#sadness siffrin au
aroace-poly-show · 4 months
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woah i wonder who’s that
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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I've seen a few fics toss around the idea of Siffrin becoming a sadness in some way and i really wanted to draw out my own take on what they'd look like
I think it'd be super interesting if they resembled the broken doll u can find so i tried to make them look like a doll as much as possible. Y'know how some dolls will have eyes that can close based on how you hold em? yeah thats how their eyes work here. I also included some solar system imagery to keep some ovals their hat used to give em in there
If they get mad, they look like the second option with the red outline of their hair, but usually they are pretty mellow i'd imagine. The party goes through the house and encounters them and Siff wouldn't fight them. Doesn't really matter, once they defeat him he's the quickest sadness to come back together, the closest this ver of siff gets to looping again, like he never was beaten
In this au I think sadness Siffrin would still want to be with their family and so their family can't progress in the house until they let him tag along w the group. Just the fam and the creepy doll sadness right behind them
still dunno the specifics for how they'd become a sadness, maybe wish craft shenanigans, but its a fun idea regardless
btw something really interesting i noticed when looking at all the sadnesses for reference: They all have something going on with their eyes. Super interesting given both Siffrin and the King have stuff going on with their eyes, one an eyepatch the other (as far as we know) just obscuring his face with his hair
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pawmi-paradise · 1 month
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assorted siffrins ft a mirabelle. should probably actually post art from time to time
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meamiiikiii · 6 months
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[reverse entry au]
a story in two parts
(poor isabeau clicked the wrong chat ASDASFASDAS)
and a bonus! the full pfps below:
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look at those minecraft bgs that i built ASFASFDADADA
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snickeringdragon · 3 months
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no i dont have a less crunchy version of the original. sorry
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Imagining Sadness Frin joining the party as they look for Siffrin lol.
I don't think any of the party members are that clueless, but can you imagine none of them bringing it up because they don't want to make the others sad?
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vulpixisananimal · 22 days
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(You run down the stairs two at a time, taking the lead as usual. What WAS that sadness anyawy?!? The Sadness that appeared because of The King were more intelligent, had plans, but the King was gone, and so sadness you'd find now would just be, normal, animalistic. But this one was smart, AND it could freeze time!)
<Doesn't matter, we have a job to do.>
(You get to the main room. It's a mess. Tables were overturned, Odile was frozen in time, Bonnie was against the far wall and Nille was protecting them. The door was ripped from the wall, and Isabeau was nowhere to be seen.)
(The sadness loomed over Pétronille, who, seeing you walk down, got distracted, looking right at you. The sadness took the chance, and flung her across the room.)
"S-SIS!!" (Bonnie screamed, looking over, Nille wasn't moving.)
"I-I'll unfreeze madame-" (Mirabelle starts.)
"Don't!" <You interrupt.> "She'll likely fight us, we can't risk it."
<She looks at you, clearly annoyed. You ignore it, looking back to the sadness. It had turned and was staring right at Mirabelle.>
"'Frin!!" <Bonnie calls to you. They're trying to slip away from the sadness while it was distracted.>
<Mind if I take over?>
(I. . . Alright, don't go crazy with looping, please.)
<Alright. You reach down out of habit and take those singing stones and place them in your ear. You hear music.>
"Siffrin?" <Ramos looks over to you.> "What are. ."
(You want to know, too.)
<. . . Habit, you think. That's what you would do in the play, right? Place stones in your ears before each grand battle- >
(Alright alright, just focus.)
"Ready?" <You ask, drawing your dagger. Mirabelle draws her sword, and you see Ramos take a ready stance.>
<The sadness screamed, charging at you.>
<You rush at the sadness, feinting to the right and swiping at it, connecting.>
"H-huh?!?" <Ramos exclaims.> "What blinding type IS it anyways!"
"I don't know, b-but. . ." <Mirabelle clapped her hands together, you feel a warmth wash over you. Good.> "We'll figure it out!"
<The sadness looks at you with a hate in its eyes you had never seen before. It roared and slashed at you. You dance back, feeling a claw barely graze your chest.>
<Ramos rushes forward, striking with their tonfas in quick succession. They connect, but it's not much.>
(Don't you know combat crafts?!?)
<Why would I.>
(Blinding- tag in please now THANK you!!)
(The wave of nausea passes as you jump back. You snap your fingers, feeling your feet get lighter in an instant. What do you MEAN you don't know combat crafts!!)
<Never bothered. Let's argue later, shall we?>
(The sadness screamed, it's sharp, needle arms formed into hands and they clapped together- wait. Paper sign, scissors sign, two crafts?)
(Mirabelle rushed forward with her rapier, striking at the sadness. The blow bounced off, harmless.)
<Something's wrong.>
<Keep fighting.>
(From the side, Bonnie rushed in with their pan, bonking the sadness before running past you and behind you.) "F-frin!!! 'Frin there's, there's something wrong with Nille!"
<You glance over to Nille. Yeah it's called being out cold.>
(Be nice!) "What happened?"
"S-she was, acting really weird, and, a-and looking for you and, tried to grab me when I said no and-"
"Eyes up Sif!!" (Ramos yells, throwing up a scissors sign and slowing down the sadness.) "Talk after!"
"There might not be an after!!" (Stars, should have phrased that better for Bonnie.)
(Siffrin time. Okay, so if it's scissors and paper, then you should. . . You make a first and strike! There we go! Damage!! Proper damage!! The sadness roared in anger.)
"FINALLY, progress!!" (Ramos cheered.)
"Careful though!! I-it might change it's typing but I know we can do it!!!" (Mira adds. She looks focused, cheering you on. You feel stronger.)
<I doubt it's that.>
(What makes you say that?)
<Keep fighting.>
(Ramos time, they strike at the sadness with a fist sign, just like yours, it hit a weakness. You were getting back in the groove. You could win this!)
(The sadness stumbled to a knee. It looked at you with loathing. It stood up and struck a needle like arm into the earth.)
(+80% recovered.)
"Oh that is SO unfair!!"
<Now why did you have to go and jinx us.>
(You didn't- UGH! FINE!!) "Hey!! Over here, crabface!!" (The sadness turned to look at you. You gave a wink to Ramos, who took the chance and strikes at the sadness while its back was turned.)
(The sadness screamed, turned, and slapped Ramos away with a powerful paper craft. K.O.ed.)
"Ramos!!" (Mirabelle yells. She looks to the sadness, then to the collapsed ally, then to you. She doesn't know what to do.)
"Just, just focus on-" (You start to respond, Mirabelle shrieks, alerting you. You look back and the sadness was right in your face. It stares at you. It's eyes, those eyes.)
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(It looks at you with, disgust, with, betrayal. In anger, confusion, and, and. . .)
(You can't move.)
<Siffrin- >
(Your mind is freezing up. Your body. You're. You. Can't. You, you. . .)
<. . .>
<. . . We're dead.>
<You just don't know it yet.>
<. . . . You can still hear me.>
<Stuck on your own words? Of course, you were always stuck in your own head when jumping into those tears.>
<We can't even see how the fight is going, we just have to wait.>
<. . . . .>
<. . . . . . . . . . .>
<. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Try again.>
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ribbonzregretz · 2 months
au where everyone loops except siffrin. they tell him of course until about act 4 where everyones so tired that they start to forget until they stop entirely and start accidentally excluding siffrin from everything due to their knowledge and his not knowing and eventually a massive fight happens breaking the group up so siffrin decides to take things into his own hands, al la canon but with a fun twist <3
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kuro-is-doodlin · 4 months
You're... Still... Alive
[Spoiler for in stars and time, up to the end of act 4]
[CW for exhaustion, sui, self harm and self neglect]
This is the continuation of my previous lore post ;)
You wake up.. in a bed?.. oh, so this is the same loop. How weird, to be back at the clocktower. You barely ever go there now. You either slip on that awful banana peel, or just… stab. You couldn’t get yourself to use your dagger in the village before, but now, it doesn’t matter.
Sometimes, your hands shake again, holding your dagger. You see the light hit it, the metal shining, and your face… And you realize just how far down you fell.
Still, you do it, you always do it. Can’t waste time.
You suddenly realize something is heavy on you. You open your eye and try to focus your vision on whatever is crushing your side right now.
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It’s Bonnie, they’re on the bed, too, curled against you. Their eyes are closed, but a little darker and swollen.
You blink.
With what’s left of your strength, you raise your hand, and slowly rest it on their hair, brushing them between your fingers. A hand joins in, touching yours ever so slightly. You’re too tired to flinch, but your eye turns to.. Isabeau.. He’s looking at Bonnie, but quickly focus on you, giving you a smile. Not one of those explosive smiles you used to see before, no, this one is.. Sad. So incredibly sad.
With a Soft, but deep voice, he asks.
“How are you feeling, Sif? Do you need me to move Bonbon?”
You blink… And shake your head a little. It’s fine, you can barely feel a thing anyway.
He sighs. Is he upset at you? For being so useless before the end of the world happens? Maybe.. Maybe he is… You don’t know.. What exactly their personalities are anymore. Isa is… Buff, yeah, you can see that, idiot. But he’s… He is….
He is petting your hair now, looking at you, into your eye.. To make sure you’re comfortable.
That’s right.. He’s kind.. So kind, caring, always here for you. His eyes.. so full of life, of.. love.. How could you even forget that?..
He never told you but.. You know.
You know, oh so well, why he’s always looking at you that way. You.. love that feeling.
“Alright, Siffrin, can you tell us what’s happening to you, please? You look like you’ve just spent a year stuck in a cave.”
It’s Odile.. She’s in your blind spot, you can’t see her. But you know her voice. That’s one thing you think you can remember.
“Three… actually..”
You cough, it’s hard to speak when you don’t do that anymore.
Ah, and here they are, looking at you like you just said the most shocking thing ever. But you don’t want to explain, you can’t explain, you’re tired. “Siffrin…”
You hear Mira, she must be next to Odile, she sounds concerned. Bonnie.. Bonbon is sobbing, they try to make it so you can’t hear them, but you know. You hear. You... feel. It’s warm…
On the sheets you’re tucked into.
“There is.. A book.. It’s hidden in my cloak..”
You try your best to be clear, you can feel them getting closer to hear you. Wow, you voice must be sooo fucked up right now.
“Please, don’t wake me up.. You can.. read it.. But please.. Let me rest.”
You see a nod from Isa, hear a faint “hn”. That’s enough for you to close your eye again, as you’re dragged down to sleep once more.
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chimerahyperfix · 5 months
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continuing to beam my isat/lal au because I need cube and siffrin to be friends
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aroace-poly-show · 4 months
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fuck yeah we’re done i think
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ohwormwood · 3 months
random thoughts i have while playing isat pt. 4
[woe, spoilers be upon ye!]
got everyone leveled up to where at the king boss they will have all of their crafts, save for the friend quest crafts! three hours of grinding on the top floor, decimating the handstand creature population as i went
had a breakdown over the tarot cards in the game, which you can read here
kicked the kings ass for the first time, felt great, then talked to the head housemaiden, felt absolutely emotionally devastated
Adventures in Stupid AUs with my friends who are watching me play- Twitter AU
me, playing odile's fetch quest first:
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mutual who me and my roommate forced to watch this game:
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Adventures in Stupid AUs with my friends who are watching me play- Howl's Moving Castle AU
me, at 1:10 AM, waking up in a cold sweat to write this down:
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sorry mirabelle for giving you the short end of the stick you are my angel
back to our regularly scheduled program: Suffering
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talking to loop when you know about 2 hats is a wild ride because you just knoW they're absolutely torn up inside as soon as they see Siffrin come back from the King for the first time,,,
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radioroxx · 7 days
hmmmm mal du pays thoughts tonight
#radio rambles#i should go to bed but. it is on the mind#isat spoilers#<- for the . wall of tags to come#imm wondering what most people hc mdp to like. be#i know its most popular to see it as siffrins sadness. i do think thats p neat#and probably the intention#but im. juggling around the idea of? siffrin system moment? mdp as a headmate? if yall see that vision?#most inspired by that ‘do u hc this character as a system’ post abt siffrin#and i voted no then but now im like genuinely changing my mind JFKFKF#it makes sense in a way. and into my mdp hc that it. wouldve split while sif was very young#splitting due to stress which leads to a lot of. gestures vaguely. mdp’s whole thing#a mix of stress but also this sense of longing to. belong somewhere. to not be alone#many years ago it was about the loss of their home. and much later on became more related to its feelings towards their family#mdp is a scared child to me . idk about yalls hcs for it but thats what im sticking to#a scared child who maybe grew up a little alongside the body. but still Young and Scared#its not as often or eager to front as siffrin is. i can imagine it being much more hover-y or . POSSIBLY. cohosting if its feeling up to it#uhm. ok well#so i typed this out and now im actually really sad about mdp jgkdkf where is mdp recovery#now im kinda thinking about it fronting for once to properly meet the party and. and receiving comfort. and and and#wow christ im upset#also also glancing over at marias sibling au for character dynamics here….. sillies…..#ps not relevant to my mdp thoughts but fyi im imagining siffin in headspace looks very much like their body#the difference being. much darker clothes. more stars etc. maybe different hair#think like how a lot of ppl style their human loops. thats kinda how i imagine sif in headspace#SPEAKING OF LOOP#i think given the time he spent with them it woulf make sense if they split a loop as well#and ofc other members of the party jgkfkf#im not gonna get into my hcs there because ill b taking away from my mdp hc post BUT#thinking. always thinking
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maryonmega · 7 days
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So, Discord, eh?
It happened due to a RP, as the screenshot indicates, but it came from a mix of inspirations, like some of my Discord mates' interpretations of the Universe refering to it's religion's followers as it's "flock" and a fanfic where Northen Islanders have a heavy morality over sheep because sheep follow their masters like they follow the Universe.
So, Sheep Sadfrin. Follower of Scrpits and Stars.
It has the same attack range as act 5 Siffrin - hooves are sharp and hard for scissors and rock crafts, tears cloak is good for coverage and paper attacks. If panicked enough, they can skip the craft and just headbutt the person.
If they ever met the party, they would flee on sight.
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snickeringdragon · 4 months
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sadfrin! my take on him!! a special guy!! definitely not posting this for any suspicious reasons! no fic related reasons! on a totally unrelated note did you know i have an ao3? under the same name as my tumblr??
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Sadness Frin and Human Loop?? Being silly??
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