows through your hair, and gently tickles your already rosy cheeks. Lifting your knees up, you rest your chin above them, then lazily circle your legs with your arms.
The relic is right next to you, on the porch bench where you too are sitting. The temptation to put it on is so strong to cause you a wave of sickness in your stomach. But you made a promise to both Zelda and Cordelia, that you intended to keep.
As you stare anywhere but there, you find yourself spiraling, thinking of all the possible scenarios regarding your family history. On one hand, you wish your parents were alive. It's true they gave you up, but maybe they had no choice in the matter.
It soothes you to think they wanted to offer you a better chance in life. However, there was another side of you that didn't believe that. It could be that they gave you up for selfish reasons only, or a tragic accident occurred, and just like that you were left orphaned.
You crinkle your nose and fidget slightly.
Turning around, your eyes bore into that piece of cloth again. As you do, you feel a chill run up your spine, both due to the chilly air outside and the irrational fear of the unknown.
You aren't scared of the possibility of getting physically hurt. It's more the emotional damage that keeps you stalling. You find yourself reviving your memories that dated back to your life with them, before Greendale, New Orleans, Zelda and Cordelia. You really thought they loved you. Up to a point, at least, they did.
When magic showed up, everything went south.
"My, my, aren't your thoughts loud?", it's the voice of a woman you've never heard before.
Blinking softly, you lift your chin and find a slim figure standing in front of you. Your eyes bore into hers, and when you do, you're sure to have never seen a clearer hue of blue before. Before you can ask her who she is and what she is doing there, the woman talks again.
"You need to be more careful, princess," her admission is meant to sound like a scold, but her gaze is soft and kind. "I've been watching you for quite a while and you never noticed," she chants with an arched eyebrow, as to prove a point.
You scoff lightly and can't help the amused smile curving your lips, "I wonder what's so interesting about me today to have so many visitors my way", there's a hint of sarcasm in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed.
The woman steps closer and hums, "many things."
You chuckle slightly, "careful there or I'll end up believing I'm special," you tease.
"You most certainly are," the brunette remarks firmly.
Your brows knit in confusion, failing to grasp her point. She lets out a sigh and takes the remaining steps left to close the gap between the two of you. She gestures to the empty spot next to you, as a permission to sit down. When you give her a hesitant nod of your head, she beams down at you.
"Every witch, of course, guards something special, and you aren't less of them."
"What's your name?", you inquire, completely ignoring her previous statement.
She gives you a subtle grin, eyeing you with the corner of her eye so as not to miss your reaction, "I'm Lilith, and before you wonder, yes, that Lilith."
Blinking in utter disbelief, your mouth parts slightly ajar, unsure of what's the best to say. Then, you shoot up, "I-I'm so sorry your... majesty, I had no idea," your cheeks flush a darker hue of pink.
Her calm response surprises you.
"There is no need to apologize, princess. And please, let's keep aside the formalities. Lilith will do," she insists, eyes roaming over you without any malice.
You blink softly, still partially in trance.
That behavior of yours elicits a fond smile to tug at her red lips. With a single finger the first witch prompts you to sit down again next to her and you oblige quickly, maybe too quickly because she laughs again.
"Do you wish to come inside?", you ask awkwardly.
She shakes her head, "that won't be necessary, no. Unless you want to," Lilith doesn't fail to notice the little goosebumps that have risen over your skin.
"I'm okay," you state quietly.
Lilith stares right into your eyes, as to make sure you are being honest with her. A part of her thinks you're not, but she decides not to pressure you further.
"Do you plan to use it?", she questions, referring to Lucia's relic, folded between the two of you.
You blink and look down, "I think so. It's the sole way that can help me understand who I am," your voice comes out almost whispered. It causes Madame Satan to feel a weird pang in her chest.
Taking it in between your hands, you later ask, "can you tell me more about it?"
Lilith shifts in her spot, scooting closer to you, "well, it's complex and unpredictable," her expression hides a veil of concern as she speaks.
"I've been told," you nod, a tad discouraged and frustrated to be honest.
"The relic's both blessed and cursed, and that's what makes it so powerful," when she tries to take it from your hands, you let her.
"Could it turn me blind?", your voice is hesitant and a bit fearful.
The way her eyes shoot open at your unexpected question almost elicits a giggle out of you.
"What in the world are you saying now?"
"Not my thought, but Zelda's," you clarify.
You spot a hint of amusement veiling Lilith's eyes, a warm flush to her cheeks as she shakes her head, remembering the redhead witch's temperament very well.
"When I mentioned that the relic belonged to Lucia, Saint Lucia, she totally freaked out."
Lilith hums amusedly, "I'd have been surprised if she did not," you feel yourself nodding at that.
"She's a weird witch, your partner. The softest matriarch I've ever encountered."
Scrunching up your nose, you comment, "You don't want to say that to her face."
It was funny how despite Lilith being Queen of Hell, you still 'feared' Zelda's reaction the most.
Lilith scoffs and pats your knee, "I already have, on several occasions," she mutters in a whisper, as if that was supposed to stay a secret between the two of you.
You never thought the Queen of Hell could be that fun. But you sure expected her to be more...intimidating. It was strange that she looked exactly like you expected her to be. Of a timeless elegance and graciousness, like someone that could bend everyone to her will, both with violence and softness. That's what probably intrigued you about her.
"To answer your question, I don't think the relic has the power to turn someone blind, simply because it's not its purpose."
You nod at that, reasoning out loud, "it's meant to help people see."
"True, but I'd advise you to be cautious regardless," she adds apprehensively. When she brushes some hair from your face, you're genuinely taken aback by what appeared to be an odd and unexpected display of affection.
You blurt out, "I will. I can do this," the intent to reassure her has also the aim to encourage yourself.
Playfully humming, she nods, "you do look like a badass."
"That's a huge compliment, thank you," your tongue peeks out of your mouth as you smile. A gesture that makes Lilith's insides melt and twist.
She scoots closer, and stays silent for a moment, staring into the starry sky above you. A pause follows in which both of you are comfortable, adjusting to each other's presence.
"You've got a nice family here, haven't you?", when she suddenly speaks again, your eyebrows shoot up. "Zelda and Cordelia are taking good care of you, are they not?"
At the mention of your girlfriends' name, your cheeks turn a deep hue of pink. You silently wonder how she knows of all these things about you, despite having a slight idea yourself.
"How do you know about that? About me?"
Playfully tapping your knee again, she says, "I'm Queen of Hell, princess. Nothing gets past me."
That answer seems reasonable enough. Sighing, you look up at the sky, only to close your eyes a moment after, "I just want to know where my place is; well, where it used to be," you exhale softly, trying to imagine the face of your mother and your father.
Lilith glances at you with soft eyes, remaining wordless. She reaches for your shoulder, offering you a light, encouraging squeeze. Another display of affection in which you find a surprising comfort.
"Wait, considering you know so much about everything, any chances you know about my parents too?"
That question stunned Lilith, however she tried her best not to show. Her mouth falls agape, in search for an answer buried deep down her throat. And suddenly her chest feels too small for her heart to fit, for her to breathe.
"I'm just joking. Don't try so hard," you tilt your head to the side, chuckling slightly.
"Right, sure," she admits with a wry smile. You frown, feeling like there's something she isn't telling you. Maybe you caused offense, without noticing?
"About your adoptive family," your breath halts in your chest as she speaks again, "what was it like?"
Her face dims a little, when you take an extra minute to think about it.
"I had a happy childhood," your voice is thick with emotion, there's honesty in your words, mingled with some blatant white lies you hoped she wouldn't notice. "Everything a kid could wish for: a nice house, the prettiest room— a couple of close friends in the neighborhood."
Leaning forward, the Demoness runs a hand across your back, up to the tip of your hair. You crane your neck towards her, and she takes advantage of the opportunity to tug a piece of hair from your face, to better grasp the shades of your eyes.
"They loved me until they couldn't."
You blink away the beginning of some tears, while Lilith's hand freezes on the spot that's now your cheek, "What does it mean?", you bite your lip, your eyes are slightly averted now.
"When they discovered I was a witch, everything changed and they started ...fearing me," you sniffle, eyes shutting closed for a moment, "but they failed to see that behind my powers rising, there was still the same old Celeste. Their... daughter."
Feeling her hand brushing against your cheek, you turn around, to look back into those icy eyes. "Oh, princess," she coos sadly, and you try your best to compose yourself. The pain in your eyes is hard to mask and stabs Lilith's chest like dozens of celestial daggers.
You exhale shakily, forcing a smile out of you, "when I decided to leave and they made no effort to stop me, I knew it was for the best."
Lilith's features morph into so many different emotions that you struggle to identify. She appears haunted by questions piling up into fragile sand castles swaying in the wind. You're not sure anymore if she is mostly mad, concerned or incredulous. It's probably a mix of these.
"Yet you think of them as good people, why?", she breathes out in disbelief. Her features hardened a bit, as well as her posture, however, her eyes remained soft, even veiled with tears she wasn't allowing herself to shed.
The answer came out as easily as ever.
"They took me in, loved me in their own way. Even if I wasn't theirs," you point out.
Lilith tries to say something but you beat her to it.
"I will not discredit that love just because it didn't last forever," it sounded reasonable to you, despite the deep crease between your brows.
Lilith swallows a lump in her throat and stays quiet, despite having many things to say.
"You're so sickly sweet," that's the response she decides to go for.
Your hum quizzically, "why does it sound like an insult?"
Lilith bites back a laugh as she takes in the priceless expression on your face, "maybe because it is," she jokes, with an arched eyebrow.
You roll your eyes, but smile amusedly, "you know, for being the Queen of Hell, you're wildly nice."
"Excuse me!", Lilith fake gasps and pats your hand, shooting you a glare. "You got some nerve saying that to me, princess," there is no seriousness in her features, despite her best attempts. You see a spark of joy in her eyes, but you could be wrong.
"What in Hecate's name is going on here?", you'd recognize her voice anywhere.
You suck in a breath before pressing your lips in a thin line.
"Zelda, my dear friend," Lilith makes a face before begrudgingly pulling away from you to take in the two witches standing at the front door. "It's so nice to see you again," there's a hint of sarcasm in her tone that makes you sputter.
How bold and fearless she can be?
The witch stares at Lilith eerily still and calm, too calm, "I must admit you got a great timing," she reasons with a scoff, "always showing up when there are matters to sort out."
It sounded like an accusation to you, a devious one but still.
Lilith groans and waves a hand nonchalantly.
"Celeste, who's this?", Cordelia asks you, a look of concern in her brown eyes.
"Well, she...", you sit up, leaning a bit forward, as if in need to introduce her properly and with due respect. However, the first witch spares you the trouble.
"I go by many names, I'm known as the mother of demons, the dawn of doom, Queen of Hell, but you can call me Lilith."
Zelda winces in disgust, whereas Cordelia's eyes grow bigger. Her brain momentarily feels like going short-circuit. "Oh my," her mouth parts slightly, "It's a pleasure meeting you, your majesty," she bows her head as a form of respect, causing Lilith to grin from ear to ear.
She likes being praised, you thought.
"Cut the crap, and state your business," Zelda spats.
Both you and the Supreme glance at the redhead as if she had grown a tail. As for Lilith, she remains unshaken, absolutely unbothered by her tone and ways in her regards. Probably because she was used to being treated like that by the eldest of the Spellmans.
Sighing, she gets up and smoothing her skirt while doing so.
"Can't I answer the prayers of one of my witches in need?", she asks, sure to have a point.
You decide to keep to yourself that that was a lie. You didn't know why you felt the need to have her back. Maybe because she had yours without even waiting for you to ask.
"Celeste's name is not even in the Book of the Beast, why would you care about her?", she questions, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I do not discriminate, for your information," the Demoness states as calmly as possible.
Zelda lets out a humorless chuckle, "since when you're so benevolent?"
You knew of their troubled history, as you have been told by Zelda herself, plus the perspective of both Hilda and Ambrose. They didn't start off on the right foot, but eventually things went better. You knew Lilith had manipulated Sabrina into following the path of the Dark Lord, but you also knew that in the end, Lilith turned her back on him, and killed him herself. It wasn't exactly a redemption, you're well aware of that, but who, in this life, is sinless?
Lilith's aura gets a bit darker, a clear sign she is growing impatient, "do I need to remind you I kept your beloved Sabrina alive countless of times, while you were totally unaware of her doings?"
Low blow. You suck in a shaky breath, spotting your girlfriend's face turning pale. Cordelia, as well, winces as if she had been the one to take the blow.
"Wipe your mouth before talking about my niece," she warns, dangerously low. "We both know you did what you did because it was convenient to you."
"I believe we already talked about this," Lilith talks back. She later drops her shoulders, and when she does you realize her last intention is to fight with her or anyone of you. "I do come in peace, Zelda. No funny business."
"It's true," you decide to intervene on her behalf, standing tall next to her. "She's been nothing but nice to me. If you don't want to believe her, believe me."
"Nice?", Zelda echoes in disbelief. "Since when the Queen of Hell performs kindness on a daily basis?", she asks you, but eyes her.
"Ah, you know, I felt up for a change today," Lilith pipes up with a fake smile.
Chuckling bitterly, she comments, "say that to someone that doesn't know you."
You feel yourself rolling your eyes, before tiredly pinching the root of your nose. Why did everything turn out to be a big deal?
"Alright Celeste," a brief, nervous smile crosses the Supreme's face, "you should come inside," reaching out a hand towards you, she eyes you with hope in her eyes. Concern hidden behind a mask of composure.
You open your mouth to say something but Lilith precedes you once again.
"She is right" when you frown in response, she continues, "you're actually freezing out there, aren't you?"
"Maybe a little," you concede, with a small smile that Lilith soon reciprocates. You Cordelia draw you close and can't deny the fact that you feel immediately warmer and better in her arms. However, you feel sorry for Lilith. A part of you doesn't want to say goodbye yet.
"Would you like to stay?"
She laughs softly and shakes her head, "I think I've intruded enough. You three should rest, it's pretty late now."
"That's probably for the best, yes," the redhead agrees with a firm nod of her head. She takes a mental note to ask you as to why in Hecate's name you would invite the Queen of Hell for a sleepover.
Your pout doesn't go unnoticed by Lilith, whose lips half rise in a brief smirk. She approaches closer and nudges you playfully, "don't be sad, princess. I'm not dying."
She's right and you know it. "Will you be back?", Zelda raises an eyebrow at you. Even Cordelia remains stunned by your sudden interest towards the Queen of Hell. "I mean, if I need a piece of advice," you mutter tentatively.
Lilith couldn't hide her pride, if she tried. "I'm only one prayer away, princess," she promises, her voice barely above a whisper.
Zelda is sure to have never heard her use such a soft tone before. Maybe just once or twice, but in very different circumstances. Your eyes mirror the flames of Hell as Lilith disappears into a vortex of fire, back to Hell.
Woah, very scenic, you think to yourself.
Cordelia takes a sigh of relief right after. She holds you closer to her front, and buries her face in your hair, "you got us worried, again,” there is a hint of playfulness in her tone, but you know it’s not just it.
"Sorry I lost track of time," you mutter apologetically.
Zelda's nose scrunches up as she narrows her eyes at you, "what was that?"
Shrugging cutely, you echo innocently, "what was what?"
The redhead rolls her eyes at your antics, while Cordelia lets out a warm chuckle. Placing both hands upon her hips, she continues, "shouldn't we talk about what happened tonight?"
Suddenly feeling tired, you let out a yawn in response.
"Maybe tomorrow," it's Cordelia's response, her lips press a kiss on top of your head and your lashes flutter slightly.
Zelda huffs and rolls her eyes before looking at the two of you alternatively, "You two go ahead, I'll catch you up in a minute," she mutters, suddenly in need to have a smoke.
"Don't be long," you mutter lazily. She brushes her hand against your cheek, telling you not to worry.
While you and Cordelia walk inside, Zelda sits on the porch's bench. Tired, confused, worried. Her eyes glance down at Lucia's relic still there, as a reminder that troubles have not finished yet, if anything they've just started. Summoning a cigarette in her hand, she lights it up, before taking a long, well deserved drag.
"Whatever it is you're not telling, Lilith?", she asks in a faint whisper, letting out a big puff of smoke, "What were you doing here?"
The Queen of Hell hears her loud and clear, while sitting uncomfortably on her throne. Running a hand through her hair, she lets out a sigh. Her eyes fall close, as she breathes softly in and out. Hearts pounding in her chest, annoyingly. She wish she knew. 
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flowerfairyboi · 1 year
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Sabrina: I want freedom and power. Prudence: He will never give you that. The Dark Lord. The thought of you, of any of us, having both terrifies him. Sabrina: Why is that? Prudence: He’s a man, isn’t he?
Chapter Two: The Dark Baptism
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (S1 E1) directed by Lee Toland Krieger and written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
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mythicalyeticat · 3 months
CAOS creators were is so real for portraying the devil as a goat man for two seasons and then for the last two having him be played by Luke Cook AND having his first scene be a butt shot!
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justateenagewitch · 1 month
Work in Progress Wednesday
Who wants some CO2?
“What are you going to do?” She gestures to black sludge dripping down the academy wall. “When this is all over?”
“Besides win you back?”
Sabrina scoffs but smiles regardless. “Be serious, Nick. Please?”
“All right,” he sighs. For a few long moments, he stares silently at the wall. The black sludge has almost reached the floor. “I’ll write that book I always wanted to.”
“The one about shapeshifters?”
“That’s the one.” He sighs and elbows her gently on the shoulder. “What about you, Your Highness? What are you going to do?”
“It’s Your Majesty,” she corrects. “Not Your Highness.”
“I’ll make sure to remember that. You own my soul, after all.”
Somehow, the thought never occurred to her, even when she saw Dorcas’ name crossed out in the Book of the Beast. She owns souls. Not just the dead, but the living. Hilda. Zelda. Prudence. There’s a coven in Riverdale. Does she own their souls, too? 
She looks at Nick. He may have broken her heart, but he doesn’t deserve to burn in Hell for it. How many people in the Book, her Book, don’t deserve it either?
“I’m going to…” Do what? Tear up the contracts? She doesn’t even know if that’s possible. They were made in blood, and not with her. She only has them through inheritance. She doesn’t know what she’s going to do. About the book. About Lucifer. About Hell. But, she does know one thing. “I’m going to turn seventeen.”
She’ll figure out the rest as she goes.
So there's a fun little Easter egg about a future fic in here. Maybe you can guess what it is from some of my recent reblogs.
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render-some-bitches · 11 months
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Happy Devil’s Night! Lucifer Morningstar is celebrating by spending time with his kids (Jack, Sabrina, and Adam seem to prefer this version of Lucifer much more than their own fathers, and Rory’s just glad to hang out with her multiversal siblings).
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kitzatara · 1 year
Sabrina paying homage to Zatanna in an upcoming issue. She knows Zee is mother 💅
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weemsicallygay · 6 months
oh hi there!
i disappeared. but i'm back again!
with a new story!!! it's a zelda one :D
i will be discontinuing my monika story, but hey, at least in this one, i could project since i actually do practice witchcraft.
anyway, check it out! i won't promise any updates but who knows (i'll also be starting college soon so.. hehe)
-- luv, nina.
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selfcestmovies · 8 months
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Sabrina Spellman was no stranger to doppelgängers, duplicates, and displaced doubles of herself.
Now, a few years after we last saw her, the adventures continue with a new chance at romance. And this time, it's personal.
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k-12bby · 3 months
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I know he’s a murderer but did anyone feel bad for this dude?? Or is it just me???
I need to know cause i genuinely feel bad and i can’t stop thinking about him. He just wanted some friends…
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Lucifer / Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Rec
I know this is kind of a niche crossover, but lately I've been reading a lot of Lucifer and Sabrina fics, so I thought I'd rec my favorites. So here you go!!
Morningstar Family Values Series
By: SteerPike13713
Summary: "... how did this-- How do you have a kid?" she demanded, knowing even as she said it that Lucifer was going to make some awful "birds and the bees" joke about this. She was not disappointed. "Well, you see, Detective, when a man and a woman love each other very much, but can't conceive on their own, they summon the Devil in a complicated demonological ritual and invite him to have a threesome with them, without letting him know that pesky little detail that the ritual was designed to allow for interbreeding between celestial and mortal beings."
My Comments: Instead of linking in each work in the series, I just linked the entire series up above. And the summary above is actually from the third work in this series. That being said, I absolutely love this series. I didn't know how much I needed parent!Lucifer, until I read this series. Not to mention that I think that they got Sabrina spot on. There are eight pieces in this series, so it is sure to keep you occupied. Down below I'm going to put the word count for the entire series, and the status will have the last update on the newest addition to the series. You do need an AO3 account to read this series.
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 8/25/21
Length (Whole Series): 228,275 words
Nieces and Nephews
By: Theon_Lannister
Summary: Lucifer calls Chloe after sealing away the Goddess, planning on revealing the truth. Except -- well, he gets teleported by a demonic ritual to Greendale, Mass. This is relatively good timing - because an Imposter is making a power play for Hell, with his daughter. Oh yeah, his daughter - Sabrina Spellman.
My Comments: I originally found this fic because I was aching for more after reading all of the Morningstar Family Values series. I’ll admit this series took a little while to grow on me. But once the author really picked up speed, I got swept away by it. If you love Lucifer and the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, then I recommend giving this one a read!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 10/15/23
Length: 69,394 words
Sabrina Morningstar I - The One in Which Sabrina’s Dark Baptism Summons Lucifer
By: HRRMeadows
Summary: Lucifer was minding his own business when he suddenly felt something. Whenever someone signed a Book of the Beast, they would borrow some of his powers; he would take notice of it but otherwise he would ignore it. This time, however, something did not feel right. This sensation was new. 
My Comments: This is another CAOS/Lucifer crossover, but it takes a bit of a different spin than the ones up above. Mainly because it starts at the beginning of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, instead of at the end of season 2. Which I’ll admit, puts a refreshing spin on things. The author did note that this may become part of a series. Which I desperately hope it does, because it leaves you aching for more.
Status: Complete
Length: 14,398 words
This Rage is the One Thing I Get from My Father
By: keeping_up_with_the_morningstars
Summary: “After all, the Devil never left a favor ungranted. So in the end, I did give him a child.” Sabrina held her breath as the next words were softly uttered from his mouth. “I gave him mine.”
My Comments: This fic was actually suggested to me by a follower. It had been in my tbr for a while, but I finally decided to give it a go, and let me tell you that I wish I had read this sooner. It’s a brilliant fic that is a much different take than the other fics up above. I really love the direction it went with it, and I love how complicated Sabrina and Lucifer’s relationship is and how they slowly work through it. I highly recommend this fic if you love COAS/Lucifer crossovers and want something that shows the ups and downs of their relationship. I did cut the summary down a lot for the purpose of this rec list, just fyi. This fic is cross posted on ff.net, so I’ll link that down below. 
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 9/16/23
Length: 107,917 words 
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13557772/1/This-Rage-is-the-One-Thing-I-Get-from-my-father
The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It
By: shotgunkitten
Summary: Sabrina Spellman grew up as Lucifer Morningstar’s best kept secret. But how much longer will the devil be able to hide the fact that she’s his daughter from the supernatural world when Sabrina turns 16 and it’s time for her to fully become a part of her coven?
My Comments: This is a delightful little read about what if Lucifer raised Sabrina. It mainly goes along with the events of COAS with a little bit of the Lucifer characters thrown in there. I have to say that this is a wonderful little read and the romance between Nick and Sabrina is just amazing. You do have to have an AO3 account to read this fic, which is why it took me a little longer to find it. It has been a couple years since it was last updated so I do think it’s abandoned, which is a shame because it left off at a bit of a cliffhanger. I still recommend giving this one a chance!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 9/9/21
Length: 72,174 words
Fiat Lux Series
By: Nesrin
Summary: “Come now, Detective. Surely you didn’t think you were the only one with offspring? Just because mine lives across the country and can’t pester everyone for chocolate cake endlessly.”
My Comments: I shortened the summary (from the first fic) a bit, mainly because it was dialogue taken directly from the fic, which doesn’t really work for a rec list. Now, with this fic, unlike all the others above, Lucifer is not Sabrina’s dad. Rather he’s Nick’s dad. Which I thought was an interesting twist. I really like this series, especially the relationship between all the characters. I highly recommend it. 
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 8/15/20
Length: 71,451 words
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aboutcustardcreams · 2 months
I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes, I've written most of it on the beach earlier today and I might have had the sun in my eyes :P Hope it's enjoyable anyway!
The monster within you
"So, how do we do this, exactly?", you can't hide the fact that you're nervous, it shows in your eyes.
Cordelia is leaning over the kitchen counter, across you, whereas Zelda stands next to her, rather pensive. "We should cast a protective spell, to begin with," the Directrix nods at her words. You can tell she is equally nervous and tense.
"That would definitely help, wouldn't it?"
Cordelia nods at your hopeful tone and reaches out a hand towards yours.
"It surely can't hurt," Zelda continues, sounding mildly ironic. You're well aware a part of her believes you shouldn't be doing this, for the simple fact that the artifact is both cursed and blessed. And it means so much that she is letting you decide freely, despite being completely against it.
Sighing, you turn towards her and call her name in a soft plea. Her clear eyes stare up at you, as she hums back.
"Don't be so scared, it's gonna be alright. We are a great team."
You weren't just saying those things because you wanted to reassure her. You were saying those things because you believed them. A whole family of powerful witches had your back, so what could possibly go wrong?
"Ehm, there's something you should know, Celeste...", it's Ambrose speaking now.
All eyes turn towards him at once.
"What is it?", Zelda questions, with a certain urgency in her tone.
He stalls and rubs his hands together, " So , as I already told you, I read about Lucia's relic before, and everything they have told you about it, is true. Meaning that, you'll see your family, but it could happen anywhere , and in any timeline."
"Timeline?" You frown and he nods.
You're pretty sure Zelda cursed under her breath but it was too subtle to be heard.
"You could be jumping back, forward in time, or staying in the present, the possibilities are quite a few."
Nodding hesitantly, you later add, "it doesn't sound so bad."
Zelda almost chuckles, "Sweetheart, there's nothing worse than time traveling."
You lightly roll your eyes at her dramatics, "But maybe I'll stay in the present, so no damage can be done."
Cordelia sighs tiredly, "Zelda has indeed a point," she remarks, "but so do you," she looks at you, making you smile.
The redhead shallows, feeling her throat suddenly too dry for her liking. She then circles the kitchen's counter so that she now stands by you.
"I want you to listen to me very carefully," she takes your hands in hers, her thumbs immediately skimming over your skin, "you can't, under no circumstance, change a thing about the past. If you do, you will affect our very present irreversibly," her voice falters for how scared it sounds.
You hum and nod, "now you listen to me," mimicking her tone, you lift Zelda's hands to your mouth to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. The sole gesture arises a blush upon her cheeks, but you don't mention it, preferring to cherish it in silence.
"Why on earth would I ever want to change the past if it led me to you and Delia?", Zelda bows her head slightly, as to hide the small smirk that has just played out on her features, "I'd be an absolute idiot," you finish sarcastically.
Her eyes lock back with yours and then lets out a quiet chuckle, "you can say that again."
You roll your eyes, "I believe I deserve some credit here," you mutter, playfully poking her shoulder.
"We trust you," Cordelia interjects, touching your forearm.
"Oh, really?", you mock teasingly, and both snort.
"Come here, silly," you find yourself smiling from ear to ear when the Supreme pulls you into her protective arms for a hug. You can feel the thumping of her heart against yours, so intense, you try your best to soothe it, by brushing her hair with your fingertips, "we just want to be sure you're really sure about this."
"I am," you mutter. "This isn't a decision I'm making lightly. It's important to me."
Cordelia pulls away just a bit so that she can cup your cheeks, "alright, then. Zelda may not say it out loud but we are on your side and we will always be."
Zelda clicks her tongue, feigning annoyance, "you're both so frustrating."
"Are we?", you quickly turn around to peck her lips.
You whimper when she bites your bottom lip, then mutters, "you have no idea."
"I hate to interrupt this moment, aunties, " Ambrose clears his throat, feeling like he is seeing way too much for his liking.
"I don't know how I feel about being called auntie," you whisper to Cordelia, who simply giggles in return.
Zelda sighs and looks at her nephew, "what now?"
"There's more to say, I'm afraid."
"We are listening", Cordelia says.
"Basically, if something were to happen, we cannot reach you there," he looks directly into your eyes, as he speaks. You clench your jaw, not daring to interrupt him just yet. "We can try to pull you back with a spell, but our success depends on you."
"I wasn't exactly expecting all of you to jump into my reality, if I'm honest," you give a nervous chuckle as you cross your arms over your chest.
Zelda's hand slips protectively around your waist, squeezing more than she would like.
"Oh and one last thing..." Ambrose trails off, as if he has just remembered something very important. "A minute here is like twenty there, or something. Time runs differently for some reason."
Your eyes open wide then, as you just remember what the salesman told you about the relic, "the globetrotter said I shouldn't keep it on for more than one minute. I thought it was silly because, I mean, what can you possibly do in one minute? But now it makes sense."
Zelda pulls her hand back and scoffs indignantly, "and when exactly were you going to tell us such an important thing?"
You gwan at your bottom lip, "I'm sorry!", you didn't mean to keep it a secret, it had simply slipped your mind.
Even Cordelia seems disappointed, but you can't blame her.
"You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your neck," she snaps.
You had it coming, so you accept the tease with shoulders down, "a tad exaggerated, but I suppose I deserve it."
"Any important detail we should know before getting started?", Cordelia asks, rather impatiently now. You and Ambrose share a look as to see if he had more in store for you but that seemed to be all. So you shake your head, "I believe we are all sorted out."
"Alright, let's move to the lounge room, then," she continues.
You nod, taking the first steps, with everyone else following behind.
Zelda leans closer to your ear, "If you get killed, I'll resurrect you and kill you myself," her fingers tangle in your hair a bit possessively.
You chuckle and tease back, "I give you my permission."
"But I don't", Cordelia quickly interjects, stepping in between the two of you.
You groan. "Ladies, make up your mind while I go find my parents," with the relic in your hands you sit down on the couch.
Zelda snorts, her attention quickly shifts to the object in your hands and you find yourself looking at her.
"Help me out?", she nods softly and takes it from your hands before sitting down behind you. Cordelia kneels down on your front instead and keeps her hands on your knees, offering you an encouraging smile. Ambrose stands next to the chimney.
"Are you alright?", she whispers.
You nod your head, "I just hope everything goes well with them. "
"It will, babygirl," there's something incredibly reassuring in her warm brown eyes.
"You can't promise me that," you sigh, with a small smile. "But I appreciate your words."
She chews on her lip before adding, "Promise me if something seems off, come back to us. We can figure it out together."
"Pinkie promise," you lift your finger and she chuckles softly as she intertwines it with hers.
"I wouldn't bet on it, Cordelia. Celeste has, after all, the savior syndrome," the redhead replies dryly.
You scoff, "you have no choice but to trust me on this."
She frowns as she leans closer to you, "I do trust you," her lips curve in a coy smirk, "most of the time..."
Your mouth falls partially agape, "excuse me?"
"Girls ," Cordelia interjects with a firm tone, before you and Zelda can start one of your usual bickering. She feigns innocence and you glance at her with narrowed eyes, but decide to drop it.
"Let's get this over with," you announce, nervously rubbing your thighs, "Zelda, go on please."
The redhead hums and wets her lips, repeating to herself like a mantra that's just one minute. Her breathing is so close to your ear it sends goosebumps over your neck as she carefully puts the blindfold over your eyes, making sure it's nicely tied.
"Relax, Zee..." you tell her, feeling her fingers trembling.
"I'm very relaxed, thank you very much."
When she is done with that, she puts her hands down so slowly, as to be prepared to take the relic off any moment from now.
"Now, what?", you ask, a bit impatiently.
"Try closing your eyes, babygirl," Cordelia suggests.
You nod your head and do as she says.
Zelda wants to add something but Cordelia gives her a look, mouthing "not now," at her direction.
She eyes her confusedly, but then understands that you probably need to focus. And as you do, something shifts rather quickly. Your body turns stiff, and when she tentatively calls your name, you don't answer.
"What's happening?", she can't hide the fact that it alarms her.
Cordelia takes a steady breath, "it's like what Ambrose said, she can't hear us. But she is fine."
The boy nods when his auntie looks at him for confirmation.
"But... how can we be sure?", she insists, placing a hand upon your back.
"I'm the Supreme, silly. Trust me," her voice is soft but slightly teasingly.
"Let's get started with the protective spell, then," Cordelia nods at her words, and takes her hand in hers, while still keeping one on your knee, "Ambrose, you count the seconds from now."
He nods, giving her thumbs up, "I'm on it, auntie."
It all happens in a blink of an eye, both figuratively and literally. You're not sitting in the lounge of the Spellman's Mortuary anymore, but standing in the most unreal landscape you've ever seen in your life. Neither Zelda nor Cordelia are in sight, exactly how Ambrose had anticipated. You're on your own.
You wonder if you disappeared from their sight too, or if maybe your soul kind of astral projected, while your body was at the house. Sighing, you take hesitant steps towards what appeared to be a cave crossed by a stretch of water, much wider in the distance.
It's desolate, cold, and heavy there. The air is crispy, but also suffocating in a way. You don't know whether to blame the cold or the deafening quietness. Without having real indications as to where to go, you follow the path along the river, keeping your eyes open to spot anything that could serve your purpose.
After a while, your steps come to a halt, your eyes spot something on the other side of the river, like a shadow in the water. As you squint your eyes, you lower yourself on your knees and lean as further as you can, burying your palms in the dirty soil underneath, "Is anybody there?"
You're sure there's something in there, the water seems rippled in that same spot. Your eyes open wide, when you hear a sound very similar to a grunt, "Hello? Can you hear me?" Now you're sure there's somebody there, staying very still in a frozen river.
You reach out a hand towards the water, dip your fingers in and immediately hiss at how cold it feels, " Fuck, someone should really kick on the heat in here," you mutter to yourself. You get up again, desperately thinking of a way to reach the other side of the river, without having to pass through the water. You try to call upon your magic, once, twice, but it doesn't work out. All you can manage to summon is a pathetic sparkle at your fingertips, barely warm enough to dry your skin. "Look, I'm here to help you, alright? Are you stuck?", you can't hide the concern in your tone; if there's a person lingering there, they are probably freezing to death. Moreover, there's a high possibility that whoever that is, is part of your lineage.
"Please , answer me," your voice slips louder than intended and it echoes through the rocky walls of the cave. You're not sure if you had caused it, but the ripple expands, almost to your side of the river. You bend down again, a glint of hope flashes through your eyes, when you spot a bit more clearly that same shadow of before, slowly moving.
It's a man. Maybe...
It breaks your heart when you finally lock eyes with him. It seems like he hasn't slept in days, despite the tiredness glazing his bluish orbs. He's not shivering, which you find impossible considering you are freezing.
"What got you screaming like that?", he whines, "I was finally sleeping," you can't help the crease forming in between your brows.
How can someone fall asleep in a frozen river?
"With all due respect, sir, I don't think you should fall asleep in there," you stutter out, feeling kind of dumb for having to state the obvious.
He chuckles as first response, "This is the Cocytus, dear, my new forever home, so I'll do as I please."
Your eyes snap open as you start to collect the dots. If that's true, it meant that you had ended up in another realm. Hell precisely. "So we are..?"
The man nods, "In Hell, I'm afraid, yes," a cloud of vapor comes out of his mouth, "welcome to the land of the damned!" He echoes almost theatrically.
You grimace in response, feeling suddenly uneasy. Your mind is filled with so many questions, but time is hardly on your side. Ambrose gave you twenty minutes to figure everything out, and it didn't help that you had no idea of how much had passed already. If that man was who you thought he was, it meant he was a bad person considering where he was confined. However, he didn't exactly look like one to you.
"Can you get out of there?", you ask, without really looking at him now. Your eyes roam around your surroundings, to mentally calculate the distance between you and him.
"Out of Hell? I don't think so", he scoffs. You wet your lips then swallow nervously, hating to be thinking what you're thinking. "Besides, I can't feel my limbs anymore, I can barely turn my neck and blink. So no, I can't think of anything that would work."
You nod slowly, arms over your hips as you take slow, steady breaths as far as possible.
"Alright," you announce, then take off your shirt. 
The man squints his eyes in disbelief, "what exactly are you doing?"
If he was shocked by the choice you were making, you were shocked by his indifference to his fate. The fact that he accepted his punishment had been enough to unsettle you and turn your stomach upside down.
"It's okay, don't worry," next thing you do, you take off your shoes, "I can help you," staring at the river you  try figuring out how deep the water is.
The man's frown deepens, "you don’t want to do this."
You ignore him. He is probably standing, not floating, which means the bottom isn't as profound as you had previously thought. You can tiptoe till there, get him out, and gather the answers you're looking for. It sounded so easy in your mind, while in practice it was the stupidest plan ever made up.
"Respectfully, you’re insane," he insists.
You huff and roll your eyes, "Funny. I get that a lot."
"Why would you willingly enter the river?"
You gesture with your hand kind of exasperatedly, " Because I need to pull you out, obviously."
"You really don't," he quips. "I'm cursed here. If they were to find out..."
"Who?" Shrugging you look around you, spotting absolutely nobody else. "Plus, I know the Queen of Hell, I'm sure she will be lenient," you're not one hundred percent sure Lilith will be on your side on this, but she did tell you you could count on her if you ever needed a hand. That alone had to mean something.
"There's a Queen now?", he half yells, "what happened to Lucifer?"
You chuckle amusedly, before answering, "You've really been stuck in here for quite a lot, haven't you? He died, was killed actually," you clarify. "But it's not important, he deserved it."
When you finally dip your feet in the river, you inhale a long shaky breath, "Oh my— Fuck! " You bite your tongue then mutter a quick apology. The water is colder than you had imagined.
He grins, and looks at you like he is enjoying a show, “don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.”
“I don’t need lessons right now,” you exhale deeply then hold your breath in the poorest, useless attempt to unfeel the cold. You trick your mind that it actually works before forcing your body within the river until your feet touch the bottom. In a matter of seconds, you start gritting your teeth, "this is an absolute nightmare.”
"That's why I was pissed when you woke me,” he deadpans. 
"Oh I'm so sorry I'm trying to save your life!"
"I'm already dead, what are you talking about?", he frowns incredulously.
You groan, and lift your hands up, "your s-soul then!", your limbs feel as heavy as boulders already. It's hard to move, to breathe and focus and that man isn't making it easy. 
He clicks his tongue and nods slowly, as he studies you, " Yes , you're completely insane," you're not sure if he is mocking you, scolding you or showing you some sort of apprehension. Whatever that is, you ignore it and focus on your steps towards him. 
"Do I know you, perhaps?", he later adds, noticing you’ve fallen quiet.
You take a moment to think about it. Does he? How funny would that be if you were trying to save a soul that had nothing to do with who you're looking for.
"Well, I don't know... maybe?”, you wiggle your fingers underwater to see if they are still responsive. It’s like when you try texting someone in the middle of winter without wearing gloves, but ten thousand times worse. “My name's Celeste Payton. Do you remember how you died?"
You wait to see if your name elicits some sort of reaction, but he remains unfazed. You’re good at pretending it doesn’t hurt though. 
"I was killed— one would call it an accident, but it really wasn't. Let's just say that the woman I thought I fell in love with wasn't exactly who she said she was."
Could that be your mother?
"S-she killed you?", your voice trembles.
When you're finally standing next to him and you take a moment to better observe his features.
He has blue eyes, deep and full grayish eyebrows, maybe black once, his hair is short, damp and slightly grizzled to the sides. His lips are blue, the shape of his jaw is angular, well defined, the shells of his ears as red as fire, probably in response to cold.
When he nods, your heart drops, "I'm sorry..."
"It's alright. It's not that I didn't try to do the same," he blurts out, with a cheeky grin.
"I'm sorry, do you mean taking your own life?", you ask carefully.
He scoffs, "of course not. I meant killing her."
" Oh , o-okay." You're not sure if he is serious or joking about it, however it creeps you out. "Relationships can be quite... challenging."
That's probably the stupidest comment you could think of. But he laughs, so you don't take it as a total failure.
"We need to get out of here."
You find his hands underwater and squeeze them as much as you can while pulling him towards you, however it's harder than you had anticipated considering he weighs like a lifeless chunk of ice.
"I told you I can't feel my limbs. It's been too long."
You let out an exasperated grunt, not directed to him but to the entire situation. "I know. It's not your fault."
If only your magic had worked, you'd have transmuted him out of the river, but of course, Ambrose had failed to mention that to you.
"Try to lean on me. I'll drag us both out," you have no idea how you were going to do that, but you were willing to try.
"But this is where I need to be. My soul is damned."
You click your tongue, "I'm not exactly sure what you did to end up here, but from what you told me, you didn't kill anyone, have you?"
"No, but I've tried," he admits, and again you spot no shame nor regret. You genuinely don't know how to respond to that until you do, "and failed. That must mean something. You don't deserve to be here."
He laughs lightly at your comment, but there's something dark in the way he sounds. You really hope you're doing the right thing. You can almost hear your girlfriends' disappointed voices telling you how irresponsible, reckless, completely insane your idea is. And maybe it is, but there’s nobody here stopping you, so you decide to take that as a free pass to do your thing. 
You lift both his arms and pull them around your neck, "Time to get out of here."
"Alright..." he doesn't have much willpower to fight your movements, so he just lets it happen. "Are you even dead?", he wonders.
You shake your head no, "if we don't hurry, I will be," when his body finally leans over your back, you feel yourself go down a bit. Water gets up your nose and you cough a little, curse again and readjust yourself as quickly as you can. "Sorry," he chuckles, and this time the sound is genuinely amused.
"No worries,” you grunt ironically. 
"So you decided to ‘save’ my soul, right? But why? I don't know you."
"Let's speak about complicated matters once we are out of this river," you groan when you feel his body slip a little, out of your grasp. You bend your back to allow him to crawl back over you, and damn if it hurts. Normally water should be able to reduce the weight of things, but that rule doesn't seem to apply there. Everything feels heavier. Everything is heavier.
"I know it's hard but, please, hold tight. "
Breathing becomes painful at every passing second, and you wonder if the struggle you're feeling is showing at the Spellmans Mortuary somehow. If yes, you're sure both Zelda and Cordelia are already trying everything in their power to bring you back. But you wouldn't allow it before getting a couple of answers first. With one last great effort, having reached the border of the river, you try to pull yourself up.
The man's hands reach out the soil for the very first time, and suddenly a wave of energy, maybe the adrenaline kickin in, rushes through him and he crawls on top of you, climbing over your back and shoulders and forcing you underwater. 
A sudden piercing headache hits you hard the moment your head goes down. You hear the whispers of so many souls in that exact moment, so loud, your ears feel like bleeding. It takes you longer than you'd hoped to reemerge from the river and when you do, you feel being pulled out. You gasp so loudly, when your back finally touches the ground and your chest rises and falls so quickly, you need to place a hand upon your heart to calm yourself. 
He had saved you. Fair enough considering you saved him first.
"Are you alright, kid?"
"I-I'm no kid. B-but yes, I guess," you stutter, desperately searching for your shirt. Why wasn't he shivering? "J-just.. free— zing."
He chuckles, "you'll get used to it."
"Y-you n-never t-told me your ..name," you later add, blinking repeatedly, as droplets of water freely fall from your hair and lashes.
"You never asked," you roll your eyes at his response. He’s got a sense of humor. "Anyway, it's Peter. Peter Blake."
You nod and sniffle, wiping your face with the back of your hand. The globetrotter had been right after all, Payton wasn't your real last name. Blake was, hopefully.
"Would you like to finally tell me why you saved me?"
When he turns to look at you, you bite your bottom lip nervously. That was the moment of truth. When you’re about to explain yourself, a very familiar voice comes in your head, muffled as if it was from underwater. A pull in your shoulders is what follows, but nobody is touching you. You ignore it.
"I-I have no idea how you'll feel about this, but I'm a w-witch," you trail off. "I'm using a powerful relic to be in two places at the same time, here and on earth. And I..." you pause a second, noticing something darkening Peter’s eyes. "I'm not here to hurt you. I believe you're my father and I'm so sorry you're..." you're speaking so fast right now, feeling on the verge of a sudden panic attack, because the last thing you want is him fearing you. 
"My.. daughter?", he repeats, his face turns even paler.
You nod, giving him a hopeful smile, “Yes. I finally found you.”
Celeste, that's enough! Your time is up!
It's Zelda, you hear her loud and clear this time. But you can't leave now. Not yet.
"So you're hers," his voice is veiled with disgust as he speaks, but you don't understand what he means.
Your heart breaks at the venom of his tone, “what?”
"I thought you were dead!", he looks mad and you don’t know why. 
Slightly shaking your head, you try to reach out for him, to touch his forearm, but he withdraws from you, glaring at you as if you had just grown a second head.
"Don't you dare touch me," he snaps angrily, crawling backwards from you. "You're just like her! A disgusting monster!"
A single tear slides down your cheek, "a-a monster?" I don't understand..."
"Just like your mother. That would explain how you ended up here without being dead."
Now you’re sure it’s your mother to be the witch of the family and your father is indeed a mortal, with a very ill regard about witches. That's what he meant by you being a monster, you suppose. The mere fact of having powers was enough for him? It sounded too much like a dejavu to you. Your adoptive parents turned their back on you for the same exact reason. You couldn't be doing this again. It was too much.
"Please, I'm not a monster. You have to believe me."
You feel your entire body tingling and when you look down at your hands, you notice you're ... fading. No. They are pulling you back.
"I want nothing to do with you!"
You want to pretend his words don’t hurt you, but they do. The woman that killed him is your mother, but why did she do that in the first place? 
"Who's she?", you urge, quickly getting on your feet, "my mother, who is she?"
Baby girl, follow my voice, I beg you.
"So don't you know?", his voice is barely above a whisper now.
You shake your head helplessly, "Please—!"
Next thing you hear is a painful stinging in your ears that forces you to cover them and shut your eyes with force. You don't grasp your father's answer; you're not even sure he gave you one at this point. When you open your eyes again, you see black, then white, then crimson red, until you finally put to focus the faces of two very concerned witches. Zelda and Cordelia are hovering over you with eyes glazed with tears. Their hands are all over you and you frown when you spot their fingers covered in blood.
"What?" you gasp, finally opening your eyes wide and quickly sitting up, "what happened to you?"
"To us?", Cordelia shakes her head in disbelief. If it was possible to breathe fire like a dragon, Zelda would be doing that right now. 
"You're bleeding," you point out. "Both of you."
"This isn't our blood, you idiot," Zelda's voice is a mix of worry and slight annoyance.
Your eyes knit in a frown. Her hands run on your cheeks and her thumbs graze over your skin, with a certain urgency and care, working as if they were pushing away some sort of dirt from your face. 
"I don't understand...", you feel a bit lightheaded, but overall you're fine.
"You were out for more than three minutes," she gnaws at her bottom lip while her hand reaches out towards yours.
A wave of guilt rushes over you, "I’m sorry, I- I was busy and–"
“Busy?” a snort comes from behind you. You hadn’t even realized she was there. And you thought she wouldn’t know you invading her kingdom.
“Lilith, I–I can explain,” you stutter as if you were back in the lake. She hums incredulously and clicks her tongue mockingly, "you could start by telling me why you would do something so dumb like voluntarily dive into the Cocytus,” she crosses her arms over her chest and stares deeply into your eyes, while both Zelda and Cordelia’s faces lose color.
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flowerfairyboi · 1 year
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"Mother Moon, in the fullest of your form, we ask that you bless us with your gifts, your energies. As you ripen like a babe in the belly, make us whole again."
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Hare Moon (S3 E4)
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina directed by Viet Nguyen and written by Donna Thorland (2020)
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