#sacchan is feeling it
Sacchan is always insinuating that Tae has something for Gintoki or that she is always planning to do something for please him, but she never does it with Tskki which the audience clearly knows she likes him, it's funny 😆
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kvroii · 12 days
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Poison World, Chapter 18 - When Kori reaches the generator that powers the city's infrastructure, it begins to drain her of her energy, so her brother Soru takes her place. The machine reawakens his old Curian form to drain it too, but if it means Kori can shut down Ares, Soru is willing to accept whatever happens to him from here.
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shrapnelsong · 1 year
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Sacchan… might have had too many drinks…
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"..........What kinda worm we talkin' about?" Alice has been keeping up with him, so she's just as bad. "I ain't loving you if you're a nematode. If you're an annelid... maybe."
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twilightmalachite · 5 months
Esu Sagiri - Idol Story 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Esu, Subaru
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Hehehe… But you know, even though I was crying like an idiot just by watching… You were smiling up until the very end and did your job perfectly as an idol, Senpai."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Cemetery
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Second year of ES’ establishment. At a secret cemetery somewhere in Tokyo…
Subaru: (Dad.)
(I’m sorry I visited you so late this year as well.)
(I’m getting busier and busier year after year, you know? Although in Trickstar’s case, it’s more like there’s no leisure for the poor...)
(You wouldn't angry at that, would you though, Dad? ‘Cause you were much busier than I was, day in and day out.)
(Nothing could be done about that, though. You were a super idol who carried the industry on his shoulders, after all.)
(You never gave up, though. You never complained, and on holidays you would even be sure to come back home with a smile on your face just to make your family happy.)
(You sure are amazing, Dad. I’ve always admired you. And I’m now in the same position as you—I’ve become an idol.)
(As time passes, I’ve slowly realized more and more just how amazing a person you were.)
(It made me happy. It made me happy to be able to understand you, Dad.)
(Hey, Dad, I wonder if I’ve become an idol worthy of your praise.)
(If possible, I’d like to have you say “Wow, you’re amazing, Subaru!” if you were alive.)
(And I wish you could ruffle up my hair like I was a dog, just like you used to too, but…)
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Esu: NwaaAAAAAAH!?
Subaru: …?
Hmm? Umm, are… you okay…?
Esu: Ah, It's okay, do not mind me! My arms are just outta shape, as it’s been a while since I’ve climbed! I bit off more than I could chew!
I took a dangerous route to get away from this creepy guy, and accidentally slipped from somewhere high—
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Esu: —Wait, you’re Akehoshi SubaruuUUU!
Subaru: Yup. Huh, are you a fan of mine?
(This isn’t good. I didn’t really want my fans to know where my dad’s grave was.)
(Although his reputation’s been restored to an extent, there’s still a lot of anti-fans who believe those rumors and consider him the worst idol ever…)
(I don’t want that. What if his grave gets vandalized or something?)
Esu: Oh, no no! It’d be presumptuous for someone like myself to call myself a fan!
Presem… Presim, prisum… Huh, is “presumptuous” correct?!
Subaru: Yep, that’s it.
Esu: Was I right? Got it! Good, good, hip-hooray! I mean, that was very kind of you! This debt of gratitude will not be forgotten even if I am reborn seventeen times over!
Subaru: Seventeen times over, huh? What’s with that oddly specific number?
You’re a strange kid.
Esu: Huh, you think so? I find myself to be normal, though! Maybe I’ve become a little out of touch with the world after having been cooped up for a while?
If I do anything that feels off, do feel free to point anything out! I’ll correct it!
Subaru: Alright. Well to start, it’s looked down upon to cause a ruckus at gravesites.
Esu: You’re right~! My bad! I’ll quiet down! I’m a man who has often been told “You’re so cute when you keep your mouth shut, Esu-kun!” by his inconsiderate classmates!
Subaru: So your name’s Esu, huh?
Esu: Yes! I am Sagiri Esu! My name’s pretty tough to read, or excessively sparkly rather, so it’s okay if you don’t remember all of it![1]
You’re free to just call me something like “Ecchan” or “Sacchan”!
Subaru: Ecchan reminds me of Eichi-senpai. Sagiri—I feel like I might’ve heard “Sagiri” somewhere before…
Esu: Oh, so you recognize it? My father used to be real popular! He was even called a super idol at a point!
Subaru: Ah, that’s right! There was a super idol who showed up sometime between the times of Hokke~Papa—Hidaka Seiya-san and my dad, right?
His name was Sagiri. My dad said that he looked up to him, so I remember.
Esu: Ahaha~, although it was all downhill for him once the next super idol, Akehoshi-senpai’s father, made his appearance.
Subaru: Well, my dad did become the talk of the town for many things, both good and bad… Those from around that time aren’t talked about as much anymore, with Hokke~Papa being an exception.
It’s like it’s all been balled together as a dark past to be forgotten, thanks to all that’s happened.
So I dunno how things are now, but, umm you—Sacchan, what’s your father doing now?
He’s not active anymore… right? I feel I’d know about him if he were active.
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Esu: Oh, my father died.
Subaru: …Is that so? Sorry, I didn’t know…
Esu: Nah, if you didn’t know, you didn’t know! He passed away three years ago, and by the time he’d already turned over a new leaf as just an ordinary man.
Just an ordinary man, just with a bit of a nice-looking face.
Could at least look ugly… Wouldn't have to be followed around by that pervert then…
Subaru: Pervert? Had your father been targeted by some weird stalker or something, like mine was…?
Esu: No, no, this pervert has nothing to do with my father’s death. Sorry if I’m being difficult to follow! My communication skills aren’t all too great, after all! Just terrible!
My father died in a plane accident. Just a common—well, it’s not common, but an ordinary accident with nothing to do with idols or anything like that.
I was involved in the accident too, and although I managed to survive, I’ve been in the hospital up until recently. So, I've been in the process of rehabilitation for about six months, as of now.
Subaru: Is that so… I probably wouldn’t have even known three years ago. In the period before I entered high school, I would shut myself away from any and all information.
All of the information that would drift my way… I wouldn’t wanna hear any of it.
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Esu: I totally get you~. It feels like anything and everything is an attack on you when your heart is weak, doesn’t it?
Even though nobody in the world probably spares a single thought about you.
Ah, but you’re an idol, Akehoshi-senpai, so tons and tons of people pay attention to you, of course! I was really moved by the SS from two years back![2]
It was like—and sorry if this sounds disrespectful—but your father also passed away… I felt like I could relate with you in some ways.
Like, “Ahh, this person, he’s me.”
Subaru: … …
Esu: At the time, I understood the expression on your face, your voice, everything, as if they were my own—I empathized! I was no longer able to distinguish between you and I!
I was in the hospital, lying in bed watching your performance, and I cried so hard that even the nurses became seriously worried about me.
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Esu: Hehehe… But you know, even though I was crying like an idiot just by watching…
You were smiling up until the very end and did your job perfectly as an idol, Senpai. So, I thought you were real amazing—
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Esu: Ahh, I can’t find the right words! Hang in there, my vocabulary!
Subaru: It’s okay. I understand you.
Thank you. For watching my performance.
You cried in place of me, didn’t you? Maybe that’s why I didn’t have to show a shameful sight like that upon such an important stage.
So… I know it sounds weird, but thank you. Really.
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Esu: Oh no no, I seriously didn’t do anything! I don’t know what to do being shown gratitude like this?!
Oh, shoot!? I hear Fuyume’s voice! He hates exercise and isn’t all that good at it either, but caught up to me through sheer determination…!
I-I’m so sorry, but I gotta go now! It’s over for me if I’m caught!
Subaru: It kinda feels like you’re in danger… Do you need me to hide you?
Esu: Ah, that’s very kind of you, but I’m alright! This is a problem I gotta resolve on my own…!
But if you’d like, do offer some incense at the grave over there, the one decorated with cutesy goods.
That one’s my father’s grave.
Subaru: Right. This cemetery is for those in the industry that need to be kept secret from the general public. Both your father and my dad rest here.
It was through some sort of fate I was able to meet you, and hear your words that made me happy, so… Yeah, I’ll be sure to offer some incense.
Esu: Thanks! I’m sure our fathers are happy too! It doesn’t seem like they were on good terms when they were alive, but everyone becomes a Buddha when they die, right?[3]
I’m sure all those concerns and karma have been thoroughly purified!
—Eek, his voice is getting closer! Maaan, I wanted to have a nice and quiet visit to his grave after all this time!
But, well, I also caused a ruckus for no reason, and disturbed Akehoshi-senpai’s visit to his grave! That makes it sort of a mutual karmic retribution, right!—kinda?
Subaru: It’s fine. My dad always liked it when things were lively.
I’m sure he’s standing beside your father, watching over with a smile on their faces—over us.
[ ☆ ]
story directory
A sparkly name (キラキラネーム) is a term that refers to a recent phenomenon of giving names that are over-extravagant and notably very difficult to read. Esu's name is written with the kanji 笑主, which is both very unrecognizable as a name (it uses the kanji for laugh/smile + the kanji for lord/master), the reading is also very unnatural. The phenomenon is similar to the one where people will name their babies stuff like "Mhackenzeigh" or "Lakynn". Since knowing that 笑主 is read as "Esu" doesn't come instinctively, it would be difficult to remember; hence Esu saying there's no need to remember it all.
Referring to the SS where Trickstar won, back in ! era. If you aren’t aware of what happens to Subaru and Trickstar during the event, I highly recommend reading SS - Friendship 14 until the end of the event story, else this entire scene won’t make as much sense.
Esu uses a lot of Buddhist terminology here. If you’re familiar with the idea of reaching enlightenment, once you reach enlightenment, you let go of all worldly possessions, realizations, attainments, and achievements. This is what is referred to when one becomes a Buddha.
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suchine-toki · 8 months
Thoughts about Tsukuyo
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She was introduced late as part of the main cast, but I think it was a good decision on Sorachi's end. This is because when he created her, he was already a more experienced writer, he’d been writing his characters for a while and knew what his story needed.
I really like the dualities of Tsukuyo’s character. Her exterior is hard and cold, but inside her lies a very sensitive and protective person. She was a rebel, she fought against an oppressive system from the shadows. This caused enormous loneliness, keeping an emotional distance from the rest, especially from Hinowa.
Jiraia's teachings had a deep impact on her. It went against her kind nature, but she was led to believe that caring for others, loving others made her weak. These characteristics, regarded “feminine” by her master, made her weak.
This is why I consider her arc to be so important and one that resonates with me personally. These ideas, although they’ve been changing, still linger in our society today. And the society of Gintama's world remains particularly sexist.
This is also explored with Kyuubei. But while Kyuubei completely rejects femininity and embraces masculinity, Tsukuyo rejects the idea of femininity (what she was taught it meant at least), but she still feels like a woman. They’re different paths facing the same situation.
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It’s over time that Tsukuyo begins to open up to others, learns to lean on others and overcome her traumas, especially in relation to her teacher. Being a caring person and loving is not something feminine or weak, on the contrary, it makes you someone strong. Sorachi completes her arc with these aspects in mind.
Although I consider Tsukuyo to be one of the best developed characters in the series, I was left wanting to see her interact with more characters. Don't get me wrong, her interactions with her family in Yoshiwara, the Yorozuya and the Gintaladies are extremely important, but I wish we’d seen more.
For example, I would’ve loved to see her in a trio with Sacchan and Zenzou (wait not that kind of trio-) as ninjas, more interactions with the Shinsengumi (considering the Hyakka is also a type of police). Speaking of the Hyakka, it would’ve been great to have a recurring character who was the vice-captain of that organization.
There's also the fact that almost all the characters Tsukuyo interacts with regularly are women, with the exception of Seita, Shinpachi, and Gintoki. A boy, a teenager, and a man (whose relationship hasn't caused any controversy amirite), but it would’ve been interesting if she’d more male friends.
That being said, I think Tsukuyo's character development was pretty good. Her character is realistic, multifaceted. More importantly, I believe that she reached her potential, both personally and professionally, with her being not only the leader of her organization, but also the leader of her city.
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Not at first interested watching “No Longer Allowed in Another World” but after finding out the back story of this anime and who they based the protagonist from—who is none other than Osamu Dazai, nicknamed Sensei—then it tickled my interest. The celebrated Japanese writer committed a double suicide, a lovers’ suicide in fact, with his girlfriend bc they found life was not worth living for. His novel “No Longer Human” is well known that talks about depression, alienation, and several suicide attempts. This paragraph is only the beginning.
Indeed, the more you look at the child's smile, the more you feel something indescribably eerie and unpleasant. In fact, it is not a smile at all. This child is not smiling in the least. The proof is that the child is standing with both fists clenched tight. A human cannot smile while clenching his fists. It's a monkey. A monkey's grin.
Thankfully, the anime is lighthearted. From this premise, Sensei, voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya, is once again disappointed that his suicide hasn’t taken off as he and his gf were hit by a “heavenly” truck. He is still alive but is transported to another universe, sort of religious imagery at first, together with some folklore-ish characters, the elf princess Annete, for one, wants him to be a hero. His aim is to find his girlfriend Sacchan to complete their suicide.
On the sixth episode, I am really enjoying it because if Hiroshi Kamiya is here then Daisuke Ono is not that far away.
And truth to tell, there he is as one of the villains. The sultriness of the voice is remarkable. And his fave phrase that is totally OnoD. Yare-yare.
It is quite entertaining.
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nijigasakilove · 4 months
Season 3 has just been amazing, even the slower episodes like this just feel so packed full of little details and you don’t want them to end. Love this series so much and the girls are back in summer uniforms 😍 my faves.
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Mayu in a Kitauji uniform looks awesome and I’m happy we got a lot of focus on her in this one. It’s clear she’s still not fully integrated into the band, like not wanting to be in the pictures from the festival. She made the excuse about liking to take pics, but not wanting to be in but cmon. We all know that’s just because she’s still not comfortable.
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I get why she was a little worried about taking someone’s spot during the auditions, but at the end of the day, the game is the game and may the best eupho player win. This system only serves to motivate people and push everyone to improve their skills. No one is safe and that’s the recipe for success in any sport team.
Happy for everyone that got selected for prefecturals, especially Kamaya. Taki sensei showing he has full understanding of the fact that it’s not always about pure talent, “fit” is way more important in constructing a team. You see it all the time in real life sports too, great players don’t always fit in on teams they get traded to or whatever, so for this particular competition, Kamaya makes more sense than sacchan.
I honestly like that the 1st and 2nd years and even Kumiko now have some doubts about Taki sensei’s selection(s). Just feels very realistic. You’re never going to please everyone in these scenarios and people want to see their friends getting chosen etc. That “you’ll take us to nationals, right?” From Kumiko was real af. Just making sure Taki still has his eye on the prize. Think Reina is probably the one who completely trusts him rn.
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I like the drama, but I do feel bad about how distant Kumiko is being with Mayu. First lying about the festival last week, now hiding the composition stuff from her. I get it though, there’s a ton of emotions she’s dealing with rn, Mayu is new to the school and she’s so obsessed with nationals+ not knowing what to do after school.. but if they’re going to truly succeed and reach nationals, everyone will have to be on the same page.
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ilyokkgsmiabf · 1 month
It's in my own opinion, guys!!
If you'd like to know why I feel that way to those shipped characters, check below 👇
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You can use the second picture to do the same as I did but in your perspective.
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It's up to you guys if you like what I ship!
• ShinKagu
I think the relationship between them is pure family love, NOT ROMANTIC LOVE. I just hate it when they ship characters that somehow just see each other like siblings.
• GinKagu
IT'S PATERNAL LOVE NOT ROMANTIC! As I said at ShinKagu, they just love and respect each other Father&Daughter/Brother& little sister style. And if you know their age (27 and 14), they have a freaking 13 age gap. I just hate this ship.
• OkiNobu
So the main reason for me hating this ship is because I ship okikagu, actually that's also the 30% reason why I don't ship ShinKagu and GinKagu. Well I do know they might have a little chemistry but thinking that made me sick! I'm loyal to OkiKagu, mind you. I actually kinda feel jealous at OkiNobu at Baragaki Arc (thorny arc) when Sougo smiles while he is fighting Nobume, what calms me down was thinking how Okita smiles just fighting Kagura or the moments they have. I have more to explain but I kinda feel lazy to sort it out all.
• GinSachi
I really hate thissss!!! Well the reason is, I HATE SACCHAN'S ATTITUDE TOWARDS GIN! like she is a real perv! I hate her masochist side! I just hate it. I don't completely hate her but this ship sank for me, even Gintoki hates her.
• KamuKagu
I don't get why people ship them romantically, they're freaking siblings, like blood-related siblings so far! But I'd like them to interact more as siblings ready to protect the other.
• HijiKagu
Well, reading fanfictions I can't help but think why they ship the two. Maybe because I'm OkiKagu again, but for me Mitsuba and Hijikata are fitted to be canon! Why did Mitsuba even die! I'd like to see her interact with other characters too! Like HijiMitsu is in my top five!
Don't mind:
• HijiGin
I don't really get why they ship the two, they were just rivals but Okita and Kagura were the same so, I pretty much don't mind them. I'm also not a Yaoi fangirl so maybe that's the other reason, I can't just picture them. But many fans ship them so okay, I already accepted that Okikagu was not the most popular ship and it was HijiGin, but not that I care. I have my own opinions right!
• KyuuTae
I'm not a Yuri fan either. They're better off friends than nothing.
• HijiTae
Some ship Otae with Hijikata and so I don't mind it. They could work but Mitsuba is the one and only (for me) to be shipped with Hijikata.
• TakaMata
Matako is doing her best, I don't mind this ship because... I don't really know. We can all see that Matako is truly in love with Takasugi, and I think you did great Matako-san!
• GinTama
I was really planning on giving them the dislike category but I realised and also remembered the time where they both went to relax on Tama's day off and also on the silver soul arc, so i kinda understand why you shipped the two!
• KamuNobu
I actually ship Kamui and Soyo more than Nobume, but I also ship the two, okay! Well they don't interact much or maybe they didn't even interact yet but I think they could work it out. Also I read a lot of OkiKagu fanfics and sometimes they were shipped to each other and the way the authors did it made me ship them so thank you Authors!
• GinTae
The most previous fanfiction I've read has hints of GinTae and they do work out well I must say. Well they have nine years of age gap but for me Otae didn't look, feel or act as an eighteen year old woman, maybe because her father died when she was just a child.
• YamaTama
Zaki deserved to be loved! Thank you! Well
They do work well together, especially Yamazaki who is now a robot just like tama!
• KonTae
I ship Otae to Gori the most! I can see Gori's hard work for Otae and I think even if Otae already married someone else, Gori would still live and stalk her. Him being attacked by Otae was sometimes the funny part of the show so I love this ship! I. The Farewell Shinsengumi Arc, I feel like Otae's into Kondou all of the sudden, she even tried to defend and trust Gori from Nobu Nobu. I even think Otae was disappointed and sad Gori was gone and is not stalking her like usual. When the Shinsengumi was leaving, Tae-san was bidding her goodbye to Gori peacefully and was hoping to see her again.
• SakaMutsu
I just shipped them cause I feel like they were meant and fitted to each other even if Mutsu is always annoyed at him. If he hates him and her busy work, she should've quit already.
• ZenSachi
Just feel like this ship would work much better than GinSachi!
• KatsuEli
It was meant to be at BROTP but I was not in the mood to edit (lazy mode:ON). I liked the strong bond between them, and how both sides were eager to protect the others! (Proof: Farewell Shinsengumi Arc and Episode 44)
• GinTsu
My top two shipped characters in Gintama! I just love the interaction between them and based on the fanfiction I've read, they work well and deserve to be canon!
• GinHase
Admit it, you also like their friendship. When they're together, it's funny!
• GinZura
• GinSaka
• Shige shigexKatsura
• KatsuKagu
I like the Leader and Zura duo. Both are childish and slow!
• TsuSachi
• TakaBansai
• OkiKamu
I'd like them to be close friends or friends. Nothing just like it.
• HijiOki
They do work well when needed, Okita is just jealous of Hijikata for getting all the attention but he still respects him.
• Yorozuya
I like how strong the bond they have, that's all
• Joui 3
Pretty lazy to type so, just saying they were good!
• Okikagu
I have already explained why, just gonna put the link of my post and check it out if you want! There's more to it but I'm quite lazy.
Link here;
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lovelythief · 2 years
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𝚜𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚠; 𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚓𝚘𝚋, 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕, 𝚕𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚏𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟹,𝟶𝟸𝟶
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Otose’s Snack House is crowded with jovial drunkards and familiar faces alike. It’s wild, it’s noisy, it’s messy, and it’s all to celebrate another year with Gintoki. Some are invited while others barge in unannounced, but no matter who crashes his party, cheer and goodwill fills the bar to the brim and spills out into the Kabukicho streets.
It’s almost hard to remember everyone’s names as they pass by, but Gintoki still smiles and raises his half-empty glass in thanks to each and every one. They stuff his pockets with cash and birthday wishes while the few material gifts he receives, namely from Kagura and Shinpachi—he doesn’t bother acknowledging the gift-wrapped stalker-mummy worming along the counter—are tucked safely behind the counter until the party dies. He’ll open those privately.
Otose stands alone at the bar, letting Tama and Catherine enjoy the festivities while she handles the drinks. Gintoki sits in front of her, lost in the noise and excitement behind him while he stares into his pint of beer with hints of melancholy, rather lost after you’d slipped away from the festivities to “take care of something”. She pours a shot of her second-best liquor behind the counter and slides it in front of him without a word. As the bar’s hostess, she won’t let a single customer go unsatisfied, even a leech like him.
He raises his head, seeing the crinkle of her crow’s feet giving him permission to go ahead. Gintoki scoffs lightheartedly and downs the shot in one gulp, letting the alcohol burn through his chest. He slams the glass against the counter and abruptly stands up, not giving the old woman a second glance as he walks out. He doesn’t have to; she already knows where he’s off to.
Kagura hops onto the counter (knocking mummified Sacchan off in the process) and leans towards Otose, cupping her hands over her mouth to shout above the noise of the music and the crowd. She’s the first to notice Gintoki’s sudden absence. “Where’d Gin-chan go?”
Otose sighs and lights another cigarette to hide the smile that tugs the corners of her painted lips, “the fool ditched his own party.”
 You stare at yourself in the mirror for several long minutes, twisting your body in different angles to make sure that every ribbon that wraps around your body fits snugly and securely. Your heartbeat rings in your ears as you ghost your hands over your curves, simultaneously admiring your amateur handiwork and feeling awfully embarrassed by it. Silver streaks cross your body, barely concealing your chest and sex as you wove the ribbons through each other and tied it in a pretty little bow against your hip, ready to be unraveled by rough hands.
It took much longer to wrap yourself up than you expected (even with the lingerie’s pamphlet with instructions) but you’re comforted by the hard thumping against the soles of your feet. The party isn’t dying yet; there’s still time. You hastily throw the silk robe over your shoulders and hide your body before you regret your own cheesy surprise.
You kneel onto the floor and rummage through your small toiletry bag, pulling out product after product. You take the time to apply them carefully and lightly to your delicate features, making sure you look as nice as possible for the special occasion.
You cradle a small tube of lipstick in your hand, the sharp pigment reminding you of Gintoki’s eyes. You pop off the cap and twist the lipstick, leaning in close to the mirror with one hand balancing yourself on the floor as you part your soft lips to paint them red.
So close and so concentrated, you don’t notice Gintoki’s looming shadow until his hot breath hits your ear as he traps you between himself and the mirror. “Couldn’t afford a gift, so you’re my present this year, huh?” he teases as you make eye contact through the glass.
You nearly drop the lipstick in surprise, cursing the same loud music that comforted you earlier for hiding his heavy footsteps. You’re nervous, but still try to ignore the way he nuzzles his face against your hair as you rub your lips together and clean the edges.
“You’re early,” you finally say, turning your head to look at him properly as he teases the collar of your robe with his teeth. “Why aren’t you with the others?”
He shrugs his shoulders, his hands wasting no time in caressing you through your miniscule coverage as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “Everyone forgot to pay attention to Gin-san, so I ran away. Now, about my present—”
“You animal!” you smack his creeping hand away from your thigh and roll your eyes, figuring he just got antsy after being surrounded by the growing crowd; as much of a natural-born leader as he is, you know Gintoki prefers his space.
“I do have a gift for you,” you finally admit, “buuut, you have to move so I can get it.”
“Really? Torturing a man on his birthday? How cruel can you be?” Gintoki exaggerates a groan but relinquishes his position.
You shuffle on your knees, turning around and leaning into Gintoki to give him a quick but full kiss. His hand comes up to catch you, to cradle your nape and trap you in his embrace, but you duck under his arm and leave him stunned with freshly stained lips.
“Looks nice on you, Paako,” you laugh as you hop over the hand that tries to snatch your ankle as you rush over to your ‘secret’ hiding spot.
Gintoki falls down to sneak a peek at your ass as you bend over and rummage through the closet for his gift, but you stand up with a wide, victorious smile before he can really see anything. He clicks his tongue. Disappointing.
He watches with faux boredom as you land in front of him on your knees and holds out a small box with both hands like you were school kids on Valentine’s Day. Gintoki pushes himself off the ground and sits with his legs crossed, taking the gift and staring at it curiously.
He couldn’t really begin to guess what was inside. He shakes it close to his ear and hears the shifting, but it might be anything. Maybe you got him a lucky charm so he can win big in Pachinko?! You have plenty of extra luck that you don’t use—
Your arms squish your chest together as you lean in. “Well?” you prompt.
Gintoki flicks your forehead as you crowd around his hands. “I can’t open it if I can’t see it, idiot.” You pout but inch back, close still, but not on top of it. He rips apart the neatly folded wrapping and cracks open the lid, holding his breath as he finally reveals what was inside.
A silver chain sits neatly, shining brightly in the reflection of the ceiling lights. It’s dazzling; he almost doesn’t believe how expensive it looks.
You carefully take the bracelet from the box in one hand and Gintoki’s wrist in the other. He lets you wrap the bracelet around his right wrist, stunned silent by the simple but carefully chosen present. Your fingers, so much smaller than his, are deft as you secure the clasp in place, the cool touch of silver cut through by the warmth of your hands.
“It fits,” you sigh with relief. You look up at him with bright eyes and hold his hand with both of yours. “Do you like it? It was hard trying to find something meaningful,” you gently massage the palm of his hand, “your unbreakable soul, your endless bonds... you’re never alone. Something corny like that.”
Gintoki's brain lags, unsure how to fully process such genuine affection without being obnoxious. He forces himself to swallow down the lump in his throat, but his mouth stays dry. You smile and lift his hand, bringing it to your face and pressing an affectionate kiss against it, leaving another stain in your wake.
“Truth is...” you flutter your lashes and guide Gintoki’s hand down your neck, your breasts, until his fingers catch onto the string keeping your robe tied together. He flares his nostrils and huffs a stream of hot air as he slowly pulls. “I do have one more thing for you, Toki.”
Gintoki Sakata is almost certain that this is a dream; that he’ll be rudely awakened by someone pouring ice-water over his head or chasing him out of the Snack House with a broom any minute now and break the nice illusion he’s currently having.
The string comes undone and the silky seas part, revealing your ribbon-covered body to hungry eyes as it falls to the floor. Gintoki stops breathing, unabashedly zoning in on the thick lines that accentuate yet hides your goods while practically begging to be torn apart.
“What the hell did I do to deserve this?” Gintoki whistles while he ogles you, trying to lighten his own mood, “are the gods finally looking out for me?”
“Not gods; just us.”
The silver bracelet on his wrist chimes as he traces his fingertips along one of the ribbons that crosses your chest and feels you shudder and giggle, exclaiming how much it tickles with a bright red face. He cracks a mischievous grin and smooths his hands over your sides, feeling your muscles tense and hearing you squeal with laughter.
You grab hold of his wrists, and he bumps his forehead against yours. “I’m trying to be serious!” you beg for mercy. 
“I thought this was my gift? Shouldn’t I be allowed to do whatever I want?”
You snort. “You didn’t even let me finish!”
“You know I prefer it when you finish on my dick,” he fires back.
You can’t cover your stupid smile fast enough, “Toki, you pervert.”
Gintoki laughs, his hands tugging at the belt around his waist and letting his yukata fall, “I’m not the one practically naked right now.”
“Maybe you should be,” you drop your tone and whisper seductively, looking at him through thick lashes while tugging at the collar of his shirt as you brush your lips against his.
Gintoki’s chest rumbles with a low growl as he nearly tears off his clothes, interrupted only by the fleeting kisses you pepper across his face. He nearly tackles you to the floor as soon as his shirt and pants are tossed into the void, but you stop him with firm hands pressed against his pecs, using your whole weight to press him down and sitting on his lap.
“Let me take care of you tonight, Gintoki.” you lean over him, framing his face with your hair.
Gintoki sighs blissfully as you slowly rock your hips against his crotch, clothed only by his boxers. “You’re eager tonight, huh? ’s that why you left the party early?” His hands come up to hold your hips, squeezing the flesh between his fingers and toying with the soft ribbons, “you want to satisfy me that bad?”
“I wonder...” you kiss down the column of his throat, smudging your lipstick with each mark of affection. You tease the skin above his collarbone in a place you know won’t be covered by his shirt—it’s only fair to return the favor after how many bruises he’s given you.
Your hands rake over his broad chest while you mouth his neck, thumbing his nipples and feeling the stutter of his breath under your palms. You gently pinch them, teasing and tugging them between your fingers as you kiss the multitude of scars littering his chest, red prints growing faint.
You grope his chest fully before sliding your hands down the curves of his abdomen. He sucks in a sharp breath as your hands gently massage his stomach with your thumbs. “Gin-san deserves to be pampered on his special day,” you lift your hips and tease the waistband of his boxers.
Gintoki grabs your face after you suggestively lick your lips, his fingers pressing into your cheeks and tugging you forward until you nearly stumble. He reaches out behind him, snatching your tube of lipstick, and flicks the lid off. “C’mere,” he demands, “pout those pretty lips for me first.”
You part your lips without question, freezing in place as he carefully swipes the product with a steady, experienced hand.
“Perfect,” Gintoki says as he finishes. He taps your cheek affectionately, and tucks an arm underneath his head when you rub your lips together and blow him a kiss in thanks. 
Your hands settle back onto his v-lines as you squirm between his legs, sitting on your knees and looking up at him. He stares back, eyes sharper than a hawk’s as you slowly pull his boxers down his legs, letting him kick them off the rest of the way. You swallow down your nerves as you’re left face-to-face with his impressive—yet intimidating—girth.
Gintoki’s hand comes up to rest against your head, guiding your face lower. “That’s a good girl,” he groans, “show Gin-san how much you like it.”
You tuck your hair behind your ear and take his heavy shaft in your hand, giving it a few full strokes. You look up at him through your lashes as you kiss the tip of his cock, smearing lipstick and precum down his length, following a thick vein to his base.
“Toki’s dick is so big and hard,” you praise, your flushed face revealing the embarrassment you feel as you try to remember all of the tips about cockworshipping you once read in one of Gintoki’s dirty magazines.
You press your cheek against his dick while your hand cups the balls Gintoki’s so proud of, gently squeezing and massaging them in a lazy rhythm. “I want to put it in my mouth so badly, please?”
Gintoki curses, gripping your hair and bucking his hips up, egged on by your soft words. The shadow of his dick looms over your face and you gasp in surprise when it seems almost threatening in appearance. “Don’t tease me,” he warns.
You squeeze your excited thighs firmly together—his low voice always gets a rise out of you. You don’t think twice and flatten your tongue, licking a full stripe until it catches against the ridge of his head. You steady yourself by holding onto his muscular inner thigh as you give his tip another kiss before fully taking it into your mouth.
Gintoki hisses as you swirl your slow tongue and hollow your cheeks while your hand alternates between jerking him off and teasing his balls. His toes curl when you moan sweetly, barely controlling his desire to shove his cock down your tight throat. “More,” he rasps, “do it properly before I do it for you.”
The vague threat is enough to get you moving, but Gintoki’s hand guides your face further down his shaft until you manage to stuff half of him inside your mouth, the silver bracelet gently thumps against your forehead with each inch you choke down. He hears your forced breaths through your nose and delights in the scrunch of your eyebrows as you slowly work your mouth, leaving a ring of red at the lowest point your lips reach.
He pets your hair as you bob your head, drool shining your lips and dribbling down his shaft. “I could watch you suck me off all night,” Gintoki teases, rolling his hips into your mouth and catching you off-guard, “fuckin’ love seeing you stuffed with my cock.”
You squirm, seeking friction from your heels as he continues to babble on about how gorgeous you are servicing him, a fan of hearing himself talk. You love it, too. His voice rings in your ears, praising you and sweetening you up while you struggle to take him any further, but still⁠—you try.
You squeeze your eyes shut and dig your nails into his thigh, his dick hitting the back of your throat with a well-timed thrust. You sputter and choke around him, scrambling to catch your breath through your nose. 
“Fu—ck!” Gintoki hisses, his dick twitching inside your mouth as your hand quickens. He grips your hair tightly and throws his head back against the floor, hips jerking wildly. “Gonna—gonna—" Gintoki pulls your face off of his cock with a strangled noise, your hand working faster against his length to compensate until he finally bursts.
Cum splatters against your face, squirting across your cheek and landing on your nose, your open mouth, your chest, and hand. You squeeze the base of his dick and carry him through the waves of his orgasm as he lays beneath you, tense and heaving. “You came a lot,” you jest with a smile, “was it that good? ”
Gintoki lifts his head off of the floor, blessed with the sight of his pretty little lover as you lick your hand clean, your lipstick smudged, and face painted in messy streaks of off-white. “The best,” he agrees.
You beam with pride. Gintoki tugs you back over his chest, wiping some of his cum from your cheek and swiping it against your red mouth. You instinctively lick his finger, curling your tongue over the digits and cleaning them. “Gorgeous,” he mutters, “the second-best birthday gift a man could ask for. The first’s the bracelet.”
He kisses you fully, not caring for the taste of his own essence but more than happy to embarrass you at any given opportunity. Gintoki’s grabs handfuls of your bare ass and squeezes it encouragingly, giving each cheek a firm, but loving, spank.
You squeal against his lips, and he slips his tongue into your mouth, eager to tease every corner. You grind against Gintoki’s bare abs, the ridges of his muscles giving you enough stimulation to keep you excited as he devours you, mess and all.
Gintoki’s fingers tease the bow against your hip, slowly pulling it apart and watching it unravel the strands that trace your body, silver sliding off your breasts and falling onto his chest. “My birthday isn't over yet,” his voice carries the promise of pleasure, “I’m expecting a full-course meal.”
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joelletwo · 5 months
character bingo trying to give u options use any/none as see fit. um um. cool gintama music guy. bansai? and whose the funny lady (checks wiki) sarutobi? orbeez.... lee sookyung. uhh updated obrien opinions? uhh [makes big eyes] tf free space
YAY kjsdf w the caveat that i do generally enjoy bansai a lot. mean about him here truth in my heart i get my feelings hurt by the existence of bansai around takasugi kjsfdg but by god he is the blue guy of all time and also the silly boy in question. MEAN BINGO:
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SARUTOBI SACCHAN MY LOVE SACCHAN halfhearted bingo these arent rly applicable options i hate her design is why ill never ever draw her but shes the woman of my heart the girlie that makes me a hypocrite about hating all the sexual harassers in gntm. will somebody PLEASE bully her (sexually) she is BEGGING for it (sexually)
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sfdg updated miles hes god's (writers') favorite chew toy and i do enjoy and pity him for that. and fuck man. i do love to look at men. HORRIBLY emotionally affected by his torture but i DO want more of it:
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gkjsbfwbf tried to think of a tf opinion curveball i could throw u but couldnt land on a guy that would actually let me fill out many spaces so. ol' standby <33333333333 doodling hearts and other things on the scantron sheet:
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whosname · 7 months
Here's the playlist for my Joi4 goes karaoke series
Disclaimer: I've never in my life done a playlist for any character on any fandom I've been. I think I've never been into something like I've been with Gintama, and I've been obsessed about a lot of stuff. Bear with me?
In the order I drew 'em:
Zura (includes change of costumes, make up, light and smoke show, inflatable back dancers, fake duets) Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush You Don't Bring Me Flowers by Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond Olvídame y pega la vuelta by Pimpinela
Tatsuma Super Rad! by The Aquabats Intergalactic by The Beastie Boys Starman by David Bowie
Gintoki (he has to be drunk enough. also, remember he's very tone deaf) CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA (Dragon Ball Z opening) Pegasus Fantasy (Saint Seiya opening) Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly The State Of Massachusetts by Dropkick Murphys In a parallel world were he's more musical Common People by Pulp Súbete a mi Moto by Menudo
Takasugi (includes shamisen solo + crazy fans in the back) No Children by The Mountain Goats I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters Girl's Not Grey by AFI (obligatory emo track) Y yo No Bailo by El Pez (Menudo cover. I feel like if Sugi's gonna sing it, he would prefer to sing this more rock n' roll version)
I also added some b-sides for a lot of extra characters
Kagura and Shinpachi Never Ending Story Theme Song by New Found Glory (huge fan of this cover) Growing Up by The Linda Lindas (This has to be the youngest song here)
Diamond Perfume (Tae, Kyuubei kun, Sacchan and Tsukki) No Controles by Flans (BANGER ALERT even if you don't know Spanish)
Zenzo Mamma Mia by Abba (Let's be real. He loves romcoms)
Bansai Police on My Back by The Clash (I bet Zura'll join him)
Matako Soy Rebelde by Attaque 77 (Banger of a cover)
Hasegawa The Science Of Selling Yourself Short by Less than Jake
Tama Still Alive by Jonathan Coulton
Yamazaki Sabotage by The Beastie Boys (Zaki DREAMS to be like the two police men of the video)
Sogo Skullcrusher Mountain by Jonathan Coulton
Oboro I Palindrome I by They Might be Giants
Shoyo and Utsuro (in the weirdest duet) My Evil Twin by They Might be Giants
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: “Bet it feels good to always get what you want,” says Sacchan, and starts unwinding her sash. “Bet it feels good to always get your way. Well, fine. You can have your way. You can have your way with me. You can do whatever you want, I won’t resist. I’ll surrender to every one of your perverse desires like the obedient little housewife you wish I was, utterly helplessly defenceless against your urge to ravish me—” “You ain’t defenceless,” says Tsukuyo. “You’re a ninja assassin. You ain’t defenceless even a bit.” She feels it’s a reasonable point, but Sacchan doesn’t listen. The fact it’s a reasonable point is probably why Sacchan doesn’t listen. (Tsukuyo's not the only one who's got plans for her evening. She's the only one whose plans involve peace, quiet, and a sensible amount of sleep, though.)
Author: @suitablyskippy
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piduai · 2 months
gintama is really mid when it comes to serious writing/plot because it's allergic to foreshadowing and character building and relies on suspense of disbelief & just trust me bro-ism for most of its dramatic moments and tearjerkers. like sacchan & zenzo have been around since FOREVER and were never shown being particularly cordial or having a history together prior to shogun assassination, even though they did interact before. but come this arc and they're childhood best friends with the shogun as a third, sacchan recognizes zenzo as a leader much stronger and more skilled than her that she respects and cherishes, and zenzo has a soft, almost romantic affection for her. all so it will feel sadder when he dies. but it doesn't feel sad, it feels annoying and forced and undeserved. and it's like that with most if not all of its serious parts, very out of left field & with no foundation despite wanting for a pay off
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hyenahunt · 9 months
Saga: Epilogue - 2
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Jun, Jin
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Jun: Now, everything's different. I don’t have to crawl along in the mud anymore — before I knew it, I was standing in a radiant paradise.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Reverse Live Stage
Jun: Y’know… Seeing that video made me realize that the world’s much more peaceful and kind than I thought, shining with more beauty than I’d forced myself to believe…
I was only making a fool of myself by looking so unhappy.
But see, if I didn't resent you, and didn't have all that hatred to drive me forward… I couldn’t move a single step!
My old man only ever lied, my old lady only ever cried — and me? I was a weak snot-nosed brat, without so much power as to even make my own parents smile!
And that hurt so much. Just living on was so exhausting…
But I couldn’t die ‘til I finally got to deck you! If I didn’t keep telling myself that, it felt like I’d choke to death.
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Jun: Now, everything's different. I don’t have to crawl along in the mud anymore — before I knew it, I was standing in a radiant paradise.
In a world so kind and warm that it made me feel like a dumbass for so stubbornly clinging onto my hatred of someone else.
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Jun: I can't quite kick my old habits just yet, so this scowl's etched into my face… But if here is where I am, then you don't even need to ask me to… because I can smile.
It's not just 'cause of the whole “an idol’s smile is their soul” thing, and that I’ve got no choice in the matter, no. Honestly, what I've been feeling these days is that lately, I just can't help but smile.
And I didn’t feel like I deserved that, but…
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Jun: If it feels like I’ve been bestowed with too much, then I should just share it with those less fortunate… That's what Ohii-san taught me.
So that’s just what I’ll do. You don't even need to ask — I’ll become an idol who'll surpass you.
Jin: …So that's how it is, huh? You’re one tough guy, Sacchan. You're probably not gonna wind up like me.
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Jun: Haha. Honestly… I’d be lying if I said that I’ve never thought of wanting to become like you.
But like I said, please knock it off with calling me Sacchan already.
And couldja stop talking to me once and for all~? While we’re mumbling like this, the audience’s fond gazes get worse by the minute.
Staring like they’re glad for me… What’s there to even be glad about? I’m 'boutta gag from this geezer’s old people stink~
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Jin: Huh, I've got an old people stink!? That's shocking to hear! Or maybe not so much, considering my disastrous lifestyle, huh…?
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Jun: Haha, I’m just kidding. Beats me what you’re usually like, but you’ve got the scent of a real idol right now. And y'know, just being able to get a whiff of that… makes nothing else matter, really.
I can’t keep looking back at you old fogeys, so I’m gonna move along with my own future, alright~?
I’ll sing with all my might for the audience, and give ‘em the time of their lives!
And even folks who’ve had awful experiences like me — even those who still live in the shadow of hatred and resentment for somebody else —
They’ll get to forget about all that, even if only for a moment~! …You got a problem with that?
Jin: Not in the slightest. Really, you’re a great idol — one who I'd even tote as an example to my own brats.
Lilith, huh… With how she was banished and tossed into hell, we all kinda assume that she must’ve hated everything in the world, but…
Who knows, she might've actually been having one hell of a fun time.
Considering how she’s got enough guts to oppose God, there's no way she'd lose heart so easily, huh?
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Jun: Sorry? Are ya talking 'bout the Bible? If you ask me, I think Lilith’s just a name meant to give hope to those at the bottom of the barrel~
That’s my interpretation, at least, though I dunno whether it's actually right.
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Jun: People like that live in constant persecution; screwed over by their lot in life, their pent-up frustrations just ended up pushing 'em to cause unforgivable blunders, like the one in SS —
But as a fellow non-Special Student, I’ll be someone who can show 'em dreams! I’ll tell 'em that good things can happen as long as they live! That even they can achieve success, just like I did!
All they need is to keep believing — then even if they have nothing but mud to eat, they can still continue living on…!
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Jun: I am Lilith! Cast your dark looks away and stop cursing under your breath — everyone, just follow me!
When there's a will, there's a way! From here on out, you’ll find what awaits you is the verdant earthly paradise, created by Eve and Adam!
And I’ll be the one to guide you ‘til you reach it~ The name’s Sazanami Jun!
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Please, remember me! And don’t go erasing or forgetting me just ‘cause it's a pain to commit me to memory, you got that~!?
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Jun: Whether you're as lowly as a worm, or even if you're a monster consumed by their darkest emotions — each and every last one of us deserves to be happy!
I’ll prove it to you! In fact, I'm living proof of that…!
And if anyone's got a problem with that, then no matter who you are, even if you're God Himself — I’ll just kick your damn ass~! GODDAMN!
[ ☆ ]
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The bracket is here! I had A Time fitting everything on one page, but it should embiggen so that all the names are legible. Thank you to everyone who submitted! I'll try to have the polls up soon.
Also, feel free to submit propaganda or images for any of the ships. By the nature of the bracket, it might be kinda hard to find stuff lmao.
The masterpost for the first tournament can be found here
Round 1a
Aaron Soto/Thomas Reyes vs. Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger
Claude von Riegan/Flayn vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Kodiak Celius/Ambrose Cusk vs. Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill/Marco
Sam Lloyd/Evie O'Neill vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Dr. Alto Clef/Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Jonathan Walsh/Ozzie Graham vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Grimlock/Starscream
Montrose/Ellis vs. John Doggett/Monica Reyes
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Luz Noceda/Hunter
Lulu/Yuna vs. Zachary Ezra Rawlins/Dorian
Vicki Appleby/Maureen Sampson vs. Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Tristan Taylor/Duke Devlin
Charlie Airstar/Tesla Magnets vs. Aone/Hinata
Haruto Keats/Theoto Rikka vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Jeremy Fitzgerald/Fritz Smith (Not Michael Afton) vs. Breekon/Hope
Touko Kirigaya/Tsukushi Futaba/Mashiro Kurata vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 1b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Liam Dunbar/Hayden Romero
Taissa Turner/Shauna Shipman vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Jupiter/Neptune/Venus
Josh Levison/Sally Malik vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Frank Grunn/Harold Ivy vs. Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Aleksander/Regina
Officer Lockstock/Officer Barrel vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Chad Cola/Deuu Dino vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Dee Eliade/Audrey Myers vs. Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine
Tsukuyo/Sacchan vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. C-53/Pleck Decksetter
Skeleteen/Ram Man II vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Kyoko/Ayaka vs. Char Aznable/Amuro Ray
Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham vs. Robin/Demetrius
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Andrei Bolkonsky/Pierre Bezukhov
Terry McGinnis | Batman/Shaka Okoro | Stalker vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 2a
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs. Magic Brian/Brad Bradson
Ax/Marco vs. Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Bart Curlish/Ken Adams
Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat vs. Montrose/Ellis
Gwyneth/Huma Dragonbane/Magius vs. Lulu/Yuna
Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Aone/Hinata vs. Static Man/Nicholas Waters
Breekon/Hope vs. Death/Bunnymund
Round 2b
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Milo/Piers
Kate Shadow/Emilyko vs. Sasuke Uchiha/Suigetsu Hozuki
Kyo Sohma/Yuki Sohma vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Mihashi/Tajima vs. Dale Cooper/Harry Truman
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine vs. Dark Mousy/Krad
Benjamin Deeds/Nathaniel Carver vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Wocky Kitaki/Vera Misham
Norita Yuuji/Shiota Nagisa vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 3
Mr. Mistoffelees/Rum Tum Tugger vs Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs
Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy vs. Blaze the Cat/Rouge the Bat
Lulu/Yuna vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Static Man/Nicholas Waters vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Kate Shadow/Emilyko
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mihashi/Tajima
Dark Mousy/Krad vs. Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata
Char Aznable/Amuro Ray vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Round 4
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Shang Qinghua/Noodle Guy
Rosalina/Pauline vs. Death/Bunnymund
Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon vs. Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji
Gundam Tanaka/Hajime Hinata vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs vs. Rosalina/Pauline
Haruhi Fujioka/Renge Houshakuji vs. Mina Murray Harker/Lucy Westenra
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zurajanaizurakoda · 2 months
Getting to know you - Tag Game
I was not tagged! I saw it and wanted to do it.
Three ships: Ginzura, and I don't feel like getting into other series. I've played with the idea of Katsura and Ikumatsu bonding over losing their first loves to the war effort, Katsura in a more metaphorical sense. I'm interested in Kagura and Soyo but I'd like to see them as adults first. It occurs that there's potential for second movie AU. I also kind of ship Tsukuyo and Sacchan but it would get bogged down with me making sure Sacchan is stable enough for a healthy relationship.
First ship: idk, probably ocs. Fist major ship was Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. I mean it still works but Usagi is pan as shit and I probably wouldn't have thought that at the time. First crack ship was the King and the Duke from Cinderella, and watch the King crawling down the table threateningly and telling the Duke he wants kids in the palace and tell me I'm wrong. ("{person} Hanging from the chandelier" became a term for "Things got weird in the bedroom" after the scene where the King storms out of the bedroom joyously, leaving the Duke... hanging from the chandelier)
Last Song: "Ashley" Halsey
By the Time I finished it was "When You Come Back to Me Again" by Garth Brooks
Last Movie: Spirited Away for the millionth time.
Currently Reading: Big-Ass Book of DBT Skills courtesy of group.
Currently Watching: Files of the Unexplained on Netflix (Again not something I recommend, I only watch things where it doesn't matter if a space out)
Last thing I wrote: First Kisses Can Lead to all Sorts of Firsts.
Currently writing: Officially I'm working on "Always Check for a Major Character Death Tag Before Jumping to Conclusions" or Little Spoon but unofficially I'm ruminating over the one where Gin and Katsura have a kid during the war (Amanto sex goo, and Gintama does shit like that) and things get messy and she ends up being adopted and I'm working on both the war part and when twelve year old Toko shows up after the end of the series claiming before her foster father died he claimed the Prime Minister was her father but no one would ever be able to prove it because no one would ever find out what happened to her mother and she wants to know what that's about.
Consider yourself tagged?
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