#sad baby klee
batman-on-budget · 11 months
You know, in the end, when everything is concluded in its destined way, I want the characters to have their needed closure.
I want Kaeya and Diluc to be brothers they were when they were young. Barbara and Jean to be close again. Xiao to be free from his curse. Childe to leave the Fatui as he said he would. Ayaka and Ayato to be who they want to be. Wanderer to find his place in the world. Kaveh and Alhaitham to leave their arguments in the past and be the friends they once were.
I wish their last scenes to bring peace in their stories.
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catboyfurina · 7 months
my paimon age headcanon* is that she is like dave from kipo. she's technically a super old immortal** but also she Is a kid***. i was originally framing it as a phoenix sort of situation but dave from kipo has the same vibes plus like. being a person and not an animal and also being the same person (which, if i likened paimon to a vidyahara a la hsr, would not really be the case) *i flip flop between a few headcanons, namely the seelie one and this sort of phoenixy one. i really like paimon i have so many thoughts about her shes so interesting and sweet and ridiculous **i think the reason her memories are so inconsistent could be erosion at play. sometimes she can remember things and sometimes she is actually a really helpful guide but mostly she doesn't know what is going on and what she can remember seems so random. i also think theres some paimon lore in the wrio story quest so im actually gonna play that one just. not until the finals are done beating me up. so maybe this is all disproven there and i can stop flipflopping ***her interactions with other child characters (klee, diona, qiqi are the big three for this point) are definitely mentorly but in a fellow child sort of manner. she treats them like younger siblings typically. adult characters (albedo is the one i remember the best) often think of her as a child and she hasn't really objected to that, that i've noticed? she gets cranky about being called a pet, or food, or a toy (but still plays along sometimes because being in disguise etc etc, but she is noticeably unenthused about those labels) but i haven't really noticed her get upset about being called a kid. however, she is noticeably more helpful and more advanced than the littler child models. she seems to be similar to nahida (and they get along really well)(i really liked the paimon nahida interactions it always feels like paimon is trying to fit in with adults or babysitting kids but with nahida it felt like they matched better. despite nahida being well,,, a lot smarter). i think nahida is also a technically immortal but also kid sort of situation, but not in the same way as paimon is. nahida reminded me a lot of the aranara, with her reincarnation looking the same yet being someone else, with all the stuff about dreams, etc.. also the aranara are childlike and only knowable to children (and certain people with special circumstances) so . yeah. i think nahida is permanently in that kid but not state and paimon is currently in that kid but not state but i do kind of think paimon hasn't always been a kid, maybe possibly. i do definitely think shes existed for way longer than twenty years. but also shes kiddo.
anyway i love paimon. shes my son. id feel kinda bad for paimon haters cus she is in Every Single Thing except that like if u hate paimon why are u playing the paimon game? just to gamble???
#beeep#i also think klee is yet another genre of immortal baby. but still different. i think shes like 50 or something in a baby yoda sort of way#well maybe not precisely 50 and shes farther along than the baby yoda i think????? idk much about starwars. but like that sort of thing.#she ages but she does it reallyyyy slowly. and then qiqi doesnt age bc shes a zombie so shes yet ANOTHER type of immortal baby#but like. a human baby that became immortal. and well by baby i probably mean likeeee idk 8? 10? not Infant yknow#oh but also. also too. i think my klee headcanon paired with my diona headcanon can be a lil silly funny. or maybe sad#okay actually yea its a lil sad#i think diona ages at the normal human rate and maybe met klee earlier but now shes developmentally a bit older than klee...... and shell#probably be an adult and klee is still a kid.....#one cool thing about genshin is how the kids are actually like. interesting. admittedly i get more invested in kids storylines than other#ppl i know even if theyre mostly there just to Be A Kid Tee Em but i like that in genshin the kids matter more than like. an accessory?#idk if that description makes sense but sometimes in media kids will exist mostly to make u be like omg single father my heartttttt uwahhh#anyway my tags got way off topic from the main post. basically. i miss kipo and like paimon#oh also? paimon nobiney. i had 'proof' once but i dont think i have enough tags left on here to type it out and tbh most cis people would#not consider my proof as proof. as well as many aimon haters of the trans sort#but its proof to ME.
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Genshin men as cats!
Prompt: the genshin men are temporarily turned into cats for one day and you as their lover must take care of them and make sure they stay safe
A/n: idk what happened but apparently half of the post got deleted? I’ll have to rewrite it later ;(
Oh he’s not happy. He’s probably a shorthaired white cat in terms of appearance. But he is quite annoyed with this predicament. No one is allowed to tell anyone that the Yashiro Commissioner is suddenly a cat. But being a cat is nice. He can lounge and nap all day. He’s probably demanding of attention though. He simply must have your eyes on him. He adores being brushes so lovingly too. Maybe he should have you brush his hair when he’s back to normal.
Al Haitham
Virtually no change. He may still try to read though he won’t be able to turn the pages as easily. He doesn’t mind a few pats but he mostly prefers to be left alone in the nice warm sun to nap the day away. He’s definitely a grey tabby.
He is so distraught! He meows a storm in fustration as he finds he is completely incapable of finishing his projects! You simply must take care of him! You need to have him strapped in like a baby carrier on your chest because he’s just so clingy. He needs constant reassurance and attention. He’s so needy but so cute. Probably a cute little cream colored kitty.
He is also probably a bit annoyed. While yes he gets a complete day off, he can’t do much as a cat. So he’ll probably try to find some entertainment if you don’t keep him thoroughly entertained. He will find a way to sneak out and go play with Klee or annoy Diluc if you don’t keep him in your grasp at all times.
He is very confused but also curious. On one hand this form is verrrry different than he’s ever had before but its also very beneficial to him. People are far less intimidated and strangely he enjoys being coddled and pet more than he would. Of course miss Furina is teasing the crap out of him but he doesn’t really care. Sitting on your lap, small and warm. Its such a unique experience he will probably never have again.
Once the dust settles he’s quite relaxed. This is temporary so might as well enjoy it. Sigewinnie has become very attached to him as she constantly makes sure he’s okay. But in particular he loves being held by you. He’s used to being the big strong man who lifts you all the time etc etc. its nice actually being the reverse here. He gets fed special fish from the cafeteria and gets to spend his day in your arms! The perfect break for him! He’s almost sad it’s temporary but he knows he can’t stay like this forever.
Oh he’s mad! Even when it’s confirmed to be temporary, he is annoyed! How can he improve his fighting skills if he’s a kitty! Sure he’s a adorable little kitty of course but he looks like a baby! Oh his ego is in shatters. It’s unfortunate too because it wasn’t even around his family so he could play with his little brother at least. He’s practically quarantined to keep him safe. He can’t go on kitty adventures. Therefore YOU must make it up to him. He spends his time sulking and trying to play with anything he can. Dangling uniform piece? New toy! Someone’s foot? New toy! He bites! He meows! He hardly naps. He does love cuddling with you though. Still he’s a ball of energy and he cannot simply sit still for long! No doubt will his office be trashed. You’re making him clean it up once he’s back.
Stressed! So stressed! He has so many chores! He cannot hold a broom with two paws! You have to make arrangements for him to have the day off which was hard because everyone was upset by his sudden cancellation. Even so he tries to help. He tries to drag the broom but it doesn’t do anything unfortunately. Oh he feels so useless. You must pamper him. Lavish him with kisses and gentle praise. Call him the cutest little kitty in the world! Oh he’s such a affectionate boy too. He acts like a cat with separation anxiety almost. He cannot sleep if you’re not there with him. Therefore you end up spending the day with him, trying to dissuade him from trying to clean a mess and just making it worse, distracting him with a warm blanket and pets.
He probably did so on purpose actually. Perhaps he was a bit bored and decided to spend the day exploring Liyue from a different perspective. It was quite fun for him actually. He watched as people came over to pet him. Unfortunately they also tried to feed him seafood which wasn’t too good. But after the long day he returned home to see you panicked as to where he could be. He decided to come on over to you, still in his cat form, and distract you. It worked as he helped you relax.
You werent too amused when you found out that cat that broke in was him.
He is quite annoyed. Angry in a more agitated way. Don’t mess up his fur! Pet him properly! Don’t ignore him now! He is a demanding little feline. He is not content unless you are entirely focused on him. He even wants you to break up the fish ro serve to him. He isn’t going to eat like a animal! Oh but he is such s cute kitty. Entirely black with big expressive yellow eyes. Oh you can’t help but comply and spoil him a little more! And he has such lovely fur! He does like hearing your gentle praises as you pet him. He never knew how lovely it felt to be small, sleeping on a nice warm lap, being gently brushed, and told sweet little compliments. He may actually want to do this again sometime.
Biggest drama king! How can he protect you or Mondstadt like this! Therefore you cannot leave his sight or he’s convinced you will immediately die. You must stay with him so he can protect you? He is a very warm kitty though so it feels nice to snuggle with him. His fur is a bit messy so you’ll have to brush it. Despite him trying to stay vigilant he ends up falling asleep quickly.
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cephei-ea · 2 years
Genshin - “How they react to you being pregnant” (p1)
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Scaramouche, Xiao
Genre: fluff, angst
Synopsis: how the genshin men would react to you being pregnant
Warnings: not proofread :), i went fucking crazy with these, each one gets progressively longer :/, suggestiveness, implied sex
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* Passes out.
* He’s on the floor the moment you tell him; either passed out or with a hand covering his mouth and the other supporting himself on a nearby piece of furniture.
* If he passes out, you obviously freak out and have to drag him to a chair until he wakes up in a minute or two. You fan him and make sure he’s cooled down before his eyes open and then he’s staring at you with sparkles in his eyes
* Will ask if you’re serious and when you confirm and show him the test results, he will engulf you in a huge hug and spin you around until you squeal
* Literally the biggest smile on his face ever (pls protect him)
* he’s ecstatic
* Is staring at you for hours, closes up the bar early or asks someone to take over as he takes you out for the rest of the day
* Hes shy after his outburst-
* He’s gonna be a father!
* The best one, at that
* His protectiveness is unmatched, forbids you from going out into the battlefield and will try to do everything for you
* “I can get it, darling.” From across the room as he walks over to help you with anything
* “Diluc, I can literally reach the glass of water-“
* At first, cannot focus on his paperwork but gets it done quickly to spend more time with you
* It’s all you two talk about that night and for the rest of the nine months
* Is a master at dealing with your emotions for some reason???
* Gets you anything you want.
* Deciding on names in front of a fireplace at teapot realm or the winery with a few glasses of juice and cookies
* Pregnant sex? He pretty much says no until it’s completely cleared by at least two professional, private doctors that it’s safe
* Whenever you sleep or get time alone, he can barely stop himself from touching your tummy and will place his ear against your abdomen to hear its heartbeat or to feel it kick
* Is terrified (poor thing pls reassure him)
* Terrified.
* He is unsure he can be a good father but he is determined to do the best for you two
* During labor, he’s freaking out but he’s been prepared for months
* Is ready with his bags full of every necessity
* He packs for you too :)
* Rushes to the hospital and is honestly shocked at how in pain you look
* He’s sad for you
* Has both his hands wrapped around your one as your other grips the side rail
* there’s so much blood, he’s so scared
* Is also shocked at how tight your gripping his hand
* Kaeya is in the waiting room along with Jean and Klee and a few others-
* What do you mean “Kaeya’s shitting bricks”, n… no he’s not!
* It looks like your dying, especially afterward when you’re completely burnt out and everything hurts
* Is holding the baby because you’re exhausted and is still stressed because he’s trying to decide whether he should focus on your newborn or you;
* Because, again, he thinks your dying and he’s freaked out.
* “Darling! Darling look at our little one- darling, what’s wrong? Are you okay? What’s wrong with my lover!?” He yells at the doctors-
* Until they tell him that you’re just exhausted
* He ends up being an amazing father (you lowkey think he loves the kid more than you [its because they look like you-])
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* Immediately thinks you’re playing a prank on him and grins
* It disappoints him but Cooley plays along, smiles and says “well that’s great news, darling!” And kisses you sweetly.
* Your a bit confused as to why or how he’s not shocked at all but you assume he’s just happy with the news so you move on
* It’s only until you two are in bed that night and you look down to your stomach and place a warm hand against your tummy that he’s backtracking
* In his head he’s like “woah woah woah woah woah what the fuck huh when what who what??? What??????”
* “Kaeya love are you awake? What do you think our baby will be? Maybe a boy?”
* He’s dead silent bruh
* You look up at him and he has the widest fucking eyes bro
* He’s sat up, staring down at you as his mouth slowly falls open
* His brain has positively short circuited.
* Fucking done.
* “You were being serious…?” He whispers, his eyes shining with hope that you don’t laugh this off.
* You’re like “bitch wtf do you mean ‘was I serious?’ Your pull out game is weaker than your brothers burst damage💀”
* I can honestly imagine him reacting similar to diluc, he’s all giggles and grins, making jokes about the night that caused such a delight (I’m a fucking poet)
* -Only after you’ve confirmed that no, you were not in fact, joking!
* Cradles you in his arms and rubs a hand on your stomach below your shirt , placing chaste kisses against the nape of your neck.
* Is the type to bring you back your weirdest cravings and you can never stay mad at him when he messes around; yes, even during your mood swings.
* Constantly reminds you of the fact that he’s gonna be a dad and you’re his baby momma and no one else’s baby momma and he’s no one else’s baby daddy
* Pregnant sex? Oh boy just you wait, this man has never had such a high sex drive.
* Bro I’m talking no joke. This man is wanting to make you fucking double pregnant, he truly forgor your stamina isn’t as good as his crazy ass’ is.
* Every surface, every position, every word, every promise, every glance and every touch; especially since you conceived.
* You get sick of it, you force him to take a short break
* Wants to name the kid something valiant and unique, like a knight of Favonias.
* Is a great, loving and gentle father, softens a lot after the kid is born and isn’t as playful when the kid is around. His love never fades for you, treats you like a queen.
* Like the mother of his child and like his spouse. Backs you up in every situation.
* “Dad! Mom won’t let me-“ “-Do not disobey your mother, have I made myself clear?”
* Lowkey loves you more than the kid…
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* A childe.
* As his name suggests, hes a child about the situation.
* In fact, you’re not sure if you’re with child or with childe
* Literally. You already have a kid and now you’re pregnant with that same idiot’s kid.
* “What!? No! All of your attention will be stolen from me!! I refuse to compete with a child!!”
* “Ajax, it’s a fetus-“
* “This is outrageous, I demand a refund.”
* “It’s your fault anyways, you idiot.”
* “How about we just leave it in the forest and let it fend for itsel-“
* You smack him across the head and he shuts up, pouting.
* Yes, he actually is upset that he’s losing your attention when he feels like he just became enough to earn it.
* But the feeling of overwhelming joy is much stronger.
* The very first thing he does is makes sure his entire family knows; they are all ecstatic, they love you and his parents have been wanting grandchildren anyways.
* It hits Childe one night while you sleep and he gently palms your stomach, that he is having a baby with the best person he had ever met.
* When it feels like he was just the lost child fending for himself. And that night, the Eleventh Harbinger, Childe Tartaglia; Ajax, shed tears.
* Did he deserve this?
* How was it that his dream was coming true and that all was well? Was such a concept even fathomable?
* He cried like a baby. A silent one because he refused to wake you and let you see him cry.
* Placed his head on your tummy and engulfs your entire body within his grasp, making sure you wouldn’t float away if he let you go. His head on top of your now and despite your belly bump, your body seems small next to his as he protects you against all.
* “Please don’t let me wake up… please.” He whispers against your skin when he comes to the horrifying realization he may be dreaming (he’s not)
* Spoils the living fuck out of you, runs to get you anything you want and rubs oil on your belly so that you don’t scar from the stretch. Just like diluc, wont let you so much as open your eyes without help.
* I’m not kidding.
* You were waking up, still not having opened your eyes and Childe was already blocking the rays of sun from your eyes, gently rubbing them so that they wouldn’t sting (crying rn)
* Super mindful of everything.
* Freaks the FUCK OUT during childbirth I can imagine him having to sit down as you’re pushing a human out of your body.
* He’s squeezing your hand harder than you are his BYE💀
* Beforehand, though, I feel like while you’re dialating, he would most definitely have to leave the building to blow off some steam and anxiety, blood pumping like never before as he kills mage after mage.
* His family is in the building the whole time, all of them nervous for you (except teucer) no no, teucer is only afraid you’re in pain.
* He wants a nephew, as he calmly chants with a smile beside you when Childe is out and you are literally screeching over him, paying him no mind, honestly. (He was entrusted to protect you by his elder brother and your lover 💪)
* You’re in Childe’s house with a private doctor and midwife, if you think he’s entrusting you and your baby to some mediocre doctor-
* I feel like with him for some reason, there would be a chance of a maternal death… maybe that’s just me, I just have a feeling-
* If that were the case!!!!!
* The cold chill that raked over his body was unearthly.
* His eyes went fucking stone cold, lost any trace of light and any excitement over the future birth.
* Goes all harbinger mode, saying that if they allow you to so much as faint, he would kill the doctors and their families.
* If the chance increases in the SLIGHTEST, he will tell the doctors to save you at any cost. Even at the cost of the baby, he will. not. lose you.
* Obviously Ajax loves the baby and children but if you asked Childe, Tartaglia or even Ajax, the baby is sadly replaceable.
* You are not.
* You and the baby survive and all is well, he’s an amazing father as he was to his siblings and loves the child almost as much as you
* The kid looks like him💔
* Like a lot a lot like him and it freaks you out sometimes, makes you sad to look at the kid if Ajax is gone for a long time
* Affection increase between the two of you because Teucer and the kids are so obsessed with the kid and your in-laws want your kid for themselves
* So with your kid always busy, that leaves you guys with a lot of time to yourselves ;)
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* Doesn’t want it.
* Sorry.
* Doesn’t fucking want it, let’s be realistic for once.
* “Scara…” you’re crying when he returns home from work and you’re on the toilet— he’s actually scared. Someone as tough as you??? Crying???? “Scara, I’m pregnant.”
* You’re heartbroken and you find you’re going to have to parent alone if you decide to keep it.
* We’re going to say you do keep it.
* Let’s say he realizes he doesn’t actually mind when you disappear 😟
* He’s freaking tf out when he wakes up in the morning after y’alls argument (screaming and crying ofc🫶)
* In a fit of fear and rage, he’d said, “Unless you want to scrap the thing, get the fuck out,”
* You do actually leave, he’d forgotten about what he said and by noon, he had every fatui agent, harbinger, and adventurer scouring the entirety of teyvat to find you.
* He was a mess the whole time. Realized overnight that while he wasn’t ready for a kid, he cared more about you than anything and maybe having a little baby as result of your love together waddling around wouldn’t be so bad.
* He’ll do it for you if it means you’ll come back.
* Eventually, Tartaglia finds your ass in Dilucs tavern and drags your stupid ass back to your rude ass boyfriend and you’re blacked out.
*Within these few hours, Scara has lowkey gotten attached to the idea of that little love baby of yours and he gets
* terrified
* when he thinks you’re black out fucking drunk.
* You’re not.
* Tartaglia had to spin kick you in the side of the head because you were fighting him too much and Diluc kicked the two of you out before he literally dragged you by your leg back.
* Long story short, the fight is resolved and it takes a while to heal from the damage of the fight and get used to parenting together because he’s still not ready and he’s afraid his job will affect the baby
* But he’s already a great dad🫶
* Kisses his kid goodnight and then his mother ten times over and (also) rubs oil into your tummy to reduce stretch marks
* Lots of cuddling
* Scara goes soft don’t even fight me on this
* Now he’s so gentle with you and instead of violent tsundere, now he’s just shy tsundere (and maybe a lot a bit yandere-)
* Is so overprotective. Let’s you do everything normally but if someone so much as looks at you funny, he’ll have his agents do their thing.
*Worried more ab you than the kid-
* He’s so new to this poor baby
*like how was he supposed to know y’all aren’t supposed to fuck for the first few months? Yeah, maybe he tried to get you in bed to fuck the consciousness out of you because your little bump had him hot and bothered but that isn’t his fault! He didn’t know! As soon as it’s safe, he’s a little bunny in heat <3
* Does not get you anything you want bc he has no clue what hormones are or how to predict your cravings
* Also still can’t figure out why you nearly tear his skull open any time he denies giving you hot cocoa and tuna. Visibly gags when you mentioned the mixture
* The only reason he’s freaking out during childbirth is because you’re red and crying and fuming and you look like your about to die
* He makes sure to threaten the doctors and has his eyes on you the whole time, holding your hand to his lips, doesn’t know what to say or how to comfort you
* Makes sure the doctor is female-
* As soon as he holds his baby, the feeling of doubt is washed away like it was never even there. He’s so happy he feels himself involuntarily smiling.
*I mean no! What do you mean, he’s smiling? No he’s not…
*Loves his kid but even so, still watching you and being careful with you because he’s so impressed with you.
*You just created a life using nothing more than your own.
*you just created generations. Eons of generations in this one moment.
*The biggest sacrifice and the greatest reward.
* Your kid(s) listen to their dad. No questions. They’re also little cunning gremlins just like him. They have his eyes and hair color but everything else is all you ❤️
* Loves you more than them and will say it to their faces
*Doesn’t give a fuck.
* He’s a “listen to your mother” typa guy but more lazy about it as if he doesn’t gaf about his kids request. Is probably to busy recalling the beautiful scene of the day you gave birth.
* This is so long sorry I got carried away
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* furrows his eyebrows and “huh”s you
* You two were serenely watching the sunset at Wansghuu on the top floor balcony, few people around when you told him. He was looking off into the distance.
* “Xiao… I need to tell you something.”
* …
* “Huh?” He feels like he didn’t hear you right.
* “Are you… happy?” You’re getting worried because with that angry-shocked face he often has and the dead silence, you can’t read his mind.
* He disappears.
* He teleports away and you break down, thinking he hated you and didn’t want the baby.
* He literally doesn’t know what to do with himself, the news is so out of wack and far fetched for him.
* Baby? New life? What do you mean?
* With him? Someone who suffers so with their karmic debt?
* That’s not possible. He’d never even considered— let alone entertained the idea of something like that.
* He needs at least 24 hours to think it over, if not double that amount of time.
* When he finally returns, ready to tell you that he’s willing to give this a try, the air is eerily still.
* He finds you’re in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat, head in your hands and tears spilling onto the tile floor
* Immediately feels guilt rake down his spine, as he kneels down to face you
* “Xiao, you…. You…”
* “Why are you crying?” He asks despite knowing the reason. You wrap your arms around him and explain how you thought he was upset with you and had left for good.
* He feels so so bad despite himself, embracing you so entirely while making sure to be aware of the pressure he’s applying to your stomach.
* He’ll tell you that he’s not used to this and doesn’t know what it means, but if you’re willing to help him through it, as he attempts to help you, he’ll absolutely stick with you.
* My god you can’t fathom how much he loves you (is lowkey yandere, especially now that your with his child)
* Will absolutely get upset with you if you put yourself in any type of danger, explaining how you can’t do stuff like commissions because you’re more prone to danger now.
* Overall, makes you swear to call him at the slightest inconvenience, is so so fucking protective, literally won’t leave you alone, and is always making sure you’re safe.
* “Xiao I’m just going to buy some milk.”
* “You dont know what could happen! Other humans wont care so much for your life or the babys life as we do, I will not allow you to risk your fragile life! I will go.”
* Gets the wrong milk.
* You don’t have the heart to tell him, though.
* Doesn’t know how to deal with your hormonal outbursts and honestly just gets awkward and quiet whenever you act out-
* During childbirth, he’s so overwhelmed he’s literally freaking the fuck out.
* Is squeezing your hand as hard as you are his, and is T E R R I F I E D as you scream and cry and curse and thrash, he just doesn’t want to lose you, he would not be able to bear it.
* You’re fine.
* The birth would be quiet, he would frantically ask for zhonglis help with you in his arms, holding back screams as you begin to dilate
* Ganyu or Shenhe would do delivery, Zhongli would help
* He’s a really good dad but tbh he’s kinda clueless
* “What do you mean i cant feed our baby almond tofu? Who wouldn’t enjoy such a delicious meal?”
* “Xiao, we haven’t even left the hospital-“
* Doesn’t understand the concept of babies despite his thousands of years of life
* Amazing parents together y’all🥺
* Overprotective.
* “No, you can’t wear the shorts. Use the sweatpants.”
* “Dad, it’s like 32°-“
* “Do you think I care about your bothersome intolerance to climate? Your mother was able to wear full warrior uniforms in the hottest of weather.”
* Loves you two equally tbh but maybe you just a little bit more.
* Spoils the kid.
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casperleghosty · 1 year
Sagau Ideas stuck in my head (6)
So we all have those little cousins or siblings that are always asking if you have games on your phone, tablet, or whatever.
Yea, it gets especially annoying when they play the "cry baby" card and go complaining to the adults until we are forced to give them what they want.
I had to babysit a kid from a friend of my moms, and even though I love that kid to bits, I don't have that much energy and patience in me like the sleep-deprived, anxiety-filled Gen Z human that I am, and let's say he wouldn't stop wining until he played Genshin Impact on my PS4.
And that got me thinking while watching him get killed over and over again.
What would the Yanderes think?
I mean, would they be sad that they couldn't be controlled by their grace?
Would they be furious that a brat took them away from their grace just to get laughed at while they suffered and the kid enjoyed it?
Because I can see them thinking things like, "Our grace does not deserve to get pushed aside just so this devil child can waste our time with our highness together!"
And those are just the adults; how would the child characters feel?
Poor Qiqi, Klee, and the other kids are crying after their grace had to turn the game off and they didn't have time to be healed by their soothing aura. The only thing they could do was hold everything in so they would not let the mean kid laugh as they got hurt.
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avionvadion · 2 years
Rewatching Diluc scenes and he’s just…
He’s so sweet??? Like they animate him with such a deadpan expression but he’s genuinely one of the nicest characters???
Klee legit burned down half his vineyard chasing butterflies and instead of getting angry or upset with her, he just gifted her some free bottles of grape juice and walked her back to the Knights of Favonius to make sure she arrived safely. But because his face is so deadpan he’s the only one she says isn’t “the best” because he’s “looking so grumpy all the time”.
Like, baby girl, come on, you BURNED DOWN HIS VINEYARD, and HE GAVE YOU GRAPE JUICE.
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He even jokes about making Venti pay for all the wine he’s drinking as “only the knights drink for free tonight” before retracting his comment because he doubts Venti could afford the bill. And in the teapot he even makes a new non-alcoholic drink and offers to name it after you, because it was made with you in mind.
Like????? Excuse me??? Sir???
He’s just so misunderstood, like 😭 when he commented that your teapot abode was “not bad” he immediately apologized and said that he didn’t intend to come off insulting. He just meant that it would take some time getting used to staying there. He then apologized again because the conversation was going downhill, proceeded to say that he’d have to do some “introspection”, and that he would also try to find some “conversation topics that align with your interests” so that you two can actually talk together.
My heart can’t, he’s so freaking sweet. And even in his voice lines he generally only ever has good things to say about the other characters (save for his warning to not trust half of what Kaeya says) though heartbreakingly the other characters only ever complain about him because he’s “always frowning” or “is a lot different than how he used to be”.
Like excuse me, his dad was practically murdered by using a delusion, and had his death covered up by the Knights of Favonius. Then he found out his adoptive brother had been lying to him all along, nearly blinded him during their fight, and then went on a revenge mission for about three years to avenge his dad.
He isn’t gonna be as cheerful as he was before! It’s a miracle he’s as sweet as he is now.
He and Kaeya still have a rocky relationship, but they don’t HATE each other. That much is clear. They’ve mended their relationship to the point where they’re able to send letters and team up on missions. And based on recent updates, they genuinely miss each other.
(Kaeya having that Diluc card is both so sad but also kind of hilarious. Dude is legit just drinking away staring at a picture of his brother. Jean, please get this man some therapy I beg of you. He’s the Calvary Captain, he can afford it.)
Anyways, Kaeya harbors too much guilt and keeps pushing Diluc away by making comments he knows he doesn’t approve of, being genuinely insufferable almost as if to punish himself by trying to get Diluc to hate him, and Diluc has a hard time bringing himself to try and mend the rest of that gap without outside forces helping because he attacked Kaeya in a fit of rage and nearly blinded him, thus giving him his own guilt to harbor as well.
(Adalinde is doing the Archons’ work to pull these brothers back together, I swear)
Diluc even has a hideous vase Kaeya gave him as a present out on display in his manor. He could have trashed it. Could have shattered or donated it. But he didn’t. He kept it and decorated the manor with it. Despite everything, he does still care about his brother. He wants to mend things, but doesn’t know how, and Kaeya keeps pushing him away.
…Holy frick, this was not the direction my ramblings was supposed to go to.
AHEM. Anyways…
My point is, Diluc doesn’t come off as a very friendly person, but he’s literally one of the sweetest characters in-game.
Sassy and sweet.
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Man’s been through some shit and he’s only, what, 22? He’s gonna look grumpy. His dad is dead, his brother is a brat, he’s got to run an entire wine business on his own with only his butler for help- specifically, the largest wine business in all of Mondstadt, he works part-time as a bartender at his own tavern, and is also trying to take down the Abyss/Fatui during his free time.
He’s probably so tired.
But Diluc ain’t the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt for nothing, y’know?
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What Koiyan thinks of campers and vise versa (Cannon Campers) Interview Style
Percy Jackson:
uncle cousin????
he often begs me to make blue food because store bought blue food dont hit the same
tries to do sass offs with kacia but she has disney hades genes so he loses them quite frequently
quite tired of his dumb ass getting into trouble but as he is the protagonist, what am i supposed to do????
i dont interact with him much but hes a good kid
His Thoughts:
Niece cousin??????? the family tree is a circle at this point-
Best. Savory. Blue. Food. Ever.
Why cant their alters let me win a sass off just once 😭
She has contemplated putting a child backpack harness on me because of the shit I do
Whenever someone fronts they look so gods damn cool bc of the main host body and the physical changes are kinda hybrid like are so cool
Annabeth Chase:
shes a nice kid
often too analytical and blunt tho-
one time she said in the most eloquent way possible that i looked like shit and i stayed in my room the whole day bc of that
love you tho girl you the best at keeping this camp together
Her Thoughts:
Koiyan has been at this camp the longest out of all of the campers so she knows some things.
Her alters are pleasant beings.
She’s a bit sensitive, but I think it’s a good trait of hers to get all of her emotions out because of the trauma that caused them to have DID in the first place.
Somehow she can read even though she has the most godly blood out of all of us.
She’s an enigma.
Grover Underwood:
goat boi!!!!
one of my fave saytrs bc the others are creeps to me
sweet boi but he is often weary of me and tries to get out of situations with me in it and it makes me sad :(
His thoughts:
Scariest person I have met.
Their alters are sometimes unhinged and Klee most definitely scares me-
Once, I saw them transform into their headspace self and the crow feathers turned into SWORDS.
Cool and scary at the same time so I kinda don’t want them to kill me
Luke Castellen:
but before then, he was a good kid
i mean he had the right idea, wrong execution
he comforted me during the time when i was really feeling down because of a prosecutor doing something.
i just wished he went down the right path
His Thoughts:
I kinda miss them.
Shes a nice kid and her alters are sweethearts, well as sweet as they can be.
The prosecutors are a piece of work though.
Wait what do you mean she has new alters?
Clarrise La Rue:
the fact that i relate to her is scary
we both have negligent dads and we both want them to acknowledge us and be proud of us.
and temper
we both have a temper
Her Thoughts:
Her brother got my dad on his side, respectable.
I don’t know them that well but I have seen her being belittled and mocked for her DID, which she cant control.
I will fight to make her safe because mocking someone for their mental state is not ok.
Niccolò (Nico) di Angelo:
baby brother!!!!!!!!
he is way to self destructive sometimes tho
hes one of dads favorites but i have no hard feelings about it
She’s lying. Shes crying about the fact she will never have the same fatherly love as her siblings do. -Macaque
sometimes i wish he could not look at me with contempt because i was the one that got reincarnated and not bianca
His Thoughts:
I love her but shes annoying
Tried to force me into force me into those slutty outfits and they had to restrain me to do so
I don’t know why she got a reincarnation system
Sometimes I want to find her torch of life and extinguish it for good when she gets too ‘mother-y’ and annoying
I wanna give her light to Bianca
Thats a bit too harsh but I do love her, just, not much
Wait, what do you mean she can hear this?
Wait Koiyan no- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it-
Percy: I’ll go comfort her if Cory isn’t already doing that yet.
Zagreus: I’ll book another family therapy session again.
Will Solace:
my soon to be brother in law!
me and him have fun talking through our kazoos and trying to understand what we’re saying
we kazooified so many musicals-
His Thoughts:
Kazoo buddy!!!!!
She gave me my hell cat!
She’s amazing and so cool!
I wish Nico could see that in her though…
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mayullla · 2 years
After reading the 2nd part on Stepbrother au angst I feel like I want the reader death like after reader's father and their mother divorce the mother give them 3 days to pack their stuffs. The brothers on the other hand are trying to make the two of their parents to work so their baby sis can stay with them but nothing works and Albedo just tell them that all of them should give up and let the remaining days before their baby sis go is to spend it on her and accept it that their plans will never work. Before the last day of reader staying on their mansion they just died like they stop breathing they died when everyone is sleeping. When the morning came Thoma cook everyone's favourite food to lightened the mood and then ask xiao to bring reader's food and feed them their but when Xiao tries to wake them up they don't wake up like he is shaking his baby sister just to wake up with full anxiety and when he put his ears on his baby sister's chest there is no sign of beating or breathing so he rushed to Zhongli and told him everything.
You are pulling my heartstrings here;-; what did the characters do to disserve this pain!! /j
Part 1 / Part 2 ;; fem!reader, child!reader, 13 step-brother au
3 days that was all the time they were allowed with you, as your father started to pack your stuff, getting ready to move out of the place.
How sad that it wasn't only you that was moving out, there was a stinging pain on one side of Childe's cheek as his mother screamed at him to get out of the house that he isn't welcomed here. The screams of the brother's mother were loud as she complained... regretted why she ever took take of Childe instead of sending him with his father.
Heartless she called him.
The screaming was loud that even when Albedo who was in your room watching over you could hear it, "What is happening?" "Nothing, just rest sis." You smiled as he started to stroke your head "When I get well I wanna play with you and brothers! I wanna go see Klee again and then later I wanna play with brother Xiao with his games. I wanna go to the park with you and brother Zhongli and a whole lot more!" Your voice was painful as you pushed yourself to tell Albedo what you wanted to do. There were many more but you stopped when Albedo softly shushed you. "We will do everything you want when you get better okay? But for now, you must rest sis." It was a cruel lie when Albedo and you both knew that you will leave after 3 days.. "...Kay" "Sleep now..."
When you finally fell asleep was when Albedo took his leave from your room. And after a few minutes, the noise dwindled to whispers and regret.
Their mother locked herself in her room after that. Somethings were said yet your brother had a hard time caring when they had to watch over you.
They tried to entertain you whenever you are awake, the younger brothers would chatter about their day and tell you that when you get better they would take you to those cool places. It was hard to play video games anymore, hard to play with Xiao your usual pastime yet he choose to instead sit beside you. You were surprised when he started to play with a flute, you always knew that Venti and Kazuha were really good at music but this was your first time seeing Xiao play music for you.
Promise after promise was made yet all of you knew they were empty promises meant to keep the mood bright. That was it.
and it ate all of them up.
On the last day, Thoma made you something that you like for breakfast. As he prepared the ingredients his eyes started to water again already red and puffy from yesterday with dark circles underneath.
He had to stop for a moment covering his eyes.
Kaeya watched this happen at the corner of the room, wanting to give the boy space and a moment to himself he walked to your room. Kaeya avoided your room the most only coming into your room at the times when you were sleeping. Even when you asked for him a few times your brothers had to make excuses for him that he was busy.
He just could not face you... not when so much guilt ate him as he watched you lie in your bed suffering so much.
Slightly opening your door to check if you were sleeping he slowly crept in, a hypocrite he called himself when he avoided you so much only to wake you up like this. Even when he avoided you so much he craved to be in your memories.
Kaeya could only freeze as he looked at your lifeless body.
last part
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meili-sheep · 1 year
Idk if anyone ever asked this but if Diluc turned into a kid/de-aged
Can the harem take care of him well? I forgot how well some are good with kids or not 🗿
So here is my ranking with Diluc for the harem with Diluc's kids. Because this does generally cover how good they are with kids which will play a factor here. But Honestly, with a child Diluc, I think they would try to be a little better.
So Albedo having Klee does make him at least well versed in how to care for children. And He probably has some of the best support in taking care of a child than some of the others.
As for Diluc de-aging. He probably would instantly go to alchemist mode over caretaker and try and find out why this happened to Diluc. Granted, a baby Diluc can only take this for so long. And he would probably just get tired and either wander off without Albedo noticing or just fall asleep. Either way, it worries Albedo, so he ends up going into big brother mode and is very gentle in taking care of Diluc by either preparing a good nap spot for him or finding him and promising to play with him or do whatever he wants. And after that i feel Albedo would realize that when Diluc truly was a child, he didn't get a full childhood. So he'd do all he could to give him at least one day he can remember forever.
Al Haitham
Now Al Haitham was one of the worst with kids. And that wouldn't change much; only Diluc, as a child, is still a little adult. So it would take a moment for Al Haitham to remember. Oh, Children aren't supposed to act like this.
So I think he'd probably start doing things his grandma did for him. Probably break out her old recipes and read Diluc stories that she would use to read him. And it would generally end up warming Al Haitham to the idea of children.
Especially children with like Diluc.
Ayato is also in the "bad with kids" party. He's slightly better than Al Haitham just because he does have a younger sister, and he has Thoma. And he would call on Thoma here, but he would be a little more frustrated that he couldn't take care of Diluc himself.
So he would take time and make an effort to play with Diluc. He'd probably still say something that would make Diluc burst out into tears. Which would make Ayato feel terrible, something he's very not used too.
So this is the number one with the kids. And would honestly be the most hyped for a baby Diluc. Partly because he just wanted to see what Diluc was like as a baby. But is surprised and also not when little Diluc just wants to wander off and read books. I think he's good enough he'd get Diluc to open up to him. So that would be nice but also a little sad.
Either way, they both have a good time and honestly, it probably pushed Childe to want kids with diluc events more.
This was the surprise of the high rank, and honestly? She would take the time with little Diluc to probably heal her inner child. So they would go out and do all the things she wanted to do as a kid, and while Diluc is a little hesitant at first her happiness, probably rubs off on him and he ends up having a great time and really enjoys himself. He would say it but it would defiantly heal his inner kid too.
So I think it would take a while for Itto to realize that that new Kid is Diluc. So he would just be treating it as a new little playmate! Though little Diluc would be a lot shyer, than the kid's he's used to, and Itto would probably really overwhelm Diluc. And honestly, taking care of Diluc would probably fall to Kuki.
Itto would still try, and Diluc would slowly warm up. Itto would take too much out of him and be very hard for him to play with. So Itto, while generally good with Kids, would not be good with Diluc as a kid.
Ok, So you can't tell me Kaveh would instantly go into Mama bird mode. Like seriously, he is only a few ranks below Thoma and Childe in the Male wife category, with his only weakness being spending too much. And he would get Diluc a whole bunch of kids things like new clothing, toys and candies, and anything he might need. Definitely makes sure he's having fun and that he's well taken care of. Definitely bullies Al Haitham in giving up a bedroom for Diluc.
Probably the one Diluc ends up being the most comfortable with as a kid. As he would be the right balance of adult and fun.
Thoma is a close second, and he only flatters because he's a little more hesitant with a kid Diluc mostly because I like the childhood friends thing with them. So Thoma would know some of what happened and would know the Diluc as a childe would be a delicate thing. So he'd hesitated and probably look into getting Diluc help first.
But honestly, he warmed up a little more. He defiantly would become a great, responsible adult for Diluc to rely on.
He was another low rank in dealing with kids. And still would be here. He defiantly would take Diluc to the other Adepti. Since Cloud retainer does have experience with Children. But I feel she's a little harsh, and Xiao would probably take care and probably just take tips from Zhongli and Venti about taking care of kids, and it would sort of turn into Archons and a baby. With to everyone's heartbreak, Xiao being Diluc's favorite. because he's quite strong, and Diluc would feel totally safe with him.
Raising Kids before taking care of Diluc would be no issue for Diluc. Honestly it would be a bit weird because Diluc would be a little clingy with Zhongli, so he'd end up taking him to work with him and yeah Diluc would be hugging Zhongli's Leg or sitting in his lap while talking to clients, and it would be a little strange. But probably turn out while.
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0-kuki-0 · 1 year
Genshin Headcanons: Sibling Edition!
Traveler: has a burning passion for stealing all your clothes, big or small Theyre theirs now.
Aether: If you don’t label your food before you put it in the fridge, it’s his. Whether it’s a jar of pickles, or leftover cake, he’ll finish the whole thing in one sitting.
Lumine: wakes you up by death metal screaming in the shower and her annoying ass alarm.
Paimon: starts fights and then runs behind you because aw hell nah I ain’t fighting that bitch- she did once break your wrist when you were younger though so uH.
Amber: insists she’s not touching you, tells the worst best jokes, and will bring you bugs to show them off. Her favorites are scorpions it’s horrifying. Also has a pet bunny you share, his name is Philanthropy because you wouldn’t let her name him the Baron.
Noelle: she’s the sweetest sister ever. Baked your birthday cake, and it was delicious you almost cried. She also teaches you how to clean and broke a harbingers face open for attempting to enhance in combat with you. She scares and cares for you. Double edged sword.
Kaeya: Gave himself a mullet in the bathroom at your middle school, and has no sense of direction. You are his google maps. You spend everything nights talking shit and trying to get him not to steal your expensive perfume/cologne/teabags.
Diluc: Had no sense of style for a good while so you had to pick out his clothes for the longest time. If he can’t figure out an outfit he just robs your closet.
Lisa: exclusively shops at book stores and introduced you to several wlw books. You think she has a crush on Jean, but every timer you ask she smiles scarily. Good anime recommendations tho.
Venti: steals alcohol and bribes you with his iPod to get you not to snitch to your parents. Is also the only one with a car so you rely on him for transportation.
Jean: will fuck any of these bitches up in your defense. Doesn’t matter who or why they’re free game for pissed off older sister. Golden child syndrome and has higher expectations of herself then Mt Everest.
Barbara: purposely uses her hydro vision to make her rain drop win the race. Will win any bet you make with her and enforces a heavy interest fee. Also sings in the shower, and will kiss your bruises to make you feel better before bandaging.
Rosaria: owns serval copies of ‘Art of War’, books that discusses women’s suffrage through out history and where there rights stand now, and could kill a man with her pinkie. She also loses horrifically at uno though so she’s not that cool.
Klee: helps you make bombs to prank her siblings (Jean, Albedo, Razor). Also is the only reason you passed chemistry, but we don’t ask about why she knows those formulas.
Diona: use to spend her nights making complex cocktails for you to try with whatever is in the fridge. The best one was half milk, quarter apple juice, quarter orange and a hint of cranberry.
Razor: the younger sibling who brings you a bunch of random shit because he wants your approval. You’ll fuck up anyone who makes the baby sad.
Eula: if anyone fucks with you, they fuck with her. She terrified the majority of mondstadt citizens into leaving you the fuck alone. Please share your expensive tea set with her girly needs to relax. She also takes you ice fishing but it’s really just her diving into dragonspine lakes and catching them bear handed.
Bennett: absolute menace to society. This is the third time you’ve accidentally burnt down the kitchen. MAKING CEREAL. The two of you watch movie marathons together though, and you’ve trained him to be less chaotic for headpats.
Fischl: Your best friend. Doesn’t matter if you’re siblings the two of you talk so much shit together and so fancily too… it’s great. She also has a great taste in metal music.
Sucrose: is the only one you trust to dye and take care of your hair besides Aether. She has the most complicated but best hair care routine you’ll ever know. Her skincare too??? Immaculate.
Albedo: likes to show off your baby photos, and has a collection of photos of the two of you over the years. Also taught you basic Alchemy, and teaches you how therapeutic art is. Also would slowly close the fridge and try to balance the light switch with you.
Fakebedo: taught you combat and likes to take you out to throw rocks at passing bystanders. Venti fears you because whenever he tries to throw them back at him you appear with Diona held above your head. Instant god repellent.
Mona: You have a schedule of when to bring her food and will not hesitate to break into this mf’s house. You’ve done it once before.
Timmy: you might’ve broken Kaeya’s nose for fucking with your little brother. Only you can bully him, no one else.
Here’s the Mondstadt edition! Have a nice day y’all! :D
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aetheternity · 1 year
What is it about Klee you don’t like?
I fucking hate her voice so much. Like I have listened to her voice outside of English and they're all more tolerable (I will never understand why they directed the VA to talk like that..) but I play in English for Venti mostly and Albedo so unfortunately I have to hear her awful weird simultaneously high and low pitched voice.
I can't stand how every example of her being really powerful has first off nothing to do with her strength as an individual and instead is a product of the bombs that ALBEDO fucking gave her. (He is such a shit older sibling omg..) and is also told to us as audience members instead of shown. Like wow the little kid toting around dangerous weapons demolished huge portions of land?? That's so shocking I simply can't imagine that giving what is basically a ten year old bombs could have destruction occur. 🙄
Plus it rubs me the wrong way how much the fandom thinks calling her a "little terrorist." Is cute. She has no character other than that one over used lame joke about her blowing shit up. I believe I said it before but every single thing that makes her "interesting" has nothing to do with her and is more about the people surrounding her. All the other chibi girls have something interesting about them as a character. Qiqi is a zombie brought back to life who wants to better understand what it truly means to remember and be alive. Diona is a young girl struggling with her father's alcoholism. Nahida is a god who was shunned by her own people and then used out of greed. What's Klee? She's got a mom who comes around rarely does she struggle with that? Not really she's surprisingly happy despite being emotionally neglected. Albedo shoos her off cause he has work for the fifty millionth time. She doesn't whine like a child would, she doesn't even look mildly disappointed she's just like cool ya gotta do what you gotta do right. And yeah she was sad during the Irodori festival for like two seconds but it was about her stupid book possibly not getting published. And instead of going the interesting route and having Klee not get what she wants cause that's not how fucking life works everyone goes aww poor little baby let's pitch in and make all her dreams come true and then she gets what she wanted. 😑 In her story quest when she blows up that abyss mage she cries but like why should I care?? Abyss mages were set up to be evil Idgaf that she murdered one! And if I'm supposed to feel bad because she thinks she did a bad thing.. I still don't all I'm thinking as an audience member is he stole your bomb from you?? Why the fuck should you care that it blew him up when he was the one toying with something you told him was dangerous. 🙄
She doesn't feel like a character she doesn't seem to struggle or have set backs. Whenever something goes wrong for her it magically gets fixed. The worst thing that happens to her is she gets put on time out. Which is played as a joke anyway so like 🤷‍♀️ She feels so incredibly one note I will never understand why people like her. Also last note every other chibi girlie in terms of cuteness >>>>>>>>> Klee (yeah Dori too I guess but I don't like her either)
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Miaaaa who are your favorite characters in genshin? :)
Heeello! Aaaaa, let's see, from Mondstadt they'd be: Albedo, Klee, Venti, Rosaria, Mona and Razor. With Albedo and Mona being both my favorite in that region.
Then from Liyue: Hu Tao, Beidou, Xiao, Xingqiu, Yun Jin and Zhongli. Hu Tao is my best girl from this region, I love her sooo much aaaa also Xingqiu, little botchan I love him
From Inazuma: Kazuha, Ayaka, Sara, Heizou, Sayu. In this region, my favorite is Ayaka and Kazuha and Heizou omg
And I honestly haven't played Sumeru at all, so I'm just basing my answer in their character design lol: Wanderer, Tighnari, Cyno, Dori, Nilou and Alhaitham. My favorite from this region is Wanderer, of course, my lil precious apple baby!
Also, Ayaka's new skin is so daaamn gorgeous aaaa I wanted to try and get it, honestly, but I think I'll stop playing genshing for a while again, huuuuh, so sad I also wanted to enjoy Sumeru, I cry
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ribbonsweetcreme · 1 year
Might as well post this since I’m going to get back into playing Genshin soon.
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I put my rambling about each character under the read more if ur interested.
Klee— my baby!! My child! You can’t hate Klee, the only people who hate her are the same people who say they hate kids.
Kokomi— she’s so pretty and her interest in battle tactics creates an interesting contrast of cute girl that only thinks about violence.
Sucrose— my beloved, best anemo catalyst, FIGHT ME!!! My heart melts every time she appears, I’m so sad I wasn’t able to access genshin for the event she and Collei met.
Yae Miko— it was either her or Raiden, but I really liked her play style during trial runs so now I want her. Also has a funny personality.
Layla— girl has narcolepsy just like me, and has to keep up with schoolwork just like me. I need her and Sucrose to meet.
Noelle— never stopped loving her, best maid, so glad she was the first to get a hangout event cause at that point she never really had appeared in the story and I was so sad about that.
Nahida— must protect the onion child. Loved her ever since she made her first appearance. So wholesome.
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chibashiru · 2 years
reasons why albedo can't die or have anything bad happen to him through the plot:
it would make klee sad and klee doesn't deserve to be sad
seeing klee sad would make me sad
hoyo please do it for my baby
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ooeeooaaaaow · 2 years
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Free-handed Dodoco bomb amigurumi by me!! 🍀💥
Based on Klee's E talent mines, Genshin Impact
I'm so sad I didnt get more photos from this baby because it was a last-minute gift, but this was super fun to freehand! I changed the clover on top of his head a little, to give it more grip! I'd love to make another one and make a more detailed post hehehe
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vespertin-y · 2 years
albedo for the character opinion bingo?
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i feel like a lot of fans misinterpret albedo in one of two distinct ways: either he's an emotionless asshole who vivisects the traveler for fun, or he's a soft innocent uwu baby who understands nothing about people or sex or social cues and must be protected at all costs. strangely enough, these are both stereotypes about autistic men...hmmmmmmm
it's depressing to me that all his most interesting lore is hidden away in limited-time events...orz....would someone who hasn't seen them even know he's a homunculus???
i still really love what i've seen of him though!! he works better in a dynamic i think. i think about him and klee whenever i'm sad :) i too would let my little sisters commit arson. i've been thinking about a potential fic w/ established kaebedo + ragbros reconciliation that takes place right after albedo gets corrupted/possessed and deals with the fallout of that...i started thinking about it bc i came up with the idea of him and diluc bonding bc dliuc knows what it's like to have Dead God Juice fucking your shit up from his time with the delusion!!
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